We Have Trash Taste in Manga | Trash Taste #35

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(yelling) - Probably do a (yelling) montage one day. - No, no, no. - But like a fast cut, just like. (yelling) - At the beginning of every fucking Trash Taste podcast. Just one of us going. (yelling) - I'm waiting for the day that someone just like samples, all of our audio and just makes like a low-fi beat out of it. - Do it. - Do it. - Do it. (laughing) (mellow music playing) - Hello and welcome to Trash Taste. The anime podcast, where we talk about Japan, food shitting and occasionally anime. I am your host for today, Gigguk. And with me, are the boys. - That's our new tagline. - As always. - Isn't it? (laughs) I was just like, well, what is a tagline that could go well with Trash Taste? - I mean, that sounds about right. (Gigguk laughing) - Like that's probably (Gigguk laughing) the most accurate. (Gigguk laughing) - The anime podcast. - Anime podcast where it's 5% anime, - [Gigguk] Exactly. - 95% everything else. - But how are you guys doing? - Good. How are you boys doing? - Good. Good. - Doing all right. - Since last week we spoke about Claymore and I was like fuck it. I'll read Claymore. And it was really good. - You literally just finished it like - [Gigguk] Yeah. - Two minutes before we started recording. - But to be fair, (laughing) If you haven't read Claymore and are thinking about it. Don't worry about it. You don't need to know anything. Manga's good until the halfway and then it kind of just goes a bit shit. - Yeah, second half's definitely underwhelming. - The *star's amazing. - [Gigguk] Yeah. - Yeah. - I feel like a lot of anime or manga do this. Where they build up like this fucking amazing world that I think is too big of a scope. And then they just *let like fuck, we need to finish this. - Yeah. Like within like 200 chapters. - Mm. - How do we do that? - [Gigguk] Yeah. - Well I think for a lot of the times, at least with like Shonen Jump cause *claim was from Shonen Jump. A lot of the times the authors don't really have a choice as to how long it goes for. - Right. - I feel like Shonen Jump goes through the same problem. As you know, a lot of American TV shows where, you know you have some like rare, like something like Breaking Bad for example, it's like a rarity where a show just gets better, it hits its peak and then it stops, you know what I mean? But the problem which - Then better call Saul comes along. (laughing) - But that's more like a spinoff. - I think Better Call Saul's better than Breaking Bad. - Oh. Okay. You're one of those. - I think it's really fucking good. (mumbles) - No. You're one of those. - You're one of those. - I think it's really fucking good. I don't know. - I haven't seen either one so I can't say. - Okay. Yeah, go on. But yeah, the problem with a lot of it, like Shonen Jump Manga, is that the most of the time they either go on for too short or they get dragged out. You either you're either like a Bleach or you are something that gets canceled early, like most other Shonen Jump shows. - Yeah. That's the thing is right. Is that like with Shonen Jump, they have every month they have rankings. - Right. - And if you have even just a slight dip in popularity, then they're kind of just like well time to wrap it up, boy oh. *And the author's like well, I, I just, I just got started. It's like, it doesn't matter. You got to wrap it up. - I- - I wonder if that's what happened, but to be fair, when I was reading this it's 150 chapters. Around like the 80th is, I was like, ah, yeah this isn't going to end like great. - Oh*! - It ended. which is better than most. - I mean, you know, yeah. It's better than like what happened to like Yuyu Hakusho right? - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Like the last doctor's got completely fucking gutted. (laughing) - I mean, you can tell when an, when an author just like has to wrap things up in five chapters or something. - Yeah, yeah. - It's just like- - Yeah, yeah. True, true. Some, some, some stuff that they've been building up for like a hundred to 200 chapters just gets wrapped up in 10 chapters and you're like, what the fuck was this? - It's like, cool. - And then there's like the opposite of that with what's the Manga cover Hunter Hunter called? - Togashi. - Togashi. - Togashi. Yeah, he introduces like the dark continent when he can't make one chapter. And he's like, how about I just expand the world tenfold. - I tweeted out about it the other day, but I found out the other day that in the span that it took Togashi to release chap- Volume 32 to 33, Assassination Classroom started and ended. (laughing) - Oh my God. So if you don't know, Hunter Hunter has been on hiatus. Not hiatus. Basically, we had a chapter like once every two years. - No, it's definitely a hiatus. - Yeah, yeah. We got a check once or two years. - H X H is short for hiatus and hiatus. (laughing) - What counts as a hiatus nowadays? Is, is it like a Hunter Hunter hiatus or Berserk Mura* hiatus. You know what I mean? - I mean kind of the same thing. - I mean it's just like, maybe it's just a very slow release schedule, you know what I mean? - True, true, true. - But have you seen some of Hunter Hunter's latest chapters? Have you seen some of the dark continent chapters? I've read. I've seen like some of the later chapters and some of them are just literally there are pages that it's just all texts. `There's like one character and it's literally - I actually saw it on Twitter, right? Yeah. It's just a full page of text. And at this one, I'm just like Togashi, if you want to write a light novel just write a light novel. - This Manga * is just somehow like writing a book without realizing, I don't know how you do that. - I mean, he's kind of releasing volumes on the schedule of like light novel volumes. - Exactly. It's like, why, why why are we pretending that this is a Manga anymore? - And like the drawings? Oh my God. Like- - Yeah. Just hire - I mean. It's like- - Hire someone on deviant art man. Just do it already like. (laughing) What's going on? - Well, wait. What I want to know is like cause I don't think Togashi uses assistance. - Maybe. Probably not. Would spend a lot. - Probably not Because if not you'd think- - This is all assumptions, I think - You'd think that he'd get assistance to draw, right? - [Meilyne] Wife. - His wife? - Oh, well yeah. His wife is the author of Sailor. Shit. So I guess. - Almost dissed on his wife. - Yeah. (laughing) - We dissed one of the greatest * Manga authors of all time. (laughing) All right, listen. Hunter Hunter. If you haven't read or seen it, just do it. It's amazing. But be prepared for I guess - I just say - To never be felt complete. - So here's the thing. - I haven't read Hunter Hunter at all, - [Gigguk] Yeah. - But I have all of the volumes up until this point. - Honestly, watch the anime. The anime is so fucking good. - Yeah. No- - The anime's great. It's one of the few anime that I think is better than the manga. - Yeah. - Really? - And that's because- - The 2011 version? - Yeah The 2011 version. - Yeah. - Because some of the later like arcs, especially the Chimera Ant arc Togashi's arc is really up and down. - Right. Because of, you know his health complications. That was going through but like the anime is just consistent throughout. - Okay, okay. - So then when he doesn't know, I would recommend him because I'd recommend- - Because I know so much about the series, like of like characters and like *yeah. (mumbles) you know. - I know so many references but I've actually sat down a read a lot. - Oh my God. (laughing) - I think I know enough about Naruto to like, to like lie - Yeah. my way through a conversation and be like, (laughs) oh yeah, the leaf village? Crazy. - I could probably lie my way through a Fullmetal Alchemist conversation. - Yeah *(laughing) - I have done many times. - Ah , man. That's just so sad bro. - I mean let's be real! Like, I feel we've all done that where like everyone around you is talking about an anime and you kind of just like, huh yeah. That. That thing. - For like five years, I was an anime fan who hadn't watched *Stephen galleon. People would be like, dude, it's Epic. I'm like, yeah dude. Get in the robot.* (laughing) Yeah, my dad hates me. (laughing) - Yeah, dude. Love that. Love the part where the mechs* fight. (laughing) That's just crazy. (laughing) Just do that - I admittedly did that a little bit with, with Bleach. - It's when you're insecure, right? - Yeah. I did that for a while with Bleach because I didn't, I dropped it at the Eisenach. So anything after that, I had no fucking idea, but people around me kept reading it and they were like, yeah! You know, the whole like wicked *mundo stuff. I was like, yeah, that thing. Yeah. - Whack a mundo?* That thing. Totally. *munjo. - To be fair. To be fair, which is one of, one of those anime or manga that you could you could feasibly lie your way out of it and make it seem like you've seen it without having seen it after you've watched like a further first few arcs, then you kinda just kinda just you kinda can just bullshit your way through. - I too also want to see more bang kae* - I feel like this thing One Piece, right? Cause One Piece is so long. It's like the Simpsons, right? Where everything that could ever happen has probably happened. (laughing) So you could be like, dude, my favorite episode is where like Homer Simpson becomes a crack addict. That's probably an episode on the Simpsons, right? - I mean You can probably do that with One Piece right now 'cause you're the only one who hasn't seen it. So you can just randomly be like, yeah I love that episode with *Loofy and Chopper make out. - I love the ep- I love the part where the pirates find another band of pirates that are bad initially and then turn and are a part of some military. And then they're like, do let's just be good. Let's help Loofy out. - Oh yeah. The water seminar. (laughing) - Is that like a thing? (mumbles) - That probably happened. - Probably. Something. - That was vague enough that - If I keep it vague that could be about four different arcs of One Piece. - Yes. I know enough base information about One Piece. I still haven't read it yet. Again, I downloaded some episodes, some chapters on my phone but maybe, maybe one day. - So you're downloading a lot of chapters now. I see. No, I have like I have like 10 volumes downloaded, which isn't much. - How far into it? - I don't fucking know. - Well, because we're approaching what? Volume a hundred of One Piece. - We were approaching chapter a thousand, I think all the way which is going to be a landmark and yeah - Yeah. Whoa. (laughing) - A thousand chapters. That's- - Can you imagine? Fucking a thousand. Every week. A thousand chapters. - I cannot fucking imagine. - That's a thousand weeks at least minimum. - Because what I- - Has he married the author? - I think so. I think so. - It's kind of interesting. because, yeah. - Meyner* be the fact checker. - It's kind of interesting actually because Oda Eiichiro Oda Eiichiro I feel like you can't be married and make One Piece. Like it's, it's pick one. - Well, it's so interesting because like I feel not a whole- - He is married. - He is married. Okay, because like not a whole lot about Oda is even known. Because he's so rarely what makes any like TV appearances or like interview appearances. Cause it's too busy fucking writing a chapter a week, right. - He's not just doing that. Cause Oda out of every author is way more involved in the anime production as well. - [*] Right, right. Because normally- - he helps produce, right? Yeah, yeah. Normally a lot of Amie productions people were just like, okay, there's the author. And then the author just get sidelined and they just continue doing that stuff. And maybe they'll watch the anime, you know? But you know, Oda's been involved in a lot of the anime production, which I did... Where does he find the time to do this? I don't know. Ah, like as a sh- this man is like a time management machine. - As a Shonen Jump author, I don't know how you can have a life. Like most authors don't have a life. outside of their magazine. I mean, most of them have health complications because of how much they work. - Not to mentioned that like I swear with every new chapter odors, art is just evolving. Like it's getting more, like some of the recent chapters are so fucking detailed - Yeah. - Where it's like, how do you draw this in a week? - Yeah. Exactly. Why people like to piss on One Piece character designs because oh it looks good cartoonish. Looks childish. - They do look fucking weird. - They do look weird. - Yeah, but at least it's like so distinct to the point where you can look at a character and be like, oh yeah that's a One Piece character. - [Gigguk] Yeah. - Yeah. True. You can say about Simpsons, but you know what I mean like. - Well, yeah! - Or Family Guy character. - Yeah, exactly. Maybe. - But I would argue that that's better than a fucking generic Goss looking character that could fit into any like, you know, show of that caliber, right? - I mean it's way- Any one of Oda's character designs is way more memorable here's generic Isokai* protagonist number 75 - That's true. that looks like Kerato, just re-skinned*, you know what I mean? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's, that's what I think. I think that's my biggest problem with a lot of light novel adaptations is that you can tell lighten of adaptations nowadays by just by just the character design. - How they look - And just the art style as well. (laughing) - Yeah. Because the character designs haven't changed from like 10 years ago. - Yeah, I know, right? - It's like good-looking boy with average proportions with a spiky hair, color it in. A weird color? There you go. - Exactly. - Like even a lot of like the girls as well. Cause I think one- - Here's pink haired character. - Like, like one of my favorites One of my favorite female characters to come out of recent times is *my Sacra d Jima from Bonnie Gail senpai.* - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And like, I really liked all of the cast there and all of the characters, but my God they have such forgettable character designs. - [*] Yeah. - You know what I mean? Compared to some of, some of the characters times from say like *Mona Guthrie or something like that, which you know it gets compared to, compared a lot to and I see the same charm, but in terms of the memorability of the character designs, it's just *bunny Girl's senpai just looks like the most generic. - Well, I mean, that's why they had to- - well to be honest, - That's actually of the reasons I just didn't watch it. - That's why they had to put her in a bunny costume, right? - [Gigguk] Exactly (laughing) - To like differentiate between all the other characters. - Exactly. - Because there's a lot of anime characters just like silhouette or eyes, right? You can just know. - Right. And like, you know, I would argue again like that's one of the strong suits about one piece, right? Is that like, because the character look so fucking wacky. - Yeah. - You can immediately tell that's a One Piece character. - Yeah. - And it's the way I describe Oda is it's some, it's like you're reading a story with, from someone who has the imagination of a ten-year-old but the writing skills of like Joe R R Martin or something like that, - Yeah. you know what I mean? It's so weird because you see a character like this cross-dressing ballerina, for example. And you're like, what is this wacky character? - Number three?* - Yeah, yeah. Mr. Two* - Mr Two* I mean Mr. Two. - So yeah, Mr. Two. Mr Two.