We Read The WORST β„Œα»‡π”«π”±αΊ±π”¦ Doujins | Trash Taste #53

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Garnt is challenging us to jack off? Challenge accepted.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KukiMunstr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

My day is saved

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/After6Comes7and8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I didn't get the notification

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stauchh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What is Garnt's shirt from? Asking for a friend.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Eldritchsense πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can someone type out the numbers? im to lazy to search by title

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/poorfaag πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Welcome to the doujin episode of Trash Taste. - So what you're about to witness is probably going to be an edited version, or at least there's no doujins that we can possibly show on screen since a lot of the material we are going to be covering is going to be very explicit. - Yeah, we're gonna be talking about it, but you won't be able to see any of it. So if you'd like to check it out and also support the show, then make sure to go over to our Patreon, patreon.com/trashtaste - Where you'll get to see all the panels on screen when we talk about them. - [Joey] Exactly. - So yeah, if you wanna jack off while watching Trash Taste, now you can. (all laughing) - But if not, then grab yourself a drink and- - Or if you're just doing it anyway, welcome. - Welcome. You can just jack off to us I guess, but please don't. Please don't. - Let's get on with it. (chill wave music begins) - While you open the wine, Garnt, - [Garnt] Okay. - I will explain what we're doing today. - This is going to be a wine episode because we're going to need the alcohol to get through this. - I'm drinking pangkor juice. - We've been drinking a while on Trash Taste 'cause I feel like we've been filming earlier, but yeah, essentially I don't read doujins, as I've expressed before- - No, no, you don't read. - I don't read, I don't read, full stop. - At all. (all laughing) - And preferably, I do not like my porn to be reading. (all laughing) We can get into that. So instead we decided the boys have both recommended me three doujins each to read, and a little bonus one. - And then we are going to end on a very special one where I'm sure people are going to be excited for- - So in total we're gonna talk about seven? - Yeah, we're gonna be talking about seven doujins, or the doujinshis. - Six doujins and a mess, "Metamorphosis." (all laughing) Which we'll get into. So yeah, and there's a little special thing going on where I don't know whose is which. So I've been recommended six- - Do you have like no clue at all or? - Like I think, some of them I know, some of them I know. - I thought some were pretty obvious. - Some are pretty obvious. - Some was very, very obvious. Damn you needed two shots of vodka there, Garnt. (Garnt laughing) Damn, okay. Some are very obvious. Some I don't know. And throughout this, I will be guessing as well whose doujin was which recommendation. - Well mostly, though, mostly though, this show is going to be just watching me and Garnt just enjoying Connor's reactions to our recommendations. - And I assume you both read each other's recommendations. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yes. - It's funny because we recommended three doujinshis each, and I remember giving the list to Joey and Joey gave his list and we were like, damn, we both recommended doujins that were like 200 pages long, at least. And we were just like, "Connor, it's cool, you don't need to read it all, just read like three chapters or something." - Yeah, until you get the general gist of it, right? But then Connor was like, "Bet." (all laughing) - I'm like, "First of all, where do I even read doujins?" I don't even know where you go. I was like, "I'm totally confused." - I mean, there's lots of sites out there. - And then I look for the sites, you know, and it just gets to the point where I'm just fighting for my fucking life to get the shit on full screen. There's fucking pop-ups every two fucking seconds. I'm just trying to do my homework and I gotta worry about fucking hot single ladies in my area. You know, like. (Joey and Garnt laughing) It's terrible. - You'll get used to it, man, don't worry. - So, how long did it take you to read everything? - I was under the impression that doujins were like 30, 40 pages. - No, a lot of them are. That's the thing. - I mean yeah- - How did you guys manage to find all of them that were like 200 fucking pages? - Because those are the best ones. - Those are the best ones, yeah. - And yeah, I remember you saying, "Oh, you know, just stop at one chapter." There was never any breaks in these things. So I couldn't just- - What do you mean? They all had chapters. - Not that I saw when I was reading. - [Joey] Yeah. - I don't know where I was reading them. - When it says, at the end of the chapter, it says like "Ending" - Yeah - Or like, "To be continued." Or something like that. - But I also feel like that, you know- - Some of them literally have a whole page that says "Chapter two." - I did not see that, (Joey and Garnt laughing) but I read them all. - Jesus Christ. - So I'm gonna tell the names of these doujins which again, still mean nothing to me. "Dorei Usagi To Anthony" (both laughing) What? - White man butchers Japanese. - "To Anthony." - "To Anthony." - What is it, Anthony? (both laughing) Is that what it is? What is it, huh? What is it? I don't know! - All right, go on, go on, go on, what else? - "Inma no Mikata!" - Yeah. - "Succubi's Supporter." - So you're saying the Japanese name and then the translated name. - Oh is that what this is, I thought- - Some of them have English translations of the Japanese name. - "Juunengo No Jinsei Soudan." (Joey speaks indistinctly) (both laughing) "Life consultation after 10 years." "Pisu Hame!" - Yeah. - Very interesting title. "Seikatsu Shuukan." - Yeah. - Kyoushi To Seito To- Teacher and Student." I understand that one. - Yeah. - Yeah, so, I mean, I just went in order of which one you gave me. So I read them. - [Joey] Okay. - [Garnt] Okay. - I read "Dorei Usagi To Anthony." When should I guess whose I think it is? - Guess it right at the beginning. - Why don't you guess it right at the beginning? - I think- - It's a 50/50. - I think, I wrote down each one. I think this was Joey's. - You are correct. - You are correct. (both laughing) - And I think because there was like a loli for like 10 seconds. (all laughing) - I saw the cover, and I'm just like, "Connor's gonna immediately guess this." - Yeah, yeah, 'cause the cover looked like, fucking Shinobu. Cover looked like this bitch. I was like "This is Joey's!" - This was the cover of the main girl. And I'm just like, she emanates such Shinobu energy that Connor's gonna immediately guess this. - The first thing I wrote was, "just from the cover, I think it's Joey." (all laughing) - This is literally going to be, "If it's not a milf, it's a loli," the episode. - There were some, yeah. There was some. - Okay to be fair, this one, I don't blame you. This one, I don't blame you. - She wasn't a loli, she just looked like Shinobu. - Before we jump right into it, what were your thoughts? Yeah, what were your thoughts going into just reading hentai? Because this is like our unofficial sequel to the hentai episode, I guess. - Go check that out if you haven't yet. - It is exhausting reading porn. (Joey laughing) - [Joey] Well, I'm sure it is when you read. - It's like, if you asked me to like, okay, if you're horny, you wanna jack off to something, you can do it, right? A 10 minute video or whatever. If you made me sit through like a two hour JV when I'm not horny, I couldn't imagine like a worse experience in my life. - Because how long were you collectively reading these doujins for? - Like three to four hours. (Garnt laughing) - Well that's because- - Back to back. - Well it's because we thought, right, we were like, I saw the list and I was like, all of these are like, full on like, books. - Yeah, I read them all. - So I was like, oh, okay, so like, you know, a couple of chapters each, max take like an hour. - He just needs to get an idea of each. - Yeah, yeah. - Well there's only one of them I didn't read fully. It was 'cause there was like, 2,800 pages. - There was like, 500 pages, right? - It was ridiculous, so I gave up on the first one, but I mean, yeah, it was just, it was exhausting. It is really like, I've sat through really bad movies that I felt were less painful. (both laughing) Like it is just difficult. I mean, reading doujins, I can see it. You know, sometimes you see something like, oh, that's hot. And then I'm like, even if I wanted to jack off here, what am I supposed to do? Do I just sit there and think about what I'm looking at? Like that feels like I'm like de-evolving. Like, at what point do I just do like morse code masturbating? Like, where I'm like, "Oh dude, that's so hot. "She's telling she's going to fuck me in morse." Like, I don't know, to me, I like the movement. I'm not seeing enough movement, you know? - I'm not seeing enough movement. - My eyes are not stimulated enough. (all laughing) - I don't know, I was reading this and I just like, every time I thought this was really hot, I'm like, "what would I do?" - What would I do! - What would I do! - It's not continuing, I have to continue it. - My cock in my hand, I don't know what to do. - I'm like, "What do I do, dick in hand." - Stuck in the scene. - What do I do? What do I do? It's not moving, it needs to move. When does it start moving? (all laughing) - This is the exact reaction I wanted. - Yeah, yeah. - Even if I thought it was hot, I just, Some of them, you know, I will admit, some of them I thought were quite attractive. I thought they were very well done. And if they were in anime form, I'd nut. - It's weird because like, some of these have had anime adaptations, right? - [Connor] I know. - But like, to me, like doujin, the doujin version is always hotter than the anime version. - I agree. - I don't know what it is about hentai- - Well I mean the drawings are very more intense. That's something I learned very quickly. - I get like a way more intense feeling from reading the doujins. No, no because than watching the anime adaptation, right? - No, no I agree. - To me, it's a different kind of art form, right? 'Cause to me, like reading doujins is like, to me it's a really good way to warm up, right? - [Connor] Right, right. - Right. Because to me, like, who really likes sitting through a 20 minute hentai, you know? That's- (both laughing) - I don't mind. I haven't got time, you know? - I mean, most of the time I'm just like, whatever, but for some reason, in stories in doujins, I'm like, "I'm listening, go on" - After you read it, Joey. - Yeah, I'm reading, I'm invested, go on. - To me, reading doujins is just getting the story, you know, getting the context and being able to get the story without having to like, just watch 20 minutes of just boring buildup in porn. - And it's so much hotter when you understand the context behind the scene. - It is, it is. - I mean, I speed run the story most of the time anyway. Like if it's like this, you know what they're doing it's, all right, yeah, go on. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Tap, tap, tap ten seconds forward. I get it, he's your brother, all right, okay. (both laughing) In a laundry machine, oh no. Let's skip forward on that, okay. I've got enough understanding of the plot that I can go now. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Right. - I can do it, I can enjoy it. - So, did you like, did you like input any of the stories of any of them? - Yeah, no I did, I actually liked, 'cause obviously when you're reading, it's really hard to ignore the story. - You can't double tap. - It's pretty, really frustrating. - You couldn't skip the cut scenes. - You're like, "what am I doing wrong?" (all laughing) - I feel like, this is a fatal flaw of books, you can't skip any of the story, you know? - You can't skip any of the cut scenes. You can't just go straight to the gameplay. - As much as I tried, trust me. - All right, so let's start with the first one then. - "Dorei Usagi to-" - Which is the first one you wanna start with? Do you wanna go in order? - I think we'll start with this one. - "Dorei Usagi," right? - So this is the one where, this is a strange story. And I admit that at times it was quite hot, but then it was also really weird. Really, really weird. So I mean like. - [Garnt] How so? - So there's this girl, who's a ghost, but she's then not a ghost. I think she's taking medicine to go invisible and then she's like sucking him off in the class and no one can see him suck. No one. But she's invisible, but he's not. So why is his dick invisible? This is gonna sound really strange. This was a very confusing plot. - Oh yeah, so if you care about reading the doujins, we're gonna be spoiling it, I guess. If you care about the plot. - Spoilers. (both laughing) - Spoiler warning. - This was like, for every like, in this one at least, for every one moment that I was like, "Oh, that's hot," it would literally do 10 other things where I'm like, "What the fuck is this? What the fuck am I reading?" - Honestly, 'cause after you've read everything, 'cause I only, like, I thought you were just gonna read a few chapters of everything, so I read a few chapters of Joey. And then when you said you read everything, I went back to just completely finished everything as well. Right? - Right. - I feel like there's just a complete 180 at the end as well, where it starts going into this other backstory. I'm like, "No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no." - Yeah, yeah. That author tends to do that with everything he writes. - There was just like moments in there where I had to write down, it was like, I put, "This shit is mad incel." (both laughing) - Isn't that most doujins? - That's most doujins. - Yeah, that's true. Because there was this moment where we're like, "Oh, these girls are wearing skirts, they're such sluts." And I'm like, "All right." (both laughing) - These femoids. (all laughing) - All right, okay, geez. - How dare they? - I don't know what I'm getting myself into. - I mean, look at the main character. He's just, he's like, - [Connor] Yeah, that's true. - Okay, I guess before we get into it. Joey, do you want to explain why you chose this one? - Yeah, why'd you choose this one? - Okay, so literally, okay I'll admit, this was the part where I was like, "Fuck, I don't know what to do for the third one." - [Connor] Okay. - Okay. - But I like everything by Akatsuki Myuuto who's like this artist. So honestly, any one of his could have been on this list. - Right. - But I figured like, probably the least weird one for Connor would be this one. - The least weird one? - The least weird one. - I feel like this is not the least weird one. I mean, there's a few other ones. I mean it's not that bad. - No, the least weird out of his works. - Oh, okay. - Yeah, yeah. I mean like the other two are ones that I actually really enjoy. - [Connor] Yeah. - That like immediately came off the top of my head. - You know, the one thing that I wish they would just chill out with on doujins is just how fast shit escalates. It goes from like, "uwu," to like, gang bang in the showers within like, four pages at times. And I'm like, "Hold on, hold on, hold on." - There's no time to fuck around, there's hundreds of pages. - Yeah, let this boy chill her out a little bit, let him play some video games, you're like, "Fuck I just fucked, you know, like, damn!" - Well why? I don't know why you're suggesting that 'cause you're probably gonna skip over it. - Yeah, I know, but it's just like, "Oh God, okay, I'm just gonna- oh God, we're fucking!" - [Joey] Yeah, yeah. Give me a warning. - I actually had, like out of everyone, I had the most trouble following this story. - This was really confusing. - I thought it was like a really simple story. And then like, the last chapter here, I'm just like, "What is going on right now?" - Can you, 'cause I'm fucking stupid, can you explain the basic premise of the story? - From what I- (Garnt laughing) - Which again, it's, from what I understand, this guy was, okay, so again, I won't spoil the thing, 'cause you find out more earlier on, but we'll start from the start. You just kind of find this guy, kind of like a normal incel, kind of, I mean I feel like, - Basic hentai protagonist. - Basic hentai protagonist. - Wants to get revenge on all the women around him and then a girl transfers into the school who then immediately just starts, is a ghost, but starts fucking him. - So, only he can see her, but no one else can see her. So she gives him glasses or something? That, makes- - That's right. - Yeah she gives him some glasses. - That make all the clothes see-through. - Yeah, that make all the clothes see-through. So he's just looking at all these naked girls while being sucked off by this invisible girl, even though no girl can see him being sucked off? - Yeah and also this girl immediately starts sucking him off like, right away. And then, I hate it when they do this, when they refer to the characters, when they refer to themselves in the third person to me, I'm like, "Stop that, what is that?" - Is that what they did? - Yeah, they did that only in the first scene, and I was like, "Oh God, please tell me this isn't a constant thing." She's like calling herself her name, which is Charlotte, I think. - Yeah. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - And she's like "Charlotte is happy," and I'm like, "Oh for fuck's sake." - Yeah, yeah she calls herself third person, that's right. Admittedly, it's been a while since I've read this, but- - I was hoping you'd bring more context into it. - But, okay, but I remember the reason why I picked this one is because it literally has every tag. - I guess. - That's what I enjoy about it. Like you get the best of, I was about to say both worlds, every world, every multi-verse. - It's a lot and so he fucks the ghost, blow job and apparently no one else can see. - Even though he's like clearly nutting at the table. - I'm like this guy is literally nutting. - He's like, ah! - Are you telling me- - And she's like, "Are you okay?" - Yeah, like, as if no one would notice that you're, you know, come on, fuck off. - Yeah, yeah. - To be honest, that scene was fucking hilarious. - It's hard to believe that it's as attractive 'cause there's no way I could be like, "Oh, that's hot. That could be me," like no, it could never, ever be me. Not that I would ever want a ghost sucking, I don't want a Casper sucking me off. But you know, it's kinda, you know what I mean? - Basically like the first chapter just kind of reminded me of like some porn spinoff of Bunny Girl Senpai, right? - [Connor] Yeah, yeah. (Joey laughs) - Well, you know where he's in the library and he sees Mai for the first time and no one else can see him. This is basically just that, you know? - This is that if it was R rated. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - I also, I know I've watched hentai, so I know this shit exists, but there was one piece of dialogue as well, where, like the bully girls who are like attractive or whatever. - Oh the gals, right? - Yeah, the gals, you know, they ask him for money and that's so inexcusable that in return he's gonna fuck them. That's how he's gonna get back at them. - [Joey] Yeah. - I'm like, "What the fuck is this logic?" Like, "What am I-" - It's incel logic, dude. - I know, I know. - It's incel logic. - It's like, "Bro she literally asked you for a tenner. "What do you mean, chill out," like, come on. Like, I don't think it's that bad. - How dare you? - Yeah not bad. Okay, now he become horny Casper the ghost. (Joey laughing) He goes invisible. - Oh that's right, he goes invisible. - I was not following the story at all. - So then what happens is, is that the girl, this Charlotte ghost girl, then is like, "Well, don't worry homie, I got you," and starts like drugging the other people in the class that make them horny. - Oh yeah she does do that. - And then he starts fucking them and then she introduces like new power-ups, this is like the fastest PS2 game. - That's what I'm saying, man. Like it's every time. - And then he's like, "Hold up, but now you can drug them and then I'll give you invisibility drugs." And it's like, "But you only got 30 minutes." And then he starts fucking like the whole school. (Joey laughing) And then they find out, and then they don't care and then they carry on fucking. And then this just goes insanity, and literally the whole school is being fucked by this one guy within like, I'm literally 10 minutes into the story and this is what's going on. I'm like, I can't think. What is happening? Which girl is which? I don't know which. They all have the same hairstyle. Wait a minute, is this girl Robin? Wait, which one's the, which one's the ghost? What is happening? - No, it was at this point where like, you know, when there's like so many girls that all of them just start blending in together, - Yeah, yeah, yeah - and you were just like, I don't even know who you're fucking anymore. - Yeah, right? Like, you know, and then where the fuck did this Willy Wonka candy come from, where everyone's just fucking horny now. What does it come from? Where's the backstory to that, you know? - There's no backstory. - And then later on we find out that the main girl who he wanted to fuck the whole time was some poor homeless girl that he was speaking to in the start? - Oh, the student council girl. - Yeah, that he got made fun of for talking to and then the girl wishes that they'd never met. Or he wishes that he never? And then his doll, his doll comes to life and that's the one he's fucking, and she brings the drugs. What is going on? - That's what confused me. It was that chapter where the doll starts talking and I'm just like, "Have I just skipped over a chapter?" - This is literally like "Lord of the Rings," when you miss like one page, you're like, "Hold up, did I just miss the whole, did I miss the whole story?" - You missed the whole point of the story, yeah. - I need to go back 20 pages. - It feels like I just got a Shyamalan twist without having a Shyamalan movie. - Every page is a Shyamalan twist. - I can't keep up with it. I'm just like what is going on? But like, there'll be like two moments where I'm like, that's hot. And then what is going on? - Okay, okay, what I didn't understand was, okay so, was the main girl just, was she wearing a wig the entire time? (overlapping laughter and chatter) I didn't understand. - She's like a bald bitch. It's like, "My weave!" - He shows up at this house and he's just like, what's the girl's name again? - I don't know. - Charlotte, - Charlotte. - He's just like, "Charlotte?" And it's a girl with black hair and then Charlotte fucking runs away and starts putting on a wig, right? - Yeah, yeah, no, wait. - [Garnt] Am I following this correctly? - Wait, wait, what, I don't- - This was like the second to last chapter, right? - I thought he was just like, you know what, I honestly got very confused reading this one, I'm not gonna lie, there's multiple times, I re-read this ending like four times and I still didn't understand what was happening. And then like, they just pull like, you know, he literally, it's just the sheer, like, how it just changes, like completely. It literally ends on like a gang bang, and then the next panel it's like, you could hear the Anohana music playing inside. But really, there's a sad backstory as to why he's fucking everyone. It's like, "Oh, get the fuck outta here, what is this? I don't give a fuck. No one cares." - Not gonna lie, I chose this one because I knew you guys would react like this. Because it's so ridiculous that I just love it. - Like, you know, that shonen trope where like, the villain gets defeated, and then after the villain's defeated, you finally see his backstory? That's like, that doesn't belong in a hentai. - [Connor] That's exactly, yeah. - You can't just fuck a girl and then just show her backstory after she gets fucked, okay? Like, I need this context before the fucking happens. - It's like, putting a backstory in the middle of a fight, right? It's just like, why now, why now? You couldn't have waited until afterwards? - I'm not gonna lie, some of these are blend, no. It's blending into my head. And it would just end. How does this one end? - It ends with this random fucking side story of someone- - With the marriage? - With the marriage. - I was like, "What is happening?!" - And I'm like, I didn't recognize any of these characters. - None of these characters look the same. - It wasn't even the main fucking character. - But they just fuck, they just fuck for some reason, even though he just cheated right before his like, wedding day or some shit? - Yeah, oh yeah, he did. - He like, cheats right before his wedding day. Like the whole story is like, they're a fan club of him, I think. They're a fan club of the ghost that fucked, like the main protagonist, the incel guy, they make a fan club of him in the side story. But I don't recognize any of these characters. - [Joey] No, no. - And then two of them are getting married and- - And it's not even the main girl either. - [Connor] No it's got nothing to do with them. - It's a different girl. - And then he cheats on her, right before the day of and then there's a whole scene of, "Does anyone object to the marriage?" And they were like, "I do." (all laughing) It's like this shit is insanity. I didn't even know what to critique. - I don't regret raising this one. - There's just so much shit happening, that I'm like, what do I even begin to critique? Because there was just way too much shit going on. It's like someone, he literally pulled up every genre and he was like, bet. Like I'm gonna get every- - Yeah, that's exactly what he did. - It's like, is there a genre where it's like, you know, shout at the wedding, "no, stop the marriage?" Is that a tag? That could be a tag. - Yeah it probably is. - Stop the marriage. - Stop the count. - Stop the fucking count. - Stop the marriage. - My favorite hentai tag, stop the count. - Stop the, yeah. (both laughing) That is this tag, it's just stop the count, right? 'Cause he's fucked so many girls now that I can't even count how many girls he's fucked. - It's like, to me, you know, like I said on the hentai episode, you know, there has to be some kind of story in there and there was moments- - Oh now you care about story, huh? - In hentai I do, yeah, I need a little bit of story. - This man. - This is the only time when- - Which is why some of them, it might shock you that I enjoy later. (all laughing) But, like, this one was just like, "What the fuck is happening?" It's a dumb ass story. Shit keeps getting weirder and weirder, not in a funny way, like that one hentai where people start shooting each other and there's dubstep. There's no dubsteps going on with these panels. Dubstep would've gone great with some of these scenes, frankly. - [Joey] Oh yeah. - I wish there was a built-in like dubstep. - You could have just gone onto YouTube and dubstepped as you read it. - Honestly, this is the kind of, yeah, it's literally the kind of doujin where I put on Skrillex in the background and it'll be well paced, like Skrillex. - Honestly, like, reading this, I feel like my boner got whiplash with the amount of shit that was happening. - True, true, true. - You're just like- - Your dick got a workout after that. It's like, up, up, up, up. - Every time you're like "I'm into this," it's like, no, no. - No, no, okay. It's like you start getting into it, nope, new tag. Okay, well I guess I'll just, nope, okay, new tag, okay? And I'm just like, okay, what is the theme to this? What was the author's vision? - What was the vision? - What was the vision? What was the author trying to say with this? - This is literally, what tags do you want? Yes. This is what this is. - It's terrible, it's fucking terrible. - I know to me, it needed like, it needed, okay, this is gonna sound so fucking pretentious. It needed something to connect all the dots, right? (Joey laughing) - No, I honestly I'm gonna agree with you. - Oh my fucking God, are we agreeing on something, Connor? My fucking God. Trash Taste first. - This felt like, just 10 doujins that have been like, let's just fucking ram them into one. We got these sexy girls that I don't wanna redraw in different ways, like, shove 'em into one. - You know what this felt like? This felt like it was like, if the MCU had one recurring character in every movie, right? But then it was just like, it was one continuous narrative, but because every movie genre is so fucking different, you just don't know what the fuck's going on. You can't follow anything. - It's like playing all the MCU movies at once. - I gave this one a, I originally wrote down seven, but I that can't be right. I'll give it like a five really. - Oh, we're doing scores as well? - I would have given it, personally I give it a five. - Is this one got an anime adaptation, like a hentai adaptation? - I don't think so. - I don't think so. I don't think anything by Akatsuki Myuuto has gotten an anime. But I mean, if this doesn't- - I don't even know the authors. - I guess, before we move on though, what did you think of the art? - It's fine. It's pretty good. The art's pretty intense, I mean, I feel like there's a lot more fluids going on in the doujins than the anime adaptations. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, the art, it's pretty damn good. I mean, I can't fault that, you know. - Yeah the art was good, the art was good. - I don't think there was any of these, doujins where the art put me off except- I liked all of them actually. I'd say all of them had their merits. - That's good. - So like in his other works, you said this one was one of the least weird ones, right? - Yeah. - What's so weird about his other works? Well what happens in his other works, if you can remember. - Fuck. - And Ashley, can you put on the air conditioning right now? 'Cause I'm getting a bit heated. (all laughing) - It's getting hot in here. - Literally and, like mentally and physically right now. - So there's another one. When I was like thinking of what the last one is, right, I was like, all right, let me go through my favorite artists and see if there's one I can remember. And then I got to his works. And one of them I wanted to recommend was one called "Lingua Franca" which is also done by him. And again, this is a while since I've read this one. But basic, over simplified premise is guy and a girl flying a plane across an island and they crash land onto said island. And that island has this secret civilization of all these like Amazon-esque girls who live there. - Is this a "Futurama" episode? - And the guy gets kidnapped by that civilization because he's the first male that they've seen in like over 100 years. - Is that literally, this is literally- - Death by Snu-Snu. - Yeah this is literally the "Futurama" episode. - It's literally Death by Snu-Snu. - Oh my God. - But then you find out there's like this alien species that has been controlling that civilization for the longest time. - That's "Futurama." That's literally- - Is it? - Yeah, there's a robot controlling them. - I do not remember that part of the- - That Bender like, makes out with. - I can't believe "Futurama" ripped off Akatsuki Myuuto. - It's literally a Futurama episode. - I can't believe "Futurama' ripped them off like that. (both laughing) Cease and Desist incoming. - I mean if you had to give this a rating, what would you give it then? Top of your head. - Eight. - Eight? - No, I'd say like six or seven. - Really? - Yeah, it's good but it's not my favorite of his. - I think the best part of this was the art. - Yeah. - The ending and the fact that it ended, honestly. (laughing) - The ending just made me confused. - I don't like it when they put a one shot with totally different characters that's like 10 pages. That just confuses me. I'm like, "Wait, should I be, Wait, what's going on?" - Oh, the bonus content, yeah. - I hate it when they do that, it confuses me to death. - Well, that's like the bonus content you get from buying the full book. - [Connor] Right, right right. - Rather than just reading it in magazines. - Yeah, I'll give it a five. It was like, - That's a pass. - Huh? - That's a pass. - I've seen like a lot of hentai like this where it's just like, all right, let's just get into the fucking as fast as possible. What is the premise? All right, premise done. How many girls can this fuck in one single sitting? - Yes. - Yeah. And that was just this hentai. I mean, it was good. It was good, you know? - I'll admit, even though I recommended it, it's nothing special. - Okay. - I just really liked the art. - You're just grasping at straws? - No, no, I just really like the artist, and how fucking ridiculous and like, just like, his passion for just being like, "Finna put every tag that I can." - I respect that. - Into one. It's like, I respect it. - I respect it. - All right, what's the next one? - "Inma No Mikata!" Succubi's Supporter. - Oh yes, yes, yes. Which one do you think this is? - Whoever chose this knew me well, I'd say. - [Joey] Right. - I think I have this as Joey here. - Okay. - It's mine. - Oh, okay okay. - Wait, you know what? - This one, this one could have gone either way. - Yeah, you know what's funny is that this is one of three that I've read before. And I was gonna put it in until Garnt sent me his list. - Dude, it's a classic. - It's like one of the top rated ones. - I think it's one of the most famous doujinshis like, long form doujinshis of all time. - I see why. - And for good fucking reason, like, it's- - Art is great, story's great. - Art is great, story's great, and just blow jobs. - Very good, very good. - Like it will blow your fucking mind. - So essentially how the story starts is there's just a guy who doesn't have a job chilling on a bench. And then Succubis come up to him. Kind of like a hot singles in your area ad. - [Garnt] Yeah. - But IRL. They just come up to him and they're like, "Hey, do you want a job helping us succubuses?" And he's like, "Oh, I don't know what that is, but okay, sure." - What's a succubus? - To give a bit more context, so this world has like succubi, or succubus, have integrated into the human society. So like they're not this mythical creature anymore. So like a lot of most of the population of the world has some succubus blood in it, right? - That's right. - And the science is that the more succubus blood that's in a guy, the less tasty their semen is. - Fluids are. - Their fluids are. - Garnt, come on, we're on YouTube here. - Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - Wake up gamers, because this video is sponsored by GamerSupps. - As you all know, we've officially partnered with GamerSupps. - Gamer! - Why? The powder tastes great, it's cheaper and healthier than other energy drinks and mixes perfectly. - Garnt, but in all honesty, I'm just here for the amazing selection of Waifu Cups. - Look at all these beautiful Waifus. - Very gamers. - That's how you know how gamer we are. (all laughing) My microphone just came off. As I was saying, all of the Waifu Cups you see here are limited edition. So you should get them quickly if you think you're a true gamer girl. - These shirts and cups always sell out, so if you want your chance to get your Waifu, you have to move fast. - What are you gamers waiting for? Go and get your Waifu Cups and support the show by using coupon code TRASHTASTE. Buy lots of stuff so we can get our GamerSupps flavor and comment what you think it should be called. I am being held at gunpoint, but that's because I'm a gamer and I play games. - Back to the show, gamers. - And of course, our main guy here is one of like, one of the 0.1% of the population left. - That is just pure human. - That is just pure human blood, right? Pure, no succubus blood in this family tree. And of course the job he is given is to basically just like provide an all you can eat buffet. (Joey laughing) That's the best way I can provide it. - Of dick. - One man buffet. - One man versus the world. - I mean, I liked this one. It was very good, how can you not like this one? - This was one of the like, least offensive ones. - What guy wouldn't want this? You literally, you're just a piece of meat, you know? Let 'em just. - Yeah yeah. One thing that like, 'cause this artist I feel, is probably like the best artist when it comes to drawing blow job scenes. I mean, this doujinshi in general is just 90% blow job, right? I think there's like one sex scene in it and it lasts like, two, three pages or something. Its mostly- - It's mostly blow jobs. - Yeah, yeah yeah. - Yeah. So clearly we know what this artist likes. (all laughing) - It's like literally the blow jobs you wish you were given, like, if I could give this manga a summary, it's pretty much that. I mean, yeah. I mean, what is not to like about this? Like I said, like God tier art, positions are fantastic. - [Joey] Yeah. - Fantastic stuff. - Okay, here's a question. Do you think this would translate well into a hentai? - Yeah, dude, if fucking Pink Pineapple made this? Hell yeah, dude I'm there. - Wait, did this not get a hentai? - No. - No, they got, "Stayed at Home Succubus" got one. - Oh yeah, that's right. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - The other one got it. - The other one got it, yeah. - And I don't know, like what I think wouldn't translate well is that the fucking blow job scenes are so intense. I couldn't see it translating well into hentai. - Yeah. - I might be able to be done, I don't know. Maybe science will advance and we'll get good technology to be able to emanate. - Oh I don't know, man. Like it'd be like a 20 minute BJ scene. - So yeah, they have this story where, okay, they just started fucking him. And then apparently his peepee is so good that they're like, "We made a website about your dick." - Oh yeah, they made him go viral, didn't they? They made him go viral. - They were like, "Oh, by the way, we've put your dick online. "Don't worry, by the way, we haven't shown your face. We wouldn't do that." - Yeah, yeah, of course. - "But your dick's famous now to all the other succubi in the world." And then like, "Oh, okay, there's more succubus in this world, okay." And then they hold an award show, not an awards show, it's like- - Like an idol handshake. - A handshake, yeah that's it. It's an idol handshake thing where you can come and instead of handshake an idol, you can suck the dick. (Joey laughing) - Yeah, so these succubus, they're like hundreds of succubus show up to this handshaking event where- - The cock shaking event. - Yeah, where they pay an amount of money to get like five minutes to milk the cow, right? (both laughing) That's the best way to describe it, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Pretty much, pretty much. - That was probably my favorite chapter. I'm just like, that was one fucking intense chapter. - Yeah. - Just 'cause normally I'm like, I'm not into like the whole harem angle of it, but it was so like the concept was so overdone and the art was so great. And it was just, - So hot. - Some of the scenes were so fucking intense that I'm just like, "Yo that's hot." All right, that's hot. - That's hot. That's hot. - That's very good, that's very good. Very good stuff, I'm just getting flashbacks. - This is one where it's like, if I'm suffering to like, you know, pick one for the job. - This is like the comfort food. - Yeah, this is the comfort food, this is the one that I always go back to. - I mean, the reason I picked this one is because like, out of every doujinshi, if I were to pick one where I'm introducing someone to the world of doujinshi and what it's like, then this one's just like an all-rounder in every category. - This is the- (Joey laughing) - It don't miss. It don't miss. - This is the fucking Naruto of Hentai, okay? It's the gateway drug, okay? - It's the gateway to doujinshi. (overlapping chatter and laughter) - I mean yeah, because the content, like the tags are so inoffensive where it's like it's not too weird where it's like, "Oh, I'm not really into that." Like everyone's into fucking BJs. - Like who doesn't love blow jobs, right? - Who wouldn't want three succubuses? I mean that's, I mean, you know. - This is such a "God I wish that were me" doujin. - And it's okay, right 'cause it's succubuses, right? So if you nut too early, that's like great. They like that, that's what they want. They want more of it. (all laughing) No disappointment. Oh God. - Yeah, I mean, what I liked is that they gave context to you, you know, normally like a hentai protagonist can orgasm like an ungodly amount of times. - [Connor] Yeah. - Yeah, I liked the fact that they gave it a reason for him to be able to orgasm that amount of times, which is just like if you feed on the- - They have pheromones or something. - They have pheromones, and if you feed on their spit or something. