Our Terrible Boomer Opinions | Trash Taste #62

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- Mugs. "Trash Taste" mugs. - You know who's not a mug? You. (Joey laughs) - Wow, love this mug. I love the lid that it comes with and how well built it is and handcrafted the mug is. - But unfortunately, boys, there's only one week left to get this. (Connor sobbing) I know. Seven whole days left for you to grab the "Trash Taste" mugs by going to trashtastemugs.com. And once those seven days are up, the mugs are more. - I'd regret it if I didn't have the chance to buy one of these mugs. - It's almost the perfect size mug for any kind of beverage. Beer, tea, coffee, water, urine. Anything you can imagine that you'd like to drink, you can contain in this mug. - So if you love "Trash Taste" and you wanna support the boys, trashtastemugs.com. - I would feel like such a mug if I didn't buy this. (Joey and Garnt laughs) Buy it, buy it now. - Trashtastemugs.com Buy it, buy it. - One week left. Get them now. Link's in the description. - Buy it, buy it now. - Back to the episode. (Joey groans) - Squirted all over myself. - Hell yeah, you did. - Always happens to me. - Just nutted on myself. - Gonna nut. (gentle music) - What up, squad. Welcome back to another episode of the "Trash Taste" podcast. I'm Joey and I'm with the boys. - Well, that was the most depressing intro we've had yet. (Garnt laughs) - Wait, what do you mean? - "I'm with the boys." (groans) - Yeah. - We could lay a bit more build-up than that. - Didn't even have any pre-talk there. We just, like- - Hey, guys. (laughs) Welcome to "Trash Taste." - I didn't even know we were recording. I was like, "Oh, wait, is the lights on? Are we rolling? Are we rolling?" (Joey laughs) - I feel like, "Dora the Explorer" energy as opposed to "Clockwork Orange" energy. - Did you want "Dora the Explorer" energy? Aright, I'll give you "Dora the Explorer" energy. Hey, everybody. It's time for "Trash Taste" podcast. Are you ready? - [Garnt] Hold on, I need coffee. - Good. - Hold on, I need a bit more time for this coffee to sink in from these amazing mugs that we're drinking out of right now. - Is that a "Trash Taste" mug? - Well, we've already been promoting them by this point, but we are actually drinking out of them. - Yeah, we're drinking out of them for once. - Yeah, these are the first batch though so the lid's a little too big. But the ones that you guys will be drinking from won't have a big ass lid. - Yeah, the lid will fit a lot better. But I really like these mugs. I mean, we've already promoted them. You already know. You already know what we're talking about. - It's a "Trash Taste" mug. - We don't know how good or bad it did. (laughs) (Garnt laughs) Or it's like, eh. - Maybe everyone hates them and this is like a poorly aged bit, I don't know, like- (everyone laughs) - Poorly aged episode. But it's been roughly two weeks, I think, since we all gathered last time. - Yeah. - Yeah, it feels a lot longer. Like two weeks without the boys? Jesus. I don't know how I went so long without seeing you guys so often before we moved to Japan. - Yeah, right? - Like, what, it just feels like a part of my life has just been taken away from me just because I didn't record a podcast. - 'Cause I think last time I saw Connor, we were getting our second shot. - On my birthday. - Yeah, which felt like a month ago. - Yeah, that was like a week ago though. - God, how fucked were you guys with that second shot? - I was very sick, very sick. - Can we just talk about that? - Yeah, yeah. - The 5G, it was, yeah. - Yeah, the 5G. - So for the record, we got Moderna shots. - Yep. - So did you guys feel anything for the first shot? - Ah, well, I had that like, lower back pain for some reason. - Oh, yeah, we did talk about that, didn't we, yeah. - And I was like, I mean, obviously, you know, the arm that we got the shot hurt like a motherfucker. - It was a bit sore. - Yeah, yeah. - But for some reason, only Aki and I got this really bad lower back pain for some reason. - I got it on the second dose. - You got it on the second dose? - Yeah, my lower back was hurting all day. - Didn't it feel like someone just drop-kicked you in the back? - It was more of like an uncomfortable. - Oh, really? - Like if someone was, like, poking my back constantly. and I couldn't get it. I didn't know why. It was very frustrating. - Oh, mine was like if someone was fucking doing that to my lower back just constantly. It's like, no. (Garnt laughs) - Maybe when you and Aki are sleeping, she wakes up and just does like WrestleMania. (Joey laughs) And then vice versa when- - She practices elbow drops as I'm sleeping. (Garnt and Connor laughs) - Ladybeard just invades your dream, and just like, ah. (laughs) - Ah, ah. - Maybe you passed Ladybeard in the hallway, you know? - Oh, yeah, the chat energy pulled my back out. (laughs) - It's like "Nightmare on Elm Street," right? (Joey laughs) Like, anything he does in your dreams just affects you in real life. (Garnt and Joey laughs) - Oh, Jesus. - Freddy Krueger just came out from the bed, stabbed me in the back. (Garnt laughs) - I had a fantastic birthday, celebrating by being sick in my home. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah. - It was beautiful birthday. - 'Cause we all shared on our line a message that we have, like, what the temperature of everyone's was. Yours was through the fucking roof. - Yeah. - You were like 39 degrees. - Yeah, it shot up to like 39. - I was like, "Is this the last time I'm gonna see this man? - 39? - That's what it was, yeah. - Oh, fuck, I didn't realize it went that high. - It was actually dangerous levels. - Yeah, yeah. - I didn't feel like I was sick when I woke up. - Really? - When I woke up, I was like, "Wow, it's just kinda hot, isn't it?" (Garnt laughs) - Oh, really? - It's little bit spicy in here. - (laughs) That's kind of what a fever is, you know? - Well, I didn't particularly feel bad. I've had fevers before where I felt really sick and I didn't feel good, but this one, I was just like, "Wow, I'm just really hot." - Yeah. - Oh, really? - Wow. And then I got out of bed and I went to take my temperature and I was like, "Oh, it's high." It's high. - Yes. Oh, I'm cooking from the inside. That's probably why. - And then I was like, "Okay, I'm gonna go and get some energy drink from the store." Er, not energy drink. Like Gatorade or whatever, you know, just like the generic water- - Yeah, I was gonna say, Red Bull is probably not the best thing to be drinking on a fever. - Water. It's literally just any drink that's water featuring sugar. You know those drinks. - Yeah. - Like Pocari Sweat, something like that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I got it. And then by the time I got home, I was like, "Okay, now I actually think I feel sick now." - [Joey] Oh, right. - I think I feel pretty shitty. And so I didn't do anything on my birthday. - I think it's the opposite for me. I immediately woke up and all of my joints were just aching like crazy, but it was weird because I checked my temperature and I only had like, 37 or something, so I only had like a slight fever, but, man, my bones were just rattled. - Yeah, it was really weird for me because I woke up and I felt completely fine. I woke up to, like, we have like a group chat where all the staff members of "Trash Taste" were just like, "Are we recording today?" And everyone posted their temperature and were like, "No, we're definitely not recording today." - [Joey] Nope. (laughs) - No, that's not a thing that's happening. And then I took my temperature and mine was just like, 37 on the dot. And I was like, yeah, I feel completely fine. And got up, started doing work, being like, "Oh, these guys just have weak immune systems." (Joey laughs) - Got up like Zen. - Yeah, yeah. (laughs) - Can you imagine having weak immune systems? And then fucking two o'clock rolls over, I'm sitting at my computer, I'm like, "Ooh, I'm getting chills. What's happening here? What's happening here?" - (laughs) Serves you right. - Yeah, yeah. And then I went from being completely fine, to just having the worst headache and just properly just having the flu. So I'm just like, "Man, this is vaccine's got hands, man." It's fucking fighting, man. - (laughs) This is a bit delayed, wasn't it? - Yeah. (laughs) - Yeah, it was a bit delayed. So, yeah, in the end, I woke up completely fine, and then for most of the day after 2:00 p.m., I was just completely bedridden. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah. - How long were you guys in bed for? - I don't know, I was watching the Olympics. You know, just chilling. - Oh yeah. - Just watching people do sports. And I was like, "Wow, that could be me. That could be me right now." - I still haven't seen anything from the Olympics, except the opening ceremony. - Really? - I saw that 'cause we had like a little viewing party at our place 'cause one of our friends really wanted to see the opening for some reason. And to be fair, it's probably like the most interesting part of the Olympics, honestly. - Oh, I don't know about that. - I don't know about that. - I mean, if you're not into sport, right? - I feel like you don't even need to be into sport to be into the Olympics. - Oh, no, I like sport. - There's so many good storylines, you know? It's a story. - I mean, true, but I think for the majority of people who aren't into sport and don't care about the Olympics, the opening and ending ceremony are probably like the two biggest highlights of just seeing, you know? - I guess. I don't really care about sports in general. I don't know why, something about the Olympics is fun. It's a thing where there's just sport that's on all day and it's changing constantly between events so you don't have a chance to get bored. Like I've been watching like, you know, I might be watching the cycling for too long. I'm like, "Alright, okay." But then next, the boxing comes on. I say, "Ooh, ooh, okay, ooh." (Joey laughs) And then, you know, it keeps changing and, okay, now you're like, "What the fuck's going on?" Like what is actually- - Right, right. - Who is winning? - I mean, yeah, for me, the Olympics is, I've never been really too interested in the Olympics. It's probably one of my least favorite sporting events just because there's a bit too much going on for me. Like, at least- (Joey laughs) No, 'cause we talked about- - Least favorite sporting event. - Yeah, I mean, we talked about storylines. - What's worse than the Olympics? - What's worse than the Olympics? - Yeah. (Garnt sighs) - Every other sporting event. (laughs) - I don't know, I don't know. - What's better than the Olympics? - What's better than the Olympics? Well, I like most major sporting events when they're like a build-up- - Yeah, true, true. - League doesn't count. - League does count. - Dude, League does count. (Joey laughs) - League does count. - I fucking love the League finals. - What are you, a fucking dad? - Yeah. (laughs) - What is this? (laughs) - Video games ain't sport. - What am I listening to here? - I love the World Cup, I love the Euros, I love the Rugby World Cup as well. It's just like it's, for me, it's easier to follow along the storyline if there's just one event or one tournament going on. With the Olympics, it's just like, what stage are we at? What sport is this? I've never even heard of this sport. What the fuck is handball? (Joey laughs) How do I get invested in handball when I don't even know the fucking rules of handball?" - It's just tennis against the wall. (laughs) - (laughs) I totally agree with you. And so I could have watched it on Japanese TV. The problem is, is that I don't understand fully what's being said all the time. And I feel like, I realized when I'm watching on Japanese TV, I'm like, wow, actually knowing who the people are and why I should give a shit is actually really important. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - I thought just being able to leave it on in the background, that'd be entertaining enough. - That's the whole point of commentators, right? - Right, and I realized, so I got my VPN on and I watched it on the British website. - Did you use Express VPN? - I did use Express VPN. (Garnt laughs) - Hell yeah. - And, yeah, I was watching it with the British commentary, and the commentary was really good. And I didn't realize how much it added to it. 'cause there was some commentary that had me, like, actually dying, laughing. Like I think the British rowing team didn't win any gold medals, and one of the commentators just couldn't hold back. He was so pissed off. And he was like, "The absolute state of British rowing. (Garnt and Joey laughing) We invested 27 million pounds in British rowing and we didn't get a single gold medal." And it's was just like live on TV, like right after they just lost. And it's like, he's just going in. He's like, no chill. - Like holy shit, man. - It's like, I felt embarrassed. I was like, imagine you're the rowers that made this guy on BBC go off one, just like go on a tirade. (Garnt and Joey laughing) - Legendary. - It's just like all the other good sports that I don't know anything about. Like TaeKwonDo, I don't know anything about. But the commentators help explain everything as you're going. And it is annoying when you're watching it for too long, because then they start over again and they start explaining it again because they assume that people are only watching for short amounts of time. - Yeah, because nobody knows what the hell the rules are for the sport. - Yeah, yeah, so it's great. I mean, I was watching diving as well. Diving is really fun to watch. - Oh yeah, diving's super fun to watch. - It was really far. I was like, "Whoa, okay, I'm really invested." - I think that's the only sports that I like in the Olympics, just the obscure ones that you never get to see otherwise. So it's like, with tennis and rugby, it's like, you know, that's playing all year round, right? - Rugby is shit in the Olympics. Have you seen it? - Yeah, that's pretty bad. - It's like five minutes a side or something and there's only like 10 minutes of rugby. - Well, most major sports that have bigger competitions are pretty shit in the Olympics, I find. - Absolutely. - They send the B team. They don't send the actual- - Yeah, yeah. You look at the football or the rugby or the tennis- - Or the baseball as well. - Yeah. Oh, there's baseball there? - Yeah, there's baseball. Yeah, there's baseball in America, yeah. - Or like basketball as well, right? - There's basketball. - Yeah, like sports that have a competition that's just more prestigious than the Olympics for that specific sport, I feel like it just takes a bit of the wind out. The real magic of the Olympics is watching this small sport that you've never heard of. - Well, yeah, because a lot of these sports don't have any major leagues to push them and give them a lot of money and they obviously don't tell them where they get to. - I did see a bit of the skateboarding 'cause I was interested in that. I think Japan got a gold medal in it, yeah. - Yeah, like it's all kids as well. - Yeah. - It's like 10-year-old kids. I'm like, "Fuck, dude." - God, imagine being a fucking- (Garnt laughing) Yeah, right. All is I know you're 10 years old. - I realized watching the Olympics this year has been awful. Like every single athlete, right? He looks like 30. They interview him, he's like, "21," and he's just won the gold medal. I'm like, "What the fuck, man?" This man is built like a Greek god and he's won a medal and he's got his shit together. What am I doing? - Like you've reached the point where, you reached that point when you- - Literally everyone in the Olympics is younger than me. - Yeah, no, not even the Olympics. When you grow, when you're young, everyone you watch on TV is just older than you. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - And it's just like something you get used to. Like every athlete, every major personality is just older than you. And then you get to a point where you start seeing people that's younger than you and- - Achieving these amazing things, right? - Achieving these amazing things and starting football- - And I'm like, jeez, at 21, I was fucking masturbating and eating Cheetos. (Garnt laughs) Meanwhile, these kids just won a fucking Olympic gold medal. - Yeah, I was getting really pissed off 'cause every single time they introduce someone, they were just younger than me. And I'm like, "What the fuck is this?" (Joey laughs) Where is the 30-year-old? Get him, go and get him in. What does he do? - He's the veteran. - Yeah, yeah. (laughs) - Fuck, bro. (chuckles) - The coach is like 27 years old. It's just like, Jesus. - It's just pissing me off. I'm like, surely there has to be someone aged 24. - That's why I kind of almost prefer the Winter Olympics a lot of times. 'Cause I feel that in the Winter Olympics, there's more of those more niche sports that you really only get to see in the Olympics. Otherwise you really have to go deep for it. Like curling, for example, is like- - [Connor] Now curling's hard work. - I never thought I would care about curling until I watched the curling like two Winter Olympics back. And I'm like, "Damn, I'm wanna try this. This looks fun as fuck," 'cause I didn't even know the rules to curling at first. I was like, it's just a bunch of people scrubbing some ice. I was like, "Alright, cool, sick." But then when you actually learn the intricacies of the game, it's just like, alright, that's actually really cool. - I don't understand why every country just doesn't agree to take a week off during the Olympics. - What, to just sit down and watch it? - Yeah, sit down, chill, and watch it. Why not? Every country you can, you know, have a week off. (chuckles) - Seems like the world economy might have a different, small issue with that. - Yeah. - Oh, that's alright. That's alright. - Oh no, oh no, yeah. I mean it's like, once every what, four years, right? The Olympics? - Yeah, take a week off. - (chuckles) I mean, okay- - A week off in four years. - Do you get patriotic at all during the Olympics? - I listen to what the commentators tell me to do. (Garnt laughs) The commentators tell me I should care about something, I'm like, "Alright, I'm caring." - Do you get patriotic at all about any sporting event? - Oh, yeah, "League of Legends." I want the EU boys to win. - Oh, I mean obviously. - Obviously, yeah. - I want the EU boys to win. - Anything else? - For me, the World Cup and the Euros. I actually stayed up to watch the Euros and watch England get beaten this time in the finals once again. - Good. - [Joey] (laughs) How was that? - It was horrible. I had to record "Trash Taste" that day as well, which is why I was- - Yeah, you stayed up 'til like 4 a.m. - Remember the last time we recorded "Trash Taste" where I was absolutely dead, it's 'cause I was up watching England just end. (Joey laughs) - Well, see, I do get patriotic over Wales in rugby. I want Wales to win rugby. And then if Wales get knocked out of something and England is still in it, it's like, okay, now I'm rooting for England to lose. You'd think most people would be like- - They be like, "Oh, I'm rooting for England now." - But it's not England. - No, no, no. It's like, I can't let England win now because they never... The problem is with English people is that they're the worst when they win at the sport they like. - Right. - Every time they win, it's like every single country hates them, 'cause they somehow are the worst country at winning. - Yeah, they're like bad losers. Or bad winners. - Well, it's just like every single country hates having their fans in their country, the English fans, 'cause they're the worst. - Yeah. - It's terrible. - Like people will think, because you're Welsh, part of Great Britain, then if Welsh aren't in it, you're gonna root for England, right? - No, no, no, no. (chuckles) - And it's the complete fucking opposite. (chuckles) Except if it's the other way around. Like I remember when Andy Murray won Wimbledon. It was Britain's first win in Wimbledon for God knows how many years. It was fucking decades, right? And it was the only time where a British... Like English people are happy to cheer for Scottish people, 'cause Andy Murray's Scottish, I believe, but they aren't happy to share the other way around. Everyone hates English people, right? (Joey laughs) - Yeah, that's true. - (laughs) And normally, English people won't cheer for Scottish people or Welsh people, but once it's Great Britain, everything's fine. - Yeah. - Everyone's buddy-buddy. - Everyone's buddy-buddy again. (Joey laughs) It's team GB now. - Which is really fucking confusing 'cause depending on the sport, it's totally up to the sport whether or not it's a Welsh, Scottish, and English team, or if it's a British team or some, I think there's one or two sports where Wales and England are combined, but Scotland isn't. So it's really confusing. - That whole system of Wales, Scotland, it's just so confusing to someone outside of that country. Like I've had it explained to me about three or four times, I believe by YouTube, and I still don't understand what it is. (Garnt laughs) - It's not that complicated. - I'm like, so what's considered UK, what's Great Britain, what's the Commonwealth, what's all of this shit? Like it's just really confusing to me. - I mean, do we wanna get... Search for the video on it. (Garnt laughs) I could try to explain it, but- - Yeah, 'cause there's plenty of videos on it. We're not gonna explain it, but- - Yeah. - But you should learn the Wales exists. - See, but at least, you know, in the case with Wales and England, right? Like at least you got, you know, I feel a lot of the same sports you guys are either good at or bad at, right? So like say, for example, in the rugby, right, Wales and England, pretty good. - Yeah. - They're not like top-top, but they usually stay up near the top, right? So at least you have that choice. - [Connor] Yeah. - I don't have that choice with my two countries because the sports that Australia is good at, Japan sucks at. And sports that Japan is good at, Australia sucks at. So in the soccer, right, Japan's pretty good. Australia is shit in the cricket. Japan don't even play cricket. And the rugby is probably like the only thing, because, you know, I think last Rugby World Cup, Japan came eighth, I think? - Yeah, yeah. - Top eight or something. - It was hosted in Japan, so they were the host country. - Which is hype as fuck, right? Because Japan is never that good. That was the only time where I was like, "Alright, Japan, you did good, but I'm gonna have to go back to Australia after that." - Is Australia good at rugby? - Yeah, Australia's really good. And they're in top four. - Yeah, I don't watch sports often, mainly because of, you know, since we live in this time zone, when the fuck is this shit happening? The reason why it's so easy for me to keep along with the Olympics is 'cause it's just all day. