EXPOSING Our Manager | Trash Taste #67

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- Meilyne is like terrified of male nipples. - No, it's 'cause when you don't wanna stare at something but then you just end up looking. And I just feel like- - Continue, continue. - It's staring into my soul and I just feel uncomfortable. - In other words, you don't stare at the nipple, the nipple stares you back. (all laughing) - Yes. (bright upbeat music) - Hello my fellow Sigma males and welcome to "Trash Taste." - Yeah. - I'm with my usual fellow Sigma males, Connor and Joey. - Hello. - And we are with our mum, Meilyne, maker of the boys. - What? (Mae laughing) - She birthed us from her mind vagina. (all laughing) - what? - We were just discussing this and we were like, "Should we just bring Meilyne back on?" "Yeah, we should have Meilyne back." - How many episodes has it been since you were on? You were on like episode six or something? Or episode seven, something like that? - I don't know, something like the first 10 continuously. - You were like one of the first, yeah. - It was like 60 episodes ago or something like that. - Yeah. - You're the only person who's been on "Trash Taste" that has not signed the shit to sheet. So we gotta change that now. - We're always here. - She signs our checks, that's why. - Yeah, yeah. (all laughing) I do, I do. - She gives us her signature every month. (men laughing) - So we thought we'd mix things up this episode and I guess bring on our manager and I guess get a female perspective of things, right? - A female perspective? - Yeah. How do females sound derogatory when you say it? Doesn't it sound, people who say females, they're like, "Females." Would you do like it when someone refers to you as a female? - Like I'm indifferent. - Ah okay. - I don't want to say what. - I've had people who've been like. - Do you hate being called a male? - I've had friends. - Or that male over there. (men laughing) - Sigma male. Sigma male. (all laughing) - Sigma male. - I've had friends who've been like, "Oh female sounds so like incel-y, or like derogatory." - Oh yeah, I think it depends on the tone. - They're like, "Females." - The tone you say it. - Yeah. - It's the hard 'fe?', isn't it? (Connor laughing) fe-male. - I've had friends who've said it. - I don't think the word itself, if you're just like, "Yo, female." (all laughing) "How's it going?" - Yeah, that's offensive. - Hello, my fellow females. (all laughing) - Hey yo female. (all laughing) - I've watched a lot of anime, oh not anime, animal videos on YouTube. So they're like, "Oh, this female Badger." So I'm like. - Yeah but no one goes "this female human over here". - Would be kind of weird to be like this woman Badger like that. (all laughing) - I think that's just for humans. (laughing) - This lady badger. (all laughing) - Although, in child nature shows. I think they say girls and boys, don't they? - The girl badger. - Yeah, like the girl badger - Aw yeah, I think it depends. - I think for like newborns. Right? - Yeah. - And then I guess when they reach of age, I don't even know what that is. When they're an adult, they're just male and female, (laughs) but I've never thought about this deeply. - Well because boy and girl kind of sounds more like infant. - We're getting really into it now. - Yeah, yeah. (all laughing) - Whereas like you're not gonna point to a baby and go "That female over there". - You would say that baby. - But, if you were to specify which baby, you would say, "The girl baby, or the girl". - You would just say that little girl. - Or whatever the baby identifies as. - Yeah, that little girl, right? You don't say that little female. (man laughs) - I don't know. - What are we talking about? - I don't know. - I don't even know what we're talking about. - I think it's because it's after dinner, you guys are full and it's just like. - Don't date this. (men laughing) Don't tell them when we record. (all laughing) I don't want them to know. (all laughing) I'm kidding, I'm kidding. - I don't want them to know our eating habits and our recording habits. Jesus Meilyne! - Oh! Oh! I don't know, it's just sitting up there. - What's the strangest thing you've seen one of us do? (all laughing) - No pressure. - Just wondering, let's keep this going. - Yeah, because I feel Meilyne's perspective of weird is very different to the average female. (all laughing) - You just said female! - Wow! Woo Joey! Joey! - Joey! - The hard f! Jesus shit! - Okay. Let's just- - [Men] Female. - Oh my God! What a terrible start? (all laughing) - Do you have something in mind or do you wanna say it? - Okay. Okay. - Okay. - Well the most recent stuff is the stuff that comes to mind. I don't even watch you guys record that much. So I'm like upstairs, recently. - Yeah. - Well, it doesn't have to be on camera. - Oh okay. - Yeah, 'cause I would say like definitely, recording "Trash Taste" has made me more self-conscious, and also hanging out with Meilyne has made me a little self-conscious as well. - I don't say, what? - No, sometimes I'll just do something subconsciously. Like for example, I'll be sitting there and I'll have my hand in my sock, you know? (laughs) - Oh yeah, yeah. - Which just happened like 1/2 an hour ago and she was like- - I wouldn't say. Let's see, it's not weird. What is cute? When Sydney, calls you "Little Babyman!" (all laughing) It's like dinners, sorry! - I used to do it with my boy. (all laughing) - Oh my God! - I love it so much! - The sigma male energy just escapes out the window. (all laughing) - Like we're eating dinner. - Not in front of the camera Mae Lin, Jesus! - Am I allowed to say this? - (laughing) Just kidding. - Well you've said it now. - She said it now. - We're at dinner, like it was Thanksgiving, and then Sydney was like, "Oh it's my little baby". And then Garnt. I thought Garnt's like this. - It is like when your mom is like, "I hope my little boy is doing well". - But out of nowhere he starts blushing like, (all laughing) and I'm just like, "Wow! Sydney's got it under control." - She is my fucking mum, isn't she? She's just trying to fucking embarrass me right now Jesus! (Garnt laughing) No, because I feel like Sydney, Sydney started saying that I just like to piss me off and then like- - You don't look pissed off. - Does it piss you off? - You know when you're in a group of friends, right? (Meilyne laughing) And then you say something ironically, and then you start saying something ironically, and then you keep doing it. And then it becomes un-ironic, right. (Joey laughing) - Baby boy. - No, baby man. No Baby man. (all laughing) - That's worse. - No because that came from just a random fucking video. 'Cause I remember when Joey used to fucking dab everywhere, I was like, "Joey, can you stop fucking dabbing everywhere." - Yeah. - And then I started doing it and I'm just like, "I fucking hate Joey." - You did use to dab all the time. - Yeah. Because I made it my life mission. I think it was like 2016, 2017, I told myself at the beginning of that year. I'm like, "I'm gonna use a social experiment. Every photo I upload of myself of that year, I need to be dabbing. And I'm just gonna see if I can fulfill that just to see how far I can get." - Did you do it? - I did it. - No way. On every single photo? - Yeah. - Every photo of me in 2017, I'm dabbing. - Why would you do that? - Because it's hilarious. - I'm not laughing. - Because seeing the comments. Because all of the angry comments of people being like, "Why are you doing this?" It was just funny to me. - Yeah. But at which point did it stop becoming ironic, that you just ended up doing it? 'Cause that definitely did reach that point. - I think after maybe the second time I did it, (all laughing) I was like, "Oh, this is kind of fun." - I did think there was a year that you did dab a lot. That was probably the year, then. - Yeah, that was probably the year we met actually. - That was like 2016, 2017 right? - Yeah, yeah. - What an awful first impression? But like, I feel you're very heavily influenced by the people around you in that sense. 'Cause like recently in that same sense, right? Like you started dabbing unironically after I kept doing it. - You dabbed? - No. (all laughing) - Oh you dabble? - Like you dabble in the dab? - You dabbed? - Oh for fuck sake, shut up. - But then on this fucking podcast, right? Like I'm very known to the saying, I fuck with this. And then Garnt started saying that unironically as well. - What can I say if you hang out with your homies enough? - You also say a hundred percent. (all laughing) - A hundred percent. - 100%. (laughing) - 100%. (laughing) - Sometimes it echoes in my head. Like after recording I go home walking to the train, "A hundred percent". (all laughing) - It's living rent free in your brain. - Sure there are matrix in sync. - Yeah. - 'Cause you guys are always in sync. - If one of us is doing something, the other is just programmed to do it. - I don't think Garnt does stuff that rubs off on you. I feel like it's only you rubbing off on Garnt. (Meilyne laughing) - Whoa, whoa, whoa. (all laughing) - No, no. - You just hang out with your homies enough and I guess you just start to mirror each other. - Yeah, but I hang out with you a lot but I still sip like a normal human being. (Connor laughing) - I mean that's just me. - I don't fucking sign up that shit right? - I don't know why I sip like that. I think it's the sippy cups, that I just can't sip like a normal human being. I don't fucking know. - Yeah, it does make you feel like a baby. I feel like a dummy sometimes drinking out of that. - A little baby man? - Yeah. (Meilyne laughing) (all laughing) - I'm gonna find the original video that's based on that but one thing I do want to talk about Meilyne, is the viewers don't know this but, you are like one of the most prolific, Google reviewers in Japan. Right? - Used to be. - Used to be? Okay. - I would say, three or four years ago. - Well, who dethroned you? (laughs) - I just stopped. - What were you like? What was your highest rank, of food reviews? - Not high. - Master? - It's like high was a contributor or something like top 5% or something. - Wow. - And it gives you a different score every month. - See, I didn't even know you had scores. - I didn't know that either. - Did they pay you? - No. - Did you just just do it for like the cloud? - No, it's just- - No, she does it for the prestige. - I do it for the badges. - What do you get for the badges? - Like it just says, "Oh, you're a novice or novice." - She literally does it for the Xbox cheats. - So you literally play "Pokemon Go" just in real life. - Yeah. (Joe laughing) - But with like restaurants and stuff. - Yeah yeah yeah. - To be fair whenever Meilyne's recommended me a restaurant, it's normally very good. - It's usually pretty good. - Yeah. - If I've eaten there. - I'll go there and I'll feel like, "Wow! This is amazing." And Meilyne's like, "Yeah, I'd give it a three out of five." And I'm like, "What?" - (laughing) Yeah. Every time we go to, we can't go to a restaurant with Meilyne anymore and have her enjoy her meal because every time we're there, I can see the cogs turning, in her brain. - You just don't ask me. You just don't look at me while I'm eating instead. - I can't help it. It's like, "Yeah, it's super fascinating watching your thought processes as you eat this food." - I really enjoy food but I do just eat it very fast. - You do, like you are someone who eats food so fast that I don't know how you can enjoy it. - Do you have weekday eating mode and weekend eating mode? - What the fuck does that mean? (laughs) - No speed in which you consume the food. - I agree. I agree. But also when I think I'm eating this too fast, and then I slow down with like my chewing or whatever, I'm like, "It doesn't really taste any better." (Joey laughing) - It just makes me more full. - Does it? - Yeah. - And the slower you eat, the more full you get. - The slower you eat the more full you get. Yeah. It's because it takes a certain amount of time for your stomach's processor and for a signal to get sent to your brain that says, "Hi, I'm full." So if you actually eat slower, then it's just a much more natural way to eat less because then you'll get full much faster. - I think if I'm not like dining with people, I don't really like to take it slow. I like to just eat it and get on with what I'm doing. - Yeah, if you're at like a fancy restaurant, I'd like to take my time. - I'll be like, "Oh my God, you have to try these bananas, they're dashing." - Slowly. - Swerves the wine. (all laughing) - Oh my gosh, takes one bite, sip wine. Ah. (Joey laughing) - I feel like that's part of the experience. Right? I think part of the experience of enjoying food with me is not just the food. - Social aspect. - It's the social aspect and also the drink as well. Getting your pair, getting the food paired with like the perfect drink, actually like really enhances the experience. Right? - I feel like, just food tastes so much worse when you're eating it alone. Do you not think so? - I actually agree with you. (all laughing) - You don't think so? - It depends if it's like a, b, c grade food. - When I have good food, I feel so sad when no one else is around to appreciate the good food as well. I'm like, "This is good man." - So you take a picture and you make a Google review. - So whenever we got to Meilyne's is good, right? And then Meilyne like, "No." But I'm loving it. I'm like, "This is great." - Sometimes I'm just like, "I'm not gonna ask Meilyne, because I am really enjoying the meal right now. And I'm afraid that she's just gonna dash my dreams. - No! - Yeah, we had. - She's like that reviewer that you don't wanna hear the opinion of. - Absolutely. (laughs) - You be like, "Just let me enjoy my soda that's online meal Meilyne. I don't care about your opinion." - It's a 9/10, right? (all laughing) No it sucks. It fucking sucks. - I don't care if people dislike my favorite shows. But when I get to like, when we're at the old studio, and we had like the stone baked pizza right? - Yeah. - That was really good. - Yeah. - We loved it. And it was like was at 4.5 or something. It was really hard. - yeah, it was fantastic. - On Google reviews and we took Meilyne and Meilyne was like, "No. I can't eat it." - It's just 'cause I don't like pizza to begin with. - What! (Meilyne laughing) What do you mean? You're from like America? - Wait, wait. - Contender for the shittiest take of the year. - That's pretty bad. That's pretty bad. Why? - Wait, wait. - There's no type of pizza you like? - There is a specific pizza, - One? - That's made in San Francisco. - Oh my God! - Oh for fuck! (Meilyne laughing) - Oh my! - Ah yes! Ah ye! - And the entire world groans. (Meilyne laughing) - The home of pizza, San Francisco. - But even though I could only eat like one pizza a year. I don't really like it. - [Men] What? - One pizza a year? - Yeah. - And it needs to be in San Francisco apparently. - I have never- - Fuck, I just felt all the Italians just fucking die. - Yeah, Italian gasp. - Mamma fucking mia, what the fuck was that? - There's better foods to eat than pizza I think. - I just thought every human on earth enjoyed pizza. - I just thought it was a mutual love. - I just thought it was there. I'm pretty sure it's like a test, for like how to determine if you're an alien or a human. (all laughing) "Cause if they don't probably love pizza, then they're probably an alien right? Because no human doesn't love pizza. - What don't you like about about pizza? Do you like cheese? - I think it depends. It's all about timing for pizza when they get it out, and how long were there cooking it. It's crispy soggy, and like so many places get it wrong. (all laughing) - How would you rate Domino's? - I wouldn't rate it. - It's like not even worth eating? - Okay. There's some times, there's some moments where you're watching a movie or something during a long break, and you want to eat something greasy, then pizza, the Domino's. I'll eat Domino's. - Right, right. - But it's not like fricking amazing. It's not like amazing. - Okay. What is like the best fast food then in your opinion? - If you say In and Out I swear to God. - I like In and Out though. I really like Inn and Out. - But knowing how much she loves San Francisco. - I actually really like McDonald's. - Yeah, me too. Me too. - But American McDonald's or Japanese McDonald's? - Japanese McDonald's. - It's all the same. - No, it's not. - No, it's not. American McDonald's makes me sick. - Have you had American hamburgers? - No. - American McDonald's makes Meilyne sick. - McDonald's hamburgers are out of time. - I just get the nugs. Nugs are like universally just the same everywhere. - When they're freshly fried, oh my god. - Yeah, yeah. - Nugs are great. The fries are great. I think McDonald's fries are the best, out of like the major chains. - But if they're like soggy. - Actually they're good when they're soggy and cold and they've kind of been like sweating a bit. - What is this? What is this? Come on, you're joking. (Meilyne laughing) What is this? - Google food reviewer. (Connor laughs) - This is the local expert when you go on Google apparently. - How to lose your credibility in like five minutes. - But also, the Google review thing, it doesn't really mean much. It just means I contribute a lot. - How did that start? I'm so curious about how you just- - 'Cause you're literally the only person I know who does this. - I think it was an obsession 'cause like, there would be new restaurants that pop up and then I'd be the first one, out of everyone in the neighborhood to- - That is true Tokyo like switches out restaurants like crazy. - Yeah, yeah. - It is crazy how fast restaurants pop up and go. - Yeah. - And it was really cool whenever I log into my Google maps account and be like, "wow! This got 1.2 million views on your photo." I'm like, "Wow!" Yeah. (men groaning) - How it feels to be a YouTuber. (all laughing) - No, no. Nobody comments. They just look at it which I like, like "Oh yay, they saw it." - It's just a YouTube video with the comments turned off. - I went to a KFC one time and uploaded a picture of my friend eating a KFC. And for some reason Google made it the front picture. (all laughing) - I'm sorry to hear that. - It was like you click on this KFC. It's a pretty popular KFC. And it was just him, sitting there eating a KFC, not a flattering photo. - Why did you upload that? - Because I wanted to see how it works. - That's hilarious. - I wanted to see how it worked. And I found out afterwards, you can't take down Google photos. - No, you can't. - And he was furious at me. He was like, "Why did you put it up?" - You can take down Google photos. - Really? - Yeah, I can. - It wouldn't let me take it down. - Maybe it's the privilege only. (all laughing) - You gotta be a google reviewer. - Are you in the top 5%? - Every week I go on Google maps and it's like, "Your picture is popular." And I'm like, "What the fuck it's my name?" (all laughing) But yeah, sorry to say. So you start reviewing things? - Yeah, yeah. - When did you get addicted? Was it like immediately or like? - Like after two months, I started eating at more places. - So do you like go out on purpose to look for new places or do you kind of just like wait till a new place pops up? - Well, I get tired of eating the same food a lot. - Yeah. - So when my husband asks me, "Where do you wanna eat?" I'll be like, "Can we go somewhere new?" I just want like that stimulation, that excitement. - I hate it 'cause I never used to be like that. And then I moved to Japan and then I'm just like, "I wanna eat something different every day." - There's so many. Japan has the most, for example, Michelin restaurants in the world. And you don't even have to eat at a Michelin starred restaurant, everything's extremely good. - If you're a peasant. - Do you rate the Michelin star restaurants? 