100 WAYS TO DIE IN JAPAN (ft. Abroad in Japan) | Trash Taste #56

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- Do you dream about playing Apex Raid of Shadows in your sleep? - Apex Raid of Shadows? (laughing loudly) - Do you try and be a boomer on purpose? (upbeat music) - What's up friends and Chris? Welcome back to another episode of the Trash Taste Podcast. I'm the boy, and I'm with the boys and Chris. - And what is going on with your head, Chris? - Well, I won worst drip, right? - Laziest drip. - Laziest drip-- - Laziest drip. - Whatever it is, when I won though, I thought it was something coffee, right? Like, 'cause I use an espresso machine, I thought the laziest drip coffee, and espresso. (laughs loudly) So I was like, oh, that's bad, but it's not too bad. Then I discovered it was about clothes. (Garnt laughing loudly) And, you know, I'm like the king of fashion as we all know. - So you won laziest drip, and you somehow came with even worse drip? - So why the hat, why the hat? Is that in response? - That's what I want to know. - This is the standard of drip. - You look like you just walked out from the nineties. - Wait, what does his hat say? - It says jumping. - Jumping, pounding the rock. - Things I stand for. But I wanna win best drip or whatever it's called next year, and this is the first step to making that happen so. - People probably clicked on this video on the thumbnail of this, Chris. And they're probably like, What happened to Chris? - It's a new Chris for a new year. But where are we, what is this place? - Oh yeah! So you're the first guest for the new studio. How do you find it? - You guys used to record in a broom cupboard. A well decorated broom cupboard, but a broom cupboard nonetheless. But this is like what can only be described as a Bond's villains' lair. (all laughing loudly) I got to the building outside, it's all like tinted windows, a security team I have to get past to get in. And I'm like, what is this? - You came with the Uber driver, or the Uber Eats driver, right?. - The only way I got into this building, nobody told me the code or anything. And there was like an Uber guy, he was equally confused, and we sort of made a team effort. Like he got me through the first door, the security door, and then I got him through this door. It's sort of a team tag, team effort to get in this ridiculous building. It is massive. We could have a game of cricket in here. - That's the most British thing you've ever said. - It is cool, it is quite cool. I feel really out of my depth now. - But yeah, we got Chris back for the third time. - He wanted to assert dominance as soon as he found out that we got a new studio. - So Chris is like the first guest we've ever had on the show-- - Literally the second episode in the new studio, right? Yeah. - Yeah, the second episode in the new studio. But Chris was not only our first guest ever, but he was the first guest of this year, and now he's the first guest of the new studio. Just knocking out all the firsts. - And I won the best guest and the best drip, or the worst drip- - Laziest drip. - Yeah, congratulations about that. We do have something for you. - That's the reason I'm here. I didn't come here to look enviously at your massive studio space, 'cause I record in a wardrobe. My recording pad is in a wardrobe, and I came here to get an award. A physical, tangible, monetary award. (all laughing quickly) - Monetary, something that is worthwhile. - Go on, Ashley. Ashley's got it. - Is there actually an award? Is it actually an award? - I knew that this was what we had to get you. - Before you open it, do you want to give a speech or something like that? - Yeah, a little acceptance. - Yeah, go on. A little acceptance speech. - So everyone that voted me for the best guest, thank you. You are my favorites. Everyone that voted worst drip, I hate you. (all laughing loudly) You're wrong, and I'm gonna prove you wrong for the next year. - This is an award that all three of us were like, you know-- - Why are you laughing? It's an award! - It is a bomb in there, it's gonna blow up. - The tape doesn't help. - Open your prize up. - It looks like one of those special bombs that only kills the person who's holding it. (laughs quickly) - How do you know about that? - We thought this would be perfect for you. - It's even better than a bomb, Chris. - Yeah, when we thought about award. I was like, guys, I know exactly what we need to get Chris. - Is it actually good? - Yeah, I'd love it. I think it's the best thing ever-- - It's brilliant, it's brilliant. - Just rip it open, just rip it open. - I'm doing it Japanese style-- - No, fucking rip it. Rip it open. - In Japan they're kind of very intricate, aren't they? - [Boys] Yeah. - Hold it to the camera first. Hold it to the camera first. - So it's some sort of image, is it the right way? - [Garnt] Somehow he got it the right way first time. - Everyone is laughing. Everyone behind the camera is laughing-- - And ready? Three, two, one! (laughing loudly) You'll forever have that immortalized now. - Who drew this? I'm coming for you. Who did this? I'm gonna use the full force of the Abroad in Japan media empire to find the person that drew this, and bring them to justice. What is it? So this is like a manga? - [Joey] So this is a webtoon that one of our fans was making about Trash Taste. - And he's characterized all of us, and I've got to say, I mean, like. (laughs quickly) - I look like a fucking balloon. What is that? So I saw this on Twitter earlier. Oh, Chris, you're in the Trash Taste gang. I was like, oh, that's great, I'm in a manga. And then I clicked through and it was this, and I was like, which one am I? Am I, oh. I'm the fat one. - I remember the message you gave me too, because you sent me a screenshot of this, and after it, it just said, you fucking what? (laughs quickly) - I mean, it does look like me if we remove the lower half. - It does look shockingly like you. I did ask when we got this frame made, like, can we get a Kim Jong Un sized picture? - Yeah, a massive one that you can put on the wall, and we just pray to every morning-- - Taking out of the bullet trade and back to center. (all laughing quickly) - Just hold it. - This character, it's not even called Chris or Abroad. - It's called Bigmouth, Fatman. - Bigmouth. - Fatmouth. - Bigmouth. - I think it's shocking. - I think in the webtoon we all have special powers that are kind of synonymous to our personalities. (laughs quickly) You got it. - I really hope this character has a redemption arc. Where he gets thin, he saves the world, he gets the girl, 'cause that's just an atrocity. But it does look cool. I do like it. - The poor artist who made this. - I'll put that in a very special place in my apartment for everyone to see it. - Is it gonna go? - Yeah, this better be on the set. - Yeah, I'll think about it. (laughs quickly) Thank you, it's the thought that counts. - Someone's put a lot of effort into that, and, I mean-- - It's a winning prize. - Is it? I thought it would be a gold bar or something. - Why would we give you a gold bullion? - This is Trash Taste! - Something I could sell off when my channel goes down the toilet. I can be like, oh, I've got the Trash Taste prize. I can sell that off. That's like worth nothing, but it's good. It's good I think-- - How dare you. - Thank you very much. - We put a lot of love and effort into this. - This can live on the table for this episode. - Yeah, for this episode. - Fantastic. - On the table. (laughs quickly) - Is there more manga of this coming out? - I think so. - This was like two or three months ago. - I think the guy is making a new chapter every week or two weeks, something like that? - Redemption arc, redemption arc. - Don't give him the redemption arc. - It takes time to draw things, Chris. - Especially when they're that fucking big. That's like 70% of the image is just me. Awful, but it's a great drawing-- - Isn't it great you're like the center of attention? - Exactly, you're right in the middle. You're pushing away your competition. - Redemption arc, and I'll be very happy. Let's get fit or something. - The next one just has to be like this, but with this hat on him. - Fatmouth, brilliant. - Fatmouth with a cap. - Yeah, is that hat something you'd normally wear, Chris, or it it something you just wear? - I've never seen you wear a hat. - I've got a collection of 100 Yen hats. This was 100 Yen, right? 'Cause in Japan you get a lot of hats that just, (laughs loudly) They've got some really obscure English ones. This is actually like a basketball saying, right? - Is it? - I think it's something, you know, putting the ball through the hoop. - Probably, maybe. - Only one of my friends knew that, and he's like a top basketball guy. He's like-- - It just sounds like you want to have sex with Dwayne the Rock Johnson. - It does a bit, it does a bit. But out of context it's just so bizarre, isn't it? So I have a collection of these sort of tacky hats in my apartment. Now I'm actually wearing one. - So you have a collection of tacky hats, and you're like, how dare you give me laziest drip? - Let me wear this tacky hat. - Yeah, let me wear this hundred Yen hat. - It does give off very much dad energy. - Yeah! - I'm pretty sure my dad has worn the same hat before. (laughs quietly) - I don't know how I feel about that part. I'll take it, I like the hat. Let's get best drip. What's is it? - Best drip, best drip. Best drip, yeah. - Where does the word drip come from in that context? - I don't know. - I actually don't know. - It became a meme, and I didn't know what it meant initially. But, I don't know, it's a word where you hear it once, and you hear the word drip, and for some reason, for me, it just made sense. - Like bussin'. - Bussin' doesn't make sense. - You're bussin'? - Bussin'. - Man, that shit's bussin'. - What is this? I feel really old now. I'm 31, I'm out of the loop here. - Like when something's just great. - Yeah, so when something's really good, you go, damn, that's bussin'. - I still get uncomfortable when people use the word sick. Like oh, that's sick. 'Cause I've just got-- - I use the word sick. - You just insulted all of Australia. - I've got quite a visual sort of imagery. When I hear a word, I picture it. Every time I hear sick, I picture someone literally being sick all over the table. (all laughing loudly) That's not sick, that's horrible. You know, I'm older than you. How old are you? - Same age as Garnt. - Yeah, same age as Garnt-- - Yeah, same age as me. - But Garnt's youthful. (laughs loudly) You look like you're in your 20's, I look like I'm 47 or something? - Especially with the hat. - Especially with the hat. This is like my bridge to the youth of time. - What we need to get you is a skateboard. Have you seen that Steve Buscemi image where he's just like, hello, fellow children. (laughs loudly) - It's all part of my plan. Get with the youth, get the demographic bigger. - It's like he's trying to sneak into a high school. - Yeah, right? Hello, fellow kids. Oh my God. - So what's the plan for today? Usually when I come here-- - We don't do that here. - We'll just chat shit like usual, right? - Excellent. - What you been up to, Chris? - Yeah, what have you been up to? Why you in Tokyo again? - Oh, what have I been doing. I filmed a building, that's about it. - A single building? - Well, I came down here to win my award, and starting to worry that that was money not well spent. - You literally spent like 100 bucks to come down-- - It's like a four hour round trip to get here, and that's just to be insulted on the world's biggest podcast. Brilliant. Was it worth it? You decide. - A lot of people die for that experience. - You also did a Journey Across Japan. - Yeah, it's been going well. We've got like a top 15 iTunes hit. - I can't fucking believe that. - I don't know how that-- - I spent so much of my time just off camera, you know, making my own music, and putting my heart and soul into it, and the most successful piece of music I've ever written I wrote in seven hours in a car. - The world is often a cruel fixture. - You know what, I'll take the award. It's all right. - Yeah, so for those who aren't in the know, what's the story behind that? - We had a challenge where we had to do a rap song. Soul Angelic Japan, this travel series, we get a challenge everyday, and the challenge was produce a rap song in a day. And we found ourselves a volcano, and that became-- - We had to rap about our day, right? - Yeah, and we're on the top of Japan's biggest volcano, Mount Aso, and that became it. And Natsky said something like, whoa, too much volcano! We're like, yeah, it is, isn't it? That's the rap. - Say that over and over again, say that. - I very cleverly didn't put myself in the rap or the video, so that's good. Just you and Natsky that took the credit. But yeah, it turned out really well. - Yeah. - I put it on iTunes, right? It costs like $19 to put a song on iTunes, and it takes a few weeks. It's very simple, but whilst I did that I shouted it out, and it started to go up. Someone sent me a link saying, oh, you're in the top 25 alternative songs on iTunes. I was kind of like-- - Alternative songs? - For that week, right? So it's like, oh, okay, you know, it's probably because of the initial push on Twitter. - Yeah, yeah. - But then it just, it just kept going. It just kept climbing. - Yeah, once I shouted out that we're on iTunes, it created this sort of self-propelling sort of cycle. People funded it more, bought it more, and it went up and up until it got to, I think number 14 on the iTunes singles chart worldwide. - These poor people who bought this song. It's terrible. It is worryingly catchy. - It is quite addictive, The song hook with Natsky and 'too much volcano'-- - Yeah, the ASO, too much volcano. - It works, it works. So I don't know how much it sold. - I don't know either. I'm still waiting for my royalties to be honest. - Well, yeah. I wasn't going to split it with Natsky and Joey because I thought it would make like $100, oh, I'll use that to buy a coffee, or a new hat, 10 hats. That's like 1000 hats? - That's like 1000 hats, damn! - 1000 hats! - The drip game. - But because probably around 10,000 people bought it, that's a bit more money, and it makes sense to split that with you and Natsky I think. - Just pocket it, just be like-- - I'll just lie, I'll be like, oh, I only sold 100 copies. - You're mirroring the music industry, where the guy behind it takes all the money. - Producer takes all the money. - But I don't know. Unfortunately it takes about three months for iTunes to tell you how well it's done, so one day in September I'll be sitting in a room depressed and then I'll get a little letter from iTunes like, by the way, you've gone platinum! Oh wow, platinum. I don't know what that is, but good. So we'll see, but yeah. - It's going on LinkedIn, top selling artist-- - It's going on the LinkedIn, top 14. - I think platinum means one million copies sold. - [All] Yeah. - But getting there, right? When you quitting YouTube and starting your music career? - Do we have permission to play a small clip on the podcast? - Copyright strike time. - Yeah, exactly! - It's the only song that's not copyright. (laughs quickly) Use it to your advantage, put it everywhere. Get those sales up. ♪ Now we're chilling at the peak of the volcano ♪ ♪ It looks kinda bleak but it's okay though ♪ ♪ I'm with the bros ♪ ♪ Surrounded by the sulfur clouds ♪ ♪ So brace yourselves 'cause it's about to get loud ♪ ♪ A-S-O ♪ ♪ Too much volcano ♪ ♪ No volcano ♪ - Can't wait for you to take this episode down and claim on the entire ad revenue. - Just gonna all the ad-- - For this, yes I will. Take all the revenue. - You use my song, and you defamed me. (laughs loudly) But there you go. It's that easy to get an iTunes hit, ladies and gentlemen. - Yeah, apparently. Apparently. - If you have an influence online, just beg your underlings to go and buy it. - Pretty much, pretty much. - Put Natsky in a song and it's guaranteed to get on iTunes, you know? - We're happy about that. - How was the overall journey of Journey Across Japan, which is an annual YouTube series at this point? - I don't know, I guess so. I thought all right, wasn't it? - I guess it's annual, yeah. - Did you enjoy it? - Yeah, it was really good. - Has it been doing well? - I was there for the whole time. - I did enjoy it but, like, you know, 'cause I'm always running around filming and producing, so it takes a lot of stress because you got to think everyday how's this gonna work. I nearly died on a horse, and in a plane. - In those videos when you say, oh, it's one day, is it actually one day? - For the most part-- - Yeah. - Yeah, no. For the most part it was. - Because I feel like there's way too much stuff. - It's extremely hectic. - What time are you waking up, like 6:00 AM? - Some days, yeah. - Oh my God. - And we're filming till maybe like 10:00 or 11:00 PM. - It's relentless, it's a really crazy-- - What's the crew behind that? - So it's Joey, myself, Natsky, and then we had a guy called Norm, Tokyo Lens, and my friend Ian, who's producing. And so it kind of works, it's a pretty small team. - That's very small. I mean, we had that kind of team for the Trash Taste Specials, and even we were stretched to the absolute limit with what we can do, and just some of the stuff you're able to do is fucking incredible. - It's honestly all thanks to just Chris's insane organizational skills. Like he just has everything, being like, all right-- - Yeah, we don't have that. We don't. - At X time we're gonna go here until here, and then doing this after this, and then, oh, the weather's shit, maybe we should put this in front of this, and me and Natsky just kind of chilling in the back like, all right, yeah, Chris. - I somehow doubt Natsky's too concerned with the scheduling. - Oh, he loved it. It was his holiday. He doesn't get to do anything really. He's like riding fucking horses, he's going on a volcano dancing. - He literally had so much fun, yeah. - He's like seeing a cat, he loved it. It was the best trip of his life. Best holiday of his lifetime really. - Probably. - I love how you didn't, so in one of the episodes you went to a cave or something? And Chris just didn't go in the cave? - Yeah, no. - Would you have gone in? - I would have gone in the cave I would have gone in. - Bollocks. - Take me there, I will go in the cave. - It was such a humiliating day, day three, Journey Across Japan. We went in the smallest Torii gate in Japan. - Yeah, you almost got stuck. - It was about 30 centimeters in width and height, and I just got stuck. - Torii like the red shrine things you see around? - Yeah, this one was made of concrete. It's like concreted into the ground, and I got stuck, and I was like, I'm going to become a fixture here if I can't get out of this. - 'Cause you can't just lift the Torii gate. - And I was really scared. You can see a moment where I'm like, I'm fucked. Like I'm panicking. - We literally had to grab two adults to pull him out of the Torii, it was horrendous. - It's like pulling a whale. - You desiccated a shrine because you wanted a funny bit in a video. (laughs quickly) - It's supposed to bring you good luck. But yeah, Joey. (all laughing loudly) - Lots of good luck there. - But Joey literally pulled me through. It was like a beached whale being pulled off a beach. It was horrible. And then we went in the cave and I couldn't go in because of an insect that looked like something out of 'Alien', like a face hugger. - [Connor] It's your series! You've got to go in the fucking cave - That's what I told him on the day, and he was like, nah, nah. - You've got to suffer for your content, right? That's exactly what people do. - Getting stuck in that shrine was suffer enough. - If I can pole dance, you can go in a cave. - And there was the horse riding. I did ride a horse for the first time. Joey got the prize winning horse, Natsky's horse was about to die, and I got the six year old horse, it was brand new, they hadn't trained, and they didn't tell me. And I was the