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's always the saliva. - Yeah, if you swap body fluids, then it's just like this fucking mega aphrodisiac. - And the semen is like an aphrodisiac for succubi, right? So it's like a twofer. - The never ending cycle. - The perfect system doesn't exist. - In this story after they have this whole handshaking event as I like to call it, they put his face online anyway. They're like, "Come guys, look how amazing this guy is." And then suddenly a fucking Sundari loli shows up and I'm like, "What's all this?" (Garnt laughing) - Oh yeah. - Why are you getting in the way of my hentai? (both laughing) I'm like. - I totally forgot about that. - Because I didn't know which one of you did this, right? So that was what tilted it in the end. (both laugh) I was like "Fuck, fuck come on." - Oh yeah, this bitch, I remember. - Yeah, I remember first reading that. And then she's like, "Hello, I am the mother." - Yeah, and then I was like, it literally the headset meme of like, taking the headset off like, "Aw, you had it, you had it! Why did you introduce a fucking loli?? It was so good! - No, because what was so funny is that she's technically a loli MILF, right? (all laughing) - The best of both worlds, everybody wins! - Literally I wasn't even wearing a headset, but I metaphorically pulled one off for that meme. I'm like, "Fuck this shit!" - Just did the movement. - Fuck! - It was so, bah, God, it was so perfect, you know, I was enjoying life, it was great, you know, and then this happened. (Joey laughing) It just ruined it for me. It was great, it was great. - There's no pleasing, even with the most inoffensive doujin, there's no pleasing this man. - I just didn't like, and she got her whole own section. I was like, no one else got their own section. Why do you get your own section? But they do later on. But at this point, no one else had their own section at this point, why does the fucking loli who just showed up looking like a fucking Bratz Doll, get to have a whole fucking 20 pages? What's this? I don't want this. I'm like, fucking speed running this shit, trying to get it over with. Like when is anything else gonna happen? And then luckily, luckily it saved itself. It brought out the big guns. - The next thing, the next chapter, right? - The next chapter, yeah. - And then suddenly they introduced, they're like, "Oh, by the way, there's a union for succubuses," because of course there is and they have a headquarters. - Yeah, he gets shipped off to like the fucking UN or something, right? - The fucking UN of succubuses, he gets shipped off. And then they're like, "by the way, succubuses have been stopping wars for generations because we fuck people into submission. So no wars because everyone is happy because we fuck them." and it's like, "oh, okay. I mean, I guess that makes sense." - [Joey] Of course. - Gotta introduce some world-building somewhere, right? - Can't have wars if you're fucking, right? Geez. And then yeah, I really liked that woman. She was great, she was very attractive. I very much liked her. - 'Cause she looks like a MILF. - Hell yeah she does. I thought she was right up my alley. I was like, this is great. - You do look like an office lady tag kind of person. - Oh absolutely. Because she was also, you know, she was also like, "Ah, no, I don't want it, I don't want it." But then she did want it. (all laughing) - That's what I like. - Out of context Connor. - No, no, no! (Garnt laughing) - Garnt. - I mean, but it was obvious the whole time that they were gonna fuck. - Yeah, of course. - Yeah, of course. - We're in a doujin here. - Wouldn't it have been such a Shyamalan twist where they introduce her and she's like, "Oh, I don't want it." And it's like, "understandable." - You know, I wanna watch a porno where the plumber comes and just fixes something and then just leaves. And then she just masturbates. You know, I want that. - That's very avant garde. - Subvert my expectations, you know, give me something. Throw me a curve ball, you know? - We're deconstructing porno now. - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, but I mean, I think I wrote down, I said, this would have been a 10 out of 10 if they didn't have the fucking loli in it. (both laughing) The loli intrusion, as I called it. - The loli intrusion. - Oh my God. - Yeah, I mean, I wrote the art as God tier. Like pretty much everything was God tier. I'm like fucking around with eight out of 10, I mean, yeah, it was probably my favorite out of all of these, in terms of, could I nut to it? This was definitely the- - Yeah. That does not surprise me. - Despite being just pictures, I think I could manage. I think if I scroll really fast. - The first thing I did when I looked at the list with Garnt and mine is like. - This is gonna be Connor's favorite. - This is gonna be Connor's favorite. - You guys know my tastes now. You know my tastes. - I'm like this man likes vanilla, this is the most vanilla. He's gonna like this one. - I mean, it's not so much vanilla as so much as so it's just universally agreed. - It's inoffensive, yeah. - That this is God tier doujin, right? - Oh yeah, 100%. - It's one of the best doujins ever made, some of the best art ever made. Hasn't yet gotten a hentai adaptation, which I'm just like, how has this not got a hentai adaptation? - I would appreciate an adaptation to this. I mean maybe all the studios are scared. - Oh yeah, its like a VIP. They're like, we don't wanna fuck- - We don't wanna fuck this up, dude. - And then Queen Bee cracking their knuckles - Dude if Queen Bee adapts this, I would cry so hard. - We need to take a shot at this. - Just comes from from behind the trees - No, because, what sucks about Queen Bee is that when you, it's like every Queen Bee doujin that seems to get adapted is like, a doujin I respect like, close to this level, right? It's a God tier doujin that gets passed around and you're like, brilliant, this looks fucking fantastic. - I mean, I feel like when I, when I see people in the comments of these websites, being like, "Oh God, it's Queen Bee." I'm just like, I don't even know who this doujin is. So I could have never been disappointed anyway. - What is this? - And frankly. - I don't even know who you are. - I literally don't even know who you are, so like it's not a problem. Some of them, I still manage. You know, Queen Bee does a good enough job sometimes. - Good enough job. - Right, and get the job done. You know, the task can be complete. But yeah, no, I mean, this is just great. So I highly recommend if you haven't read doujins, go and read it. - Wow, Connor recommending doujins. - Wow, what the fuck? - What a world first. - You know what I would prefer Queen Bee did actually, instead of what they do now? I would prefer that if Queen Bee animated their doujins or animated their hentai the same way that- - Animated doujins are made? - Kind of like a, what was that, the yakuza husband one that got animated? - Oh, "Way of the House Husband." - "Way of the House Husband." - Like slideshows? - Yeah. - Not slideshows, but just like an animated comic. I would actually prefer that style over- - Where they just copy each frame. - Where they just copy each frame. - Yeah true. - Because to me like a motion comic would give way more of like an impact than whatever the fuck Queen Bee do. - Yeah. - Like please Queen Bee, please. I can handle that, just give me a motion comic. - Call me Queen Bee. - How much you need, like 20 bucks? - 20 Bucks, yeah. - That's the whole budget. Yeah, I mean, like I wrote eight out of 10, 'cause of loli but I probably give it a nine. It would have been a 10 out of 10 if there was no loli. Honestly I'm not joking, that's serious. That kind of took me out of it. I was like, whiplashing. - Would you be interested in his other works then? - Are they this good? - This one is really good. - Most of his work is very blow job oriented. He's just a fucking blowjob. - He sticks to a theme. He sticks to a theme. - Well, I always think, you know, blow job is like the best visually part. Like the visually like sexual thing, blow job is probably the most attractive looking, I think when done right. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah. - It's like a, what is it, a macaroon? Those little fucking sweets? You know where I'm going with this? You always see those sweets, right? You're like- - Are you comparing blow jobs to macaroons? - You look at a macaroon, right? You're like, "That looks amazing. That looks fucking amazing, I really, really want that." And they never, ever, ever taste as good as they look. And that's how I feel about blow jobs. - Really? - Yeah. - Really? - Yeah - Why? - Dude, 'cause in fucking- - Why? - In hentai, - I can feel the salt. - In hentai, bro, they make it look like fucking "Wrestle Mania Smack Down", whirlwind on the dick. It's not like that in real life. It's like, "Oh, shit, ah oh." - You've been getting shit blow jobs then. - It that what it's like? That's not what it's like. - That's what it looks like in the hentai at least. It's very aggressive, very aggressive. But I mean, it's a lot of work sometimes, you know? Sometimes it's awkward and you just realize that you're just standing there. You're just like, "Oh fuck, it's awkward, isn't it?" - Oh, so much work, you know? - It's just like, sometimes, sometimes like, what's so great about blow job is that there's literally no pressure to do anything, you know, right? 'Cause you know. (both laughing) - But sometimes I get that moment where like, I get distracted for one second and I get taken out of it. I'm like, "Fuck, fuck I gotta to do my taxes, fuck." Now I gotta pretend like I'm still there, I'm still in the zone. - Oh yeah. - "Ah, ah!" "Fuck! I really got to file those taxes though. Fuck, I really forgot about that. Oh God, I can't do it now, can I? That's gonna be really awkward if I go and do those now." - It's like, "Babe, can you hand me my laptop real quick? I'm just gotta file these taxes." (all laughing) - It's not interactive enough. I'm joking, I'm joking. But yeah, no it was good, it was good, it was good. - All right. - All right, next one. - It was the, I already know who this one was. This is fucking degenerate. - Which one? - "Juunengo no Jinsei Soudan," "Life Consultation After 10 Years." Okay, be me guys, be me. You sit there, right? I only know, right, I know one thing. All right, I know the word Oreimo (Garnt laughing) right, and I know it means incest. 'Cause I know Garnt likes incest for some reason. - I don't. Guys, as I said before, Oreimo isn't an incest anime. - It's an anime with incest in it. - It's just an anime with incest anime. This is very much an incest doujin. - I have not watched Oreimo. I opened this thing. - Don't worry, you don't have to. - It's literally, I feel like I understand the story of the anime through this. Which is very concerning because, fuck, this is weird. - Whatever you're thinking about is probably what happened in Oreimo. - There is so many things in this anime that it made me like, push my desk chair back a little bit and go like, "All right, all right." - Yeah, because this one I saw on the list, I was like, "Oh, I've never heard of this one, I'll check it out." - Fucking open it up, just Oreimo fan fuck. - No, no, no, my one just, because I read mine in Japanese, so my one just said "Juunengo no Jinsei Soudan" and I was like, "Okay this one sounds interesting." First page is literally just like Kirino with massive tits, I'm like. (Joey inhales deeply) (all laughing) - It's like the biggest like, (Joey sighs heavily) All right. - Okay, I knew this one. - You did this to fucking troll, didn't you? - No, no. - I know you fucking did. - No, no, no. - Don't tell me you like this. - This is, to me, probably the hottest like series Doujin I've ever read. (Garnt laughing) - What, why? - Okay, because like, I purposely avoided parodies. - Okay, this I thought we, you know, I- - Because if that was the case, I would've recommended like, three of my favorites are all parodies. - Yeah, so this is like the only parody, like, parody doujin that is on the list. But like, I didn't know if we were avoiding parodies or not, but I just wanted to talk about this no matter what. - We can do a parody episode in the future. - I mean, 'cause like most parody doujins, they last for like one chapter, they last for like 20 pages. - Yeah, it's like 10, 30 pages. - This one is an entire fucking story. - It's like 220 pages. - I felt like I was on like a fucking like, "Big Brother" episode, like where this was, fuck, it never ended. It just never fucking ended. - [Joey] Not gonna lie, I- - It just kept getting fucking weirder and weirder. - With this one, okay. Admittedly, I don't like Oreimo, like the show, but I think Oreimo doujins are hot as fuck. - Yeah. - [Joey] All right. But here's the thing... - Why? - Because all the characters are hot. - Oh my God. - But here's the thing, all right? Here's the thing with this particular one. I've read a lot of Oreimo doujins. I've never read this one. This one, I was like, okay. First half I was like, "Okay, this got kind of an interesting story." Like you kind of get to see like, the backstory of like the actual characters. - It gets real fucking weird. - And then second half, like she just like turns into a yandere. - Yeah, so can you walk me through the story? - Okay, okay. - 'Cause I had to pull up the fucking Oreimo Wiki to understand who the fuck everyone was. - Cliff notes of Oreimo. - Because it doesn't try and fucking ease you into these characters. It's like, "You know Oreimo, you're jacking off to Oreimo." - You know what you're reading. - I mean, what? Okay, so to explain I guess the basic premise of Oreimo as well, so Kirino and Kyousuke is the main sibling pair rubberized. And then all you need to know is also he has a childhood friend who I don't even remember her fucking name. - Oh the glasses girl, Mami? - The one who's the wife in this doujin. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Not Mami, what the fuck's her name? - Natsumi or something? - I'll look it up. - Look it up, but basically those are like all you need to know about the characters in this, right? So in the ending of the original anime, Kirino confesses to Kyousuke, which was like a 180 twist from like everything that was built up before, right? And then, you know, they have a few dates together and then they decide... - With his sister? - [Garnt] Yeah, with his sister, which you know, they're not blood related, so whatever. - So it doesn't count, clearly. (both laughing) - This is literally, they can't keep getting away with this. The know you, they're like brother and sister, not blood-related. Fuck, man. - Oh, shut up, Connor. - Shut up. - Look, you recommended "Mothers know Breast" that's literally a guy and his step-mom. That's just incest with an age gap, Connor. - It's different, it's different. - No, no, no, no, no, no it's not. - She wed into it, it's a different thing. - Legally, it's different. - It depends, you know, if it's like the stepbrother, I don't know. I could be like maybe, maybe, but no. But this one's like, we're literally. They're literally brother and sister and this is literally just like the fucking card they slither in. By the way, not blood related. - God damn, what the fuck's her name? - What is it? Just Google. Just Google. - But this was just fucking weird. So explain the story of this dude. - Okay, so I'll explain it. - Manami, Manami. - Manami. Okay, so this is like kind of like a fan story set 10 years after the- - I got that, I understood that. - Yeah, 10 years, that's why it's called 10 years after the consultation or something like that, all right? So this is set 10 years after the ending of the anime where it has like a slightly different ending. So in this version, Kirino and Kyousuke sleep with each other, right? And their family finds out and Kirino just gets fucking banished, right? And they don't see each other for 10 years. - Understandable. - Yeah. Understandable, banish the fuck out of him. - Parents doing what parents should do. - Exile your kid if they fuck your sister, I guess. - And so, I guess this is set 10 years afterwards, where she comes back and they're both now married. He has married his childhood friend, which is like in the anime her, like Manami is like, she's built up as like the plain girl, right? She doesn't really have any special features. - The girl that will probably never win. - The girl that was never on the winning list to begin with. But she's built up as just the plain girl. She's the childhood friend, right? And in this version, she's the one that he ended up marrying. And Kirino has also apparently, after 10 years, married someone else as well. And this is the first time they've met after 10 years. And they think, you know, they're kind of like testing the waters to see if they still have feelings for each other and it turns out- - Spoilers, they do. - And it turns out they do, I guess. - Who tests waters with your brother and sister to see if you still have feelings together? That feels like a very dangerous game. It's like Russian roulette. - Welcome to the incest tag, bro. Literally everything in this tag is that. - What if I just like put my dick in your hand? Let's just see if I get hard. - [Joey] Yeah. - That's a good test. - Okay. - What if we just fucked? How weird would that be? - Okay. So, to explain my tastes, right? (Joey laughs) To explain what I, like, why I thought this was like great, because for one, most parody doujins, they just like, it's the most vanilla fucking storyline like ever, right? It's just, here's these two characters, they sex. You are watching it because it's the characters you recognize. But this, what I liked about this is that it took the concept of Oreimo and it like, built on it and like started its own fucking storyline. - I do appreciate that element, yeah. - It was like, this was actually a really story-heavy doujin. - Yeah. - Yeah, I mean, unfortunately, I couldn't really appreciate that 'cause I didn't know fucking anything about the show. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I was just like, "This bitch crazy." (Garnt laughing) - No, yeah, no, I did like the fact that it built on the lore of the original series that it was based off of. But just it took like a fucking depressing fucking turn. - Oh, it was fucking depressing as shit, right? - Like Kirino turns yandere and then like threatens Kyousuke and then Manami gets like raped. - Yeah, it's like this whole thing just kept getting weirder and weirder. So, be me. I don't know anything about this, you know? I don't know anything about this series. All I know is that he got banished for fucking his sister 10 years ago, and then they're like, "Oh yeah, we're gonna meet again. " Immediately fuck. It's like, no fucking downtime. We just made eye contact, we fucking. Oh, she's like, "I don't even love my husband, I love you." And it's like, "Oh Jesus." - Well, it's because they both know what they want. - Yeah, I know, I know - No words necessary. - And I guess like for me, if I were to explain my tastes, what I find hot is like when a taboo gets broken, right? It's like it's not the incest, okay? - No, I was about to say I'm pretty sure that's the one reason every person who likes the incest tag says. - Well, like what I hate about most incest fucking hentai or whatever, it's like one girl says Onii chan, incest. I'm just like, get that shit out of here, you know? I don't give a shit about that. - So you need the full backstory of their brotherly and sister love to be crushed in front of you. - Well, it's not just between like step siblings, step mother, step sons. Like I like, you know, two coworkers who know they shouldn't get together, they get together, that's hot. Like a teacher, student relationship. That's pretty fucking hot as well, because it's- - No, I understand those. - It's like, what I find hot is like two characters who know they shouldn't get together, but they're too hot for each other to be able to stop it. And they do it even though they know it's wrong. And I don't know man, to me, like breaking a taboo is fucking hot. - I totally get that, I think that's hot as well. But then there's like, but then there's the scene where she just goes loony. (Garnt laughing) Like she's just loses her mind. - For every moment I thought maybe this could be hot, there's just something happened where I'm like, "Goddamn it, this is vile. Oh, it's so gross." So there's this whole bit where he's having sex with the girl. - Which girl? - Uh, there's only two girls. - There's only two girls, yeah. - The other girl, the boring one, as you said. - The wife. - Manami. - Yeah, and then she pulls out just a strap-on, for some reason. (both laughing) - Oh yeah. - It just comes out of nowhere. And it just felt like the DLC being tacked on at the end. It was just like this is so rushed in and half of like one second and then it was never mentioned again, it was never shown again. She just had it with her. Like it was ready to go. - You know what I love about that scene with the fucking strap-on scene? Where she like puts it into the wife and she's like, "It's too big." And then she's like "This is the same size as my big brother's." (Garnt laughing) It's like, "Was he never serious with you?" And I'm like, "Oh my God, that's a burn." She just got fucking burned. - The moment, this is a moment that like, really puzzled me the most, and I just didn't understand why. So, you know, he fucks his stepsister or whatever, sister, and has this whole thing and they have this thing and he cheats on his wife and they cheat on his wife. and they have this whole weird scene where she fucks his wife and stuff, I don't really get why that's happening, but at the end, she's like, "By the way I told Mom again that we fucked." (Joey laughs) And I'm like, why? Why did you need to-" (overlapping chatter and laughter) Why are you? - Oh my God, I completely forgot about that. - I'm just sitting there, like, "Did you really need to just tell your mom that you fucked your brother again? What are you trying to achieve here?" What is this, what is this? Who does this? - I read that and I was like, "Well that was unnecessary." - And I was like, "Well this just went too far because frankly, your mom is probably just a very nice woman who just got dragged into this." - Let's be real, your mom didn't need to know this. - Your mom's getting to an older age. You gotta let her live her life peacefully, knowing that you were a good son and daughter. - BT Dubs, mom, fucked my bro. - And then just leaves. And then leaves! - [Joey] Peace! - What's wrong with you? What is wrong with you? Why did you do this? I just couldn't fathom it. It's like, you don't see this in the, you know, when you go on fucking, I don't know, one of these porn websites. Bang Bros or whatever, and there's the whole mom versus son-step. - Mom versus son-step. (all laughing) - There's not a whole scene at the end where like, "Okay son, I'm gonna tell Dad now." I don't wanna see that shit. Don't include that shit 'cause I already feel guilty enough for this shit. Don't include this. - But clearly this was supposed to be depressing, right? - Yeah, it's meant to be a depressing doujin. - [Connor] Really? It's like, if it was like scat porn the like, right, "Let's do 10 whole pages where they clean it up." Like, no, no let's not do that. - The aftermath. (all laughing) - They're just like, get the cling film bags. Get the bleach, we'll clean this place. No, I don't wanna see this shit. This felt totally unnecessary. Why was this in the story? Like you felt like you had to wrap it up? How does this wrap it up in any way? - [Joey] Well to be honest, - You're making more problems. - To be honest, like right before that whole thing happened. No, no, right before that whole thing ended, in my head, I was like, "How are they gonna end this?" And then... - They do that! - And then that happened. I'm like, "Well, I mean, that's an ending, I guess." That's not the correct answer, but. - Okay, the ending was a bit weird. (all laughing) - Only that was a bit weird? - I mean like, the reason I really like this doujin was 'cause like the first two chapters, like when it started getting a bit NTR-y I'm just like, "Ah, you're kind of losing me here." - They had us in the first half. - Yeah they got us in the first half. - It was because to me, the first half was so fucking well done that I'm just like, okay, I'm always gonna remember this. - The art was very good. - Yeah, I mean the art was good. To me it was the story that was good. - Art was good and the way that they broke down the lore was really good. - Because it's so fucking rare for me to find like, hentai and doujinshi that I actually give a shit about the story. 