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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YeYeiSenpai πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- You have officially two weeks left to get dripped out. - It's time to drip. (laughs) - Get your Apari merch right now using that link in the description down below. If you wanna get dripped out like us, the boys, and get your official Trash Taste/Apari merch, now is the time to do, 'cause you got two weeks left. - Look at them, look at them, stand up boys, stand up, stand up. They're actually color coordinates this week. Look at that, look at that. (laughing) - How do I look boys? - [Joey] We have the bright ones, we have the dark ones. - I actually liked, I don't wanna take it off. - You Trash Taste or Trash Taste after dark, you decide. Look how fucking cute this design is guys, and that too, and that too. - [Garnt] It's so adorable. The embroidery is super high quality. - Look, the cat sleeping is such so adorable. I remember when I first saw this, I needed to get this. - Also Apari did such a great job, because it looks like our sets. - Yeah, it actually does. - It's crazy. - One for one, it's crazy. - Last time, we had a print design, but this time we went for embroidery 'cause we want this merch to last. It costs a little bit more than our previous merch, but we want this merch to be around when you are 90. - Exactly. - So your grandma who is 90 there can stand by. (laughing) But then seriously, the merch is super high quality and it will last. So when you get it, you get it for life. You become one of the boys for life. - Exactly. - Unfortunately, the first thousand special postcards have sold out but you will still get a personalized message on your postcard when you purchase one of these. - But again, you only have two weeks left ladies and gentlemen. - Two weeks. - [Garnt] Two weeks. - So go down to the link in that description below and grab them while they last because until 2022, these will be around. But after that, it's all gone. - You better end 2021 on a high. Back to the episode. - I get it too. - So there is gonna be a couple of things in this figurine special episode that we won't be able to show on You Tube. - We will hentai figures. - Yeah, we did and-- - And more. - And a lot more. A lot more like craziest shit that you're about to see or hopefully not see. So if you would like to see the full uncensored version of this episode and support us in the process, then make sure to go over to our Patreon, Link is in the description below. But, yeah, if you're on Patreon, you can enjoy this in full. If you're on YouTube, you can still enjoy it, but just without the good feeling. - The few little things will be different. - [Joey] Just a few things might be wrong. - Overall, it's the same shit, all right. So don't leave. - You just get less pixels, that's it. - You got less pixels basic. - That's it. - But go over to, link's in the description and enjoy the episode. (upbeat music) - Boys, before we start, we have to... (can squashing) Bubbling. - A sepal. (can squashing) (shouting) - Figure Special version two is now live. (mumbling) (laughing) - So you got yourself where we can completely just not interrupt you there Connor. - Figure Special, vigor special, (laughing) figure special is happening events away. - Vigor special. - Vigor special. - Everyone's been waiting for it, it's the Figure Special version two. - That's why we're cracking open a cold one. - Let's fucking go. - 'Cause it's finally here. - A year in the making. - We had to wait more than a year because we had to wait until Akihabara opened up, people getting vaccinated, and the country letting us finally do this. - Not even a global pandemic can stop us from wasting our money on anime figures. - Well, cheers boys. - Cheers to a successful launch. - Cheers, cheers, cheers. How's it feel to be in presence of a winner? 'Cause that's gonna be me today. - Honestly, I'm here for the content. I can't wait to show you some of the stuff that I bought. (laughing) - Garnt, stop being a good sportsman for one second and talk trash, alright? - Or no, that's how you lose. Haven't you learn from the first version? - So if you don't know, there are three videos on our own respective channels where we went to Akihabara and spent $30,333 each, a total of $10,000 between the Trash Taste budget. - Which is where the Clickbait comes from. (laughing) - Don't say that. - Then I go like, "We can stretch this out to $10,000 so we can put it on the video title." - And we have various challenges at those stores that we hopefully completed and we'll talk about on this episode of the podcast. - But we have no idea what each other bought. We don't know how many challenges we've completed and yeah, today is the day where we gonna find out. - We have an idea about what the other boys did but if you wanna find out now before you watch this, then please go watch all of our videos or you can watch this first and then go and watch the videos, it