Roasting Our Horrible Anime Tastes | Trash Taste #34

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- Get your nostalgia talk out of here, Pokemon wasn't that great. - But I'm pretty sure you'd give Digimon an eight. - Okay, yes. (all laughs) Digimon is better than Pokemon. I will fight you on this. - The Digimon kid is like the OG neighbor's kid. You know what I mean? - What? (bright upbeat music) - What's up crack heads? Welcome to another episode of "The Trash Taste Podcast." I'm your host, Joey. And I'm with the other two crack heads. - I like how you like started with alliteration at the start of this podcast. So now it's just like- - Yeah, what happened to that? You gave up with the alliteration. - What's up you crack heads? There you go. - No, no. - No, no. - Stop saying crack heads, we need to monetize. - No, we won't. It'd be fine, YouTube knows it's a joke. - Yes. - YouTube has a sense of humor. YouTube's notorious for having wild sense of humor. - Yeah. - YouTube gets the jokes, YouTube gets the memes. - Yeah, they understand satire. - They never de-monetize for no reason at all. Never happened in the history of YouTube. - No, of course not. - Ask any YouTube. - It's not like It happened on the last Chris episode or anything. (all laughs) It's fine. - To be fair, I think that was just the copious amount of alcohol we consumed in that episode. I think that was the demonetization. - Chris forced us into just being a mess. Which I'm fine with, but it's just a mess. But, welcome to this episode of "Trash Taste." - Welcome to this episode of "Trash Taste." Hopefully, this one's not gonna get demonetize, because we're gonna be talking about, Anime. - Whoa, wait. We're gonna be talking about what? - Do you remember when? - What? Trash Taste talking about Anime? - Do you remember when this podcast was Anime podcast? We're gonna bring that back. - I'm glad that I stopped this from becoming an Anime podcast my influence. I did everything in my power. - And then me and Garnt were like no, we must bring it back. - Like I'm feeling nostalgic now because I get to talk about Anime again on this podcast. My fucking God. - I mean, we barely talk about Anime on our own channels. (all laughs) - I like it that way. I like being an Anime fan that's what I like. - Yeah. We're all Anime fans but today we're gonna talk about it. We're gonna talk about some Anime. Most specifically, we are gonna be doing what we do best, which is roasting our Trash Tastes in Anime. - As like Anime YouTubers, and Connor. (all laughs) - You gotta do me like that? All right, fair enough, fair enough though. - One of the most annoying questions we get I'll asked them sure is, what is your favorite Anime? Like you get asked this at every panel, at every fan meetup you've ever gone to. And I swear to God, I don't know about you, but I have a different answer every time - No, I've loaded a default answer so that I don't have to think, and that will like satisfy them. - Yeah, same, I just say sold online, so that they can laugh and shut up. But as Anime YouTubers we are normally the ones judging other people's tastes but now we are putting our own taste on the line and we are judging each other's tastes, and letting you all judge our tastes along with us because like normally we don't promote my Anime list or, we'll get into what we're doing. But it's basically, we are going to be showing each other's my Anime list. - Yup. - And then afterwards we are going to be... If you guys remember, there was this trend in the Anime community before called three by threes. Where you basically pick nine Anime, in a three by three grid that you show to your fellow brethren. And that basically encapsulates kind of your taste of Anime. - It's basically just like a Pinterest collage of Anime. - We're a bunch of fucking Tumbler girls in this community. - Yeah, right? - Jesus Christ. - This is my collage guys, I just got my collage. - Yeah, it definitely started by like Tumblr or Pinterest or something like that. - I think it was started by 4Chain actually. - Was it? - Yeah. - Of all things 4Chain creates, they made this. So in Trash Taste spirit, we're gonna bring back trash box can right here. If you guys remember from our Akiba episodes - That was over half a year ago. - That was like six seven months ago. - Jesus Christ. - But we are gonna bring him back. And to make it fair, we're gonna pull out... Oh wait, what's this doing in here? - That was me, I did put that. I've made it very clear how I feel about Funkopops. - Where it belongs, where it belongs. - She's been living there for awhile. - You can chill with Mike this episode. We'll give you some slides. - I do wanna mentioned while Joey is pulling out the first name that... This is my hidden Anime list. So I actually have one from when I was a teenager - Right. - that I never made public, and people would always ask me for my Anime List. So I actually made a my Anime list under SeadogVA and just put like Boku No Pico as Like a 10. And then every now and then I get a comment on it being like, I hate you, Connor. So, hi. - Yeah, my username as well, I mean, I've done a video on it already, so people know. But it's like, my username is not even the Anime Man. - It was blasphemy. - It was the username I used before I was the Anime Man to DeZinga. - Right. (Garnt laughs) - What are you, a Big Bang Theory fan? - Wait, DeZinga? - Yeah. - Where did that come, oh. - Because my surname is Basinger. - Oh, okay. - And is it like Big Bang Theory? - No. - Bazinga, right? - He's never heard that one before. - Yeah, I've never heard of that one before. - Well, fucking pull a name out already. Jesus Christ. - You've just been like fingering that for a fucking a mellinum there. - The first one is, oh, it's me. All right, I'll go first. - Fantastic. - Fan fucking fantastic. - Let's check out Dezinga's Anime list. - Okay. So first thing I got to ask is when was the last time you remember updating this? 'Cause like I'm gonna say this now, we're all picking up our mals, I haven't updated my mal in years. - Okay, I'll give you an idea, all right. I'm looking at my watching lists right now and Boku No Hiro Academia second season is on you. - You've got 91 Days here, and that was like what, 34 years ago? Tell us some. - No, I've already finished that one though. - Yeah, but that's like... How long ago was that, 91 Days? Two years ago? - God, no. - I don't know. - When did season two of My Hero come out? Like two years ago? - I think two years ago. - No. It was two years ago? No, it wasn't two years ago. It was like fucking three. - Three guys realize they're boomers. (Garnt laughs) - Three, four years ago. - Three, four years ago. So it's been that long since I've updated it. - All right, okay. - So wait, wait. You're telling me, you've watched My Hero Scademia season one? - I finished season one, yeah. - How come you've like never talked about this before? - 'Cause it was like the most six out of 10 show I've ever watched. - But you'd normally milk that for all it's worth being like, yo it's mid bro, I'm triggering all the little weeds out there. - I mean, like I could but also it's like, I dunno. To me like calling My Hero Academia mid, is just as much of a popular opinion as saying that it's a 10 out of 10, you know what I mean? - The first thing that pops out to me on this... - It's mid but you gave it a seven out of 10. - Yeah, it's all right. - How is seven mid? - It was good. But it wasn't like the second coming of Jesus that people thought. - Okay, all right, go on. - The first thing that pops out to me here, right? The first thing that pops out to me here, this is how I know Joey's my fucking brethren here, right? Because as we all know, I started as the Anime Zone. And my very first Anime Zone review was bleach. - Yeah, yeah. - Which I gave a seven. And I can see that Mr. Joey the Anime Man, also gave Bleach a seven out of 10. (all laughs) Despite the fact how much we've shitted on Bleach in our like professional career. - Look, look, look, when I shit on Bleach, right? I mean, granted, I've never really like publicly shit on Bleach all that much. I didn't make like a fucking Anime Zone review on Bleach or anything, But, look the only thing, it's three points off, for the Eisenach. And then everything else was perfect. You know what I mean? - I mean I would argue everything off the so Sole Society. I mean you can like the.... - Yeah, yeah. - or whatever. - Of course, of course. - The way Kamindo work was fine as well. - Yeah, yeah, I mean it was fine. - I've never watched but we never watched .... - Really? - No, no. - You don't need to, you are not missing much. - And if you do just read or watch up to Saul society, which is the first talk. - Which is what I've heard, you can't just stop. If you're like, really into it. - You kinda have to. - You can't just though you want to see it go down. - No you can. - I mean it depends like, because Bleach didn't go out with a bang. - No I know, yeah. - It just like kinda fizzled out. - Well I have watched all like reviews of Bleach for some reason. I've watched like every eye patch Wolf video on it and I'm like, yeah cool, this sounds good. - Look don't get me wrong, it was back in the day when it was serializing it was a super solid show in Manga. And like as much as I like to think that I'm like oh, I like all the underground like weird, non-mainstream show. I love my show in and Bleach was one, like so I said it was just fucking awesome. - Honestly to this day, I think Bleach is one of just the coolest Anime to come out. Like it definitely I like, out of the big three which is like One Piece, Naruto and Bleach. Bleach was just like that fucking cool kid, you know what I mean? - It always seemed like the edgiest one. - It was definitely the edgiest one. - Yeah. - I mean have you seen what .... looks like? It looks like. - Yeah I mean I used to always see the mute AMVs and was like Lincoln park with Bleach. - I mean that was pretty much Bleach. - No that was Bleach, yeah. - But it wasn't like, it went better with like Bleach 'cause they had like half skills and share I don't know what's going on with this man. - Yeah, just fucking sick dude. - Like the powers were sick. It was just, the sword powers were sick then like Kubo. - I wanna see some more bad guys god damn it. - Say what you want about Kubo but like he has a good fashion sense. - Oh yeah. - The way he dressed the characters, they just always looked cool. Really. - The drip was clean. - That's the perfect way to decide to each characters. - The drip was clean. - Like say what you want about Bleach, those characters had drip man. - I wouldn't go as far as to say that Bleach might be maybe not the first, but definitely one of the biggest shows that kind of gave like I don't know, maybe it's street wear and Animes like collaborations. I would argue maybe came from Bleach - Yeah. - Because a lot of the characters, especially in like the title channels that he wrote during the Manga. Like he gave them such cool fucking looking street wear that honestly you can see people wearing like people being me. - This is why Drip Goku exists. - Exactly, Bleach is the reason why Drip Goku exists. - Wait this a meme? - Yeah, yeah. - What is Drip Goku? (all laughs) - It's this fucking, I don't know who made it. - I'll show you. - But like it's this fucking meme of like Goku, like in the fucking, like b-boys stands wearing this fucking drip. - It's like a big meme right now. I don't know why this is a meme. I tried to explain it to some people and they're like but why is it to meme? And I'm like, I don't know, but it's a meme. - But the drip is clean. - What is going back to Dragon Ball fans, what is Dragon Ball memes man? Did this start on Twitter? - I don't know all I remember seeing is Drip Goku. It's a meme. - And then Vegeta wearing like the Supreme black sweater as always just being like, that's clean man. - Oh, no my God. - Goku got drip apparently that's all I know. - Goku got drip, bro. - And there would be no Drip Goku without Drip Bleach. - And if it wasn't for Bleach, there will be no Drip Goku. - I don't know, I feel liked every kind of Dragon Ball meme under the sun has just been like every cancerous meme and like literally cancerous memes. In terms of the Dragon Ball Community. - I get lost for words you're like what the fuck did I just says. - I'm surprised you've never seen it's all over Twitter. - So you rated Bleach the same as My Hero Season One. Would you still stand by that? - Yeah I would, because like look again as much as I don't think My Hero is like the second coming of Christ. Season one was solid as fuck, like I enjoyed it. - I would say for me, My hero it goes season two, then season one, then season three, right? We haven't had season four yet, haven't we? - I don't even know. - Wait, no, no, no, no, no we haven't. - I don't think so. - I wouldn't know, we have no. - No, we haven't. It's coming up. - Marilyn, have we had My Hero Academia Season Four? - It's coming. - It's coming. Oh, my God. - Okay, season four is coming so we don't even know. - We're such fake amateurs we don't even know if we have My Hero Academia Season Four. The most mainstream I make. - The biggest three attitude is don't know if there's a next season of My Hero Academia or not. - So the next one for now. I saw on Twitter everyone was like the next doc is boring. And I was like great, just another year of just mediocre fucking showing. - Even the show in right now, it's just like, yeah whatever. - No, I mean like the thing is with My Hero is that I started of really, really liking it. And to me like out of all the modern show and it had the potential to be the greatest, right? Like they had the potential to reach like a higher ceiling than say something like say Black Clover or Demon Slayer or something like that. But it seems like the setup is there and the potential is there but there just hasn't been that moment for me to really make me love this. And it seems like the more I watch just the less and less interest I get in there. - Well that's how I kind of felt watching season one like the first half of season one to me was like, okay I like this premier, like superheroes, quirks, okay cool. I can see why people are into this and it's good shit like action scenes were pretty fucking solid, characters pretty fucking soul. But then the further along I got, I was just like, yeah all right. All right, yeah. So it's just a show in like. - It's just good. - It's good. - It's acceptable. - It's like I struggle to find words just to describe how I feel towards it 'cause I'm just at the beginning, I'm just like yeah, I really liked this. I'm pretty hyped for this and the more I've watched, the more I'm just like, yes good. Yes, no, not really much to say about it. It's just good. - Is good. - It's good. - It's adequate. - It's like going to a cousin's birthday party. It's just like, yeah I'll go, I'll go but like, I'm not that thrilled about but I'll turn up. - Yeah. - I'll be supportive. - How's your cousin's birthday? It was good. - It was fun. - Yeah, that's how I feel. That's how the show is in my mind. - That's it exactly. But that's the thing like people make it out to be because I'm not praising the shit out of a publicly people immediately think, "Oh Joey hates My Hero Academia." I don't hate My Hero Academia, I just think it's fine. - I just cry every time Deco talks man. (laughs) - I'm not a fan of Deco, I'm sorry. - Yeah I'm not a fan of Deco either. - I don't understand why people love Bucky girl so much. I feel like, is there something like going wrong in the childhood of Bucky girl they're like really into him? - I don't get it. - 'Cause To me it's like, he's just kind of an asshole. - Okay, I understand why people love Todoroki. Like that is like set up to be like, yeah fan favorite. Why Bucky goes people's favorites, I don't understand. - It's like the worst kid in school and everyone's like, I love this kid. - It's like people like talking about Bleach, it's like back in Bleach days when people said that Rangi was their favorite, I'm like yeah, he's just an angry kid. - He's a nice guy secretly and I'm like have you ever met someone who's an asshole in real life who is secretly nice. What the fucking was. - What's weird to me right, it's like, the same kind of Twitter accounts and the same kind of fan base. I see like defending Barker and having him as their favorite character. Is like the same kind of accounts that I see fucking trying to counsel people for like ten-year-old tweets or something like that and like trying to counsel people for that. And here they are being like, oh I mean, Barco go like was a bully back in like middle school, whatever. But he's like turned around now, he's good guy now. - His got friends to support him now. - It's a lot easy to get behind fictional characters turn around story. - Yeah exactly. - Like those people were defending Vegeta and he's talking, he fucking tried to blow up the planet two walks go man, Jesus fucking Christ. - It's all right, he's a good guy now. - But speaking of Vegeta, you gave Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z both a nine out of 10. - Yes. - I thought Dragon Ball was shit. - No, it's good. - Oh a nine? - You gonna look me in the eye and say it's, the original Dragon Ball is a nine. - No. (all laughs) - Okay that's good. - Again this puts into perspective how long ago was that I probably put that in. - How many fucking Doraemon movies, you gave a Doraemon movie a masterpiece. You gave that a 10 and you're going to give. - Wait which one, which story I want a movie. - There's so goddamnit many, 16 you gave a 10. What is special about 16? - Okay that. - Wasn't my Schindler's list of Doraemon movies like what was it. - That was the third Doraemon movie. - I think it's 16. - No, that the remake is 16. - What the fuck. - Yeah, the original is the third one, which I couldn't find which doesn't exist on my Anime list for summer. - All right, okay? - But I gave that a 10 purely because I watched that movie. That was one of the first Doraemon movies I ever watched and I mean, if you guys don't agree with that. - Don't give me that I'm the bad guy now, I get it. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's good. Like honestly, like sweat, like even now I could probably rewatch that movie and still find it enjoying, yeah, I don't know. Doraemon holds a special place in my heart as you can tell from the amount of Doraemon movies I put in. - Yeah I'm just like I didn't even know there were this many Doraemon movies. - Dude they still making Doraemon movies. - I'm surprised someone else has been watching Doraemon like further along than when they were a kid watching on TV 'cause that's the only exposure I've ever had to Doraemon. I probably would never go out my way to watch a fucking Doraemon movie. - I completely understand, if you did not grow up with Doraemon I do not blame you for not watching a single Doraemon movie or episode because that shit's hard to get into as an adult. But if you grew up with it like I did, then you can easily go back and watch it. - I don't man to me it's kinda like, yeah as a grown up, grown ass adult I would just like watch the fucking Teletubbies movie. - Like Dora the Explorer while watching, you know what I mean like yeah, right? - I guess it's like to like a niece or something and then they'd be like, oh sure you watching you watching and you're like, what the fuck is happening in these days? This shit is wild bro, what is this? - That's probably all my parents thought when I was watching Doraemon, it was like what the fuck is this boothing? - I noticed you gave Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood both a seven. - Yeah. - Why? - Because it's like My Hero, - No, come on, - it was good. - just bring it, Brotherhood is not, it's like at least an eight or a nine, come on. - It was acceptable. - Acceptable? - Yeah it was acceptable. - Hold on, hold on, hold on. Let me act angry. - Okay. - Wait you gave Fullmetal Alchemist a seven, how dare you Joey, how dare you? I am so fucking offended right now, the audacity of this bitch man, the audacity. - To the new viewers Garnt has never watched Fullmetal Alchemist. - That scene with Nina and the dog, Mike did you know I do get the feels from that. - I love how that's the first thing you would think of. - I'm not trying to say like, you need to give it like a 10. - Yeah. - I'm just saying, I think it's like minimum eight, right? - Okay here's the thing, with that one I still stand by that to this day, because like a lot of people it was not the first Anime I watched. I watched that way after a kid. - Yeah me too. - Right? - Right. - Yeah but it was probably one of the first ones you watched right? - For that first 20. - Yeah, exactly. - But does that count? - This might've been in like the first 200 for me. - But I don't know, I feel like out of all the Anime I've watched except the ones with bad stories. - Here's the thing, my experience with Fullmetal Alchemist is basically guns next step, which is because I hear about it so much. I watched it out of obligation. (laughs) - Garnt, hasn't got to the stage yet. - I haven't got to that stage yet. Every time someone asks me a day gets added on. - Exactly. - I'm pretty sure I like. - And I was like that was like that as well and I'm just like, you know what, I've got time, I'll fucking watch it, just because I hear about it. - Some in the same like sitting or like how did you? - So I watched, so people are like, okay you don't have to watch the first Fullmetal Alchemist, just watch Brotherhood all right? You hear that all the fucking time. But am like no, no I wanna see why people saying that, all right? So I watched the original and I was like, okay this was adequate. So, Brotherhood must be a lot better, like a lot, lot, lot better, that's what I heard. - I think it is. - Yeah, I think it is. - And I was like, yeah, it's better but it's essentially the same thing. - It deserves a point higher better. - It's essentially the- - No, it's not. - Okay, the first Fullmetal Alchemist is like a low seven and Brotherhood is like a high seven. - Oh, fuck off. - It is, that's all it is to me. - Also am critiquing your scores here, knowing that some of these Anime I've also scored myself but I have no idea what I said because I, this is my list was done in 2014. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Holy shit seven years ago. - Yeah. - I see you've given Naruto a six compared to Bleach. So would you say that you preferred Bleach over Naruto? - That a fucking absolutely I prefer Bleach over Naruto. - Really? - Dude, I have never dropped a show more times than I have Naruto. Like Naruto's been one of those shows where it's like, I've watched it, I've read it and watched it like close to the end. - Yeah. - But along that way, there were so many points throughout "Naruto" where I'm just like, ah maybe it's not worth it. - You didn't get that with "Bleach" at all? - No I did get that bit with "Bleach" once, during the "...." - That's it? - Yeah. - I mean, "Bleach" for me was just like a constant downhill, "Naruto" just kinda went up and down. I think back sometimes I think, was "Naruto" a good show, would hold up to this day and I still think best parts of "Naruto" are still like a fucking amazing. - No, again and that's why I probably gave it a six, right? It's because like, I completely understand why it is one of the most beloved Anime out there today. - Yeah. - And so like I saw parts of that, but again this was, I didn't grow up with "Naruto" like a lot of people did, like this was again another show that I kind of just. - This was just another show in for you, right? - This is just another show in for me. - Right, right? - Yeah, so again I'm not saying that "Naruto" is bad. (laughs) I'd just like to point that out. It's not bad, but it's not a 10 out of 10 for me. - Okay I'm trying to see what else. - I feel like I'm getting interrogated. - This is an interrogation. - It's an interrogation, it's like we've been in interrogation. - This is like True-Crime Weaver edition. So yes. - Notice his hand move, his hands are off the table saying that he is quite nervous. - Sorry we're not like, okay. So what is the lowest one that you've rated on here? I'm trying to see. - Probably only one. - I'm trying to see. Oh, it's I think it's "Pupa." - Oh yeah, "Pupa." I gave "Pupa" I think I get "Boku na" and "Pupa" one. - Yeah, one of the biggest that surprised me going through your list is okay, be honest. Have you completed every Anime you've scored on here? - Yes. - No way. - No fucking way. - This is so fucking many. - Except for maybe "Sazae-san." (laughs) - You completed "Sazae-san," completed it. - I did complete "Sazae-san" 'cause it's still going after 50 years. But other than "Sazae-san" I honestly think I have finished everything. - Because like I remember one of, 'cause when are we gonna get to my list. One of the reasons why my list seems like a lot emptier is because if I don't complete a show, I just don't bother putting it in my list. - Right? - And. - Well that's why I have like the on-hold section as well. - Oh he got the fucking. When did you stop updating this man? You really were the anime man before this. What the fuck, you watch so much anime. - You've also rated "Tokyo Ghoul" season one, the same as season two. - Right? - Come on, they're no way near the same. - To be fair I would rate, what did I give season one and two? - What do you think you gave season one or two? - I think I gave season one and two like a seven, maybe? - You did. - Okay, yeah. I would give season two maybe like a four. - Yeah I was gonna say it's like not even from the mostly the same. - I would give it like a four, I don't know what I was on about. I'll give it like a four. - "Trigun" a seven, you stand by that? - Yeah, yeah. - Really? - Okay, there were a lot of parts about "Trigun" I really enjoyed, but I think the problem with "Trigun" is that I was a little too over hyped, when I came into it. - Right? - Because I heard so many people being like, yoo "Trigun" is like same levels as like "Boku no" or "Cowboy Bebop" or something. It's like up there with the big, like classic leagues. I'm like, all right I'll get into it. And I watched it and again it was good but not to give spoilers, but the last quarter of "Trigun," I was like what the fuck is going on. - Really, really? - Yeah. - I thought the last quarter of "Trigun" was fucking great. - It was great. - I enjoyed it, but I was like, what the fuck is going on? I mean its been a long time since I watched it. - I would say this I haven't watched it in literally decades now I think. - It's been a long time since I watched "Trigun." - "Zetsuen no Tempest" as well, you gave that a seven. That is that like, if there was a benchmark for seven out of 10 shows, it would be "Zetsuen no Tempest." - I actually, I can't remember what I rate on that one. - It's like, isn't it based on the Shakespeare. - It's based on Shakespeare. - Yeah, I mean, was it basically, 'cause I think it was on his diary originally. - Very very loosely inspired off a Shakespeare store. I don't remember which one it was, but I gave a points because at the time it was quite creative and new. - I've really liked it, like it's one of, I put "Zetsuen no Tempest" in the same category as I do "Darker than Black," right? - I love "Darker than Black". - When I watched it was kinda like, when I think back, I was like it seems average in my memory, but for some reason it sticks with me and I always think back to this show. - Right, what did you see? - What did you see? No, I did finish my point. - "Yuri on Ice" a three. (Garnt laughs) Were you just trying like piss off Twitter that day. - No I just genuinely I just thought it was boring. - No it's not a three. - I just thought it was fucking boring, I'm sorry. - Oh, come on. - I don't wanna get into this again man, like at the time I got so much shit for it. - Yeah I remember did you make an apology video? - Yeah. No, because I said that I didn't like "Yuri on Ice." - He made an apology video. - It's because at the time like "Yuri on Ice" was like the hottest thing right back like I don't remember when it was like 2016, 2017 something like that. And all I said in the video was, I don't think "Yuri on Ice" was. Oh no, I said something along the lines of a 99% of people watch "Yuri on Ice for the "Yaoi Elements." 1% watched it for the actual sport element. And so many "Yuri on Ice" stands called me homosexual because of oh sorry, not homosexual they called me a homophobic, yeah. They call me, - Homophobic - homophobic because of it. First of all, hey I'm not homophobic. But you also gave "Free!" a five Joey, so man this is looking so bad for it. - Wow, wow. - Are you harmed? - Because "Free!" I gave a higher score than "Yuri on Ice," again because Koto Animation, animated that way better than they did "Yuri on Ice," so? - I don't really think there's any world like any review that you could warrant that "Yuri on Ice" just below a five. Like it was a really good story, it was a minimum five, I think. What would you give it? - What would you give it? - I would give it a six, I think. - But it like you, could you reasonably put it below a five, Like at a four? - I mean, if it's not your thing, because the thing about it- - It wasn't my thing. - The thing about "Yuri on Ice" is that they introduce way too many characters and they just like kind of didn't focus on any of them. - Also I'm sorry, I couldn't stand the main fucking character, I hated him. - I loved the guy who just came while he's dancing, that guy was funny as fuck. - Yeah, again there was some funny parts of it. There's a reason why I didn't give it a one, right? Like there was some parts about it that I enjoy. - Wow, there's a reason I didn't give it a one? - Yeah, that's the reason I didn't give it a one, there was some parts about it but like was it a fucking like slug to watch all of it, yeah. - No, it was good. - I was like every episode pass I was like I could be watching something else right now. - First I can actually beat you up for saying something like that. Yeah for sure, I thought you really liked it. - Yeah she likes it and she's like, well that's your opinion. - All right, here's here's something I noticed, "Kissxsis." - Oh yeah. - Masterpiece. - Seven out of ten. - Yeah. - So do you wanna explain why it's not either like a one or ten. - I'm guessing it's not a one, 'cause he got, he came to realization with his friend. - Yeah, yeah. No if I put that in my list like after the first time I watched it with my friend I would have given it a ten, right? - Right. - But then I rewatched it, 'cause I was like, I was drunk to shit when I watched it for the first time. Let me rewatch it just to double check. And I was like, it's good, not a ten though. (laughs) - Somebody's anime like why would you subject yourself to this shit? - Yeah. - Because back then, this is when I was like literally watching everything that came out. - Attention all phantom thieves, this episode is sponsored by AFK arena who are doing a persona five collaboration which you can get involved with right now. - Unlike the super grand the RPG games, like we all know that I despise because I don't like wasting any time in my life. AFK arena like the name was suggests allows you to play without even playing, which is a dream come true. - That is optimized to the max, Connor. - Hell yes. For example, I could be cooking, sleeping, shitting and I'll still be getting XP from my characters. - I can be doing all three at the same time and still get spirits. - I will be worried if you will. - Man, that is just men maxing loaf. - You could be also be listening to the Trash Taste Podcast. (all laughs) - Order, collect resources, quickly level up in game gear all while being busy. You can enjoy the various gameplay modes in the game such as PVE, dungeons, arena, King towers and more. - Tell Me what you love about AFK arena, Garnt. - So What I love about AFK arena, as someone who plays a lot of gadget games is that there are some games where you probably have to focus when you're grinding but thankfully AFK Arena allows you to skip all that. - AFK Arena has collaborated with multiple properties before including "Assassin's Creed, Overlord and now Persona 5." - Do you know "Persona 5" Joey. - Yes, it's only my favorite game of all time. - Wow. - Tell you what, I never saw this coming. (Garnt laughs) - Kill me. - That's a joke right, a persona, right? (Garnt laughs) - You're killing me. So yeah "Persona 5" is one of my favorite JL pages all the time. It's aesthetic, it's funky, it's classic and it plays really well and I love all the characters and gameplay, honestly everything about it, I enjoy the hell out of. - And this the aesthetic of it, it's just, wow. - I have replay that game about five or six times. - Well "Persona 5" is a renowned JRPG for its unique art style. "AFK Arena" is also known for its fresco painting light character design. - During the crossover, you can try out two of their newest heroes, Joker and Queen. - Which also happens to be two of my favorite characters in the game, - Really? - so I'm extra excited. Well you can try them free for three days. Hell yeah. - Hell yeah. - There are ways to get them completely free after, but you can also purchase the bundle to claim them immediately if you don't wanna wait. - So while you listen or watch the rest of the episode download "AFK Arena" right now and play it at the same time. Use code PERSONA5 for five hundred diamonds, 500 hero essence, 500 K gold, oh my God, links are in the description, so go and download it right now. - Thank you very much "AFK Arena" for sponsoring this episode, back to the video. What I will say about this going through this is that you've finished a lot of shows that I've watched like a few episodes off and they're not gonna be on my list. But you've like just straight up finished them and scored them. - I don't trust someone who would get through some of these shows. - What do you mean? - I think there's something wrong, someone's gone wrong in the head, just to make you keep watching. - You have to understand like back in like 2016, 2015 this is all I fucking did. - Like no fucking wonder you burnt out an anime when you're like, when you've actually finishing most of these shows. - You know in the movie "Old Boy," when that guy's trapped in that room for like 10 years? Like, I'm pretty sure he watched less anime in this. Like how do you get through this guy. - Okay yes, I'm not gonna lie. Like I'm looking through my list right now and like I comment to my past self for the fact that I finished "Infinite Straddle" season two. - It wasn't the that you've finished season one, you went through season two, like my fucking God. - You swear that you didn't lie on any of these. - Okay, legit, other than "Sosaye san" 100% have finished all of these. - All right, we'll find out. - And that is like, I swear on my own grave. - I did like a little fucking reaction that said bullshit but I'll say fine. - No I swear I finished all. - All right, I mean overall your list is like exactly what I'd expected. You give the shows that are universally accepted to be good, good ratings and the universally to be bad, bad ratings. - Yeah. - Yeah. I mean I have good taste, what can I say? - You got the public tastes I say. - I don't think I have the public taste. - It's pretty in line. - I gave "Yuri on Ice" a three, that's far from public taste. - Yeah you can't just do one and be like one will take. - Oh, I won't notice, you gave "Charlotte" a seven and that's a pretty high score for what I think is. Change my eight is like worst piece of work. - Yeah, I would give that realistically like a five or four. - Would you say if the director is esteemed or like the show makers are esteemed, you're more likely to pick up a fairer review. - I think if I'm a fan of like the creator or like the studio or like someone in the production team then I'm more willing to give it like, say like "Charlotte," right? Like that's a Mitojune production and like I love everything Mitojune makes, but so I gave it a seven. But realistically thinking back on "Charlotte" now, realistically I give it like a four or five. - See this is why I'm the perfect critic because I just don't know anything. - So I go into the show and I'm like I don't even know what the fuck the studio made this, like let's just watch. - Yeah, exactly. - So it's like Bones, who's Bones? - What is Bones. - Gave it "Another" nine. - Yeah. - No. - No. What, what? - No you're on stand by that, right? No come on. - I'd still give it like a night, yeah. I really enjoyed it, I don't care what anyone says, I really enjoy it. But then again, I'm a fucking horror anime simp so.. - Yes it's like an anagram fry of shit taste, - Yes. - that's what I know. - Because there is no good horror anime. - What do you mean? - Have you watched Mononoke? - That's not horror. - I rest my case. - That's a horror the same way that like fucking "Monster" is a horror, you know what I mean? - Yes "Monster" is a horror. - That's horror the same way that fucking "Grave of Fireflies" is a horror, like it's different kind of vibe bro. - What are you talking about? - You know what I mean it's not like it's scary, scary. It's kind of like the thing... - I don't know man I was pretty fucking on edge when I watched "Mononoke." - Yes it's unnerving, but it's not like it's definitely not in the same kind of genre as "Another" which is just final destination, the anime adaptation but even camp here. - I liked the campiness of it, I don't know. I really enjoyed it. I love my fucking like- - Your honor I rest my case. - To me "Another" was like a really good beat great horror. - Are you trying to defend the fucking umbrella scene? - How did you know a burst out laughing when that happens man? Maybe because I watched it. - The entire last episode. - It's just a Mr. Bean episode at a time let's cut the shit off. - The entire last two episodes was just a slapstick comedy. I won't put some Benny Hill music on that. - Again I really love the campiness of it, I don't know why. - All right, fuck that shit. - I completely get why people hate "Another." I just thought it was really like tongue in cheek, like camping. - Right. - Give me the box, let me pull up the next one. - All right. - Sorry it will be funny if I pull out myself. All right. - The next list we're gonna be discussing. - Is. - Garnt. - Oh mine, wow I guess we're just going in the order now. - Who fucking needed this anyway. - I can't remember when I've last updated this, 'cause I stopped updating my mail- - I think we just go with the most recent. And I moved over to "Kitsu. So it depends if "Kitsu" is also updating this. But this is going to be my teenage tastes I'm guessing. - Teenage taste. I can tell this is your teenage taste because like I don't know, in the past episode you talked so much shit about "Akira" and yet you've given it an eight out of 10. - Oh my God. - What would you give it now? - I would give it like a six. - A six okay, well you are still updating. - What do you think you gave "Akame ga Kill?" Just curious. - Is it really low? - No, no, no I'm just curious. - What di you give it? - A three or something? - What would you rate it today, if I asked you to rate "Akame ga Kill." - Like two, three. - Really it's not that bad. - Yeah I would also give it the same. - It's pretty bad. - It's pretty shit. - Okay, you gave it a four. - Okay good, teenage me a taste. I'd say "Akame ga Kill" was one of those shows where I thought it was awful. And then all the comments were the Manga's better, the Manga's better, trust me guys, the Manga's better. So it was one of those few times why called them on their bluff, right? I call it the Manga readers on their bluff and I read the Manga up to the end, right? And I'm just like, this is just the same shit just elongates, you know what I mean. Everyone was complaining about the anime only ending of "Akame ga Kill." But "the Manga" is like equally as edgy but it just elongates. It just has a different ending and it's equally as bad in my opinion. - You also rated "Aldnoah Zero." - Yeah, you gave it a six. - Yeah, you gave that season one a six and season two a six but season two come on is infinitely worse than season one. - Yeah I don't know what I was thinking. - "Aldnoah Zero season one" is actually like pretty decent, I think. - Yeah you still good of stuff about "Aldnoah Zero." - "Aldnoah Zero season one" I don't remember why I gave it. - Did you maybe finished both of them at the same time. Like you finished season two, - Maybe. - and was like am pissed off with this shit. - Because I remember "Aldnoah season one" being pretty interesting and then it was like, it was great and then the cliffhanger season ending happened and it was just like, holy shit this is super interesting. And then season two, just kinda pissed on everything that season one set up. - And then the left of the how became like- - I know this is like teenage gauntlets because you gave "Baka to Test to" an eight. - Dude. Okay, okay. I still stand by that, it is- - But you also gave season two an eight as well. Season two was not as good as season one. - I've never watched Baka, what is "Baka to Test to" about? - "Baka to Test to" it's just like, it's like a comedy like kind of trashy, like romance, itchy- (laughs) - To be honest I like it so, I thought it's really nice. - It was pretty good. - The