only one that hadn't ridden a fucking horse, and I got on it. It looked, it turned around and looked at me in the eye, and it like turned away. I was like, I'm fucked. He knew that I was terrified, it knew that I didn't enjoy it. - He could feel the energy. - And it sort of turned around and looked at me like, I'll kill you. - I was saying to Krista, you could tell that Chris did not enjoy it, because in the video it's like, now we're riding horses, and like literally one minute later, it's like, and now we're done. It's like over. It's like, I'm not including any of this in the video. - And that wasn't even cut up for entertainment purposes. We were literally that quick. - Was it really? - Yeah, he was probably on the horse for max like three minutes-- - 10 minutes. - Wait, how long did you ride for? - It was 10 minutes. He rode for about an hour, yeah. - You had a fucking smoke break on the horse. Did you fucking ride it? - So it started going mental and I was like, I need to get off this, and the guy's coming over, and he's like, what do you want to do? And I was like, get me off this fucking horse. And I had to throw my camera off, and I sort of dived off it. I was this far from it's foot, and I thought if this kicks me in the face, it's game over-- - That would be hilarious. - I thought it might, because it was going all like this, like a rocking horse. And the guy got on it, and he couldn't control it either for a bit. - Just whisper to it. - (whispering) Chill the fuck out. - You've got to assert dominance. It can smell your fear. It can smell your fear. - I can smell your fear. - Do you know who I am? I'm Chris Broad. - Yeah, and they were like, do you have another horse? I was like, no, I don't want another horse. And then I just did the drone shots of you and Natsky. - Don't worry, I'll be the cameraman. Don't worry. - You had a great time - Yeah, it fucking great. - I just have an hour of footage of Natsky and Joey like, this is the best thing we've ever done. - Yeah, it was very relaxing. - Horse riding's a lot of fun. - It was very relaxing until I started to get an allergic reaction to the horse. - Did you actually? - Yeah, yeah. - Can you be allergic to horses? I didn't know that. - You can be allergic to anything. - I didn't know I was allergic to horses until I got off, and I was in the car, and I was like, oh, every orifice in my body is leaking right now. This is not good. And then I realize, oh, I'm probably allergic to the horse, shit. - I hope you had covers on those chairs, Chris. (laughs quietly) - Oh good God, yeah. But that was pretty dicey. The only thing scary was we did, we flew in a little Cessna over. - That was easily the most scariest-- - Yeah, that actually looked scary. - That was easily the scariest thing I've ever done, yeah. - Looked pretty fun, it looked all right. - Fuck, it was scary. - It was very scary. - Over an active volcano that was smoking, right? And at one point, again, I don't like flying. I had a really turbulent flight once when I was about 20. I used to, before that I loved flying, I loved planes, and then after that, there was a moment I thought we're all gonna die, 'cause everyone's screaming, the plane was going all over the place, I had a glass of wine, and I was like, ah, what, and then it just went everywhere. I think that was the main thing, the food and the wine. Once food starts flying, it's time to worry. And I thought, oh, I'm going to die now. And then I didn't. I was like, oh good. But then every time there's turbulence in the plane, my body has this sort of fight or flight response, right? - It's called PTSD. - Yeah, pretty much. Pretty much how I feel when I watch a Seadog VA video. So I get nervous flying in planes. - So you chose to fly in the fucking washing machine? - Well he pressured me into it. He was like, oh, you've got to do it. - Also you were fucking talking about some shitty app that tells you if you're going to die? - Yeah, yeah! - Like why on earth would you want to know if your plane is going down? - That's exactly what I said! - Because every time you tell someone you've got a fear of flying, they're like oh, they never crash. I'm like, yeah they do. Look, one in a million times, and that's still one more than I want. - But that's if you fly over Russian airspace and get shot down for some real weird reason. I think you'll be fine. - But like, I mean, our Cessna wasn't even on the app which was a little, the airline, the Cessna, it wasn't on the app. - Why would it be, it's not? - Because if it was, it would be like, you have a one in four chance. - Yeah, every time you get in a taxi it's way more likely you'll-- - That's what I told him before we got on. I was like, you're much more likely to die in a car crash. - You driving to the airport is more chance of you dying. - It is, it is. - But I think it just feels like your life is kind of in your control, because kind of when you're on a plane, if you're fucked, you're fucked. There's nothing you can do about it, right? - Exactly. And we only had one pilot and he was kind of old, and I thought, we're flying over this sulfuric cloud. - It's just a taxi driver part 10. - I hope we don't have a taxi driver story in a plane. - Well like, exactly. We're flying through this sulfuric ash cloud that came into the plane. - Yeah, 'cause the guy was like, open the window! And Chris was like, I don't think I will. - I had the window seat. We opened the actual window. And I don't know why I got that seat, in hindsight it should not have been me. And he had to sort of show me how to open the window and close it, and I couldn't shut it. But we got to the volcano, I had to open it, and all this ash and just sulfur shit-- - It was methane, sulfuric methane gas. - So what if the pilot has a stroke? Who's gonna fly the plane? Or something like that. You can see in the video the plane's going up and down. Joey's terrified. He was like, oh yeah, man, it's going to be fucking fun, and then we get in it and it's like fucking throwing around a dog toy, and he's like bouncing around, he's terrified. In the second half I actually quite enjoyed it, 'cause the filmmaker in me came out. I was like, oh, this is quite fun. And then he starts getting nervous. - Meanwhile I'm seeing that without a camera, so I'm feeling everything. - And you can see him bouncing up and down. - All right, this is actually fucking terrifying now. - Yeah, it did look quite, like, it looked really cool, but also, yeah, it did look like you would be shitting yourself a little bit. - And then I asked the pilot before it took of, you know, is this safe? And he went, mm, maybe. And I was like, maybe? That's not fucking good enough. - I am Abroad In Japan, you can't tell me maybe. - 10,000 feet over an active volcano with Joey, like, that's a terrible way to die. - Specifically Joey? - Specifically Joey. - I think the only reason why the first half for me was bearable was just because I got to watch Chris shitting his pants right next to me. That in and of itself was like, this entertainment right here negates all fear that I'm feeling right now. - I liked when Chris, I feel like I can't remember what it was, but there was something sketchy, and Chris kept looking at me like, oh no, you know what it was? It was when we were fucking, we went skiing. You know when we got stuck up the hill? - I do vaguely. - The car couldn't get up the hill. - Oh yeah! - And it was so sketch 'cause-- - Wait, what was this story? - Okay, so me and Chris went. I went up to visit Chris, and Chris took me to, what ski resort was it? - Zao Ski Resort in Yamagata. Yeah, a really nice place. - It was great because the hotel that Chris had chosen was on the ski slope, so when you wake up, you literally just grab your stuff and put them on as you get out of the hotel, and you can ski down to the entrance of the hotel, clip them off, and just be like, all right, boys, let's get to the Onsen, the sulfuric acid Onsen, which we'll talk about. But when we came to this place, it's up a massive steep hili, like this steep. Really steep, probably ridiculous. And I think Chris had rented a two wheel drive. - I thought it was a four wheel drive. - It was a two wheel drive-- - Tactical error. - Was there snow tires on it? I don't think there were snow tires. - Rubbish. - And it was an icy hill, and we just start going up this, and suddenly you hear (whizzing), and it's like. (all laughing loudly) It goes up and starts going down. - And then the car turns sideways, and I was like, oh, we're fucked. - Chris just did this look, like. I just imagine it's the same look he gave you. - It's pretty much that, yeah. - When he looks at you, where he wants you to look more terrified because he's terrified, and he's like, look terrified. Look more terrified. - He was doing that as we were going up, the entire time just gripping my knee with the fucking strength of a gorilla. - Did I edit that out? - Yeah, I think so. - Thank God for that. I was like, there's nothing to hold onto. It doesn't feel like you're bouncing about in the air. You've got to hold on to something! - Just holding onto my knee. (laughs loudly) He's got my knee in a vice grip, and I'm like, I can't fucking move right now, Chris Let go of me. - Oh my God, yeah. We eventually got saved by, I had to get out of the thing, climb up this hill, go to the hotel, and be like, (speaking in foreign language). - Help. - I had to tell them what was going on, and this guy, like, you know that meme where the kid is on the gearstick and he slaps it around into gear really fast? This old man jumps in this massive truck, slams the gear down really fast, and just starts going. - He spun the car round and then drove down the hill. - Yeah, yeah, and then he comes down, gets it, get out of your car, Chris, gets in the car, spins it around, and then brings it back up. This man was insane. It was such a chad, he was like a drifting king. - Sounds like something out of Initial Deal, or something, right? - Yeah, he was like the drift king who, like, retired in the mountains. (laughs loudly) And he was like, it's my time. He was like, these corners were tiny, and he was driving like a 10 seater van up these things super fast. He was crazy! - That's how I feel about those massive bus drivers who drive the mountain roads. They're just fucking like. - Yeah, yeah, he was doing shit like that! Like slamming, doing that, slapping the gears to the side like this, and then he was like, four wheel drive, Arimasu ka or something. - He did say that. - Like 4WD Arimasu ka, and I was like, what? No, no. - No, we're not smart. - We're stupid. So every time I've ever gone anywhere snowy, I'm like 4WD snow tires please. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - 'Cause I thought, like, we're gonna fucking die, we're gonna keep going down this hill. - I mean, yeah, that's how cars topple. - I was like, we're gonna die. And we were on a corner, so easily a car could have, it was pretty sketch. The whole trip was just hilarious. - Look at Chris just putting his friends in the precarious situations. - Get ready for you, Garnt. - What are you going to do for me, Chris? We're going fucking bungee jumping or something. - I think bungee jumping would be a good one. (laughs loudly) Japanese guillotine experience. - You're going first, right? - Seppuku experience. (all laughing loudly) Stick. - Cut your head off. This video is sponsored by Apari. - Apari's releasing their spring summer collection, which will be releasing today at 8:00 PM. - What is this drip you're wearing, Chris? - Chris is dripped out! - You won laziest drip? Get out of here, Chris. Get out of here. - Is that an Apari mask? - Thanks to Apari, I am not the most drip. I look fantastic, and I feel great. - I am wearing the Ox T-shirt, which is pigment dyed and vintage washed, and, oh, this feels so fucking good right now, guys. - Yeah, I'm wearing the Ox sweater, and I don't know if you boys can see this, but this is all woven in detail. This is incredibly extra. But it's so thick and well made. Probably can't wear it much now in Japan, but in the winter it's going to be amazing. - And I'm wearing the button downs, which are really breathable. These are like the perfect shirts to wear this time of year, right now in Japan. It's very breathable, very light, very nice with the sun. Apari's an artist owned apparel brand focused on delivering clothes with fun color concepts and high quality fabric, and the brand features original art inspired by retro motifs and Japanese animation. - Gentlemen, the drip is dropping at 8:00 PM tonight, and they will sell out fast, so what are you doing? Click the links in the description down below to get your own Apari merch before it sells out. - [Garnt] Don't miss out on their new collection or restocks by following their Instagram and mailing list. That's @Apariart for Instagram, or Apari.com. - Don't be the laziest drip, wear Apari. Look like me. - Back to the episode. - We've done a video with each of you now in a hot tub, or like a bath. I just need Garnt now to get full Trash Taste set. - Yeah, yeah. - Oh yeah, that video got so many complaints because of the whole breakfast ordeal. I got so much shit for that. - Really? - Yeah. I got so many comments being like, how dare you. So there was, we stayed, I found this thing on Booking.com that was like a five star hotel, but it was just a townhouse in Kyoto. And yeah, it was all right. Would you say it was five stars? - Oh, it was lovely, but you thought it was shit. Connor's an-- - The dichotomy of man, right? - Yeah, Connor's not easy to impress with anything. - The living room was all right. - There's not a Tesco meal deal in here? - Bearing in mind this is five stars, right? And you come in this living room and there's a TV that's like 12 inches, just on a shelf, and there's nothing in this living room. There's literally nothing. - The record player. - There was a record player which was pretty cool. - [Joey] Oh nice. - And it had a bunch of vinyls. - But you have to bring your own vinyl. - No, they had vinyls there. - Oh really? - And that was cool, but there was, it was just a living room with nothing in it. Like no chairs, one beanbag. One beanbag. - But it had two bedrooms. - It had two bedrooms, right? So Chris got the deluxe, king, triple comfort bed, and I had to sleep on the floor with the fucking, what is it called? - [Jay] The futon. - The futon. - As you do. - Honestly, that's better than a bed. - And then it had a bath with the, the bath was really nice, but there was an old fucking lady staring at you. - Yeah, so we came out the front of this Kyoto townhouse, and I looked up, and it was like this old women just peering over the edge. I was like, oh my fuck, what is she doing? It was like Resident Evil village. And she's like looking at me, and I went back into the house, and I was like, Connor, there's a woman staring at us. - So how much was it? It was 500 a day? - I don't know. - 500 bucks a day. - Oh damn. - No, no it wasn't. - I was about to say. That's pretty fucking expensive. - 300, yeah, so about $280 a day, and it came with a free breakfast. You didn't have a say, it just turned up. - Well, the thing is I noticed that Ryokan's are like ridiculously expensive, but most of that cost is just the breakfast that you get. That you don't have a choice in getting. - I would say if this didn't come with the food it would probably be 200 bucks. The food, it came at like 8:00 AM. - It was a great breakfast. You loved that breakfast-- - See, this is where the controversy, well, not controversy. There were a few comments that were like, how dare you, where this breakfast just gets delivered to you at 8:00, outside, and you open it up, and it's just like 10 kind of radish. Just radish and tofu. And like, I'm not being funny, at 8:00AM, and we were hungover one day, I was just like, nah. Nah, I'm not eating this. - Ordered a McDonald's to a Kyoto townhouse. (all laughing quickly) The audacity. Connor was terrible. - So what was the controversy then? - Well, if they were like, how dare you waste the food, but it was probably, was it one of the worst ones you've ever seen? It was pretty awful. - There wasn't anything in there that I got excited about, put it that way. - It was pretty bad, and then there was a whole, my friend was like, they were like, how dare you waste it. I was like, I'm a customer. I'm not wasting it, I don't get a say in whether it turns up. I didn't ask for it, it's not my friends house. - Yeah, but do you feel bad? Because like I-- - I must not be the only person doing it. - No, you're not, but there's just something about staying in Japanese Ryokan where I feel bad if I don't eat the breakfast, because someone specifically prepped. And the thing is I don't want the Japanese breakfast. If I had a choice, I wouldn't get it most of the time, 'cause I remember the one time that we stayed in Ryokan, and we had quite a bit of a heavy night, and then Joey was fucking hungover the next day. - I could not move. - And it was just me, you, and Marky waiting downstairs, and I just felt so bad because this old lady had obviously prepared this fucking five course meal or something. Joey just fucking waddles in an hour late, takes one look at the breakfast, takes one bite of the fish, and it just like, nope, can't do it. I can't do it, guys. - I tried, I tried so hard. I was like, I'll eat like two things, but if I eat anymore, it's going back onto the plate. - It's really heavy as well. - They have that Mottainai culture, right? Like don't waste it. - You know, I always try my best to eat what I can, but some days I'm just like I really just don't want breakfast, and also if I eat this I'm just going to feel like shit. So at the end of the day I've paid for this, and I don't have to eat it. I'm a big boy, I can decide not to eat it. Because, right, it's like rice, like a shit ton of miso soup, fish, a bunch of other shit that turns up. - I can do the miso soup, 'cause that's like nice on the stomach, right? Miso soup and tofu, I'm like, that's nice on the stomach so I can eat that all night. Yeah, fish maybe. - Fish is dependent. - Fish is maybe, yeah. - Because I don't eat breakfast a lot normally, so a Japanese breakfast is like a five course meal, or something like that. And this is more than I have for lunch, let alone a fucking breakfast. - Yeah, it's like a breakfast you give to someone who hasn't eaten in three days, you know? It's a shit load of food. - I mean, you dine like a king, but at the same time a king isn't even that hungry when he wakes up first thing in the morning. I don't fucking know. - Even the king's like, chill the fuck out bro. - Henry the Eighth or something. When you're fucking morbidly obese, and that's how you start your day. It's ridiculous and, you know, at the end of the day, if you're a customer, I'm like, you know what? I don't need to eat this. I don't want to. - Oh yeah, I mean, you know, if you paid for it then it's your choice. At the end of the day. - It's not like I called them up, I'm like, bring the breakfast. It gets here, it's shit, I don't want it. It's like it's coming no matter what. They're making it regardless and, you know. - 'Cause with most places breakfast is optional, but with a Ryokan, it's just part of the package, and you have no choice to not have-- - A lot of the times it is, yeah. - I can eat a lot as well, right? I feel like I could eat a lot, but these things are massive. If you were, you know, a smaller person who doesn't eat much, there's no way you could finish it. - That's why I'm always surprised with the amount of food that arrives. And I'm like, how does an 80 year old Japanese woman get up in the morning and eat all of that? - I know, right? - Like how? - You just take one bite of everything and fucking leave it. - I mean, it's great for the first experience, because you're like, man, this looks fucking amazing. It's like an Instagram meal. You take a picture, looks amazing, post that, and then you're like, fuck, I've got to actually eat this now. Fuck, I didn't think about