Roasting our Terrible Taste in Games | Trash Taste #45

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I like everything from comics anime and sonic

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/darksaiyan1234 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- The amounts of blisters. I've gotten from Mario Party, man. - This one right? - My god, whoever designed the like- - Sick fuck, sick fuck. - Like he just hated humanity. He woke up and he chose violence. (gentle hiphop music) Gamers, welcome to this very special episode of Trash Taste. I'm your host for today, gamer, and with me is gamers and gamers. (laughs) How are you doing gamers? - It wasn't that funny, I mean seriously, Garnt says gamer, Man loses it. - It just was the most forceful, gamers, that I've ever. I was like oh shit. As a gamer I was not prepared for that. - As a gamer you're not prepared. - So we all play video games. We're gamers, right? So I thought today that we could talk about, our tastes in gaming, because I think we, we've spoke about what we like to play, and, and all that, but we haven't actually sat down, and reviewed each other's gaming, - Properly talked about it. - Or at least tell each other our gaming tastes. - We've had like the anime episode, where we've properly broken down our anime taste. Even though we've talked about anime before, and we're going to be doing something similar today. So we have made three, three by threes for our games. We don't, unfortunately we don't have a, my gaming list, which probably would have made it, - Why is that not a thing? - I don't know? - That should be a thing. Oh I'm sure there's like an equivalent of it. - I'm sure there's a thing of that, but it's just not, I don't know. It's just not as prevalent in the gaming community, I feel. - I guess it's because it takes longer to finish a game, than to finish an anime. - And it, I'm going to be honest. It made this a lot harder, 'cause I couldn't remember like most of the games I play- - Garnt literally can't remember. - Garnt's not a gamer. It's just proven. - (laughs) Like I'm not looking forward to this episode, because I'm probably going to have the most, boring gaming tastes, out of everyone. - Look Garnt's literally be like, the top selling games of all time. That's it. - Wii Sports nine times. (laughs) - Tetris, Wii Sports. - Like for me, we were making a three by threes at the same time, and they used to finish within 10 minutes, and I, after about half an hour, I made six, and I'm just like are there nine games I really care about? I don't fucking know. - Have I even finished nine games in my life? - Is there nine games I care about? What, what are you, a person in a retirement home, like. - There's more than nine games. - No, I have games that I played that I enjoyed, but like games that like really meant something to me, or games like I think back and have like a positive, memory of. - What, what? You just think like I hated it. - Every game I've played. - This is the 50th time, this has happened now, where I didn't enjoy it. - There were just so many games where I'm just like, yeah that was a game I played. I enjoy- - Mother, Father, please stop giving me shitty games. I don't want to play any shitty games. - I enjoyed my time with it. I dunno. - I'm excited for this one. Cause I feel that, you know, with anime, you guys are like definitely the resident experts, right? I feel like gaming this is like, this is. - This is your time to shine. - This is my time. - The reverse, the roles have been reversed. - I mean, look if there's anything we know about, the gaming community is that they love, to shit on other people's opinions, all right. It's like, I feel like, regardless of what we put on here, there's going to be at least one person being like amateur, fucking normies right here. - Oh, definitely, definitely. - I mean depends, you know- - I mean I'm fully prepared for I'm fully, I fully realize I'm a normie when it comes to games so, I'm okay with that, to be honest. - No, you think you're a normie? I think I am the most normie gamer, of all time. - The Normie Lords. - Considering the list of games, that I've actually completed is like, I can probably count on my hands. - Wait, why, why do you not complete games? - I don't go, I find it super, super hard to complete games. - It needs to be like a really good game. - No, no, that's the thing, that's the thing. Most of the game, like, because I tried to find the criteria of like, what I would put on my list, right? And for anime, it was anime that I have at least re watched once. For gaming I was just like, if I complete that, if I complete the game, then that's like a fucking STA game in my eyes. Because if it's, if, if I get to the end of the game, it must be a truly special game, - Imagine if people did this for like movies. They're like its a good movie, if I get to the end. Like normally, I log off. - Yeah, 10 out of 10, - It's like reading an IGN review being like, "I finished it nine out of 10," - Because like, for me, for me, like the most, most of, most games I get to that 70% mark of completion, right? And at the 70% Mark, it's like, you've discovered most of the things, the game can do for you. And like you've unlocked most of the abilities- - I dunno, there's some games they're like, they literally don't end until they end, like. - Like which games? - I dunno. - Any on your list, or just any? - Some of my games? Yeah, actually. - You talking about like, like online games? - Well if you're doing story games, you know, obviously you can't just quit 70% of the way and be like, I've seen the story. - I mean, like there are- - I mean, you'd be surprised. - You'd be surprised. - I mean JRP, that's not a story, that's, that's a fucking dictionary. You know unusual knowledge. - Right. - And that's why I think for me, story's a massive thing, because if it doesn't have a good story, I ain't finishing the game. - No I agree with that. - If it don't have a good enough game play, I ain't even starting the game. And I, I'm like, I realized, I'm such a fucking picky gamer. If there is just one aspect of a game, that just doesn't mesh with me immediately, then I just end up not playing it. - Is there anything that annoys me more than a picky eater, it's a picky gamer. (laughs) Finish your game. - Especially now when I just don't have time to play games. If I'm playing a game, I play like, I think I play one or two games a year. New games. Like it's hard not to just go back to my comfort food, and play games I've played before. - I've such a bad habit on that. Where if there's ever like a new game, that just comes out, I don't care, it doesn't matter, if I just started a new game three days prior. I'll just be like, I don't want to play with you anymore. And then I just play that, you know like, so. Just three days ago as of us recording this, the new Monster Hunter game came out, and I was like, well I was going to play that anyway. So it's fine. But I was really busy up until these last three days. So I only just picked it up yesterday. But before that, like right before Monster Hunter came out, I had got the new Super Mario game as well. So I had played that new Super Mario game, for like literally four days. And then I was like, Monster Hunter's out, all right. See ya. - I do that sometimes. - I just, immediately started a new game. - I mean, if it's like a really, you know, highly anticipated game that you're waiting for, I mean I get it. - Oh no, but I'm like that with, right? Like if there's like a new game on Steam, that's like, oh, it's 20% off. I guess I'll give it a go. Like, I feel like I'm one of those like, if we comparing it to like people who eat food, right? I'm definitely one of those people, who just takes little bits off of the buffet, but doesn't actually finish what's on their plate, before they go onto it. Whereas there are some people who are like, no I'm getting one thing, and I'm not going to move on to the next meal, until I finished it, right? - Okay so, you know when it was like Christmas, or your birthday. You ever ask for more than one video game. Did you ever do that. - No. - You never had more than one video? - No. - I did, but he was like a hail Mary I'm just like, maybe, maybe this is the year that will happen. Maybe Santa really loves me this year. - And if you get like two or three games in one, you know, birhtday or Christmas, it's like, how do you, whoa, whoa, where, who do I begin with? How do I split this time evenly like? - That sounds like first world problem to me. - That is the most first world problem. - I think my seven year old life peaked, when I got a entire game console for Christmas, I got an N 64. And that was like, man, my career's peaked. I am, life is never going to peak after this. What am I, what am I even living for, man? - I was like that when I got the game boy advance, when I was like five. I was like, (panting) there's so much power in my hands. Every other, every other thing I've ever done, out the window. - 'Cause like one of the big problems I had, when making my three by three was that, there were games that I knew I loved as a kid. But then I don't remember fuck about them. - Well there's some where if you asked me to play them now, I'm sure I could be like, I don't remember exactly what happened. All I know is that I put way too many hours into this, like I, so, yeah I mean, we just get into that, and then we can talk about other gaming stuff after. - Yeah, sure, sure, - Sure, sure, let's get to it. - All right, should we get Trash Can. I think our names are still on the ballots. - Oh, are they? - Are they, are they? - Let's figure it - Okay. - They are, well let's find out who's going to be roasted first. - Do you wanna go first? - Oh okay, I can see the names. Let me, let me not look. - Would you like to go first- - I can see literally my name. - And the first one is, - Oh, it's Garnt. - It's Garnt. - Oh, it's me. Okay, starting things off easy I see. - I can't wait, this is going to be fun. - Is there anything you boys expect on this gaming list? - I have a feeling that League is going to be on there. (laughing) - I have a few, yeah. - As far as anything else goes, League, I expect to be on there. I don't know what other games you've played. You never talk about video games. - I don't talk about video games often, do I? - You're like hentai, anime- - Hentai, anime, video games what video games do I play? - I swear to God, if Fate is on here, I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be so angry. If Fate/Grand Order is on here. - Yeah, I didn't put Fate on here, because I mean, I play, I don't know. - Did you think about putting Fate on here? - I did put- - No! - I did think about putting not Fate, but Genshin Impact on there. - Oh really? - Yeah. I was really, really fucking into it. - It made a big Impact, in your life, you could say? - Okay, then you want to go through the nine games you have. - All right, so starting at the top Mass Effect Three, Tales of Symphonia, Persona Five, Zelda Wind Waker, League of Legends, Super Mario Sunshine, Metal Gear Solid Three, Subnautica, Gears of War Two. I look at this and I'm just like, this is the most random fucking, list of games. - I was not expecting, like half of the games you put on here. - I honestly, I expected myself to be more anime games on, and I'm just realizing, what I haven't really finished any games. - And the only really anime games on here is probably, Symphonia and Persona, right? - Yeah, and those are the only, like I'm thinking, what other anime type games series are there, that are famous? Because when I think of anime video games, I'm just like Tales series, Persona series. Those are the only anime video games that, I've actually finished. - There's like Xeno Saga, like Xenoblade, - So why, 'cause I've only ever played one Tales game. I've played Tales of Berseria. - Berseria. Oh that's the, that's the not good one. - It's the not good one? - No Berseria wasn't that good. - The one with the woman, with the, - The red and black. - Yeah. - Yeah that's Beseria, yeah. - I got quite far in, from me. Got like 20 something hours in and I was like- - Wow! 20 hours into a JRPG? - That's impressive. - That's impressive. - I was like. God this is so boring. (laughing) Literally like all the fights are the fucking same. - That's, that's, oh yeah, welcome to JRPGs. - Yeah, like I'm completely, okay so here's the thing for the longest time, I've really, really tried to get into JRPGs. Like as a kid, the reason, the reason Tales is on here, is that as a kid, I like, I knew I would love JRPGs, and like the aesthetic and the story and everything, because I love anime. The problem is I hated turn-based battles. Like I couldn't fucking stand turn-based battles. And that would like put me off getting more than say, five hours to any JRPG, because I would just get turned off, by the turn-based battles. And so I was like, as a kid, I was waiting for a game that was an anime game, that just did not have a turn-based battle system, and also random encounters. I fucking hate random encounters, as well. - Random encounters suck. - Wait, wait, okay but you say that though, but Persona Five is literally that. - I know. Okay, Persona Five, it doesn't have random encounters, but Persona Five is literally the game, that broke JRPGs for me because- - Well I mean, even as someone who hasn't played it, or plays JPGs, it's still that JRPG that I look at, and I'm like, I know that's a good game. Like I don't need to play it to know, that's a good thing. You just look at it and you can- - I wouldn't play it, but it's good. - Like I can see everything about it, that this is a banger of a game. I'm not going to play it, because I don't own a console that can play it. And honestly, do I want to get into that shit? No, but it's, it looks like a fucking good game. - Like with Persona Five. I dunno, it was, it's the only turn-based battle game, where I just didn't get bored of the battle system, and I don't know why, it's something. I think it's- - It's the theme man. - It's, it's a bit of everything, right. Because it just it's really good at tricking your mind, into thinking that this isn't turn-based battle. That's that's the best way I can describe- - Which is by the sexiest animations alive. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just got like so many colors, the music fucking slaps. You can like, you get different abilities as you go on. And I don't know, like it's, it's something, it's really good at tricking your mind into thinking, man this is, this just, it just feels almost like a rhythm game at points, you know? It's, it's, I can't put my words on why, that battle system out of everything, just trumped any other JRPG battle system. Because I can't, I can't think of any other JRPG I enjoy. Even though, I say I'm a JRPG enjoyer, right? I have the most basic JRPG taste- - So then Tales of Symphonia there specifically. - Tales of Symphonia, okay so, - Because for me, if I were to put a Tales game, 'cause I've played most of the Tales games, - I've played one Tales game, I don't know what the fuck was happening. So if you wanna explain to me what it's about, 'cause I legitimately don't know anything, and I'm sure the viewers who haven't played it- - 'Cause if I were to put a Tales game on there personally, I would put Zestiria on there. - Yeah, which one is Zestiria again? - Zestira's the one after Symphonia. - Okay, I would have put, the only one I can think of Vesperia, which is, which is like, I'm just throwing out words for Connor here. - They all sound so similar, Vesteria, Vesperia? - I mean it's like Final Fantasy one, two, three, four, five six. - I can follow along, with the numbers, I'm pretty good at that. (laughing) I think I've got that down. - I know six comes after five. - Pretty sure I'm aware of that. - Yeah, I mean, I mean the best way I can describe it, it's just basically a, it's just basically anime as, anime the video game. Like it's, it's really that simple. JRPGs are just to me, I know I can get into most JRPGs, if I like the combat and battle system, because it's just anime the video game, right? And I like anime. I'm a Wiebe. Therefore equation equals, you like the Tales series, right? And the reason Tales of Symphonia won there was, it was my first experience with just realizing that, whoa, you can play a video game, and it feels like you're watching an anime? Whoa, this is, this is amazing. I get like, I can't, I can't believe I've just discovered this in my life. And I was so obsessed with this, right, because it's, these are two of the only JRPGs I've ever finished, but I was so obsessed with it, that I got to the 80% point as I do with most video games. And then I just stopped playing it, and I didn't stop playing it because I got bored. I stopped playing it, because I didn't want that experience to end. I didn't, I didn't want to see the end credits, and know that that experience was over. So like I stopped playing it for about, I held onto that for about two fucking years. - Jesus Christ! - Just so, just so I know that I have, I have the ending of Tales of Symphonia, to look forward to in my life. Like that, that was, that was like the peak of life. After the N64. - Man you must be able to, hold a nut. - You literally blue balls yourself. - Yeah Garnt's like, I'm gonna blue ball myself. That's that monk control kicking in. God damn! - The funny thing is, so I'm just like after, after about two years I'm like okay, I think it's time to complete Tales of Symphonia. Start playing- - I think it's time to nut. - Yeah, I think it's time to finally nut. Start playing it again, and then I realize, fuck I don't know anything, I can't remember anything that's going on. So what did I do? I just replayed it from the beginning. And I was like 80 hours in already. So I've put like a good 150, 160 hours into this game. Persona Five, I actually, haven't replayed, because- - I mean it's quite long isn't it? - It's quite a long, it's quite a long game. And it compared to Tales when I was a kid, I had plenty of time to fucking replay games back then- - 'Cause I assume Persona's probably on your list as well. 