* - What the fuck? (laughing) - Yeah, I always get the numbers mixed up. - Mr. Two* bond clay summer - Mr. Green eggs and ham. (mumbles) He's great. He's great. (laughing) I love that guy. (laughing) - But yeah, you see his character design for the first time and you're just like this. I'm never going to give a about this character and then he ends up in later arcs bringing you to tears sometimes. And just like, how did this happen? How, how does he make, how did Oda make me care about this person right now that you can see on screen? Anyone who hasn't watched One Piece is probably looking at this being like what the fuck? - Who is this clown? - Who is this literal clown? (laughing) You know what I mean? (laughing) - That's your mon- your weekly jack off to One Piece segment of the podcast. - Yeah. - As we're going to do every week now for example. - We are we going to do every week until you- - Until you start reading it. - If I read it, well this will become a fucking One Piece podcast. - No, no, no. No it won't. No it won't. But it might become more of a Manga podcast. (laughing) - My, my I'll spend like 20 hours reading a Manga. My review will be like, yeah, it's all right. - So wait, so what would you give out of 10, Claymore? - Six. - Six? - Six? - See I don't want to read anyone else's reviews of Manga. At all. (laughing) I don't want to know. Cause I feel like right now, because I don't- - All right, I'm gonna head out. (laughs) I don't touch anything with reviews. in terms of Manga. I don't know what the popular opinion is. I don't know if I should go to a thing. I think it's good or bad. I just see something I'm like, I'll read that and make up my own choice. Kind of like it there in my own bubble of like, - That's fair enough. I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks. - It's weird. Right? Because I feel like manga readers just exist in their own bubbles, right? Cause when we talk about the anime community most people refer to it as like the Anime and Manga community. It's we kind of, we're kind of we're kind of assumed that we're just synonymous with each other, right? But then there are times when I just kind of realized that I have no idea what's going on in the Manga world sometimes. Like there's this recent airing Anime right now called a Horimia. That- - The fuck is that? - So good. - Yeah, exactly. - Ah, so good. Exactly Mayline* just like Evangelic - [Mayeline] Favorite Manga The Manga's favorite Manga according to Mayeline. - The Manga is fucking awesome. When the anime is getting adapted. There was like so many Manga readers that would just - They come out. - They just come out, just come out and say, Oh my God, this is my favorite Manga. I fucking love this Mongo. And here I'm thinking where where's is this rock that you're all living on? What is this rock? - This is the thing, right? I say six out of 10 but I'm sure that they're like me. They're like, I forget about it. But when the animation out announced I'm like, yo, yo, (laughing) that's my fucking favorite. (laughing) I love that one. I read that ages ago. I loved that. - No, because the thing is, I had never heard of Horimia. Before the anime got adopted this winter season, right? - [*] Right. And I was just like, it must be a pretty, like it must have like a cult following or something. So search it up and- - Oh it has a cult following all right. (laughs) And it is following it is the 13th most popular Manga of all time on my anime list. And I'm just like, how have I never how have I never heard this name before? Or how's no one discussed this in my presence before? I thought. - Reading bad. - Well, that's the thing. That's what I find so interesting about the Manga wall is that even if it's like universally praised and credited as being this most amazing piece of work right in the Mongo wall, it's just really surprising how few people in the Anime community actually know about it. Like, I guaran-fucking-tee. Not many people know about like Oyasumi Punpun. Even though I think it's like the second or third highest rated Mongo on Val*. - I feel like I feel like, I dunno some like sane in Manga. You, you have like the sane* in big four. I think you have like, Binland* saga - Always the fucking big numbers. (laughing) It is cause it's not quite the medium for it. (laughing) - Why, why why always the big one? - The small four! - What happened to the top? (laughing) That, that describes things pretty well. - We should rename it. (mumbles) like the giga four or something. - Gigic four. - It might be, might be three. I can't remember cause it's it's all. - Which ones are you referring to? - You know the crowd that always talk about Vinland Saga. It's either Vinland Saga, Berserk or a fucking - Kamuy? Fuck. Vagabond. - Oh Vagabond. Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I think there's one more. That is in that genre that everyone keeps. - Maybe Golden Kamuy? - No, that's not Golden Kamuy, but maybe it's just a big three. Maybe, maybe I'm just imagining things. But like, I feel like a lot of sane in Manga gets talked about as like these masterpieces, you know what I mean? But some like slice of life, romance, manga like Horimia that is apparently very popular. Just don't get talked about in the same sphere and- - Well, I would argue that like even the big the big three scene, and I guess we've coined it now like *Bailey had told us about light. It upsets me how few people know about like Vagabond. - Really? - Yeah. I feel like a lot of people know about Vagabond. - I know about Vagabond. - Okay. (laughing) (mumbling) - Damn it. - I know it is a title that exists. I know absolutely nothing about it. So vagabond essentially is a it's a samurai Mongo*. - Yeah. - But I would, but it's done by the author who did Slam Dunk. - Oh, that sounds cool. - Yeah. So you know where somehow not only managed to make one of the greatest sports Manga ever made but also one of the greatest samurai Manger ever made. - [Gigguk] Yeah. - Mm. And it's fucking amazing. - Okay. - Yeah. - How many chapters is it? - Still going? (sighs) - It's still ongoing but it's- - It's on hiatus. - I don't know what it is about this. You know, the, the brutal scene in Mongo where they get up to like 200 or 300 chapters and the author's like aight, I'm a head out. - I'll take a break. (laughing) I think at least the Manga I've read. It feels like they build up like a really cool world. And again, they just like, it either gets too big and they're just like, well I've gotta reign this in. It just gets way too big and it ends with like so many fucking things not explored. - Yeah, cause cause like Going back to Hunter Hunter. Like it got up to a point where I'm just like, this is a this is a comfortable place to end it. You know what I mean? This is a comfortable place to like try it. Yeah, no, it definitely could have ended it. And then she introduces the dark continent which without spoiling the exact details of it is - Fuck outta here. No one's ever gonna see the end of it. - You have this, you have this world that's a gushy buildup in Hunter Hunter. And it was like, how, how long was like the run, whatever, the 148 episodes. - Yeah, 148 episodes, right? - Jesus. Right. And it ended to a point where you explored everything you needed to explore about the world. And he went on hiatus and everyone was just like, Oh you know, HunterxHunter must be coming to an end. - Right. And then he comes back and he's just like, J K by the way this is just one fifth of the world. - That's... (laughing) I hate it when they do that, man, like don't don't come here and pull it out of your ass. It's like a fucking like parody iPhone presentation. It's like, but wait, there's more It's like, wait, but no stop, stop. They shouldn't be as cool as the idea is of like expanding the world. It's honestly one of the things That makes me roll my eyes, emotion. I've been reading manga lately is when that like but there's another continent or planet. And I'm like, Oh, for fuck's sake There is not going to be another planet that is going to be satisfied. - Yeah. - That's, that's exactly how I felt when like, you know in like dragon ball, when they started expanding on like multi-verse and shit I was like, bro I thought like I thought like blowing up planets and like taking over the universe was hard enough. And now it's like, well, you know there's like seven more universes out there that we can explore as well. It gets my chub like softer than hearing multi-verse or like expanding the universe out of like. - I think the one thing I hate the most is how like I don't mind them like introducing that kind of thing. If they Actually follow through with it. - Yeah, yeah. But the problem is they'll just drop it. In like a chapter there'll be like, Oh, by the way There's other worlds. (laughing) And it's like no there wasn't. (laughing) There was never, you never made this mango with other worlds in mind. You liar, you're adding this now. (laughing) - Yeah, that is true. - Cause like okay back. Sorry to bring it up again. For like the ninth time. But like what I was reading Claymore they just casually mentioned that like there's two worlds having a wall and then it's like Never brought up again and then it just ends. And we never hear anything about the other world. That's apparently having a war. It's like, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. So everyone gets to go alone happy. But the whole reason why this world exist is because there was a war and this is like a testing.* It's really bullshit. Like I don't, I don't like it when they do this. Especially when the Manga is like, you know it's been going on for a long time. - Right. and it already feels like it's stretching thin. And then they're like nother world, baby. It's like, no, no, no, no, no. - True, true, true. - Because I think you said if they build it up fine but when they just drop it, I hate it. - Yeah. - No, you sometimes see these plot points in Manga. It's just like dropped. And for some reason you just never never hear about it again, like aside from other worlds the biggest example I can think of is the Gantz Manga. - Oh my God. I love that one. But I was so dumb. - Yeah. Well I just like remember when there were vampires in it and that was a big plot point, - Oh yeah, there was then they just disappeared. like the vampire gang. - Yeah, yeah. (laughing) - Just never heard about it again. - There's a lot of stuff in Gantz. So if you haven't read Gantz, I guess you could. It's very long. It's written... The artwork is fucking amazing. We spoke about it before, but yeah, randomly halfway through, they introduced vampires into a world that never had vampires and then they just never come up again. (laughing) - Not going to lie. Like I barely remember any of it because I think at that point I kind of just like erase the front. I was like, this is so dumb. I don't even want to like put it's a memory. - I just kind of, I always offhand remember you know, sometimes you just get flashbacks. - You wake up at night sweating. - Oh God. There was vampires! - You wake up. - You wake up and you just like whatever happened to those vampires? (laughing) where did they disappear to? They were built up as like the big fucking villains or something. - Yeah, yeah. And then they just, they just went nowhere with it. - Yeah. - Yeah. I guess that's the problem of when you're like serializing a Mongo every week. I wonder how much of it like is actually planned before and how much it just feels like it's falling apart. Which is why the The more manga I read, the more I respect to something like one piece, which can keep coherency this long. You know what I mean? And, and it just continually getting more and more epic, right? - And just continually getting better and better. But I mean like that's also why I really value when a Manga just has a good ending, not even a Mongo but just any media in anime, Mongo or light novels that just has an ending that people are satisfied with. - I don't ask for much but I do ask for a satisfactory ending to a story. - I'm just the more I've been reading Manga. My pet peeve is like where it just starts to fall apart like in the last 40 50 chapters that's been really that's been happening a lot - Nothing ruins I feel like an experience of going through this entire long journey with these characters that you fall in love within this world that is interesting to come to limp dick ending. You know what I mean? - Yeah. Like there are like, I, I swear to God I can count the amount of like satisfying endings on like my hands in, in that I've read in Mongo. - [*] Right. because there is like most of the manga that I love are still ongoing, like classics, like Bezerk, Vagabonds, Vinland Saga, for example. And then there are other things like Slam Dunk. Where you just feel, you know, it just kind of, kind of just ended. you know what I mean? It had its, you know what, come on. You can't say that that final chapter of slam Dunk - Don't spoil it for me. I want to read it. - Okay. Well essentially like I'm not going to tell you how the story goes because it's a lot to unpack, but basically like slam dunk. I really liked the final chapter of slam dunk because it was kind of like experimental almost because almost. - Another dimension, where the basketball slam dunk. - No, because really made that like final chapter famous was the fact that almost the entirety of the final chapter has no dialogue. Yeah. Oh, that's cool. And it's just like it, like basically he was just like let me just show you the story rather than telling you the story. I don't have the problem with the final chapter. I just felt like without the wrap-up or I felt like they could have gone further with the entire story. And I feel like he just kind of ran out of ideas and just kind of just ended it. You know what I mean? But it's not that it wasn't a great final chapter. It was just that I, I wanted to spend more time with these characters and I felt like there could have been room to spend more time. - That was me with Hikaru No Go. - Oh my God. If we're talking about, if we're talking about absolute cuckold endings, like Hikaru No Go. - Oh my God. - Hikaru No Go is a show. No, no, no, a go Manga. It's a- - You know what a go is? - Yeah, a go. Yeah, yeah, of course. - Like a black and white. - This is when the ghost teaches him. - Yeah, yeah. - The one where the ghost teaches him. - Doesn't end well? It (laughing) It just ends. - Oh okay. - It just ends. - Say no more. - You know what I mean? It just ends in like a really controversial way. - Ah, I see. - Where people were kind of just like, wow, there must've been some like strings behind the scenes that were kind of just like, you're going to end it this way whether you like it or not, because it's very, very unsatisfactory. - Yeah. - That's sad. - Nobody was happy. - Are there any good endings that you can think of, off the top of your heads? Aside from Oyasumi Punpun.* Because I know you were about to mention Oyasumi Punpun. That's the first thing. I think when I think of the most genius ending, it's Oyasmi Punpun. - I haven't read like many Manga. Compared to Jerry, but I don't know. I'm happy enough if it just doesn't completely fuck itself. - Yeah. I honestly, is that how it is that how it is to be a Manga fan? Like where you're just like, as long as it doesn't completely fuck everything up, I'll be okay. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Even if it's like average. I'm still satisfied with it. - Yeah, exactly. - Because like I just recently finished watching reading Beastars. Just the last volume came out like a week ago. - Yeah. - Not the strongest ending in my opinion but it wasn't a complete shit show of an ending. So I was like, you know what? I'm satisfied. Like - Okay. - Could have been better but it could have been a lot worse as well, so. - Is the ending of a Mongo that important? Cue v* salsa music (laughing) - I feel like if an ending of a manga or even an anime is good, that can bring it up from like a, from like a decent show to like a master piece level. - I agree. - Yeah, go on. Go on. - I mean, I mean the biggest example I can think of is the clusterfuck that was code yellow season two. Yeah. And yet somehow the like I will never forget it because of how great the ending was. Same with something like Cowboy Bebop, for example, as well. - I think the ending matters more in anime than it does in Manga. - What do you think is the difference? - I don't know. - I think the way you - Length. - Length the way that you experienced it. I remember vastly the best bits were Manga more than I do. Like I said, I, when I look back on Manga, I remember it it's like an amalgamation of like the whole experience as opposed to episodes and like scenes. - Right. - And also, yeah. So I just find that when I finish a Manga I'd rarely ever think about the ending of any of them. I just think about my favorite moments throughout the Manga. - Really? I'm the complete opposite. - I think about the ending. I think with manga, I think about like certain scenes whereas with anime, I think about it kind of as a whole. And I think maybe it's because I binge anime. So I kind of experienced the anime all at once. Whereas with manga, a lot of it, because it's rather long for me, a couple of episodes, - I binge both. So I guess ending's always important to me. - Yeah. Especially if I've felt like I've spent like a lot of time with these characters, like, like it doesn't have to be a it doesn't have to be like an amazing ending but what I want is a satisfying ending. But if there's an ending that is actually amazing and sticks with me, then I'll always remember that Mongo - This is true. Because I read all of Vinland Saga, which is amazing. - Yeah. - Up to the point where it was out like a few months ago. - Yeah. - And if I, if I never read it again I'd probably be happy knowing that I had a good story up to where it, or up to where I got to, which sounds weird because it literally was in the middle of like a fight. I was like, you know what? I've read a lot. I've read so much of this. That I'm actually satisfied if I just stop reading this manga, I'll be okay. - Yeah. - Like I'm fine. - But I guess that's where the double-edged sword in right? Is that the longer the mung, it goes for the more greater of an ending you expect. - Almost, I guess. - Sometimes or sometimes you just, cause sometimes you are you've read a manga for so long that you kind of just want it to end. You can (mumbles) - I get it. (laughing) You kind of just, cause that was me with Narato. That was me with Bleach, you know what I mean? Where they, they got to a point when I was just like I am reading this purely because I've invested so much time and it it's it's, it's the league problem right? You're just like, I've invested so much time in this that I just need to, I just need to play it out. - What would you say is the cap then? Know? You just know it's like a feeling, right? Like when I was reading Eyeshield, I like when it goes to like chapter, like 250 I'm like, all right, let's wrap it up. (laughing) But it had like another a hundred left. - Right. Right. - I like this felt like it went on long enough. Like it felt like they were adding too many things like and a lot of Manga had that where like what was once a gigantic threat earlier on even though they haven't changed much in power will suddenly be like, they dispatch it. And like once one hit, - Right. There's so many stuff like that where it's like so this really cool enemy you introduce you start just one shotting later on. It's like, what's the point of this? Like you're just completely ruining all the steaks over and over again. I hate it. Well, so some reason, man, some fucking action scenes are like nigh on impossible to figure out what the fuck is going on in manga. Like I'm, I'm, I'm looking (laughing) at these panels and the shit going on. And I'm like, I would need to like get out my fucking pen and draw along to like try and figure out what the actual cartography is. - Like a bird's eye view and you showing me like layout of what's happening. - I mean, - I would have more chance having like a battlefield view and you showing me like little fucking statues moving. - Right. - So fans trying to figure out* - Before the anime, yeah. - That was literally me I was like, what's going on? At manga? I'm like, I will sit there for a good, like 30 seconds staring at this. Like yeah, I have no fucking idea. - That's the problem I have with like Jojolion. Cause I was I'm reading it. I'm like these stand pals, like getting so fucking weird that I'm looking at something and I'm like I guess the stand is doing its power but I don't know what the fuck? - What are you doing? Because then an action Manga. I started like not really care about. Cause half the time you can barely tell what's actually happening. And you're just like putting the dots. I don't know. There's something about watching the fight unfold and like the way it was meant to in like a time way with music and noise was so much more satisfying. - I dunno. Cause I feel like that is the problem with a lot of anime fights period, right? Is that they don't actually feel like flights. They feel like just they feel like impacts intermittently with, with dialogue. In between. - Basically. You know what I mean? Cause like no one know it, you see some anime flights and you think no one actually fights like this. You know what I mean? No one throws A punch, says a sentence then throws a punch back. You know what I mean? That, that doesn't know how fights work. - Literally every Bucky fight. (laughing) - Exactly. - What's a fight without a dialogue? Come on gone.