'Cause I know you've been to a few. - I do. I do. - You do? Okay. - Yeah. But it's also kind of weird if you go there often and then the chef knows you rated them. So- (Garnt laughing) - They probably think you're like one of the reviewers at this point. - There's one restaurant that I really liked. - Yeah. - And then I just don't review it 'cause I don't want them to know my thoughts. (laughs) - What makes a good and a bad reviewer? - A bad reviewer is just like, "Oh, this place sucked or it is too expensive." - "Cause I normally only give out five stars, and I don't review restaurants I don't like. - Yeah, that's the problem. I think a lot of people only review restaurants they hate, or some restaurants they really like. - Yeah. - They can't be bothered to formulate a middle ground. - Yeah, when I look at a place, and then I see maybe there's only three ratings. And then I look at the three reviewers, and this person only has two reviews. This person has 40, I look at their profile. - So you don't look at just reviews. You stalk the account of the reviewer. You're like a jury analyzer you question the credibility of the jurors. - Yeah, because for example, if these two reviewers have a streak or record of just giving two stars, why would I trust the review? - I just don't think I have the effort to like click on someone's review. - It's 'cause you don't care you just Uber eats everything. - You don't even check the restaurant before you try it. - The people who normally sound like the biggest dicks, other like the local experts. - Yeah, yeah. - They're always have like the most snobbish reviews, and every time I read them I'm like, "What the fuck happened?" Like he made it seem like- - How often do you read Google reviews? - If I ever go to a new place, I always look at them. - I just look at the stars and I'm like, "Yeah, that looks good enough." - Is that Meilyne's influence? - No, I just always did that. - Oh, okay. - 'Cause sometimes people maybe like comment, like the best dish, or something they recommend. - Oh yeah, pictures of, 'cause you don't know what to order either. - Sometimes I don't really know. And occasionally I can't read it 'cause it's all in Kanji. And then I'm like, I point at the picture I'm like, "Give me this one." - Yeah. - "What this guy had." - 'Cause it's like a menu. - What this guy had. You don't do that? - No. Why not? - Why am I the weirdo? - Aren't there menus here that have no pictures and you can't read it? - Yeah, in Kanji. Yeah, yeah. - So you just go through the pictures. - Sometimes you just got to put your fate in God, and just order food. I don't know. - Just throw the dice. - Just throw out the dice. - What you do in that situation is 'Ososume,' ask for the recommendation. - Yeah, yeah. - Whatever he says you're like, "Yes, I hope this is good." - I just get whatever sounds nice. I don't know, like sometimes. - I just (speaks Japanese) that shit. - Well Joey can read. I can't, I'm dumb. - Yeah, yeah. - There's some like handwritten menus, and I'm just like, "What? - Oh yeah, those are so hard to even remotely figure out what's being said. - Oh, if that's the case then I asked the waitress. I'm like, "What does that say?" - I actually have the way- - If you can't read it then use the comic sounds. - Sometimes I've seen some handwritten ones especially like really fancy like Japanese restaurants, where they're like, love to use that like traditional calligraphy style and I'm like- - Yeah. - This just looks like squiggles to me. - Like the one's with the (speaks Japanese) menu. - That is the one that changes everyday. - The daily special. - Like the daily special. - I mean like daily specials I always ask, but like I've seen menus that is literally illegible, where it's just so messy and they always use like, fancy terminology that just doesn't work outside of that context. - French, Italian? - My favorite moment of eating in Japan is when you get to Riokan. It's like 20 courses, and they just come over to you and explain every dish. And I just look at the thing for two minutes straight just nodding. - See, I'm actually interested in those kinds of menus though. - I don't know what they're saying to me. I'm just like, "What the fuck are you saying?" - Yeah. - I'm like nodding, nodding, all right. This is getting is a little excessive. - In your head it's like, "This is food. This is also food. This is a food." (laughs) - I think you eat it or take like half a bite, and then tell them, "What is this that I just ate?" And then they, that's better. Like if they have time to explain. - But like usually what they do is they bring all the food out right. And then they explain it and then they just fuck off. So you don't even have enough time unless you're eating it as they're explaining it, right? - And then you're just like, "Come back please, I need to know." - come over here, I want to try. - I am formulating a review. (laughs) - I took a picture and I have to leaves notes next to it. - I'm a local expert I'll have you know. (laughs) - Are you the local expert? Do you get that badge as well? - I think, I'm not sure. - Like I'm just so curious, how often do you have to eat somewhere new to be in the top 5%. - I have no idea. I haven't been top 5% since like 2017 or 2018. - That's worrying because you used to do quite a lot of reviews. - I think there's more now - How many reviews does it take to be in the top? - I have no idea. - It's becoming more mainstream. - Maybe. - There's a Japanese guy as well who's trying to review every single Starbucks in Japan. - Oh yeah. I know that guy. - And it's like ridiculous. - Do they taste all the same? - That's what I wonder. What can the difference be? - Yeah, that's like going to every McDonald's in Japan. - He has to probably order the same thing from each place. So otherwise it's not a good comparison. Right? - [Camera Man] But I think they have the seasonal menus. - Yeah, now they have Starbucks Japan just released a thing where every single prefecture, has its own frappe. - Yeah. - Oh does it? - Yeah. - That's such a Japanese idea. - It's actually really cool. - It's kind of genius. - They all look super unique as well. Like none of the flavors look the same. - I went to Kyoto the other day and I had like the Kyoto frappuccino. - Yeah. - And it was like matched with like caramel and some shit and I'm like, "You're fucking up." If I can only have this here, I'll have it. - The Tokyo one sucks. - What's the Tokyo one? - It's like coffee jelly and some shit. - That is a very Tokyo thing, the coffee jelly. - Do you like jelly? - Yeah. - I think jelly is the worst dessert. It is by far the worst. - [All] No! - Have you had Mikan jelly? - I don't give a shit. - Mikan jelly's bomb, that shit's bomb. - Why's the jelly? - Jelly is literally the dessert of peasants. - What are you talking about? What are you actually talking about? - Jelly is incorporated on all kinds of high-end meals. - It is literally the cheapest dessert. That's the cheapest one. It's the cheapest one. - How? - Someone needs to take this privilege away. - Cheap can be delicious though it doesn't have to be expensive to be delicious. - It tastes like mattress filler I don't wanna eat it. - Yeah because you don't just want jelly by itself. Right? Sometimes you want jelly by itself, but if it's like incorporated in the dessert. - You don't like coffee jelly with a bit of ice cream? - No, I can't stand it. It's awful. - Ah, I love coffee jelly. - What don't you like about jelly? - It tastes like nothing half the time. And when it does taste like something, it's like you could've made, you could have made something else. (all laughing) You could have made literally anything else with this flavor profile, and it would have been 10 times better, 'cause it didn't feel like a floppy mess in my mouth. - I'm gonna have you try Milkman jelly. - It's just a very light flavor, it's not too strong all the time. It's just very light. - Sometimes I don't want a dessert that punches me in the face. - It's like slippery and- - It's just lighter than like an ice cream. - Is it more so the texture you don't like? - The texture is a massive part of it. But I also find that- - So you don't like gelatinous? - No. And I find that the flavors can be replicated in any other dessert that is just better. - Like what? - Like ice cream, ice cream is better. - (laughing) Ice creams? - You mean an ice cream? - Ice cream and jelly don't taste anything alike. What are you talking about? - With coffee jelly you could have done ice cream coffee. You know what I mean? - Yeah usually you get like a vanilla ice cream with coffee jelly. Like that shit's great. - Just put like an espresso on it. (Joey laughing) I'd just rather that, don't do this jelly shit. Fuck that jelly shit. - I'm sorry ice cream and jelly tastes nothing alike. Even if they have the same flavor profile. - Yeah. - It's like two totally different things. - It's the texture I don't know. I find that it's like, I never- - I just don't think you're a fan of gelatinous things. - No and it's also like when they do it I'm like, "Really couldn't afford gelato or ice cream really?" I feel like that's what's going on. (Garnt laughing) Peasants. I'm like, "Oh, okay." - Conner's at a Michelin Star restaurant, they're serving him with jelly. - Have you been to a Michelin Star restaurant before? - Yeah. - Oh, you have. - And if they gave me jelly I'd be like, "Wow! I saw where you skimmed on the budget." I can make 20 liters of jelly in like 10 minutes, with like 10 bucks. I don't want this shit. Do you know how hard it would be to fill a bath tub of ice cream? - That shit's going to actually taste like nothing though. Like the jelly that comes out of like higher end restaurants actually has a lot of flavor in my opinion. - Yeah, if it's like fruit they'll extract the juices from the fresh fruit. - Oh God I hate fruit jelly so much. - Fruit jelly is the best. - Why? Fruit jelly is the best. - Fruit jelly is literally the best. - Why would you ruin fruit by making it into a jelly format? It's literally the worst. - No, there's some fruits that are better. - Yeah, like Milkan. - Yeah, Milkan. - I would argue that fruits make better jellies than they do ice cream. - Yeah. - I agree. - No. - Actually yes. - Yeah. - Yeah. Yeah. Yes. - You can try it's full potential. The texture of how it's changed by being cooked in the syrup. - Look, look, look fruit jelly is refreshing as fuck. Fruit ice cream is not refreshing. A lot of the time. - Unless it's sorbet. - Unless it's sorbet. - Banana ice cream does not count. - Banana, strawberry, cherry. - Banana ice cream does not taste like banana. - I will take strawberry jelly over strawberry ice cream any day. - Oh! What? - I've never had a good strawberry jelly though. - Well strawberry jelly's normally like the cheap, the cheap jelly. - The "jello type." - The jello type. It's only The Cheap Jelly But Like, so is strawberry ice cream. Strawberry ice cream is normally the cheap ice cream as well. - I don't like strawberry ice cream. - Oh my God! Oh my God Joey! (laughs) This is why we're brothers. This is why we're brothers. - Well listen, I don't like it either, but I would take it over jelly. (men laughing) - Fuck off. - Strawberry ice cream I think is just like the worst ice cream flavor. - It always tastes like fake strawberries. - Yeah. - Banana though. - Banana's good but it's not, that's not the same flavor as an actual banana. - But why does banana blend itself so well to everything? Like everything banana flavor, tastes amazing. - Yeah, I agree with that. - And like everything orange takes so artificial and shit. - No. - No. - Yes. - No. - Like orange ice lollies are like orange ice without lollies. (all laughing) - Why did you point at me? (all laughing) Why the fuck did you point at me? (all laughing) I didn't say anything. Did you guys catch that slang, - [Meilyne] Why did you? - Let's just talk about the lollies. - Did you catch that? Or it's because we say it in Australia. Okay yeah. - Yeah, we say it in the UK too though. - Oh you didn't say that. - I don't know why you pointed at me though. That was just slang language. (all laughing) - It just the way it just came out of nowhere, like "Oh, lollies". (all laughing) - I can't believe you man. - We call them ice lollies as well. - Oh, the UK? - The lollipops, right. Americans call them lollipops too right? - Yeah, lollipops. - Yeah. - Don't change the subject. - So yeah, orange tastes like shit. - No, you're wrong. - Tastes like shit? - You're wrong. I think the orange desserts tastes better than banana desserts. - Oh, no. Oh come on. - Do you like mousse by the way. - Yeah, I like mousse. - Mousse? - Sometimes. (Joey laughing) (all laughing) - Do you just hate desserts Connor? - I love ice cream. (all laughing) - We found the reason jellies and gentlemen, we found the reason. - Categorically right? I have not had a single dessert, right? That I'm like ice cream would just be better than this. Not a single dessert made me think ice cream is better. - I can find you a dessert. - Or like apple pie. Apple pie is great. - It's okay, but I can find you something better. - What's the thing that you said sorry? - You only like apple pie because it works well with ice cream. (laughs) (all laughing) Anything that works well with ice cream. (all laughing) - Do you like chocolate cake? - I love chocolate cake. - What kind of chocolate cake? The Japanese chocolate cake? - Oh I don't think I've ever had Japanese chocolate cake. - Or like a volcano chocolate cake. - American chocolate cake. - Sometimes icing is just too heavy, you know? Sometimes it's like cement like and- - It gets lighter when you microwave it. - (air whooshing) That just sounds. - That's the tidbit for the day. - No, it's so good. - Why would you want mousse? 'Cause to me mousse is just an inferior ice cream. - Mousse does taste bad most of the time though. - Sometimes you just don't want something as heavy, as ice, just have cream, which is a cream. - Just have less ice cream. - No, even a spoon of the cream fills your mouth with the cream though. - If Americans saw the Haagen-Dazs size in Japan, then they'd cry. I cried when I first saw it. Have you seen how tiny? - No, to me that's the perfect size. - Yeah. - I can't have any more Haagen-Dazs than that. - But I won't lie, I do wish I had the tub. Just so if I really did have a bad day, I could chow down the 2 liter tub. - Like dessert's the one meal where I'm really picky because it depends on what I've eaten directly beforehand. That dictates what dessert I order. Right? You can't just order the same dessert every time. - I don't even eat dessert. - I agree that ice cream I think is the best dessert. It's either ice cream or cake. Right? If I have an empty stomach I'd always go for ice cream or cake. But like, sometimes you just don't feel like that after a really heavy meal. Sometimes chocolates just seems way too heavy. And you just want something light or- - Yeah. - Always tiramisu or ice cream in some form. (Garnt laughing) Tiramisu, I could have like anything and I can eat half a tiramisu after. - To be fair, tiramisu is my favorite cake, but I can't have it after every meal. - I can have it after every meal. - It's a very heavy cake. - It's a heavy cake. - It feels like it's heavy. - It doesn't feel heavy at all. - The cream. - To me the biggest fucking lie I hear people say is like, "Oh, you have a second stomach for dessert." I'm like, "Bullshit." - That shit's a lie. - Bullshit. You just didn't eat enough main course, that's it. - No, it's actually true. - Fuck you off. - You could check your mind to it. - The way your taste buds work is that they get sick of one flavor so when you introduce a new flavor, it makes more room for it. - No, just not with me. - That's how you conquer buffets. You switch back and forth. - Conquer buffets. (Garnt laughing) - I watched a very informal Vox video about this, and apparently yeah you tend to- - Oh my god, I want to see Meilyne at a buffet. - I can't eat as much there is. - Oh hi, its me Joey, here to do the sponsors for this episode. And you'll be happy to know that this episode of "Trash Taste" is sponsored by "Genshin Impact." "Genshin Impact" is an open world action RPG game available on PC, Android, iOS and PlayStation 4 and 5. Step into a vast magical world now and start your adventure on the continent of Teat, where seven kinds of elemental power surge. You guys should know "Genshin Impact" by now. 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As the adopted daughter of the Kujo clan, she conducts herself with an official demeanor at all times. And there's another beautiful five-star, awaiting for your hands to get ahold of. I'm of course, talking about Sangonomiya Kokomi, the new five-star hydro character. The divine priestess is Supreme leader of the Watatsumi Island. But if characters aren't your thing then don't worry. There's lots more juicy information for you all. Because two of the new Inazuma Islands will open to play as the Watatsumi Island and the Seirai island. Watatsumi island is very different from other islands in Inazuma. The Sangonomiya shrine is located at the center of this island surrounded by a canopy of mountains and waterfalls. Meanwhile, Seirai Island is where some disasters seem to have occurred and is surrounded by perpetual thunderstorms. Plus there are a number of exclusive events available as well. Like the Moon Chase Festival from the 17th of September to the 12th of October. And of course the first anniversary celebration starting off with the passage of clouds event, which is a login bonus event that let's players accumulate daily log-ins from the 20th of September, to claim up to 10 intertwine fate along with various other rewards. So even if you're a new player or an experienced player, "Genshin Impact" has a lot to offer to you guys. So make sure to go down, to the link in the description below, to check out the game for yourself. And thank you to "Genshin Impact" for sponsoring this episode. Back to the show. - Here's a buffet for peasants mainly. (Garnt laughing) - Depends where you go. - Dessert swap strat. - Where can we get a good buffet? - Las Vegas has a lot of good buffets. - I've heard this actually. - You'll pay like 100 almost $300. - But isn't it mainly buffets in Las Vegas? - It's all buffets. - Really? - Yeah. 'Cause you know Hulki's from Vegas, right? So like literally every third day is a buffet. And after a while I'm just like, "Bruh, can we have like something else. Just like a single meal." - Yeah. I get it though 'cause you're just gonna sit there and gamble all night. So it doesn't matter if you like just stuff yourself. - Yeah. Well, if you do feel like walking around on the strip all day. - Yeah. - And you have enough room, then yeah of course a Buffet's fantastic. But if I'm like fucking lazily sitting around in the house, and then sometimes Hulki's mom's like, "Let's go to a buffet." I'm like, "No, please no. I can't." - But they have no time limit, you could be there all day kind of. - Actually some of them look amazing as well. I think I saw some YouTube videos of them and it's like Michelin star chefs or something. - Yeah. - We've been to all of them and some of them are fucking amazing. - Did you go on the buffet bus tour? You get a pass and it takes you around to all the buffets. - No, I haven't. I know a friend who went on that. - Why would you wanna have a pass that takes you on the same day? - I've always wanted to go. - Dude when I start eating. - That's like a buffet of a buffet. (all laughing) - No I want to. - That's just horrible. When I start eating, I don't want to stop until I'm done. - Yeah. - And then when I'm done, I stop. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, because the worst thing is when you are right timed for my meal. - Yeah. - And the worst thing is if you- - Get on the bus, we're going. - If you start a meal and you're not totally full, but then you stop because you stop anyway 'cause you've gotta leave or you've gotta do something else and then you kind of become full but not the satisfying full. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You're just like the bloated full. Right? - Yeah. - Yeah. And that sounds like an awful experience. - Yeah. - If you had to do that on the same day and the buffet. - It's fun for like college student aged people I think when you have a lot of friends. - I'm so sorry there was a single causes. - Why don't you just go to one buffet then instead of going to multiple. - I wouldn't go to a buffet now though but I did used to really like buffets. - I still do love buffets. It's just that there's a time and a place for it. I can't have it every day. - Yeah, I can't have it every way. - Wait, how do you rate buffets then because there's so many different types of those? - I can't rate buffets. I didn't do Google reviews back when I was eating at buffets. - Have you heard we have our Japan buffets? Have you had the buffets here? - Yeah, I took you guys, I think that only Connor and Garnt. - Did we really have buffet? - Yeah, Nabezo. It's a hot pot buffet. - Oh that doesn't count. - That is a buffet. - To Me it's not a buffet. If you have to ask the guy to come over, and then you order more stuff. - Yeah, but then you go over to the vegetable section, you get your own vegetables. - That's not a buffet. - That is a buffet. - That's a salad bar. - Yeah. - Oh! - That's a fucking salad- - That's a self serve salad bar. - Yeah. - Okay. - Yeah, I'd say 'cause buffet to me is truly like everything is you can go up and get it. - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. - So I feel like when there's a block and you have to call someone over and be like, "Can I have more meat?" - That's how you get the fresh one. - But you can also like go up to like the chef at the buffet and be like, "Can you get me the fresher one?" - Depending at the buffet, I know the Las Vegas ones had that. - Yeah, Vegas you can do that. - There's some really weird buffets in Japan though. I went to one- near the- - At the Switch Buffet? - A company has buffet- - It's like an American chain or something. - American chain, here? - It's apparently supposed to be an American dining chain. - Sizzler? - Sizzler? Was the one? - Sizzler in Japan has like the "famous salad buffet bar." - Yeah, and it was the most- - There's sizzlers in Japan? - Yeah there's Sizzlers in- - Oh my God! - I think I went to one in Tokyo stadium or Edabashi stadium. The one near Edabashi. Right? It's like a stage, the massive stadium the park. - Tokyo Dome? - Tokyo Dome. That's it. - Yeah. - There was one in there. - Was it Sizzler? - Or some form of chain. - A Bubba Gumps? - I don't know, it wasn't Bubba Gumps. I went to it and I was like, "All right, what's gonna be on the buffet?" It was the weirdest selection of stuff you can imagine. - Right. - The dessert was like first in the buffet as well. So it was like ice cream, (all laughing) and like French toast but this was like 5:00 PM. - What do you mean first in the buffet? - When you get your tray and stuff, the dessert was there first. - Oh weird. - And then I was like, "Okay." And the next tray is like, self service taco station, but there was no sauce or guac. So it was just like beef. - This is beef wrapped up on- - On the tortilla. - Yeah, yeah. - Tortilla pack. - Both of those. - (laughing) Mexicans crying. - It was just beef and the tortilla. - Yeah. There you go. (laughs) - I was like, "Okay. Yeah. This makes sense." Next up it's like, pasta, Italian pasta. And it was like, "I don't know what this pasta was." It didn't taste like anything. It tastes like a weird Arabiatta, it was really strange. And then in the middle there was like a bunch of salad, but the salad was strange as well. There was like barely any lettuce. There was like chopped oranges, like a bunch of croutons and stuff. I was like, "What is this?" - Is this in the hotel? - Yeah. Next to it. - At the hotel buffet? - No, it wasn't a part of the hotel. - 'Cause Tokyo Dome Hotel also has buffets. - It was so confusing and it was just the weirdest. I've never seen a buffet like it. And half the stuff was terrible, and they didn't have a coffee machine or anything, it was water. It was just water. - Peasants. - Instant soft. (Garnt laughing) - It was just water. And if you wanted the soft drink, you had to order it. - That's actually normal in a lot of buffet practice, in England as well, because that's how they make the money. Because you have to pay for the drinks. - We pay for the drinks in the UK? - Some buffet places, a lot of buffet places, the drinks aren't included. - I thought it was just for alcoholic drinks. - Oh no. They charge for like normal drinks as well. - And that's like the secret of how they make the money. Because you have to order the drink separately, but the food is like all you can eat. Right? - Right, right. - So, that's more standard. - How much are buffets in the UK? - Oh, it depends. - If potato is like standard, you can go to pretty high end and get like 20 pounds. - Really? In the south it's like 20 to 30. - Oh shit! Really up in the North it's not. It's like a 10. - Oh my God! I was like up north. Oh my God! That's so cheap. - Buffets around where I was I think they were like, never more than 20 and 20 was like premium. - Oh my God! - Well like farm produce in your area? - You can't eat out in the south, like less than 15 quid, like 15 quid's like the cheap, cheap, cheap restaurants. - You could go to any restaurant and get a main for like 10 pounds. Like in a fresh main that's prepared well. So why would you go to a buffet, and stuff yourself full of chips and rice, and pay 15 quid. (Joey laughs) - Fair enough. - Buffets are just fun for family, I think. - Are they? Are they? - Yeah. - Yeah, 'cause you can challenge people. - You should get your kid to shop and run away. Right? - Challenge people? What do you challenge people? - Who can conquer it first? (all laughing) - Isn't it funny to do that as a teenager? - You only eat one place. - When I was a teenager I did think it was really cool. And there was an all you can eat buffet one time, and the pizza. - Did you wear buffet pants? - What? - Like stretchy pants. - There's an all you can eat buffet pizza chain here in Japan as well. Yeah, called Shakey's. - Oh, I've heard of this. - That's American. - In Bubby, they have that. - Can we go back to the buffet pants? What the fuck is the buffet pants? - I didn't even hear that. (all laughing) - She said buffet? - She was like, "Did you wear buffet pants? - They're just sweats, so you can put the elastic band over your stomach when you're done eating. - That sounds like the most American invention I've ever heard of. - Everyone did it in my circle. - In San Francisco? - In my circle. We were like, "Let's go to the buffet." And then we change her pants. - I remember we went to a- - (laughing) Oh what? What? - This sounds like a parody. - No, it's real. It's real. - Are you serious? - Well in my friend group. - Did other friend groups do this as well? - I don't know. - Was this like a just your friend group type of thing. - No, it was like more than 20 people. - How much does a buffet cost in San Francisco? - $40? - $40! - This was like eight years ago though. - Well, it's only gotten more now? - $90 now? - Eight years ago? - Yeah, that's how much Vegas buffets are. They're like 40, $50. - Holy fuck! - Are they worth it? - They don't taste good. - Don't eat those ones. - The high-end ones though where you pay a little extra like 80, $90 is like worth it. - $80, $90 what the fuck? - So do you get like sirloin steak on demand? - Yeah, actually. - It's about the crab. - You actually get like top tier food at those buffets. - All right okay. - But the $40, $50 ones in my opinion, maybe half the time not worth it. - Two grand and then spend $90 on steak. That's terrible. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, that sounds alien to me because like in the UK, I don't think that kind of buffet exists. Buffets exist as like a cheap alternative, to eating a lot of food if you just wanna order a lot of food. You either eat a shit ton of food. It didn't really care about the quality. - But there are a lot of Indian Curry buffets because in SF certain areas. - Pretty much every buffet in the UK has Indian Curry in it. - Oh really? - I'm gonna be honest there, they're pretty bad though. They're really fucking bad. - I would argue that pretty like 90, actually I don't think I've ever been to a good buffet place in the UK. In terms of like, this is good food. You go there, to eat a shit ton of food, and you trick your brain, into thinking it tastes good because you're eating so much food. But in reality it just tastes like shit. - I think that's most buffets. (all laughing) - I'll just hate like the whole plate situation with buffets. Because when you get a dish right, that you've hand selected, it's normally perfectly fit for that plate. When you start going around the buffet and you start putting things on, I don't want some of the foods touching. - Yeah. - And I hate that because I'm like, I don't want the saucy dish to touch the thing that's supposed to be like dry. - Yeah. - So it's kind of a mess. But if there is sauce, it's like, all right, if this dish has a lot of sauce, how do I kind of like integrate this with my other food selection on my plate? - I have honestly never cared because I'm like, at the end of the day, this is all going to turn into shit. So, it doesn't matter to me. (speakers arguing indistinctly) - You just get a new plate. - You can't just say whatever goes in your mouth is shit, so why give a fuck. - I actually don't. - 'Cause like I'm the guy at the buffet. - You should just eat like cement. (laughs) - I'm like the guy at the buffet, who has like fucking three different plates. Right? Because somethings you can't mix. - I take that right. I go and get another plate to make sure that the dishes are right. - You don't get the food, put it down, eat it and then go again? - No, no. - No, because that's too much effort. - What if you change your mind though after you eat the first food? - Just throw it away. - It's all gonna get thrown out anyway. - What if you take your standard instead of taking too much of something starchy, and I've been like, "Shit I can't eat this." This is prime real estate in my stomach. I can't have another bread roll. So I just leave it. - 'Cause in Vegas apparently. - I never get bread, when I'm in a buffet. You mad man. - I'm kidding- - Cause in Vegas apparently it's a law now that all the buffet places at the end of every day, they have to throw out like everything, because there was this lawsuit that dead ass, I read about this. There was this lawsuit that happened a couple of years ago, where they kept some of the food, and like stored it in like the behind, like the stare and some homeless guy came up, ate it, got food poisoning, sued the buffet place and won. - What? - Well hopefully he got a nice home. - Yeah. - What? - Yeah. - what? - And so now in Vegas, I don't know about the whole state of Nevada, but in Vegas every buffet place, legally has to throw out every single food that's left on that day and make it fresh the next day. So, I can't imagine how much food that's thrown away. - I mean that's good for customers though but unfortunately terrible for- - It's also a waste of a shit load of food. - You'd wish they'd just gave it away but it's logistically it's quite hard to just give away a lot of food. - Like donate it to the shelters? - [Men] Yeah. - I think some coffee chains in the UK, especially London, I think like Pret does it, where like at the end of the day, someone will come in and get all the sandwiches that didn't sell and then that night go and take them to homeless people. - Yeah. - oh yeah. So that makes more sense. - So they're still lucky to eat. That's good. - I am curious, as like the resident American here. - Oh, yeah. - Well I'm the only American. - Pretty much the only American - - You're the only American in the office? - Yeah right, apart from Sydney. - Yeah. - But Sydney doesn't count. - What? (Garnt laughs) - I mean she likes Ugly Birds 10 times but none of her opinions mean anything. I'm like how'd you feel when we actually like rant about America and you're just off-camera listening? - I'm just like, that's true. (all laughing) - Confirmation. - Almost the same thing. - Yeah, you have been wrong, but I'm just saying, "Ah whatever." It means everything. - Yeah, we rank on about our own countries just as much. - Yeah and then also Americans will rag on your countries and whatnot. - Yeah, of course. - It's interesting though 'cause most of my foreign friends are usually American, and it's interesting hearing, non-Americans talk about Americans that I know. - Has there ever been a time though where you were just like, "No, that's so wrong. I don't wanna tell them." - There are a few times but I just forgot. I mean the one that sticks out is the butter or the lard thing. Joey, you were saying that there's someplace that they put lard on popcorn or something. - Yeah. - I've never heard of that. (laughs) - Did we ever find out where that was or was it a lie? - I don't know. - I have no idea but I was like, "What?" - It's not a lie because I saw it with my own eyes. (Garnt laughing) So it's like, it's not a lie. Maybe it was that cinema, I don't know, but I saw it. - In Vegas? - Yeah, it's probably not like a common thing. - With melted butter is definitely a common thing. - Yeah. Yeah, yeah. - Did you speak to many non-Americans who speak English before? - Non-Americans who speak English. - In Japan? - Like Koreans? - I guess so yeah. - Is there a big difference between Americans and non-Americans? - The way you guys talk, some things you say and then I end up saying it. I'm like- (Garnt laughing) - Like what? - I don't know. - Like the time that I almost convinced you that the Australian currency was the way it is. - Yeah, I didn't believe you, I was just being polite to your friends. (all laughing) - So at Smash, which is the convention in Sydney. The anime one. - A few years ago. - Yeah, so I got invited as a guest and Meilyne came with me. - Yeah. - And, my friend from uni was there. I invited them, and I don't know how we got onto the conversation, but my friend dead ass almost convinced Meilyne that the Australian currency was called dollarydoos. - And then before going I actually had an Australian friend here and she was like, "Oh, Australians lie a lot. So watch out." (Joey laughing) And then I think I told you. I was like, "My friend said, 'Australians lie a lot.'" - No, no, no, nonsense. And then we told you about the drop bears. - I knew about the drop bears. - What is a drop bear? - Drop bears are like there's a specific type of bear in Australia where they drop from the tree. They drop down and attack you. When you're in Australia, you should never fall asleep under a tree because drop bear could come down and attack you. - Unfortunately that is a lie as much- - No, no, no. It's absolutely real. And Meilyne believed me for a while. - I did not. - Yeah, you did. You were like, "Are they like an actual species of bear?" - Where did the drop bear thing come from? - It's been around since like- - Every Australian I swear I've met abroad, tells that story like on my first meeting. I'm just like, "Is this just something the country has just agreed to tell the entire rest of the world?" - Well 100s of Australians have died from drop bears every year. - Prove that Australia really exists. (Joey laughing) Prove that it's not a lie. - I haven't seen it yet. - I haven't seen it. I have never been to Australia. Have you been to Australia? - Yeah, she's been. - Have I? - Yeah. - She went on a flight and she landed somewhere, that was called Australia. But that doesn't mean it exists. - There used to be a big gamer back in the day, right Meilyne? You used to play "MapleStory?" - Yeah, (laughs) so much. (all laughing) - I was wondering where that transition was going. - Wait, why did you bring that up? (laughs) - Did you not talk to people on "MapleStory?" - Oh yeah. - People from other countries. - Yeah, my guild mother was from Australia? - Did she lie a lot? - I don't think so. She told me about a lot of things. - Like the drop bears? - What's a guild mother? - I don't know. - It's the person who starts the guild. - It's pretty fucking self-explanatory. (all laughing) - I've never heard of it referred to as a Guild mother yet. - It just happens that online people in the games, they date each other and you can get married in "MapleStory" and get crush rings or whatever. - Did you crush rings? (laughs) - Yeah, yeah. - So did you not have like questions about Australia for her? - Not so much. - Because I remember the first time I met an American friend, I asked them about so much shit. About just like, is it true that like. 'Cause you know, in Australia- 'Cause you only hear so much from media, right? To the point where like, a lot of it is like over-glorified and sometimes just like a straight up lie. So like the first time I met my American friend, through YouTube, I just asked them like a shit ton of questions. Being like, "Is this true? Is this true?" - I did ask my Brazilian friend about Brazil though, on "MapleStory." - About what? - Did they really have big butts? - No, I asked them 'cause there's this one case, the rumor or something that kids are very violent when they get angry at each other in games, they like kill each other. And one of the cases that I was like checking out was this 13 year old that stole a PS4 or something of his friend and the friend got angry, went over to his house with the machete, and just cut him in half. And I was like, "Oh, is that true?" And then my friend Tiago was like, "Yeah, yeah. That happens all the time. So I'm not sure." - Yeah, yeah. (laughs) - He didn't say yeah, yeah. He was like, "Yeah, that happens a lot in ventrillo." - Can people confirm that in the comments? - The Brazilians? - Brazilians. Is it true? - Can you confirm that? - Brazilians, is it true? - I don't know. I was like 13, 14. - Does every Brazilian kid just own a machete? (all laughing) - No, I don't know. - They're readily available before they learn how to read and write, they just get a machete. - Does it come on Amazon or something? - I don't know. I was 13. And they told me that and I was like, "Oh, Brazil is scary." - I was always like the token British guy. I went online to people, they were just like, "Oh, it's a Brit." - I've never met any British people in the games. - Really? - None. - Maybe they played on different servers. - Maybe they did. - May be. - Yeah, like how much growing up did you know about the rest of the world? 'Cause like the stereotype is that Americans, know nothing about the rest of the world. That's like the stereotype. I'm not saying it's true, but like. - I didn't know about Europeans or Australians, or South Americans so much. - You were familiar the Japanese right? - Yeah. Yeah. - Oh yeah, that's true. - I got to travel to a lot of parts of Asia, so I know about Asia. - I don't know much about Asia. I know the names of the countries and some of the history. - And now you're in Japan. (laughs) - Yeah. Yeah. - There you go. - And now you're learning, you're educating yourself. (laughs) - About the culture. - I knew about the history. (all laughing) - You knew the history, we colonized this place. (all laughing) - When you're in another country, you're like, that's one that we used to have, right? (all laughing) - You just look at the list it's like, "Is that part of my country?" - It's really like we would name it like? - Yeah. (Connor laughing) (all laughing) - [Camera Man] They appreciate the English. - Often you'd hear about countries. And it was always like, it was like 50, 50. I'm like, "Did we?" I don't know. - We got close. (laughs) - Yeah, maybe we just stop right there. English history's just really cool when you learn about it. Which is never taught in school in the UK 'cause they were like, "That's that far away place that you'll never go." Because Europe and Butlins is an hour away. - But at least you guys got to learn about like European history. Right? - Oh, well fuck that though. European history is such a fucking mess. - Is it? - Yes. - Dude, better than Australian history. We only have 250 years and most of it is racism. - Yeah but at least you can say like, (all laughing) - European history isn't any better. (all laughing) - I don't think Europeans are any better in terms of that. - It's literally white man come to person's land, take land away, here we are today. - And then dump the prisoners on them. - Bunch of politics, blah, blah, blah. And here we are. - Europe spent like fucking 900 years arguing about who was the best white person. - Yeah, but least you guys had like wars and like colonies and all that kind of stuff. - Yeah, like cool shit. - You guys had like the Romans and like the Byzantines and like all those. Like that shit's cool. - Yeah, that's cool. - They make movies out of those. - Yeah. (Meilyne laughing) - There's one movie about Australia and it's called "Australia." - Isn't it cool though- - is it? I've never seen them. - Nicole Kidman. Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. - That's cool though you can learn all of your history within like a reasonable amount of time. - Yeah, but as a 14 year old learning about like politics and shit. I'm just like, "I don't care." - I don't know most of European history. I don't know history was like that one class that I just never paid attention to. - I loved history. - I hated history class. - Do you know about US history a lot? - No. The most world history I know is from the fucking video from Bill Wirtz. (all laughing) That's basically- - What a sad way. - After Bill Wirtz, everyone is a fucking Japanese historian. - It's like, "Hello, I am now historian." (all laughing) Hello, fellow historians. - I know world history now. To be fair, I learned a lot from those videos. - Yeah, I did learn a lot from it 'cause I just never paid attention in history class. 'Cause I dunno. - Yeah, I love history man. - But I wish I could learn like, about like the Japanese history or you know, like actually about like a history of a country that is like I actually I'm interested. - I think Japanese history is interesting as fuck. - Japanese history is super interesting. - I think Chinese history is interesting as fuck. - Yeah. I wish I learned about that stuff, like that 4,000 years of history that you can look back on. Right? - Yeah, 'cause that's fucking cool. - That's like so much history and it's just like one place as well. Whereas with European it's just like, "Is it the Romans this time or like where is it Greece?" - Well Europe had a war like every fucking five years. - I know right. (laughs) - What percentage of like the history classes that you took or had to take in high school or middle school, where it was dedicated to European history versus everything else? - It was all European history. - Oh, was it? - Mine wasn't. - But what other history did you learn? - American. - I did not learn anything about American history. - We learned American and Chinese history. - How did they teach American history? - It was mainly the civil rights period. We covered 50 space, yeah the generic. - That's right. - The highlights of the modern American history that they like to tell because it sounds good. It's like we beat racism. (Joey laughing) It's ended. We beat the Russians, (all laughing) that kind of stuff. - Yeah, I've never learned about all that. - China was just like, I don't know which one is the correct one. There's multiple presentations of Mao. Is Mao Zedong, which pronunciation's correct 'cause we got taught a bunch of different ones. - There's like 20 different pronunciations of Mao. - I don't know which one's correct. - Every British person trying to like pronounce Chinese words. - Terrible. We learned about that. - See, that's cool though because we had in Australia. At least in my school we had ancient history, which was like about like the Romans. - We didn't do any ancient history. - Egyptians, that kind of stuff. - That's what we learned as well. - And then we had modern history, which was about World War 1, World War 2, Vietnam war. - We did so much on world war 2. - Yeah. - 'Cause British people love World War 2. - Yeah. - They fucking love it. - Of course they do. - Literally they're like, "Look guys, we beat the odds." - Yeah. - "We did it, we got 'em." - Yeah, 'cause like I only remember world war 1 and world war 2 being taught in my school. I think we were taught a bit of American history, but it was just very glossed over. I don't know why. I don't know why it was glossed over. - At least for me I don't know if it was because we have GCSE, which are like when you get to age 16, you can pick three or four subjects. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - One of them was history I chose. So that's why. - Oh, you chose history. - That's why I did. We learned American history and Chinese history. - Oh, okay 'cause the most I did- - The generic one was just like world war 2. - Yeah, I did the generic shit. I've only done the generic shit up to GCSE, which I didn't even pick history. - It was just always like trench foot is bad. - Do you have accelerated like history classes here like AP? - No, we don't do that in the UK. The only one that has it is math. We have advanced mathematics. - Right. - Yeah, yeah. - It's called further maths. (speakers arguing indistinctly) I know it 'cause I took it. - That's the only subject in the UK that had it. (all laughing) - Who would have thought the two Asians on the podcast took accelerated maths. (all laughing) - Accelerated maths? - Yeah, we called it- - Oh Gosh! - Accelerated maths. - Yeah, ours was called accelerated maths. - Is that like trigonometry or something? - No, trigonometry was the basic stuff. - You had to like pass trigonometry as to get to further maths. - Accelerated maths was like, like three dimensional graphs. - Yeah, imaginary numbers. - Imaginary numbers and stuff like that. - Okay. - But I did notice like when I compared what I learned at school to what Sydney learnt at school at the same time especially with maths. I don't know if it's just because, I don't know if it was like the education system, but I would noticed that, what I learnt was like way before what Sydney learned in school sometimes. I don't know how the education system works, but then I also know that compared to Asian, Asian schools they are like, way further beyond whatever I fucking learned in school. - Math is everything. - They were doing like college level maths in high school. And I was just like, "What!" - Yeah, like in Japanese schools you learn long division at like fourth grade. And I'm like, "What? I didn't learn that till I was like 16." - What the fuck is long division? - Long division is like divide 72,463 by 273. - That's so shit though, 'cause everyone use calculators nowadays. You don't need to fucking know this shit. - Did you guys have like placement tests for math? - Yeah. - You did, okay. - How was it for you? - Yeah, we had placement. - Yeah. I mean like how did you place? I don't remember what it was. - Were you good at maths? - I guess maybe yeah, kind of. I suppose, yeah. - Where did you place? - You mean my test? No. How dare you? (all laughing) - What subjects did you excel at at school? Like what did you take? (Meilyne laughing) - What did I excel at school? - Were you good at anything in school? - Yeah, I had 4.0. - What does that mean? Is that good? - Sorry, all A's. That's straight A's. - That's the highest score. - I always hear they had a 4.0 GPA. - Okay, it means you had A's. So I had A's. - So you were good at school. - I wouldn't say it's good. - What are you talking about? - No, but like people were getting 4.1's and stuff because they do like get- - You can tell she grew up in an Asian family. - Well 4.1 is like extra curricular activities, right? - I thought 4.0 was the highest? - It is, but then you can get higher if you do extracurriculars. - Every single true crime documentaries always like, "He was a good kid. He had a 4.0 GPA, off to Harvard." - Yeah, until he cut off that woman's arms and legs. - Yeah, pretty much. (laughs) - Yeah. - I think the highest math I got to is like Algebra two because you can choose to stop. - Yeah. - Right, right. - And I just chose to stop and then fill it with other courses. - What was like your favorite subject in school? - Favorite subject? - Yeah. - Art. - Art was cool. - Maybe. Yeah. I got to make like pasta sculptures. I loved art because I would ask my fellow art students. - All I can imagine is fucking macaroni art. - Yeah. - Are schools like well-funded where you're from? - I would say yeah, well Bay Area is pretty. - Everything in the Bay Area's well funded. (all laughing) - All the parents donate money. - Oh wow! - Oh okay. - Like one of my aunts constantly is donating money to her daughter's school because it just makes the program much better. The government's not giving enough money, so the neighborhood parents are just giving money. - Wow! I remember when I did like badminton, there was only like 2 rackets out of 30 that weren't broke. - That's just like school equipment, school facilities. - The wiring is fucked on the nets to the point where it's like, you just can't play badminton properly. - Yeah, we had like 40 acoustic guitars and only two of them worked. (laughs) - Oh my God! - Don't fucking get me started on textbooks. Like when the fucking teacher says, "All right, time to get out the textbooks." I'm like, "Who am I sharing with today?" - Like you're all huddles around one desk, right? - Yeah 'cause like in my school, when you were reading from a textbook, everyone needed to share at least with one person. So everyone had a partner, like a textbook partner. - Really? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. We had that. But not by obligations because like 1/2 the class had just forgotten their textbooks. So it just became like a tradition to be like, it's my turn now. - Do you have cooking classes in America? - Yeah we have cooking classes. It's like home ec or something. - We had cooking class as well. - I never took it because I hated. - Oh, we had no choice. - Oh really? - Did you have to cook in school? - Nope. - They made us cook. - We had to do it for one year, yeah. - They made us cook and they made us, you won't believe what one of the dishes was, we'd prepare a sandwich. (Meilyne laughs) That was no joke, one of them. - British cuisine be like. (all laughing) - Is it like a tuna melt? - No, no. Literally your bog standard lunchbox sandwich. And when I told my mum, she had to buy me ingredients to make it. She was so insulted that she complained to the school. - I would be 'cause that's a waste of an hour. - She was like, "I'm not buying ingredients so you can make a fucking sandwich." (all laughing) - I'll make you a fucking sandwich right now. - How about I just make one. (all laughing) I made a quiche and I think it turned out to be an omelet or something. - That's common. - Yeah, I think certainly that happened and I was like, "I'm never cooking again." - Yeah, just anything that uses egg turns into a different egg dish, just halfway through the process every time. - I don't like that many egg dishes. - This video is sponsored by Manscaped. It's time to bundle up with the Manscaped 4.0 performance package. Inside this package, you'll find the lawnmower 4.0 trimmer, weed whacker ear and nose hair trimmer, crop ball preserver, crop reviver toner, performance boxer briefs, and a travel bag to hold all your goodies. First off the new performance package, 4.0 includes the new lawnmower 4.0, if you're looking to cozy up this fall, this trimmer is essential. Their fourth generation trimmer features a cutting edge ceramic blade to reduce grooming accidents. Thanks to their advanced skincare, TM technology. 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(all laughing) - Why do Americans annoy you than any other foreigner? - Okay the ones in Japan at least, a lot of the ones that complain about being in Japan. Like, "I hate Japan. Oh, they're so racist or no one wants to sit next to me in the bus." - Yeah. - And they just had this horrible experience in Japan. And they're mostly, I'm not saying, all English teachers are like this but a lot of time, they are English teachers who are being. They stay as English teachers for years and they dream of being in a different position or different job. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But they're just like all this, "I hate Japan. America's the best." But why don't you go back to America? But they don't. (laughs) - Yeah. - Being an English teacher in Japan anyway seems like hell. - Do they complain more than us? - Yeah. (Garnt laughing) - Wow. - Wow! - Different types of complaints though. And they're usually generally very negative. - When I complain, I'm very much understand where a lot of them come from. - But off camera you guys are always praising how amazing Japan is. - Don't tell them. - Don't expose us. - Oh yeah, I'm so sorry. - That's our entire brand Meilyne. Oh my Go! - Wow! - You're absolute slander. - Do we praise Japan a lot off camera? - Not praise, but like you guys seem to be enjoying. - That's why we're here right? - Yeah. - It's not because we enjoy being here. - You exude this positive energy being here. - I would be fucking bored in the UK. Well what would I do in the UK? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Oh, "Hey guys, can we go to a bar." - There's different countries. - Can I go to a pub. - And tomorrow I'm gonna go to another pub. - Yeah. (all laughing) - For all the slander I've given it, if I did have to move anywhere, I'd probably go to America. - Really? - Really. - Yeah, you'd probably live in a country you weren't born and raised in is fun. It doesn't matter whether it's Japan or not. - It's stimulating. - Yeah, yeah. - I'd love to live in America for a short period of time. - See, 'cause I'd like to live in Europe. - Really? - I want to live in Europe. - I'm bored of Europe. - I'd like to live somewhere else in Asia probably. I don't know. I just really vibe with Asian culture and Asian mentality. - Not that we have any plans on moving soon. (laughs) - Yeah, yeah. - It's just hypothetical. - It's the hypothetical. - Hypothetically. - If you were like Connor, you have to get out of Japan, you're being deported, which country do you want to move to? I'm like, "I'll go to America for a bit." - What do you consider when you wanna move to another country? Is it like weather? - I don't give a fuck about the weather. - For me it's about whether I just vibe with the way of living. - With the culture, right? - Opportunities, as well. - As much as I like America, I personally don't think I could vibe with the American way of life. Just personally. - Yeah. - What is the "American way of life?" - I don't know. It's just like. - I think I'd be a great American. (Joey laughing) - You would. - I think I'd be a fucking amazing American. - I think you would. - I like going in America, I like American friends, I like being in America when I visit but like- - Yeah. - When I envision myself living in America, I just don't see it. I don't know what it is. It's just the vibe about it. - As you grow older you've realized that sometimes you just like subconsciously jive with some things. And like there's a difference going there for holiday and actually living there. And I think we've all experienced this in Japan, where coming here on holiday and visiting here, and actually experiencing and living the culture here, is totally different. What'd you do, Meilyne? - Spill some tea on the mic. - I spilled some tea and then I forgot to swallow and then it was gonna spill out. So I was having a crisis. (laughs) - Need some tissue? - It's fine. It landed on my shirt. - No, I agree though. I find that socially, in America sometimes I'm just like utterly confused. - Yeah. - Well, I just don't understand the person I'm talking to. They'll just say things and I'm like, "Why would you say that?" In the UK I'd never to get that. It's like there's a script almost everyone follows. - Yeah. - Which is kind of boring though at the same time but it's comforting. - It sounds like it gets monotonous though, right? After a while. - Yeah. When I go to America, it's always interesting. Like you never have a dull moment. I feel like I'm very easy to approach. - And you're also an extrovert, right? - Yeah, I guess so. - Like for me, whenever I go back to America, Japan has like made me more of an introvert. So when I go order some food, and then the register person is like, "Huh, how are you doing? Oh, where are you from?" - Like trying to small talk. - I'm just like, "Please stop talking to me. I just want my burger, stop talking to me." And I start sweating, and then I hate that. But then you would love that, 'cause you know you like the chatter. - I want that minimal interaction. - Well 'cause for me like that kind of stranger friendliness that you get from Americans in America, I've experienced 20 plus years of that in Australia. - Yeah. - So it's like no different to me. It's just, "Oh, you have a funny accent." - Still but Australia's so far from everything. - Yeah, also everything wants to kill you. - But the food is so delicious. - Yeah, you were frothing over the food. - So if you're saying the food's delicious, then I got to check this out. How many Google reviews did you do? - Like four. - Four. (laughs) - We didn't have that much time. - How hard is it to get good internet in Austria? - It's gotten a lot better in the past, since I've moved out here. - Really? Okay. - Like if you go to like Melbourne or Sydney, they actually have good internet speeds now. Finally, after all this time, of course they had to do it right when I fucking left the country. - Honestly, I think I could really jive with the Australian culture from what I've seen. - It's so far from everything. Everyone is at least a 12 hour flight minimum from you. - It is but like how often are you flying out. - Why do you think Australians love traveling? (laughs) - yeah, yeah. - Exactly, right. Australians are like fucking everywhere especially in Asia. - Yeah. - Everywhere. - Can't get fucking rid of them. (all laughing) - They're invading San Diego apparently. - Huh? - They're invading San Diego apparently. - Really? - Yeah. - Why San Diego? - I don't know. A few of my San Diego friends told me, they're like, "There's so many Australians here." - She says after meeting one Australian. (laughs) - Well, when I was growing up though, I always thought America was way cooler than the UK. I just thought. - That's just because you were born in the UK. - To be fair growing up, I thought pretty much anywhere else was cooler than the UK. - The UK. Right? It's like, our image is on borrowed time. - Yeah. - What the UK actually is and what people think the UK is, is entirely different things. - It's starting to catch up with us now, in our lifetime. - When I was growing up, everyone still thought the British people were like charming and sexy. - Yeah. - Everyone was like, "Oh my God, he's British. Oh my gosh. Oh." And then now it's like Tuesday, bottle of water. That's all I get now. (Joey laughing) And that's what I always recognized. - Now we'll just get clowned on by everyone including us. And I'm just like, "No, no, no. We clown on ourselves. You can't clown on us." - The UK has very picturesque things, has very nice and elegant things but unfortunately, it's stones. - The buildings. - I love a lot about- - The materials. - Oh like the stone buildings? Is that what you're talking about? - Yeah, sorry. - I love a lot about- - The architecture? (all laughing) - There we go. There it is. - That's the word we're all looking for. - I love the bricks. (all laughing) - No, no. In my mind, I was zooming in on the image of just one of the brick. - Right. (Joey laughs) A stone wall type of thing. - A single brick. - Yeah, and I was like. - The UK has nice bricks, yeah. - It was nice. The UK was nice. I feel like it's gone downhill a lot since the old days. - Like the sheep running through the fields. - The good old days. - Not the days where I was born, before me it looked like it was pretty cool. I don't know if that's because I wasn't born there, yet, but, - Yeah. (laughs) - Oh, maybe I don't know I feel like some things were just cooler before we were born. I feel like, the stereotype about, music was better in my parents days or but you know, when your parents said that. I think that's actually kind of true. I think I would love to have lived in my parents' age with some of the fucking bands and stars that they listened to. - Yeah but at the same time you think about it and it's like, "All right, well there's no internet. There's no iPhone, there's no anything like that." Like that sounds pretty crappy honestly when you think about it. Now that you know the whole handiness of today. - You assimilate with whatever you have at the time. Right? You get used to it. - Yeah of course. - Even if you had no phone, you'd get used to it. - You enjoy other things. - Yeah, whatever. - But do you think kids 30, 40 years from now, will be saying the same thing about the 20's? - No, no, no. The UK- - They're all in 20's. - It's very unfortunate 'cause I feel like, coming from like up north, like everything in the UK was kind of like focused on London and the south, and the common sentiment from where I grew up and around the area is kind of like abandoned, all the money and stuff and all the investment went to London. - Yeah. - So a lot of the north Northern cities in the UK have kind of been deprived of any economical advantages or anything. And so, a lot of the cities are kind of getting run down. It's not very good. - It's kind of like Japan, isn't it? - Yeah. - Very much so. But unfortunately it's like, I feel like at least in the countryside of Japan, it's like, all right well, at least they can still do the local business of farming and stuff. In some certain UK towns, just nothing. There's like nothing to do. - How do you make money in those areas? - It's all like minimum wage jobs. And there's no like big business there. - Or, it's either like you commute to the bigger city. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I was thinking about this earlier and I think as we grow older, we will be able to say that we did grow up in a pretty cool time actually because we have, I was thinking like what would be interesting to like a younger generation to hear about. And I think the fact that we grew up in the age where basically internet was invented, I think that will be cool. I think that'll be cool as fuck to say. - We're like the last generation of people really who grew up initially without a smartphone. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It wasn't like till like age like- - 13 I think. - Imagine saying to your grandchild, "Let me tell you when the internet just was assimilated into society." I think that's a cool fucking story because like- - We grew up in like the fucking VCR, DVD era. - Yeah, yeah. - Which is like ancient technology to kids today. They are like, "Wait, what the fuck's?" Like kids really don't know what a VCR is. I'm like, have I really gotten to that point now where I'm just like, "Oh, you fucking youths of today don't even know what a VCR is. You never had to like stick the pencil in to like rewind the tape." - Let me tell you about LimeWire and Napster. (all laughing) Let me tell you the war stories, of how to download Lincoln Park Of Webster. (Joey laughing) Had to download Lincoln park and got fucking Bill Clinton for the 50 millionth time. (Joey laughing) - The question though, when did you guys get your first cell phones or smartphones? - I entered high school. - High school? - 13. - Yeah, I was 13. Yeah. - My parents didn't want me to get bullied. They really didn't want to get me a smartphone, but everyone else had a smartphone. - What was your first phone? - It was essentially a Nokia brick. - Yeah, mine was a Nokia flip phone. I couldn't even get a Nokia. I always got like a knockoff. - Well, this was at the time when the Sony, like the Walkman phone had come out. And so that was like the shit. And there's like the flip Sony, and that was like the big boy. - Now for us in Australia was the Motorola razor. - Oh, those ones. - Yeah. - All the cool kids had the Motorola razor. - Yeah, yeah. - This is back when you couldn't play video on your phone. So that was the phone I had. - Was just texting basically. - And it was supposed to be for emergencies only, but we didn't text each other because it was, it was 10 pence to send a text. - Yeah that's right. - The texting plans? All you can text? - No. They didn't exist back in the day. - Texting your friend was like an urgent thing. But at that time as well, when you had those phones, MSN messenger was a thing as well. So you'd never text because you would just go. - You just got home and message on MSN. - The only time I think I ever texted someone was when like we said we're gonna meet at a place and I was there and I couldn't find them. And I was like, "Where are you?" 'Cause calling was too expensive' - Yeah. - 'Cause calling was like 10, 20 Pence a minute. - Yeah, exactly. If you press the call button, you're just like, "This is a fucking emergency." - This is an investment. (Joey laughing) - Like my God, someone must be fucking dying next to me for you to be making a call, man. What is going on? - I got the phone under the condition of emergencies only. - Yeah. - What about you? - I don't remember exactly. Probably the same age. I was just curious. - Did you go straight to iPhone or did you get like the flip phone? - No, I had a flip phone, but it was like non flip phone. And then I got the flip. - Like the bricks right? - Yeah, I think it was a brick. - Like with the little antenna on top. (laughs) - No. - The old Nokia's have that little like knob at the top, which was like the antenna. - Oh yeah, that one. That one yeah. - Were you a gamer growing up? - Wait, what? (laughs) - Yeah, obviously she played "MapleStory." - I've played other games than "MapleStory." - What other games did you play? - "Dory, Flyff for Fun." - What the hell was that? - What the fuck is that? - Flyff? It's like you learn to fly in the game. (laughs) I don't know. It's like Maple story, but then you can level up your flying ability. (all laughing) - So it's a maple story expansion pack? - What console is the on? - [Camera Man] It's on PC. - Pc. I played a lot of PC games. - Did you ever own a game console? - Yeah, I do. I own all of them. - What's your favorite console game? - Console game? - What's your favorite console? - PlayStation probably. - Which one? - 1, 2, 3, 4? - Well. Two. I really liked the "Lord of the Rings" games. "King Arthur." - They're good games. "Lord of the Rings" games on PS2. - They're pretty good. - Yeah they are pretty good. - Played them in like quite a bit. - But you're more of an anime person, right? Obviously you- - Don't bring anime into this Garnt. - (laughs) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you're trying to bring gaming into this. (Garnt laughing) - Gaming is fun too. - The "Dichotomy of Man." See you gamer. - So let me do the middle ground then. Did you play any like anime games? - Isn't maple story an anime game? - Well that's more like a game that has anime aesthetic, but it's not like. - Okay, visual novel type game right? - Oh Gosh! - I played Half Caucasian since like the dating simulations. - Oh yeah. - Of course you did. That's how it starts. - Everyone she completed, she bought a new body part. (all laughing) - Yeah. 'Cause I got to ask. How the fuck did the body pillow addiction start? How did that side of you start at all? Right? - I don't know. I like pillows. - No, no. I like pillows. There was a big difference in liking a good pillow and a body pillow. - Yeah. - Okay, I was obsessed with PS2. I didn't really like people, like male species. Just kidding now. (laughs) so I'm just kidding. - Wow! Wow! - We're having a good time. - Rich coming from you female. - I'm so sorry. I wasn't attracted to like, human men. - Real people. - You wanted to 3D? - Yeah. - You can just say that you want it to 3D. - Humans! - And the way that 2D characters look, were just so pretty and I needed something lifelike because. - What was the first like anime or whatever, that got you into the 2D world, that made you give up on humanity, (all laughing) that made you reject humanity. - "Hakuoki." - Oh, the Shinzengumi one. - Shinzengumi, police force. - Haul it back to Meilyne's three by three. - Yeah. Go watch that clip. - Yeah. - I don't know, it's just the exposure of their chest. (Meilyne laughing) - And yet now you're like allergic to nipple. - It's different, they don't show nipple. - 'Cause it's 3D. - They always censor nipple. - That's right, that's right. - That's why she can't see real nipple because in anime, nipples just don't exist for some reason. - The next time you guys, any of you guys come to my house or maybe I'll bring a pillow or something here, the naked ones, they don't have the nipples. It's just the chest. - Did they do that on purpose? - I think so. - Or is that how you learn? - I should probably clear Meilyne is scared of male nipples. - Yeah, yeah. (Meilyne laughs) - Oh yeah, Meilyne. - Unless it's her husband's. - Apart from her husband, Meilyne is like terrified of like male nipples. - It's 'cause you know when you don't wanna stare at something but then you just end up looking, and then. (all laughing) Hold on, wait! (all laughing) - Oh God! Continue, continue. - And I just feel like it's staring into my soul and I just feel uncomfortable. - So in other words you don't stare at the nipple. The nipple stares you back. (all laughing) - Yes, and I don't wanna confirm. - And you don't want that eye contact. - Yeah. (all laughing) - Oh my God! - So your husband was 2D like? - Yeah. - Does your husband have nipples? - Wait, wait. The 2D one or something? (all laughing) I used to do a ranking. Like my 2D, I would have husband, ex-husband, boyfriend, ex-boyfriend rankings. - Does your husband feel intimidated by all of your body pillows? - No. He says something really weird. Wait, nevermind. Forget it. (all laughing) - No you can't just tease us like that. Go on, go on. - I can't. - Is it bad? - Yeah, it's pretty bad. I'll tell you guys after. He says weird stuff a lot. - Yeah, he does. - Yeah we know. - I feel like some of it rubs onto you because like you're saying something super weird, but when we're just doing like the normal things sometimes. - Yeah. - And I'm like that didn't come from you. (laughs) Can I tell them, what you said about drinking water? That's like, no. - What? - Okay. - Like what? - When you see like anime characters drinking water. - Oh, okay. There's this character I used to like, are you talking about the taste? Oh. Okay. - Yeah, yeah. - So one of the characters that I used to like, or still like, oh my God I'm dripping everywhere. (laughs) - When she talks about anime guys, right. (all laughing) - I'm like shaking when I talk about it. - Oh my God! - So, Juji Wen, his color's orange, everything about him is orange. He smells orange and sometimes, or if he's eating orange and you know, you just wanna know what they're eating. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Wait, does he canonically smell like oranges? - No, no, no. She said the weirdest thing to me. Right? Because she was talking about her obsession with 2D anime guys. Right? And she was just like, "Dude, did you ever see like a waifu or like one of your waifu's and you saw them drinking something and you wanted to drink the same thing." And I was just like, "No, why did you wanna do that?" And I just thought so you could taste what they're tasting. Right? And she goes to me, "Oh yeah." 'Cause they just sometimes you just wanna know what the inside of their mouth feels like. So you drink the same thing. (Meilyne laughing) (all laughing) - I'm like actually scared. I'm glad I'm sitting this distance with you. - If you were a guy and you said that, everyone would be like, "Wow!" - You'd be immediately canceled. (laughs) - What a pathetic man, what a weird man. (Joey laughing) - It's that correct to what you said? - They sometimes have commercials in Japan where that character is endorsing this, and then you drink it too. And then you always think about them 'cause that's what they're drinking. - Does your husband feel like he's competing sometimes? - No, no. I was also in long distance with my husband boyfriend at the time. So like he would drink coffee and then I'll be like, "Oh, every time I drink coffee it's kind of like." (laughs) - You're kissing? (all laughing) - Is that it? - Finish the sentence, finish the sentence. - It's not so much kissing as it's more tasting the inside of his mouth. - Every time he pees, I pee. It's like we're peeing into each other. - It's like we're peeing together, it's like we're crossing streams. - Yeah. (all laughing) - I understand that. - Yeah, but like if someone's single and they really like 2D characters, and you see your 2D character eating a cake or something, I definitely recommend it. - It's called immersion. - Yeah. - It's called immersion? - It's like people who are watching this, and they're drinking coffee too. It's the same. Oh no, nevermind. - What? - He's always just like, "Yeah, Meilyne is weird." (all laughing) That's what he says. - Yeah, we know. We know man. - Do you remember what he said to you on your birthday? - What did he say to me? - About Sidney, and Sidney told me, what Markey said, "Oh, I'm glad someone understands or something?" - What? - My husband told you, "Oh, I'm glad I found someone." - I'm glad I found someone because both our partners are crazy. (all laughing) - No, they were just sitting next to each other. I think you were in the corner somewhere. - Just having like a bro talk. - Yeah. (all laughing) - I gotta come clean man. - And they started laughing out loud. And I was like, wonder what they're laughing about. - Because Sydney and Meilyne hang out all the time. And sometimes it's just like, the perfect storm. You know in perfect storm where you have two hurricanes and they mix and then they form- - Turnings of one super hurricane. - like one super massive hurricane. That's just whenever Sidney and Meilyne hang together. - It's because we drink too much I think. - You just feed off each other's chaotic energy. And they just like start saying the most like cursed shit you will ever hear. - You ever heard something then your husband would be like, "She's crazy." (Garnt laughing) - He just says that. So that you think he's normal too. - Maybe, yeah. - That is true. - Yeah. - She's still addicted to "Apex?" - Oh yes. (laughs) Did you ever say that? - No, I haven't told that story. - Oh yeah, I don't know. - Oh my God! - We were at Meilyne's house having a gathering. - Yeah. - No it was after I think you went home. - Yeah. Joey I think it was actually on my birthday. It was my birthday. - It was your birthday, yeah. - It all goes back to that because a lot of things happened there. So Joey had to go home early 'cause he had to film the next day. - Yeah. - So we're at Meilyne's, I guess just chilling until like 2:00, 4:00 AM. - Yeah. - I remember at 2:00 AM I'm just like having a chat with Meilyne, and then I look over. Fucking Connor kind of takes the control of Meilyne's husband and he's like, "You need to play this game." He downloads "Apex," for Markey. I'm just like, "Oh for fucks sake." - Yeah. He plays every day. - You've poisoned the world. - I went to his house, got the PS5. I installed "Apex." I was like, "Would you wait now, we'll have so much fun." He was showing me these games on PS5. And I'm like, "This is terrible. These games are terrible. Let me show you a real game. It's free to download. Let me download it right now." I downloaded it, and then I just thought that maybe he would play it a few times and then be done. But he's like addicted. - Yeah he plays every day, every day. And I'll be in a call and he doesn't use his headphones, so the walls will be, (booms) (all laughing) And I'm just like, "Hi did you hear that Randall? I'm so sorry." - Sorry, that's just the AK 47. (all laughing) - And so this was awesome to complete the story we started like literally I think like a fucking hour ago. So we start watching fucking Connor teaching Markey, how to play "Apex." Right? - Yeah. - And then this is like 3:00, 4:00 AM at this point. And we are obviously at this point intoxicated. Now, you know when you're intoxicated, maybe sometimes you get cravings, you get cravings. Mostly people crave, maybe pizza, sometimes some people crave, a pizza. Obviously not you. Maybe people crave a kebab, a burger maybe, a burger, go to local chippy or something. Get a chicken burger or whatever. So Meilyne' is just sitting there and she's just like, "I feel like Nigerian beef stew." And I was like, (laughs) "What do you mean?" - That's very strange. - Where did you get this craving from? And she was like, "I'm gonna cook Nigerian beef stew, right now." I was like, "Who has this craving at 3:00 AM in the morning?" - It just sounds like a scripted event from a game, right? - I've never heard of Nigerian beef stew in my life. - So you're hearing it for the first time at 3:00am. - Yeah. Sometimes Meilyne does talk like an oblivion MPC. (all laughing) - What is an oblivion MPC? - It's a game in PC. - I don't even know how I'd begin to explain it. - I feel like such a boomer. (laughs) - You sound like a video game MPC, in other words. - There's always so many things you're like, "What is POG? What is busing?" - I know what POG is, or busing. - I know busing. (laughs) - I know busing. (laughs) - I know you young people speak. - Yeah. 'Cause like the reason I bring this up is because it's like she just, had all the fucking ingredients for Nigerian beef stew, at 3:00 AM and I'm just like. - It's so simple. - Is it? - It was fucking dark. - it wasn't dark so I don't know the color of it. - Meilyne will give you like something. - I don't know that color. - Meilyne will present me like a god-tier dish. I'm at 4:00 AM. - Most of the lights off but only the disco lights are on. - I'm very angry, I'll fucking eat anything. - You made the Nigerian beef stew under disco lights? (all laughing) - Yeah, I got this $5 light. - It was so surreal just seeing Meilyne in the dark. - Meilyne at the club making a Nigerian beef stew. - No, it was like bizarre amazing. - And she's just like, "let me pull up my spice rack." - No, 'cause someone was sleeping and I didn't wanna wake them up. - Handing out all my disco homies Nigerian beef stew at the club. - 'Cause you also grow like Carolina reapers and stuff as well. - And ghost peppers. - And yeah, you gave them out to people. - Yeah. - And they were struggling. - Where'd you learn how to cook or do you just like follow YouTube recipes? - I don't follow, I just watch a bunch of cooking things constantly. - Do you like, do you like watch Gordon Ramsey videos? - No, I used to, not anymore. That was like TV days. - Jamie Oliver? - Gordon Ramsey is more entertainment than educational. - Yeah. Yeah. But nowadays there's so many different sources, on YouTube and I just, like Food Wishes. - One thing I've noticed about a lot of top chefs whenever they do like cooking videos, it's like they always add so much fucking olive oil. I don't know what it is about fucking olive oil. You see a celebrity chef add olive oil, and just like, "Just a little touch of olive oil." And they fucking invade Italy in the process. I swear to God, man. (all laughing) - I love the- - Smash cuts with olive field. (air whooshing) (Garnt laughing) - So just a little dollop of olive oil. - One teaspoon of olive oil. It's like a whole genre of videos, right? There is like absolutely fucking God awful, like cocktail recipes. - Yeah. (laughs) - And not intentional and some of them are literally just like full bottles of alcohol, like spirits. - Is that the two shots of vodka thing? - It's kind of like that but taking too far, like I was watching a video, and there's this woman telling you how to make a drink? And it was a cocktail. She put like two leaves of coriander in, a bunch of shaved ice, And then she just poured like a whole bottle of Bacardi, into this thing to fill it up. And she's like, "And there you go, you have your." And she named the drink, I can't remember what it was called. And it was just like, "What the fuck is this?" This is just straight Bacardi. This isn't a drink. It was like a pint glass as well. I was like, "What the fuck, this is a hospital booking. (Joey laughing) What is this? I got to show you guys. I'm going to show you some of these fucking cocktails, abominations. - I've never seen that. - That's not even a cocktail, they didn't mix it with anything. - There's no mixer. It's just like some fucking flowers and shit and a whole bottle of Jack Daniels. That's it. (all laughing) It's terrible. - Essence of the stuff that they put in. - It's still not a mixer though. It's still not a mixer. - Who's your favorite YouTuber, Meilyne? - That's not us. - Obviously, we pay the bills. - Or "Trash Taste." - You can't say us. - Do you even watch a lot of YouTube. - I do. I watch a lot of food related YouTube or anime related. - Do you watch "Report of the Week?" - Sometimes. - Seriously? - Do you like him? - Do I like him? - Do you like his videos? - Do you like his videos? - Yeah. (all laughing) I don't watch all the time. It's like once every two months. - I'm a big fan, I watch every video. - You guys watch a lot though you have to. - We're like YouTubers, right? That's that's part of the job to watch YouTube. - Are you a YouTuber? - We are YouTubers. It's just part of the job to watch a lot of YouTube. And I don't know if that's just like warped my experience 'cause I don't know how much YouTube everyone else watches anymore. Do you find that? Sometimes I talk to someone and now I just assume, they are also as versed with like YouTube culture and YouTube videos as I am. - I always get reminded that I'm way too deep into YouTube and memes. When I say a meme, or I reference a meme, that is so in-depth in meme culture that it requires like knowledge of like seven previous memes. - Yeah. - And then knowledge of each like variation of said meme. - Yeah. - Those memes are tough. (all laughing) That's when I really feel like fuck, I'm not sweating. Because also some memes they are funny if you get it. But like when you're trying to describe like peepee poopoo stinky, it's like there's no way of describing that meme to someone, without showing the video, without also sounding like a complete fucking idiot. - I'm glad you talked to me like a normal English level. Not with like the mamey stuff. - What do you mean? - Like if I were to say that's busing mum, she'd be like, "What is busing?" - I have that reaction sometimes of you. I'm gonna say, I think busing is an awful word. - I love busing, man. (Garnt laughing) Busing is such a, it's got such mm. - Busing! - Busing. (laughing) I get it. I feel passionate when I say busing. (Joey laughs) - It wouldn't feel right for me to say like busing. - Why wouldn't it feel right to say it? - Well because you're not saying it with confidence. - You gotta get comfortable with it. - You gotta be confident. You gotta put some base behind it like busing. - Fucking hell. - My cheeks tense up before I can even say it right. - (laughing) You trying to say it's busing. - It's busing. - So wait, who is your favorite YouTuber, sorry? - Oh, Japan would be like Kimagure Cook. - I love him. - I just love the way he cuts into the fish. - Kimagure Cook he's pretty big. He's like top 10 Japanese YouTubers I think. But like he basically just dissects a shitload of fish. - Well he cooks them also. - Is this the guy who killed the frog? - No, no, no, no. That's different. That's like the shit- - That was the saddest thing- - That frog video. - There was like a video on how to prepare a frog. And I think Meilyne showed me. - Oh yeah, that just like fucking chops it in half. - I think we were at an Izakaya. - No, no, no. 