that. - It's just not sus. I mean, coming from the UK, we have a big plate of everything for breakfast. Like I miss British fry ups more than anything about the UK. - See, I can't even do those either, because it's like I just don't wake up in the morning and feel hungry. - It's more of a lunch thing really. - It's a brunch-- - Yeah, brunch I can do. - You kind of eat it at 12:00, 1:00, after you've had a heavy night. - Have you guys ever had a good British kind of fry up in Japan? - No. - Not in Japan, no. - I've still not found anywhere that does it. I found fish and chips, woohoo. But that's the one thing I can't find. - You've found good fish and chips? - I have found good fish and chips. - Fish and chips is so boring. - It is. - The English breakfast. - The one at Hobgoblin, right? - Hobgoblin in Shabu. - It's all right. - That's probably the best one I've had. - It's pretty good, it's pretty good. - Really? - Yeah! - But I'm never craving fish and chips, you know? - No, I'm not either. I'm not either. - You've got some of the best fish dishes here in Japan, and you look at that, you're like, you know what? Fuck this. Fish and chips. - I feel like I'm expected to eat it because all my years here, right? Whenever I go, oh yeah, I'm from the UK, one of three things, it's like, oh yeah, David Bowie, or the Spice Girls, fish and chips. It's like one of the few things about British culture, so I've kind of like, I should probably enjoy fish and chips. - Is there anything else? - What? - Like, British cuisine? - We have a crisp sandwich. - Baked beans. - Bread sandwich. - Sunday roasts. - Oh, Sunday roast. Is there a Sunday roast place in Japan? - Yes, Hobgoblin. - Oh really? - Is it good, is it good? - It is good. - Basically just go to Hobgoblin apparently. - You'll probably bump into us there, 'cause we go there quite a lot. - Yeah, we go there quite a lot. Yeah. - Genuinely. But yeah, British food's hard to come by unfortunately. Sausage rolls, Greggs. - I do miss Greggs actually. - If it's a franchise, couldn't you just buy one and bring it here? - Don't think so-- - You could be the first, Trash Taste Greggs. - The rules are different, aren't they? So it's not-- - Oh what, like open a Greggs? - Yeah! Trash Taste Greggs club. - It's also not Greggs unless it's one pound. It has to be cheap as fuck. If a Greggs is five quid-- - You could make it 100 Yen, right? - There's no way you could get the costs there. - Do it. - Oh my God-- - Trash Taste Greggs club. - You fucking do it, I'm not doing it. (laughs loudly) - It's effort. - Why should I do it? - You've got a studio the size of Spain, right? You could get a Greggs to Japan. - That's how you make your first mil. Bringing Greggs over to Japan. - You could do it. - Selling sausage rolls. - Anything else that you miss about England, that you crave? - Boris Johnson. - Boris Johnson-- - Fuck off. (laughs loudly) Fuck off. - And here comes all the dislikes. - Finally, you can be in my corner in this one, 'cause I've had arguments with them where-- - This is always a slippery slope when Connor tries to get you onside about anything. - Well, I have to argue with these boys, 'cause they're like, Tokyo architecture is amazing. I know that you are with me where you think London is just beautiful. Like, the architecture is amazing. - It is objectively. - And these boys are like, no, it's boring, it's boring. It's all the same. - Well, I mean look at this district here. Look out the window, you know? There's no interesting architectural buildings. I kind of like the feel of Japan. It feels like one big theme park 'cause everything's kind of clean, the building's made out of some weird woody plastic material. It just feels like a theme park almost? - But it looks ugly. - It looks great, it looks great! Japan is literally one of the most aesthetic countries in the fucking world. - All those areas look really cool, but when you start going 10 minutes out of center, it all just starts to look like an amalgamation of just shit-- - Doesn't every country look like that though? - No, no! - You go to fucking Croydon, I beg to differ, sir. - Every country, you go 10 minutes out of the city center and it all looks the same. - In the UK, the highs are very high, and the lows are very low. And low is Croydon. (laughs loudly) In terms of design. It's a lovely place, the people are great, I love Croydon, but. - Shout out to Croydon. - Chris, not Croydon's biggest adversary. - Jokingly, before Natsky came to the UK, I said, where do you want to go in UK the most? He went, Croydon. I was like, how do you even know what that is? How do you know what Croydon is? - How does he want to go to one of the most depressing places I've possibly been to in my life? - He's still yet to go. - Why does he want to go Croydon? - Now you have to take him to Croydon. - I don't know! - How did he learn about that, who told him? - There must have been a band that he likes from there or something? - Or he heard it from you maybe one time, and he was like, that sounds like a place. - I don't sit in North Japan talking about Croydon. (Joey laughing loudly) Yeah, I don't know where he got it from. But no, I'd say the architecture of Japan, unfortunately Japan is losing a lot of it's old kind of historic buildings. Harajuku Station, Nakagin Capsule building is going next year, the cool SEGA building and arcade in Akihabara. They've got a very utilitarian mindset here, and Connor's choking to death right now. - Jesus. - He's gone, time to take over his channel. But like, yeah, they've got a very utilitarian mindset. As long as it gets the job done, that's the main thing. And if you go to somewhere like Tokyo Station, all the skyscrapers look the same. They're all kind off generic. - I mean, yeah, that part of Japan, or Tokyo, is quite bland and gray. - And you could go to any town across Japan, it looks more or less the same. You'll have the same things. It's rare to find good historic architecture. - I don't think it's about the historic architecture though. - No. - I like that though. - It is cool. The historical architecture in Japan is cool, but I think as well they're made, like, I think the aesthetic that a lot of people love about Japan is kind of the alleyways-- - Yeah, Shinjuku grunge. Golden Gai looks awesome. - Golden Gai looks like it came out of a fucking cyberpunk or something. That looks amazing. Nakameguro? Fucking amazing area. - But everywhere else is just so depressing. It all just looks like a mess. - I kind of think London is like that, most of it. If it's not zone one or zone two then what have we got really? - London looks really good, I think. All the buildings look like, I don't know, I really like the look. It's really nice, really well designed. - 'Cause you lived in Morden. What's there in Morden? I lived in Streatham. Streatham was fucking depressing as shit. - Morden just sounds like a fucking 'Lord Of The Rings' area. - It sounds a lot cooler than it looks. - We're going to Morden! - It looked pretty nice. I like it actually. - Nobody enters Morden. - I do remember though, when I went back to the UK for the first time in two and a half years, I remember looking up and going, okay, the UK's architecture is pretty good. The old brick buildings and whatnot, you know, in Central London. - Yeah, in Central London. - Wales is really nice, all the cottages. Chris hates London 'cause he's English. Oh, Wales, sorry. - Oh, Wales is good. - Yeah? - It's great, yeah. - Tom Jones. - Anglesey. - Anglesey, fucking hell? - I used to go on holiday in Anglesey, North Wales. - Why? - Went canoeing, or kayaking. - Good Englishman come to our land, take advantage of our-- - In our waters? - How fucking dare you. - I climbed Mount Snowdon. I've done everything there is to be done in Wales. - Yeah, you showed me round Sandown. He was like, look, it's just like a big apartment building in the middle of this area. - I look you to an eighties bar. - Yeah-- - That was good, wasn't it? - Is that the one you look me into? I think so, right? - Probably. - No, sixties bar. - Oh, the sixties bar. That's right, yeah. - While we were driving to the ski resort, right, 'cause we were just like, look, there's just a big apartment building in between all these fucking normal houses, and it was this weird things where, like, it just looked so out of place. It was like some kind of 'Lord Of The Rings' apartment building. - That's true, yeah. In the Yamagata Prefecture, there's just a rice field, and some planes, a few huts, and then there's like 150 foot building. - It's like Sauron just in the middle. (laughs loudly) - It's so out of place. - Some investor had loads of money and was friends with the Governor of Yamagata apparently, and he was like, I really want to build a tall building. You know, get people coming. And he was like, all right, I can make it happen. They did it, I think it was a failure, and then the tallest building is just in a field. - It's ridiculous-- - It is really quite impressive, yeah. - Just imagine rice fields, and then just a massive fuck off flats and apartments. - It's really quite, it kind of sounds like a little cool? - It's cool, but why? - I think it's cool. - Yeah, but normally-- - A fucking art piece. - The reason why you pack people so dense like that is because they're close to something of value, something like a station, or whatnot. That's the reason why that works, not because there's rice fields nearby. - Yeah, like Kowloon Walled City in a field. - What if all the rice farmers want to live close to each other? - Farmers need land for their tools and shit. He can't bring it back into his condo apartment, his fucking tractor. Where's he gonna put it? - But I feel like that's part of the charm of Japan, right? 'Cause it feels like there are no rules, and, you know, you can find the most random places, or random things in the most random places. - There's no rules in the most bureaucratic country in existence. - In terms of architecture at least. - 'Cause they're too busy with fucking hanko stamps to bother with if a building should be built or not. - No, definitely in terms of architecture, like, Japan I feel has no rules. - You guys went to a fucking Welsh town in fucking Japan. What other country's out there being like, you know what? We need a town based around Wales. I mean, even fucking England doesn't do that! - And yet it was still better than Wales. (laughs loudly) - 22 fucking dollars for fish and chips? - We got mugged off, we did. And we both did, I bought it as well. - It was pretty, it wasn't very good. It was tragic. - You've got to go to Hobgoblin, man. - The tea was really good though. They had really nice tea. - Yeah, how do you fuck up tea? - You'd be surprised. - Oh, we've talked about that on the podcast before. Yeah, true. - When we also went skiing, Chris took me, and there was was sulfur bath in one of them, and it was horrible. - How was that? - Tore your skin off. - It was like, yeah, I can't remember what the PH was? It was like one. - It was a PH of two. - It's like how people dissolve people they've murdered, in that bath. - Wait, isn't a PH of two dangerous? - It was pretty high-- - It was two or something! - That's basically acid. - Can we google what PH you can bathe in? - That PH two is very dangerous, right? Especially to bathe in. - Dude, when you get in it and you get out, your skin is all red. - And it kind of makes your skin tingle. You can feel it eating away. - I was saying to Garnt, like-- - So why is this a thing? Yes? - [Producer] Less than seven is already acidic, so two is kind of bad. - That's what I thought! Less than seven is acidic. - No, you can go in a sulfur bath-- - It can't be two, it must have been four or five, or even six! - [Connor] So what's the lowest PH? - That's how they dispose of bodies in Breaking Bad, or something like that. - When you go in this Onsen, right, we didn't realize because I think it said only five minutes, but me and Chris were in there for like 30 minutes. - Oh God, it was horrible. - And we came out, and when you do it, your skin, you can't do-- - Yeah, two is one of the most acidic PH's you can do. One is at the end of the scale. - I know how the fucking scale works. It's zero to seven, Garnt. I understand the numeric scale. But Google the Onsen. Google Onsen PH levels. I can read from zero to 14, that's not the issue. - That would be just handling a litmus test. - He just showed me the PH scale. I know what that is! (laughs loudly) - You sure this wasn't like a scheme run by the Yakuza to dispose of bodies when they need to, right? - You go in this thing, and it's really cool because the snow is falling all around you, it's outside, and you go out, and you're just stinging, and your whole body hurts. And it's just weird-- - Well, you just bathed in acid. Of course it would hurt, right? - PH2 is legit? - Yeah. Yeah, told you. - Was it two? - PH2? - Because when I was waiting for Chris, because every single Onsen has a sign outside of it telling you all the chemical makeup and the PH, and I saw it was like 2.1, and I was like, fucking hell. - That's illegal in most countries I think. - If we'd stayed in for a few hours we would have just been dead. - [Connor] Yeah, you would I think. - I'd just be a big pulpy mess. - That's why it says five max, and we were in there for 30 minutes, which we definitely shouldn't have done. - It could be a video, like an endurance sesh. Who can stay in the longest? - Where you come out just bones. (laughs loudly) Just like a skeleton. - Just like a Mr Beast video. - To be fair-- - If you survive the acid bath I'll give you $10,000. - It felt really good though, when you got out, because you just felt as clean as you'd ever been. - No we didn't! - I felt so clean. - You fucking sanitized your entire skin! - It's not fun, it's not good. - I'm pretty sure that's how people remove tattoos, they just go in and all their skin peels off-- - It felt like someone had got some sandpaper and just gone like that for 10 minutes. - That sounds horrible! - I highly recommend trying it. - I couldn't sleep that night. - Fuck off-- - Don't take our word, don't listen to Connor. - I think it'd rather bathe in ethanol. (laughs loudly) - Bathe in hand sanitizer. - I think that's safer, but this is more fun. More fast and furious. - I did not sleep that night. - Could you imagine if you accidentally drank the water? - Oh, well, actually you can't, I don't think you can drink the water at the hotel 'cause it's like, this hotel stunk. Do you remember how bad it was-- - It just smelt, the whole hotel. - 'Cause it's all built on sulfur, right? - Yeah, 'cause you're bathing in a volcano. - So you're staying in this room and you cannot stop smelling rotten eggs and farts the whole time. Like, is this Chris or is it the room? I can't fucking tell. - It's just Chris ripping a fat one every five minutes. - Have you guys ever been in a Denkiburo? It's like an electric-- - I have, yeah. - No, I haven't. - They pass electric current through the water. - What the fuck? - And I didn't know what it was-- - It's horrible. - So I walked into this bath once, walked through, and I was like, why are my legs tingling? Am I having a heart attack? And then I saw the kanji for electricity and bath, and I was like, fuck off. What, are you having a laugh? Yeah, they run a low voltage current through the water. - You are kidding me? - It's the same feeling as the sulfuric water, basically. It feels like acid-- - Oh, is it? - It's kind of scary, like what if someone accidentally slipped and put the voltage up like 10 times? - Woops! - What a terrible way to go. - Things that shouldn't be mixed is electricity and water. I'm pretty sure we learnt that when we like three. - It's like someone dropping a little toaster in there. - There's just a toaster in the water. - Just a toaster in the water. (laughs loudly) - Which crazy fucker came up with this? - I don't know. - Yeah, I remember I went in there once when I was very young, and again, I didn't know it either, what it was, so the moment I stepped in I was like-- - Mommy, I'm dying. - What's happening? Why can I not stand? - The only way it could end worse was acid bath with electricity-- - With electricity. - Thousand dollar challenge, who can withstand it the longest. - $1000? That's not worth $1000. - I'll come out just red. (laughs quickly) - Just jelly. - Doctor Jelly was born. It's the Doctor Jelly origin story. - He just arises from the bath. - Does Japan have health and safety regulations? - I don't think so. - It's two, it's safe. It's safe. - I'm just wondering, imagine trying to pitch this idea in the UK. All right, we're gonna do a special bath. People can bathe in acid. - Hear me out, you can drop a toaster but you won't die. - I once went to one of the most dangerous temples in South Japan, and you'd climb up a cliff face with just a metal chain. If you let go, you just die. And I didn't realize this until I got halfway up. Well, I did it. - Fuck off, no way-- - And my hands were slipping and bleeding at the end. But we got to the top and I asked Ryotoro, what the fuck is this? And he's like, oh, you know, four people died here last year. I was like, why are we climbing up here? I was in jeans and just some silly trainers. It was so scary. - I'm just imagining you climbing it with this hat on, and a pair of vans, and just like-- - This is radical, Ryotoro. - And there's like a shot of Ryotoro getting to the cliff edge and his hand slipping, and it felt a bit like that scene in 'The Lion King' where he's like "long live the king", and fucking throw him off. I should have done in hindsight, as revenge. - Wait, so how long did you have to climb up this? - Like 15, 20 minutes. - That's quite an endurance. And you don't have any safety? - No! - Shit. - No. I was trying to film it, I had a rucksack, I was in jeans so I couldn't move my legs past 20 degrees, and I was like, this isn't funny-- - You cheated death that day. - It's a video called 'Japan's Most Expensive Beef', and we have to do this challenge-- - You didn't even clickbait it? - No! It was just part of another clip. (laughs loudly) - That's dedication. - Ryotoro was like, we've got to do a challenge before we eat the beef. And I was like, no we don't. We just eat the fucking beef. And then he took me there, nearly died, and I was trying to eat the beef and shaking, PTSD from this cliff. - Shellshocked. - But how'd you get down? You've go to go down it as well? - You've got to go down it the same fucking way. - You walk, or? - Holding onto the chain and just slipping down it-- - Wait, how vertical is this thing? - Fucking. - So it's like a footpath that's too vertical-- - It's like 'The Lion King'. Have you seen 'The Lion King'? It's like that. - No way you can climb a vertical wall. - It was almost practically vertical. - Fuck off. - I love how Connor's not, like, suspicious about the story. He's suspicious about your athletic ability. - Him with a camera, in jeans? No way he can climb. - Was this during the first Journey Across Japan kind of era where you had to keep in shape, I suppose? (laughs loudly) - It was before that actually, yeah. If I'd known how dangerous it was, I would have been like, no, this isn't even funny. This isn't entertainment, this is just death. - You didn't even clickbait it, so it wasn't-- - I almost died in Japan, yeah. - How did you not take one look at it and go, like, that looks dangerous? - I don't know. - Why did it take you up until halfway, where you were like, this might be dangerous? - Well, we had this experienced climber who's wearing the most expensive climbing boots, and he sort of went up it really quick. And I thought, it can't be that hard. And then I got halfway, and I'm holding onto this chain, and, you know, if you hold onto a metal chain, you just slip down it. Your hands are greasy, you start to bleed, and yeah. It was awful. It was really awful. - All for the content. - Dreadful. - God, for someone who's afraid of danger, you've been in a lot of dangerous situations. - You can do that but not go in a