- This video is going to be
heavily censored on YouTube, so if you would like to
view the uncensored version with the clips of the shows
that we're talking about, please do go to a page on down below, to go and watch it uncensored, and with the clips popping
up on screen (murmurs). - This is gonna be a
heavily edited podcast that you're about to watch (laughs). - So if you don't wanna
fuck around with that, then make sure to go over
to petreon.com/TrashTaste, and enjoy the episode, the episode. (gentle music) what's up residents of Alabama, welcome back to another episode
of the Trash Taste Podcast. If you're from Alabama, hey, shout out to you(laughs). - You the real Gs in this episode. - Yeah, you're the real G. This this is your time to shine, in this episode. - So Joey why the fuck
are you wearing a top hat? (laughs) That should be mine. That should be... First of all, that should
be one of ours, right? - What do you mean? - That's an export of our country, I'd like you to have you know. - Right, And do I see you wearing one? - No, no, no, no, because that's, you know- - Stolen. - I don't like that you've
used my own culture against me. Not only have you taken the hat, you've taken it, that's a very good British
culture thing, right? - Yeah, exactly (laughs). - He's taking from other cultures. - I had no idea it was British culture. - The act of taking- - What, to steal things? - No. (all laugh) I know that is British culture, I didn't know a top hat was British. - I've stolen your culture
of stealing culture. - Whether it is a British thing, the top Hat is- - I just see that and I think
the Monopoly man, you know? (both laugh) - Okay, when you think where's
the Monopoly rent from. - All right. - Britain, you think, right? - No. - Yeah come on. - I think American. - I don't think Britain. - American? - Like American, like 1920s, like all oil trade with the Monaco, and everything like that. - Anyway, welcome back to Trash Tastes. I'm your host Joey, and I'm
with Connor and Garnt as always, and this, is a somewhat special episode. If you couldn't already tell, from the title, it is the
long awaited, Hentai Episode. - Today, we are not the boys, we are the men of culture. - We are the man. - We are the men of culture. - I will do an obligatory disclaimer, that this is going to be
talking about very sexual stuff and things in shows, and it is not appropriate for
any ages under the age of 18. - I like how we hit with this is the one where
we put a disclaimer on, even though we've literally talked about fucking awful shit already. - Hey, all I'm saying is that okay, here's the way that we structured this, we all gave each other three
Hentai Episodes to watch, of our favorites.
- Episode ones. Just one episode. - One episode of our favorite Hentai each. - Wait, wait, wait, I was gonna... (both laugh) - These ain't my favorite. - No, no, no. Okay, so this is what
I was gonna ask first, how did you guys pick your three Hentais? Did you pick your favorite ones, or did you pick- - My point was is that, once some of us pick some
really fucked up shit, (laughs) that we're gonna have to explain. And yeah, just a warning. - Yeah, we gonna... Obviously we're not gonna show anything, but we are gonna talk about it. So, this is gonna be really weird to have playing in your
car on the way to work, if you are an audio listener. - We will try to explain, what happens in the
Hentai obviously beacause, we don't expect everyone
to have watched them all even though, you know, there's
gonna be like five people in the comments that are
like, "Yo, that's me." - This is gonna be the one episode, where we talk about clips, and we can't be like, "Yo, Medon, show the clips. Pull up the clip Medon." So yeah, so we picked three episodes for us each to watch, that was six episodes
that we needed to watch, in a row. I have never watched six
episodes of Hentai, in a row, in my fucking life. - I've never watched
six episodes of Hentai in a row and not jack off. (both laugh) - It was super weird
watching six episodes, and knowing that I have to
watch them you know like an objective sense. (laughs) - In like analytically way. (laughs) - Man, I'm not gonna lie, I'm sad, I busted a
nut to one of them man. - [Joey] Really? - That one was good, one of them was good. - I get because in my head I was like, some of these, I was like, "Okay, this is like, definitely
like jack off material. - [Connor] Yeah. - But, it'd be really weird to just whip out my dick being like, "This is a one that Garnt recommended.". Like in the back of my
mind the entire time. (all laugh) This feels weird. - No qualms about that, come on? What do you mean it's not
like it's Garnt's work, right? Garnt isn't the one drawing the frames. I'm not masturbating to God's thoughts. - Sam Garnt did a good job
on this genger that's hard. - I will say, I feel
like closer to your boys after this because like, you're
not like you have a level of friendship where you
start recommending anime and shows for each other to watch. I have never in my life recommended Hentai to watch for the boys and be like, "Yeah, the boys are gonna enjoy this one. - I'm looking forward to what
they think about what I like. (laughs) - I can't wait for the
weekly discussion of this. - It's just like a mixed level
of like broship and bromance. - Yeah. - It's okay. So we all chose three each. I was under the impression that we were picking ones that we thought were like our favorites. - So the three you picked
are your favorites? - No, I mean... Okay, the reason was that
I didn't wanna pick ones that were just like, we would all be like,
"Yeah, that's good shit." - Yeah, yeah. - Because, you know, if I selected like Masterpiece, right? Which in its name, it's a masterpiece. - Yeah. - You can't hate on that, right? Maybe you could give me like
a little shit debatable. - I mean, it's good. - What are you saying? - It's not a masterpiece. I wouldn't call it that. - I think it's a masterpiece Garnt. I think just being persuasive. You 're being persuasive Garnt, come on. - After seeing the three
Hentai that you recommended, I can see why you were
thinking it's a masterpiece. (laughs) I was just like Connor
recommended the three Hentai, and I immediately was like, "Okay, I know his taste. I know what kind of man Connor is." - I love how, like we gave
each other like a list, right? Being like Joey's three
bomb, Garnt three bomb, Connor's three bomb. I didn't even have to see
Connor's name to know, I just read the titles and I'm like, "I know exactly what Connor is in to." - When you know Joey you
recommends a list, right? You know, it's all three Japanese things, I'm like, "Fuck knows what that is. Garnt recommends three Japanese." And one of mine just
has a porn English name. (laughs) And I'm like, obviously, it's gonna look bad. (both laugh) - No, not even like the Japanese titles. I was like- - "I don't understand what they mean." - I understand. I will elaborate. - Because like I didn't
pick my favorite ones, because I was the last
one to share my list. And it's... Okay, when you have three
Hentai to recommend, it's hard, right? - It's a hard a selection. - Because it's like, what'd you go for? Did you go for like funny ones, or did you go for ones
that would be good bants, or did you go for like
your personal favorites? - Have you nutted to
each one on your list? - I have, yes. - Yes, I have too. - But I wouldn't say they're my favorite. - Yeah, there's there's
one I haven't nutted to, which was- - I know exactly. - Wait, wait, wait, will get to that one, because it's just like, how do you nut to this one? But it's like, yes, I have nutted to the rest
of the ones on my list but, like, I wouldn't say that
they're my favorite ones. - No, I thought the
qualification was like, it's like one of those Hentai where, if you put it on, you always nut to it. I think that was the quote in mind. - I definitely could not
do all three in mind, but they're not my first choice, that's what I'm saying. - Okay, okay. - So if I were to pick
my actual favorites, it would be like I have
a really boring list. - True, that what I'm just trying to say. - It would also be ones that like everyone's probably heard of or everyone has already watched, right? - I didn't wanna pick ones that are like too famous that
like everyone's heard of. - It's hard because I wanted to pick some, and then the ones that I wanted to pick, I'm like, "Well, this is kind of sad. It's gonna make me look pathetic." (laughs) But I was like, "Fuck it,
I'll just choose it, fuck it." - And which ones did you
actually wanna pick then? - If I would have, Masterpiece
would have been on there, a whole fucking series, man. There was some other ones like I think... What is it like? Oh, it's Joshi Lucky,
that one's pretty good. - Joshi Lucky. - I really fucking love that one. There's a few other ones
can't remember them. This the problem as well, because I watched these Hentai, you think I fucking remember the name, I'm like, "No." (laughs) So I had to go through like
all these Hentai websites- - Like I wanna see the image? like fucking all right, I think
this image is a good scene, and then some of them I
would find, and I'm like, "I only like one scene
and the other three scenes are really Fucked." - Yeah, yeah. - Like gross. - Yeah. - Then there's a few where it's just like, if there has a loli in
it I'm immediately like, "No, I cannot." - Yeah, because like I would have recommended like, you know, "Makistu Happening", or something, but everyone's already seen that. - Everyone's watched that. - Everyone know that. - Like the summer wars
whenever the on the beach, with those girls. - What? - "Resort Boin"? - Oh Resort Boin, yeah, yeah. - That was another one
I was gonna (murmurs). - You're like, I wanted to
recommend "Rance" as well, but everyone knows. - Everyone's already seen that. - Everyone knows Rance, that's a classic. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - A lot of mine, end up being like, just like
wholesome "Vanilla" ones, and I'm just like... - Yeah, yeah. - I'm just like this this ain't gonna- - "Vanilla" has done well,
it's just good man, good shit. - Because like there's plenty
of like good "Vanilla Hentai" that I wanna recommend, but I'm just like, we're all just gonna be
sitting here being like, "Yes, this is good shit." - Yes, vanilla is also my favorite flavor. (all laugh) - "Vanilla" has its place goddammit. - I do also like feeling wholesome when I have a wank every now and again, you know, that is my favorite feeling. - What I'm saying is right, yeah, Vanilla has its place
don't get me wrong but, you know, if there's a podcast episode where we talk about ice cream flavors, I don't wanna talk about
vanilla for two hours, you know what I mean? - Exactly, exactly. - So let's get the others
flavors, We'd have flavors, right? We're not gonna talk about vanilla for two hours,
but you know, I'm like which is why I'm glad, that's when I saw Joey's list, his three list was like, your that you picked,
encompassed like half of the things I wanted to like recommend. - I feel like I figured out
Joey's tastes pretty quickly, as well. - I mean like I saw
Joey's list and I'm like, "I know what this guy
wants to talk about it." Because I wanted to talk
about the exact same thing. And I'm like, "I'm glad
you picked these ones, so I can pick other weirdo ones." - It's gonna be another episode, right? It's like the two boys agreed, and I'm here like fighting the good fight in the corner man. - Yeah, we got the Hentai Monopoly man and Steve hand jobs, (laughs) over here, with his fucking turtleneck. - My God. - But yeah, so we're gonna go through... I guess we'll go one at a time, in a kind of in a rotation. So what do we wanna start off with? - Do you wanna start off with you Joey? - What was my first one? - Your first one was "Tropical Kiss". - Oh yeah Tropical Kiss. - This was like... Okay. I'm glad you started
off with this one because, this like this one
epitomized everything I love about wholesome "Vanilla Hentai", where it's just like, this one
was a good "Vanilla Hentai", where, what I loved about it is that, it had like relationship development. You know what I mean? - My God. (laughs) - All right absolutely you, that's- - I'll let you finish your point, I'll let you finish your point. That's the whole reason
why I personally liked it. And then you're not gonna lie like you have that whole buildup from like start to
finish, you know, granted. It's not like an anime episode
level of buildup, right? It's a generic Hentai episode. - In What world was this wholesome. (laughs) - What do you mean? What do you mean? - He literally like drunk
fucking raped like that girl. (laughs) And then he's like,
"Oh, but no I love you". And it's like, which one is it? - Okay, okay. I actually- - How could you sit there and be like, "Yeah he drunk fucking
took that girl se sindi, and then decides he loves the girl." Then you're going to say it's wholesome? - No, no, no, because
it's wholesome Vanilla, but it has like this
little bit of spice in it. - Like rape? (all laugh) - Okay, okay, like, that's
like a typical spice in fucking Hentai. Let's be real here, let's be real, it is, it is. - That is like my tag, unfortunately. It is yeah but, what I put this in, is kind of like it really reminded me of something like like "Rumbling Hearts". If you guys think "Rumbling Hearts", it's like a really melodramatic anime- - So should we describe what
happens in this Hentai first? - Sure. - If you don't know. - Sure. - Joey, I mean you chose it, so I thought you're the best on to- - Not gonna lie, I
haven't seen in a while- - Okay. - So, maybe one of you boys
should explain how it happens. - Okay, so from what I remember, there are like two main girls, right? And okay, I wasn't- - Okay so, it starts off, right? And I remember this, because I literally wrote this. I'm like, "I'm 11 minutes in, and nothing is fucking happening. When will something happen?" - That's typical Hentai(murmurs) - It's about like they
all work at a resort, it's not really told, but then they are working there. - It's like a indoor pool resort. - We are not told why, all these
six girls want to this guy? - Right. - Because there seems to be
nothing redeemable about him, but there's like six or seven girls, two of them are identical, so I was fucking so
confused some of the time. So I'm like, "Why is there two
pink girls, the exact same? - But it's like a different tint of pink. - No, no, no. And then the first scene
is like her being like, "Yeah, I don't want to
be with you anymore." - Yeah. - And then literally two minutes later, after another girl has shown interest, she's like, "Wait, I love you." (laughs) can we take it back. And then he reveals he like had drunk sex with the blue head girl. - Yeah, yeah. - And it was really weird. - So like the second episode, I remember the second or third episode, I forgot which one it was, is the blue head girl. - This what I hated about it. Because this episode, they build up what is
supposed to be Garnt say's, "A wholesome relationship between them and this pink head girl. - Yeah. - Hamadi I think the name was. - In the back of your head you're like, "They've shown a Harriman in Hentai. - Yeah. - So, you know, he's
going to have his fill at every girl here, so how does this story remain wholesome, when I know the next episode he's gonna have the same
exact shit with another girl. - This is the route, this is the one route. - This is the one route, and also it- - It's all in the same universe, isn't it? It's all the same shit. - No. No, no, it's a different route. - But like, yes, I mean
it's different route, but at the same time, it's like a developing story
that something similar to, I mean, I said "Rumbling Hearts", but like more recent example would be like domestic
girlfriends, you know, where they have like relationships, but like he jumps between relationships, and it's like, it does add a little bit of like spice and context to their relationship, which I appreciate that,
which I appreciate. - Also, they like speed
run introduce characters, in the first like two minutes, and I'm like, "I'm trying to write... I was literally trying to write the down, and I couldn't keep up." So then there would be like six
dramatic scenes back to back that felt like I needed a whole episode before it to understand
what the fuck was going on. Because I'm like, "Wait, wait, what? He loves this girl, but
then this other girl, and then there's another girl. And then the two hottest girls, we don't even get an episode with. - Oh yeah, yeah. - Because I watched all of it, right ? And I was like, "Fine,
this is pretty deep." - Wait, you watched all three? - No, I went to, right? Because I was like, "You know what? Let's see what the other episodes are. I wanna see if they have the best girls," the two hot ones, right? Because those girls weren't that hot. (laughs) I'm not interested in the loli. Skip that episode, delete that episode, as far as I'm concerned". - The loli only doesn't get fucked though. - Yeah, - Yes she does. - Well, who's the loli? - Which one is the loli. - There is two Lollies, which is two many. - Wait, wait, wait, are
we watching the same show? - Yeah, yeah, there's the blue head loli. - Blue head? She not a loli. - What the fuck she's not a loli. - She is basically a loli. - No what are you talking about? - She looks like 12, come the fuck on. - What are you're talking about? Let me get a picture of
this bitch, she looks 12. - You get a picture of this bitch. - I have never thrown my top hat away. - She is just like the
stereotypical Fucking... She is jus a normal girl. How is this loli in like your eyes? Is it because like she has
like average boob size? - Your standard of lollies is whack. - Why, just because she
has normal sizes tits. - (murmurs) "Tropical Kiss", right? Yeah but then it was the
brown head one, right? Who you don't even see on screen. - The Brown head one? - There is this literally
a brown head loli, who appears for like fucking three scenes. - Pixar didn't happen. - Because I remember that was one loli, which was the actual loli in that, and she's like just not
involved in any of the scenes. But my blue head girl is not a loli. - Does she look like a loli men? - No, no, no, that's
from the "Visual Novel", that's also not a loli. You know, if you look from
the fucking (murmurs). - Okay, look, you know what? Moodon, put up a picture of