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's great. I wake up, it's on. I go to bed, it's on. It's perfect. - I mean, that's kind of what I liked about big sporting competitions, you know. Any age I was where you turn on the TV and it's just sports playing, and it's just fun. And it's fun to watch something where every match matters to somebody. I just wish I knew more about who was competing in the Olympics. - Yeah, but there's no way you can though. - Yeah, there's no way you can. - Like there's so much information. And then, you know, I was getting confused 'cause even in some of the sports, like TaeKwonDo or some of the martial arts, there's weight divisions. And there's so many weight divisions, there's so many competitors in the weight divisions, and there might be multiple ones from your country in the one weight division. So it's really hard to be like, "Alright, wait, who am I rooting for?" What the fuck is going on? - I just see the flag and I'm like, "Oh, I recognize that one. Go, that one." (laughs) (Garnt laughs) - That's basically what it boils down to, right? It's just like, "I like that country. Let's see that country do well." - Yeah, it's like, "Ooh, I've never heard of Lichtenstein before. I think they're good at this sport. Go them." - Are they competing in the Olympics? - I don't even know. Dude, okay, watching the opening ceremony, and you know how they have to go through all the countries? - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - There was like over a hundred countries that were competing this year. But it was funny because they were going not in alphabetical order, they were going in Japanese hiragana order, which is completely different. - Oh. I was wondering what kind of order they were going in because it just seemed like the most weird order that had ever been done. - Yeah, that's why there were like, you know, some countries starting with C that came after countries starting with K, because in Japanese alphabet, it's in the same order. So I remember my sister in Australia was texting me 'cause she was watching it as well, and she was like, "Oh, it's really funny 'cause these Australian commentators have been explaining for the past 10 minutes why these countries are coming out in this order." (Connor laughs) They literally have to explain the Japanese writing system to an Australian fucking audience. So they're like, "Okay, so hear me out. This is how it works and this is why it's the weird order." But I heard, dude, there was so many countries in there where I was like, yeah, that sounds like a made up word, like that's not a real country. - Well, some of them, if I'm correct, aren't even countries. Like, I think like- - Some of them are micronations. - Yeah, some of them are territories or territories of other countries. Like there's the Cayman islands as well, it's listed as its own country? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - I was like, "I don't think that is." Dude, I saw some drama happen live while I was watching boxing. There was like a British guy versus a French guy. - I think that's drama already. - Yeah, that's drama already, which is that- - [Joey] (laughs) Yeah. - Let's go back to history, yeah. - It's hotter if you got drama over here. (laughs) (everyone laughs) - Napoleon just makes a fucking, like, expose video or whatever. (laughs) - Yeah, it was literally like that. And they were boxing, right? And so obviously when you're boxing, sometimes they do the hugging thing. And it's like, okay, cool. So when they were doing the hugging thing, I think the French guy was like, headbutting the British guy. - Oh, shit. - Yeah. - And he made him bleed. And the ref was like, "Hey, don't do that again." He did it again. And then he just immediately disqualified him. - Right, right, right. - The guy. - The French guy? - Yeah. - And he had a fucking mentdown, like a mental breakdown, and started like shouting and stuff, going up to all the cameras, being like, "No, I won, no, I won," into the cameras. - Wow. - And they were announcing it. And he was like, "No, stop announcing it. Stop announcing it." - Stop the count. (Garnt laughs) - Yeah, yeah, he was doing like, "Stop, this is bullshit. There's no way." And he was like throwing a massive fit. It was so crazy. - Jesus Christ. How did I not see that? - I don't know. When it was happening, I was like, "Oh, shit, am I watching drama live? Yo, sick." (Garnt laughs) I did what any good person watching drama- - (indistinct) use to watch "World Star." - Yeah, I was watching- - He watched a highly televised "World Star." - It was great. The lively pop-pop thing start popping up, like midway. It was great. (Joey laughs) I immediately went to Twitter, as any good person would when featuring drama. I was like, "Oh, this is great." So I went to Twitter, I watched it, and I was watching everyone else talk about the drama I was watching. It was great. - Oh, that's weird because I've seen so many clips of the Olympics on Twitter. - There's a lot more drama in the Olympics that happened. - I think I've watched more Olympics on Twitter than I have on television. - Yeah. - The other clips I saw of the Olympics was that they were playing a lot of anime music. - Yeah, a lot of people are doing anime stuff, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Like so when you come out in boxing, you're allowed to play your own music. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And some of them, one of them had "Demon Slayer," one of the Japanese guys. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw that. - I saw there was a Greek person who did a- - The "One Piece" thing. - He did "Gear 2" and "One Piece." And won the fucking gold medal as well. (Connor laughs) - (laughs) What a bad ass. - And I think he set a record as well. So I'm just like, yo, "One Piece" stands, "One Piece" stands, like fucking stand up, man. - Yeah, I think one of the volleyball matches with the Japanese team, they were playing the "Haiku" theme as well. - Oh my god. (laughs) - Like during the interval and stuff. And I'm like, that's so cool. - Of course they were. - But, yeah, the only cool part about the opening ceremony was the fact that, from what I saw, 'cause admittedly, compared to some of the other opening ceremonies that I've seen- - It was a very artistic one, I'd say. - Yeah, it was- - You know what that means. - Artistic. - It's very bare bones. - It was bare bones. - Yeah, yeah. - Like the references I think that people were looking for were not in the opening, so I think a lot of people are hoping that it comes out in the ending ceremony. But I think the only cool thing was that, during the time when all the countries were coming out, 'cause that's like an hour and a half segment of all the countries coming out, they were playing just basically the entire discography of Square Enix games. (Garnt laughs) Like literally every Square Enix game you could think of, they were playing the music of. So they literally opened with the "Dragon Quest" theme, and they were playing "Final Fantasy" and "Chrono Trigger." They played the fucking "NieR:Automata" song. - Yeah, I heard the "NieR" song. (chuckles) - But not just any "NieR:Automata" song, literally the most darkest depressing "NieR:Automata" song that plays in a really sad scene in the game. - Oh my god. - And, man, it was like melted. It's just like, (laughs) (Connor and Garnt laughs) fucking like, (wailing), this fucking sad "NieR:Automata" music. (laughs) It was really weird. But I'm just thinking like, because, you know, I think the biggest question everyone had who watched the opening is like, "Where's all the Nintendo shit?" - Yeah, that's what I was- - Where's Pokemon? Where's Mario? Where's all that stuff that they promised at the last thing. - It's kind of odd, 'cause normally Japan has been quite patriotic with all of its, especially Pokemon. - Right. - Japan is not as... Ah, what's the word? Japan has not been scared to embrace Pokemon as a national symbol. - And, you know, considering the fact that, at the end of the last Olympics, you know- - We had the Mario thing. - Yeah, like our prime minister came out of a pipe dressed up like Mario, right? - Yeah, well, it could be a thing of Nintendo didn't wanna do it. Or it could have been a thing of- - Or I think what a lot of people are waiting for is because they were like, "Square Enix, we'll let you take the opening." But Nintendo is the end, bro. - I don't know- - I think that's what people are hoping. - By the time this has come out, we'll know the answer. - Yeah, I guess so. But as of right now, that's what I think all the theories are, but. - Yeah, I mean like, do you think the opening was purposefully done the way it is, or is it just because of the world situation that they couldn't make it bigger? 'Cause that's what I assumed. - (inhales) I feel... I think it's the latter. - Did you go back and watch other opening ceremonies? - I did. - Yeah, yeah. - I watched the one at the Beijing Olympics. Like that one was insane, compared to Japanese. I mean, the Japanese one was good, don't get me wrong, but I definitely did feel that, I think the world situation really did screw it over in a lot of ways, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, 100%. - 'Cause I was like, I like the idea that they were going for, but I feel it was a little underperformed. - Just like, where's the budget? (laughs) - Yeah, right? It really did feel that way. - The British one had the fucking Queen skydiving. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - I'm like, how much did that cost? (laughs) Yeah, that Daniel Craig be James Bond. There's no way he did that for less than $50 million. - Exactly. - No. - He literally hates James Bond, as we've established. (Garnt laughing) Why would he wanna do that? - Exactly, right? - For queen and country, obviously. (laughs) - Bullshit, bullshit. - So that's what I was- - Only if I get to wear my gloves. (laughs) (everyone laughing) - So that's why I was hoping that they would have at least, you know, some more notable, big, big people coming out in the opening, right? 'Cause like that's, you know, the way to open for your country and be braggadocious about your country for once. But I feel they're like- - Yeah, it's the one time you can actually brag about what's going on. - Yeah, right? And people are waiting for you to brag. But I feel like the references that they did throw in were super fucking subtle and kind of offhand, almost? - Yeah, what was that guy that was tap dancing? I didn't get that. - Okay, yeah. He was literally, I think it was he's the greatest tap dancer in Japan. - Right, so explain, what was going on? I watched it, I don't remember this. - So there was this tap... So what they did instead was, instead of bringing out these notable names, they brought out Japan's best blank. So they had Japan's best tap dancer and he was performing and then they had Japan's best, like, jazz pianist. - I do remember this. - Yeah. - I do remember this and I think I was like, "Why are they bringing in tap dancers in Japan." Isn't that not a Japanese thing? - Yeah, also during a really traditional wood scene as well, and I'm like, "It's like 400 years difference between tap dancing and (indistinct). - Yeah, when I think Japan, I don't think tap dancing, no. - No, not at all. (laughs) - I don't think tap dancing and jazz piano. That's why I don't get it. - Yeah. - It was just so surreal seeing a tap dancer dancing on a stage with nothing on it to a crowd of zero people in a stadium that's meant for 30,000 people. - Yeah. - Oh, it's so depressing seeing all the stadiums empty. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I actually read that, the guy who designed the actual stadium, to make, you know, because obviously they couldn't put people into the stadium. So what they did was he purposely designed the seats and arranged the colors to make it look like there were people sitting from a distance. - What, how can you do that? - There did not look like there were people sitting in the distance at all. - [Joey] You decide if that actually worked, but (laughs). - I can say I tried to make my fart smell like watermelon, doesn't mean it fucking worked, you know what I mean? - (laughs) But I ate a shitload of watermelons. - What do you mean, you tried? No you fucking didn't. - Yeah, that was the intent, I think. - Yeah. (chuckles) - But, yeah, obviously, you know, to varying degrees of success. - Yeah, I mean, I think a lot of it was unfortunate because I think another thing about the tap dancing is that it's 'cause of the stadium was so big and I don't think the microphones were sensitive enough. I could hardly fucking hear it. (Joey laughs) At that point, it was just like fucking stepping with attitude. That's kind of what it felt like. - The commentators, I was watching it on Japanese TV, they were explaining what was going on more than they were letting the audio play. - Yeah. - (giggles) Yeah. - So how good of an opening ceremony is that if I need, I actually need, a narrator telling me what's happening? - Like, legit, some of the stuff was so avant-garde- - Yeah, it was crazy. - But like 60% of the commentators were doing the fucking audio commentary. - Yeah, they were describing exactly what was going on. I was like, "What is this?" - Yeah, so this represents blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, "Just let me watch it. Shut up, just me watch it." - It's not very good if I can't discern what's going on. - Right? Exactly. - Yeah, I was watching it through the British commentary and there was not too much commentary 'cause I think they were just as confused as I. - (laughs) They're like, "What's going on?" - Also, it's not a good opening ceremony if you fucking talk over all of it. - Yeah, exactly. - I don't go watch "Of Mice and Men" and have someone narrate in my ear why Lenny is doing all this shit. You know what I mean, right? I don't need this shit. Let it speak for itself. It's, oh my god. - I think the speech afterwards of the Olympic Committee actually went on for longer than the performance did. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, true. I zoned out when it happened. - Yeah. - So, yeah, I don't know, maybe that was because of a budget problem, maybe it was because of the world situation, but I mean, I think a lot more people... I think the only good thing that came out of it was probably Square Enix's stocks went boom because of the amount of music they used at the beginning. - I wanna know how Square Enix was basically just got to take over the opening ceremony. - Yeah. - I have no idea. - 'Cause there's so many other Japanese- - Slipped someone a tenner, man. - (laughs) Yeah. - Yeah, honestly. But they literally like, you know, had the actual spotlight at that point. I remember as well, like it wasn't just Square Enix music. They literally played a song from fucking "Sonic Adventure 2." - Are you serious? - Yeah. One of the songs that played in the set, because the set piece was leaked on Twitter before the actual beginning of that segment, and in the list there was a fucking Sonic song. β™ͺ Rolling around at the speed of sound β™ͺ - (laughs) It wasn't that one. (Garnt laughs) - I think if someone played it, I would've actually lost my mind. (laughs) - I would've given it a standing ovation. I would've been like, "They did it. They fucking did it." (Joey and Garnt laughing) - Yeah, best opening ceremony of all time, woo! - But, yeah, they legit... I don't think it was "Sonic Adventure 2," but it was one of the Sonic games. But they legitimately played a Sonic song and I was just like- - I mean, Sonic's pretty fucking iconic. - I mean, hey, man, they did it, I guess. (chuckles) - But how did Sega get in, and then Nintendo just didn't then? - And I think that's why, like that's where the confusion arose of like, okay, so obviously more people know... When you think of Japan from like a foreigner's perspective, you think Pokemon and Mario. - Yeah. - Like, you don't think of "Final Fantasy" and Sonic. - Would you say Sonic's more famous than "Final Fantasy"? It is, right? - Sonic? - Yeah. - Probably. - Probably, yeah. - Isn't that weird? 'Cause he's only had like, three good games. - (laughs) Yeah. - He's literally just like, he's cashing in on the brand- - You mean on the first three? - Yeah, he's literally cashing in on the brand recognition. - Sonic is one of those- - Yo, "Sonic Riders" though. - Okay. Okay, "Sonic Riders" is good. (Joey laughing) I recognize that it is not the best game. (chuckles) "Sonic Riders," "Battle Adventure 2" is good and "Mania." - "Sonic Heroes" was weirdly good too. - But isn't it strange, though, how Sonic hasn't had the biggest smash hit games, yet he's still the one of the most recognizable game figures? - That's the thing. Sonic is not purely surviving off of character design. - Brand recognition, bro. It's branding. - I mean, he's just an icon. - His character design is fucking brilliant. It's brilliant. - Porn. It's gotta be all porn. I'm convinced it's all porn. - Yeah, that too. - Go on, sorry. (Garnt chuckles) - It's just a cult following, right? - [Connor] Yeah, true. - You know, after "Sonic 3," right, we haven't had a single good Sonic game. - Oh, "Sonic Mania." - "Mania." - Oh, I mean, yeah. - But, I mean, it's kind of a remake of- - I mean, that's up for debate, right? - I mean, it's all been 2D Sonics. There hasn't been a good 3D Sonic. - Yeah, all the 2D Sonics were fantastic. - Except for, you know, "Riders." - All the 3D Sonics except for "Riders" was absolute trash. And yet they can somehow pump out all these shit Sonic games and people are still just like, "I mean, the next one might be better." - Did you play "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games"? - No, I haven't. - I fucking loved that game. - Oh, I remember that, yeah. - Is that a good game? - Dude, you're like- - I've always wanted to play that game. - On the the 2008 Beijing Olympics one, you couldn't get a copy of that in the UK. - [Joey] Really? - It was sold out everywhere. - I'm surprised they didn't do a re-release for this Olympics. - I think they did last year. - They did last year. - Oh, okay, okay. - Yeah, they did last year. - Yeah. - This episode is sponsored by Apari. - [Joey] Apari is an artist-owned apparel brand focused on delivering clothes with fun color concepts and high quality fabric. The brand features original art inspired by retro motifs and Japanese animation. - Joey, is that some drip you got on there? - It sure is, Garnt. - Ooh. - I'm wearing a nice summer shirt from Apari with, er, what is this? Like onion pigs or something? I don't know, it's cute and it's aesthetic. - Damn, is that quality fabric right there? - It sure is. It's very breathable. - Is it also artist-owned and original art? And it's got a fun color concept, dare I say. - Oh, and how breezy is that shirt, man? - It is super breezy. And if you look at these photos of me modeling in the clothes, you know how much drip you can get out of Apari. - Damn, did you know there's new items for part two of the summer/spring collection? (Joey gasps) And a restock of part one is releasing today at 8:00 p.m. EST? - Damn. - Oh my God. And if you missed your chance the first time, this is your second opportunity to snag something from the new collection. (Joey gasps) - Oh my god, and the items are limited and going fast. (Connor screams) - And don't forget about the Ox T-shirt. It's got pigment, dyed, and a vintage wash. It should feel like a shirt you've washed and worn for years. - But don't also forget about the Ox sweater as well. - Ooh. - And that the woven graphic of the sweater just looks aesthetic as hell. - Ooh. - Yeah, it does. - So don't miss out on new collections or restocks by following their Instagram @arariart or by checking out their mailing list by going to apari.com. Links in the description below. - Back to the episode. One thing that I noticed that I saw a lot of athletes complaining about was how bad the temperature is here. - Oh yeah. - Like how bad the heat is. - It's absolutely brutal here