We Became Japan's WORST Michelin Star Chefs | Trash Taste Special

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Holup, I clicked on this thinking it was a fan edit or something. This is real bois! We did it!!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sievold ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 07 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Here we go!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/On_The_Fourth_Floor ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 07 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Holy shit I thought this was a fan edit.. this should be amazing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kagatoASUKA89 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 07 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Damn it's been a minute

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/tabascochips ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 07 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Let's fucking go, most toxic episode of the year already

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/wowanator ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 07 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- Have you ever licked sweat? - You guys call that a knife? That's a knife. - You're about to witness fucking murder here on Trash Taste. - Oh shit, almost lost a thumb there. No worries. (aluminum top clatters loudly) - It's good. It's good. I just won't use that again. Ah! (classy music) - Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to another Trash Taste special. - So we here at Trash Taste are known for our shit food tastes. And we know you guys are probably tired of that by now. - So we thought, why not change things? Let's go and hire a Michelin-starred chef to go and teach us how to cook. - So we were each taught three different dishes and we not only have to learn it on the day, but we also have to recreate it as best as we can from memory. - And then after we cook it, we're gonna be judged Master Chef-style on how well we do in our cooking skills, which are- I'm like not feeling confident at all. - I hope it's toast. (Garnt and Joey laugh) - I can't cook, but I'm a good learner. And I've always given it my all. So that's what matters. That's the heart that matters. - That's probably the least confident fighting words that have ever come out of Connor's mouth. - Listen, you know, I'm a humble man. (everyone laughs) I know when I'm gonna lose. - First week of 2022 and he's already lying. Also, there might be some scenes in this that would be disturbing to some viewers. So we've had to censor the episode slightly because Joey committed murder. - Yes, I apologize. It wasn't my choice. So if you'd like to see the full uncensored video and experience me killing a fish, then go over to our Patreon, patreon.com/TrashTaste. And you'll also be supporting us in future Trash Taste episodes and specials. - So without further ado, here's the Trash Taste cooking special. - Enjoy. - Cooking. A skill that can range from simple home chefs to those that stand at the top of the culinary world. It's an art form that can take years to perfect. So let's see what three idiots can learn in a day. So we're here at the cafe and diner Offza. I hope I pronounced that correctly. And we are about to do some cooking. - Yes. - Great. - I have had Uber eats for the past four months straight. - I had Uber eats for the past 26 years of my life, so. - I've just been watching Sydney do a bunch of cooking. So I hope I can absorb Sydney's cooking skill via obs-osmosis. - Today, we're gonna be learning how to cook with Michelin-starred chefs. - It's a real jump up, isn't it? We went from cooking toast to Michelin. - Yeah. I mean, I know how to cook a... What is it? A cheese grilled sandwich. I don't know. Is that what it's called? - I can do a good one of those. - Either way, we're gonna be an embarrassment and we're gonna see who is gonna be the best chef today. You can say the master chef. - I'm fucking done. - Can we leave that in? Is that a branding issue? - We're not sponsored by Master Chef. All right, let's go. - All Right. Let's see what the kitchen's like. - I don't like kitchens. (chefs speaking Japanese) (Joey speaks Japanese) - Why did I say- (Joey speaks Japanese) Oh my God, look at this place. - [Connor] This is crazy. What? This is massive. - I feel like I'm on Hell's Kitchen right now. Is this what it's like going on one of those reality TV shows? - Maybe. - So these are the two chefs that will be helping us to hopefully be a much better chef than we already are. - [Connor] Chef Koji is a Michelin-starred chef specializing in traditional Japanese cuisine, formerly a chef at Yotaro, which is now closed down. He's recently opened a new restaurant, Hinokincho Lab, where he hopes to welcome even more guests from around the world. - [Garnt] Chef Mac is the founder and lead guide of Maction Planet. That specializes in giving authentic Japanese experiences for willing participants. Like these three idiots. - We have something for you guys actually. - [Connor] Oh, okay. - Oh my God. I brought an apron, but- I brought an apron, but screw that. Mine says Karen on it. - Mine says Monke. - Mine says, of course, Grant. - [Joey] Oh, hell yeah. - I guess today, I'm Chef Grant. I'm Chef Karen, I guess. Chef Karen, Chef Grant, and Chef Monke. - How do you do it? - How do I put on an apron? - I hate to start asking for lessons already, but how do you tie it? (chefs and Connor laugh) - [Chef Mac] Initiative test number one. - [Joey] Yes. I passed the first test! - [Connor] Oh no. - If they can't put the aprons on, we'll just end it now. - We'll just- - That's it. - That's it. - That's it. Look at that. It's not just printed on. That's that embroidered stuff right there. - It's all right. We get it, it's embroidered. - It's embroidered. I love embroidered. - Just say it one more time, Joey. Say it one more time. - It's embroidered. - So what is the next step then? What are we doing now? - I think the first step is that we will be teaching you individually three different dishes. - [Connor] Ooh, Okay. - We're not gonna tell you what they are. (everyone laughs) - [Joey] Okay. - [Connor] The suspense is killing me. - All you need to decide is who's gonna go first. - Well, I think Joey wanted to go first, so we'll let Joey. - You know what? I'll take the ball for the team. I'll go first. All right. Let's do it. I was up first and as someone with almost zero cooking experience, I wasn't feeling too confident. So chef, is it an issue that I have basically zero experience in the kitchen? I don't think I've ever properly cooked something. Oh, actually, no. That's a lie. I made a chicken and Genovese pasta before, but that's really the only cooking experience I have, so. - You're a brave guy. - Oh, thank you. Yes, because you chose the first one. - Oh, that's worrying. Okay. - So what's your experience with cooking, Connor? - I've cooked prepackaged meals in the oven. - In order to make really good Japanese dishes, the most important factor is ingredients. - Ingredients. Of course, yeah. - The most important thing is how fresh it is. - Right, right. - So from now, I'm gonna teach you how to make sashimi. - Oh, okay. - The fish, I purchased from Toyosu Market. - Oh, the fish market? Yeah. Fish Market early in the morning. Toyosa Fish Market is Tokyo's most famous fish market. Forget a home cook. These are fresh ingredients a pro chef would dream of. And to top it off, Chef Koji had a big surprise for me. - Wait, is it alive? - Yes. - Oh my God. Yo! - The flounder. - Flounder. - In Japanese, we call it mako garei. - Oh wow. I don't think I've actually ever seen a flounder in real life. - I'm gonna show you how to... Kill it. - Hey, buddy, you gon' d- - You think Joey's gonna be good at it? - I don't think Joey's gonna be good at it. - I reckon Joey could be good, you know. Joey's a pretty good learner I think. When it's not cars. - Yeah. In terms of a kitchen, there's a lot of health and safety hazards there. Probably not as much as drifting, but Connor's gonna find a way to break something I'm sure. - Sets the control fire. - You have to cut here. - Okay. Whoa! - [Chef Koji] Like this. - [Joey] Okay. All right. - [Chef Koji] And then after that, cut the tail. - [Joey] Oh, it's very hard, isn't it? - Like this. After that, with this string, we have to break. - Jesus Christ. All right. - [Chef Koji] Break the nerve here. - [Joey] Oh, okay. Okay. So this is going through the spine? - Yes. - Okay. Okay. - The nerve is running by the main bone. And we can keep it fresh longer. This technique exists especially in Japan. That's why we can eat a lot of fish as sashimi. - Oh, because if you kill it bad, then the meat tenses up. Right? And it doesn't taste good. - Shall we move to the sink? - Yeah. Get rid of the blood? - Yeah. - [Connor] While Joey was learning how to commit first degree murder, Chef Mac kindly explains just how hard it is to be a chef. - Another British person has joined us. - We are taking over as we are, you know, historically known for. - [Connor] Oh my God. - Do you wanna explain a bit about your background and history? - I'm Mac, I've been living in Tokyo for 15 years. The greatest city on Earth. The world's greatest metropolis actually, as I like to call it, a lot of people, they think