human ambassador for domestic girlfriend that's right up his phone. - It was like one of the first comedy anime that actually made me laugh and I didn't think was generic. And now that I look back, I think yeah, it was probably pretty generic, I don't know. Like I look at the art style and I'm just like this is premium, mid 2000s anime. It is nothing interesting to say about this at all. - You gave "Baccano!" a 10 as well, I like that. - Yep. - I think we all gave "Baccano!" a 10 on my list. - If I didn't give it a 10 on my list I don't know what that's. - That's why I'm curious to see what your three by threes are because that's where like the real personality test comes in. - Hold on, I got to ask that. Marilyn, do we have beers? - Oh, no Nebo, gave me some beers. - We have beers, okay I'm just checking to make sure. - Okay, okay. - 'Cause it will be fine. - Oh no, no we also have. - Oh yeah, we've got the Pikara juice. - We also have Pikara umesu. - You like that right Connor, you like that? - Pikara juice. We're gonna be smashing some of this, right Connor? - Like fuck the beers. - No don't ever get, he doesn't even deserve Pikara juice give it to me. - I'll rather have a beer than this. - You don't want some of Pikara's goodness. - You don't want Pikara juice too? - So I noticed as well you also gave "Btoom" an eight. - Yeah. - But Joey gave "Btoom" a six. - Yeah. - I actually would side more with Garnt on this one, even though it did end kinda shit. - Yeah wasn't the ending absolute shit? - But the show was really fun and the opening was a banger bro. - Opening fucking 10 out of 10. - Dude fucking 10 out of 10 opening, but soon the show, that was just pure fun. I don't know like it is? - Yeah dude it was good. - It was fucking great. It was one of the few death games that didn't feel like it was one, a "Battle Royale" rip-off. - Right. - 'Cause the problem with every death game anime is that it feels like a "Virgin Battle Royale," you know what I mean? "Battle Royale" did it and like why would I want to watch anything else? "Btoom" it was just like it didn't try to pretend it wasn't a "Battle Royale" rip-off, but it just like- - I really like "Btoom". - It went off that and it just was a hell a lot of fun. - I don't know I think I gave it a lower score. I think when I first finished it, I also gave it maybe like a seven or an eight, but then I read the Manga and I was like, oh yeah, that wasn't that great. - I guess for some reason, like "Btoom" has always been one of those shows, like stuck with me, I don't know why. Like I've always just wanted the season two. - Yeah, I mean, I still like that. - I still think about it, I still think about why it didn't have a season two. And it's like, I know Sydney read the Manga. She said the Manga is also pretty good as it is. - Yeah the Manga is way better. - Yeah, really good. - Okay you gave "Eromanga-sensei" 10 so it did to me. (Garnt laughs) But you are my brother because you gave "Gankutsuou" a 10, which I also agree. - Yes, yes. - You gave "Code Geass" season one a 10 and "Code Geass" season two an eight. What are your thoughts on that? - Okay. - What are your thoughts on that, I'm interested. - Okay, So I remember giving it a 10. Okay, So thinking about "Code Geass" right? 'Cause I gave it a 10, the first time I watched it, 'cause I thought it was like a fucking masterpiece. It was perfect, it was everything. I recently, not recently, like I rewatched "Code Geass" with Sydney and there was a lot of flaws in season one that I guess I just kind of ignored as a kid or just like, kind of forgot about. Like okay, like I remember rewatching it and I'm just like, why is there an episode dedicated to chasing a cat, and how did I just blank this from my memory? - That episode was very good. - Like I remember first watching "Code Geass", it was like easy 10 out of 10. This is like the greatest anime can become. And I think I just remembered the good points of "Code Geass", 'cause there was a lot of like plot holes and everything, like it's how, can we spoil "Code Geass"? - Everything I think it's we've got spoil "Code Geass", I know it's universally it's like. - Skip to this timestamp below 'cause "Code Geass" if you haven't watched "Code Geass" and you want to watch it it's one of my most spoilerble shows out there. But I remember rewatching it and I'm just like, man they've really had to like twist the ploy in order to make Nina or what was not Nina, Euphemia, just fucking massacre everyone, right? 'Cause I remember watching it and I'm just thinking, man the plots kind of over now everything's sorted and it was just the most. - Racism is over. - Everyone go home. - It was just the most roundabout way of like okay guys we gonna make the plot continue. How can we make the plot continue? And it was literally a scene where the the Lelus, goes "Hahaha wouldn't it be funny "if I told you to kill the Japanese haha psychs" and then it wasn't psycs. - Yeah, yeah, that did happen, right? - And like I just remembered thinking, well, I remember thinking as a kid that was a huge plot twist and now watching it as an adult, I'm just like, - This is stupid. - I'm just, Oh this kind of doesn't make sense. This is kind of pretty cheap right there. This is pretty cheap writing. So yeah like I would give "Code Geass" season one maybe an eight. - I think because of the high of "Code Geass" was so good. They like you almost forgive it. - The highs are very high. - So like you forgive it for a lot of the shit it does. - Yeah. - Yeah. And then season two was like, that was, I don't know what it is about season two, that was like a car crash that somehow. - Roller was the season. - Season two was a car crash that somehow perfectly parallel parked. Like it was absolute disaster and somehow it like just landed its ending perfectly. And I remember rewatching "Code Geass" two, after season one. And going on the problems I had with season one, season two just took all the like small problems of season one and just extrapolate it to them. It's like, let's take every stupid plot twist in season one and just make it 10 times bigger. - True, true. - And I think the exact moment that lost me in season two was like, it was I am Iam spoker scene, but just with Lelus. (Garnt and Joey laughs) I know I just thought this is not clever anymore. - Yeah, true. - It's just stupid. And everything up to that, to like the final few episodes was fucking dumb but the. - They stick the landing man. - But like the ending is still I think the best ending ever in anime. - Its obviously yeah. - I would think. - I'd agree with that. - I would think it's probably the best of the top of my head the best ending anime is produced so far so God knows. - Is that an unpopular opinion? - God knows. - Okay hold on a second, I'd like to point out, for someone who says he doesn't like Ghibli Films, you gave "Mononoke Hime" a 10. - Yeah. - Will you stick by that, because if you do, then I can high-five you but if not, the backhand is coming. - Okay, what did they give "Spirited Away?" - Let me see. - Because I think thinking back "Mononoke" is one of mine. - You gave "Spirited Away" a nine. - Okay then. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Con, I really had to think about that, 'cause I don't like Ghibli Films but I think "Manonoke" and "Sirits Away" are some of the few where I stick by them. - It's good. - I stick by them. - I also love how you gave "Gyo" a six, that's pretty fucking high if you ask me. - I thought it was good. - I just, have you read the Manga? - I have read the Manga. - How did you give it a six? - I watched it. - I think I would give it a three. - Wait what is "Gyo?" - "Gyo, is a Jinjinto. - "Gyo" is a Jinjinto Manga that's. - And they made a movie about it like five years ago and it is horrendous. - I think it was a fun movie, I had a fun time watching quickly. - I was so sad watching it. - 'Cause the thing about "Gyo" is that I watched the anime not knowing any background about it, not knowing it was Jin Jinto. I thought it was just like a campy B movie horror movie, which it is. - Which it is. - But I remember because I went into that thinking it was gonna be absolute trash. - Yeah. - And I watched it and despite it actually being trashy and it was trash, it gave me the same kind of enjoyment as you do watching a shitty B movie horror. 'Cause it wasn't like it was shitty animation, 'cause "Gyo" the movie was animated by Ufotable and man they, you could see some effort being put into this man. - Yeah, but you also got to admit that like the 3D, some of the 3D elements, I was just like, God this is ugly but is that a good thing, because it's a horror like I don't even know. - To be fair in 2012 it wasn't, they weren't very good. - It was compared to some of the 3D that came out in 2012, compared to like "Studio Gonzo Gantz 3D," which just makes me wanna vomit when I think about it. - Don't remind me of that. - Like it was good looking 3D. - Yeah true, true. - Like Ufotable put some effort into that and I respect them for doing that. - You watched "Halo Legends", but think you're the only person on my anime to watch that. - I didn't even know that was an anime by Halo. - Yeah, oh my God. - RIP to the other 19,000 people who have rated this show, for some reason. - I think I've watched, that was my stint when I watched that and the "Mass Effect" anime as well. - What do you think you gave "Halo Legends"? Did I say that, did I say what you gave it? - I don't think so, no I didn't. - You gave it a four, Garnt. - Okay I stick by that 'cause I'm on- - Okay, hold on a second, you gave "Re:Zero" season one, a six. - Did I actually. - Oh, no. - What's that about? - Okay. - Why the six? - What would you say? - What would you give it? - I think I gave it a seven or an eight. - I gave it an eight probably. - Okay, I don't know why I gave it a six. I think it was because everyone was hyping it up and I was- - I wanna be different. - I was kind of underwhelmed by it. Now 'cause I have rewatched "Re:Zero" in preparation of season two. I would give it a seven, but I remember coming out of "Re:Zero" just feeling empty, right? And it just no 'cause it kind of like I had a good time watching it and it was just a girl reaction of it was a good time and I'm probably gonna forget this show in a few years and I didn't end up getting it, so I. - You also gave "Space Dandy" a six as well. - I really liked "Space Dandy" - I really liked it too. - If you look at it like a Saturday morning cartoon, it's pretty fun. - Yeah. - "Space Dandy" it was very hit for miss for me. - You gave "Sololine and Sololine two" also with six. So in Garnt opinion, "Space Dandy" and SAO are on the same level. - Honestly? - On top of that, he also gave "Guilty Crown" a five. So would you say that SAO is better than- - SAO is better than "Guilty Crown". - Would you say that SAO is better than "Guilty Crown?" - No, I wouldn't. - You were a little harsh on "Guilty Crown". - I was a little harsh on "Guilty Crown". "Guilty Crown" I would give a higher score, but going to "SAO" versus "Space Dandy" I mean I've rate this based on my pure enjoyment and "Space Dandy" was either like nine on enjoyment or a two depending on the episode, which is probably why I rated it as six. There were some killer episodes and then there was some episodes that were just a fucking drag where 'Sword Art Online" was just like a constant. - It was a plateau. - It was just a constant six I watched this I'm trash, I enjoy this whatever move on, you know what I mean. - Would you care to explain this for me, Garnt? - Okay. - "JoJo" seven, what's up with that, come on. - Was that power one? - Is it the original one? - The original one he gave a six, which you also watched. - The OVA. - The OVA,yeah. - You haven't rated any other "JoJo's" ever won. So I'm gonna say is the "JoJo's" series as a whole Garnt. - I rated part one, well it is a seven. - It is a seven. - I just wanted to get angry for something. I just wanted to get riled up a little bit. - You also gave a "Totoro" an eight. - Okay that's wrong. I don't know what the fuck was I thinking, was I trying to look like I had good taste, oh my God, no it's a fucking four in my opinion. - What do you think you gave "Kuroko's Basket"? - Eight? - You did yeah, I'm surprised. I honestly thought you would bash "Kuroko" more. - I loved "Kuroko" yeah. - I think for some reason I think you hated. I love "Kuroko". - NO, I love "Kuroko" and "Kuroko" was a sports anime that got me back into sports anime. So no I. (laughs) - You watched all of "Mekaku City Actors?" - Yes. - Yeah, I noticed that, he gave it a four, which I would also agree with that. - What the fuck how did you sit through all that. - It was just, I don't know I liked the aesthetic and I don't know why it was just, maybe I was just high that day and I just- - I was so disappointed with that 'cause I loved the novels. - Yeah, because. - And I just completely fucking destroyed it. - It was me after watching "Boku no a Gantry" and go through the shaft type. - Right, yeah. - I'm just like, this is gonna get better. This is by studio shaft. (laughs) - I legitimately thought that Mekaku City Actors was like a gay porn novel because of the internet, because all you ever see about Mekaku City Actors online is gay stuff. - Yeah, it is, yeah There's a large Fujoshi fan base for Mekaku city. - I brought the op of Mekaku City Actors is a fucking banger, I still listen to that shit. - Oh, it's awesome. Yeah, it's great. - All the time. - What do you think you gave "Monster?" - Did I give it a 10? - You did. - Okay, good. - I honestly. - I would agree. - I'll stand by that. - I love monster. - Yeah. - It's one of the animes that like, I dropped and then came back to. - Yeah. - And that I was so glad that I picked back up because, obviously it's really fucking slow in the start. - Yeah, Jesus Christ. - It is really slow, but I feel like "Monster" is a rarity of an anime, where it's an Anime that has an amazing Manga that could have easily be sliced up and have a shirty adaptation. - Yeah. - But "Monster" is one of the few epic like masterpiece Manga, that go to masterpiece adaptation. - I mean, like, thank God it got 70 something episodes that they did. - Yeah, yeah. - Could you imagine if "Monster" was a 24 episodes. - Exactly, that's why I'm scared if 20th Century gets adapted man 'cause that's like Monster but even longer and even more. - Also, I find it hilarious, Ikkitousen Aturo. (both laughs) - What's Ikkitousen? - Do you wanna explain what Ikkitousen is? - Ikkitousen is like, imagine like the show the above the shows, like high school for the dead. You know what I mean? - Oh, okay. - It is a battle fun service show and back in the day, this was the most degenerates kind of fan service ETD action show you could, yeah. - It's like so many, it's like we are boomers, fucking love Ikkitousen. - Yeah. - And it goes just like, nope. (laughs) Fuck your memories, it's shit. - No, I mean, I look back now, maybe I'd rate a higher, I don't know, it's a- - I would rate it like maybe a four purely because it's just so attractive. - I mean like back in the day, this was all we had. - Yeah. - Nowadays there's so much trash anime and trash kind of found surface-y shows but back in the day, it was kinda like Ikkitousen and then nothing else. - Nothing really else, yeah. - Nothing really else - There was nothing like Ikkitousen. - You gave that "Zetsuen no Tempest" a seven as well. (all laughs) - Actually. I'm thinking back, I'd probably give it an eight now, yeah. - You gave- - I feel like I need to watch it again. - You gave "Yuri on Ice" a seven as well, a "Trigun" a nine, that's fair, "Tokyo Ghoul season one" and six, and "Tokyo Ghoul season two", a five. - Okay, yeah. I mean, would I rate it lower now? - I would honestly pretty rate it lower. - Maybe, I would rate it lower now. It's literally like a lot, it's one of the shows where I don't know if the Manga readers are right because everyone talks about "the Tokyo Ghoul Manga." Has anyone, have you guys read "the Tokyo Ghoul Manga?" - No. - No. - Okay, so nobody knows if the Manga readers were right for "Tokyo Ghoul" but apparently it's one of the most popular Mango out there and one of the highest rating. - I find it interesting how you gave "DanMachi" a five. - Yeah, I'll stick by that. - Yeah. - It was "Sword Art Online," but beat us all out in lines. So "Sword Art Online" was like a six. - Why was that "Sword Art Online" show so popular when it came out? - I thought it was acceptable. (all laughs) - I gave him maybe like a six or seven. - I just saw some passionate around there. I thought it was good. (laughs) - I didn't know it was acceptable. - I thought it was bigger than five. - You gave "Prison School" an eight. - Yeah. - You stand by that? - Yeah, I stand by that. - I stand by that. - "Prison School" is one of the most, I mean, this regarding the ending of the Manga, it is one of the most hilarious Mangas I've read. The Anime adaptation did a pretty good fucking job. - He gave Warren.... a serve a five. - Yeah, I wasn't sure if I should comment on that, I was a bit offended by that and I'm pretty mad at him. - I've never watched this, I have no idea. - I'm Curious "Psycho-Pass," a seven? - Yeah. - Season one, really? - Really, no, no, - I thought it's better. - no, it's a nine now. - Yeah, okay, thank God - Like like "Psycho-Pass," I remember "Psycho-Pass" is one of the few shows that has stuck with me and it's one of the shows where I rewatched it and I loved it way more rewatching it than I watched the first time. 'Cause I think, watch- - The film is so damn good. - Yeah, I think I didn't appreciate "Psycho-Pass," through the first time I watched it But the more I watch "Psycho-Pass," the more I'm just like, now, like, I gave it a seven when I first watched it. - Yeah. - When I was thinking back to like my top 10 favorite anime of the decade of the 2010s. - Yeah. - "Psycho-Pass" was up there. - Oh yeah, definitely. - 'Cause it still has some like the Villain was one of the best Villains in the Anime. It still has some of the most unique ideas that I've seen an anime that has like stuck with me. And I don't think has aged at all. - Yeah. - Like the scene halfway through where the main character has to make a choice, that has stuck with me for a long time and the one scene that has also stuck on me is I can't remember what exactly what episode it is but it's the episode where they start beating the shit out of this character, in like the middle of the street, right? And because of the system that's been set up, no one reacts just because they've never seen something like this before. - Right. - And I don't know, I thought that was like such a unique idea that was completely natural in this world that Gen Urobuchi has built. - [Joey] Yeah. - I think it's unfortunate- - The whole building is like amazing. - I think it's unfortunate, I think the biggest unfortunate thing is that season two and I haven't watched season three yet, but they just didn't have as interesting ideas as was in season one, but yeah. - Who told you? Now when you have like a giant karma top to like follow up. (laughs) - This video is sponsored by Honey. - We'll shop online and we've all seen that promo code field torn us at checkout but thanks to Honey manually searching for coupon codes is a thing of the past. - [Connor] Honey is a free browser extension that scours the internet for promo codes and applies the best one it finds to your card. - Honey sports over 30,000 stores online. They range from sites that have tech and gaming products, to popular fashion brands and even food delivery. - Now you're talking Garnt. (laughs) When I mind my cheap Chinese cosplay for that sweet YouTube content, you bet I'm not paying full price just for those pieces of garbage. And thanks to Honey, that's not a problems. - Saving money on garbage, that's how we do it. (all laughs) - Here's how it works. Imagine you're shopping at one of your favorite sites. When you check out the Honey button just drops down and all you have to do is click, Apply Coupons. - [Connor] And then wait a few seconds for Honey to find coupons that it can use on that site. - [Garnt] If honey finds a working coupon, you'll watch the prices drop. - Damn that is epic. Some of the cosplays are cheap, but I want them to be cheaper and thanks to Honey, I've saved up to sometimes $20 on some of those cosplays. - Which goes a long way, honestly. - When you're buying a lot and you're spending half a grand on cosplay, it's a pretty good saving, I'll welcome it. - Honey has found it's over 17 million members over 2 billion dollars in savings. - Half of that is on Michael's place. (laughs) - If you don't already have Honey installed, you could be straight up missing