A Very Drunk Start to the New Year (ft. Abroad in Japan) | Trash Taste #30

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- I'm gonna be honest lads, the sake's hitting and I don't know. (group laughing) - This turned it from a discussion to a fucking bar conversation of us just fucking shouting at each other. - This is the shittiest episode. - Oh, he's actually downing it. Okay. - You should definitely watched us with a drink of wine or sake, or, (calm pop music) - I'm the host for one time with a guest Chris Broad again. - Hello! - That was like the weakest intro I have ever heard! - Honestly, I'm like, I'm a little disappointed. - Hello and welcome to this episode of Trash Tastes. - I was talking, Garnt. (men laughing) Unfortunately, as you know, Corona is still going on. So we weren't actually able to get any significant guests. So, we asked Chris to come. (men laughing) - Heartbreaking. - I'm kidding. - Chris is like, please bring me back on. I wanna taste of that clout again. - I've been waiting for months. (men laughing) Every week I stand out front of the studio waiting. - Duh, duh, duh, duh! - Come on guys, this week. They're like, no, not this week. But now finally I've been allowed back in. - Well he says he's our most viewed episode. - [Man At Table] Yeah, yeah, exactly. - Thank you so much for coming back , Chris. - It's good to be back in the church that anime built. - Yeah. It's nice. (men laughing) - The church of anime? (men laughing) - Isn't that what we, - It's also nice getting to talk to you after we've, you know, become a bit more familiar. Cause this actually was the first time we'd ever met when you came on the podcast. - Yeah it's really nerve racking last time. Was it scary? - What, really? No, no shut up. (men laughing) - But now we're friends. - Yeah. - Reluctantly, of course. - Now we're friends. - Now you've helped us film like, our drifting special. - The drifting, yeah. - Which we unfortunately, like, didn't get a proper chance to introduce you in that episode. And you were just there. - You kind of just showed up. - It was very scuffed. - They slipped shot. I dunno what I was expecting. Some sort of grand entrance. We talked about me like rocking up in the car and be like, Hey everyone! In the end, - It's Chris Broad! (men laughing) - All abroad. No, it was nothing. Just like me on the back of the car. - Yeah, your opening shot was just dying in the back of the car while Joey was in the front. - Really glad I got involved with that project. - It's like a really quick pan. It's like, (man exclaiming) (men laughing) - That was a lot of fun. It was obviously nice to be behind the camera. - Yeah. - Watching Joey be sick. And it is great. - It is nice shooting someone else's video. Cause you're like, if this fuck's up, not my problem. (men laughing) - Yeah. - If it all goes wrong, I'm good. - It's fun just like flying the drone. I was trying to crash it into the car, like, - Yeah. I wanted you to. - Yeah. And you were like charging towards. - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. - Do you like being behind the camera, like more than in front of the camera or vice versa? - I do. I love being behind the camera. (men laughing) - It's like a G-Force video. (men laughing) - I do prefer being behind the camera. - Really? - I'm way more conscious of how I'm presenting and you know, it's just fun filming. But presenting, it's tough. Like I get the impression you three prefer presenting more than filming, right? - Oh no. I mean, I prefer being the, in like the producer-director role where I can just tell people what to do. And I have like a vision of my project rather than being on the project itself. I am awful at presenting, I think. And that's why these two are on camera more than me. - I don't, I just I have enough experience behind the camera. - Right. - To really know if I like being behind the camera more than in front of it. - I do like presenting, but it really stresses me out when you're also presenting the director, the producer, and like, everything is like, everyone's like looking at you for direction. It's like, well, I can't do everything. Come on, like. - Give me a hand here, you know? - Cause you know, some shoots obviously you rock up to and like, they're like, "So what have you got planned, Connor?" And I'm like, I don't know. What do you mean? We were just going to start filming stuff. Like I have no idea. And then it's a bit hard to present. Cause it's like, this is... a coffee in this cafe. (man giggling) And it's just kind of awkward. It's like, - Like how your videos go? - It's like, yeah, we'll fix it in post. We'll fix it in post. (men laughing) - I just like to imagine like, that's how you are on the actual filming day. And then somehow in post, it just turns into, "Hey guys, welcome back!" - There are lots of moments where I'm like, I'll just say something and then obviously it just cuts into a smooth transition voiceover. What actually happens, is I just say something, and I'm like, "Right. Is that good?" "We all good?" (men laughing) And then everyone's just like looking at me confused. I'm like, "All right will just do the next thing. We'll go to the next thing." - Yeah. - Yeah. That's that's what I learned from the AKBA episode that we did, where it was my first time actually filming out in the open. And I, because I didn't know when to stop talking. Like, - A sentence is fine. You can cut. - When no one's directing you, I wasn't used to just being like, okay, silence. Is that good? Did we cut there? Do I keep talking? I dunno. Did I present enough information? - I guess, yeah. Because all Gioku videos are scripted. Right? - Yeah. - So it's like a completely different experience being like, well I know if it's scripted where to pause and when to start. - I've thought about this before. - You do get used to though, I think eventually just being like, alright the camera's always on. It's whatever. I'll just relax when I'm done saying what I need to say. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But I think when you initially have it, you're like, fuck, I'm being recorded. FBI's gonna get this footage somehow. - I'm just still not used to filming in public, I feel. Like I can do videos like off script, cause I've done off-script stuff, I've done on-script stuff. But when it's outside with just random people watching me, I feel there's like a weird pressure of like, Oh people probably watching me and judging me, like. - Judging you. - Yeah. And I can't. So that's why I could never understand people who have the balls to like walk out in the middle of Shinjuku or whatever, and just start vlogging by themselves. I don't know how people do that. - I think that's why I like, I like getting permission. Cause when I found permission I feel like it's the green light. - Oh yeah, yeah. - Yeah, exactly. When there's no permission though, I kind of have to use, just be like, I hope they don't find me. - Yeah. I hate secretly filming. - Yeah. - It's the shit, like, chin angle as well. It just makes it so, - "shit, chin angle." (men laughing) - It's like down here. It's like, "Hey guys." (men laughing) - Cause when you did your recent, amazing video series Chris, really great stuff, your journey to Mount Fuji, right? - Journey to Mount Fuji. - Is that that name of the series? - Fuck, I don't know. What is it called? I just watched them all. (men laughing) - Your amazing series. I don't remember the name of it. What was it again? - It's Journey Across Japan, Escape to Fuji. - Fucking hell, Chris. That's a mouthful, isn't it? Come on. YouTube SEO used to be better. - I like how you went like, the proper sequel title. It's like, Journey Across Japan, Escape to Fuji edition. - I was wondering, cause you filmed in Daiso. Did you have to ask them before? Or did you just rock up with the cameras? - Daiso, fun fact, one of the only places in Japan you can film without needing permission. - Really? You can just rock up? - I hope I'm not just making that up. (men laughing) I'm making that up, but, - As I've normalized, now. - You can go in, you can film there. - Tomorrow's news article breaks out. - How did you find that out? - It's just common knowledge. - I know there's a sign, that's like, pictures are okay. - Right. - But I don't know if that means rock up with your film crew in, go inside, and start, "This is Chris Broad. And here is a plastic hand for 300 yen." - You made me sound so much better. The Connor voice. - That was like David Attenborough there. - I just, because in my head, Chris sounds way more British than he is. Right? So I think like, yeah. - What do you mean? He's the most British man alive. - No, no, no he's not. Come on. - Connor's accent is more British than mine. - Really? - He thinks I'm from Wales. - Well, - How does that work out? - I don't know. - See, there's people who watch me who say the opposite. They say that I don't sound British enough and that you sound proper British, proper British. - Well, because Chris Broad's voice and Abroad In Japan's voice, I feel are two different voices. You know what I mean? - What? - Your presenting accent is a lot more British I feel than you're just regular talking accent. I don't know. - Yeah. - I don't know. I don't know, Chris. - I feel like it is. - I've known you long enough now where I could kinda differentiate. I know when you start talking, I know when you're in, like, presenter mode. - I think, yeah. When I'm presenter I'm more cynical, sarcastic and unpleasant. (men laughing) - You're like that in real life. Fuck off. (men laughing) You're like that normally. - Everyone was thinking it, but you weren't supposed to say it. Unbelievable. - It was fun cause when we filmed the drifting video and we were in the hotel, I was like, "Oh my God. Chris is just like, exactly like me." Just absolutely. - Chris is shit. - Chris is just fucking miserable and complains about everything. Oh my God. He's exactly the same. - I mean, that's just the most British trait. - Yeah, I was about to say. That's like all British TV presenters are like. - It is. It is. - That's just any Brit who goes abroad, right? (men laughing) And that's why Brits rarely go like, abroad to places that other Brits haven't already been to. - Yeah. - Like hearing about a Brit who goes to Asia, we're like the weird ones. You know what I mean? (men laughing) - To be fair, that's true. That's true. - Normally we just stick in Europe or like, fucking Zante or one of the fucking islands, right? - Zante! - I don't fucking know. - Where the fuck's Zante? - That's one of the fucking islands. It's a bunch of party islands. Like Ibiza, all that. (men grumbling) - Benedorne. - They just sound like Game of Thrones locations to me, like. (men laughing) - Benadorne. Game of Thrones. (men laughing) - The island of Zante. - What is this you've given me? - It's cheat sheet fuel. - It's gamer fuel. - It's gamer fuel. - Our sponsor. (men laughing) - Do you like? - This is my first time to drink it. - Yeah. - So I'm a bit nervous. The way you're all looking at me. - Mm. - Are you gamified now? (men laughing) - Are you have to go like a trip? - It's delicious. (men laughing) What is it? It's like fizzy, it's not fizzy but it's like really sour. - It's just like an energy drink. - I don't know what flavor you have. - [Crew Member] Pink lemonade. - Oh you have pink lemonade. - Pink lemonade. Does it do something? (men laughing) - Well, it like energizes you Chris. - It turns you into an epic gamer girl. - When I saw Malin pouring it, she was like, (man laughing manically) (men laughing) You're gonna enjoy this. I was like, what? - I mean, that's just Malin. That's just Mailin. - That's Mailin with anything. - It was scary, but no, it tastes all right. - Yeah. - Lot of caffeine in it? - Yeah, oh yeah. - Probably. - What does that mean? - Oh yeah, because it's supposed to be, it's like energy drink, right? - Oh. - It's gamer fuel, G-fuel. - How does the first drink of 2021 taste? - Oh yeah! This is the first episode of 2021. - Happy New Year to all of our viewers! - Happy New Year! We survived. - We survived. Well, hopefully, cause this is filmed before the new year, so who fucking knows. - Oh my god. That's morbid, isn't it? - It was the last time that the Trash Days boys were seen. With Chris Broad. - But I mean, yeah, 2020, not a great year. I think this year will be good? - Hopefully. - Fingers crossed. - You guys have any hopes for the new year? (men sigh) (men laughing) - I think 2020 has taught me to know my place with expectations. - Don't get too optimistic about anything. - I thought maybe I could spend more than two hours outside at a time, and then, I don't know. Just go, I went on the Sakio line today. Have you ever been on the Sakio line? - The Sakio line? - The Sakio-sen. - Oh. - It's fucking, - JL line. - Though it was some sort of self-help line. - Honestly. Honestly, honestly I needed after going on it, like this morning, cause I go to class at like 8:00 AM, so it's rush hour. - Right? - And then, It's fucking insane. So when you go up to the platform there's so many people waiting that, like, they go to the next platform and start like curling - Oh god. - off the side. - Yeah. - And then it's just a, it is literally like, as you saw in the videos and they squish people on, I thought that was just like, Oh. - You've never been in that position before? - Well, I've been on it, now I have every week. (man laughing) - Oh my god. - But I never used to see it as a tourist cause I never used to go at like the 8:00 AM trains. It's not as bad in the evenings, but definitely in the morning it's horrible. And right now with COVID, it's like. - If you come out to Tokyo avoid trains between 7-830am. - It's awful. - I mean, I still think it's pretty bad in the evenings, as well. - But not as bad. Like you can, when there's a question of, Hmm, how many people do I have to push forward to get on this train? And then maybe just about like cripple myself in it. That's a little bit too much. - I had that yesterday when I finished at around 6:00 PM. I feel like 6:00 PM is probably like the worst time to go home. - Right. - Cause I remember it was the same point where, you know, like, if you think about how to get in the train and I thought the best way to get in this train is to do a fucking run-up. So, (men laughing) - Rugby tackle them. - So I have to like, fucking rugby-tackle my way through to get a space. And they just closed, with my backpack, like, touching the door. - Yeah. I love all these, like just really, you know, skinny, train attendants just fucking doing a full-on rummy. - Yeah. Because they push them in. - It's just like a rugby match. - They treat it like a, you know how someone like get the car stuck in mud? Like, all right, get out. Give it a push. (men laughing) - Get out, go on. Go on, Steve. Give it a good push. And like, I'm there. And I'm like, is there an etiquette when the train is that packed? Because I'm crushing this, like, these old ladies in this corner and I can't do anything. Cause I'm like, fucking the force of Zeus against this door, trying to like stop myself from, but when it's like eight people, just like squishing, I'm like, fuck. - Dear god. And you do that, like on a daily? - Well, at least once a week. Sometimes twice a week. - I think though the reason why they have to do that in the morning is because they don't want anyone to be late to work. - Yeah, but all those trains always are delayed. That one specifically. - Yeah, yeah. Exactly. Because there's too many people. - Yeah, yeah. - It's so counterintuitive. - And the more it gets delayed, more people are waiting for the train and it's just, it's an absolute mess. It's a shit storm. I don't appreciate it. Sort that out, Tokyo. And if I get, if I got the Rona, you know? How the fuck would you contact trace? (men laughing) Like, - Oh my god. - I was on the Saiko line at 7AM. - So who was in the train? Which 10,000 of you also have it? You know what I mean? Like, what? It's scary. - It'd be easier to say who wasn't on the train, right? - It's scary, man. - Yeah. Daunting. - I'm just like, what do I do if I get it? Fuck. . All right, well, shit. (men chuckling) - Have you ever been on like a, that kind of morning rush? Cause you know, - Oh yeah, when I used to live in the countryside. From Tokyo quite a bit, and I, yeah, I've done it and I learned my lesson never to do it again. - Cause it's not that bad up in the North, right? - Up in the North aint no problem at all. - Yeah, yeah. - I'm sure if I started coughing, they'd all run away. They'd make room. - Have you done that? - No, no. Dude. When I get a sneeze now I have like this Zen moment of (man sniffing) hold it, hold it, hold it. - Any form of coughing or any noise, - Any noise, any bodily noise. - Like, coughing is okay, but sneeze is like, it's fucking hard because people always look. And like, even when I'm wearing a mask, I'm just like, do I just sneeze? Or do I sneeze into my hand? Or like, what is the right answer? - Elbow. Elbow in the mask. - I sneeze way too loud to sneeze into my elbow. - You know what's the best way actually to stop a sneeze? There's a pressure point, there's a pressure point right here, on your top lip, and if you push that hard enough it actually stops a sneeze. - You're not gonna do that in public, are you? - Well, no, like, - That's like, - How does that work? - It actually works, like, I've had so many times where I've wanted to sneeze in public, like on a packed train. - There's a better technique. You rub here. Right? Like that. And that's better than going like that, in it? - I just scream really loudly. - I dunno, it's about the same. - Just go like that. It looks like, you know, you're just massaging your nose. - Well yeah, I'm not saying to do this! Like, that, I'm not saying to make it obvious. - But like, it does work. - You can kind of just like, I usually do it with me thumb, like that. (men laughing) - Just imagine Chris, he's on the train. (man sniffing) (men laughing) Everyone's like, what the fuck? - This boy may not sneeze, but it looks like he just did a line of coke. Just like, (man sniffing) (men laughing) Ah! So good! - I feel like it after this. (men laughing) - No, like, I don't feel like doing it obviously like that, but I usually do it kind of like with my thumb. Just very subdley, like that. And it stops it every time. I thought it was bullshit too. Cause it was, it's the one piece of information that I saw on Japanese TV. And I was like, Oh wow. - Oh, come on. They say stuff like, shit your pants to get rid of Rona, and people would start fucking doing it. They're an absolute bunch of nonsense. - That's why I thought, Oh, it's probably bullshit. But you know what, I'll give it a go. And I tried it out once, and I was like, okay, maybe that was a coincidence. I did it twice. I was like, you know what? There might be some actual knowledge there. - I want a subreddit for things of, it's probably bullshit but I'll give it a go. It's like R/, you know what I mean? - I'm pretty sure there is a subreddit for something like that. Like, think your fucking grandma's tales. - R/Japanese TV facts. - I'm curious about 2020. Cause obviously you've been making content in Japan. How much has it changed, making content, traveling around Japan, and what kind of like big differences have you seen? Is it, has it been any like major differences, apart from the lack of people? - Well, you've got to wear a mask. - Yeah, yeah. - That's the one change. And like, - It's kind of hard. It's a bit harder to present in the mask. - It's been a nightmare presenting with a mask outdoors. - I gotta say, on of the highlights of 2020 was watching Chris with a beer go through his spam comments. Just, (man laughing) - I'm always on the hunt for like ridiculous comments. And we certainly had a few, like, on the second day of the road trip we did, somebody told me I was disrespectful for not enjoying the taste of - Oh the bee larva, right? - Bee larva. - Yeah, yeah. - We didn't like it. Actually, it was sick. And someone's like, "You were disrespectful to the Japanese for not liking hornet larva." - But the woman who sold it to us, - What fucking planet are you on? (men laughing) - Yeah, the woman who sold it to us was like, "I don't like this." - You see, it's shit. - It's not like you said to her, "Oh, this looks fucking disgusting." - It it was really weird; that sort of comment triggered me. That triggered me. - Right. (man laughing) - It was a trigger. - It was a trigger. - Oh, wow. Wow, Chris. - As if that person commenting was like, "Well I personally loved bee larva. How dare you!" - The hornet larva farmers. - My family's been producing bee larva for generations, I'll have you know. - I'm a third generation, bee larva, harvester. - Oh, it's like foreign folks who feel they need to defend Japan, often come up a lot in my comments. And, yeah. - But people like that, I find usually have never actually traveled to Japan, right? - They haven't. - They have never traveled outside of their country usually. - Right. - Yeah. - Like it's got nothing to do with, like, I would understand a little more if it was a Japanese person who was getting offended for Japanese culture, right? That makes sense. But usually it's like, it's not. - It's just people being like, woke, you know. - Yeah. - Like I remember back when I was living in Thailand, like my mum tried to get Sydney to wear like this very traditional Thai dress. And Sydney was like, "Um, yeah, I don't know about that because like, a lot of people can get offended cause of like cultural appropriation and stuff like that." And my mum was like, "What's cultural appropriation?" And like having to explain the concept of cultural appropriation was just completely fucking impossible to like, you know, like, Asian mom. - Right. - Right. - It just like did not compute that why would anyone get offended on behalf of me? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's because before the word cultural appropriation came about, it was called cultural appreciation. You know? And now there's such a thin line between what is appreciation and what is appropriation. - Right, right. Yeah. If you take too much, you know, - Right. Is a white person wearing a kimono, is that appreciation or is that appropriation? - If someone starts shagging sheep, I wouldn't be like, hold on, that's my thing. Come on. (men laughing) - How dare you appropriate? - Come off it, you know? I think a lot of the time, like you said, it's the people themselves are like, yeah, but dude we want you to experience our culture. We want you to share it. Right? - It's like, fucking all these like people who will, you know, when Ghost of Toshima came out, - Yeah. - So many people were like, "Oh, this game is such cultural appropriation to, you know, the whole like, samurai culture thing. Meanwhile. - People sad that?! - Yeah, yeah. - Really? - Yeah, when the game first came out I saw there was this huge thing about it. And it was really funny, cause there was a guy who gathered a bunch of reviews or like, I guess like, you know customer reviews of Japanese people who play the game and they were like, "Nah, dude, it's cool." - It was epic. - Yeah. - Yeah. White people, please go ahead, make a game about samurais. It's fucking cool. - If they're obviously respectful towards it, who doesn't want a fucking video game about where they like, their history? That's badass. - But there was this whole thing of like, "Oh, it's a Western company making a game about Japanese culture." It's like, so? If they can do it correctly, then what's the problem? - How bad Japanese people make bread. (men laughing) That's, we made, we started that. How dare they make our bread? - How dare white people cook rice? How dare they appropriate. - Sorry. I don't want to get like too, like, anti-woke. But you know what I mean. - It's just dumb. I've seen like, especially recently just with the whole PC culture thing, it's just, no one can be culturally appreciative of things anymore. Without at least one person saying how dare you. That's offensive. - I think because it's like people want brownie points on Twitter, Right? - Right. - Because there are legitimate cases of people just being straight up disrespectful to a culture. - Oh, yeah yeah. Yeah. - I think some people see that and they're like, "Oh, if I do that next time, I'll get Twitter clout. I'll get followers. - Right. - Right? So the next opportunity that comes up, they're like immediately like on it. And then everyone's like, well I mean not really. - But that's the thing, right? It's like, you know, you know bad intent when you see it. - Oh yeah. - Right. And just some people are just so clouded by that. - I mean, you think you know bad intent when you see it. But some people it feels like, - Some people are good at bullshitting. - Intent is just lost in a lot of like, in a lot of cases. And it's sometimes it's just hard, especially on Twitter. And like you said, some people are like chasing for this. - Oh yeah. - Some people are like actively looking for any example that they can see. And it's curated a culture where, you know, sometimes you want to do something, or you wanna post something on Twitter but you don't know who is going to offend sometimes. - Right, right. - Yeah, it's - You know, Chris, right? Yeah? - Yeah. It's a tight rope, in it? (men laughing) I'm scared of saying anything at this point. - Yeah, yeah. No, no. - I like things and everyone. (men laughing) So we'll be happy in 2021. Let's be happy. - Yeah. Let's just stop it. - And what better way to be happy, than having some sake? - Oh man! - Oh! - You got us a gift! - So in Japan, you drink a lot of sake at the start the new year. I think I might've just made that up. (men laughing) You do now! - Is this commonly known knowledge? Is it on the side of a Daiso, Chris? - There is a thing, we have kagami braki, right? Break in the mirror, start of the new year. When you work in a Japanese office or a school like I used to, you had to break a barrel of sake with the principal. And it's really awkward cause you've got the principal, a hundred teachers watching, and a barrel. - You can probably see footage of like, in front of like shrines and stuff, where there's like three or four priests who like get like a wooden mallet and they just crack open. - Oh, I have seen that. - It's really fucking awkward cause you smash it, and it just goes way the principal. And you just feel like a dick. Oh sorry. - You can't drink it either, right? It's gone on the floor. - Sake everywhere, yeah. - Start going. (man slurping) - Fucking chaos, Connor. But, we're not gonna do that. But hopefully at some point we can drink that today. - Fantastic. - Mix it with your Kool-Aid. (man laughing) - I don't think were' gonna mix. But, yeah, this looks good. - I did some sake tasting last week. I tried 14 different types of sake. That was the best. - Was that for a video? - Oh yeah? - It wasn't for a video. - Are you a fan of sake? (man laughing) - I am, but I can't tell you the first thing about it. (man laughing) It's got floral undertones. - I find, - Some's sweet. - I mean like the only thing I know is like, yeah, this isn't the unfiltered stuff which is, - It tends to give awful hangover though. - Yeah, I haven't - Awful. - gotten used to sake because it's like - It terrifies me. - Out of every drink, I'm terrified of getting sake hangovers. Like every time, I remember when I came to Japan as a tourist and I would be like, I would drink all you can drink sake all day long. And then I realized, holy shit, I just wanna die the day after. - Aw dude, like, I usually get pretty bad hangovers if I drink a lot. But when it's like a sake exclusive, for some reason it gives me the worst headaches. It's like I usually get, I usually get like the stomach hangovers, where my stomach gets really queasy. With sake, it all goes to the head. - Yeah. - I just wake up with a blistering headache. I don't know why. - I think it's cause you drink more of it because it tastes, it doesn't have a strong flavor. - Yeah, like vodka, yeah. - It looks like water, so you think, oh it's pure. And then you have like three and then four, then you're fucked. - Yeah. - And uh, - Oh, it's pure! (men laughing) Oh! - It's the pure shit. - Sake connoisseur, it's pure. - Well cause it doesn't burn nearly as much as vodka. - No, no. - Especially the good ones as well. - Yeah. - Yeah, I enjoy the taste of sake. I just don't like the aftermath. - Yeah. - You wake up in the morning. - I do avoid it. It's one of those things where like, sometimes Japanese people will invite you to be like, do you wanna come have sake with us? And I'm like, yeah, of course. Of course. - Of course. - And then I'm drinking, I'm like, (man gagging) (man sighing) - There were some pretty dicey ones, but no, that's good stuff. - Yeah. We'll definitely have. We'll definitely crack this open later. - I've got something to share as well. - Oh, oh? - New year's celebrations. - I'll I'll put it over here. - Stick it in there. - Mike Wasowski can have a sip. - It's not sake. It's more wine. - Oh my gosh. - Hell yeah. - Recently I came back from Koshi Valley, which is, basically it's not very well known, but it's kind of like the Napa Valley of Japan where it's this area and they make a fuck ton of wine. And it's, me and Sydney go and it's on a yearly trip where we go to this, the wine tasting place where you pay like, it's now 15 bucks, but you go down to this cellar, and there's like hundreds of different wines that you can try. Unlimited amounts of - British people. (men laughing) - But this time we tried going to some of the local winemakers as well. And there's like a bunch, like there's a bunch just in walking distance. And these are, this is one of the wines that's I picked. - I love how this podcast has started to become an excuse for us to just keep buying each other alcohol and being like, Oh, isn't this nice? - That's what I've noticed though recently, is that like the best, it gets to the age where I'm just like, man, what do people want for Christmas or birthday? Booze. Booze. - Cause wine looks pleasing, as well. Like to give it, it's like, you're classy. I respect you. You're class. Take this. (man chuckling) - And I also have some wine grape, raisins - Wine grape raisins? - Yes. - Oh god. - And some wine grape cakes. - Oh! Wine grape cake. - Yes. - Hello. I love the English on this. A lavish taste for adults. A simple in homemade style taste. Please enjoy the elegant and delicate savor. - Can't wait to destroy those with some sake and wine. - Wow. - Yeah. Like I dunno when I reached the age that I started to appreciate wine because I remember when I was a kid, these would give me the worst hangovers. It wasn't like sake. It was wine. - Boxed wine. - Yeah. Boxed wine. - Well, yeah of course. Boxed wine. It's like drinking petrol basically. - Echo Falls in the UK. Does that, does that - The big old, like they're talking about the five pound box? - Yeah. You can get like three liters of wine for like five or four pound 20 or something. - Oh, why? - To get smashed. - Sounds horrible. - You're a student, you gotta share. - I remember when I was a first-year student I used to drink like two bottles of red wine every, like, day. - Fucking day. (man laughing) - Fucking hell. - We're you okay? (man laughing) - I was in a bad place. - Oh my god. - I think like a relationship had ended just before university. And I was like, Oh, I'm just going to ruin myself this year. - Oh, all right. - And so I turned to wine and the results were just dreadful. Don't do that. Avoid wine. - God. You must have gained a lot of weight from that. Cause it's like - Yeah. I mean the hangovers and the things I did. Cause you know, when you just wanna wipe a whole year. - Yeah. (men laughing) - From your mind. That's what I did. - Kind like this year, basically. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - I guess that's what all this is for, huh? - Yeah, right. Jesus Christ. - What are your hopes for 2021? Then after, I mean, I think we all had hopes for 2020 that went down the toilet. - Do you not feel that like, surviving a year on YouTube is a success almost? Like every year you still do it. - No, no. - You're like, woo! - I come into every year thinking this is my last year at YouTube. (man laughing) And I've said, - This is where it ends. - I've said that for about 10 years now. And I'm like, - I think, if you get too comfortable this platform has a way of sweeping it under you, yeah. - As a YouTuber, you just see people who just fall off the face of the planet in the span of like a month. - Yeah. - Right. - It's scary. - Like so many channels disappear as quickly as they come and they are quickly replaced with new and upcoming channels. - Oh go ahead. - What defines it? What leads to a channel? What leads to a channel to sort of disappear, do you think? Or lose its steam? - I think, as Connor said, like most of the time it's comfort. - I think it's, yeah, complacency. - Over comfort. Just being like, you know, I have all these subscribers. I, you know, of course I don't want to say any names, but (men laughing) - Say some names. - But you know, there's a lot of channels that are much more on the higher subscriber range. Who kind of are just like, I can make anything at this point and it'll probably still get used. - I hear you're in a good spot. Where you're you kind of have to keep going to new things. With your content, the way you've built it it's forced you to do that. But you know, for channel like my own, I could do, I have reoccurring series and I can just pump the same ones out. - Yeah, you say that but the videos that tend to do the best on everyone in Japan, I'm usually just be in my room - Right the comments, right? Yeah, yeah. But you do those. - I feel maybe it's because you do that now so like very often, compared to what you used to. - Like you have to on YouTube, right? Cause you can't constantly be going, doing these like week-longs - Well, that's what I'm saying. Like if Chris did videos where, you know you were just in your room, reading hate comments or going through your spam, or your like, you know, just commentating verbally rather than showing it, then I feel people would start to be like, Oh this is kind of repetitive. - Yeah. But I think it's the fact that you just every so now and then throw it in. - I think I just try and mix everything up with the content. Like one week I got like a bullet train. Next week I've got hate mail. The week after that. - Right. And that's usually the best, that's usually the channels I feel that survive is the ones that have some variety. - I feel like you've gotta just keep surprising your audience. - No, I agree. I agree. - Something new, fresh, and original. But I hate the comment that annoys me the most, of all hate comments, - Sort of excited for this. - I don't even know if I wanna say it, cause I know everyone's going to start commenting it. It's like the comment which I get a few times a year, and it's, "This guy's run out of ideas." (men laughing) Once or twice a year, - We all get it. - I really wanna punch someone. - We all get it. - I've been getting that. - Next Abroad in Japan video now, and the comments just gonna be spam. - It's like, come one. Look at the stuff I've tried to do this year. Like there's so much weird shit. - What? Like, I've always wanted to ask people like what constitutes as running out of ideas to them? - I don't know! - Like, what is it? - It's odd, right? Because I feel like a lot of YouTube comments are like, do the same thing again. - Yeah. - But then on the other hand, - But at the same time, they're like, he's run out of ideas. - Run our of ideas. - Yeah. - I get that. Why? How? - But what I don't understand is that there are always people who every single upload, no matter what you do, there'll always be comments that say, "Oh, he's run out of ideas." I'm like, you wouldn't think that if I had actually run out of ideas. I wouldn't be uploading at all. - I've had it every year for like eight years now. After a year of doing it, "Oh, he's run out of ideas." What If I just went, "Yeah, I have." (men laughing) - It's like, shit, he's right. - And then every year, someone will be like, this channel's peaked. Someone in like 2014, this channel's reached it's Zenith. It's gonna be shit now. (man laughing) And then it went on to get better. Like, you know, so that's the comments. - I know more about your channel than you do. - Everyone does think they're an expert on YouTube cause they watch a lot. - And it's always, you know, it always sucks as well because whenever I've had, at least with me, I've had a few times where I have genuinely been like, well shit, I don't know what to do next. - You've run out of ideas. - Yeah. (man laughing) - He's run out of ideas! - You hear that, guys? He's actually ran out of ideas. - Well you know, like, when I get like an artist's block and I don't know what to do. - Right. - Right? And I think I'm going to ask my audience. - Right. - That's the, that's always the worst idea. - And I go on Twitter being like, "Hey guys, what content would you like to see?" And there's always that really, one popular vote. That's like very vocally spoken about, you know, and you're like, well I guess people want to see it. 99% of the time you make a video like that, it get shit views. - I've noticed that as well. - And I'm like, oh it's the fucking vocal minority. - To be fair, I do ask sometimes. Cause like there's sometimes there's like a genius idea. Like one. But I've never had more than one good idea. - It's rarely the top voted one. - No, it's never. - It's never the top voted one. And most of the ideas you get are just kind of like recycled ideas that anyone could do, right? - All the top comments are just like, "React to Reddit memes, please." It's like, no, I'm good, man. I'm really good. - Yeah. Audience suggestions come in slippery slope. - Yeah. When is the audience gonna get what they want? Chris Broad reacts to people, reacting to Chris Broad. (man laughing) - We got comments people wanted us to do like a boat ride on Journey Across Japan. - A boat ride? - Do an episode on a boat. - That's actually quite fun though. (men laughing) - That's a good idea. I was like, abroad on a boat. - What are you gonna do on the boat? Just like, complain about how, - What can't you do on a boat? It's gonna be amazing. This boat series. - We're going to like circumnavigate Japan on a boat. - Don't steal that idea! (men laughing) - Who's got a pen? - Write that down. Write that down. - Write that down. - Hey, this episode is sponsored by Mega House. - Have you ever wondered what would happen if an anime character and Rubik's cube, had a nice little baby? Well, you get a Charaction Cube. - A what? - A Charaction Cube. That's what is says here. - Charaction Cube! - Sorry. I'm getting distracted by how fun this cube is to play with. (man laughing) Did you know that it looks easy to solve, but isn't. - There are Charaction Cubes for every fandom, such Doragumburu, Gundam, Naruto, and more. - Gudatama. - And Gudatama. - Naruto. - Naruto! - Collect all the Charaction Cube figures. Play with them, display them, and enjoy a truly unique, collectible puzzle. - Look what I did. - Oh, wow. You killed Freezo - I destroyed Freezo. - I gave Naruto some fat, anime titties. Look at that. - I wanna give Freezo some fat fatties. Hold on. - [Narrator] The figure size is 3.3, five inches tall with trippy details and seven connected parts that can be twisted into various arrangements. - Like this. For instance. - Oh, what? - Oh my, what did you do to him? - I gave him titties, dude. Or I gave him more like a stomach. - These are created by Mega House and distributed by Bandar, USA. - Did you also know that it's available right now, online on Amazon, Target, and other retailers for only $14.99? - $14.99? - I know, I know. - That's one cent less than 15. Damn. What a deal. - Did you also know that Charaction Cube is a 2021 finalist for toy of the year in the collectible category? - No way. - I can see, look at this. Look at this abomination that I created. - What did you? That's like nightmare fuel, man. - It's like Freezo-toilet. - So if you wanna get your own Charaction Cube, click that link in the description down below to order one today. - You can also vote for Charaction Cube for the 2021 toy of the year competition by clicking the link down in the description below. - Voting ends 5th of January and the winner will be announced on the 12th of February. - So, thank you so much for sponsoring us. Back to the video. - So like, yeah, audience suggestions. When we did Journey Across Japan, we had challenge every day. And one of the challenges we got was cover yourselves in custard and close your eyes while you're driving. (man laughing) There's funny, and then there's like crossing the line and crashing and like dying in a car crash, with Joey covered in custard. - I don't know. - It's a terrible way to go. - It's like, I don't know about your like, personal fetishes dude, but I don't think anyone wants to watch two dudes covered in custard for an entire video. - But then again, saying it out loud (man laughing) I kinds of, on it, no? - Yeah, but even if you did that, right, that'd be more comments be like, how dare Chris put other people's lives in danger for his shitty YouTube video? - How dare he's wasting food. (men laughing) - Disrespectful to the custard. (man laughing) - Custard appropriation. - You know it would happen. We did it in the fourth or the fifth episode, Joey and I sat in some plant pots, which were like these bathtubs. - I saw that. (men speaking over each other) - You did it in your video, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - An encapsulator with some plant pots. Identical, matching, plant-pot shaped bathtubs. Someone commented saying, that was disrespectful to the plant, like to Japanese culture. - Okay. - To the plant pot. - To the plant pot! - Disrespectful to the plant pot. - How is that offensive? - It's because I think some viewers have this notion of Japan of everything is very meticulous. - Everything is cultural. And everything is traditional. - Plant pot bathtubs are not apart of Japanese culture. - No. - If I go to a hotel, and it's shit, I'm reviewing it and saying that it's shit. And if they give me a plant pot for a bath, I'm probably going to be like, well that's a bit shit, isn't it? Where's the porcelain bath? Come on. - Exactly. - I mean, you know, we were like, "Oh, this is a, you know, unique, weird, thing that might spice up the video a little bit. But like how, I don't know how the fuck we were disrespecting. - I've been in another place that had a bath like that, and it was just uncomfortable cause it's like - It was very uncomfortable. I got stuck in it. - Cause you're like, a fucking gremlin in this thing, just like, oh very comfortable. (men laughing) - That's what I was like in the video. - Sorry, I just put my ass in Chris' face. (men laughing) - Oh god. - That was a very flexible position I wasn't expecting. (men laughing) - Caught Chris off guard too. A broad encounter. (men laughing) - Journey Across Connor. - Oh god. (men laughing) I just had this imagery pop up in my mind. - Bring me along I'll give Natske a run for his money. - I can't wait for you to meet Natske. - I really wanna meet Natske. - You're gonna get on. - Such a fucking character. - That was like the first time I properly got to speak and hangout with Natske. I mean, I've met Natske once at like an event that you did after the first Journey Across Japan. - Does he still call you "Jelly?" - Yeah. He still calls me Jelly. Yeah. I think he genuinely thought my name was Jelly at first. - Well, he did. He was like, "Where's Jelly?" (men laughing) You mean Joey, right? Jelly, yeah. - Oh, I don't mind. It's an endearing nickname. - But I mean go back to the comments, like for all the, these silly comments, for the vast majority, the comments are nice. - Oh yes. - I do read them. Like, somebody said to me like, you know, when you reach a million subscribers, you're not supposed to read the comments. But like, I do. I do enjoy doing it. Cause it feels like when I produce a video, it feels like having a party. And when you release the video, - No, I agree. I agree. - The comments, you kind of want to be there and you want to talk to people and see what they think. And yeah. It's the only way you can have that engagement with the audience, I think. - I think the, I read the comments on the first two, first day or so, - Yeah. - But then, - That's what most YouTubers do. - Yeah, but then if the video especially gets in like recommended and starts really taking off is when you start seeing the really fucking stupid comments. - On trending? - On trending, or if it starts like, if the views start climbing really fast and then you start getting the people who don't know who you are, and it won't leave their recommend. - It's the obligatory, "I don't know how I got here" comments. - I don't know who this is. Who's this British knob? - Do you guys get like, have like a honeymoon period with your videos where you have like this, after you finished like a big project or something, you get the first two three days, you go through every comment, you're just reading it all the time and then it just, and then you kind of just don't care about it anymore and you move on. - I'd say that's accurate. - Oh because YouTube forces you to be like, Oh you've cured cancer. All right. Now cure something else, please. It's like, no matter what you do, it's never, that was a terrible analogy by the way. It's never good enough for YouTube. - The victory lap is always short, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like it doesn't matter how big or how amazing you did. I mean like, look at the, like Unus Annus. That channel, right? They did like a whole year's worth of content, deleted it. It was a giant thing. And now they have to get on about it, so, yeah. - It's weird how, it's weird and scary how short internet memory is. - Crazy. It's crazy. - It's like, Unus Annus is, was an amazing concept, an amazing idea. And it's like so impressive that they pulled it off. Like, but how long is it going to actually remain in people's memories, you reckon? - It's gonna tough. - It's hard to say because there's like, basically all evidence of it has been removed now. - Do you know what that is by the way? - Not a clue. - So, there's these two YouTubers, well Markiplier's one of them. - Oh! - And Crank plays Ethan. They basically did a channel where they uploaded daily. And at the end of it, they were taking it all down. - Yeah. So the channel, - That was the whole premise. - Unus Annus in Latin means one year. - Right. - So basically they would upload everyday for 365 days. And then on the 365th day, they would delete their channel. - And they did. - That's an interesting concept. - Yeah. And they take down any videos that are re uploaded. So the whole point of it was to be like, in the memory of the people. - Well, that's quite cool. - It's really cool. But again, it's one of the things that's like, oh my God, they pulled it off the videos that long. And then now it's like, okay cool. Now what? (men laughing) - The only thing that remains now is like just the merch that they released throughout the year-long run. - I mean, it's literally like, - It's cool. It's so cool. - It's such a cool concept. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's literally like the end of the Truman Show. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - If you've guys seen the Truman Show, like when that ends, people were just like, all right, what's next? And that's literally what it's like being a YouTuber and like making content on the internet. - Yeah. - Yeah. Well, you know, it was always more big, cause I was always watching Casey Neistat back when he was starting to blow up and doing daily vlogs, and this man was literally sharing like, every aspect of his life. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And then it's still like, but we want more. What else do you have? Show us everything. And it's like, this man is literally like doing everything the world has to offer. - Yeah. - And YouTube is like, come on. - Keep going. - And then he stops. And then, you know, his channel didn't do very well for a while. Didn't grow cause he took a break. Cause obviously you're gonna get burned out from doing that. - Oh yeah. - But now he's back. I think he's doing like sparingly. - Is he? - Seems to be happy. Yeah, he seems to be pretty chill. - Yeah. - It's crazy though. Scares me that. - What? - Just having to do that. Like, if I, I think my version of hell is daily uploads. - Daily vlogs. - Daily vlogs. And then having to edit that said daily vlog. - Cause it's not just daily vlogs, it was like highly produced daily vlogs. - Yeah! It was insane. - Kind of like what you were trying to do with Journey Across Japan, right? The first one. - Let's not talk about that. (men laughing) - I'd love to see daily, Seadog VA. What would it be like? Would just be sitting in the chair like, (man garbling) - It'd be me grumbling for like four hours, playing a video game, and then just doing nothing. - I would watch that. (man laughing) - Would you? - Yeah. - You know what? - I'd be like in the room with you and be like, wow, you can't (men laughing) - I've always wanted, you to know how you see those really like, shitty BBC, like three documentaries about unamusing things. And like the YouTuber ones? I really want like a BBC Four or something to come and be like, follow me for a day. - Expose. - And just be like, "Yeah. So I just kind of sit here all day really And just chat shit online." I mean, just. - It's like, so Connor, you've been playing League for the past four hours. (men laughing) Uh, what now? Oh, maybe I'll play for another four more. - I'm gonna talk to people online for three hours. - Get angry. And then might go jack off, I dunno. - A day in the life of a YouTuber, featuring Connor. - Connor's going to go to the supermarket and eat food, like normal humans. (man laughing) And then go back to his house and eat it. - But with that voice over, it kind of works. - Maybe. - It could work. You could sell it. That's a good concept. - I really want to do something like that, just so I can like with the footage constantly while I'm recording. I'm like, put this in, keep that out. - Have you thought about doing like, daily videos just for a week thing? (man sighing) Try it out. - That's scary. That's a lot of work, Chris. - You're not the editor though, are you? - No, but what would I do daily? Would it be like, like the way that you did the Fuji video, where it's like, as in like - You go on a journey. Across Japan. - Hey! - Hey! - Escape! - But don't call it though, cause that's copyright. - Yeah, it's copyright. Or I'll kill you. - Call it like, Japan Journey or something. - I was going to call it. - Japan Journey. (men laughing) - I was thinking perhaps Transportation Across Japan (men laughing) - Moving across Nipon. - Each day a different form of transport. A bicycle, a skateboard, a horse. I would watch that. - A horse! - I feel like we're building something here. - I feel like I, you shouldn't give me a horse cause I already call people peasants, unironically. I think that'll that'll raise the bar. You know what I mean? - You gotta commit, like fully dress up as like a prince. (men laughing) Hello peasants. - I actually drove across Japan. Not well, not across Japan. I drove in Hokkaido recently and that's pretty fun. It's pretty relaxing. - You drove in Hokkaido. - Yeah. It was really relaxing. There was no snow, thank God. - Oh wow. - But it was really chill. It was nice. - Where'd you go? - I went from, I drove from Toyako to Hakabate. Like Sapporo. - Do you go into Noboribetsu? The hot springs? - Ah, I did stop there, but then I was like, fuck. - It's hot, isn't it? - There's kinda like nothing else here. (men laughing) - It's like Japan's like, number three hot spring. - Is it actually? - It's like one of the biggest, best, hot spring resorts in Japan. Nothing here. - I was hungry. - Where's McDonald's? - Where's the Burger King there, eh? - But then Hokkaido. - Yeah, it was chill. (man groaning) I'll go back again. - You gotta go back now. - There was the go-to travel thing. So I saved a fuck ton of money. That's insane. So Japan, inside of the Japan for domestic travelers, they're actually giving you 30, 35% off your trip. So the hotel, transportation, and then when you got your hotel, they gave you vouchers as well. - Yeah. - So like, to spend at the nearby, like the town's food places and what not. - So I stayed in a place that was like $500 a night, normally. And it was down to 300 and it included like an eight course, gourmet meal. - Damn. - And it was like a private onsen. And then on top of that, they're like here's $200 to spend, which you can also spend to pay on like stuff in the hotel. Which I was like, wow. That's epic, that is. - Sounds very familiar. - Cause we got like $500 of vouchers or something one night on Journey Across Japan. And we spent them all in Family Mart. - Oh yeah. That's all right. (men laughing) - You can spend it anywhere. - Cause we had like, one day to spend it and you can spend it in the same prefecture. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I remember that. - Cause it was like four of us who stayed at one hotel room. We got %30. - What did you buy? - Just like a fuck ton of booze and snacks, really. - $500 worth? - Beer and crisps. - Well, yeah. There was four of us. So it was like a hundred bucks worth of - Could you imagine something like that happening in the UK? It would be fucking, it would be a fucking frenzy if you told people at 30% off, plus get free money to spend. - The Japanese government just went mental with this. - And they're extending it now as well. Did you see that? - Oh God. - They're extending til like, June or something. - Originally it was until the end of March, right? - Yeah. - But now it's until like June, July, something like that. - Which is crazy because stuff's already, I think the stuff is pretty cheap already here, travel wise. Compared to the UK. - I didn't realize how much Japan's economy relied on tourism until I moved to Japan. And I've realized how much people value tourism here and traveling. - I mean, it's scary like in July, me and Aki went up to Kyoto for our anniversary. - It was dead. - I've never! It was scary. I've never seen Kyoto that empty in my life. And we went on a week, went to Inari Taisha, the thousand tori. - Yeah, I've been there. We were there as well. - On a weekend. It was like a Saturday at like 1:00 PM. So normally I would never go there on a weekend. And when I, when we went, there was like four people there. - Yeah I went there as well and there was no one there. - It Was scary. - Oh it was because of you telling me that a few weeks ago that I'm actually going to Kyoto tomorrow - Oh really? - for a week. So I'm just gonna be walking around - Probably perfect time to film there. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - It was actually like a ghost town. All of Kyoto. There was no one. - I can't imagine going there now when the country opens back up. - Yeah. - Cause I've had like, the best experience being like, ah, Kyoto's pretty chill. No tourists. No nothing. - Yeah. - Yeah. That was literally my impression of it. - Yeah.. - Now that I've seen pictures of what Kyoto's usually like and it looks like literally my hell. - Oh, it's ridiculous. - Pretty much never wanna go back now. - Inari Taisha's like, you go on a weekend or like even a weekday, it's just shoulder to shoulder people. - Yeah. - Everywhere you go. - Cause like one thing that really turns me off going anywhere, if it's like a big tourist spot. - Yeah. Yeah. - Like I hate crowds. And I hate, you know, seeing the tourist selfie. Like five people doing the same fucking poses, and the same fucking selfies. - Yeah. - I'd rather just like chill out at my fucking hotel at that point. (man laughing) - Yeah. - Well now's the perfect place, perfect time to go to like Osaka, Kyoto, all those places. - I just like being fucking lazy. Like on a vacation, I don't want to go to a museum or anything like that. - What do you wanna do in Kyoto, Connor? - Nothing. Absolutely fucking not. I'll do the obligatory, all right, fine, Let's go and see the shit. And then for the other days, - Let's go and see the shit. - Go and see the fucking, - I wanna watch a travel series with you in it. It would just be, (men laughing) - I went to that, the, what is it? The thousand shine? - Inari Taisha - And I'm like, (man sighing) it's good. (man gasps) - It's cool. - And I'm like, when, what are we eating there? (man laughing) - Me and Connor are exactly the same in that sense. Because, like, when you're going on a trip with someone, - Yeah? - And they bring out a schedule. I'm just like, oh god. - No, no, no. Tell me the restaurants we're going to, what do they specialize in? And also, are we gonna have at least four meals a day? If not, I'm going to have a problem. Because when I travel, I want four meals a day. Like I'm just going to eat, eat, eat. Like, I'm just an absolute pig. - But you do that, and also in between the meals, - No you can't. - No, no. - It's stressful. It's stressful. Like I want to go to a place and I just want to have no pressure to go anywhere. - Yes, yes! - If I wanna go see something, I will go see something. But like, if I feel like I'm pressured into going somewhere that just automatically makes me not want to go somewhere. Unless is a nice restaurant. - Also it's like, it's vacation, right? I don't wanna fucking work. (men laughing) You know? It's work walking places. (men laughing) - Wow. - Going to see the shrine. - Would you ever consider being a tour guide for your viewers, for the right price? - Sure, Chris. I'll, - He'll do anything for the right price. - I don't mind. I mean, doing the, oh I can't, we can't talk about that yet. Okay. All right. The Trash Taste special. That was a nice view that we had. - Oh yeah. - I could appreciate that. But then also at the same time, it's like this is fun for 10 seconds, but then what are we eating? (men chuckling) - Well, I mean, let's be real like we probably would have not gone there if it wasn't for a meal. - To be fair, yeah. I don't like, for me when I go to a place, I don't remember what I saw or what I did, I remember what I ate. (man laughing) - Is that, why is that, that's not weird! Come on. That's not weird. - It's a bit. I mean, - I don't remember what I did in Hokkaido, but I remember the meals. - Really? - Like vivid, vividly. - I'm kind of the opposite. - I had a big fat crab and they murdered that crab in front of me. And it was delicious. - I'm actually the opposite. - No, Chris. It added to the flavor. (man laughing) - I'm kidding. - Poor, king crab. - As much as I love the food, like especially in like Hokkaido, or wherever I am, and you know, especially anywhere you go in Japan the food's always gonna be good, right? But I dunno like I'm always kind of the one who was like, yes I remember going, here, here, here, here, here. I'm more of a location person than a food person. - I'll just see like a tourist thing pop up like, oh I went there. It was pretty shit. (man laughing) - Well maybe that's the problem. You're kind of going into it with like a negative mentality, right? - I just wanna eat. - No, it's just like, what is so special about this place? Like, I think I grew up with it because anytime my parents would take me to this place, we'd like take the tourist pictures. - Oh my god, yeah, my parents would do that as well. - Yeah, and I'm just like, I don't fucking care. I just wanna read in my hotel room and play my fucking GameBoy. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - Sometimes you just wanna chill in the hotel room and just like, get some food and watch the shit. - I think you just don't like traveling. - No, I love traveling But I hate doing tourist stuff. - Right, as long as there's food. - As long as there's food. - I like being in a new place. I just don't like actively going to. I like the environment. I like a new environment. I don't give a shit about like, spots -hotspots. - I wanna meet people. I like chat, drink, and just eat and chill. - I wanna do something active. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Something active. To me, like, going to a place and taking pictures is not like an active thing that I enjoy. Like if there's like an activity there or something I could do, the yeah, great. I'll fucking go to it. - Well, it's weird for me because I like, I don't go to the locations to take photos. If anything, I very rarely take photos at tourist locations because I feel that by taking a photo of something, it's like the only thing you're going to remember is what's in the photo. Whereas like I wanna actually remember me going there. - That's some hipster shit right there, Joey. - I'm the opposite. I just forget everything. So I need to have like a photo. - Oh, really? - And that like, rekindles the memories that I've lost. With my trip to Kyoto I've got no plan though. Like going with what you've been saying, like this time I'm there for a week, no plan. - Is it vacation? Or are you filming? - Kind of half and half. Like, I'm doing a documentary on old dilapidated Kyoto houses that have been redone and whatnot. That'd be really nice, but like really no plan. I hope to just walk around and see what I can kind of find. Yeah. - Also I like the feeling of discovery as well. I like going somewhere and not knowing what I'm going to see. If it's like, if it's all planned and you know, people have like researched place. I'm like, I know a really cool place cause I've read up, I've read about it and everything. It feels less special than just like driving around and seeing a cool place, and just being like, that looks cool. Let's stop there. - You're completely right. My cousin came over last year to Kyoto. We had like one day and we literally just got in a taxi. I was like, go to the Fushimi Inari. We'll just do it. Went to all these like, five places. It was all right. He saw everything, got the photos, but it wasn't really any good memories or experiences as a result. - Well, I mean, I don't like whenever I go somewhere, I'm not the one to be like, all right, these are all the tourist locations. Let's go here. Like, I'm still very like picky-choosy on where I want to go. - Yeah. - Cause to me it feels like playing an open world game where you have all the checkpoints, like mocked up and ready. Well, I like a breath of the wild type of experience where I'm just like exploring that play world. Yeah. I mean, that's - You do get that in Kyoto though. Like Kyoto, you really do like a video game. You can discover little shrines, little restaurants, bars, - Oh, there's so many. - Coffee shops. There's so many cool, little places. - Well especially with Kyoto, I actually, if anything, I avoid taking the trains anywhere. We always walk from one location to another because the walk along the way is where you find all the cool shit And then on top of that you get to go to a tourist destination. So it's like best of both worlds, in my opinion - For me, my ultimate holiday, or my ultimate tourist spot, is just put me in like a cool place, and just don't tell me anything about that place and just let me go in. - Same, same, same. Fuck. It was so hot in Kyoto. I remember I was sweating my ass off there. - When did you go? - It was awful. It was summer. In like, July or something. - Yeah, we went then too. - Thought I was gonna die. (men laughing) Did not like that. Did not like Japanese summer. It was as bad as everyone said it was going to be. But I thought everyone was exaggerating. So I was like, there's no way it can be that awful. But it was. - No, it's pretty bad. - Thinner opened this sake and have a bit of a taste test. - So Chris, what are your New Year's resolutions for this year? - To be on Trash Taste. (men laughing) A third time. - A third time. - A third time. After this, after this, yeah. - Well you are the first guest of 2021. - And the first reoccurring. - First reoccurring guest. - Wow. - And I got my thing up on the wall. I love you guys. Especially Jay. - How do you feel with these, a little more elaborate squishies of the, - Put a lot more effort into those than I did. (men laughing) I look like I was like scribbling at the last minute before I got on a train or something. - New Year's resolution, get into shape. I think I say it every year. - Everyone says that every year. - That's like the most generic resolution anyone could. - Are you actually going to though? - I wanna do something really bold. Right? - Okay. - I'm going to say. I wanna make Natske famous. My good friend, Natske. - I would argue that Natske's kinda already famous. - Like world level, global, Tom Cruise level famous. - Is that possible? How would you go about doing something like that? - I think at first you would have to get to that point, right? - You saying I'm not world famous? - Yeah, good point. - The world famous, Chris Broad. - Fucking hell, Jerry. That's a lot, isn't it? Jesus Christ. I'm gonna be in a hospital by the end of this. - Oh, for her as well. - Oh. - Aww. - For him. Him and hers. - Interesting fact, depending on how you drink sake, like in a cup or a glass, it smells and tastes differently. - It's kind of like how wine works, right? - If your nose is over the glass, you get more of the scent. - It's commonly know. - Commonly knowledge, right? - Somebody's gonna destroy me in the comments. He's wrong about everything. - It's okay. Nobody comes here for actual knowledge. - Cheers! To 2021. - Yes! - 2021. - Let's make it a good one. - Let's see how this tasting, Chris. If you've got shit taste. See if you got trash taste or not. (man laughing) - That's very smooth. - That goes down smoothly, yeah. - Felt like James Bond where they have to say the title of the Bond film every time. (man chuckling) - Have you guys ever had a New Year's, - Oh come off it. - Oh my god. - That is good! That costs like $12, that one. - $12! - He's being a baby. - That's expensive for sake, dude. These, some sake bottles are like four bucks. - No expense spared for you, Connor. - It tastes like a sour barrel. (men groaning) But thank you, Chris. - Is that cultural appropriation? - It's disrespectful to the sake. - Yeah, you're disrespectful to the people who made the sake. - You disgust me. (men laughing) Oh my god. - It's not bad. It's not bad. It's just it's, I don't really drink like, strong liquor. I'm a bit