New York is the greatest city on Earth, right? - Yes. - I mean, it isn't. - New York's terrible. What are they saying? - It's typically said by people who have only been to New York by virtue of their birth. - In true Trash Taste fashion, not on cue at all, the first thing we do is start shit talking Americans, right? - I wasn't even prompted. - No, he wasn't prompted at all. - Normally we take off the scale with special equipment. - [Joey] It's like a brush, right? - [Chef Koji] Yeah. Like a brush. But this one is so tiny. So that's why using this. But if you take off their tiny scales- - [Joey] Oh, it's turning white. - [Chef Koji] Yeah, it's turning white. - Oh, cool. Cool. Okay. I'm sorry if you're a vegan watching this. Should probably click off. - Typically how much training does a chef need to go through? - Well, you know how you hear these things about these restaurants? Like in the sushi restaurants, the guy's gotta make the rice for 10 years before he's even allowed to touch the fish. Koji was telling me about like cutting a daikon and he had to learn how to cut this daikon so thin and so perfectly that you could basically roll it out. So that the thing looks transparent, you know, you can see the veins in the vegetable, and this was months and months of him in the kitchen, just having to cut this with the senpai, you know, the boss chef going, you know, again, again. And he also has some Zen training as well. So kind of all of that is combined to- - What's the Zen training? - Well, so he's trained in a temple, you know, lived in a temple for- - Like God. - So to be a chef in Japan, you literally need like temple or Zen training and also cooking training? - It's more wherever you get that mindset from, you know, there's a lot of cliche words around it, the shokunin, the craftsman. But you basic need that mindset. - [Joey] Forget going through 10 years of Zen training, I was already having trouble keeping up with all the steps I needed to do. - I've cut a little. - Oh, a little bit. Okay. Oh, okay, okay. There's the intestines, yeah. - And then... - Just pull it out? - Yes, pull it out. - Oh! Okay, so we're washing out the blood right here from the insides. - So without spoiling, how hard are the things that we're gonna be doing today? - I'm also curious of this. - Pretty tough. Pretty, pretty, pretty tough. - The most important thing to keep on making good food. I mean good dish. You have to keep everywhere clean. For your sashimi, we use deba for, you know, making it into the filet, and then we use- - Whoa! - Yanagi. - Okay. - For sashimi. - And this is the one where have to slide like that? All right. Okay. - [Chef Koji] This side of the knife is on the top of the bone. - [Joey] Okay. So it kind of just goes right across. Okay, yeah. Oh, wow. Okay. This is very tough. - You're doing very well. Can you feel the bone here? So... How do you say? - Ribs? - Yeah, ribs. So we have to take off the- - The rib bone. Hell yeah. (Chef Koji laughs) Nailed it. - Can you feel the difference from this part and this part? Here there's very thin skin. - Yeah. - So we have to take off the thin skin here. - And this is- The big boy comes in, right? - [Chef Koji] Big boy is waiting. - Big boy is waiting. Okay. I think the bone's on this side. Is the bone here? Did I go straight through the middle? I might have gone straight through the middle of that. Damn it. Oh, I hear the sound. - [Chef Koji] Yeah. - Oh, let's go. That's so satisfying when you get it. - So I'm hoping that I don't do pretty well on this part. That'll mean that it's a curse waiting to happen and I'll fuck it up at the end. - The plot says Connor's gonna win today. 'Cause I don't think you've won a proper Trash Taste special yet. Except for the PC building, that's like half a special. - As an independent observer with an official independent observer white coat on, that was a legit win. - Thank you. Thank you. Even though I messed up a bunch. - This is the ultimate test, I feel. This is what makes or breaks a very aesthetic sashimi bowl. Japanese food culture is all about how good it looks. You gotta feed the eye before you feed the stomach, as they say. So depending on how well I cut this or how much I fuck up is gonna depend. Look at that, that looks clean. Damn. - Yes. Yes. - Let's go. Oh, we're like fully plating up. All right. All right. So we got the radishes? - Yes. Radishes. This is radish. - [Joey] That's a mountain of radish. - [Chef Koji] Yes. - [Chef Koji] And shape into- - [Joey] A ball? - [Chef Koji] Like a ball. Put it here. - Yep. - You are so delicate person. Well, why don't you come to my restaurant to- - Hell yeah. I just got a job offer. (Joey and Chef Koji laugh) - Have you ever seen the twisted carrot? - [Joey] Oh, it doesn't come pre-cut. Shit. - We cut it with this angle and put it into the water and then... - Whoa. Okay. Oh, cool. Okay. Look at that. When you put it down like that, it looks very cute. Is there any tips for the actual fight? Like things I should look out for? - You are already great. - Cool! - Anyway, keep it clean. - Keep it clean. Okay. As the only Japanese person in Trash Taste, it is my duty, I feel, to do and pay respect to my culture right here. Sashimi is very much a Japanese culture, and I will hopefully be able to make something that you'll be proud of. All right. Thank you, sensei. (Joey speaks Japanese) And finally it was time to taste the fruits of my labor. All right. Well I figured I'm gonna take a bite of my first dish, or the dish I'll be making to the judges, just to see if I even did a good job or not. So let me just take that. This thing was alive until an hour ago. That's scary to think about. all right. Itadakimasu. That's so good. Oh my God. All Right. Let me take some of the radish here. - [Victor] You gotta be on Japanese TV. - All right, I gotta be on Japanese TV. All right, Japanese TV. It's gotta be shaky as possible. All right? Get a zoom in on that shake. That's how you that's how you do Japanese quality. (Joey speaks Japanese) Oh, hell yeah. That's super nice. Okay. Good to know what I made tastes good. Now I just gotta replicate that again. This is gonna be hard. - Well done. - Thank you. (Chef Koji speaks Japanese) - All right. Next person. - [Connor] And next it was my turn up. I was gonna be learning a different dish and I've never seen this fish before in my life. Wow. That's a lot of knives. - I'm gonna teach you kind of Japanese very classic fish and chip. - I can't escape it. Are you serious? - Fish and chip without the chip. - Okay. - It's a dish I'm familiar with, but doing it myself is completely a different story. I was like, I never knew I was this uncoordinated until now. - Is this red- - Tilefish. - Tilefish? - Yeah. We call it amadai. This fish is common in the Kyoto. In order to make this deep fried fish, this side will be the best. The other two guys take off the scale, but for this dish, we don't take off the scale. - Perfect. Nice. Okay. A little easier, a little bit. - What kind of worries me is that you said whatever you cooked was alive before you cooked it. - Yeah. Yeah. - Is this your first kill in the kitchen? - This is my first kill ever, in or out of the kitchen. - Joey's starting his KDA right now. - In order to take off the gill, first we cut here like this. - Okay. So would you hear the click? Like that? - Okay. Oh, good sound. - Nice, nice. Okay. Oh, and then cut out for the top as well? - Yes. - Wow. What was that noise? - She's crying. - Oh no. Oh no! Don't say that. - In the meantime, our second guest judge had just arrived. So we got another one of the judges today and also our manager and boss to judge our cooking. It's Meilyne. So we should probably explain why we asked you to be one of the judges today. 'Cause you are like one of the top five- - The top 5%. - You're in the top 5% of Google reviewers in Japan. But I've never met anyone as dedicated to the Google food reviews as you. - Yeah, because Meilyne plays Google reviews like people play Pokemon go. - Because they have badges. - This is pretty intense. You know, I knew I was gonna kill a fish, but this is definitely more graphic than I had anticipated. - After that you have to cut here. - Yeah, it's not the prettiest sight in the world, is it? It's pretty morbid. Bloody hell. There's a lot of blood. - Oh, shall we move to the sink? - Yeah, I guess we should. - So we have to- - Oh, should I leave the knife? - Yeah, you should. (Connor laughs) - So we have to- - Oh, is this a brush specifically for cleaning? - Yes. - Wow. - And here's another fin, so cut here. For this dish, there is plenty of scale. Because we haven't take off the scale. - See that yours is much cleaner than mine here. Is that a problem? - No problem. - No problem? All right. I'll take your word for it. - What goes into a good restaurant experience to you? - The air conditioning. - That is not the first thing people think of. - When it's hot in a restaurant, I immediately walk out. - That's li- - Chef Koji was making the preparation look so easy. For me, however though, it, yeah, definitely wasn't. Oh. oh no. And then just like this? Then just- - [Chef Koji] Yes. (Connor laughs) Yours looks much better than mine. I know, obviously I'm not very good, but like mine is so messy. I've messed up all the skin and everything's just perfect on yours. - Do you know how long I have been- (Connor laughs) - I know. I