out on free savings. It's literally free to install and takes seconds. And by getting it, you'll be doing yourself a solid and supporting this podcast. So, you know what? Get Honey free at That's I fucking nailed that, back to the episode. (laughs) - Okay, to end it off though, I gotta point out this blast for me right here. - Yeah. - You gave the first "Pokemon movie," - Yep. - "Mewtwo no Gyakushuu," a four out of 10. - Yep. - Get out of here. - Get your fucking nostalgia. - Are you seriously telling me the third movie, "Teiou Entei no" is better? You've given that a six. - You gave a "Teiou Entei" movie more than the first "Pokemon movie." - Honestly, I watched them as a kid and I think I remember the "Entei" movie more. I don't fucking give a shit about "Pokemon" guys. - I give a shit about "Pokemon." - Honestly, this is all nostalgia talking here. I rated this as an adult or a teenager, like yes, yes. - Yeah, clearly. - Yes, fucking off the "Pokemon" man like get your nostalgia talk out of here, "Pokemon" wasn't that great, okay? - Like, I need a fucking beer Garnt, I'm tired of this shit. - But I'm pretty sure you gave Digimon the net. - Okay, yes. "Digimon," is better than "Pokemon," I'll fight you on this. I was the "Digimon" kids. "Digimon," the first movie was fucking brilliant have an amazing sound track. - The "Digimon" kid is like the OG neighbor's kid, You know what I mean? (laughs) That meme of like, oh, go and look after the neighbor's kid, obviously weird and it was like... It's a Digimon fun. - It's a Digimon fun. - I bet you were the kind of kid who was like, I don't play "Yu-Gi-Oh," I play "Duel Monsters." (all laughs) - Refuses the jewel without the brakes. - Yeah, exactly. - Wait, did you did either of you watch, "Digimon?" - Yeah, I did. - So you- - I only watched the movies. - Okay, but are you still sticking by "the Pokemon-" - Yeah, I mean, I watched them both the same age and I preferred "Pokemon." - Really? - Yeah. - Because "Digimon" had an actual plot, okay? - I think at that age, that wasn't my concern. - Yeah, (laughs) I think at that age, the concern is which monsters look cool. - I think the thing was right, is that I would watch "Pokemon" and then go play "Pokemon" and be like, yo, this is sick. - Exactly. - I'll play "Digimon," go and play one of the disgusting RPG games they have, that was impossible to fit. Have you ever played that? - I've played some of them. - It's so hard. - It's hard as fuck. - I can't even complete that shit now. Unlike 12 year old, like 10 year old me was stuck on the fucking thing, like a first level, I couldn't do anything. I'm like, what's sick, fuck me, this for children's TV show. - Yeah, because the thing about "Digimon and Pokemon" is that I never gave a shit about the games, right? - Right. - I didn't really care about the Pokemon game. - I got to have you on this spot. - I actually watched the "Pokemon anime" years before like I played the actual games for the first time. - Really? - And the thing that stuck out to me for "Digimon" was that, even as a kid, I could recognize that this had story arcs. (laughs) Like, even as a kid, I'm just like what- - You are the most pretentious kid I have ever met. - No, no, no, I was just. - This kid in his fucking diapers, written in his phone, like writing on his mouth lips, like. - Mother, turn this "Pokemon" show off, I want story in my children's shows. - 'Cause I was always thinking to myself, why is Ash not getting anywhere in his life? - I was angry by that as well. - Everyone was angry about that, but "the Mewtwo movie." - Yeah, I was scared that true. - That had fucking fanta. Mewtwo was a fantastic fucking character. But you can relate to that guy, so fucking harda and then with the whole like, you can't tell me that you didn't cry. I don't know when you watched the first "Pokemon Movie." - I cried. - You can't tell, me you didn't cry with the Pikachu crying scene. - I never gave a shit about Pikachu man. - You're dead to me. - I never give a shit about Ash. - Bye-bye. - Fucking it's a loud fucking yellow rat guys, get over yourself, Jesus Christ. - I glue him on is a fucking diabetic, dinosaur so be it. - I would insult you "Digimon" but it's so fucking forgettable, I can't even remember anything to insult. - I can only remember what a name Agumon. - What a shit name, Agumon, what is that shit? - All I'm saying is "Digimon" was the original easy guys. - Well, I'm glad that someone. - Of course I'm gonna rep "Digimon". - Go fucking tweet it Garnt. - I was born out of my mom's womb and I'm just like, mother, is this a new world, yes it is. I'm fucking, I love my "Digimon" and as a kid "Digimon" is a better story than "Pokemon" and I would define. - Hey guys make sure to follow us on the Trash Taste Twitter to just absolutely shit all over this man's opinions. But I'm moving on, let's go over to Connor's list, - Well. - Which is rather. - Can I have beer first please. - Do you want to be a beer first? - I think I need to. - Okay. - Can I have a beer. - I gonna have to take bullying from you guys. - Yeah. - Every week we should. - I need alcohol to toll me from the bullying. - We should rename the show to Connor fucking fans of two boys a wave. - What do you mean, we've both gotten so much shit from you. - 'Cause every weekend Connor has to defend his shitty take. (all laughs) - Well I mean, it's kind of hard because I'm looking at this list right now and so far there's a lot of shows that you haven't even given a score. - Yeah, I think there's a lot of them, I'm just like, this is so shit I don't even wanna give it a like, hold up Garnt, don't fucking tell me anything until I've had my beer. - Okay, we're starting now Connor, we're starting now. You better prepare your fucking anus here. - All right well. - So like, - Well what's up? - "Boku no" an eight, - Okay well, listen. - Just an eight, the fucking "Boku no" stan gave "Boku no" an eight. - Listen. - Joey, your taste is shit, the job is so much better, eight out of 10. - I don't know why I did that, I mean clearly I was a fool I don't know who that person is, who signed into my account and changed my score. - I love the fact that you gave "Bakemonogataria" a higher score than "Pokemon". - I don't know. - You give us shit for "Pokemon". - Wait hold on you gave "Clannad: After Story" a 10. - Were you shitting on me for fucking liking "Clannard?" - Yeah the first season is shit. - Right. - What did I give that? - You didn't even give it a score. - It's so forgettable, I didn't even wanna fucking rate that piece of shit. "Chobits" if I could rate that, I give that like a seven or an eight. That was a fun show. - Yeah that was great. - That's a fun show. - Okay. - Why the fuck did I give "C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control" an eight? - Yeah I don't know. Dude, I never even finished that. Okay, "Code Geass" season one and two the same score. - Wait, did I really? - Yeah, you did. Second thing I immediately notice, after our discussion we just had, "Pokemon" four. (Garnt and Joey laugh) - I thought you were my boy. - Okay I can probably explain why that is the case, right? 'Cause this was made in 2014, it was probably the age of like, I'm a big boy now. "Pokemon" that's old Connor that's child Connor, me adult Connor I don't like "Pokemon", I'm a man. - I thought you were my boy. - No, I am, I would actively change that to a 10 if I could. - Oh God, big sad. - Really, a 10 Connor? - What else am I gonna fucking- - Okay one thing I've found hilarious, right? - Come on. - Okay. - This is why I didn't wanna go last. (laughs) 'Cause I can't be, I have to talk shit about your scores and not know my own. - Connor, has given "Stein's Gate" and "Sword Art Online" the same score of eight. - I gave "Sword Art Online" an eight, fuck! (laughs) - You gave "Sword Art Online" season one an eight. - I think that I'm actually having a stroke. (laughs) - Joey's just having an aneurysm right now. - Listen, I can explain. - You gave the same score. - You gave it the same score. - I can explain all right. - Please explain it. Okay, I'm not even gonna question you, giving "Steins Gate" an eight, okay that's fine. - I meant to put 10. - Yeah. - And "Sword Art Online" I meant to put a 10. - Connor for which one. - 10 for "Sword Art Online". I always ignore what if I had, genuinely I enjoyed "Sword Art Online", but if I went back and watched it, I'm sure I would be like, what the fuck is this shit? I enjoyed it for like what it was. - Right, right, right. - I liked the idea cause was my first ever like video game anime. - Right, right. - So it was fun. And then you think about it more and you think about Kerio and Tony and you're like, wow this show is really garbage. (Joey and Garnt laughs) But at the time, yeah. - I mean, at the time everyone's, I think we've all gone through the stage where we thought "Sword Art Online" was a cool concept, back when it was a cool concept. - Yeah, I mean look admittedly, as much as I'm known as the guy who publicly hates "Sword Art Online" like I've said that like first couple of episodes, really great buildup with the premise. - Yeah. - And then it kind of just fell apart after a while when they were like let's make Kurito the edgiest protagonist alive. And then that's when I was like, okay. I mean, you had a great premise yeah and you just kind of ruined it with the worst, main character. - I have no idea why I gave "Pokemon" and it go a three at nine, I would never, ever do that. - Why, what would you give it? - Like a five? - Why? - Show is shit man. - What? - Boring show. - What? - It's boring man. - What? - It's so boring. - Yeah but you have to understand this is a man who skipped stories. - Oh no yeah, what I wanna know is, how the fuck do you watch "Pokemon?" - Why did you even watch it? - You watched an animated light novel, what the fuck. - Yeah. - I watched "Pokemon" and I got through and then I watched like the next three seasons or so. - Right, right? - And how did you, - How did you manage that? - How did you manage that? - I was confused a lot of the time but I also just like thought a lot of it was weird. Like, 'cause this is the, you have to bear in mind this is the first time I'd ever seen any anime where like there was a protagonist or whatever. Who was just like touching a kid, like the ghost skill. And I was like, wait what the fuck. (laughs) What the fuck is this? I'm like, well, why is he making this child porn bro? - It's all right man, it's a deconstruction of heroin. That's what they call it. - What I want to know is how you got the patients to do it because even me. - Well, you again, back in the age of like when you're an anime fan, you can kind of like put up with anything 'cause you've just gotten into it. - Yeah. - And that was when I watched it 'cause it always high up on the list and that might've been the thing that made me be like you know what, no, I'm not watching anime, fuck anime. - But here's what confuses me right. Is that like you gave "Pokemon and Gotei" an eight and I would assume the majority of the Montari series is like a mid school. - Yeah. - But you love "Katana Nagatari" - "Katana Nagatari" is like fucking awesome. - But it's the same style. - No, no. - Yeah. - Okay it's the same style. - It's written by the same dude. - Yeah but it's done like a million times better. It's so much more entertaining than "Baka Nagatari" ever was. - I'm not saying "Katana Nagatari" is bad or anything. - I'm saying it was fucking great. - I just find it weird. - Yeah, they're both great because like I guess in my mind, when I think of "Katana Nagatari" it just feels like a Quentin Tarantino film, like when I love war shit. - Right, right. - Yeah. - Right, like the dialogue is really important, it's like the one that like, I don't really like it when seeing, - Wait how did you not find that with the "Mogna Nagatari" series? - Because I didn't find the dialogue interesting. In like "Katana Nagatari." - That's like the one selling point of "the Mononatari series." - I didn't find it interesting. I was sold and rice circulation came on and I'm like, yo this is a fucking bomb. And then I went to see her. - Hey, man give give us the fucking wine here. - I needed off the enumeration. - "Katana Nagatari" was like legit, oh shit, okay I'm in my three by three, I honestly I didn't put "Katana Nagatari" 'cause I just didn't forgot it existed. That would go with my three by three. - Yeah. - So "Katana Nagatari" is like it gave me everything that like I love about like "Kill Bill" and "Pulp Fiction" in anime form and with kind of store with a setting that I love, which is like Samurai. I really love Samurai stuff. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - I mean again, I'm not disagreeing with you on that 100% agree with all of them. - Yeah. - I'm just saying like, it's both a lot of words. It's both like. - It's both weird. - Yeah. - It's both characters that are very- Is it by "Shidi or Sharift?" - No "Katana Nagatari" is not Shidi and Sharift. - I don't know something about "Katana Nagatari." I just really fucking enjoyed so much more than I ever did the Monogatari series. - I think that's the closest you've come to enjoying just reading words then. - Yeah. - Because I think because there was a lot of, the action was really fucking good in "Katana Nagatari." - Yeah. - And it made sense on the story. - Yeah, you didn't like any action in the Monogatari's? - The Monogatari series action was fucking great. - It was fucking insane. - Come on man. - I don't know why but yet the action was far better than I had any right to be. - Yeah, exactly, Sharif was like, all right em gonna flex for a quick. - Like that fight where it was like Arora Rogi versus like I think it was Karen in the second season? - Yeah. - It was like the big brother versus- - They fight with Karen. I can't even remember. - No, no, no the fight was Combo. - Yeah, yeah, yeah that one with Combo. - You remember the monkey. - Fucking, Jesus Christ. - That shit was fucking insane. - That was brutal, man. - Yeah. - I don't even find if remember this. - Okay I'll show you afterwards and you'll learn to appreciate. - I would say though, the toothbrushing scene it's probably the thing that made me like curious about Hamtai. I was like, oh this is actually kind of hot. - Yeah. - Honestly like the toothbrush scene. - I'm gonna say it's hot. - I feel like it birthed so many degenerates. - Yeah, yeah definitely. - Because that's culture was born. - And that's culture was born thanks to the toothbrushing scene, that is a classic scene. I would defend that scene as being like the classic scene. I noticed you gave me "Noragami" a 10. - Did I really? - Masterpiece. - What? - Did I really? - Who are you and how much time did you spend on Tumblr? - Are you a 12 year old? - Honestly, I don't know what mindset I was in, to ever give, I don't think there's any point in my life where I genuinely liked "Noragami" that much. - In my opinion, the only 10 out of 10 aspect about "Noragami" is the opening. - Yeah, that was a good show. - The opening was fucking bad but then again, I find it absolutely hilarious that you gave "Black Butler" a five. (laughs) - Honestly? - And he gave "Black Butler" season two specials a three. - Honestly, I still would. - Really? - Yeah. Everyone, I made it no, I would not try and hide it that I did not like the show. - Your life is a lie seed OVA fans, he was never a "Black Butler" fan. - He was never a "Black Butler" fan. - You gave "Monogarati second season" a 10. - Definitely. (Joey and Garnt laughs) - I definitely suffered as a teen getting into anime like I was heavily influenced by what everyone else was saying. - I mean I agree with, I agree. - I agree. - I was fucking, I'm a liar. - Second season is definitely a 10 for me. - You gave "Monogatari" 10 as well. - Hell yeah. - This is definitely the case of teenage Connor saw that everyone was saying the show was good that I didn't understand. So I'm just gonna put it a high score. - I can tell because you gave "Mirai Niki" a nine. - Did you actually? - I think I really enjoyed that show when I watched it. - Oh man. - I legitimately did. - You must've watched as a teenager. - Yeah you must have. - Yes I did. - That was like "the Elfen Lied" of human race. - Again, this is when I was. - He gave "Elfen Lied" a nine as well. (Joey and Garnt laughs) - Yeah actually. - He was such an aging kid man. - Listen, listen. - I was like that too when I finished mine. - That was when I was 14, that was seven years ago. So I was. - I probably just said how old was I when I was 14? - I was 17? Yeah, 17 when I made this list, so. - Yeah, yeah. - This just sounds about right for 17 year old Connor, like "Deadman Wonderland" an eight, yeah that checks out. - Okay, okay, okay. You gave "Monster" a seven. - What, what? - I may have to down before. - Okay, that might've been, from me having to recover from the fact that I dropped it and had to pick it back up. - You dropped it? - About yeah, about 10 episodes in 'cause the shit didn't fucking move but then actually, but then you when you watch it, you're like, holly shit it's good. - Yeah, holy shit, nevermind. - Holy shit, oh hold up homies. - I was blind but now I can see. - I gave "Cowboy Bebop" a seven as well, which honestly, maybe it's an eight but it's honestly, it's not a 10 or a nine. - There are some shows on here that I'm surprised you watched at all, like "Zombie Loan". - "Zombie Loan" I have no idea why I watched that show but I remember being angry that I watched that show. I remember being like mad that I wasted my time watching that show. - Yeah. - I think the only reason why I watched "Zombie Loan" was because I heard it was a pitch pit show and I was like, I like peach pit and I was like. - I gave " School Days" a one though. - Yeah, I see that. - I see that. - Hell, yeah. - You finished "Sunday Without God". - Yeah, yeah I noticed that. - I haven't finished that. - I finished it, but I definitely did not give it a seven that's for sure - And you gave it a seven. - Wait which one is "Sunday Without God"? - Exactly, that's the point I'm trying to make. (both mumbling) - Yeah, "the Girl With The Shovel." - Yeah, I watched that because. - I'm surprised you watched that. - That was when, I can actually tell you the exact time I watched that. I remember very well when I watched that. So, when I first got into anime, I was watching it on like the shitty like parrot sides to figure out what the fuck was going on. I accidentally watched "Fullmetal Alchemist" twice, not realizing like what the fuck I was doing. - Right. - And then I finally got a free trial for crunchy roll and so I watched ass much anime as I could for the 48 hours. - Right. - And that was one of them. - We're not sponsored by Crunch Roll we're just let you know. - I actually, that was one of the ones that I watched and that was- - Was "Zombie Loan" one of them as well? - No, no, no, no, that was before. So I remember that was pretty the first ever 12 episode show I watched on Crunchy Roll I think. - Right, right? - Some of this shit just doesn't make sense. - You watched "Outbreak Company." - Yeah, I did. - Yeah. - That's no. - I would never expected you to watch that. - I would not have paid Connor to watch it. - I think you're the only other person I know that has watched "Outbreak Company." - You finished "The World God Only Knows" and gave it a nine. - Yeah all three seasons, I actually really liked that. - I really like what is going on. - I liked it as well that just doesn't seem. - It's surprising to me. - That I'm just like my jaws on the floor 'cause if you were to tell me that Connor finish this show in lights, I'm just like, what is this? - Wait you also gave "Higurashi" an eight. - Season one? - Yeah. - I think I would take that back. - What would you give it now? - I watched the doubts maybe a four. - Like I'm looking at some of this and I'm just like, is this me? - Yeah, right? - Like he gave "Devil is a part-timer" a fucking 10. - I love that, I love look, dude. - That's really good. - That is really good. - If you actually look up my account my profile picture is "Devil is a Part Timer." I loved "Devil is a Part Timer." - I'm surprised you watched "Eden of the East" - Yeah, I did. - And the two movie and gave them a nine. - I really enjoyed "Eden of the East." - Really? - I thought you could try it. - How we never talked about "Eden of the East" together. - I don't how have we never talked? - 'Cause I fucking love. It brings up "Eden of the East" never comes up. - It's a fucking great show. - Yeah, but no one ever brings that shit up. - It's got a great first season but like the movies just didn't conclude it in the way I wanted to. - He gave both of them are nine though. - I thought "Eden of the East" had one of the most interesting premises you could find. - Oh, yes. - I watched. - Okay since no one talks about "Eden of the East" we're gonna sell "Eden of the East" right now. - Let's give some love to "Eden of the East" right now. - I'm gonna be honest I remember my feelings for the show. I cannot fucking remember what happened. I have one memory of this show and it was like a ship and a bunch of naked people coming up. That's all I remember. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. No the ending of the first season of "Eden of the East" was fucking great. - Oh fucking brilliant. - What is the premise again? - Okay, so the premise is they have a smartphone and I can't remember exactly how much money they were given but he had like 13 people who were given these smartphones and on this smartphone, you have like this AI that they could request anything to happen. - That's right. - Right? And they were given a budget of I think $10 million. - No it was more than that actually. - Was it like a million or 10 million. - 10 Billion yen. - 10 billion yen. - Which is $100 million. - So they were given a budget of $100 million and all they were told was to save the world. - Yeah. - Right? And that was their objective. - It was good. - And so the series is just the story of these different people and their own take on what $100 million means to save the world. And honestly, like, I don't wanna spoil like what happens. - It's so good watch it. - But it's fucking great especially the first season. - It's only 12 episodes, just go watch it. - No, no, no. - I'm gonna rewatch it. - I wanna rewatch it. - It's not just 12 episodes is 12 episodes and a movie, I think. - It's two movies. - Two movies. - Yeah. Are you sure it's two movies not just one recap movie. - Yeah, because he gave both of them a nine out of 10. - Okay, but I feel like the first season was fucking fantastic. - Yeah. - And the problem with the first season is that I didn't conclude the story, but the first season was fucking fantastic. The movies were not as good in my opinion. - I didn't even know they had movies. - Yeah I don't remember much about what happened in the movies. - Some of these shows, I legitimately can't remember like fully watching but I.. - I'm just surprised you watched the "Hentai" the one eye nickel. - "The Stony Cat and the Hentai." - I did watch that, yeah. - Yeah, I think he done the audio as well. That doesn't seem like a show you would watch. Why have we never talked about this? You watch "Black Bullet?" You haven't rated it, but you watched that. - You watched "Black Bullet?" - Yeah, I watched all of "Black Bullet." I remember, I actually do really enjoy like romance slice of live shows, but I used to binge them all the time, but now - You watched "Black Cat" as well. - Yeah, "Black Cat" shit though. - Yeah, the moment was away though. - I watched "Gatchaman Crowds." And I remember I gave that a six, but that was so reluctantly. I did not enjoy watching that. And I watched, there's a bunch of other shows that I watched after this, I didn't include like, what's that fucking card game like "Wixoss," or whatever it's called. - Yeah. - That was fucking shit, I hated that. I'm angry that I watched that. - You watched that? - I hated that I watched that. - Why did you even watch that? - This is the thing, right? Is it to me? I do not like looking up anime. Like I don't wanna know anything about the show. - Right? - Yeah. - Just give me the fucking show, let me watch it. And if I hate it. - Just brain dead. - Yeah, I wanna- - Just brain dead monkey boats, like. - If you, because here's the thing, right? I guarantee, if you just give me a show, tell me to watch it, I'll watch it, I might enjoy it. If you try and sell me on a show, I immediately will stop being like, I don't know, no. - I'm completely the opposite, I'm the opposite, Because like, I've gotten to the point, where I need to be sold on a show. Because I need to have like a reason, why I'm watching the show. Like, is this show gonna get good? Am I gonna have something that I get out of the show? I need to know that before like truly gets into a show because otherwise, nowadays I end up dropping shows after one episode, if it doesn't hook me. Even like critically highly claimed show, if I don't know, that something good is coming up, that's gonna be worth my time, then I'm just not gonna give it a chance. - No, I agree. - Because I just don't have that patience anymore. - I've sat through enough shirty shows to know that I don't wanna waste my time anymore. - Yeah, yeah, exactly, right? - It's just sad, 'cause I do miss that feeling of finding hidden gems, where I can just be like, oh, I have zero expectations. - Exactly. - I gave "Kyoukai no Kanata" wait this is it? No, no, no. - "Kyoukai no Kanata." - "Kyoukai no Kanata," seven, right? - In fact, I haven't rated that, but I did watch it. - No, no. - I wish I did. - Okay, one thing, that scares me, you've watched "Fate/Zero," but you rated the second season lower than the first season? You mean the actual action packed second season, where everything gets concluded, is lower than the first season? - Yeah. - Which is the setup? - What happens in "Fate/Zero?" - You're like completely going against everything, like all the character build up before is like I hate story, I love action but the season where there's more action, I'll rate low. - Yeah. - I really enjoyed, when they were introducing like all of the characters in "Fate." That's what my favorite part of "Fate." - Right. - Like "Fate/stay night" as well, my favorite part of "Fate/stay night," is when they introducing the characters. 'Cause it's so cool. 'Cause you're like, I know there's an assassin, I know there's a writer. - Yeah. - What are they gonna be? (laughs) And then when you watch "Fate/stay night," you're like, wow, writer is shirty in this one compared to "Fate/Zero." - 'Cause like "Fate/Zero, you watched, You're like your writer, he's the best. Alexando, I'd fuck him. - Yeah. - But like, then you watch, then that's the reason why I fucking hated "Fate/stay night," except for the animation, because I was like why- - Which, wait. Which "Fate/stay night" are you talking about? - You're talking about the original "Fate/stay night?' - (inaudible) works. - Okay. - Okay. - The series, not the movies, right? - The series. - Okay. - Yeah. - Because I don't wanna get into this with you. (Laughs) The point is- - I just need clarification because what you say can. - "Fate" fans will like on their seat right now. - Aren't you cool? But I can't believe they had, like, there was no like good Alec, they should've just brought Alexando back again and be like, hey, I'm back baby. Or like, it's a free cool, I guess like, hey, I'm back in the future. - Back in the future. - I'm back in the past, 'cause he was like the best part of "Fate/Zero. (laughs) He was the best part of "Fate/zero. - Yeah. - Yeah. - 100% - Like, he was... - Had my castors relationship with the fucking Weevil, whatever is called, lord vakins' - Weevil, Waiver? - Waiver, what I'm fucking doing. - Weevil (laughs). - Who the fuck gives a shit? They don't even believe she's in. Honestly, he's kind of won that's probably why he's in my mind, that's what he is. What's another thing that I gave? What I don't, I disagree with that. - There's a lot of ones that you haven't given a score like, - "Darker than Black," I stand by being a nine, 'cause if you watch the DOB dude, Troy Bakers in that, this is before Troy Baker stopped doing Anime. I'm like, fuck man, he kills it as November 11. - Oh, yeah. - So, fucking. - Like for "Darker than Black, is a show that I've actually rewatched quite a few times. And I don't know why if we watch it quite a few times. - It's fun man. - I just really liked the world of Dark than black. - Yeah. - I'm not gonna lie, I don't remember anything. - It's like Quirks, but instead of it, it's actually fucking cool and weird. - 'Cause, I remember watching it, it was like X-men. But what I found interesting, was the fact that they had to like do this really weird activity every time they enhance their power. - Yes. - I don't know. - With a smoking. - I don't know why, I just thought that was really cool and like it has an fucking amazing soundtrack as well 'cause it was like by "Yoko Kanno." - Yes, yes. I feel like one of the biggest differences between the first season, every other season was Yoko Kanno's music just set such an amazing tone for this world and this environment that it just made you it just felt good exploring this world and just being in it and. - I feel like I gotta rewatch it. - It's fun dude, I'm watching Dub dude Like the Dubs really fucking good. - You're saying this is a Joey now? - No, honestly, like "Troy Baker" is November 11th, one of my favorite performances - I love "Troy Baker," so you'll sole me on that, yeah. - Because "Troy Baker" placed the guy who has to smoke, even though he hates smoking. - I've watched the Dub as well, it was fucking crazy - And he's so good at it, man, God. Okay, well I. - Hold on, you watched "Saki?" - Yeah. - And you gave it a seven. - "Saki," that's the one with things on here? - That's the, yeah, yeah. No, no, the Mahjong one. - That's the body pillow we have outside. - Yeah. - Yeah, I watched that. - If you've actually watched that- - I watched all of Saki and I'll hope at the end, I was like, I'm gonna understand Mahjong and at the end I was like, I don't understand Mahjong. (laughs) I'm like, with this golden wind and shit going on and stuff like that, And I'm like, I don't know. - Again, it just doesn't seem like a show you would watch. - I watched all of "Persona 4" the animation. - I noticed that. - Yeah, I noticed that as well - But you've never played "Persona 4?" - Never played "Persona." - Why would you do that? - I'll be 100% honest with you at the time I legitimately didn't know it was a game. (laughs) - That's like wait, did you watch "Danganronpa" as well? - Yeah, I did. - Yeah he did he gave it a four. - I have played "Danganronpa" I thought the anime was actually- - Okay that's fine. - For the shows that I haven't rated you can ask me and ask me what I'd given- - Okay what would you give "No Game No Life?" - Well that if I was 14- - Yeah. - A hard 10 bro. - Of course what of now? - Now like a seven honestly. - Seven okay. - It's about that would say. - What'd you give "Accel World?" - Like a four. (Joey laughs) - What would you give "Another?" - Like a one. - All right. - "Another" was shit. - Well you watched "B-gata H-kei" as well. - Actually I did I loved "B-gata H-kei." - Yeah that is funny. - That is actually like a fucking great show. - I have read the Manga. - I can tell you exactly why I watched 'Another" as well because I was talking to a girl at the time and she was like of course my favorite show is "Another," it's the best show. And I was like, fine I'll watch this show, 'cause I'm trying to like Simp I'm try so I'll try. - "Another" was kinda like the true crimes documentary, the anime, you know what I mean? - 'Cause everyone knows white girls love true crime and before they get into true crime, they're a little younger they're like "Another" yeah erased, yes, all these shows that I love. - It's just like I too like "Final Destination" and watching trashy horror movies, I can do that all day long. That's literally what Sydney gets me to do whenever I'm like- - Okay I'll give you props though that you a watch "Claymore" and gave it a nine. - Honestly I loved "Claymore." - "Claymore" was fucking awesome. - Man I, that is one of the animes that got done most dirty. - Yeah. That's why I'm surprised you gave it a nine because "Claymore" Manga- - "Claymore" Manga nine or 10 honestly. - "Claymore" Mangga masterpiece, anime- - The Anime made me like feel things that I hadn't felt before man. I was like- - What is that thing? - Like a level of uncomfortableness that I haven't experienced before. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Like I don't know why there's something so unnerving and uncomfortable about watching "Claymore." - Yeah, I felt that when I watched "Basara" so I know what you mean. - It like fucks you up a little bit. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And then I can tell like, I honestly I wish I... I'm gonna try my best to try and read the Manga. But I was set I was gonna read something else- - I recently rebought all the Mangas just 'cause I want to read it again 'cause- - What was the other fucking show I said I was gonna read the Manga by the way? - I have no fucking clue. - You finished "Eyeshield 21," right? - Yeah, I did, I wanna do- Well, I actually, I downloaded- - (inaudible) was it? - No, no, no, no I was gonna read that, but I actually downloaded the first 30 chapters of "One Piece" being like- - Oh, he is getting into "One Piece." (cheers and claps) - But I haven't had the stomach- - Mark it in your calendar. - This is the seed of OVA start "One Piece." - Listen, I'll tell you when I start, like- - Yeah good. - But I haven't- - Mark it in your calendars and come back to us in 10 years time and we'll see where he is. - But honestly like "Claymore" is a fucking amazing Manga. One of the best Mangas out there. - Honestly I really think so. - The anime did it there- - Is the Manga finished, like totally rapped up? - Oh, years ago. - Okay good, good, good. - So it's- - 22, 23 volumes something like that. - Okay. - And 'cause like the "Claymore" anime had Anime original ending if I remember correctly. - Yes it did. - Yeah, and it was complete shit, from what I remember. - I remember having a good time. I remember, I watched the dub and I remember the voice actor Greg Ayres, was like playing the whiny characters he always does. And I think he was a little too whining. (laughs) - I mean, that's just Greg Ayres. - Yeah, its true, he's too fucking good at his job. - No, no I remember that was like, I swear he was typecasting that role for like the longest fucking time. - Well, 'cause there were so many of those characters and no one else could do a voice like him if it's like sounding whiny. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It was always him doing the whiny character. - I would say "Eureka Seven," seven out of 10. - Honestly, I when- - Original one? - When I watched that everyone was talking about this show like Jesus had came down himself and brought a show and I watched it and I thought, honestly this is kind of shit. Like it's good but like it's kinda fucking boring. - Is that how you feel about- - Obviously now now I will give it a six. - Is that how you feel about "Ergo Proxy" as well, you gave that a seven as well. - "Ergo Proxy" I remember I was just like, what the fuck is happening? - Again this doesn't seem like an anime that you would watch. - No I- - Like "Ergo Proxy" is the last anime I would think Connor to watch. - It was like watching like when you go to a modern art museum and you look at this shit, you're like, yeah I get it, that was what I - - That's what I mean. - That's what I felt like watching "Ergo Proxy." - You saying that you've watched "Ergo Proxy" is like the same amount of like what the fuck I would get if you came up to me tomorrow and said so I watched "Serial Experiments Lain." - Yeah, that shit I've been wanting to watch that for a while. I just haven't had the opportunity to be like yeah I wanna waste a day. - Yeah. - And not really enjoy it. - And have an avid brain that is hurting. - Yeah, I feel like you watch shows that to come out with like just your brain being like what? But like that's not fun half the time, so I never even- - I mean it is fun depending on your mood because I remember like, I took me ages to watch "Serial Experiments Lain" and then I was just in this weird mood where I'm just like, yeah, I want my mind to be fucked up. That sounds like a fun experience right now. And then I did it- - I wanna challenge. - Yeah, it's like me with, you've asked me "Pun Pun." Like I'm waiting to wake up for the day where I'm just like yeah I want depression right now. - Why the fuck did I give this anime, what's it? - "Maoyuu Maou Yuusha." - Yeah, I noticed that. - What the fuck. - Why would you, I was about to say you gave that a nine and I'm like, was it the milf titties, is that what it is? - It must have been milf titties. - It must have been milf titties, that's all I remember from that show. - They get it a little two bonus points fuck, but again, that was in the same weekend that I watched the other show on the country will 48 hours. - Right, right? - 'Cause I remember "the Maoyuu Maou Yuusha show" was like Studio Arms and if you don't know Studio Arms. - I do not know Studio Arms. - They were like famous for being a Hunter studio, like transitioned into anime. - Well, that's probably why it connected a little bit. - And yeah, I mean, that was like one of the first show they produced that was an anime that was seen as just not complete trash but I wouldn't call it a fucking nine out of 10. - I remember there's a little sexual things going on or something like that. Some vibes of little milf, some kind of thing. - I mean I'd say as an impressionable teenager I can see why you are connected with that on a personal level you know. - Connected with that? - He connected with that? - Well, yeah, I think that's pretty much everything 'cause you haven't rated a lot of these. - I would bump Kill the kill at one for getting me in the hand tie. That's the only thing I would- - Dude really? - "Kill la Kill" is what made me be like, you know what? - Anime girls are hot. - I'm like, you know what is there a hand tie of this and there was. And that's how I was like, oh this is good. - That's why you need to get into the Jinchis man. Connor, come on. - We're gonna get him into that event eventually. - You can run away- - Eventually. - Wait, wait okay then, if you liked "the Maoyuu Maou Yuusha" did you like "Log Horizon?" - I loved, "Log Horizon" is one of my favorite shows. - Okay that makes sense 'cause it's written by the same people. - I'm actually hyped even though I think I need to rewatch a little bit of Log season two. - Yeah. - I remember I fucking loved the world. - Yeah. - Like in "Log Horizon" it's fun. - Log, was fucking great. - "Automata" is a fucking amazing, like I don't know how they like fucking write stories. - Look am glad as well- - And all the stuff like that, it's so great. - I'm also glad that the show didn't like fucking blow its load like immediately- - Yeah. - And stop telling us everything about it. Like I love it when the show is tease us with the words like here's a little crumb- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Crumbling knowledge. And then they just don't mention it for a few episodes and it's like, oh shit yeah, we all right now. We're in a fucking video game and I forget- - Yeah. - And we forget all that. - We're in a video game. - 'Cause I remember "Log Horizon" I remember watching the first two, three episodes of it, dropped it immediately 'cause I'm just like- - Really. - What is this Beat a "Sword Art Online." What the fuck is this? 'Cause like the worst I think muscle Locker Ryzen was that one like the animation is like- - It ain't great. - It's like the most typical five out of 10 animation, this is just a third way seasonal show. And the first three or so episodes were like the most generic kind of introduction you could get to a world. And it didn't start getting interesting until they properly started explaining like the game mechanics- - Yeah. - And seeing the game mechanics being broken, like within this world was just so fucking interesting. - Yeah, that whole awkward like there was a guy who would killing the villages? - Yeah, yeah. - That was fucking cool. - And like we've all ready sold me immediately was like when they first discovered that they could make things taste good. And then they like invented the burger- - Yes. - Yeah, yeah. - I was like, yo this is really interesting. This isn't even an easy cut this is just like an entrepreneur business fucking anime. - Well that's what "Youmore show" was as well, was basically just like a business textbook for read. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - How the fuck do you guys remember what happens in these like seven out of 10 shows bro? The moment something isn't like exceptional, I'm like that's going in the field. - "Log Horizon" is not a seven anime. - "Log Horizon" is not a seven out of 10 anime. - "Log Horizon" is an a- - Forget. Like the "Maoyuu Maou" would have gone front of the fucking cold that went straight into the let's forget everything. - "Maoyuu Maou" show was cool because again, it was like again it's against "Dub to Maoyuu Maou" who's like somehow can like make you learn shit while reading these stories. I don't know how he does it. - I think I have really- - It's like spice able, right? - It's like spice able exactly, like the reason why I love spice able because like I actually learned like a proper like useful business skills- - It's like wait a minute I'm just getting horny over this what if this Wharf wife, but I'm learning- - He is a marketing genius. - But I'm learning things about economics, that's not legal, that's not allowed, what are you doing? - I can't be horny and smart at the same time, that's not how that works. - I just feel like I have like amazing brain compression. Like I, my brain zips- - What does that mean? - You know like how when you compress a file to like lower the memory it takes up? - Yeah. - That's what I do with anime immediately when I'm done. I'm like zip that shit up, put it in storage, forget about that thing. And then when I rewatch shit, it's like unzipping the file, I'm like, oh, yeah this did happen, yeah. - Has this man like min-maxed his brain. - I actually think I've sorted the storage on my brain appropriately. - You've got a sorting algorithm literally just for anime. - Yeah. - My fucking God. But yes I think this is a good time to move on to our three by threes now. - Yes, there's a reason why I have my laptop up is because we're gonna create, we're gonna share each other's three by three of anime. - Yes. - Have we explained, we have explained at the beginning, - We've explained about three by three are. But like to expand further on that, I love seeing people's three by three right? - Right. - 'Cause I feel like a three by three is the closest thing you get to a Rorschach test for like animate fans. You know what I mean? - True, true. - 'Cause you get- - No. - You got to see, 'cause like asking what someone's favorite anime is, is like a fucking stupid question, because like if you've seen enough animes- - It changes all the time. - It changes all the fucking time, but like we've like a kind of, with nine animes to choose from, that's a good sample size to really get a grasp on what this person's taste is. Like not all their tastes, because I don't know how hard a time you guys had choosing nine anime. - I just shoved through to get nine that I like. - But I had a pretty difficult time just choosing my nine anime. - You have a fucking, you putting like a seizure just thinking like what am I gonna do for like breakfast? Like oh, my God, like Jesus Christ. Like I swear, you like take so long to contemplate decisions. - I mean, I can come up with mine pretty quickly just because like I literally thought of the first nine, we're gonna look at mine first. But I literally just thought of the first nine that I think is like, yeah I love this. - Yeah. - Because I think that's the most important thing is like, I feel if you think too hard about it, then you will kind of reshaping your tastes. - Thinking too much is generally a bad policy. - Yeah. - So I was like, all right what are the nine shows that I fucking love? - Thinking is just a bad policy. - Don't think. - I personally think is overrated, I just go with guts. - Is that an unpopular opinion? - I'm gonna say it. - Unpopular opinions and thinking's overrated. - Thinking is overrated. - All right so let's take a look at mine first. - All right. - Let's see what you got here Joey. "Lucky Star" Connor yo what the fuck? What? Do you wanna introduce to the audience who cannot see or don't go to these shows? - [Connor] So top row from left to right is "Serial Experiments Lain, Palepoli." - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Connor] Middle row is "Princess Mononoke," "Lucky Star Mononoke" And then bottom row is "Shitokayak, Automo," "Monogatira series, Yuhacha." - Why, "Lucky Star?" I I've got to ask, man, why? It's right bang there in the sense of- - Starring at me. (laughs) - Okay. Don't worry about placements too much. Don't worry about placements too much. This could be in any random order, but yeah. Reason why, okay? I completely get why someone would look at me and say for bro "Lucky star" is not good. Because truth be told if you watch "Lucky Star" today, it probably be sure, right? "Lucky Star" to me is so time-sensitive because all of its jokes are time-sensitive. Like "Lucky Star" was one of those shows that made fun of like "Otaku and Wieve Culture" back in like the mid 2000s. I'm turning this into a like video. - So I'll tell you a "Lucky Star" is my friend. "Lucky Star" is a Reddit humor before Reddit got it. That's it's like the it's like the late 2000s Reddit and the Reddit just didn't exist. So I don't know. I was just like, oh, "Lucky Star" was amazing. - Yeah. - I couldn't sit through it. - Really? - Yeah, I didn't finish it. - See like, it's weird because randomly like a couple of days ago I was just scrolling through YouTube and all my recommended there was just like a "Lucky Star," like funny compilation. And I was just like, - Yeah. - Fuck, I haven't heard of "Lucky Stars." - I got time for that. - It was like six minutes long. I'm like, you know what? Fuck it I've got time. - Like an Oxymoron to me "Lucky Star," funny compilation. - You guys sucks. - Excuse me. (laughs) - But I don't know, I think it's because like especially around the time when I watch "Lucky Star," I was like really heavily into, obviously of course like animate obviously but, I was really heavily like the Otaku culture especially in Japan. - [Connor] Yeah. - And "Lucky Star" kind of went over all of that shit. And putting it to perspective of like, it's pretty fucking ridiculous looking from an outsiders perspective. - Yeah, just- - Meat calf is weird, huh? - Yeah, not even that. It was just like the fucking comic cut scene. It's still funny to this day. Just because it's so accurate. - I mean I just, I look back a lot just on, I never liked it originally but I look back at some of the scenes and I'm just like, "This doesn't age well to me at all." - Right, exactly and that's why I never recommend "Lucky Star" to people today. Because it has no issue. The jokes are no issue. - I have a question, what the fuck is this show in the bottom corner have seen that sure - [Joey] Which one the bottom left? (speaking in a foreign language) - [Garnt] What's the English name? - [Joey] Fucking, God, I don't even know. - [Garnt] I think I've watched that show. - [Joey] It's basically like a comedy show that has in it a lot of itchy jokes. - I have watched the show. - I've watched the show and I don't remember anything about that. - I 100% have watched the show. There's this small girl, the small girl is angry that she doesn't have big tits right? I laughed. - [Joey] Yeah. - That's one of the jokes. - [Joey] Yeah. - Yeah. - Funny. - [Joey] Yeah. - Right? - Okay, why is this I your three by three? - Okay this is in my three by three because A, first of all, I think it's fucking hilarious. B, it kind of encompasses my love for comedy, and my love for Hiei. - You're a broad term of a common years. - Yeah. - "Lucky Star" and the rest. - What encompasses your love for comedy arts? What about the show it encompasses your love for comedy. - I think it's fucking hilarious. (both laughing) I mean, I don't know what else. Wait, what the fuck answer were you expecting? - I don't know. - It's because it's very insecured and the jokes that are constructed are very good like this, okay the reason why I put this in is because it encompasses my love for trashy shows. This show is not good in any perspective. I'm just saying it right now, all right? This is how you know my three by three is legit, right? - Give me some of those. (speaking in a foreign language) Is not a good show. It's trashy, shitty comedy with HE jokes. (both mumbling) It's crap, all right? - Okay. - And here is the reason why I put it in. - Important question then. Every show in here, would you re-watch it today? - Yeah. - You would? - I would. - You would rewatch "Lucky Star?" - Did I not just say, I was literally watching a compilation two days ago. - I just know that is a lie honestly. - I just didn't believe that. - No. - I would a 100% rewatch all these shows here. - I go say, I was like I didn't put it on, but I was this close to putting you on the show. (both mumbling) - I am glad that you put it on. - I'd put "Yu Yu Hakusho" in because it represents my love for showing in. - I got to be honest, right boys? - I legitimately tried to watch "Yu Yu Hakusho" no less than a week ago. - [Joey] Right. - I put it on, first episode, I was like, "Fuck I can't watch this." Like I thought it was the "Dab" but then I was like the "Dab" was too awful. I saw Japanese and fuck it's awful as well. I can't stand this. - It talks great, what are you talking about? - The audio was driving me insane. Like I actually couldn't watch it. It was such a bad faulty. I know that it's old, but I actually couldn't sit to it. - So basically your review of "Yu Yu Hakusho" is where it's old. - No, no, honestly like I feel bad that I'm like that but I was like "Fuck I actually can't watch this." - Oh read the "Monger" then. - Oh my God you're really gonna hit me with that? - Audio problems? Read a book. - What was your problem with the audios 'cause like "Yu Yu Hakusho" from what I remember was one of my favorite dabs. - I never watched the dabs, I have no idea. - I swear 10 seconds into the dab like fireless Japaneese I gotta send the shit off like. - Well seriously? - Yeah it was pretty bad. - Who the fuck paid Yoskay 'cause Yoskay fucking like killed- - I know this is probably just a case of watching it years later and being spoiled for sex- - I mean for me, I'd put "Yu Yu Hakusho" because obviously I love my showing in. But I feel like I don't know, I've never felt the same level of excitement that I felt watching and- - I wish. - "Yu Yu Hakusho" that I have from any other- - I'm envious, I want that. - Yu Yu Hakusho has some of my favorite arcs in all of shown in. - The Dark Tournament arc Tuesday, is one of the best arcs in shown in. - I know the Dark Tournament is the best tournament arc. - Hands down. - Of all time. - Hands down. - And this is a tournament arc that came out fucking 20 years ago now. Like it buff the tournament genre, and still is the best. - The reason why Tournament Hawks have become a meme, and are so hyped is because of "Yu Yu Hakusho." - It's because of "Yu Yu Hakusho" like "Dragon Ball" might have like popularized it, but then "Yu Yu Hakusho," perfected it. - Perfected it. - And then it hasn't been perfected since but like- - Well go on. - Also like "Since We," is one of the best villains in all of showing in as well. - Oh yeah and "Togo" as well. - "Togo" as well. - Fucking "Togo" oh my God. - Such a good character. - Not gonna lie growing up, I wanted to be Hiei so bad. I was like I looked at Hiei and I'm just like everything about this guy is so fucking- - Is he the guy with a black hair? - He's the guy with black hair. - Yeah, yeah. - Everything about Hiei- - Why Could I guess which one you're talking about? - Everything about Hiei is so fucking cool. - Is there's a "Serial Experiments Lain" at all? - Yeah, that's top left. - Why? - I think because like well again, I still think it's fucking insanely ahead of it's time. Like this was made back in like the late 90s. And it talks about fucking societal issues that are relevant today. - [Garnt] Right. - And that's, I don't know, I think that's like a huge artist, like- - I'm curious what kind of stuff does it talk about? And to show what kind of society- - So basically to grossly oversimplify, "Serial Experiments Lain" is essentially this idea that your digital identity, and your real life identity, sees no barrier. - [Garnt] Okay. - And so basically it follows obviously lane who kind of goes through this like discovery of herself and the world and being like, wait, so we can create digital identities of ourselves on the quote unquote, internet. I mean, obviously back then it was very primal. - [Garnt] Yeah. - All right. But- - Just came out then like 1990- - That's 98. - Eight. - Yeah. - Just to give them the "Bloons Tower Defense." - Exactly. - Yeah, yeah. - Just before "Flash Player," right? - Fuck. - But basically, it's this idea that like, wait, so if things happen in the digital world, then is there really no consequences of that in the real world and- - Very sensical. - And they did that in 12 episodes. - And it's, I will attest that "Serial Experiments Lain" fucking amazing. Because I remember I watched it for the first time last year. So I watched it pretty recently. - Oh, really? - Oh yeah, yeah. Well 'cause he was on like to watch this forever. - Yeah, yeah. - And then I was just like you know, I'm finally in the mood to watch this. I'll give it a watch. And I remember thinking man, this normally when you see a piece of media that focuses around technology, and like stories around technology. - Bad. - It ages horribly. And I remember watching "Serial Experiments Lain" and thinking how is this. how does this seem like it's more relevant now than it is- - Exactly. - When it first came out? Over like- - Because this show- - Like 10, 20 years ago. - This show "Low Key" foretold the future of social media. - Yeah, yeah, - I think I can understand that if you are really in touch with the internet back then, you could probably see where it was going. I think. - Right. - And I think and obviously I picked "Serial Experiments Lain" that obviously because I love it, but also I love I mean the shows that make you think, quote unquote. - [Connor] Yeah, yeah. - That to dive more into that kind of stuff like you know, yeah make you thonk right? like "Ogre Proxy" is in the same field as that. I love that show. And you know "Rosaphone" as well was in there as well. - [Connor] Yeah. - [Garnt] And "Climate?" - [Joey] I mean, I just think it's good in. (both laughing) It made me cry like a witch It bought my love for mitogenic. Bought my love for fucking- - [Connor] Fair enough. - [Garnt] Fooly Cooly. - [Connor And Joey] Fooly Cooly. - [Joey] Is just a monster piece. - [Connor] I've never watched Fooly Cooly. - It's seven episodes and it feels like a fucking five hour long movie. - It's a very dense show. - [Joey] Very dense. - I would say it does not- - Why does dense always just sound like an insult? (both laughing) - It's a dense model. - It's a thick show. - What do you want to say? No, no, it's a it's a compact show. (both mumbling) - Compact are lesser than dense. Dense sounds like it's like brick shithouse. Like filled with garbage. - Okay, it's a compact show. - Now I'm listening. Compact? Now I'm listening. - There is like "Fooley Cooley" has 24, I would dare say 24 episodes worth of material packed into seven episodes. - I would agree with that. - [Joey] Yeah. - And it's one of the best soundtracks of all time. - Soundtrack is fucking amazing. - Yeah, fucking amazing. - I've no more questions, you're free to go. Yeah, okay. (laughs) - Wait, oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You had a choice of any anime movies, and you pick a Ghibli movie? - I mean, look, man, you gave it this 10 out of 10, was it on your list? - I mean, I guess. - And you also didn't change that school? - Is it a good movie? Would I put it as like- - What anime movie is the best anime movie Garnt. - He's gonna say "Your Name." - You're gonna find out when I went to- - Let's show it Garnt, shall we? - Let's check out "Mine." - Jump right into it. - Let's jump right into it. - Let's check out "Mine" and see see what you guys see that? - [Joey] Oh my God. (Garnt laughing) - [Garnt] All right Well, we can we can ignore the filth in the middle but, honestly. - [Connor] What's that showing in the middle? - [Joey] It's "Oreimo." - [Garnt] It's "Oreimo." Okay so let me let me let me spell out my three by three. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] So from top left, going down, row by row. So you got "Your Name, Bakino." - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] "Fate Zero, Evangelion, Oreimo, Log Horizon, One piece, Haruhi or The Disappearance, and Black Lagoon." - [Connor] God this scream somebody's gone to anime "The Two Thousands." Jesus Christ, look at that. (both mumbling) - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Connor] Look at this. Look at this fucking "Black Lagoon, Evangelion and Haruhi" on the scene. Fucking get out of here. - Not gonna lie, I was not expecting "Black Lagoon" to be there. - I could see it. - [Joey] Really? - Okay, so- - There's nothing like it. - I've never heard anything about "Black Lagoon" coming from Garnt's mouth. - It's fucking good. - No, it's great. I'm just I'm just curious why Garnt likes it. - I watch the anime don't review on it. - [Joey] Oh, really? - It's fucking brilliant, it's one of the shows that I haven't had too much of a chance to talk about. But like before I get into that, let me tell you the thought process that I (coughing). (both laughing) - Let me tell the- - Too much emotion. - Let me tell you the thought process I put into like picking these. - Tell me of your process Garnt. - [Joey] Go on. - Because I you know at the beginning, I was like, "How the fuck do I pick my favorites?' 'Cause I have like too many favorites that I can talk about, right? So then I thought okay, here's a big thing. What if I just picked the anime that I have rewatched? - Okay. - [Joey] All right, all right. - Because if I've rewatched something, and this is like rewatching not for my job, but rewatching for my own enjoyment. If I've rewatched something, that means there is something fucking special about that show that has stuck with me that I've felt like I've wanted to go out of my way to re-experience that. - I agree with that, I agree qith that. - And even even on some shows that I think is fucking great. Like, for example, like stuff like "Monster" or like clearly critically acclaimed shows. - I do not want to rewatch more of those. - No, no exactly. I feel like it's had its time in the sun. But in terms of like, what I truly like enjoyed to the cool. I wouldn't go out at the moment, I wouldn't go out and rewatch "Monster." I wouldn't do that but. - Okay hold on, but I get that right? - Yeah. - Like I'm looking at this right now being like, "Yeah, rewatch that, rewatch that." - Yeah. - Would you rewatch one piece? - I have rewatched one piece. - Is it even possible to rewatch one piece? - Okay, okay, I've okay, here's the thing. - Oh man you got that Steins Gate time machine or some shit, Garnt how are you doing that? - Okay, I've watched one piece basically up to "The Time Skip" all the way once. And then I've rewatched it again once. And then I've rewatched some my favorite arcs multiple time. I fucking know it is. And this was back when I had time to watch anime. And I would just like whenever I got, whenever I had time- - When you said rewatched right? I thought you were talking about like, "Oh, I've rewatched "The Water Seven Article, I've rewatched Alabasta." I didn't think you really watched those. - You really shown your age, you need years to rewatch that. No wonder you're older than me like fuck me, you need like 10 years. - I love how you compensate and be like no, no, only up until before the time skip. I'm like it's still like 400 episodes. - Which is why like I was having trouble putting a show in on 'cause I'm just like, is show in that I actually truly love, that I would you know, think that I would go back and design 'cause I was gonna put "Yu Yu Hakusho" And I was thinking. - Not "Seven Deadly Sins," Garnt? - Yeah, okay. You know my love for "Seven Deadly Sins" right? But like one piece to me will go down when it finishes. Will go down as well. It already is one of the greatest anime/ manga series of all times. - Yeah, of course. - But to me when I think back, and I think back because one piece isn't the perfect show. Right, yeah, I rewatch one piece so- - No, does anyone claim it is? - I don't know. Like everyone forgets about the laws of one piece, where everyone forgets about the fucking- - "Sky Island." - "Sky Island," I wasn't a fan of the "Foxy Ark," which was a filler "Cannon Ark" that everyone doesn't talk about. You know what I mean? - What does that mean (mumbles). - "Dressrosa" was was like, it was way too long. - Way too long. - It was dragged out to shit, but nothing in my opinion can touch the highs of "One Piece." When "One Piece" is at its best, right? I think it is the greatest thing you can find on anime. - I will stand by and say, even though I've watched every mitogen anime. - [Garnt] Yeah. - I've cried more times watching "One piece" than any other show. - When you have that many episodes. Something's gonna hit right? - Yeah. - Like fuck me. - This is that I wasn't expecting. - I mean like there's plenty of shows that have a lot of episodes. And haven't