kind of like watching the "Avengers: Endgame" and then watching "Ironman." - Either way, either watch all of them now, or watch all them after. I would say watch all of them before, but that's just mine. - Yeah. - But they're all up right now, and they're all down in the description, so check them out. But I guess-- - And also on our main channels, not our second channels. - Yeah, on our main channels. - So basically, we're gonna just kind of, I guess, run through the products, where as also, overarching challenges. Joey, do you have them? All of the challenges that aren't for the store that for after the store. - [Joey] They are onscreen right now. We're not gonna read them all out. - [Garnt] We have 16 of them there. - We have 16 on them but I think what some of the notable ones that we remember are like stuff like, buying a figure closest to the price of 420 and also 69 as well. - Very nice. - Of course. Of course. I'll be honest. I don't remember much of the other challenges. - I don't either, so it's going to be interesting if we are like by coincidence it's figurine. - I remember that in the first door, I completely forgot we had overarching challenges and it was only in the second store that I started to figure out. - Well, we all tried to go for the $69 one, right? - I think we all tried for the 69 and 420, yeah. - Yeah, that was interesting. - It's a lot harder than I thought it was. - Yeah, so how did you boys feel going into this challenge compared to last year's challenge? - I mean, my challenge is that I go to each store were way easier than last year, which is good. So I think I have a better chance this year. It's really up to you guys, really. I think Garnt there got some of the harder ones this year, right. - I just kept getting fucked this year, man, which is why I was like, you know what, I'm gonna go for the concert. - First time? First time. (laughs) It's how I felt last year. - And this guy got an easy road again for most part, for the most part I think. - [Joey] Of course. - I had hard challenges. I had to find a figure from an anime Jerry I had watched. D'you hard that is? I had more luck finding the needle in the haystack. (laughing) Like what do you... I had this whole store full of anime and Jerry hadn't seen a single one. - I think it was interesting though, because we went to four stores again this year. Two of them were ones that we've been to previously, which was Astop and Army Army. - Yes. - And then we had two brand new ones, which was Lashinbang and Mandarake. - Yeah. - And I think the new stores were definitely a challenge because definitely weren't used to it. - Yeah, because one, it added some spice into the mix because we didn't know what to expect so especially ending on Mandarake, it was so much risk came into what was in Mandarake, because I hadn't been to Akihabara for about a good year. - Yeah. - So I literally had no ideas what would be in any of these stores, right? - Yeah, Mandarake is truly like the needle in the Haystack store, where like you go in... It's the Don Quijote of fucking figures. - I've found the coolest stuff in Mandarake. - [Joey] Oh, yeah. - You've also gonne find a lot of stuff in Mandarake, so it's either all. So, I'm glad we had some variations to us. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Absolutely. - [Joey] Exactly. - There was a store that sold everything. Some stores, they didn't sell anything. (laughing) And some stores had a lot of lewd stuff, so that's good. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah. - But I mean, I was kind of nervous, kind of wasn't. It was weird because this time I wasn't thinking about decorating as much as I was winning. (laughing) I was like, I don't care about decorating the office, fuck that, it's all about winning. - By the way, if you're brand new to Trash Taste, the figures that you see on the backseat are the stuff that we got last year. - Yeah. - Yeah. So we only had a budget of $500 last time, and it got us all these. So we like-- - We was at six times the budget, seven times the budget, six times. - Six top of the budget. - I almost believe that the saying of constraints make the what, the what? What did you say Garnt? - I was like, I had sex, sorry. (laughs) - This man. This man is the oldest one. - That's why I tried to not say that, and instead I said, six times. (laughing) - I almost having no limitations, well, there was limitations, The money was... $3,000 is a lot. - It's more than one person will ever spend. - So I felt like having no limitation nearly on what you could spend almost made it harder, because you felt like, okay, I can buy literally anything. Like this before, it was like you see a $500 figure, there was a lot of, "I can't buy that." - [Garnt] That was my budget. - Yeah, exactly right, you can't buy it. So it almost made it more interesting. - Now, you look for them at like, the most expensive figure in the store. And you're like, okay, this is like a sizeable chunk in my budget, but I'm not gonna be dead