the blue head girl, right? And put a picture of the pink hat girl, who Connor, is calling loli. - No, no, no, the pink
haired one isn't a loli, the brown head girl who was 100% loli. - No, brown head girl yeah. - Okay, the Brown head girl
yes, the blue head girl, is not a loli. - It's just like stereotypical anime girl number fucking five. - The plot was fucking garbage. - It's like, if I'm gonna watch your porn, and there's trying to sell me on plot, which I don't appreciate
in the first place, right? You better make it good. - Skip the story. - Yeah, you better make it good, right? Because there are decent
Hentai plots out there, right? And this wasn't one of them. - Like what? - Well, we'll talk about it. - We're talking about Connor's ones. - No because what I liked about this one, is that, it did have a plot
that I could appreciate, because- - Appreciate in what sense? In what sense could you appreciate it? - Because it felt like it was... Yes it was speed running like... It will speed running basically
of romance drama Anime. That was basically this Hentai. - Also you can't tell me that like the final like fucking speed
run of like sex, isn't hot. - I mean, yeah, that was good. But then as well, the same time where there
was speed running, I'm like, "Yo, slow down, these scenes are great." (laughs) They're skipping all the best parts man. - It like watching a
trailer on browser, yeah. - They give me 11 minutes
of character development, and then a 30 second
compilation of sex scenes, are you for real? Like what are you trying to do to me here? - But the fact is, it had character development. - Yeah, exactly. Because it's basically
watching something like Golden Time or something, right? Except the characters
actually have sex in it. - It was Love Island with just one male. (laughs) That's what it was. Like, they were just all like
fucking rotating and fucking, and then like all the other
girls had no personality. - So wait, you didn't
like the character designs or anything? - Okay, the animation was really good. - Yeah the animation is great. - The sex scenes- - I was surprised how good the animation was like,
for 2000 and fucking 12. - Yeah I remember, actually, I think I commented saying like, "Yeah, the blowjob scene was good." I don't like blowjob scenes,
so I thought that was good. - Did you actually like review
each sex scene individually? Because I didn't even go that far. - His dick is like blowjob good. - I said, "God this is
legit shitty School Days." (laughs) Because they were like playing up the drama between two characters. - Yo, yo, yo, like, let's
not fuck, around School Days is a good Hentai. It's a bad anime, but it's a good- - It's a good Hentai. - It's a good fucking anime. Yea I mean, I mean, slut knows, - Wow, was that for radio? (both laugh) - Anyway, I mean... - Because the thing is, when I
watched the School Day anime, it felt like I'm watching a Hentai plot without the Hentai. So what would it be like, if I watched the Hentai,
and it's a Hentai? Well, it's just a good Hentai. - True. - Yeah. - Another thing that I felt was... what the fuck is the point of this? They all meet in the onset to discuss who's gonna fuck him. Like just casually do. - Because you need some
spice, you need drama. - You I need some fucking cat fight. - Because the girls need
to compete with each other, and as we know- - But they don't wanna hurt
each other's feelings, right? - I'm gonna get shit for this. Do you not like a little
bit of realism in your porn? Like a little bit of,
Ooh, that could be me? - I mean. - Let's be honest, five
women who are all polygamous and all want to me and are totally okay, with competing for that fact, I stressed that goes a little
too far on my imagination. - But isn't that the point of
light self inserting media? - Yeah by then like if in my head it's gotta be like somewhat tangible. Like that could maybe happen
in a far away land, right? But that like... Come on, come on. - Yeah, I mean like for me with
Hentai, I mean, I would say, yeah, this was like unrealistic, like the Harem aspect, was like unrealistic where,
you know he needed to get with a different girl less
because it was realistic and more because you're
watching a Hentai, right? And I guess my mind, has just gotten used to like shutting off the unrealistic parts and be like, "You know, I'm watching Hentai," - That's what's hot
when you could be like, "That could be me." - Yeah, but I also have- - "God I wish that was." - But I also utilize this
like, my vivid imagination. I mean, I mean, like- - I closed that part. - I enjoyed the relationship,
like development aspects of this Hentai I will actually agree with
you where it was just like, yeah, I do wish there was
like less girls involved. - Put three and let them all like... Because it was only
three episodes as well. And if these motherfuckers knew, they wanna budget, they should've done three episodes with three characters. None because they left out the plot to the two hottest girls. - Yeah in this type of Hentai that I would like to recommend, I reckon like the, the
optimal amount, is two girls. Two girls like having a
gentleman's agreement, to like have, have like a
relationship with this guy. - Already unrealistic enough. - Already unrealistic. - I can barely get one girl to agree. (both laugh) - I don't know, man, I just like to be spoiled
for choice, you know? there's nothing wrong with that. - Go to the fucking brothel Joey. - I just like to be spoiled for choice... I think the one aspect I like about like, a lot of Harem Hentai is that- - We'll get to that
with your second chance. - Yeah, yeah, the thing I
like about Harem Hentai, is because it's unrealistic, right? So like I don't have to think like, "Oh that could be me.". I could just use my imagination. And also I don't have to
like self insert myself into Harems, right? I Just be like- - I guess will stop there, right? And also, you know- - It's a bit of everything. - When it's like five girls
it's way too unrealistic, right? - And then you're also like, "God fucking hell. How much am I gonna have to
nut to like keep this up, this is insane." (laughs) - I mean let's be real, every like Hentai protagonist has like- - Maybe when I was like 15, I could it going but now I'm like, "Gosh the logistics (murmurs), just to keep up with the demand here. - It's like when like Amiibo came out, the fucking supply can not
even come close to it's demand. - I was gonna say this
during like the second one you mentioned, but if we're talking about this already, I'm like, "If we're going Harem, right? Three is the fucking maximum. Three is the- - I wish we save it. - We will save it. We'll save it for the second one. But yeah, like, I mean,
if I would recommend like a nice wholesome, like
Hentai with like the highlight, that I was going to recommend
if I didn't see, (indistict) - I don't remember the name, I might have seen it
and I don't even know. - I don't know how to
pronounce this, hold on. - It's this. - My overall, the review of it that was, would be hotter if there
wasn't four hotter girls in it. Six out of 10. - Hey, it's still pass. - Because the scenes, like the
animation was fucking killer. - The animation is great. - But they skipped over all the best bits. - Read the aggregate. - Because I'm reading
a fucking a porn Joey. - If I were to recommend a Hentai that if you only want one person, and you have the same kind
of relationship development, Wagaya no Liliana-san, which is the Hentai
that came out recently, and it's just pure, wholesome,
like two people meet and they- - Is the one with the tongue girl? - No, no, no, it's the one
with like the dark skin girl, and they go into like a date. - I've seen like every recent Hentai. - You've probably seen this one. Yeah- - And do you want the top hat? (both laugh) - I've watched like every Hentai in the past like three
years that's come out. - Damn, and you'd have (murmurs) - Because it's only like fucking what? Like five come out like a month - It's a center law. - It's manageable. - There's charts and everything they tell you when they come out, like, I keep up, man. - All right so shall we
go into my first one? - Your first one was, Shikkoku
no Shaga the Animation - Oh, give it a rate out of 10. - Give it out of 10 as well Joey. - Me? I'd probably give it like a seven. - I'll give it a seven. - Yeah. - Always decent. - And again, it's good,
but it's not my favorite. Let's go to Garnt's first one, Shikkoku no Shaga the Animation. - Yes. - I've seen this one. - I've seen this one too. - And I dig it. - So the reason I picked this one is, so this this isn't like
my favorite Hentai. - This is gonna be a giga video right now. It's gonna be like, what if Hentai, is anime, is what it's gonna- - I feel like this one was just... Firstly, this could easily
be like a fucking shitty Dororo or something like that. Because this is basically
just Dororo the Hentai. - Yeah, I think I wrote, "It's like if MYZONE wrote Demon Slayer. (both laugh) - Basically, but what
impressed me about Hentai the first time I saw it was, how fucking good the animation was. - I mean, I think we can all
agree that it was beautiful. - Yeah. Like this is one of the few Hentai that I watched, and I was like, "Yo, I'm I seeing like some
Hentai Soccer Go right now? Like what's going on with
some of these shots here? - Well, it's done by a
Studio Seven who did Rant. So it's done by the same studio. - Well is it? - Yeah, yeah. They're really fucking
good with animation. It's like, I don't know... One thing I really liked about this one, especially in like
everything Studio Seven does is that like, it's yeah, as he said, it's like, the only studio
that can do Hentai Soccer Go, like the movement isn't just like this. - I remember, the first time I saw like the final sex scene, and there was this like
point of view shot, that was like super dynamic. It was like this one like long shot. I don't know if you guys remember it. - It was like the fisheye one. - Yeah the fisheye one, right? And I'm just like, " Damn son, you bring out the budget for this animation for this
fucking cum show right man. (laughs) - Yeah it was pretty- - I've seen episode only three before. - Oh really? - And I was like, "Oh, she's fucking a kid, okay,
I'm not going to watch it.". - Why do you always find
yourself in that position man? - Well, because, he's a kid,
the main character is a kid. - Yeah, the main character is a kid. - And then like, so this
whole Hentai builds up, because them fucking, right? - Yeah, yeah. - And then it's like, "Oh, I've gotta wait three episodes to watch like the half
monster fuck a kid?" - I mean, they're all hot monsters. It's like a monster girl
kind of anime Hentai. - The moment she said child
I'm like, "ah, fucking hell." Oh jeez it's so gross, I don't know. It was fine though, I mean, I just... Oh God, man, there's
just so much rape in it. And I'm like, "Oh,
inverted boner (murmurs).". - For me the one scene for me that like kind of made
me go like that was, it was during the last one, where she like turns into the spider- - And just fucking bites his head off? - Oh no, before that he's like, "Hey, this is an asshole right here.". (all laugh) - Tossed his hand In there. - It was just like what pot? - His immediate thought
when he sees this woman a totally normal woman that
he was just making love to, turns into half a cockroach spider thing, and grows a big sack. - It's like an abdomen, right? - And then he's first
reaction is to start feasting. - I'm a finna feast this (laughs). - It's, because he was like
a pussy shaped like abdomen, and then he was just like, "Okay, there's only one thing to do now." - Like I imagine like the
personal clarity after that would have been monumental, he's like, "Fuck ,did I just do?" - Well, he had no personal clarity because then like five seconds
later, he's got head done. - I typed out, "LMAO, he
died for the night LMAO.". (laughs) - Like pretty much this
entire series everyone dies for the nuts. After like every sex scene, everyone gets eaten by the
monster and stuff like that. - What the fuck is that because
I was not paying attention to this story, because obviously I wasn't. But like, apparently it's based on
like Japanese mythology or something, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And for some reason like this ugly bastards fucking
these women all the time, what up with that? - That scene was hot though. - What? No, no, no. - Yeah. - Okay, there wasn't ubi in there, but the girls were hot enough
to like kind of cancel it. - Okay, it's like a graph for me, right? Because this... Like this Hentai, like has the tags that I don't normally like, but because the animation, and the scenes were just
so well directed and done, I'm just like, you know, like this... I wouldn't normally like this stuff, but man, you are putting
out too good stuff, it's not appreciate that. - It's a build code for me. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It feels like you're
nutting to a trap, right? Like it's trying to get you. It's gonna be a Chris Hanson. 10 seconds, right? - How do you be? - I didn't get it that ugly, I get that's the point, but why are they so disgusting? - I don't know man. - It's not even that bad of a ubi compared to the stuff I've seen. - This is just like
Vanilla ubi, if anything. - This is all it was that ubi- - I've seen some ugly fucking bastards. - It's literally just Johnny
Sins who gained 300 pounds. Like that's what that ubi was. - I feel like it's like
one of the opening shots, I don't, if it's the
first or second scene, it's literally like a woman
being dragged away and raped, and I'm like, "Fantastic,
right? Can't can't wait.". And I'm like, "Goddammit God, why?" Although not gonna lie, some of the scenes I really couldn't focus because, I don't know who did like
the OST to this Hentai, but why is it like so good? (laughs) Like why is the OST so good? - No, that's the thing like
to me this is the Heantai with the highest production
values I've probably ever seen, and I don't know why, I dunno why this particular Hentai. - It's not hard enough,
to be like a good Hentai. It's also Hentai so the
story is kind of wasted. - Right, right. - Yeah It's like- - It's like imagine if
like they did the Avengers but with porn. It's like, that's really
ambitious and I appreciate it- - I mean, they definitely have. - Yeah, but why? - Which is which I always come back to it, because I'm just like, I always look at this where I'm just like, "Man, I wish every Hentai
just looked this good." Just like, I wish this was more my taste, and I wish like there was
more scenes where I could- - I don't wish it was good because I don't wanna see a dude fucking feast someone in 4k. (both laugh) - You don't want 60 FPS feasting? - I'm okay, I'm okay with it not. - You mean you don't wanna anime milfs to look at this good? - Yes anime milfs, but you know, because here's the problem
Garnt, with Hentai right? It's like nine out of
10 ugly bastard rape. One out of 10, everything else. - Yeah. And it's just like, I've had to condition myself, because it's just like
the best looking ones, are the ones like this, where it's just like the way it's always the weird shit, or like the ugliest fucking
bastard in the world. - Here's an idea for developers, please make a plugin that
goes through Hentai websites, and just blocks out every
Hentai without their (murmurs). please, please, I'm begging you. - You can make that(laughs). - Please, I'm so sick of clicking on site that has like all the best tags, and then right at the bottom it's like mind control, rape,
ugly bastard, for fuck sake! - Like yeah, I wanted to
ask you guys this question, which is, can you think of like... Are there any like other well animated or just high-production
Hentai that you can think of? Maybe not so like this
level, but like, what are- - Masterpiece. - No fucking (murmurs), masterpieces and even close
to this level of quality. Masterpiece is like 15 FPS off,
what are you talking about? - It's amazing. - It's amazing, I know why
you call it amazing now after the three you gave us. (laughs) - We'll get to there. I can see the level of quality
we have to like compete with if you think Masterpiece is actually the best animated Hentai of all time. - It ain't. - (murmurs) won't stand for a second. - Like, you know this Hentai
all had a budget because it actually had an ending
song, with visuals. - Yeah, I know it, how the fucking- - It had a really cute ending song. - It actually had an ED,
went full fucking ED. - It wasn't just like a
scrolling list of names that usually... I was like, "Oh my God, visuals, what?" - I feel like whoever
directed this Hentai, he was like, "I wanna make an anime." - Do you wanna know who the director is? - Who is it? - It's this guy, I
actually looked at this. It's this guy called Nisho Katakshi who used to be a key animator for like a lot of anime series. And he's most well known for
being an episode director for Naruto Shippuden. (laughs) - Yes. - No joke, he was an episode director
for one episode of Shippuden. I'm like, "You went
from Shippuden to this." - Because I watched this, and I'm like, "This guy
has anime experience.". - Absolutely. Like if you watched the
third episode, you know, shit's real, where you
you're like 15 minutes in, and there ain't a single fuck scene. I was like, "Wait, actually like
well-directed voice acting, with comprehensive plot,
and in ending song?" - Yeah, - "You're definitely from the industry.". - Exactly, right? - Do you want that in your porn? - Yes.
- Yes. It shows like this in like Rants, where I'm just like, "If I would ever make my own Hentai, this is the benchmark." - Why would you not want to
push the benchmark of porn? - Yeah, yeah. - I know. - I like it low quality, so I don't feel like shame. - Yeah, we know, we know. - No, no, no, no, I don't
pick the highest quality. - What do you mean, you
don't feel the shame? Do you feel shame by watching
something that's high quality? - When it's porn, yeah. When it's too well-produced I'm like, "Fucking luck, I can see everything." - And what's wrong with that? - Man, when that dude
shoved his hand in there, I was like, "What led me to be here?" - Ignore what you're
watching, but we're just like, if you imagine like this
quality of production on like the shows that you recommended, on Hentai that you recommend, would you not wanna see? - No, I don't want that. - Why?