right now. - These poor people doing like triathlons and stuff, and cross-country cycling. It looks great on TV. You can't even tell it looks hot. Like it just looks like, "Oh, good weather, nice." It's disgusting here. - Yeah, I mean, we talked about this last week, but the summer here is fucking disgusting. - It's insane. And just these poor athletes who have to do hour long events in this heat. - Alright, right now where we are, it is 34 degrees, but because of the humidity, it feels like 41 degrees. - It's insane. - Fuck that. - It do be like that. - It do be like that. - Like, even just walking from the train station to the office, it's a nice, brisk five, 10 minute walk, I'm fucking dying by the time I get here. - I don't care where you live or what fucking temperature it is, no one should be doing sports in 41 fucking celsius. - Yeah. (laughs) No one should be doing a triathlon in 40 degrees celsius. - No. - I don't care if you were raising the magma crust of this earth. I know there's gonna be one comment who's like, "Oh, it's 50, right?" Fuck off. - Yeah, you're not doing a triathlon in 50 degrees, are you? - Oh my god. - Yeah, I'm wondering, like, how the fuck are they doing this? Or how is anyone meant to compete in this weather? - I wonder why. I'm pretty sure I read something. I could be totally, totally wrong with this one, that apparently they did try and ask, Japan did try and tell them like, "Hey, we should do it in September or something." But the IOC was like, "Nope, we're doing it in July." (Garnt laughs) - And of all the sports that are perfect for this heat, AKA, the swimming, is done indoors, so it's like not a point. (Garnt and Connor laughs) At least do that outside, you know? It will feel good for the athletes. - Yeah, Jesus. I feel bad now. I didn't even think about that. They must be absolutely dying out there in the heat. - Dude, it's brutal. - Ripperonies. - Yeah. - But like, I mean, how much is left of the Olympics now that we are- - I don't know, not many Olympic days left at where we are. - 'Cause it's only like a two week event, isn't it? - Yeah, we're on day- - Is it that short? - Yeah, yeah. - Shit. - We're like day 12 or something. - I thought it was like a couple of months or something. - No, it has to be done. I think one of the rules in the contract with the Olympics Committee to the local government is that it needs to be done within like two weeks. - [Joey] Oh, wow. - And no longer, no less. Like it has to- - Why does it feel like every Olympics, it lasts so much longer than that? Is it because it's just so stacked? - Because, like, the hype for it is built up more than any E3 event tenfold. - Yeah, yeah. - And "No Man's Sky" wishes that it had this much hype. (Joey laughs) We've lived in Japan for like two years now, right? And since day one, since we've been here, you've been seeing Tokyo 2020 stuff everywhere. - That's true. - Like it's insane. Like everything is Tokyo 2020. Like you go and get a chocolate bar, Tokyo 2020 is on it for some reason. I don't know why. Why is this on there? - We did actually buy some Tokyo 2020 merchandise just because, like... Well, think about it, right? Like, it's one of the few, if not the only Olympics, that has ever been in this like weird world situation where it's been delayed by a year, right? And it's so telling of its... I think Aki bought a Tokyo 2020 face mask. That, 50 years from now, is gonna be a great story to tell because it's like, you know- - Should've done that myself. - Just to say that like, yeah, we'd lived through a time when there was such like an insane world pandemic that we literally had to A, cancel the Olympics for a year, but B, everyone had to fucking wear this for two years. - I mean, it's weird, right, because I feel like this Olympics, the hype just... Like you talked about the hype, but I just haven't felt the hype at all behind this year's Olympics. - Well, because I think the last year, before COVID hit, the hype was definitely building up. - Oh yeah, it was definitely there. - But I think the moment COVID hit and it got pushed back a year is when I think- - And then the hype for COVID happened. - Yeah, and then I think pretty much the general people just turned against the Olympics and they were like, "We don't want it anymore." - Yeah. - Yeah. - Even though Japan is doing exceedingly well this Olympics as well. - Are they? - Oh yeah. They've won a lot of gold medals already. - Oh yeah, they're third right now, I think, actually. - Oh, shit. okay. - No, they're doing very well. - Yeah, see, I just haven't been following along as much as I used to just because, I don't know, like I said, the hype just doesn't feel there obviously in Japan, 'cause Japanese people don't want it to happen for obvious reasons. But also internationally, it just feels like there's been a lot less talk about it as well. You see the odd article, we see the odd clip. - Yeah, it's been a rough year, I think. I think also political situations are getting rough and you're seeing it in the Olympics as well. - Yeah, it's been in a lot of talks, just not for the right reasons a lot of the time. - Yeah, it just feels like, you know, at least like Olympics pre-, I don't know, like 2012, 2016, maybe not 2016, I don't know, it didn't feel as fucked politically as well. - [Joey] Yeah. - There's a lot of politics in it now. And there always was, maybe I was just younger and I didn't realize, but it just, yeah, it feels very tense. - Yeah. Yeah, I mean, the world is in a tense state right now, just in general, so it definitely just doesn't help. Everyone's just on edge now. - Yeah, I mean, like it's, you know, everyone loves the idea of the Olympics, just like every nation gets together and we just play a bunch of sports and have- - And put our differences aside. - Put our differences- - Play some ball. - Yeah, put our differences aside and play some games. - Friendly competition. - Friendly competitions. And you know, in any other Olympics, I feel like that is the case. In this Olympics, it just feels like nobody really, everyone's just forgotten to care because everyone's just like, "Can we just have the world open back up?" - Yeah. - I just wanna go to Denny's. - I see the empty seats there. It's reminding me that it's still a depressing situation in the world. Well, most of the world, at least. So I don't know, it's been difficult. - Yeah, yeah. - Definitely, definitely. Just want it to be open. - Who has been winning the Olympics? I have not been keeping up with it at all. - Ah, China's winning right now, if I saw before. - It's always China and USA at the top, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - And then Japan. And then I think Australia and Britain are neck and neck for fourth, but it's hard to tell what's gonna happen. But, I mean, China or USA normally always win. - Yeah, they're usually the top two. - And then that's like the Cold War-esque thing for them where it matters who wins that politically. - That's the friendly competition, unless... (Garnt laughs) - Friendly? (laughs) - [Crew Member] Know ranking? - Yeah, what's the ranking now? - Yeah, yeah, what's the ranking? - [Crew Member] So People's Republic of China, 32 golds. - Uh-huh. - Okay. - [Crew Member] United States of America, 25 golds. - Yeah. - Okay. - [Crew Member] Japan, number three, with 20 golds - Nice. - Oh, wow. - [Crew Member] Australia, 15 golds. - [Joey] Let's go. - [Crew Member] ROC, Republic of... - Oh, that's Russia. - That's Russia. - [Crew Member] ROC is fifth, Great Britain sixth. - Oh, okay. - Okay. - Oh, shit, I was wrong. - Guess Britain isn't doing too well this Olympics, are we? - Like that commentator said, man, absolute embarrassment for British rowing. (Garnt laughs) - The absolute stink. (laughs) - The absolute stink British rowing. Well, it was one of the events that Britain used to win at least somewhat consistently. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - I mean, I feel like it's somewhat big part of British culture. - Yeah, what have we got? - One of the only sports that's like one of the things where we actually have a big deal about. - Yeah, it's like rowing and cycling, right, that we usually just like- - Cycling, we normally have a really good turn out. British people love fucking cycling for some reason. - Yeah. - Really? - Yeah. - 'Cause we invented football and then everyone, every nation just beat us at football. So we're like, okay, we've gotta find another sport. - Did we invent cricket? I don't know if we invented cricket. - I'm pretty sure we invented cricket. - I think you guys invented cricket. - And rugby. - Yeah. - And then Australia was like. (everyone laughing) - I saw that meme where it was like, Britain invents a sport, gives it to other country, they become better at it. And then America is like, invent a sport, no one plays it, become number one. (everyone laughing) - It's true. - It's crazy. (laughs) American football, lmao. - Dude, have you watched the American football before? Are you into it at all? - No, but I love watching the drama around American football. It's very good. - What drama? - You know, there's always documentaries about it. I've watched, what is it, "Last Chance U," I think it's called, on Netflix. It's about college football and they get, like, they follow a team and try and get to win the league, and it's just very funny. - Oh. - And it's just insane, the lengths they go to get these kids to play football. - Based on a true story? - Oh, no, so literally just following them. - Oh, it's like a documentary. Right, right, right. - Yeah, they just literally pick a school and follow them. - Okay, yeah, yeah. - And, yeah, that's pretty good, on Netflix. I watched the one thing about that NFL player who killed a guy. - What? - What? - It was like an NFL player who killed someone and, yeah. These NFL players are crazy, man. Like a lot of them are like, they get up to very interesting stuff in their free time. - Like killing people. (laughs) - Yeah, yeah. (laughs) Also the whole thing where they get mad concussions from it and they all get like, brain damage. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, like I've seen that Will Smith movie. - Yeah, it's pretty rough, isn't it? - Yeah. - I mean, I watched the super... I was about to say super bowel, for a second. (laughs) (everyone laughs) - Superbowl. - I just like super bowel, my favorite. - Superbowl. - The Superbowl. - Did you feel like it's like the most foreign thing to a British person, hearing the word Superbowl. I'm like, "What is that?" "What is it?" The whole- - Okay, okay, so- - Growing up, you hear about the Superbowl. - That's a really big bowl. - So there's me watching the Superbowl before I watch "Eyeshield 21." (Joey laughs) And there's me watching Superbowl after I've watched "Eyeshield 21." - See, I watched Superbowl after reading- - They're like, "Where's the Devil Bat Ghosts?" - Yeah. (laughs) - "Where's the Rodeo Drives?" - I watched the Superbowl after reading "Eyeshield 21," which is a football manga. - Yeah. - And I still don't know what the fuck is going on. - Really? - Really? - I kind of get the rules, but I- - Well, you get the rules now at least, right? - But I don't understand how the Superbowl is formed. How does it become? Who gets to play in the Superbowl? What are the rules? - Well, you follow the LEC and the LCS, right? - Mm, yeah. - It's exactly the same format. - Oh, just playoffs? - They literally based League from American sports. - Oh, why is it called the Superbowl? What about it- - 'Cause it's like the final, right? I don't know why it's called the Superbowl. - Is there a reason? - It's just- - Why not "The Playoffs"? That sounds good. I understand the playoffs. The playoffs makes sense. (Garnt laughs) - Maybe it has to do with the UN? - No, no, no, the playoffs lead to the Superbowl, so the Superbowl is like the final of the playoffs. - Oh, so Superbowl is the name for the final match. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - British man learns about American football, man. (Garnt laughs) I don't know, this is so foreign to me. - I only know this 'cause I follow League, and League is based on American football, American sports. - I think it has to do with the name of the actual cup you win, right? - Do you watch American football? Oh, yeah, wait, no, that's not a bowl. It's like a... I don't know what it is. - Maybe it is, I don't know. I mean, that's why the Ashes are called the Ashes, right? - No, can't figure that out. - Dude, I know more about the American sports system than I do about cricket. I like- - So do you watch American football? - I mean, I watch the Superbowl. And anytime I go to America, they're always watching football every week, and I pretend to care about- - Yeah, I watch the football in America when it's on TV. I don't willingly go and watch it. But when it's on, I'm like, okay, that's pretty cool. - Watching normal football, you know, you get the ads just in the halftime. - Yeah. - That's when you get the ads. There's no other ads. The 40 minutes is straight playing. - Yeah. - So it was really weird and jarring when I watched American football. And every time there's like an attempt, I think, there's an ad. And I was like, whoa, what the- - Yeah, because there's so many starts and stops. - Yeah, yeah, the starts and stops, and of course they put ads there, but it's just so jarring. I'm like, fucking, I don't wanna hear about fucking Cheetos and Bud Light, man. I just, like, I can't do this. - That's literally the two forces that drive the NFL. - It was hard to get invested 'cause every 10 seconds there'd be an ad. And I was like, "Oh my god." - I mean, it's just everything is monetized in American sports. - Yeah, and also, watching American TV in American hotels is really weird as well because, you know, we have our ads before the program starts and in the middle of the program, right? And when I was watching American TV, I don't know if they changed it or what, but I was watching it and they let the show play for like two minutes. - And then they have an ad. - And then they have an ad. - Yeah. - And I'm like, "What is this? What is this? Is it YouTube video? What is this? What the fuck is this?" - It's more consistent than a mid-roll? - It is. They put two mid-rolls and two end-rolls, 'cause they have the intro, they have the clickbait intro. - Yeah. (Joey laughs) - Then they have an ad, and then the actual intro to the show plays, half the show plays, ad, second half of the show plays, and then they have an ad. And then, you know, there's like an end credit scene or something like that, or a scene that plays during the credits. So they have an ad, and then an end credit scene, and then it goes on to the next show. - Or sometimes it's even worse. It's sometimes the end start rolling, that minimizes into a corner and shows an ad. It's like another one that I've seen. I'm like, "Am I watching an end credit or am I watching an ad?" - I think I was watching "South Park" and they played legitimately the first two minutes of the actual episode and then they played an ad, right? And then they played like 20 minutes of the episode. Nearly near the end, right before the end, another ad. - Yeah, right before the end, right? - Like a minute or two before the show finishes. - Right. - Yeah. - And then before it concludes, they play an ad. And then they play the two minutes of the episode, and then they don't have a break or anything, they immediately start the next episode of "South Park." - Yeah. - Oh, right. - And let two minutes of that play and then they play an ad again, right? - Yeah. - Right, right. - And so it's like, I was losing my mind. - They're all in the wrong place. - I was actually getting so angry watching "South Park" because I was like, "Why do they keep putting the ads like this?" It feels like I'm being bombarded. I can't think straight. Where is the clear act of we put an ad in the middle and before the show? When did this go out the window? - I mean, it's because viewers are more likely to keep watching the show. - It's fucked up, man. It's fucked up. - I know why it is. I hate it. - It's so fucked up. - I hate it from like an entertainment standpoint, to be like, just let me watch a clear chunk of this one episode, have a clear moment where, you know, the episode ends and the next one begins and that's where the ad break goes. - Yeah, they don't give you a chance to take a pee break in between an episode. - Yeah. - It's 'cause they're like, "Oh, you might change the channel. So we'll just play it immediately." So the next two minutes, now you can go for your pee break. - When did this change? When was it like this? - I think it's always been like this in America. - Has it really? - Yeah. - I have no idea. - Fuck. - I mean, ever since, like the first time I went to America, it was like this. And I remember that was one of the first thing I noticed as well. But then you look at like, how, 'cause normally when you binge watch American TV shows, there's a very clear cut of where they put the ads in. And it's just at a weird moment compared to British TV shows, which is just beginning, halfway through the episode, then ending. - Yeah, we have really strict rules on advertising and stuff so there's never any overlays or anything on the program. - Meanwhile, Japanese TV is like, put as many ads in as you possibly can every five minutes. - It's so weird, the stuff they promote in Japan. But then you remember it's for elderly people. Elderly people only watch TV, so then it all kind of makes sense. Like they advertise futons all the time. - Futons? - Yeah. - The hell kind of shows are you watching? (laughs) - Just normal, like NHK, they'll just cut to a futon. And there's so, so many telecall shows. - Oh, telemarketing shows, yeah. - Telemarketing shows, so many. - What's telemarketing shows? - There's like three or four channels of telemarketing. - Where they like, basically just play ads and it's literally just, it's literally whole networks. And they're not like way back, they're like four or five on the remote. And it's just like a whole network dedicated to ads, and they show you the product, then you can call up and buy it. - Yeah, it's literally like- - Oh, it's like QVC or one of those- - But imagine if QVC was like, number five. (Garnt laughs) QVC is number 20 in the UK or something. - Yeah. - Right, right. - It's like way, way down, as it should be. It's just ads, no one wants to watch that. - Just think of, like, if the ShamWow guy was just constantly promoting different types of ShamWow 24 hours a day. - So it's just an infomercial channel? - Literally an infomercial channel. - There's like, three of them, and they're the first 10 shows or something. I could be chatting out my ass, but- - Honestly, like- - There's a lot of them. - I mean, I can kind of see why there would be so many infomercial kind of channels. 'Cause, I don't know, like- - Old people don't use the internet to buy things. - Yeah, they don't know what Amazon is. - Okay, so when you're a kid, right, and you had a sick day, okay, so I remember as a kid, you know, you'd enjoy the fact that you had a sick day 'cause, great, I don't have to go to school, but what do you do? So back when I was a kid, I did had nothing but just had television, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - So you had the morning TV shows, you had CBBC, when I was growing up, and then it was like between 8:00 a.m. to I think around 10:00 a.m., which was just like, "Brilliant, I'm sick, I get to watch TV programs for as long as I stay home." And then 10:00 a.m. hits and then there is just nothing to fucking watch. Like there is nothing on TV at all. And I remember I'd just be like, "Great, I guess I'll just fucking put on QVC then," 'cause there's literally nothing else interesting on. - What? There was "Jeremy Kyle" back then. You could watch- - I didn't get "Jeremy Kyle" as a fucking seven-year-old. - I did when I was a 10-year-old. I loved it. I loved the shouting and stuff, and all the people jumping around. I loved it. - Yeah, well, I think it's because during weekdays, you know, in the middle of the day, the only people who are watching TV is anywhere below eight and anywhere above 80, right? 'Cause everyone else is at work or school. - Yeah, 'cause if I can't watch something on the TV, at least like watch some shiny products. That's how my brain's wired, right? - You're like, "Oh, if I can't watch something, I might as well be advertised to." - Yeah. (laugh) (Garnt laughs) - I may as well. Mum, we have to get this diamond necklace. The guy on the TV said we get three if we purchase one. (chuckles) (Garnt chuckling) - God. 