fucking cave? - Yeah, fuck the cave. - I want more extreme sports videos with Chris. I want to see Chris do snowboarding. - I want to see Chris do the sasuke challenge. - What's that? - The ninja challenge? You know the ninja warrior challenge? - Oh, yeah-- - Where it's the vertical wall? - The sasuke challenge? - Yeah, its called sasuke in Japanese. It's called the sasuke. They just called it the ninja warrior challenge in-- - Abroad in Japan wheelchair challenge when I'm done with it. (all laughing loudly) I don't think so. I won't last long on it. - Could you imagine how funny it would be Chris trying to go up the vertical wall? - It's a Trash Taste video. You should go to the fucking cliff and climb it. - I'm down. - It's a Trash Taste special. - I don't know, we could actually die in this. - But think of the views, Garnt. - I want to do a skiing special, but I don't know how you'd film it. It would be too hard. - Go Pro's all round. I'll do the drone and just sit in the chair. - The challenge is try to learn how to snowboard, which would be my challenge-- - Yeah, true. - 'Cause I'd be on my arse most of the time. - Well, you can get Chris to join you. - I'll join it for you. No, I'm a drone pilot now. - No, no, you can snowboard. - No, no, you snowboard. Too old for fun. - When I went skiing with Chris, Chris had a bit of an accident and then couldn't ski very well. - I was doing all right. I hadn't skied in a few years, and then I just fell over and my leg was fucked. And then I just couldn't ski for the rest of the day. - Oh shit. - It was awful-- - That's dangerous. - It's really dangerous, I just kept falling over. - I was snowboarding down, and I was waiting at the bottom for Chris, and I just see this mini avalanche forming. (laughs quickly) - A snowball! - I was literally just watching him, and I look at my phone for one second, I look up, and I just see the clouds coming. It was just clouds of snow falling, and then I'm like, oh shit. You all right, Chris? But then when you're at the bottom, you're like, can't do anything. - Yeah, you just have to stand there. - I'm like, come on Chris! Good luck, Chris! - A really friend would have climbed up for me. - No fucking way. He was so far up, I couldn't go. - How much further did you go down compared to him? You didn't wait for him? - No, so what it was is that-- - Like a true friend, true friend. - It was kind of like a long extended one, and so I was just trying to stay in view. So when I get to the bottom of it, I'll just wait for the bottom until the next slope starts, and I'll just wait at the bottom because Chris was going really slow. - I'll try to stay in view. Is that Chris? - Got my binoculars out and just saw Chris coming, and then he just fell down. I felt bad for you though. - I was savoring the moment. - I did feel bad for you. - Savoring the injury. (Garnt laughs quickly) - Was your knee okay afterwards? Because it was pretty beaten up on the day. - Yeah, I think I didn't stretch very well before, and then when I fell over it twisted my leg, and then every time I put pressure on it I was fucked. Take precautions when skiing. - Yeah, be careful. Don't do a Chris. - Don't do a Chris. - Don't do a Chris. - You'll end up like this. - Everything else was successful. The acid bath, that was a good trip. That was a fun trip. - What's next? Acid bath, just death. - Yeah, I want an extreme sports with Chris video. - Are you gonna climb Mount Fuji then? - I want to-- - That's what he wants to do. - Yeah, but did you see they opened it, but not the top? - What? - Yeah, they opened it to the, what is it, the? - The halfway cottage, right? - Oh, fuck! - [Producer] But apparently in recent weeks they only let people onto the East side. - Oh, that's not worth it. - So they've opened all of Mount Fuji except the top. - That makes no sense! - Except the most interesting part-- - The part where everyone wants to get to, right? - Yeah, yeah yeah. - That's like opening Super Mario Land but only letting you in the ticket gate. (all laughing loudly) - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - You know, fuck! - It's really bizarre, I don't know why they, I would rather them just not open it. - Well, last year it was because it gets really, I mean I've climbed it, it gets very crowded up the top. It's not like a mountain. When you get to the top, it's just like waiting for a theme park ride. It takes the magic out, I can assure you. And they were worried that people would spread Covid up there as a result. - Imagine getting Covid at the top of Fuji. - Mount Covid. - If you've got Covid at the top of Mount Fuji, well done. Like, you've got all the way up there. - That's a test in itself. - Yeah, that's a real endurance test right there. - (mumbling), Climbed Japan's biggest mountain with a virus. No, it's a shame though, because there's no point climbing it this year then. - Not really. - Not really. - You want to maybe do something like that, but unfortunately. - It might have to be next year. - Yeah. - Unfortunately, that would have been fun. - You could climb up Krakatoa or something? - Krakatoa. (laughs quickly) - What the fuck's Krakatoa? - Krakatoa is like the biggest volcano in Indonesia. - I'd watch that, Trash Taste versus Krakatoa. - Oh my God, no. - Trash Taste versus K2. - Didn't it erupt and destroy most of South East Asia? - Yeah, I mean, I think it was like-- - Why do you sound so happy about that when you say it? - This was 200,000 years ago, it's fine. - Yeah, I think it's the site of the biggest volcanic eruption in historic archives-- - If you can't do Mount Fuji, that's a runner up for you guys. - Krakatoa is the runner up? - I'll drone it for you. - You just want to drone death. - From the car park at Krakatoa. (laughs loudly) Is there a car park at Krakatoa? Fun though. - Is there anything you've yet to go, in terms of videos for Japan? 'Cause I feel like, again, the question came up-- - If he says it, someone will come and poach the idea from him. - The question came up of, like, you know, because we finished doing 'Across Japan 3', and we were like, oh, is it gonna be, obviously I think after the last episode goes up, I think next week as of this episode, if you get it done-- - Are you planning another Journey Across Japan? - I don't know-- - We're gonna get asked. - I do, I might do one day. Probably next year if I do it again. But I'd like to just sort of do individual episode challenges now. A series, it's a lot of pressure, because everyone's like, when's your next one? It's like, whenever I finish editing it. It's quite tricky to put a series out. And then with a series, right, everyone's like, oh, I loved the first episode! Then you get, oh the second episode was good, and (mumbling), and then the fourth it's like, is this still going on? And then the fifth, it's like (groans). - Do the views dwindle? - Generally a little bit. You lose a bit of momentum, yeah. But it's kind of done all right, this series. But you kind of, you just think, oh, I'll just do a stand alone episode next time. Like a one, like I did an episode where I went to Japan's most northern extreme point this year. And that's just one episode, 30 minutes long, and that was kind of fun. I see me doing more stand alone, almost like a Trash Taste special. Just gonna steal your format. (laughs quickly) - [Connor] It's just a Chris special. - On Krakatoa, it's gonna be great. - What I want to know is how much planning goes into 'Journey Across Japan'? 'Cause it seems like-- - [Connor] Why is that so funny? Why is he laughing? - Just picturing climbing Krakatoa. - Fuck off with the mud. - Is it still there? Can you look it up? - It's a fucking volcano, it hasn't fucking-- - I think it blew up and actually disappeared. - They don't just go peace out and-- - What are you talking about? - I think the eruption was so powerful it blew the whole summit off, so it's like Mount St. Helen. - I don't think it's erupted within our lifetime. I think you're talking about an event that happened 200,000 years ago, Chris. I actually don't know what you're talking about. - We're gonna find out, we're gonna find out. - If it happened 200,000 years ago, we probably wouldn't fucking call it a mountain anymore. It would be, we wouldn't know what it was. - All right, here we go, here we go. - [Producer] In 1883, the eruption of the main island of Krakatoa. - It's an island. - 1883. - It wasn't 200,00 years ago, it was 200 years ago. My bad, my bad. - It's erupted a few times. - Volcano's generally do that in the entire history of the Earth. - [Producer] Making it one of the most devastating and deadliest eruptions in human history. - Okay. - 1883. - How good of a YouTuber would you have been if your volcano exploded while you were in the center? - It did explode, didn't it? After we flew over it-- - A bit later. - Sakurajima is the most active volcano in Japan. It smokes 24 hours a day. And then about a week after we flew over it, it actually erupted. And if our plane had been going over it, it would have been like (spluttering), just swatted out the sky. - Yeah, it was pretty fucking scary. - To be fair, the pilot was quite good. He was like a military pilot, and that could be a great video. Him like (groaning). - Just barrel roll. (laughs quickly) - But yeah, it erupted. It was a little bit dangerous. - A couple people died, right? I'm pretty sure. - Not that day, no. (Garnt laughing loudly) Not then. - I'd hope so. You just see someone die, and it's just like, we still filming this? We still going, guys? - Isn't the town built right next to the volcano? - Yeah, there's lots, a thousand people live round the base. - That feels like a bad idea. - It's pretty safe. The kids have to wear helmets to protect them from ash and things. - So does an acid bath and an electric Onsen. - There's not much difference between a spicy bath and an active volcano. - It's turning into 100 ways to kill yourself with glory this episode, isn't it? Acid baths, active volcanoes-- - 100 ways to die. - [Joey And Connor] 100 ways to die with Chris Broad. - That's the title of this episode, thank you very much. - Do they have a plan for if the volcano goes off, or? - Uh, pray. - The people are safe because they're just sort of far away enough from it, but it used to be an island, Sakurajima, and then it erupted and became a peninsula, because the lava just connected with the land and built a land bridge, so it's a pretty hardcore volcano. Too much volcano, some would say. - It's not Krakatoa though, is it? - It's no Krakatoa-- - It's no Krakatoa! (laughs loudly) - It's no Krakatoa, it sounds like a game show. Is it Krakatoa? - Why are you obsessed with fucking Krakatoa? - It just sounds cool. It's a cool sounding volcano. - Krakatoa. - Yeah, because you always seem to find some really out there ideas, cool ideas for not just Journey Across Japan, but just in general, and these guys were talking about how you literally fucking scour Google maps or something. - Yeah, I mean-- - What goes into that? - There's definitely variables in Journey Across Japan, like, we have a kind of start and end place. We have the hotel at the beginning and the end, and then I have a few locations lined up, and then I sort of keep it from, in this season I kept it from Joey and Natsky. Then we get challenges, and then the challenges shape what happens, right. So the day we did the rap 'Too Much Volcano', we could have done anything. Could have been like eat the worst food in Kyoto, or, you know, something like that. So there's lots of variables that keeps it fresh and original. But when you've got a team of like five people, and, you know, it's a very pricey experience to make, you've got to make sure that you're actually doing good things, right? You know? So the various places are planned out, but I wouldn't say it's scripted as such. - No, no, no. I feel Journey Across Japan 3 though was like way more intense than two. Like I feel, I just feel like that week of three was just, we did, I reckon, twice as much stuff as we did in two. At least that's what it felt like to me. - Just asked myself, how could you make the ultimate series in a week? And that's pretty much, all the stuff I found led to that. - So how long did it take in total? - To find all those places? - Or to like plan it out, schedule it, and all that? - I don't know, three days? - Three days? - 72 hours. - No fucking way-- - I did actually spend two or three days just glued to Google, like, fucking, what is there? - I spend more time trying to spend my fucking holiday. You just planned an entire fucking special, like a five day special. - I think that the greatest find was this abandoned island called Ikashima. There's like a, the abandoned island everyone knows near Nagasaki is Gunkanjima, battleship island, which you've probably seen in 'Skyfall'-- - Terrible though. - What? - Because you can't fucking do anything there. - Well, yeah! I thought you could walk around it but you can only go-- - 90% of it is blocked off. - So we could only go as a tour, and that was going to be the centerpiece of this series. So once I discovered that, I was like, we're fucked. And I got really depressed, and I was like, is it even worth doing this series now? The lost islands? It's not gonna work, is it? It's just going to be the boring islands. So I kept looking around Nagasaki, and I found just 40 kilometers north another island. Bigger, 10 times bigger than Gunkanjima, 30 abandoned buildings, like a city, a mini city-- - And less than 100 people live there. - Yeah, 100 or so people live there and you can explore it freely. - It looked really cool - It did look really cool, and that was my, kind of, probably my favorite episode actually. - So what what's your process of finding these places? 'Cause I would like to know, because I, you know, I would like to travel around more around Japan, but I literally don't know where to fucking start. Like you do a Google search about cool places to go in Japan and you get the same 10 articles. - Shinjuku, Shibuya! - Yeah, you get the same 10 articles with the same 20 places. - Kyoto! - In every fucking article. - Surely you just pick a place, like a place you want to go to, and then you start looking at everything around the area, right? - Well, switch to Japanese. Use Japanese to search, it gets a lot easier, because obviously the people that know the places are going to be in Japan, speak Japanese. And so if you do that, you'll find like 10 times more interesting places. Otherwise it's just the way, it's tourist hotspots. That's my advice. Get someone who can speak Japanese to look up these places. Yeah. Mailin, great. Or him. - Now to just find that Japanese person. - Joey? (laughs loudly) Joey planning the next Trash Taste special? - Yeah, sure. I guess. - This episode is sponsored by Honkai Impact the 3rd. - [Garnt] A free to play, 3D action, role-playing mobile game developed and published by miHoYo, the same makers of Genshin Impact. - Boys, the folks over at Honkai Impact the 3rd actually have a massive announcement to make. (crowd cheering) - Oh my God-- - What is it, Joey? The characters you love from Genshin Impact such as Fischl and Keqing will be making their way into the world of Honkai Impact. - What, I'm so excited right now! - I am practically shitting. Fischl and her companion, Ozzy, will be the new Valkyrie to join Honkai. Her powerful thunder attribute ability makes Fischl invincible in the new world. For Keqing, players will be able to free powerful forces for her to fight against, such as the powerful Wolf of the North, and both Fischl and Keqing are both free characters too. - That's hype, that's hype. - That's porn. - Furthermore, right now, new players who join the game can win over 100 free supply cars to get different equipment by completing missions in game. - If you're living in the US or Canada, they're also doing a collaboration with Kung Fu Tea, a popular bubble Boba tea brand. Join the event to win limited merch and an iPhone 12. - And if you're not in the US or Canada, boys, (laughs quickly) you can go to Honkai Impact sweep stakes on their site to win a big mystery prize. - What kind of prize is it? - It's a mystery, Joey, hence mystery prize. - (yells loudly) Oh my God! - What's in the box? - So what are you waiting for? Download Honkai Impact the 3rd today, and join the event to win some great prizes. Links and info in the description down below. - And back to the episode. So, as you can see, we've just popped out the Umeshu now. - The Umeshu's popping off-- - At Chris's request that an alcoholic beverage be consumed on Trash Taste. - This is my drink of choice, but a lot of my Japanese friends are like, oh, girls drink. - And not sake? I thought you were the sake-- - I mean, we have sake. - This is really refreshing, right? Like plum win. They take a plum, put it in some sake, leave it there for like a month-- - [Joey] Jeez, you guys really fucking topped it off. - Why not? - Why, how much are you supposed to pour in? I don't normally drink Umeshu. - It's pretty purified, Umeshu. - Okay, so-- - As you're about to find out. - It's only like 12, 14%. - Cheers! - Cheers. - To best drip, whatever I am. (Garnt laughing quickly) - Laziest drip. - Best drip. Most drip. - Most drip? You can barely most English. - Most drip. - Says the guy that a minute ago off camera went, I have dentist tomorrow. You didn't say, I have to go to the dentist. You made it sound like an STD-- - Some words aren't necessary. - He's got dentist all over his face. - I thought you just went to the dentist as well? What's up with that? - Because then I haven't been in like five years. - Do you have dentist? - I have dentist. - He has dentist. Do you have an issue you need to sort out, or? - They want to make a mold because my-- (snickering quietly) Why is this so fucking funny, Chris? It's a fucking mold! - There's nothing funny about that. - Why is that funny? - There's nothing funny about it. - He's losing it, what the fuck? - Has one sip of Umeshu. - It's just the I have dentist thing. - Shut the fuck up. - Then it brought back that hate comment about you. where someone was like, this guys was raised on. (laughs quickly) - What the fuck was it again? It was like? - I hope you're as lost as I am, viewership. - No, there was this hate comment that Chris shared with me about Connor, and it was so funny-- - It sounds like he was raised on risotto and wine from the breast of something. - Someone goes, I hate this guy. It sounds like he was served on risotto from the breast, and wine before milk. And it felt quite accurate. - Instead of baby food, risotto. - It said before baby food. - Anyway, I have dentist. - You have dentist. Have we talked about the Japan dentist experience? - We haven't. - [Joey] Because what is it? - I went to an English dentist in Japan. Mailin was like, yeah, they speak all English and they use American practices that are better than Japan. Are they better than Japanese? The American was apparently is better than the Japanese. Apparently Japanese dentists have a bad rep. I've heard they're pretty bad. - It's not that they're bad. I went the other day to a Japanese one, and it's not that they're bad, it's just they're a lot more ruthless when it comes to cleaning your teeth. You know, 'cause they use that really tiny, thin, high pressure water hose-- - That's horrible. - And it kind of makes the (squealing) type of sound? - I hated that-- - I hate that. - Yeah, they use that like all dentists do, but they go hard. - That's interesting-- - Hi, (speaking in foreign language) they sound really nice when they're asking you to open your mouth, right? (speaking in foreign language) And they they just (squealing). - I didn't realize Japanese dentists had a bad rep, but it makes sense now. The first time I went to a dentist, a Japanese dentist, he said, don't worry, I learn in Canada. I was like, all right. (all laughing loudly) - It's an advertising point if you were trained up in America or a foreign country-- - So they'd all trained in Canada, and they made that front and center of their marketing. - Yeah, because the American dental system is actually pretty good if you can afford it, which is always-- - There's the catch. - Big yikes. But yeah, no, it was really good. 