'Cause you've played twice, right? - Oh I've played Persona Five, four times. - You played it more than me, but I remember the reason Persona's on there, is that out of like a lot of games in my adult life, like for the first time in a long time, you know, it felt like I was a kid again. And I was just like, - How, how can I, how can I put this into words. When I experienced Persona Five, I didn't know that I could feel this way. Just like being really excited, about just being really excited about game, and just discovering this new world. And God, I, I'm- - I killed my feelings, when I was an adult, and then Persona Five reminded me. - It really did, it really did. I don't know. I was just like, yo, this is anime, and it's a video game. I'm enjoying it again. It's, it's like, it's like discovering anime for the first time again. And yeah like I, I always, I always, everyone always told me, you know, you're like the Persona series. You're like, the Persona series. And I'm just like, no, I fucking won't, it's got turn-based battles in there. Why the fuck would I like that? It's got turn-based battles, and then- - But dude, they are like the worst system, of any combat system, any game, like, it's like. - Far and beyond. One of the few things I can agree on donkey with, you know? And that's like the big reason why I haven't, you know, I couldn't get into a lot of the Final Fantasies. Never played Final Fantasy Seven. I'll probably start playing Final Fantasy Seven remake, because that doesn't have turn-based battle. - I mean, I was telling myself, I was gonna play Final Fantasy Seven, for like the past 10 years and I never did. Well because it's one of those games like, I'm going to play it. Yeah, of course, I'm going to play it. It's Final Fantasy Seven. - Well, I mean, yeah, then the time passed, yeah. - But I mean, I remember, I did boot up Final Fantasy Seven, the first time, on Steam, And I was like- - Oh the play station, the original one? - Yeah I'm like, oh, it's hideous. - Yeah it looks like absolute shit. - I was like, I can't do this. - Like Cloud with the eggbeater hands? It looks fucking horrible, now. - Yeah, because I, you talked about, you know, when a new hype game comes out, then you just drop whatever you're playing, and just start playing that. I have like the opposite problem, I have, I dunno what, I dunno if there's an actual term for it. I think, I think I'm going to, I'm just going to coin a term now, I get hype fatigue, right? So like, there are times when I see, I see a new game, like announced at E3, or something. I see, or I see all like the, you know, the gameplay and like the developers, showing off gameplay footage and trailers. And I'm like, I like follow through that. I'm like super, super hype for this game, because I think I'm really going to like this game. And I get so hype that I kind of hype myself out of it, once the game actually comes out. - You've used all your hype. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's, it's so weird. Like I was like that with the Final Fantasy Seven remake, because I'm like, dude I can finally enjoy Final Fantasy Seven, because this removed the shitty part, that I hate about Final Fantasy, the turn-based combat and the random encounters. So in theory, I should love this game, because this is one of the greatest JRPGs of all time. Everyone always talks about it. I was hyped for it to come out. I was hyped for it for years, and then it came out, and then I just was just like, maybe I'll play it later. - That's a really good point. I think that League of Legends, killed my ability to get hyped for games. 'Cause I knew that at the end of the day, most of the time I would just return to League of Legends. So it didn't matter what game came out anyway, because I would play it for a week, and then I'd be like, all right back to League. It's like, and so now, even though I don't really play League anymore, even when a game that I probably am excited for, like is announced or whatever, I'm just like, well someone's on Twitter going, you know the fucking, like every letter. I'm just like oh, this is cool, - I mean yeah, - I'll play it when it comes out. - It's kind of like that, you know, whole thing of like, oh like a new restaurant just opened up, that everyone's fucking out about, I'll go check it out, but then you go have a meal there. Might be the best fucking meal of your life, but then, you know, you'd be like, all right I'm going to McDonald's tomorrow. It's just, it's just comfort food, right. Or comfort game versus like, there's always that like full back of, yeah you know, this is a cool game and all, and like I'm sure I'll love it, if I just kept going on with it. But at the same time, it's like, I'll just, I'll just replay this thing. - I wonder as well, if you're into story games more, which I think the people who are chasing like the hype, are more into story games, 'cause when you're a multiplayer gamer, mainly like me. It's like, well I'm just gonna keep playing, the same fucking game. So like, why would I get hyped over anything? When, if there's a new game, I'll probably end up switching to it. If it's a new multiplayer game. So it's kind of hard for me to get hyped about story games. - It's like a catch 22 for me, right? Because I really value good stories in video games. But also like, especially now as an adult, I think I just have commitment issues with games. Like, unless I know that I'm going to be committed, to this game for the next week of my life, which finding hard, finding time to commit to a game, for the next week of my life, is like a big fucking commitment, now. It is, it is so hard, that sometimes I just go back to my comfort food, of just like maybe replaying Mass Effect. Like when, when Cyberpunk got released, I was super, super hyped about Cyberpunk, and then it got released, and then I'm just like, I don't really feel like playing Cyberpunk, and I just started playing Mass Effect again. (laughs) Because. - But you can't, choose your dick size in Mass Effect. - 'Cause I know the story of Mass Effect. I know I'm going to enjoy the story of Mass Effect, and I know, I think over, pre overexposure, in terms of like gaming is a big thing for me, because a lot of people hype up games to no, to no end. And I don't think that people, I don't think in anime at least this is as big of a problem. Or as big of like a thing where people do, you know, people get hyped about anime as it's airing. People rarely get hyped about anime, or super, super hyped about anime before it starts airing. But with video games you have years, and years like pump yourself up, for this game to come out. - Cyberpunk hyping up right, it was ridiculous. - I am surprised though that I wasn't expecting, I thought I was going to be the only Nintendo symp, on this, at this table. So I'm glad that you have at least, like a couple of Nintendo games here. - Okay, okay so let me ask you this, was Wind Waker your first Zelda? - It was the first Zelda that I finished. - That's normally how it goes. 'Cause my favorite was like Twilight Princess, and I know that it's not the best one. 'Cause I think Breath of the Wild is better, than Twilight Princess. - Yeah but Twilight Prince is still a fucking solid game. - But it's only cause I like, I think that was the first one that I finished. And like, when you finish a Zelda game, there's something about it that feels like so, 'cause you were a kid. - Yeah, I mean, I, it was like really hard for me, to pick between Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild. I was fucking obsessed with Breath of the Wild, when it came out, 'cause I remember, when I started getting into Breath of the Wild, was the first time that I came to Japan with Sydney. And the first time I, the first time I met you. And I remember like I had a great time in Japan, first time in Japan. Of course you're gonna have a great time, but I remember no matter how many times, no matter how many times, I went to Akihabara, no matter how many times we hung out and everything. At the back of my mind, I was just like, I kinda just want to go home- - I could be playing Breath of the Wild, - I could be playing Breath of the Wild, right now. - Garnt in the club. (laughing) - Like, I'm just like, you know, fuck Joey man like. Come on, come on, Joey, yeah you're good, but are you Breath of the Wild good? I don't know about that. - You could have said that to my face. I would have been like, you know what? I ain't mad. I kind of agree. I kind of have to agree with you there. To be fair though, I wasn't expecting Sunshine for some reason. - Okay, out of all the Mario- - You don't seem like a Sunshine player. - Why don't I seem, like a Sunshine player? - I don't know. You just don't, you two don't seem like Nintendo game, I know, I know you're not, but you definitely, don't seem like that. - I like Nintendo games. - Because I think the only re, the only Nintendo games that are on here, are like my childhood Nintendo games, right? Because I was definitely a Nintendo kid. I was such a Nintendo symp when I was kid. I was like, I didn't, I never owned any other console, apart from the NES, Super NES, N64, Game Cube. And it was only after the Game Cube, that I finally ventured out, which I, which is why I just didn't own a Wii. And I think since then the Switch, is the first Nintendo console I actually owned. And so I still, I still would like, out of all the Nintendo games, these two pop out to me, as the ones that- - I think those two, are the most popular. - Honestly. - Normie. - It's like most popular 3D Mario, and most popular 3D Zelda. - I mean, I think Wind Waker is great. I think you could, you could put Wind Waker, or Breath of the Wild as number one. And I'd be, you know, I can't hate on both, right? 'Cause I mean, at the end of the day, - But like a lot of people who grew up my age, they put Ocarina of Time, and I- - I'm not gonna lie, dude. Not going to lie, I don't understand the hype, for Ocarina of Time. - No, I played- - Okay, okay. I thought I was, I kind of got bored of Ocarina of Time. I kind of did. - Well it's like, how like, I think Wind Waker again, it's slightly odd start right? Wind Waker aged fucking fantastically. Ocarina did not age well. Like you play that shit now. It is like fucking impossible, to play that- - Well that's, that's what I'm saying, like I've always said, like Ocarina of Time for the Zelda franchise, is a lot like Final Fantasy Seven, for the Final Fantasy franchise. Where it's like, because it was the first 3D game, after a long succession of 2D games, obviously when the 3D like boom, was starting. It was massive, right? So people immediately will like it's in 3D. Automatically 10 out of 10. - I also didn't grow up with it. So, you know, I ended up playing it later, even like now, right to me when I, you know, who I've played all the games from Wind Waker onwards. I just think like when I'm looking at Ocarina of Time, like you know, Majora's Mask looks so much more interesting, in like every single way this game was fucking weird. - I agree. - It's so cool. But like I- - Did you ever play, Majora's Mask? - I did like about two hours and then I was like, fuck this is so hard. - Majora's Mask is hard as shit. - It's really hard. - No, I would 100% prefer playing, Majora's Mask over Ocarina of Time. Just because like, again, like it's, well I mean for, for one, both are hard as shit. - Yeah. - Also, I don't like playing it on the emulator. I don't know why, something feels wrong about playing Nintendo 64 games- - 'Cause I have Majora's mask on like, cause I have like a proper N64, and I have Majora's mask. And it's like, I don't know, the feeling's kind of the same to me. - Really? - Yeah, I don't know. Maybe it's like - I want, I want to go back and play them. I do. - But I, again, like, I don't understand people who are like, Ocarina of Time is the greatest Zelda game. I'm like, I'm sorry, it's not, it's not, it hasn't, I'm going to get a whole lot of hate about this, but it's, the look, I've publicly said that I'm sorry, but Final Fantasy Seven is not the best Final Fantasy. - It's again, it's what Cowboy Bebop is to anime. - Right, it's like, it's the one. - That's what it is. - It's the one you probably watch first. It's the one that probably got you into the franchise, or into the medium, right? But that doesn't mean it's the best. - Yeah, I mean, I agree, because these might be the ones from my childhood that, you know, I have the fondest memories of, but they weren't the first is Zelda, or Mario that I played in my life. - I'm surprised you didn't have a Super Mario 64 on there. - Here's, because- - You're such a boomer, Garnt. Hey where, these aren't boomer picks, Garnt. Where are you're boomer picks? - These are way too new. - Because the thing is, I'm not like a super massive Mario fan. I did, you know, I have completed 64, completed Sunshine, completed, what's the most recent Mario game? - Odyssey? - Odyssey. I mean, I completed them, not got all the shiny shines, or you know, but I got to the end game, beat Bowser the final time. So, you know, I have completed them, but out of all the Marios that I've played, I just think there's something about Sunshine, you know? You know when you think back to a game, and you just, it just vibes with you. Like the feeling just vibes with you. That's sunshine. - I feel like Sunshine is just clean. It's so goddamn clean. - It's literally in the name, Sunshine, okay? If you couldn't tell I'm a bit of a summer kid, right? We've, we've had many arguments about this, where like, I fucking- - Does that mean anything? It does! - Just because, I like the winter, I'm not gonna go get fucking Mario, at the fucking Winter Olympics, right? - He's playing fucking Mario 64, gets to the snow level, turns it off. - No, no, that is exactly who I am, I fucking can't stand the snow level. - But why, you guys call me the monkey brain, this man sees virtual snow. - Are you playing Mario in like 4D. Like. - No, because like. - Goes outside. - Your on the snow level, turn on the AC. - You know, there are some levels out there, where you hit it and you're just like, Oh it's this level again, like every fucking water level in any video game, of all time, - No I get that, but I'm not like, oh fuck, you know, what's one thing I hate about the stage, the weather. I've never been like that. - I am literally like that. - What the fuck is wrong with you? - No, like when I played Mario Sunshine, and like, I, I loved it, because every level is like, every level gives off that summer feeling, and that summer vibe which I fucking love. And it's like the, the ones that I hated, the levels that hated the most in Mario Sunshine, were like the Boo levels, something where it's like dark, and scary. - Not the pachinko level, fucking sucks. - Yeah the pachinko level, is the fucking worst. - But like for the most part, it gives off a very summery vibe. And I think back to that, I'm just like, yeah, I fuck with this. Imma use Joey's term here, I fuck with this. You know, I just, it just makes me happy. It gives me the good feelings. - No I get that, I get that. - They're like, it's like so hard to, this is gonna be such a boring part of the podcast, where we're just like, damn Garnt, you have a good taste. I mean like, this is categorically, just two great games. You know what I mean? Like, congratulations Garnt, you have good taste, all right? - Oh God, oh God, I've become Connor now. - What does that mean? - But this is super vanilla. - I mean, I'll happily say that this is super vanilla. - I mean, it's also just interesting, because it's like, I think it's because, we just never fucking talk about the games that we're into. So like I never expected like Subnautica, or like Gears of War to be there. - Yeah, what the fuck? I love fucking Gears of War. Why, why is it on your list? What the fuck? - Okay, so I had a hard choice putting my, my, my last three. So Gears of War is on there, because it is the first multiplayer game, that's, it was the game, that is on there, because that's how I discovered online gaming. And I'm just like, man, Gears of War was a good fucking online game. - No dude, it was clean. And honestly, Gears of War two, was probably the first game where I was like, whoa, video games can like make me sad. - Wait, what? - The story. - Oh with the story. - Okay. No, I didn't give a shit about the story. - The story's so good. - I don't even think I finished the- - Wait why am I, are we swapping here, what's going on? Bro, the story is so good. - I literally put this on here, because like I had had such a hard time, 'cause I'm just like, I didn't give a shit about the story. - No dude, - If there's one thing I remember about Gears of War two, it's the story. - Dude the story is so, I remember that this, Okay, it doesn't count as spoilers anymore. It was so fucking old. You should know by now. - What was the story again? - The locusts are taking over the earth, and your basically stopping them, et cetera, et cetera. I mean, that's basically like the- - Wow. Gee whiz. - Because there was like, the two duo who you're following, which is- - I just remember one guy, trying to look for his wife or something? - Yeah but that was the part. - That was the sad part. - That was, cause then he like finds it, but then he didn't find, it was like an illusion. And then I'm like, what the fuck? I was like, I was like 13. I'm like, I'm like what? This is so sad. - And this like fucking, massive meathead of a character, breaks down in the battlefield. I'm just like, Oh my God. - I'm always just like, this is the first game, when I'm just like, Ooh chainsaw go (imitates chain saw). - That's how it gets you in, right? So Gears of War gets you in with the, chainsaw go bruh, super manly man, and then 10 minutes in you're fucking crying. And you're like, whoa, what happened? - It's like chainsaw man, the game. - For me, the one memory I hold for Gears of War Two, the multiplayer is just the sounds, the sound it makes when you pop a guy's head off, with a sniper rifle. Like I like. - Did you play Gears of War? - Yeah, I played two, yeah. - Like that was, I think that's sole sound, and I don't know why it was so fucking satisfying. 'Cause it was, it was like literally cracking an egg. - Well, I mean those, those, those shotguns are like still, there's like no multiplayer experience, like the online in Gears of War. It's just shotguns. And like that's like the meta, is like you have to run up to people and shotgun each other. - Okay, the shotgun was also really satisfying, when you got like a point blank and the body just explodes. My God, like I like, you're the monkey brain, but that was like the first time. I'm just like, okay, I enjoy this now. This is fun. - It was really sad, 'cause I think Gears of War got plagued, by the fact that there was just like a, like, there'd always be like. two really fucking God tier players in the game, that could just dominate the whole lobby. So it just kind of became not fun after a while, if you weren't like a pro, 'cause you'd just get fucking destroyed, by the like, good players. - I def, I didn't play online Gears of War Two a lot- - It was really good online. - What console was it on again? - 360. - Yeah, 'cause I didn't own a 360. But I played it at my friend's place a lot. Just like lan multiplayer, and that was like really, really fun. But yeah, I probably, from the sounds of it, I probably wouldn't enjoy it online. - No, you probably wouldn't now. I mean, it w it was me discovering what multiplayer meant, and before I started hating, okay. Gears of War started my love for multi-player games. League of Legends killed it. (laughing) - And yet it's in the middle. - League of Legends is in the middle. 