* - Because it's like, that's why for example the fights in God of high school really stood out to me cause they actually felt like a martial arts fight. You know what I mean? Let's say what you want about the story or the whatever but the way the fights were directed and frames and just choreographed, they felt like actual fights. - It felt like it felt like a Jackie Chan fight, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. And I'm cause that's what, that's what immediately stood out to me about that direction. And that animation was that, you know, sometimes you get like the narrative episode where you have like you have like the basic normal narrative fights. And then you have like this one episode that is just like this, the studio putting all their budget and their a team on one fucking fight. And then that you that that is the fight that people will remember. You know what I mean? But most anime fights are just, I mean they are literally just animated manga panels and you can't tell what's going on in a manga panel with action most of the time. So that's really what sets the good fights from the bad fights. - Sometimes you need that dialogue, right? To help build it up. It's like a, it's like a good poem, right? Sometimes you need the story to make the worthwhile. You know what I mean? - Yeah, of course. - I think there's like a limit to how much dialogue, like, you know, that's one thing I didn't like about like a lot of Narato fights is the fact that it's like, I don't need a fucking flashback in the middle of a punch. I don't need that. (mumbles) - Yeah. I like it when they're like internalizing their thoughts on the battle. That's more interesting to me than fucking Like, ah, you're strong. And it's like, well obviously that's why You're fucking fighting each other. My least favorite, like anime fight trope is like the the guy in the sidelines explaining everything while it's happening. - To be fair, that that's either hit or miss. Cause the only like one of the only Yeah like, like it's, it's either Speedwagon or it's shit basically. - Pretty much. It's like, it's like I don't know how this person is able to like explain every fucking like physics movement as this guy's doing fucking a one-inch punch. Right? - Yeah. - It's like, it's like, what is the timeframe? How is that happening? - And then there's like, Bucky, which just like you you have an e-sports commentator just like explaining every detail and technique and the fucking backstory. - I love that. That's fucking great. I love it. - That's the thing like. (laughing) if it's like Jojo, Bucky, where it's, it's it's gone to the point where it's so unrealistic that it just becomes ridiculous. I like that. I hate it when they try and make it as if it's happening in real time. And it's like, don't kid yourself guys. Like, isn't it. Like you'd have to be like rap God in order to like commentate over it. That fucking quickly as it's happening. (laughing) - Yeah, sometimes you just hear a piece of dialogue in the time it takes us for like one punch to get thrown. A punch is just like a millisecond. Right. And they have this five minute dialogue in the middle of their head in between this punch getting thrown in just - It's like a multi page like (mumbles)* right? And it's like, where's the punch? - Where's the impact? (mumbles) - No I'm just like, is time dilation just a thing when anime characters get punched or something? Like Einstein's rolling in his grave right now when when whenever a punch gets thrown man. (laughing) - Yeah. And also how many fucking Manga are there where like someone gets stabbed and then like the like but you fell in my trap and it's like, how many how many times have you practiced this? Where you just been like stabbed or punched? And this was like part of your plan. Like, this is just like too, it happens so often. Or like sometimes they'll get like a fatal wound and they'll immediately like heal it. And it's like what? - Yeah. But then again, right. It's like, that kind of goes back into the whole thing of like how ridiculous it is as well. Right? Like, Bucky does that so fucking often where it's like, you should be dead after one punch, but you've somehow managed to survive like 10 punches, a stab wound and like three gunshots. And you're still able to like form a dialogue. - Well, I feel like Bucky is just like one side of the extreme where it's so extreme that you can't take it seriously anymore. I mean a lot of anime flights on that. I like anime trips, like anime is just normalized getting punched and coughing up blood. Whereas in real life, you're internally hemorrhaging and (laughing) (panting) You're probably gonna die. If you internally hemorrhage, let's be honest. - If you cough of blood, bro. - You're dead. (laughing) (mumbles) - If you smash your head through a concrete wall which is apparently normal in anime then you've got a fucking concussion, you know. - Or, or just a splattered head. (laughing) No head probably. - Exactly. - I want a realistic like toe stubbing scene in anime (laughing) That's what I want. That's what I want to experience. - What about? I mean, niche-y Joe* could have done it. - Yeah. Probably. - Toe stubbing is like the closest I get to a real life anime scene. Right? - I want someone to just animate someone's stubbing their toe. And that it's just like immediately like a Jojo sight, like cough up blood (groaning) - I'm pretty sure like Bubba, Bubba, Bubba, boy probably did something like that. - I dunno what it is about stubbing your toe. Like you stop your toe. And it's one of the few injuries you get where you do it. And you know, the pain is coming. But for some reason there is a pain delay between you'd stubbing, your toe and the immense pain. You're about to feel like if there was time for a real life, anime flashback, it's in that delay. (laughing) It's in that pain delay map*. - Now, if you were an anime character, you would realize that you can synchronize your energy to counter the blow incoming. That's... Come on. - You can stop the nervous system from delivering it to your brain. - Exactly. - Yeah. That's that's the closest you get to a fucking anime injury or whatever. - I wonder do you guys want to talk about Attack on Titan? Because Twitter's funny right now, Twitter is funny. I mean what is there to talk about? Like. - I didn't realize How much for the clown Fiesta Twitter is about Attack on Titan. How are, how is, how have people turned this into a thing to like dislike? I don't understand like- - Like I knew there was something wrong When I woke up in the morning and went on to Twitter. Hashtag thank you Mapa was trending. I was like, what the fuck are these clowns doing now? - It's like every time, every time Attack on Titan airs, and you go on Twitter and something about tack on Titan is trending. - And the time of recording is episode six came out. - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. - And basically the most recent thing that happened was what was it? People, people on Twitter were just attacking the staff members. They were- - Why? What's wrong with them? - I think what I've read was some people were just harassing the director for one of the music choices that was that was made in one of the big scenes. And it got so bad that he had to deactivate his Twitter. - He did? - Yeah. - And a bunch of animators as well are getting harassed. - I'm literally watching this thing. Like, this is amazing. Why are people getting angry? Like, is there like what was wrong with the song? - Like I can't (sighs) Who the fuck the knows? - Maybe it's like, I'm losing words because it's so fucking dumb. - Stupid. And I'm the- You can't do that. You don't deserve anime. I'm just saying right now, like you just you just don't deserve that. - You ain't a real anime fan, You're not a real anime fan if you do that. - What blows my mind is that like at the end of the day, a lot of these people, right? We're just, we're just anime fans. Why on earth? Do you think you have the right to that? Just go to like the director level. I fucking hate that. - The fucking audacity. - How dare you. - You try and make an anime. (laughing) And see how you, if you can make a good light I want to do is like, I just want to like kind of cause I think one of the things I saw yesterday was people were complaining about one of the Titans being like really bad CGI or whatever - Yeah. I'm watching this thing, right? And the CGI is honestly like barely noticeable. It's really like, not even remotely, like - Yeah. I just want to like go off to all those people complaining about the CGI and like link them to any scene from like Bizarre 2016. - Yeah. Like this is one, the same people who've will The clip. Right. And then run it through Sony Vegas, call it 4k. And re-upload it. And be like, this is a 4k fight scene guy. - That's my least favorite thing. - It's it's absolutely absurd. - 60 fps, 4K fight scene. (laughing) - Which is like (mumbles) - Let's go baby. - The descriptions like I fixed this fight. I made it better. - Dumbest fucking thing. - Don't do that. - I, yeah. I mean I was cause I tweeted out saying like, Attack on Titan B will be carrying on in 2021. Obviously not being a hundred percent serious about that. I'm not, I'm not literally sitting there being like my 2021 would be ruined if Attack on Titan wasn't airing. Like there's some, my God. The arguments that arose in those comments. - I made like an Attack on Titan tweet immediately muted it. I was just like, I've done this enough times before to know that saying anything about tackling Titan, whether positive or negative, you just set up, you just set up a minefield. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? - It's like, I, you know, I tweeted it. I came back four hours later and then, you know as I'm, you know, cause you refresh your Twitter you see the most recent reply. And it was something about like Japanese whaling laws that they were arguing about. And then I clicked on it. - Excuse me. (laughing) - I click on this thing and it goes up like 50 replies back and forth. These two people going at it because one of them said that like Ray zero season two was going to be better. And they somehow devolved into like an attack on Japan. And I was like, what the fuck is happening? - Do these people have like anything else to do? - I just, I just don't understand how people can be angry about like a great thing. Like even if they're CGI in it, that is barely noticeable. What's wrong, it's getting adapted and it looks good. We're getting what we want. I mean, I do understand why people are being so pathetic. - I feel like this is coming from the perspective of a lot of let's say more like entitled manga readers, right? Cause you can be disappointed in some ways of an anime adaptation, because there, there there are some times when you read a manga and you have an imagination about how this Mongo is going to play out if it was animated and with something like attack on Titan where the bar by studio wits was set so fucking high, right? That you go to mapper which I still think mapper is doing a fucking fantastic job. We've had bangers. - We've had fucking bangers. And what I will say is like it's like the tiniest of nitpicks, right. Where I would say that it's gone from like a 10 out of 10 adaptation to like a nine out of 10 adaptation. And that, that that's, that's, that's the thing, right? It's, it's, it's a very slight step down from where it it's not bad by any step. It's just a very slight step down. It's like - Like the people taking that as if it went from like a 10 to a one. - Yeah, yeah, Exactly, right? And the thing is it's a nine hour 10 adaptation for 10 out of 10 material. You're still getting a fucking banger. - I don't fucking get it. - It's not seven deadly sins, season three. So I don't, I really do not understand the problem here. And like, you know these are the people who were getting this nitpicky on Twitter and those manga readers are just the exact same kind of people who are just like when their kids born, if that kid fucks up anything they're like, well, it's ruined. It's fucked. (laughing) I, you know, my expectations were fucked. It's ruined, what can I say? - What I- - Well, they just like this isn't like what was in the bottle. - They're basing it off their own life. If, if the child fucks up, they're like, well fuck it didn't stick to the (mumbles) - Looking at the ultrasound, they're seen the baby born. It's like, well, that's, that's not, that's not a good adaptation, is it? (laughing) - So, you're saying to me it's not gonna be six foot. Honestly. Just put it back in - This isn't exactly the same. - That's the go go completely on a tangent. That's all I completely feel about gender reveal parties. I don't, I don't understand the point of gender reveal. - I've seen so many fucking like absurd gender robot, gender reveal party clips on like tick-tok and stuff like that where I'm just like, this is just hilarious now. Did you see the one where it's like, fuck what was it? It was like, there was like a, a balloon like a giant fucking balloon. You know like, you know, maybe like six- - This is the weirdest fucking tangent we've ever done. - No, because what I was, what I was thinking was like. - You took too long. - Yeah, oh yeah. (laughing) - No, was just gonna say, like, there's just like a giant like six, seven foot balloon that this guy carries. - Yeah. And he's just like, all right, I'm going to pop it. And it just explodes into this like colored like powder that just completely fills up the backyard. - Cause what I'm thinking right. Is okay. The point of gender reveal party is to reveal the gender of the baby, right? - Right. - And celebrate that. But like at which point do do, does like agenda get revealed and the father is just like, Oh, it's, it's a girl. - No! - Oh, Karen, Karen, go get the current hanger. We're doing it again. Like what, what kind of, what kind of reaction do you expect the father and the mother to have? You know what I mean? - It's like what human? Most normal people will be like, whether it's a guy or a girl do reaction's going to be the same. - You're gonna have a kid. - I just think that we celebrate too many things. I think we have enough things to celebrate. How hard is it to just say, it's a boy. How hard is it? - Is like having the kids birthday like not enough? (laughing) Like I think to me, I legitimately don't understand like we have so many things to celebrate. It's fucking exhausting. Who is planning all this shit? Like who has this much free time? Honestly, I barely can like get Christmas plans together. Like my own birthday. Who has this? Is it the woman she's pregnant? Shouldn't you be focused on that? Like I don't. I don't get it. - I wonder if there's like self fulfilling prophecy of why some people working in retail in America when a person comes in and being like give me all of your blue dye. I