- Why? - I don't want that to be a different... I don't want my anime and
porn look exactly the same. I want to clear a difference
in quality, always. - Why though? - The Same reason why like, you know, when they like, you know where the high
raise like super Mario 64 in like unreal engine four, you're like, "This is disgusting.". Put it back to the the bits, I like- - You don't even play fucking Mario games, what are you all about? - When you see clips of like,
fucking Zelda Ocarina of Time in like 144 Hertz 10K, I'm like, "No, put it back." - I look at that shit and
I'm like,"Hell yeah.". - I'm like, "Put that shit back.". - That was fucking awesome. - No, dude, I don't
want my porn like that, I want my porn always a
generation or two behind my anime. - Okay, speaking of this- - What the fuck was that analogy? I'm sorry, how did you actually compare, low quality porn, to making
Super Mario, a HD quality? - What was that analogy,
I'm calling you out, that analogy made no fucking sense. - Because right, you know, sometimes the animations
junk and I like that. Because it's like, "Thank
you for reminding me where the fuck I am." - What are you all about? What are you talking about? - I don't my Hentai to look exactly and feel exactly the same as anime. - Are you like lucid dreaming while you're watching Hentai. (laughs) Are you awake when you watch Hentai? - Yes. - What are you talking about? - Do understand what I'm saying? - I watch hand-tight to
keep myself grounded. - No, no, no, you want a differentiation between Hentai and anime? - Yeah. - But, I don't understand why, you don't want high quality Hentai? That's all I want, I just
want high quality Hentai. - I look at something that's like, okay, this happens all
the time with Hentai, There is like a brand new
one that comes out, right? Like fresh off of whatever site you're on. And you look at the poster
of it, and I'm like, "This looks like it was made in 1982." - Yeah. - And yet you look at it
it's like animated in 2020. I'm like, "What? Who? Who? When I said I wanted to bring
back the '80s anime aesthetic, I didn't mean it like this. - Yeah, I really feel
like it's the inverse. It's always like God Tier of cover art, for the new ones and you click on it and its fucking Queen Bee. - Okay let's get into you then Connor. - Let's get onto Connor's
first one, Mother Knows Breast. (both laugh) - I did ask (indistinct) don't
fucking read that name aloud, without immediate shame. - Okay, I'ma be honest, I've seen all of the ones you recommend. - Are you serious? - Yeah, yeah. - I never seen any of this. - You have never seen Mother Knows Breast. - So Mothers Know Breast, when I saw this name, like the hugest wave of
nostalgia, like came back. - It's a Golden classic, come on man. - Okay, okay, so Mother's Know Breast, was made by like Studio Milky. A Studio Milky, you've you seen the logo if you got into anime in
like the mid two thousands. Because it's, okay... - Shit's hot, man, that's all I'm saying. - Milky is the Queen Bee,
of last generation, man. It is like the lowest quality... It was like the only
reason people liked it, it was because all of the
Hentai I was uncensored. - This is the first time I've ever seen an Hentai uncensored, and I was like, "Shit go back. Please go back." Like, "Please go back.". - I could never get over
the details of that dick and vagina which was
just like singular color. (laughs) - It was just like uniformly one color. - Yeah I know, I think I wrote it down, I'm like, "Why is that like..."- - You fear for what you don't know. - The first time I saw it, I was like, "Okay, that's like a little different.". But then as it goes on, I guess like the animators
just got sick of drawing it, by the end of it, it just
looks like a desk drawing. - Because the their genitals looked like a Ken and Barbie doll, a strap on foot on it. I'm like, "How does anyone get
off to this in like 2020?". - Okay, well first of all, I don't really care about like animation. - Yeah, no shit, no shit. - (laughs) As we have already established. - Its more about like the story, like is it the end of the day? - What story? - Sorry the scenario sorry, I like the point scenario, right? Like, you know how like
you know, it's always like, "Okay, well, it's fucking stepmom." This is literally like, OG stepmom Hentai. Because it's supposed to be our mom, if you like, I mean,
you read the synopsis, you get a big like, huh,
because it's not blood related, so you're like, "All right, nice, nice.". - I will say it like I
remember watching this when I was a teenager, because that was like
Milky like there was Milky and there was like Pink Pineapple back then. Those were like the two Big Studios. - You chose Milky? - I remember because, I
was always conflicted, because Milky had like
the hottest premises. - Yeah premise is hot shit. - The hottest premises but it was like I have to like wheel my dick to like jack off to
this junky ass sexy man. - It is junk, but it's just
like, it hot, the premise's hot. - But then like at that point I might as well just Jack off to fucking Manga and the Jinshi, right? Because at least the odds good and- - I need something to go with it. Little something, something. - There was nothing in this. - Audio and shit, you
know? I need some audio. - Well, I like the repeated moans? Just like moan moan. They're on a soundboard,
there were just, "Moan, moan" - I mean, okay, it's been
a while since I watched it, but I mean okay, here also, right? I don't know why, maybe it's
because I'm a guy, right? - Rape I'm like, "That's fucked up." Reverse rape, I'm like, "All
right, now you're talking.". - Well, get into that but yeah- - I don't know if it's because I'm a guy, and to me, I think it's like
not so much as reverse rape is like I'm I see that
character, it's more like, I guess, like I said like, it's envisioning yourself
in this scenario. - Right, right, right. - And obviously in my head,
if I'm in that situation, it's not gonna be that. - We ain't rapists, right? (both laugh) - Get that out there. - Let's, just point that out. Let's get that out there. - That's just like weird
cause I'm conflicted because I see rape normally in a lot of Hentai and its
disgusting, but then reverse and I'm like, "Now you're talking, now I'm listening. My ears you know..." Because it's like, yeah,
like I said, it's mine. - You know what's the one thing I hated about this one though? - What? - Is the fact that the sister's
name is Oshino Shinobu, which is literally the same name as that. (all laugh) it's literally the same name. - I wish she wasn't such
a little bitch as well. - She's so aggravating. - Both of them a little bit. - And yet she has my wife's name. So I'm just like, "I'm conflicted.". - Yeah but- - I just thought, I mean, okay... I mean you see all my list, I think all the women
are hot as shit, right? We all know, we all know that, right? - I'm gonna thrown a
curve ball for this one. I actually ended up watching
the Dub for this one. - Oh shit, I haven't watched the Dub. - How is it? - It was like, okay... It was surprising, right? BeCause like- - Is there a dub, I didn't even know. - Because the reason I
noticed is because like every Milky, has a dub. Every Milky anime, or Hentai
had a dub back in the day. - Right, right. - And it was like, it
was surprising to see, how okay the like, you know the mum, was actually pretty good at the job. But then like the main protagonist was like Sonic the headshot. (all laugh) - Oh gosh, I wish my mum wouldn't fuck me. - Here I comes. - So it was really jarring here, like a really hot older
like mum character, have really good live voice acting. And then just like, there was just like Sonic
the headshot moaning in the background. - What is all about this (murmurs). - I don't know what it is, right? But, if you've thrown
a bath scene in that, it's like immediately 10 times hotter. The bathroom on set scene, I'm like 10 times hotter. - Yeah not gonna to lie like
when it got to the bath scene, that was when I was, I kind of just lost interest to be honest. - That's when I was like, "Now it's getting interesting," - No because... Okay the bath scene was just like, for me, it was just excrutiatingly long. Like it felt it went on forever. - That's why I liked it. - Not to mention, it
was a flashback, anyway. - I don't fucking remember. - The fucking noise,
that the flashback makes. - There was one scene there already like I burst out laughing when I saw it. - I got to bear in mind, I don't remember the
last time I watched it. So, there was a scene, where she was like fucking
their stepdad or something, and then these three kids
were just fucking watching- - [Connor] Oh yeah, yeah, I remember this. - And they're all like
engrossed with that, like a fucking episode of Pokemon was on or something like that. They were just like
watching the entire thing with a fucking smile. Literally the opening scenes of the anime, is that scene, and the kids are just like- - They're just like. - Yeah, it's literally
just colon capital D, like that was the face of (murmurs). - I don't understand watching
it as a kid being like, "What are they doing?" But being like, "Whoa." - But the sister was
just like way too happy and just like (gasps). - And then like the kid
brother comes in at the time and was just like, "What's going on?" And then he joins in as well. So it's just like, me and the girls watching my mom have sex, no biggie, no biggie, just a normal thing. - Listen I'm not gonna lie
the color on that boy's jeez is like worryingly yellow. You know like- - That's all Milky anime. - Yeah I watched that I was like, "Oh dude, drink some
milk or something man." - It's one of these things that I know that I was gonna
get shit, because I'm like, "It's fucking called Mother
Knows Breasts for fucks sake." (laughs) - I mean, I don't think that's
the worst part of the Hentai. - That's not, there's a
lot of bad things to it. But overall, I thought it was it was
pretty, you know, I liked it. I just said the comments were hilarious. - Oh, yeah. There was like loads
of comments with like, "That fucking kid doesn't
realize how lucky he is." (both laugh) - Wait what? - You'll look at who wrote
it, like (indistinct). - I mean like it's one at like, I look at every Milky anime and this one's no different where, normally I want Hentai to be uncensored, with Milky anime, man, I
fucking wish it was censored. I wish I could have see the D- - There was a first time where I was like, "I wish I didn't see the pennis.". - I just don't really think about it. - It's just so cruelly drawn. - I want high quality Hentai. - You wanna look at the dick? - Well that's why it's censored. - Yeah but it's like, okay, when you're watching like normal porn, I hate it when they cut to a
shot of like just the shaft. And I'm like, "Why are you showing that? Like, "What is this? What is the shot?" - I'd never really thought about it. - I would like to see good details for like both sides. You known it's not just the D, I don't know, that you talked about Hentai
being like too high quality, bringing you out of it. If Hentai is a too low quality, that brings me out it. - That could have been roadblocks dick and it wouldn't have
changed anything for me. Like it would have been
the same experience. I also love, I wrote down here, I said, "I love how the guy
contemplates castration instead of just saying no to the mom.". - Yeah, that was funny. - Because it's like, should
I just like get a castration? I'm like, "You can say no, bro.". (both laugh) It's just a matter of going, "Excuse me no." - I think a lot of people would be like, "Well, you couldn't have
cut, you know, he's a kid.". I kind of, I don't fucking
know how old he is. - Yeah, also my favorite line in the tie first episode is when the mom, I think is like banging the stepdad and she says, "Bang me so that
my pubic hairs wear out.". (laughs) That's a real line. Someone's subtitled. - Yeah, I don't know. I mean, this is just like
peak, mid 2000 shitty Hentai. It has like all the
callings of just like... It's just very average. - I just wish there was a
plot with like, I don't know. - I mean I would rather have read the source material for this,
if there was source material, I would rather read this
with higher quality arts, than watch the shitty animation. And it wasn't just the
animation they used, like they use like the
technique back then, was just like using like the
same repeated animations. So it just looked like
the sex was taking place in the deja vu dementia,
you know what I mean. It was just like the same two- - It's the same cut but it's
just zoomed into the face. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - And then it's like, let's
do like a slow zoom out to reveal that it's the exact same shot. - I just liked the mother character, man. - He's just into Milfs. - He's just into Milfs. - I am, I am, you got me, you got- - You got me there. (laughs) But yeah, I don't know,
the animation it's alone, just kind of, it wasn't for
me man, it wasn't for me. - Yeah I mean I appreciated this more, when I was 17 or whatever. - Yeah I think it's one of those things where I watched it like
four or five years ago and I was like, "Holy shit, this is hot" - I feel like if I watched
it, like back in the day, then I would've had a little
bit more appreciation for it. - I think like it's peak
teenager, like do that. - Even then, because back in the day, this had to compete with
shit like Bible Black. - I think I would rather
watched Bible Black. - And you know, most of the time I did fucking watch Bible Black and it was it was like one
of the few times where, it was always the scenario that kept me coming back to Milky Hentai, because God, that animation
was just like such an instant softy man. - Yeah, it was pretty bad. - I know it's the premise
man, the premise caught me. - Then fair enough, should
we go onto the second one? My second one? - Was it She was at Harem
Time in the Animation? - Harem Time the Animation. - Can you guess what it's about? - I know exactly why you picked this one. - I've seen this before as well. - I haven't seen this in
a very, very long time, but I'm a huge fan of... I forgot the guy who made it, but like- - Tosh. - Tosh.I'm a fan of Tosh's stuff so like I love the duojin of this. And I'm like, "Thank God
they kept the art style." Because like that's my number one- - So the premise was
that this guy wakes up, and he needs to find an heir. - Yeah, because he's
like a King or a Lord. - A millionaire. - He needs to make an heir, which is like typical Hentai I plot 101, you need to make an heir. Here are a bunch of females, you can possibly make an heir with. - And thee is like two hot ones, there's two okay ones, and
there's fucking lollies. (both laugh) And it's like for fuck's sake. And then so they all just start fucking, and it's like, okay, fine. - It's it's a no bullshit one. It's just like straight to the point,. - Okay, it was,, like
I was saying earlier, like when is when is a Harem too much? Because for me anything after three, is just like, that's when
I think it's too much. You know two, is a nice choice. Three is pushing it, four it's
a time management problem. (laughs) You know like- - Some days is right. I'm not gonna lie, I struggled to like, you know, even take care of myself, what makes you think I would take care of five women on top of you? - Well, that's because
you're trying to look at this in a realistic aspect. It's so clearly not realistic. Well that's the thing, don't look at it as if that's me, just look at it as like there's a dude who's fucking a bunch of girl. - I'm not cop joey, I wanted to be me. - I don't even care about realism, what I care about is material. Because when you have a Harem, you can only have like so much screen time for one girl. And we've all read the Harem d'din Chis, where it's like, you're fucking
like five to seven girls, and every girl gets one page, one page. How can I be satisfied with
just one page per girl? - "Hey, I'm down to earth
girl with big tits." "Hi, I'm small hell girl with small tits." - Yeah, and they fit like
three different positions on like one page, and I'm just like, "This is
just speed running sex now.". Like there's no foreplay, there's no anything, you just getting straight into it, - Again, I like to be spoiled for choice. (laughs) Sometimes, you know,
that's the thing though, It's like, I can always go
back to Harem time and be like, "All right, well maybe if I
just wanna focus on one girl, then I will focus- - Too much it was. You give me like five girls,
give me like one episode. It needs to be one episode per girl, and then maybe one Harem
episode at the end, which I don't give a shit about. Because it's is all about the
one episode per girl that- - That's fair, that's fair. - That is my structure. I need structure in my Hentai,
and that is the structure. - And then also when you're
watching a Harem, right? The one thing I hate is like, you know, when you know I'm enjoying a
scene a with a particular girl, and then it cuts the loli, and I'm like, "Well,
there goes it, there goes. Why don't you just do now? It's all over.". Like, because there's not one episode you're constantly like having to be like, "All right, this seems good, go, go, go. It's go time." Because you don't wanna
nut actually on the loli, because you find like "Fuck,
FBI is knocking on the door." (laughs) - Just imagine that it's a milf. - No, what the fuck? - Just imagine that it's
like a small (murmurs). - "Your honor I imagined
that it was a milf. I plead the sixth, which is
imagining that it's a milf." - I just imagine you're
watching like this Harem Time, and you're just like timestamp everything. It's just like okay- - I'll let you download the
episode you cut out loli. - "15:28 loli scene, skip, okay. 17:20 nut's here, on the milf looking character." - I put minus 100 points
for having a loli. - Oh my God. - Also why was the side plot
better than the main plot? - Wait what do you mean? - Like what the fuck was that... What was this girl- - With the mom and the sister? - No, no, no, no, no. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, we've the one where it was
the girl that he fell in love with originally. - Rich school. - Oh yeah, yeah. Who eventually joins the Harem, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was better than- - [Connor] Dude thought
she was hot as fuck. - [Joey] That scene is hot. - It was one-on-one, you got some character development there, You've got a natural relationship, and then she joins the
Harem and I'm just like, "It's ruined, it's ruined." - Yeah, yeah, and then she's like, "Ooh, I don't know." And then she's like, "I hate it, right?" When the girl's like
"Oh no, I don't know.", and then the moment they start fucking, they start doing like triple
suplex fuck positions. And it's like, "What are
you... What the fuck.". - It's like, "JK, I have
read the Kamasutra.". - She like fucking
throwing him over his head, like, what the fuck is happening? I just love when she was
like, "Ooh, I don't know." And the other girl are just like, "Aha, let's see about that." And he just starts stripping her. - Its so done (laughs). - It's just not like
ramming her into them, And it's whoa, whoa. - No, but like, I'm
guessing you pick this one. I mean, have you seen the... Were you like more of a
fan of the source material, or were you more of a fan
of the actual adaptation? - Do you fucking love Harems? - I do, I do. Like Harems. - Like, I saw these two shows, I'm like, "Is Joey a Harem guy?" - I like my Harems but lay low. I've always, even with like the non-Hentai like Dojo and like Mango
and stuff like that. - It just feels like ADHD porn. Like, I can't focus. I'm like, "What's going on here?" - I like to be spoiled for choice. - It's not about being spoiled for choice, it's about having like a
sufficient amount of time to get invested in one girl, and enjoy- - If I want it to be invested in one girl I would read a romance story. - No, no, no, no.