'Cause I remember 'cause like this, like sometimes because Meilyne gets recommended so many food videos. - Do you like the weird had cooking videos as well, where you have to like destroy animals. - (laughing) Destroy animals. - What do you mean destroy animals? - I feel like saying preparing the frog doesn't do it justice. - It doesn't. - 'Cause that's not what happened. The guy like cuts this frog in half and you hear bones crunching. - He doesn't prepare the frog, he massacres the frog. - Like Robot Wars. (Joey laughing) But like a man. - I feel like I just watched fucking "Saw" seven. We're not gonna put it up a screen. I'm like, "If you're squeamish, we're not gonna talk about it too much because I still think about it. I'm not like a squeamish person, but I felt so bad for the frog. - It's a brutal video. - It's a fucking brutal video. - That was okay because he's going to eat it. He wasn't doing it for fun. - Yeah I know it is. - Oh no, of course not. - I recognize there's nothing wrong with it 'cause he's gonna eat it. It's no more brutal than killing a cow or something. - It's educational. - Right. Right. I guess it's just because you don't, it's not everyday you see a guy chop a frog in half. - Yeah. - Yeah. - To prepare some. - Unless you're in Thailand or Vietnam. - 'Cause the thing is, you never really think about how animals die before they're cooked. They get killed. We're lucky enough to not have to do it ourselves a lot of the times. That's what it's like to grow up in a civilized society. Right. So when I see a full fucking- - Are we even civilized? - Yeah, when I see a fucking mortal combat fatality being put on this frog I'm just like, "Jesus fucking Christ." - I was just waiting for like x-ray zoom from that frog as the head is getting crushed. - That one was very violent. - Yeah. Yeah. Obviously- - It's a part of you and don't look it up. - The food being prepared is generally not that good. - Yeah. That's why. - Yeah. - That's why people turn into vegetarians. You know? - Yeah. Yeah. I wouldn't eat anything that I wasn't prepared to kill myself if I had to. - It doesn't mean I have to enjoy the process. - I feel like you're a psychopath, if you enjoy putting down an animal to eat it. - No. - Yeah, yeah. (all laughing) - I meant no as in, yeah no. No hold on. Hold on. (laughs) - Do you have something to say Meilyne? - I meant no as in like, it's bad. - Yeah, yeah, it's bad. - Yeah. - It came out wrong. - No. - You said that like no I disagree. - No, no. - I like the killing part. (all laughing) - I say if you don't enjoy it what's the point? - It came out wrong. I don't kill animals. - Oh my God! - I think just bones crunching is just generally unpleasant. Do you remember when we had to like dissect fish or like cut the bones to separate parts of the body. It's often quite, it doesn't really sound nice. - I don't enjoy it. - I don't get much pleasure out of it. - When it stops moving, it's like when it feels a little weird. Right? - I think it feels weird. I think it feels weird when it's still moving. - Yeah, yeah. That's when it's weirdest to me. - Oh, like struggling? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Don't say struggling. - No, no, no. - Oh God Meilyne. Oh my God! - When I buy like live fish, I don't hold it down. My husband holds it down, 'cause I can't handle it. - She's like husband, you put the blood on your hands. Not me. - No 'cause he doesn't want to be the one to poop it. - Oh, oh. - So hold it down. - So Meilyne, why can't you hold it down? - Because I can feel its muscles moving. Like it's struggling. - Like it's alive. - But you should be prepared for that, if you're gonna kill it. - Yeah. If you're the one like excitedly holding the knife. - But he's gonna eat it too. So we're sharing the burden. - Oh wow! So when I go to the restaurant, the chefs would come out. Nah, I'm not gonna lie Connor, I'm quite squeamish. Could you hold down this cow while I shoot him. (all laughing) - You're just blaming the murder on someone else. - Yeah, you're just trying. - It's like we're in this together. - No, I put the knife in. - Meilyne is thing like, "I don't wanna go to hell. If I get someone else to do it, it'll be." - Sharing the sin. - No, I put the knife in. Okay, I put the knife in. - Of course when we asked you for your YouTube recommendations, we get to see you being a brutal murder. - No, no. I also watch like food travel things like "Best Ever Food Review Show." - Oh yeah, I like that show. Yeah, that guy is cool. - I've been watching for like years. - Yeah, 'cause like I'm always wondering, why don't you make your own YouTube channel? - She does. - I do? - Yeah, I've seen your videos. - Aside from that one. 'Cause I've seen them. I've seen them as well. - That's like four years ago. - Are we allowed to talk about it? - About which one? The one with you like reviewing the men's body. - Okay. (all laughing) - You in the cosplay. - No, I wasn't wearing cosplay. I found this water bottle that was the shape of a man's body and it was a IQ character and then I was seeing, I saw that it was trending on Japanese Twitter, that if you peel off the wrapping, like the clothes, and then pour milk tea in, the naked body appears. So I was so fascinated that I wanted to show people that. - You are literally the epitome of the heavy breathing cat. Yeah. (laughing) Like whenever you see like a 2D male. - If you were at the after dark tour, it wasn't actually Nami, it was Meilyne. - What? (all laughing) - Meilyne was very excited about everything. - I thought it's a really interesting concept with you being such a big Google reviewer. If you just like, it's like the road to like the top 5% or something like that. - How long will it take? - Well, Meilyne has a Twitter now, so you can follow her on there, you can watch her updates, but I would love to see some Meilyne content. - GourmetMeilyne. - Main content? - Would you subscribe? - Yeah, of course. - Of course. - I reckon you'd be really good at just like food reviews. - That's 'cause I've never seen someone so brutal when it comes to reviewing things as you. My God like you have no chill. Some stuff I've heard you say is like, it's straight to the fucking heart. - I'll be like, "This was just the most excellent meal. I'm extremely satisfied. Meilyne what did you think?" And then Meilyne's like, "It tastes like dirt." - I don't want people to think anyone can run a restaurant. Like in America, a lot of the times, there's like these Japanese. - You have single-handedly deterred me from ever running my own restaurant. - Yeah. - Okay, come on, you can't compare Japanese restaurants to American or European restaurants. - I'm just saying people will move somewhere, and then whatever country they're from they think they can make the food of their country and represent the country with that restaurant. But it's not that simple. - No, of course not. - I know they're trying to make a living. Just thinking of, I don't know. - So what are the things you look for, when you go to a restaurant? Like what's like the number one thing of like everything? Or like the first thing you look at. - It depends what I'm going for. If I'm just going for like Thai or Vietnamese food, I'm not going to look at how dirty it is. - How do you weigh each aspect? So let's say there's five stars, does like the food get three of the stars, the service gets one and then there's the. - Or is it just kind of a package thing? - It's just different. It's a package. It's like how do I feel when I leave? Yeah, sometimes I'll think I already know. - If the food was amazing but the waiter was rude, how is that like? - No, I'll write that. I would be like, "Oh my God, the food was so delicious but it's just unfortunate, that the service was bad." - One thing I was speaking to Chris about this, and we were talking about, he was like, "Oh, I don't wanna say anything bad about some stuff 'cause I don't wanna like potentially risk them losing business or going out of business." - Yeah, yeah. - And I said to Chris, I was like, "If a place is so bad that you give it one stars, I genuinely don't deserve they get to run a restaurant. - Right. - I give it to the point where it could be like food safety. - Yeah, yeah. - Or it's just so bad in every single way, I don't care if someone loses their job. 'Cause they shouldn't be in that job. - You can just watch kitchen nightmares. Right? - You watch that and you're like, you don't deserve to have this job. - They disrespect the food and they disrespect the customer. - You don't deserve. - Honestly like sometimes I go to a restaurant and I'm just like there's nothing more disappointing than going to a restaurant and just having like a bad meal. - It's so sad to me. - My day is literally ruined. Nothing is worse than a bad meal. - Yeah, Japan changed that for Meilyne 'cause in the UK, it is like a 50/50 coin. - It is. It is. - Whether or not the restaurant is gonna be just good. - Yeah. - Yeah. Most things are good, but they're not amazing. - It's about the little things in life to look forward to. And I look forward to just a good meal at least once a day. If I have like an amazing lunch and dinner could be like- - Yeah. - I just want one good meal whether it be home cooked, or restaurant or wherever, it doesn't need to be expensive. It can be expensive, cheap, I just want a good meal. And if I'm wasting my daily meal on a bad, like on a bad restaurant experience, then my day is literally like. - It's scam. - Yeah. I'm just like, "You took this from me. You took the only little joy." - You took my time, my money. - You took the little joy I look for every day and you gave me an awful meal and I'm just like, "Yeah, that's just bad." And sometimes I literally don't understand sometimes, how some restaurants can serve bad meals. - It's sad to me that someone went through the trouble of opening up a restaurant to serve shit. - For seafood restaurants right now, it's kind of sad for Hokkaido at least. They're not getting enough customers to get new batches of seafood coming in. So their ratings have dropped because when the customers come in and it's like it's not fresh. Wow! I can't believe this has four stars. I'm gonna give it two. It's really sad. - Yeah. 'Cause like the reason it blows my mind is that how can just like myself following a random YouTube video I found, I'm just following that recipe. How can that taste better than me being served a restaurant meal, that has been cooked by a chef right? - You can master it. - When you watch kitchen nightmares it all makes sense. You're just like, "These people just want jobs. They don't want to cook it. They wanna work." - Yeah. - Oh yeah. At that point it's just like, it's just like why are you in the restaurant business? - Yeah. - 'Cause it's not easy to run a fucking restaurant. Like you don't have to run a restaurant to know that that's fucking hard work. So it's like, "Why would you spend all that time, money and effort to then just get a bunch of people come into your restaurant, hate your food, hate your service, and then leave disappointed." It's like, "What's the point?" - Yeah, I think I would rather my local restaurant to have more passion than whoever's doing surgery on me. I don't really need my surgeon to be passionate about it. I need my restaurant tour to be passionate about what they're doing. - Yeah. - Because who cares about doing open heart surgery? I don't care about that. He probably doesn't care about that. - Probably the person getting under. - The person getting under the fucking skull. - It probably doesn't mean shit if then you get the surgery you live and then you go to a shit restaurant afterwards. What's the point? (Joey laughing) So to me it's way more important that there are some jobs that need passion. - You say that as if you have open heart surgery, as often as you have a meal. There's a bit of a different story. - Even then I would still rather, him be dispassionate about it. There's some jobs I'm like, "You do need to be passionate about this job." Restaurant is one of those jobs. - Oh no, definitely. Restaurant's like sometimes it just, you can just feel the passion coming out of the meal. Right? - Yeah. - And from the people running it. Those are the best meals. - Yeah, 100%. 100%. - Do you like it when the chef comes out and asks you like, "How did you like it?" - I love it. That shows to me, he cares. - He cares. Yeah. - 'Cause this isn't just me he's probably doing it too. - Yeah, obviously it's shit over here. (all laughing) I shake his hand, I get the meal for free. (all laughing) I'm just kidding. Obviously he's doing that to like everyone. - 'Cause he cares. - Yeah, that means a lot. - Now I like that. - Where they'll ask you which dish did you like? Which one was a miss, hit or missed? - Yeah, where did we go recently where that happened? - The Italian place. - Why, what happened? - They asked us what dish. - I swear I got asked somewhere recently. I got asked. - Oh, I wasn't with you. - It was with us where we were sitting at the counter. It was the steak place we went to, the Italian steak place, where we get the aged steak. - Oh, yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. - Which place? - The one where we get the 45 or 48 day aged stake. - Yeah. Yeah. - We've all been there. - You've been there like three times. - It's a counter seat, they have an open ground. - We took Chris there. - Yeah. - Oh, oh. That place! (Garnt laughing) - It's like how many fucking 48 day aged steak restaurants do you know? - Sorry I have 45. (Joey laughing) That's on the lower end of age that I have. - You have the 90 day ate stake. - I wanna have steak five times a week. I typically go for the higher end stuff. - 45 is good. - I remember the first time we went there, we were like, they gave us the- - He does ask every time. - Yeah. They gave us the menu and we were just like, "Uh, can I get this and this please?" And he's just like, "You can." But I wouldn't. (Joey laughing) I remember when we first went there, we were like, "What a rude fucking place? Telling us how to eat our meal." And then we got the meal and we were just like, "Oh, he was right. He was recommending us the good shit." (laughs) - If the guy is confident enough to like, "Nah. Don't do it." - Yeah. How often do you go to a restaurant where that happens? - Never. - Yeah exactly, right. (laughs) The absolute audacity, that's the thing. That's such a big risk 'cause if that risk doesn't, if this is like not one of the best meals I've had, which it was by the way. - Then it takes some serious balls to do that. - But normally in Japan, it's very common that you will find restaurants that are like max eight seating. And there's only like two staff- - Yeah. - And normally to pull off a restaurant like that, and make it good requires a fuck ton of care. You can't run a two man restaurant, and it's not be totally shit or amazing. I feel like it's very difficult I don't know. - Yeah. I didn't really appreciate it until basically later in life because I grew up with my parents running a local family restaurant. And I didn't realize before, because like to me every restaurant was run, like the restaurant where I grew up in right? That was the bare minimum. That was the normal. I would see my dad really taking care of the customers and really talking to them, getting to know them, and I could see my mom in the kitchen as well. And I cared about her food so whenever she cooks something that tasted off. I was like, "Mom, this is awful. Like why are you serving this to the customers? You can do better mum." And I was like the worst fucking critic there, because it was my mom. So I could criticize my mom's cooking 'cause I was like. - Did she cry? - "Why mom?" No she didn't cry. - I think you were Gordon Ramsey on her. - You're shit, what is this mum, this is garbage. - She didn't cry but I'm pretty sure whenever I'd say like, whenever I'd say she didn't cook a good meal, like she felt it in her soul and she's like, "Oh, I'm gonna do better next time." - Or she was thinking to herself, "You little shit." (Garnt laughing) The fucking audacity. - So that's why I like had a high standard when I go into restaurants. So that's why it blows my mind when I go to a restaurant and I have like a bad experience. 