'cause I think out of, out of all of these games, I have probably played League of Legends the most. Not proud to admit it, but the reason it's on there is because I think, the honeymoon period of League of Legends for me, was probably the best gaming experience of my life. - It was really long for me as well. Almost like, like two years long. - That's a long honeymoon. - Dude, when you're getting into that game, and it's going well. It feels so fun. Like, it's great. It's so fun to get into. It's just, it's hard. - 'Cause the problem is now I feel like, multiplayer games just aren't fun, unless you are getting into it, immediately as it's released, right? Because the problem, the problem with multiplayer games I've found now, is that you have a new game and that's, when a new game just gets released. That's the fun part, because nobody really knows how to be good at the game. Everyone's just kind of like really discovering what works, and what doesn't, everyone's just fucking having fun. And then you get to a point in multiplayer, where people just realize how to, optimize the fun out of the game- - The sweaty boys come out, right? - That's what happened with like Fortnite. Honestly, like honestly all memes aside. Fortnite was so fun when it first came out, there's a reason why it blew up. And then when it got to the point where, everyone would like build a fucking mortgage, right in front of your eyes within 10 seconds, and you couldn't do anything, it's like, well, this is just not fun anymore. Like, I didn't have the dexterity of like a Chimp, on like coke right? Like how am I supposed to do this. - Yeah, 'cause I remember like, I really, really fucking enjoyed Overwatch, when it first came out. - Yeah me too, me too. - Like and I never, I didn't make the same mistake of trying to do ranked, because I'd learned from League of Legends, but even just playing casually, I really, really fucking enjoyed it. And then they got to a point, when even in casual games, you weren't allowed to have fun anymore. You got the same or the same, the same heroes- - Can you change of Hanzo? - I mean, I will fully admit, I was like, again, Genji main, because I was a dirty Weib, and the reason I played Gengi was, because I fucking sucked at Gengi, but like the one, the one time out of 10, where I did an ult and it actually works out. That was the reason I played Genji. Like nine out of 10 times I would complete flunk it. I would fail. I'll get killed straight away. But that one time, that one time when it worked out, I, that's what I live for, man. And because of that. I was one of the most toxic. I wasn't the most toxic ones, but I was, I was that one Genji on your team. That probably threw you the match. I was that, I was that person. - Did you talk shit to your teammates? - I didn't talk. I'm not a toxic gamer funnily enough. I'm just like, "Oh, come on guys. "We can, we can do it. "If we all put, all try." - Go team! (laughing) - We can, win with the power of friendship, come on guys. - Oh my God. In ranked, you had to get, you had to start like shouting at people, to get them to shut up. - I'm just like, I'm just like that guy, who just goes mute all and just does my own thing. - I do that sometimes too. - I mean, I play it as closely, as a single player game as I can, because like playing online games just makes me, makes you realize how fucking, how much I hate people. - People are the worst. - Especially in competitive ones, right? - That's why Like in Japan it's so weird. 'Cause like people just don't smack talk at all. - Well they don't know how to. - Yeah at most you'll get passive aggression. Like- - I'd probably, I'd probably enjoy Japanese competitive gaming then. - No one talks unless you talk to them. - Because I play in the League serves in Japan, and like 90% of them are just Chinese Smurfs. So of course they're like toxic as shit, you know. - Yeah. That's why I don't really play anymore. 'Cause it's just like you can't fucking have fun, in League of Legends. It's just like a Korean, Chinese playground, where they're like, oh let's go, and fuck, like fuck with the Japanese players, who suck at this game. - Yeah. It's it's literally just, it's literally, it's just the playground, where the school bullies go to, to just like bully like the- - It's like LeBron James coming down to the elementary, man, just to start dunking, you know? (laughing) - Just be like you suck. - Yeah, you know what I mean, man. But like, all right, Metal Gear, whatever. I mean, that's good. You can't, what can I say? - Yeah, no one can complain about that, honestly. You can put any Metal Gear in there, it would have been good. - I mean, for me, like do you know the reason, I enjoyed Metal Gear? - Why. - Because I have played all Metal Gears, except for Metal Gear Five. Apparently the best one in terms of gameplay. - It is the best one. - I have really no kind of want to play it. - 'Cause of the hype fatigue. - No, no, not okay. - I get it, you feel like you've had your fill? - No, I didn't have my fill, like I was hype as shit for it, - What is Garnt. - Then I found out that, the story was kind of like incomplete, and I'm just like okay, well that, that just takes the reason for Metal Gear away from me. - So leave it more incomplete by not playing it? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - What that doesn't make any sense. - It's not finished and I haven't finished it, so I'm not going to do anymore. It doesn't deserve my time. - Okay like how how'd you, how'd you feel about this corner? Like when you play, have you ever played Metal Gear? - No. - Okay. - None of them? - No, 'cause I, it was like, I dunno why, but like I never really saw it in like the shops, when I was growing up. - Probably 'cause it was also on PlayStation as well, right? - I had a PlayStation two growing up. But yeah, for some reason I was probably playing like Shrek, and Spyro and dumb shit like that. - Good choice. - I was really like, yeah, when I was, when I was younger, I wasn't attracted at all to like the FPS art, or like the like military looking stuff. Like I always went for the childish, cartoonish looking stuff. Even when I was like 14, 15, I would still like, the prefer the cartoon anime style over... So I normally avoided those. So I was playing like fucking theme park games and shit. When I was like 15. - Like Rollercoaster Tycoon and shit? - Well the like PlayStation, had it's like, it's own brand of like these theme park games. And I think they're still quite popular, on YouTube occasionally. And you could like, you could build the rides, and then ride them from like, POV first person. - Oh wow. - It was really cool. - Shit. . Do you know the one I'm on about? - No, no. I'm, I'm just getting a flashback of memories, now. Maybe I should have put that one there. 'Cause I've spent far too much time, on Theme Park or theme, Theme Park and Theme Hospital. - Yeah, yeah, I think, you know, Rollercoaster Tycoon is like, (indistinct) love. - Oh dude, I put way too much time. - Honestly it could be on my list. - Yeah, I'm just like, shit man. Maybe I should have pulled down my list. But yeah, in terms of like, I never go to got into Rollercoaster Tycoon, because a Theme Park had like the voiced person, telling you what to do. And I don't know something about having someone voiced, telling you what to do was, was a big selling point for me. - Was that the one, the PlayStation two one I'm on about? - Maybe, I dunno. - I dunno about that one. - I'll have to find the box over winter break. - Yeah, but, but it definitely had a POV option, where you could build the rides, and then you could ride it. - You could, and there was like racing games in it. So when you built like the racing track, you built the track yourself, and then you could race around it. - Oh, that sounds cool. - Dude it was awesome! - Why have I never heard of this? - And then like- - Shit, I wanna play it now. - There was like- - Awe fuck. - The normal park, there was like an alien park. - Yeah, yeah. - You remember this? - Oh fuck. - And they, each world had like different ride things, that you could ride. And like you, you couldn't progress to the next world, unless your theme park was X successful. - That just sounds like Rollercoaster Tycoon - It is Rollercoaster Tycoon. - It is like, Rollercoaster Tycoon but like better, because like Rollercoaster Tycoon is pure like top-down, and this was like, you get in there, you can walk around your park. That's POV, like it was so good! - Why I'd never heard it. - This is the box art. I'm going to find it, and I know what the box art looks like. I think they released all the types of games as well, but it's the one that like, I literally played to death on the PS2. - No, you, you are, you are reminded me now. And I'm just like fuck. I didn't play on PS2, I played it on PC. - It was on PC as well. - Yeah, yeah, it was on PC. Fuck man. (laughing) That's the thing about memories. - Nostalgia hitting me. - No, because I fucking loved simulator games like that. I couldn't, I could never get into the Sims, but I fucking loved like Sim City, Theme Hospital Rollercoaster Tycoon, not Rollercoaster Tycoon, Theme Park as you said. God, I put some many hours into those. - Just hit him with that nostalgia. - Aw this is why- - So that's why, like I never really played military games, because I would always see like the, like the bright, like boxes. And I think I'm like, you know, being a fucking 14, 15 year old, you're like. (panting) - No, I was exactly the same, when like, when like Heavy Rain came out, and I looked at the box art and I'm like, what the fuck is that? And now I regret not playing it back in the day. 'Cause much, many years later I played it, I was like, this game's fucking fantastic. - 'Cause like, I loved like Crash Bandicoot, so much on the PS2. And like, that was the kind of art style, that I normally gravitated towards, so- - Wow, completely forgot about Crash Bandicoot. - Yeah, right, right, like there's so many games that you've like, even all the spinoffs of Crash Bandicoot, like Crash Racing, they had like the Mario Party esque kind of game, called like Crash Bash, which I really liked as well. - I heard of that one. - Even though, it's a terrible game right now, but I used to play it a bunch. And then it was like Crash one, two, and then you know. - Crash Racing, dude. That shit was so good! - Crash Racing is, the only racing game that could, legit compete against Mario Kart. - No, no, no, no, no, no. What was the, Diddy Kong Racing? - Diddy Kong Racing. - Diddy Kong Racing is up there. Come on. - Really? - It is up there. - It's up there. - I got Diddy Kong Racing for the DS? - Nah, no, you need to play the N64 one. - The N64 version, because that was when he could actually compete with- - Well it was made by Rare, right? So they probably, I could see Rare- - I remember like 10 year old me going to my friend's place, and he had, Diddy Kong Racing on N64, and I'm like, wait, you can ride on airplanes? - Yeah and like boats. - What the fuck? - Yeah, like for me, I was really close to putting Banjo Kazooie on here. - Oh my God, another normie pick. Normie. - Normie, but it's good! - It's good, what can I say? And yeah, I dunno. Like, okay so, like a big reason why, that I had so few games to pick on, to pick from right, was because when I really get into a game, I really get into a game. Like I wring out, as much content as I can out of that game. Every side quest, every little piece of dialogue, I play it to death, so I can get everything. Like with let's say, so with Metal Gear. Right, so there would be times where, you know, are you familiar with the Codec calls? - Oh they would like call you up and be like, "Snake". - Yeah, yeah, exactly. So, so one, one of the big criticisms of Metal Gear, when, you know, I was playing it. And you know, when it was like really, really big was, people hated the cut scenes, how long we cut scenes were, people hated the fact that you had to, go through all of these Codec calls. I fucking love that shit man. I'm like, I'm like, holy shit, there's an hour cut scene? Be right back getting the popcorn. This is the most epic game play I could ever hope for. - Was Metal Gear Three the one with like psycho mantis. Is that the one? - No that is, that was the first one. - That was the first, was it really? Oh I thought the first one was like the top-down, like NES one. - Oh no, no, no. - Oh that's, that's, that's Metal Gear. - That's Metal Gear, not Metal Gear Solid. - Metal Gear Solid is like the 3D one. - 'Cause like every time I watch it, 'cause I've watched tons of videos about Metal Gear. And every time I watched it I'm like, fuck I wish I like got this when I was kid. 'Cause it looks bad-ass. - It was fucking bad-ass. And, but the thing, the thing is like, okay, so there's Metal Gear and there's Tales as well. Tales has this feature, right? I mean, you've played the Tales game. How did you think about the skits feature? - What was skits? What was that? (laughing) - Okay, so. - Oh wait, is this where you talk with a character, and it was a fire emblem thing. - What? - Wait what? - Where you interact with characters, is that what it was? No, am I crazy? - Kind of. So in, in Tales games, they have this thing called skits, right? Where you'd be walking around, and then you press like the select button, when they give you a prompt, right? And it would just be characters talking to each other. And- - Oh yeah, I'd never, I always skip that, didn't do it. - So like I was probably the one fucking person, who just hit every skit button. Like I don't care what, what time I'm in. What like, at what point of the story. I would just like, I literally played Tales, and I literally, like, there are some skits that are only, that only happened at certain areas of the map, which like some areas of the map, you'd literally have to walk, on the other side of the map. And there was no like quick. - Wow, this is a big boulder, huh? Yeah, it sure is. - It literally doesn't mean shit. - Yeah, yeah and it literally doesn't mean shit. I fucking love that feature. I don't know, man. I like, cause here's the thing, if I love the characters and I love the world, I'm getting every kind of like, I'm getting kind of ever- - You're interacting within- - Every interaction I can. Same thing with Mass Effect. When people talk about how much they love Mass Effect, they talk about, oh you know, the character writing, and you know, the, oh not so much the game play anymore, but like the world and the characters that, of Mass Effect. I was probably, I like, I remember there was one, Mass Effect game play session I had, where I literally wasted an hour or two, because in Mass Effect they have this, it's not a Codec function, but like a database function. Where they literally have a database of like every, like the history and lore of like every alien, every world that you go to. So I literally, I literally spent an hour or two of Mass Effect, going through the entire database and just, and just reading the whole lore of Mass Effect. - I'd rather not, I'd rather not, you know? - And, (laughs), and (laughs), I fucking loved it. I absolutely loved it. - I can't even shake my head, 'cause I used to do that. - What's wrong with, - Exact same thing. - what the fuck is wrong with you guys? You guys don't want to play a game, read a book or some shit. What the fuck. - I did, I did that recently actually, when I played Xenoblade two for the first time, and there's this, like, there's this part where like every monster you encounter, has like a full page about like how it lives, and shit like that. I read through all of it. I'm like, Oh, okay. So like the Zephyros only lives in the swamps. - That's, that's really interesting to me. Like to me, that's what really makes a video game. Like it's, especially because, if I'm like really into a video game, I'm gonna find out everything I can about that video game. And that's like, but the thing, there's a difference, all right, ' cause I like when it's just fed to me in video games. Like people have talked about, you know, the lore of Dark Souls and everything like that. And people have like figured stuff out, through the subtle hints, that you get through playing the game. I'm just like, just tell me it. Just, just give me exposition. This is the one time where I actually want exposition. - When you say that. All I think about is the I'm the Silent Hill person. Who's like- - Hideo Kojima - No, no, no, sorry. So there's like on Silent Hill forums, there's like, where they discuss like, what the game's about and stuff. There was like a really big thing, and a big like contra, well not controversy but like drama, because one of like the main admins, who had like some of the most posts on it, was like convinced that the main character was circumcised, and that was the reason for his like trauma, and that he was like gay or something. And that he was gay because of it or something like that. And so there's this whole like, dude like Whang made like a 20 minute video about it. And it's like this whole thing, where it was like a massive deal on the forums, where they're discussing you know, is, and then the guy was like, you know, he was on like a crusade being like, no one should be circumcised. It causes trauma and stuff like that. And it turns like a whole thing. And I'm just like, this is what people do? In my mind, I'm like, that's people who read story, that's what they do. They go on forums. Talk about why the main character's gay, and his circumcision was trauma. It's like what's wrong with these people? Play a fucking video game. Why, why are you typing about it? (laughing) - I'm not even surprised by that. - Because yeah I, that's sort of like, when you said, I'm relieved when you like it being, like the story being told to you. But you're like I want to figure it out. Is my, is my character actually like gay or something? Let me, let me, - Is he circumcised? I need to know. - I need to figure it out. They've left, Hideo Kojima left me hints, That Metal Gear Solid Snake is circumcised. Like what? - Which is funny like, I'm more than happy to watch anime where I'm just like, Oh what's the subtle, what's the subtext of this? What is the author trying to say? But with gaming, I'm just like, nah. No patience, just give me- - Well, because you're already focused on like, actually playing the game, right? Where it's like, no, no, I don't need to, like, I don't want to like sit here, and fucking guess what the story is, while I'm trying to do this convoluted input, right? - And there's also another thing that, also like, it's going to be, it's going to sound super weird, but sometimes I hate choice in video games. I just want a linear game. Which is funny that Mass Effect- - I was gonna say, you literally put Mass Effect. - The fucking Mass Effect. - Literally Mass Effect Persona Five, - But like yeah, yeah, Mass Effect and Persona Five, which are the two, like let's say the two- - Choice, heavy games? - Two of the most choice, every games, and the two exceptions to exceptions to that rule. But I have, I have this thing, I don't know if I'm the only person, who has like gaming FOMO, where I'm given a choice. And I know that like, by making this choice, I'm going to miss out on a certain piece of content. I hate that. I hate that so much. Right, because that means, that means in the back of my mind, I'm just like, but what if I pick the other choice, and, and- - Well, that's literally, the reason why I replayed Persona Five, four times. 