'Cause I remember seeing all those infomercial stuff during childhood, and even 10-year-old me was watching and I was like, "Who the fuck's buying this?" Like, "Who is buying this shit?" - My permanent favorite thing of those is that like, you know, so they're advertising the product, it looks fantastic, you know, you're like, "Wow, this looks great. It's a mop that cleans my floor and it cleans itself. This is fantastic." And you're like, "Great, I'm already sold." And you get to the end and it's like, "But if you act now, you can get not one, not two, but three extra mops." And you're like, "Whoa, this is just too many mops. I only wanted the one." Now you have three. "And if you buy now on this exact moment, you get two extra days free shipping." It's like, alright, this is just ridiculous. They keep throwing things in like, "And if you pay by card, we'll come to your house and install it for you." It's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. And then the program will end, and then you can tell they've done this 'cause they did it all the fucking time, they would record an extra bit after it clearly didn't sell well enough, whatever, and they would cut to another bit and it would be like, "But fuck that part. If you buy now, you'll get five instead of three, only for today." It's like, what is going on? - What's going on? - I'm losing my fucking mind. - Yeah, they literally just keep adding on shit, and it's always like, it needs to be now that you call it. Like before the next thing comes, you need it. So there's people probably just sitting there just waiting to call, "Oh, wait, there's another thing." Can I call it now? Can I call it? - Half the time I was sold before, and now they're just raising my concerns 'cause now this is now too much. This is too much fodder. - Now it's too good to be true. - Yeah, now this is way too many products for the price. I was sold on the $50 pen, and now you're telling me you're gonna include three pens? No way. (Joey laughs) This is a cast iron pen. It should not be costing $10 per pen, including shipping. This is a joke. - What set me off was when they would introduce, when they would include a product that had nothing to do with the product that they were advertising. - Yeah, yeah, true. - Or they just tacked it on for free. Like, where did this come from? (Joey and Connor laughs) - You get the jewelry and they're like, "And now we're throwing an extra Tenga on top." Alright, well, this is totally unrelated. It's a bloody joke. - All of this is worth $300, but we're selling it for $30. - (laughs) It's like, is it really? Really? - There's no way all of these companies are making money. - Yeah, exactly. I'm pretty sure I saw this thing, that you're tacking on yesterday's infomercial, so it clearly didn't sell well. - They have like a golden age. 'Cause I felt like there was a time when the products were actually semi decent. Like you'd go to the supermarket and you actually see the section of "As seen on TV" product and some of them were actually pretty good. - Well, I mean, look at how much the fucking ShamWow sold, right? Like that side isn't- - I think it was just before the internet was invented. So now you can just search up whatever product you kind of need, and if not, then Japan has a whole store for them. It's called fucking Daiso. - (chuckles) Yeah. - So you just walk into Daiso and then you just find products that you never knew you needed until you walked into Daiso. - Yeah, we need a sign now that just says, "As seen on Daiso." As seen at Daiso. (laughs) (Garnt laughs) - Wow. - Like, Japan is just like the king of creating these little devices which have just exactly one use, one very, very specific use that you never thought about until you see it in the store. And just like, "Wow, I guess I do need gloves that can clean dishes at the same time." (laughs) (Joey laughs) - There's a lot of stuff like that. - I guess I do need slippers that have mops on them so that I can walk around while mopping the house. I guess that's a thing. (Joey laughs) It's only 200 yen. Fuck it, I'll take it. Yeah, why not? Meanwhile, if I saw that on TV, I'll be like, "Who the fuck buys this? Who needs some slipper that wipes the floor?" - They also like, it's like 100 yen stores, so like less than a dollar, it's around a dollar but just under, and my favorite thing is that sometimes in Daiso, they'll have the same product but different brands and they're all the same price. And I'm just like, "What is this?" Like, if you're gonna have your competitor right next to you for the same price, and what I think is the same quality, what is the purpose of this? Illusion of choice? - Well, there's clearly not much competition. - There's obviously not a lot of competition out there. - Like, "Dragon's Den" would never work for Japan because you get the CEO of Daiso there, and he'll just say yes to every idea. (everyone laughs) He'll be like, "I'll put in an offer." - He just opens mouth, "I'm sold. I don't even wanna hear what it is, I'm putting it in my store." - Give it to me. (laughs) - Could imagine "Dragon's Den" in the UK? They'd have 10 fucking minutes introducing each other before they even actually start the fucking pitch. And I mean, they hand out business cards. (everyone laughing) The person pitching would have to go and fucking pour him water and everything, like it's like they can't even start, and oh my God. (Garnt laughs) - Jesus. - They'd have to start with a board meeting or something before they even get in the room. - Yeah, they would, they would. Could you imagine? I bet the people being pitched would be like, "No, we know exactly what's happening. I want to see the script of the man pitching before he pitches it." You know, it's like insane. (laughs) I would love to see it actually. - What I never understood about those shows is that it's just like, it's sold as, you know, these are very real businesses and very real ideas that some of them actually go on to be successful and stuff. But you look at some of the people going on and you're just like, "Okay, I've watched 'Dragon's Den' before." Or 'Shark Tank,' which is the American version, right? There's a very simple formula, there's very specific questions that all the dragons ask every single fucking time, and somehow 90% of the contestants never know their fucking numbers. Surely that's the first thing you do if you figure out you're going on "Dragon's Den," right? You're like, "Alright, let me just figure out my fucking profit margins." That's literally the first thing you should do. - Yeah, they're like, "What's your gross like?" "Uh, sorry, what?" What is it? (Garnt laughs) - I'm not gross, thank you very much. - They'll ask like, "What is your target audience?" or whatever, and they'd be like, "I don't know." - People. (laughs) People with money. - I saw this one clip and it made me fucking laugh. It was on the British one. It was from the guy who's like the worst, he's like so... What is he called? I think it was Touker? - Touker? - Touker, toot-toot, Touker? - Sounds like a "Breaking Bad" character. - Yeah, Touker, right? He's like the guy who all the other dragons hate on the British one. And it's just a great moment. He's pitching their offer to them and he's like, "Okay, so I'm gonna give you the 50,000 pounds you asked for." - I've seen this clip. - "For 90% of the business." - What? - And then the dragons were like, "So all of the business. So you're trying to buy the business off of him." (laughs) - Wait, what's the remaining 10%? - You can't do anything with 10%. (laughs) - (laughs) Oh, I remember. So the person he was pitching to was like, "So who are you giving the money to?" And he's like, "I'm giving the money to the business." And he was like, "But you own 90% of the business." (Connor and Joey laughing) So you're giving the money to yourself. (laughs) (laughing) And I'm just like- - That was so good. (laughs) And all the other dragons are like, "What the fuck, bro? What the fuck is this?" - Ultimate money laundering. (Garnt laughing) - But imagine if he got to accept, he'd be like, "Shut up, dragons, shut up. He's gonna agree to it." - [Joey] Oh my God. - Like, what is this? These are supposed to be professional... Sometimes you see the Dragons, right? You're like, "You're not a fucking good businessman. You just got really fucking lucky with one business and managed to convince this TV show to let you on." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Some of them have no fucking idea what they're doing, I swear. They'll be like, "Yeah, he's got a multimillion dollar business." And then when you think about businesses, multimillion dollar business is actually not that difficult. - No. - You know, 'cause it's so stark, the contrast between "Shark Tank" and "Dragon's Den." Like "Shark Tank" have Mark Cuban and full-on fucking billionaires. - Like, really, really, really, really, really- - Like, really, really- - Successful people, yeah. - Super, super fucking wealthy. And then compared to like the dragons, it's- - Yeah, I think half the dragons are pretty successful, but they've had trouble keeping the seats filled. - Right. - And they always bring in people. And a lot of the time they've had businesses that they just sold and made like 4 million, which is obviously a shit ton of money, don't get me wrong, but we're talking businesses. You know, it's not really a good proven- - In the business world, 4 million's not like- - You know, I wouldn't say it's a hardcore proven track record that you know how to run a business 100%. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Alright, you might've got lucky here and there, you had a good idea. It doesn't prove that you... I don't think that's good enough where you can go on and start telling people how to run their businesses. You know what I mean? Possibly, you know. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nah, I get it, I get it. - I was just kinda like, "Alright, okay, alright." They introduced something like, "He made $2 million off of his online card business." And I'm like, "What? what is that?" - Never even heard of it - That's hardly a business. Oh, who am I kidding, I'm insulting them. $2 million (laughs), piss off. - Child's play. - I don't know, I just think when you, you know, we're talking a lot of businesses here, that's not that much in business terms. - Well, yeah, in the business world, it's not that much, yeah. - Yeah. - In layman's terms, it is. (laughs) - Yeah, I think that's how the show works is that most people watching the show in the UK, obviously a million pounds is- - Yeah, like, whoa, 2 million pounds. That's fucking insane, yeah. - Most people can't comprehend that. But, you know, when you work with some businesses and stuff and you understand the margins they're working with, that's not that much. - No. - But I guess it doesn't matter. It's TV at the end of the day. They're not actually trying to, like, it's not actually trying to give good business advice. (Joey laughs) It's a fucking TV show. - Entertainment, yeah. - No, if they did, people would know what their net profit is and their margins are. - I swear some of the British ones are staged. - They must be. They must be. - No way. Some of the stuff. 'Cause there's one time they had a pyramid scheme come on, on the British TV show. Like a guy that came in who just advertised the Ponzi scheme. - (chuckles) Did he actually? - Yeah, and the dragons were like, "This sounds awfully a lot like a pyramid scheme." (Joey and Garnt laugh) Just type it in. It's called "Pyramid Scheme Dragon's Den." It will come up. It was a good clip. - This episode is sponsored by Bokksu. - Hey, guys, come have a closer look at this. - What's up? - Would you like some delicious and tasty snacks straight from Japan? - Snacks? - Straight from Japan? Yes, we do. (Joey gasps) - Well, Bokksu's got you covered. - Oh my god. - Ah! - Bokksu's the monthly snack box subscription service that delivers original assortments of premium Japanese snacks and tea pairings. - First time Bokksu customers will receive the "Seasons of Japan" box so they could get a taste of the snacks per season. And shipping to the US is the free. - (gasps) This month we're celebrating the Moon festival. (Joey gasps) It goes by many names. Mid-Autumn festival, Otsukimi, and Jugoya. - Nihongo Joseph. - All of these indicate the 15th night of the eighth lunar moon, the night of the Harvest Moon. - I know that game. (laughs) - Look at these usagi no shippo, green tea buns. (Joey gasps) They make my heart go pyong, pyong. (Joey laughs) - I got these Setouchi lemon mochi. Don't they look so lemony? - Eh. - And I'm drinking some Hoshino hojicha latte, which is delightful. (Joey gasps) - So use our code TRASHTASTE10 and the link in the description to get 10% off your Bokksu subscription. - Thank you to Bokksu for the sponsor. Back to the show. - You guys play "Pokemon Unite" yet? - No, I haven't. (sighs) - Why not? - 'Cause I don't give a shit about MOBAs. - Oh, true. - But you do give a shit about Pokemon. - Yeah, But there's a... I don't know if you've heard, but there's about a hundred other Pokemon games out there that I could also play. (laughs) But, yeah, I don't know, I saw a piece of news on Twitter. I don't know how true this is, but I think it was day two or day three that "Pokemon Unite" came out and the League players were like, "Oh, oh, what's this?" And then they invaded it and now apparently it's just full of, it's either you're versing children who are eight years old or you're versing League players. And I'm like, "That sounds like a terrible place." - That just sounds like League 2.0. - Yeah, so I'm like, "I like you, Pokemon, but no thank you." - Yeah, the games are either very fun or not fun at all. - Right. - You either get stomped or you don't. - As a gamer and a mobile player, how do you find it? - As a toxic gamer, how do you find it? - Yeah, as a toxic gamer, I enjoyed it. I didn't like the fact that I couldn't racially slur within 10 seconds of getting in the game, obviously. That was very unfortunate. - Of course. - There was no chat feature. There's actually voice chat apparently. - Is there? - Apparently. I don't know how. You have to hook up the mic through Nintendo's bullshit way of doing it. You plug it into your phone. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - But I saw a voice chat option on the game. - Oh, yeah, no, I have done that through "Animal Crossing" actually. And it does not work. (laugh) - Well, there's a chance that, if you're a League player, you could say something horrible to that 10-year-old kid. - Right. - Nah, I'm kidding, obviously. But I mean, yeah, it's fine, it's weird. It's Pokemon, but it definitely feels like it's been developed not by Nintendo. Like you can- - So has it been developed by Nintendo? - No, it's by Tencent. - Oh, of course, of course. - Yeah, Tencent has, I guess, a monopoly on MOBAs. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's weird, man. It's like when you haven't seen that family member in like 10 years and he comes back and he's really weird, and he's like, "Yeah, I'm the same guy, right?" You're like, "No. No, what is this? You're not the same person." - Right, right. - It's like, you know, you boot it up, there's Gacha, there's loot boxes. - Oh, that's so weird. - You can buy gems. It's like, oh my God, this isn't Pokemon. What is this? - Nintendo micro-transactioning? - Yeah, Nintendo's been getting real comfortable with those micro-transactions lately. They've been getting real comfortable with those loot boxes. Alright, okay. (Joey laughs) - Yeah, I mean, I haven't played "Pokemon Unite," but I've seen clips, looked into it, and it's so weird. Where did this come from? Was this announced a while ago? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - 'Cause the whole idea of a Pokemon MOBA is just like, how did this happen? When I think Pokemon, I don't think "League of Legends", "Dota," "Pokemon." - Well, I mean, people thought that about Pokemon when fucking "Pokken" came out, right? Like people were like, "Wait, what?" - That's true. - "Pokken's" a great game, that's true. - Which is a great game now, right? But I remember when it was first announced, people were like, "This looks horrible. This just doesn't-" - Really? I thought it looked epic when it came out. - No, I thought it looked epic. But I saw a lot of people were like, "That doesn't work." - I don't know, there's just something sad. There's something sad about seeing a child's game by Nintendo like this that's just shoved full of these egregious micro-transactions. - Yeah. - Yeah, true. - But I mean, you know, it's whatever. You can have a differing opinion on it. I wouldn't give a shit, I don't mind. - So did you fall for the Gacha yet? - Yeah, Tectone. I played with a friend of ours and he was like- - Oh, Lord. (laughs) - And he is Gacha whale, that is pretty much his job. - He's more like a leviathan, isn't he? - Yeah, within five minutes, he was like, "Spend a hundred bucks. Just spend a hundred bucks. Just get everything. Just unlock everything." And I'm like, "No, I'm not gonna do that." And he's like, "I'll give you a hundred bucks to spend on it right now." (Garnt laughing) And I was like, "What the fuck?" - This man, when it comes to Gacha, this man loses all sense of money. - He has no way of holding back, but I respect it, you know, it's his job. - [Joey] Oh, yeah, of course. - But I just didn't want it 'cause I could tell that... I ended up spending 40 bucks on it and I was like, "I'm not gonna play this again, but I'm gonna do it so I can play ranked." - Is it free to play? - Yeah. - Okay. - That doesn't excuse it, Garnt. (laughs) - (laughs) No, I was just asking. I was just asking. You said you spent 40 bucks, which is like- - Free to play is the road to losing. (laughs) - There is items you can buy that'll boost your stats in-game so you can actually- - Oh. - It's kind of like the way- - Is it pay-to-win? - Mm. (Joey laughs) The way it was explained to me and the way I understand it, is that, you know how "League of Legends" used to have a thing called runes that weren't pay-to-win, they would give you an edge, but you could unlock them through the game, but they give you a noticeable advantage, I'd say, at times. Like back in the day, 'cause you had to buy runes, remember? - Yeah. - Would you have described runes as pay-to-win back then? It's kind of like that. - I mean, it's like, with the advantages the runes gave back in the day, you wouldn't be able to take advantage of that small stat increase unless you're at the fucking higher tiers where its truly optimized it. - Yeah, it's kind of like that. The game's just came out and no one's really had the time to grind to get the stuff, so if you do just buy it, you do get an advantage. It's not massive, but you do get an advantage. I don't know how big it is. I mean, from what I understand, it's not that much. I mean, obviously any advantages should be a big no-no in video games, I think. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - Especially a children's game as well. - (laughs) It's like that. (Garnt laughs) You know, what's next? Fucking "Tetris" with the micro-transactions in it? Like what are we doing? - Well, I mean, you know, technically speaking, that's not the first Pokemon game with micro-transactions, right? Remember "Pokemon Go" back in the day? - Yeah, and even then, I felt like that was like, it's weird, man. It's just strange. I feel like Nintendo, they're like, "Well, if another company develops it, it's not us." - That is true, that is true. "Pokemon Go" was also not them. - [Garnt] Yeah. - But then Nintendo also does weird other micro-transactions or brand partnerships, like they have fucking Mercedes in "Mario Kart 8." - Oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah. - What the hell is with Mercedes? - I remember that shit. - Like what was going on with that? What? - I thought it was like a joke that someone at the dev team threw in, then I realized, oh no, it's an actual brand, like. - How did this happen? What's going on? It actually baffles me. I mean, whatever, I don't give a shit. - I pick it every time I play "Mario Kart" just 'cause it's hilarious- - Yeah, it looks so stupid. - To see fucking baby Mario in a Mercedes. - Yeah, just a full Mercedes, that's so absurd. - I never played "Mario Kart 8" so this is the first time I'm hearing of this. - It's like a dead-ass Mercedes with the logo and everything. - Was it just a Mercedes? - It's the car, just a Mercedes car, it's like three Mercedes cars. - And it's just hilarious to see baby Mario- - How did that happen? - I don't know, it's bizarre. - But it's just in the game? - In the game. - Always? Since release? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's not even like an unlockable, it's just there by default. - What? - You can just pick a Mercedes if you want. - What? - Yeah. - [Connor] You didn't know this? - I thought you guys were meme-ing. - No, it's legit. - No, no, no, it's a straight up Mercedes. - What the fuck is going on? - When you select the cars, it literally says Mercedes. - You can even see the logo. - Where does this fit in the fucking Mario law? How did this happen? - You know, Mario was like, "I'm sick of going through all these levels. Let me just hop in my Mercedes." (Garnt laughs) - It is bizarre. - Running over all the enemies. - You know, at least EA you know what you're getting into. You know, I mean, with Nintendo, I can't figure out what the fuck they're trying to do. I don't know what they're doing. - Everything. They're trying to do everything, man. - It's just bizarre. I mean, I get it, whatever. - I mean, good on them, I guess, man. - Yeah, whatever, go get that grind. - Get that coin, man. - I just think unfortunately micro-transactions is just kind of creeping its way into the future of gaming. - Yeah, which is sad 'cause Nintendo obviously was the one company that for a long time was like, "No." - Yeah, no. - Yeah. - But then now they're like, "Yes, yes, yes." - Yes. - 'Cause Genshin's come along and just proved how much fucking money there is to spend on anime waifu's apparently. It's ridiculous. 