'Cause I'm just like, "Well, I thought this was just normal everywhere." You're running a restaurant. You're serving food. If you serve food that's worse than what you serve at home. How's that allowed? How is that legal? - It should be the norm though. - Yeah, how is that legal? - You're paying for their skill. - Yeah, you're paying someone to do a service that you can't do. So unless you're a fucking chef, which most of us aren't like fucking Michelin star chefs. We don't have enough olive oil to be Michelin star chefs most of the time. - That's true. - So you go to somewhere else for them to cook the food for you. And if it's worse than what you cook yourself, then why am I paying you for this meal? That's just my opinion. - It was great growing up in the UK, up north, the bar's very low for culinary ability. So literally going outside of the UK is like, "Holy shit, stuff tastes great." Everything. - What's the best Welsh dish? - We don't have Welsh dishes. - Oh. - We have Welsh cakes. - What's a Welsh cake? - I don't know how to describe it. It's like a- - A sponge cake or? - Can you pull it up may be? - Well it's like this weird like raisin-esque like pastry, with some kind of icing on it. I can't remember. I never really liked it, but people loved it. And then they had something butter I believe. - Butter brief? - Yeah, there was butter I believe. - What is this? So that's the Welsh cake? Is this it? - Oh, they look like scones. - Like a pan cake. - Yeah, they look like scones. - Wait, was it in pan cakes? - Wait, was it scones? I swear there's something else as well. - You say scones, not the scones or something like that. - Well scones. - Scones. - Yeah. - We say scones and I know they're scones. So I don't know why. - Scones? - America? - They say scones in America? - No, no, British people say scones. - Do we say scones? - Depends with the North or South? - I've always said scones. - Yeah, I always say scones. - Oh. - When I grew up, I always said scones. - [Camera Man] Do you know what that means? Is it like a specific term? - Is that something on a hill? - That's apparently the name of the Welsh cake. - Something on a hill. - We had leek soup. That was a dish. - Oh, I've seen that honestly. - What do you call the meal that you have in the evening? - Tea. - What? What! (Camera Man laughing) - Fucking Northerners, man. - There's specific Australians that call it that. - I've had to adapt because nobody understood what I was saying, - 'Cause it doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense. - Okay. POV, you wake up in North, UK. - Yeah. - You wake up, you have breakfast. - Yeah. - It hits 12 o'clock you have dinner. - Yes. - Yeah. - Then it gets to 6:00 PM you have tea. Not tea the drink, tea the meal. - Yeah. - I'll ask my parents what's for tea, and then they'll tell me. - Even now? - Yeah, it's beans on toast. - I've understood the tea equals dinner thing. I've never understood the dinner equals lunch thing. That confuses me more. - Because the point is you have dinner in your vocabulary and you just choose not to put it for fucking dinner. This is the one thing northerners and southerners in England can never fucking agree on. - When you grow up in the place in a certain place, you rarely go to like south England if you're from north England. You rarely go to north England if you're from south England. - There's the real like north south divide. - People travel a lot in the UK, just out of the UK. People always, it's sort of 90%. - It's cheaper a lot of the time. - Yeah, it's cheaper yeah. - 'Cause like trains in England are so expensive. I remember like there was this news article about how two students in like two different universities, wanted like two friends from three different universities wanted to meet each other. So they figured out that flying to fucking Spain, was cheaper via easy jet was cheaper, than getting a train to meet each other . - So if you wanted to go from London to Wales where I live, it's a three-hour journey and it's about 120 bucks, for a really shit train. - Oh jeez! It's not like a Shinkansen where it's nice, and you feel comfortable. There's no outlets, you're very lucky if you get one. - Yeah. - And some of the trains are horrible as well. - Yeah, basically like as a student to go anywhere, you need to book your train like three weeks in advance, get the fucking advanced tickets. And you better hope that you get that exact train, three weeks later. - And also like you know the EasyJet and Ryanair would often have deals where if you flew without any luggage, you printed off your boarding ticket, you could get tickets for like $15, to some European places. - Fucking hell! - So it's like, "Why the fuck would you ever like go up north or go down south? - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah. That's true. - So you didn't really interact. So, naturally I never really heard people saying, lunch and dinner for- - Lunch and dinner. - But now I say lunch and dinner, because if I say dinner and tea, everyone thinks I'm a fucking weirdo. - But rightly so. Rightly so. I swear northerners I said it. - But after like one or two days of being back in Wales, I'll start adapting back. - Assimilating back into the culture. - I'll become one of them. (Garnt laughing) And I'll say, "Yeah so we say dinner for lunch and tea for dinner." But it's weird because it's like, do you want tea? But it's like, you understand? You just know depending on how it's been said, or you read the atmosphere. - The time of the day. - It's the meal or the cup of tea, right? - Yeah, you just know. - Yeah, yeah. - What if you asked for tea at like seven? - You just know what's being asked. (Garnt laughing) - You would say, can I have some tea? Can I have tea? - No, but can I have some tea you can also mean, can I have some dinner? - Someone could be like, "I'm gonna make tea." (Garnt laughing) - Yeah what does that mean? - That could mean a meal or that could mean a cup. - Sometimes people say 'cuppa.' I don't really like the word cuppa. - A cuppa. - A cuppa. We say that in Australia as well. - British people say cuppa tea. - I think I saw one of you tweet about it. - I've never really grown on the word cuppa. I don't know why it's not really grown on me. - 'Cause some Australians especially those that have British parents, they sometimes say tea for dinner, even in Australia. - Really? - Yeah. - My people. - Like I had a few friends back in high school who had British parents obviously from the north, and yeah, they used to say tea. And I'm like, "I don't even drink tea, bro. Coffee all the way. Fuck off." (Connor laughing) And then when I realized they were talking about like the meal tea, I was like, "Do you drink tea with every meal? Like what does that mean? How British can you get?" - My mum, right? She microwaves bacon. Isn't that disgusting? - I know a lot of Americans that microwave bacon. - I know a lot of Americans using microwave for a lot of things including boiling water. - I was just a kid I always thought I hated bacon, but I realized I just hated microwaved bacon. Because the fat isn't crispy at all. It's just really soggy. - It's moist. - Sydney's dad microwaves eggs, to make scrambled eggs. - (gasping) Oh no. - That's like a war, that has to go against the Geneva convention. (all laughing) That's a war crime. - I cook a steak in the microwave. (all laughing) - Nowadays though they're using air fryers. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We get it Meilyne, you're obsessed with your air fryer. - Oh yeah, didn't you fucking buy an ice cream maker the other day? - Oh yeah, I did. - Don't fucking tell Connor by the way. - See ice cream is the best dessert right? - You're right, I should bring the ice cream maker here. 'Cause I've locked it away. 'Cause I started gaining. - Yeah, bring it here. Let's do it. - Honestly I would love an ice cream maker here. - Bring it here, we can make our own espresso affogatos. - No, no, no. Yogurt, frozen yogurt from this baby is so good. - Just like coffee flavored shit man. - Yes. - Like not coffee jelly. - Okay, here's the thing I've noticed actually. So I do love coffee, I love coffee. It's great. I love my grand dirt water, but I have noticed there's an awful of influx of things that have coffee flavored things that are shit, really shit. You get like get like coffee cookies or coffee bread. And it's just fucking terrible. - I've never seen those. - I've never. - Really? - Yeah. - Like here? - Yeah, yeah. I've had coffee cake, like coffee cake tastes like shit. - I like coffee cake, coffee cakes okay. - No, just get a tiramisu. - I mean that is a coffee cake. - But that's not like breaded coffee cake. - I need to take you to this place, where it's a $90 espresso. I had it three days ago. It was free though. - $90 expresso? - Okay. Wait, why was it free? - My friend is a regular there so. - Oh, well it's good for good for the- - Good for level. - No, no. - I'm not paying 90 fucking quid for an espresso. - Sorry, we're not well-connected as like the fucking top 5% here. - You can come with me. (laughs) - All right. - Okay, so I go out with you I get it for free? Why is it $90? (Joey laughing) - I don't know. - No promises. (laughs) - I'm just gambling if I'm spending $90. - And Meilyne's just like, "90 bucks." - No, you don't say anything if you're regular, you show up and then they pass you the glass, and it's the black glass and then they'll like. - What about it is $90? - Yeah, what about is $90? - The way they roast it, where the beans are sourced. - Fuck off no. - Isn't that like expensive coffee that's made from like that cat poop? - It's a civet poop, you mean. - Do you know that? - The most expensive coffee. - The most expensive coffee in the world is made out of this like wild cat poop. - It's like a weasel. - Have you not seen the bucket list? - No. - [Camera Man] Kopi Luwak. - Oh yeah, Kopi Luwak. That's Malaysian. - It's like a big plot point in the bucket list. - It's like a big Malaysian wild cat species that eats coffee beans. And then they shit out the coffee beans, and then the stomach acid creates like the very special flavor of the coffee beans. People collect those beans, wipe off the poop and then grind it to make coffee. - Yeah. - Apparently it's really delicious. - I've had it. It's actually really fucking good. - Is it the best coffee in the world? - It's pretty up there. - Is it better than Starbucks? (laughs) - Obviously not. - Is it better than the Nespresso? - Nespresso's in a league of its own. (Garnt laughing) - That's readily available. - Have you watched like those coffee YouTubers? - Oh, I can't handle it. (all laughing) - It's like it's so fucking pretentious. - I like to watch it muted. - Yeah, they're like, "So I'm gonna make my morning espresso and they bring out like five contraptions and it's like, surely this is just not practical. Like cleaning this is just a nightmare surely." - Yeah. - Like the reason why I don't grind my own coffee beans and do all that it's 'cause the absolute mess that it makes. - And it takes so much time. Like I remember I got an espresso machine before like the Nespresso. It actually was a proper espresso machine where you have to like grind your beans yourself, put it in and it made so much fucking mess and it took so much time. - Cleaning it is such a bitch. - Like you're having to clean the fucking beans every time you wanna just make a fucking cup of coffee. - Yeah. I remember I bought as well one of those fucking pots that you put on the stove, and you put the espresso on the top and the water on the bottom and it boils through. - Yeah, we used to have that at home. - I could never get that to taste right. I don't know why. - It didn't taste good, 'cause it was so hard to get the balance right. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And also cleaning it was so fucking difficult. I felt like I was trying to clean like iron man's heart socket. My fucking hand couldn't fit in it, and it never got cleaned. - You just have a big hand. - Yeah, as a result you just sewing it. - And it never got to it. It was like trying to clean the inside of a Pringles can. It was a nightmare. Like I couldn't get in there, and it was just terrible, and then it kept scratching my stove 'cause it was metal. And I was like, "Oh fucks sake." And then it turns out when you grind coffee beans, they expire. No one told me this until I was wondering why my coffee tastes likes shit. - It tastes sour. - This is a sour blend. (all laughing) - It's got some bite back to it. - I drank it for like like three weeks, like sour ass coffee. - Holy shit! - 'Cause I was like, "Fuck this gourmet stuff." (Joey laughing) - You drown it in milk though, right? - No, no, I was drinking espresso. And I was like, it tastes like one of those- - Like stomach acid. - Sulfuric acid espresso but I thought this is how the Italians do it, fuck. - Did it affect your digestive system? - I felt awful every time I did it, but I thought this was a good espresso. It's a good espresso. - Expensive coffee beans. - And then I looked on the back of this and it had expired like three months ago. - Literally drinking what, acid? - Yeah. Oh God! - It's terrible. - Gosh! How often. - There's so much food stuff though. Where it's just a whole thing of balance, versus this is just impractical. It's making so much mess. I need so much equipment versus I just want to eat. - Yeah. Yeah. - If you have time though, if you're just doing it to relax. The process of it is meditating. - Feel like it's a hobby. It has to be a hobby. - It has to be a hobby. Why did you look at me? - I don't know. (Garnt laughing) - You know about meditation right? - The same thing that Connor did. - That feels racist. - That feels racist. - Are you being monkist right now? - Monkist? (laughs) - I feel like you're being monkist. I feel like you are- - Monkist. (all laughing) - That's like when I said lollies and I looked at Joey. - We're just getting fucking slandered. - Did you just assume my Zen state right now? (all laughing) - That's a type of meditation where you do something like you clean. - Yeah. - Zen does this? - Yeah. - Like when I was a monk, we had a special type of meditation where you walk when you meditate as well. And it's just cause you just drown out your mental state with just a monotonous task or motion. Are just constant. Right? I get it. But at the same time, I'm not always trying to meditate when I cook. - Coffee, coffee. - To when I do something or when I make something, like food or drink in order to consume, I always compare the practicality and the time it takes, versus the time I enjoy what I'm making. Right? And that's always the problem with cooking for me. 'Cause the time I take to prepare some certain dishes, and to make the food, then eat it, which is a very very short amount of time compared to preparing it. And then I got to wash it as well afterwards. - That's the worst part man, 'cause you eat it. Right? And then you're relaxing. You're like, "Ah, this is nice. Fuck I got to clean all this stuff. God damn! I used the ice cream machine. It's got like four fucking spatulas, God damn it!" - Yeah. Yeah. - Ice cream machine is very easy. You just mix it with water and it's so good. - You're just bribing him now. - No, it's so good. You will know, next week. - Yeah, next week bring it and we'll be the testers. - Maybe I'll get a coffee machine maybe one day I will. - There have been times where I thought about getting like a proper coffee machine. - That shit's so expensive though. - Surely, they just have to clean. - They go for like fucking 5 grand for like one of the proper coffee. - Surely you just have to clean the metal scooper thing. Right? That's it? - No. - The metal scooper thing no. - Well no, because you gotta clean the siphon as well. - Gotta clean the siphon. You've gotta clean the milk. - Oh fuck! You could just use the Nespresso thing now. (Joey laughing) - Or the milk frother. - Milk frothers are pretty good. What do you mean? I feel like milk frothing does not need to be done by 1,000 dollar machine. Like I'm pretty sure I could do it with my finger if I did it fast enough, you know what I mean? Like I don't need a machine to do it. I am the machine. (all laughing) - Pretty sure you'd get bored of that pretty soon. - You know what is the worst frothing machine? - You know what is the worst fucking dessert? - Go on. - The macaroons. - Oh yeah I know. - Which kind? - I agree. - All of them. They never, ever, ever taste as good as they look. - The sugary things right? - The sugary burger ones. - Oh yeah, I actually like it. It's just sugar. - And in Japan, they're obsessed with them. - Yeah. - They're fucking everywhere. - Because they're kawaii a.f. dude. - It was a thing in LA or SF too for a while. - I just feel like sometimes, especially with dessert in Japan. If it isn't Instagram, it's not like Instagrammable it's not a dessert. - Macaronis for me are like, I eat two, and I'm like done for the year. - It just tastes like shit. - You know what I don't get? - What? - Boba. - I like Boba. - Why is it so popular? - That's also like a twice a year thing for me. - Boba is just the pumpkin spice latte of Asia. I fucking said it. Okay. I fucking said it. - It's good. - It is. - It's good. It's good. - It's just milk tea. It's just milk tea. - But chewy tapioca. - Sometimes you just want milk tea and there's nothing like, why the fuck do you like boba Joey? Do you know what tapioca is like? - Shit. I know. - Jelly. (Joey laughs) - No, it's not. - I don't get the tapioca. - It's just jelly. - That's what makes boba, boba. - You're getting milk tea, and you're putting jelly in it. - Yeah. - I don't like tapioca. I don't have it. - Then, you don't like boba then. - You don't like boba, you just drink the milk tea. - You're literally just milk tea. - I participated, I turn up to the chain. I Instagram it. - Just because bought milk tea from a Boba place. It doesn't automatically make it boba. - It's boba. - It's not boba. - It's boba guys, come on. But also the second reason why I love Boba is 'cause of the hilarious fucking videos we get out of the absolute carnage it causes from people choking on the fucking tapioca, to people fucking up stabbing it. It's an endless supply of hilarious videos. - It has nothing to do with Boba. - It has nothing to do with Boba though. - No, it is very funny. - But it's got nothing to do with you drinking boba. - No but part of the reason, one of the reasons I love it is just the endless entertainment value. And I love taking someone who's never had Boba, to a Boba place 'cause they always fucking choke on the tapioca. - Who hasn't had Boba in this day and age? - Well in Wales, no one's had fucking tapioca. - Okay, yeah. - Northerners! (laughing) - Watching people drink tapioca the first time, 'cause you could never, if you haven't drank tapioca before. - It goes up the straw very fast. - Yeah. They struck it too hard and it just stabs the back of the throat. - Because you've never drank anything, that is like that. You always drink balls that big. (all laughing) Yeah, so whenever you drink it right? It's always catches you off guard the first time. - Yeah. - So it's very fun watching someone go, "Oh, this looks good." (Conner gasping) (Joey laughing) - Even someone who's experienced drinking boba like knowing that it's coming and there's like a little like, (laughs) (all laughing) - I love that so much. - Have you ever shot the boba from the straw? - The thing I don't get about, what can I call it? Boba culture. 'Cause I guess there's a fucking culture around it now. - Especially in Japan. - Rise up fellow boba drinkers. - 'Cause what I don't get is that people, go out of their way to get boba. And I'm just like, "Why?" - It's great. - I've never understood especially in Japan when like couple of years ago when the Boba craze was huge. - Yeah. - Of just like these like high school kids lining up for like two hours. - Oh yeah, it should be fair. - To get boba I'm like, "What?" - It's literally milk tea. Like I get some desserts, I get some special ice creams, because there's only like this- - Ice cream? - Huh? - Ice cream? - Yeah, honestly. Ice cream is great dessert. I didn't say it wasn't great dessert. I was defending jelly. - Is it the best dessert? - It's the way they cook the tapioca pearls. - Hold on, I need to get my answer. - The what? - Is it the best dessert? - What is the best dessert? - I think you cut it. - Oh my God! (laughs) - But that doesn't mean that jelly's a bad dessert. Jelly's still good. - Yeah. - They're so different though. - Huh? - Boba and jelly- - Yeah the jelly texture is entirely different. - It's way more chewy. It is. - I love the chewiness of it. (Garnt laughing) - Do you ever wedge them in between your teeth? - I don't really eat it that much, so no. - Oh, okay. - What is that part of Boba culture that you have to be like- - What the fuck? (all laughing) - Is that what you need to do to like assimilate into Boba culture? - Is that what boba drinkers do? (all laughing) - You're just playing with textures or the food. I just want to know. How is it? - Yeah, 'cause like some cuisines, some desserts, some snacks. I understand people going out of their way, to get to this certain thing. Boba it's just milk tea. It's milk tea with a bit of jelly in it. And I just don't get that. - It's stimulation in the mouth, with the chewing. - You can do that with most foods Meilyne. - No it's different. Is there a food that's like tapioca that same chewiness? - Jelly. - Mochi, no, no jelly is soft. Mochi there's more bite to it. - I do like mochi actually. - I'm like on the fence about mochi. I liked the way it tastes, but then I also feel like it should come with a health warning. 