'Cause I was like, oh there's four choices, and I want to see all of them. So I'm going to play it four times to get all the choices. - I think it was unfortunate, that I, I like swore off JRPGs after playing Blue Dragon. - Oh really? - Which I mean, I think I've mentioned this before. - Yeah you've talked about it. - It was the one that was like, I think the main selling point that comments were saying is, that it was, the art was made by the Dragon Ball guy. - Yeah, Toriyama. - Yeah and like, I never encountered this before in a video game, and this is what really pissed me off, because I at this point, I was an achievement hunter guy. So I would always go in like 100%, I would get all, all the achievements, no matter what. This is the first time I encountered the thing, where I'm like, okay so this story is two hours long, or some dumb like that. It's ridiculously long. And I did it. And then I'm like, all right, how do I get these last few achievements? And it'd be like, this achievement is, on the forum it would say this like, this achievement is only unlock-able by, doing this one option in this one mission. If you pass it, you can never get this achievement. And I'm like, what? What? It's just they suck. - That's such a JRPG move. - And that's so fucked up that they would do that. Like what kind of sick fuck does that? Are they like, I don't want anyone to be able to get this achievement, make them play the whole fucking like 200 hour game again. Fucking assholes. There's no need to do that. Why would you do that as a game designer? - I don't know, if it's to get you to- - Assholes! - It's to get you to replay the game, right? - Yeah. I mean, I- - The fucking, fucking every time- - I mean like the reason I hate it is, because it takes enough energy for me to finish a game once. So I'm thinking, fuck if I need to replay this game, I'm just not going to see this content. - Right, right, right. - Yeah and if you want to see the shitty turn-based combat, you should play Blue Dragon, man. Every time you start a battle, fucking the muse, the main song starts playing. And it's a guy fucking singing. It sounds like the Pokemon intro. And then it takes like 20 seconds of animations, where they all like summon their things. It's like 20 seconds long before you can even start, the fucking turn-based combat. - Dude don't tempt me. That sounds awesome. - Don't tempt me like that. - Dude, I'm excited. - No, it's fucking garbage, man. - And it's Toriyama dude, that is like right up my alley. - Garbage. I also hate in JRPGs, they give you these characters, and like, what if you hate the characters, that you have to use? Like in Pokemon, at least I can swap out, you know Bulbasaur- - No but like most JPGs like it's, you know, like especially with a turn-based ones, right? It's like, you can only have four in the party. So just pick your four favorite characters, right. - This one, it was like, you only have these guys and they were shit and annoying characters. - Yeah, so it was like what am I supposed to fucking do, this game sucks. - Well then, that's not a good JRPG, is it? - And then like one of the main enemies was just, a snake coiled in like a shit. And the whole joke was there was a piece shit. And I'm like, yeah hilarious. - That sounds hilarious. - What, it's a piece of shit. It's a metaphor for the game. I'm still annoyed about it. I completed it and I loved playing it, but I literally only played it, because it was like, I bought this game. My mum wouldn't buy me another one. So I have to complete this game- - I need to play this now. - I want you to play it, just so you can, like, reaffirm- - How did you get that game again? - So what it was is like, you know, I didn't know if your game stores had this, but in the UK they had a three for 20 pounds, pre-owned games. - Oh yeah, yeah - So I would basically just go to the thing, and buy three games that looked okay. And then I would just be forced to play them. And most of the time they were all like super easy. - And you had an absolute gold, like Blue Dragon? - Well 'cause there was Like one of each game. And there's a whole shelf of Blue Dragons. Just like, take 'em, take 'em honestly. Like for free, honestly. Like it comes with the bag. - Was it like, was it like a well received game at all? Or like- - I think it was very, mid tier, like it very like five out of 10, six out of 10. This was my first time ever having to swap disks, to progress with the story. And that shit pissed me off. - Holy shit, - Yeah, I remember that. - I just remembered something. - What? - All right, Okay, I get rid of Gears of War- - No, that was a good pick! - That's a good pick. - No, no, no. - Get rid of Subnautica, - Okay, - Yeah why is Subnautica, in there? - I'll get rid of Subnautica. I just remembered something. Put FIFA 09, in terms- - Get out, end the podcast. What the fuck? - I just fucking remembered. I was fucking, I got, I was, I had a period in my life where I was obsessed with FIFA. I am, I am not joking. - Were you also smoking cigarettes on a corner, playing footy. - Okay, this is, this is during the university, you know, you're, you're in a British university. Everyone played FIFA- - I'd refuse, I'd be like no. No I'm gonna play anything else but that. Fuck this game. - I just remembered something, I was one of the top 200 players of FIFA, at a point. - (laughs) Really? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm not joking, I'm not joking. This is like just giving me flashbacks. - This is like Connor coming out, that he used to be like a college pro. It's like Garnt used to be a FIFA 09 pro. - So how were you, how you were the top 200. How did it work? Is it like rankings or like- - Yeah, it's like ranking it's a literal ranking system, and it got to the point where I was just, I just got myself on the leader boards, of a, of FIFA. - I don't know how I did it. - And because I was just obsessed with the game. And like everyone started playing it. So I'm just like, oh, I guess I'll play FIFA. - Did you demolish everyone in like your uni dorm? - Yeah pretty much Because see, because here's the thing, because like my group mates and my uni dorm, they were like super, super competitive over FIFA, right? It was like- - They were like that in mine. - Yeah and this was how you get bragging rights. So there was two games, it was COD and FIFA. And I was just, to me, it was just like, FIFA was not like watching football at all. FIFA was just like, (laughs) ball goes, boop, boop, boop. And, and yeah, I dunno. I just got really good at it, and I don't know how, because, yeah I mean- - Just the British in you. - Yes. - Oh yeah there was two games. - 'Cause I fucking, I feel like it was one game, where I got good at really unintentionally, and it was probably the only game, that I've ever played in my life, that I got good at unintentionally. And I don't really like football that much. - What's wrong with you Garnt? What the fuck is wrong with you? - I don't know. - Top 200 in the world, I hate this game. - Literally like psyched 'em out, I just need a worthy opponent. - The fact is like I had completely blanked that, from my memory until just now. - Like it's the shameful, the shameful time we don't speak of. - I'm just like, how the fuck did that happen? How the fuck did I get top 200 in the, yeah top 200 in FIFA and I'm just like, yeah I just played it. And I just kept ranking up. And then I just got really bored and I stopped playing, because, and the reason I stopped playing was, because I finished uni, and I didn't have a reason to play it anymore. - Wow, wow. - 'Cause I remember now how it started, because I got the game, literally just to blend in with the normies. So I literally got the game, so I could have something to talk to people about, at parties, right? And so. - I'm one of them. - He literally bought FIFA as a social gimmick. - Yeah, yeah so I started playing it, so I could like keep up with my mates and everything. And then I just kind of figured out a meta, I guess, because you know, it's football, everyone wants to score goals. And then I quickly realized, if you just learned how to defend correctly. And if you just could defend good. You are better than 90% of players, that ever played that game. 'Cause everyone already wants to score goals. And then so after that, so I've, so after that, then I figured out the broken teams, and the broken team was Barcelona, because they weren't the best team in the world at the time. But then so most people were picking Barcelona. And then I realized that there was a counter to Barcelona, which was Inter Milan, because Inter Milan had Zlatan Ibrahimovic, and he just completely destroyed the Barcelona defense, because he couldn't be shaken off the ball. - That's the Swedish guy, right? - Yeah, that's the Swedish guy. He in the game, he was completely fucking broken. - So then in real life he was completely broken. So then once I realized that, I just thought it'd like, just started beating all my mates. And then I was just like, you know what? Let's just, let's just, let's just limit, test myself, how far, how far can I get up with this? And you, I said top 200 earlier. I'm not sure if it's top 200 or top 300, but like one of the, one of the top, - Still impressive. - Yeah one of the top few hundreds in the game at the time. And I just kept, I just kept playing until, I stopped climbing. And yeah, that's, that's how far I climbed. And then like, I just casually told one of them, one of my mates that, and he's just like, "Have you ever thought about entering competitions, "or stuff like that." and I'm just like, no, I don't think I will. Because, because, yeah, I just wanted to make anime reviews, and watch anime at the time. So I just like had no interest in playing that game, in my own, in my own time. - Takes off Adidas, tracksuit. Don't think I will. - Imma hit the showers. - And yeah, I just, I just remember that now. So I don't know what reminded me of that topic- - That was like pre the, before the FIFA Ultimate Team, nonsense. - Yeah. That was, that was before FIFA Ultimate, I don't know what the fuck is going right now, with FIFA Ultimate. - Yeah, so like right now, like I think if you want to have, a legitimate competitive team in FIFA, you need a team of a value of around 27,000 real month, like dollars. - Jesus. - That's how much you on average have to spend, to have an actual, like top competitive team. - Why? - So all the pros have spent like $30,000 plus. - So okay, okay. - Fucking hell. - Just, just to compete, - This is, this is going to sound so weird, after everything I've just said, what's FIFA Ultimate? - Basically they, you know, again, this is 100% like an, imagine an alien describing how humans converse. Like I've never played this myself, but obviously I'm a gamer. So I like to keep up with games. But yeah so essentially what it is, is micro transactions, like imagine anime, like, you know, cause Fate, can you go against each other in Fate? Like PvP? - No, no, no. - So imagine a PVP Fate where you can build a team, just so happens that of like, you know, two or three characters. It's like a team of like 11 or whatever it is. - So literally FIFA gotcha. Well yeah, it's like, they're the ones who like, this is the reason why it started. Like, it got so bad. - Oh my God. - So it's literally pay to win. - It's a 100% pay to win. And so like to even, so to be like to be able to compete competitively, you have to have the stacked team, to get the stack team you've spent on average, like $30,000 to even have a chance, of getting the stack team. - Dude, that's, that's fucked. - It's so fucked. And like you, you hear even the pros talk about it. Like there's interviews with them where they're like, yeah it's not fun at all. Like you have to spend this amount of money, and everyone's playing the same shit, because everyone has the same broken shit. - Yeah, everyone has boss players. - It's so fucked, like, you know, we sit here and complain about gotcha. And it's like, yeah, okay. You know, at the end of the day, it is 90% of the time. You're not, you're not playing against other people. And that's where it starts to get real fucked. - No, When, you start playing against other people, that's where , that's where I draw the line. - Because, because, because you're like, Oh, I, you know, I could beat this person. I could, I could have won this event, if I just had that extra broken cactus. - Because the way I see it is that with gotcha. With the gotcha games I play, you're playing against a computer, or you're playing through to get content. If he comes, if it becomes PVP, then you are kind of making someone else's day worse, by paying more. You know what I mean? - It's definitely, - You're making, you're making someone else's gaming experience worse, because you payed more. And that's, that's where I draw the line. - Yeah 'cause I used to, I don't know which game I played. I think I found it on like Miniclip or something. This is like, when I first started earning my own money, and there was like a game where, it was kind of like one of those, like you are kind of like, what's that Clash of Clans, like the really popular mobile game, the one where you build your own fort, on your square, the map. And then people can attack you, but it takes like days for their army to arrive. So this was like, before, even that was out, I was playing a game similar to that, on like Miniclip or some shit. And then like, I remember I was playing this game, and I thought I was doing pretty well. I had only spent like 20 bucks. And I was like, oh this is, I'm doing pretty good for myself. Hey. And then literally like a guy who had like, the fucking like, just perfect like Putin's palace worth of shit, just came in and just one shot my entire thing, that I'd spent months building, just because he clearly was like, he had like just oil money or something. This man had everything in the game. Which must've been like 50 K worth of stuff, and just killed me. And I was like, I was like, what the fuck? What the fuck. - Imagine Peter winning a Miniclip game. - Yeah I know right. - I was like, I felt bad that I spent 20 bucks on it, because I was like, I was like 18, and I was like, oh my gosh this' a lot of money. And I was like, this asshole wiped out, not only the hours that I put in, but the 20 bucks that I put in were wiped out, and I couldn't fucking do anything. I had to sit there and watch his army coming for five days. And then you can drop down the menu, see this man's army. The man had sent like the equivalent of like everything, they fought 300 against me. And I'm literally like- - Like the fucking, Persian Empire. - Yeah, I'm literally there with like my fucking, like Stickmen ready. And I'm seeing this army camp like four weeks ahead. And I'm like, fuck, okay. Like mom, get the credit card. Like what am I supposed to do? This was so fucked. And a lesser man would have been like, I can win this, a lesser man would have thought I could, I could outbid this man. - So this is why people hate microtransaction. I get it, now. I understand games. - I think from that moment on, as I slowly saw that man's army approach me, the resentment built everyday, to the point where I was like, I can't, this is fucked. And just watching my work be destroyed. - So what, I guess going back to the FIFA Ultimate thing, I'm curious, like, how do people even become pros? Does that mean you have like a- - You have to legit be good at this, - Like literally drop a house deposit, on it. - You have to be good and also have disposable income, to become a pro in FIFA Ultimate then I guess. - Isn't it sad that when you're going to a tournament, there's probably some people at that tournament, who are like, need that money to recoup, the money they put in just to like, isn't that sad to think? - Oh, that is, that is fucked. - Like, you know, normally, you know, if you're, if you're an amazing fighting game player, all you gotta worry about is that the hotel getting there, and you know, making sure you have enough to live which is all, okay, which is difficult enough. But you add on that of like, oh sir, I spent 50 K on Peach, like to enter this match, you know what I mean? It's like, this is ridiculous. Like it's so bullshit man. I feel bad for the like, the people playing FIFA, who like genuinely liked the game, but have to deal with this shit. - I didn't, I didn't know, it had a competitive scene, at all. 'Cause I mean, I stopped playing after, after like, '09, 10. And I'm just like, okay, that, that, that is behind me. I literally blanked it from my memory, so. - You got out, you got out. - I got out, I got out. - Yeah it's a good choice. - Shall we move on gentlemen? - We're an hour in, we should get into another one. - Let pull or Trash Taste Kuni in, and see who's going second. - Do you want to pick Joey? - Sure. Okay, next is Connor. - Wow. We literally did this again. We went in order last time, do you want to put these two back in. All right, pull mine up, put it up. - All right. - Check this out. - I'm I'm ready for a lot of toxic gaming right here. I'm ready for a lot of pro gaming. - I have reasons behind all my pixels. And also I think some of them you'll be like, yeah, Some of them you'll be like what the fucks wrong with you? Here we go. Look at this shit. Check this shit. Check this shit out. - Okay. (laughs) - Check this shit out. Some good games. - Okay. There's some here that I was like, all right, fully expecting, - Yeah fully expected - Some of them? Okay, I'm going to have to give you points, for the the middle three there. - Yeah, bro, come on. - Especially the very middle one. I was not expecting from you. Super Mario Strikers is like, if you played that game as a kid, you know, you're in the know. - It is so good. - It is legit. Like it is an actual crime- - FIFA '09 ain't got shit. - Dude, Garnt was here being pro at FIFA, I was here fucking clapping my friend's cheeks, with the super smashes. Bro, Super Mario Strikers, right? If you've played this game, you'll know exactly why this is on here. This shit is God tier. Like everyone who's played this game fucking loves it. - It's the original Game Cube one, right? - It's, yeah yeah, it's so good. And it's an actual crime. We don't have this on Switch. - Have you, that it was that one and also Sluggers as well. The baseball one. - So, oh my God. Oh my God. You just hit me with nostalgia. - Sluggers, Super Mario Sluggers on GameCube is so good. - I had a fucking ordeal trying to get Sluggers on the Wii. - Oh really? - So what happened with was is that I saw Sluggers somewhere online. I was like, mom, I want this. And it was only available from like Taobao, or something on China. Like, so my mum bought it from China, for me for Christmas. And it was like the one game, that I really wanted that Christmas. And I put it in. And then obviously the, Wii has that, what's it called, region lock, - Oh the region lock yeah, - So I put it in and I was like, why isn't it working Mum? And obviously my parents have no fucking idea. And they're like what is this, - We bought you the game. - This is, it's the game. Why isn't it working? And they didn't figure it out either. So they sent it back, and bought another one from China again. 