know. I'm just saying, it's amazing. I'm trying to honor your work. - We have to take off the bone like this. - [Connor] Okay, so like- Oh wow. - While Connor was trying his best to follow Chef Koji, we were trying our best to follow whatever the hell Meilyne was trying to tell us. - Have you ever licked sweat? - I mean, not on purpose. - Okay, and how did it taste? - I know what sweat is, Meilyne. - I know, but it's kind of salty. - I know it's salty. - I'm really afraid to ask, but when have you licked sweat? - You don't lick Sydney's sweat? - Please. Don't tell me you Buccellati'd your husband. - Not on purpose. - So before cooking, we should salt. We have to salt it with proper amount. You hold salt like this. And then put shake. And open a little between the finger. - That's so beautiful. - If we do that on the- - Even. - Yes, even. And also on blackboard- - You can see how much you're salting? - [Chef Koji] Exactly. - Ah, it's so pretty. It's like Christmas in the kitchen. - [Chef Koji] Yes, yes! - [Connor] Oh, okay. Yeah. I see. I can feel the salt. Yeah, okay. - [Chef Koji] Salt from- - [Connor] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Coming from here. I think I ran outta the salt. - So maybe you should- - Grab more? Yeah, I'll grab some more. - I'm glad everyone can see that Meilyne is like a different breed of humor all of the time. She says some shit where I'm just like- - Yeah, have you also ever gotten in a fight with your sibling and you try to spit on each other's face or something? Or try to get your drool on their face? Like bleh. Like, you know? - Is that what you did? (Meilyne stutters) - So now we should do the preparation for deep frying. If we put it into the deep fried oil, so it's gonna be dangerous. - Yeah. Yeah. - Because there's a lot of leaking. So I- - Flour? Is this flour? Yeah. Battering. - Yeah. On the filet side. - Oh, very light. - So, you... - Oh, you're very lightly frying it. Whoa. Whoa. So good. How do we know when it's done? - This moment it's white, but if you keep on doing, it will turn into the brown - Oh, I see it. It's already starting to brown a little bit. - And then... - And this is gonna cook the filet? - Yeah. - So if I feel no pressure in the middle? Yeah. No pressure. It just goes right in, yeah. - You know what I'm gonna do during our cooking special, Meilyne? - No, don't sweat, please don't sweat. - I'm gonna finish my cooking, then go for like a five minute run and be like. (water splashes) - There it is. - Amadai. All right. Itadakimasu. - Okay yeah, that's really good. That's amazing. Oh my God. - Can you imagine this has scale? - It's so nice. It adds to the texture so good. The skin is so nice. Oh my gosh. Guess I'll try mine now. Is it gonna- Maybe there's too much texture here, who knows? Let's give it a shot. Hot. It's good though. Yours is definitely better. This is amazing. This was so fun. Even though yours looks very different to mine. This is really nice. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. - The other two judges are actual chefs, so I'm really curious how they'll judge it. They've gone through the training and the zen. - They're not like the 5% of Google reviewers though. Let's be honest. - They wish they were as high, like a hierarchy as Meilyne is right now in the food. I mean, let's be honest. What's more important? Having a Michelin star or having a badge that says you're a level five Google reviewer? - Finally it was my turn. And as nervous as it was, at least it got me away from Meilyne. What we are cooking, that's completely randomized. So it's just by chance that I'm cooking Thai-meshi today. - Even if I don't end up winning this or doing a good job, I feel like I learned a lot of really important skills. - Stop being wholesome, Joey, you're a fucking trash talker. Right? I don't fucking care what you learned, it's about who wins. It's always been about who wins. - Well, I mean, it doesn't really matter 'cause, I mean, this is a trash day special. You're obviously gonna lose once again. - Is that the fish? - [Chef Koji] Yes. - Oh my god. - [Chef Koji] This is Sea Bream. - [Garnt] This is Sea Bream? - So from now on, we are going to take off the scale. - The scales. - And also the internal and then we grill it, then we make it into the Sea Bream and rice. - I'm guessing this is already dead, thankfully. - I feel like Garnt is really bad at learning things fast. - It takes him a while to absorb everything. Garnt needs to go home, watch 10 YouTube tutorials before he feels confident doing anything. You know, I might fuck it up, but let's just fucking go for it. - No, I've never- This is the first time I've prepared fish fresh like this. Ooh, okay. So that's completely- That's, oh! That's so smooth. I thought it was still alive back then. Just slipping outta my hands. This is like a needle. I don't want to get my hand anywhere near there. So what makes the best fish? What weather? - Weather and also good relationship with fisherman. We are going to wash again. - Okay. - Is that right? Is that not cut? Do I need to cut there? - Yes. - Okay. Little more. Okay. Like that? Cut... This is not going as smoothly. - You can take it off by hand. - You can take it off by hand? - Yes. - But better to cut. - Yes. (Garnt laughs) Let's go full ape mode there and just rip it off. Okay. Yeah? Like that? - This is the visual side when we put it on the bottom. So, this is bottom part. We cut here. - How sharp are these knives, by the way? - This is from Tsukiji. - Look at that. I feel like I'm holding a mini samurai sword right now. Look, this isn't a knife. This is a Hattori Hanzล samurai sword. - Take off all the internals. Does it come off smoothly normally? - With the top edge of the knife, you squeeze out. Yeah, it is difficult. - Oh God. (Garnt laughs) It's not coming out smoothly. Oh no. Oh no. - Using a finger, you have to take off all of- - The internals. - Internal. - [Connor] Me and Joey. However, weren't feeling too confident about our dishes. - So I feel the three common steps that we have to go through- - Rip and tack. - That too, but also it's the process of fileting a fish. - Like I saw that video of Gordon Ramsey doing it with a salmon and he does it in like five fucking seconds. And he's like, there you go. That's how you filet a fish. I literally couldn't see what you were doing. - Pick up your knife, twist the knife almost as if it's horizontally underneath the salmon, and you slice the salmon underneath and let the knife do the work. - He's like, let the knife do the work. Let the knife do the work. And then suddenly it's in four amazingly cut pieces. - I'm sorry, Gordon. My knife is not sentient like yours. It doesn't have a mind of its own. - I was thinking like, yeah, I'll let the knife do the work when I was cutting it. Man, I had to really barbarian shove that shit. - I really had to tell that knife it was balls. - As for my dish, I was having to go medieval on this fish's ass. - I would you like to... How do you say it? - Stab? - Yeah. - I feel like Vlad the Impaler right now. Oh my God, this is medieval. That? Is that right? Where's the next one go? That one. Oh my God. - Shall we grill? - Yes. Let grill. Finally, I get to set things on fire. - We have to grill these fish gently. Not so strong power or fire. - Yeah, so slow cook. - Yes, because it loses most of moisture. So after we put it into the rice, and make it complete, we have to take off the ball and the skin, and then mix the middle of fish and the rice together. I prefer to have more moisture. - Oh, okay. Okay. - Yeah. It gets dry. You know, the taste is- - The taste is, yeah, not so good. - So it takes maybe 20 minutes to go. - 20 minutes. I guess we're gonna cut here and you'll see what the fish looks like when it's cooked. All right, and I guess we're about to turn them over now. Okay. Ah, I see. - [Chef Koji] Ah. - [Garnt] Is that done? That's not white yet. - [Chef Koji] Yeah, so maybe switch the positions. - [Garnt] Switch positions? Okay. Okay, and then we'll cut back to when both fishes are cooked. - Nearly- - Nearly? - It will be completed, so we put rice into the pot. - Into the pot. Okay. This should be the easiest part for me. I've cooked rice many times before. - [Chef Koji] Three. - [Garnt] Three cups of rice. Okay. Okay. Ooh. Look at that. Look at that. The eyes look like they've got cataracts in them right now. That's how you can tell it was cooked. And we just take out... Okay. Oh, these are looking like some good grilled fish right now. - [Chef Koji] Just one - [Garnt] Just one? - [Chef Koji] Into the rice. - [Garnt] Oh, we cook the fish with the rice? - [Chef Koji] Yes. - So far, my steps seemed pretty simple. There was no way I could fuck this up, right? - Put these on. - Just put it... Oh no! No. It's okay. We've got two fish Oh no. What have I done? What have I done? - Don't fuck up, Garnt. - Yeah, just be good. - This was such a big fucky-wucky that even Chef Koji was impressed. So the chef just told me that throughout his entire year of teaching people how to cook Thai-meshi, I'm the first person that that has happened to. I am the first person who's just beheaded a fish in front of him. So I'm very sorry, chef. - I was so lucky to see that happen. In my whole life, I will never see that happen. - Great. In his entire life, he will never see someone fuck up as much as I did. When you cook rice, how