had the highs that "One Piece" has because- - I know as I said man has some- (laughter drains speech) - How do you know anything about such? - Pokemon has some pretty high highs man. - Well like what I find amazing about "One Piece" it's been going on for like, what 20 years now? - Almost 30. - Almost like, I can't remember when it's like. I think it started in- - 96. - 98 or 96 something like that. But I remember I've just caught up with the manga with like, what the one oak which is now one of the longest oaks. It's so long that has three parts . And it still has moments that make me feel fucking magical. This is like one piece is like I watched some of the best moments in "One Piece" and I get reminded this is why I fucking love anime. This is why I love fucking love manga . This is why I love this medium. - Did the author of "One Piece" like intend for it to be as long as it is or just like fucking just popularized? - I think he had planned because the thing about "One Piece" is that it's this long. And yet there is this foreshadowing slap that's happened like fucking hundreds of chapters. - He's not from this planet. - That is being explored now, right? And I think he didn't expect it to be this long. But he but when he got popular, he realized he can explore basically every idea here that he wanted. - A lot of people, I feel kind of undermine Oda, just because it's like, oh yeah, you know, he made one piece but whatever. It's so long blah blah blah. But I think people when you look deeply into it, people really undermine his skill for storytelling because I mean again- - Let's be honest, you have to be held accountable like captivated- - He's been number one on "Shonen Jump" for the past like 15 years. - Yeah, you don't do that by luck. - No, no, no, no, no. - No, no, no, no, no. - It's not luck. - Unlike what I find amazing, it's been going on this long and it's not one, no it's not only still got fucking amazing moments in it, even when some of the greatest in some of the latest chapters and some of the latest moments. But to no matter how far you go into "One Piece," you feel like there's still an upswing. You still feel like he hasn't peaked yet. Unlike how would you write a story that's like almost a 1000 chapters long and you still think man there's an upswing coming. There's something great upcoming. - It's insane every time a new arc started. - [Connor] Yeah. - And I would keep up to date with like what the manga was saying. Everyone would be like, how is it that the next arc is even better? How does it keep getting better? - Yeah how- - I thought this was the peak of "One Piece" and then it just keeps getting there. - How's the hotdog stand arc, keep just blowing me away? How does the waterpocket venture supreme arc, keep blowing me away? - Yeah re- - And the name doesn't make fucking sense to me? - No, no, no it is literally that proZD video where it talks about anime arc names. Unlike any "One Piece" fan who's watched that video knows that he's just calling out "One Piece" fans there because we were literally talking about this video before the podcast started. And we were just, me and Joey we were just talking about "The Big Mamak." - Yeah. - And then Connie was just like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, wait. - That's a real arc, are you guys serious? - I thought they were joking. They were just like a big momma's house or something. I thought it was just a joke. - But I felt that right? I remember when I've watched the "Alabaster Rock" in one case, I was like this is the greatest thing ever made. - [Connor] Yeah. - And then "Water Seven Came" out was like, how it getting better? - And then the "White Beard Rock" came in. - "White Beard Rock" was just like oh my God. - Guys, guys guys, I hate to rush you Garnet, we have nine anime to talk about. So come on. - I don't care. I can talk about one until the fucking sun goes down. - [Connor] 'Cause frankly I don't really wanna hear your opinions on this. I honestly do not know about it, even galieon- - [Garnt] I already know your opinions on "Eva," I already know your opinions on "Your Name," I already know your opinions "On Fate." - [Connor] Back in there was like saying I like "Coming." - [Garnt] Back in there I was like I like "Six" of course you do. - [Connor] It's just fun, it's just fun. - [Garnt] And then we've gushed over "Hierarchy" obviously like disappearance is fucking amazing. - "Motorizing as well very excited to see that. - Yeah, 'cause like I was thinking back to because obviously I'm the fucking Issa Kai man, right? I was thinking like, "Log Horizon" is the Issa Kai come back to because it's the only Issa Kai I've rewatched. Out of everything like "Reasonable" I watch because it was my job. You know what I mean? I thought that was literally the only reason I watched "Re:Zero." "Log Horizon" is the only Issa Kai I've come back to be like, man that was some good fucking moments in this and I really wanted to re-experience some of these ideas that. - Well season three is out. - Yeah, I'm probably gonna rewatch- - I think now, yeah. - Yes, it's out this season. So I'm probably gonna re like, "Log Horizon" is the only like pure Isa Kai right now that I can like recommend without it's got no catch. Like it's not like "Re:Zero" where it's like oh it's so time loop catch you know that's the interesting thing about "Log Horizon" is just- - Hey guys, hey guys. - Yeah. - There's a gimmick. - "Log Hhorizon" is just an Issa Kai that is just like good Issa Kai. - No, I agree. - I agree. I agree, it deserves to be a it has its place. - I just can't get over the fact that you on ironically like "Arima" - [Connor] Okay. - I just like it for the longest time I'm like- - What is "Arima or bound?" I thought it was like the child bound. - Incest. - Oh, that's it, all right. - It's not about incest. It is about insects. - It is about incest. - Incest just happens in it. (both mumbling) - There's a difference between the two Mr. - It is about incest and Beskow getting cocked. That's what that's all about. - You can't just say there is incest in it. Like it's like a sense of of flavor. You can't just drop that in there and be like, oh, there's also like, What? What do you mean is this a small thing incest to you? - It is something okay, so let me- - Defend incest 4k edition. - I'm a fucking doer man, I'm a fucking doer. I don't care if this like watch this get me counseled in like four years or like fuck four years. Watch this clip in 40 minutes. Get counts it like one month, you know what I mean? Okay, everyone forgets that "Oreimo" was a legitimately good fucking show, when it first aired. - I'm gonna have to stop you right there. - It was a good show. - I'm gonna have to stop you right there. - Like everyone thinks I put "Oreimo" on the same level or something like "Eromanga Sensei." No fucking "Eromanga Sensei" was trashed from episode one. And it knew it was trash. And "Eromanga Sensei is what happens when you take all the trashiest parts of "Oreimo" and put that and put that into a show. "Oreimo" was a nice, wholesome look at Otaku culture. - With incest. - And the thing is when it was airing, everyone was just like, "Oh, yeah, this is this is a parody of all like the incest light novels and everything like that," right? - It was about a parody. - Everyone thought that he was just taking the piss out of like, you know, this, the little girl Emoto fucking craze happening in anime on line. And if you don't watch the final three episodes, you can watch the entire series of series of "Oreimo" and just think that. And then the final three episodes happened and it- - Yeah. That has sparked an outcry I didn't know. - It's sparked an outcry right? It's definitely because the reason the reason it sparked an outcry was because no one was actually expecting it. - Yeah, it went from like, 20% incest to 99% . - It was 100% . - It was 100%. - It was a 100 there was no percentage that could be shaved off. It went full incest and it was unapologetic person. - So fully admit that it would full incest. - No, no, yeah. - Yet it's in your top nine anime. - Because the reason it's okay. I have re watched it because it is- - You've rewatched it? - Yeah, yeah. I've already said I've rewatched everything on this list. - How do you? - I don't even want to see it. - Because this show, like this show is the epitome of everything I love about trashy Eromanga and anime. It's- - When you say that it just sounds like satire. You know what I mean, it sounds like satire. - It is not, it is not. Okay, so remember when you went through my anime list, and I gave "Iketose" a two? - Yeah. - So like, back when I was a teenager, I was just like yo- - You couldn't have real interest. - Yo, yo, I'm better than this fan service shit. I'm better than this trashy anime. I got a good fucking taste. This is the show that fucking changed all that. When I was just like, why am I enjoying this so much? Why do I like this fucking filth trash show? - I mean look, I have shows like that. - [Garnt] Yeah, "The Kisses" being a perfect example. - Yeah, I didn't put it in my fucking three by three though. - Yeah, this buddy is putting incest in his fucking top nine, Joey. - In the middle of all places. - That was a legitimate deliberate choice. I put it in the middle because I'm just like, this is this show. This single show has probably had the biggest overall effects on my taste in modern anime. - You literally fucking made "Oriema" out to be like the free space in a bingo card. You know what I mean, it's just like- - I fucking did it and because it is yeah, it is a fucking trashy anime, right? There are trash moments there but, I think I will defend the point. That "Oriemo" wasn't complete trash. There was some legitimately good heartwarming moments in there and it wasn't complete. It wasn't all trash, okay? It was it wasn't an "Eromanga Sensei" - It really was okay. - It wasn't "Eromanga Sensei" - Just saying, you're going to jail buddy. - "Eromanga Sensei" is already EMA rescanned. That's all it is and you have to admit to that. - No, I don't. - You have to admit to it. - "Eromanga Sensei" is the trashiest plus of "Oreimo" concentrated it is dense "Oreimo." - Your Honor, I didn't know she was 12, I'll be honest, Your Honor. - Ladies and gentlemen this man has the largest anime YouTube channel on the platform, that this is what he's saying. - I'm fucking proud of this shit, I put it. I literally put this stuff front and center, and I regret nothing. I regret fucking nothing - That is on my computer now, and I can't wait to use it as blackmail. - All right, let's check corners. - Gentlemen, gentlemen, here's my nine. My arguably the strongest nine we've had today. - [Joey] Okay, you want to go from top left to bottom? - [Connor] So, "Hunter Hunter, Golden time, Bow Corrado, Ping Pong Animation , Sakamoto, Kaiji Mob Psycho 100, But on a Fish and Jojo." - I'll tell you what this is. This is the guys, I have good tastes in animi. - Lick off. - I was just about to say that. - Bro isn't it good? What do you mean? - Like how? - Guys you wanna know what personality I have? Absolutely no fucking personality. - I'm sorry that I don't like incest Garnt, is that what you wanna see on my list? Where is the lack of incest? - This is the I cite my sources in my video essay. Like levels of like animatates, you know what I mean? - What? No bro, these are legitimately. If I had to use a name like the top nine shows that I have and like a little bit of variation genre. This would be it? - No, no, no, because I looked at this list and I'm just like, yeah this is what my nine by nine would be, if I literally went through my like modern Mao and just pick the top highest rated anime on that mount. - I'm trying to tell you my fucking tastes in anime Garnt, and this is my taste. - I don't know, man. - I'm sorry that's its too normy for you guys. - This is no no, no, it's not even normy. It's just it's try hot. - No, no, no, it's legit. - That is what it feels like. - This is legit my favorite nine shows. - Okay, well I mean, obviously we don't have hold on to get fucking amazing. - [Joey] We've talked about "Golden Time." - [Connor] "Golden Time" is like my favorite like "Volcarona." - [Joey] We talked about "Volcarona." - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] "Ping Pong." - [Connor] I fucking love "Ping Pong." - [Joey] Can you still like "Ping Pong?" - [Connor] 100% right. - [Garnt] I love "Ping Pong." - "Ping Pong," right? - Yeah. - Other than like mob, okay, that's also why I love them all for the similar reasons. Like "Ping Pong" is like one of the only animators right? You get all these fucking stupid animates when the guys Opie is fuck. Like it no one fucking gives a shit right? Like, okay, wow, Kyoto is a giant dick again, right? Cool, we have another Isa Kai. Oh, that overpowered . Oh, they have an ability that's unique to them. You know what real life sucks, man. No one has a unique ability. And I've really liked there's a fucking anime that was like, bro, life kind of sucks, man. Sometimes people just gonna be better at things that that you love, even if they hate it. That's was so real and hurt man. It hurt because I've been on both sides of the "Ping Pong" like animation, like the characters. I've been talented at something that I fucking hated. And I felt bad for people who really wanted to be good at that thing that I was good at. And I've also tried my fucking hardest at something, and you speak Japanese fluently above. So, you know, I've been on both sides of the spectrum of things on the animation. So, you know, I'm kidding now, but I mean really. - "Ping Pong." What I call what I call "Ping Pong", it's a life anime. - Yeah, it hurt because I was like, fuck, you really had to like pull that out of me. That made me a little like goddamn okay. - Okay, then I'm curious. Have you seen a "March Comes in Like a Lion?" - No. - Okay 'cause I think if you love "Ping Pong," you would love- - Everyone has told me that. - Because "March Comes in Like a Lion" is the complete opposite. "March Comes in Like a Lion" is about a genius who can't understand the idea of losing. - [Connor] Yeah. - Right? But that in itself, is what's causing him to lose in real life. - [Connor] Yeah. - So it's literally the opposite of "Ping Pong." - That just like school when they're like, you're a gifted child and they can't fucking do anything later on. - Right, exactly. I mean, and obviously like- - Well I wanna know, why why "Sakamoto" three? (both mumbling) Why is that a top nine anime? - That's so fucking funny man, that's shit- - I'm about to stand with my boy here, like "Sakamoto" is fucking hilarious. - "Sakamoto" is one of the funniest animes- - "Sakamoto" is so good. - It's so fun. - It's so funny. - You can put that shit on, it's like the "Mr. Bean" of anime. (both laughing) - It's like the "Mr. Bean" of anime, if "Mr. Bean" was like a fucking like a millionaire who was pocking any where. - Shit so, you really got to diss me when you just like what like yeah. "Pedophilia, "Brotherly Love." - Okay here is what I understand though. - What? - Every three by three right? As we've established so far, and every three by three I've seen back when it was big has at least one show that shit. Like universally, right? I think all these shows are fucking fantastic. Which is why I just press X to doubt. - I just don't like shit shows Joey. Which do you want to put like "My Whole Demon" or some shit missing still. This thing was made as fuck. - I don't know, like, you don't have like it. Do you have a guilty pleasure anime? - Honestly, no, no, really? - I don't really watch anime ever. (Garnt and Joey laughing) - Wow, the grand reveal? - I frankly, I've revealed this before. I never fucking want to re watch anime, right. - So you wouldn't re watch any of these? - No. - Okay. - Why would I rewatch that I've already watched? - Because it's great. - 'Cause do you don't want to re-experience it? - Not really. I'll be honest with you, I'd rather experience something different. - So there's no like you will rewatch? - Like have you never gotten to the point right? Where you're just tired of trying something new. And because no, no, you're you're tired of trying something new. (Connor laughs) - Why do you make it sound so sad? I'm just tired of trying. I'm gonna go back this. - Because it's fun. - Because sometimes you try something new and you're just like, "Man this just ain't doing it for me." You just want something. - You want something that's it's comfortable. - Yeah, yeah. - I don't know for me that feels sad. It feels like you're trying to capture something that's gone in your life. You know what I mean, I don't know it feel sad to me. - I'm in this photo and I don't like it. - Like I don't know, like it's chasing something that doesn't exist anymore in my mind. - Why is Maylene laughing at me? - Because in my mind, right? I could I could easily I watch like "Sakamoto." - I couldn't have rewatched any of these? Yes. Would I willingly do it of my own free will? No. - Not because like to bring it the other way. Like for me watching new shows is me chasing that high. That that is me chasing that high that I felt with the shows I've already liked. But the more anime you watch, and just the older you fucking get that just gets harder and harder. - That's why I don't watch my channel anymore. (both laughing) - That's the thing inside reveal of this video. Connor doesn't watch anime. - No I do, I watch anime I just don't enjoy it. - I mean look, honestly like I feeling sauce about this three by three. Just because again because all nine of these shows are like universally praised. - All is "Golden Time" universally praised? - Yeah, "Golden Time" is fucking amazing. - I like "Golden Time." - I felt it was trash. - I fucking love "Golden Time." - "Golden Time" took everything for- - I thought it was trash and I liked it, but it was trash. - No "Golden Time" took everything "Toradora" did and just perfected it. - Yeah, yeah. - I would literally it's like if you like in my mind, it's like my two favorite like romance or whatever like. - Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - "Todora and "Golden Time" but "Golden Time" felt like the better version. - "Golden Time" is my favorite romance of all time. I would think and yeah, yeah. - I thought he doesn't like "Golden Time." I love "Golden Time." - Okay shit, okay. - I've met less people who say they didn't like "Golden Time." - Yeah. - Really? I don't know. - 'Cause like the thing about "Golden Time" is that you know there were flaws because who the fuck like binary as a character? Let's be honest. Like talking about compressing your memory. Like I've only just remembered that ghost boundary was a thing. And that was just something I've just like that was like sports. In this like amazing series that's I seem to remember "Golden Time." But like I think that's "Golden Time." I just think this is how adult romance should be. This took everything that was good, as you said about "Toradora" and just made it better, perfected it. Put it in university, didn't make it like just this high school romance. Had enough adult elements that- - Didn't have an annoying us fucking lowly younger- - True that was really fucking annoying. I love "Kajou" the against the "Gambler" that was- - "Kajou" is fucking amazing. - "Kajou" is great. - Whatever shows it's sad that no one gives a chance but it also weird that it's only in 720P. - Oh yes. - That's really fucking weird, no for ATP I think or something. - Really? - Yeah that was never released- - Oh yeah, yeah it isn't for ATP. - It isn't for ATP And it's such a shame 'cause like it's such a fucking good show. But it was either that or like "One Outs," I really fucking like "One Outs." - "One Outs" is fucking great. - "One Outs" is fucking dope, I mean, I don't know like this, I mean I guess it looks very basic from the outside looking. - It's not basic, it's not basic. - It's not basic in the sense where- - I just thought we were putting on nine favorite shows. Like oh like- - No, no we were, but what we're saying is that like there isn't a single guilty pleasure animate here. Because obviously- - Refers to guilty pleasure anime, well I can show you those bad. "Oreamo" that's more than a guilty pleasure, that's a criminal pleasure Joey I think. - A guilty pleasure, in my opinion a guilty pleasure is a show that you love no matter what even though you know it is shit. - Yep, okay, but then I when I was making this nine by nine, looks like "Deadman Wonderland." I loved "Deadman Wonderland" I never finished and it was you know, it was kind of a mess of it. But like, I don't think it's better than any of these shows for me personally. - 'Cause like I've talked to you and I know