'Cause like most like, when you think of like, for example, most brother-sister, hentai, it's the most like simple shit. - It's like the sister comes in, wakes up brother. "Oh, no, you're hard, I guess I'll suck you off now." - And I'm just like, like that's. - Doujin over. - That's exactly, I'm just like, - That's literally every incest. - Who gives a shit about that? - It's like, cool. - Okay, no, I've got a perfect thing. I need spice with my hentai, okay? (Joey laughing) Surprise, surprise. - Incest. - Surprise, surprise. - Incest is not spice. Incest has never been spicy. It's illegal. - I mean, that's why it's always fucking step-siblings in Hentai, right? They never go the full fuck. They never do the full monty, right? Step-siblings, step-mother. - You'd be surprised. You'd be surprised. - That not the shit I watch. (all laughing) - Joey's like, "I can name a few." - I can name like, 10 off the top of my head. - I'll tell you what, the reason every hentai does it is because it's like that disclaimer, that goes on like the beginning of every YouTube video. It's like "This YouTube video is fair use." (Joey laughs) This video is protected under fair use. These siblings are not for, Your Honor, these siblings are simply step-siblings. It is not illegal. - They're not blood related, they are just drawings. Just in case you didn't hear me the first time, this episode is sponsored by GamerSupps. - Did you buy anything yet? Why didn't you buying anything yet? But after you've bought your GamerSupps which you've already done because you watched the first promotion and already bought them. That's right, yes you did. But once it arrives at your door, you'll notice that GamerSupps is not chalky at all. - And there's no chemical aftertaste, did you know that? You should, because you've already bought GamerSupps. - You need GamerSupps. Get this shit into me! (Joey laughing) - GamerSupps is zero calories, zero carbs and is non-glycemic, so it doesn't touch your blood sugar, making it diabetic and keto friendly. No bullshit, just 100 milligrams of organic caffeine from green coffee beans and essential vitamins to keep me focused throughout my gaming period. - God, I'm gaming so much right now. Guys I have a recommendation. Might I recommend the newest flavor, Waifu candy in my favorite new Waifu cup. - GamerSupps Waifu cups for the perfect marriage between weebs and gamers. - That's a terrible slogan, we're not using that. Back to the episode. (all laughing) I am just playing devil's advocate 'cause it's very easy to make someone who says "I like incest" look bad, so it's very fun. - I mean, I don't know why it's so surprising when you're talking about, Garnt "I love domestic girlfriend" Gigguk, you know? - The man knows his tastes, man. What can I say? - I know my tastes. Okay, so. - I respect that. - Yeah, because to me, like I said, breaking taboo, that is my taste. Unfortunately, it's so fucking hard because 99% of hentai, when it comes to like breaking taboo, are just like the most depraved NTR shit you can find on like, God's green Earth. - Why's that shit so nasty? - I don't know, I don't know. - Why is there so much of it? - So many people are into it, man. - Yeah, you know, you go onto the hentai releases. And nowadays it's like 60 to 70% of it is just NTR garbage. - [Garnt and Joey] Yeah. - It's like, I can't nut to this. Who's nutting to this? - The majority of Japan is nutting to it, apparently. - All I wanna fucking see is two people who know they shouldn't be together, but just, you know, for like one fucking. - Cheeky little rule break. - Having like a cheeky Nando's, you know, have a cheeky little blow job here and there, you know, fucking have one or two hot nights and then just. - Mom doesn't need to know. - And then just call it a day. Unfortunately, hentai takes this as "Let's rip someone's life into pieces while we do this." - That's what I wasn't fond of with this one. They were like, "I'm just gonna tell Mom." That part really fucked me up. I was like, "Why would you do that?" - The part that made least sense to me was just like, Kirino is just like, "I've left now, I fixed their marriage." I'm just like, "In what way have you fixed their fucking marriage?" (all laughing) - The matchmaker. (all laughing) - I fixed their marriage by literally getting my brother to fuck me all over his house. Every part of his house. - We've had like a threesome where we're just not gonna be able to talk about for years. I'm not gonna be able to look at my wife in the eyes for like years to come, Jesus. Imagine if we have kids, like what the fuck? - I love how after that like, fucking intense threesome scene and like Kirino leaves, there's just like this monologue of Kyousuke being like, "Manami and I talked it out, we're mending our wounds." I'm like, (Garnt laughing) "Oh it's that easy, is it?" Shit, all right, cool. - It just be like that. - It just be like, we just talked it out, you know. - It's like, "Babe, I know, I kind of just fucked my sister and fucked you at the same time, but I think, I think we can work through this right?" - Happy wife, happy life, right? (both laughing) - She's like, "Yeah I'm glad. This is like never happened before, right?" Uh...... (Joey and Garnt laughing) "Looney Toons" ending. (Connor hums) - "This is just a phase, right?" Yeah, it's just a phase, yeah, totally. - She's like, "This just happened one time, right?" (all laughing) The DNA test results have come in. - 'Cause like, when you see cheating in hentai, normally it's like the person who's cheating against this fucking faceless dude that you don't see, right? It's like a face. - I'm not a fan of it, the character having an active part in the story, you know what I mean? - I mean, that's the difference between cheating and NTR, you know? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And like even fucking Kirino's husband comes back at this, even though he's like a faceless fucking guy, and just - [Both] beats the shit out of Kyousuke. - Like where did that come from? - I love that. - And he was just like. - I love the ending scene too, because he gets absolutely the shit kicked out of him and Kyousuke's just like, "worth it." (both laughing) - He's like, "I'm still protecting Kirino." I'm just like, "What is going on here?" - How did you think that that would go? How did you know that would go? - But yeah, the reason this is one of my favorite series, like parody doujins of all time is 'cause of the first two chapters. The first two chapters, 10 out 10 hot. - Hot as fuck - That is my exact taste. - I'm not gonna lie, one thing that really did put me off, I did make a note of this. Why is she being like, "he get me pregnant?" but then be like, "Oh no." (Joey laughing) That was really fucking weird. Can we admit that that's kind of weird? Cheating with your stepbrother is really pushing it in what I can accept to be like "Oh hehe, it's hot." But then being like, she's like, "Make me pregnant." Literally the first time she meets and I'm like, "What am I supposed to think?" What am I supposed to think hearing this shit? Am I supposed to be like, yeah that's hot, dude. Impregnate your sister, that'll show them. That'll show everyone. - I think this is, you saying this now, I think this just shows that I've just been so desensitized. - You've literally just like. (overlapping chatter) - 'Cause I feel like that's just the fucking, that's just the default in a lot of hentai, all right? There's always one panel in every hentai where it's just like, "make me pregnant," or "I'm going to become pregnant." - I am trying to be supportive of my friend's taste here and I'm reading this, you know and I wanna be like good for Garnt, you know? - [Joey] Yeah. - But then like, it's literally, again, the amount of times I'm gonna reference the fucking headset meme where he rips it off. I'm trying to get into this and she's like, "make me pregnant," I'm like, "Fuck, fuck. Why, why? What do you mean?" - I think it's just because sometimes your taste or like my taste is like so specific that it's kinda like, I'm willing to look over some of like the weirder shit or the weirder aspects of some hentai if there's like this aspect that has done like ridiculously, ridiculously, well, you know? - You sound like someone who's like desperately digging for good hentai after you've had it all. You're like, "I'm missing something." - I need to feel something. - I'll forgive, I'll forgive the weird fucking shit just for a crumb of good blowjob art. - If it scratches that one tiny itch, that's all I need, that's all I need. - This was fucking weird. I did give this one to three out of 10. - Three? - Three. - Honestly, there was very few moments where I was like, this is hot and there's so many moments where I'm like, "Fucking hell, fuck." Like, I don't even smoke and I wanted a smoke break after this. - This is a doujin to read and you're like, "I need a fucking smoke right now." - I don't even smoke and I was like, "Fuck, I need a cigarette." Just like, fucking look out my window and just be like, "Fuck." - The thousand yard stare. - But I feel like that's, to me, that's what makes a great doujin. Like if it can fucking affect you in some way, then that means at least- - If it changes your life. - At least it's doing something right, right? It's making you feel something, right? - Yeah, of course. (all laughing) - My dick's so numb, I'm just waiting for something to happen. It doesn't matter what, disgust, anything, I'll make it work, like anything. - My dick is numb but my heart aches. (Joey laughs) - Three out of 10. What are you gonna give this one, Joey? - I don't know, I weirdly enjoyed this one. - Yes, fuck yes. Oh my god. - This is why we need a me on this podcast to balance out the fucking degeneracy we have over here. - This is how I know Joey is a brother. - I weirdly enjoyed this. I give this that's probably seven or an eight, yeah. - Goddamn it. - Yeah. - Story's spicy, man. It's a spicy ass story. - I don't know, this is not spice. Literally, the word spice went out the window when he told her fucking mom. That was when I was like, "This is not spicy." - That's like the last fucking panel. You should've already nutted by then. You don't give a shit about. - I don't wanna- - He told his mom. (both laughing) - I don't wanna get post nut clarity and then also find out afterwards he told the mom and it's like the biggest whiplash of post nut clarity. You'd be like, "Oh God, oh, Jesus." - That's not spice. That's like a Carolina Reaper to the eye. - Oh God, Garnt what would you rate this one out of 10 then for you personally? - Nine. - Oh my God. - The good parts were so good that I'm just like, to me, it's the most like the most unique, dope, like parody doujin I've read so far in terms of building on a premise and being able to like take this premise in an anime and just make a hot situation out of this. - The dildo burn did it for me. Like that was hilarious. - Yeah, yeah. - That was fucking hilarious. - I respectfully disagree. - All right. - Moving on. - The next one was "Pisu Hame." What does that mean in Japanese, "Pisu Hame?" - Hame means to fuck and Pisu is peace. - Peace fuck? - Peace fuck. - Fair enough. - Yeah. - So the premise of this one was a strange one. There was like, I guess. - Whose do you think it is, first of all? - Yours. - Yeah. - I thought it was yours. This seemed very much like a you thing. - Yeah. - But I also really, really liked the plot to this one. I really enjoyed the plot. - I love this plot. - Yeah, that's a very good plot. - The plot was good. - Okay, first of all, I did read, I was very, very confused because it came with like a prequel. - Yeah, that's like the YouTube hook, right? - Oh, yeah. - Where you have like a few pages to hook in the reader. - Where it was just like a bunch of girls who had been taking photos of who were naked. And I was very confused. And then when I started reading it, I almost forgot for a second that I was reading a doujin 'cause I thought I was about to get some kind of sick, fucking epic doujin about Kendo. - Kendo. - Kendo fighting. It very quickly became not that. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah yeah. - Just for a second, I totally forgot that I was reading porn and that I was- - Just was like a regular manga? - I totally escaped into a regular manga. You have this little, the chad woman who is this amazing Kendo player, very attractive, very beautiful. And like the simp guy, who's like this very tiny, very wimpy looking character. And then for some reason during the story, she's like, "Oh please, can you help me with something?" And obviously the wimpy character's like, "Yes, of course I'll help you." So they go to the office and there's the guy who's in charge of the Kendo club who's engaged to the hot girl. - To the girl, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Is he a student? I don't know if that's clear. - Yeah, he's a student. - But he's literally built like a motherfucking whale on steroids, like this man is absolute. - He's like nine feet tall. - That's generous, he's like 15 feet tall, muscular. And he's like, "This is my fiancee. By the way, I need you to take photos of all the women at the school." - All the graduates, right? - All the graduates, naked, lewd, being fucked, anything. And then there's just so many quotes in this are just very funny to me 'cause, and then he's like, "Oh, is that a..." The little wimpy character's like, "Oh, is it okay that we take sexual photos of the girls?" He's like, "Oh yes, all the girls have given their consent to this." (both laughing) Literally the X to doubt, X to doubt. (both laughing) Really? - Yeah, because of the long standing tradition in the school, right? - It's a long standing tradition, not like this is like some YouTuber cancel bait. How is this- - This is a tweet longer waiting to blow up, man. - How does this become a long set? I wanna know that backstory. Who started this? How did it everyone just come-? - This is like CW grooming. - How did everyone give consent? I feel like this needs to be like a signed form or something like that. - I agree with that, I really want to know more of the story. There must be an iron clad contract to this. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Release waivers out the ass. - You sign by blood. - Yeah. - There were so many funny- "They have given their okay to this," that's what they say. - What I appreciate about this doujin is that I always appreciate a doujin when it takes more than 20 pages to get to the fucking, right? - I appreciate that a lot about this. I literally experienced two hours of just the worst shit. I've read the Oreimo one before this, I was begging for something that wasn't fucking awful. So this was a breath of fresh air. - 'Cause the difference between a parody doujin and an actual doujin is that parody doujins, if you're a fan of the show - [Connor] You skip the plot. - or the series, you can skip the context 'cause you know the context, you can build on top of that. But like the real challenge with just a plain doujin is that- - Original stuff. - Original you know, original tankoban or whatever, is that they need to build up your investment into the story by itself with no pre-investment to any franchise or whatever. And normally that takes a long time, and I can appreciate it. It went like 40 pages, it went like a whole chapter, I think. - Almost, yeah. - With no fucking and I'm just like (Garnt clapping) respect, respect. - Restraint, I appreciate it. - [Joey] Exactly. - One thing I really liked about this one is that like the whole, I guess point is that like, obviously he's gonna fuck the main girl, but they hold off on it for so goddamn long. - [Joey] Yeah. - I appreciate that. - Wait, so did you read this whole thing? - No, I read about nearly two stories. - Two chapters. - Yeah, there's the first chapter was like 150 pages. - No, it wasn't. - It was like six parts to this. - If you're thinking of the 500 page one, those are 16 chapters put together. - Oh, when I looked in the websites, it's six stories or whatever. - [Garnt] Oh, okay. - So, I mean, I read up until like- - How many pages? - Which girl did you get to? Which one was the last one? - I think he actually fucked the girl. - Okay, you got further than me then. - Which is like, I think it's like 200 pages in, but then there's still like 400 more after that, which I had didn't understand. But I was still like, all right, this story is pretty hot because the whole premise is that he has to then go and he's recruited this. - He's doing his job. - Yeah. - This wimpy kid is recruited to take all the naked and lewd photos, you know, and if he has to help to get the photos done, he does. So he just starts fucking everyone. (Garnt laughing) - As you do. - I appreciate the hustle, you know? I was like, "You know what, good for him." 'Cause this is, you're not. - He was scared at first, but then he gets more and more confident. - You know, ticked all the boxes. It was like consensual, attractive, kid coming into his own. Getting pussy. (Joey laughing) Good for him. I was rooting for him. - It's a coming of age story. - Yeah and you know, I thought it was very attractive that she was watching the whole time, giving moral support. Who doesn't want that? - I love the scene where she just like comes around, grabs his dick, and is like, "You've got this." - It's like IRL Twitch chat with fucking, you know? Its like Pog, go in! Pog, take the photo! (Connor exclaims in Japanese) You know, just good fun. I don't know, this was just good. - I'm surprised you liked this one. - I'm surprised you like this one as well. - Really? - Well yeah. - This didn't seem, okay because this one- - I like the long game. I liked that they were reserved with a lot of things. - 'Cause this one is one of my favorites doujins of all time. - Yeah. - The art style threw me off a little bit and stuff. - It's unique, isn't it? - But then I got into it. I was like, "You know what, I fuck with it. I fuck with it." - That's exactly how I felt. - And then, you know, because obviously you can't just have the gimmick of, he goes to take picture, he fucks them. 'Cause that would get old. So then they started introducing like these fucking battles. - Yeah, that's what I liked as well. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - When I'm just like- - I was like, "This is so fucking dope that I'm here for it." - The betting battles right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - So they would bet on something. So the first bet is that he has to choose what he thinks is her favorite volumes of her like lewd outfits. Am I correct? - Yeah, yeah. So she's like a gravure model who does like sexual stuff. And she's like, pick two things that I consider my best works and he's like, easy game. - And then if you pick them, I'll fuck you. - I was already a super-fan anyway. - And he's like, "If you lose, you throw out all of your porn. If you win, you get to fuck me." - And he gets to fuck her, so congratulations. And then there's- - Spoiler alert. - There's another one where they did like wishbone breaking. - Oh yeah, yeah, with the grass. That's like a really old Japanese game. - Yeah and then he wins this 20 foot Kendo man is like, "He's so powerful, he's won two betting games. This kid's good." And it's like. - It's like, "We need more photos." - He literally guessed doujins and then played wishbone, a luck game, what do you- - [Joey] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And it's just like, "He might get all the photos this year," implying that some of them don't want their photos taken, which is like, I was like, "Oh, that's a little weird but I'll forgive it." But it was- - [Joey] Go, go, go. Some of the later chapters, it does become like that. - Yeah. - I thought, you know what, fair enough. I see the vision, I appreciate the execution. All around, good fun for the family. - [Garnt] What I love about- - Cheers. - Yeah, cheers. (all laughing) Cheers to that. - Cheers to that. - Cheers to consensual for the most part, I think. I didn't get far enough. - I'm sad you didn't make it to like pretty much like the finale or like the ending plot. The ending, because there's like a whole, there's like three chapters. - Sell me on it. - There's three chapters where the wimpy kid, the main character fights the student council brick shit house in a wrestling match. - Oh, okay. - I mean, I knew that they were building up to it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's very obvious that that was gonna be the final showdown. - And while that's happening, all of the girls that he's fucked are getting like gang banged by the entire school. And he's like, "If you wanna stop this, beat me in a wrestling match." And I was just like, "what?" - You know like after reading all of Joey's recommendations, I like figured out Joey's tastes. He recommends a doujin. If there's a panel on it with more than like eight tits in one panel, that's a Joey. - [Connor] True. - That's a Joey doujin. - Yeah, yeah you're right. - I'm mad that you're right. (both laughing) - The more the merrier. - But like what I love about a story in a doujin like this is when like, they introduced the one winning girl at the beginning show. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I mean she was the hottest. - Oh, 100%, she's the hottest. - I don't know how like doujin artists, they just know. They know I'm gonna make this girl the hottest. - There's something about a supporting girl that you can't help but root for. You're like, she is just helping, she's just doing her part. Fuck it, literally. - And it's like they must have like a talent to be able to like, make a girl that you know is like just radiates best girl energy, right? Like they just radiate best girl energy and everyone just unanimously agrees that this is best girl. And every girl is just like the losing girl. - Honestly, Shiwasu No Okina who's the artist, he's like fucking amazing at that 'cause all of these other ones, he always introduces this like, beginning girl. - Yeah. - And whether she gets fucked in the beginning or right at the end, she always ends up being the best girl. - Because throwback to the hentai episode, the one thing that I did like about that one thing that you picked, even though I didn't particularly- - Which one? - The one that was like the Eto era Japanese. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I was like- - That's the one. - I least liked the fact that they took three episodes to build that shit up before they fucked, you know? I like it when they tease you. 'Cause you know, you can go on fucking Pornhub and you can skip two minutes in, you're already at the fucking meat of it. I like it when they make you wait for it sometimes. It's like you making me feel like these characters are worth it, you know what I mean? 'Cause when they immediately put that pants down and he's fucking two other women, I'm like, "I'm not invested. You've lost me. It's a no from me." - I like being able to wait to see the best girl, you know. - I'm impatient, but I'm patient. - I'm also impatient. Sometimes I'm just like, "Let's just skip to episode five and let's just see, okay." But like, I feel like the best times is like, when you know there's a reason to turn the next page. There's a reason to like watch the next episode. Like, it's like "Metal Gear Solid," the best is yet to come. - I don't consider the plumber turning up a riveting story worth me turning the fucking page. - Oh, I'm invested in what part of the house is he gonna fix? - Oh shit, is it there? Which kind of clog is it? I'm fucking hyped to see which kind of clog. Is it a grease? - I wanna see all the size wrenches he has. - Is it a grease clog or a toilet paper clog? Can't wait, you know? I mean, I think that's the one thing that at least I can appreciate about the doujin, is that you can kind of almost, if there's a story, you can kind of read it in your own pace and you can get the feel for it that you want. I can respect that. I wish that I could read it and then the moment the fucking starts, I'm like turn on the hentai version. - Well, this one actually does have a hentai version. - Yeah, I was about to say this one does have an hentai adaptation. - You say that, is it bad? It sounds bad. - It's Queen Bee. - Oh, I'm gonna watch it. - All right, I'm actually curious about your opinion. (Connor speaking indistinctly) I'm actually curious about your opinion now that you're gonna go from like a doujin to an adaptation of that doujin that you enjoyed. - Because there's another one by Shiwasu No Okina that I was debating on whether to recommend called Nudist Beach, which is- - I love the Nudist Beach, the hentai, it's great. - Yeah, yeah, that's the same guy. - Yeah, I like that one. - And doujin version is like one of my favorites and also Cahu's favorite. And we like bonded over that. But like I was like, "Do I recommend it?" But like Pisu Hame just has a better story in my opinion. - I like that story a lot. - [Joey] Yeah, I know you love stories. - With Nudist Beach, when I watched that originally, I was like, "You know what?" You know when you watch something and you just know this is popular. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm just watching, I'm like, I know this one. I don't know anything about hentai or doujin community and what the fuck they get up to. But I watched that and I'm like, "I bet this is famous as fuck." Just from watching this I'm like, "This shit is too good." - Who adapted Nudist Beach again? - Queen Bee. - No, it wasn't, it was good adaption though. - Was it? I thought it was Queen Bee. - No, I swear, I watched that and it was good. - I don't think it was Queen Bee. - Really? - I swear it was a good adaptation, I swear it was. - [Joey] Let's see. Let's see. - But I gave this one. What did I give this one? I gave this one a nine out of 10. - [Joey] Really? - Genuinely, I dig the story. - Honestly, that's really surprised me, I thought you would hate this one. - Cheers to that. - Cheers to that. - Cheers, cheers to that. - Look at us, look at us, look at us. Recommending each other porn. - We are two for four, I think. - Two for four. - Two for four right now. - We're slowly converting him. We're slowly converting him. - Oh, I'm not gonna say I'm gonna go home and read this shit or it's my preferred. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. - But if you're gonna sit here and force me to read this shit, I'll sit. - Okay, here's a question then. Like if you had just experienced this through the hentai, would you have watched through the story? - Yeah, for sure, for sure. - [Garnt] Really? - I mean, most hentai, I watch their story. - [Garnt] Really? - 'Cause it's like 19 minutes, it's not a big ask. - That's the most un-Connor thing I've heard in the history of this podcast. - Okay, do you know when you, I don't know if you do this, right? Okay, I gotta ask. When you're doing your business or something. If you finish your business and there's like six minutes left, do you just save it for another time, the rest six minutes, or do you just keep watching and see what else happens? - Save it. - I save it. - Yeah, me too, me too. (Garnt laughing) - My man. - My man. - I'm like, this was so good that I don't wanna spoil the rest. - Yeah! - Goddamn Connor, I've never connected to you on such like a spiritual level before until you just said that moment. - It takes restraint, but I'm like, "You know what, no. I could skip ahead and find the best part, but no." - No, no, no, this is fresh content for next time. - Connor, I agree. (all laughing) - Holy shit, Garnt agrees with me. 'Cause you don't wanna spoil. You get so limited. You know, I've realized with hentai, it is literally like, you know, it's like mining for diamonds in Minecraft, you just don't get it. - That's what I'm saying, that's what I'm saying. - You don't get the good shit. - It's like when you find a good shit. When you find one of the good shit, you gotta save that shit, man. - There's like 10 hentai that I can probably, I can be like, you know what, these are probably my favorite that I can revisit. But like they never come around 'cause we have so much goddamn NTR. It's fucking, it's awful. And the moment we don't get NTR, as much as you know, I can work with Queen Bee, but I don't like it where every single non-NTR is Queen Bee. - [Joey] Yeah, honestly. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah. - What is happening here, can we not do this for 10 seconds? - 'Cause just imagine me when I go onto just like regular hentai website. And I see Pisu Hame episode one, I was like, "My time has come. My favorite hentai has finally been adapted." - When did they come out, when did they come out? - The doujin or the hentai? - The hentai. - A couple years ago. - Yeah, it was quite old. - It's quite recent. - I mean, I wonder I'm like, is Japan just ahead on porn? Like, are they speed running it? It is this where all porn is gonna go to where everyone in the world is gonna be NTR fans? - God, I don't know, I really fucking hope not. - 'Cause I feel like they're like five stages ahead of like fucked up shit than the rest of the world. - I mean it's because of Japan just accepts any kind of fucked up hentai, right? - Is this where the world is going towards? Are we just all gonna be NTR fans? Are we just all gonna be NTR fans in 20 years? - Here's the thing, there's obviously someone out there watching NTR. - A lot of people. - [All] A lot of people. - I actually know someone. - Sydney. - Well, there you go, point taken. - You see the thing is that it is like. - You literally just proved your own point. - NTR sometimes is attractive. You know, I will admit there are one or two where I'm like, you know what, they had me in the first half. - Yeah, it's not all bad. - Which ones? - But, I can't off the top of my head. There've been one or two where I'm like, you know what, "This is good" but then I'm like, "Ah, it's NTR. Not gonna do it, not gonna do it." Because I'm like, you know what, like does vanilla really have to die? 'Cause I feel like vanilla is the minority of hentai that we get now. It's very rare where you just get a, they like each other, there's no cheating, there's no sibling rivalry. Oh my God, what? - I think it's because in the context - I do that. - of Japanese. (all laughing) - I think it's because in the context of Japanese audiences to read it, it's like, "Why would I read this when I could just have it myself?" - 'X' to doubt on that one. - But like with your vanilla thing, do you count, for example, step siblings or step parents, step mother, whatever if there's no other complications other than them, for some reason just being step siblings or stepmother. Is that vanilla to you? - I'd say yeah, probably. - [Garnt] Yeah, I mean- - That's pretty vanilla, I mean that's probably the most vanilla you can get nowadays. - Yeah, I mean- - Or like childhood friend or something, right? - 'Cause the thing is, it's it makes it even rarer, right? - I mean, literally, you go on any porn website now, but is literally all step-mom everything. Everything is step. - [Joey] Really? - Yes. - Are you sure, or is that just the shit you look up? - No, no, no, I kid you not, you go on this shit and all the most viewed shit, it's all step mom. And I'm like, "What is happening?" (overlapping chatter) I'm here for it, but like when did this happen? - I don't know when it happened, right? - You know, right? You see it too. - Meilyne, can you search up some of the most searched terms on Pornhub? Like, 'cause I guarantee, I think step-mom's. (Meilyne speaks indistinctly) (all laughing) Okay, Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, you do it. - Yeah, Ashley do it. Like I think it's either top three or top five, because step-mom is up there. - What happened? Because I swear like five, six years ago, lesbian porn was always number one. - [Joey] Yes. - It was never dethroned, and then all of a sudden out of nowhere in like the space of two years, all the fucked up shit goes to the top. What happened in those two? Is this coronavirus where people are like, "I guess NTR is pretty good, huh?" - I'm looking up the most popular tags for doujins right now and would you believe that milf is in the top 20? - I mean, I hope so, I hope so. - But do you know what's directly on top of that? - What? - Incest. (Joey laughing) - It's concerning. No, this is not a celebratory moment. - I will take my crown right now. - No, no, no, no, no. - Oh, but then you know what? - Fellow degenerates rise up. Degenerates rise up. - Man, there are some like, oh my God, number 10 is shotacon. - Ashley, you're literally looking on Pornhub? Just search top. (all laughing) - Oh my God. - Just search top Pornhub searches. - You don't gotta open up Pornhub. - Your boss is sitting right next to you and you're on Pornhub. (Garnt laughing) - [Ashley] For the record, she told me to do it. (all laughing) - Meilyne, Meilyne what are you doing? Stop corrupting Ashley like this. - [Meilyne] Wait, what if the most searched terms are like in the top- - It's literally, they do a survey. - Yeah, they do a survey. - They do a survey. - They literally do a survey and like a- - Speaking of shotacon, should we get onto the next one? - Yeah, sure, let's go on to the next one. - Seikatsu Shuukan. - Wait, wait, wait. - [Ashley] Do you wanna know that 2019, number one was amateur, number two was alien. - Those were the search terms. Search terms, search terms. There, there. That's what you're going for. - [Ashley] Search terms, Japanese. - Hey! - Japanese number one? - [Ashley] Number two is hentai, number three is lesbian. Number four is milf. - Hentai is above lesbian now? - What? What's number five? - That's like, although- - [Ashley] Number five is... - [Meilyne] Milf. - [Ashley] Korean. - [Meilyne] Oh, it's Korean. - I swear it's like nearly like, you go on these websites, it is like Russia driving half of this shit. - Where's stepmom? - [Ashley] Seven. - Okay. - Stepmom and milf though. Stepmom and milf are normally very like closely. But also if you look at it, the amount of people in Russia that watch hentai is insane. - [Joey] Really? - [Connor] Hentai is massive in Russia, it's insane. - Fuck, I need to move to Russia. - Putin's like put "Mother Knows Best" on my 90 inch OLED TV (all laughing) while I jerk off on my Italian leather couch. - Or my polar bear rug. (all laughing) - So yeah, the next one is "Seikatsu Shuukan." I'm near certain Garnt recommended this one. - It was me. (Joey laughing) - Are you? I'm not gonna lie, I'ma say it right now, boys. - [Joey] Yeah. - I liked the hentai version to this one. - Yeah, the hentai version is fucking ridiculous, yeah. - Because, dude, you can't, the animation alone. If you- - God tier. - [Connor] In the hentai version of this it is so goddamn good. - [Joey] God tier. - And I was so confused when I opened this doujin 'cause I was like, what is this story in the start? This is the shit story. Get to the story I know. - [Joey] Yeah, the good one. - The good story. 'Cause the first story is just like. - So, this is like a collection of stories. - Is it two stories? - It's like two or three stories in there. - Okay, so there's two stories in this. It's "Seikatsu Shuukan" and I think it's, so the first part is like a teacher who fucks their student story and like this teacher is not very charismatic, very creepy, very rapey, really weird. You know, you get interested this girl and she's a little concerned, you know? She's like, "Why are all the guys looking at my big, you know, big-" - Big badonkas. - Badonkas. - And this teacher's like, "Oh, don't worry about it. I'll help you, I'll help you get used to them because if you don't care about it anymore, no one's gonna look at them" and I'm like. - Genius logic. - I'm like, "Ah, okay." And so he's like, "Oh yeah, just take your bra off in front of me so you can get more used to showing them off." And I'm like, "Oh God, all right, it's one of these." 'Cause it's just like, it's really rapey and like, 'cause you did recommend, the next one we'll talk about is Tujuan. I think that's done much more tastefully than this Wan Shou. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Not a fan of this Wan Shou at all. - Yeah, the Wan Shou I didn't really want you to care about. - But the Wan Shou was like a 100 pages long though. - It was long, because it's like, and this is the thing that I hate about hentai but this happens all the goddamn time. Let me see it. So one trope that I really am not fond of in hentai is where the girl is like, "No, oh my God, please don't." And they're clearly being sexually assaulted really. - [Joey And Garnt] Yeah. - And then suddenly, they start doing it and they're like, "Oh wait, I like this now." And I'm like, "I don't think that's how it works." (Joey laughing) Why haven't you bought GamerSupps yet? What is going on? - Did you not know that this episode was sponsored by GamerSupps? - We've said it three times now and you haven't bought GamerSupps yet. - The coupon code is TRASHTASTE, what are you doing? - We're not wearing the shirts for nothing. - Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me three times, I don't even know who to blame anymore. - What's going on? Did we not convinced you enough? - Are we not gamer enough for you? - Have you not tried their newest flavor, Waifu candy? It's delicious, what's wrong with you guys? - I mean, come on, look at these Waifus. Look at all these beautiful Waifus that you can choose from to get your gamer juice from. Come on gamers! - [Meilyne] And they have free samples. - They have free samples. - They have free samples. (all laughing) - Thanks Meilyne. - Thank you. - Guys, I know you haven't clicked the link yet and that's fine, it's fine. No, I'm not angry, I'm not angry but maybe this will entice you. Joey, tell them what it is. - Okay. (all laughing) Did you know the first 5,000 people to click the link, add the samples to their cart, and checkout with code "Free" will get free samples delivered to them, no bullshit. - That is the last chance. This is your last chance, I'm telling you, now. - What am I, your mom? Go buy GamerSupps. - Your mum would love these cups. They're great. - I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed if you don't click the link right now. - Click the link in description down below. - Back to the episode. - Generally, did not enjoy this teacher fellow. I thought he was a little bit rapey. - Little unpleasant. - And like I said in the hentai episode, not really fond of that kind of stuff. To me, it's just like, "Aah, oh, okay." And he's like, "Oh, I'm gonna teach you how to be more comfortable with your boobs." I'm like, "Are you really? Are you sure about that?" - Did you say like the name of the doujin, 'cause I'll tell you the name of the doujin is "Abstinence Club," at least the first story arc, right? Which is, it's obviously nothing about abstinence. (Joey laughs) I'm sorry. - There's no abstinence to be found here. - It's quite the opposite. - These are not good Christian girls, that's not what we're talking about here. - And there's two things that personally, I'm not really fond of or I'm like, "Oh, whatever" that come up in this doujin. First one being that apparently dick can just convert your feelings entirely and that you can just suddenly love it once it's inside of you. I'm like, "Pretty sure that's not how it works, whatever." - It's gotta be pretty fucking good dick for you to do that. - You'd be surprised about how many times that crops up in hentai. - It's literally every single fucking hentai. - I know, where it's just like, "Aha, you don't want it? Well, you obviously haven't had the giga-chad dick yet, let me introduce you." - Say that after you feel my dick. - It's so fucking dumb, I hate it so much. And then also they have that whole fucking trope of, for some reason, this happens a lot in hentai as well where the girl is having sex with the teacher because of course she is. And outside, there's another student who happens to catch wind of this going on. And naturally, instead of being like, "Oh God, oh my God" and running away and telling friends, she's like, "I think I should start nutting. I think I should start masturbating right now. Right now outside." - It's the optimal time to nut. - Either winter or summer in Japan, which are both wildly uncomfortable seasons to be doing this outside, by the way. So this is just a terrible experience overall and I did not enjoy this first story at all, I thought was shit. And I was really confused, I was like, "Man, I really liked the anime version of this, I thought it was really hot." - I didn't even remember that this had an anime adaptation 'cause like I had to like- - You'd remember if you'd seen it. - No, no, no, exactly 'cause I was like, "This name kind of rings a bell." - Yeah, same, same, same. - So I look at the anime and than I look at the doujin and I'm just like, "These aren't the same fucking story." - Hold up a minute. - I literally thought I had made a mistake, and I'm like, I was just like- - They adapted the better half into an anime. - Smart man, smart man. - [Garnt] Thankfully. Thankfully. - 'Cause the first half is every other fucking doujin that exists and every hentai. It's like, "All right, whatever, the fucking teacher abused his power, yada, yada, yada, whatever. Whatever." - [Joey] Whatever. - We'll get to it. - Okay, let's let's get to the part you wanna talk about. - Okay, you know- - Let's get to the good part. - The anime adaptation of this one, I have seen. I enjoy it thoroughly. I think it's great. The animation, very good. Because the boy isn't actually a shotacon makes it in my head, I'm like, free pass. I'm like it's free real estate because he transforms temporarily, so it's- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm willing to bend the rules. - This is like if I close my eyes and forget it's Connor's voice coming out, I'm just like, "Man, is Joey fucking talking right now? What is going on?" (all laughing) - That's like a me argument. - Are you okay with shotacons, Connor? Is that what you're saying? - No, I have watched, I don't know what the other famous one is that always comes up with like the big, big milfs and the tiny, tiny kids that I do not. - The Yokai one? - I fucking hate that one. That one is fucking disgusting. And I accidentally watched it and I thought, "Oh God, oh!" You know what I'm on about, if you've seen it, it's this vile shotacon. - It's like the eight foot milf right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's fucking disgusting. - It's like fucking watching "Attack on Titan," you know what I mean? - It's like, POV: the fucking colossal titan fucks you. It's like, I don't wanna watch this, I don't want this. - I was just like, this doujin disappointed me so fucking much, all right? And the hentai also disappoints me 'cause you know why? Do you know what the worst, you know the only thing worse thing than a loli? A shotacon. (Connor and Joey laughing) - I agree though. I agree. - Because the thing, with loli- - They're equal in my hate. - 'Cause like, no, no, they're not equal to me 'cause with loli hentai, I was like, "I was never gonna jack off to you anyway. It's whatever. I can just skip over this." The one reason why it's so fucking hard to find milf hentai is because 90% of them are shotacon. And the thing is, most of them have like the fucking hottest milf, like perfectly crafted milf from God, right? - Perfectly crafted milf. (all laughing) - I don't think there's that many. I think you're over exaggerating a little bit. - That's what it feels like to me. - That's a fair few, yeah. - And I'm just like, "All right, I'm in this, I'm invested. I'm ready for this hentai." And then the fucking shota comes out and I'm just like, "You were this close to greatness, we had it! And then you lost it!" - They had us in the first half. (both laughing) - You know, I can understand the frustration. But I think this is an exception. (all laughing) - Hell yeah. - You know, if I had read the doujin and thought, "So what, so what?" Another like B-tier. But you watch the anime version, you're like, "This has a place." - S-tier. (Joey laughing) - I'm like, "Okay, now we're talking, now we're talking." - This is such a one, like, this is such a Shyamalan twist for me 'cause I thought you were gonna hate this one. - Now, how can I- - I thought you were gonna hate this one. - How? When you watch the animation of this one, how can- - Because it has a loli and a shota in it. - Okay, the loli one, I thought it was, I don't know. I really liked the redhead girl. - Yeah, the redhead girl's hot. - Red headed girl. - I was just like, red headed girl is fucking hot. - Yeah. - Shota, why, why? - I think- - It's like if you have the fucking Mona Lisa and you just decide to fucking piss on it, you know? - Do you ever see something that happens in porn that it like hits something where you're like, "Oh, I didn't know I was into that, but that's very nice." - Yeah, that's what I like, search for everyday. (Garnt laughing) - Try to fill that craving every day. - There was a scene in it where she like gives a hand job at the dinner table and I'm like, I don't know why that was very attractive, but I was like, oh, I'm into that. - The redhead girl. - I'm into that. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm like, "You've sold me, I wanna invest. How do I invest in this? Put my money in the stocks." - Stonks. - Put my money in this stock. - To the moon. (all laughing) - Like that kind of shit, I'm like, "I'm here for it." But like, I know it's terrible, just like my body. My mind's telling me no, but my body, it's like, literally that. It's like, I know this is fucked and I'm always very, very hard on you guys for this kind of shit. So I feel like it's very critical of me. - Well, I mean, I'm just happy we found out that you have a new favorite fetish, which is cheeky hand job under the table. - Honestly, cheeky hand job at the family table. What's a better genre? (all laughing) I like danger in mine. - You like a bit of spice, would you say? - No, no, I like danger, not spice. I don't want Garnt's spice. I don't want Garnt's spice anywhere near me. - That's me, that's me. - I like danger. I like the fact that anyone could walk in, I like that kind of shit. - [Joey] Right, right, right. - I like that kind of stuff. - He likes having a danger wank, that's what he does. - Danger wank. - I'm not out here in the fucking, the taxi wanking. I'm not saying that, but a little bit of, not spice, a little bit of danger, I didn't say it. A little bit of danger adds a little something to it. - "Danger Wank" is gonna be my next album. - But also every single, you know, again, like my love for like this thing is purely based on the art. It's not even a doujin thing at this point. The doujin was mid when I was reading it. - Right, right, okay, so review it. - 'Cause you are talking about the animation, right? - 'Cause the animation is so goddamn good. Pink pineapple like, "finna bring my A game to this one" for some reason. - I completely agree, watching the animation of this, the animation for hentai standards is fucking godly. - What happened? I need to know what happened. Why is this so good? - This is also like a fuck, I'm surprised that no one recommended this on our hentai episode, right? 'Cause it's just that famous. - I was going to, but then I thought he would hate it. - No, I like this one, I like this one. - Because I was like, "I don't know if Connor's into shota or not." - No, I'm not, most of it I absolutely despise. This is probably the only one where I'm like, "that's hot." - [Joey] Really? - Yeah, this is the only one I've ever seen that I'm like, "I think this is good." - That's really surprising. I'm learning a lot about you today, Connor. - What can I say? I'm willing to bend my morals. - All right, so just purely just based on the doujin, out of 10. - Like a six, five. - Six. - It was like the first story really ruined it for me. The first story was so basic, so bland, so insulting. None of the characters were hot. The teacher was fucking, just not even remotely attractive. I was not into the teacher character at all. And we'll get into the next teacher character. - What I'm getting out of this is like, what if like fucking Ufotable animated some loli hentai? Would Connor enjoy it because the animation's that good? I don't know. - Listen, in the other episode, I was saying I like my hentai animation bad because sometimes I feel like I should- - Oh my God, you did. I completely forgot about that. - Because sometimes I feel like it serves the story better to have like bad animation 'cause sometimes the fucking isn't that great and I'm like, "You know, that's fine." - We are talking to the one and only fan of Milky, right? - But for this, this is one of them where I'm like the animation is so goddamn good where it feels like this is better than most anime we've been getting recently, So it's like, "What am I supposed to do?" How can I hate on this? This is just so goddamn good. I'm not saying I want all hentai to be like this because God knows we'd get 50 NTRs animated like this. And my mind can't take that, that would be 50 NTRs. - Unfortunately, the NTRs are like some of the best animated. - They are. - Yeah, they are. - They always are. I fucking hate it, I hate it. It's like they draw this ugly bastard with the detail of a Mona Lisa. And it's like, why would you do this? What is wrong with you? How is the staff okay doing this? Like, I just don't get it, but it's fine. - It's like they're just playing nut chicken, right? Because it's just like, are you willing to nut to this? Are you willing to nut to this animation? - We can't always have a masterpiece. I've accepted that not everything can be a masterpiece. You know, literally. The animation, watch it, it's great. But yeah, this is good, I like the animation. The story was kind of shit, but the animation very much saves the story. - We just reviewed the hentai not the doujin, by the way. - Essentially, I mean, I genuinely, when I got to the second hard, I'm like, "seen it, skipped it." (Joey and Garnt laughing) I already know exactly what happens. I went through to make sure. It was like one for one the same as well. So I was like whatever. - Was there a reason why you suggested this doujin? - It's just the first one I thought of when I thought like, you know, all the girls are hot. Like it's just an interesting premise. Like, I don't know. Again, this is another one where it's like, as long as you're okay with the whole shota thing, it's very inoffensive. (all laughing) - That's a very big ask. - Just get over the shota, it's fine. Just pretend you're the shota, it's all right. - I don't know, is it one of those things, like, is it 'cause I'm a guy where I can forgive it a little less, is that why? - What'd you mean? - Like with the shota in this case, am I making an exception 'cause I'm a guy and I could be like, you know, he was an adult in the start of this thing. - Right, but if he was like a full on kid. - If he was genuinely a kid, I don't think I could enjoy. - I mean this is like a very deep conversation that I don't feel we have time to explore on this podcast. - [Connor] We don't, no. - Maybe at a later date. - Maybe on a future podcast. - This is definitely one of those things where I'm like, I hate letting the exception like, I hate letting them be like the Uno reverse card, kind of save it, but for this one, I'm like, "Ah, it kind of does though for me." Like he acts like an adult, he is an adult. All right, fuck it. All right, I'll let it slide. - Like the thing that turns me off originally was that he didn't know that he wasn't a shota. The girls didn't know that he wasn't a shota either. - I did think it was weird when I first watched it and they're just suddenly into him now that he's a kid. - Yeah, 'cause all the girls are into shotas. - And I'm like, there's a few things we need to unpack here. - Wait, wait, wait. So it's kind of like when you have the siblings fucking but then they be like, but they are step siblings. - No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, because there was- - This video is under fair use, I'm not under copyright. - No, no, no because there was no moment where she was like, "I'm gonna ruin your life, I'm gonna impregnate you." "Impregnate me, ruin my marriage." There was none of that. That's pretty fucking hard to deal with, I don't want marriages being ruined while I'm trying to have a wank. Like you know what I mean? That's not what I wanna deal with. Let's get on to the last one. Oh, the second last one. - All right, second last one. - Which is "Kyoushi To Seito To," "Teacher and Student." - [Joey And Garnt] Yeah. - So this one's obviously Garnt's 'cause the last one's- - This one's mine. - You know what I had this down as Garnt's, actually. - [Joey] Okay, perfect. - Which I, again, like, I'm shocked I got some of these wrong 'cause I thought I would get them all right. - Yeah, I was shocked you got them wrong too. I thought it would've been fairly obvious. - I thought it was fairly obvious. - It was just because me and Garnt had a conversation the other day where Garnt mentioned the word shota and I'm like, "This has gotta be Garnt." - He said the word. - He literally said he word shota to me like a week ago, it must be Garnt. (Garnt laughing) He's trying to fucking inception my ass. (Garnt and Joey laughing) Yeah, I mean this one was weird because I thought the premise was really quite attractive, you know? I thought it was quite hot. And then suddenly things just started happening where I'm like, "Ooh, ooh, I don't know, I don't know about this." - [Joey] Really? - So, let me explain the premise. So a teacher who works at the school is broke, I guess. - Very broke. - Very broke and she has a job. - Very broke. - Full time teaching which- - Obviously isn't paying the dough. - Seems like everyone else is managing fine. So her genius solution is to ask one of the kids whose dad owns an apartment complex. - Yeah, he's a rich kid. - To just stay in his house. And so he says no, because he's a very responsible chad child and says no, he says no to this woman. No, you're my teacher, you can't stay at my fucking apartment, why the fuck would you? So she turns up at his door, naturally. - As you do. - As you do when you've been rejected, just fucking turn up at that door. This is already extremely wildly inappropriate for HR standards and should invite yourself in and then she just starts living with him. And mad props to the kid, pushes her away and says no like 10 times. That has to be rewarded. Claps to you chad, king shit. But it's a doujin, you could only last so long. But the fact that he said no a bunch of times, I respect that. He's respecting the HR standards of the workplace. And frankly for a kid, very professional. I noted "I'm calling HR. How did this woman get this job?" (both laughing) That's what I did write down because she's essentially just trying to fuck this guy constantly, and I'm just wondering like, "How did she get this job? What's going on here? What's going on here?" - She probably did a sneaky hand job under the table. - Did she try to fuck the guy? From what I remember- - No, no, no. - She definitely did. - Did she? - Yeah, she literally grabbed his dick out and started sucking it. - Oh yeah, the was the first time around. - No, that was the first time. - That was the first time around. - Before that, even before she even came to his house, she's like, "Do you wanna touch my boobs? I'll let you do it if I get to stay in your house." And I'm like- - No, but she said like jokingly, right? 'Cause she's like supposed to be like ahaha, hehe. - She's a fucking teacher, she can't say that shit jokingly to the student. - It's a doujin bro. - It's a doujin. - Wait, can I have a beer, Ashley? - Yeah, can you get me a beer as well? - From the fridge, I need a beer for this shit. I can't talk about this. Can't talk about this shit without drinking. Are you kidding? We've run out of wine. - All right, so to explain why I guess, to give context to why I chose this, this is one of my favorite doujin artists. It's an artist called Fuga and I don't- - I fucking love Fuga. - Yeah, I didn't know how well known he was, but this man is to me, the king of vanilla. Like this man's like, his art is like, I would say like about average, maybe bit above average. - It's average. - It's about average, but like why I love his work so much is that his like stories and characters are so fucking good where there are some points where I feel like I'm not even reading a doujin, I'm just reading a romance manga with sex scenes in it. - No, I wanna agree with you so bad, I want to. But there was so many moments where I'm like, "Nah, bro, this ain't it." - Is it the incest? (all laughing) - Of course it's incest! - The incest side story, right? - So, let me explain the story first and I'll build up to, you're probably wondering why is there incest in this story? Connor didn't even mention incest. Why is there incest in the story? Great question, I'll answer why there's incest in the story. So in this story, like I said, you know, she moves into his apartment. For some reason, he doesn't kick her out or try to get his dad to kick her out. He lets her live in there and they both explain to each other they're frustrated because they haven't been able to jack off because they're both always around each other. - [Garnt and Joey] Yeah. - And so her solution is, "Well great, I'll just make you nut." As any good teacher would, apparently. So they start fucking and then it becomes a thing. And you know, it's very honestly, like I will admit it's quite attractive up to this point. It's done very tastefully considering the fact that it would be very illegal and very concerning in real life. In doujin form, very tasteful. I thought it was done really well, I was on board. - I would say the reason for that is because like, there's a good like 40 to 50 pages before there's this first sex scene. - True, true, true. - And like- - It's done well, it's done well. - It's like, you hear this premise and you think, "Okay, I've seen doujins like this before, they fuck in like the third, fourth page or something. No, there is like- - It was tasteful, it was tasteful. - There is 40 full pages of characterization. And that's the thing, that's why I love this doujin artist is because he gives a shit about characterization. - I'll say that there was, he definitely took the time and again, like I'm saying like, you know, obviously in real life, the shit is fucking weird. But it's doujin, right? You set the kind of disbelief apart. And it was done pretty well. I'd say up to this point, it's done really well. What were you gonna say? - No, I was just gonna say, I fucking love this one. - I don't, again, like I was honestly, I was so into this. - I was like, this reminds me of like an early '90s Shonen Jump rom-com. - Yeah, it does, doesn't it? - With like the art and like how it's paced and like the characterization. I'm like, I fucking love this, dude. - I'm not just here to hate, you know? I agree, it was hot, right? Up until this point, I was like, they're hitting every mark, you know? They've done this about as tastefully as you can. A little weird at parts. - Was it chapter three? - It might've been chapter three. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - So first of all, right, we get this whole like, when the whole reason why they fuck is 'cause there's a rumor going around the school that she's dating a teacher and the teacher is like. - Like the vice-principal, right? - The vice principal. And the vice principal was like, "Yeah, we're dating, kid. Get over it." But he doesn't know they're fucking yet. And she was like, "No, no, no, he turned up at a hotel and he tried to come onto me. We didn't fuck." I'm like, all right, respect. Respect. I get it. - [Joey] Yeah. - And then out of nowhere like a fucking Randy Orton slithering in, his sister comes into the play and is like, "By the way, I love him. I'm gonna fucking him now," and then they start fucking. And I'm like, "What is going on? Where did this come from? Why?" It's like the incest was just like, "Allow me to introduce myself." Like, why did this- - No, it wasn't, allow me to introduce myself, it came in like the Kool-Aid man. It was just like, "Bah!" - [Connor] Yeah, exactly. - Incest! - Like to this day- - Out of nowhere, they just start fucking his sister and then she leaves and it's never brought up again. Why? - Well no, no, to- - Justify it to me. Justify the incest. - No, no, I'm not justifying- - Why do you like incest so much? What the fuck? - I fucking hated the incest in this one, okay? - My God, what the fuck was that? - The reason I fucking love this one, teacher, student relationship done fucking tastefully as fuck. Okay, chapter three, like she doesn't fuck the main guy. For some reason like, there is just this like, one of his classmates comes in and is just like, "I've run away from home." - That's right. - That was weird too. - My sister's harassing me, all right, like that one. - To correct what Connor said, the sister doesn't fuck the main guy. It's just these two side characters who's the brother, sister who just randomly fuck for no fucking reason. I don't know why it's there either. - It's not the main character? - No, no, no. - It's the main character's friend. - It looks so much like him. (all laughing) - It's the main character but less chad. - Yeah, yeah, like the main character's friends shows up and he says, "I've run away from home." And then he finds out. - Your sister fucked me. - Yeah, "My sister's been harassing me." And then so- - This is even more concerning 'cause it has absolutely nothing to do with the plot. - The main story, right. - That's what I'm saying, it's just like a fucking T-bone. - So his friend finds out that the teacher and student are living together and he's like, "Oh, okay, that's fine, whatever." And then the sister comes along and was like, the sister comes to the teacher and is like, "Do you know where my little brother is? I heard he went to your place." Or something along those lines. And so the sister comes in and she's like, "This is mine. He is mine." And then she- - And she's like, "I don't even know who he is." - Don't know who you are. - And then the little brother starts like, and then she starts fucking sucking his dick or something in front of the teacher and the teacher's just there being like- (Garnt laughs) - She's like, "All right, you guys, you do you." - The teacher's just like fucking Mike Wazowski's face. She's like- (Joey laughing) - This is why I was like, "What the fuck was that?" Like, I was literally into this. Headset meme. I literally like, "What is this?" Like, why do they do this? Like every time you get into it, a random side story comes up that has absolutely fucking nothing to do with the story and it's shit. - I thought that side story was fucking hilarious. - But it takes you out of it. - No, it was funny. - Yeah, but in the wrong way. It was shit! - No, no, no. - I mean, I mean, it was so out of place for like the rest of the doujin. - 'Cause it's only one chapter. - It's only one chapter. It's a side story that I don't know why the side story's in here. - Put it at the end, put it at the end. Don't ruin the flow. - Because it literally had no effects on the story and they don't call back to the characters at fucking all. Like, I don't know why this side story is in here. But the point is, like the reason this is one of my favorites is that the relationship between the student and the teacher is like handled so well. - Wholesome as fuck. - And it's just like, you can never read a Fuga doujin and just not come out just like with a warm, fuzzy feeling. - I agree with that. - What, what, what? - I agree with that. - What are you laughing at Connor? Why are you laughing Connor? - Because there's a few. I gotta stop you right there. I will stop you right there. There is one moment where I was like, "Oh, I don't know about that one, chief." Where she's like, "Guys, I have an announcement to the school. I've been fucking one of the students." And I'm like, "I don't think that's a good idea. Really don't think this is a good idea." - But like, it's completely in character though, isn't it? Like they've built her up as just someone who just doesn't give a fuck. - Yeah, but I'm thinking, I'm sitting here like, "All right, all right." - She did it for love. - I respect it. I respect it. I do, I do. But think about your career a little bit. - No, she doesn't care. - You're not employed. You've literally just admitted to a criminal offense, I'm pretty sure, like in front of everyone. - No dude, she was just like, "I love this guy so much, I'm willing to quit my job." - "Your honor, it was love." "All right, you've been sentenced to 10 years in jail. Get out of here." - That's why it's wholesome as fuck. - Wholesome as fuck? - She sacrificed her career to declare her love. And I'm just like- - Exactly. - I'm just like, this is a doujin, I don't care. I don't care about the legal ramifications. She obviously didn't get any. The point is that like, it was building up to a point. - Listen, I will admit, the ending was somewhat sweet. I will admit. A part of me was just like, "Did you really have to announce it to the school? Was this really necessary?" Could you not have just quit? - That's the dramatic scene. - It's not like the Shrek fucking wedding. You don't have to be like, "Lord Farquaad, you cannot marry her because I'm going to marry." You don't need that, it really doesn't add anything. You could have just been like, "You know what, I'll see you after school. Graduate and we'll fuck." That could have been the end. - But that's boring. - Yeah. - Is it though? - I mean it was dramatic. - It's the drama, you need the drama. - You need the drama, you need the spice, motherfucker. - That's the POG moment where you're like, "Ooh, I can't believe she just said that." - Like when he confessed to her and she just went, "I know." I'm just like, "Oh, shit son, she did not just say that." - Well, I mean, she'd literally been fucking riding this boy's dick for 10 months, of course she likes her. That's how this shit goes. - But that's what I loved about this doujin, is that it reads like a '90s rom-com, because there's so many moments like that in '90s rom-coms that I've read where I'm just like, "I mean, of course." Like, "Of course you would do that." - I was so fucking invested in these characters' relationship more so than like any other doujin I've read. Apart from his other works, I mean, the only reason I really chose this was of course, Garnt, teacher-student relationship. Of course, I'm gonna fucking love that. - Of course, yeah. - I mean, you know, as taboo as it is in real life, it's very attractive in fictional works. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't think about the legal ramifications when I read doujins. - Sometimes I do. I'm sitting there and I'm like, "Fuck dude, like how many years am I getting for this?" - Like this isn't even his like most highly rated works. There's like one which I would say is like the "Tsuredure Children" of hentai. If you remember "Tsuredure Children," it's like an anime that focuses on different couples kind of like getting together and it's wholesome as fuck. And his work is basically like that but just with the fucking included, right? You get the same kind of character development, you get the same kind of care in the characterization as you would in any other fucking manga. - I would say there's big props to making me actually give a about the story despite the weird side story. Again, I really wanna know what the thought process was. I'd love to have been in the board meeting. I wish I was there. - I thought that was fucking hilarious. - I was, but it also took me out of it. - I was like, halfway through reading this chapter, I was like, I know this is gonna have no ramifications on the story, but it's just hilarious to read. - I was just like, 'cause I knew when I recommended this that it was that scene that was gonna get brought up. - Of course it is, how could I not? - I knew it was just gonna be that moment where it's just like, "Garnt, is this your man?" I'm just like, "This is not my man, this is not my man." - [Connor] This is literally your man. - Come get your mans. Come get your mans. - All I'm saying, all right, is that two out of three have incest, Garnt. What's up with that? What's up with that? You know, I mean, whatever. - He likes it, man. Leave the man alone. - This is good. I like it 'cause I get to be the judge, jury, and executioner here and I didn't have to share my taste. - You didn't have to show your taste? - I don't have any taste. - We roasted you enough in the hentai episode. - Listen, I put "Mother Knows Breast" up, come on, I've been roasted enough for a lifetime. I stand by my words. But yeah, I mean this was- - Out of 10? - What did I give it out of 10? Let me see what I gave it. Seven out of 10. - Not bad. - Not that bad. - I thought the good moments were very, very good. The story was pretty damn good. - [Joey] Yeah. - Few moments where I thought, "Ah, you know, whatever." - [Joey] Yeah. - And a few moments where I'm like, "All right, a little too much keenness from this lady in the start." And I'm like, "There's no way. Why are you into this kid? Is there any reason why? Is it purely that-" - I don't even think she was into the kid at first. - [Connor] Really? - Because- - She's just joshing around. - Yeah. - What kind of woman josh around? Hehe, gonna fuck around and live in your apartment, bruh. - She's like early 20s. She doesn't give a fuck. - Like the reason that there was like, they used the cat analogy so much was because she would just basically was a stray cat. That was like the analogy. - [Connor] I get it, I get it. - Right, when I'm just like, she doesn't give a fuck. - Again, good story though. - It was the first time where I read a doujin and I looked at like a character and I was like, "You're not even hot, you're just cute as fuck." - Yeah, honestly, the reason this is my favorite of his works is because I fucking- - Like you got the cutest fucking personality. - I fucking feel the teacher's, like, I love the fucking teacher, man. - Yeah, I think she's cute as fuck. - Yeah, she is cute as fuck. - The fang. The fucking fang. I was like. - The fangs? - Bro, that does it for me. - Seven out of 10. (all laughing) - All right, but what's most important is this final one. - [Connor] Okay. - It's neither Garnt or my recommendation, or rather it's both of our recommendations. - It's both our recommendation. - They just wanted to scar me. - We were never going to do a doujin episode without talking about "Metamorphosis." - One of the most legendary doujins out there. - Okay and Connor's never read it. - Okay, before we start, I got something to say. I have a confession to make, guys. - Go on. - Oh no, what are you gonna say, Garnt? Fuck. - I have, before this, never read "Metamorphosis." - Really? - Yes. - Wow. - "Metamorphosis" has been my "Full Metal Alchemist." (all laughing) - All it took was an episode to make you do it. - Congratulations, you did it. - I just needed. - It takes 10 fucking minutes to read, it's not long. - It's not 10 fucking minutes. - It's like a 20, 30 minute read. - Yeah, yeah, but it was the one where I'm just like, people have talked about it so much that I had just been putting it off. So it was that one hentai where I'm just like, "I will read 'Metamorphosis' when I am ready to read 'Metamorphosis.'" - I will say, for all I've heard about this, I almost expected it to be more fucked up than it was. Did you feel that way? It was pretty fucked up. - Okay. - But because of the reputation it had, I expected it to be- - You over-hyped yourself. - I thought it was gonna be even worse than it was. - So did you just hype up the fucked up-ness in your head? - Well, you know, I mean, I've been an anime fan for a long time. You hear about this constantly. It's referenced constantly. It's been that one fucked up thing, you know and I- - It's fucked up for a vanilla audience. - Yeah, I've watched the final season of "Game of Thrones." I know true disappointment, and this is kind of what it felt like a little bit. I was like, this is fucked. Don't get me wrong, it's very fucked up. - It is fucked. - But I almost expected something worse, like I almost expected like absolutely horrific shit. - I think it's because you already put your foot in the doujin and like hentai world. - [Connor] Yeah, I mean, I know. - This is like Grade A fucked up for someone who's like, never stepped foot into that, right? - I feel like I've seen S-tier fucked up and this is A-tier fucked up. Like it's very fucked up and very uncomfortable. Maybe it's just more accessible. I'm not really sure why this one has gotten a notoriety. - I think it's because this was one of, I think this was just that one doujin that really just got around, I guess, for whatever reason it is. And I'm like. - Should we explain the premise? - Yeah, why don't you? - "Metamorphosis" is - Why don't you explain? - A very, very well-known doujin. - [Joey] Yes. - About a girl who, you know, she's not the prettiest girl out there and then she gets a makeover and then suddenly- - [Garnt] Literally takes off her glasses. Takes off her glasses, puts on a bit of makeup, - Becomes hot. - Becomes hot and then guys are suddenly attracted. - You have seen this beginning panel somewhere. If you're in the anime community, - You've always seen it. - You've seen this somewhere. - It's iconic as fuck, even I know what this panel is and then I didn't know any of the other panel, which is, this is the before and this is the after. (Joey and Garnt laughing) Completely different character. - [Joey] Yeah. - And then this character is just shocked that guys are now paying attention to her and that they wanna fuck her. And so she starts fucking these guys, and it gets really derailed really fast. Yeah, it's a big yikes of a read. I mean, how do I explain it? I mean, here's, okay. Let me just, I put some notes down while I was reading. - [Joey] Yeah, go on. - Seems normal so far. Not fond of how his dad reacted to her makeup, of her dad reacting to her makeup. - What scene was that? - Makeover, makeover, not gonna lie. - Oh yeah. - Chapter three. - So she gets a make-over and the father's like, "Oh, okay." (Garnt laughing) I was like, "I don't like that." - You won't believe what happens next. - I was like, I do not like that. I do not like that look he gave. This does not mean good things. And unfortunately, I was correct. - Top 10 foreshadowing moments. - Literally, WatchMojo, you can take this from "The Top 10 Foreshadowing Moments in Anime." Yeah, so, you know, a kind of sleazy dude kind of uses her for sex, you know, and then gives her drugs. - Yeah, I think the biggest aspect of the story, which I've never seen in any other doujinshi before was the drug angle, right? - Yeah, it was pretty uncomfortable, not gonna lie. It was pretty uncomfortable. - Yeah, where he was like, so she puts on makeup, she has her makeover and then she finds this douche bag guy who basically gives her a drug and- - It's kind of like a Mandy rip off kind of thing. - Yeah, yeah, and basically she experiences the best sex of her, or just one of the best experiences of her life. - Literally the first time. - She's a virgin then and she just becomes kind of a nymphomaniac, right? Where she just- - And a drug addict. - Yeah, well, a sex addict and a drug addict at this point, right, where she's addicted to the sex and she's addicted to the drugs, and she's addicted to the sex and drugs. And then this, it just kind of spirals down from there. It is like, it is a downward curve from like chapter one. - But you almost feel like when the character is like this disconnected and like barely gives you any signs of wanting to, I don't know, like it feels so forced at times, this decline of mental state where it's like, "All right, you're just doing the fucking best of depression hits at this point or something." You know what I mean? Like, it's literally, you're just trying to get, I feel like they're just making things bad for the sake of it. Like a lot of the time I was like, "I guess." Like there was a moment in it where I was like, I dunno, 'x' to doubt on that one where like- - Which point, which point? - So, it was in the school, where during the story, they know that she went to a hotel. Okay, I suppose I should back up. So she has this boyfriend who's kind of a scumbag, gives her drugs and then she kind of wants money. So she starts fucking an old guy who gives her money. A little disturbing and the sex scene is really- - Ugly bastard tag. - Literally, really, it's not an uncomfortable- It's quite uncomfortable, what am I saying? It's very uncomfortable. (Joey laughing) I didn't mean to say "not uncomfortable." It's very uncomfortable. And then for some reason, one of the students finds out that she went to this place. So naturally, all of the boys together decide, "Well, let's all get blow jobs from her. That's what me and the boys do at school." It's like- - Yeah, of course. - First of all, never gonna happen. But also that was the part where I was like, "Ah, I feel like this is kind of like, ah, this is a little extra." That was where I was like, "I get it. It's very depressing." But I was like, "This feels really forced," this part. I'm like, you're making this sad for the sake of it. Do you agree with that whole school part? I'm like, "This is a bit of a stretch." - I mean, it's just like a trope that I've seen in so many doujins. - And they all start fucking her and I'm like, "Name one school kid that minds showing his dick to anyone, let alone fucking someone in front of his friend." - You'd be surprised in Japan. - I don't know, man. I don't know, man. - This is a culture that is grown up on just seeing each other's dicks in the Onsen, right? That's like. (Garnt chuckles) - It is. - Yeah, just probably another day in the office, right? - That doesn't mean they wanna fuck the same fucking girl in front of each other. - No, no, no. - It's such a stretch that I'm like, "Ah, I feel like they're just doing this for the sake of it." - I mean, you say it's a stretch, but again, it's like such a trope that you see in doujins where it's like- - Yeah, yeah, I guess so. - It happens all the time, it's not even like surprising. - But I guess when it's used in a way, it's like, feel sorrow for this girl, feel like sadness. I'm like, "No, I mean." - I mean that wasn't even the part where I felt sadness at all, it was, - Oh God, I mean. - It was after that. - Like, what I would say is, this is like the "Requiem for a Dream" of hentai. And I didn't think I would say that in like a sentence, but it's a thing, it is a thing, this is. - So, after she sleeps with this old guy for money, after she gets blackmailed by the other kids in her school to have sex with them and do all this other stuff, which is really horrifying, it's not portrayed very well. It is portrayed very horrifyingly. Her dad wants a piece of the action. Now this is where I'm like, "For fuck's sake." This is just like, this is like, literally the saying "My day can't get any worse." This is literally it, so I'm like, God. What do I even say about this thing? This is so fucked up that I'm like, "Oh my God," like "What, why?" And then she fucks, the dad fucks her and it goes on. And the mum blames her and I'm like, "Really?" (Garnt laughing) Really, like you were married to this man for how long and you think it's your daughter's fault? Come on, come the fuck on. No way. I bet 99% of wives would be like, "Men you're out. I don't care what happened, I don't care who tempted who, you're fucking out. You are the problem, you should fucking know better." I'm like, that's where I was like, "Hmm, all right, okay. Okay, maybe, maybe." I'm like, "ah." - Maybe, I'll see where this goes. - I don't know about this move, chief. I don't know, could you see a world where the mum would be like, "I blame you, daughter, for fucking dad." - I mean, fuck, I don't know, man. (all laughing) I don't know anyone who's been in that situation. How the fuck am I supposed to know? You never know, there might be, who the fuck knows? - Yeah, yeah. - What do you think there? This is just fucking weird. This one was fucking weird, uncomfortable. I'm like, I get why it's got a reputation, but I was just like, "Fuck." - Oh no, it is absolutely fucked up and it's one of those doujins where it's not supposed to be enjoyed in the conventional way of enjoying a doujin. - You know some sick fuck did. - Of course, yes. - I'ma fucking say it, I think this doujin's a masterpiece. - Thank you, thank you. - I was just like- - What is wrong with you? - I have not- - No, no. - Not because I thought it was hot, - I raised this boy. (Garnt laughing) - This is just like, "I google every depressing thing that could happen in life. I put it in a doujin." How is that a masterpiece? - I have never been so engrossed in a doujin before where, like I was turning every page. - Oh fuck off, fuck off! - I was just like- 'Cause I was thinking, (Joey clapping) - You are chatting out of your ass. - Where is this doujin gonna go next? I'm 100% serious when I was just like. - I literally saw it from like, the moment she met this guy, I'm like, I bet just fucked up after fucked up shit is gonna happen. The moment he gave her drugs, I'm like, "I know where this is going. This is just kind of-" - It has the greatest shonen battle of all time, dude. Who is going to win? - Woman versus drugs, fuck! - One innocent girl or one spiky boy. (Joey laughs) - No, because like I tried to come, I feel like you came in with like a lot of preconceived notions where you're just like, "This is fucked up. I'm ready for this." - Listen, if this was a movie or a TV show or anything, this would be like, just like bait tier. This is just baiting. This is just so lazy in terms of how little they try to sell this as like a realistic journey that I'm like, you know, we've had movies about stuff like this that are fucked up that have done this so much better that I'm like- - Especially "Requiem for a Dream" like that. - Just because this is an doujin format and it's literally the only one that's like, "How about we be depressing?" You know, it's like, I don't want to give it props for that 'cause like- - I give it props for that. - I think it's a bit more than that. - Yeah, but I think it's a little more. - Maybe I'm being a little too harsh, but I feel like this has been done before in other places. - Because I feel like "Metamorphosis" has like, well now it has to battle with it being like the meme doujin, right? 'Cause it's like people don't judge it on its own merits anymore. People judge it being like, "Ha ha, I've seen this been memed everywhere as like the big thing that people recommend to people to like fuck them up and stuff like that." And it's like one thing that's like, I don't like is that people in like the hentai community or what I've seen, people are just like, "I've seen more fucked up shit than this. I've seen worse things than this." And I'm just like, "Of course you have, I too watch 'Euphoria.' I too have seen some of the shit that Sydney has recommended and fucking reviewed." Like, I've seen the fucked up shit. - I've seen his deadly collection of hentai. (Garnt laughing) You know, I did go in. You know, a part of me obviously went into this thinking it was gonna be the most fucked up thing I've ever seen in my life 'cause I was recommending it. But it wasn't that. Then the other hand, I'm like, you know, it's almost trying too hard to make me feel sadness for this character that I don't really feel like they built her up that well. Like, honestly, personally. - I thought they built her up really well. - It was so short and sweet and it's like, I guess, it felt very one dimensional to me. I felt like there wasn't enough depth to the character. And then the moment shit started going wrong. - Look at us, depth to the character in a doujin episode. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - Listen, listen, listen. - Look at us, look at us. - If you want me to give a shit about this story, you sit here and say it's a masterpiece. I'ma sit back and be like, "Listen, fine I'll talk about the characters for one goddamn minute." - Okay. - The moment started going wrong for her, all character development went out the fucking window. There was like nothing was added or introduced. It was like, all right. It's like an Apple event. It's like, "We've seen the iPhone, we've seen being taken advantage of. Let me introduce being taken advantage of by your father." And it was like, (Connor clapping) That's what I felt like. I felt like I was being condescended to in terms of the shit that was coming up. - Okay, because I would feel like the thing that I also want to mention is that, goddamn, Shindo L knows how to draw a good sex scene. My fucking God, that's the thing that's missing, right? - He's the man. - Because like, okay, here's the thing. I think fucking chapter one awoke something in me. You're like, you remember talking about like that new thing where you're just like, "Ooh." - Wait, what is the new thing? Tell me. - The new fetish. - The new fetish is just like this girl who, like I've never read a doujin where like, this sex scene is like this intense. I'm just like- - Was that like with the drugs and shit? - Yeah where- - In the Karaoke room. - Yeah, where they introduced the drugs and it just like enhanced their experience to a point where it was just like nothing that you can ever experience on this Earth. - I don't know why I didn't enjoy that scene that much. I'm not really sure why. - No, that scene single-handedly awoke that for me as well. - I'm just like, why didn't it? - I'm just like, me reading that scene was just like fucking heavy breathing cats. (Joey laughing) I'm just like, "Oh, oh God." - Fogging up your PC monitor. - Horny grip. - Jesus Christ, for a second I like, understood Meilyne for like a second. And now that's fucking saying something, right? Like I didn't know I could feel this way. And then like chapter three hit and I'm just like, I think like my fucking penis shriveled up and it just inverted back into my body, right? (Joey and Connor laughing) It was just like such a whiplash of emotions that I'm just like, it went from like, "Oh, that's hot." to just like, "What the fuck am I reading?" - Have you seen that fucking like, there's a thing in the UK where they would go and, it's a TV show, they go and visit tribes? And there's this one clip, it's one of my favorite clips. It's where the guys like, there's a ceremony where they invert their penises and they invert this dude's penis and he immediately faints. (all laughing) I imagine that's what happened. That's what happened to Garnt. His penis inverts. He just fucking, (Joey and Garnt laughing) at his PC monitor and Sydney's like, "What happened, Garnt?" "I was reading 'Metamorphosis.'" - [Joey] Understandable. - Understandable. Here's some Powerade. (all laughing) - I mean, honestly, 'cause I feel like the difference between me and you was just like, at a point I was into it and then I was just like, "Okay, I am not into it anymore." But I was like, I was invested in it. - Maybe that's why it was strong for you, because it was like, you were into it at one point. And then it's like, (Connor claps) slaps you on the back of the head, it's like, stop. - It's the whiplash of emotion, yes. - Stop it, that was a really good clap by the way. - Like, oh my God. Like even during like some of the later chapters, I'm just like- - No, no, no. - [Garnt] No, no, no. - Don't say it, don't say it. - No, because like his art is fucking amazing, right? I don't know how he draws his sex scenes to be this intense, where I'm just like, "I'm feeling emotions that I've never felt before in my life." - I was reading this praying, "I wanna go back to the succubus one." (Garnt laughing) I really wanted to just open it. - Okay, I gotta ask, what do y'all think about the final chapter? - Fucked up. (Joey laughing) - Fucked up. - Because I think, I almost think now, hearing your guys' thoughts on it is that this manga works amazingly, or doujin works amazingly, if you get invested really heavily in the first part and the first sex scene. - [Joey] Yeah. - Because then it like, like I said, it hits you in the back of the head. It's like, "No, don't be horny." - [Garnt] Yeah. - It's bad. Horny bad. - I mean, it like, gave me such a mess of emotions, right? Because I'm just like, "I know I shouldn't be horny right now. This is fucking depressing as shit. This is fucked up," you know? - I didn't like the guy at all and I think that's why, like I couldn't. This guy was a fucking- - No, I didn't like the guy at all. - No, no, no you're not supposed to like the guy. - Yeah, but to me, it's like, the whole hotness of the sex is the duo dynamic. - Look, okay, someone who is that depressed shouldn't be making those kinds of facial expressions. You can fucking frame some of the facial expressions. - What do you mean by that, Garnt? - Like, honestly- - Let's unpack that a little. - Okay, okay. - Let's jump right into it. - Let's talk about the art of that. - He's gonna need another drink. (Garnt laughing) - Let's talk about the art of the ahegao, right? - I'm not fond of it, you know. I've been oversaturized to it. - Yeah, you've been oversaturized to it. - I think we all have. - We all have, right? But like his, like ahegao faces are some of the most unique fucking ahegao faces I've ever seen in all of hentai. - It's Asanagi and Shindo L. - I'm a man of the church though, that's not enough to make me quiver, you know? I don't see that. My will's not compromised by such ill-thought ideas of sex. - I'm sorry Connor, that this art piece was so good that it made me question. It made me question it for a second. And then I was just like, "No, I'm back to it. This is awful, this is depraved." - God just fucking imagine the fucking name of the clip for this fucking thing. Garnt thought fucking "Metamorphosis" was the fucking Mona Lisa of doujins or some shit. - I personally think it's the Mona Lisa of doujins. - No. - Okay, okay. The reason why like I was so engrossed in it is because it was such like. - You love incest and there's incest in it at some point, Garnt. So clearly that's why you like it. - It was such a fucking mess of emotions, and it was like an emotional up and down, like- - It was just down from the start. I knew the moment she was like, "I can't make good friends." I'm like, "Oh no, that's-" - The only other time - That's gonna lead to bad decisions. - I felt that depressed reading something was "Oyasumi Punpun." - And also, okay so- - I've not read "Oyasumi Punpun." - This is the "Oyasumi Punpun" of doujin. - I also wanna put it into perspective that I just read like three and a half hours of porn before this. So reading this last was not a good way to end my day. (Joey laughing) I was already quite done with reading porn. And then, you have to bear in mind, there was probably no way I was gonna find any, even if it was the hottest. - That's what you get for doing your homework the day before it's due. - I was given the thing the day before. I was given this two days ago. So, you know, I think that also didn't help, 'cause there was no way I was ever gonna find any of these things attractive 'cause I was pretty much, you know, I was pretty done with reading porn. - [Joey] You've read. - I've read so much. - [Joey] You did you year's quota of reading. - I literally read like, what I think is like a normal person's like month worth of porn in one day, you know? So I was pretty exhausted and the fact that this came up and I just saw right through it right away. I knew exactly what they were gonna do right from the start and I was just like, you know, it's fine. You know, I see what you're trying to do, you're trying to make me sad and I don't appreciate it. (Joey laughing) Frankly. - I want a happy ending. - It's not done well, you know? The whole, like the moment that her dad looked at her, I'm like, "I see what you're doing here, buddy and I'm not a fan." - Your next line is... - I actually, - I'm not a fan. - We keep talking about the dad, but I think the dad is the worst part of the doujin. - [Connor] It's definitely. - 'Cause it was just like, for me reading the dad episode was just like, let's just throw in something fucked up. - It is literally, I would rather eat my own toenails than read them again. - But like what, like it was after the dad doujin, the dad chapter part when I'm just like, "Yo, this is really engrossing as a story." - I knew it was going there. The moment he gave her a drug, I'm like, "He's literally gonna sell her later on and use drugs for it." - [Garnt] Yeah, of course. - It was so obvious it was going there. And so when they went there, I was like, I was not even surprised. The dad thing caught me off guard. I had a feeling it might happen and then when it did happen, I'm like, for fuck sake. - Yeah. - Goddamn it. Goddamn it. - 'Cause like to me, it was just like, it was just the feeling of just being like, "This is the most depraved shit. I shouldn't feel horny at all with this situation." - Are people jacking off to this? - I don't think so. I don't know, probably someone is. - Probably someone. - Vsauce. - 'Cause the thing is, it was that emotion juxtaposed between how amazing the sex scenes were. 'Cause like, out of context. - 'X' to doubt on this. - Out of context, out of context. - No I don't think the sex scenes were all that good. - The art was fucking amazing. - Half of it was fucking ugly bastards. How am I supposed to get behind that shit? - I mean, it wasn't all ugly bastards. - It wasn't all ugly bastards. - Okay, so it was, we had two very big scenes with older men. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And it was very gross because- - I mean, there were six chapters and two, maybe three of them were ugly bastards. - Which frankly, one is too many. (Joey and Garnt laughing) for me, personally. So the fact that I read this shit and I thought it's bad enough she's fucking some random dude for money who is literally the ugliest man on earth, and then next it's like fucking Smash Bros introducing a new fighter, her fucking dad, into this fucked up story already, which is already depressing as fuck because everyone in the fucking school has had a go at her. And it's just like, that shit alone, I was like, you know what? Yeah, sure Japanese kids are fucked up, but like, this is too much. This would never happen. No way in any school would this ever happen, ever. - Well, it's interesting because like, I interviewed Shindo L a couple of years ago and we talked about this, 'cause I want us to know. I was like, what inspired "Metamorphosis?" And he said that, because he was born and raised in New York. So he was like, "I heard and saw so many stories that were similar to this." - [Connor] Right. - And he was like, "I wanted to bring light to it 'cause otherwise no one fucking talks about it." - I bet this shit has happened like, separately. Like all of these individual things - No, no, absolutely. - Have definitely happened. - This isn't based off real life. - No, I know, I know, but the fact that like you string these all together to a point where I'm just like, I suspend my disbelief and I'm like, "Yeah, I don't know." - Oh, it's not supposed to be realistic, but it's supposed to be... - Yeah, I know, I know. - It's basically, I think, in my opinion, it was, Shindo L being like, "Look, this shit happens." - But like, I think about movies that fucked me up, and I think "That could be me. I can make that mistake. I could be in that situation." And this one, I was like. - Well yeah, 'cause you're not a chick. - But even then, like, I feel like it was trying too hard. - I think the most fantastical element of it was how much he enjoyed the sex. 'Cause I feel, that was the big difference between. - That was also an uncomfortable part 'cause I'm like, "Is this is good, is it what she wants?" I don't know. - Well that's the one. - That's the most interesting element. - That to me is what like, drew me in, was like the fact that she enjoyed the sex so much, which I know is like unrealistic. - But with her dad? Vsauce music, what? - No, no, no, that's the point, right? Where it's just like, it's such like a mess of emotions that it's just like, you have no grounding. - It questions your morality the entire time. - There's like no grounding on this kind of situation 'cause personally, I don't know anyone who's fucked their dads. (all laughing) - I'm glad, Garnt. - I personally know of four people who have done it. - And I kind of wanna keep it that way, you know? Like that's just me. I don't know if that's a hot take, but like I hope that that never happens to any-fucking-body, you know? - Yeah. - [Connor] It's fucked. It's fucked. - But I mean, yeah, that's the point, is it's fucked. It's fiction, right? But like the thing that drew me in was that it was just these fucked up situations juxtaposed between sex scenes that she obviously really enjoyed at the time, right? And I'm just like, "Yo, this is like really weird, this is like a weird car crash of different fucking things I shouldn't be feeling right now" but I'm just like, I don't know how to like, I'm still like processing it now because it's like the only time. The reason I call this a masterpiece is that it's the only time I've felt this emotion that I'm trying to describe right now, right? Normally, you get depressed. Normally, you get horny. You don't talk about depression boner, do you? Like that does that just doesn't happen, right? But "Metamorphosis" is just these two fucking things that shouldn't coexist together, - Coexisting together. - They're coexisting together. I'm just like what? - And that's why I think it's brilliant as well. It's because he took such a fucking risk with this. Where he was like, this could have easily just been like a weird thing that no one would have picked up and then just like brushed under all of the "Oh, okay, that's fucking weird, let's not talk about that" pile of doujins that are out there, but there was just again, he just presented it in a way where it was just like, you came for the horny, but you're gonna stay for the depression, whether you like it or not. And like, I don't know any other doujin that's managed to do that and managed to make me stay the entire time until the end. - You ever seen the Shia LaBeouf movie "Nymphomaniac?" - No, I haven't. That's like the three hour long one, right? - It's like, there's two parts to it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I felt like that was a really uncomfortable depiction of a woman who's addicted to sex. - [Joey] Right. - I felt like that was really somewhat well done. - I thought that's an interesting movie. - It's a very hard watch. - Yeah, really? - It's very long. - Yeah, yeah. - It's very uncomfortable. - It's that fucking like, really avant garde director. - Yeah it is. - What's his name? - It's one of those things where it's like, it really reminds you, like, you think you're cool with sex until you see it in really uncomfortable ways and you're like, ah, yeah. - It's the Lars Von Trier movie, that's right. - I kind of have weird thoughts about, 'cause it really makes you be like, "Oh, you're comfortable sex? Bet." - [Joey] Yeah. (Joey laughing) - And I feel like, you know. Having experienced that kind of weird shit, I feel like going into this, I'm like, yeah, I can kind of buy why she's into it, but also I feel like it's been done better in different places almost. Not saying that movie did it better essentially, but I feel like I've seen it done in a way where I'm like, I think this is done slightly more realistic to the point where I'm like, I believe it. I believe it. - Yeah, right. But it's hard to like, I get it, how like, you know, movies like "Nymphomaniac" probably did this whole thing better, but at the same time, "Nymphomaniac" has the upside of being more realistic by using real actors. - [Connor] That's true, that's true. - I mean, we shouldn't have, like, the biggest thing- - It's hard to, for me personally who's never read doujins to see this and be like, "Damn that's fucking, that's art, man, that's..." - Yeah I get it, - This is deep, this is deep, - It's a tall hurdle, we get it. - I mean, we literally just chucked you in the deep end and just like try to see it's like tried to see if you could pull your way out. - Yeah, I mean, it's like I'm not used to this genre. - I mean, I don't think anyone is. - All these kinds of tropes in here. And then there's this girl who I'm supposed to believe is this kind of well done character. And I'm like, yeah, I don't believe it, man. Personally, at least. - I mean, at least you gave it a go. At least you can now say you read "Metamorphosis." - I've read it. I'm not proud of that fact, Joey. I wanna undo the reading that I've done. - So what would you give it out of 10? - In terms of what? - In terms of just like how you felt about it. - Four. - Four? - It's an interesting read. - And what will you give it? - 10. - Hell yeah. - Fuck off! - Hell yeah. - What does Sydney think of it? - I don't know what Sydney thinks of it. - You should ask her what she thinks of it. - Frankly, I'm afraid to ask. - She'll be like, "It's the hottest shit. That scene where the dad fucks?" - The chapter with the dad? - "Yo, I nutted." - I have heard too many things that have worried me in the past few months with my relationship, that I'm kind of afraid to ask her opinion of like, any hentai I right now. - So I guess we'll leave it at that then, huh? Jesus Christ. - I mean, I appreciate you guys introducing me to the wonderful world of (overlapping chatter and laughter) - So has this experience changed your perspective at all? - Well, I mean, I still have my preferred methods. - Right, right, right. - I got my systems in place. - But would you ever, in your like, off time, go back to like try another doujin? - Yeah if I was recommended a doujin that was highly praised, I would go and read it. I mean, it's not too difficult, but hopefully it's not too long. - Yeah. - I would say the biggest appeal about reading doujins or highly rated doujinshi is like, I mean, you've talked about finding that one hentai that's fucking like the diamond in the pool of shit, right? There's so much choice with doujinshi because there's obviously so much, right? - Infinite amount of tags. - There's way more choice than there is for hentai. And you can find way more doujins that are like specifically garnered to your choice. - I believe it, I believe it. I just really enjoy voice acting so much. And especially in that manner, I really enjoy what it adds to it. I feel like it helps sell my believability on it. - To me, the best tag you can possibly get is plot. Plot is the best spice. - Isn't it tragic that it has to be a tag though? It's not a given that everything has plot. - No, I don't want plot in mine. - Some are like, no, no, no, I don't want the plumber turning up today. I don't want the pizza man delivering a pizza. - The fact that we're talking about the plumber and the pizza man just shows how fucking devoid of plot every fucking porno is that we've gotten this kind of mentality where it's just like, "Yo, plot's kind of hot," you know? Knowing the context of why people are fucking, that's kind of hot, you know? Is that such a hot take? - Me not being a fucking monkey and just scratching my nuts to people fucking, you know? Great, fantastic. You know? Wow. - [Joey] My God. Well, I'm just glad, Connor, that we managed to finally do this episode. 'Cause we've been talking about doing this episode for quite a while now. We were like, two out of three love doujin. Monkey man over here doesn't wanna read. - I feel at this point we should just make it like a bi- is it bi-yearly, bi-yearly? - [Joey And Garnt] Bi-yearly. - Is that twice a year? - Yeah. - A doujin and hentai episode. - This is like about six months after the hentai episode. We'll do another hentai episode in six months. - My God, it's already been six months? - Yeah, I know, right? - [Connor] My God. God we just talk so fucking much, don't we? (Joey and Garnt laughing) I can't believe. - Honestly, this has been such a fucking episode. It's such a fucking fun episode to film. - A fucking episode. It has been a fucking episode. - This has been a fucking episode. That's what it's been. - You know, the succubus one, I'm praying gets a Pink Pineapple. - Oh yeah, so out of the seven, what's your favorite? - Can I rank them in order? - Sure. - All right, "Metamorphosis," zero. "Metamorphosis" is the worst one. - At least favorite to most favorite. - So "Metamorphosis." - All right, okay. So "Metamorphosis" is by far the worst one. Very close, second last place. The fucking Oreimo one. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - Fuck that one. Fuck that one! - So that's what, Garnt in the bottom so far? - [Joey] Yeah. - I will say that probably after that is, ooh, ah, it's gotta be the first one. - "Dorei Usagi." - Yeah, that one I wasn't too fond of. And then third, I guess, is, this is difficult. "Seikatsu." - "Seikatsu Shuukan." - "Seikatsu Shuukan." - [Joey] Okay, okay. - Shota. - The shota one, yeah. - Fourth, I'll give it to the sensei one. - [Joey And Garnt] Okay. - Fifth, I'll give it to "Pisu Hame." And first place I give to succubus. - Wow, that's- - So two of yours are my favorite. - That's pretty balanced, then. - That's pretty balanced actually, yeah. That's not bad. - Oh, you recommended succubus one, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So, yeah, I'd say- - "Pisu Hame" is my one. - Yeah, I'd say you both gave me, you know, I was shocked. I was expecting worse from you. I was expecting loli orc gang bangs from Joey and from you Garnt, I was expecting the whole family fucking each other, frankly. - I mean, we could have recommended that to you but like. - [Connor] Next time, I guess. - We got pretty close with the Oreimo one, right? - Yeah. - The whole family came out for fun with that one. Fuck me. - And you haven't finished "Pisu Hame," so I'm just gonna leave it at that. - The thing is we can only recommend three. So like when you're choosing three doujinshi that's like, a fucking hard choice. It's like choosing between your children. I was just like, I wanted to recommend like one of the top tier milf ones, but I'm just like, there's not enough space. - Next time, you can recommend me like one good one and two ones that you know I'll fucking hate. That'll be fun. - Honestly, you know what you can do? Give us a list of tags and we'll find you some. - Milf, milf, milf milf, step-mom, step-mom, step-mom - Step-mom, milf, "Mother Knows Breast." I don't know. - It's likely I don't like incest, but- - But- - I'd like to tell you boys that I'm gonna go here, I'm gonna go home today a changed man, reading doujins, but I'm not. (Joey laughs) I'm definitely not. - Next one is the aruga episode. So, we gotta recommend him some aruga episodes. - No, 'cause they're like 10 hours long. I can't do that. - No they're like a hundred hours long. - What I wanna do for the next episode is like the adult manhwa. - Oh, that's a good one. - That's a genre I've been getting into. And honestly, - Yeah same, same. - I think adult manhwa, story-wise, is even better than some doujinshis. - Yeah, we can recommend Connor some adult manhwa. - I feel like Connor would very much be into adult manhwa. - Corrupting me slowly. (Joey laughing) I'm a man of the Lord, I've never been corrupted until today. - Hey, if you also like to be corrupted or watch this episode uncensored, then make sure to support us on Patreon. patreon.com/trashtaste - Look at all of these lovely degenerates. - Look at all of these lovely degenerates that are already there, probably watching this uncensored already. - For just five beautiful dollars, you can see all of the glorious mentions in this video. - Yeah, you can see all the panels, all the scenes we talk about. - The beautiful, beautiful scenes. - The beautiful scenes, the beautiful art. - Yeah. - Oh God. - But hey, if you enjoy it, then yeah, make sure to support on Patreon. Also follow us on Twitter. Send us your memes on the subreddit, and if you hate our faces or I mean, this is gonna be a weird episode to listen to on Spotify, but you can listen to us on Spotify as well. So go check that out. - Thank you so much for joining us. See you later guys. Bye. - Bye. - [Garnt] Bye. (chill wave music begins)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,243,967
Rating: 4.962883 out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: 9Dl8PbibmBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 58sec (8938 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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