much water, normally, to rice? - It depends on the rice and also depends on the Thai-meshi or- Normally, three by four. - Three by four, yeah. - Three by four. - Yeah. Yeah. Okay. My mom teach me when cook rice, you put the rice in, put the water and the water should be about here above the rice. Is that same for Japan as well? - Yeah, same. So in Japan we put the hand like this. The water level will be about here. Yeah, it's right. - Universally, if you're Asian, everyone for some reason has been taught to cook rice the same way. In Japan, it's this much. In Thailand, stick the finger in, first knuckle. If you're Asian, you get it. - Technically I've broken things in this special. I broke the fish's will to live. - This is the one special where you're allowed to break something. - I'm gonna leave bones in Meilyne's just to spite her. I don't care if Meilyne gives me bad points. - So it's a sign of boiling. - Okay. - [Chef Koji] Can you see? - [Garnt] Yeah, so the rice is boiling? - [Chef Koji] And then we have to squeeze a rice a little and lift. - [Garnt] Lift the headless fish. - Yes. Lift a little and then squeeze the rice beneath. Otherwise this part is going to be very stiff. We put hachimaki here. Wait 10 minutes. - Wait 10 minutes. Okay, easy. I dunno why the guys are complaining. This is easy. I don't know. It's been easy so far. Still somehow found a way to fuck it up, but see you in 10 minutes. (Garnt laughs) - When we both fileted the fish, I immed- - Which is so- - I immediately was like, I know which one is mine. - Even when he was de-boning it. Somehow he took the bones out without ripping the skin. He'd just like massage them out, like a pimple. It's like, what the fuck? Whereas I, when I pull, I went. Fucking ripping it all apart. I'm like, what the fuck's going on? - [Chef Koji] Yeah. Before turned off the fire... - Oh, we go full power. - Yes, three. - Oh, three seconds. - Yes, three second. - Oh, what does that do? - Yeah. So in Japan we think this last three seconds strong fire, how do you say, moisture away. - Oh, it'll put all the moisture away. Okay. Okay. I just wanna talk about this stand right now. This is a very fancy looking stand. - Yeah. All right, boys. You ready for the money shot? Wow. Look at that. Ooh, that smells really good. Something was beginning to worry me. This dish had already taken twice the amount of time as the other boys. And now Chef Koji was delicately taking his time de-boning this fish with chopsticks. So now we have to take off all the bones and the skin. I'm guessing it's gonna be the hardest part of the cook, right? - [Chef Koji] The meat along the cheek is very delicious. - [Garnt] So we put the meat there. - Take off the skin. - Okay. I'm gonna have to remember this exact order. Oh my God. Okay. I'm paying close attention. - It's easy. Just take off the skin. - Okay. Just take off the skin. So you must be very good with chopsticks to be able to do this with chopsticks. I'm getting pretty worried now. 'Cause this seems like a very delicate thing to do. (Garnt laughs) This is way more than we do in Thailand. In Thailand, if there's a bone in the fish, we're just like, all right, whatever. It's already in the fish. We'll find the bone when we start chewing on the food. I mean, he's making this look easy. I don't think it's gonna be that easy. - You mixing the fish and the rest together. Just keep on watching- - [Garnt] For bones. - Yes. - Let's have a taste. Oishฤซ. This is perfect. As a Thai person, I'm used to putting so many sauces and so many spices into my dish, but what I love about Japanese food is that the ingredients are so good, that you don't need to do much to it. Oh my God. That fish is amazing. That's all the dish, I suppose. I'm gonna hope I can recreate it as good on the Shokugeki, which I guess we're gonna be doing next. So see you guys then. - [Connor] Finally after waiting a millennia for Garnt to finish his dish, it was time to cook. - So we've all just finished our cooking lessons. And we're about to start the Shokugeki. - The food war is about to begin. - I'm gonna make everyone naked. Sorry to interrupt you, Joey. I just wanted them to put that out there. - So all three of us will be cooking our own dishes all at the same time, in like a battle royale type of thing. We have a one hour time limit it. - Whip me. I'm gonna still be here while these guys are serving food to the judges. How are you boys feeling? - Ready? Ready for my dab, you know. - Ready as I'll ever be I guess. - I'm trying to memorize all the steps, which it's not too many for me. So I'm wondering how you boys are feeling. - I'm gonna just, you know, like a monk, right? I'm gonna feel it out when I get there. I've forgotten everything. I'm just gonna go into Zen mode and just feel what the fish wants me to do. - I can see why you need Zen training as a Japanese chef here. You need that concentration and I'll say, I have the advantage. - May the best win and best, I mean me 'cause I'm on a one win streak right now. Let's keep it two. You know what I'm saying? Let's get two. - May the best chef win. Chef Monke, Chef Karen, let's do it. (intense music) - Quit your bitchin' 'cause I'm coming to the kitchen, baby. Woo! Kill me. - These boys think they know Hell? Nah, I'm gonna show them a real kitchen nightmare. - I'm here to serve up the competition. - [Joey] These were the steps that Chef Koji had taught the three of us to follow. With a time limit of one hour to follow everything we were taught, what could possibly go wrong? - Be gentlemen, be gentleman be civilized. You don't have to rush in the start. We'll get our fish. - Joey, Joey, Joey, what you got there? What the fuck is that? You guys call that a knife. That's a knife. - Classic lolly lover overcompensating. - [Announcer] Cooking starts in 3, 2, 1, go! - [Joey] All right, well I'm pretty easy. I'm right over here. - [Connor] Mine's pretty easy too. I'm just gonna- Oh my God, it's slippery. - Mine is not easy, so excuse me. So I am the first to the sink and I have the de-scaler. - [Joey] The cookoff had started, but I don't think the boys were prepared to see my first challenge. - [Connor] Is that alive? - [Joey] It is definitely alive. - [Connor] What the fuck is that? What is that? - [Garnt] Joey, what is that? Joey, that thing's alive. Joey, what the fuck is that? - [Joey] Mine's alive. All right. - We're about to witness fucking murder here on Trash Taste. - [Connor] Some of you may find the following scene disturbing so we've taken the liberty of censoring it for yous to make sure that YouTube doesn't destroy our channel. However, you can check out our Patreon if you'd like to witness this massacre caught in 4k. - What's going on? What! Oh, Jesus Christ. What the fu- Oh, Joey, stop! Joey, it's blood is everywhere, Joey. - [Joey] All right. Got it. - Stop, Joey. It's already dead. (Garnt laughs) - [Joey] Excuse me. - What the fuck. - [Joey] Okay. Excuse me. Coming through. - Oh, we can't air this. We can't air this. - While Joey was busy recreating a scene from Game of Thrones, I'd already forgotten my first steps. Oh, this is real tough. Oh no. What have I done? - [Joey] Well it was a- - This is not on the script. Oh shit. Nearly lost a thumb there. No worries. - I'm having a chill time over here. I'm just trying to, I just hope Joey has killed his fish ethnically. I think my guy's dead. I'd like to think my guy is dead. - [Garnt] Hopefully. - Yeah, hopefully. I mean, half his head is hanging off, so I feel like I just witnessed Attack on Titan in real life here. - Yeah, I think he's dead. Can you check if he's dead? - Dude, I'm not gonna- Look at his eyes! - I think I definitely cut in the wrong area. - All right. Let me just wipe that down. - I gotta pull it out first, haven't I? I'm doing all the things in the wrong order. That's a lot of blood there, Joey. - I know. I know. I gotta get rid of it. - [Garnt] Oh my God. Joey, as you can see, cleaning up the murder scene. - [Joey] Yeah. I mean I'm not quite done yet, actually. - [Connor] I think this fish is- - Okay. All right. There goes the head and now I believe I have to use this like euthanasia. - I've already started forgetting my steps. I- - All right. I think that is a mostly de-scaled fish. - Oh, that wa- That's no, no that's definitely not correct. Is it here? Is it here? Nope. Is it here? Whoa! It's definitely there, okay. - Joey, why the fuck are having Frankenstein's experiments over there? - I'm trying to euthanize it, hold on. - Is it not- What's going on- Why is that moving? - Hold on, I'm euthanizing it. Give me a second. All right. And rest in peace. All right. Got it. - [Garnt] Fucking just reanimating the dead here. - It's all right. This thing is gonna be delicious. Mark my words. - [Garnt] It better be. - Oh, I think I've done a few errors here, boys, but should be fine. - [Joey] Connor wasn't the only one though, as it seems like everything we were shown had completely gone out the window. Yeah. I've definitely done an error. It's not supposed to be this bloody. There's something I have to pull out here. I remember. - How do I get out the gills again? I completely forgot. Do I just fucking rip them out? I actually cannot remember. Gills, gills. That's it, gills. - I guess that's it. I've definitely done this wrong. - [Garnt] Chef Koji had taken the time to show us how to make the cleanest cuts, but our fish was the furthest