'Cause I remember I watched the live stream of the new Genshin announcement for the 2.0, Inazuma, where they announced the new area. And I think it was getting almost- - It was 400,000 people. - Yeah, 400,000 people. - Fuck me, wow. - On Twitch. - On Twitch, not YouTube. Twitch, live, concurrent. - That's kinda crazy. - Which is like, how much does press conferences on EA or press conferences on E3 and stuff get? - Oh, not that much. - It's not that much. - 100K max. - Yeah, it's like 100K, 200K maybe. A Genshin update stream was getting 400K viewers concurrent on Twitch. What the fuck is going on? - Which, mind you, a lot of the stuff that they announced had already been leaked as well. So it's like people are tuning into at league shipping, like it's confirmed, I guess. - Yeah, I mean, I'm sure if I was a fan I'd get behind the hype. I'd be very happy for it, but I don't really play it, so. - I mean, yeah, obviously it did very well for them, right? But, yeah, it just blew me away 'cause I was like, "Oh, there's a Genshin stream happening with 400,000 people just sitting there waiting for a fucking update?" Like, are you serious? - And now more Gacha. Whoa, yes. - Yeah, more waifus. - Yeah, I mean, like I haven't gotten back into Genshin, I've been thinking about it 'cause of the new area, but, you know. - Don't do it, man. - Out of the three of us, the person who was most into Genshin was probably me. And you acknowledge this is a lot of people watching an anime waifu game right now. - Could you imagine if "Fate/Grand Order" had an update and those 400,000 people were watching it? - Don't do that to me. Don't give me hope. (laughs) - Is Genshin is it, sorry, is it majoritively played on mobile or PC? - I'm assuming PC. Actually, I don't know. Honestly, this is a complete assumption. - Yeah, we don't know, right? - Of half the people I know that play Genshin, half of them play on mobile. - Seriously? - Like all of my Japanese friends who play Genshin play on mobile. - Oh, god. - I thought it would be more majoritively PC. - I mean you'd think so, right? - Yeah, because I did not have a fun time playing Genshin on mobile at all. - I think some people just play it on both. Like when they're home, they'll play it on PC, but sometimes, you know, they gotta get on that grind while on the go, they gotta play on mobile. - One of the biggest advantages that Genshin has over a lot of AAA games, which is the fact that it's so fucking easy to play. You know, like every account is linked, and now you can even link your PS4 account to every other account, so it just makes it ridiculously easy to play. - Is it on the Switch as well? - Not yet, no. - It sounds like we're reading an ad-read. (laughs) - (laughs) It does, doesn't it? - Is it on the Switch? - Yeah, and apparently there's a lot more characters. - Did you know there's a new area you can go to? (everyone laughing) - This is the problem when I'm a fan, I have a lot of the things I also end up promoting, unfortunately. - Yeah, right? - I've fully disconnected myself from gaming hype. I don't get hyped about games anymore. - [Joey] Yeah, me neither. - I don't know if that means no happiness for me, but I've just stopped getting hyped and I've stopped watching announcements for video games. - I think I've just stopped getting hyped about things in general 'cause I've just- - That's kind of sad. (Garnt laughs) - It is kind of sad. - It's called pessimism. - Because I've ran into so many situations where I just get hyped and I either experience hype fatigue or- - Fatigue. (laughs) - Fatigue. - Fatigue. - Fatigue. - Fatigue. (Garnt laughs) - Fatigue. - It's fatigue, okay. So I either experience hype fatigue, or I just end up getting disappointed with the final result, right? And I'm just like, "Oh, well then, what the fuck?" You know, give me back my hype, right? So now I'm- - Give me back my hype. - Give me back my hype. - Yeah, I want a refund, I want a refund. (laughs) - Refund all my hype, please. - I'm still waiting for my "Cyberpunk" hype refund. - I'm firmly of the mindset you should never pre-order a game ever. - No. - No. - Never. - No. - No matter how good or 100% it looks amazing or the bonus deals, don't do it. It's a bad practice and I think it's bad for gaming. (Garnt chuckles) - It is. - Here we go, here we go. - It's bad for gaming, man. It sucks. - I mean, 'cause I'm not into gaming as much as I used to be, and even back then, I don't think I've ever pre-ordered a game or at least like, I think the only game I ever tried pre-ordering was GTA. But that was just because it was GTA. - Yeah. - Oh, yeah, of course. - Also do you remember? Picture it, year 2013, everything is a pre-order bonus. Literally everything is pre-order. Like everyone is pre-ordering everything. That's just how it is. You pre-order fucking everything. Luckily now everyone's chilled out, but it was insane back then. - But I also think, kind of back then, it made more sense, right? Because back then, the game you're buying on the day was the game you were getting, right? There was no updates, no patches, no nothing. - And it also made more sense 'cause I think it really hit its peak right before, maybe just during online shopping started popping up. - Yeah. - Right, right. - You know, and this was before, when you didn't really wanna download it 'cause people's internet speeds really weren't good enough to really download a full 20 gigabyte game and stuff like that. But now, you know, people's internet speeds, it's not really a problem. - Yeah, and also back then, I feel like you just had a lot less choice of what games you could play, you know. As a kid, I'm just like, yeah, I waited for fucking five months for the new Mario game 'cause there was nothing else to look forward to. There's literally nothing to fill that void. I couldn't get a free to play game like Genshin. (laughs) - Free to play game, that's just- - It's free to play? (laughs) - Like "Fortnite" or "League of Legends" or anything like that. There was nothing to fill up that void. - I think the only games that I've pre-ordered are the ones that I know 100% I'm going to love. - I've ordered every single Mario release of late and I haven't played any of them. (Joey chuckles) - Oh, that sounds like your problem too. (laughs) - I don't know why. They brainwashed me. - I think the last game I pre-ordered was "Final Fantasy VII R" but I 100-percented that 'cause I knew I was gonna like it 'cause I liked the original. And "Persona 5 Royal" as well, I pre-ordered that because I liked "Persona 5." - I have so many fucking games that I've bought in my library that I just haven't- - Oh, yeah, same. - I've downloaded them, I've installed them, and I just never opened them. Like I've never opened them. - When was the last time you got really hyped for a game? - "Final Fantasy VII R" probably. - Did it live up to your hype? - Yeah, I 100-percented it. It was fantastic. - What about you, Garnt? When was the last time you pre-ordered a game and got very excited about it? - I haven't pre-ordered... Like the last time I got hyped for a game, "Cyberpunk." (Joey and Connor laughing) I'm not joking. That was the last time I got hyped for a game. - And everybody laughed. (Connor laughing) Everybody laughed. - That's a good one. - And you know why I still haven't even played it. - I beat sci-fi, I don't give a shit. It's a fucking terrible game, oh my god. (Joey laughs) - No, because I was just like, "Great, it's a sci-fi game, it's 'Cyberpunk.' this looks like everything I've ever wanted to fill up that void that 'Mass Effect' has just left me for years." - And now that hole is even deeper. (laughs) - And now the hole is even fucking deeper. - It's a shame you couldn't pre-order therapy with it as well. (laughs) - Comes with a free psychiatrist. - No, I'm like, every few months, I just Google, "Is Cyberpunk 2077 playable?" - I saw a good article. It was like, "'Cyberpunk' is nowhere near a 'No Man's Sky' turnaround." - (laughs) Oh, brutal. - The devs are like, "We're nowhere near fixing it." Like "No Man's Sky" did something like that, according to something like that. And they had to say a "No Man's Sky" turnaround. - Well, yeah, of course. - Oh. - I mean that is like, "No Man's Sky" is the fucking anime redemption of the gaming industry. I think it's one of the only redemption- - That's when the antagonists turned into the protagonists. (everyone laughs) - Because most companies, you just cut your losses and you're like, "Fuck it, make the next fucking 'Fallout.'" - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Fuck 76, make a new one. You know, that's how it is. - Well, when was the last time you got hyped? - Yeah, as the gamer? - (sighs) "Borderlands 3." I was very hyped for "Borderlands 3." - Oh, okay. - Was it good? - Uh, no. - Oh, really? - I was extremely hyped for "Borderlands 3." "Borderlands 2" is one of my favorite games. (Garnt sighs) - Yeah, yeah, 'cause I was gonna ask. I've never played 3, but I've played 2, and 2 was great. - Have you played 2? - I haven't played "Borderlands 2." - What was the sigh there, Garnt? That was a dramatic sigh. - I just realized what the game before "Cyberpunk 2077-" - Okay, we'll get into it. - What the last game I was hyped before that. - "Borderlands 2," right? I loved "Borderlands." So I bought "Borderlands 1" originally on Xbox 360, and I thought it was shit. I hated it 'cause I didn't have friends to play with. So it was a terrible game to play alone. But when I finally went back to it, months later, my friends bought 'cause it went on more sale, cheap as art, and, yeah, I loved it. I thought, "Wow, okay, this game is actually sick when you play it with friends." Then "Borderlands 2" came out and it looked like they just improved everything. And they did. And it was amazing. "Borderlands 2" is such a good game and playing it with friends is amazing. Like this game is so much replay value with friends. And I absolutely had some of the best gaming memories playing "Borderlands 2." So naturally, "Borderlands 3" was coming out and I had a monster gaming PC, I was ready. All my friends were getting it. There was endless people I could play with. It was gonna be good. So I play it and, yeah, it's just kind of like "Borderlands 2" but with a worse story. Like the stuff they add isn't very good. - Wait, since when have you fucking cared about story? - Well, "Borderlands 2" actually was such like... Handsome Jack is such an engaging villain. But even when you don't care about the story, he's there, always making you laugh. - [Joey] Right. - And that was something that, even if I didn't care what was happening, I knew that I liked Handsome Jack and that he was funny as fuck. But I loved having that. And the two main villains were YouTubers or Twitch streamers in the third one. - Right. - It was just cringe 'cause I'm a YouTuber and Twitch streamer, so it was cringe watching them like- - I am the bad guy. (laughs) (Joey laughs) - It was just like poking fun at me in the worst way. - [Joey] Right, right. - And I was like, "This isn't this funny." - This isn't the representation I asked for. - (laughs) This is slander. (Garnt laughs) - I'm all down for when people make fun of YouTubers and Twitch streamers. I'm all down for it. But sometimes they do it in a way where- - Distasteful way, yeah. - In a way where you've clearly never watched something because there are so many other things you could have gone for. You know, they do the whole thing of like, "Oh, hi, guys," whatever, and they could have gone for like, "Why don't you thank me for the $10 donation?" or something like that. That would've been funny as fuck. You know, like Bo Burnham did a great parody of it. I mean, Bo Burnham used to be a YouTuber, so obviously. He did a great parody of Twitch streamers and stuff, and that was great, but I felt like it was a terrible parody and it was also, they were just so unlikable and there's so many bugs in it as well. Like there's so many game-breaking bugs that just happened throughout. And I was like, "This shouldn't be happening. I waited years for this. I got hyped for this. I felt invested in this." - Give my hype back. - Also I didn't really like any of the characters that you could play as. - Yeah. - Which kind of sucked. "Borderlands 2," I felt like every single character was like Pog. - Yeah. - That's how I got burnt. - The game I got hyped for before "Cyberpunk" was... This just shows my track record and why I don't get hyped for games anymore. It was "Mass Effect: Andromeda." - I thought you were about to say "Fallout 76." (Garnt and Joey laughs) - I thought you were gonna say "No Man's Sky." - Garnt's like, "'No Man's Sky,' 'Fallout 76,' 'Mass Effect: Andromeda.'" (Garnt laughs) I love Dunkey's video. I've never played "Mass Effect." I've just watched Dunkey's videos on them. And his video on "Andromeda" is so funny. - I think I've played like an hour of "Mass Effect: Andromeda" and I'm just like, "This just isn't doing it for me." - [Joey] Right. - By that point, I think "Cyberpunk" was just a, yeah, this looks like a game that could appeal to me, but I think "Mass Effect" was really what just killed my soul inside of me. (chuckles) - Right, right. - There's something so heartbreaking about it in a way that I've never experienced, where the game just lets you down like that. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It feels like your dad just never came home, you know? Like it's like, damn. - But it's like, it feels like your dad came home, but with a different woman. (everyone laughs) - A new son. (everyone laughs) This is you now, alright? I feel like that's the first time you get to really experience betrayal as a young adult. A true betrayal. (Garnt giggling) - I trusted you. I followed you all the way through, and this is how you repay me? - I stuck with you for years. I had memories with you that I can't, I've never even had with anyone else, and this is how you repay me? It's gone like that. - Yeah. - Yeah, I mean, now I just try to keep as little knowledge of the gaming industry and what's coming out as possible because I've kind of realized my favorite gaming experiences recently have just been games that I had no idea about until they were out. - I didn't know anything about "Breath of the Wild" and it blew me away. - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, didn't know anything about "Breath of the Wild." I'm just like, it's been fucking, I hadn't played Zelda since "Wind Waker" and it was fucking amazing. - Oh yeah. "Horizon Zero Dawn"? I was like, "What the fuck? What kind of game franchise is this?" I had no idea what it was about. It was fucking amazing. - That's why I'm not hyping myself up for "Breath of the Wild 2," right? Because I don't want a fucking "Andromeda" to happen. (Garnt laughs) - Like God forbid it ever happens, but you never know, right? So I'm just gonna wait. I'm just gonna wait. - Yeah, and also like, obviously everyone's streaming a lot now. You know, when E3 happens or a Nintendo press conference, everyone's like, "Oh, did you watch it? Did you watch the E3 conference?" Why would I watch an hour of ads? Why? (Joey laughs) What, so I can get excited and give my money to a company that's gonna let me down? No. No, thank you. When the game comes out and I hear it's good, I'll buy it. - Yeah, why would I sit down and watch an hour conference of getting myself hyped for something that I probably won't be hyped about? - I don't know, I think it's pretty fun. I'm not even invested in it. - Sometimes it's fun. - I'm just like, sometimes when... Like I still remember when "Final Fantasy VII Remake" was announced and just the reaction around that. I'm just like, I don't give a shit about "Final Fantasy," but I'm fucking hyped. - Never mind me who never played "Final Fantasy." I'm like, "What's going on? What's going on?" (Garnt laughs) - Meanwhile, I was the one going, "Yeah," in the crowd. - Yeah, and then they get announced "Shenmue III" afterwards. (Joey laughs) (laughs) I was just like, "What kind of a press conference is this?" Like, I think I was more hyped about press conference than the actual games themselves. - Yeah, "Shenmue III," that turned out to be a great game, huh. - But I feel like it's a fun little event, you know, if you take part of it. I just feel like- - I just don't wanna get hyped. - It's like the Nintendo Directs, right? That's like another one where it's just like, "Did you watch it? Did you watch the Nintendo Direct?" - There's something about Nintendo Directs that really pissed me off. I can't put my finger on it. I get angry watching Nintendo Direct. - (chuckles) Why? - I don't know why. I think it's the way they present games that clearly no one gives a shit about. They'll be like, "And now is 'Just Dance 17.'" (Joey laughs) And it's like, why? - But they always have to sandwich it between two big titles, right? - Yeah. - Which is fair enough, right? - I understand. - They clearly know, but it's also just like, I don't care about "Just Dance 76." - Well, sometimes they do ad spots, I think, for other companies to, where they give, I think it's an ad spot. I think they do this. And that they'll show a game that looks awful for like 30 minutes and they'll do a play-through. And I'm like, "Stop this, stop this right now. Show me an ad. Show me an ad over this, please. (Joey laughs) Anything else other than this. I can't stand this. - Show me a Bud Light ad. - I'll take it. - I'll take a Bud Light ad. - Give me a "Fallout 76" demo or something. God damn it, please, I'm begging for something else. I don't know. I don't know. I think I'm just getting to that point in my life where I'm becoming extremely bitter about everything that makes other people happy. - (laughs) Welcome to adulting. - I think I'm getting to that point. - It's called being adulting and it's called being British as well. It's like the worst combination. - An old angry bastard is all you become. - I think I sit there on my porch, just rocking my chair, thinking, "Oh, you young kids getting excited over games, how naive of you." - Imagine being happy. Imagine being excited. - How naive of you. - If only I could feel these emotions anymore. - Oh, you think "Mario Golf" is gonna be fun? Really? Have fun playing "Mario Golf." One time at a party and they're never playing it ever again. (Garnt laughs) "Mario Tennis," you thought that was fun? I never felt angrier than when I bought "Mario Tennis," the new "Mario Tennis." - Right. - It's a fucking terrible game. Have you played it? - Yeah, I like it. - It's terrible, it's terrible. - Why? - Well, why is it terrible? - Wait, have you played the original though? - No. - Well, that's probably why. (laughs) - Why? I have to have prerequisite knowledge of another game? - Well, compared to the original, it's much better. - I loved the original. - I like the original too, but I think the new one just improved on it. - I mean, I loved the original 'cause I was a kid and I had zero taste in video games. Everything was fine. (Joey laughs) - I'm sure I pissed off a lot. - I'm sorry I don't have taste in video games, wow. - I'm sure I pissed people off saying it's terrible. I played it and I was so bored out of my mind playing this game. - Well, I mean, clearly it's just not a game made for you, right? - Why? Why is it not? I would have loved this. What's going on? What's going on? Why do I hate this game? - You sound like the same crowd of people- - 'Cause it's not toxic enough for you. - You sound like the same crowd of people who are pissed off when Nintendo released the Nintendo 2DS, which was intended for like, five-year-olds. (Garnt and Connor laughs) How dare Nintendo not release a console made for me? - I like the 2DS. I thought it was affordable and, yeah, I liked the ergonomics of it. It looked cool. - It looked like a fucking Fisher Price, fucking like children's toy. - Yeah, I liked it. - And adults are like, "What the fuck, Nintendo? How dare you not make? What is this? I'm not gonna buy this." - How dare you make a toy? What are you, a toy company? - I'm not one of those people who gets angry at Nintendo for not making adult-oriented products, 'cause that's not what they do. But, you know, for stuff like Pokemon, I wish that they would put a difficulty option or something where you could add something, like that. I wish they would include something. - The toxic gamer is coming out right now. - Is it insane of me to ask Pokemon to include something that makes it more difficult? - Are you talking about "Pokemon Unite"? - No, no, no, no. - Or just Pokemon in general? - The normal Pokemon. - Well, the great thing about Pokemon is that you can make it as difficult as you fucking want. That's the beauty of the game. - Yeah, that's true. - That's why Nuzlockes are a thing. - I know, I know, but I wish there was a way the in-game was baked into it that allows you to make it more difficult or to do certain things. I don't understand why- - No, I don't think that's- - I disagree with that. - I disagree, because I think purposely leaving it open-ended to how difficult you want it is what makes that game so appealing to people. If you put a difficulty... Like if you went into a Pokemon game and you were like, "Choose the difficulty," immediately people will be like, "Oh." - Okay, actually, in regards to difficulty, I fucking hate choosing difficulty. I hate it so much. - I do hate it too. - I hate it as well. - It depends on the game. It depends on the game, because on some games, it's completely stupid and unnecessary, right? Like first person shooters, I hate it because it just makes them more bullock-spongy. - Yeah. - That's all it does. But on some games like Pokemon where it's like, okay, even a 12-year-old would