need as much blue dye as possible. And they're like, oh fuck. One of these all right. - But yeah, back to Attack on Titan. (laughing) - That was such a weird transition. (laughing) - That was a weird tangent. Bottom line, stop complaining about Attack on Titan. It's good. It's fine - I just felt like, I just feel like it's like cause you know, I think it's a of edge edge of people out there who are just like, I don't want to admit that Attack on Titan is the best thing right now. I don't want to give it more clout than it deserves. And you know, you see these fucking God awful takes on Twitter being like, yeah, it was boring. Dropped it right away. And it's like, who cares? Just let the people who are enjoying it. Fucking enjoy it. - Well. - It's good. - Yeah. It's like- - Stop shitting on it. That's the thing. It's like, you can have you can have an opinion about it, right? Like if you think it's shit, whatever. Don't fucking harass the animators over it. - Yeah. It's same thing with like when Game of Thrones is like around. People like, you know, people just want to be that person who's like, yeah. I don't like game of Thrones. Yeah. Whatever, it sucked. - Cool. - Oh you happy about it? Fuck. That's lame bro. I'm not excited about it. I'm not excited about anything. Bro, except my gender reveal, party. - Fuck the system. - Yeah. Everything I get excited for is my baby's gender like that. You know what I mean? Like I don't know. Yeah. For some reason, you know, I mean it does happen in other genres as well, but for some reason who are these I don't even know the fucking @s of these creators that Tweet. How are they finding this shit? Why, why are they finding this shit? Just to fucking @ them and tell them that it's shit. - Right. As if like one of the animes is going to be like, Oh, thanks for your feedback. We'll change it immediately. They go to the annual meeting like yo guys, you see him? These people don't like it. What the fuck? - Yeah. So like MiCasa276 on Twitter said that we should we should just completely change the episode. It just changed studios. Like what director's going to be like RFM. I've got you. - I mean, it kind of sucks that, you know in the time where the Japanese industry and the Japanese staff members are starting to, you know we want them to open up to to open up more to the international community. This is the they have to deal with for some of like the biggest profile adaptation. - I kinda want to just go there and be like, don't open up. - Yeah (laughing) It's not worth it. Don't open up. - Don't go to Twitter. I do think You know, there's a good amount of the people who are probably sending hate, who probably don't want it to open up. Cause to them, I think it's, you know, it's the same thing with like the idol and like kind of almost like the whole life fan base a little bit where they're like we don't want all our people to interact outside, ruin them. - We don't want the normies coming in - We don't want, we don't. - Yeah. - We don't want like the American corporations getting their fingers in our Japanese, like anime, you know what I mean? There's a lot of people who are like that, right. - As if they're Japanese, themselves. - I mean, they bought at the time it does come from a place of - non Japanese. - Yeah, non Japanese. - We like all- I get it if they were Japanese, but most, if not, all of It's like in your video, when you did the the anime studio tour and like the guy who was the director of the studio, it was like, Oh we have foreign fans? - Yeah. I like genuinely. Yeah. So the CEO of CloverWorks genuinely didn't know that they had fans. - I mean, a lot of people don't know that - Can you blame them if he goes on 20 (mumbles) Give him time to kill himself. What? I would be like, no, they don't exist. Don't. - No. They don't honestly - Honestly like, It's embarrassing. - I'm just saying you do to make you feel better. - I mean, I suppose if you think about it, it's the same wave. It's the same mentality of like, for example if we find out that Trash Taste has or something had Japanese fans, you know what I mean? It's just like, Oh, there's people in Japan who watch us. We have Russian fans? - We have a Russian dump what's going on here? - I get emails every week. I'm like, you guys know you have like a Russian doll. Yeah. We get it. - Its fine. - Would you say that Attack on Titan is carrying your 2021 - So far. Yeah. Dude, every episode I'm getting fucking hyped for. - Well, she just, you know, be appreciative of the fact that we're even getting Attack on Titan. Right? Like in the midst of a pandemic. - Yeah I mean, the fact is that Attack on Titan it's it could be carrying any year because I don't think that anything can live up to what Attack on Titan season four is giving us right now. And I say this in the midst of what I would- - One of the strongest seasons we've ever had. - I would argue that this is the front. This is a contender for one of the strongest seasons in the history of anime. - Yeah. And that is a big statement. But like it's so stacked in every single genre and every single kind of every single category you can think of that. I can't think of a single person who can't find at least two or three shows that there'll be watching this season. And then on top of that, you have the classic being made. That is Attack on Titan. - Why would you, I, you know if I was an anime studio and I found out when Attack on Titan airing, I'd be like, you know what? Just fucking hold on. (laughing) Don't don't let's wait like on YouTube, you know if you upload a video when like Shane Dawson dropped a documentary. It's like, just don't. Just don't. - That's like movie companies being like, wait Avengers in cinemas right now, pull back pull back, pull back. Never release at the same time as Avengers, cause like, no one's going to watch it. Like almost I would have been like just hold off because the Attack on Titan going to carry like even if I only get to watch it once a week it's going to be in my mind the whole week. So like just hold off and give me a banger of next season. But now they, all, everyone was like let's all come out right now. Let's let's all have all our bangers right now In this one season. Cause like the amount of like we we've had a few seasons previously with some season twos here and there but it seems like every season two or like sequel the season is a fucking banger. - Because like Beastars is airing right now. Right. Okay. So - I do not know any - No one is talking about it. Cause Attack on Titan - Yeah. is the only thing that anyone gives a shit about. - Okay. So we got Beastars two. Which is gotta be amazing. We've got Promise Neverland. We've got Promise Neverland. - Which no one is talking about. - No one's talking about - Remember when promise Netherland came out, it was massive. it was the only one spoke about. - Yeah - We got Lock Horizon three, Quints two. Quintessential Quintuplets two. We got Dr. Stone two - Yeah. - I sleep. - I sleep Attack on Titan season two. I awoke. - Awoke. - Yeah. Basically. I mean like it's how can you not man? Like every episode is just like a fucking roller coaster. And like for a lot of people we can on this for like five plus years. This journey, right? - It's it's and it's, and it's one of the few ones where it feels like it's run its natural course actually it's actually coming to an end. You know what I mean? And I said in a tweet that I feel like this is like watching a classic being made. And I have no doubts that if like, even if he doesn't like completely slammed dunk the ending, even if it's just an okay satisfying ending, it's going to go down. - As long as it's not like the crummiest fucking ending imaginable. - Yeah. - Which I- - Wait for it. Multi-verse predicted multi-verse. - I would like to think not going to happen. - I completely forgot Re Zero two is airing this season. - Oh, yeah. - Again, you just can't compete. - No one's talking about it. - No one's talking about anything. And I'm just like there's so many bangers to season and like Attack on Titan. It's just taking over. - Like I'm sure. Because I remember I was watching the last season of Breaking Bad as it was airing, week by week. I'm sure I watched other TV shows during that time. I cannot tell you what I've watched other than than fucking Breaking Bad. - Yeah, true true. - Like it was like the highlight, right? Like it's what it takes up your your space and your hype for like or for what's going to it's going to be 26 episodes, Attack on Titan right? - No, it's going to be 14. - It's 14? - Yeah. So right now, from what I've heard, like this is me going off of whatever- - Speculation warning. - Manga, manga readers. So it's going to be 14 episodes, I think 14 or 15 which doesn't take it up to the end of the Manga. Cause the end of the manga ends in April Cause I'm poor... - Yeah, I heard that. - April or May. I can't remember, but it's confirmed that the Manga is going to be ending this late spring summer kind of time. - I thought they were trying to do like a duel ending, where it was going to be. They both were like ending it the same itme. - Like an anime originally. - No, no, no, no. - No. Like it was gonna, he was probably gonna I thought he meant maybe he was gonna like tell them the studio, the end date. - No. So what's so with the confirmed amount of episodes, that's out so far what people are thinking is going to happen is either we're going to get a season four part two. - Fuck. - Or we are going to get a movie. - No. - I would I'm speculating it's going to be a movie. - And I think a movie is (groaning) going to be more likely. - I mean look how fucking successful Demon Slayer was. - I know. I know. - They get to see that. - I don't wanna movie! And they probably saw then was like, we can do that with the last Attack on Titan thing. Just saying. - Honestly. Like if- - I'm gonna have to speed run the Hong go real quick. Fuck (laughing) - I'm going (mumbles) - Like Joey was saying - There's a fucking type it out. - Please live translate for me. Come on. Yeah. I'll hire a professional light. You know the ones that the governments when they go to the meetings I'll hire them to get in the seat behind me in the theater. Just whispering in my ear. - All I get to say is like personal reasons. I wish I hope it's going to be a movie just so I can be the first one to make a video on it. (laughing) (yelling) - I'm going to go to the midnight screening. And I'm going to make a video and be like, yeah guys, it was epic. (laughing) - Where- - I would not do that. - I'm kidding. I'm joking. - I wouldn't, I would not ruin possibly one of the greatest animes to go down in history just for YouTube click. But I'd be like, Hey guys, I think I know what happened. I watched it all three times. I think I got the gist of what's going on with Made in Abyss. - Yeah we watched it together. - What the is this movie called? Dawn in- - Okay. We watched the Made in Abyss movie. We'd like, obviously there's no subtitles. I'm pretty sure I understood what happened. (laughing) I'm pretty happy. I'm pretty sure I got it. - I got the gist. - Was like plot, plot, questionable child, Paul plot. And then (mumbles) (laughing) - And I was just like, Oh Kevin, you did, you did a good job Cause Kevin was sitting right next to us. - Damn, this song is good, man. - It's like go into hall. Questionable child hall. Music, good. (laughing) - Basically, but yeah like everyone The Made in Abyss movie was amazing and I'm just like had a good, I still haven't seen it. Honestly. It's fine. (laughing) - I mean, I'm not going to take your word for it. (laughing) - As a man who understood half of what was being said, (laughing) it was fine. - This episode of Trash Taste is sponsored by G fuel. What flavor are you drinking Guk? I am drinking starfruit flavor right now. - I'm drinking pink lemonade. - Wow. I'm drinking faze berry. - If you want your own G fuel you can use co Trash Tastes to get 30% off G fuel. - Thanks G-fuel. - Link's in the description back to the episode. - Can we talk about the real masterpiece airing the season though? - Masterpiece? - Oh, and Joey. (laughing) Joey knows what I'm talking about. - It's really funny cause (laughing) I was just to bring it up too. (laughing) - So, forget this Attack on Titans lando. Like whatever we're going to call the classic. The real classic that's coming out the season is an anime called X arm. - X arm! - So I'm a, I'm a complete newb now I have seen clips of it But could you please explain to me what Xarm is and it's total ness. - It is hilarious. (laughing) - It is an experience. I will say that. So I think we have literally got the mass effect Andromeda releases of anime. You know what I mean? - The Cyber Punk finish. (laughing) So this is, I didn't know. Anime Could have bugs and glitches. That's all I'm gonna say. (laughing) - So it is a crunchy roll original right? - Oh no. Oh no. - And you know that crunchy roll up proud of this because I have not seen a single piece of promotional work about this at all. - I saw the trailer on YouTube but I thought it was a joke. (laughing) And the show looks Worse than that. - No. - Yeah. - It looks, it looks worse than - I hate to say to you about the trailer's probably the best part about the show the trailer isn't the trailer. The trailer is the anime (mumbles) But that probably makes it makes it good, doesn't it? - But it's so bad. - I was crying and laughter the first episode. - It is like I think the third lowest anime on mal right now after one episode - After one episode. - Yeah, but you're laughing. - So I mean it's, it's a that's that's what it's a masterpiece of trash basically. It's it's fucking. it's no masterpiece. (laughing) It is a masterpiece. It's like, it's like the first time I watched like Ghazi's wing, right? - Yeah. All like, you know, Skelter heaven. I was like a scale to heaven, I was like, this is I'm watching a masterpiece, but on the opposite end of the. - So, so to, to explain Xarm, there's a control original anime that is made by a completely new studio by a team who's never worked in anime before. - American? - No Japanese. - Japanese team. But they've never worked in anime before. And it shows, it shows, (laughing) it shows that They've never worked anime before. And it is a 3D anime that looks like it was made by a five-year-old who just learned Blender. Like yesterday. - Oh no. Oh no. - It makes Ruby look like it makes Ruby season one look like an absolute master class. - I was going to watch it, but I just wanted to get like drunk enough just to like fully enjoy it. - It makes Bezerk 2016 looked like Akira. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - What? - It's pretty bad. - And what's worse is that like I posted the clip of it on Twitter but like there's a scene right near the beginning, right? Where the main character is 3D, but his brother is in 2D. - What? (laughing) - So you have this truly awful CG, like blocky Minecraft character standing next to this 2D anime character. And he literally in the same scene, the same shot. And he literally looks he literally looks green screened on, you know what I mean? It looks like someone just learned it looked like someone just had learned this the Chrome Mickey's. - He said to his boss. Like yo, you heard of this thing called a chroma key. This is nuts. - Exactly. - Look - You can see it on screen right now. Oh my God. That's awful. That's like, that looks like in the same scene. You know what that is, that looks like if you told me that was what's that what's that game where everyone can have their own avatars in the game. It looks like the like second life, whatever it's called, yeah? (laughing) it looks like if like, you know how like someone other people have their own servers and they like 2D things and they have like the 3D models. That's what it looks like. - You know what that looks like? That looks like someone took like a regular anime and made like an MMD edit of it. Know what I mean? - I can see it. I can see it. - Cause it is like that quality. Actually, MMD is a better quality. - Mmd is a better anime. It's pretty damn good MMDs out there. Don't be hating on my MMD. - And then like, if, if that wasn't already bad there was just like some of the fight choreography is just hilarious. Like this is one fight scene. I think like it's like the last fight scene of the first episode where there was just no music. It's like, they forgot to put in the music. (laughing) It's just like, like that, but there's no music whatsoever. So it's just, I was watching it and I was just like there's something wrong with my headphones? Like why is there no music playing? - I remember like in the last part they run out or something and it's literally a guy who looks like it looks like it's literally looks like the characters are like being animated with a steak or something like that. There's literally no like they're not moving their limbs or something. They just like rocking from side to side. - So, are we talking about like that? Like Queen Bee would put them to shame. Oh, I wish this was automated by Queen Bee. It makes queen bee look like studio wit. It's fucking horrible. (laughing) - Yeah. - But it's also just a really fun time. Like I had a lot of fun watching the first episode. - I mean, I want to get some drinks and just enjoy it, you know? - Oh, we need to its so funny. - This would be like even better if