in the water, even if I buy it. - Yeah, let's just say we didn't find a $3,300 figure that we just signed. - There was some stuff in Mandarake. - Oh, in Mandarake yes. - There was definitely like one figure would have gone our entire budget but for the most part, it definitely felt like a big difference from last year to this year, right? Because, last year, like it's a difference between like being a student and having a disposable income. That's what it felt like, man. - Just thinking about some of the fucking figures I had spent money on. - [Joey] Yeah I know. (laughing) - No, because I remember last year, I remember going to a store like Astop, I was looking at figures and like, I can't buy that, I can't buy that, I can't buy that. And now this time going into Astop, I was like, what can I buy? Let me just buy it all. - Even if it's expensive-- - [Garnt] I'll take your entire store. - Yeah, it was like, I'll take everything from here to here. And it's like a dent in my buzzer. - Trash Tastes season one versus Trash Taste season two, the peasants versus the kings. - What's next it's like who can buy out all of these stuff first. (laughing) - Yeah I actually like got to a point where we got to Mandarake, and I had trouble finishing my budget, because there was like... Mandarake had some really, really cool shit but the really, really cool shit was too expensive. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And then some of the mid-range stuff didn't even make up the budget I had left because originally-- - It was like no in-between. - Yeah, originally I thought we had $3,000 expense. And then only halfway through that I realize, oh no, the entire budget was $10,000. So technically, it's $3,233. So I had to make up $300 more, which I didn't think I had in Mandarake. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So, yeah, it was overall very interesting. - Yeah, it's very tough. - Yeah, it was a long day as well, my God. - Yeah, it was definitely a long day for sure. - It was great, it was great fun though. I really enjoyed it. - I really enjoyed it. - I really enjoyed it too. - Is it exhausting having to run around stores for hours, a little bit, but it's not nothing I haven't done before in season one. (laughing) - Exactly, I definitely felt a lot more comfortable filming this one than I did in season one. - Yeah, you seemed like you're kind of digging it more. - Yeah, I remember when we were all filming our intros, I had to get away from a Garnt because it was actually being too loud. - Garnt is `really like Morgs now. He's like, what's up guys? It's me, Gigguk. - I'm going to spent 24 hours in Lashinbang. - He's gotten too good, he should be upgraded to movies. (laughing) - The flash back to season one, Occupant Special and Garnt's like, "How do I sushi without a script?" - 'Cause I remember when we were still filming season one, you boys had finished for like a good 10 minutes filming your intros. - Yeah. - And I don't think I'd even started filming, 'cause I'm like, "Cindy, am I looking good?" - Jumps of in the hood and kind like, "What is anime? (laughing) "Anime is some..." And I'm like Garnt, Garnt. (laughing) Just talk Garnt. - The glow up, man, it was great to see. - We all did a much better job, actually. I think we also have a confident (mumbling) experience. How hope that came across in the videos. Hopefully they look better, they sound better and the energy is there. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Well then most of the time I did get distracted and I was so focused on doing the things that I forgot to actually talk to the camera all the time. I was just so intent on focusing on finding these god-damn figures, that I didn't think to present very well. I would like to hear, even though they're too long, I would like to hear all of the overarching challenges. 'Cause I forgot about them - [Joey] Oh, sure. - I think it'd be good for the viewers to know what challenges to keep in mind that might come up when you start reviewing. - So these are the ones that were separate-- - [Garnt] So tell us how much points you get from them as well. - Okay, so one point to whoever spends the closest to $3,333.33 which is the budget. One point, to whoever buys the most expensive single figure. The one with the cheapest figure however, loses one point. - [Garnt] Okay. - Figuring from the lowest rated Mal Series gets one point. - [Garnt] Okay. - The most figurines bought overall gets one point. Most spent on one series gets one point, most spent on a non-figure gets one point, most spent in one store gets one point. So there's lots of room to wiggle. - Okay. - As we said earlier, whoever spends the closest to $69 on a single figure and whoever spends closest to $420 on a single figure get one point each. - We're counting that as 6,900 Yen or 442, 000. - Yeah 442,000 Yen. Figurine from the highest rated Mal series however, loses a point. That's the normie point you lose. If anyone bought a hentai figure, that's a point because, God