- No, no, no. Come off it. No. - No, I don't read the Harem to be like, "Yes I'm gonna care about this one girl and one girl only." That completely goes against Harems. If I wanna care about one girl... if I wanted to pick it's like, "All right, I want this girl
to get with the main guy and have this like beautiful
romantic relationship, all this character development,
I'd read a romance maga. That's what that's for. A Harem is not... You're not supposed to read a Harem to fucking get invested in one girl. - I disagree. - Even in Harem Manga, they pick a girl- - The whole point of this Harem, was to choose one of them
to fucking have the child. - There is a winning girl, and there's a reason we
fight over the best girl. It's because the best gauche... We only one, one girl. - Not all Harems though have a best girl. - Also I'm not gonna... Like for me, do you think the Harem is like kind of spoiled, when they're all just in on it and like happy with the situation. - Yeah, yeah. - I like it, when they're like- - I like it when they're
fighting for each other. There needs to be some fucking spice, if everyone's like happy- - Yeah it's bullshit man, come on. The best part is like
half the danger, man, That's why School Days
was semi-good at times. It's like, "Yo you got to get this chip
dick chopped off (indistinct)." - Well, I like to play games in easy mode. - I like my Vanilla, but Vanilla Harems is just like, that's too easy modes. - I agree. - But that's why I don't
read Vanilla Harems. - I need some spice in there. - That's like saying, "Yeah I'm a gamer," and
go play Cookie Clicker. It's like, what are you doing? This is like the easiest fucking mode. - Right. I hate it, Joey. It was boring, and it wasted my time. - I mean, look at least I
can say there is better anime than fucking Mother Knows Breast. - That is a masterpiece of storytelling. (both laugh) I like to pick that as kind
of a troll a little bit- - I do wanna mention Tosh again though. Because I feel like that's the reason you picked this. Because Tosh is like this
legendary doujinshi artist, who went on to make (indistinct) He was the artist for that, wasn't he? So like, I remember watching this, and I remember I've never
seen Harem Time before. - But they fucking look like (murmurs) - Yeah, yeah, that's the reason why, because it's the same artist. And I remember because I've never watched this actual anime before, but the doujin is gods here. And like, I fucking hate Harem doujins, but like, his art carries this so much, and it was like... It was really weird
watching this adaptation because it was... It just reminded me, why I want high quality Hentai
adaptations because like- - I'm not gonna lie the animation
wasn't that great, right? I mean, it's pretty doujin. - Did you also like, like all the girls? because when I turn the Hentai
on immediately I'm like, "These two girls are the ones I like, or one of the girls." Like I immediately singled out- - I mean, yeah, I definitely
have like favorites, that's for sure. But like, I don't really like to watch or read Harems if there's
like a single girl, I just cannot stand, right? Like that's the reason why, I didn't like Infinite
Straddles for example, because there was that one girl who i just couldn't stand, and that just completely ruined
all the other girls for me. Whereas like with Harem Time, like, I dunno, I don't think that deeply when
it comes to Hentai though, it's just like, I'm not gonna be like- - Now you're playing in (murmurs). - I'm not gonna like sit add like a bunch of like
fucking goals in Hentai Harem and be like, "Yes, I
don't like the personality of this one girl therefore,
completely ruined." Like, that's not what I've read Tosh for. Like I read Tosh because
these girls are hot. - Like his art is God Tier- - It's not God Tier. - Seriously, you look
like for like the art and the animation more
than like the premise or- - I look for both, I look for both. - I definitely look for art though. - That's why it's so hard for
me to find my perfect Hentai. Because it's so hard to find both. And like, what I would say, is watching this kind of reminded me why I think I'm gonna make like
a blanket statement where, I don't think there's a Hentai adaptation, that is better than the source material. - I agree with that. - And there's a reason for this. - Although I haven't read
Mothers Breast yet so- - (indistinct) none of us
have read Mother Knows Breast, come on. (laughs) - Is that even source with you for that? If there is, I don't wanna read it. - You wanna know Mother Knows Breast don't you just stick fears. It's like mother. - No, (murmurs) Serious, when I busted a nut to that, that was one of those
ones where you're like, "Oh fuck," and you look
at it and you're like, "Jesus Christ what have I done." - This like post nut regret- - Jesus Christ, I'll go in the bookmarks, "Fuck Conny, you're disgusting." (both laugh) - Because it's the ones where you like you've been trying to pick
the perfect show for like ages and you're like, "I guess
it'll be this one today." (both laugh) I've spent half an hour
trying to pick up perfect one to nut to, I guess this one we'll do this. - Yeah, this will have to do. - Yeah, but not because
like there are plenty of like these fucking
amazing doujinshi artists, where someone like Tosh, who is so good that he
is now just a straight up just a Manga artist, but the problem with Hentai
I adaptations is that, no matter how good the source material is, because as we've established
source material can be good, if not better, like than actual Manga. But the problem is, no matter how good the source material is, the adaptation and the animation will always be subpar slash mediocre. - It's like if every anime adaptation, was just like done by
JC staff second team, there is no Ufotable or Bones of Hentai, you just like, even like Pink Pineapple, like some of the best that they can do, is still like B to C tier. - Pink Pineapple is just
an A1 Hentai, right? - But you're obviously gonna
lose some of the detail when you do it in animation, right? - Yeah, absolutely. - It can't be one for one. - But like I said- - I would gladly like
drop 50% of the quality, if it means it's moving. Like, I am fucking sick... - Yeah that's because you
can't get off the doujin. - Why the fuck would I wanna
physically turn a page? - Read any thing by Tosh,
and you'll change your mind. - Okay, I'm gonna continue
this conversation, when we get to your all next pick. - That's when I actually pick
my last one, (indistinct) my last one I think. - It's your Queen Bee pick. Should we just skip it to you? - Is that my second or my third? - I'm pretty sure- - It's the third. - Okay, so here here's our
new kind of hot shit taste. He picks one Milky Studio adaptation, and two Queen Bee anime. - Are they both Queen Bee? - Yes. - Both of them were Queen Bee. - Listen, I am Happy to clown on Queen Bee and the animation, - Right. - Why the do they get
all the good stories? - It's pissing me off. - That's the problem. That's why they're Milky
of this generation. - I can totally be like, I'm so fat, I hate you so much, but
Goddammit you are good. - But Pink pineapples the opposite, right? - That's a great animation,
but that's shit premise. - Yeah, yeah. - Is that like, for some reason, some dude who has all the good plots, they have like a round
table somewhere in Tokyo, and they like decide the best
plot like some NBA draft, and they give it to the worst studios. - It's like, "Which one would
you like to star Queen Bee, And he just like, "No, I'll take these." - I hate it so much, but
I can't stop watching it, because the premise I just so damn good. - It's just like when I say Queen Bee, it's just like- - No I hate it. - It's a name flashbacks, isn't? - If Soft On Demand
wasn't already a company, that should be like Queen Bee Animation, like animation company named Mac, because, it is Soft On Demand. - I see like they're fucking worthless. So, the second Hentai you recommended was, Houkago no Yuutousei. - You can not tell me
this is shit, fuck off. This premise is a fucking banger. - I've read the original source material, and I fucking hate it that Queen Bee got this source materials, because Queen Bee get
the best source material. - I'm basically getting
the doujin with extra steps when it's animated by Queen. - Yeah, yeah because the
problem was Queen Bee, right? Is that they are premium Hentai clickbait. Because they have like the best steals, and you see the thumbnail
as you're scrolling down and you're like, "Yo, this looks hot." And then you see them moving and it's just like instant Softy. - And it's literally just
like them taking the doujin and doing this. - It sucks, I hate it. - It's like they learns how to use like the warp tool in Photoshop, and also like the Vegas
like key framing tool. And those are like the two
tools they know how to use. - I will not lie, it does sometimes put me off
when I see a blatant shitty key frame. That's annoying. But, damn if they're
plotting good man, Goddam. Goddamn. - And the Hentai design is fucking hot. - So should I explain the
plot as I remember it? - Sure. - Yes. - Correct me if I get anything wrong. Basically it's two girls, you know, Snot too many to keep track of. - Yeah, yeah. - And it's summer break
clash not summer break, something like that. And the dad is never at home conveniently. And they fuck. And one of the girls is like super horny and always wants to fuck, and one of the girls just wants to watch for some reason. I don't get that. - And then the shy girl
kind of like gets us like, "Ooh, I'm I'm interested in sex now. - Yeah, yeah, and then
the shy girl is like, "Hell yeah, dude." The shy girl hotis hot as fuck dude. And then they just start, you know? - It's very... - They don't miss. - This is like- - Expect the end where
they like run off together. That was weird. I was like, "Whoa, Whoa,
Whoa, come on (murmurs). - The thing I noticed about all the stuff that you like, is it's basically just
live action porn, animated. - It's just your typical
fucking porn hub video, but except it's Hentai. - But the thing that's right, is that when it's like on Porn Hub, these people look weird or
disgusting half the time, and I don't wanna ride on it. You know what I mean? - Yeah, yeah. And it's nice seeing like
you know, just fucking like, I don't know, just normal people. - It's nice not seeing an
ugly bastard just say it. - It's nice not seeing... It's nice seeing someone, who I could be like,
"That's could be me.". (both laugh) If I was a lucky mother fucker. You know, and like, you're watching it. You know, also it's got
everything that I like man, straight up. Like, and you know, public
sex is hot in shows, it's dangerous, man, got
the little danger going on. - Are you saying that
through experience or? - Well, I don't comment on
those kinds of things Joey. (laughs) - There's also... Like what is the one
that came out recently? The Saki based woman. - Saki best (indistinct), which is why I'm surprised
you didn't record that one. - I didn't pick that because I thought. that was by a good animation studio. - I didn't pick that because
I thought that was too easy. - It's too high quality. - I thought too easy that's
what we would agree on it. - Because the thing
is, I actually noticed- - That is a better version. - I actually wrote this down, which is like why did Connor
not pick Stackable Date Live? Which is by the same author, and artist. And they're both by the same artists. - That is like Amazing, that's got you. That's up there to me,
with like Masterpiece. That is better than Masterpiece, because that's good animation. - We will agree to disagree. But the point was is that, dude, because the scene in that,
was it Succubus Stayed Life? - Succubus Stayed Life, like that fucking scene when
they fuck in the hallway, that's hot as shit dude, is it not? Because you are like, "Yo, we got like 30
seconds to wrap this up. Let's do it." And it's hot as shit. - The quickest nut in the world. - That's what's hot about it. Manx's like, "Yo the danger." I know they're not gonna get caught but- - It could be. - And like what I love about
a lot of the character designs that Queen Bee happened to choose, is that all the girls, they're like, they have a bit of meat on them. - Yeah, yeah. - You see like a lot
of anime girl designs, especially in Hentai, and it's just like typical
here I am anorexic. - I wanna a little chunk to them. - Yeah, yeah. - It's rare that you get to see any like meat anyway, stuff
like breasts, in fucking Hentai. - I also appreciate how,
almost 99% of the time they do maintain the original artists. - Yeah, yeah. And that's probably the problem, right? - You saying I have good taste. - It is what I literally scene for scene, but just with a little bit
of whopping that's all. - So good tastes... This is a good one, come on. - No, no, no, this is a good one but- - Are you not entertained? - No, no, no, it was good until you chose Mother Knows Breasts. - It's a good one because the
source material is fantastic. - The source material was gorgeous. - The source material was fantastic. Queen Bee, hell no. Hell no man. Get that shit out of here. - Like are you putting the, the animation and all of that above? - It is as important as important? - I don't get the importance. - No, no, no, no. If animation isn't as important, than why am I not reading the doujinshi. If I cared about animation, right? I would just watch real life porn, because that shit, that's
one-to-one perfect animation, you know what I mean? - You know real life porn
and Hentai are nothing alike. - The Hentai right where there's no plot or no story or no like fucking premise. It's just it's animation (indistinct). - That's like saying I would rather watch the live action adaptation of an anime, rather than the anime. - No, no. - Yes it is. - No, no, - Here is what I understand, if you don't care about
animation quality in your Hentai- - No. - Then why do you not read doujins. - I don't wanna fucking turn a page. I draw the line having
to move one of my limbs, beyond what I'm already doing. - You're already moving one. - I don't wanna have to go. (laughs) "Ooh, next page." I'm a fast reader as well Joey. - Oh, okay, What about
try it on your phone? - Because you have the hands free. - Why don't you flick? - Okay, do you know what? This is awful, right? - You know, you've had
to watch on your phone, you've got to make it do it, right? I hate it, when you get
a message from someone when it's like you've got it, and it's like, Joey's like, "Yo, Connor what are you up to?" I'm like, "For fuck." We gonna restart this progress bar now. Fucking help. It puts me off. So that's why I Chromecast it. - I'm just gonna message
you every hour now. Just hoping that I'll catch you. - That's why, that's why
I Chromecast it to my TV. So I don't have to... You don't get a big
notification from like Duolingo, "Hey, why are fucking masturbating?" - Wait, wait, you watch it on
your like fucking widescreen in your living room. - No, not living room, bedroom. I wanna be in bed, dude. I wanna you know, come
on man, I wanna be cozy. Because I can't do it sitting up, like I don't know why, - I can't do it... Like I've only done it
sitting up basically. - Really? Oh my God. - You do it lying down? - Yeah. - Dude that's a fucking mess, man. - What do you mean? Get tissues, what the fuck. - I don't know, I can do
in any position anyway. Standing up, sitting down, lying down. - Obviously you know, it's... I don't know, I just wanna be comfortable, I wanna be at optimal comfort. - Oh, I get that, I get that. But it's hard to like fucking
like look at the same time- - Pillows man. Like I'm in a hospital. Like I'm in a hospital bed. - Just sit up then. - No dude. - You have like the optimal
gamer set up of jacking off, but you can't just like
use your second hand to hold a phone, are you kidding me? - No, no, because the screen
is so fucking small man- - Dude VR porn was invented for you. - Maybe if one day, right? There's a way where I
can do like, you know, big screen? - You need like a fucking- - Google next page. (both laugh) - Swipe. - Okay, if I made like a fucking PowerPoint presentation for you, if I converted doujinshi to PowerPoint presentations for you, which you can Chromecast, and you can be like next page, next page. Would you be able to Jack off to that? - Would you do that? - Ah, maybe, yeah. Probably actually. I think I could actually. - So wait, it's not even the matter of the fact that it's like it's on paper and it has
words that you have to read, it's just the fact that you're too lazy to turn a fucking page? That's the problem. - Yes. - That's what gets you soft? - Yes. It's I don't like holding my phone, because I text on my phone all the time, I don't like looking at
the porn on my phone. I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't. - I'm gonna make a game of set up for you just for jacking off, man. - It's the same reason why like, if you've ever been like, you know, I'm sure it's happened
at some point, right? Maybe you're in relationship and they've offered to
send you a nude picture, - Right. - I don't wanna look at
that shit on my phone. - Like what do you look at it on then? - I just don't wanna look at it at all. What is that? Is there a story going on here? Why are you sending me this shit? - Wait, what? - What's the reason... You when someone sends
a nude or something, you know, you've been
in a relationship once, I'm sure you sent one, you know, I can't watch the still image on my phone, why should you to stare at it? - What? So you want them to send a synopsis along with the photo? - No, no, I don't wanna anything. Don't send anything, I'll do it myself. I have methods. I have the entire websites
that I can Chromecast to my bedroom. - Well in that case the
video is always better. But, like what I'm
saying is that you know, even if it's a- - A doujin, right? If you play it on like
a PowerPoint, right? Let's say it changes
page every five seconds, that's fine, I can deal with that. So if I made one for you, would you do it? - Yeah I'll do it. - So you basically just need
like a hands free version of doujinshi, and you'll be okay? - Pretty much yeah. - Why don't you like... I wonder if we could like
fucking connect it to like the Alexa. "Alexa, next page." - Maybe I can wear a HTC
Vive while I'm doing it. - The VR Porn was made
for people like you. - No, no, no, no, no
because I always say like one of the big advantages
of the doujinshi, is that you can go your own pace. Because you know, you have
certain scenes in an anime, When you're just like, "Man this blowjob scene
is taking too long." As you, as you've already said. Well you just don't wanna
get involved and be buffering it's, like every time there's
an uninteresting scene. - Which is normally like, why you know, like you just kind of guess you're like, "All right I reckon it
will be the scene here, and it'll get good in about
30 seconds or a minute. So I'll just skip to that,
and I'll be like, "Go ahead.". (laughs) And if it's really taking the piss, and it's going on for a good five minutes, I'm like, "Well fuck come on, (murmurs) And then I'll go up and I'll
reluctantly, get out my phone and be like, "All right, still going,
still going, and we're done." - That's what I like about
doujins that like, as you said you can go at your own pace. So if there's like a scene
that's like really hot, you can take your time, take your time, you can look at the all the fucking finest details, you know. - puts it on the like, mic
like damn fuck that's good. - Dude I fucking framed
that shit, I was just like, "Damn, that's a piece of art right there." - I'm just lazy, I think
that's, what's the problem. - Yeah, we figured. - I mean, you say you're lazy, but you go into like extra steps, in order to fucking- - Chromecast it. - In order to Chromecast it, and be like, I don't know how
to, how can I describe it? - I have to use it like an
ExpressVPN, thank you, shout out, when they sponsor us, I use that, and then I have to
like, get a separate app to Chrome cast videos
that can't be Chromecast. So it's a big- - Why would you bother. - Because I don't wanna
watch it on my phone. I really hate watching