it had like kind of like a ghost stories dub. So someone needs to dub Exxon like crunchy roll, please. Don't be ashamed of XR. You are sitting on a golden duck here just marketed correctly. And people will mean the out of us. Give us the rights to dub Waldoboro. - We'll make an amazing dub of it. You know What I mean? Can't wait to direct those sessions. (laughing) - And like the opening song as well. Just what? (laughing) That, the one that sounds like some, some 41, it sounds like it sounds like sum 41 cover band. I heard that was the one that used for the trailer, right? Yeah. That is just the anime Tried to send me it. And he's like, what the is this? What the? What is this? God. It's like, it's like a high school band that listened to too much green day. You know what mean? It does sound like a cover band. Oh my God. That is perfect. But so why is no one talking about that? I don't know that you have attachment type of season four, but who gives a about Greenlit? That like, I know, sorry. Like who, who let that through light quality assurance? Like who led that through what qualities I'm saying? Like just normally people who are like, yeah this is good to go. Who, who dead watch that first episode was like, yeah. It's good. I wonder though, if someone at like the production team was like, I feel like we're forgetting something - QA. Oh shit. You know how sometimes when like people like make shows but it's just one big like tax fraud scheme. It's like, I shouldn't say that you get in trouble. It's definitely a joke. It's a joke. Oh my God. But like, I wonder what the people working on it think of this, you know what I mean? Cause you know, sometime, sometimes you work on a project that you're proud about, you know what I mean? Cause it People want to get paid gone. Right. Or the end of the day, they're like, I mean I got to just keep toning up and doing what they ask. Right. That's what I imagine It's happening. I don't know. I just like to imagine that like the animators came back to the, like the producer and was like, yeah, the, the, the models look great. So like put some shading on it put a little more animation on the producers light. So it's coming out tomorrow. I just want, I just want to know, because you know in like in any like anime production or any big project production, you know, you have this you have this screening nights, right? Where you as a group, as the team you get to watch the final product before it airs. I just want to hear the silence in that room when the credits roll and you just, you just, what, what can you say? Psych in Japan? Always silent. That's what I see in America and the West. We have clapping, right? Because like the thing that the entire like screen your room is just like silently nodding their head. Hell yeah. Every Japanese means just waiting for the visa card. Anyway, come on. I just want to be a man. I'm going to get a free meal at the end of the screening and free drinks. So it doesn't matter like that, that tuning up to the screen. I turn up to the screening. If I could Listen, man, like as someone who's like, you know Donna document, you're going to name a studio. I completely see Oh, look at that flat. It's hard. I get it. It's hard. But also come on. (laughing) It's hard but come on, man. It's hard. You know, we're not we're not blaming the probably staff at all. I'm not blaming anyone for it. If anything, I'd like to thank them for giving us some like quality entertainment. Honestly, it is honestly quality. I watched episode two and it is also a banger. Just coming out with a bang. The episode, man Exxon episode two is what I'm looking forward to. Are you guys watching anything else this season or are you guys waiting to see what gets hype? And we'll get one to watch what the called one drag priority. That is one direct priority. Weirdest fucking title, but I watched the trailer on it because I heard so many people. A lot of people were asking me like, Hey have you seen the first episode? This I was like, that doesn't even sound like a real anime. One direct wondering party that sounds made up. But then I checked out the trailer. I was like, actually, this kind of looks fire. Yeah. It's It's too early to tell how it's going to go because I've watched the first episode about that is it's it's one of those shows where I'm just like I don't even know what, you know what I mean? It's, it's one of those weird I asked people, I was like, what's it about? And people just said, just watch it. It feels like a like an eco horror show or something like that. I don't like Sarah's on my or something or something like that. I'm just, I'm just throwing out words. Like the keeps me like a slight light tatami galaxy vibe to it. You know? Like kind of just like it's like so strange that it's hard to describe what I what I will say it, it feels like, it feels like Madoka Magica directed by eco horror. It's it's really - What the fuck you guys talking about? So you can hire is the director that may penguin drum. What else has he made? What else has he for hire made melee? What's that magical girl. One day. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. You don't, you've not seen any of his work. Yeah. Right. But he makes a lot of weird stuff and it's I watched the first episode and it it's the, what I will say. I can't really sport with it because I don't even understand the first episode. You know what I mean? But it's a story that it presents the events of this world out of order. Hmm. So you get Oh my God. I'm like racking my brain to figure out how I can describe this show. It's kind of presented. Story-like like a boogie pot Phantom kind of it's it's it is very reminiscent of biggie. Like if you have no context of what you're talking about it actually just sounds like you guys are talking about gibberish Alamo. You've watched come on away. I don't fucking know. Like a lot of the when people are like, dude, you gotta wash this animates. So It's kind of like on the same vein as serial experiments lane boogie, pop Phantom. I, I feel like you just haven't You put those shows on you're like, there's no way you could enjoy this without doing like four tabs of acid. You know what I mean? Like a lot of shows are like that Maybe with serial experiments lane but I'd argue that like something like boogie bull Phantom is, - Don't really concern myself. Yeah. I mean, it's something where you have to be in a very specific mood to enjoy it because it's not something you can just put on and just enjoy it as an insane as like a coherent story or something. But what I will say is out of because I put my season on video, I watched every the first two episodes of like every new anime and out of everything I watched, it's the one where I watched it didn't know what was going on. Didn't fully understand it, but I it stuck with me, you know? It, it, it really, it was really the one where I kept thinking about it after it had ended after I'd watched everything else, I was just like, nah I don't know what it is. But I keep thinking about wondering priority. And I dunno what it is exactly about wondering priority that makes me latch onto it. But there's something, I feel something special that I kind of, I kind of got that same feeling. The first time I watched like the first episode of like fully coli, right? It's like, I dunno what the is happening. Like the student's forehead little robot just came out of it. I can give you a play by play of what happens in wander rig. So this girl there's this like short hooded like she wears like a yellow hoodie girl. The first scene is there a Cicada comes along and starts talking to her and you're like, okay, whatever cool. She can talk to cicadas. And then she gets given an egg and then she wonders what to do with this egg. And then she's sitting on the toilet and then toilet people starts talking to her and she's like, yo, what the? And then the egg hatches. And it turns out that it's a go hatches out the egg. I think I'll just watch. I don't want to spoil too much, but that's what was fun. I mean, if, if it, you know, if the weeks go on and everyone's still like, yeah, it's a good show. Yeah. I mean, I, from what I can understand, by the first episode it deals with a lot of themes of depression and suicide. And it seems like it's it we get glimpses into our backstory because you know we get glimpses into, is, is this a dream world? Or is this the imagining things? Or what's kind of going on where we only get hints at everything. I feel like, again, it's like it's kind of like a modern spin on fully Callie, right? Cause like fully call is kind of the same where it's like it kind of used as like absurd imagery to present deeper meanings. It's like I said it's way too early to tell what the show is going to be about and how good it is. But like I said, out of everything I watch it stuck out to me the most. That's the one I thought about the most, but I don't know if you wouldn't want to say the weirdest enemy you've seen. I don't know. I think you'd have to go through my lace but I was pretty simple that we did that last week or it was pretty some on there that I liked. Have you ever watched an anime or a show? And you're just like what the did I just watch that made zero sense to me? Like kinda like, like not in like the vein of like, you know, this was kind of thing but like just genuinely the storytelling was so like on the same lines as the ending of Angelique or like a, you know, like a take on concrete or so. Yeah. I mean the first time I watched van galleon I was like, I don't, what the I was like, Oh that's how they're going to end it. And like, you know some people love finding the deeper meaning in that. And I'm just like, that was a bit. I'm just gonna get on with my life. I just that's really concerned me. I just But I, I don't. And then like maybe a video of my recommended Monkey bar activation. Yeah. I Think I've like programmed my brain to like just make my life easier. So like when I want to just, you know, stuff like that but might drive some people mad. I'm just like monkey forget monkey Buffon. I just find it funny. How like, considering like Previous episode you said like how you love to challenge yourself every day. You definitely do not like to challenge yourself on anime but like more, what is What is thinking about the end of Ethan galleon challenging year in any way? How was that? Well, not necessarily in a Vivo, but like, you know something like, you know, like a fully Coolio like a take on King Cree where it's like there are deeper meanings behind here's the thing where you watch it once and you can't get everything you you can't enjoy from just like watching it one. Yeah. But like, why would that challenge you? There Is all in challenge as in like, it makes you You think about its themes more and kind of challenges your I guess like perception of how you like consume it. I guess it's hard to describe It. It, it challenged challenges. . It's like, I broke them. I've watched those things where it's like the deeper meaning everything more often than not. Like I realized that that that's what they're doing. And I'm like, Oh, okay, cool. And then I'll just, I'll let go on Google and I'll be like, what were they trying to say? But like, don't you like? Cause I find Like some enjoyment in kind of watching it and trying to figure it out myself. You know what I mean? I got a good way to, it's like unraveling a puzzle by yourself and it's like playing a puzzle game. Right. You're given the pieces and you know you're not told what the right answer is, but it's up to you and it's up to you to unravel it yourself. It's more like, it's more like you've given a bunch of pieces and as you're playing around with the pieces you realize that it's a puzzle that can't be solved. This is like, I love map. Right. Because there is a problem and it is always very clearly defined as such, right. It's not logical with like yeah. With stories and all that kind of stuff. It's I don't like that. I have to figure out what this guy was thinking about. Like sometimes I might get a meaning that is not even remotely close to what he was thinking or the author was thinking when they were writing the thing down. And to me, that bothers me that I can just wildly get the answer wrong and I'll never be corrected. I like that. But you assume that that there's a right answer. Well, what if he didn't know there was a right answer And that's the problem is that I don't like that when there's just like an interpretation and it's like you just make up what you want. And then it's like, then What? I would argue that The story can still entertain you in that aspect whether it is the actual correct answer or not Like, think about it much, I guess. That's I just, I watch it and I, I like whatever thoughts I have when I finish. I'm like, all right, cool. Yeah. That's what I'm going to leave with. And most of the time, I don't really care to try and find the meaning in it. And so I think, again I know this is like, that's such monkey brain. You can't appreciate Final, et cetera, et cetera. But I'd say that's even more normal at the end of the day. I just don't care. I think people like Me who like actually like trying to find the deeper meaning. I think we're the minority. Yeah. I think I'm the minority here because I talk about the reason I value this so much is because there has been time where like a piece of media has literally affected sometimes the way I think or the way I view life. So, because I know it can have that effect. I, you know, I try to search it out whenever I can. Whenever I find that there might be even a glimpse that there might be a deeper meaning I love going into it. No, I just like, I like everything to be efficient. I like everything to be done. Everything on a silver platter, right? No, no, not at all. I like it when things are very clearly defined the rules like this is why, like, I always, like I never ever did any artistic subjects in school, right? Yeah. I don't like how it's all it's all like a mess and it's totally interpretation. Yeah. I like how in math and physics and life, the rules, they make sense. And you can, you can like take them in and you can like No, I get like, you know my math and physics were my favorite tool. Not fun when I'm like reading a book or something and I'm doing this and I'm, I'm just being presented with a bunch of nonsense that I'm after to make sense of myself Argue then that if it's a bunch of nonsense without an interpretation, then that's just a bad story Sometimes. Yeah. I mean, sometimes you can make your own you can make your own thoughts up from what I was being presented to you. I want you to just kind of like cool. Alright, nice. I came up with what I think happened and then it's like, all right, well that's what I think. I get that like the best stories are the ones where you can read it. Like someone like you can read it where like you don't have to even think about the fact that there might possibly be a deeper meaning and it's still enjoyable. And at the same time, people like me that liked to look for deeper meanings can also enjoy it. Yeah. Like once you get too philosophical, but you know, why why do we watch entertainment is to feel things that's the end all be all right. Entertainment to make us feel something, whatever you want to feel, whether it's like adrenaline. Sometimes you just want to feel depressed or whatever you know, it's and watching something like, for example the ending episode of the van galleon I've I remember first time I've watched it. I hated that because I'm just like, why why can I not just be given the answer? Why, why is the answer? Not just, you know, being presented to me on like a golden platter, you know, that's what I wanted. And then as I grew older and I, it stuck with me and I've re watched it and I'm just like, Oh, this is, this is making me feel Different things. Maybe I'll change my mind on it. But right now for me like entertainment and media, it's just like I just want to relax and thinking is not relaxing. I just want to get on with it. Cause I'm so God much. And I just want to do the things I want to do. And to me and payment is purely like a gas stop on my destination. It's like, let's just stop for a moment and have some fun. I don't know. No, I mean, I get that too. Like, it's not like every pieces came and I watched this like mind bending and it's like, it's like I said, sometimes you just need to be in a very specific room to enjoy this piece of media. I'm just like, you know what? I want to feel pretentious right now. Like I kind of want to like figure out if this has a deeper meaning. Like I, I, when I speak to people who talk like that about the media, they like, I'm like, you know part of me is envious because I don't care for that. But because I think a lot of people are envious of that because I think when you meet a lot of people, they'll claim that they can see the, find a meaning and all of that. And most of the time they have no idea, but you know, I dunno, I'm just completely open with the fact that I'm like, well, I don't care. I don't care to care Yeah. What I like What, what I don't understand is the other extreme where it's people who can't seem to enjoy media unless there is something deeper about it. Like, I, there are times when I just want to watch a shitty ISA call and just not have to think, you know what I mean? Yeah. I guess it's like the people