'Cause, you know, no one tells you you've got to go to the dentist until your teeth are fucked. You're like, I guess I should go dentist. So I just totally forgot to go to the dentist for-- - For how long? - For like five years. - Five years without dentist? - It's people like you that create the big book of British smiles. - My teeth are fine though! 4k. No, they were all right. I never had problems. And I went and they were like-- - So why are you going twice? - So when my mouth is resting, my bite is pretty deep. You have this as well, right? - Yeah. - [Connor] So it's just to stop my teeth from grinding in my sleep. Why are you laughing? - It's like a rabid dog. (groaning) - No, it's just like when you're resting, you know, some people when you rest-- - I think it's when you have a particular shaped jaw. - When I sleep it's kind of uncomfortable to close my mouth. - What do you dream about to make you do that? Do you dream about playing 'Apex Raid of Shadows' in your sleep, and you're like, (groaning). - 'Raid of Shadows'? - 'Apex Raid of Shadows'? (laughs loudly) - There was about four games in one there. 'Apex Raid of Shadows', my favorite game. - You're in touch with the kids, right? - Do you try and be a fucking boomer on purpose? I swear you're doing this on fucking purpose. - Have you played that 'Apex Raid of Shadows'? - Bridge of the youth today, I know all the games. - Really? Like 'Apex Raid of Shadows'? - I heard Connor showed you 'League of Legends' esports the other day? Do you remember that-- - Yeah, remember when we were into, we filmed that trailer, the movie trailer. And on the room-- - Oh my God, I can only imagine Chris watching League. - So I, you know, Chris was editing away, and the massive 70 inch TV was not being used, and I was like, well, great, I'll just put the 'League of Legends' esports on. - No, you showed me a guy from North England who just eats food all day. - I did show you that as well. Rate My Takeaway YouTube channel. It's just a guy from North England who eats-- - Yeah, he's showed me that one as well. - He's pretty funny. He's like the top, the most popular British channel right now. It's just some guy eating takeaway going, this is cracking, love. This is beautiful. - He has a little chair and a table. He goes to a fish and chip shop, gets the fish and chips, and just sits out on the road. And people know him, he's famous now, so they're like, all right mate? How's the fish and chips there, like? And he's like, yeah, it's good, isn't it? (all laughing loudly) It's so good, it's like the best channel-- - Okay, we've gone on like five tangents, but I'll stick to this one for now. There's this one video, and it's the funniest thing where he goes to a Chinese Takeaway, and he opens this box up and nothing in it looks like Chinese food. It's like chips, and wings, and stuff. And he's like, oh, this is cracking, it's amazing. And I'm like, what the fuck is this? But everything he tries, he loves. - He loves it all, yeah. - He's great, he's really just fun to watch. - He's super positive, yeah. - Sort of like you want to go to a pub-- - Kind of like Northern British report of the week in some aspects. - That sounds awesome. - Yeah, basically. I mean, essentially that is what he is. - We need to get Rate my Takeaway Trash Taste collab. - That's what we need. - If he comes over here, that would be the video of the century-- - I would love to see him! Imagine if he goes to the ramen shop, he just takes it outside, they're like, no! No, no! - He gets his little chair and table out. - I'd love that. - What a legend. - So I did show him that, but on the big screen I showed you 'League of Legends', and you were so confused. - There was just lots of commentators going, ah. (Garnt laughing loudly) (yelling) - It's like Red Bull baron play. - I just didn't get it. - We need Chris reacts to 'League of Legends' esports. - What did you think of it? - Shit. (laughing quickly) Do they sponsor this? - Everything. - Oh, I love them. I play it everyday. - No, they don't. On their show they have, like, you know, when they have the best moment of the game, it's called the Mercedes drive to victory. - What? - Yeah, and it's sponsored by Mercedes. - Mercedes drive to victory? - Yeah, it's the clip. And they they have the Red Bull baron power play. - The Red Bull baron power play. What else is there? The state farm analyst desk. - Yeah, the analyst desk where they talk about, and then they have the MasterCard stats or something? - Yeah, the MasterCard something. I don't fucking know. - Does anyone remember Battlefield 1942? That was a great game. - So I got Chris into 'League of Legends' esports. - Why? - He's a massive fan now. - He loves it now. - Who are you, what team do you root for? - In 'League of Shadows? (all laughing loudly) - What is up with you and shadows? Why do you like that word so much? Apex Raid of Shadows, League of Shadows. - My favorite team are the wizards. - The wizards? - What's the last game you played, Chris? - Yeah, what's the last video game-- - What's the last video game you played? - Tetris. - Red Dead Redemption 2. - Did you like that? - Yeah, it was cracking. - That don't have the word shadow in it though. - No shadows, was there. Disappointing. - What's your top five video games of all time? - Uncharted 4. Command and Conquer Generals. Battle, nah. (Garnt laughing quickly) Perfect Dark, Nintendo 64. - Perfect Dark, old school. - Goldeneye, even though it's difficult to play now. Can't really seen what's going onscreen. That's my eyes. - That's most N-64 games. - And Mario Kart: Double Dash. - That's not a bad list-- - That's actually not a bad list. - With a cheeky bit of Resident 4 thrown in. See, I'm still playing games from 30 years ago, and 20 years ago. - Did you game much now? - Good Lord, no. Life is a game. I fucking flew over a volcano, and a cave-- - What are you, Natsky? Life is game. - You know, all the stuff we've talked about. - Are you saying go outside, stop playing games. - What Chris is saying is touch grass. - Philosophy with Abroad in Japan. - I feel like life is an RPG, innit? - In Japan it certainly is. - Unlock quests by meeting people, you nearly die on a cliff, the chain, you know, a plane over a volcano. You get all those experiences, and that's like-- - And then you go home and watch League of Shadows. - Yeah. I just didn't see the thrill of it. There was just lots of people onscreen commentating. (Garnt laughing loudly) - That's generally what happens in sports. - That's what most sports games are like. - I'm out the loop there. - But you're not a big sports fan either, are you, really? You don't-- - How dare you. - Are you? - Clearly not, no. (laughing loudly) - Not to do, I mean to watch. - I used to do fencing. - Fencing? - Fencing, fuck off. - You're saying I'm raised on fucking wine and risotto, you're playing the whitest sport known to men. - I've never known a single person who did fencing before-- - It was like a council sponsored fencing club. - What? - Let's give the poor people a chance to play. - Effectively. - Play polo too? - Yeah, it was good. I was in the Cadets, the RAF Cadets. - Clay pigeon? Did you do that? - Clay pigeon? - I'm like what's the only more white and posh thing I could think of? - Synchronized swimming? - What? - Synchronized swimming with Chris. (laughing quietly) - It's just him drowning in a pool for 15 minutes. - And I did TaeKwonDo for a bit. - You fucking didn't. - I did at university, yeah. - I need to see that now. - And poker, Texas Hold Em poker. - (laughs loudly) That's not a sport. - It's an esport these days. - Esport. (laughs loudly) - It's become like an esport, so that's what I do. And I cycled across Japan, so. And climbed Mount Fuji. - Barely. - Fuji, that's a sport. - Fucking hell. Listen to you, mate. Fucking fencing. - Fucking fencing. - Fucking fencing. - I want to hear about TaeKwonDo. - I was dreadful, I was dreadful. - How did you get into TaeKwonDo as a kid? - Yeah, how did that happen? - Just wanted to get fit, really. And at university-- - Oh University, right. - All the cool kids were doing it. I was like, I'll join in. - How long did you do that for-- - I got quite fit, I did a year, got a yellow belt. - Is that high? - I think yellow belt is one after the white belt. (laughing quickly) It's like level two. - I could kill you with one foot if you're already asleep. - If you put your weight on them. (all laughing loudly) - It looks like it's fucking happening here. My sporty days are behind me, as we've established. - You just sound like somebody who's given up on sport. I don't do exercise anymore. - I am thinking of doing a physical challenge though, like 'Journey Across Japan' again. And maybe walking or-- - It's a good excuse to get into shape, right? I find that I can't get into shape without a goal. - Well, I genuinely thought I was going to climb Mount Fuji this year until that came out, 'cause I thought-- - How hard is it to climb Mount Fuji, as someone who's never climbed Mount Fuji and someone who's obviously thinking about doing it. - I did it when I was 22, sorry, 23, and it was pretty tricky. - Jesus, 23? You sound like you still found it tricky. - It wasn't fun. - I'm fucked then. - It wasn't fun at all. Not a moment of it was fun. - Great, I'm looking forward to climbing Mount Fuji! Brilliant. - I spelt on a rock, because the kind of people that climb Mount Fuji, you start at 5:00 PM, right? You climb three quarters of it-- - Do you climb with some fucking Buddhist monk or something? Like, yes, this is your bed for today. You've got to sleep on the monk, you've got to sleep on the rock. - You've got to sleep on the monk? Monk Mount Fuji experience. - Excuse me. (laughing quickly) - Expedia. - The clever people get these huts, right? And you stay in a hut. You get there at 7:00 PM, you have a bit of rice, curry rice, fall asleep, wake up at 2:00 PM, finish the climb. I got to the huts at like 9:00 PM, they were all full. And they were like, no, no, no room. I was like, oh, fuck you then. And I literally found a small rock that I could just prop my head on, and I got my jumper and made it into a pillow, slept on that. - Outside? - [Chris] Yeah. - Were you not cold? - Frozen. - Yeah, I was about to say, isn't that how people die? - Yeah, my friend went in T-shirt and shorts and nearly got frostbite. It was really serious, actually. - What fucking idiots. - We got to the top, the sun came up, and we were like, we've got to go now. We can't enjoy it. Unfortunately all that climb is for nothing. We waited for the sun to come up. Came up, we're like, right, good, we'll see it, let's go. - Did you guys do no research before climbing? - No. - Did you just think it was a hill or something? - Well, I mean, it was about-- - Who climbs Mount Fuji in shorts and a T-shirt? - So we did it in summer, and it was about 36 degrees outside. And you think it's going to be hot on top, but it's gonna be cold on top, but it's not gonna be that cold, but it is normally about 4000 meters. And when we got there and started climbing it, my friend turned up in his T-shirt and shorts, the Japanese people were like, what are you doing? Fucking idiot. And they were like, you are very stupid. - White people. - Yeah! And we were like, what are they on about? It can't be that bad. And then as we got up it went 18 degrees, 12 degrees, five degrees, minus two degrees, and my friend was like at one point. It's like something ominous was going on in the dark, but like. (all laughing loudly) - What really happened on the rock. (all laughing loudly) - Jumping the rock, yay! The hat was brought for that. - You can take it off now. - No, I've got the best drip. Yeah, take a ski jacket. Take some pillows, take your fucking gameraid, and you're good to go. - Gameraid? - Take some League of Shadows first of all? - Yeah, cheeky bit of League of Shadows at the top. Job done. - New Abroad in Japan special, right? Hypothermia challenge, right? Yeah, let's go. - Who can last the longest with hypothermia? - Survival on the rock, win $10,000. - Man on the rock-- - Last one to leave the rock wins $10,000. - And after all that, it just got demonetized because I put some music from, what's that, the band with the shamisen? the Yoshida Brothers. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - It just got taken off, so you can't watch it in Japan now. And it got completely demonetized. And my friend, Norm, the cameraman for Journey Across Japan, plays with the Yoshida Brothers, and I was like, put in a good word. He didn't, nothing happened. Bastard. And yeah, so that video's for nothing. Nothing. It was number one Mount Fuji video for two years before it got buggered. Now it's just gone. - Who's number one now? - That's a good question. Who's number one on Mount Fuji? - If you look up Mount Fuji-- - What most views or? (chuckling quietly) - Take them down. - Take them down. What if it's just like Chris's other video? - Probably. I should just take that video and just edit it, and repost it. - Yeah, you probably could. - [Producer] Oh shit! Mount Fuji, climbing Mount Fuji, eight hours of hell. - Is it still Chris? - It's still Chris! - It's still Chris. What are you complaining about, Chris? - Wow! - Still the top video on Mount Fuji-- - This is the happiest day of my life. I've won an award, I've got Umeshu, I'm on Trash Taste, and top Mount Fuji video. Shit, look at that. - I just find it hilarious. I can't think of a more British thing than trying to climb Mount Fuji with shorts and a T-shirt, right? - It's pretty Brit. - It's 'cause it's just like (laughs loudly), like in England, you see sunshine, and it's just like, all right, it could be, like, 15, 16 degrees. You see a bit of sun, shorts and T-shirts time, right? - It's hard though, to imagine, like when you're staying outside, 36 degrees, it's hard to think there's nowhere in this country that could be cold enough to need something like that, right? So, you know, you go from Central Tokyo, Shinjuku, where we started, to Mount Fuji, two hour bus rides, and then, bang-- - Did you not just think maybe I should just give a quick Google as to what goes on on Mount Fuji? - Maybe I should check the weather? - Yeah, see what goes on. You know, what do people recommend doing? - I did have a ski jacket and shorts. My friend went in just T-shirt-- - And you didn't tell your friend? - I did, I did! He was like, I'll be all right. (laughs loudly) - Was he British? - Oh yeah. - Okay, that sounds about right. - He was not. - I'm surprised you're able to sleep in that fucking cold with-- - We didn't really. I remember just hell, just hell. - Why did you carry on to the top? - 'Cause you're so battered by that point. - Fair enough. - And you're not supposed to! A lot of the clever people do something called bullet climbing, although it's not really clever. When you get to the base, there's something, a sign saying don't bullet climb. A bullet climb is where you rush up the mountain as quick as you can, you know, like five, six hours, and you come back down. But a lot of people get towards the top, the oxygen deprivation kicks in, they sort of pass out and get fucked up. So you're supposed to do it kind of slowly to acclimatize to the lack of oxygen. I know a lot of good friends that do it in one morning. Go there, get there the afternoon, come back down. And I'd probably do that, if I was gonna do it again I'd probably just do that. The sunset was great, but it's like-- - Is finding accomodation there just a nightmare, to stay in? - Accommodation? Well, it just gets booked up very quick. - I heard you've got to know people to get accomodation there, and I didn't know that the alternative was just sleeping on a rock, but I guess now I know. - Are you allowed to do that? Are you allowed to just sleep on a mountain? - You don't get much choice. - I don't think it's recommended. - It's in the dark, it's pitch black up there. You can't see right. I went off the track a little bit, and just found a volcanic rock, slept on it, job done. (laughing quickly) - It's volcanic, it's kind of warm? - Laughing at me for my lack of sports when I've slept on a rock. - Straight from Krakatoa, this rock. - Straight from Krakatoa. - I'm not going to be impressed by your stupidity. Why would I be impressed by that? - You just wait until I climb Krakatoa. We'll see who has the last laugh. - You're gonna climb anything. - I don't even know how tall it is. - It's probably very tall. - Something else to find out. - I think it's like the biggest volcano in the world right now, I don't know-- - Top 10 volcanoes. - What, Krakatoa? - Krakatoa. - Is it? - I think so. It's definitely one of the most famous volcanoes in the world. - I'd never heard of it. - What the fuck is going on with these two? - Why are they laughing? - Why are we talking about this fucking volcano? Why are we talking about this? - [Garnt] I don't know. Chris just seems to fucking want to mention it for some reason-- - Someone made me a bet, $1000, that I could get the world Krakatoa said 100 times on Trash Taste. - He just wants us to say volcano so it promotes his new fucking song. - Hey, I'm okay with that. I'm in it. - 33% of the profit. - Yeah. Go iTunes. - Give me 5% and I'll shill it. - What, we're gonna fucking sponsor you? - Give me the Umeshu. - Give me the whole bottle. - Sponsored by 'Too Much Volcano'. - No, I'm running out of really cool, kind of cool things to do in Japan. - You've done everything. - How many prefectures do you have? You said like four, right? - I've got two prefectures to go to. - Two prefectures, and what are they? - Kochi in Shikoku, and Miyazaki, which we kind of drove through-- - We drove through Miyazaki, yeah. - I can't, can we call that? I'm kind of feeling that we should now. But all right. So Miyazaki and Kochi, and that's it. - Oh wow. - And maybe Shimane, so that's three. - Do you feel like you've almost completed Japan? - Well, I've got my, I've got a scratch map of Japan. Course I do, and I scratch, every time I go somewhere, I'm like, yeah, I've gone to that prefecture. And it's got only a few bits to scratch off now, and then I'll be done. - What are you gonna do after that? - Bits and pieces of Rokunohe. The Pacific Islands of Japan, like Yakushima. I don't know if you've ever seen it, yeah, it looks like a proper Bond villain's lair. - You're stretching it thin now, aren't you? You're just like, Jesus, anything, is there-- - Give me something. - Is there a raccoon village somewhere, anything. - Probably is to be honest-- - It's called Shibuya. (all laughing quickly) - But yeah, no, I feel like I've got to finish up places. - You're kind of in the end game now. - Start doing soapland reviews I guess. - The endgame. - It's kind of the endgame. - Scratch the last one, just. (laughing loudly) On the summit of Mount Fuji, (groaning loudly). Fuck, I don't know. But there's still lots of places in prefectures. I've only just passed through some of those prefectures, and there's still lots of things to see and do. - Is it getting hard to find video topics though? or do you still feel like you've got an abundance-- - No, I feel like there's still an endless amount. Like I've only just made a video yesterday on Asakusa, the district in Tokyo. - Really? - That most tourists in Japan go to. - It's fucking awful when there's tourists there. - It can be, but it's a beautiful part of town. - Takista's fucking horrible when there's tourists. - That's the shrine, right? - Harajuku, yeah, yeah, Sensoji Temple. - You also can't take pictures of that and post them online-- - We were filming, and the security guards sort of wandered up and just came into shot behind us, and we were like, what's he doing? Oh, fuck it, we can't film here. But luckily we got away with it just in time before he turned up. - Apparently you get fined through, I heard? - We didn't get fined. - If you post it, so we'll see. - Bring it on, bring it on Asakusa. No, please don't. - It's a promotional video! - We're trying to promote you guys, trying to help you out. - I don't know why they would do that though. It seems a bit of an odd, for such a massive tourist thing, you know? - You don't think there's hundreds of tourists taking pictures of it, right? - Yeah, because the Eiffel tower is private property that you technically, you know, you can't actually take picture of. - [Joey] Really? - For a commercial use, but they do it all the time 'cause-- - There's nothing stopping them, right? - You can't regulate that. It's literally in the skyline. - Japan is like, bet? We're gonna try and regulate it-- - What's really weird about filming laws, like have you ever been to a Japanese concert? Or Japanese music? - I've been to a concert but I haven't, they don't let you film it, do they? - No, no, no, they don't let you film it at all. - It's really looked down upon to film a concert, a live concert, whereas-- - I wouldn't mind that, to be honest. Just live in the moment, innit? - They're pretty good about it, actually. - You can't even relive the moment for yourself. - When I did the documentary on Hide, the rockstar guy, nobody took out their phone. You can see no one, apart from the end when he gets everyone out to put their lights on their phone, create a sea of light. Other than that, they're pretty damn strict on that. - It's so that they-- - I don't mind that though. - But the reason they do that is so they get you to buy the DVD. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Connor] Oh. - Right? So it's just a promotional tool. - I thought it would be some kind of spiritual jam. You have to appreciate the artist. - You have to live in the moment! - No, just buy our fucking merch. Buy our DVD-- - Yeah, buy our DVD, it's literally that. - Hide did a credit card, the Hide credit card. - What? - As his merchandise, his merchandise is off the charts. - [Connor] What the fuck? - He made so much money from it, I was really impressed. - Well, yeah, he's selling fucking credit cards. - Where's the Abroad in Japan credit card? - We've got the top 14 iTunes. Take that. - Credit card coming soon. - Abroad in Japan credit card? - Yeah, that's what I want. - It would be a shit show. What would it do? - It's a credit card, what do you mean? - It's a credit card! - It doesn't do anything, it's just got your face on it. - Perfect. - The entire card is just that face. - I got approached by a company once to make a Natsky doll, and you'd squeeze it, and it would be like, go fuck yourself. (all laughing loudly) - Why did you not say yes to that? - Sounds like a genius idea. - I don't know, I don't know. I didn't want to exploit Natsky. - I think he wanted the experience-- - To be fair, I asked him, and he's like, yeah, why haven't we done it? And I'm like, oh shit. So I might still do it, I might still do it. - Now you've said it now, you're never gonna hear the end of this. - You don't want a Natsky doll, do you, ladies and gentlemen? - Are you kidding me? - I want a Natsky doll. - I want one as well, yeah. Go fuck yourself. - It needs to be like you squeeze it, and it's like a random assortment of quotes, right? - 20 quotes. - That's easy, why would you not do that? It's such low hanging fruit. - They wanted to take over all my merchandise, and I said no. It was one of those, so I thought, well, I'll steal that idea but in a different way-- - Yeah, I'm sure you could find a manufacturer that can do that for you. - Somebody help me. Email me. - Sorry, we got on a tangent. You were talking about filming in Asakusa? - We were talking about merchandise. - No, fuck that. Fuck off, I don't want to talk about your fucking merch-- - Asakusa, yeah. So I mean there's still places I haven't been to that are very easy pickings. You know, Asakusa. - I feel like Japan is just like a fucking goldmine of weird and wonderful places. - I just like to find the kind of unique stuff. I went to a place with just replica Easter Island heads in Hokkaido, like 20 Easter Island heads. It was a cemetery, and they thought, how can we respect the dead? Easter Island heads. (laughing loudly) And it kind of is pretty cool. And it's to scale, it looked normal, it had a massive face mask on it. - So your video was just about the area, about Asakusa? - Yeah, pretty much. - Is it harder to do that when there's so many interesting things in a place, where you're like, fine, I don't know which one to talk about-- - That seems like a video idea you would have done when you fist came. - So I did it with Ryotoro, and we tried to find retro places, kind of unique places that are kind of old, Showa era places, you know? - Did you wear a kimono? - You bet I didn't. (all laughing loudly) Not like you, mate. Isn't there a photo of you in front of Shinsoji with a kimono? - Yeah, so when we went to do the kaworu smashing, which is right next to Sakusa, Kaya was like, let's just wear kimonos? - It did look worryingly good on you. - Thanks, man. - In a way that I can't do. 'Cause it just makes me look round. (all laughing loudly) - You'd look like a land baron, it would suit you. - A land baron? - You would, oh yes. My property is just over here. - Kimono's look so bad on me every time I do a video. - Sometimes people get annoyed about it as well, which is really fucking stupid I think. - Oh, what? 'Cause it's like appropriation or whatever, yeah? - They don't give a shit-- - I do look at that photo of you and think cultural appropriation. (Connor laughing loudly) How dare he. - I fucking splashed my eye with the water then. - [Chris] I thought that was Connor's spit 'cause you sort of turned as you did it. Spitting on Garnt. What has Trash taste become? - Spit on Garnt. - (laughs quietly) But like, what are we talking about? - The whole cultural appropriation thing. - I don't get that, you know. - I don't, people get so, I think people want to get angry about it online to be honest-- - Of course they do. - As long as you're respectful. Like don't wear it and go to McDonald's in it, which you probably would do. - No, we went to Starbucks with it actually. - [Chris] Oh, fucking hell. - [Connor] That was Kaya's idea. - But I think as long as you're respectful when you're wearing it. - Yeah, of course! I mean, you know, it's one of those things where I feel like if you're not being a dickhead, and not running around or spilling shit on it-- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think the only time I was in the sort of cultural appropriation camp on that front was when Kim Kardashian, the kimono underwear thing-- - [Connor] Oh yeah, that was stupid. - You could foresee a future 10 years down the line, had she followed through, where kids might have been like, oh yeah, the kimono, that's Kim Kardashian's brand, without any historical context or cultural context about Japan. - I agree with that. - That I would consider cultural appropriation. - Yeah, absolutely. - And just full blown cuntery, and, yeah. I was kind of, and loads of Japanese women were like, don't take our, don't take that name and then ruin it, and drag it through the dirt, and I was like, yeah. - I often find that, especially in Asian countries, people here seem happy to have you kind of adopt their culture. - They love it if you wear a kimono at home-- - I mean that's how the whole Nihongo jouzu thing really happened, because you speak one word of Japanese and everyone's just like Nihongo jouzu, well done! - They're part of our culture, finally! - It's funny, right, because it's, to us now, like to explain, whenever you speak any Japanese to, you could be ordering food or something, right? And a Japanese person will say Nihongo jouzu, even if you just fucking said hi. If you said arigato, or something, in the worst Japanese accent, they would say, oh, Nihongo jouzu, but I feel like they do that because they're just so happy that a foreigner took the time to learn their language. - They're like, why would they learn our language? - And I feel like it's just more towards Asian culture in general, because did I tell you guys that I got Thai jouzu'd in Japan? Okay. So I didn't even know that we could get Thai jouzu'd, right? - Tai jouzu? It sounds like a martial art. Thai jouzu! - It wasn't literally Thai jouzu, but I didn't even think about it because Nihongo jouzu's kind of a meme for anyone foreign living in Japan, because we hear it so fucking often. And so I went to a Thai restaurant in Japan, and it was a completely Thai restaurant, Thai staff, Thai cooking, everything. And I was like, great. Feels just like home in here. - The authentic shit. - The authentic shit, right? And so the waitress comes to take my order, and I order Pad Kra Pao and green curry, Kaeng Kiaw Wan, and she goes, oh! (speaking in foreign language) which is the closest thing that I could-- - The Thai equivalent of Nihongo jouzu? - Which is the Thai equivalent to Thai jouzu. And I was like, I didn't know that this could be a thing until I heard it, and I'm just like-- - Bro, I'm Thai. - Lady, I literally just fucking ordered a green curry. (laughs quickly) - I would like a Pad Thai. Wow, you're Thai is amazing. - Thai jouzu. - But yeah, I think about it, and it's just because, especially in Thailand or in Japan, people are just happy to just any foreigners kind of adopting their language, or having a go at their culture, or whatever. - It's strange, isn't it? Because the opposite doesn't really work for English speaking countries. - I mean, I get very excited when anyone mentions Wales in any capacity outside of Chris. - You ever seen cultural appropriation of Wales? - Fucking sheep, what do you mean? You can't really. I mean, if anyone shows any interest in it, I'm like, oh, that's awesome. - But you don't see a Japanese couple going to the UK, and them going to fucking Tesco's and being like, hello! They're going, oh, your English is so fucking good. - It's funny, right? - They go round the castles and just take pictures, and I'm like, oh, I guess that is pretty cool, huh? - Did I tell you I'm a quarter Welsh by the way? - No you're not. - I'm one of your people. - No you're not. - 25%-- - You're not one of me. - My grandfather. (all laughing loudly) - I refuse, I refuse to believe it. - I reject! - The family name is Pugh, P-U-G-H. - Oh God, that is actually Welsh. (Joey laughing quickly) - Unlucky, we're the same. - You're basically related. - This is what happens when you stray from the path of Wales. You become Chris Broad. - You escape, you become cultural appropriation. - You become Chris Broad if you stray from the path of Wales. - How did you feel going to that Welsh city? - I think it's awesome, you know? 'Cause unlike Japanese, Welsh culture got fucking obliterated by the English. They pretty much made it almost illegal to speak Welsh in Wales for a very long time. You'd get punished if you spoke Welsh. You know, when does anything even remotely Welsh. I do get quite proud, because I'm like, nobody gives a fuck, so it's awesome to see someone who gives a fuck. - Yeah, 'cause it's so weird, because normally when people think of Wales they just think of the UK in general. - It is very different in many ways, I think. You know, we still have Greggs, we still have Betfred, and depressing shit, but the houses look very different most of the time, depending on where you go-- - I mean, people forget that Wales have their own language. - Some people think it's a city in England, for fuck's sake, which is depressing. - Because Wales is my city. - I think there was a quiz and they asked Americans about famous English towns, and they kept listing Wales as a city, some people in the survey. - Oh no. - You know what I mean? Because it doesn't happen with Scotland. Everyone knows Scotland, everyone knows Ireland, because everyone in fucking America insists they're Irish, so it doesn't happen. But nobody's Welsh, and nobody gives a shit about it, so it's really good to see when someone does. The only time I ever got any conversation about it was when people watched The fucking Crown, and they were like, oh, he spoke that funny language that you speak in the third season. I'm like, thanks. They got one episode, and they fucked off, and they never spoke about it again. (laughing loudly) - That was one of the most depressing episodes. - Totally fucking depressing. It's weird, it's weird. It's pretty fucking tragic. We have a Prince of Wales that doesn't come to fucking Wales. - I mean, you must be in the top 10 most successful Welsh people in the world. (laughing loudly) - Out of 17? I'm joking. - That's actually a depressing thought, isn't it? (all laughing loudly) - I don't even think I'm in the top 10. - You were up there with Tom James probably, with global reach? - No, no, no, no. - I mean, I don't know any other Welshmen. - Catherine Zeta Jones. - Catherine Zeta Jones and Tom Jones. - Christian Bale, Gareth Bale, sorry. Oh, Christian Bale, but he's like a weird kind of, I think he's Welsh. - Is he Welsh? - I think he is. - I think he's born in Wales but raised in London. - Anthony Hopkins! - Anthony Hopkins, Christopher Ellis, the guy who plays Lucifer. - Oh really? - He's Welsh, from Cardiff. - You're up there with them. - See, all these people. (all laughing loudly) - Anthony Hopkins, Oscar winning actor, and CDawgVA, a member of the Trash Taste podcast. - The winner of the Trash Taste award for biggest clown. - If you go to Anthony Hopkins Twitter, he's always tweeting in Welsh. I think he speaks Welsh, I think so, 'cause he's always tweeting in Welsh. - Does he follow you on Twitter? - Sadly not. That's the gold, that's the gold. When I get verified-- - When you get verified, Anthony Hopkins is like, all right, you earned it. - This episode is sponsored by Crunchyroll. Crunchyroll have just kicked off the new slate of anime of the summer season. - Not only will the servers host continuing classics, like 'My Hero Academia', 'Naruto', and 'One Piece', but this season is stacked with the return of the popular series, like 'Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid', 'Tokyo Revengers', 'To Your Eternity', and 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime' season two. - Watch it all on Crunchyroll right now. You can watch titles for free, or try a 14 free trial of a premium membership to skip the ads and access stimucasting, simucast-- (all laughing loudly) - No, not stimu. (all laughing loudly) - What Chris meant to say was simulcasting in Japan. Just follow the links in the description below to start watching today. Top picks for new titles this season, including 'Girlfriend, Girlfriend', 'Fena: Pirate Princess', and 'Remake Our Life!'. Episode one of 'Remake Our Life!' and 'Girlfriend, Girlfriend' are already live on Crunchyroll. - You can try out a 14 day free trial of Crunchyroll Premium by going to our link crunchyroll.com/trashtaste. That's crunchyroll.com/trashtaste. I hope you'll enjoy all the anime, Chris. - Oh, I love 'Girlfriend, Girlfriend!'. (all laughing loudly) It's amazing. - Back to the episode. - There's two people at this table that are verified, and two people that aren't. - Yeah, unfortunately. - The sick world we live in. What do I have to do to get verified? - I mean, how didn't you get verified? - I don't know. - You were verified on the Instagram immediately. - To be fair, given that you have an article coming out every week about you and your guides to Japan, what the fuck went on? How did you fail? - What did you submit to try get verified-- - They were like submit an article or a Wikipedia page. I was like, Wikipedia, because there were like 25 articles linked in, right? - That's the mistake you guys have made. - Well, apparently. - So me and Chris both did Wikipedia submission for verification, and Garnt did the articles. - Because I didn't have a Wikipedia. - Garnt's the only one who got it. - Yeah. - It's wild though! You know, not to slate anyone, but I see people with like 10,000 followers, who have one acting credit get verified. It's really bizarre. - Yeah, if you look at the specs you need to get verified, it's like you literally have to have a page on IMDb. Instant verification, or any kind of articles about you. But Wikipedia, I think it's like-- - Anyone can write a Wikipedia. - Trash Taste Podcast is an IMDb listed show. - Yeah, but didn't get Twitter verified. - But didn't get Twitter verified. - Can't believe it, can't believe it. - So now my goal is to get Trash Taste verified before you and you. - You'll probably succeed. - Well, he failed, so now I have chance to apply-- - We have to wait a month. - I have chances to reapply. - Trash Taste is on the EFCCJ now. - Yeah, exactly-- - So that's what we've got to submit, right? - Exactly. Just submit that video and we're good. - The dream is we're all verified and Chris isn't. - Yeah. - It could become a reality in the next month. - Because when Chris hit two million subscribers on YouTube and I hadn't hit two million yet, he never let me hear the end of it. Every time he did anything, anytime something happened to Chris, he'd be like, two million subs isn't it? They just want two million subs. Why do you get the big bed? Oh, it's two million subscribers-- - What an arse hole. - Yeah! (laughs loudly) No, he was joking, but he is a cunt. - He's joking but he's a cunt. - Imagine having two million subscribers. Couldn't be me, couldn't be me. - How many years did it take, Garnt, sorry? (all laughing loudly) I'll get there, I'll get there. - We'll all get there. - We'll all get there soon enough. - I'll make an OnlyFans. - We'll all get there eventually, it's a matter of who first, right? 