stuff on my phone like that, I don't know, it really
is like, it bothers me, like so much. - You say you're lazy, but this is like the opposite of lazy. - This is putting in... This putting in extra steps
just to enjoy some fucking porn. - No, I get it, but it's like... To me, it's like the Winnie the Pooh me, like Garnt is the normal Winnie the Pooh, and I'm the Winnie the Pooh that's like, "Yeah. (both laugh) Yeah, let's Chromecast it." Garnt's like, "Huh, huh,
picture, huh, huh, slow.", you know like. - Watch your watch on PC monitor, watch on Chromecast. - Hands free, free Chromecast. - So I got to say like, you got balls, to like press the Chromecast button. - That's just like the sign of someone who's obviously living alone. Cause I imagine like- - No, I used to do it when
I had roommates as well. (laughs) - Really? - Yeah, and we had two- - This man is living on the edge. - Because I was confident, right? Because there's like a five
second buffer for Chromecast. (laughs) And I knew- - You have a five second
window, to like back of. - I knew if it wasn't
buffering immediately, I'm like, "Abort mission." - Chromecasting Hentai. - Listen it's the future. - If you were at your parents' house, would you dare press
that Chromecast button? - If it was in my room, 100%. - Because, my house, in
my like my parents' house, I have too many Chromecasts. That's like, it's a danger
wank at that point, man. You're playing a dangerous game there. - What are they all called TV one. - All it takes is one misclick, man. All it takes is one slip of the thumb. - It's like diffusing bomber,
you cut the wrong wire, you're just fucked, alright? - Listen let's say it happened, right? I'm fine, I can go and be like, "Mom, come on. You know... Come on, mom. What I am supposed to do mom?" - What if your mom
comes up just being like Queen Bee really? (all laugh) That's all, I'm more disappointed about. - "Just like Owen watches Pink Pineapple." - "My favorite child
watches Pink Pineapple." - I accidentally Chromecast,
Mother knows Breasts, to your mother's TV. (all laugh) - Just like Milky, really? Fucking Milky. - "I didn't raise you
for fucking 23 years. just so you can watch Milky." - Listen, we're getting off topic, the point was right, is that the- - Premise 10 out of 10. - Premise is hot, ruined by Queen Bee, read the original version. - You couldn't jack off to that? - No. - Really? - You know what I did actually, after I sold that and I was like, "Oh, this is this one, I actually went and read the doujin. - Oh, because for me, if
the animation is good enough I'm like, I can get it better now. I'ma get it better now. - So, you wouldn't touch that. - No, no. - Like I would find something better. - It's like, Oh, my friend
recommended me to 40P porn. I mean, I could, if I tried, but I know two clicks
away, there is 720 more. - When I was like 14, I had to make it do with 144P when I could men. - You're a grown adult,
make your own choices now. - I streamed that Queen
Bee 1080P to my Chromecast. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - We you can choose much better Hentai. - I would literally rather
not to suck you for state life like the 10 millionth time, than nut to that once. - You can't wire it out, you can't re-watch the
same one too many times because otherwise you get
too familiar with it, right? And you don't want to be that- - No, no, that's the thing, I would rather be familiar with it, and be worn out with it
because I would rather do that, than have no standards. - No standard, come on man. - Buts that's why I like
reading doujins, right? Because it updates way more
frequently than Hentai does. So I'm always like constantly
looking for the next thing. So that's why I never
get it familiar enough with the series. - I mean, how many
doujins are you reading? How often are you reading doujins. - Like a few times a week. - Fucking hell Joey, Jesus. - I mean, you know
sometimes I'm just bored and I'm like, "I wonder
what's new, on FAKKU. I wanna know. I wanna keep up to date with the industry. - I got too much thirst for it, you know. I have my fill, you know, I do it and I'm like,
"all right, I'm fine.". Like talking to you, I feel like fucking the act of rubbing, when now it's like a
quick time event for you. (laughs) You know what I mean? It's just like, "Okay, I have designated
I have this 15 minutes, I must match X for these 15 minutes. Okay, back to normal life now". Because you know, to me
it's like jacking off is entirely different to like sex, and how that feels, right? It's totally different world. - Yeah. - Because one of them, I
don't need to, you know, it's whatever. And the one it's like,
"All right, I like this, I'll take my time with it." - Yeah, yeah. - That's the way I see it. So I don't really give a shit. - Fair enough. - Fair enough. - Let's go on to Garnts second one. Garnts second one was a
(speaks in foreign language). - I'm gonna say it, I busted a nut to this one. (laughs) This one was great. This one was fantastic. - Okay, so usually to
explain why I pick this one. Usually I'm like a very much
a Vanilla guy, you know, too happy, you know, loving couples. But this one was the one Hentai that made me realize "Man,
maybe crazy girls are hot, man." - I mean, look, the moment I saw this, I was like, "Of course Garnt got into this, because this goes literally one step away from every one of Garnts
favorites Tinder character. This is one step above
it's Tinder the character. - Okay, because you talked
about reverse rape earlier, and like, I feel like- - This wasn't reverse rape. - This is what this was
like reverse mind break. - This like... It started off as blackmail, but then it just ended up (murmurs). - It just ended up as just like standard like S and M, right? - It was hot. - Yeah it was hot but I dunno, I'm just not really into like the- - Although I did have a kind
of like chopped out there for a moment they were talking
like, "Who took that...:" So the premise that like she asks him out, and then the guy says, "No.". But for some reason she
has the guy's phone. And on this phone is a picture of him like in BDSM outfit, I guess. And then she's like, "Oh if you don't want me
to send this to everyone in the school, you need to come,"- - Come back to my house. - Obviously right,. And so it's like, "Oh, okay." And then halfway through
when they're fucking, she's like, "Oh, who took this picture?" And I was, you know, I
was having a great time. She goes, "Oh, my sister
took it, my little sister." I'm like, "Whoa." (laughs) - I completely for got about that. - And then it's isn't brought up again. - And he's like "Your sister took it?" And he's like, "Yeah." And she like, "All
right, keep fucking me." - And it's like are
going to touch (laughs). - And then he's like, yeah, she doesn't want anything
sexual out of it. And I was like, "Press X to download.". - Are you sure about that? - I think she does. And then I saw in episode
two with a different girl and I'm always like, "Oh, I'm gonna guess
that's the little sister." - No, I mean, unfortunately
this is just like a one shot, that episode two is a
completely different girl, completely different guy. It's one of those ones where this is like- - God I hate that so much. - Yeah, yeah because
I wanted more of this. I wanted more of this. I was very disappointed that
we didn't get more of this. The thing about this is that for me this one was all premise. Because I didn't even think
the girl looked that hot. - There was some frames where
she looked fucking (murmurs). - The animation was subpar a C list. - The animation was subpar, the character designs were fucking shit. It's like a CDI game at some point, like there was one or
two frames and I'm like, "Fuck, we are not having a face." Holy shit. - I also just like one scene, that I just couldn't get over, when he's like first, like, he's like, you know, just
kind of like doing scissor, and like sitting on his knees, I was like, "All right, jack off." And I'm just like, "How the do you jack off,
while sitting on your knees.". - I'm like "Can I at least put
my knees down?", Oh my God. - Like my legs would be fucked. Like, I wouldn't be able
to concentrate(laughs). And he does it in like 30 minutes. I'm like, "Your legs dead bro." Like there's no way I'll
be able to keep a bonner, with this. - Because what I liked about this, was that it didn't immediately
just go to the fucking. There was so much build up. - I like that. - It was one of the Hentai where I'm, "Man normally, you just
wanna skip straight to the fucking.". But this one made the payoff worth it. You know what I mean? That's what made this, like... This is what a good plot in Hentai can be, where it's just like, you have enough buildup that you need without it being boring. - But that's because like the S and M like side of things,
kind of made like a nice, like, twist on it. It wasn't just like standard boy, and standard girl, were talking and then it gets to the fucking, It's like, there is a
little spice to it, right? - Yeah, yeah. It was like the right
amount of spice to it, without being too over the top. - Yeah, also, why is it like when it's rape Hentai it's like
full on like Jesus Christ, like disgusting. But then when it's reverse
rape, it's always like, "Well, I guess you should fuck me." It's like come on. - I think you just
really like reverse rape. - I do, but it's never
actually like the way, like, it's nowhere near like the reverse of what the rape is. - Yeah , yeah. - It's always like- - It's always suggestive, right? - But like this one, like, I mean, the guy could have left at any time, and she said that the guy could left and she gave him his phone back. He could've left, that wasn't. - But he wasn't going to
cause he's a Mascus, right? That was the whole premise of it. - I mean- - It was weirdly realistic. - That's why we need to
correct the reverse rape tag. It should be reverse
suggesting fuck me please. Reverse, suggested blackmail rape. (laughs) I mean I liked it, it
was good, it was good. It was the first time I saw a in Hentai, that one of us went like, you know, very rarely, where
I was like, "That's hot.". - Then you really know how
to cap your thing with, "Nice, nice. I like that.". - I'm realizing from this
fucking conversation, you like you're fucking milfs. - Yeah. - You like your Harems, I need my spice, man. - Like spice what do you mean? - No I like my spice, yeah. - Would you define a spice? Define spice Garnt. - Okay, so like, aside from Vanilla, which we can all agree, always great top tier. - Always solid. - Always a solid, but like, I don't want just like the normal kind of relationship. There always needs to
be like a twist to it. Like what I like is like, especially if it's like a relationship where they know they shouldn't fuck. That's like hot to me. - Yeah, those are hot, those are hot. Danger fuck. You like danger fucks. - Yeah, yeah. - You like flaming like
tire mountain fox, right? This was burning down to the ground, but, I'm enjoying while it burns. - Is it why step-mom porn is so popular, because it's supposed
to be like forbidden? - Yes like taboo. - Yeah, right? But, you
know, I think that's why it is so popular, because it's like- "Oh, we I shouldn't be this.". - Well it's like step-mom porn and like incest porn as well. - Yeah, and it's like, you know, it's like, you know, even in the premise, it's not I guess tactically incest, it's just really uncomfortable. - Yeah. - I'm surprised aside from
like Mothers Knows Breasts, there is none of us recommended like any like brother or sister Hentai. - That's because brother
and sisters is like... For some reason, stepmom
and kid is like, all right. But brother and sisters, like, Oh! - Also this is like way too much, bro- - I'm the opposite, but that's probably
because I'm an only child. So I'm just like, "Brother
and sister, yeah. Mom, oh!" That's a bit too fucking realistic, get that out of my Hentai. - I think the immediate
assumption is like anyone who likes like step-mom is like, I mean you wanna fuck your mom 100%. It's like no, no, not at fucking all, that's the opposite I just don't know why. Because it's like, what is more forbidden than doing that? And it's like the most
illegal you can get whilst being legal, right? (laughs) That's what it is, right? By every single measurable
thing, it is fucked up and wrong, but not really (laughs). - Not really. - Right? - It only just gets more
morally wrong, right> - Yeah, yeah. - The only thing worse
than fucking a step-mom is a stepdad, right? So? - It's, you know, (laughs) it's fucked, right? But it's like, because it's like, the way I judge it is that, it's the kind of porn that
you can't really like, a scenario that if you,
let's say you had sex with your stepdad, there
is (murmurs) you can go. You know, so guys,
totally legal by the way. If I did sleep with my stepmom, everyone would be, "Yeah, yeah.". What the fuck? - Okay, question to you then. - All right. - If Mothers Know Breast, was like, if the mum,
was a blood-related mum, would yous till be able to nut to that? - No, no, no. - Too realistic? Too realistic? - That's too... I have a mom. (laughs) But step-mom, never had
that, can't experience that. But you know I mean. Not that I would want that anyway, but? It's like, well, what
was the other one with... There's another Hentai where like, it's like a Russian mom comes... - What? - You know, it's like a
Russian blonde woman comes in a like 20 year old high school Neat, and it's like four episodes
where they're like fuck and do shit and it's good. It's the same shit. Same shit... Honestly the same shit, but like the guy's like super into it. It's the same thing but this
time the mom is Russian. - Yeah. - Basically. - Basically. - I don't know, it's like for
some reason it's weird, right? Because I get it monkey brain, about like story and video games, not premise and porn. Yes please. - Yeah, because the thing
is like a lot of the Hentai like I enjoy, is like I said, the ones with spice in there, and it just happens that a lot of them just happened to have
step incest in there. And it had like, what I hate, is when it's just like
the fucking incest Hentai, when the brother and the
sister, they wanna fuck, you know, that's like that's
like a big turn off for me, you know what I mean? - That's like the ones
that make you like stand up and go like, "Ah! Fuck! Ah! God!". - The, hard tap a bit, the hard tap. - One is the fucking Oniichan Hentai, you know the one's I mean,
the Oniichan Hentai's. That's like incest softy, get the out of my face. - So many people into that though - I think Overflow, right? Is like one of the most
popular Hentai's this year? It's top three, I think. - Yeah, yeah. - And that is just all brother and sister, and like I watched it, because I was like, "It's number three. Well, surely the critics know
their stuff, right? Surely?" First episode, like brother in the bath then sister comes in the bath,
okay, all right, all right. Just accidentally inserts, and it's like, for fuck
sake, what do they expect? What do you expect? - How would you accidentally insert? How does that happen? (laughs) - So you can accidentally insert, what was the fucking short form for like, Hentai that you're gonna put on the list? - Oh, I can't remember the name. - It was like the Girl Falling from the second Floor or something? - The Girl Falling from the Second Floor. The reason I watched that one was, because it's like a full season one. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah. - And this was a Hentai
that somehow ended up on fucking anti-chat in anime list. No, there's there's
sometimes like Overflow, that was like a seasonal anime that ended up on my anime list. For some reason, right? Because it's like five minute episodes, and it's like a full season. So the full season like- - For the porn? - Yeah, but it's porn. So I don't know how it ends
up on seasonal anime lists. - There are your spicies reviews. (laughs) - Yeah, right? - So yeah, I can't remember the name, so should I fucking name
like Google the name. - Yeah, if you know what it was, but basically the premise is like, there's a guy who's living in like a really old like rickety apartment, that's like kind of falling apart. And there's a girl that
lives right above him, like a really hot girl. And the girl was like doing dance practice or whatever the it was, and because the apartment
is so rickety and old, she falls through the
second floor, like thing, and goes down to the guy
where the guy's sleeping, and she lands, on his dick, and inserts, and I'm like- - And you can also see that her underwear has somehow shifted. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which for one, the fucking physics that goes into this one. For one, because he must've like just had a permanent stiffy. - At the correct angle. - At the correct... It was like a fucking angle,
perfect frame, perfect fall. You know what I mean? - "So we're gonna do the second full clip, the penis needs to be angle perfect, the fall needs to be frame perfect, for the landing to go smoothly.". - But the reason, the reason
I find it so hilarious, was because it was on
a seasonal anime-chart, and it got fan-subbed, and whoever was fan-subbing this- - That guy was funny. Whoever was fan subbing
this, was obviously not like taking this seriously. Because he was technically
still translating it but, the fucking phrasing that he used was- - There's literally a
frame where the girl says, "Shoot your guru, my dude." I'm just like, "This is fucking awesome.". - It was very good. - Yeah, I just wanted
to bring that one out, because I thought it
was fucking hilarious. - Okay, like titles on screen now, can't find it now, well, I'll, I'll send the title to (murmurs). - Yeah, they're the only
thing that was like weird about the one that you chose Garnt, was that she just at one point was like, "Yeah, just rape my ass, just do it." And I was like, I was like, "What?" And he didn't, what a
classy man, first of all. - Yeah, yeah. - But I was like, "Why does she say that? What a fucking weird thing to say." - Yeah, like where did the sadism go? - I liked that, because it was just like... No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. Not, not the fact that she said that, but the fact that it was like,
the scenario was progressing. You didn't just have one, like one- - It was a cliffhanger. - You didn't, just have like one scenario. It had fucking development in there, man. I don't know. - I give it a nine out of 10. Like , yeah, it was good. - Yeah, I give it like a 7
or a 9, it was pretty good. - It's Something I'll come
back to you in a year, and be like, "Nice." - Yeah, you know what? I can watch the second episode. - All right, so we go to
Joey's last pick then I guess, which... When I saw Joey recommends one, I wanted to like high five the dude man. - You can high five me right now. - Why? - Yeah, so Joe recommended Kudo You Know, which is, shall I call it
like famous or infamous? - Definitely infamous. Yeah, I knew that probably
Garnt had seen it before, but I just wanted to see
what Connor would say. - It was vile. It was fucking disgusting. I pardoned. There's never an English
language to convey what you made me sit through. What the fuck, have you nutted to that? - Absolutely. - It is an experience. - Why do these (murmurs)? Okay, I don't know what the
purpose this whole show is? Go explain that though. - So I feel like the premise is that, there is a kingdom, right? They've made a kingdom, where they've separated
like girls from guys, and girls like kind of live in this kind of high class
posh kind of kingdom, and then there are the boys, who are just like- - The boys. - The boys, who were just like
the dirt bag of the world. And it's basically... The main mercenary leader,
he's just fucking guts. This is like... (both laugh) - He's just gut's, right? The man wasn't? This is the Hentai adaptation of Berserk, with even more rape. This is like if you take Berserk, remove all the cool parts,
and you just keep the rape. - Yeah, pretty much, pretty much. - I saw the tags, and I was like, "Fuck." - I'm not gonna lie I
only chose this one purely to get a reaction out of Connor. Because I knew Garnt, watched it, and Garnt likes it. - So like the premise is