who like think that every single piece of entertainment or media has some kind of deeper meaning under it. You know what I mean? It's like no anime review. A non non-binary has no deeper meaning. It's just a slice of life. Like just chill. Well, it feels like privilege. The problem it's like my only problem is life in life is that my media that I consume doesn't have enough Meaningless. It's like, it's like, Oh my how privileged I used to be where that's a concern, you know what I mean? Like That's like the biggest, first world problem where like you can't get enough fine art, you know what I mean? That's like literally like billionaire problem. Oh, what me off even more. It's like, you can have your own interpretation for media right? That's, that's, that's very normal for everything. But what me off is when people project their own meaning onto this piece of media. Like I remember, I remember where the attack on Titan, when you know, the basement thing happened to them. There were articles to be like, Oh yeah this is promoting Nazi-ism and stuff like that. And I'm just like, Oh, it's not, Oh God, he gets, he gets to a point where there's a difference between, you know analyzing it and interpreting it in your own way. And just there's even when they know the right answer as well. Right. It's just like, no, no, I don't care what the author says. This is what it actually means. He just doesn't know. It's like, no, I'm pretty sure if the author said that this is what it means. That's what a mean. Well, it's, I mean, there's plenty of cases of where like The author loses control over the work. Well, I mean, isn't that like the whole thing was Ava, right? Where like the frog grip, the death of the author. So you've always been up to anything interesting recently. I mean, we're currently back in lockdown always. So we haven't really been able to do much really Japanese covers pretty useless. I mean, yeah, but Statement restaurant, please close at eight. So you can still travel and do whatever you want. But you know Not an enforced lockdown in Japan. It's always a suggestion. It's a suggestion that in Japan people listen. Yeah, yeah, no, I was crazy. I think like where was it? It was like, it was because usually after we finished recording a podcast we going out to dinner and stuff like that. And I think we were at like one of the restaurants nearby and they were playing like news footage and the re watched. Yes. There was a shot of station zero people in front of it, which is like crazy because she did a go station for you guys. I know it was like literally the most busy station I think in the world. Isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. It is. Yeah. It is at least in Japan. Most of the world. I think station. I died a little inside. Whenever someone, whenever a friend comes to Japan I asked where to meet and they say Shinji meeting at re watched station is impossible, but like navigating it. Isn't so bad now I hate now. I think you get Bouguereau is worse than average. Oh no. What are you on? Because when you try and get to like the other like the subway lines, you'd like for someone she can stay she literally has like 30 exits girl has maybe like 10 like depending on which exit you come out of sh sh re watched like it tells you to go on the other side of the station. And you would think walking in a straight line would work. No, you can't walk in a straight line in re watched because you've got to pass depending on where you're on a station, you've got to pass through like 10 different dailies with gigabit grow station. I always, if someone's just like meet at this gate that I dunno where the it is then I'll just go out of the regular gate and I can at least walk around the station. But if you try and do that with re watched station, you're. If you ever come to Japan and you're going to meet anyone here and you're staying and you're staying there re watched never say you're going to meet meet at re watched station. It is a lie. Okay. It's saying you're going to meet the re watched station is like saying you're going to meet somewhere in like times square or something. It's a massive area and station doesn't do that. It's not even that it's like saying like I'll meet you in New York. It's like, all right, cool place outside of the station and then send them the Google. Yeah. Yeah. But you could do that with any other station. It'd be way easier to get out of it. Cause I, I remember I I met Jeff here mother's basement at re watched station. And as soon as he said it, I was like, Oh, here we go. God, I got to find, it's basically finding where's Wally with your mates. And you know, with Jeff, is it shouldn't be hard cause he's massive. Right. And he says, he, I asked him where he is and he's he goes, Oh, I'm a near this place. I think it's, it looks like there's a big camera nearby. I'm like, cool, cool. So, so I go to like the nearest big camera and so big camera is like this it's huge department store Charlotte. It's like electronic store basically. So I go to the IU West re watched B camera, and then I send him the message and I'm just like, okay, I'm outside big camera. And he goes, I don't see you and I'm go buck. It was that at that point I knew ticks off of one. I up. And I, and I, and I tell him just to send me the Google map coordinates and he's on the other side of the, is that re watched West, like Google maps. It's so much easier. Oh. So you can just literally meet at like one station on. Yeah. Because some of the stations lie with how to get places like as well has like a East West exit or something. No, dude re watched is like, has like seven West. It has an East West exit. Yeah. That doesn't, it doesn't even like re watched doesn't even have an East West exit. I think Shinju has like an East West exit and a new east-west exit. That's how many exits their own re watched that they've literally run out of directions to name the exits The train stations in Wales where it's just a platform. What was it? That was the whole station, maybe a vending machine. If you're lucky Honestly like what I usually do, I've done this with a few people and it's actually proven to be effective is that instead of meeting in re watched you meet one station down on the, which is Yogi. Because walking, because walking to your Yogi, like from your yoga to re watched is the exact same time that it will take to actually get out of re watched station is because walking from one side of the station to another, depending on where you are could take up to 15 to 20 minutes. Whereas like Yogi only has two exits, very straightforward. No, bro, what do you mean? I'm doing what you love to do best? Which is min maxing myself. Okay. Well what is the optimal straddling? Right? Google has this thing now where it tells you which cart to get on. So it tells you which train car to get on for the smoothest and quickest exit and 95% of the time. It's spot on. Let's do that. I'll say trick question though. There is no smooth exit or re watched. There is, there is never I have legit. Like I always have to Goshen. Juki right. And obviously I'm always using to do that because I need to and I listened to what Google, my God Google tells me, you know, every time and it bang on it's like go this exit gob, the first set of stairs you see every single time it's basically right. You think someone who just come to came to Japan ball like which direction of re watched and which ex there are. I don't even know where it, I get out. I, I mean, it works for me. I just listened to what the PC, the PC master race tells me. If the computers tell me to go somewhere I go where the computer second Carnivores. The first time you come to Japan, don't do that. Find where you want to go. When you go to the station, there'll be numbers on the floor. Just pick the number what the Google tells you to go on and then do it. Trust re watched. You all get lost navigating this station. Yeah. Don't don't trust the station signs. Cause there'll be like, Oh yeah, if you're on the platform be like the exit this way You don't trust the sessions. That's all I've got. Because, because when you go to re watched and you follow Google maps, right? Google maps says, take the West exit out of re watched. And then you go, you go to, you, go out your trailer you go see the signs. And there is probably every exit. But the exit that it says on Google maps The mistake, you're looking at the signs, right? The signs, the signs, all they do is deceive. They, they make you second guess. Right? Don't listen to the song full of. Listen to what Google says. A hundred percent, right? Because thing is right. You'll be on the platform. Right? And there'll be like eight sets of stairs that you can take. That'll be an hour. This is like this way. This is the way to where you want to go. And sometimes it's like the most unoptimized way to get out of the out of the station or go to the line that you want to go. And there's bunch of stairs. And sometimes it isn't clear which stairs to get. It's a mess. Right? If Google tells you to get off at a cart go immediately to the nearest set of stairs that you see it. I guarantee it'll work. And just go out the exit that you see closest. It'll always work. Google knows. Don't listen to the signs. They're lie back. Don't try a voice. You'll see. I dunno, man. I, I think I'll just avoid getting off fishing. I just, I just feel like not going through re watched is just the optimal straps. I'm just, I want to fly out of the country without an airport. It's like, if you're going to go to Japan you're going to be going through re watched. Yeah. Yeah. But like I rather meet like somewhere far away from the actual Station out of this place to meet Somewhere, anywhere near the station because it's just extra. It's just extra stress. You're adding onto your commute. AI. Do it for you. I don't know because it I have tried following the AI and Google maps. Isn't perfect. That's pretty good. Is this, what is this why you hate it Mo more because of the AI maps? I definitely. So that's why you hate you Such a mess of a station. The way it's been laid out. Like shouldn't you queue. I get it. It makes sense. is that the science makes sense. You can see the I follow assigned to an exit. It actually takes me to the eggs. Like, because I like putting my trust in my own sense of direction. Right. So if I'm in a place like eco bucardo I can trust that wherever I am. I can find the right way out. I just follow the signs. I just follow the signs. Not the right way with, with, with re watched. I'm if you literally have to put your trust in an AI machine to tell you the right direction then it is just a poorly planned system. I mean It works though. I kept where I need to get to no problem. Well, let's say that I wanted to people watching this you'd never been to Japan. Like what the is this problem? If you've never been to Japan, don't listen to corner meet anywhere outside of China Listen to the white guy in Germany. Would you trust the white guy? Listen, listen to me, the white guy, trust me. I find life hacks where they don't exist. Yeah. I mean, we've locked down. There's not so much new I can be doing. So recently I had, this had woke up one day and I was just like, Oh, I should get back into fate. Go. No, no, I saw you taking a bath. And I was just like, no, no, no No. It's like watching. It's like watching a friend start a new drug. You know what I mean? It's no, please stop. It's just seeing a mate like just relapsed. And he's like, no, no, you were 10 weeks sober, man. Come on. I mean I'm kind of the same way. Like I I did something that I haven't done in literal years which is by an arrogance, like a Japanese area. Ooh. I am brand new Came out arrogant. So cause I was in Akihabara a while back doing some shopping for a video and, and I was walking parceling Mellon books which is like, you know, where they sold a little like donations and stuff and out the front. Okay. So basically say out the front, they have like a bunch of signs for like new games that come out and every now and then they'll also show some signs for like arrogance. Right. Cause that's where they sell it. And there was one where I was just like that actually looks really cool. Like I didn't actually know it was an arrogant. I thought it was like a standard JPG or whatever but I was like, that actually kind of looks cool. So I looked it up, found out it's an arrogant by Alice soft. And I was like, wow, Alice self actually just like click baited me into thinking that this was like a legitimate JL Fiji when it's just a irrigate with JPG elements in it. So I was like, all right, you know what? I'll buy it. I'll buy it. It's locked down. I Go out anywhere and I haven't bought and played an arrogance so many years. it. I'll do it. Play at it. And that's kind of all I've been doing for the past three Days. Really trying to give context to kind corner About what Alice soft has done. Yeah. I just zoned out. I don't know if there's any games like that of famous outside of Japan. That also basically Alice soft is like one of the oldest I guess like most well-known in the era gay world. There's like illusion like Alice soft, what? A leaf, a leaf? Yeah. You train them and poke them on You know, Maples and other maker. My favorite Pokemon type maple lumber sugar is another one. There's like Basically it's like, it's it's basically just like an O G arrogant developer. And they came up with a new game that looks completely different to anything that they've done. Okay. So I played a few like Ali soft games back in my head. So we said, what the do you do in America? Explain to me it's a visual novel visual novel with porn. Or if it's good Connors like, wait, how can you get off? How Does that work? If it's good. Basically think of it as it's like perfectly halfway between jacking off to a Dogan and jacking off to a hammer. Imagine how the latter or the former field site Basically it's like jacking off to a dojo, but the audio from the hand ties playing. Okay. Yeah. So there's voice acting Sound effects. So, that can also be auto played or so like you you're playing this story game and you might say you just beat one out and then you just carry on. Yeah. (laughing) I that You know, 30 seconds after I've got it. I've just looked at discussed of what I've been testing. I'm like, turn that off With all the milk you've been watching. I will be disgusted right after it. You are in like a heightened state of like, you're you're basically like a monk for 30 seconds where you're like, I will never have sex. Well, I'm not, I don't know why I'm like turning the. You get postnatal. Oh, a hundred percent every time, every time. And then I'm like, weak-willed with porn. If I could abandon porn, I would, you know what I mean? Yeah. I would. If I, if every guy says that if you could say comment, yeah. You just never need to ever again. I'll be like, sure. Why not? Well, let's try it. Let's see how it goes. I have the completed. No, not November. No. I've never attempted it. Well, it sounds like you're wanting to attempt to right now I ended up getting like a wet dream eventually. Right? Like that'll happen. Right. If you don't care. Well, if you leave it for a month, yeah. When was the last time you didn't check off for a month? I will never, but that's because I'm but that's because I'm not going to Spew being like, I can live without point. Like No, I want a one point. No, I want to, I want to live without it. I don't want to be, I just find out this is this is the literally I don't want to be horny. I want to, like I've ever seen in real life. I hate being distracted from what I'm trying to do. And it's just distracting. I look at that meme and I'm just like, I want both really. I want to be horny and happy. So you just, you just say you see this as like a distraction from your optimized life. Optimized lifestyle is being ruined by this. Oh my God. I can never hear the word optimized the same way after this podcast. You're you're playing this game. You know, it's a game. How are we going to game? It's reading. It's tricking you in a jacket. Alice soft one has like full on JPG RPG elements as well. Oh. So you're like you're in the middle of a battle and you're trying to Jack off. No, no No, no. Okay. So think of, okay, this is I hate the fact that I'm using this as an example. Think of Oh no. Oh God, here we go. Wait. Like the persona games are, in my opinion persona games are the perfect blend of visual novel and JPG way. Like they've somehow managed to make two like elements of two completely different styles of games and mix it perfectly. Right. So in persona, the J RPG elements are most often than not completely separated from the actual visual novel elements. Right. In persona. Yeah. In persona. Whereas What a visual novel of quake. I dunno if I just fell small, smaller Jake. No, that's pretty this for me Man. So in persona, right? Like the, you have the visual novel elements and then you have the JLL in between the yeah. Yeah. So like, you know, you'd have like, you go through a dungeon or whatever, and then, you know, once once you complete that dungeon then it goes into the visual. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You call it. I mean, I would argue that the GRPC elements fill up for you as well, but regardless. Right. So, you know, you have like the story elements and you have like the actual like gameplay elements. Right. Whereas in this era gay the sex scenes time start to happen during only the visual novel elements. Hmm. Okay. So, so the, the vision of elements of the sex scenes and the gameplay stuff breaks up that. So like a standard Silicon. So like the standard error, like a standard error. Okay. That doesn't have JFE GL in the heart it's basically just a visual novel with sex scenes put into it. Yeah. Right. So it kind of interweaves with the story with this one. It's just that separately. It has a J Apigee portion as well. Wait, what do you mean? Like you battle, like what are you doing? Like what? I'm confused, what are you doing? What the else do you do in a J LPG? So you're just, it's just a dead and normal J RPG game where you're going around battling monsters leveling off. And then it cuts to like a visual novel with yeah. Who comes up with Unlike on a slide. I can literally hear the gears like turning in his head and it's just not computing. It's just like, wait, what? No. Like they don't, they're not coming to the gym. They're just stuck. Right? Yeah. I'm just like, this sounds to me, right. This is the equivalent of being like, so it's a food tray that jacks you off. It's like, I don't want those two things going near each other. What are you talking about? Like those two elements, the JL PG game, and then just a visual novel with porn in it. I like just two elements that just shouldn't be involved at all. Why not? Why? Why would, why wouldn't you want them Look, don't look like your As if like there's the visual novel like storytelling, part, and then there's the sex scene. And then immediately, and then immediately there's a battle. That's not how it works But how does it work then? It Works as if like there's the storytelling element the visual novel element. And in the middle, there is a sex scene. So it's sandwiched between the visual novel elements. Okay. So there's the visual novel elements where they're telling a story and there's porn in the middle and then it just cuts to when it when the done with the talking it goes to a normal dead-ass game. Yeah. What, why Does this look good to you? Am I insane? This sounds awful. It sounds great. No, it doesn't. You're just playing devil's advocate. Okay. I've I mean, I've, I, I say this to someone who has also played Aero gaze before this there's something, there's something about like hen Thai games and arrow gays, where the sex scenes feel like this there's something different about feeling like you've earned a sex scene Oh fuck off. A hundred percent, a hundred percent agree. It is. It is Like you could have the most mediocre sex scene but you feel like you've earned that sex scene. And it's even more so in this game because like you can unlock certain sex scenes depending on what you do in the J RPG a person who watches a hand-tight. I don't want an X-Box achievement. I want a hand tie. And you know what? I'm a person Who watches a hint high and skip straight to 15 or 20 minutes or not know what we're talking about. Story and hand tag. But I don't want to sit there and read a book and then into the book and then wipe the cut off my hand and go around my RPG world, leveling up my character. Right. I don't wanna fucking deal with like, look, don't get me wrong. Like I'll say, man, this is not the type of game for anybody. This isn't, this isn't, this isn't like. I completely understand that. The stuff I like in hindsight It's pretty shit. Yeah. This is like, you don't want to say like don't eat where you shit. Right. This is like beating the that you're sleeping. Like this is like, this is so fucked. Like this shouldn't be a combination of things. Like only Japan would make something like this because it's just so stupidly like like this shouldn't exist. Like look at honeypot. That was, that was made by Americans. I don't like honeypot by honey pot either. I enjoy honeypot because it's literally what I just think of because I can buy American because like, I, for example Bejeweled or some wasn't that game. Like it was one of those I was like, it's like a puzzle game. It's a puzzle game. But also gave him that a too. But then under, because the thing is, the thing is it's like Jackie off to a jigsaw puzzle, be Like, Oh, Oh, it's making porn. The pieces Of making a poem because the thing is, the thing is right. You have this gameplay loop, right? You have this gameplay loop, but unlike you, I need a reward for playing this game. I need a reward for playing this game. Unlike you. I don't the X-Box I don't jack off to Xbox achievements, either terrible. Most of the time, it has to be story most of the time. That's why I play games. If I have a gameplay loop, you can have the best gameplay loop of all time. If there's no motivation for me to play it, then I'm just going to not play most games that don't have a story. Cause it's like, what's the why, why am I playing this? Yeah. There's there are so many games that I agree have I can totally agree with that but why is that porn in it? Because that's the rewards you get for playing The game because I'm sorry you find feeling a little horny. Sometimes I just can't imagine holding the yet Xbox controller and then just put it down get the tissue box out like what? Say for example, like a game, like for example, degeneracy should not be reached Well at first I gave him like dead cells, which I heard which I, which I played and I played it for what five minutes. And I thought this was a really good game. And then I got bored for five minutes because I was like why am I playing this game? There's no motivation for you to actually play through levels. It's nice gameplay loop. Same with something like Celeste. That's amazing game. This is an amazing game. I went through one level when I got bored because I really couldn't care about the story, man. It's so good. That's the thing. If it had a reward for me to complete the level that I would inflate through it, then there needs to be some kind of work. So what Guk is saying, is that Celeste would've been And what's the last, would it be? every time. If, every time, like if every time I completed a level of Celeste, there was a Hentai scene or something like that. You literally just went Like, Guk wants to S to have like a beat a level. And then the porn hub music starts playing. That's what Guk wants. Yes. That's I want that. Imagine guys are too comfortable jacking off. Imagine that imagine an Sero gay with something on the gameplay level of dead cells or Celeste or something along those lines, masterpiece, masterpiece. I'm just imagining that right now. That would be, that would be a mask. That will be amazing. Because like, you know, every time you finish a level of Celeste you have such light. Yes. Like moments, right? It's like, yes. I, I went through that. I died hundreds and hundreds of times. And now here is my reward. Hell yes? That is going to be the best jack off you'll ever have. Yeah. To, to not saying, make Celeste porn. I'm not saying that's what I'm saying. For example, we don't want to lude the character. That's not, we're talking about, we're talking about if we had a gameplay loop of something like Celeste or something on that level. And then we had, we had it hen side, my God that is improving upon perfection. You people have not how has noon crowdfund the now I'm making these I amazed all the. I am going to fund some money. Gimme Some money I'll make it happen. It's fucking animals like you have the reason why we have like Minecraft sex scenes. Like this is the prop you guys would want to put porn and everything. Oh, have you seen the Minecraft porn on YouTube? It's so fucking awful. Some of us kind of like finishes at level in mind. That's not even a levels in mind. Jerry finishes getting some diamonds in Minecraft just swapped over to the next tab and start playing Minecraft. Do you know how hard it is to get diamonds in Minecraft? That's like a great achievement. I can say that publicly because I know I'm not the only one who genuinely thinks that the fact that Minecraft won't even exists means that I am not. You're saying you like Minecraft porn. No, I'm not have a problem with it. No, I mean, I don't care what this is. It's like a kid's game though. I've this, this podcast has been a weird one. I just think it's sad, right? That there are kids out there who legitimately like are curious about porn. And the first thing they think is my two loves Stephen Minecraft. I would like to see if they did that to him. Cause it's only kids watching these things. Right? Cause no adult can to Steve. Steve blocks something. You know? I mean, no joke. I'm not saying I am, but I think, I think you underestimate some like adults willpower. I've okay. I have jacked off to Minecraft. No, no. I've this is the first I've ever heard of Minecraft porn on this. You've never seen it. Never seen it. Describe it to me please. I mean, we just kind of have to show you this. You need to describe it to me In like four or five years ago wishing been made the video about it but there was actually like so much like full on traditional porno I've made in Minecraft. When, when you first mentioned it, I thought, okay we're just being sarcastic. I know. There's like a, what's his name? Captain sparkles. Right? The one who was like Minecraft animations. Yeah. Basically imagine that. But they would literally be like a porno situation where it was like someone would be like, Oh no, it's like a, high-quality like Minecraft I saw one that was like, Steve, like like Steve, like a creeper or something or something. And the creeper is like. All right. Yeah. This is legit. This is actually, we will show you. This is the path. If you don't hold back, right. If you let your creative juices run wild on projects like Joey wants to do with all of this, this is what happens. And we don't need this. We don't need this. I don't know. Don't get me wrong. We don't need it. That's the thing. Right? People want it? No, no, no. It doesn't matter what people want people to have to sell People don't deserve what they want. I don't know if it's worth, I don't know if it's worse. What I just imagined in my mind from you describing it or actually watching the actual thing we'll show you afterwards. And I don't know, maybe just we can add a clip of like got reacting to when we're done with the episode we'll leave the cameras rolling. Just like this is a post, right? It's literally like, it can only be kids watching it. Right. It's so disturbing That it's just funny. Well, I mean, it's Funny to us, but obviously I'm sure. I'm sure the on the kid watching is pretty much every reached that age. Is this what our parents felt when they walked in and saw us like jacking and elf to animated he's how is this how they felt now? I mean, I'll never forget the look. My parents gave me. Whoa. You've never had like your parents like walking on you jacking off. No, I've hit it very well. If they have really, again, I remember that was my stairs. Would Creek I had a warning. Oh yeah. That's right. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Your parents walked in on you with my dad walked in on me once. How big was the screen? I was like this tiny meant jacking off on like a game boy SP Like my old, like desktop computer with like I don't think it was like a 16 inch or whatever. I had a black and white TV. Oh really? Yeah. The black and white. It's like a hand me down and it can fly like via. Yeah. It's awful. So I couldn't couldn't put porn in it. All right. Well, I can't believe I'm about to tell this story. Oh God. I don't even remember how old I was. It was easy. It was, it was, I remember, I don't remember exactly how old it was, but it was around that age as a teenager. When you first discovered porn, right? Like, you know, way between like. I don't know, 13 to 15, something like that. Maybe even early for some people. I don't know. But I remember a lot. It was, I think it was legitimately the first time I watched like a hentai on my computer and Straight to hentai even watch it. This was like, this is like not long after I discovered porn. He quickly Got down that rabbit hole. Yeah, no like that, that first time I but the first time with hentai was a different story And I was in my room and like, my room has like had a lock on it. So I thought I locked the door. Oh, Oh. And my thought. And I remember, I remember as well, we hentai it was it was a comedy show, Collegeville, Kalamazoo. Oh, classic classic. Right. It's like next to bible black classic. Right. And, and yeah. So I was like, Oh, something has arosen in me. (laughing) right. My, my little joke Has woken up. Right. So I was like, let's give it a go. And so I did it and then I hear like a, a clock. Oh yeah. The door opening. And I had looked around and Standing there. He's pretty, he's pretty proud of you there. No, no. Oh. He looked at me and he looked at what was on my screen and he looked at me again and he just said Really, mate? - Your dad seems like the most Australian man alive. He just said, I remember exactly what he said. He's like really mate couldn't have been regular porn? He was like I wouldn't be, I wouldn't even be disappointed with you if it was just regular porn. And I was like, I mean, I've, I've been past that point. I was kind of experimenting. And he's like, all right, whatever. Like, I dunno what I dunno. I have already gotten bored of regular porn. I'm seeking new adventures. I could, I could legitimately see the very moment Where the disappointment came. You know what I mean? It's like, it's like, it's like a certain look in my dad's eyes where it kinda went from like, Whoa what are you doing to, oh. - Oh no, he's into that. He's into that shit. Huh? Oh yes, father. I am into that. Are you winning son? - No. He wasted his days. And now I talk about it for a job. So yeah. I hope you're proud of me dad. - That felt so desperate. - Please love me please. I'm winning now. I'm finally winning dad. - It's just that that moment is carved into you. And you're like, you're like the son who just looks for your dad's approval. - I don't have a lot of like distinct memories during my childhood, but that was definitely one that will like forever stick with me. Like I, it, it's kind of just implanted itself into the back of my brain now. - I don't know. I've never been caught, jacking off at all because to me it's like, if, if I do this, a checklist happens. - I think 100 for me, yeah. - It's it's It's, it's the same- - When my snake, unfortunately, - It's it's the same way, when you know, you leave the house and you have your okay. Pat keys, wallet, phone, same thing. Same thing. When, when you do the same thing, same thing, you know you do, you do the deed and you just like head door locks headphones on or whatever. Make sure nobody's in the house or nobody can hear. And then you start. - With the lock on my door. I got a little too overconfident. So I'm like, yeah, this is This is full proof isn't it? And then I just, I guess I just forgot, you know what it felt like, it felt like, you know, when you're playing Pokemon and you like go into a cave and you put repel on And it runs out just before, you're about to leave the cave and you get into an encounter. That's what it felt like. I was like shit, I wasn't that close, but I don't know. Like I've, like I said. I thought getting walked in on, right? - Yeah. - Is like a common thing. Cause you see it so much on the internet. Right? It's like, I go in like, what do I do? Like, you know, that kind of stuff. So have you ever walked in on anyone or been walked in on? - Oh my God. Maybe I have, I don't know. I feel like these are like buried memories. Yeah. That's pretty a good chance. I've pretty walked down. I dunno. I've been to parties and seen shit but like people to don't care, but just like like a private time, you know? No, I don't think I have actually no. - Yeah. I, I th I think I've never walked in on someone but the closest I've come is it was union university. You know, it was visiting a mate and it was like a group house. So like two or three of them mates are there and we were getting ready for the night out. So I was just like saying hello to everyone. And then I knocked on this. I knock on one of my mates door and I, you know that panic scramble hear? (laughing) You can hear so there's doors locked. Right. But I knock on the door and all I heard was Honestly, that's all I heard was. (scrambling noise) And then he opens the door and the laptop, which is opposites like where the door is, is conveniently closed. So I'm just like, Oh, you're just doing. And he was like, nothing. I was just, just working on my presentation, you know But I've never actually walked in on anyone but I feel like it's more common in America because in university there if you share a room that's, this is what I can imagine. Weird to me. This is why I can't imagine having a roommate because how would you, how'd you schedule that? Do do anyone in America. Can you ask me, do you have do you actually have to schedule your sessions? Because when do you have to be like, where are you going? How long will you be out what time are you coming back? Urban legend. Where do you tell each other? Where do you like to do you like have like a calendar where you schedule it? Okay guys. Okay. So this time is my time. There's going to be a sock on the door. That's how you know. And if the sock is on the door, then it is like code red. Don't come