probably find this too easy, like especially the new one. The new one was like mind- - Well, the new one's hold your hand, that's why. - It was beyond mind... Like even like, you know, you play "Platinum"- - That's a problem with the game itself, right? It's just not difficult enough. - Yeah, I feel like even adding 10% more difficulty to this is like, what? Like with "Pokemon Platinum," I was playing that, I did a Nuzlocke, but even the core game itself was actually kind of challenging. You can't just fall asleep and just spam one Pokemon. - Well, that's the thing, right? It's like, I feel that's the problem with just Pokemon games in general where like... Like I played "Sun and Moon." That shit holds your hand the entire way, even as an adult. - It's so insulting. - And I'm like, dude, like ten-year-old me was crying, trying to get past the June 3 of silver, right? And the game didn't give a fuck. It was just like, "Just get good." - It's like, "Figure it out, you're 10. You should start thinking, bro. Use that fucking 10-year-old thick skull of yours." - Yeah, exactly. - I feel like nowadays, people have less patience when it comes to completing games, man. There's no way- - But, oh, come on. Making a Pokemon gym slightly harder is hardly asking for like... We're not adding in "Dark Souls" level of difficulty to a children's game. You should in a Pokemon game, I think even if you're like 10 years old, you should fail the first gym probably and be forced to be like, "Maybe I should buy some potions. Maybe I should consider doing something. Not just fucking steamrolling this shit with my Mudkip every time." - Yeah, just give it good game design so that you don't have to say anything to get the player to figure it out, right? - Even when I was a much younger kid, you know, when I was 10, whatever, playing these games, I hated it when games were completely steamrolling, like you could just do it without thinking. It's like, having some form of difficulty there is good. And it's also important, I think, for the kid to learn that not everything is gonna be fucking easy. - Yeah, exactly. Like I remember when I was fucking eight years old playing "Mega Man 2" for the first time. And I was like, "This is fucking impossible. No one can beat this game." - Dude, I fucking love that game though. - It's one of my favorite games of all time because I learned success through failure. - Kids have it too easy nowadays, guys. - The problem is, right, is that, as an adult, I have absolutely zero patience for games that are bullshit hard. - Right. - Yeah. - Kids do not. Kids will play the bullshit hard game over and over and over again because it's, one, it's probably the only game they're getting, and also they love it. - But it's not anymore. It's not. - That's the problem, it's not anymore. - That's the point I'm trying to make. - Well, I mean, if you're mobile gaming, right? - [Joey] Yeah. - No, because I feel like there's just, games are a lot more affordable nowadays. Back then, you had one game every few months maybe. - But there's still, if they're getting like an Xbox or something, okay, yeah, they can play "Fortnite" for free on it. But if they wanna buy another game and it's difficult, they're probably gonna try and complete it 'cause they bought the game or they wanted it for Christmas or something. - Right. Adults try to understand kids. (laughs) - No, I'm just thinking from my perspective. I don't know. I mean, most of them are just happy with "Fortnite" and stuff, right? - Right, right. - Yeah. - But I mean, you know. - I think the other thing as well is that at least with the old games is that, you know, because they could only be so long, that they literally had to be like, alright, this game, if you blast through it, you can probably complete it in less than an hour. - Exactly. - But like, we want you to play this game for a long time so we're just gonna make it bullshit hard to the point where 40 minutes of gameplay is gonna take you about 40 days. - Oh, there are a lot of bullshit moments in a lot of older games. - Oh, yeah. - And I remember thinking back and I'm thinking, "How the fuck did I play so many levels of 'Battletoad' and 'Contra'- (Joey laughs) - Did you actually play "Battletoad"? - I did play "Battletoad." - Oh my god. - It's actually a really fucking good game. - Oh, it's a good game. - Yeah, it's fucking great game. - It's the shit. - Like to this day, I remember playing the fucking motorbike, like the- - Oh, the hoverboard. - Yeah, the hoverboard level. - That's a notorious level, it's fucking impossible. - I think I played it for a full week, in my room, trying to complete that fucking level. - Yeah, 'cause I remember beating "Mega Man 2" lots of times as a kid. And then I recently played it a couple of years ago, I could barely get past fucking Woodman. And I'm like, "How the fuck did I do this as a 10-year-old?" Oh, it's because I literally spent like a month of my life just grinding this game. - Also I can't play "Mega Man" at my age. I'm gonna get fucking carpal tunnel. (Joey laughs) I tried playing "Mega Man X," I'm just like, "Oh, I'm getting a fucking cramp here from just doing the wall jump." Jesus Christ. My God. (laughs) - It's great though, I love it. - I guess I'm angry that I'm getting older and these children games aren't getting older with me. - Yeah. - I guess so. - I mean, like with difficulty, I now like when a game has just one set difficulty, even if it's easy, even if it's steamrolling. - No, I agree, I agree. - I get anxious that with any game or any piece of media where I want to enjoy it the most, right? I wanted to enjoy it the most on my first play through. And sometimes I've had games where I load it up and I hit the difficulty level selection and I'm just like, "(inhales) I'm getting anxiety just now. (chuckles) I'm already getting anxiety. You know what? Maybe I'll play this game another time, yeah." - This is why I like games that, even if they have difficulty options, they let you just change it on the fly. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I like that a lot. - And there's consequences for it. And it's like, "Alright, well, this section is kind of bullshit, I'ma knock it down." - How do you feel about people who purposely select easy mode? - Well, it depends on the game. There's some games where I'm like, you're actually just not playing the game, if you've pick the easy one 'cause it's far too easy. - But, like, there's that whole stigma, I guess, like, connotation, that like, "Oh, you're not a real gamer if you're playing it on easy mode. Get good, scrub." Like levels of things, but like- - I mean, obviously if I was there in the room with them, I'd be like, "I'm a strong little baby. I'm not gonna click normal?" (Joey laughs) But, you know, on the podcast, and if a general audience asked me, I'd be like, "Yeah, of course, you can you pick whatever difficulty you want." But obviously if you're my mate, I'm gonna rinse you. - Play baby mode 'Mario Kart.' - I'm like, "Are you playing 'Mario Kart' with baby mode on?" No, you're not. - No, you're not. No, no, no, no, no. (laughs) - No, no, no. Yeah, I mean, it's different, right? Obviously you'll poke fun at your friends, you'll fuck around with it. - Yeah, of course, of course. But obviously in general, I think that you can play whatever fucking difficulty you want. I don't give a fuck. Why would I care? What does it take away from me? - Just have fun. Just have fun with the game. - Yeah, exactly. - If you wanna be a little baby bitch, you can be a little baby bitch. I don't care. You have the right to do that. You paid the 60 bucks. - You have the right to be a baby bitch. - You paid the 60 bucks, you get to do it. I think it's good 'cause not everyone, you know, obviously some people have disabilities as well. They can't play the game on the hardest difficulty 'cause maybe they can't do it. You know, I just think accessibility is good in gaming. I think that one of the things that pisses me off most, and it's always the Japanese game companies that do this, is it like the accessibility options in their games are terrible. Like they don't let you change anything. No button remapping, none of that. I love it when games are like, "Bro, what do you wanna do? How big do you want the character models to be? No, not that, sorry. How bold do you want the outlines to be? - Do you ever use button remapping? - Yeah, all the time. - Really? I've never used it. - I've never used it in my life. - I love button remapping. And it pisses me off that a lot of games don't do it. And a lot of the indie devs are normally the ones who include a shit ton of accessibility options. - But that's a lot of PC games as well. Not a lot of console games have button remapping, right? - Yeah, I mean, the beauty of console games is that it's just plug and play. It's very simple. Just put a disc in or whatever, or you download the game, and you just start playing. - Okay, so the argument behind accessibility options and button remapping especially, especially with people who are, you know, maybe someone has a disability where they can't use one of their hands properly and maybe there's a button where they can't press jump, but they can press the jump button with this finger. So the idea is that, even though, yes, this is probably the best layout, someone out there might have a way easier time with this button being on this one, right? So just give them the option to remap it. - No, no, no, yeah. - Why wouldn't you? - Yeah. No, I'm definitely not against button remapping, I've just personally never used it, yeah. - Yeah, Nintendo's gotten a lot better at it as well, I think, actually, I think so. But they're awkward sometimes with it. And also colorblind options. "The Last of Us" had amazing accessibility options. Like you could change it so everything in the thing was just two colors. Like it's all gray and the models are just bright red and bright blue. - Oh, that's cool. - So even someone who's completely like, you know, has a really bad a case of vision can play the game 'cause they can see the models' outlines and stuff. And then you can also just turn stuff on for yourself, like if you prefer color... Like a lot of people play "Apex Legends" with the colorblind settings on to change the color of the bars and stuff to make it more visible, you know? I think that especially... Oh, another one. Okay, sorry, I'm doing another rant now. This is one thing that I think there's absolutely no excuse why there shouldn't be an option on every single video game. Subtitles. Why is there not subtitles on every single video game? They have the script. - Yeah, I hate it. - I agree with that. - I hate games that don't have subtitles. - Sometimes I don't wanna have to listen to it at full volume, and sometimes maybe there's explosions and shit going on, I want to read it. They have the script, just plop that shit in. - It's just like, what is it about, not just gaming, but movie audio mixing, especially if you're like... - Oh yeah. - I remember I watched the "Night Crawlers" yesterday with Sydney and, you know, we watched a few movies. And we turned up the TV to almost full volume. Character starts speaking, and it was just like, (mumbles). (Joey laughs) I'm just like, "What? What? Is there a subtitle option?" And then we turn on the TV to full volume and it's still like, (mumbles). And suddenly, out of nowhere, boom, boom, boom. I'm getting earache right now. What the hell's going on? - I had some compression on this shit, my god. - I literally had that happen to me when I watched "Interstellar" last week. (Connor laughing) Like, oh my god, it's a fantastic movie, don't get me wrong, and I love Matthew McConaughey, but, man, listening to him is like listening to a subwoofer that barely works. This is like (imitates subwoofer). - 'Cause when they're mixing these movies, they're mixing them on these gigantic audio editing suites where you can hear everything. And I'm like, "No, edit this on a fucking ear port, bro, so you can hear what most people are gonna listen to, like when they're listening to this." - I'm like, it's this amazing scene, you know, when Matthew McConaughey is giving this really intense speech, and all I'm hearing is just these fucking organs. And it's just like, "Ah." And Matthews like, (mumbles), Like, I don't know what you're saying. (laughs) Speak up. (Garnt and Connor laughing) - 'Cause I suppose some of the time, like the audio mixing online video games as well, it's like watching a bass-boosted meme. (Connor and Joey laughing) You know, where the dialogue is so quiet and your ears just get fucking destroyed. (Joey growling) - Yeah, I fucking love YouTube videos from small YouTubers whose audio is way too fucking quiet and the music is like, dun, dun, dun, dun, do, do, do, do, do, and you can't fucking hear them. I dunno why I love it. - It's my favorite. - It's so charming. - I know, it's so pure. I love it. - Yeah, subtitles on video games. This is why we need it, even in your own language, right? - Yeah, yeah, so there should be absolutely no reason why there shouldn't be subtitles, 'cause they have to write the script for the game. Just put the fucking script into the software that can do this. Yeah, someone has to time it, okay, that sucks, but- - And I hate how it's, like, a lot of games, the default is off. Just make it on, and if you don't like it, then you can turn it off. - Also, I think a lot of games as well do this, and I think every game should do this, is that they let you choose how big you want the text, the color of the text, the outline of the text, the shadow and stuff, so you can get the subtitles just right. So, you know, again, if you can't really see very well, you know, you should... I don't understand why games don't just give you all these options. I get it, it's a crunch, they don't have time, but I mean, it's like, "Alright, well, just fuck the people who can't play the game like everyone else, right? Just fuck them, right? Yeah, fuck them." Which is why everyone loves to clown on Xbox, and I get it. You know, I'm an Xbox boy myself, I love Xbox. I think Xbox have done some of the most amazing things for accessibility. Have you seen the controller they've made? It's like this pad, right, and you can literally hook anything up to it, literally anything into a controller. And it's set up so that you can just turn anything into a controller so that no matter how your position is or what disability you have, you can set it up so that you can get a way where you can play games. - [Joey] Oh, that's cool. - And it's like, they have so many mods with it as well, so they have inbuilt mods. But you can do anything. It's so cool. Could you pull it up, Nabby, actually? What's it called? - Thought you were talking about the elite. - Could you get the coffee, actually, real quick while I bring it up? - Yeah, okay. - This episode is sponsored by ZenMarket. - Gentlemen, have you ever come across an exclusive piece of anime merch that you could only get in Japan and you wanted it so bad that it kills you inside? - I'm glad I'm alive because I'm here in Japan so I'm not being killed because we have lovely stuff, like the exclusive JoJo suit and the JoJo watch, which Joey is wearing right now. - I wear it every day. That's how exclusive it is. - And those are bad-ass (indistinct) bags you can't get, but you could have got, if you'd gone to ZenMarket earlier. And you see these exclusive glam shirts (Joey gasps) only ship to Japan, like this Asuka shirt and basically the JoJo shirts merch we wear every other episode. - Wouldn't you want to get one? - Well, gentlemen, worry no more, because the sponsor for today's episode, ZenMarket, has your back. - Ooh. - With ZenMarket, there's no need to live in Japan or even know any Nihongo. - That's me. - Because ZenMarket takes care of everything for you. - [Garnt] All you have to do is place an order with any Japanese online store and ZenMarket will receive your item, shipping it wherever you live, using your choice of international courier. - [Connor] Only a flat fee of 300 yen per item? - That's like, $3. - Damn. - You're basically living in Japan. (Joey gasps) - Also for a limited time of two weeks, they are holding a summer discount for all of their customers where each one of you can get a one-time 25% discount off international shipping by using the coupon code ZEN25 during checkout. - Getting all these juicy exclusive anime and manga goodies has never been this easy. - Delicious. - So what are you waiting for? Go over to our very own "Trash Taste" landing page, link in description down below, and start exploring Japanese snacks, clothing, and electronics, and so much more today. Back to the episode. - Yeah, Xbox made this controller called the Xbox Adaptive Controller and you can literally just plug anything you want, like a massive button, something that you blow on, literally anything you want. - That's so cool. Is this recent? - It's been out for like two, three years. - Oh, wow. - It's been around for a while. - Never heard of it. - And it's done some amazing things. It's so cool that Xbox thought to do that because they're probably not gonna make much money off that. Yeah, that's not something you make money off of so a lot of the companies won't do it. But, you know, I thought, fuck, fair play to Microsoft, man. - I mean, yeah, that's great cred, right? - Yeah, just like, why wouldn't you do that? It's a great idea. - They're looking out for all gamers out there. - And also, you know, a lot of the stuff that Xbox- - (giggling) It's just we were talking about serious stuff, but just the way, "They're looking out for all gamers." - I meant that with sincerity. - (laughs) It just sounds so facetious. (everyone laughs) Like the term "gamers" has just, like, been ruined. - That's what it means. (Garnt laughing) - For the record, I meant that in all sincerity, alright. Please. - Any game company or whatever that spends money and time to develop stuff for accessibility options that they know is probably not gonna be valued by 99% of people, that's mad respect, you know? - Yeah, of course. - It deserves to be praised. - I feel like in terms of customization and accessibility, well, maybe not accessibility, but definitely customization, it's always been the PC gaming crowd that's been leading the charge, and, you know, obviously Xbox Microsoft, you know. It kind of feels like it fits within their IP. Whereas Nintendo is kind of like the Apple of the gaming world, where it's like, "This is how we're doing things. You can buy peripherals. You can't buy your own peripherals. It's always gotta be our peripherals." - It sucks, right? 'Cause imagine it, like Miyamoto's there, this kid who can't use his hands, and Miyamoto's like, "Yeah, you don't get to play my games." (Joey chuckles) Why? Oh, 'cause you don't make enough money. Do you make money? Do you make millions of dollars? No, bye-bye. That's just like, why would you deny someone the option to get to play your games? You know, I'd like to think that if something happened to me or, you know, if I had a kid who loved gaming and he wasn't able to use the standard controller, I'd wanna think that there's a chance that he can play his favorite games, you know what I mean? I said "he" like I know it's a boy. Of course it's gonna be a boy. I wouldn't allow it. (everyone laughs) - Ew, girls, daughters, disgusting. (laughs) - I don't know, no excuse. - Gamer girls, ugh. Those don't exist. - Ugh. (laughs) - It's not hard to make something that's like that, that you can just allow someone to customize, you know? Obviously you still need help from someone else to help set it up for you, but, I mean, I don't know. - Why not? - It pisses me off when they won't do it. - Like all these companies have all this money, right? Like at least spend it on something that, you know. - Yeah, like Nintendo at one point, I think it was a year ago, it was the most cash rich company in Japan. (laughs) - I mean, dude, that pandemic did fucking wonders for them. - They have cash laying around. Make a fucking accessible controller, Nintendo. Fuck me. Stop making Joy-Cons that don't fucking work. (chuckles) Goddamn it. (Joey laughs) - Stop making Joy-Cons that break after six months. - [Connor] Jesus. - It literally is like an Apple periphery. - It is, it is. - Yeah. - It's just like, oh, it breaks after six months, just buy a new pair. Just buy a new pair. - I had a friend who was like, he didn't know anything about Joy-Con drift, any of that. and they were like, "Yeah, I don't know why your- - What's Joy-Can drift? . You don't know anything about Joy-Con drift? - I obviously don't play my Switch enough. - It's when the D-pad just stops working. - So unfortunately there's a massive lawsuit going on, I don't know if it's been resolved, with Nintendo and a bunch. It's a class action. Essentially, the controllers, after a random period of time, they just start drifting the Joy-Con, like the joystick on its own. - Right. - It's not just the Joy-Cons either. The Pro Controllers do the same thing. - Yeah, yeah. And it's been a massive problem and people have to buy so many Joy-Cons. And Joy-Cons aren't cheap. They're like 60 bucks. - 60, 70 bucks, yeah. - It's ridiculous. Yeah, and they just, they drift. And I had a friend who was playing it, and bless them, they're not really a gamer, and they were like, "Yeah, so when I'm playing it, sometimes I just go to the side. Why is that?" (Joey chuckles) I'm like, "First time, huh?" (Joey laughs) Yeah, so Nintendo made a shitty product that doesn't fucking work so you have to deal with it. Buy a new one if you don't like it. - Spend more money. - Yeah, Nintendo says they'll fix it as well, that they have like warranty or... - I don't know. - I don't wanna deal with that shit. - I think the last thing that something like that happened to me was the infamous Xbox red rings of death. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Bro, that was such a debacle. - I know. (laughs) - I like how we completely forgot about it. - What a fucking clown fiesta that was, man. - Yeah. - Did you have to send your Xbox away to Microsoft? - No, no. So like I did this like, fucking guerilla tactic that I found on the internet of, now that I know what I'm doing, I was just basically overheating the Xbox. So what you do is you fucking wrap a towel around it and then... No, I'm actually serious. - What? (laughs) - You wrap a towel around it and then you turn on the Xbox and leave it for like a few hours. So you're just basically overheating it. - You're cooking it. - Yeah, you're overheating or cooking your fucking CPU or something. - You should have like a 4chan thread to set your house on fire. (Joey and Garnt laughing) Like, what the fuck? - Yeah, very, very much like a fire hazard. - How to be an arsonist with an Xbox. - But some reason, for some inexplicable reason, it worked. And I have no idea why. - Wait, wait, so do you wanna explain what the red ring of death is for people who don't know? - So back when Xbox released their Xbox 360- - They rushed it out and it was poorly manufactured. It had many problems. - Right, so if you bought one of the first consoles, first generation consoles that were released, you basically had a time limit, right? It was basically like a year or two. And every Xbox had this, where you play, and then one day, for one reason that nobody could tell, it just wouldn't work. And so you would get the three rings, right? So when the Xbox turns on, right, you'd see a green ring around the power button. And basically it was split into four segments. And the red rings of death meant three segments were red, which would mean something was wrong with the start-up. And we called it the red rings of death because everyone had this issue and it never got resolved. And how you would resolve it, is to basically send it back to the manufacturer. - Yeah, it cost Microsoft billions 'cause of all this shit, 'cause it happened so often. And my friend, I had two friends who had it, so we had a group of four of us who all played Xbox. And I never got it, thank God. I would have actually cried, 'cause what my friend had to go through sounded like my worst nightmare as 16-year-old me. He got the red ring of death and he had to send it back. And then they sent back a box, an Xbox that was refurbished and it was someone else's and it didn't work. - What? - And, again, like they're- - So they're just recycling Xboxes? - Apparently they were doing stuff like this. It was pretty widespread. - Jeez. - So he sent it and he called them up. Again, this is like, over months. I think it took like half a year to get it fixed, overall. - Jesus. - He had to send it about three times before they finally fixed it. And then it broke six months later and he just gave up. He was like, "I'm not doing it again. I'm not sending it back." - Yeah, fucking hell. - I mean, that literally scared me to death. I was like, the thought of my Xbox dying. I was like, this is my lifeline. Like, if this goes, what am I gonna do? I don't know what I'm going to do. If I can't play "Halo: Reach," I'm gonna to lose it. (Joey laughs) It's gonna be everyone's problem. - Do you remember memory cards? - Yeah. - Have you ever had like a save file that's just been corrupt? - Actually trauma from my childhood of my fucking GameCube ones just dying for no reason. - Yeah, yeah. - The GameCube ones died all the fucking time. - The GameCube ones died constantly. - The GameCube ones were the worst, oh my God. - I remember I just ended up with a pile of them. - Do you know why? It's 'cause I bought the Mad Catz ones. - Ah, I see. - Back in the day, Mad Catz was like, everything. Like if you wanted controller or another memory card or any peripheral that was half the price, Mad Catz. - So we have like the Xbox now, not the Xbox, sorry, the GameCube in our room right now. And I was like, "Oh, okay, I gotta buy some memory cards for it." And the trauma kicks back. The moment I said that to myself, I was like, "We've gotta buy memory cards. We've gotta buy memory cards." I just ended up buying like 10 memory cards, 'cause I was like, I'm just expecting the worst. One of these memory cards is gonna die in like, two days, guaranteed. Luckily it hasn't happened yet. So I just have this like pile of memory cards in my room that are just unused, just in case. But, yeah, it sucked as well because there was no pattern to it. - No, there wasn't. There was never a pattern. - It's was just one day the memory card was like, "See ya." - Yeah. - See ya, peace. - Yeah, I think playing with memory cards on the GameCube has given me a permanent fear of playing JRPGs. (Joey laughs) Like it was like, you know, "Mario Kart," you know, fucking any Zelda game. Okay, Zelda's bad enough, okay, but like- - Oh, dude, like I've had some "Wind Waker" accounts just completely die on me for no reason. - But there is nothing worse than a fucking JRPG corrupting. And I've had it. I've had it on GameCube, I've had it on PS2. I still have never finished "Star Ocean 3" because I've gotten fucking 60 hours into the game, I was invested, and then the memory card got corrupted and I just lost 60 hours of my life and I've never gotten it back and I don't know what the ending of that game is. - I had it even worse once. I think it was the second time I played a "Final Fantasy" game. I was playing "Final Fantasy VI" for the first time on Super Nintendo, and I was like, 40 hours in. I think I was maybe two bosses away. And just one of my cousins walked past, kicked the SNES, and completely reset my file. - What the fuck? - Just like a light tap, like that. It just went, blip, just died. And I was like, "What happened?" Flicked it back on, corrupt, all gone. - Bro. - And I was like, I'd never been that close to committing murder in my life. (everyone laughing) But I was that close. Like, eight-year-old me was like, "Is this how serial murders start?" - Joey was a good boy until the day. - Until he wasn't. (laughs) - Until that day when someone kicked his SNES. - And then that's when I realized just the absolute fragility of these old consoles. They're literally just a tiny... It wasn't even like a boot. It was literally just like a little light tap. - It was either you had an absolute tank or you got very unlucky and one tap did it. Like I swear to God, I dropped my Nintendo DS like a million times as a child and it never broke. - Oh, dude, those things are brick shithouses. - Don't know how it never broke, but somehow, you know, my PS2 would just shit itself all the time. But I swear everyone else's PS2 was a tank. So I don't really understand. - For some reason, always the Sony ones were just the most fragile things. Like being a Nintendo kid- - Xbox 360s, I've seen like how those things survive, I don't even know, man. Even though the red ring of death, like, I don't know. Garnt, I'm sorry. - I know, like, dude, did you ever have that experience on a PS2 where, you know, you go up to the loading screen and then you put the disk in and you just like, you're praying for a few seconds of silence. You're praying to God that you're gonna get the shoop. (laughs) - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And when you don't, you have this, it's like this fucking hellish dimension, right, where the PS2 just turns into the gates of, like, the fucking gates of hell open up. (Joey laughs) It's all red, and you're just like, "Oh, I've got a corrupt disk, oh no." - How do you even do that? How do you get a corrupt disk? How does that even happen? - Oh, how do you not do that? Have you never had a faulty disk? - Even the OG Xboxes, if there was one micrometer of dust on it. - Oh, actually over being scratched? - Yeah, not even a scratch. If there was like just a tiny bit of dust on it, it just wouldn't run. - I remember there was disk cleaning services at game stores. - [Joey] Really? - Yeah, yeah, in the UK. And they just didn't fucking work. Like, at all. (Joey laughs) Like you pay like 30 pounds, which is the cost of a game at that time, and you get two disks back and they just didn't do anything. It didn't work. They'd be like, "Yeah, it's good to go." And I'm like, "No, it's not. I put it in. Did you even try it?" And they're like, "Yeah, it worked." I'm like, "Fuck off, it didn't." - That's why I like the Super Nintendo cartridges, right? 'Cause it's like, if it didn't work- - Cartridges are pretty nice. - Blow on that bitch, like smack it against the wall if you want, and you pop it in and it magically works. - Oh, speaking of the cartridges and things you should never do, I remember I had a fucking dickhead... You know, some kids are just dickheads for absolutely no reason? - Yeah, of course, of course. - So we had this distant relative friend who- - Who is no longer a friend. (Joey laughs) - No, no, no, no. - He's just a distant relative now. - You'll hear this story, 'cause, you know, at family reunions, especially Asian family reunions, there are some kids there, some people that you don't know how you're related to or your family's related to. - And they're the worst. - But it's like a family friend, cousin, and they're always fucking worse. So I remember we were playing "Goldeneye" on the N64. - I bet he chose Oddjob, didn't he? - Huh? - Bet he chose Oddjob. - No, no, no. No, no, no, no, he didn't do that. He got smashed, he got battered, and he was a pretty young kid. - (laughs) Schooled him. - We schooled him. It was a four player game. He died immediately. And he got humiliated. And what did he do? He just went over to the N64 and just took the cartridge out. No turning off the console, no nothing, just took the cartridge out. - That's a big no-no. You can't do that. - And I'm just like, you know the debates of whether people can be born evil or whether they learn it? (Joey laughs) I'm just like, clearly kids are born evil. Like I'm clearly just witnessing Johan Liebert right here. - There are some kids that you're like, "You, you, ooh, you must've been born with it. There's something wrong." - You came out the womb a bastard. - I thought there was fucking music playing when you came out the fucking womb. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - Like "Final Fantasy" boss music. (laughs) - I bet Zeromus' theme played when you came out. (everyone laughs) As a kid, and I'm sure you can understand as well, like as a gaming kid, right, you could punch me, you could spit on me, you could stab me, but you don't touch the game console. That's a big no-no. It doesn't matter how heated shit gets, you stay away from the PS1. - That's sacrilegious. - That's like stuff that... I was a calm kid at times, but the one thing that would set me off is like, "You touch the game console while it's on, I'ma lose it. I don't care who you are." - Yeah, one of my biggest pet peeves as a kid whenever I played with a mate or something or whenever I have mates over is for some reason everyone had fucking greasy hands and their hands would grease up my controllers. - No respect for the Dual Shock PS2 Controller. - Yeah. Like my biggest pet peeve was when, you know, when we're having food or something and we had pizza, and they would be eating the pizza while playing the game. - Get a wet wipe. Get a wet wipe, please. - (laughs) And I could see their greasy hands going on the controller. And I'm just like, "You know what? maybe friendship's overrated." (Connor laughs) This is why I play single player games. - And it forms a line of grease in between the button and the controller. Oh, yeah, and like physically see it, ugh. - That's why, you know, when people grab pizza and there is kitchen roll available, I'm like, "You absolute animal. There was a perfectly good kitchen roll on the table. Why did you not take a slice? You know, for the crumbs, or just to wipe your hands on? You know, this is pizza. It's greasy, come on." (sighs) - Yeah, never again. - Yeah, please, please, learn some manners. Especially as adults. 'Cause I feel like, even as adults, there's some people who don't do that as well. And, I don't know, greasy controllers is just one of my biggest pet peeves. - Yeah. - That's pretty disgusting. 'Cause it's kinda hard to clean a greasy controller. - Yeah, it is. - You gotta get that grease out and it goes in the folds. Fuck. - Ugh, gross. - I was gonna say something, I totally forgot. (Joey burps) You know what was my most hated genre of video online? - Video? - Yeah, yeah, genre of video. It is the people who turn people's gaming consoles off of like 10-year-old kids while they're playing and they're like, "Look, he's getting angry." Yeah, no shit he's getting angry, you just turned that shit off. - I've never heard of that genre of video. - You must've seen them. There's tons of videos out there where people just go up to their little brother, turn the game console off or PC off while they're playing "Minecraft" or something. - What a cunt. - And then they're like, "Haha, look, he's getting angry." Yeah, no shit he's getting angry. He's probably building his fucking world. - The adulting version of that is like, if your friend was driving and then you just pulled the fucking keys out. It's like, "Haha, look, he's angry." It's like, yeah, no shit he's angry. (laughs) Dude, he didn't deserve it. - That's life threatening. - That's just like, "I'm about to die." (laughs) - Yeah, it's an endgame. - Haha, well, let's die together. - Well, yeah, to a ten-year-old, it might as well be fucking life and death, right? - I'd rather you pulled the keys out. - That's true, that's true. - Right? It's life and death. So it was a good analogy, fuck you. (Garnt laughing) - It's one of those things where it's like, okay, (laughs) doing something to, like... If that kid accidentally turned off his own PC, that's fine. If he gets angry, yeah, that's his fault. He did it. But when you do it to someone, you know, it's like, okay, just 'cause you don't understand the hobby and you don't understand how invested someone is, fuck you, thinking that it's just funny 'cause, oh, you turned it off, you got a reaction. Do something else. What's wrong with you? How sad is your life? - Especially when it's unwarranted, right? - Yeah, how sad is your life that you have to do this to someone, that you have to just turn their game console off to get some views on Instagram or something? Like, fuck off, you're a dickhead. - Where have you started seeing these videos? - Dude, these videos have been around for decades online. - I think I'm just like, avoided watching them. - Some of most popular clips back in the day were brothers turning off each other's game consoles while they were playing and watching their kid rage. This is a big thing. - I mean the only one I know is the kid who got his WoW account deleted by his mum, and the boy's freaking out in his bedroom. - Oh, that's staged though. - Yeah. - Yeah, that's staged, but. - I feel like I've seen some videos where that's been true. - You've seen it. - Yeah, I've seen some of those videos where just accounts get deleted. - But like, because obviously now, 'cause TikTok is rising, right? So I feel like TikTok has been going through a lot of the old trends that happened back in the day. And I've been seeing it a lot on TikTok. And I'm like, "This shit isn't funny. You're just a dickhead." Like, how are you getting likes for this? - Was it funny back in the day though, when you're watching it? - Yeah, but that's 'cause the kids would stage it and they would make these insane reactions- - It's funny back in the day when I was younger. (laughs) - Yeah, when I was 10- - I'm older now, and now it was just a dickhead move. - When I was 10, I thought it was funny because I was like, "Oh, this is great, this is so funny. The kid's shouting and screaming." And that now I'm an adult, I'm like... But then seeing another adult do it, I'm like, "What's wrong with you?" (Joey laughs) If I'm 10, and my 12-year-old brother did it to me, that's probably funny to another 12-year-old me. - Well, one video genre that's very similar to that that I've just never gotten or found funny is just like people being dickheads in big stores or something. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - I remember I used to see it all the time in Vine and TikTok or something like that. - There's so many TikTok's like that. - How are they are being dicks in stores? - Oh, just like fucking- - Just being public nuisances. - Yeah, just being public nuisances. And it's always something like a Walmart or a Costco. - Oh, what were they? Like the milk challenge where they'd throw the milk in the air? - Yeah, the throw the milk in the air or fucking just, like, get all the footballs and just start throwing them everywhere or just breaking shit. And it was always be captioned with the fucking laugh emoji or something like that. I'm just like, "Who's funny? Someone's got to clean up this mess." 'Cause there's always someone making a mess or something. I'm just like, dude, like the fucking employees are getting paid shit and they gotta clean up your mess? - I wish that genre of videos would just die. - Yeah. - But people are just always desperate to get likes. - But that's the thing, right? It's like, I feel that a lot of the times, those guys just get away with it. - Oh yeah, absolutely. - Like if there was like repercussions for every single person who was doing that, I think it would stop, you know, obviously. But they just think like, "Haha, teehee, I just made a mess. Funny, right?" - There was a video trend that went around, I have no idea why this is a trend at all, where people used to open the ice cream containers and lick it. - Oh yeah. - Oh, yeah, I remember that. - And somebody did get convicted actually. - Well, yeah, good, 'cause that's disgusting. - Yeah, it's fucking vile. That's just so gross. And I have to sit there and think what kind of sick fuck thought of this idea and thought it was funny. And then also the person who watched it and thought, "That's hilarious, I'm gonna go to that." What's wrong? How have we failed every single parent on this earth? How have they failed? There's two people who have the same idea and thought this was funny. And then again, after that, more people find it funny. How are these people being bred? - That's just how I feel about most YouTube or just internet trends. - There should be like a, you know when you go to the doctor to give childbirth, they should play a series of videos and ask you, "Is this funny?" - If you laugh at any of them, they just deny you. (laughs) - (laughs) We're taking the kid. You clearly don't have the right to raise it. - Then child services just standing there, waiting for you to laugh. It's like, do it, I dare you. - Next up, we have the screaming in public challenge. - Yeah, here you go. - And then if they laugh a little, ooh. - Show the Tide Pod challenge, did you think that was a good idea? Just making sure. - How does it make you feel? - How does it make you feel? (laughs) - I don't know. It's so tragic, fuck, man. - We're a shit person raw shag test. (laughs) - That's terrible, man. - Did you ever find shit like "Jackass" or something funny back in the day though? - Yeah, but that's 'cause I think it was new and it was unheard of. And, you know, as well, when it was on TV, there was a lot of disconnect. - Yeah, I feel like that disconnect from TV is just gone because there was always like, I don't know, it might not have been true, but as a kid, if it was on TV, then there was always that disconnect of like, "Oh, this is maybe staged" or "They sorted something out" or "People in that video got compensation of some form." - Well, because, you know, when Jackass did those stunts in public, you know, even back then the rules were the same. You can't just upload any footage of any person's face. You have to get a release form. And so that means that the person they pranked clearly signed off on it. 