the guys try to invade the kingdoms like that the girls build, and of course they invaded it, and it's like a dark fantasy middle- - So the first episode
they invade like the elves, they're all ten. Which is
like immediately hot for me. - They invade the elf kingdom and, just like and... They
just fucking gang bang the shit out of these elves, I guess. - For some reason, okay. So he, he wants to sleep
with this woman, right? Why does he let the Orks fuck her? What's up with that him? Why the Orks fucking him? Because, there's Orks there, also why the Orks are
listening to this guy? Like why are Orks there? - Because the Orks wanna to get some. - And then also, why did
the Orks, have human dick? - You know does that- - I mean, because it's a Hentai. No, no, no, they do not
have fucking human dicks. - They had giant human dicks. I paused it on one of the frames, because I had to take like a fucking- - That is not a human dick, that is a fucking horse cock right there, you know what I mean? - It was drawn completely- - The girlfriend. - I'm not arguing with the gut size now, but the dick was a human dick. - The gut from that Dick
was just like as wide as the woman's waist Because what happens is right. I had to pause it at one moment. Cause I was just like
one, this is disgusting. I had to post many times to be like just stand up and go like
just light a cigarette. I don't even smoke. Yeah. - Just light a cigarette. But there was this one
scene and I remember it cause I was like full Orks and I paused and there was like four Orks
standing around each other, right? Like this. And the dicks were blue. But you could clearly see
they were normal human dicks. Yeah, totally. I was just like, why? This is so weird. Why wouldn't have Orks. dick shapes she'd have
gross, ugly Orks man. - I mean, but no one wants to see that. Does anyone want to see this anyway? - What are talking about? - You've added ugly bastard
with an extra faction. - That's fucking Orks,
they just ugly bastards and the dick, that's like an
extra guthy, ugly bastard. - I refuse to believe people
like watching Orks fuck people. - Well then why is there so much of it? - Why? Who are these people? - The reason why there's so much, is because there's lots of
people who wanna watch it. - Why? Why, would you wanna
watch it, are you okay? - You can ask that question
about milfs as well, why would you wanna watch it? - No, come on, are you really
comparing milfs to Orks? - Are you really comparing
milfs to Orks, Joey? Come on. - Because what I will say
about Kudo You Know, is that. - It is shit. (laughs) - It is every tag, that I detest. Let's, let's be honest, let's be honest. Orks are just ugly
bastards but just square. - With attitude. (laughs) - There just ugly bastards,
but just even uglier, with a different skin tone, and like I normally I remember first watching Kudo You Know, and I'm just like, "Why would I fucking want to watch this?" But what it does, it's that this Hentai, is so ridiculous, and so over the top, that it just, like, you know, that meme, not the meme where, you know, when the film
is so bad that it's good. - No. - This is that Hentai for me. It is so ridiculous- - And you told me why so
the room of Hentai, right? - This is so ridiculous and so offensive, that it it's not even turn off anymore, and it just becomes hot. - That was Kudo You Know, for me man. - It's hot? You think it was hot? - It was like... I couldn't take this like, because you talk about you
on this to be realistic, because you wanna like self insert, right? I'm like, this is too ridiculous, I can't see this happening,
in any fucking world. - There isn't a million percent chance, where I would ever self insert
myself any why in the show. - What part of it, were
you able to be like this is so hot that I can not do this? Like what aspect of it? - Okay, I really like elf girls, and I really liked tan girls. - Dude, dude, dark skin elf girls. - Dark skin elves- - Dark skin, elves girls, man. - Replace every Hentai
with a dark skin elf, and I will watch any- - I mean different. - There is not enough
dark skinned elves Hentai in the world. - I want my dark skin elf representation. - I'm fine with that. But, you know, the point where five goblins, I'm pretty sure they created new holes with what they were doing. Because there was one the
immediate when he put his- - I think there was only two, wasn't it? - I remember the first time
he put his dick in, and like- - This was what was disgusting. This is where I nearly vomited. - It was like the gift way, it was just like a hole and like the train trying to smash its
place through the hole. Except it smashes it's
way through the hole. And I remember the
first time I watched it, I was just like. - Because you see the
outline of this thing, up to here. I'm like, "Why can I see the outline, that is disgusting." - Because that's the fucking- - Like my jaw hit the floor when he fucking got the dick in man. And it wasn't just that, I remember the scene where they cum, and like I remember most, you see most like most
Hentai protagonists, have like a bit of extra cum, then like what any normal man can cum. These Orks have five
gallons of cum saved up all inside to this girl. Where, I'm just like, "How
can I take this seriously?" At what point does it cease to become, and if it becomes whipped green. - The scene that fucked killed me, is when it like, after the first girl, right? Not the queen, but like
one of the servants right, after the old son, and she's been suspended by two cocks, like fucking London Bridge. I'm just like, "This is
so fucking amazing.". It's so stupid. It's so ridiculous, that's it fucking hot. - It's just like, she
just gets spit roasted. Like literally spit roasted- - She is literally suspended by two cocks. - With two old cocks. - So gross. Its so fucking vile. - It is so fucking gross and vile, and disgusting. - I Googled how to clear my incognito history after (murmurs). (laughs) I was like, this is so disgusting. Like I'm glad I've watched this last, because it ruined my day. I was like, "This is so vile. - And do you want to know something too? Episode, one's probably
the tamest, as well. (laughs) - Really? - Yeah. - How? - Episode like i think three
is probably the most vile one. If you ever wanna challenge
yourself to that one, but, Yeah- - Everything about it, was just gross. Like I do not understand how anyone could- - This is the exact
reaction I was hoping for, and I'm so glad. - I think like my penis
actually inverted or something. Like I actually couldn't find it. Like I was so turned off. - Okay, but what if the
dark skin elf was a milf? - No, even worse. (laughs) That's even worse. Why would you ruin something amazing. No, no no, because, right? It's it should... I do not wanna see four or
five Orks gang-banging someone, that's fucked up. - How can you take it
seriously at that point? - How could you take it
seriously at that point? - Because what bothers me, right? Is that I'm watching this and I'm like, "This is clearly something... Like they've got an audience," and I'm like, "that's disgusting," and some dude is like, "Fuck man, nothing does it for me, like that Ork gang-bang
porn, you know what I mean? There's someone out there
who can't masturbate, unless it's Ork gang bang porn. - I also love the scene where it's like the queen gets like filled up, and the guy like pulls the dick out and it just gushes all out, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, like
a fucking waterfall. - Yeah like a waterfall and the guy is like standing there
like, " Yeah, let it flow.", I'm just like, "Oh my God,
this is so ridiculous.". - This isn't a word I would usually use to describe a sex scene. But the sex scenes in
this Hentai, are epic. They're epic, right? Like, normally I don't
imagine fucking like... Do you know what I imagine going on in like the background this? Like I imagine like forces from Berserk playing as like they
getting fucking gang-banged from seven different directions. because it's so Epic. - Like all imagine is like a
fucking like Zach Schneider, like 300 slow-mo, like super slow-mo. I just want something like
that interjected in this. This looks like too epic. Like epic is the correct word for it. - I need like forces playing
in the background, like, βͺ No forces βͺ It is a classic for a reason. - A class? - It is a class - The classics (murmurs). - I like my vanilla Hentai. I like my wholesome tags. But I you know, I hate normally, I hate everything that, this
kind of series represents, but this series does it so masterfully- - It really does. - And so over top Never really done. - Like if we're talking
about spice, right? Like Kudo You Know is
like the cinnamon jelly. It's like, you have to do it once. - Did you feel great
shame, after you nutted? Were you like, "God (murmurs)" - I never feel shame, jacking a Hentai. - Oh my God. - I'm past that point,
I've Hentai Nirvana. All right, like I never feel shame. - This gave me the same feelings of like, when you see like pregnant porn pop up, and you're like, "Oh, Oh God, no, no." - No it's not that bad. - Yeah, it is. It's on that level of disgusting. - No, way no. - Its not that bad, - Fuck of. - No, I would watch Kudo You
Know over and over again, than ever watch pregnant porn. - You probably do, you don't
need to say would you, you do. Would you? - Okay, I'll tell you why, because pregnant porn is like
way too close to being real. This is so far removed from
anything that's realistic. - Pregnant porn is level
one of Era Girl in my mind. - Yeah, because this one, is like set in a fancy
world in a fancy setting, with fucking Orks and elves. - The master fleet just
set up the scenario to the point where there is zero realism. So there is no point in
trying to self insert, there was no point in being like, "Oh, this could happen to me.". Because this scenario is
just a 100% percent fiction. So anything that they do, no
matter how ridiculous it is. - It is fictional there's
still nothing about it that I'm like, "This is hot." Like there is no aspect of it. - What do you mean? You don't like the dark skin elves. - Oh, that's fine. But I would have rather have it been done in that more tasteful manner. (laughs) - Allow me to offer a
more tasteful tastefully- - How do you tastefully
gang bang (murmurs). - Perhaps if we remove
the gang bang aspect. - Connor is like, "I can fix this." - I can fix this right here. Listen to right. We remove the gang bang aspect, the fancy aspect let's
get rid of that too. - Then there is nothing left. - How about she's a dark skin elf, who's a mother, who has a step son, who you know, isn't so sure
about this relationship. - Shut up and go watch
Mother Knows Breast. Just get Mother's Knows Breasts and just turn her dark
skin, and there you go. That's literally what you just described. - Like that, that scene, the scene with the second elf one, they take turns just
like, like cumming inside (laughs) And it's like... There's never been a more
accurate representation of like me and the boys. - What the fuck? No. - The guys like, 'Minimum
10 shots each lads. Let's go, lads, lads." (both laugh) - You're so funny. I'm fucking losing it just remembering how was the gang bang. - It's so funny. - I'm never, never gonna be able to go on set with guys again. - It's so funny. I don't understand. - I don't know. Like it's so ridiculous that it's it ceases to be disgusting, and it somehow becomes hot again. - I hate it. - It's not for everyone but, even if, even if you're fucking- - It's not for everyone, just like saying, "Oh, It's
fun for some of the families." It is fun for that one
creepy weirdo on your family who Jack's off, way too much., and always brings up weird
stuff in an convenient ways. - " I mean let's forward
I don't like it.". - Because this watching Kudo You Know, it's an experience. - NO it's not. It's your mistake. It's a fucking mistake. - It's a fucking experience. - I'm convinced, right? It's a trap, right? It's a watch, watch list
in the waiting, right? You watch it, you go on a watch list. Later on in life, when you go to court, they'll
bring it up, guaranteed. Like I bet there's something
in that, man, that I Just... - Do you just like, "Oh y'all don't like it, you're going on a watch list." That's what it sounds like to me. - Yeah. (laughs) I don't like it there so- - I'll say the perfect analogy, okay? - I don't like it therefore
it shouldn't exist, that's my argument. - Here's the thing right? If we're talking about ice cream before, we were talking about vanilla ice cream always been good to come back to. Kudo You Know is like the
rum and raisin of ice cream. - No it's not. (laughs) - It's like some people
love rum and raisin, while there's a lot of people
who don't like rum and raisin. - This is like the equivalent of getting the two liter vanilla,
like budget ice cream putting it on your chest, and scooping it off with your hands. That's what it is. That's the equivalent. - No because there's
nothing vanilla about it. - No. - It's rum and raisin. Do you like rum and raisin ice cream? - What the fuck no. - He doesn't like any thing bout vanilla. - That's why you don't like- - There is no co-relation
between what ice cream you like, and what porn you like. - No thee is, because you
don't like rum and raisin. Deeply you don't I like Carolina, I like rum and raisin I like Carolina. - I have never had rum and raisin. - Well, you should try it,
you'd probably like it. - The feeling it gave me, right? Was when you get like a really bad fart, and you smell it. Like way too much. It was level of like disgust of like, "Oh, Oh God. Oh Jesus.". That's what I felt when watching this. - I can not relate was. - It was fucked. - I said like like spice, this is what happens if you just like eat 10 Carolina Reapers at once. So some people it's just, it will blow their mind. - This is the cinnamon challenge off, - It is a cinnamon challenge
of the Hentai world. - It may be considered
castration for a quick moment. I was like, "Honestly people
don't deserve to exist, if they made this.". - There is six episodes by the way. - I saw, I saw Joey. And I saw there was a loli in the intro, because of course it's an intro, and I was like, "Oh, she
gets gang banged too, hey,". - That's the episode three... Pretty much everyone in
the series gets gang banged in like the most ridiculous
over the top way. - In the most epic way. These are epic sex sins
man, what can I say. - Gang bang porn is like- - Someone needs to do an edit with forces on any of the sex thing
that kind of, you know, and posted on PornHub or something. - That shit was wack. - Gang bang is like, I don't get it. I don't get it at all. Like I have no interest in it. - It's weird like, I'm usually not a fan of gang bang, but like- - I'm not a fan of gang bang at all. - when it's done well,
like, I can watch it. Yeah, I dunno. And Kudo You Know, did
a, well in my opinion. It's so ridiculous. - Yeah, I see gang bang I'm like, "There are too many dicks here." - Yeah. - There's more than one dick, two many. - There's only certain amount
of dicks I can self insert (both laugh) I can't self insert
myself in to six dicks. - As a male, there is no
fucking situation in my mind, where I'm like, I would love to be around
with five other with a men. - Well, that's your problem, you self insert yourself, into every Hentai you watch, right? So of course, you're not
gonna like a show like this. Because it's fantasy, and it's a gang bang. - Not everything I self insert, but I think I get the most enjoyment- - What's like a genre
you don't self insert? - Oh, fuck. - Is there any? Like of any Hentai you watch, is there one where you're just
like, "I can't self insert." - There's plenty where I like it. Those are the medium ones for me. The best ones are the
ones where I can be like, "I wish that was me, I wish that was fucking me." You know what I mean? You don't agree? - Yeah, yeah, I agree. Like Kudo You Know, isn't like my favorite hentai, but it's just such a
unique experience for me. - It's definitely not my favorite, but I can always go back and rewatch it. - Yeah. - So it's a unique
experience in the same way that shitting your pants is. I don't do it often and I never wanted to. It's embarrassing and
I feel dirty after it. - it's a different kind of nuts. Kudo You knows is like
Post Nut Regret the series. - Either way, I give it
a zero out of ten boys. - Oh my God. - Yeah but zero out 10. - We just put in a milf in Kudo You Know, then it would have been
like, at least (murmurs). - Kudo You Know to me is like beyond the scale. - In all, in all caps I put, "It so long, please make it end. I legitimately feel sick" - You'll around to it don't worry. - No will not. This is like the meme, right? Of like the older you get, the more fucked up your
porn needs to be, to get of. Like, I don't wanna get
into this at like 20, it's like when I'm 40, what am I gonna have to get off to, like multiple city city gang bang. - At which point did you realize that, "Oh this this is gonna be
fucked up for the entire thing. - The moment I saw the tags I was like, 'Fuck, fuck." Like mind control plus
gang bang, plus rape, is like the ultimate trio - - Like self fulfilling prophecy, right? - The big three. - The big three. Oh my God. - Moving on to your, your choice, Garnt. - Oh yeah, Kasen Sodom, I have wanted to talk
about this for so long. - Never laughed that hard watching Hentai. - You know what's is that, I've legitimately watched this and nutted to a scene, you know. - Are you seriously? - Is the scene with the teacher. - It isn't it. - Of course it is. - The moment I saw the teacher who's like, for some reason the armpit
get zoomed in way too close. - That was weird. Because what happened was, is like, I'm watching this, right? I'm 10 minutes in, and okay, we should explain the premise. - How do we even explain what? - Okay, it's about a bunch
of pervs who are teachers, and those school kids aren't into it. And then there's another side plot, where there's police and terrorists, and then a terrorist gets... There's a weird gunfight, which is weird. - We'll talk about that. And then they killed the terrorist and terrorist has this bomb, and it explodes, and it makes everyone horny, and then everyone starts fucking. - It's like a horny virus. - But also when the bomb goes off dubstep just starts playing. - Way too loud dubstep. - The way I would describe this Hentai, I would never recommend this Hentai, it's awful, it's like nuts. - It was definitely where
I nut where I'm like, "Oh God.". - This this how room Hentai. - How I would describe, this
is- What's the name again? - Kasen Sodom. So if I were to put a tagline, imagine if Masaki directed
a Hentai ship post. That is, Kasen Sodom. Because it is like way too funny, to be that for this to like not... - It was weird. - I wrote down, it's like a
Hentai parody of Tekkonkinkreet. Because it gave me Tekkonkinkreet vibes, but for the worst reasons, but it like had some scenes in it, where the comedic timing. It was way too good. - Why did you choose your list? Just because you wanna talk about it - I wanted to... Because this show is just pure bands. - So you've never nutted to it? - I'm really glad you
recommended this because now I like wanna watch the rest of it just to see how bad it gets. - Another episode? - Apparently. - No, no, this is the only one. I saw Kasen Sodom one and, I tried to look for
episode two and I'm like, " Fuck man, I wish there
was an episode two, this is the one of a kind." Because this is the type of Hentai, you're just like, you can only recommend
to boys you truly trust. And if you're gonna watch it, it's only out like at 3:00 AM, when you're fucking pissed. And you're just like, "Can you recommend something weird and funny to watch?". - The teacher scene was good fucking good. - Oh my God. - Come on it was though, come on. - No, it's not. - You don't think so. - No, the entire time I
was laughing my ass off. - Because how could you get a stiffy? When it was just that fucking funny. - This was the only one on the list, where I was soft as a pillow. - I do not remember anything else in this. But somehow- - Are you serious?