in. Never disturbing during I mean, like, I guess like I want to ask you guys is like, I mean, we none of us have children. Right. But like, hypothetically say it like bright. Right, right, right, right up Hypothetically. Right. Like if you ever like, get a kid, for example and you become the role of the parent and then you walked in on your kid doing that, like how would you guys, like, what would you say, join it after? I don't know. This is not, it's not really to have a conversation there. You're like, sit down son. It's like, Whoa, but I'm sure some parents have, right. It's like, Oh my God. I don't know. Like, what is even like as a parent what's the correct answer. Ah, I'm going to tell him not to do it. Really. It really, because they're going to do it anyway but you don't encourage them and be like watch as much porn as you want son. I feel like my dad said that. - What? - Something similar. He's just like, because like I specifically remember you can get addicted to porn. Right, right, right. I remember my dad wasn't so much like disappointed in the fact that I was like jacking off it. Okay. That was the Hentai It was the hentai He was like, I don't care that you're jacking off. Like if you have a penis and you're an adult, that's normal. Right. So whatever you were eventually going to get to this point it could have been anything else you were jacking off to. I probably, you just walk out. And then the next time I see like my child I probably just be like, we can just forget about it. Right. Because I, I feel like the more you talk about it the more you put lights on it the worst that they're going to feel. Well, just, just make it as, make it as casual as possible to be like, how many parents, you know end up doing like this, sit down, son. Let's have a talk. I feel that's the worst answer. You know what I mean? Cause like, I feel like there's nothing more. I mean, I never got the talk from my parents, but I feel if I ever was in that position, I'd be like. Did you ever ask your parents where babies came from? You gave me some answer. I still remember. I still remember the answer my mind. Yes. So I thought that was literally what she said was babies came out of the belly button. Right. And thinking about this as an adult, I think I'm that's permanently scarred me because when I see a belly button now cause as a kid, as a kid, I had this disgusting thoughts of oh babies crawl out there. And now as a fully grown adult, I still see belly button. I'm just like, Oh all I all I can think seen an ACE Ventura You know, when he's coming out of the Lake rhino, that's all I can imagine. It's like some alien shoes like looking back I'd rather than my mom. How just tell me graphically where babies came from. Well, as, as opposed to just telling me yeah, they, the belly button. Cause I remember that. I remember the first time, like there's there's two moments that have scarred me fluff. One was that. And the second time was the first time I saw the matrix where? Yeah, the matrix cause scene. There's a scene where, how have you guys seen the matrix? Yeah. I can't imagine the scene. So there's same thing. I know. Which one is it about? Yeah, that there's a scene where the agents pin Neo down and then like a spidery shrimp, like emergent crawls up his belly button and that me up so badly because I'm just like it. Okay. I reinforced that it was possible for things to go in or out of the belly button. So I'm just like protect this at all costs. my vital point. I thought he was like some alien burst our share where she's like, you know I had a similar thing with him, with the mummy, you know when like the beetle is rolling. That was the first time I like physically was like I'm sorry. I feel like, yeah, that matrix thing. I blocked out my mind because I remember being I remember watching that like a ten-year-old and being disgusted. Yeah. God, it was awful. But yeah. I mean that's a tangent right from porn I don't know if I'm my kids or my kid do it. Yeah. I'd probably be like, well, did you do it efficiently? Did you mean max and son? How much time did you spend it? But that 30 minutes you're in that full that's way too long. You cannot get in the habit of doing that son. I don't know. Cause like when you see the like people talking about like I legit would worry if my kid got like addicted to porn. Oh it was like you hear about the adults who get addicted to porn. Like Terry crews was addicted to porn. Right? Was he? Yeah, he was addicted to porn I think. And there was generally like I sent you the link. So I, I was on YouTube and there's just a video something called, like coming clean or something. Remember it. And it was just this guy who was just like, no one no one had exposed him on YouTube. No one had said anything. He just came out with it. He was just like, I'm addicted to porn guys. I'm going broke because he's like, Oh you had a few million. And he just like Oh yeah. Oh, I do remember that. He was that guy who was in like a happy relationship. He wasn't married. Wasn't me happily married. And He wasn't, he wasn't like a it was like a buff really good-looking dude. Yeah. I remember. And he was just like, yes. So like I'm just like horribly addicted to porn. Yeah. He just spent his money on chatter Bay so bad for the dude. And it's like, you know had this like come out any other way. People probably would've mocked him, but he, you know he spoke about it himself and you kind of felt like really bad for the dude. You're like, I can't, I can't sympathize per se because I would not sympathize. I can't ex you know, experience that myself. But like, I was like, dude, I would never want that on like my kid or something to be like cripplingly addicted to like virtual video porn. Right. Whatever. I don't, I feel so bad about that. I think it especially hurts considering the fact that like he's going broke. Yeah. And luckily the guy like the video is really good. I recommend watching it. Like just to like, I dunno. And him and his wife was like understanding of it. And w she helped like walk him through it. I still was really sweet and I hope the guy's doing better now. I've, I've no idea. I didn't watch any of the videos, but like how'd you even get to a point when you rise? Like what, what, what is what is the line where you realized, what, what is what is a porn addiction? You know? It's, is it how snap it's going to kill me for that joke? It's like, is it to the point where it's like you're spending so much money that it's like putting a dent on your car to spend money on porn? Yeah. You off. I can handle the hot seat. I've never spent any money on porn I feel that is like a big line to cross where you're comfortable getting your credit card out to to put in. Right. That's like just a lie. I don't want to cross. And I'd be really sad in my son or my daughter, if they were like you've got a premium process subscription. I'm like why? Why? Yeah. I don't know what it's like to me spending money on like Kensai games or something. I completely understandable. As soon as you spend money on like, I guess real life porn for some reason that just flips a switch me to be like, how why? I think it's because Like, unlike arrogation like hand-eye and stuff like that there was so many options to get the same thing That's for free. That's it? Right. Because I've, I'm guessing none of us have ever actually bought a hint. I DVD or hint. Okay. Oh, wow. Well, I did. I did. Oh, okay. I bought the classic. I bought mother knows breasts. Did you actually, I actually bought it. Yeah. I bought a physical copy because obviously the podcast. Yeah. I, it hasn't arrived yet. I bought it because I was like I noticed that the, that who's selling it. They eventually, delist the older ones. And I thought, well, I've got to get a copy of mother's breast just in case it goes into that. That doesn't count because you've already seen him to it. It's going to be pristine. You bought that for me. I bought it to preserve this is the you're going to frame. And you're going to begin to show your kids and be like kids cost me $50. Well, that's understandable. Right? Like, no one's going to frame their Brazos subscription on a wall. Right. So it's like, when you mean there are people out there But because it's like, you know, you hear about those, you know, that'd be like politician scandals and they'd be like, he spent $40,000 on porn. I'm like, I don't know. I even know how you would do that. Or you start to spend that much money on porn? I don't even know how you go about how would you, like what I want to know is how would you not have enough sources of porn that you need to spend money on? I think a lot of people want like specific porn, right? Like, I think again, like this is where a lot of like independent craziest company. No, no. That's, that's totally the reason why only fans this thing, because I feel like No pay $20 for something I a dude. Right? Yeah. I mean, like for me for me, like, I can't, I can understand why people would want to support independent creators. Like for example, only fans or something because you know, you, there there is that parasocial relationship in there. And I can totally understand why people would want to spend money on that. I don't understand like browser subscriptions or just like when there is no parasite there is no parasocial relationship. I would almost argue that only fans and all those parasocial relationships are way worse off than getting a break. I totally agree with you. It is a dangerous I don't even like dislike anything about it. I just feel sad. But I look at it all. Like, I just feel sorry for everyone. Like, I mean, other than the creators are making bank, right. Good for them. Like totally understandable. The grind you do what you gotta do, but like what do you look at some of these guys and you see what some of them say online? Like, you just feel sad for them. Yeah. This isn't to demerit any like, Oh I don't work as, or anything like that. This is a lot of the, they make is awesome. And a lot of them put a lot of work into it. Like I just feel dangerous Line that I don't want to cross. I don't want to go into that. Cause if you, if you pay for One, I feel like you'll do it again. I'll probably buy another one. I know some really good ones and it's dangerous for the creator as well, because Then you get, you know, some of these supporters who get a little too comfortable with it and try and start crossing. Like, I can't imagine I can't imagine what they have to deal with on the day. Huge, huge respect to them every time Like creepy dude, you know, thinking that just because they paid like a grandiose amount of money to this creator that suddenly they're like best friends you know, when that's just not how it works. A few of them on Twitter this is pretty good to see like, Oh God cut. What do you see? I like just seeing what they get up to is like it, I mean, it's sad. Some of the they got to deal with just to like you got to like fight just to take to have people take you serious. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah, because the thing is, I would like to think Everyone's end goal for watching porn is like, you know an offset for being able to go into like a happy relationship where you just feel satisfied and, and like happy with banjo life. So, you know, you stop wanting to be horny and you just be happy. Yeah. Saying Brandon horny happy. And I feel like if you go out and pay for porn you're crossing a dangerous line where I've no return. Right. Not, not that you can't return from it, but you're you're getting comfort. It may not be dangerous. I'm just perceive it to myself. Yeah. That's I mean that this is, this is sounds dangerous. Everyone has Brian has a different line. This is my line as well. Where if I go out and cross this line it's the line that I'm not comfortable with myself being about. And you know, some people are comfortable and I'm sure there's healthy people out there who You know, have I'm sure The thing was the addiction thing, right? Like it's like 95, 95% of people are totally capable of self-regulating and not over-consuming things but there's a good amount of people out there where they find that one thing that just breaks them and they just can't stop. Yeah. Like it's just what it is. Yeah. And it's just, we go back to the point of how would you recognize what, what point is too far? Is it when your life is being actively ruined or when you just can't find a happy relationship? Yeah. Which is like, again why like going back to that video, like massive props to the dude for being able to like stop himself and be like, you know what? This is getting out of hand. Yeah. Yeah. And honestly, like I, to me I was just amazed that he was willing to talk about that publicly. And you know, to me, I was like, that's like that's like pretty big balls to come out and be like, listen guys, I'm addicted to porn knowing that people are going to meme you. Yeah. But in, in reality, yeah. There's probably a lot of people going through that. And I have massive respect for the guy for coming out. And I think I remember as Well, like from what I saw hardly Any meaning at all, the comments were really positive. Again, like w when the stuff is sensitive people don't want to talk about it. Cause they mean it. But it's really important to have people come out and be like, listen, this is a real thing. I'm like, it's me over. Yeah. It's the exact same thing with for example, Gacha addiction, you know, we we can meme the out of it. But if someone has an issue, you should take it seriously. And you shouldn't just think that people are going to mock you and meme the out of you. Some people with addiction to anything is never good. Some people will but the good people out there will actually understand that. You know, you can have an embarrassing problem. Sometimes. Sometimes it's hard to tell when you've gone too far Joey plays era games. You know, I feel sorry for him. You know You play leagues I cleaned, by the way. I Know you it's like duality of man. Right? I haven't played a ranked game on my account and like full full five months on my account there I've helped. Okay. Okay. Got it. But I'm clean. I'll tell you is also clean all our patrons right here. There's the amazing segue in the history of this show. I, I, I would like to say a shout out to this particular patron for being wonderful. Look at it. Go. Why this one? Why? Why? Because why not? Why not? Wow. Flavor G fuel. You guys drinking. I'm drinking water. I finished it because it was so delicious but I had the pink lemonade. Oh. Was actually really, really good. The famous Berry face, berries, Berry drinking, gone. I am drinking the Pewdie pie flavor. You're drinking. Pewdie pie juice. Yes. I am jealous. Well, I hope you guys have enjoyed this. This is what to go to the weirdest segments. Like we just had so many varying topics. Jesus Christ. Hey, you guys had fun. We actually talked about anime for one like the majority of this podcast. Sure. Weeks in a row. Disgusting. I'm not talking about anime for four months now But if you guys like to follow us on Twitter we also have a sub Reddit post us your means there. And also listen to us on Spotify. If you hate our faces. Hopefully once this episode aired we would have reached a hundred thousand members in our Reddit, which is crazy. It would be absolutely awesome. What are you doing? Go during the ride or wasting your time. Do you know how much you mean potential there? Wasn't this episode Alone. I'll review you'll meme. Eventually Again. Meme review. Let's go. Anyway. I've been giggle with the boys. This has been trashed tastes and we'll see you guys next time. Bye bye. So bonus scene there about show me Minecraft porn, and obviously we can't show this on YouTube, but you can show My reaction. So I don't know. Oh, I'm on like x videos. Oh yeah. That one. That one. I think Minecraft, Porn on YouTube. Does that, is that really porn? That's viral. Yeah. This is the one I sold that where I was just like okay, this has gone too far. All right. I've got the audio. Can you hold it so that I can watch it? I want to see what your watch can Do. I have to make sure it's like muted. No, no, we'll be fine. It's muted. Don't worry. It won't come up in the microphone. . This is the one I saw. This is the one I saw What the fuck?` If I can name MMD right now watching. Oh, is he going to start? Oh. Oh. Is he going again? Why does it look like that? Oh, wait, the enemy just came out with his like incidentally great animation. Oh, Oh Oh. Oh, wait. Is that a, is that a? Is that an anal? Is this anal right now? Oh my God. This, this is animated. I can't, I can't look away, but that's fine. Oh, it's like, no, no, this is just good. This is when. Oh, it's the stomach. Bogin everything. This way. This went like full on like Corina. I think I've seen enough. I've seen enough. I'd rather watch gang bangs right now. I mean, you basically just did. I am just, I, if I walked into my son watching that, I would be disappointed. I'm telling you, I'm saying the way we just watched one minute 30 out of an eight and a half minute. How many views does I have? That's on X videos. 600,000 views. - Nice.
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,681,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 15sec (7575 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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