'Cause you have to get the release form or they're blurred. And in that case it's like, alright, well- - I liked "Jackass" back in the day. But the ones where they would do shit in public with just random people in the streets, I did not like watching those just because I felt bad for the people who got involved, right? But I liked the ones where they would just do shit with each other and just laugh at each other. Like, those were fucking hilarious, but. - Yeah. But, you know, also, even with "Jackass," right, a network is signing off on this, they are following rules, right? The problem is when people are doing this in public and they're doing it on their own- - They don't know shit. - There's no rules, there's no release forms. there's no procedure around this. And even if you are gonna prank someone, you can't just show their face, you have to get a release form. Like, it's a mess. And I think the problem is is that, because we've seen this on TV, the younger generation think that, "Oh, okay, well, I can just do that." It's like, no, no, no, not quite, no. - There's lots of adulting things though- - There's a reason why all the big prank channels fake their pranks, because it gets to the point where- - It's almost they can't get away with it. - Yeah, you can't. Like, getting release forms is a nightmare. And also, you know, even getting the reactions you want is a pain in the ass, and then you forget that you have to get them to sign a release. - Yeah. And so lot of prank channels just are dickheads, right? - Oh, like a lot of them ran into trouble. Like, I mean Vitaly when he was in prison, he went to prison in Egypt. - What did he do? - He climbed the fucking pyramids. - [Joey] Oh, yeah, that's right. I remember that. - (chuckles) Oh, did he do that? - Yeah, and then when he got let out, it was like the worst thing ever. And then he got out and then went and beat up some old woman. He jumped an old woman in Santa Monica or something. - He actually went insane, bro. - Like he nearly killed this woman. - Fuck, I think- - Don't do pranks. - Yeah, 'cause I think the ones that I remember was two kids- - Oh, that was horrible. - The two brothers who faked a burglary or something like that, or faked like a bank robbery? - Oh, and they got the Uber? - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Then they got the Uber, and the Uber refused to drive them. And they were like, "Ha, what an asshole Uber driver. He wouldn't drive us." Nah, it's just like, what is going on in this world right now? - And they thought it was hilarious. - Yeah, and millions of people found that hilarious. - It's just tragic, you know? And, you know, that prank where that, or not prank, or that challenge where that guy tried to see if a book could stop a desert eagle or something, which, you know, you can't help but laugh at how stupid that sounds. - And girlfriend literally shot the boyfriend. - Yeah, and she killed him. And it's like, this is tragic. 'cause like, you know, people are obviously getting these ideas from watching this shit online. It's fucking terrible. I think pranks are a genre that should just die on YouTube. Any prank that isn't a very, just chill prank on someone you know, you know, those pranks are hilarious, right? - The ones that always end with the person getting pranked laughing is, you know, the ones that are fine because- - You spray your housemate with water, you put a pie on their face, whatever, that's all good fun, you know? But like, I just think when you're doing it to strangers and they have no say, and it's something that could hurt them or it's something that could genuinely scare them, you could be traumatized with some of these pranks. - Yeah, absolutely. - So fuck that, no. - Just like, don't be an asshole, basically. It's such a fine line because, you know, the line between asshole- - A lot of these people are psychopaths. They don't know what that doing- - Yeah, exactly, a lot of people are psychopaths. - They have no fucking idea. - And, you know, unfortunately we live in a climate where a lot of times being an asshole gives you good- - You're rewarded, yeah. - You get rewarded for it. It's unfortunate. - Man, we're just growing into old bitchy old men, aren't we? (Joey chuckles) - Jesus. - Wow, man, I don't know if it's because I've just been on YouTube so long, man. Some genres, I don't like to be elitist and look down on genres of YouTube, but pranks is one of the genres that need to die. - Yeah, but then I do. (laughs) - But then I suddenly will towards pranks. Pranks are a genre that should have died long ago. - I mean, and luckily they have, I feel, in a lot of ways. I mean, they've died on YouTube, but now they've just- - I think they've just migrated to TikTok. - TikTok is gonna redo it. - They migrated to TikTok. - They started on YouTube and then Vine was also, there was so many prank Vines as well. And then now I think they've just both migrated to TikTok as well and it's just- - I've been watching a lot of YouTube Shorts and I just lose my mind watching the stuff. - Why are you watching... Of who? - Dunno, it pops up and I watch them. Some of them are funny, some of them are pretty good, but obviously they're just all re-posts. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - But there's some genre videos that I just think, I absolutely despise to death. And one of them is like, there's this genre and I don't understand it at all. There's this video and there's this guy, right? Imagine that your phone is vertical, whatever, it's cut into two. There'll be one video of the guy explaining the video that is about to play before you. - [Joey] Okay. - That is very self-explanatory. So there's one where there was this video, and this guy's like, "Here are the different types of Pokemon compared to each other in size." And he goes like, "Pikachu, one meter. Snorlax, one meter." And it's like, I did not need you to tell me what this is, and I don't need you to sit there for 10 seconds like this, while the video is playing after you've explained what it is. - (laughs) Oh, he's still on screen? - He's still on screen the whole time. He's just sitting there. And then he'll go like, "Whoa, that's big. Whoa, I didn't expect that Pokemon to be big." And it's like, "What is this? What is this?" - That's infuriating. - You stole someone else's video, you re-posted it- - Oh, it's not even his video? - No. No, of course it's not his video. And they just re-post it. And it's like, this is shit. This is the worst type of content. I hate this so much. - It's literally just stealing. - I just hate it, man, and, yeah, it's terrible. - Reaction 2.0, the evolution. - 'Cause, yeah, that's what it is. Instead of like- - It's reaction videos with somehow less effort. - Yeah, they've made reaction videos that are somehow worse than reaction videos where they're like, not even reacting. It's like, "Hey, I'm gonna explain to you what the video is gonna explain to you." - They're literally just a talking description box. That's all it is. - I immediately skipped them whenever, or any financial advice ones, I skip immediately. (Joey chuckles) There's a lot of those. There's a lot of ones that start off with inspirational music. You'll be scrolling and you'll hear the inspirational music. - "Here's how I made my first million dollars." - They're like, "Sir, why are you working for $10 an hour?" And it's like, I know where this is going. And it's like, "I work for $1,000 an hour. Do you know why? I value my time." And it's like, oh my fucking God. The sheer amount of guru stuff on TikTok and YouTube Shorts, it's insane. It's way out of control. - Well, yeah, I mean, it's going- - Poor kids who are gonna think that everyone should be earning 10 grand a minute, you know what I mean? They go back to their dad, you know, and the kid's like, "What do you wanna do for Christmas?" Or "What do you want to do for the rest of your life?" Kid comes in with a fucking Bluetooth headset, "Dad, I've already started making $10,000 an hour from drop-shipping online. You know, the fact that you're working at your job is actually kind of cringe, Dad." (Joey laughs) You know what I mean? It's like, we're gonna have a whole generation of kids raised like this. This is tragic. - Yeah, I know. - Or in fucking kindergartens, like putting down what they wanna be when they grow up, and everyone puts entrepreneur. (everyone laughing) Entrepreneur. - Dad's like, "What do you want for Christmas, son?" "Dad, why haven't you invested in my 401k? This is embarrassing." - So when you grow up, where would you like to go? Silicon Valley. It's the only destination. - It's fucking absurd. It's so stupid, man. - Jesus Christ. - I can't stand it. - Just do what you want, man. Just do what you want. - There's a lot of really funny stuff though on there, but you have to siphon and shovel through so much shit to find some good TikToks and Shorts. - That's why I just wait for them to eventually get onto Twitter. - Yeah. - You know, if they make their way on YouTube compilations or Twitter, which is how I consume most of my TikTok, because I did actually try downloading TikTok the other day and I gave it a go. And I was just like, "Oh, it's just..." I don't have enough patience for the algorithm to find what I really like, 'cause there's so much shit you go through. Like, it's so weird seeing some of the TikToks that are there. 'Cause I remember going through anime TikTok, right, and seeing, okay, I am an anime YouTuber by trade. I wonder what anime TikTok is up to. - That was your first mistake. (laughs) Asking that question. - So there was this like really, really weird trend that was going on, which is the silhouette trend or something like that. - Oh, fuck. - I remember that shit. - Okay, okay, so you know what I'm talking about? - I know what you're talking about. - Well, where these girls or guys would basically pretend that they were making out with a silhouette of a character or something, right? And one of the- - That shit's funny. - But it's just like, it's 100% serious. - It's ironic. - Oh. - It's ironically funny. - Oh, I thought it was a joke. - No, no, no, no. - No, no, it's 100%. - It would be funny if it was a joke. - I thought it was a joke. - It's 100% serious where you just pretend you're making out with someone, right? And it's like, there's no irony to it. It is just that. And I remember I was browsing anime TikTok I saw a clip which had millions and millions of views on this clip, and it's this girl who's pretending to make out with a silhouette of Bakugo. And they literally put in sound clips of the dub to make it seem like he's in a dominating fashion for this TikTok. - Oh my god. - And I'm just like, "I must be getting old," 'cause I remember if you did this when I was an anime fan growing up, you'd get bullied for this shit. - You would get crucified. - Like this is the type of shit people got internet bullied for, man. - I like the JoJo pose one, where it's like, "JoJo." - JoJo pose, that one was cool. - That one was cool. - That's cool. - Some of them are insane. - Yeah, because there was either people who were just really good at JoJo posing, but then there were other people who took that and put a spin on it with all sorts of different anime and stuff like that. That's fine. But that shit is the same as like, you know, like laughing at those is the same as laughing at, back in the day, of watching people proposing at anime cons and stuff like that, right? Like, that trend of video, it's just like kind of coming back, but now it's just on TikTok now. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's just so weird seeing these things trending and being popular because I just remember thinking, wow, this is so much different to being an anime fan when I was fucking growing up. - Yeah, they re-post anime scenes and play different music, and I'm like, "What is this? I don't wanna watch this shit." I've seen this re-post of this one anime scene a million times, and it's some samurai versus a lumberjack. - [Joey] What? - And they're fighting each other. - Okay. - And I've seen this scene re-posted on YouTube and TikTok and stuff a million times. I still don't know what it's from, but I've seen this fight, like a million times. And it's always on TikTok, I don't get it. - Is it good at all? - Yeah, it's pretty cool. - Okay, well, that's fine. - But that's it, they just keep re-posting it. I don't get it. - At least it's not the samurai and lumberjack making out, right, in the silhouette challenge. (laughs) - Maybe, it could be. (Garnt laughs) - Next TikTok idea. - I don't know, maybe we should do it. - It's free real estate, take it. - We'll do the silhouette challenge. - It gave me the same reaction as, you know that animation of Sonic and Mario making out? - I love that one. - (laughs) I love that one. - That's a great fucking clip, bro. - It's so funny. - That one has so many layers to it though, you know what I mean? - It's the fiery passion at which Mario and Sonic are making out, and Sonic rips off Mario's shirt in such a passionate way that makes me feel like they are in love. - It's so funny. - It's amazing. - God, yeah. I don't know, man, like I tried dallying in TikTok because Aki uses TikTok quite a bit. - We sound like Boomers here. I'm trying to get an understanding of these kids here, but I just can't do it. - I tried it, I tried it. 'Cause I saw it was getting so big, so I was like, "Alright, well, then, you know." Because it is getting so big, there might be a chance one of these days where I might have to start using it, right? - I scrolled through it and I just feel like I'm losing my mind. - [Joey] Yeah, right? - I feel like my mind is going numb, watching this stuff, 'cause it's so fast-paced. You don't get a chance to do anything. You don't get a chance to think. You're just, "Alright, next, next, next. - It's like literally just constantly just watching Instagram stories. I'm like, I can't do it. It's too much information. - I never felt like I was in like a "Black Mirror" thing until I was watching YouTube Shorts and TikTok, 'cause you're not even watching the videos, you're just consuming the videos. And you scroll to the next one, scroll to the next one. You don't even think, you just scroll, keep scrolling. And on YouTube, at least you have that thing of like, "Well, I'm gonna look what I wanna watch. Oh, doesn't look good. Okay, refresh the homepage. Alright, refresh the homepage." You know, you have to actually think what you're about to watch. But on TikTok and Shorts, they just feed it to you and you don't think. It's weird, right? Like I feel like we're getting to the point where content is being forced down your throat. It's not where you're choosing to watch what you want. - Right, right, right. - It's very strange. - I mean, there's some content on TikTok which was just so weird 'cause it was almost like hypnotic. Because there's some content that has just had obviously millions of millions of views and it's just some very oddly satisfying thing or something, I don't know. It's so hard to describe why I was like, not invested, but just like, intrigued by it. But I wouldn't call it interesting content, it was just like, "Ooh, that's a- - Entranced, couldn't take your eyes away. - That's a bit interesting. Alright, and next. Oh, okay, that's pretty good. - Right, right. - I was never emotionally invested in any of this content, which is why it kind of felt like almost hypnotic in a way. - Because it doesn't give you the time to get emotionally invested, right, because it's over in six seconds. - Yeah. The only funny TikToks I've seen have been TikToks that have just made its way into Twitter or YouTube compilations. - That's the thing, yeah, yeah. - Like, on TikTok, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. How do I make- - How do you TikTok? - How do I make TikTok good? I wanna know. I wanna know where to find a good content. - Like you can't search for anything. Like, you can, but you'd have to sift through just like... If you look up like a hashtag, right, if you happen to find one, or an audio file or something that you thought was kind of funny that's being used, right, you can search for that. But in order to find the actual good shit, you just have to sift through so much unrelated shit. - I had a few audios of mine get pretty big from my YouTube videos. And I was just like, "What the fuck is this?" Because it was like really bizarre things. Like there was one where it was about me, like sucking dick or something, and cosplaying. And there were so many people who used it to make TikToks, I was so confused. 'Cause it was like these 13-year-old kids being like, "There's no time to talk. I need to wear cosplay and suck dick or something." And I'm like, "Is this okay? What is going on? I'm so confused." And I was like, "Okay, uh, hopefully people don't watch my videos 'cause some of these kids are really young." What the fuck? - Yeah. - It's funny though. It was cool. - Yeah, I've had a couple of TikToks where they've used my audio. - I like it though. I think it's interesting. - Yeah, no, it's really cool because it's like, "Oh, you know, that's kind of flattering that they thought it was funny," I think I said. - I just feel like a dodo when I look at it. I'm like, "What's going on?" - Yeah, but at the same time, I'm like, "That's cool." But at the same time I look at it, I'm like, "Why are you doing this?" (laughs) - I was thinking, I was like, "Surely I've said other things in audio that are more entertaining and more useful than this." - Of all the things I've said, you thought this was the funniest? (laughs) - I mean, that's how the internet is, right? It just takes things off, I don't know. - I don't know, it weird. - We don't know how to TikTok. - Yeah. - Yeah, have you ever legitimately thought of being like, "I need to start a TikTok"? - Yeah, no. - Because there's lots of YouTubers right now who are starting TikToks now and kind of getting into it, right? - I don't know. I'm not convinced the TikTok audience is, well, the demographic I want. - Right. - I don't know, I like the demographic I have right now. I like just chilling, doing my own thing, streaming games. - I mean, I think we've grown up, we've made an audience that like us for us, luckily enough, and like the content we make. I don't feel like I need to move myself on a different platform just because that platform is getting popular, right? It's kinda like- - Yeah, we've definitely grown with... Our audience has grown with us, right? - Yeah, it's kinda like why I get so many messages about this, about, "Garnt, why don't you use Instagram? Why don't you post more on Instagram?" (Joey and Connor laughing) - Why don't you? - Yeah, why don't you? - It's the simple answer of I'm shit at taking photos, okay? (Joey laughs) I just forget to document my life. I'm sorry, okay? - I feel that, I feel that. - That's why I get my girlfriend to take photos of me 'cause I'm so shit at taking photos of myself. (laughs) - And it's just like, you know, you get brands coming to you, being like, "Oh, Instagram got the most viewers and the most audience and the biggest numbers." And I'm just like, well, is that really valuable? Just going on a platform just because it's got big numbers and a big audience? As a content creator, I find it's way more valuable, even if you're promoting to a smaller audience, that it's an audience that is more suitable for the stuff that you're making, right? So I'm not gonna make a TikTok just because it's popular, unless I think I actually like TikTok, or I think I can make good TikToks, because otherwise I'm gonna get a bunch of audience that I don't understand. - Yeah, that's true. What's going on? Why are you here? - And then I will literally be the Boomer then. You know, and just like, "Oh, let's connect with the kids. Everyone's having a TikTok nowadays." - Here's my TikTok of me making out with Bakugo. (everyone laughing) - Maybe I would take off that. Maybe I could do it. - Garnt making out with Bakugo. (laughs) But you know who else has a TikTok or who doesn't have a TikTok? Our Patreons. I don't know, I tried to fucking use TikTok. - That was a terrible outro. Shout out to the Patreons that are on the screen right now who don't do terrible outros. - I tried to somehow segue it from TikTok, it just didn't work. - That was the worst segue. - That was probably the worst one. - Yeah, I was like, you know that group of audience members that do this thing but also don't this thing? These guys. - Pretty sure you rode the segue and just fucking crashed it into a train, man. - Crashed into the fucking wall. - Right off a cliff, I went. But, hey, if you like to join the Patreon and support the show, then make sure to go over to our Patreon, patreon.com/trashtaste. Also follow us on Twitter, send us your memes on the subreddit, and if you hate our face, listen to us on Spotify. - And, yeah, that's been pretty much the Boomer episode of "Trash Taste." (Joey laughing) We are getting old. - Fuck, bro, I'm 25, man. Quarter of a century old, I prefer to say it. - Wow. - Look at this baby. Look at this baby. - I've probably aged mentally the most. (Garnt laughs) - Yeah, you are the closest to death, man. - I've been considering getting a lawnmower that I can sit on. (Joey laughs) - To be fair, there are times where I'm like, "That looks lit." (laughs) - Oh, you know if I'm getting a lawn, I'm getting a lawnmower I can sit on. - Hell yeah, dude. - With a slot for my TikTok phone enabled. - (laughs) So I can watch all the people making out with Bakugo (laughs) as I'm mowing my lawn. - On my OLED 4K phone. - You know the first time I felt old? The first time I- - It's like a bonus "Trash Taste." - A bonus "Trash Taste." We're over, but I just need to say this, man. The first time I got excited about buying furniture, I was like, "Yep, it's over for me." But now that I'm moving, goddamn, I'm so excited to refurnish my place, man. - I got a couch, oh. - Dude, when that new washing machine came in, I was like, "Dude, fuck the hype I felt for all these games. This is where the real hype is that, dude." Hell yeah. - I'm excited to cable manage. I can't wait to do it properly. I've done it wrong. Anyway- - Are you keeping up with us, kids? - Anyway, we'll continue this on the next "Trash Taste" when we are moved in. - Thanks for watching, guys, and we'll see you next time. - [Everyone] Bye. (gentle music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,400,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: 398hQfZ5Ljg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 52sec (8032 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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