'Cause for some, some reason it didn't, it wasn't out in Europe, for some reason. Think either, it hadn't released yet. 'Cause you know, back then it was like, for some reason they would leave six months. between the release and the European- - Europe and Australia were always the last ones to get. - Yeah, it sucked 'cause you'd have to see, all these YouTube videos. You're like I know this exists. Why can't I buy it? And so I had an whole ordeal, and I never got to play it in the end. Even though we bought it two or three times - I play sliders at my friend's place. And I had the most fun I've ever played, in the Mario spinoff game. - I think. - What is Sluggers? - It's the baseball one. - It's the baseball one, okay. - I think that Mario Strikers, is the best Mario spinoff game. - Well Strikers, there's Strikers, there's Sluggers, and then there's Mario three on three basketball as well. On the DS, do you know that one? I never played that but it looked good. - I played that, dude legit- - I feel, I feel like you're just naming, Mario Party mini games, now. - Dude, honestly, all of the sports spinoffs of Mario, are all such fucking solid games. Like Mario Tennis, fucking solid, Mario Golf, fucking solid. - I think I legit would put like Strikers, like up there with Mario Kart, like main line. - Yeah I would too. - I think it's that good. Like to me it's like, yeah, okay, of course I like Sunshine, Garnt. Of course I like goldens game. But like Mario Strikers, that's when you're woke, you're like, I'm listening. Like if your mates like, you want to play Strikers? You're like, fuck yeah dude. Cause it was always like, you know, are they, you know, cause there was this mechanic, and it was probably the funnest mechanic in a Mario game. Where like, you, so your team, would be made of two main Mario characters. So you'd have like, you could put like Waluigi, and then you'd have like four Koopas, or four Birdos or whatever, right? And then he could pick like Wario. And so there's this mechanic where, you could choose to do a super shot, with the main character if they had the ball. And it was basically like a quick time event, and he'd just nail it, and like the perfect, like the, like the, be like an arm that would swing to hit it, in the perfect zone. If you've got it perfect. It would be a guaranteed goal. So it was always a thing of like, Holy shit, can he do it? And it was so hard because the timing is super fast. - Yeah, it's like tiny, it's fucking tiny. - And you have to, I think it's not even guaranteed, unless you're past the halfway point. So you have to be past the halfway point to do it, and yeah, it's fucking, it's so good. - It's so good. - It's so fucking good, dude - Do you want to go through your three by three. - Sure, sure, so. - Okay, okay. I gotta ask first. - I know, I know which one you're going to ask why? - What the fuck is Battalion Wars? - Okay, all right. - I've never, I've never heard of that before. - I've heard of it. - I've never even heard of it. - Dude, if you look up Battalion Wars. It's like one of the highest rated games on, like the least this one is on the Wii, and the first one is one of the highest rated games. Dude it is like a really fucking good strategy game. So it's like, so I really liked the online, where it's kind of like, it's got, really hard to explain. - Is it like tanks? - No, so it was basically like you'd be given, like a set amount of army. So you'd be given maybe like three tanks, four long range tanks, 10 ground units, and there'd be a mission. And so the, the way that it worked is like, you would have to try and take over, or take over a base, or push, push the enemy out without losing, as many people as possible. But the online was really good, 'cause it was essentially the same thing. But one person was defending a point, and the other person had to push and it was really fun, 'cause I got really fucking good at it. When I was like 15, I would just keep winning, and I would like cheese people with strats and stuff. It's such a good game. I played so fucking much of that game. It's so good. - Because I've never heard of this game, right? And I look at this cover, and I'm just like this looks like, some Chinese knockoff game. - No dude, dude! - This, this is like the, "Mom, I want Advance Wars." The mom goes, "We have Advance Wars at home." - Can we zoom in, can we zoom in on this. - Nah, this is the most zoomed in. - Really, fuck. - Oh okay. - Dude, Battalion Wars is legit. Like a good game. - You can see, you can see the cover here right now. - Dude it's good, dude it's so good. Checkout game player of it man, - Cause I'm just like genuinely curious, why I've never heard of this game before. - It's kind of like, I don't know how to explain it. 'Cause it's like, it plays somewhat similar to Halo Wars, but quite different like, Oh, that's it as well. So I completely forgot, one of the main mechanics of the game. So imagine a real-time strategy where you can be like, give me first person control of this guy. I'm going to fucking get on the ground and do the work. So you can swap between the units, if you're doing first person. So 'cause sometimes obviously the automation is like good. But you can obviously be way more like in control, and do more damage. So like the, the like, you know, 'cause there's tanks, there's planes. That's whatever, like the planes were okay. But if you went first person, you could really fuck people up with them, and you could dodge shit way easier and stuff like that. Dude. It's so good. Anyone who played Battalion Wars Two, will know it fucking slaps. - No, no, no, I'm not, I'm not laughing. I'm just realizing that we went through, my entire three by three talked about it for an hour, and not once did I use the term mechanic, at all. Gameplay mechanic. I'm just like, oh yeah, gameplay mechanic. That's a selling point to games right? Didn't, didn't mention that once, throughout my entire three by three. - One thing that's going to be definitely, I guess throughout all of my nine, is that like, I really think they have like super, like strong game mechanics. - No, no, I, I look at this and I'm just like, yeah. A lot of these have really strong game play loops, like Guitar Hero, fuck of course. - Like I, you know, me music, isn't my thing. I like, I like beeps and boops, but Guitar Hero Three. I played the fuck out of that. Trying to get like, - I think, everybody who had that game played the fuck out of it. Legit, I can't remember the amount of times, I attempted "Through the Fire and Flames", and like, just to like think that I was good, and then watch someone on YouTube, like a 10 year old crush me at it. - Perfect at it yeah. - Because that was always the game as well. Like no matter what person, like, if they were like, I'm not into gaming, it's like, no, no, no. I've got Guitar Hero, they're like all right, I'm down. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And so that was, just like such a great game. And also I really value being a game, that is so good at getting people who don't game into it. Like I think, that's so underrated. - I mean, who doesn't game nowadays though? - Well, I could get my parents, to play Guitar Hero with me. - True, true. - Which is like, think of how many games you could, like I'm not gonna, my parents don't wat to play, fucking Battalion Wars Two. How do I? Yeah, yeah dad, okay so what you gotta do, is you gotta take first person control of this plane. And then you got to push for the base. No, my dad's gonna be like fuck off son. If he sees me clapping cheeks with this guitar, he's going to be like, I want to try that out. And he did. And it was great. It was the one time where you could be like, my parents give a shit about my hobby. But they don't. - They're just like, I'll humor you for a while. - Okay, but the thing is, did you own Guitar Hero Three? Okay, because like I- - Only one guitar though, I couldn't afford a second one. - Cause here's the thing, like I love playing rhythm games. I love playing especially when we're at the arcade, and everything like that. I love playing rhythm games, I've always loved the feeling of playing rhythm games. I've never like gotten to the point when I'm like, okay I'm going to own a rhythm game now. I'm going to practice a rhythm game now. - I mean, when Guitar Hero was out, man they were like, they were fucking everywhere. It was so easy to get like, knock off Guitar Hero ones and stuff. Like, it was like, before Rockband came along, is when the hype started dying. But like, it was everyone had Rock, Guitar Hero. - Guitar Hero, yeah. I'm sad, cause like, I feel the fact that, I started learning how to actually play guitar, kind of threw me off playing Guitar Hero. 'Cause like I would like watch people play Guitar Hero. and I'd play it as well. And I'd be like, this is really fun, but I could also just be playing a guitar. - Yeah well its probably the instrument, for people who don't like instruments. - Right exactly, so. - And even now, like I still enjoy watching like that, Twitch streamer, who plays Guitar Hero, custom songs. - Acai? - Yeah, like I love like everything about guitar, just seems so fun. It's great, I mean, I think it's a banger, honestly. - Why don't you learn guitar then? - It's fun. - What? What? - Learn guitar. - I fucking hate instruments. (laughing) - Like, imagine that- - How do I get points? Where's the score system? How do I get ranked? You know, like it's none of those. - It's like people who play sports games, hate playing sports, all right. - Well you know what other, other rhythm game, could have been on here that I, I didn't play the rhythm game, but I played the other game of it was Donkey Konga. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Basically Donkey Kong, the Donkey Kong bongos on GameCube. - Jungle Beat, right? - Jungle beat. I thought it was way better than the, the actual rhythm game was game one. Cause they had the rhythm game one, which was like, - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - But then they had like a platformer, that was using the bongos. Did you see this. - No. - Jungle beat was fucking awesome. - You would like platform and then like you would, like so if you clap it a certain thing, and then if you hit both, it would do a certain thing. It was so fucking cool. - It was literally, replacing the controller with like two bongos. - And it played so well, like you think it wouldn't, and then sometimes the, the boss fights were like, fucking clapping battles. It was so cool, man. That the game was so good. That could be on here as well, but- - For me it was like only that one rich kid, who had that game and everyone was like, wait you have it? All right I'm coming over. - Well, that was cause like I played, the rhythm game one at my friend's house, and I was like, mom, please get me this for Christmas. And then I like, at the time I kind of already regretted it, because to me, it was like I paid like, three times the price of a video game. But just one game and it was good. But I was like oh it's over now. - Because for me it was a choice between, Jungle Beat or Tyco. And like, I got Tyco obviously, because it was like- - It has more replay value. - It was more for me. - I think my problem with rhythm games, is that I have a hard time looking at it, as anything, but a party game, right? And because like, I, I understand people getting, getting into rhythm games. But I can not play a rhythm game, for more than like a few songs before I'm just like, okay. - I can, I can play for a while. - I can play for a while. - I really like, I think one thing that rhythm games, I quite like, even though I don't like instruments, or care about music much is that I really liked the, you can always like feel like you're improving, when you replay a song or like when you're going through, you always feel like you're improving. - I'll tell you what, like rhythm games are. It's, it's feeling, like playing an instrument, without going through the boring parts. Like, like my God, like imagine, imagine, if you could just learn how to play guitar, without having to do scales. - It's like, wait, there's only five buttons. That's so easy. - You mean, I don't, I don't have to like practice scales five times. Like, like five times every time? - One rhythm game, I didn't put in my three by three, I could easily put it on there is, Rhythm Heaven, you know that game? On the DS. I played the fuck, . I played that game so much, that I snapped two DS stylists while playing that game. - Holy shit. - They can snap? I didn't know they snapped. - Yeah because I was like so fucking concentrated on it. That like, I literally was like, (grunts) there's a crack- - You're DS is impaled. Like the stick comes out the other side. - Legit I played, like the reason why my original DS broke, was because I played too much Rhythm Heaven. - Oh my God. - Because it got to the point where, like my touch pad was like you've damaged me, like so much so that the inside is just fucked now. And nothing responded. - It's just like, your DS is just like, the anime character who's just like, gone through hell and just has been like, battered and bruised. - No dude, my DS like the touch panel. My DS just looked like Bucky's body. It was just like fucking, it was just like shattered. It's like this guy's been through like a thousand wars. - Your DS probably had so much gunk in it. - Yeah, ah dude, it was fucking horrible, but oh my god, I had so much fun playing Rhythm Heaven. - Any other questions. - I mean, everything. - Sonic Riders? - Yeah Sonic Riders. - Listen I know this is going to get flack, right? I'm surprised this isn't the immediate thing, that I was given flack for, right. - I'm just shocked, there's a Sonic game on here. - Honestly, like I didn't give you flack, because I was actually really close, to putting Sonic Adventure Two, on my- - No Sonic Battle Adventure Two? - Yeah something like that. - That was, that was that easily could have been on here. - Running around at the speed of sound. - Just for like me, like me, like giving, like my chows like steroids, like dog, fuck in there, drug him up do the race. I loved that. That was so fun. Yeah, I mean like Sonic Riders, was like the one game that, cause it came with my Game Cube. So when I bought the Game Cube it was when, it was already dying, and they were just literally, trying to sell it with anything. So I got like a bunch of free games with my Game Cube, for like very cheap, and Sonic Riders was the one that I hated most, that came with this game. I was like, I was like, these controls suck dick. - It is one of the most jank Sonic games. - It's like, so fucking jank, right. And like the, the learning curve for this game, the mechanics seem completely like overkill, for like a kid's game. But then after like, I actually sat down, and like just for like 20 hours, didn't understand the game, and like eventually understood what was happening. This game felt so fucking clean. Like it felt so good. - Yeah I felt that way with Kirby's Air Ride as well. 'Cause like first like 10 hours, I was like, wait it's not just a racing game? What the fuck is this? I have to like earn my ride and then go into, - Right, right, 'cause there was like, this like glide mechanic. When you had to like jump, into the other person's like trail, and it was completely janky. And it would like throw you out and stuff. And it was hor. It was so jank, but it was like probably, the one game where my impressions on it completely 180, after I like actually put time into it and got good at it. And I was like, wait, this is a fucking clean game. And I played it so god damn much. I played this game so fucking much. - Just glad to know that I'm not the only one, who has like a 3D Sonic game, as like a guilty pleasure game. - Dude yeah, it was a good game. - For me it was Sonic Heroes. - I know Sonic Heroes, I could have put Sonic Heroes. - And I didn't put in my three by three, just because like if I did, I know people will be like, you put a 3D Sonic game.- - No dude, dude, I could put Sonic Heroes, and I'd defend it. - I have no like fond memories of any 2D Sonic games. It's the 3D sonic games, I have fond memories of. - I remember I tried to- - Look there's one reason, because I was Nintendo kid through and through. So Sonic wasn't available until the Game Cube, okay? That's why, that's why . - Sonic Riders is a good game. If you learn it. Listen, like if you watch people play it for the first time, they'll be like, this is fucking garbage. This is the worst game ever. But then you see someone who's good at it. You're like damn, that looks fucking good. No legit, it's a good game. - No, it was a good game. I played it. That's why I'm glad to know that. Like I'm not the only one who's like, you know what? There are good Sonic games out there. - I'm sure, Sonic Heroes, if I replayed it. Probably jank as fuck. - Oh yeah, I'd probably hate the fuck out of it. - And like, I remember that casino level, I fucking hated in that game, but I enjoyed Sonic. I remember you just keep dying randomly. From stuff in that cavern. - It was one of the most. It was a shit game. - I don't think I played Sonic Heroes, but I've definitely played some 3D Sonic games, and I've actually enjoyed most of them. Okay what else we got? - I mean Black Ops is self explanatory. - Black ops two that is. I think I, even though I played like- - I couldn't tell you the difference. - There's a big, there's a massive difference. Okay. You know, if any, you know- - Which one's the one was literally starts off, with the airport, getting shot up. - That's Modern Warfare Two. - K, never mind. That's my extent of knowledge of Call of Duty. - Dude when that came out. That was such a big deal. - Oh yeah it was a huge deal. - My mom, like she'd already bought me the game. And then she was like, Connor. I've heard about this thing in this game, where you can kill a bunch of people in an airport. I didn't buy you that game did I? And I was like, no, no, no. You didn't buy that, you didn't buy me that game. She was like, okay, good, good, good. And I, no Russian. So yeah, Modern Warfare Two is the one that, I probably played the most. Modern Warfare Three, is one where I won a bunch of free shit. And then Black Ops Two, was probably the one I had most fun with, and that I played competitively like in teams and stuff. And I really enjoyed. It was so fun. It was so clean. That game, they like optimized it. It was like the best COD, a hundred percent hands down. The maps were the best. The multiplayer had like a good rank system, which they'd never had before. I don't think they ever put back in, like it was legit, good. It was such, it was just a fucking great game. Fantastic fucking game. Anyone who likes COD will tell you, that Black Ops Two is the best game. - Yeah, that's, that's what I hear, most of the time. It's like, it's either Black Ops Two or Modern Warfare. - You're like, this is all noise to me. - It's all pew, pew kill a guy. Is this how it feels when we talk about music? - Probably, probably. - I'm like, I'm like, cool. Has it got the pew, pew? - It's