'Cause oh my God, I'm a normal functioning human being, who knows how to chew their food and has no problem doing it. And even I feel like I'm gonna fucking choke on a mochi if I chew it wrong. - A lot of old people actually die every year. - I know. - I feel like mochi is just gotta like rip it into bits, and then just eat the bits that you can. - You have to take small bites out. - Yeah, you can't just throw the whole mochi in your mouth. - Yeah. - It depends on the mochi. - Like fucking mouth breathers should not eat mochi. (Joey laughing) - Stop bringing this back. - You're playing with fire man. (all laughing) - 'Cause their nose is congested. - If your nose is congested and you eat mochi. - That's like instant death right there. - That's instant death right there. - Pretty sure you can just die anywhere. - Oh my god, how do mouth breathers kiss then? (all laughing) - Breathe into each other's mouths. (Joey breathing heavily) - I don't think they are incapable of breathing through their nose. I think it's the default. - They don't have their nose chopped off like. - It's like people who have Internet Explorer as their default browser. It doesn't mean they can't use Chrome, it's just that they don't all the time. - They're just at a disadvantage. - Yeah. - And they just don't, it's just slow and consequences happen. - Like I didn't understand how something could become like a choking hazard. Like how food could become a proper choking hazard until- - Lego. - Oh - Oh yeah. - No, no, no. Like as an adult I'm talking, I understand as a child that a lot of things can become choking hazards, but I didn't understand it until I went to America for the first time and had like my first American steak where it's like- - Oh God I know you're in. - It's not a steak. It's just a slab of meat at that point. - Yeah, yeah. - They like plop it on and you're just like, "Wow! I kind of feel like Hannibal Lecter right now." I'm like, "Jesus Christ." And then you just start chewing into this thing. And then they're like, and you start chewing it. And it's like, it's just a lot of meat. (Garnt laughs) - Yeah, yeah. - This can be taken out of context, I've never had that much meat in my mouth at once. Like just in general. Right? - Was it too much meat in your mouth to handle? - It was a bit too much meat in my mouth. - It's a bit hard to swallow, wasn't it? - It was very hard to swallow, and I'm just like, "Jesus." Okay, I can understand how people can choke on steaks now. - But also if they use like a really cheap cut of meat. Yeah, holy fuck! - It's like chewing on leather. - It's like a dog talking. - Sometimes it's good though. It's like beef flavored gum. - No. - What the fuck? That is the worst stake I've ever had. What the fuck? - No, when it's chewy. - What did you just say? - Meat flavored gum? - You're just chewing and the more you chew, the more flavors are released. - But it will not break down. - Yeah. - No matter how much you chew, you cannot get it to separate. - Beef flavored gum. - Yeah. - Holy fuck! What? - This is like that scene in the "40 Year Old Virgin" where like they're describing the the feel of like breasts. - It's like a bag of sand. - It's a fucking bag of sand. - Oh, I love steak, I love when it's too chewy that I can't swallow it. (Garnt laughing) - I don't want to experience a meal where afterwards my jaw is just like, ready to fall off my face. - Meilyne, I got you, it's a meat flavor tapioca. (Joey laughing) - There's a restaurant in Japan. And it's like a chain called, what is it like Ikinari steak or- - Ikinari Steak. - Ikinari Steak? - Yeah. - It's fucking abhorrent steak. So I went there. And yeah I went with a friend, and we both order it. And I was like steak in Japan is quite expensive to get a good steak. - Yeah. - And they bought the cheapest steak, but which also had the option to have the biggest size out of any of the steak. So none of the other steaks were like 300 grams. - Right yeah. - For some reason this one stake that was super cheap. - Yeah sirloin or something? - It was called like it, but it was named something like man meat or something. - Man meat? (Joey laughing) - It was like something supposed to be manly. (all laughing) And it was called monster meat or something. - (laughs) That's even worse. - No joke, it was called like monster cut meat. And I was like, "What the fuck is that?" So I was like, the sirloin you get about half the meat. It's about double the price. I'm sticking with the sirloin, 'cause I frankly wanna enjoy my meal. So we're eating and they're like the first piece. They're like, "Shit, this is quite tough." I'm hearing them chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing. And I'm like, "You good?" And they're like, "It's just really hard to eat." They managed to eat one bite and then I felt bad. So I was like, "Yeah, do you wanna have we'll trade pieces?" So I gave them two pieces of mine and I took two pieces of theirs. So I felt bad 'cause it was terrible. - Yeah. - I nearly fucking choked, on how bad the steak was 'cause you literally couldn't break it apart. - Yeah. You literally can't. - It's such shit meat. - And it takes so much effort that you have to start breathing through your mouth in order to like get the air. - When you get to that point where you're chewing meat so much that you're like, "Have I gotten this meat blob, into a size that I think is okay to swallow?" - Yeah. - Because I don't think I can break it down. - Yeah. - Why don't you just cut a smaller piece? - It's not soft enough to go down. - Is it soft enough that I won't chock. - And it's just like one is that soft enough that you don't choke in too sometimes you just cut off like a bit too big of a piece. It doesn't break down enough and you just have to like, pray to God that your esophagus can just squeeze this fucking meat part down. - That absolute rookie error. We took out take out and we had plastic forks. - Oh no! - There we go. - There was absolutely no chance that we could 'cause the stake already pre-cut it into like pieces like this. - Yeah. Yeah. - Which is like too much. - Yeah. Yeah. - These pieces of meat from this cow that I assume was just benching all the other cows. I don't know what the fuck was going on with this cow to have meat that- - That boy was ripped. - The FDA was probably testing all the fucking drugs on this cow. - Doing some roids or something. - It was insane how muscular this cow was like. - They have good cuts there though, Ikinari steak. - The sirloin steak that was like this big, was like $30. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It was terrible. - In which case you better off going to like a higher end steak. - Yeah, and the only reason I went there was because everything else was closed. It was the only place to get take out. - They're open pretty late. - What did you expect from a place that's literally called 'Suddenly Steak'. - Yes. Suddenly steak. - Is that what it's called? - Surprise, steak! - Suddenly steak. (all laughing) - No, it's meant to be a cheaper version. - It's kinda like Japanese food in the UK. It's like I'm not expecting much. - Yeah. - I didn't go in there expecting a good steak. It's like the same I didn't expect good steak to be in Japan because Japan doesn't really have, Japan imports most of their normal steak. - Yeah. - In terms of like steak steak. Japan's steak isn't great. - They import nearly all of their steak, that isn't like the Kobe. - Yeah, like Australia. - Australia and America. - Ireland, as well. - Yeah, so generally beef here is quite bad unless it's like Kobe beef but I get sick of kobe beef. - We've talked about this previously. Do you know what I miss? That I found is like apparently only in Europe. Peppercorn sauce. - Oh. - Yes. It's this amazing steak sauce. - It's like the best steak sauce I've ever had. I know peppercorns. - And you only get it with soup. - It's like a creamy literal peppercorn sauce. I thought it was like a universal thing because in England you have steak, you have it with peppercorn sauce, and it tastes so fucking good. And then I only realized moving out of England, even though other places in the world have like better quality meats like Japan or America, they have like the better quality meats. Than a lot of the steaks you can find in the UK, but it's just- - What the fuck are you going? Where are you going? - I'm in Brighton, there's not a great steak in Brighton honestly. - There's so many good stuff you're missing out Garnt. - Maybe, but like the peppercorn sauce would always save that steak for me because, the two of them just tasted so good together. And like it's something that you just don't find elsewhere in the world apart from in Europe. Apparently that's the only place I've found. - I swear I've seen it in some restaurants in America. I don't know though. Maybe I have. - Your steak is mid comment. I didn't properly get until I realized that, every steak here is we have salt and pepper. And I'm just like- - And wasabi which I just don't think is good on steak. - I think Wasabi good on steak. - It depends on the cut. - It depends on the fatty- - There's only so much. - Soy sauce? Some of them have like Garnt soy sauce. - Oh God, actually it's different. It's like, if it's yakiniku, then yeah I'll have it. - Well, yeah if it's yakiniku then that's good. But that's not usually steak. - That's not a steak. - I have a steak, and every steak here. Every steak I've had in Japan and most of the places I've had, I've been in America as well. You have the option of salt and pepper or in America you have Adju, which is I think it's just- - What is adju. - This liquid that comes out of the meat. - Yeah. It's just the meat juices. - It's just the meat meat sauce. - Well they pour it back on? - Yeah. - Yeah. Yeah. My dad used to do that. (Connor laughs) - Good the lore's here. They have a Lori's. And I'm just like there's so many different steak sauces out there like peppercorn and red wine sauce as well, which goes fucking amazing with steak and nobody does that. And I'm just like, "Why, why?" I guess steak tastes good but there's only so many times I can have salt and pepper on steak. - In the UK there's steak with ketchup. - Do they - Yeah. - A1 I could understand, it's kind of ketchupy. - I like A1. - We didn't have A1 in Australia. - We got in the UK. - What's wrong with you guys, why'd you do that? This is why everyone comes to us. - Listen, everyone mocks me. And British people for growing up with this but you don't understand. We're truly overpowered. We have literally no benchmark for food. (Joey laughing) It is so shit that when I go- - It's the world western food out there. - I literally go anywhere and I'm like, "Fuck this shit the busing. And it's got like cockroaches in it." And I'm like, "Damn this shit is so good!" - I appreciate the bossing. - I think I can do you one worse, because I think in Thailand they eat pizza with ketchup. - I'm okay with that. - What kind of ketchup? - Are you okay with that? - Tomato puree, tomato ketchup, - It's just a normal pizza. - Like a cheese pizza? - Yeah. - What other kind of pizza is there? - I don't know, like pepperoni or fucking Hawaiian. - I'm gonna be honest. If I'm at my house, I put tomato ketchup on the side and I dunk the crusts in it. - Yeah, I do that. - That makes sense. - Yeah that's good. - I did the mayonnaise and ketchup combination. - I don't need to do that. (all laughing) How do you make to do that? - How do you feel about Brazilian barbecue? - I fucking love Brazilian barbecue. - Yeah, Brazilian barbecue is great. - Their sauces. - That's what we can finally agree on. (all laughing) Oh my God! all of Trash Taste's agreeing on food. - Thank you Brazil. - Thank you Brazil. - You finally made us agree on something. - Who knew that Brazilians could bring about world peace? (all laughing) - I remember 'cause the first time I had it was in Japan. 'Cause I had a Brazilian in my class, and they were like, "Oh, come to our barbecue, we're having one." And apparently there's a place in Yokohama, no Tokyo Bay. There's like fields where you can rent a tent spot right next to the Tokyo water. - Like a picnic spot? - Yeah. And I think they provide the barbecue, and you just bring your own meat. She was a food scientist or something. Somebody like designed food or something. - A nutritionist of some kind? - Something of that. And then she was like, "You have to come, come try." And I was like, "I guess I'll show up." And they had like just amazing food. It was so good. The sausage was amazing. I love sausage. - Food scientist. - Gastronomy you're right. That's the word. - I don't know. Something like people would pay her, and she said that she would go to a place, like a chain or whatever. And then she would tell them how to make the food better, with science or something. - Yeah, with science. - With science. - Why didn't you introduce me to her? (all laughing) - Meilyne's just like frothing at her. The food scientist? - Like every single item at this barbecue was amazing. - Yeah. - It was like everything was like pre-seasoned before it went on and then I was like, "I feel very happy." - You gotta love the preseason. - So I turned up, ate their food. And then I was like, "Yeah, I've got to go now." But actually had to go I couldn't stay for long. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But I had as much as I could. - Fair enough. - I remember like the geeks plus opening party that we went to which you unfortunately was not. - Fuck! - 'Cause you were at the country awards. I remember the food there was so still. I still remember it to this day 'cause it was like so unique. - Yeah, it's innovative cuisine. - 'Cause they booked out like it wasn't like a two-star Michelin restaurant. - They actually invested into a Michelin. Well not, they didn't invest into a Michelin. They invested in a innovative restaurant, that got two stars after like a year and a half of research and opening. (Joey laughing) I had chipotle in my boxer shorts. - No but that restaurant is called Inuwa. Sadly because of coronavirus it closed forever. They were very particular about the meat. They don't serve chicken, beef or pork. No normal meats. - And they don't serve the big three. - Yeah. (all laughing) They don't serve the big three. - They don't serve that normal shit here. - They have deer. It has to be a special deer that's hunted in a specific way. And depending on where it's shot and the side it falls and the blood flow affects the meat. - Okay, now that just seems to be a little too much. - That's a bit wanker ish. - No, no, it's true. - What are they going to do call it? Where did you shoot it? Where did you shoot it? Tell me. - In which way did the blood flow, did it flow uphill or did it flow upstream or downstream? - Which way was the wind blowing as you shot it? - I just find it hard to believe that that could really affect it that much. - It does, 'cause the blood cells rupture and then it contaminates the meat where you shot. - It's the same with fish as well. - Yeah, same with fish. Same with fish, yeah. - Fish is like one of the most sensitive meats I think, because you can tell when you've had all the fish. - Other than human. (all laughing) - What? - I said other than human. - No, because like you can tell when you have fresh fish, you can tell when it's been in the freezer. - Frozen fish is like instant like ugh. You can immediately tell. - You can immediately tell from like the texture and the taste and everything. - Well, like if you freeze a piece of chicken. - Well I'm sad 'cause Japan ruined fish. Just now I can't eat frozen fish. Cause now I know where- - I never could eat frozen fish. - Yeah because that's all that's all we really ate. - 'Cause you couldn't get fresh. - That's why I hated fish in the UK. - It's always frozen. - Yeah 90% of the time it's frozen. And I just think it tastes, you can taste the frowziness and that's just the bland, frozen taste of fish that just, every person UK has grown up with. And that's why I hated fish until I moved to Japan right? - Where 90% of it is fresh. - Yeah. Because unless you actually went to a UK restaurant where actually shopped in a fish market, to get fresh fish and even then, you better go into the day on the day that they went to the fish market. Right? - Yeah. - That's why if you go to eat you have to eat on like only on like Mondays basically. 'Cause that's that's when they mostly go shop, for the fresh fish from the fish market and by Friday it's all like old. - Yeah. - So yeah. That sounds horrible. - Isn't your city though, near the port? - See, that's a good question. 'Cause the UK is an island. Yeah. We don't eat fucking fish. (Joey laughs) We can it and we fry it. That's about it. - Yeah. - Why is it only fried? - Yeah some people grill it, grilled fish isn't that common in the UK. - I think fried fish you can kind of hide the freshness, a little more than if it was just like made. - Put it in butter, deep fry it. - The butter hides the fact that it was probably frozen. - It's a shame really 'cause I think a lot of British people didn't like fish. I grew up loving even like canned fish, like mackerel and sardines. I loved. - I hated that. - I love canned mackerel. Canned mackerel is so good. - With Baguette? - Oh yeah. You can just put it on like toast. - Is it the tomatoly kind? - Yeah, yeah. - Oh yes. - I love that. - That shit's great. - You can just eat it right out of the can, you can put it on staff. It's so good as well. - That is good. - 'Cause it's like- - It's so good as well 'cause it's like one pound for like I a can. In Aldi, it was like 60 pence for a can. And when I was trying to lose weight, that was great because it's just fish. - I thought you used broccoli and chicken. - Yeah. But sometimes you have to mix it up. - You gotta switch it up a little bit. (laughs) - For lunch, I'd mix it up with like omelets. I do like that. - Okay. - How long have we been talking for? If feels like forever. - [Camera Man] We've been recording 2:25. - What the fuck! - What! - It's been a while. - Have we been talking for that long? - We spoke about food for like an hour and a half. Fuck my life! - It was like 9:30. - Hope you guys enjoyed "Trash Taste." - Holy fucking shit! I just feel like we just, we've been talking for an hour. What the fuck's going on. - Thank you so much, thank you for listening to us. - I guess we should probably end it. - Follow Meilyne on Twitter, @GourmetMeilyne. Gourmetmeilyne. - I think it's Gourmetmeil. (laughs) - Gourmetmeil. - Gourmetmeil. - Her feature YouTube channel where she speed runs all the restaurants in Japan. - That's a great name. - How can you not call it GourmetMeil? Or something along those lines. You come up with so many shitty puns when I'm with you and you refused. - Shitty puns? - Yes. Yes. - Yeah. - what's a shitty pun? - Everything that's not GourmetMeil. (all laughing) - That's a great username. - I may call for like all the viewers to follow you. - I can't wait till we go to our next anime convention and you actually get recognized because you used to be just the book walk of run around there. - I used to manage your guys' lines. - Yeah, you used to manage our line. - I still will. I still will. - But now you're gonna have people being like, "Are you Gourmetmeil from "Trash Taste?" Maker of the boys? - I would start sweating a lot. (Garnt laughing) - I'm sweating all the time, so don't worry about it. - I know. - You know? Fuck! - I watch. - I smell bad. - You watch what? - I watch every bit of sweat roll down. - Let's get on with the- - Let's get the patreons. - Look at these patrons right here. - If you'd like to support us though on Patreon, then go to patreon.com/TrashTaste. Also follow us on Twitter. Send us your names on the subreddit and if your add us listen to us on Spotify. And also go check out Meilyne. oh, I think they're gonna be gone by the time- - They're gonna be long gone by the time. - Hope you got your mugs. (all laughing) - I hope you got your mugs. - To the fellow mug holders. - If you're watching this right now and you've got a mug, pull them out right now. This is the moment you've been waiting for. - Now whip them out. (all laughing) - Take a mugshot. - Shut the fuck up. - [Camera Man] Oh my God! (laughs) - See you guys. - Bye bye, see you bye bye. (bright upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 2,003,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: Rm8nxEAzjYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 16sec (8716 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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