of a little bitch with that stuff. I won't lie. I'll do a shot reluctantly. But you know, when we go out to a cigar bar or whatever, - You got to a cigar bar? - Yeah. - Yeah, we wen to a cigar bar. - We gotta take you! - Oh my God, Chris. Come on. So we'll go and these boys will be like, we have to get whiskey cause we were civilized men, you know. And I'm like, I'll have the pinkest drink that you have. (man laughing) And I have no problem with doing that because I know what I like Chris. - Does the drink name have the word "bitch" in it? I'll have it. (man laughing) - Which one has glitter in it? Tell me then. - Have you brought out your own Trash Tastes sake yet? - No, no. - Oh my god. - Alcohol range. - Is that something you could hook up for us, Chris? Do you know a guy? - Can we make that a New Year's resolution for Trash Taste? Release a Trash Taste sake. - I wanna, - You could each like, make the drink. You could like choose what's in the sake or the beer. - Can we actually do that? - With each person, yeah! - Wait Chris, help us out. - With that sake brewery that I have now. - Wow! - In my imagination. - What we need, we need to do that for a special and have Chris be the chief taste tester. - I would be up for that. - You would be? Of course you would. - I would do that. - Okay, okay. - I've actually looked into like crafting my own beer and my on wine. And apparently it's illegal in Japan. Apparently, even though you can buy kits in Japan, but it's illegal to make it, but you can buy the kits. - Well, what the you do with the kits? You just prop it up on the shelf? My prized, sake building kit. - Well it's cause they have like, radios as well. Like when we did, we got walkie talkies. The laws in Japan were really strict with walkie talkies. Given that you can't use some frequencies. Half the shit on Amazon in Japan is like the illegal frequencies. And it's like, why are these being sold? What? - Dear god. Did you get like, police on it? - You could. You might accidentally get like the police like picking you up, you know? It'd be like, - Just get the FBI. - Pretty scary, wouldn't it? - You're on the other end of it. - Oh, Joey I can see your ass and then a police officer's like, starts talking shit to you. Oh my god. - I was trying to ask this earlier but have you guys ever had a New Year's resolution that you've actually kept to? Or like, have you guys actually had a New Year's resolution period? - I did actually have one to lose weight and I did actually lose weight that year. - How much? - Fuck you, Chris. (man laughing) - I'm kidding. Ah, I think I lost 8 kilograms that year. - Eight kilograms. - Wow. - That's pretty good. - Yeah, that's good. - Was that the year where you ate nothing but chicken and broccoli? - Yeah, yeah. I was a bit of a chonker, dude. (men laughing) I was a little bit of a chubby boy. - That's the thing though, you know, you were saying like, "Oh yeah, I want to lose weight." - Dude, look at my old videos, dude. I was chubby. - That's the thing, like I have old photos of you, and you're in some of my old videos as well. And back then, I was like, no, he's fine. It looks like a healthy weight. But then I look at you now. - Why are you laughing at my meals, Chris? - Just picture you there, with like chicken and broccoli every day. - Yeah, it was depressing. It was fucking awful. - Not again! - Yep. - 200 days. Day one hundred, chicken and broccoli. - I pretty much just, it was like, all right, the highlight of my day was the protein shake which was somewhat sweet. I was like, Oh, this is amazing. Ah, ah! - Did it have broccoli in it? - No, sadly. I would have my like, - It's just chicken and broccoli in a blender. - It would be like, white chocolate, protein shake and it would not taste like white chocolate. And then I would go home and be depressed and cook fucking chicken and broccoli for like the fifth time that week. (men laughing) - I just imagine you like in the supermarket and your trolley's just full of nothing but chicken and broccoli. - My roommate hated it because we would take turns cooking. Right? - Right. - So they would cook something. You know, if it was not very good for you, all right, fine. You know? But then I'd be like, guess what we're having tonight? (men laughing) Guess what I'm making tonight? - Who wants chicken and broccoli? - It's the Connor specialty. It's steamed chicken and broccoli. - Well, I think that should be your resolution this year, chicken and broccoli on a daily basis for the whole year. - To be fair. Not that difficult. Cause in the Family Mart you can get those chicken tikka breads. - So did you like, mix up the dish every day? Like one day was like chicken and broccoli in a curry, next day - No, it was just. - Oh my god. - So it's literally just chicken and broccoli. - It's literally just steamed chicken and broccoli. - I would boil the broccoli and I would chuck the chicken in the oven with with some like peri-peri like seasoning. And that was it. Every day. - Should make a Seadog VA cookbook. Just a chicken and broccoli cookbook. (men speaking together) - I mean like, okay, it's tough. Because at the time I think the problem is now is that I socialize. (men laughing) Because I think when you actually have friends that you go out with. Cause in the UK, you don't actually go out that much with your friends. Like I think, I think it's a bit of an event. - In the UK, it's more of like a weekend thing. Right? - Yeah, yeah. - Whereas moving to Japan, especially as YouTuber. - You do it in the week a lot. - Yeah. You go out during the week a lot, even if it's just going to go out for like a lunch or a dinner. - Yeah, I think I meet people for lunch or dinner at least three times a week now. And like, it's so hard to diet when you're going out and you're having lunches and you're, you know, cause normally when you have lunch on your own you might have a sandwich. When you go to a restaurant to have lunch, it's always, just, it's so fucking much. - Yeah. - Why have you got that face, Chris? - It's chicken and broccoli. (men laughing) - So if you don't socialize, it's really easy to just feed yourself fucking garbage and just like, cause you'd be like, all right, fucking chicken and broccoli again. - Yeah. And I mean, in the UK, you go out to me a mate and it's either a sesh or harder sesh or like a fucking disgusting sesh. - And you have like, the fucking giant curry, or a kebab. You know, and you fucking kill yourself. But if you're at home, you know it's really easy to just eat a lot of broccoli. (man laughing) - I could probably eat chicken and broccoli if it was peri-peri seasoning. Honestly like I, - Yeah because like when you said chicken and broccoli, I thought maybe like salt and pepper. - Yeah. Salt and pepper, yeah. Of course. Of course. - But it's like, peri-peri seasoning or like some kind of marinade then it's a little better. - Not much. I would buy this, like pre-packaged garbage and it would like, you would have to put it on the chicken before you cooked it. - Right. - And they would say like, in the picture, it looked like absolutely coated. But what would end up happening is, one splodge of this chicken would have a fuck ton of seasoning, and the rest of the chicken was bone dry. Cause I've just burned the shit out of it. - I got desperate the other day and I was like really missing, I was really missing, I was really missing Nandos. And I looked up if there was like anywhere you can import Nando's sauce. And it was like 50 quid for a bottle of Nando's sauce. - Fucking hell. - I was just like, (man sighs) and I clicked the buy button. (man laughing) And I've never felt so disappointed on myself that I've gone to the point where I've spent 50 quid to buy a bottle of Nando's sauce. - How much sauce are we talking? - It's like a medium bottle. So it's not even that big. I was just missing Nando's so much. I miss peri-peri, man! I miss my peri-peri chicken. - How much wealth is too much? - It'll be worth it when you plop it on your food. - Or plop it on your chicken and broccoli. - What's the Chris Broad diet then? If you're mocking my chicken and broccoli. Are you just fucking winging it? Just everyday you wake up, you're like fuck it, I might have a chicken tikka. - The only thing I can cook is omelets. So it's omelets. - That's it? - Or more omelets. - Wait so, what are you eating when you're dieting? - Omelets, isn't it? - Just omelets every meal? Are you like, Oh, it's five O'clock. You know what time that is. Another omelet. (men laughing) - You can mix it up though. You could have like cheese in it. You can have chicken. - You can't have cheese when you diet. (men laughing) - Chicken and broccoli omelet. - You shouldn't be having cheese when you're dieting, Chris. Come on. That's awful for you. Cheese? A protein! - So is chicken and broccoli. - You know what'd spice up an omelet? (men laughing) Chicken and broccoli. - Take the Trash Taste diet, ladies and gentlemen. Chicken and broccoli for a week. - You don't lose on chicken and broccoli, Chris. You just win. - You should try a chicken and broccoli omelet next. - Yeah. - Be my next video. - I also followed this strange YouTube guy that was like, it was apparently this soup that would make you lose weight. Cause it would have negative calories. - What? - But you would have like mad farts. - Was it water? - Well, essentially, yeah. Because you would put. - Okay, wait, wait, wait. How would you have negative calories? - So. The ingredients and it would actually make you like work. So like celery, for example. - Like celery, right. - It would have a lot of celery in it. So you would end up, it actually took more calories to, quote unquote, digest it than it was to eat it. - Really? - I would make this giant thing of it. And it was just a bunch of fucking vegetables. Like onions, cabbage. - How did it taste? - Like, fine. Because you would put like onion, onion soup powder in it and like a can of tinned tomatoes. So just take like a shitty minestrone soup. - Right. - But you would have like a giant, fucking bowl of this shit. And you're like, Oh my God. Oh my God. 20 minutes later, your stomach is still full. But you're like, I'm hungry. I'm so hungry. And you're full. But you're like, you're farting nonstop as well. It was awful. (man laughing) I couldn't stop farting. - That's where all the calories going. - And the comments on this video, were all about how people cannot stop farting eating this and about how it's causing problems. (men laughing) - That's what you use all the calories for. Like for the violent shits you'll be taking the next day. - Honestly, it was embarrassing. I was on like the train. Every time I managed to hold one in, 10 seconds later another one would claw its way out. (man laughing) I was like, should I just give up and start farting? Cause I was also trying to exercise as well. And there's nothing worse than needing to fart while you're running. How do you, cause when you're, - That's how you shart yourself. - Because when you're sitting down, you can kind of like, - You can gauge if there's a solid or not, right? - You can kind of maneuver it out, you know? You can kind like massage it out of your cheeks, but when you're running, it's like do I just let this boy come out at full speed? But then you realize the treadmill's so fucking loud that you're like, just fart away. No one's gonna care. - Disgrace. Disgraceful. - Fuck off! - The British gentlemen. - There's no way they'll hear. Cause I'm fucking, (man pounding on table) on the treadmill. (men laughing) - Well I've told you my New Year's resolution, but like you said, like, is there a resolution you can keep? The only way is to do like, become a better person. Keep it vague, right? And then you can decide the parameters on the fly. In then end you're like, oh I'm probably a better person now. - If it's at that point, you might as well just say, stay alive. - Yeah. - Become a better person. Eat food. I'm going to eat this. - Take a shit. (men laughing) - What your resolutions? - I never really like made resolutions cause like I used to when I was little because my entire family would. So, I was like, I guess I have to make one too. - Yeah. - But then, I don't think I've ever kept a resolution my entire life. I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm too over ambitious with my resolutions. - The most ambitious resolution you've ever saw. - Oh, I don't know. - YouTuber Edition. - Top ten ambitions. - My New Year's resolution this year is to do a video with Chris Broad on my channel. - Cheers to that. - But I don't know what the fuck to do with you, Chris. - Broccoli and chicken. (men laughing) Chicken and broccoli special. With an omelet. Abroad in a Pan, my spin-off channel. - Abroad in a Pan! (men laughing) - Master Chef, with Chris Broad. Who makes the best omelet. - You ever heard of omelets before? - It's gonna be great. My real resolution is to do a life-changing event this year. - What does that mean, Chris? - It's positive. Something good, something big. - What's positive? - Like a big, life-changing event. - What counts as a life changing event? - Yeah? - It sounds really bad. Like breaking my arm for fun, (man laughing) but I dunno, like, making something. Or doing a challenge. Like doing a really crazy challenge that is like amazing and wow. It's very vague, isn't it? - How bout, - Please help me with ideas in the comments. - How about a race across Japan? (men chuckling) - A journey across Japan. Race. Escape. - A race to Mount Fuji. - A race to Mount Fuji, again. I wanna do something really big, and really stupid and awesome, that will define me for the rest of my life. And that is my New Year's Resolution. - That's like a massive goal. Cause how would you define? - I was about to say don't be too overambitious - Talking about overambitious resolutions. - That sounds hella overambitious. - Why not, why not? I'm 31 this year. - I want Chris to have his own NHK show. I want Chris on TV, but I want your own TV show. I want your own TV show called Are You YouTuber. Where you interview different YouTubers. - I mean, yeah. - You should do that! Like a street interview thing. When you go up to like random foreigners in Japan and go, "Are you YouTuber?" (men laughing) - Oh God. I mean, yeah. - Have a second Ted Talk. - A second Ted Talk. - Yeah, how can you top that? (men speaking over each other) - That's my resolution. I wanna do a Ted Talk. - On what? - Anything. - Anything - Anime titties. - Yeah, anything. - I don't fucking know. - If the offer comes up and it's like, I don't care if it's like YouTube based, or anime based or I dunno, - I can just imagine it. Dear Joey, the University of Tokyo needs your help. We need anime-titty expert. (men laughing) For our centerpiece Ted Talk. - I mean, I've seen so many TEDx talks where I just like there's not a whole lot of like educational value. It's just fun. - The problem with Ted Talks generally is that they'll often propose a problem. Like, the world's gonna end and then they'll make you depressed. And then you're kind of waiting for a solution. Then they're like, "Good luck with that everyone." And then they'll walk off stage. It's like, you've told us the problem. Great. What's the solution? I feel like they don't do that enough in a lot of Ted Talks. - My favorite one is when they talk about something for like 20 minutes and they segue into the actual topic and there's like three minutes left. Those are my favorite Ted Talks. - Well, that's what I've noticed. Right, like a lot of Tedx talks are just kind of, let's get this person who's really passionate about something and just make them spew their passion for 15 to 20 minutes. - Spew their passion. - Well, I think Adam Savage did a really good one, right? About cosplay. - Yeah, his love letter to cosplay. - That was really good. - That one was really good. - I haven't seen that one. - Yeah. It's basically him just saying like, yeah, I've been to Comicons and comic conventions for the past, like 15 years. And I've always cosplayed at one of them. So apparently there was a, I forgot which one it was, but there was like, I think it was a New York Comicon or something, where he cosplayed as Noface from Spirited Away. And you know, in that one it's like a full-on costume. - Yeah. - Right. - And because the character doesn't talk, no one knew was him until after the convention when he said, "Yeah, that was me." - That's trippy. - And everyone was like, but I talked to you and took a photo with you! What! - That's pretty cool. - Didn't Bryan Cranston cosplay as Brian Cranston from Breaking Bad? Like no, no. - Did he actually? - No, no, he wore like a Bryan Cranston mask in like, one of the Comicons. - Yeah? - And, you know, wore like the Walter White's costume just walked around and no one knew it was Brian Cranston the entire time. - That' so awesome. - We gotta cook, Jesse. - It's like, wow, you don't really good impression. (men laughing) - Oh my gosh, dude. - That'd be cool. - I guess my New Year's resolution is to get a schedule for my uploads, I think. - Good one, good one. (men laughing) - You've been saying that for the past 10 years, I reckon. - As long as I've known Garnt there's been a, like mystical schedule somewhere that exists in the sky. - I mean, I can relate to you. What dictates your schedule? Cause my schedule used to be really chaotic. - Yeah, right now, like before, Okay. So there was my schedule before Trash Taste and then after Trash Taste. And before Trash Taste, there was less of a schedule, but at least I can guarantee, hey, I will make like at least two videos a month and it will come out. And now it's just, okay, I finished a video. Um, I don't know when the next video is going to be. And yeah, it's, I mean, my personal schedule this year, especially over for the last six months has been like way more chaotic compared to my entire, five-year career on like YouTube or whatever. - It's funny you managed to get a schedule for Trash Taste in six months and you've been doing your own channel for 13 years. (men laughing) You still can't get a schedule going. - It's weird talking to Joey and going and hanging out with them. And hearing how you can be ahead of the schedule and have videos planned out ahead. And I'm just like, what is this five ahead move that I've never heard of before? - I mean, like that would just fucking, that would freak me and stress me the fuck out. If I brought out a video and I had nothing. - Nothing else ready, yeah. - Welcome to my world, Joey. - Well, welcome to my world. - I dunno how you two do it. - Well, the pressure's on to make the videos count. - Do you not feel like though, like the moment, like you can't enjoy your weekend or whatever, cause sometimes you're just worrying about like, fuck. I haven't got the video done. - Yeah. A lot of the time. - Yeah. That is a big problem that I'm trying to solve. Like I see you guys on the weekends. I'm just like, whoa, these are the guys that are not stressed about making videos at all. - I try, try to, emphasis on try, try to take at least Saturday and Sunday, and maybe Sunday off. But I always try to at least take one day off. - Yeah. - Where I don't do something. But I normally always fail. - I always try and take at least like two days off. Like it doesn't have to be a weekend, just any two days within the week. Just a day where I'm just not working on a video, not planning anything, just chilling. Doing hobbies or whatever. - Maybe I should just change. - Otherwise I'd go, - I mean, just make simpler videos. Like me just reacting. - Chris reacting, reacting to Chris. - But here's the thing, it's like, at least my personal goal of 2021 of YouTube is to be like, a lot more ambitious in my videos. But the problem with more ambitious content. - Why you laughing? - What do you mean by ambitious? - As in like videos that take more preparation to like actually film and kind of construct, and you know, a lot more like narrative-based, I guess. That requires a little more preparation than just writing a script, or just flicking on a camera and starting to talk. Right? - Yeah. - But the problem is with that is that if I want to also maintain a schedule, which I would like to, then I also have to plan things way ahead of time as well. - Right. - So like, as of right now, I am like, about a month and a half ahead in terms of videos. - Oh god. You bastard. - Yeah, I know right? That's my exact reaction. Like, fuck you! - I've got the next video filmed, and I've got to edit it. - Yeah. - Then I've got like another two ready to go. But like, - Yeah. I've already filmed like, six videos. That's just waiting to get edited. - Aw, fuck. - Cause I think hanging out with you guys I've have realized I've just kind of normalized working every day. And then I've realized that's just not normal. - Yeah. - Right. - But the thing is, is that like I'm also working everyday but also, you know, making content for the anime main channel is not the only thing I do now. You know, I've like Trash Taste and I have like my other hobbies that I want to, you know. - You've been everywhere the last few months. - Yeah. - You've collabed with everyone and their mum over the last three months. - Pretty much. - I've seen, oh there's Joey again, oh it's Joey there. - Yeah. - Even in my videos, he's there! He's everywhere. It's mental. - Yeah, so many people were like, I think there was one week where you uploaded an episode of Journey Across Japan. And then I was, I also did a video on the same day as well. - Jacksepticeye, as well. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And people like, how was he at home filming with Jack, when he's on a road trip with Chris right now? - How could he do it? - How was he doing it? - I don't know. - Did he like go back home quickly and then like join up again with Chris afterwards? - Magic. - You're everywhere. - Interesting logistics. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I would like to get more collabs into my content. That's another New Year's resolution. I want to make one, I shift my content that's more friendly for collabs. Cause like, I don't think I've, I think I've done one collab in my life. And that's been pretty much if my entire time on YouTube. And that's just because my content doesn't really lends well for collabs because the only way I could collab if I could have like a guest reviewer. And like the, what I think when I see guest reviewer is like remember those old, that guy with the glasses? - I hate that. - Review clouds. Where it's just like, Hey here's an expert on the subject. And it would be like the most awkward, scripted joke to introduce them. - And then they're not as charismatic. And it's like, oh well. - I've made those videos back in my day. Where like, when I have more of like the scripted, like rant type of videos, I would always have like a friend of mine come in being like, "What are you doing here?" - Well, yeah! I've done that exact thing! - I'm here to talk about de de de! It's so not. (men laughing) - What was that? - That's what it was like. That's literally what it was like. - How did this man get a YouTube channel? How did he make you grow? That's what I wanna know. - It was like, it was the most like, unnatural, Guy Fieri-esque, like, I'm here now! Let's talk about whatever! - The worst parts, the worst ones were when it was scripted, as if you both didn't know you were going to be in this video. (man laughing) You know what I mean? - Yeah, it's the, whoa, what are you doing here? Type of things. You can make that funny. But when it's like a scripted type of like, discussion-based video, there is no natural way to write that in a script. - I've always found it awkward and cringey as fuck. - And that's why I stopped doing it cause I look back at those videos and I'm like, "Oh, that was a mistake." - Right. - Yeah. - I shouldn't have done that. - And I guess like, I've been in plenty of collabs this year and I kind of realized, ah, this is, this is kind of fun. I wanna do this stuff. - I'm the same. I don't really collab much. You were the first person I did a collab with on the original Journey Across Japan. - Oh yeah. And you got a bit of hate for it, if I remember. - Yeah. - Cause like, you know at first your viewers are like, who's this person in your videos? They've kind of broken into the world, right? They always feel like, - Especially when it's another YouTuber, right? - Yeah, another YouTuber. But this time there was nothing like that. Everyone loved you because it's been accepted. And I do quite like doing collabs now. It's quite fun. - You just have to find the balance of course. - You have to find the right people. - The right situation. Yeah. - Sometimes like you take a look at - Right, Chris. (men laughing) Sometimes, like, I've done so many collabs in my time where I've kind of figured out, like, just because you're friends with a particular YouTuber and just because you guys can, you know, supposedly talk about whatever in your off time, it doesn't necessarily mean that they can be in any video you want of any topic. - Yeah, and I typically wait until I've known that person like a year or two. - Yeah, exactly. - You've got another a year. - Fuck, Chris. I've got a calendar on my wall, just countdown to collab with Chris. - Maybe a New Year's resolution for 2022. (men laughing) - Your New Year's resolution for 2021 is get friendly with Chris. - You also, at the end of the day, it's kind of awkward, right? If like you bring a nonstop bunch of guests off, and what if they're just more entertaining than you? Like constantly, like every single guest. - But that's the other thing, right? That's the other thing. If you hang out with the person enough and that, you know, you especially work in the same field, you kind of get the idea of like, okay, this is their video, right? - Yeah. - Like you can't outshine. - It's like an unspoken etiquette. - Right. - You know what I mean? - Like, I'm not going to like, you know, cause I did my best to not, you know, fucking take too much of the spotlight way from Chris. Cause I'm like, - Don't take my spotlight. - Cause I'm like, this is, I understand this is Chris's channel. This is his show. - I know I was like that in your video when you did the capsule hotel. - Yeah, right? - The shipping container. I was just like, I'll just be the twat in the hammock. - You kind of follow their lead, right? Cause that they're going to do the over the top intro, or whatever. - Right. Right. So you kind of just have to learn that through experience. - Yeah, you just gotta be like, - Be supbserveant. - No, no. (men laughing) - Be the dog that you are. (men laughing) - I was gonna say be the supporting cast member. - Right, right. (men laughing) - That's a little more positive. - There we go. - Subserveant. - Be the pet! (men laughing) - The dog. Oh God. Oh God. - Know your place. - Yes, dear. (men laughing) - Yeah, I dunno. - Joey, get naked and in the bath now. We're doing a shot. (men laughing) And you're going to like it. - That's kind of like what it was. - What happened at the 1000 year old log, yeah. - Joey? Joey? - Where is he? - Oh god. - Yeah, I dunno. Like I also want to, (men laughing) I also wanna keep doing collabs as well, but, I kind of, again, - You're the collab king. - Yeah. - If I look at it. I look at, - Supposedly. - People I know who've done collaborations, you're like probably done it more than anyone. - Yeah. I mean, - The man who doesn't say no. - Right, I don't know. I just, I don't know. I just have like a, I feel there's like a totally different quality to doing a collab; regardless of what the content might be. - Right. - Yeah. - Like, in my opinion, if someone told me, okay, you can make a YouTube channel and you can have all these millions of subscribers with millions of views, but you can't collab with anyone. - Right. - I'd kinda be like, well, what's the point? - That's a fucking lie. (men laughing) Fuck off. (men laughing) - Because, like, legit, like if I were, if I did an entire year worth of content, If I did, - Why you laughing? - like legit, if I did an entire year worth of content, just by myself. - It wouldn't be fun. - It would be boring. - I would be like, it's not fun, but I'm still getting paid. Fuck it. I'll do it. - I'm gonna to be honest lads. The sake's hitting and I don't know why. - Gotta finish the bottle. - It's delicious. What could I say? - Come on. Fucking hell. - Nearly finished. - It's like drinking fucking paint cleaner straight from the barrel. - I bought this just for you, Connor. - No you didn't, Chris. - I'm gonna be personally offended. - You wanna be friends with Chris, right? (men arguing) - You probably bought too much, and you were like, fuck it. Let's unload one on the boys. - How dare you. (man laughing) How dare you, Connor. - I know you have the British mindset. I know how it is with gifts. Come on. It's a last minute thing. And you're like, ah, fuck it. - $12, Connor. (men laughing) - I'll pay you $12 to not bring it next time. - Send it back. - To get me something else. Get me a wine or something. - Okay. But then like, who saved like Garnt, Chris? Like who is like, other than the people you already know, who is a YouTuber that you would want to probably collab with the most? - Well, I mean, Chris, you have to say my name quickly. I mean, come on. (men laughing) I'm kidding. - That's a really difficult question. I don't. - Like is there, or like maybe not a particular person, but like is there a type of YouTuber you would like? - Susan Wojcicki, maybe? - Yeah. (men laughing) - Is it? - I don't fucking know. - Susan Wojcicki, or something like that. - Wojcicki? - Wojcicki. - Oh yeah. - What? YouTube's CEO. - Your best friend now. - Your best friend. - Your biggest fan. - Yeah, I saw that. I couldn't believe it. - That was really weird. - That was surreal, that. - I couldn't believe that either. And also YouTube, the actual official YouTube channel, commented on our video when we saw Mount Fuji, saying congratulations. - Oh, was that on our video? - I didn't even know YouTube had an official. - I though it was the Fukushima video that they commented on? - No, they commented on us. That was Susan. - Yeah, that was Susan. - But YouTube official channel when we saw Fuji, they were like, "Well done, lads." And I was like, is that someone particular? - Hell yeah! - YouTube has an official channel with 35 million subscribers. They wished us good luck. - God damn. - Thanks, YouTube. - Thank you, YouTube. - Now stop demonetizing my content, please. (men laughing) - Yeah, I don't know who I'd want to collab with. I feel like if I knew who I wanted to collab with, - You would've done it by now? - Yeah. (men laughing) - I need to figure out what content I would want to do first. Cause thing I hate the most is seeing collab content that's - Super forced. - Obviously collab. - Yeah, yeah. - Very forced collab content. - Desperate. - Looks like in your recent one, it makes sense to have someone else there to play off of. Right? Yeah, sorry. - I'm right here. - This guy. - You mean, Joseph? - Unfortunately. I refuse to say his name since he took my spot. (man laughing) Chris promised his spot for me and then Joey's came in and swooped it away. I couldn't believe it. The audacity. I'm kidding, by the way. - Oh, I fucked it good. - Oh you fucked it! - Oh, wow. - Uh oh. It's this wine bottle opener! This is the $1 fucking, wine bottle opener from Daiso. (men groaning) - We didn't need to drink that anyway. - That's the wine out the window. - It gives it a more, earthy texture. Anyway. - This is good wine, as well! I fucking picked this out. - I used to work at a castle and I did that an awful lot. When I was serving guests, I'd fuck it up. - You worked at a castle? - What's significant about the castle here? - Hold on a second. You worked at a castle? - Which castle? - Didn't I mention I served Prince Andrew and Elon Musk? - What? - Not in the same night! That'd be mental. But like, - What!? - How was, how is this the first I'm hearing of this? - Yeah. - This is the first time hearing of it for me. - Please explain. - It's not the sake talking. - Come on. - I worked at at castle and Elon Musk had his birthday. - Which castle? - I can't, I don't really wanna say. - Windsor? - Not Windsor, what does Windsor Castle mean? - I don't know. That's the only one I know. - Every town in the UK's got a castle somewhere. - There's like four next to where I grew up. - All right. - Yeah, Elon Musk had his birthday. And I had to bring out his rocket-shaped birthday cake and sing Happy Birthday, yeah. - Does he also have a Lightening McQueen bed at home? (men laughing) - Did he rock up with just the biggest blunt in his hand? - No, what? - Joey, what the fuck? - Well. Yeah, no, he did. He didn't. He didn't. (man laughing) No defamation here. - Oh? Oh? Oh? - Oh! Oh! Oh! - Oh no! It's breaking! - Grab it by the hand. - This is so tense. - So I did see Chris that there was a Japan Times article that heavily featured you. Which is discussing the reaction videos about Japan. - Yeah! - Was there a Japan Times article? - Yeah, there was a Japan Times article. - That was the first time I really heard about it. For some reason since September, there's been about 25 reaction videos from Abroad in Japan, from primarily Japanese YouTubers. And I didn't know that. I thought there's like two or three. Then I read the article on Japan Times. It's weird they felt that was a topic. - Right, right. - I'm great they did. Thank you, Japan Times. But it, they were like, it's becoming really popular. I think people are getting really interested in hearing what Japanese people think of foreigners living in Japan and kind of reacting to it. - But then, but then when you ask them, they're just like, oh, I don't fucking care. (man laughing) - Yeah, they're just like, they're there. - I think people want it to be a lot more interesting than that it actually is. - Yeah. And I've watched a few. - That's the thing, I'd be more inclined to hear what a Japanese person would think if they were actually giving, you know, an opinion. - Yeah. Right. - They're not. They're usually just like, mm, mm. - I mean, as someone who doesn't really understand why reaction videos are good, I found it quite difficult to grasp. And I've watched a few, and you know, cause they're Japanese, they're very nice, and kind, and polite. If they're British, they'd be like, "This guy's a prick. What's he talking?" - But I would argue that's more of an interesting content, right? Like at least you get to hear someone's opinion, whether it'd be positive or negative, rather than just, you know, like on the fence type of like, "Oh yes, yes. This is a video, indeed." - If someone watches your video and they're silent and they get a million views, there's something about that like, (man sighing) okay. - But one guy did do that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He's just going, (man sighing in agreement) (man laughing) Now it's just me saying something like, don't do this. - It's literally just a million people who came for anime reaction noises. - So like how many videos does your original video? I mean, how many- (men laughing) - How much sake have you had? - Let me rephrase that. How many views does your original video have? - So I don't actually know. I think it's like 10 million views? - It's ridiculous. - Wait, which, it's the 12 things, - Twelve Things Not to Do in Japan. I think it's got 10 million views. - Disgusting. - That is the one they have been reacting to most, I think. - Right? - Yeah. Cause I find that like, I have like a few select videos that people will react to as well. And for some reason, like all of them just blow up. Compared to like any of my other videos, they all like do amazingly well. So I feel like, you know, it's weird seeing someone react to your videos, especially if it's just hmm, okay. And it's, I dunno how, so I assume you've watched people react to your videos. - I've watched like two or three and they're all right. They're nice. They're great. Respectful. The one that I did, I think the most successful one, that's got millions of views. It's weird that someone's got millions of views, millions of views reacting to my video. That's kind of surreal. - How do you feel about them possibly making, you know, a few thousand dollars off of that? (man sighing) - I don't really mind, to be honest. I'm not that bothered. - I'm just curious. Cause every creator tends to have a different, - How would you feel about it? And you've probably had that. - I've had that. - I can't remember if I have. I don't think I have. But I think it would probably, I'm just clearly not interesting enough, Chris. Compared to your truly. - It's not chicken and broccoli. - I mean, it's, I guess (man sighs) I again, I wouldn't do anything but I might just like mutter. (man grumbling) I might be like, Oh (man coughing) I think if they're funny, I'll be like cracking. That's fantastic. But if they're just kinda like, like you said, just kind of, Hmm Hmm. - I did get a bit agitated. One of them, the main one, the guy that's got the most views, seemed like a nice bloke. He disagreed with my number one point on my What Not To Do in Japan list. - How dare he. - Number one point is don't walk down the street in Japan and eat and drink while you're walking. It's not like a law, right? You're not gonna get arrested for doing that. But people will be like, - It's just like social etiquette. - People will look at you and be like, what the fuck are they doing? - Yeah. - Like, cause in Japan, there's not that many, like, dust bins. - You never see anyone. - Or trash cans. (men laughing) Trash cans. In the street, right? And so you don't, you can't throw your stuff away. - It's true. - But like, - There's a reason why the streets of Japan are so clean. - They're very clean and people don't tend to eat and walk. But this guy was like, "Oh no, we do do that in Japan. In Osaka, you can do it." And it's like, Osaka's different. And in downtown Osaka, you can do it. Cause lots of stands, for like takoyaki. - Yeah, yeah. - Fried octopus balls. And there's kind of that, - Like street food culture. - It is. But it's only really in Osaka. There's not many other places that you can do that. Maybe Asaksa in Tokyo, but in North Japan, if you do that, people be like, bloody foreigner. Walking down the street with his McDonald's. - I will admit, I do do it when I'm in a bit of a rush. - You're breaking the rule. - Sometimes. Yeah, Chris. I'm breaking the law. What am I going, what you gonna do? - Disrespecting the culture, as always. - You're disrespecting the culture of Japan. - Sometimes I gotta be somewhere and I need fucking food and I haven't got time to sit here and give a shit about like standing in the Family Mart depressed and eating it. I'm gonna fucking walk and just shove it down my throat. What? Why are you laughing, Chris? It is how it is. - What you just described is something I do like every week. (men laughing) Family Mart chicken. - You see them there in the Family Mart, looking out the window like caged animals, like just wishing they could walk free and eat their chicken. (men laughing) But sadly they can't. - But yeah, I think that was the only point he disagreed with. And it made the video feel a bit redundant as a result. - Yeah, yeah. - It's almost like, oh, he's a foreigner in Japan his opinions aren't - Therefore, he doesn't know what he's talking about. - Right. - Yeah. - Maybe he's not good, cause he's not Japanese, you know? I'm sure that's not what they're going for. I don't wanna start any problems online. But I'm thinking of doing like a react video to the react videos, to the reaction videos. - Please do. - That would be amazing. - Those are always the funniest. - I've got a headache just saying it out load. But it would be like the Inception of reaction. I've got like 25 videos that I can go through. - You have to do it now cause you've said it. - Yeah. - That will get a million views as well. - Yeah. - Will it? - That'll get a lot of views. - What would like kill the video? - Chris Broad reacts to Chris Broad. - Japanese people reacting to Chris Broad. - That's the most confusing thing ever. - That's amazing cause you see that in your sub box and you're like, well I have to watch this. This is a fucking mess. - I think Felix did. I think Felix did that a while back where he did a PewDiePie reacts to, it was like, one of the Fine Bros episodes of them reacting to PewDiePie. - And then sometimes Fine Bros has even gone far enough as to show that and do like four levels of like. - Four levels of reactions. - Oh my god. - It's like a reply chain. Yeah. - For me, it's just like the lowest form of content. Isn't it? In some respects. (man scoffs) - Go for it. Go for it. - Every reaction channel's just, - Okay. What's the bottom of the barrel? Describe to me the bottom of the barrel content. - I'm not going down the barrel. - Why not, Chris? - Nothing against reaction videos, I watch a lot of reactions to like video games and things. But, I dunno. - Yeah. - When I looked - You mean LetsPlay? (men laughing) - You sound like a dad. - Some reaction to stuff is good, but I feel like it's very much like, as someone who spends way too much time trying to make the bloody videos, as you know. To see someone just watch my video and be like, "Oh, it was shit. It was good." (man grumbling) And they get a million views. It's like, ah, fuck's sake. Why do I bother? Why don't I do that? Maybe I should be a react, YouTuber? - And then you try it, and you're just like, I can't. - Drink sake, I'll be really bitter and angry, and I'll swear. It'll be brilliant. - That'd be hilarious to watch, personally. - Let's do it live. Let's do it now. Let's do it, no I'm joking. - Trash Taste reacts. - Reacts to Connor. - What? Why me? - Pole dancing away. (man laughing) - Did you like my pole dancing, Chris? - You three, such an interesting trio of characters. You've got Garnt who does these slickly produced videos. (men laughing) And then you've got Joey's he's at the forefront of attacking culture and anime. And it's just Connor's, like pole dancing and running house clubs. (Men laughing) - I love how you slipped into your Abroad in Japan voice there. - Yeah, yeah. - Right! You can tell, right? There's a difference. There's like a clear difference. - It only took one glass of sake. - I guess my channel is, throw shit at the wall and make it all stick. - Make it all stick. - Glue it back on if it falls off. (men laughing) - Three very diverse kind of characters, three diverse topics. - I mean, I feel like this year Trash Tastes is pretty much been the only big thing that's happened to me. - You mean last year. - Oh fuck, yeah. It's last year! - It's 2021. - We're not filming this in 2020. Sorry. This has being produced live, apparently. (man laughing) - Only hours after recording. - This man has four sips of sake and forgets the English language. - Look, I had a power salad, okay? I had a fucking power salad. - That's vodka, isn't it? Vodka. - Drink that. - I will drink it all, Chris. - We've all drunk the sake, yeah. - What is New Year's episode without the hosts getting belligerently drunk? You know what I mean? - What great introduction to 2021. It's just four, - I've not seen enough. - Moved Connor into drinking sake. - This turned in from a discussion to a fucking just, bar conversation of us just fucking shouting at each other. - Not gonna lie, I forgot half the time that the camera was rolling. - Do we even have a topic at this point? We're just chatting shit. We're just literally chatting shit. (men laughing) - This is the shittiest episode. Sorry, Chris. - Why have I come back here? - Do you have a topic? - No. - Fantastic. All right. - Why don't you like anime, Chris? What's up with that? - I've got nothing, I like, anime's great. - Why do you hate people who like anime? - The thing with anime is, I watch it and I go, that's good. (men laughing) - That's good. The same way a dad sees his son's hobby, who is like, that's fine. Dude, go ahead. - I watch it and I think, oh, anime's good, isn't it? But I don't know where to go from there. I don't know what's the next level. - So you're saying, if we give you a detailed guide on how to watch anime, you will then go ahead. - Isn't that what we were supposed to do in the first place? - Yeah, we were supposed to that. - No, no, no. We weren't. That was a bunch of bullshit. - What do you get from anime that you don't