the most (indistinct) it's just a great game. - It's just (mimics a machine gun) the game. - I put way too many hours. And it's what got me into like competitive gaming. And I like really, that was like the first e-sports , I started watching. I just had like a really good tournament. But then all the fucking pro players, were like weird as fuck at that time. They were just like, yeah, it was weird. It was very strange. - And then I'm not surprised you have, Time Crisis and Metal Slug in there, because whenever we go to an arcade together, and you have Metal Gear, or not Metal Gear, sorry Metal Slug or Time Crisis, Connor's like all right, see you later. - Yeah. Metal slug. I've always just been obsessed with metals. Like act like acts is like the best game overall. If you don't know what metal slug is, it's Neo geo game. That was really popular in all K. And you can probably still find it in a lot of arcades. It's aged. Super, fucking well. - It looks so good. - Like the Sprite work on it for its time was like insane. Like it looks amazing. - It still looks insane, to this day. - and it's got like some of the best fucking sound effects. The rocket launcher. I love that fucking effect. - Missile. - I love those things. You always hear those things at gaming con dot exe. I love those grenade. Like so good. Like the gameplay is so clean in that game. It doesn't overstate. Its welcome. It's like his six levels. Enjoy them. Get the fuck out. - Did you ever enjoy Contra? - Contra was really fucking difficult. - I mean it was that's yeah. - I think that the reason why I don't like, I think metal slug three is like pretty one- - It's way to hard? - is that like, it goes from like, you know level one and two of metal slug, three from being, you know a fairly challenging game to like level I think four five and six just being absolutely fucking stupid. - I mean, I remember the first time you and I have like game together, we played all three of the middle slot games back one game session. It's not long it's one and two. Especially if with two people who've played the game you can easily breeze through it. And then we got the three. Yeah. And we were like, this game. It's so hard. - There is, it is like you have to play that game every absurd amount. Because even if you know what all the enemies are spawning and where they're coming from, it's like, it doesn't matter. Cause there's just so much. Literally. It's complete. I just did it just to with you and take your money. I just realized they should have been another game when my three by three - We're talking about this, a mega man X. Oh my now I'm thinking about, I was thinking like scholars. I, I completely forgot how much I was obsessed with sites. I was tossing up between mega man X and make men too, right? Yeah. Just purely man. X is just them. It's it's like, it still feels like anime. Right? It's got a, it's got such an anime storyline but my God like the game plan that is clean as well. I forgot how much I loved hard games as a kid. And I really out. I was like, Hey, cause I'm like, man. Yeah. I remember I completed Contra super contract lease on the snares without that. Without Contra code. Yeah. Without the consequences. And my cousin I'm call gamer right now. I'm just like, I remember fleeting mega man. And that was really easy. What the? Yeah, because I was exactly the same. Like I haven't beaten Contra without the country code or like I remember like how easy it was for me to beat like mega man two I could be going to like an hour and like, you know I think last year or the year before I was like I want to stream some retro games. Oh I'll play mega man too. Because I played that like crazy dude. I got like 30 minutes in. I only beat like two like robo balls. I'm like, this game is impossible. How did I beat this as like a 10 year old patients? Because go for it. But like stuff with like country - I never played as a kid. So when I play now and like just pull kills you because there's a lot of. Like yeah. I'm just immediately turned off from like that. - This is just. It's it's it's weird because I I'm just like have this conversation has brought back so many memories about how, how much patience I had as a kid because I remember another game that was, people complained about being super hard and super. He was battle toads. I'm not, I'm not sure it was the level with the bikes right? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I, I still remember that level with the bikes and having to complete that and completing the battle toes. And I'm just like, man, I remember, I think I just blanked it out because there was just so many hours of my life. That was just some level. And I just, as a kid, you would just mind numbingly just like learnt it through, through muscle memory. I would not have the patience to do that anymore. Like if you value your time you're like, if there's some battle toll - By the belt battle toads, let's be honest is - Full of. But I loved that game as a kid. Cause you can't, you can't play that now and be like this is fantastic Ninja Gaiden for me as well. That, that game is just to where it's like, Oh I remember I almost beat that game as a kid. And I got to like, I think like the second to last level now I kind of get past level one. Yeah. And I remember like, I'm trying to think back. How the did I beat mega man X on the snares control? Oh my God. I remember getting like cramps and carpal tunnel from like the like like tapping the jump button on the wall, like right. - No, it's better than mass control. That thing was awful pointing. - Yeah. I just think for me - Slug is the best age. Just a best overall. - I think, I think it's easily. One of the, one of the games that's like age is the best. I feel like - Look at any like any indie game that comes out now that is like a side scroll, a running gun. It's just, it looks so inspired by metal work. It's like identical. Like, yeah. It's, it's like the blueprint of like, this is how you make a clean running gun. Like it's, you know, metal slug, you know three is, but like one, two, an X, X it's just kind of to like one, two and acts like I would highly recommend getting X. I think it's on steam one and two also - On steam, but like, don't - Get it. It's such a fun game. It's just great. It's like play with someone else, right? Yeah. It's so fun. It's so different to as well. So it's just a great game. I mean it's clean. Yeah. And I'm wondering crisis, man. Okay. I'm like the original one I think is such a jam of a game. When you go to NACA, do you seem - You still think time of crisis is good. And the only reason I could never progress too far in time crisis was because I never had enough money. Yeah. - Yes sir. Like I think once you get over that point of time crisis where you've beaten it a few times you can beat the whole game at least game one on one credit like pronounce it pretty easily because you know, you know when all the coming and to me when I used to play, cause like, you know, when you're when you would go to an arcade, right. Cause we, I would stay in like France for like, I don't know, two weeks at a time. My parents can be like to yours a day. Maybe if I have - Did you complete the game the first time? Which is what I want it I'm like no matter what I have always run out of money. Yeah. I feel, I feel like the first time you played time, crisis if you only had like two credits, right? Yeah. You could maybe get possible, you know maybe up to like stage. - So this was like a something over like years where it was like I would always like see it in arcades and I would always pick it up. And then maybe if I have two weeks I would play it like every day for two weeks. Right. Or I would like, you know, and as well I got to the point where it, when, when, okay if you had your name on the high school, all of them. So I would go and try and take all 10 slots when I would go when I would go to like a vacation because I would be there for like two weeks. So I'm like, Oh, what I'm going to do is I'm going to take every single slot in this thing. Yeah. But then, and so eventually what you could what I would do is that that would be like if someone was going to play it, I would just like I would just chill out and I'd be like, Oh, that's me, by the way. And then they would be like, Oh - Oh, they were, they would be like, Oh you want to play with me? - I'm like, hell yeah, give me a credit. And they they'd give me a credit. Right. I could just play - You literally game the system. - . Cause some people, some of the systems when they pulled out the plug at night like it would wipe all the high school. That was like my worst nightmare. Cause I would, I would get the high school feel real good. I'd come back the next day. And I'm like, where is it? - Whereas my high school, my street cred gone. Just like that. - That name was you though. That's what I want to know. People just took your word for it. - That's a good question. How did I do? I - Guess it's just the old system right? Of just people just took your word - For it. I guess the old system - I put the coin in I started just destroying everyone. They'd be like, I think it's him. - I see you. This is the old speed run rules. Right? It's like, you don't need, we don't need video proof. We trust the juice - Because like, if you're a rookie, right time, they'd go like this. You know, I would just like, so I would like get - Like - And then like flick it off like that in time crisis. Right. - Cause the way I learned, right? - I'm like, wait, the normal way of shooting. So if you I'm sure, I'm assuming most people who are watching this have seen will play at a time crisis. If you haven't, it's the one where you put your paddle down on the thing and then you pop out to shoot. That should be enough to let you know. I mean, I assume if you've left your house binge and arcade or anything even been bowling, you've seen this thing. It's crazy - Please. The best all came arcade game. You can play, you don't live in Japan. Or - I realized right after a while, I'm like right. If you're doing the whole like holding it with two hands pointing your finger, isn't fast enough. And the way the time crisis worked with points is that you had to, like, there would be this like a smash combo. Right? But when you shot a character first, there was like a split second where you could keep shooting them with bullets to get more points and combo. So if you shot someone once that's it, you can get like 10 points. You could unload like eight bullets into one person. So what you'd have to do is when they would all pop up on screen, you have to get like maximum points on each person on screen. So I wouldn't load the whole mag into one character. So that's how you had to be like, not just like discover turbo mode - I literally - Just learned the technique of like spanning this thing, like this. I was like, switch my hand suddenly like, Oh. And then I would do for everyone on the screen. And so that we, no one came close to beating me in school. Yeah. And then I would remember the points where I like I think a time crisis, one or two there's a point where you get a machine gun. And if you, you could like juggle the cover so that you could keep your combo even while going in cover. So you could like juggle it to get an absurd combo. This man at age 10 is optimizing. - So I remember this - And like literally like age 13 and then like, it was like - Maxing time crisis. Loved - It. And then, you know then you start playing time, crisis three and four. So two was nice too was when they introduced like, sorry am I going too in depth? So Tom crushed, this one, all you had was the pistol and you could just boom, 10 crisis two. They started introducing like weird like machine gun, grenade, shotgun. You're like, all right, whatever cool time guys. There's three is where they start getting weird with it. And they start introducing all this dumb. Now we're on like seven garbage like it's game where you just get shot. It's like, it's like, how should the dead? Well, you were playing five the other day. And you said five was all right. It's okay. But like they introduced, like they, I feel like they they did what house of the dead did like warehouse or the dad was an amazing arcade game. One was pretty challenging. Two was quite difficult. And they started adding a few things that were like that's true. That's cheeky. That and three onwards, they just start adding that would just kill you unless you literally like perfect headshot because you've played it. Right. And this time is a, you're literally hitting everything on how should the dead and then was just like just dead. And it's like, this game sucks, Dick this game. You just took my money. And I don't like it. I'm a good pillow. Literally. You'll literally that kid him, you know in persona five, you know the kid in the arcade like teaches you the gun moves. That's literally, I'm just sitting here and I'm just thinking, I don't think I've heard Connor talk more passionately about something like, since I've been here - I also had it on. - So that also helped him. Wow. That was the next day job I had. I had time gracious too on the PS two. And so when I went to the arcade, I was like, it's just like the simulations then waiting to use that - Meme. It was - Literally like that. Cause I was like I already know exactly what is the optimization. I know all the levels off by heart. - Well, there's a thing as well. - Cause you were like you were broke and you didn't have credits. I would legit, like I it was the same thing with metal slug. I would be like, I would just go up to the kids and I'm like, Hey, I'm really good at this. If you give me a credit, I'll help you get ready to and then you're like, Oh, okay, sure. Cause then it was a win-win because even though I was doing all the work they felt like they were getting an extra 15 minutes of fun where they would've got to. Yeah. You know what I mean? - I mean, that's, that's the thing right away. No, I mean, I guess arcade games or whether your original pay to win because I had never met a single person who had completed time, crisis. Cause how the does any kid, my age complete timeframes? - I would like, I would like to have a fit in my head if I even got hit once in time, crisis after a while. Cause I was like, I knew where they all should be - Becoming this man's friend. No hip time - Fun. Cause I, it like, like you said, right? You're not supposed to the games weren't designed for you to play at this much. Yeah. Yeah. This is also why they started upping the difficulty of arcades because people would just sit there all day and complete games on $1 get 30 minutes when they should've been getting two minutes. And so that's why they started upping. You know, now it's like all the arcade games like even the ones that used to be like pretty fad used to feel good. I'll just pull. Like yeah. Like the Mario kart arcade game now it. That scheme sucks. You get one race and it's it's. You know like if you were doing like Daytona back in the day if you were good at that game, you kept together. You kept playing because you kept getting to the points. Right. But now it's like, you get one race off. That was $3. It's like - No, just, just cause you got to take a - Picture with me and put it on the character. You think that's enough to keep me happy? Oh off Mario. - Yeah. Although to be fair, every time I see that and I'm with like three other people, I'm like they always want to play a game. You play it. And then every time you play it, you're like, all right people want to play it because it's Mario cards and people please worse than the actual Mario. They do that. It's supposed to be better. What the? I'm so passionate about because arcade games suck. Now the fall of arcade games, there's some good the rise and fall, absolute state. - You spoke about it on the podcast for but typing of the dead. And I hope it, I think I hope it isn't in the one that closed down because one of the game centers in AQI Habra closed down and only one of them had typing of the debt because you've done a lot of typing of the net. It's Google it. Yeah. That's good. The Jojo battle. Royales okay. It's like, it's like a, it's like an unreal engine mod. It's kind of. There's no real arcade games. Knacks. Oh we can Mac one. We've been spoken about that. - we don't know what it's called, but here it is. So we don't want, it looks like you get to - A Mac. Like you literally sit in the cockpit. Yeah. Put a seatbelt on. And there's like gas pedals drift. - Yeah. And it's like four D cinema. So it would actually, it moves. It moves as you are flying about. So you are literally as close to a Mecca pilot as you can possibly be. And it's got ranked PVP literally. - Do you literally like you all jump in the mechs, with the boys, and PVP against other flare really captured the flag and it's like domination for Cod, I think. Yeah. And yeah, you literally like, it's so fun. Cause when you smack down thrust and drift - Pedal the chat jumps back jumps back - Then it's like, yeah, like what's it like when a chain's going up on the roller coaster - Did you, did you like drifting, like drifting in the end? Just flowering myself at the same time with the boys. Whenever you load the other one, as you knock it off this player, come to their pen. You've got to chase. This is like everyone says rhythm games. No, this is the best arcade game I've played in Japan bar. None. I believe it's is it Sega? I've only seen it in a few are like sort of round - And Sega, but like, yeah. It's actually insane. I think it's is it $2 or $3 a play? - Not enough play. I think one play can cost you, you know like 15 minutes, 15, 20 minutes. I'd happily play like pay like five pounds. If it was like in the UK. Cause my God, you get to pilot a Mecca. So cool. - I don't even know what's going on so I can't read what the the they're saying like I love it. It's so fun. - And I can read what they're saying but I didn't give a. It's not important to me. All right. Before we move on. So okay. Like I, I like, I I'm wondering why. Okay. Before we get tailored ones I'm wondering why you put apex over, over league. All right. Okay. Is this recency bias? - There's definitely been a recency bias. I dunno for me, Leah legends was fun and I really, really really enjoyed the time I had with it. And it could easily be on here. Yeah. I think apex is on here just because like our apex made learning Japanese fun for me. Okay. Like, isn't that isn't that fun because you're actually using it. Right. And like, for me apex has been such a door opener like right now. Like it's just like, everyone's playing apex right now. And like it's so easy to be like, yo play PAX. Just jump in. Yeah. Like I dunno, just anyone it's like especially Japanese or like V tubers. It's like, yeah, let's play apex. Let's do it. Let's chill out. I dunno. It's so fun. And I feel like it's, it's like even though I just started playing it recently I have been playing it. I did stop playing it at launch. Right. And I feel like the game's only gotten bigger and better now. And I feel like that's raw for games, especially battle Royale. Like I feel like it's more popular