'Cause we all know how all this shit goes. Whoever gets verified first, the other person will not hear the end of it-- - I would rather end my YouTube career than have Chris verified before me. - You can apply for it before I can, so you've got a pretty big chance. - Yeah, but what if I don't get it again? - I hope you don't. - Because if he gets it, I am never gonna hear the end of it. - I'm going to use my contact book to meet Jack Dorsey-- - What contact book? - It's a great contact book. (Connor laughing loudly) I'm gonna meet Jack Dorsey and be like, don't get CDawgVA verified. He'll be like, yeah, all right. - The only thing I have above Chris right now is the fact that I'm Twitter verified. He won't shut up about it. - If you could have rang up Jack Dorsey to get me not verified, why didn't you ring him up to get you verified? - He's a busy man, I don't want to take up time-- - Because Jack's like, one at a time, one at a time! - Busy man. - Which do you prefer? You verified or Connor not verified? - Chris is the kind of guy who would rather be like, Connor not verified. - Yeah, yeah, 100%. - It's disappointing. But yeah, it's gonna happen. - You'll get there, you'll get there eventually. - One time when I was a kid-- - Oh God. (all laughing quickly) Go on. - I didn't realize rams were dangerous. - Rams? - Yeah, rams are pretty fucking dangerous. - What's rams? - What's rams? - It's a fucking ram. - What's rams? - Oh, you mean like a... - A male sheep. No, wait, no, that's not right. - No, it's not. - What, what's a ram? (laughing loudly) - Random access memory. - It's like a sheep that looks like a sheep-- - It's the sheep with massive curly horns. - Oh, that's what they're called-- - And you've been having a go at me all day for my video game knowledge, and you didn't know fundamental farmyard animal knowledge. - Garnt discovers what a ram is. - This is ram. - I thought they were just called sheep. (laughing quickly) - A sheep with horns? - Yeah, a sheep with horns, right? - It's called a fucking ram. - I had no fucking clue-- - Very creatively named a ram. - What do we call those creatures that ram into things? - I didn't know they were dangerous when I was a kid. - What the fuck do you mean you didn't? It's called a ram! - Yeah, but when you're a kid you just think-- - It's called a sheep. - I watched Disney and shit, so I just thought every animal was kind and shit, you know? (baaing) Except for tigers and stuff, but I was like, we don't do that. - We don't do tigers-- - Tigers of Wales. - Well, in England you're kind of taught that nothing's dangerous. - You used to be able to chill out with the sheep and just hang out with them when you were a kid. Just kind of pat them and stuff. I went into this gated off thing that was just full of ram, like 20 of them, and I started feeding them grass, like in front of them, in the cage with them. - And you just got fucked? - No, they just left me alone, but then when I was doing it, I don't know why I'm telling this story, but there was like 15 ram around me, just feeding them grass, picking it up, and then some guy, some really, really English guy was like, what on earth are you doing in that cage, sir? And it just reminded me of Chris. It looked like Chris a little bit-- - In 30 years maybe. - He was like, yeah. like the kind of cheeks that go (mumbling). What are you doing in this cage? He was a young man, what are you doing in this cage. - Sorry, it's just sake. - Yeah, and apparently they could easily have killed me, so yeah. - Could they? - Oh yeah, easily. They're pretty fucking dangerous. - How? - 'Cause they ram you with their horns. They stomp on you and ram you. - I didn't think there was anything in the fucking UK that could, like, any wildlife in the UK that was capable of murdering. - People die to cows, you know? - Do they? - Yeah, cows can kill you. They won't, but they can. - How? - What if a cow just lies on you? - Well, yeah. (all laughing quickly) - You know, just sleeping-- - What are you doing lying under a cow? Trying to get some milk. - Sometimes you might just be petting, stroking a cow, and it'll literally just go, like, doosh. - No it won't. - It will. - No it won't. - It will. I shit you not. - This is stupid. - I shit you not. - [Producer] The most dangerous animal in the UK is a cow. - The most dangerous animal in the UK is a cow? - How many people die from a cow? Dude, their bite as well will rip your hand clean off. Like if you feed them-- - Fuck off! - Are you kidding me, have you seen their mouth? - Well, don't shove your hand into a cows mouth! - You would be surprised the amount of people that see a cow and just want to feed it shit with their hand. - [Producer] Cattle related deaths are very rare. (all laughing loudly) - I'm not saying they're going around the fucking street in gangs fucking killing you. No, they can kill you. It's not impossible. - Anything can kill you. - 20 people died last year. - Anything can kill you. - Yeah, anything can technically kill you, but I'm not having a nap under a cow and hoping it doesn't fucking fall on me-- - You're more likely to die from a cow than a plane. - I'm speechless. I have nothing to add to this. - Don't fucking feed a cow, don't be a dick. - You might die. - It's why we don't feed Chris. (all cheering) - Talking about animals that are fucking cunts. (all laughing quickly) - Were we talking about that? - I just thought we're going on this weird fucking tangent now, but why does fucking everyone idolize swans? Or like, why are swans-- - Do they? - Do they? - Do they? - I'm pretty sure swans are known as pretty fucking violent. - Because I grew up, you know, I grew up with this image, I grew up with this image that swans were these majestic fucking birds. They are the Queen's birds, you know? Isn't it true that the Queen owns every swan? But they're such fucking cunts-- - [Connor] Why are you laughing at that? - They're like geese, aren't they? They look fine. - OP swans. (all laughing loudly) Have you seen their mouths? It's like a cerated cylinder. - It's terrifying, it's insane. - Swans are nerfed geese. Because swans, like I remember my first memory of a swan, 'cause I thought it was just like a beautiful looking duck. And duck's are cool, duck's are nice and friendly. Duck's are cute as fuck, so as a four year old kid I remember looking at the swan. I was like, that kind of look like a duck. Let's try feeding it, see what happens. So I get close to it with the bird food. Fucking starts fucking jabbing my nose, and fucking attacking me. - I love it when they open their wings, they go (yelling). - I don't know why it just reminded me of that video you showed me, what was it called? It was like the video was literally called ducks annihilating a bowl of peas. (Garnt laughing loudly) It's literally just what the video says. It's this 30 second video of this guy just with a bowl of peas, and these two ducks come, and they literally annihilate this bowl of peas. - Like it's just the word annihilate, because you're like, what the fuck are you talking about? Ducks can't annihilate a bowl of peas. You see this video, you're like, holy fucking shit, they annihilated it. - Please look it up, it's hilarious. - And you had a go at me for talking about Krakatoa, and we're talking about ducks eating some peas? - What do you want to talk about, Chris? What do you want to talk about-- - That's not Krakatoa. - What do you want to talk about, Chris? - I don't know anymore, I just don't know. - What's been on your mind lately? - Everything. - Tell me what's been on your mind. - Ducks and peas. - Tell me what's been on your mind? - Ducks and peas. With Agony Aunt Connor? I don't think so. The worst Agony Aunt, he's the fucking uncle. Agony Uncle more like. - Me? - Yeah, horrible. - What animal are you afraid of? - Fucking, I don't know? - Because to me it sounds like you're afraid of every animal. - No, I love all animals except horses-- - You're afraid of fucking horses. - Well if they're gonna fucking kick you in the face, yeah. - Anything can kick you in the face and it'll probably hurt. - And it can lie on you and you'd probably die as well. - Bite your hand off. - What is more likely to kill you, a horse kicking your face or a cow lying on you? - Obscure ways to die by farmyard animals. It's the debate that needs to happen. Pigs with shotguns next, fucking hell. Ridiculous. - Can pigs kill you? - Can what? - Can pigs kill you? - You can die from boars and stuff. - Actually yeah, boars are really dangerous. - In Japan they're really dangerous, yeah. - In all the shrines. - Boars are just angry pigs. (all laughing quietly) - Pigs are just nerfed boars, aren't they? - That's what they are, they're just angrier pigs. - Angrier, hairier pigs. - When are you going to kill a bear on Abroad in Japan? - I've eaten a bear. - Yeah, you did half the process there. You should have done it yourself. - Okay. - What is he, fucking Bucky? (laughing quickly) - Don't think that would last very long to be honest with my track record. - Wait, 'cause how did you have the bear? As in how was it prepared? - It was stolen from the mother. - Did you hear about that brown bear that took on a military base in Hokkaido? - Took on a military base? What the fuck! - Terminator bear. - [Connor] Did it win? - This bear went on a rampage through Hokkaido, and it started going into a military base and they had to take it down. - Sounds like a fucking Hollywood movie or something. One bear, Japanese military, who will win? - People died against this bear. In Hokkaido, the brown bears are terrifying. Like they just eat people. Like a whole campsite got eaten once. Just people sleeping, bear comes in, job well done-- - That was a well coordinated attack from the bears, Jesus. - Pretty clever brown bears. - Just flanked the campus. - Ate a whole campsite without someone running away? - On the mainland we have black bears, and people punch them in the face when they attack. - What? - There was a story of someone, an old woman working, an old man working at Aomori apple orchard. A little bear came in and was like, I'll have an apple, and this man was like (thumping), and the bear was like, oh shit, and ran away. - Yeah, because the nose is the weak spot. So if you just punch it, then the bear's just like, what the fuck-- - Black bears are kind of small, but the brown bears, you did that, they'd rip your fucking arse off. - So they made a death star weakness on the black bears where you could just poke it and they'd just fucking-- - Yeah, pretty much. - Effectively. - You just get a pencil and they're fucking terrified. - Yeah. Just shank the bear in the nose. (laughs quickly) - Natsky wanted to go Croydon, and you should bring the Croydon to the bear. (all laughing quickly) - Oh God, but yeah, bears, be careful. - [Joey] Yeah, bears are scary. (laughing) - What's he laughing about? - Bears, be careful. - This is why we just-- - Just fantastic advice from Chris here. Guys, just wondering, bears, be careful. Next time I'll lure it into an acid sulfuric bath and see how the bear likes it. - Apparently there's a ghost wolf near Mount Fuji that I want to go and discover. - [Connor] Ghost wolf? - Yeah, there used to be wolves in Japan. A few hundred years ago they all got killed. - They all went extinct. - [Connor] How? - Apparently in the district near Mount Fuji, amongst the tallest mountains in the country, 3000 meters, some nights you can hear a howl of a wolf, and they call it the ghost wolf. And I want to go and find it in a video. - Just discover a fucking-- - Or a Trash Taste Special, and I'll do the drone. - You just want to use the drone. - Everything goes back to the drone, like fucking Krakatoa, doesn't it? - Imagine one of you getting eaten with a drone shot, like, I come with a drone. (Joey laughing loudly) - A ghost-- - 360 drone shot. - Connor's getting ripped apart by a wolf in 4K. - Why is this wolf a ghost wolf? - Because no one's seen it. The mountains of Japan-- - Because all the wolves in Japan have gone extinct. - Let me get it straight. You want us to go and film a ghost wolf that no one has ever seen? - They've heard, they've heard it. - What we gonna film? There's nothing to fucking point at. - We go into the fucking mountains with a baseball bat, and we find the fucking wolf. - What, we just redo some kind of ghost huntress? I feel it, it's presence. (yelling) - The ghost wolf is entering. You just have a fucking seance at the top of a mountain. - What are we gonna do with that video, Chris? Just walk around, be like, oh shit, it's trees. - It's good content and you know it is. - It's not fucking good content. - No one's gonna watch that. - Best case, you find the wolf-- - I cannot stand those horror videos of, like, we're gonna go to some place haunted. And all they do is fucking scream and nut everywhere every 10 seconds at the thought of a ghost. - Best case, you find the wolf, you get an Instagram selfie. Worst case, you don't find the wolf. Middle case, you kind of get eaten by the wolf. - I think that'll be international news. - Yeah, we'll be recognized as heroes of wolves. - Heroes of wolves? - Heroes of wolves. - The wolf hero. - Do we have wolves in the UK? - No. - No-- - We have foxes, right? - Yeah, we have foxes, which are just like virgin wolves. (all laughing loudly) I mean, that's kind of what they are. - Foxes are just nerfed wolves. - Wolves are the sigma males. (Joey laughing quickly) - But that is a Trash Taste special that I want to watch. - Why, why do you want to watch that? - The three of you go off in separate directions, like Scooby-Doo, you'll be like, oh, we'll go this way-- - Oh, that always works out. - Let's split up! - And then the walkie-talkie's like, guys, I've found it-- - I saw some mountain that people used to drive up in Japan, some horror video about it. A bunch of people climbed up this mountain and just never came back, and they made an SOS sign in the mountain. - What? - And they they rescued someone on the mountain, and they were like, we found you because your SOS sign. They're like, what SOS sign? - Play scary music. (humming) - Too much volcano! - Those damn ghost wolves just making SOS signs. - I don't want to go on any Japanese mountain alone. - Ghost wolves versus-- - Do you believe in ghosts, Connor? - No, not at all. - Do you believe in ghost wolves? - You seem like someone superstitious, obviously-- - No, I don't give a fuck. (laughing) I don't know any superstitions. If ghost exists, we would have some form of, one 10th of some proof. - Well, we went into the haunted tunnel, and people said that they could hear a voice, and there was like a weird silhouette-- - Yeah, because people are fucking stupid. Of course they fucking want to hear. They hear what they want to hear! - There's a silhouette of Joey on the wall in the tunnel. - Yeah. - That was kind of creepy-- - That was creepy. - Do we really think, right, yeah, a silhouette, could be done by anything there. Everything is explainable. I think people would just want there to be something more because they take comfort in knowing that, you know, that something just easily explains why they're dumb. If I don't know something, I'm like, I'm just dumb. I don't know what it is. It's definitely not a ghost. Do you think this mystical flying fuck? I would have no idea what it is, why would I know? - Mystical flying fuck? - Yeah, some shadow or ghost. I don't know. Do you believe in ghosts, Chris? - It's an MFF, a mystical flying fuck. - Do you believe in ghosts? - Good Lord, no. - Did you see the whole, you tweeted about this I swear. The UFO stuff, right? - Yeah. - Oh, the NASA UFO stuff. - Yeah, yeah, it's quite interesting. - I think it's super fucking cool. - There's something there so technically advanced we can't get it. - I love how people just accepted that there's just UFO's now, or some nonsense. - Some nonsense. - The CIA was like, yeah, so by the way, UFO's do exist. Don't panic, but we just don't know what it is. - That's literally a definition of a UFO. - Why is nobody freaking-- - UFO stands for unidentified flying object. - And they couldn't identify it, therefore by definition it is literally a UFO. - For like, what, 80 years we were like, it's a bunch of nonsense, it's a bunch of hearsay. You know, because it would be one pea or something. - Are you talking about UFO's or are you talking about aliens, 'cause there's plenty of UFO's in the history of Earth that have just existed-- - Yeah, but UFO's that so weird shit I guess. I don't know. - That's most UFO's. - We don't really have anything that, like, before that was confirmed to be actually a UFO. - How do you know though? - Oh, we didn't know until the CIA told us that now there is apparently. - Well, in the report it says that there's, you know, there's these vehicles that move. - I think in that report, NASA was saying that, like, yeah, we've known about this for the past 50 years. - The thing is, if you, you know, if you-- - But they kept it a secret. - Yeah, they kept it a secret because they didn't like-- - Isn't it just weird that they're suddenly like, by the way, when we all made you look fucking crazy. - Well, it kind of seemed like soft disclosure. Like, very gradually roll it out-- - It's just weird that nobody spoke about it. Nobody was like, oh, that's weird, okay. - Well, because we're so limited on the information. - How are we supposed to react to it? Because it's not the first time you've probably seen some weird fucking footage of some kind of UFO-- - Yeah, but it always looks so fake. It always looks so fake. - I guarantee majority of it is fake. - Yeah, 100%. All of it's fake. - I mean, I would think that the majority of it is fake as well, but I'm sure there are some that are on the same level as that CIA footage that just were real, and no one can explain them. Hence the term UFO, right? - Yeah, but it's normally synonymous with aliens though, and stuff like that, right? So that's what normally tend to be in the same kind of. If someone was like, I'm into UFO's, you're like, stay the fuck away. You know they're fucking. - That's part of the problem, right? There's stigma around. - People who believe that shit are normally like-- - Well, it's the same thing with ghosts, right? - Yeah. I'm sure there's aliens out there on some planet. If we managed to survive and do the weird shit that we're doing on Earth, I'm sure-- - I mean, I believe in aliens and stuff, but I don't believe in those fucking, there's a UFO's crash landed onto Earth, and the aliens came in contact with a farmer. - Do you believe in ghosts, Joey? - I do, yeah. - Why? - 'Cause I've had paranormal experience myself. - (laughs quickly) Like what? - So one of the scariest ones I had was in Sydney. There's this place in Manly called the Quarantine Center, and it was during World War One, I think, was the place where all the soldiers used to stop by from overseas to get quarantined in case they had illnesses, and sicknesses, and stuff like that. So a lot of people died at this place naturally, right? And they have these night time tours for this place that you can go, you can go to the hospitals and all, it's very creepy stuff, right? So I went with my sister once for her birthday, I think it was, and my sister has this weird, I guess you'd call it sixth sense, if you will? You know, take that how you will. Take that how you will-- - Pretty sure Chris is quivering in jealousy. - Take that how you will, but she has that, whatever that is. And there was this one moment where we were inside the hospital, and I don't have anything like that. I don't pretend to feel like, oh, I feel a ghost present or anything like that. I just find it fascinating. But then we went into this particular, I think it was a nurse room. And my sister just stopped and just immediately started breaking down crying. And I was like, what's wrong? It's just a dark room? You've been through this entire hospital, and it's this room where she just suddenly breaks down. She's like, I can't. I can't move past this point. And she just couldn't explain it. She just felt something in this one particular room. And then later we found out that was the place where they would euthanize all the soldiers that couldn't survive whatever illness it was. So that's where all the soldiers basically died. And I was like, okay, look. You can believe in sixth sense and all that kind of shit all you want, but you have to admit that's pretty fucking terrifying, especially when you're there in person. - You know, I don't really believe any of that. I would be like that's just coincidence. - Well, I used to work at a haunted castle, and my colleagues always said they saw ghosts. - No they fucking didn't. - But I'd be like, if someone opened a window, they'd be like, it's a ghostly presence. I'd be like, no, it's a window open. - It's just a draft, isn't it? - When we expect something to be there, we, you know, our mind is the biggest fucking joke that has ever been played. Our mind tricks us in so many ways. - Oh, of course. I'm sure there's moments where it's like, you know, you just psych yourself out. Right? And you just think you've seen something because you're already in that mindset. But there are some instances where I'm like, oh, that's actually kind of creepy. Like I don't know if it's a ghost, I don't know if it's sixth sense, but it's something. - Yeah, I mean, I think there is something there. There are too many things, I feel, that can't be explained. Like the UFO, for example-- - You don't go to an entire hospital and then immediately start breaking down in a room-- - But I might if I was in a hospital known for trauma. - You could do that if your head space is there, right? - She might have seen so much-- - But she was fine throughout the entire hospital, except for this one room. - It might have been building up, but. - Maybe? - It's like when people give, people don't, the mind is a really fucking weird thing that we don't understand. You know, people give witness testimony at trials and stuff. They 100% swear they saw stuff that they didn't see. Right? So it's like, I don't know. I find that we like to be able to easily explain everything, even when we have no explanations. Like we don't have an explanation, we're like, oh, it's ghosts or some shit. I'm like, that's just another way for you to cope, because you want an explanation. You know? But maybe you just don't know. Maybe you don't have the capacity to