thing from that. - It's like a fucking crime scene. Boys, this is very not as I remember. - Jack the Ripper's crying right now. Look at that. - I'm getting in touch with my local hero, Jack the Ripper. And I'm remembering what he taught. - Did I just cut the g- Oh, that's leaking. That's leaking. - [Connor] Okay, okay. That's still going. - [Garnt] Oh my God. The gut juice. - Wait, I don't think this is what I was supposed to do. - [Garnt] Oh my God. I did not. - I don't think this is what I was supposed to do. - [Connor] Wait, was I meant to cut the guts out? Or was I just meant to rip it out? - [Garnt] Oh, okay. Let's just- - I totally forgot. - [Garnt] Was I meant to c- - [Connor] I'm really lost, boys. - [Joey] Yeah. - Boys, I dunno how you're feeling, but I feel like this is not what I'm meant to be doing. No, definitely not. - How are you guys not freaking out? - Huh? - How are you guys not freaking out more? - [Joey] I'm kind of just half giving up. Not gonna lie. - This is so difficult now. I genuinely forgot how I fucked this up so much. - [Joey] Hold on. I gotta clean this out more. - I feel like I got a bit of stomach juice on my fish and I don't know if that was salvageable because I completely burst the intestines. - This top layer should not be here. It should just come and cut off, but- Hold on, I'm gonna try and get my knife in there. Oh no. I'm missing out a lot of the meat. Hold on, hold on. Hold on. Chotto matte please. - Bones galore. It's fine. It's fine. Victor looks so concerned. He's like, what the fuck is Connor doing over there? Good fish, that. That's a good fish. You know how? It slaps back. - What did you say, Connor? - It slaps back. That's how you know it's a good fish. This is not what I did before. - This is definitely not what I did before. - What did I do before? Fucking start stabbing the shit out of this fish. - [Connor] Fuck's sake, it's so slimey! - Got it. There's so much meat left over. Fuck my life. Dude, Garnt's like fucking doing a Henry VIII over here on his fish filet. - The fuck are you doing there, Garnt mate, why are you impaling that shit? - I gotta impale it, okay? It needs to be impaled. In times of stress, I had only one thing I could turn to. Making Fate references. To my fellow Fate fans, you know- - Shut the fuck up. - You know that scene in Fate/Apocrypha where Vlad just uses noble phantasm? This is it. This is what I'm doing right now. You guys know what I mean, right? - [Joey] Yeah. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. - I feel like I've missed five crucial steps, but we're still carrying on anyway. - Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. This might be a success. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on, boys. Hold on. This is looking good. This is looking good. This is looking good. - Gills gone, blood sack gone, intestines gone. - Is it supposed to come in parts like that? - You know what? I'm gonna wash it again just in case. I'm gonna wash it again. A fish could never be too clean, right? - Fish could never be too clean, mate, it's gonna be a scale when you're done with it. - Look, all I'm saying is fishes live in water. So therefore, they could never be too clean. - I swear when I was like practicing with the chef, this thing could cut the air. - [Connor] It could sense his presence. - You could cut the air with this, and then suddenly it's in my hands and it's turned into a metal stick. Like I can't get through this fucking fish. - Just listen to Gordon Ramsey. Let the knife do the work. You know, just let the knife do the work. - Just let the knife do the work. - Let knife do the work. Where the fuck is the kitchen foil? I tried to do a clean cut. This is the cleanest I could get. And like- Connor, look at yours. - That one's fine. - That one's the fine one? - This is the fine one. - [Joey] Look at my one. - [Connor] What? Is that bad or good? - [Joey] It's shit. - [Connor] Where's the meat? - [Joey] It's here. - [Connor] That's the meat? - [Joey] Supposedly. - There's no meat there, Joey mate. - Okay. Shit, how high is this flame meant to be? It was halfway. And now I wait around 10 minutes, I think. - [Connor] It seemed like Garnt had a bit of free time on his hands. A bit too much because he started talking shit about my amazing cooking. - [Garnt] Connor. - Don't think I was supposed to waste this much. - Connor, what's the wor- What is that? Connor, that's wasted meat. - That's the spine, man. You want it? - [Garnt] No. Well then fuck off then. Shut up. - [Garnt] You know this is like good ingredients, right now? This is- - I know this is good ingredients, Garnt. That's why I'm fucking it up. Oh, fuck my life. That should have come off earlier. - Ow, ow. Ow, okay. I hope my fish is being grilled all right. - I think it's this part here that I'm supposed to cut off. So I'm gonna do that. - Surely I can't fuck up just a simple grilled fish, right? Surely. I'll be pretty embarrassed if I did. - Keep it clean. It's not clean. Nothing about this is clean. - I can see the slight stain of blood. - Yeah, nothing about this is clean. - [Garnt] How much meat have you wasted, Connor? - [Connor] Not much at all. Why? Absolutely nothing, mate. - Looks like a very anorexic fish. - Shut the fuck up, Garnt. Shut the fuck up. I'm fighting for my life just to get these bones out, bro. - Why is this fish two different colors? This came from the same fish. That's not right. - Cook, cook. - [Joey] It looks so nice. - [Connor] That doesn't. - I've never been so stressed watching fire in my life. Normally I love watching fire. Fire's great. But now I'm seeing that the fire is not cooking this fish fast enough. - Why is Garnt so damn loud, Garnt, I'm trying to focus. - [Joey] Finally, though, it seems like I had found some order in the chaos. - [Garnt] What are you doing? What are you doing, Connor. - Having everything go well for me, Garnt. That's exactly what I'm doing. I'm just frying the fish a little bit. - Is the meat meant to be that- - Check this shit out, boys. Check this shit out! - Yes. - Check this shit out. I am skinning this like a motherfucker right now. Look at that. - [Garnt] Are you letting the knife do the work? - I'm letting the knife do the work, baby. - Fucks sake, I just pulled the bone out and it ripped all the skin. (Garnt laughs) - Okay, that was clean. Look at that. That's clean. That's a clean skin right there. - [Connor] I was still also making an absolute mess of things, but Garnt also had his own problems to worry about. - So while that fish is waiting, let me prepare the rice. - And cut this part off. Okay, now it looks like the same fish. I've managed to salvage this. - All right. How many cups of rice? Three cups of rice. - Oh, Garnt gets a fucking easy job. He just has to make rice. - Okay, put it in the rice cooker, Garnt. - [Joey] Yeah, put it in the rice cooker. So much skill. - I know, right? Look at you guys. - [Joey] Talking a lot of shit for someone who just made rice and skewered a fish. - Hey, making rice is a hard job. - I'm sorry, did you take a life today? - Just ask Jamie Oliver. - Did you take a life today? - No, Joey. - Did you steal a life from an innocent animal today? - Murder isn't on my hands, Joey. There is no blood on my hands. I'm sorry. - Well, there is blood on my hands. I'm gonna go wash it off. - How long does it take to cook rice? What this is gonna mean is I'm gonna have to speed-run the bone taking out process. I don't feel like my time's being optimally utilized here. Meanwhile, the judges were cautiously optimistic about what we were cooking up. - What's been your tactic, Meilyne. Are you going into this tasting hungry in order to get more excited about the food or have you already eaten because you are so confident that what we're about to try is inedible. - Well, at first I was gonna go into this hungry, but I think because we were running behind schedule, I was getting so hungry. I had a sandwich. Yeah. But I only had like two bites of that sandwich. I don't know. How about you guys? - Well, I don't know. Originally I just thought, well, this is going to be, you know, my meal, but then I was hearing such negative conversation. - [Garnt] I had no nothing to worry about though. 'cause I was doing a great job. (aluminum clatters) My bad. - That's why I'm nervous. That's why I'm so nervous. - Right on cue almost as if we- I can assure viewers out there that that was not planned at all. - [Garnt] I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. - What is this man doing? What does this clown doing in here? - I think someone cut themselves. - I'm good, don't worry about it. - There's no extra human flavor in it, right? - Bro, he's trying to get that human blood taste to it. - How was it teaching the three of them? - They haven't got any experience of cooking. So I was so anxious about it, but after I tried it, I found that they're so nice guy. They listen to my explanation and they try to understand. And also they have learned from a lot of cooking things from the YouTube. - Right. YouTube. YouTube. - I think they will manage. - Oh, that's a lot of meat that's coming off this fish, you know what? I don't have time to worry about that. - Who was the best in the kitchen when it came to handling the tools? - Three of them are the completely the same level. - Not one is better than the other. That's interesting. - Oh shit. I think all the- Shit, that's a lot of- You know what, the meat can go in. - That's a lot of damage. - Are you all right there, Garnt? - No, I'm not all right. - Oh I love that dish that you're making. I actually really like that. I've had that before. Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. Thai-meshi? - Yeah. It's really fucking good. - [Joey] Yeah, Thai-meshi's really good. That's a shit one as well. All right. Struggling again. Okay, fuck that. Two and a half. - Should be good. Not stopping at breaking the kitchen, Garnt was also trying to hog the grill. - And now I just fucking cook this. - All right, now that we're basically done, just gotta fry that. Oh Garnt, I need to use that as well. How long is that gonna take? - [Garnt] A long time. - Are you serious? What the fuck am I supposed to use? - There's another one there, there's another one there. - You can't use that one? I think I have to use that one. It's tied- - You have to use this one? - Yeah. 'Cause I'm using the deep fat fryer oil. So there's no way you can go on that with the cage. - [Garnt] We're gonna have to take the cage off. Hold on. I don't need to use the cage anymore. - This feels like an oversight. We should have had two stoves. - Well that sounds like your guys' fucking problemo. - [Connor] Why's there bricks next to it? That's not good. - [Garnt] That's for the grill. - Okay. How do I turn it on? How do you ignite it? Oh, all the way. - So what are you making? Tempura? - Tempura? - [Garnt] You're deep frying it. - Yeah. You don't deep fry tempura. What are you on about, mate? Batter that nicely. Fuck it up. Get it all nice and battered. - I think my rice is still gonna be cooking by the time that it's over. - It's good for you, innit? Shoulda thought about that. - Sounds like your problem, mate. - While the boys were still stressing out over who was going to get the grill, I was already putting on my finishing touches to the dish. - I'm almost done. - Seriously? - You're almost done? - All right. Where is the, Excuse me. Outta the way. - [Garnt] I dunno what you're in a rush for, Joey. You're almost done. - He's got no worries in the world. - I gotta add my own spin to it, right? Yeah. - [Connor] What's that? - By shitting all over it. - I'm gonna have about five minutes to de-bone this fish. - Sounds like a you problem, Garnt. - That does sound like a you problem, Garnt. - What are they doing? I just hear noise and things dropping on the ground. - Yeah. There's some dropping. There's been some abuse of each other as well. - Aggressive words. - Some aggressive words. Some flowery language. Let's see what comes out though. 20 minutes to go. Very exciting. - Look at that nice sweat. Look at that. That's some nice seasoning for Meilyne though. - That's disgusting. He's vile. Garnt's vile, mate. - [Garnt] It is- That is not ready. - I love this fish. It's good stuff, eh? - [Garnt] Yeah, It is good stuff. - I'm doing our little improv right here. Gonna put some twisted devil's horns on it. - So I'm gonna be frying this. Gonna make a really nice effect when I'm gonna be frying. I'll show you. You get a little masterclass of sorts. Welcome the Connor's Kitchen, lads. Step one, don't burn down the house. - Good advice. All right. Big stop. - [Connor] Oh wow. Joey's done? All right. Go take it over, Joey. - Hey, Joey. What's that? What's that, Joey? What's that? - Just throw it in my mouth. - Oh, what the fuck? He's Japanese. All right, Garnt, you wanna watch this? Gonna grab it as so. First time. Easy. - Put that there for now. And then we're gonna hope this- Where the fuck do I put this? - [Joey] This was it, I had finished my dish and it was finally time to show the judges. To say I was nervous is a bit of an understatement. (Joey speaks Japanese) - [Chef Mac] Amazing. - [Joey] The devil's flounder. - [Judges] Whoa. - So the motif for this dish is that I have used the twisty carrots as a little devil horns, little radish devil in the middle. - You seem so nervous. - I'm sweating my ass off right now. - Wait, doesn't that mean there's extra flavor? - There is extra flavor. - Oh no! Why am I so nervous? Why am I so nervous? - I never imagined that you are going to use these twisted carrot just like as a... - As a horn? This is the first time Meilyne is ever having anything I prepared. - [Connor] Oh, it's boiling everywhere. - So why don't you just put it in straight away? - I dunno. It's what the chef did. That's what he told me to do. - Is that boiling? That's almost bubbling. - What are the odds of a grease fire? - Please don't set anything on fire, Connor. - I'm trying my hardest, mate. I'm trying my hardest over here. This is really hot now. This is really- Oh Lord! - Oh! - I know Meilynese. That's a good oh. - Maybe it's a bit thick. It's a bit much to chew, but it's actually good 'cause I like chewing on things. I feel like the more I chew something, it slowly releases other flavors in my mouth. So I like chewing on things so it's good, but wow. - That's a somewhat positive review from Meilyne. - While Joey was impressing, I still had to find a way past my biggest obstacle, the laws of physics. All right. Now I gotta wait 10 minutes for this rice to cook. Maybe if I turn up the heat a little bit, just a little bit. - How much more have you burned up the heat, Garnt? - All the finesse in my dish is just gone because I don't have time to finesse this dish. - I've never been more nervous in my life. - You are amazing. I never expected you can do this. - I think by the time I take this dish off, Connor's already gonna be finished. - This looks beautiful, gentlemen. I've got to say, this just looks fantastic. - Let's see what all this fuss is about. - Honestly, the acceptance from Koji feels better than any acceptance I've ever had from my parents. I'm just saying that right now. No offense, parents. - Umai! - That was very Japanese TV of you. - I'm auditioning for a role. Fuji television, if you're watching. In terms of what Koji's taught you, I think you've done a pretty good job. I mean, practice makes perfect. The things you would have to work on over time, I think is cutting that fish, you know, with the grain. Meilyne, you commented on the chewiness. You need a balance between, you know, making it chewy, but also making it light. That takes years to master. I mean, to be honest, I'm disappointed you didn't master it in the hour that you had been given. - Jesus. High expectations. - But pretty good job. - Oh shit. I forgot a step. I just remembered he put the towel over it to make it go faster. That and chop sticks. Just making sure everything's prepared for my speed run. This de-boning that we're about to do. I gotta wait another five minutes. I just- Oh God. I'm not gonna make it in time. I already know. I'm not gonna make it in time. - I'm going to give this eight out of 10. - Okay. - Joey, I think you've done a fantastic job. Really love the presentation. For me to score you higher, I would have liked to have seen a little bit more care taken on the cutting of the fish. But other than that, it's a fantastic job given it's your first time making flounder sashimi. Which is a very hard type of sashimi to make. So congratulations. - Thank you, all right, Meilyne. I promise I won't hate you no matter what score you give me. - I hope they take their time. So Connor can present his dish and while they're judging Connor's dish, I could still finish my dish. So guys take your time. No worries about it. - Something that was a little off-putting for me, despite it being very delicious and very cute from afar, where there are some remnants of scales. If I were to order this at a restaurant, and then I see a scale or I happen to get a piece of the scale on the fish and then I feel it in my mouth, I would be like, oh, that's a little fishy. 'Cause I know scales are kind of fishy and they just ruin the flavor right away. I happened to actually grab a piece that didn't have the scales. So the only issue was yeah, the thickness and probably the way it looks on the plate. It's kind of what do you call? Not cleanly cut, but it tasted really great. Gosh, what should I give it? - I'm not gonna say anything. Just what do you think? - Seven. Seven. - We take those. We take those. - We'll put it on there. Time to fucking speed run de-boning this. - Jesus Christ, this man's got a Donkey Kong crate for his food. - Honestly speaking, I've would like to give you 10. - 10! - I want. - Oh, you want to. I was gonna say. Jesus Christ. - Because this is your first time. So probably one of the most difficult part in making sashimi is take off the skin. How did you do that? - It's funny, 'cause the skin taking part was the only part I did perfectly. Like I don't know why. I think I'm really good at taking off the skin because that was the only part where I just went and it was perfect. Yeah. I dunno how I did it either, but I did it. I give you 10. - Yes. Hell yeah. - Because of course the thin sliced sashimi is really good. I found this thickness was very good. Maybe I should try this thickness because the chewing is really good. And also know from the point of view from the chef, the big concern about this sashimi was take off the skin, So he managed it. - After I finally managed to get Garnt off of the grill and complete my dish, it was time for my judging. And to say that I was not confident would be a lie because I was extremely confident