now than ever. - Yeah. And I would say that and it's been - Massive in Japan. Yeah. Yeah. VG was man. They, they just broke the system. It's crazy. I mean, you know, it's, it's crazy seeing how like when it came out, you know, the story of apex is that they, they literally announced apex legends. I don't know if you knew this a day before it came out. Oh. Really? Because what happened was is that it made was made by the same people it's tightened full. Right. So EA thought, it says published by Ja but it's made by respond. The people who made Titanfall, who made call of duty modern warfare two back in the day. So you have that, you have that clean FPS gameplay combined with a naughty movement of Titanfall. And yeah. So what happened was is that they literally were just like, Oh, by the way here's a new bottle way out because they thought it was going to bomb because it was made by the same people who had made Titanfall with no Titans in it. Yeah. And everyone was like, yeah, I'm not playing that where the max the maximum, the best part. Yeah. But yeah, no, it was a surprise hit it blew up. The gameplay is so clean. - I mean, I've liked from what I heard apex was just better Royales but just with every mechanic refined - It's so good. It's so fun. And you know, it's really like weirdly one of the most beginner friendly battery, I was like - Yeah. Well, what I want to know is, has it gotten to a point where everyone's just really good at the game yet there's a Metta and everything's broken - Good. The matchmaking is surprisingly good. Like when I play ranked, I really struggled like against people, my own level. When I go in like normals, if I'm like playing with someone who's like got a really bad stats to like, even as out like, I can feel like a God but you know, so like in other words, yes Yeah. I play with some people who are like, you know arguably have no hands and they seem to have the time with that life. And I, you know, to me, I would be like, that's not fun but they seem to, you know, they like, again, people who you know, cause it's such a position, heavy game. It's not about mechanics. It's more about do like, okay, are you, if are you standing out in the open and someone else is on the high ground shooting at you you'll probably going to die. But like, you know you don't need to have like aim God CS go. That's like, I hate that. Fortnite felt like that as well. I feel that like, if you just have like some form of game knowledge, which you can easily learn, you know it's easy and all the characters are already unique. It's really fun. Like, I don't know. It's great. I really think you guys should try it out. Try it out with me. Apex trash day stress. - Literally every episode, every episode it keeps saying - Trash tastes apex when it's good. Like, and legit like I've made so many new friends from it and yeah, like Like I said, the other day I actually met up with people who I met up on apex. I met on apex, two Japanese - Guys spent the whole night trying to - Talk. Japanese is very like taxing my God. I realized I was an hour into talking only Japanese. And I was like, I gotta do this for like another four hours of like not being able to communicate. Yeah. - It will do wonders though for you. - I feel like I definitely have like the basics completely locked down. Like it's all muscle memory. Like I could just say, just talk nonsense and big, you know, all the stuff you need. - Yeah. - Yeah. It was fun. You know, it was just crazy to think that I met these guys from just chatting on a video game, literally just going into the lobby and screaming, broken Japanese. And then I was hanging out with them, you know? Yeah. It was just chill. Like it's all about the friends - You know, I honestly can't say about league of legends. - You made friends from legal legends, but like it just felt like - Oh, I can't imagine making a friend from a guy you met in a lobby and illegal legends. So I bought that's the thing. It was - Good friendships with them, like with age with it. Cause it was always like we were the same rank we played rank together and it's always this weird thing of like that that was what it was. And we were like, we, our friendship was tangential on the fact that we were both the same brand and we were good enough to play together. But in apex it's like, ah, you know, I, I, you know I play with a guy who is called Killshot he's like a 45 year old man. Right. Like West Japan, who's awful at the game, but he's, he's really funny. And so like, that's like, you know, I like playing with him just like there's no, it feels chill. It's a really chill game but it can be a really intense game if you want it to be. And it's like, perfect because it has like enough Lowes in it where you can just talk. And then when the moments where you're like fighting it's like right. It's focused on fighting. So that's why it's on there. I legitimately think it's the best battery I've played. I've played so many of them. It deserves to be on there. It's a great game. Play apex legends. And finally halo Wars. I'll quickly talk about this. I played, I've probably put more hours into any game here. Halo was a part of the game I put most hours into really why halo Wars? I don't know what it was. It was ma what made me fall in love with RTS is that game was terribly unrefined and and awfully unbalanced. - I've never played Wars but that's all I've heard about that. It was like extremely unbalanced. - It was the case of I was very fortunate that my, my fault, like I had I had three best friends and we all loved halo Wars. So it was a case of every single day we just went home and played halo Wars and it was just like the perfect game to chat to and also be like, you know, do this, do this. - Yeah. I really liked the idea of RTS games. I like, I mean I remember playing command and conquer so much. That was my, that was my RTS game. But I like, I've never got into RTS, like more than just build a bunch of soldiers and then click on click on anyone who looks at you. Funny. That's like my tactics when it comes to RTS. - I think the one thing that I really loved about hail Wars is that it really did two V two and three B three. Well, I can't think of a single RTS game that has three V three like the new name. It's always one V one. And like, I find that like boring like the fact that I can be there with my mates and we can all back each other up and then like you kill one dude's army. is his friend's army is literally coming to wipe you out. - Then you're like, bro, bringing your mommy. What the? And actually sounds really fun. Cause that's so I guess that's the reason I never played PVP in any RTS, even though I know there is there I just played the campaign and I'm just like I can complete the campaign. - Like, and it's a chill game. Cause it's like the games would never more than 20 for 20, 30 minutes. They were normally 15, 10 minutes. So it was great because what would happen is, is like you know, there would just be moments where you'll meet or there would be like all three of them would be attacking your mate and none of you are ready and you're like, yeah, I'll see ya. - No, I'm, I'm just realizing my, my my three by three is a lie. Why is red alert? So you're not on my come command and conquer red alert too. That's a amazing game. And not many people. - I remember it was pretty good. It's on a, you play on PC. It's pretty good. - Now the civilization games, RTS like turn base it's like almost turn base on it. - like crazy back in the day. - I feel like it's in the category. The category was like a different style. Like I play civilization every now and again because you know, when you get that feeling of just replaying a game every now and again. So I get that with save sometimes and I'm just like I play one game and lost it lost like eight hours. I'm like, okay, that's that that that's that's my one out the window now I'm satisfied. Yeah. - I see halo Wars is a great game. I'm sure if anyone played it, who like played it with mates I love to play in RTS. That's like two feet. - I'm down for halo. yeah. And it runs really well. I've gone so many games that I just I'm. I know I'm going to go home today and be like, okay I'm downloading all of these games now time to replay all these 27 days or we should do, we should all do - As a day where we all just say like let's all play each other's like choice of game. Yeah, we should do that. That should be fine. We'll do it. We'll do it. We'll just stream it all be a whole day thing. Yeah. All right. - Yeah, sure. All right. All right. Careful. One of the naughtiest dude I mean you've already had my three by - Three. Okay. - There you go. Okay. Okay. Okay. Let me ask shocked by any of them. So you're like a death below, like completely normally then you haven't gone for final fantasy seven. Well, no, I think six is like the the second normal choice Terraria. I didn't know. Terraria was like up in your top night. Okay. Terraria. I've dead us. Like if you go on - My steam, I've played Terraria for about 500 hours. I was so insecure when I first came out. Like - Okay. Yeah, I'm done talking about the son of five. - I really need to talk about breath of the wild. Obviously. Why should Marywood out of all of the murders? Super a wall for me. Okay. Because a lot of these games, like especially the older ones, like cubbies nightmare and dreamland and final fantasy six and stuff like that. I got them as hand-me-downs from my cousin. - So like basically all the super Nintendo - Games and like especially Kirby games, especially. Yeah. All hammy downs and super Mario Wald was one of the first like Mario games. I like properly sat down knowing it was a Mario game. Yeah. - Like, you know, there's like games when you're like really - Really young where it's just like, this is just a video game, but I don't know like what this is. It's just a fun thing. That's on my screen. Kinda. Yeah. But super Mario Wald was the one where I was like, okay, I'm playing this - Knowing fully well that this is a Mario game. And that I love Mario game. - It's literally like one of the best games of all time. - It's one of the Fest platforms. Like it was a tie between Sumara Walt for me because we can only choose one game per franchise. Right. So obviously for a Mario game, hottest - For me to choose. But it was a tie between super Mario world and Yoshi's Island. Oh, Yoshi's Island. I love you. I was like, both of them are like equal number one for me. But I, I GN top games of all, honestly except for Joey's like individually clarinet for me was just like, okay that's what I'm like really sold me on like animating out of everything on here that like, well, will I that will make it known that it's a Joey list. It's clan out. - If you remove that, she have no idea. If you removed - That, it's like, Oh I see you were also born in the nineties. - It's like, you've typed in top, top, top top game, boy game, top NSN S game. And then you've been like, I'll have those. I love those. Wait, wait. Which, which Mario is it where there's like there's a level where it - The sun trying to kill you. That's my brother's story. I had nightmares of that. - Really? That song. I couldn't beat it. And I kept, I kept having nightmares. I'm trying to kill that level is hard. - Have you guys ever played the original merrier? Yeah. Okay. I think I've actually played every mainline Mark - intend to rereleases it every year. Just pay me 10 bucks for the same game. - Okay. Did you play as a kid? Yeah. Okay. As a kid, did you want to eat the shock? The bricks? Was that just me? - But like, yeah. As a kid, I remember I have - This thing's memory of just looking at the bricks. I'm just thinking, man, those look delicious. - They kind of looked like shocked. - I hope you didn't say that out loud. Cause your parents were like, Oh God. Oh. We should take this game away. - All right. That's just me again, my life. - Right. I think my three by three is a little bit of a lie because there's a bunch of games on here because to me, I was like, okay, for me through and through I was always a Nintendo SIM Nintendo seem from the moment I got my first game consult to today. But because of that, I feel I've kind of put too many Nintendo games on my three by three. I mean, I mean like it's, it's, it's it's the first thing that came to your mind, right? Yeah. But I would, okay. There's one game that I would pull it on here on the X-Box and a that's a team called SSX tricky. - game - Sixth street. Okay. For those of you don't know this is extra snowboarding game. Right. And it ha did you play snowboard kids as well on the, in 64? Was that just me? - Oh, I played a little bit of that. I played a little bit of that. I think - I think it was the first time I saw as a sixth street because I think my dad got it because like my dad was the one who bought the X-Box because he wanted to play it like a bunch of like racing car games. And one of the racing car games that me and my dad bonded over was burnout three. That's amazing, which I would also put on my three by three but like he also brought home this game called SSX tricky. I'm like, I never cared about snowboarding. I didn't know what the. This thing even seen snow live in Australia Legit. The first time I ever saw snow it wasn't necessary Played it. And the moment you hear that title screen music I was like, hell - Like to me, I'm just getting reminded. But - SSX tricky is on like the same level - As Tony Hawk in my mind - In terms of just addictive gameplay with Tony Hawk's pro skater - Too. I haven't played any of these games. - So I don't know. I think the one thing I optimize the out of SSX because it was probably the one game where I was like, no, no, no, this isn't the perfect score. I know I can fit one more trick into this, Joe when you're addicted to a game, it's like I know I could fit like one more one 80 into this like trick combo on this one. And I would just keep playing this over and over and over and over again. I think I a hundred percent of it actually it was probably one of the first games, a hundred percent. I think I was close to a hundred percent in it as well. I mean, all of these games, I have a hundred percent especially in terms of like Pokemon silver the original silver, it's the one game where I've actually broken the end game time off. Like I played so much of. - Right. Yeah. How'd you do that? - The end game time of the Maxine game time as 999 hours. And that's reasonable, which is reasonable. It's like a thousand hours. Right. But the only way I achieve that is because of like, you know, obviously you play through the game and then you're like, okay well I finished, I've gotten all 16 badges. What do I do now? Yeah. Complete the decks. Okay. I'll do that. What's the step after that get every Pokemon to level a hundred. Okay. I've done that. Right. Get all the Chinese. - And I did that. I did that. - I did that to myself because at the time, right I was borrowing my friend's GameBoy Cola. Right. Like we kind of like, this was during the time where like I had like a couple of childhood friends, like lived nearby where we met each other often enough where it's like can I borrow you in 64? Or can I borrow your super Nintendo or whatever? Yeah. So I never actually owned the game boy color. And, but I had Pokemon silver. I don't remember where I go to from maybe I borrowed it from a friend that again probably like probably something like that. But like I borrowed the game book enough times where I was like, and it was the only game. And also Silva was the only game boy color game I had as well. So it's like, whenever I sold the gamble of college was sitting at my desk. I'm like, Oh, I mean I can just play this, going to kill some time. And as a kid, you know you have no concept of time as you're playing a game. Right. So it was like, so yeah, I just was like well literally got nothing else to do other than I guess I'll just try and catch all the Chinese. And I did that. And I was like torture. And I maxed out the in game clock. I was like, Oh, 999 is the max. All right. I got it. Now. Jesus Christ, Joey, I'm telling you, like you think you'll like, you know, God thinks he's like you know, once you're into a game, you get addicted to it. I get no, no, no - No, you do. You're you're on another level. And like Kirby's a nightmare. - And dreamland was the first ever game I owned because the gateway advance was the first console. I think I've played that game. I've never played a single Coby game. This game was the game that got me to Kirby. And I, since then, I love every Kobe game. And like - I'm telling you, like, if you're ever feeling sad - Just play a Kirby. - It might be the most like childish. - Like I'm gonna prescribe you a copy of Covey's dream. - Like literally, like you might think it's like childish - And Dom and like easy or whatever - But it is literally impossible to play a Kirby - And not be happy. - It's just the challenge. Except there is, there's something about speed running. There's something about it where it's like, yeah, I might be in the - mood and I'll play it like 30 minutes of any Kirby game immediately happy. Right. And like, I think that's why I liked playing it. Cause I was like, I don't want to play a game that makes me - I mean, later on in my adult I was like, yes, heavy rain, metal gear, solid. Give me all of that. Yes. I would like a bit of depression and, and I think again - And that's another reason why I like played a little like animal crossing, for example, or like, you know, again like Pokemon it's like you put animal crossing in like the top nine in your life. Yeah. - Because like this one in particular while, while we had honestly wild wild world - Specifically, because I was obsessed with the DS and this was one of the few DSPs, this is the D S one. - I hit a lot of like, you know, now that now that people have like calmed down of an animal crossing the first one, I've heard a lot of people being like you know, it is good, but just feel like it's lacking in a lot of ways. And that they're adding in the functions that were in the previous ones literally - Add-ons that they currently had on. This is going to sound. So Doug boomer or not, not boomer but like what is the point of animal crossing? - Yeah. I mean, I feel like - I'm trying to understand why there's like anti-vaxxers when I'm watching that. I like, I hear, I hear what you're saying. I get it, but I'm seeing it and I'm like I don't get it at all. - I totally get people. Which is why I was really shocked at how popular the newest one got. Yeah. - Because to me, animal crossing a lot, like harvest moon. Yeah. - I always thought was like that one niche series where it's like if you want into it from the beginning it doesn't matter how many new games they bring out. You'll never get into it. I mean like the more people talk about - I'm just like well, this is just a pay your mortgage simulator - . And I'm like, okay so you go hit that rock and then you get some stones. Okay. And then you go and talk to a guy he gives you a recipe for something that you didn't want. And then you go and make that thing. And it's like a cabinet that you might not need. And