- Are you serious? - I didn't know recommend this show so you can nut to it. - Why is it when Connor sees
a milf it's tunnel vision. (laughs) - It is totally. - I watched this like two years ago, but I do not remember, I must have skipped every other scene, and then when I found this scene, and then when I got to the scene, I must have been like, "All
right, 0.7 top speed.". - Because I remember the
way I discovered this, was I saw it on PornHub. It was just like a clip I was just like, "Oh, this looks ..." Because the animation style, is like very unique. - It's very you I saw - It's very you I saw,
that kind of close style. And I was like, you know... Because the thing about
a lot of Hentai is that, it all looks fucking squeaky clean. It all looks flat and shit. - Got some chunk to. - Yeah, one's got some chunk to it. It's got some like
directorial choices in it. I will say that- - It hit me like a fucking truck when that teacher popped up, and I was like. - (murmurs) it was, "Oh my God, I've not nutted to this. And it was supposed to be a comedy. - I am 100% convinced
that this is a comedy. There is no fucking way. - I felt like after I watched it, I was like, 'Fuck, I felt
like I nutted to Cause 2.", you know what I mean? It's embarrassing, that I did this. - It's like reliving childhood and realize it's like way different. Because like all the other
scenes which are disgusting, and like fan a bit. - It wasn't disgusting- - The little girl with the guy who was like delivering packages- - Called the janitor guy. - I'm like."Ah!". - When she was sucking his cock and she looked like a literal horse, like a literal horse, sucking on this guy. - It was so gross. - That face fucking
expanded out like here. - You know the scene that fucking kill me is like the teacher who took a photo, of the girl's like underwear, and he's like jacking in the toilet, and the phone does the 1%, and he speeds up. - He goes turbo mode jacking off, and then it cuts to this fucking
shootout that's happening, and they interject the shootout, with the teacher jacking Off. And it's so fucking hilarious. - I also love this shoot out scene, because there's like two cops, with a handgun, right? And there's one girl
with a assault riffle, how does it end, one shot each. - Also it's going on for like six seconds, and none of them shoot each other. - And then just like the shootout... You have I to watch the shoot out,. because it's just like, "Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang bang." (all laugh) - Also with the teacher, and girl, like he was jacking off the toilet, he's like on the floor, he like stand up, and his dick gets hard. And he's like, "No, the other thing stand up." It was so funny. - And the fucking clip where
like the two girls arguing over who's gonna fuck this one teacher, and then she turns around
and the girl just decks her in the face (laughs), she just passes out, and she is like, "All right, teacher, now we can fuck.". It's like, "Stop messing with him." (indistinct) - I was the fucking... Like you, the Squidward, where it's like Squidward hot, and Squidwardith like normal. I was like Squidward normal throughout, but then when the teacher scene came on, I was like (murmurs). - Dude it's hot, man. It's hot. I'm fucking amazed that
you nutted to this. No, because... I would say the beginning
of the teacher scene, right? Where she is standing over the guy, and she has like the pussy juice, that is just like- - That's fucking weird. - She's just like, literally, she like, is this drops of God or something? She's pouring this juice
from such a height. And it's just like one long
string that like (murmurs). - This is the thing with Hentai though. Because it's so often not like a 100% what you want it to be. You take the good with the bad. When you found a premise that works, all right, if she takes
a on him for a second, all right I'll look past it
because it's 10 seconds, right? I'll forget about it. - Will you though? - No, I mean. - Yeah, you aren't. - But I'll get over it. It's like when that happens, it's like, I'm willing to look past this. (laughs) - I'm just amazed that
you're this is zoned in into like the milf (murmurs). That like you managed
to actually nut to this. - It's the most insane
tunnel vision I've ever seen. - It's managing to nut to
fucking Loony Toons porn man or something. - Because if you take it... If you were given just that scene, right? With none of the other scenes, right? Because I don't remember the bomb going off or anything like so. I'm pretty sure I would
remember dubstep in my head. I wouldn't remember that. Just somehow. I just watched this scene, and none of the others, and when you say just that
scene with the teacher, it's like, it's easy to see why. - Yeah of course. - I think, why you could go away, and you know, maybe (murmurs) into that. - No, no. - Why. - Because it looks like someone made, a pentai paradody, of
mass like yours and film. That's what it looks like. - Like I've said, dude, the animation does not matter to me. It is the premise, and how that delivers on the promise. - Dude, I'm starting to think that you can Jack off (murmurs), as long there's a milf. - If the taboo is that Joey, 100%. We've got an older woman, right?. Check. There is danger. There are doing it at the time, I didn't know everyone was fucking. I just thought she was
going at it in the school, that's hot, extra points, right? And then, not gonna lie, she is abusing a position of power. That's hot either. - She was a thick mama as well. - Oh dude, she was real thick, man. - This is the perfect trifactor dude. There's taboo, thick, older woman. Sign me the fuck up. - But then like, I think
all of that like by itself, I see all of that line up, and I'm like, "Yeah, I could
probably jack off to that." But then, it's topped up
with the drops of God, and the fact that, you know, really weird zooming on the armpit, I don't know what that was about. - Listen, you cannot complain, right? About like a bit of
juice coming down, right? When you fucking jacked off to 10 Goblins- - It was just the fact that they really... I think my biggest problem
that I have with this, is just, I don't know who was in charge of the fucking audio
mixing on this episode, but my God, it was fucking bad. - Bang that bitch through
elevator or some shit, but it doesn't matter. - No, no, no, no, I feel
like it was purposefully man. - Half the scenes, those
no like background music or anything. - Everything about this Hentai was, I feel just like a masterclass, in being like the ultimate
car crash of a Hentai. It Is pure, garbage, it's hilarious. - It was fan for the family. Had a little something (murmurs) - It was so funny. - What about that scene where like, the are fucking, the teacher's fucking, and like this close up zoom in, of her armpits. - Okay, that was weird. - I didn't get that, I
didn't get that at all. - Because I thought he was like, you know, it was something like, "Oh, he's going to come up later, the armpit's gonna be it (murmurs). - Right, right. - But it wasn't. - It wasn't no. - It was just shown, and I was like, "Why?" - It just ended so randomly as well. - It ends with a guy blowing
off a guy's head off, and then a girl randomly comes in and just spot and kicks
this dude on a helicopter, I was like, "What?" And the it just ends. - And then it just ends. - No context, no fucking
epilogue or anything, it just ends. - I think I rated this
high than any of Joey's. - Are you serious? - Yeah I rated this- - Oh my God, I'm never recommending you any Hentai ever again. - What was it called? - Kasen in Sodom. - I gave it a seven out of 10. - I recommend, to watch that, if you want a fucking hilarious laugh. - But also maybe a cheeky nut, you may be. - No. - I honestly, like normally you don't recommend watching
Hentai with the boys. This is a Hentai you
can watch with the boys. - This one you can watch
because it's funny. - At 3:00 AM, get your next anime convention,
when you just wanna laugh, at how this Hentai is, or if you're Connor just like sneak off to the bathroom to like get- - I'm laughing. - I really wanna get the rights to it, so we can make like a Hentai party dub. - Oh my God, if we are able to that, that would be like the,
perfect parody dub Hentai. It's like structured itself. It's like the ghost stories
of Hentai basically. - Exactly, it's perfect. It's already perfectly structured. - My favorite part, like, I don't know why this made
me laugh so much is that, they cut to a shot of like
where the gunfight is, the school, and like
the hospital something, and they're all like- - They're the only three
buildings in horizon. - It's like a child's play mat. Like the way that these are arranged And like there's a gunfight happening in like an abandoned- - And there is a single rod
that connect al of them right. - And I was like, "Damn okay, they really don't give a fuck." - Where's the school okay then? - No, because I kind of realized early on that they must be doing this on purpose. - I think so. Because I remember like the first shot where there the two
girls were in the train, and out of nowhere a fucking stripper or something comes out. - (murmurs) on the girl. - And the like the girl kicks him, and then he just like stands there for a full like five seconds, and then nuts. It was that pause before
the nut, that was just like- - God the character
designs are just so ugly. - And then the, two girls ... And then like the girls who got nutted on, you don't see a changing, but she was in a school uniform, and then she's in like
she's in gym clothes, the next shot. - And then the girls in front
of the fucking come too near like, "Does something smelled like squid?" - And then it's just the walking
animation where just like. - The speed ups fucking killing me. - It was good, I really enjoyed it. - I've wanted to talk
about this for so long, because, I've no one I've
ever like talked to us ever like recommended or talked
about this Hentai because, it is such a funny Hentai, and wait I've waited for this opportunity when it can be like, "Yo Bros, watch this one Hentai, you
gonna loose your minds. Because like, when you go
to someone and you're like, "Yo, I gotta a fucking amazing
Hentai you need to watch.". You need to trust the bros there. And the bros need to trust you, because otherwise they're
just not gonna watch it. So, I highly recommend
watching this one Joke, it is hilarious, you're gonna
have a great fucking time. - I had a fantastic... I'm not going to lie, I watched it twice, just because it was so funny. I was like, there must've
been other like nuggets that I missed all the way. - I did not watch it twice. One was enough to remind me of my shame. - All right, well then last
but certainly not least let's go over Connor's
final one, which is, Hitozuma Mitsu to Niku. - Yo, okay hold up before
you say anything, right? The animation on this is probably the worst I've seen in a long time. - It was pretty bad. - Goddamn all these
stories are hot as shit. - I'm not gonna lie though, man. The one thing that just... I mean, first of all, I'm personally not that huge into milfs, but I can appreciate like a
good milf when I see one, right? There was some hot milfs in this one. - Dude, they're hot. - But, I'm not gonna lie. That's second guy that came, kind of looks like you. (both laugh) he kinda looks like you. - No he doesn't. No, fuck off. - I looked at that anda I'm like, "Is this why, Connor likes this?" It's his easy self insert - That never occurred to me. I did nothing like anything like that. - Like look it out, like, mood on, put up a picture. But like, I don't know, out of all the Hentai
characters that I've seen, this one looks the most like you. - Fuck off. No it doesn't . - Doesn't it? - I don't remember this one. - He's like kind of like
lightly like ashy blonde hair. - No, he doesn't look like me. - Same hair cut as you. - No he doesn't. - Yeah. - No he doesn't. - Out of all Hentais I've seen, he looks the most like you. - Now is it hot or not joey? - It's okay. - Which means okay? Give me the pluses and minuses. Obviously the animation it's Queen Bee. - Okay yeah, it's Queen Bee, so I know the animation (murmurs).. - I hate Queen Bee, it's a love hate. - Okay, the main mom,
with the short hair. Hot. Yeah, there's something
about short haired milfs that I really like. - Yes, nice choice. - I mean, like I said this, I don't have much to say about this that I haven't already said, because I feel like I would
just be repeating myself, it's Queen Bee, cool premise,
great character designs. - Have you watched any
of the other episodes of this Hentai? - No. - There's one in like episode four, and it's like a one shot, right? And like the premise is that like the mom, who's sitting in the room, her daughter, the boyfriend comes over, and he's like, "Oh mom, I'm sorry, but I'm really sorry and I feel bad, but, my dick won't fit in your daughter." (laughs) And she's Like, "Oh okay." And then he goes, "Can you please take a look at it and tell me if there's
anything wrong with it." And then obviously, you
know, he gets it out, and then she's like, she's like, "Oh God, Oh God, Oh no," she's like, "I think you should hold it
so you can feel it better." But he's playing innocent the whole time. I think you should like suck it as well, and then it's like, "Oh my God, it's so,"- - I Couldn't fucking get over, the fucking bulges of the
gym instructors though in the first one, I'm like- - Oh yeah. - I'm like, "Is that a penis, or are you like smuggling a Chihuahua, right? I don't know, because that is... You might as well not be wearing pants. - Episode two sucks at this, but episode one was good, dude. I think it's hot men, I love it. - I mean, like I said, it's very you, it's very- - The story is amazing. - It's very Connor. I would say like, I think the other Queen
Bee anime was better. - I think Hentia Ash is
hot man, I don't know man. I'm gonna say it, Hentaia
Ash is hot in Hentai. - No - No, I do not agree. - I do. - I do not agree. - There's a reason why
(indistinct) is popular. - You are against rape but you're okay with NTR. - Wait NTR is cheating, right? - No NTR, is when there's like
you have like a couple that have like a
relationship or something. And like the guy likes the girl, and the guy sees the girl get fucked. - Oh, I thought NTR was
just a for some reason, this feels like a
different kind of cheating. - No, no, no, there is a tag for cheating - Yeah cheating is hot in Hentai. (murmurs) Cheating in real life,
obviously is fucked up, don't do it wrong. In porn where it's not hurting anyone. - it does mean me and Joey can't say that. - Yeah, we can't say anything. - But no, no, because NTR- - In a relationship you
can't say that cheating in porn is hot - Nah, I don't like it. - No? - No. I mean personally like
cheating is just kind of like the same as NTR for me. Where it's like... NTR is a step above where you're watching this guy get emotionally,
and like destroyed, you seeing his like life
get destroyed around him. - I think I watched porn like that was like really fucking up weird, and it was like, this guy
had videos of his wife, fucking someone. - Yeah. Yeah, I think I might have seen one. - The difference between
NTR and cheating is that if the guy's there or not. - Yeah I don't wanna see the guy. I don't wanna know he's a real person. (laughs) NTR's cheating but the guy's there , and she's crying, and
somehow he has a hard-on, because I guess some people
like to get cocked I guess. - So much NTR Hentai, the guy's
like he's having a cry wank. - Because I think in that Hentai I think they all like
have husbands, right? - Yeah, yeah. - And it's like because
you don't see them, if I saw them- - He took out the milfs? - Yeah, yeah. If I saw the husbands, and they did like a quick, "Hey, his Jerry Sheila's husband," I'd be like, " Fuck, fuck,
no, don't tell me that." Because they don't exist in my mind. - But in this one you do see the husbands? - Do you? - Yeah. - I don't remember that. - It's because like at
the beginning, right? The short haired mom- - They drop them off. - Yeah, no, no. It's a short haired girl invited to join the dance club, right? And then she tells her husband like, "Hey is it okay if I go to it?' And the husband's like, "Yeah, go for it." - Yeah, but it's just
hot seeing them be like, "Fuck, I'm really horny but I shouldn't." - The one thing that I couldn't get over is the fact that like, and I think this is just
a me problem but like, the short haired mom, as she like finally comes
over the fact that like, "Oh I'm about to get fucked