that I would win. Garnt, what do you think of my dish before I go and send it off? - It's great, Connor, it's great. - Fantastic. That's what I love to hear. - Thank you guys. Oh my God, dude. I'm so fucking proud of myself for that. - They're fucking clapping? They Clap? Well, they'll be cheering when I come out. - I just managed to get a 25 outta 30. So let's see. Oh, I think Connor's ready. So let's move on to Connor's dish. - Joey got 25 out of 30 points? Fuck man. - Bon appรฉtit, gentlemen. It's gonna be nice. Right? Here's my dish. I don't know how good it is. We'll find out. - [Garnt] How much time is there? - [Meilyne] Why is it so scary actually? - [Connor] Because it looks like teeth. - I'm looking forward to trying this one. - Looks amazing. - Let's rewind back because while Connor was being judged, I had to de-bone my fish and make it presentable. It took a Michelin-starred chef about 15 minutes to do what I had to do in three minutes. How am I gonna de-bone this? I've gotta figure out a way to de-bone this as quickly as possible. - All right. Itadakimasu! Ooh. Smells good. - Yes. All right. - This is killer. I wasn't nervous, but now I'm nervous. - I want to hate it, but it's good. Yes, Meilyne likes it. - [Announcer] 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Time. - I've completely ruined this dish. I'm done. I'm done. - Garnt's outta time. - This tilefish, amadai, is another fish that can be tough to work with. When you're creating this kind of fried version of it, it can be tough to get the balance between the delicious oiliness, the reason why we love fried food, but then not, you know, overly do it, but I'm very impressed. I will say surprisingly impressed. - I got a 10 from the sensei himself. So hey, win or lose, I feel good. I'm more confident in the kitchen now for sure. - This is a complete disaster. I'm sorry, chef. I'm so sorry. - I think the taste was great. Very heavy though, definitely on the oily side, but probably because it's very difficult to get the balance. Me personally, I have like a phobia of scales. - I've been set up. - The last moment when I closed my eyes, just don't think about the scales. The textures were just amazing. The piece that I got had a lot of scales, but that felt very nice. The texture's very great. Just the bottom bit was a little undercooked, but the top, if you focus on the crunch, you kind of forget that it's kind of still soft at the bottom. The flavor, amazing. A little oily. Presentation was awful. It was just like he fried things and threw it on there. So I felt like there's no care at all. I'm trying to pick the parts of the rice that don't have bones and the skin in it 'cause I know that's bad. - Actually. Just Meilyne said, it's a little bit oily. This deep fried fish is going to make oil a little bit worse quickly because it contains a lot of water. The water is going to make oil worse. - Right? Okay. Gotta be careful. - Okay. - [Announcer] If you want up visual points, that red tray looks... - Okay, I'll up the visual points. - What about those all important scores? Let's start with Koji-san. How are you gonna rate this? - I would like to score this 10, but - No! - Maybe nine. - Okay. I'll take it. That's good. That's great. I mean, I'm happy with that. - I find little bone. This is only reason why. - I deserve that. I deserve that. Thank you. - Okay. Before Connor goes into a deep bow of apology for his bone, Meilyne. - I would say taste was a 10. The feeling it left me, a four. I didn't like the way the oil felt. Presentation was quite terrible, but the taste was so there. - Who has the harshest rules in terms of judges? - Meilyne. - Of course. - But gosh. Ah, what do I wanna give it? - Be honest, Meilyne. - Six? Seven? Six? Can we do a decimal please? - No, no. Round up, round up. - Round down. - Round up or down. - I don't know. You didn't put enough thought into the plating. - There's not much I can do really, it's just four pieces of fish. - He's giving you attitude. - Okay, six. Seven - Just give it a six. - [Meilyne] Six. I'm sorry. - It's seven. It's a seven. It's a- - I'm not looking forward to presenting my dish. - I also agree it was a little bit oily, but hearing chef Koji's explanation that you reused the same oil from before. That's put you at a disadvantage. So I can't mark you down for that. Instead, I can judge you based on the ingredients you had to work with. I think you've done a fantastic job. So actually I'm gonna give you eight out of 10. - Okay. Thank you very much. I think that what does that put me at? 23? - Finally. My time had come. I just had to hope that my disaster was successfully covered up. - It's just rice? - It's Thai-meshi. - Oh. Ooh! - All right. - I was mostly watching these guys cook and I had very little time to prepare the dish in the time given. I hope I didn't miss any bones. - All right. Itadakimasu. Oh. - This is a way more nerve wracking than I thought it was gonna be. - Got a layer of oil on my face that I can't get off. - I just took a bite of Connor's thing and my lips are fucking oily as shit now. - Are we allowed to comment? Now? - Oh my Go- That's not good sign. - I'm getting a strange texture. - Meilyne, do you think the rice is undercooked? - Or it's not the texture I like, but the flavors are really good. - She's gonna be nice. She likes Garnt. - I wanna leave right now. - Garnt's her favorite child. - Koji, while Meilyn's composing herself for the Judgment of Paris here, what do you think? - They amaze me again. You tried to pick up the bone as much as you can. I can feel your, you know, courage. - Oh my God. My heart's beating so fast now. - Every single dish is so amazing. So that's why my judgment is always too positive. - No, it's a good job. We've got good cop here, bad cop in the middle. - Meilyne is so harsh. - For me, Garnt, It was tough for you because this is actually one of my favorite things to eat ever. You know, I've eaten this many times at Koji's former restaurant Yotaro, and now in his current home, Hinokicho Lab, I will travel a long way for this incredible dish, this Thai-meshi. And I think- - It's shit. Say it's shit. - Think you've done a pretty good job. - Thank you very much. - You should be very proud of yourself. - Proud of yourself? Fuck you. - I'm wondering if some of that texture that Meilyne isn't liking is just that the rice is a little bit too al-dente maybe. - Al-dente! - Basically after boiling the soup stock, we have to turn the light down, wait for 10 minutes. After that, we turn off the fire. And then we have to wait another 10 minutes. So this is the basic rule, but he hasn't got the time. - No, I know. So that's why, Meilyne, you're right. So this is a little bit stiff, but because of that process, he cannot manage it. - So if he had maybe 10 more minutes, maybe? - Yes. - I bet meilyne's gonna be like, well hearing that, I have to give you a 10. It's like fuck off, Meilyne. You fucking love him. - Before Meilyne says her judgment, I'm just so pleased with the wonderful feedback from the two chefs right now. I can't really describe this feeling right now. - I just hope Garnt's does worse than me. It's not fair that I lost. I did the best. - This is like when my parents praised me almost, I know exactly how Joey feels now. - He went overtime, so he should be penalized for it. - I was looking at Koji and Mac's bowl and I guess all the grains of rice were put in the middle nicely. Mine were just like- It's like you took the paddle or something and you were like this. So I felt like you were in a rush in a lunch kitchen or something. Hurry up and serve the food. Is that how it was? No? It was an accident. Flavor was really- Flavor was really good. There was one bone. Presentation was not good. - Just say if you liked the fish. - And it was undercooked. Maybe... Sorry, Garnt. It's a six. - That was a six? That was a six? I'm happy. I'll take the six. - Don't you mean a four? At least that was a four expression, Meilyne, what are you on about? - The flavors were really good. I'm sure it would've been fixed if you cooked it just a little more. - Do everything perfect. She just doesn't like the food. 