then I'm like, yeah. - And then are confused and they don't want to, you can sell it. Everything is just seems so - Slow. And of course it's an intender so is just unnecessarily complicated and convoluted. Like I saw someone going to like someone else's Island and it took like a minute of like cutscenes to go to someone's Island or something. And then like, everything just seems slope in it. And I was like - I think that's the entire point of animal crossing. It's supposed to be slow because it's not supposed to be like - Oh wait, I hate games that make me wait. Like - Oh, it's the slice of life of video games. A hundred percent. It is crossing Sims harvest moon. See, I get all like, like I get the Sims though. Right. Because you're kind of like you're kind of trying, you, you you're kind of like living a life that maybe that maybe you couldn't like live in real life. It's really weird. I never got into the Sims. I never going to see the SIM Sims is really boring. Yeah. Now we'll cross this kind of thing is I've really liked simulation games but I've never like never a life simulator game. I've always liked, you know, why I never go into the Sims. - Cute. Honestly, I understand that you will get harvest - Moon. You look at animal crossing. You're like, that's a dog. - I was, I was never into Sims. But like when I started voice acting and it's a weird tangent like I started seeing Sims voice acting project, everywhere. People making their own movies in Sims. This was a huge thing like Machinima. Yeah. And I was just like, what the? This is ugly. And it looks dumb. And it's like the animations of Sims, like yeah. And then they would, you'd have to like voice back to it. And I'm like, I'm not auditioning for that. What the? - That's part of the like old age of the internet campiness to that. I feel like it has its own charm. Yeah, absolutely. - Oscar worthy drama performed via SIM. And it's like, what the? - I think that's the whole appeal. Right? Because when animal crossing first came out I think I've read this somewhere and correct me if I'm wrong internet. But I think the whole appeal of animal crossing was it was supposed to be marketed towards Housewives in Japan. Who wanted something to do as you know, their husbands or significant others were out working all day. That's literally how they market it because it was like it was a non challenging game. Not literally, it was like, it was a game where it was like - Are you tired of being in the kitchen all day? - It's like, because it's, it's so not challenging. And also it's, non-stressful either, it's like it's a game that like literally gets all your stress off because you forget about everything in the real world. Yeah. Well you can just focus on a completely separate just there are no stressors or no, I guess like bad things to happen with like any consequence whatsoever in this world. It's literally Nintendo was like, I'm a create a distraction for stressed adults and call it animal crossing. Because I remember my first and only experience with animal crossing was the original animal crossing on the game cube. And the only reason I knew about it right was because I don't, I think for the longest time, it just wasn't available in the UK. Like it was only available. Like they translates there, but it was only available in the U S and I had about it from - Like this Nintendo gaming, PC their gaming magazine, gaming magazine, gaming magazine. That's what I meant to say, this Nintendo gaming magazine. And they were like, it just got like super good reviews. And I'm just like, Holy this must be a banger of a game. Every review is giving us a source. Every review stimulus five five-hour, five. I'm just like, Holy, this, this, this this is a musket game. Why is this not available in the UK? So I literally had to like look up some like impor websites. And like, I seriously, like I had to import animal crossing from the U S by like a specialized import disc where like because yeah, because old GameCube games will region loads. So you couldn't just put a U S disc into a UK device. You needed a special desk that you needed to insert into the game cube to, to region unlock it so they could put animal crossing into it. So I had to research and do that to do that by myself with a very limited budget because I didn't really have much of a budget to work with back then, but I, I had saved up and I brought animal crossing and I was just like this is going to be an amazing guy. - This is going to be an amazing game - This game, which is expensive to import a game. And I bought like extra hardware on top of that just so I could play the game because every review said it was amazing. Yeah. And then I started playing it and I'm just like, that's the gameplay kicking. - I was like, okay, this is an awfully long copy. - Okay. I was picking apples. I'm just like some, I'm just, the gameplay is going to kick in sometime, or I'm going to have a point to why I'm doing this. Cause I expected it to be on the same level as like Pokemon - Or something like that when I'm catching stuff - Or I'm like, I'm going one of that adventure. And I'm just like, okay, surely when I play out pay off this mortgage, that's when the game play. Okay. So I play, I play animal crossing and I, and I and I paid Tom Nick back or whatever the his name is, I pay off my I pay off my mortgage. Cause I'm just like, there must be a reason why every game every magazine is giving this five stars pay off my mortgage and then the game just continues. And then it looks like - No - Okay. Because you like games like banjo Kazooie or like JPGs where there's like a whole like collect like a collecting element to it. Right. - Linear games, more than OpenWorld and stuff like that. - I, I do like linear games more than open. I like, I, it's funny because I feel like I do like the idea of open-world games. But if I'm going to sit down and play something then I'd much prefer linear games. Right. - Because one of my favorite aspects of animal crossing personally is like the whole like catching fish and bugs and collecting all the artworks and collecting all the furniture. So like, it's basically the collecting portion of it. Whereas a lot of other people who play the game, you know enjoy the whole, like, you know, DIY, you know creating your own amazing looking town amazing looking house kind of thing. To me, that's like second number one for me is definitely like, I needed to complete my fish index need to complete my bug index. Why, why, why do you want to do that? Because I got that from playing all the JPGs. Right. And like, and obviously six is up there because like there was that for six, for me as well. But like, I think the reason why I picked six and I think why final fantasy six is my favorite not only final fantasy game but my favorite JPG Evo is because like it was the first game where I was like this is a work of art, right? Like this is not just a game. It's like, the gameplay is like, cool. You know, I've played all the previous final fantasies like four and one and like that. Right. This game plays basically the same but six was the first time where I was like, I didn't know story could be this good. I didn't know, game music could be this good. I didn't know. You could have this much emotion in a game where and I got to like the fake, like the fact that, you know people still talk to this day about like the final fight scene, right? Yeah. Like final fantasy six. I feel like it's overshadowed by final fantasy seven but everyone I know who's played final fantasy six holds it higher than final fantasy. So I've always said the true final fantasy. That's like six is the true final fantasy fans pick. Yeah. Right. Because it's like, you're not persuaded by like the graphics quote unquote because this was the last 2d final fantasies. Aren't seven is roadblocks or seven is roadblocks but people still put it on this like pedestal of graphics. Right. It's like, what are you seeing? And like, you know, don't get me wrong. It's also a good game. Yeah. I also like seven, but six was, I don't know. There's something about it where it was like this game could look like absolute. Right. And the story and the music and everything just the emotion of getting into this world is so well done where it's like I don't care how this game looks. Yeah. And was it like to this day like the battle thing, the decisive battle thing for final fantasy six gives me a Harlem. Every time I listen to it, it's like the Sona five and final fantasy, six easily have the best battle theme music, any game. - I mean, I can't comment already. I haven't played any final fantasy, so I felt bad. I can't judge yours. - There's a lot of, there's a lot of final fences that could have put on hating turn-based battle was yeah - I am. I am regretting not putting I wish I put ruined scape on my list now. Oh yeah. I'm surprised you just gave wasn't on your, I forgot. Played rune scape. That was like the first game I ever liked had a membership for actually maybe club penguin. I don't know. Yeah. Called penguin. I was the first one for me. - Penguin on my list. - Going on those tubes down the, the snow slope. - Tipping, the ice becoming the - Asian bro. It's typically I, Oh God. Yeah. Greenscape light. Definitely. Like when you say emotion in the world, man I was so into those quests and. Oh yeah. Going to like monkey Island and stuff. Oh my God. So good. - Yeah. I want to be one to remake my three by three off to talking to you guys about it, but honestly make it three by three of like each console. Do you want to talk about tomorrow too? So Rory. Okay. Terraria for me was like so when it came out, I had already like known Minecraft - Because Minecraft obviously came up before Terraria Minecraft, not on here. And Terraria is I thought you liked Minecraft more than Troy. - I think Minecraft for me is kind of like, I like it and it's a game that I can always come back to but I don't think I was like as heavily into it as I was with Terraria. I think Tara came out when I was in maybe like middle school or high school or something. And the only, ever time where I would spend like I would not sleep and being like a Skype call with - My friends in high school was playing Terraria. - Like there was so many nights where after school, you know we'd be on the bus home. We'd be like, all right we're playing Terraria after dinner. Yeah. Like seven, 8:00 PM. Yeah. Cool. We all get on a Skype call and we played for until like 6:00 AM, like, all right. So you in school in two hours like I had so many nights like that playing Terraria. Right. I don't know why I could have easily done that with Minecraft, to be honest. But I think it's because I don't know. There's something about like side scrolling games that just, just, just tickle my fancy. - It looks fun. Every time I see Terraria, I'm like, yeah that looks like fun. I just, yeah. I mean, it's kind of like - Why is there a point to Minecraft? It's kind of like the point of mine. I mean, there is actually like a story - Where it's like, you have to go through and like this is like a bunch of story Dungeons kind of thing that you have to discover. There is an end game. - That's just a bunch of content for free. Right. But everyone's always like the Chad Terraria DLC for free, something like that. Exactly. And I think I have Terraria. I think I paid for it. I just never played it. I don't know. - It's really, really fun. And it's, it's, it's like Minecraft for me as well where it's like, if I just need like a game to just kind of mindlessly play and just relaxed too, then I'll either put in Minecraft or terrarium. Yeah. Yeah. Other than that, other than that, it is the most - Vanilla three by three I've ever made. I mean, I, I mean, I totally understand why - Three by three, this is very much a Joey three by three - Nine games that I can always come back to. And it's probably the most amount of time I've ever spent on any. Yeah. - I wrote down a bunch of other games that I wish I could have put on borderlands too. I thought it was really good legal legends Gary's mode on here. Maybe portal to Mario party to - Yeah. I, I I'm, I'm surprised nobody put Mary party here because I wanted to talk about Mary story. Mission challenge, hands down the best the amounts of blisters I've gotten from Mary parcel. God, whoever designs the like whoever designed the end 64 controller like he just hated humanity. He woke up and he chose violence. He would like put it into games where I'm like - I'm sure there's better solutions rowing down the rubbing down a like a raft thing. Yeah. - So the man, just the managers saw an ergonomics book and just set it on fire. Like, well, because yeah, like I said, with the rowing one - The mechanic was to like, go this way. If you wanted the boat to go this way or go the other way if you wanted to go that way I'm pretty sure if I might be wrong, I think so. I'm like, you could have just done literally else. Like why did you know? There's like Ellen Audra? - I think my favorite Mario party to mini game was I think it was on Mario party too. It was the one where you have to, like, there was like it was like swamps, domino. I love that. no, you have to like mash a, Oh, knock down as many. Like, I love the one, the skateboarding one as well. - The blow up the balloon, like as full as you think it can go. That was a good one. That was a good one. That was a good, the fact that like the go-karting one go cardio on socks. What I love about too is just that - around. It does not hold your hand. It's like, if you up, you up. Yeah, sure. Good Pokemon Colosseum. Oh, for me. - The one with the story we could catch other. People's poke them on the dock. I - Go super into Pokemon snap. Well, snap was a new one coming out. - Yeah. We're recording on the 30th of March. - Oh wow. Wait, wait two sports. God professor Layton. I actually really liked those games. I played the first one. It was pretty good. Yeah. - You mentioned for the worst game I ever bought in my life. I completely regret it. We music probably you've seen this game. No garbage. Can you had to buy it with a controller as well. So it was like 90 bucks when you were a kid. So I asked my parents for it cause I was like, wow, look I should get on me a Moto on stage, whack. Like you, you get this game. And literally the play, the instruments. You're just like waggle the controller. And it sounds like. And like that's the whole day. That's the whole, I'm going to show you it later. You're gonna be like, you have to like conduct. You can conduct a doesn't work very well at all. I mean, this one where you like can play a trumpet and all you do is press the button and hold the Weaver like this. And then this one where you play guitar and just gives - Garbage. Oh, you want to go for me? Horizon zero Dawn. I mean, I, I feel that self-explanatory anything with a good story and a good character is fire emblem. Three houses put fire emblem awakening. Oh, okay. The gameplay more than the story environment. Yeah. I mean, the reason I put three houses on is because I'm air about the gameplay. Cause it's turn base, but it was just fire emblem with persona. And I'm just like, yeah, literally this is everything I need. Like this gives me reason to get you through, get play through the game. Metroid, Metroid prime, incredible. And that was one of the few games where I'm totally invested in the world. And it wasn't again, what I, when I went again, went against what I said before, because you have to kind of figure it out yourself. Yeah. But the game play with that was so good. That's I, I, I wanted to yeah. Walking dead season one. I mean that's the telltale game. Wow. That was, I mean, it was good. And then it became bro. I mean, it wasn't really a game. It was just a good story. Yeah. For me, I Okami is up there really good. Obviously I said rhythm heaven - Linked to the past we sports. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Smash bros melee obviously. - And then like recently like I recently just played like the two Bayonetta games. Yeah. Those were really good too. Honestly, this, this too many way. Like why, why, why do we have to just confine it to nine? - Let's talk about like a five by five. The Masonic riders. What I've realized after doing this episode is that there are so many games that I love that I just did not remember because I, I I go back to my comfort pigs, but man, there's a there's a lot of games there. - The one game that we're all gonna, like if we have to pick one game off the today that we have that we're going to go back and play red load too. - This is tricky for me. Honestly, you didn't mention the soundtrack of SSX tricky just because the amount of time that game. So good to play man. Cause I realized the reason I freaked out was because for the longest time, I couldn't remember why I wanted to learn snowboarding so bad. I had just thoughts that snow snowboarding seems cool. I didn't listen to the theme. As you were learning to snowball. I did not. And let me stop at you. I like you had just reminded me as to say it's tricky is the sole reason why I wanted to snowboard so bad. And that's why I'm just like Tony Hawk's pro skater two was the reason why I wanted to learn how to skate. I just blanked out that memory of my life. good, good game. - Ah, it wasn't on any of all this but I really want to play theme park. So many games. The stream boys for halo Wars with me. - I mean, like I, I think, I think we've gotten a good taste of what our tastes in video games are. I wonder - More like viewers, are you more of a gone Connor or Joey? I wonder, let us know down in the corner who is the best taste and why is it me? It's Sonic writers. Writers. Battalion was two. Why is it the best? I'll fight anyone. Yeah. - I love the, how this has probably been the most civil episode regarding our tastes. It's - Like animating your dog, gaming. - Sonic riders. I totally respect more for that. I thought I was going to get great for that. What the? I think it was because me and Joey aren't true gamers. Just like casual, casual, but Hey, let's give a special thank you to our patrons. Look at them. They're all beautiful people. Wonderful. And payments - Game is pro game is so many of them have to throw in one naked Jakey reference that. - No, it just just had to do it of course, but Hey if you'd like to support the show and then make sure to go over to our patriarch - Toronto slash trash taste, also follow us on Twitter. Send us your memes on the subreddit. And if you hate our faces, listen to us on Spotify. - Yeah. There's nothing else to say. Go game. - Goodbye gamers. I hope you're listening to this while playing every game we mentioned for optimum gaming experience. Honestly, you've just swept the cartridge when we mentioned the game. Yep. All right. Well I guess the, yeah, that's it. There's nothing else to say.
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,431,151
Rating: 4.9690452 out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: Wzc8_GZDSR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 8sec (8048 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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