what your tastes are basically. - You're trying to call me out? - No, no, I don't really see that represented here because I know like- - You my tastes like you know me Garnt, what do you mean? - I mean like you only hunging out for a couple weeks. - Are you calling me a liar? Are you calling me a liar Garnt? - We hardly see each other everyday. - Yeah, yeah, like I know you love like fucking hot, cold brutal shows like "Jojo, Baqi, Gantz:e." - I'm surprised I thought "Baqi" was gonna be there. - I thought "Baqi" was gonna be up there as well. - Well, I mean, I love "Baqi" as like 'cause there's a few episodes in "Baqi" the anime but it's like mate. But there's just so many fucking funny moments that like it'll stand to me forever. - Here's the best way I can do this. I know you like Chad shows. That's the best way- - I like a Chad show. - That's the best way can describe Connor's taste, okay? Like it's just got Chad characters in it, you know what I mean? - Chad characters. - That's why I really want Conner to watch or read "Face the North" stuff. - Yeah, yeah. - 'Cause I know you would fucking love that. - I like the right amount of chat. If there's just too much chat, sometimes a little too much. - What do you mean, you like "Jojo" that's like a hall of a chat. - That's a different, that's a different kind of chat. "Jojo"is like the build different anime. Like that is on own league like Garnt has said. I think God should be treated as anime, It's a lifestyle. - Yeah. - It's an artwork. - But like, I don't know, like in "Facing the North Star," when I see that I really find that appealing because they're just like too match show. I want a bit of weakness to the character, right? - I mean, if you've read it, you'll know every character is weak as fuck. - Read it? - Okay, okay, fine, fine. Fine. - I think you should read it, you'll love it. - It pisses me off when I'm watching an anime, and the main character is like a wimp beyond comprehension and just causes any problems himself because he's a wimp. And I'm like, yeah, listen, we'll get to do what you say no, ,and you wouldn't have been dragged off to a call or something- - Are you talking about "Daycare?" - I don't know, something else. There's a lot of shows where I'm just like this literally could have been avoided if you just like stopped yourself right from seconds like this whole problem, you know? - I don't know ma like, I'm not satisfied. - I have a good taste? - I'm not satisfied with you. - Will offer me? Will you offer me? - Just some shit. You know what I mean like- - Are you're expecting me to have shit taste? - This is like too polished. - I have good taste, what can I say? - I can I can make a better one three by three. - Go on, make my three by three for me. - Okay it would be like I said it would be, "Jojo, Baqi," - "Baqi," yes I love "Baqi" but it's not in my top nine shows. - But you talked about it so often. - Yeah, I love it but but it's I wouldn't put it higher than any of these for enjoyment in my mind. - But like it's it's okay because- - Show that I love and shows that I want to talk about, are like different I guess. But it's okay like this is like getting like it like- - I guess that we should have defined the rules more appropriately. It should be like Connor, give me the nine shows that you think about, keep you up at night. - Yeah, that's what I did. - Well you didn't tell me you said put your nine favorite shows that represent you. - What like, What I don't understand is you say that like the shows I talk about, and it shows I like I'm not the same. Why would you talk about a show if it's not your favorite? - There's some shows just like well, "Ping Pong" right? It's all of it is encaptured in the show. There's nothing more to add on but you fucking watch it. Like like it's amazing, I fucking love it and watch it. I can't improve it. - No buddy. - By talking about it. - That's the exact point right? Because you sometimes you see a good show and you like fuck me, that was a good show. - Like I'd like- - I didn't talk about it. - Yeah, yeah, but sometimes you watch a show and you're like, man, this is sticking with me. You know what I mean? This is- - Like "Ping Pong" stuck with me. - Yeah, though I'm not saying "Ping Pong" shouldn't be on this. - What shouldn't be on this? - "Hunter Hunter?" - Bro, five dude. "Hunter Hunter" through that shit move me man. (both laughing) I don't know man. - I see you talking more about "Pokey" than "Hunter Hunter." - That's because, okay let's be honest, right? - "Mob Psycho: and "Hunter Hunter," I rarely hear you talking about. - I never had talking about this at all. - Okay I talk about "One Punch" more than talk about "Mob Psycho." - Right, why did "One Punch make it there?" - Because I think "Mob Psycho" is a better show than "One Punch" man. - Well then why wouldn't you talk about "Mob Psycho" if it's a better show? - Well again, 'cause it's a better show and I feel like there's not much to say. It's fucking amazing. Like, just go watch it. - But this is like like my favorite show. - Cause "Baqi" I love "Baqi" right? Well, I have to sit there and be like, "Listen get to the point where he fucks someone and becomes extra powerful." Like I love having that conversation. Again, if you haven't seen "Baqi" there was a scene where he has sex. - It was on only one scene. - Yeah, honestly, and that one scene is enough to be like anime of the year on my mind. I'm just like, give it an award. - That's exactly what I'm fucking about. - That's a scene that's stuck with you and you can bring up and you want to bring up. So why was that not this is dope? - It's like the way that I see it, is that like, let's say Garnt wants to take me to like an event and he's like, he has to specifically tell me like Connor, don't bring up the "Baqi" sex scene to like my friends. That's the level of like, I just want to talk about it like that. It's not like it's defined my taste. For some reason, I just want to talk about that scene and how fucking weird it is. - Because like Cannon when I'm talking to you, I don't know kind of shows you would like. You look at someone's three over three and you can like recommend some shows that they would like for example. Like I knew, for example, that you would love a show like "Dota Had Dodo" you know what I mean? "Cause that that is grimy. It's grimy, it's a Chad anime. - You know what I mean? It's just Connor it just you know? - I'm just gonna say if I didn't see this three by three. And you told, no, no, and if you ask me me recommend me an anime, "Ping Pong" is the last one I would bring up. - For me? - For you. - Why? - It again it just doesn't seem like a show you would like. - What? I love that that's actually like top three five. - I can see the biggest the biggest one for me is like "Mob Psycho" and "Hunter Hunter." - Bro "Hunter Hunter" is my favorite show to the whole show. Sorry, "Hunter Hunter" is my favorite show of all time. - What about "Jojo?" - I don't really count that as a show in. - It is a show in. - But it is a show in. - It has to be categorized but there's no "Jojo" category. But that should be as far as I'm concerned, you know? - Okay that's it, then what is this "Jojo" category then? - I just, "Jojo" is like its own beast right? There's nothing you can compare "Jojo" to. - I agree with him. - I disagree. - All right, compare "Jojo" to this something right now. - "Baqi." - Fuck off. - No. - No, no. I's not the same. It's not exactly I'm not saying that both the same thing. But they give off the same kind of feeling you know what I mean? Where's just like there is some ridiculous fucking things happening and you're just having- - A summer good time? Yes, but also- - No, no, no, I'm not saying that they're on like the same level or anything. But they give off the same vibe is what I'm talking about. But the thing is they're just both fucking insane. - But the thing is- - I'd ridiculous. - Is that a bunch of 80s and 90s shown in back then had this kind of feel to it. - Yeah. - Like "Face the North Star" also has scenes where it's just like, what the fuck did I just read? - And you just recommended them that to him 'cause you think he would- - Yeah. - No, that's exactly what I'm showing in. - "Jojo" when like halfway through, is like, right let's just be gay now. I love that. - No, trust me. There's a lot of gay parts in "Fcing the North Star." - And is that really? - Oh yeah, I just thought it was like the manliest manly anime ever in existence like. - [Joey] No. - But I guess that's pretty gay and- - That is pretty. (both laughing) - That's pretty gay. - There is a thing called bara, I don't know if you're a where of it. - It's good to say the YMCA music video is pretty manly. - It's pretty manly, yeah. - But "Pinata Fish" is one of my favorite shows as well. I fucking love "Pinata Fish." - Yeah, "Pinata Fish" is great. - "Pinata Fish" is a good show. - But I was expecting that because you've talked about it before, right? You've even made a whole video on "Pinata Fish", so I expected that but. - So you're complaining that I picked good shows, is that? - Yes. - What? - Because everybody's three by three has to have at least one show where it's like, hold on a second. - Let's see if I could put a bad show that I like in my three by three. - There's got to be at least one- - You'll see the money conman. (both laughing) - What I'm saying is every three by three has to have at least one shitty show that you know is shitty, you just don't care. - Look, look. - Honestly what is it the "Walled Garden Merits" that's a shit show. - Would you put that on here? - Also you probably would. But you see what I'm making this right? We had like what like an hour to make this. I'm thinking like, boom, I'm putting my favorites on that, they're classics. - Okay, here is bit too I can word it. I understood more about you as a person from your hentai tastes, than I did for this, okay? - I mean that's very good. I feel like anyone could get my hands citation figure out. Connor recommends "Mother Knows Best" I wonder what he's into. - Yeah, that's true. I look at this and I'm like, this could be anyone's three by three. - This This was a randomly generated image. (both mumbling) This was made by an AI learning program from like the randomly generated sample from people's top like mouth less - I put in the AI, in offensive three by three. This is what came out. - There's a lot of them and like in good faith, I couldn't put on max I'm like, remember not from the show. So like, I don't know what to put on that. Like, this is a nine shows where if you like name nine shows that you'd love right away. These are the first nine I'll come around with. I'll be honest with you. - Honestly, maybe it does make sense. 'cause you think "Realm" is your fucking wife. - I thought you love "Realm." (both mumbling) - That's just like zero. That tells me zero about you as a person as well. - This is a three by three. This is the most vanilla (laughter drains speech) This is a vanilla three by three. - I'm sorry there's no gangbang operate or grape incest in here, okay? Is that what you want to see? - What I'm trying to say is I like good shows too Connor - I'm sorry that you like "Harrys Shoe, Evangelion" and "Black Lagoon" the most tow thousands like of anime in existence. - But the fact is that shows. - The good shows. - The fact is that you got something about what my fucking taste . - Yeah, you don't get it about this, I like good shit. Why is that hard to understand? - Again I look at this, this could be any one of our fans. - Well our fans have great taste I might add. - This could be like anyone of our fans who was like trying to impress us. Being like yes my favorite YouTuber, I also have good anime taste, you know what I mean? - What are you gonna do? I have good taste what are you gonna do about it? Have shit tastes is that whatever you want from me? - Yeah, I was expecting- - Listen I'm built different. - If anyone to have a shit taste, it was you. - No, no, no. Should we check out Maylene's? - Okay, so we have another one to check out, Maylene's? - We can speed on this - - Manager Jerry come on, come on the podcast man. Come on, come on, come on, come on Maylene. You gotta defend this shit, come on Mail man. Come on. - All right, as a bonus guest, we have Maylene, our manager. - The person who is managing us. - Might be a person who works for one of the biggest Japanese publishing companies. I'm proud of you Maylene. Because this is the literal opposite of Connor right here. Like you You are not fucking scared to go balls deep and show us who you really are. - Listen, I gave you one I really am Garnt. - Basic. Basic. - Maylene fucking said it, you're a fucking basic bitch man. - I have trashy tastes but I have personality. (both laughing) - I might add, vanilla is a flavor that needs to exist, and I have that. - Alright, let's go over though. So from top left to bottom right we have "Monster, From the New World, Utano Prince Sama, Jojo, Vampire Knight, Golden Kamuy, Story of Saiunkoku, Ceres and Hakuoki Shinsengumi." - [Connor] What the fuck is "Story of Saiunkoku?" What is that? - Join now, explain yourself Maylene. - Especially- - I can't explain myself. - You know what this is? This is literally I like the true crime. I like true crime but taste, isn't it? - It is, yeah. - It is. - You got "Jojo, Monster" and then you've got all the like. - I've watched all of these at least two or two, two to five times each. (crowd mumbling) - I did not influencer her, she's told the same thing with it's the shows you rewatch and the shows you just get back to. - [Garnt] Yeah because I've heard Maylene talking about "Monster, Utano Prince Sama, Jojo, Golden Kamuy, Ceres and Hakuoki." It's the bottom three that I'm curious of. - Most of my body pillows are the Hakuoki. (both laughing) (both mumbling) - Okay, okay, let me preface that I think out of all of us, Maylene owns more body pillows than the three of us put together. - How many do you own? - How many do you own? - Right now in Japan, I only- - No, no al together. Including in the US, how many do you own. - I don't know like 50. But hold on, hold on they're not all big body pillows. - That's doesn't make it any better. - It doesn't matter we weren't asking about the size. (both laughing) We are asking about the number. - And I do have that- - Hey five zero. - Five zero. 'Cause I do have like kitchen. - A new queen of degeneracy has come along man. - I even have you know the body spray to make the pillow smell like the official character. - Oh my God. - Because why not? You wanna know what they know what they smell like? (both laughing) - Do you boys honestly want me to be like this? Is this what you wanted from me? - Yeah, honestly. - Listen, you can be the weird one. This guy likes his children, he can have that. I'm very normal thank you very much. I think enough else and the other show. I got a thorough grilling on the entire episode from having normal tastes. I'm happy to have normal tastes this time. - Okay, I've heard of I've watched "Cres" actually. - That was incestuous. - Yeah, that is very incestuous. That is like "Oreimo" but with beautiful characters. - Yeah. - Yeah, I know that she's "Oreimo" gender based. - There is two incestuous anime on here, the "Vampire Night." - Yeah. - Fuck off, this building was full of fucking piano abundance, what is this? - "Vampire Night." - Yeah, "Vampire Night" is- (crowd mumbling drains speech) - This is what I'm saying. Again, I mentioned I do not know anything about the show. The only thing I know it's the only person who love that show to about to be a pedophile. So Maylene. - I'm not a pedophile - I don't know man, I don't know. - But, yeah. - I mean. - I can't myself. - How these images don't even have high res images, like they're so fucking old dude. - I will though say that I- - This was once in like Minecraft potato corner team. - That one is really trashy like- - This is like 120P. - It's really bad. - "Rutuno Print," it's not just a shitty gacha game? - No. - No, no, no. You just know that because Maylene placed the catch. - It's not a princess like "Idol Master" if they were all guys. - Yeah, so like out of everyone here Maylene, yours is the only one that has shows that I've never heard of. - What is this show Haku? - "Hakuoki Shinsengumi." - So you know the Shinsengumi? - Yeah I know the Shinsengumi. - The secret in Japan? - Yeah, yeah. - It's like you know, the shown in version. - Secret police? - Did you just say the shown in version? - Bee shown in. - No, bee shown in - Like pretty boys, sexy. You know to demand for Joshi- - For Joshi Bee. - For Joshi Bee. - Usually like a visual novel. - The bottom three is all Joshi Bee. - Yeah. - Like Ceres. - [Connor] Maylene is a fujo through and through. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Connor] Yeah, yeah. - [Joey] I mean we can see that Connor. We can see that - [Connor] She also likes a true crime. - [Garnt] Actually you know what? There's more future bait on here than actual like regular shows. - "Jojo" counts as "Bujo" so? - At the bottom three, is like all "Bujo' based. - I'm saying that out of all of this, right? Like from "The New World" which just turns out the most. Did you just put this into me like- - This guys, guys. - No, no. - I got a little bit of good taste in anime. - She's like "Hakuoki" is literally mainly saying, "Yes I'm a functioning human in society." (both laughing) I'm normal, I like normal shows. - "Monsters" pretty normal, I think. - "Monster." - "Golden Kamuy" is normal. - I like that. I am a normal human being- - NO, no but these two, I know why you like "Monster" than "Golden Kamuy" 'cause like you said, you'd like to cruise- - Motor ship man. - Also. - You could do a fucking- - Yeah, Yohunso sexy man. (both laughing) - You want to hear first guys. - Whatever. - Thank you Maylene, thank you. - Thank you very much for joining us. - Wow, that was some trash taste you could say. - I'm glad to know that the producer for "Trash Taste" has trash taste. But you know what? It was more entertaining than honest fucking if you know what taste. - The incest one. - Yeah that was a better way to- - Listen, I can't always be the fucking weirdo, like I have that most of the time. Come on, leave me alone. - What do you mean the weirdo? - I've always the one being like alright, I'm gonna say so that you guys are like what the fuck? I'm sick and tired of it. - Well, hopefully you enjoyed this episode. - Shit. - Hey, you know who doesn't have trash taste? - Connor, Connor. - No, our patrons actually. - Okay, I guess that's right. - Honestly, they must have trash taste watching us. - Fancy you know what? (both mumbling) - Y'all have trash taste. - Y'all have trash taste, you watch us. So obviously you have trash taste. - There's a reason why you enjoy the show. It's because you have trash taste. But hey, if you'd like to join us on Patreon, then make sure to go over to Also follow us on Twitter, the subreddit, and also join us on Spotify if you don't wanna see our faces. Well, you know what? What was the last time we actually did a show or an episode that was fully anime? - Fully about anime. - Fully about anime. - Good riddance if you ask me, honestly. - Like I hope you enjoyed your only Anime Trash Tastes episode for like the next six months. - We'll see you in around August. - I feel like there's not that much you can say Garnt. Like you can have a two hour discussion about the anime you like but like you can't do it every week. - Yeah, that is true, that is true. But hopefully you guys enjoyed. - This is why you're not an anime tuber. - Yeah this' why I don't watch anime. - Like I can agree with that, given the fucking list you just gave us because what the fuck do you have to say about it? Absolutely fucking nothing. That's war Connor, that's war. - I just take double juice man, what do you want from me? I just I just put good shit on. - No, I think in today's episode you took an ale. - I did not, come on. - Look, look, look. If everyone did a list like you, would be the most boring fucking episode. - Somebody has to be normal, that's me today. Okay Garnt, don't hate me for that. - Let us know what you think down in the comments below. We're looking forward to what you guys say. But yeah, hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode. And I've been Joey and with the boys. And we'll see- - We'll see you guys next time and- - Bye. - Bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 2,127,910
Rating: 4.9617987 out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: PRR7LAis7-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 3sec (8643 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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