by this gym instructor." I don't know why, but the gym instructor his voice, he's like reminds me of like
an e-sports commentator. (laughs) He's just like, "Okay, so we're going
to pull the pants down, and insert the penis." - In Japanese? - Yeah. That's the Japanese equivalence. So the Japanese equivalence it's like, "Can you feel the penis
entering you right now? Oh, look at that." - I think Hentai is more enjoyable , because I don't understand- - I completely forgot about that. - She over comments, everything. - He was literally fucking this girl, and he was like a play by play. Like there could have been a
color commentary, on the legs. "So what do you think
about this dick entering.". - "It's like how does it feel
to have my dick inside of you? Okay, I'm gonna move slowly now." It's like, just, fuck her, just fuck her. - I just feel, this seems is really hot when the, the woman in the
black one was just like, "Yeah, you see if you can
join the club or not?" - Oh,, the instructor that looks like you. - Yeah. No, he doesn't look like me. - He does look like you. - Fuck off. - That's why I couldn't get over it. I'm just like, "This is hilarious.". - Because I trying to think
of Hentai that I like, could like, look back at and be like, "Okay, normally this is fine." And that was only one of them, but there's a lot of them I just forget. - Yeah, the thing I
didn't like about this is, is the group sex, I don't like group sex, man. - It's hit or miss with me. - It's a hit or miss for me as well. It's like gang bang, it's
a hit or miss for me. Sometimes if done well its good. - Group sex is peaceful gang bang in eyes. - Group sex is just gang bang
but with just extra girls. - It's tasteful. - No, no, it's gang
bang with organization. - I will tell you what is, group sex is just vanilla gang bang. Group sex is just for
people who are just like, "No, gang bang.". That's got too much spice. - It's an organized gang bang. - I liked that it's very orderly. Everyone's partners are designated. - Yeah it's like, "Choose
a partner, everybody. All right off you go do your own thing." - Group sex is just gang
bang with a schedule. You know what I mean? - I like schedules. - it's nice and managed but,
you know, at the same time, I don't know, like we're talking about self insert, I don't wanna fuck girls
in front of other dudes, you know what I mean? Especially if those dudes. If, especially if you know those dudes, that's a little bit, (murmurs). - I don't know if you
want to do that either, I'll be honest, you know? - Well, yeah, the thing I did
like about this was, you know, obviously the character
designs, I like it when... Okay, I like it when the milfs have pubes. I know something about anime vaginas when they take off their pants, and you see like their smooth ass vagina that look that looks like it's been put through a car buffer. You know I know what I mean? That's like the biggest turn
off of me, man, I dunno. Like them especially
with the mature girls. - Yeah, that's what I was about to say. Like, if it's like, milfs, then like without pubes, it
just looks fucking weird. But every other time like I don't mind either way. But with milfs, it's
like no, you need pubes. - Yeah, when I see like the
sights on my head shine, but on like a vagina, I'm like, "That shouldn't
be shining there, man. That's a place that
should not be shining." - Someone just got laser surgery. (laughs) Oh my God, So to wrap up this horrible episode. - Yeah, that was a five out of 10 for me. - It was seven out of 10 for me. - It would be like it five (murmurs). - It was a better animated Queen Bee. I would say again, it's Queen Bee I'd rather read the source material. - Yeah. - It's a shame because I think it would have been fucking amazing it had good animation. Like it would have been up there. - Oh yeah, absolutely. It would have been like amazing. - As with every Queen Bee. - No, no, some Queen Bees are like this is anime is sit and
the story is shit sometimes. - Right maybe but- - Like I said, they have like the best
they have the best deals, and they have the best covers, and it sucks that Queen Bee stop animating the best source material
Queen Bee, please, please. That's all I beg of you. - Every time I see a new Queen Bee Hentai, I'm just like, "Oh, cool, a
new doujin recommendation." - Don't listen to this guy, I want good animation in my Hentai. - We want high quality HD. - I want my Hentai soccer guy , okay? - I prefer quantity over
quality for that, you know? - Nah, because you're the problem. - No, I'm not the problem. I mean yeah, actually, in yours it's a problem but
it's a good thing for me. Read more Hentai. So what I'm proposing is, lower the budget, make more. - No. - No - No. - This is exactly what
happened to the anime industry. They were like, "Oh fuck
quality, give me more quantity." And then look what happened. - Yeah. I want this probably with Hentai. You know when you see
the seasonal schedule, the animated Hentai, I want them swapped. - No - No. - What, are you crazy? - Yes. - I don't need choice. - My Penis can only get so erect. - I don't need choice for
T good in my Hentai man. Like there's already
enough Hentais that is, I don't wanna be like, I don't need the same
problem with Hentais do with like fucking flicking
through my Netflix card. - Exactly. - You know what I mean? - You might just watch everything anyway. - I mean Let's be real. I'm gonna watch it everything anyway but- - I'm gonna watch every. - The less the better in my opinion. - You know, the only
time I blatantly skip it, is when I see like only
lollies on the cover. - Right. - And I'm like enough of that. - Yeah. - Stop that. - No, I get that. If you see the cover and it's something you immediately know, you're not gonna like, right. But here's the thing, right? If there's more quantity, right? Then that just means there's gonna be more loli hentai well. - Well, I mean, more shit for me to block. - Yeah exactly. So like, so why would
you struggle through that when you could just, you know, you, you picked the ones that- (murmurs) - It's a shitty argument. - This was an interesting
episode (laughs). - This was a very heated
and interesting episode. - So I wanna ask then, not including your three that
you recommended to the others. Like out of the six that you watched, which one would you say is your favorite? - Mother Knows Breast. - No, listen to me. The one that's not your own. Which one's your favorite, and which one's your least favorite. Obviously the Fucking
goblin one is the worst. - Okay. So kudo You Know the best, okay, yeah. - No, no. You know, it didn't even
deserve to be ranked frankly. Like it doesn't like... It should have been deleted. - This was exact reaction
I was looking for. - And what second one
that you suggested Garnt, the one with the giggle long title. - I don't remember that one. The sadistic one. That was the best one for you? - For sure. - I mean, for me, I'd say
the best one is probably- - Mother Knows Breast. - Shikkoku no Shaga, the animation, just because it's fucking top tier. And the worst one, I probably
say Mother Knows Breast. - Oh come on. They fear for what they do not know. - I couldn't get over the animation and the horrible pennis is(murmurs) - okay, I did kind of, get
off suggestive for the troll, because I know you guys know I love milfs, but like yeah, I spent like three years since I've watched it, and I do remember. - You should probably rewatch it. - I can recommend you better milf Hentai. - The third one you
recommended is way better. - Because I remember it
saying about Garnts one like the kid, it's like fucking a kid, I'm pretty sure Mother Knows Breast, the kids like 15 or something as well. (laughs) - He's like a teenager now. - Yeah right, I think
when I was like, you know, 19, 18, 20, whatever, I was like, that's around my age. But I think now, I watch it and I'm like, "Oh, that's
a kid fuck," you Know. it has legitimately been a very long time since I watched it, but I remember just, it's one
of those things that like, it's the only title that
is burned into my mind. It's such a good title. - Mother Knows Breast. - How could you forget that title man? Like I will forget everything about the show, except for the title. - I'm waiting for the comments
now that will be like- - Do you wanna know a better than Mother Knows Breasts? - Sure, sure. - That has the milf in it, and has a guy who had who's actually older and better animation? - Sure. - Also a great name. The Hills Have Size. Does that sound familiar to you Connor? - The Hills Have Size. - Yeah. - S-I-Z-E. Would've been better if it was the Hills Have Thighs. (laughs) Just saying - But I know this one has a Japanese name, but it got licensed, and it's uncensored as well. And it's not by Studio Milky. - Only 6,000 Yens boys for the (murmurs). I think I've actually seen this. - Probably, probably. - I'm waiting for the comments, people who've got like 30 minutes in like, "Connor is just contradicting himself." and now, fuck you, I
fixed it right at the end. - Like going I'm through this list, and I'm like, "Okay." - Which one was the best, Garnt? - Which one is the best? - I felt like Garnt was
in the middle between us. - Yeah. - I think I was probably
one of the most neutral, out of all this. - I just like a bit of- - You like a little bit of everything. - Wel there is a little
something for everyone. (laughs) - I Know, right? I know I'm pretty normal
when it comes to my taste. - That's the one that goes
like dairy queen like, "Can I have one of each please?" - But like I'm looking at Connor's list, and I'm like, I can't in good faith, pick a Milky, or Queen Bee show, as the best. - What's my second called? - I also don't wanna pick just, you know, the fucking Harem Anime. - No don't do that. - Garnt say it, say it,
Corinne is the favorite. - Okay, here's... - Say it. - So the best Hentai out of everyone that out of Joey and Connor's, is Kudo You Know. - Yes. - No, it's not. - The worst Hentai, is Kudo You Know. (laughs) - Correct answer. - What was my second one called? I don't even know how to pronounce that. What it is called Joey? (speaks in foreign language) - That's like evergreen for me. No matter, when you turn that
on, I'm like, "I have time." - If you picked Succubus Stayed Life, I'm like, "Easy choice." - Succubus Stayed Life,
right? Is too easy. - Yeah, that's an easy choice. - Because if I do that it's gonna be that thing picture of
there's three kids sitting around with a like, "I agree." It's too good to cook. - You know, I could have easily done that if I pick like Monkey is Happening, right? It was like, (murmurs). - I recognized that, because that came up recently, and then I watched that and I'm like, "Oh this is the better version." But also I do like the
characters a little better. - Right, right. - I think, I'm bright. I think I'm always right. - I think Connor once again
has the most, like, I dunno. - I like what you like Garnt,
and don't try to hide it. - You don't go outside
of that mold at all. - Connor, once again has
the most jaded opinion. - You see stuff in porn, right? And you know, that not for you. - Yeah, of course. - Nothing does it for me, like a good milf dangerous situation. - One thing I appreciate about you is that you've got your priorities
straight in terms of what you like. - Yeah. - Like, you know exactly what... Like your, that one guy
who goes to a buffet and knows immediately where to go. - You're the guy who just
has optimized even your porn. You to a buffet- - You optimized the porn tags. - You have like a, entire menu, and you're like, "I know what I want, I
don't need to see the menu." You know what I mean? - And there's people out
there who would be like, "Wow Connor, that's so boring.". Fuck you, I'm happy. Are you happy? Going through
the vomit porn section? Are you happy? - Whereas I'm like, "Just give me one of everything.", and depending on the mood, I might like something different
on the day, I don't know - This again has come to the fact that I think that you're like, you stress about like everything, right? With like media, right? - What'd you mean? - You can not decide what
you wanna watch, right? - Because I like everything and I like nothing at the same time. - On purpose, I will just pick the first thing I see, that closely resembles what I want, so I don't fuck around. - Well I'm not here to dilly dally. - But like for me, the reason it's important to me, is because I know, how like like, to me like if I watch the same thing, I'm gonna get bored of that stuff and then it's not gonna,
it's not gonna hit as hard. - This is the genius of being like- - Shout up Joey, I didn't
have to look at you. - I was this close to saying. (laughs) - I swear I have like early
onset Alzheimer's or some shit, because I forget half the that happens and it's amazing, because I go back and I rewatched it, and I'm like, "Still new baby." - You should, you should go back and watch the three that you recommended. - I honestly, I don't wanna watch Mother Knows Breasts again, because I know I'm gonna
go back and be like, "Why the fuck did I pick it?" Because I know I am. - The thing about Mothers Know Breasts- - I picked it for the meme. - It's just bad, and it's
not even like so bad that I can laugh at it. - No it is funny. I remember the bath scene being hot. But too be fair , any Hentai that is like five out of 10, immediately becomes an eight out of 10, if there's an onset or
bath scene involved. You don't think bath sex is hot? - It's whatever. - Come on. - It's whatever. - Come on, you not gonna clean up shit. - It's whatever man. - Like, I dunno. - Like, I'm not gonna
complain if it pops up, but I'm also not gonna be like, this doesn't ever bother
me, three out of ten. I mean like I don't really find bath sex- - What's your favorite place then? - What is your favorite scenario. - You need a fucking scenario? - What's your setting? Like what, school? Anything, like bedroom. - Real camp. - Real camp? That's just one step away from on-scene. - There is big difference
between on-scene and bathroom. There is. - There is a massive difference. - Garnt, there has to
be a setting that you- - I don't think- - There has to be a setting
where you see a up in the scene. You're like, "yeah." - Like darkly lit real con room is like- - I agree. - I mean, I find them both hot for me. I mean bath sex for me, I find equally as hot
as like everything else. For me it's all about the
scenario and the dynamic. - For me as long as it's
inside, I don't care. I'm not really into the outside stuff. (murmurs) - Like dude, no, I'm here
to jack of I don't care. Just do an insight- - Connor's about that
danger fucking danger wank. - You're in the danger- - No wonder you fucking
Chromecast publicly, in your mother's house. - It's about confidence, right? If you fuck up, I have a confidence to know that, I'll figure it out. - I don't wanna deal with that shit, man. - Anyway, let us know what you liked. Which one was your favorite, or least favorite out of
the ones we recommended? - Why was it Mother's Knows Breast? - Why was it not Mother Know Breast? Hey, also, thanks to our lovely patrons, you guys put money into
episodes like this. I hope you're happy. - I hope you're happy with
the uncensored version. - Yes, that's right, if go to the Patreon right
now, patreon.com/trashtaste, then you can check out
this episode, uncensored, where are we we'll also put
up the fully uncensored clips- of all the scenes- - Of everything we're talking about, because this episode
for the vanilla version of this episode, is probably gonna be, you know, very heavily edited. - If you like the rum and raisins version, go over to our patreon - Yeah, exactly, exactly. Also send us your memes on Twitter, and the subreddit, I know you... I don't have to tell you guys to do it, you will do it. our sub-reddit, it's
gonna go from whole life, to just Hentai. - There's gonna to be so many NSFW memes, sud-reddit notes. - Reddit's gonna be like. - Oh God. We're gonna scroll down
the Trash Taste subreddit, and it's just gonna be all blurred images. You know what I mean? (laughs) Oh my God. Well, hopefully you guys enjoy this. Don't worry, next episode will
be probably safe for work, or a little more safe
for work than this one. - Yes. But hopefully you guys enjoyed it, and I've been Joey, and I've been with the two horny boys- - We've been the men of culture. - We've been the men of culture, a good day to you, my ladies, and we'll see you in the next episode. - Fuck the goblin one, fuck that. Bye. (gentle music)