get from live action kind of films? - Sakura. (men laughing) Ever heard of that word? - No. - Why were you saying that shit to him? - What? - Cause that's, - Of course he's not gonna know what that word is! - The first thing I thought of! - Because. - That's like trying to explain what a VG is to your parents. - Oh yeah. That's true, that's true. - Because right, Japan has a few TV options, right? For example, they have, you know, this amazing anime with incredible animation, voice acting, really crazy plots or, or Chris you can watch, 24, the Japan remake. (men laughing) Did you know that's a thing? - Oh, I heard about it. - It's brand new. It's airing now. - Anime? - No, no, no. - An actual? - An actual, live action. They're completely remaking, but I think in that own plot, 24, but just Japan. - You know what it's called? It's called 24, Japan. - That doesn't really work though, does it? - No, no. - Not very self aware. - And it's pretty bad. - You've watched it? - Yeah, I watched an episode and it was as shit as you thought it could be. - Was it like really low budget? - Ah, - Did it have like a Japanese Jack Bauer? - Yeah. - Do they? - Yeah. - The entire cast is Japanese. - I just figured Jack Bauer personality doesn't really work with, - No, not in Japanese culture. - I just find Japanese TV is very low budget. Like Trash Taste probably has a bigger budget than Japanese TV, TV show. - I don't know about that. We haven't got a guy reacting. Can we have Chris's face from that camera? - That's why you hate react channels. Because that's most of like Japanese TV. - You need a react cam in the corner, right? - Absolutely. - Of just someone going. (man exclaiming) - I was watching, I was watching, who's that really famous comedy and also director guy in Japan? He's always on that billboard in Shibia. - Oh, uh, - Oh, Kitano Takeshi. - Yeah. - I saw him and he was on Japanese TV and he was reacting to this thing. And he was like LGBT stuff. (men groaning) I've never seen such minimal reaction in my life. He was like a bulldog, just like. And then it cut to a guy in an onsen giggling. And he's like (man laughing) And I was like, well, I think I know what he likes. I don't care for this nonsense. Get that off, you know? It was just funny. He was like why, there are like eight hosts and they refuse to take the camera off him. It was just, let's keep him. - I think Kitano Takeshi though is at the point where he has his standards. - He doesn't give a fuck. - As long as he's on the show, people, - It doesn't matter. Yeah, yeah. - It just doesn't matter. - Name brand at this point, right? - Yeah, it's just name brand. - Do you wanna explain to the audience who he is? - Okay, so Kitano Takeshi, or Beat Takeshi, as he's called - Takeshi's Castle. - Yeah, he's found the Takeshi's Castle. That's where the name comes from. But originally he was a Japanese comedian and he's basically the reason why the whole, (man gasps) Jesus Christ, you all right? - What are you doing? (men laughing) - I'm trying to talk about Beat Takeshi, you fuck! - Drink this up. Anyway. - Sorry, go ahead. - I mean, anyway, so yeah. Kitano Takeshi, he was like, he basically founded the whole Japanese comedy scene back in the seventies. And he's the big reason why - Wait, there was no comedy before him? - Not in Tokyo. - Really? No jokes allowed. - No. So in the, the whole like - He invented comedy. - Like, what? (men laughing) - Let me explain, let me explain. Okay, so the whole idea of manzai stand up comedy, which is a very like Japanese form of standup comedy, where it's like, you know, one light in the middle. (men giggling) - What are you laughing about? He's fucking giggling at everything. - Just shut up for a second. - Continue the story. - So basically like the whole it's called manzai, which is like, there's usually one mic in the middle and two people standing in front of the one mic, you know, doing a whole comedy routine. And that was really big Osaka or like in Kansai region. - That's stand up comedy. - Well, yeah, it's a little bit different than just stand up comedy, cause a lot of standup comedy, at least in the West, is usually like one person. _ Yeah. - Right? Like it's just one person kind of telling an anecdote and then throwing a joke within the anecdote. Right? Like that's a very general standup comedy. But manzai is kind of like that, but if you split the anecdote and the jokes into two different people. So basically there's one guy who sets up the joke and then there's one guy, - I've seen this. - who throws the punchline. And then the guy who sets up the joke, reacts to the joke. And it's that whole dynamic. - Is it like two-person, rakugo? - Essentially, yeah. So like, rakugo is more similar to Western standup comedy in that sense. Cause rakugo is all about like telling an anecdote and then throwing in a punchline at the end. - Rakugo just seems like standup comedy, hard mode. Cause like, imagine stand up comedy but you have to sit in this one place, and you can't move, and you have limited body movements. - Right. Exactly. But like rakugo is like, so fucking ancient in Japan. It's been doing it since like, I don't even know how long, but it's a very, very old form of comedy. But basically the whole manzai type of comedy really originally started in like the fifties and sixties. - Why is he laughing? - Yeah, why are you laughing? (men laughing) - You just love rakugo that much, huh? But basically, that was only really a scene that existed in Osaka. And that's why like a lot of comedians, - They're all from Osaka. - They're all from Osaka. - I have noticed that. - And they all speak in kansai dialect, right? But Beat Takeshi and his group, he was in a duet called Subito and he was basically the first like really big manzai act to make it big in the Tokyo scene. And it was because of his success that manzai moved to Tokyo, as well, and like the Tokyo area. So that's why he's kind of just known as like, a legend. - The godfather. - Yeah, he's basically the godfather of like Tokyo manzai scene. - But he's also a very good director and actor. Have you seen Hana-Bi Fireworks? - Yeah, yeah. - They put him in Ghost In the Shell movie. - The dude's done everything. Like he like paints, he directs, he's like, developed his own game once. - Was he in the original Battle Royale as well? - Yes. Oh, yes. - Of course. - That was one of his biggest roles, yeah. He's pretty good in that. - He's really good in that. He's a great actor. Yeah. He's a very good actor. - Well fuck me while I'm just eating chicken and broccoli every night, not achieving anything. Fuck. - Where's you manzai? - Yeah, where's my manzai? - I didn't realize he was a comedian. - Yeah. He was originally a comedian. - Cause I only know him as like an actor-director. - It's quite weird because he's this comedian, but he's also this incredibly stoic, very hard, tough character in every film. He's very like, not expression. - I can't imagine him being a comedian because in every film he's played, he's like super serious, super hard. - Right, right, right. - Like you watch, you watch some like old, seventies footage of him while he was still in Subito and he's just the most, he was actually the guy who was like responsible for like telling the part of the joke. So he was always the like, kind of a clown on the show, right? So it's really weird now watching like Ghost In The Shell, watching this like, hard faced, serious, like, yes, I am the badass in this movie. Just fucking go around and be like, (man exclaiming) I'm the clown! It's just, I don't know. I find it really cool. - Did you like the movie? - Hmm, like's a strong word. (men laughing) Okay, okay. - I thought it was fucking shit. - Okay, - What movie were you talking about? - Ghost In The Shell. - Ghost In The Shell, live action. - Okay. - I liked it if it wasn't a Ghost In The Shell movie. - Right. - Why is it shit, Chris? - So boring. (mean speaking over each other) - That's what I'm saying, as a Ghost In The Shell movie, it was really bad. But as just a standalone, like scifi movie, it was okay. - Hmm. - I thought it was, I literally walked out of the theater. - Really? - Yeah. Because. - Did you? - Yeah. - That's very un-British of you. (man laughing) - Because you got bored? - I was just so bored. - I was really bored. - It wasn't, - I haven't watched it, by the way. - It wasn't good. It obviously wasn't good, but it wasn't offensively bad either. - So what's the premise of the film, by the way? For like, cause I have no fucking clue. I know Ghost In The Shell, but I haven't - It's basically the first movie, but with a bit of a twist. - What'd you know about Ghost In The Shell? - I've watched all of the standalone complex. - Okay. So you basically know the best parts of Ghost In The Shell. - Okay. - Don't worry about the movie. It's just a rehash. - Take standalone complex, smash it into two hours and take away all the interesting things. - Okay, and you walked out? - Huh? - You walked out of that? - Yeah. - Fuck. - Well, how far in were you when you walked out? - I was like, - Did you get to like, the first fight scene? Like with the invisible guy? - Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I got like 45 minutes in before I realized I'm like, I'm about to fall asleep now. And I could be doing better things. - Yeah, that was probably, the first forty-five minutes was probably the best part of the movie. Like, visually speaking. - The seats are comfortable though. (men laughing) - The second half, the way that the movie just ended, where they were just kind of throwing in the whole cultural thing was just bullshit. - I don't feel Scarlet Johansson was very well cast. - No, No. - Great actress, but like not for that role. - I really respect Scarlet Johansson as an actress, but she just really, she, it felt like she didn't care at all. - There was like no acting. Like no one really gave a shit. - It's like, I get you're supposed to be a cyborg, but you know, put a little more effort in, you know? - She did that a bit too well. (man laughing) It's the director went, "So you're a robot right now." And she's like, "Say no more. I got it." (men laughing) - Computing. I understand. - Yeah, I don't remember much about that movie which is, - I've only walked out of one movie. In the cinemas. And that was a Dragonball Evolution. - See, - You watched in cinemas? - I would not walk out of that movie. I would be like, I would be having a great time watching Dragonball Evolution. - I thought so too. Cause I watched the trailer and I was like, God, this looks like shit. I'm gonna go watch it. And then it was so much more boring than I thought. It wasn't even like, it wasn't like the so bad that it was good level. It was just really bad. - Really? I thought it was fucking hilarious. - Oh no, I couldn't. - I think it's hilarious. Wait, Chris, if you walked out of a movie theater? I've never walked out of a movie. - Hmm. - I mean, this is the only one. - There was one where I just stopped caring. Really bad, about like very close. - Well that's life in general. - Downsizing with Matt Damon. - Oh my god, Matt Damon. That's a terrible film. That is an airplane movie. - I couldn't work out what was going on. If it was a comedy, if it was a drama, it was just all over the place. - I never heard of it. - But like, how many times have you been to the cinema by yourself? - A lot. I used to go all the time. Yeah. I used to go like once a week in London. - Cause like, if you're seeing a film with mates like, - You can't. - You're there. For better or worse, even if your mates drag you to this shitty, fucking, Adam Sandler comedy, like, whatever. - Yeah. I mean, okay. One, I would watch the shitty, Adam Sandler movie but I mean, if I've planned to do it, it's normally in the evening. And I want to admit that my evening was tarnished by this film. Cause I'm still gonna enjoy the popcorn no matter what, right?. - Right. - Like, and maybe I get a little nap in as well. I text a few of my mates, tell them about it. (men laughing) Text Chris, being like, when we collabing? This film sucks dude. - I dunno. Like I rarely go to cinemas anyways, so, - Why? I love cinemas. - I love them. - Yeah. - It's just something nice and relaxing. And when you, - Especially in Japan. Like in the UK people just throw popcorn and it's a fucking mess. - That sounds horrible. - Popcorn's so good in japan as well. - There's rarely films that I think, yeah, I need to go see this now. - No, I don't think that with any of the films I watch. I just think like I want to go to the cinema cause I want the popcorn. - You just want the experience. - You just want the popcorn. And I liked the experience. I like sitting down, relaxing. - Did you watch Tenant? - I did. - I really wanna watch that. - I liked it. - I haven't seen it, no. - It was all right. Nothing - Well, I mean it's - overly special. - Considering there's nothing out right now, I thought it was nice to watch something. - What about the Demon Slayer movie? - I'm not watching the Demon Slayer. I don't understand it. - If I understood Japanese, then I would go to the cinema so much more often. - Right. - Because I love watching anime movies cause I'm actually invested in the movies. - They have tons of foreign films there. - So this is gonna be the worst transition in the world cause we were just talking about films, but off camera, - Hold up, hold up. Wait, wait. First of all, before we transitioned into that we should finish talking about Tenant or some shit. - Tenant. It's all right. 7 out of 10 No, no. - Done! - So Chris just told us how he ate a bear last week. - I wasn't like walking through the forest and went, "Oh there's a bear. I'll get my knife and fork out and eat it." In Aumori, in North Japan, they eat bears. Cause there's too many of them. - Do they actually? - Yeah, there's too many bears. - I've eaten bear before. - How was it? - What does it taste like? - Not good. - A part of me feels sad, but then why would I feel sad about a bear and not other animals that we kill? - I dunno. I don't know about you, but you did you have it as like a proper dish? - I cooked. Yeah. I cooked it on a grill. - Oh, cause I had it in a can. (man laughing) - That sounds unbearable. Unbearable. - Canned bear. - Wait, wait. Is it just very gamey? - It's very, - It's very fatty. - It's firm. It's like beef that's hard. - I like how you make the word firm sound so disgusting. - It's like beef that's very hard. - It's like chewing on leather, essentially. - In a can? Where did you get this from? - You can get them in the supermarket. - What? - Yeah. I mean you underestimate like how many different types of meats you can get in cans today. - It was also like, I was in Hakuate they were just selling whale. - Yeah. - In like a can. And that's very controversial. Obviously. - You can get like dolphin in a can. - It's sad though isn't it, cause on one half, you don't wanna be like, hey Japan, stop doing that cause it's, you know, it's your culture. But on the other half, please stop killing whales. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Well on the subject, - And dolphins. - On the subject of bears, there's a lot of bloody bears that run wild and go into towns. Especially at the moment cause a lot of the rural population is going down and towns are actually becoming quite empty, especially in places like Tohoku, and bears are like, of there's nobody there. I'm going to get in. I'm to get a piece of the action. Then the hunters come and shoot them. They're like, well we could just leave it for dead, or we could eat it. - Yeah, yeah. - And then they sell it. - I think I saw a piece of news the other day where it's like, I think this year there was like the most amount of bear attacks in like the last like 10, 15 years or something. - But in Hokkaido they have brown bears. On the main land, we've just only got black bears. Which are kind of small. They only eat like, - People. (men laughing) - They only eat vegetables. - Carnivorous bastards they are, those bears. - Broccoli. (men laughing) - But the brown bears on Hokkaido they'll just fucking eat human. - When I was driving, I saw a bunch of signs. - You didn't see any bears. - No, I didn't see any, but there was signs everywhere saying, "bears". - Like a few years ago, there were like 20 people camping on Hokkaido and a bear just turned up and ate everyone. - Everyone! - Everyone. They all died. - The bear had a fucking feast. - Lucky bear. - How does a bear kill? - How do you defend yourself from a bear attack in Japan? Cause at least in like America, people can carry guns. - Bear spray. (men laughing) - That's a thing! That's a thing! - Does that work? Does it work? Does anyone know. - It's like pepper spray for bears. - But I think by the time the bear gets that close, you're already kind of fucked, aren't you? - Yeah. - The bear's gonna be like, oh I've got my spray. The bear's gonna be like, fuck off. - But if the bear hits you, you're dead. - Not necessarily. - Not if Chris is there. Chris Broad. (man laughing) - I read an article that there was a bear turned up on an orchard in Elmore. There was lots of apples. And they were like, just doing the orchard, you know, like you do. Like a farmer. And the bear just turned up. And was like, rawr! And this old man just went (man making punch sound) and just punched it in the face. The bear was like, shit. And it just ran away. (men laughing) - What a badass. - You've gotta defend yourself against a bear. Just punch it in the face. - Where is Chris Broad punching a bear video? - I want to raise the level this year. I did say. (men laughing) - That would be a life-changing experience. - I defended myself from a bear. - I like bears. And you know, they're nice. - I mean, cause obviously, you know, too, I think it's hard because I think a lot of audiences would see that and would be a bit put off. And it's kind of hard to I guess, there are a lot of things like that where it's like, you do want to kind of be like, well, this is what they do. And this is how they've always done it. I guess it's almost like, who are you to say they can't do it? But at times again, it's like the whale stuff, right? (man sighing) It's pretty iffy. It's a very difficult subject. - Definitely Yeah. - I had whale once to know to never have whale again. It doesn't even taste good. - No. - It's just cruel, isn't it? Have you seen the videos of them? - And I felt so fucking, I was like, well you know, I was served it and ate it and was like, what was that? And they were like, oh it was whale. Oh, that's why it tasted like crap. - Feel very sad now. - I ate it knowing what it was, and I was just like, I don't even like the flavor. So I can't even get behind it anyway. - What is it, like, most countries have agreed to stop it and Japan's just like, hmm. - Japan's just like, but it's a traditional food. - It's not that popular in Japan. The reason it still does well is the politicians in power their areas, fish for whale. So they kind of have to get voted. It's all rather political. It's not because people actually enjoy the taste of whale. - A lot of the older generation do like it still. Cause of them like grew up eating it. - It was after World War Two it was a lot of whales. - Is that the same thing with dolphins? - I would assume so. - Do they eat dolphins in Japan? - No. Only in that little neighborhood, Taji. - So sad. They're such happy creatures, aren't they? - Yeah. I know, right? - Aw. - Japan eats a lot of weird food. - Yeah. - It does feel like they're just, you know, they just go through like the fucking Little Mermaid and just like, I'll have that. - But I think, most people, I don't think I've met anyone who's eaten dolphin before in Japan. - I've never eaten dolphin, but I've seen it being sold. - Which is why when that documentary came out, what was it called? - The Cove. - The Cove. - The Cove. - Japan got loads of hate. - Yeah. - Most Japanese people were like, oh, we don't even know, we don't eat dolphin. What? And they were surprised, as well when it all got really bad. - You never see it in Tokyo. - That little fishing community in Wakaima. - I've seen it being sold before, but I've never known anyone who's actually eaten it, let alone enjoyed it. - It's very easy to lump a country together unfortunately. I mean, Japan is quite huge. And all the different prefectures do feel really different to each other. - Yeah. - Absolutely. - They all have like, their own, special theme. - Right, right, right. - You go to every different prefecture and you're like, what's the specialty here? And I, like living in Japan, I kind of like understand gift culture a bit more here because like everywhere you travel to there's something unique about. - Famous for its wine. - Yeah, exactly. There's something unique about every place you go to. And I don't know if they've just like five-headed like, the tourists kind of gift. - I'm pretty sure they have, yeah. - But you know, it feels good to like come back from a place and actually have a souvenir that's unique to that place. - You can only get it in that prefecture. - You know because, we've all been to like this kind of country or this place where you like you feel like you have to get a souvenir just to get a souvenir. And you get like the most tacky, little fucking key chain or something like that. - Would you like a fridge magnet? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. - I do you feel like in the UK, I don't know, did you ever do souvenirs? I never fucking brought souvenirs back. But I feel obliged to here. - Rock candy. - Yeah, rock candy. Oh my god. - Rock candy? - In North UK, in Wales has a lot of rock candy. - Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Same thing in Brighton. We have a Brighton rock. - It's near beaches. They have it. - Like the chocolates that look like rocks. - No, no, no. - If you wanna fuck up your teeth, it is amazing. - It's like just this sugar. Like it has the like, I guess the structure of rock. But it's just sugar and you just fucking. - It just sounds like a lump of sugar. - It is literally. - And that's why a lot of British people don't have teeth. (men laughing) - That's why like, compared to other places, tourism in the UK, like within the UK, - Is so shit. - Is just like, non-existent. - It's fucking Butlins. That's all it is. - Like, you go to one city and it's like, okay, here's a city. And then you go to another city, it's exactly the fucking same. - I want to visit every Wetherspoons in the UK. - Like what you gonna do at the sea? Oh, let's go to the pub. Well, what are you going to do in Newcastle? Oh, let's go to the pub. What are you're gonna do in Liverpool? Oh, let's go to the pub. You know, it's, it's - All right, to be fair, that's me in Japan. - But I mean, Japan has a really strong tourism industry cause people don't want to travel overseas a lot of the time. - Yeah. - True. - Quite a lot of population in Japan don't actually have passports. And they don't have much time for holiday. Holiday leave's really bad here. - It's all the work culture shit, right? - People don't have much choice. They do want to stay. They just stay here and they travel the country. So domestic tourism in Japan is really big business. Each place has their own unique thing. So you can sort of cross the border and be like, wow it's really different in the next kind of prefecture. - I did notice when I stayed in the roikon that I parked and there was tons of cars. I stayed two nights. - Right. - But when I went there, every single car in this car park had left. So clearly everyone was only staying one night. Which was odd. - Most people only stay one night. - I've noticed that they stay one night and then they're like, done. But I was like, no I want multiple days of this. You're kidding me? - Well, it's probably because like a lot of them, you know, with the whole work culture thing, they're just can't. - Right? You can't take. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Having more than two days off is like a luxury, right? - I think I read a statistic that most people in Japan only take half their holiday leave. Out of 20 days, they only take 10. - It's crazy. - Yeah. - Why is that, do you reckon? - Pressure. Cause your boss, your boss would be like, you've abandoned the team. How dare you? It's pretty. - What then does, - When I was teacher, it was pretty, it could be quite stressful taking holiday leave. - Right, right. - Even more ridiculous, one time I took like three days off. And they're like, okay. I have to get it signed by a supervisor. And then the headmaster, the headmaster's mum, they all have to sign it. And then I decided actually I don't need that holiday. I'll just stay. And they got really angry. They were like, what? You wanna stay now? Don't do this again. You're not allowed to do that. And like, they really angry. - Really? - I didn't really know why. - How dare you come back and wanna work. - Like it was really surreal. - How dare you like your job? - I don't know why. Maybe it's because they had to get teachers to look at, to like, do my job for me. And they had to do sort of things, but I dunno, but like taking holiday in Japan is not fun. And you're lucky you work for Trash Taste as a result. You are your own bosses. - We don't work, - We don't work for Trash Taste. - We are Trash Taste. - We are Trash Taste. - We are the system! (man laughing) - That'd be a good T-shirt, we are Trash Taste. - We are Trash Taste. - I'm wearing the Trash Taste t-shirt. - Cause I can remember working in the UK, I mean you feel pressure to take all your holiday. They like, kinda like, if you have any holiday days left over, then that's like, well, you can take that. That's just free time off. Why are you not taking it? But in here, it's like the complete opposite. And I'm not sure if it's the same in other Asian countries. I feel like it would be less of a pressure than it is in Japan. Because work culture in Japan is. - It's just seen as letting down your team. And if you do take a holiday leave, you're less likely to, you know, get that promotion. - Yeah. - You know? If you two worked for my company and you decide to take all your holiday leave, like you can legally be entitled to. But you don't, I'll be like, ah, I'll go with Garnt. Let's promote Garnt. Cause Connor fucked off to Hokkaido and ate some crabs. - Didn't somebody, like a famous politician got like, it was like newsworthy that he took maternity leave, a man. - Yeah, yeah. - Like it was newsworthy that the man took a week off. - Yeah, yeah. He took his paternity leave. - Really? - Yeah. The man took his entitled, one week off, and it was literally a country news. - And he was allowed to. But again, - Totally allowed to. - Most people don't in Japan. - Especially for maternity, I think they think that that's the mother's job, right? - Yeah. - That's the thing. I feel Japan, in a lot of sense, is like the societal law, like almost exceeds the actual law. You know what I mean? - It's like five steps forward in technology. And then their culture is like, hold up. - It's like 50 steps backwards. - Hold up. Here's a fax machine. - Yeah. - That's what I always say to people coming to Japan to work, be careful where you work. Foreign companies operating in Japan don't usually have days off. Unpleasant rules and parameters. So that's always a bonus, but like be careful where you work. Cause I know a lot of people that work in jobs they don't get any free time. They're expected to go out and drink a lot after work. There's no border between free time and work time. - God, it's hard drinking all the time, isn't it Chris? - Drinking sake! - That was $12, Connor. - I bet Chris is just like, "Oh, another night out. Really? Oh, I guess so!" - Cause in Japan, do you have to like drink to show respect? - No, it's kind of, after a few drinks your boss will like open up and talk to you about things that they wouldn't normally do when they're sober in the office. - Right. - Even as a, you know, working in a school, my teachers I worked with would open up massively after one drink. They wouldn't even be drunk. It was almost like having alcohol would initiate being able to be open. - It's like being in that environment, opens them up. - And I had teaching colleagues who would just be like, "I hate that colleague." I hate X, Y, Z. - Wow, really? - I fucking hate them. - And I'd be like, oh, okay. - All right. - After about two beers. - Maybe we shouldn't have had a drink. - The flood gates opened. It's quite a fascinating thing to experience. - I love two hours in with finally starting to sound like an actual podcast. Before it was - Just like blabbering idiots. I still keep laughing intermittently because seeing Connor die every time he takes a sip of sake is just fucking hilarious to me. - Let's do it together. - Do what together? - Come on, drink the whole thing. - I've got a lot more left. - This is my second glass, Connor. - Fuck off. Look at that. - This is my second glass. - Are you trying to get me drunk, Chris? - It's because you've been having fucking, baby bird sips of that shit. - So fuck, I, cheer Chris. - Cheers. - Thank you for this beautiful drink and beverage. I'm hope I don't throw up. - To Seadog VA. - Oh, he's actually downing it. Okay. - You know what, I love the fact that this is gonna be more edited that our henti video. - Yeah right? (man laughing) - That's so disgusting. (man laughing) - Never shot sake. It's not designed for that. - Sesh, sesh, sesh. (man yelling) - Come on. - It's in the same glass as well. It's contaminated with the shit that you bought. - Wine and sake. - Chris made me down this disgusting abomination. - That is the finest sake. - This is, I bet this is the Carlsberg of sake. Like I bet this is, if you don't know, Carlsberg is fucking god awful beer. - God awful beer. - Have you noticed that in Japan sometimes they'll have Carlsberg or Carling and they'll be like, "foreign beer." And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. I know that's - Foreign, dirt water. - Yeah, basically. - They'll be like, it's called Miller Light. It's an exquisite foreign beer, you know? You're like, no, no, no, I know what this is. - This is the good stuff. - Fuck off this is the good stuff. - This is the finest sake. - Fuck off. - But then again, right? Like again, as we were saying Connor's not a sake drinker, in the same way that he's not a whiskey drinker. - Well, you've got wine now. - I used to be. I used to be. - White wine from Yamanashi. - You know, when I first came to Japan I desperately wanted to be that guy who was like, I love everything Japan. I'm a concessioner of Japan. I'm obsessed with sake. - Press X to doubt. He was never fucking like that. (man laughing) - No. - That was like, I can't believe he just looked at my face and lied like that. - No, no, no. Okay. When I wasn't with you, when I'd go to a bar and they asked, What drink do you want? I'd be like, "Sake. Of course." - Oh yeah. Every time he wasn't with us, of course. - Yeah, because I knew that you would call me out on that shit. If I go to a bar and I'm like, - But then when Connor's there he's just like Miller Light, please. - Yeah, yeah. When I'm actually like with you guys, I'm like, beer please. But, cause I don't want to be called out. Like if I'm with like, everyone, right? And everyone orders beer and one person who's on their first vacation to Japan goes, "I'll have a sake actually." I'd be like, fuck off! Fuck off! You're just getting too into the Japan atmosphere. But it tastes like shit. (man laughing) - Oh dear. - There's a reason why a bottle of sake never costs more than $20. - Okay, here's the thing I've noticed very quickly about sake that I've noticed about just regular wine, is that I hate fucking hate sake normally, but if I have it with a good meal, and like a meal that fits the sake. - I disagree. - Then I fucking love it. - We've got no meal though. - Yeah. That's why it took me a little longer than usual to down that sake. - What got me to like wine, was having my first red wine with a nice, - Okay, to be honest, to be honest, wine goes fantastically with meals. I agree. It's not, - So does sake! - No, it's - Yeah. - No, it's not, wine isn't too strong where like, it's overpowering. Sake is like, when you have your steak wherever, and you have a sake, it's like, great. Now, I've just fucking, - Who the fuck drinks sake with their steak? - What do you eat it with? - It's usually fish. - Oh you have fish, right? Whatever the fuck. I don't give a shit. Same thing. - There's a reason why they serve a lot of sake at like sushi restaurants. - Yeah, but when you have it, you have this fucking fish. - Raging debate. Garnt and I are like, you have the debate. - Chris, help me out here Chris! - Chris, cause this is what happens when we talk about food on the podcast, okay? - We always have the most heated debates about food. - Whenever food's brought up we turn into a bunch of fucking apes, I swear to god. - I, like when people drink like hard liquor with a meal or something, I'm like, you have, you are immediately just like, absolutely bombing your mouth. - Sake's not hard liqueur. It's a wine. - It's like 20%. - It's rice wine. - It's 20%, man. - So is wine. - Chris, what are your opinions as the adjudicator of this argument? - Help me. (men laughing) Get me out of here viewers. - Dude, red wine is 15 to 20%. Sake is 15- - 15-20% Name a 20% wine, Joey. - You think I'm a fucking wine sommelier? - There is no wine that is 20%. That is, I've never seen that. - I have seen that. - There's probably a wine that is. (men arguing) - They're 12, they're 12. - It's rare. - Come one. - But no, I like, I much prefer wine over sake. - I feel like 12 to 15% is the perfect zone. Anything above that starts to get like, tastes like vodka, right? - Mm. - And sake, - Wait, how much was that? - 18%. But that's still tastes like a hard alcohol, right? - No. It doesn't burn. - Did you lie? - It doesn't burn. - Did you fucking lie? - What, did that burn for you? - Yes. - 18% - 18% - Like Chris said. - That's not vodka. Vodka's 37.5. - Yeah, but the about this is, I can't distinguish the difference between that and vodka. - That is why you fail. - What are you on? - No, no, no. - What's wrong with, - No, Joey. - I was partly on your side until you had the audacity to say that. For someone who loves food so much, you can barely taste the difference between vodka and wine? - No. What I think is, that is strong enough where it's in the same category as a vodka tasting. - No! - No! - Vodka makes me wanna die more. Hundred percent. But, sake does still have the same kind of quality of like, I drink it and I'm like, (man hurls in disgust) Immediately. (men laughing) Where as a wine, I'm like, I drink it, and I'm like, Ooh! Oh! - I can't believe what I'm hearing. - Fuck off, chicken and broccoli. - We get it, you're Japanese. Okay? You're offended. (men arguing) Go eat some fucking whale! (men laughing) - All that chicken and broccoli's fucked your taste buds. (men laughing) Seriously. Sake on the same level as vodka. You disgust me. - Listen, they both taste like shit - I mean, I'm not gonna fucking down a vodka on the rocks. - I love how we've gotten two hours into this, we just drank a ton of sake, unwillingly. And now it's a mess of a podcast. Thank you, Chris. - I think if you watch this episode with a bit of, bit of sake, some chicken and broccoli. It will be the best, 4D experience you could possibly have! (group exclaiming) - Now that we're on the topic of alcohol. - Alcohol. Fine. - Okay. Your least favorite alcohol. - Vodka. - Is it all on the same level? Because anything above 20% is the fucking same to you then? - Honestly, anything like in vodka, tequila, whiskey. - Gin. - Okay gin I actually like. Gin I actually like. - This man contradicts himself! I want to be like Phoenix Right right now. Be like, objection! There is a contradiction in your statement, sir. - Gin actually tastes nice. Now, I'm not saying that, no, I'm not saying that because I'm British and that's our cultural export. - Wait, wait, wait. Are we talking like just gin on its own? Or like a gin and tonic? - A gin and tonic. - Okay, gin and tonic is on a different level. - Gin and tonic. - Who? Name one person who drinks gin, fuck, gin straight. - No one. - No one! Exactly. Because you don't hear it like, when you have vodka and Coke, what do you think? I think depressing university days. Like I'm desperate to get drunk. Yeah. Right Chris? Yeah, exactly. - Never. - When is the last time you had a vodka and Coke, Chris? - I've vodka tonic every week. - Are you okay, Chris? Are you okay? - No, I'm depressed. We've established this by now. - Okay, a whiskey? A whiskey you have straight, right? You're never like, okay whiskey and Coke sounds like an abomination, right? - No, whiskey and Coke's great. - Whiskey and coke's all right. But I mean like I rarely drink whiskey. Whiskey is more of a mood setter. Whiskey is there for like, - Yeah, you don't wanna get drunk on whiskey. - No, no. - No. - I like, if people would get drunk on whiskey are drinking whiskey way too fast for me to keep up. - Whiskey's kinda a drink that you just kind of like, it warms you up. - But either way, I don't care for it, right? - It's like a nightcap. Basically. - We all know the superior drink is an espresso martini, gentlemen. Right? - That's because your body is just addicted to caffeine. - I am, I am, I am. - This boy drinks, like fucking eight cups of coffee every day. - Get that wine down here. (men laughing) Go on. - Let's try the wine. It's tainted with sake cup now. Poured it in the same, disgusting cup. - Drink for the people. - You'd be a terrible sommelier. No (men laughing) - I'll be a terrible Somalian? (men laughing) A terrible Somalian. - Sommelier! - You said, like, you'll be a terrible Somalian. - No, I didn't! Oh fuck off, Chris. - Did you mean, sommelier? - Sommelier, isn't it? - Isn't it sommelier? - I thought it, I don't know. - I don't fucking know. Someone, - Depends how fancy you wanna be. - Someone French can, - Well I would not be a terrible Somalian. I'm gonna get that there right now. - Jordan, how is it pronounced? - [Jordon] Sommelier. - Sommelier. Yes! I was right! - What? That was closer to my pronunciation! That's closer to my pronunciation. - No, you said Somalian. - Sommelier. - Somalians watching this are frothing right now. - Oh my God. Come on. - It's like they noticed us. - We have a resident French man, who sounded closer to my pronunciation than yours. - What are you on? - I will fight this battle to the death. I'm known for being stubborn and I won't quit. - Have you boys ever had soju? - Yes. - Yeah, it's good. - Okay. - Why you asking me? Like, you know I have. - No, no, no, Of course I know you had soju. Okay. So like I can't stand pure soju, but for some reason, flavored soju is just like S-tier alcohol. - So soju is kinda like Korean kind of, - Korea rice wine? - Yeah. It's Korean sake, basically. - How much is it? 8-20%. Is it? - It's way more than that. - The pure one is like 30. - I don't drink the pure one. I drink the flavored ones. Cause they're like 20%. - The pure one tastes like hand sanitizer. I fucking hate it. (man groaning) - Oh, it's gross. - Okay. Soju is the only like, kind of, - I agree with that. I can do that. - Shots that goes well with beer. I don't know why, how? - It actually does. It actually does. - I say this, and then, because you think of mixing anything with beer, right? And it sounds awful. Soju goes fucking amazing with beer. Especially flavored Soju. - Pour a beer and then drop the little shot in. - Jager bombs. - If you want a great, but awful night afterwards, because again, that's like awful hangover. It will fuck you up. - I don't know if our editor will include this, cause he's the editor, but there was one, after the night where we bought like, - Oh yeah! - we bought, so for a party in the UK we did, cause we were going to Japan. So we wanted to do one last big party with all our friends to celebrate. And our editor came from Estonia. - Yudon. We're calling you out now. - We had, I went to New Malden in London, which is the Korean area of London. And I went to the Korean supermarket and I went and bought like three crates of 20 of these bottles, yeah. - Crates? Geez. - Cause there was about, how many of us was like 20? - It was more than three crates. - It was four crates, four crates of this. And they're all, you know, like, - So we had 80 bottles of soju for this party. - And they're all like 750 milliliters each soju? Yeah. When I bought it as well, they were like, you know how strong this is, right? And I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah it's all good. Its' all good. They're like, it's 20%, right? And I'm like, yeah, yeah, It's all good. It's all good. - So yeah. So, before Connor was buying them he was like, how many crates should we buy? And cause he was posting this in the group party chat, and everyone was just like, "Hey, more crates!" Whatever, right? So he rocks up with four crates of soju and we all look at this being like, this is, we've completely overestimated. - Best 80 quid I've ever spent in my life. - We've completely overestimated this. - Holy shit. - And so what happens is, one of us brought, you know one of those like, empty beer dispensers, where you can fill up with beer? - Yeah. - Where you can fill up with beer? - Yeah. - So we just filled up this beer dispenser with pure soju. Right? So this entire party, instead of like having pints of beer we were literally like, just go, go to this, go to this soju dispenser, get a glass and just pour ourselves a full glass of soju. - It was awful. We all, we drank like nearly all the crates in the first night. - Holy shit! - Yeah. On the first night, we went through three and a half crates of soju between like about 25 of us. - So we had bunk beds in this place. So naturally, fine. - Covered in sick. - No no no. No, actually no one threw up, I think. Actually. - What? - That's a miracle. - So I'm sleeping in a bunk bed with our editor, and he's above not inside same bed. I wish though. I'm kidding. (men laughing) So I'm sleeping in the same bunk bed, he's above me. And I wake up at like 6:00 AM. Cause obviously, sometimes, you know, after you drank, you wake up a little bit. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And I see them on the floor, like this. I'm sitting on the bottom bunk and I'm like, he's like this. (men laughing) At like 6:00 AM. And I'm like, you okay? He's like, "It hurts. It hurts so much." (men laughing) And I'm like, what's wrong? He's like, "I'm so hungover. It hurts so much." And I'm like, understandable. I'm going back to bed. (men laughing) Bye bye. I'm going back to bed. - Oh my god. - He was of operation the whole day. It was so funny. He's a great editor though, thank god. - Estonians, man. Estonians, man. Crazy. - That was a good party. - So, Chris, when are you going to come to one, a party in the UK with us? - Whenever it is. - Fantastic. Chris Abroad in the UK. - I got really drunk and really hijacked a boat with my Estonian in friend in London. - What? (men laughing) - Wait, wait. You can't just say that! - I can't go into detail. - Wait, come on Chris! - Every fucking time the camera shuts off, you just say this offhand comment. And we're just like, (man speaking Japanese) like, can you explain that? - Next episode on Trash Taste, Chris will be like, this one time I accidentally stole the Declaration of Independence. Totally funny story. Can't talk about it though. Come on, come on. Set the scene. - Got really drunk, nearly hijacked a boat. - Well, how? How do you nearly hijack a boat? - Some millionaire guy in the River Thames had like a yacht, they had a party on, and me and my Estonian friend crashed it. - Okay. - Got drunk and nearly cast off. - How did you nearly cast off? - Well, I was really drunk and I found my way into the engine room with this steering wheel. (man laughing) - Are you kidding me? - You don't just find your way into the engine room. - We were actively trying. - This is some 24-shit. He's on an espionage mission. - I am an esteemed GG where I can't talk about somethings. (man laughing) I'm a nice person. - Yeah, I had a shot of whiskey and found myself in fucking MI6. That's kinda what it sounds like. - It was one kilometer from MI6 on the river. I could see MI6 from the boat. - I love how MI6, you know, this very secretive thing, is like, that's the building by the way. - It's right there. - Just a giant, MI6 sign on the building. It's like, oh, there it is. - Yeah. Good times. - Oh my god. - I love how you made the most interesting story into the most throwaway tidbit. Along the times when I used to rule Kazakhstan as well, you know? Classic stories from me, Chris. - I accidentally became the King of Kazakhstan. - There'll be a book one day. It'll be a very good book. And I hope to promote it. - Chris Broad: King of Kazakhstan. - Chris Board: King of Kazakhstan? - Chris Bored, because he's done too much and now he's bored in life. - Someone's been scamming people under my name. - Oh yeah. Chris Borad, right? - Chris Borad. (men laughing) Overbrown in Japan. (men laughing) - No way. Oh, you're kidding me. You're kidding me? - I have a photo. - No way, fuck off. - No, no. He tweeted about it! There was a screenshot. It was a Facebook page of a screenshot and it had Chris' face on it, with the logo as like the banner from the thing. And it was like, - Show me this. - On one look, you were like, Oh, that's Chris's Facebook page. But then when you look closely. - Christopher Broad. - Christopher Borad of Abrown in Japan. (men laughing) - So iffy, and apparently if you get this message you've won $5,000. You haven't won $5,000, you've just been scammed. - Borad, fucking (men laughing) - Okay, okay. - Kazakhstan. - I wish my viewers were that creative to come up with, with those kinds of things. - Fucking Borad. - Abrown in Japan. - You know what the worst, the most awkward thing I've ever had was, in that kind of sense, is that a one time, this is really back when I started it must have like maybe like 80K sub. So, you know, still quite small. And one time I got a Skype friend add. Back when Skype was like - Right, right. - Not a boomer, thing. - That's how you know it was OG now. - Yeah. (men laughing) - And I added it. I was like, okay, sure. This was back when you would just be like, fuck it. Yeah. I'll just add. - Just add anyone, yeah. - And they were like, why aren't you replying to my messages when I added them? And I'm like, what? Who are you? What are you? I'm like, why did you, and then they're like, why did you block me in your other account? I'm like, what, what other account? So what happened was, turns out, right? That someone had been pretending to be me on a YouTube channel. - Right. - Right. And they have, and so I got on call with them cause I was like, fuck it. Why not? Let's get on a call. Let's see what's going on. Right? So I called them up and they're like, they were like absolutely panicking. So I'm like, all right, hold on. What's going on? Tell me what's going on. They were like, I was dating you. And then we, you stopped messaging me. And I'm like, you were dating me? And I'm like, this is, this is news to me. And they were like, "Yeah, I met you through your YouTube channel." And then they linked me my YouTube channel. - Right, right. - Right. - Right? And it was someone who had like Pokemon like, Ruby plastered all over their thing called like, Seadog VA. Right? (man laughing) And they were American doing a terrible British accent, pretending to be me. - Right. - What? - So I was like, huh, so you think this is me? And they were like, yeah. They said that this was your second channel. And I'm like, - Oh my god! - And I'm like, you have to be kidding. - I thought they were dating you? - They thought they were dating me cause this guy cause guy apparently was talking to her often. And I'm like, did he sound like me? And she's like, "Yeah. Yeah, he did." So I looked on the YouTube videos. He sounded American as fuck. - How did he sound? - Like, - Do your voice. Go on. Do your voice. - Hey, what's up guys? It's Seadog VA here. Back with another Pokemon Ruby, let's play. And it was like, totally, I was like, I was dumbfounded. Cause at one part, I felt sorry for this woman cause she was hysterical. But on the other I'm like, how do you fall for? - You're an idiot. - I feel like you're gonna lose your credit card at some point to some Somalian. Like Chris. (men laughing) You know, I was like, dumbfounded. I calmed her down. I was like, listen, right? - Did you meet up with her, though? - I did not, Chris. - Ah! - That could've been the saga. - Coulda been the resolution. - Reach out to me if, no. Cause they were clearly like, you know, dumb. No! Okay! - How dare you. - You know, I don't like to call my viewers dumb, but, but - We can't say "but." - Listen, Chris if you fall for that, you're dumb. - Yeah. - If a guy has a ground on us their profile picture, there should be alarm bells in your head as to it not being me. - Well maybe you kinda like ground on? - Listen, listen, there is some you have to feel, okay, I feel sorry for someone who would if they fell for something, if they were pretending to be me. But there is certain levels of disbelief where I'm like, this has got to be on you. (men laughing) This is, you know, it wasn't even a British accent. That's where I draw the line. - Wasn't even British. Do you even watch my content? - The amount of videos there are people like, impersonating me for like, funny videos. Some of them are quite good, but there's so many where it doesn't not even remotely sound like me and people are falling. - People are impersonating you? - Yeah, yeah. For videos. - Like how? - So they'll go on discord servers with the name Seadog VA - Right, right, right. - And they'll go in and they'll start talking and like a face. - Is this your own discord? - Sometimes my discord, other discords too. - Like, they go into voice chat and stuff? - Mm, mm. - Right. - And on random servers, random servers. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's for like funny videos. Some are quite funny actually. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - And they'll just do a really bad British accent. And everyone be like, "Oh my god! It's Seadog VA." Oh my God! It's him! And I'm sitting here at home like, seriously? That's all it takes? - Well apparently there's like a demography of your fans who watch your videos muted. - Everyone who is British sounds like Connor. (man laughing) - I mean, definitely a lot of Americans can't tell the difference between a lot of British accents. So I can get that. - Yeah, I met a lot of American folks like, where are you from in Australia? I'm like, I'm not Australian. (men laughing) I don't know why British and Australians seems to get, - We do get mixed up quite a lot. Even though I think to us, it's like it's complete opposite. - Yeah. - I mean, to me, Australia accent's are really different. - He doesn't sound that Australian. - I don't sound as, - Him? - Yeah, he doesn't sound Australian. - Yes, he does! - No, no. He doesn't sound that Australian. - I don't sound as Australian as I used to. - Right. - YouTube does that to a man. - Yeah, yeah. (men laughing) If you go back, if you go back like the early in my channel, I sound Australian as fuck. - YouTube really, - Same with me. I sounded very Northern. - Yeah. - You laugh at me. - I mean, do you not sound less British as you've gone on? - Yeah, you've seen his earlier videos. - On the day I arrived in Japan, week one, I landed in Yamagata and my three teachers, who I was going to work with and meet me at the airport. Right. - Right. And I was like, fucking hell. It's such a long flight. I'm really tired. And they were like. (man grunting) And for one hour we ate at like a Denny's, and they just, I kept talking and talking. They kept going. (men laughing) And afterwards they were like, "We don't. We didn't know what you are saying." "We did not understand" (men laughing) I never do the Japanese kind of voice. They're like, we don't know what you were saying. Right, oh. And from then on, I was like, hello, my name is Chris. I'm from London are in the UK. I've have to change my voice. They really like Royal pronunciation. Like, oi mate, how you doing? Long time. That's kinda, how I used to speak. - Do you find sometimes that you speak almost like broken English sometimes? - I've tried to stop doing that. A lot of English teachers in Japan do the stupid voice. Like I went shopping with my friends yesterday and they do that really, annunciate it. - Over annunciate, yeah. - Sometimes I'll talk to people and I'll just deconstruct my English live just because I'm like, I think they'll understand if I say it this way. - Right, right. - But then I'll go on to speak to Garnt and I'll be like, "Hi Garnt. How are you today?" You know. - I lived in an environment where for weeks at a time I was the only foreigner around speaking English. My English level actually went down living in that environment. - Is it weird not being able to speak English for like a month? - Yeah, it's really weird. - I've had that before as well. - Sort of bizarre issues as a result, but like, yeah, my vocabulary level went down. I could say words like, inconsequential. Now that would come to my mind. (men laughing and speaking) - I like how that just came to your mind. I was like, what word is he gonna pick? - A word, I just went with it again, I'd be like, it just wouldn't come out. - I had that. I have that too. That like, when I first worked in a Japan, I worked in Niseko which is like a big ski resort in Hokkaido. - Yes. - And I worked there for a month. I was like a kind of snow shoveler, general stuff around the lobbies and stuff. But all of the people who I worked with were just hundred percent from Hokkaido, like all Japanese people. So I was forced to basically speak Japanese for a month straight. And I remember, I came back to Australia and I was like, oh, it's only been a month, right? Of course, English is my first language. Of course, I'm not gonna forget it. But then I came back to Australia. I was like, shit what was that word again? I would actually forget something. - Inconsequential. - Yeah! (men laughing) - Inconse-something rather, fuck. I don't know how to say it. Hard. You know? It was just really difficult. - But like, in terms of like dumbing down your language when speaking to like, you know, Japanese speakers, I feel like anyone who has come from like a bilingual parents or like is bilingual and has had like Asian, or parents who don't speak your native language as well, it's something I've just grown up with. Cause whenever I, whenever I speak to my parents, like mostly like for example, when I speak to my mom, I mostly speak in Thai. But when I have to express something in English, I like very much have to dumb down my language. Very careful about how I word things. Cause especially like learning a language, you know how their grammar structure is. So, you know, like sometimes you hear a Japanese people, like Japanese person speak, try to speak English. And like, you understand what their like mentality is or what their like, train of thought is when they're trying to construct a sentence. Kind of like, what you kind of learn to do is kind of mirror the way that they would construct a sentence, so that they would more easily understand it. - Yeah. Especially what I find myself doing. - Yeah. - But also, oh, dude. I forget. Like, so I'll think of a word in Welsh. And I'll remember the Japanese word for it. And I'm like, what the fuck is it? Which one is it? And then vice versa. I'll be speaking Japanese. And I'll be like, why is the Walsh word keep popping up in my head when I'm trying to think of the right word? It's a mess cause I obviously don't use those languages as much as I use English. So in my head they're slowly like, amalgamating together and it's awful. - I guess you're kinda getting to the point and you as well Connor, you kind of, you guys came to the point where you're learning a third language, right? - I mean, yeah. I mean, I try and use it. - Japanese for you, is technically like a third language you're trying to learn. - Right? - I try and use it as much as possible. I mean, I'm doing like on the, my new second channel. - Whoa! - Wow! - He's plugging his second channel. - Wow Wow. Yeah, plug! I'm doing a series where I'm, I guess, playing games with Japanese people and using what broken Japanese I have. And sometimes I'm like about to say a word and I'm like, nope, that's the Welsh word. But if you haven't watched that, you should come watch it. If you wanna see my terrible, my terrible Japanese in action. But I do find that that has been the best practice had though. Which is just talking. _ Oh yeah. _ Yeah. - Because unfortunately I'm at a very privileged situation where I don't need to talk to Japanese people. Which, I mean, you know. - If you get a Japanese girlfriend, every day is a language lesson. - What if they speak fluent English? - Well, you're screwed. (men laughing) - You're just going to be speaking English. - Right, would you not find the communication would be an issue if you could? - It was! (men laughing) I used to, when I dated a Japanese girl, we used to have arguments. I just didn't know what was going on. - Right, right. - I'd go, oh yeah. She'd get really angry. She didn't speak English very well. I didn't speak Japanese very well at the time. Didn't know what we were arguing about. - You both just had your phones out with Google translate. (men laughing) - I hate you. Translate. - When you think about it in English, we have so many ways to convey levels of upset that are so precise, I feel, that it's almost like, impossible to translate that to a non-native speaker almost. - I mean, it's, you know it's the whole idea of like the word fuck, right? That can be used in literally any emotion ever. But trying to, I had to explain that to one of my Japanese friends. Cause he had heard of that word before, but he was like, what does that actually mean? I was like, well, it's kind of, - Use your imagination! - When I said, it can mean anything. He was like, what? What does that mean? - From my experience teaching my Japanese friends word fuck, it's dangerous cause they'll just use it. - They'll use it every time, yeah. - Big fuck. (men speaking) - Yeah. - Big fuck. - When he went into an abandoned love hotel he referred to it as a scary, fuck point. (man laughing) - But the thing is he would be completely correct in that one. - It was love motel! Scary, fuck place. What he was trying to say was, this is a fucking scary place. But he turned it to, scary fuck place. (men laughing) - For some reason, when I've been meeting Japanese people online on video games, they seem to only know the worst words. - Oh gosh. - Like for one, this one guy kept telling me he had a magnum o-chin chin. (men laughing) And I was like, how do you know what the word magnum? How would you know? Who taught you this? Who? How do you find this out? - I love how he knows the word magnum, but not the word for penis. (men laughing) - It was just the, yeah the dichotomy of magnum o-chin chin. It was so strange. - Sounds like a rock star. (men laughing) Or a rock band. - Please welcome, Magnum O-Chin Chin. (men laughing) - It was great. They'd asked me about my dick size live on stream. And I'm like, are you sure you wanna ask that? (men laughing) They're good sports though. They're good sports. - It's so good. - I learned that there's also, they have a term, in gaming in Japan where they have real tummul. (man speaking in Japanese) Yeah. So when you game online with people, they're not the real friends. - Right. - Then sometimes if you're busy, you're like, oh, I'm playing with real tummel. - Oh! - Actual, real friend. - Diatomo is like the equivalent of like, IRL friends. - Yeah, which is funny cause it's like, you're not real. - That's interesting. - You're my gaming friend. You're not my real friend. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've been learning a lot through doing that. - Yeah. There's a lot of like Japanese, I guess like internet slang, you'll learn from playing Japanese players. - Yeah, luckily I've been playing with one guy and he's been figuring out how to like dumb things down for me. - Right, right. - Which is good, because sometimes he talks too fast. - If he was like throwing out, like 2Chan lingo. - I feel like they never use like any, they always use like plain form and stuff like that. And throw that at me. Fucking gee, this is not one of my classes. What's all this nonsense? - Where is the (man speaking Japanese)? - He hasn't said watashiwa once! What's going on here? I feel like watashiwa is the biggest fucking lie you learn. - Yeah. - Duolingo. (man speaking Japanese) Yeah. - Nobody says that. - On Duolingo, it constantly throws watashi nonstop at you. - It's the first thing you learn. - Right! - Every Japanese textbook, in every classroom. - And then you talk to them, and you're like, so that was a fucking lie. - I have to say now, to everyone who messages me every day saying they've learned Japanese from Duolingo. It doesn't prepare you for Japanese. Duolingo is fun. It's quite fun. But like, yeah, it won't prepare you for on the ground Japanese. - For a little mini game, it is. (man laughing) - It helps with vocab. But that's honestly, as far as it goes. But even then I, cause sometimes Duolingo will try and teach you Kanji before it's even taught you all the hiragana. - What? - Which blows my mind! - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's insane! - It did do that. I think we've talked about that. - That's like teaching you like, algebra before you've learned multiplication, right? It's like, why? - Yeah, it's insane. - Yeah, Duolingo's all right, but like Human Japanese, really good app I recommend. It is paid for, but there's like a free light version. - I don't mind paying for an app if it actually is good. - It is really. I used it for my first year. Human Japanese, Human Japanese Intermediate. Everyone I recommended to loves it. So if you're learning Japanese, you're like really starting tomorrow afternoon, Human Japanese, amazing. - Do you recommend the Genki textbooks? - They're good after like you've done Japanese studying for the six weeks. - Cause that's like the one textbook. - Human Japanese. You've started studying tomorrow, you're coming to Japan, that is the app you get. - Okay. - That really helped me in my first year coming here as a teacher. I recommend it. - Not sponsored. - Not sponsored, just a bloody good app. - Well, that's been this episode of fresh takes. It's been the messiest episode of Trash Takes. - I like how this is going to be even more edited than the henti video. (man laughing) And I'm just like, how? How? Thank you to our Patreons! - That's it. Patreons here. - Look at these lovely people who are helping support. - This is the second time we've said it cause Joey said it like a fucking hour ago. And then we did like, - We were just getting the flow of chatting shit. (men laughing) - I guess so. I dunno. I'm not in the right place. - I hope you've enjoyed this recorded bar episode. (men laughing and chatting) - Blame Chris, if this is a mess. It's Chris' fault. - It's like being in the Trash Taste's pub. - Cause Chris Broad brought his equivalent of boxed wine sake. Fucking abomination to sake. - That was $12. That was good sake. - Why do you talk about $12? Like you're in uni still? Like that's like, this is the top shit. - It was good stuff, that. - If you'd like to support though, make sure to go patreon.com/trashtaste Also go follow us on Twitter and our subreddit. And also, if you're an audio listener, go check us out on Spotify. Also go check out the first episode that Chris is in. - Yeah. Go check it out. - That was like how many episodes ago? - Yeah. - A long time ago. - A long time ago. - That was six months ago. - That was like right at the beginning of Trash Taste. - Back when the set was still bland, right? It was completely empty, wasn't it? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Did we have figures? - No, no, we had. It was like the one after that. - It was like the one right after that. - Yeah, yeah. - Right. - It was still very barren there, but yes. - Will we ever see Chris on for the third time, who knows? - Probably. - Please, please, please have me back. - Unfortunately. - I used to write every day for the last, please have me back on Mr Connor, Joey. - It was getting really annoying hearing the banging outside all the time. - Let me come back. Let me back! But. No, I had a lot of fun today. - All right, fantastic. - Well done guys for turning Trash Taste into it a success. The first time I came, very early on, now it's an empire no less. - Empire! (men laughing) - Trash Taste empire. - I prefer a monopoly. Thank you very much. You know, - We live in a society. - You're close to a million subscribers. So that's pretty awesome. - Are we? - In a very short space of time. You're gonna hit that very soon in 2021. - Well, I hope so. - So well done to make it a great show. - Happy New Year. - Happy New Year. - To 2021, tons of Trash Taste to come. - Hopefully you guys got as drunk as we did on New Year's Eve. - Should definitely watch this with a drink of wine or sake or whatever. - I really shouldn't have had a power salad before I came on, because (men laughing) - I would like to say before these boys start rambling more, you can expect all the good shit from Trash Taste this year. We've only been around for like half a year now, but I we've done, we've done some good stuff so far and you can expect even better stuff coming this year. - Absolutely. Absolutely. - It's a Trash Taste promise, whatever that means. - More guests. - Trash Taste promise! - Whatever that means! - Just wait until the country opens up. - All right. - We can reach our final form. - All right. Thank you very much for watching. I've been your boy and I've been, - Your boy? - with the not so good boys. - Your boy! - Your boy! - It's your boy. - It's your boy, Chris. Goodbye. Good day to you, sir. - All right, cheers. - Have a good one, guys. - I'll cheers to that. - Cheers, boys! - Thanks, guys. Thanks for watching. Bye! - To continuing this off camera. - God dammit. God, I hate Christmas. Fucking sake. (upbeat electronic music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 2,454,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 31sec (8671 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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