know what that noise or-- - I find it fascinating that we don't know, right? And that there is mystery behind them that no one has really figured out. Is it just in your head or is there something there. - We're pretty fucking stupid people in general. - I don't know about that, mate. Speak for yourself, mate. Speak for yourself, Connor. - Very flawed. Humans are very flawed, right? - Speak for yourself, Connor. - Fuck off, Chris. (all laughing quickly) He climbed Mount Fuji in a T-shirt and shorts. - And I came back alive. - We're flawed, right? And for some reason we like to think that we can think of every single answer to everything when we most certainly can fucking not. I mean, for how many fucking years we were just fighting with sticks and stones. - Why aren't we Twitter verified? (all laughing quickly) (loud overlapped talking) - UFO's, ghosts, that is top of my list. Unsolved mysteries. - No, I'm completely okay with people, like, you know, believing, not believing in it-- - If someone says they believe in ghosts, I won't shred them apart. - I don't force it, but sometimes if people explain shit to me, that I'm like, that's terrible and shit. - I can tell, like, there are a lot of these kinds of like mystical, mythical things, where it's like that's kind of too dumb to believe-- - I feel like what's really muddied the water is just how, you know, some people have obviously monetized this. You see these ghost reality TV shows, and I'm just like, this is just sensationalized-- - Haunted investigators and stuff like that. - How are you supposed to take this seriously anymore? I've heard genuinely things that just can't be explained. I've also experienced some of that myself, so, like, it's kinda like, you know, I don't think that I would blame anyone for not believing in ghosts, believing in ghosts. I just feel like the entire perception around it has been warped because of how these things have been presented, and the reality TV shows around it, and the people you kind of see believing in these kinds of things, right? - Yeah, like I absolutely don't blame people for seeing those shows and being like, it's all bullshit. Like it's all a scam-- - It's entertainment, it is. - It's entertainment, it's whatever. But like, you know, I personally believe in it because it's more fun and interesting to just think that, oh, there might be something there, you know, and we just don't know it. - I mean, I don't know if I believe in UFO's. UFO's, there's nothing to believe in. They are real. If you say aliens then that's a leap of faith, and you're starting to make that judgment-- - Guaranteed we're recording this right now and there's gonna be someone in the comment section that has a story that just can't be explained. - There always is, there always is, but then I also find that, you know, I think that there's something in your life that makes you more likely to believe in that. Like there's some something in your personality, or emotional, something that happened in your life that tends to make you more likely to be receptive to that stuff. I don't know why I'm so fucking pessimistic and cynical. - You must be very fun at parties. (laughing loudly) - Now that we're here I'll talk about it, but I know when this comes up I just don't say anything, 'cause I know that this is one of those topics. People who believe in it, they're so emotional about it and so invested-- - Yeah, I'm really not for people that are like that. - People get really offended when you're like, how dare you? And it's like, so I just stopped. I never. If I meet someone who's like I have this ghost experience, I'm like, oh, great. - It's kind of on the same level as religion, right? Because obviously someone who believes in ghosts had a very personal experience, and obviously that meant a lot to them. And it's like, obviously, you know, if they say their experience, it's kind of a bit of a dick move to be like, oh, actually-- - I don't want to invalidate how anyone felt or experienced anything, but also on the other hand you want to be logical about things, and you want to try and, you know. - I think healthy skepticism is good. I can't stand people-- - I don't go up to parties, and like, you're wrong, your religion's shit, go home. - I can't, like on the contrary though, I can't stand people who are, like, explain everything as supernatural, or ghosts, or whatever. - Shit's so annoying. - And I'm just like, no, no, no. I get some situations, but like, you know, you getting divorced with your wife was not because of a ghost. (all laughing loudly) (overlapped talking) There's nothing supernatural about that. - Oh, I've got a divorce. (yelling) - You know? There's people who chalk away everything as supernatural, or like aliens did it. Those people, I'm just like, all right, calm the fuck down. - Aliens made me cheat. - Oh God, I saw, have you seen that Louis Theroux clip? It's fucking awful. Do you know the one I'm on about? - No. - Which one? - It's the one where he goes and visits a family cult, and it's like just a whole religion contained in this family. You know the thing I'm on about? - People in America or something? - No, no, no, no. That's the Westboro Baptist Church, different one. It's like this one clip. I don't know what it's from, but there's a clip, and it's titled a 'Curb Your Sleeping With Daughter', or something. - What? - (yelling) What the fuck? What? - So you have to click on this, right? - Curb your sleeping with daughter. - [Joey] It's not even a correct English title. - It's something better than that. - I have dentist. From the man that brought us I have dentist. - It's something like that, right? And it's Louis Theroux, he's in this room with this man, and the whole family is there. And he's like, so why did you sleep with your daughter? And then he's like, well, you see, I was just on the floor, and God compelled me to have her do that. And I'm like (inhaling sharply). And then he's like, God asked you to do that? And he's like, yes, God asked you to do that. And the curb your enthusiasm music starts playing. It's terrible. It's like, oh God. Shit like that is when you're like, oh God, this whole spiritual religious stuff is like-- - Yeah, that's when it gets a little loony. - It's quite common though. But it's really easy to brainwash if they were family, right? You know, because you raised them. So it's pretty fucked. - But that's like the extreme, right? I feel like most people in-- - I was just throwing out a funny clip that made me laugh. - Honestly, just sleep with your daughter, curb your sleeping with daughter, that's just an amazing title in and of itself. - It's just a very funny clip. I didn't do it justice at all. Please go and watch it. - Is this on your series 'I'll laugh, and I'll pay you $150'? - Yeah. - I got $150 from Connor last week on his Twitch stream. I made him laugh. - What did you show him? - It was a Yoda clip of a guy doing a Yoda joke. - With a Yoda hand puppet. Okay, it was really funny. - Thomas, what's the Jedi called? What is it? What's a fat Jedi use? A heavy shaver. (laughs deeply) (all laughing quickly) And he laughed at that, and then I got $150. I was so happy. - You spent $80 trying to get me to laugh, and he fucking won. I wanted to just take his money. - I got a profit though, yeah. - You gambled, right? - A heavy shaver. - That's the worst Yoda impression I've ever heard. - I can't do Yoda. - I feel like the internet has just fucking ruined my sense of humor, because I don't even know what I find funny anymore. - Normal jokes, I just can't laugh at. I need some funny sound screaming, and someone getting hurt or something. - All three. (laughing quickly) - At the same time. - There is a lot of Subreddits of people getting injured. I didn't realize. There's so Subreddits for people fighting, like just mobile phone videos of people fighting. - Like Worldstar? - People love that shit. I didn't realize people love it. - I mean, that's kind of like? (all laughing loudly) I don't actively search for it, but whenever it pops up my Twitter feed, I'm like, all right, I got time, I got time. - I got 30 seconds to spare, I'll watch it. - I like it when it's school kids fighting. I don't know why, because it's so wholesome. - It's just like a slapping contest. - They're just slapping each other, and then everyone's like (yells) whoa in the background. And then it's like, all right. - I think there's just something primal about it, right? That's why there's so many fights. (yelling) There's a reason why, like, there are so many fucking fights in clubs, right? - I look at that, and I'm like, how uncivilized, how uncivilized. - Exactly, but there's this reason why there are so many fucking fights in clubs, right? Because you put a bunch of guys, they get drunk, and they learn, they live on their primal instincts. So what are they gonna do? They're either going to get horny or want to start a fight, which is the two fucking things that happens in clubs. So if they can't get with a girl, most of the time a fight happens-- - They throw hands, yeah. - Yeah, exactly! You know? - Fair enough. - Can't be helped. - Logic, logic. - Chris walks into the club and just starts punching everyone. (Garnt laughing loudly) - I remember when I was like 18, I got in a fight with the bouncer because I lost 10 pounds. (all laughing loudly) It was a low point, a low point. - How did you lose the 10 pounds? - Yeah, I went around this club being like, so I've lost it, I was really drunk, I've lost a tenner, has anybody seen it? They were like, no. - You are not getting that back-- - And then eventually the bouncer was like, it's time to leave now. I was like, I've lost 10 pounds! I've got to find it. And he was like, you gotta get out. And then he grabbed me and just threw me out like a toy. And I got back to my apartment. - Just cried. - Stripped off and the 10 pounds just fell out. (all laughing loudly) Started a war with an entire nightclub over 10 pounds. I mean, as an 18 year old with no money, that was like all my life savings-- - To be fair, 10 quid is a lot when you're in uni. - Yeah, that's a lot. - You guys ever been thrown out of clubs? - Luckily not. - I guess that time I was Fortnite dancing, but that's about it. - Oh yeah, that's about it. I think I've been thrown out of one club. - Were you too drunk. - Huh? - Were you too drunk? - Yeah, so this is, of course this was in university, right? And I think this was, like, right, like not freshers week, but week two of freshers week, and of course you have the pre lash, right? You get drunk and, you know, back when you're fucking 18, you don't fucking know your limits. You just drink as much as you want, right? - Lose a tenner and start questioning everyone. - Yeah, exactly. - Start a war with that tenner like Helen of Troy. - Exactly. And also, as a uni student, you try to get drunk as efficiently as you can because you don't have the money to get drunk in the clubs. So it was still a student night, but I didn't want to spend money to get drinks. So I had like fucking four, five, six beers before going to the club. And, you know, as a student, you, I always had a bottle of, a half bottle of cheap vodka. You know, just to like top yourself up-- - As you do, as you do. - Top yourself up with a bottle of vodka? What the fuck. - Just to keep yourself drunk, right? Because there's no more efficient way-- - Keep the tankful, you know? - There's no more efficient way to get drunk as a student-- - One pound shots to something, you know? Just ask for one shot. - (sighs) It wasn't one pound shots in fucking Bristol, man. I'll tell you that. - It was one pound shots in Swansea. - Of course it is in fucking Swansea, man. (all laughing quickly) - So everything was one pound. - Yeah. So I had this half bottle of vodka, cheap vodka, probably like Chekov vodka. It wasn't Smirnoff, no. - Plastic bottle? - Of course, plastic bottle. - It's basically hand sanitizer, isn't it? - And so we get to the club, and we realize that people are checking, the bouncers are checking pockets for anyone, like, in my situation, who's trying to sneak in some bottle of vodka. And I was like, well shit, I have to dispose of this somehow. And by this point, by the time I've gotten to this club, it was already half drunk. So it was like about a quarter liter of vodka left. And my mate goes, just hide it around the corner next to the dumpster in case you want it. And I'm like, I got a better idea. I'm going to do a pro gamer move, and I fucking down the thing-- - [All] No! - So I fucking down this thing, right? And I was like, can't feel it. I'm a fucking pro, right? - In five minutes, you'll be fucked. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. So get in the club, completely fine, not even drunk. Go to the bar, get my first drink, I'm having a fucking amazing time. And so I'm in the middle of the dance floor, and it just, like, there wasn't a transition, right? You know how sometimes you have like a cool transition where it's just like, you go from merry, to drunk, to absolutely pissed. I went from tier one to tier 10 in a matter of a second-- - It was like Hitchcock zoom. (all laughing loudly) It was like, boom! - I was literally on the dance floor, and then I was like, fuck, everything's spinning. Everything's spinning. And so I'd never been this drunk in my life, probably. And I was this drunk for the first time in my life, in a club. And I'm just like, I am a smart boy. I am an electronic engineer. I am not going to let anyone know that I'm fucking drunk. (groaning loudly) So, without talking to my friends and everyone, I fucking go to the nearest table I could, and it was like right opposite the bar, and the room was like fucking spinning around me. - Of course it was! - It took every ounce of energy to not topple over, but I somehow managed to get to this table and not topple over. And I'm just like, I'm going to wait this out. (laughs quickly) I thought I could wait this out, right? So there was-- - A bottle of water will fix it. - Yeah, yeah. So I sit on this table, and there's just this glass of water there, right? And because the room is fucking spinning around me, I just fucking stare at this water. Like, this is me using 100% of my brain. This is the mind expands moment, where, like, I can game the system. Nobody's going to ever know I'm fucking drunk. So I'm fucking staring at this water, fucking intently, just trying to keep my focus on something so the room just stops spinning around me and I could just focus on something, and then five minute passes. And so I feel a tap on my shoulder, and it's a fucking bouncer. And he's like, mate, you've got to fucking go out. And I was like, why? What have I done, I've just been sitting here? And he's like, you've been sitting there for an hour and a half staring at that glass of water. - [Joey] Holy shit! - (laughs) So what felt like five minutes, I had just been sitting, fucking eyes open, staring at this glass of water for an hour and a half doing this. - Sounds almost like time travel. - Yeah! - Yeah, you did. You channeled his monk ways and time flies. - You went into a seance. - You know what, I totally forgot it existed, but I used to take a canteen in. On of those little, like-- - Like an old General? - Yeah! - Oh, like the little twist top ones? - Big brain, they can't find it. I'd just attach it to my pants, inside. - Attach it to your pants? - Yeah, just put it in my pants. - I'm pretty sure that's how people hide guns. - Put it in my pants, and then whenever you order a vodka, you just top it up, put it in. You were a student, and those drinks were like three pounds! And I was like, oh my God, this is robbery, back then. 'Cause you know, if I spent more than like $10 a night, I'd be like, I'm broke. - Yeah, of course. - So I had to find ways. So I would just fill up a canteen full of vodka. And then I'd ask my friends if they want some too. And I'd just, I never got caught. Yeah, everyone loved me. - What a role model. - Connor can make my double vodka into a quadruple vodka. Fantastic! - With his personal stash-- - That's a life hack to any students out there, after the world stops ending. - Yeah, don't do it now. - It's just depressing if you do it now. - Yeah, canteen in your pants. - Yeah, do it. - Honestly, I had a canteen in my pants. That was like the life hack you did in university, yeah. - No one else I knew did it. Everyone thought I was a weirdo for buying a canteen. - Connor thought he was, like, big brain, no one's done this before! - Have you ever done that? Where you've figured out something on your own, and you find out that like everyone's been doing it on the internet, and you feel like a fucking loser. You figure out something, you're like, I'm so fucking smart, and then you find out everyone else has done it. - Yeah. (laughs quickly) - Anything like that, Chris, in your life? - I'm the only one. If I figure something out, it's my original idea every time. - Like what? - I don't fucking know. (all laughing quickly) Mount Fuji-- - Mount Fuji, no one's ever done that before. - No one's done that in shorts and a T-shirt before. No, one's done that in shorts before. - And shorts, it's unheard of. - How many fucking tangents have we gone on this episode? - This has been tangent, the episode. Oh my God. - It's more tangent than episode. (laughing quickly) - Go and watch the newest episode, and final episode of Journey Across Japan, which should be out around this time. - And go listen to 'Too Much Volcano' on iTunes. - Yeah, go and buy-- - Hey, that is oh. - I look forward to winning the most drip next year. - Most drip? - I don't think you've pronounced the award right once-- - Who's gonna win most English? Me or Chris? - Best guest second year running, most drip. - It's best drip! - The most best drip. Raid Legend of Shadows. Let's get it done. Thanks for watching. - Oh my God. Hey, thanks to the Patreon's as well, who support the show. Who's your favorite Patreon? - Barry. - I hope there's a Barry. - There is now. There's Barry Roberts. - What? - Barry Roberts. - Fuck off. - Who's that? - My top Patreon. - Oh, okay. Don't come back, all right. (all laughing loudly) - I miss the first half of this episode when we were sober. - Remember when we had topics and stuff we spoke about? - Why is it always the Chris episodes where the endings are just like (groaning). - Drunken stories-- - Remember when we treated with you, (stuttering), blah. Remember when we treated you respect? (groaning) - I was treated by respect. - When I couldn't mock you in the first episodes. - It's 'cause you have dentist. - I had to be nice to you. How the times have changed. - How the times have changed. - Thank you for having me on, a lot of fun. - Yeah. - Cheers. - And the fact the glasses are empty shows us how well it's gone. - [All] Cheers! - Thanks guys. - If you'd like to support the show, then make sure to go to Patreon.com/trashtaste. Also follow us on Twitter, send us your memes on the Subreddit, and if you hate our face, listen to us on Spotify. Also go check out Chris! - You know who he is. - You know who he is at this point. He's basically the fourth member. - Chris Borad. - Chris? (laughing quickly) - He's not an official member until he gets Twitter verified. I'm gonna say that. - Once he's Twitter verified, then we'll think about it. - If Jack Dorsey's watching this, let's make it happen, mate. Let's do it. I know you're busy, but this is kind of important. You'll be Connor. - You all right, Connor? You tired? You tired of this shit? - I'm tired of Chris's nonsense. - All right. I guess we'll see you in three months, whenever the fuck you come back, man. I hope you enjoy it, and we'll see you guys next episode. Bye! - [All] Bye! - Pounding the rock. (laughing loudly) (chilled music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 2,854,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: jFIKDHetyFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 20sec (8120 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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