'Cause that's her taste. I get a six, seven, sorry. - Garnt is her favorite child after all. You never stood a chance. - I was expecting a lot worse. I'll take a six. - You're kidding me. This is so biased. What the fuck? The difference in criticism to the score is shocking. What? I can't believe this. This is so stupid. - You got a six too! - Literally Meilyne's criticism is like, it's not cooked. It looks shit. Everything's awful. Six, same as Connor's. What? - Connor's just being salty again. As usual. - Unlike Meilyne, I don't poopoo everything the minute I eat it, it normally takes a few hours. So for me, you are doing well. You were almost on track for a nine until that last mouthful that I took because I was loving it so much, had a fairly sizeable bone in it. - Oh no. - I'm gonna have to give you in line with the other guys and score you an eight, which you should be pretty proud of. - Thank you very much. You're too kind. - Koji-san? - Okay. - If he gives him a ten, I'm gonna scream. - The texture is really good. You told me your mother taught you... You know? Yeah. - The finger thing. - The finger trick, yeah. - Bringing out the mom story. Bring out the mom's story line. How much is- I didn't have that. That's not fair. - I can't believe he's playing with his emotions to get points. - Thank you, mom. Oh my God. Mom, you saved me today. - So I would like to give you 10, but- - Bone. - I found a bone. So I'm gonna give you nine. - You very much. Arigato itadakimasu. - Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? - [Garnt] So what is that? - Eight, six. And nine. 23. - That means I won. Let's go. - Congratulations anyway. Great - You know what? Considering what I thought I would get once I walked up here, I will take the 23. - Hey it's all right, Garnt, you tied with Connor. - Absolute joke. - Come here. Come here, Connor come- - [Connor] No, I don't wanna see you. - My fellow man. - How much you pay Meilyne? Huh? How much did you pay Meilyne, huh? Fuck off. - Well guys, looks like I came out on top today. The guy with the least amount of experience behind a kitchen is the winner. Let's go. - I've come up with a few excuses. First of all, I think the fact that you went went first, you get all the tens, all the nines. And then they they're like, oh, we've gotta scale it back. - You guys should have probably hurried up then. - I'm sorry I can't change the laws of physics, Joey. - Hey, at least I didn't come with a fucking, my mom taught me cooking sob story. - Yeah, what's this fucking sob story you're pulling out of the air, what is this shit. - Look, I'm just happy I didn't come last. - I should've told that story actually, how I saved that orphan who had cancer with this fish. I think that I would've got the ten. - You know how reality TV was, you obviously should have done this before. - That was 23, 25, 23. - How? I mean, listening to both of the criticisms that Meilyne gave, there was a stark difference in what was being said. - Absolutely, this sounded like a seven and this sounded like a two. - And what Meilyne's only excuse she had that she didn't like it, he made a good reason as to why. What's up with that? I got cocked. See what I said right from the start. - Look, I don't make the rules of the game. I just play it. Connor can continue being salty as he always is, but you know what can I say? - Look, it doesn't matter. I came out on top. I got the W and that's all that matters. (dramatic music) - [Joey] Whoa, what's that? - [Connor] What is this? - [Off-Camera Person] That's especially prepared for the loser, but since we have two losers for this competition. - Well, I'm not the loser, so I'm gonna just hang back and enjoy the show. - So I'm being made to suffer again by Meilyne. This is an atrocity. - Why don't you two close your eyes so that you don't see it. I'm gonna figure out what it is. (Joey laughs) - Let me guess, it's the dangerous puffer fish that kills you. - [Garnt] If this is another bug, I'm going to just leave right now. - All right, I'm gonna put in your hand. you got it? - Do I touch it? - Is it alive? - No. All right, boys ready? - [Garnt And Connor] Yes. - You're just gonna take one big bite, all right? Just put it in your mouth in 3, 2, 1. - It's not bad. - No, I don't like it. - That's pretty good. - What the fuck. - Not bad. Tastes like... Bit burned, bit salty. - I've lived in Japan for long enough to know that it hopefully won't surprise me what it is. - Okay, what is it? - What is the- - [Meilyne] What did you think it is? - Tarantula. (everyone laughs) - [Connor] You're kidding me. - That was tarantula? - Why does it taste good? I'm so glad. I didn't see it. - I- Wait, what did it look like? - It looked like- The moment he cut it in half, it was just like three hairy legs just came out. - Why didn't it taste like a spider should taste? - I don't know. - I feel like if you guys actually saw it, you would've shit yourselves. - You know what? I fuck with it. I fuck with Tarula. - Whoa! - What the fuck. That's what I just ate? - That's what you just ate. Look at that. - Did you cook it? Or just put it in? - He literally just put it in. - This a normal dish? - No, I've never tried. - What? (Garnt and Connor laugh) - So it could have been awful. - You know what? That was probably the best forfeit I've done on Trash Taste. - Ingredients: tarantula, salt. (everyone laughs) - So apparently tarantula just tastes like burnt wood. - But of course we could do this special thanks to our wonderful teachers, the lovely chefs, Koji and Mac. Come on in here. - Awesome. - Thank you so much. Honestly, they're the real MVPs for the special. I guess Joey is now retired as a YouTuber. Bye bye anime, Michelin-starred chef here he comes. - Right? I guess we haven't got anything else to say. I mean, back to the studio, I guess. - Back to the studio. - Bye! - Well, boys, I finally got my dump. - What a load of bullshit. - I finally got my dump. - What a load of bullshit. - God, Garnt, I didn't know protagonists felt this good. - Oh my God. This is obviously just your Japanese cheating blood just like giving you the W. - I've gone from side characters to protagonist just for today. - All I will say is I think Meilyn's got the wrong job working here at GeeXPlus, but she would have an amazing time working at IGN. - No... Yeah, I think so. Or- - She really did pull like a 7.8 outta 10, too much water shit on you. Even I was watching on the sideline. I'm like, oh, that's harsh. - You know, if you actually check Meilyn's LinkedIn now, it actually show you that she worked at a bullshit farm because that was a load of shit. I can't believe that, man, but I'm actually- It's like two months later since it happened. And I'm still angry about it. - The one thing though, I am a little bit sad about is the fact that even though I did get the dub, like you can't even see half my process. - No, I'm just ex- I'm just like happy that I didn't become full last, you know, because I just had zero time to work with. And that was probably the most stressful five minutes of this, of my life. Trying to de-bone this fish. - All I'm glad is that no one actually cut their fingers or anything like that. Like no blood that wasn't fish blood was spilled. - I was gonna say, I was say. - Blood was definitely spilled. - There was fish blood that spilled, but no human blood. Thank God. I feel like we'd like murdered half of the Amazon rainforest doing this as well. Like tarantulas, fish, like the entire wildlife's gone. - I'm telling you, I can't watch finding Nemo again. You know, I can't do that, man. I can't do that anymore. - Without licking my lips. (Garnt laughs) - That dentist scene could have been a lot darker. Also that tarantula actually didn't taste that bad maybe 'cause he presented it too well. - Yeah. He well, like I saw him preparing it and before he threw it into the bed of rice, I was like, oh man, the boys are not gonna enjoy this. But then it came out looking like something I would pay like $5.50 for in a bar, right? - Yeah. It was pretty damn delicious. - This is how like dogs feel when they get medicine. Right? I couldn't even taste it. If you'd asked me what it was- - Just mix in. - I would've been like, I dunno what its I'll take the big pill. - I was eating it. I was like, when when's the forfeit begin? When's the forfeit? - I was waiting for some gushing or something. It was just like- - I was expecting a gushing, but I guess, I don't know. There's the Michelin star show for you. - He cooked it too good. - He did. - We should have got like someone else- - Yeah, I should have cooked it. - Air fry, yeah. - You should have cooked it, Joey. - But who do you think won and why is it me and why is me? And why is Meilyne a terrible judge and I'm never gonna let her forget it. - I do like the fact though that before we even conceptualized this food special that a lot of people were like, man, I really want Trash Taste to do like a food special. And the entire time we were editing and forming this, we were like fuck, how did they know? (Garnt and Joey laugh) I was like going through past episodes being like, did we leave hints? No, we definitely didn't leave hints. People just know. - It was inevitable. Like with how much we talk about food. We know that you guys would want to judge our cooking skills. Now it's on full display. - Yeah, so hopefully you guys enjoyed it. - Hopefully if we do this again in future, we should all do the same dish. - Oh yeah. That would be interesting. - You know what? I would like to make my own dish. Because fuck trying follow- - That sounds like a terrible idea. That sounds like an amazing idea. - So I can prove myself that I'm a better cook because I didn't have enough time to cook my dish. Okay. That was- - You did get fucked over, yeah. The protagonist powers did not favor you today, Garnt. - I lost by technicality. It was literally impossible to cook my dish in the time that I had. - Sucks to be you. Again, guys, hopefully you enjoyed this special and if you'd like to support future trash day specials, because there's a lot more where that came from, then make sure to go over to our Patreon, patreon.com/TrashTaste. - And that was it. We'll see you guys next time. - [Hosts] Bye!
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 2,240,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast, Cooking, Special, Japanese, Food, Trash Taste Sepcial, Cooking Special, Iron Chef, Trash Taste Cooking Special
Id: sxT3do4Wn0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 11sec (4571 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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