forbid, you're going against You Tube monetization. - I totally forgot we had that. - I totally forgot to have that too. - I've just remembered what I bought. (laughing) - [Connor] Me too. - Let's just say someone got a point for that. One point to the most figures bought from an anime original movie. - [Garnt] Okay. - So, any like Shinkai movie, Hosna movie, anything like that. Minus one point for every Funko Pop, obviously. Minus one point for every duplicate character anyone buys, and minus two points for every exact duplicate figure anyone buys. - Oh, I see. - So we made that like stakes high because it's like, we might, say for example, Garnt and I might buy an Astolfo figure. We will loose a point but does-- - Joey's a massive Astolfo fan. - Of course, but there's lots of Astolfo figures, right? With from different makers, so if it's the exact same, which I don't think will happen, honestly, from the massive budget we had, then it's two points lost. And then the final one, is if you fail to spend at least a minimum of 50,000 Yen at a store or $500, you'll lose a point. I think that was the one we were all kind of paying attention to, because I use that as like a good way to gauge the rest of my budget. - Yeah, that was to encourage us not to hoard all our money for one store. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - Yeah, and if it didn't make it clear, the how we are converting, we're gonna be saying everything in dollars but that's just basically taking the Yen price and dividing by 100. - I know that 1 Yen equals $1. It's not exactly right, but, yeah. - Yeah, that's as close as we can get. - It's the closest you can think of it. - I guess we should start with the first store then. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Lashinbang. - So the first door was Lashinbang, which is what we wanted to go to last year as well, but unfortunately we couldn't get approval one time. This year, since we knew-- - We plan ahead. - Yeah, yeah, okay, huge shout out to our Geeks +, for actually sorting this out. Last year, Mail-in sorted it out in like five days or something before we were gonna film. This time, they had a bit more time, but everything went smoothly and-- - Like three weeks or something this time. We learned our lesson. - Unlike most of the stores, a lot of the stores we went to, we got to have free reign over them without our customers which was fun as fuck. - Yeah, Lashinbang was great especially because we got to go in before the store even open. So it was two whole floors to ourselves, we were just like... - It's just like going to Legoland without anyone there, it was like amazing - Yeah, it was like fucking awesome, I loved it. - The younger means dream. - Yeah, honestly. And that you've lived out the dream finally. - I've lived this dream. - This is a natural dream, right? Like this is the shit you wake up as a kid being like, I have infinite budget to spend in this store, and I can buy anything. - And you have to buy a figure that we chose for your model store's, Connor. It's great. - Yeah, it's brilliant. - Do you guys remember what your challenges were for this store? - Yeah, I remember. - So, we each got two challenges for this one. - I remember I got fucked immediately. So, we actually knew what challenges were in Trash Tastes can. Do we have Trash Taste can? Is he... Sorry, will you... I kept calling him Trash Taste. - I kept calling him Trash Taste as well. - Trash box, trash boxes. So we actually knew the challenges this time. 'Cause we didn't know them last time, and we picked some easy challenges and some harder challenges that would be harder to complete. - You just killed trash box (mumbles) - My God, hillside. - And I started off with some of the hardest challenges. - What were your challenges Garnt? My challenge was one, find an anime figure or find a figure from a game that Connor has played. - I play little games. - Now, normally, this would be easy. We're talking about Archi Harper, famous for selling anime figures and maybe Jay RPG figures. You know, a lot of Japanese IP. (laughing) - Mostly games that Connor has not so well identified. - In every store, there's multiple games that I had played. So if you've gotten this at any store, you've been fired. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - If you pay attention (mumbles) - There was a lot of turn-- There was a lot of turn-based RPGs, a lot of story-based games that I went through. And then my second chance challenge was find the most expensive figure in the store and buy it. - Oh yeah that's right. - If these boys found the more expensive figure, then-- - You don't get the point. - Then I don't get the point. - Easy, that's right. - And when we go to your challenges Joey. - My two challenges were fairly easy. So my first one was buy a Jojo figure and make the same pose. And I mean, you know, Jojo figures are everywhere, especially when she wants, so that was an easy given. The second one, I had to kind of use my thinking cap a little bit. It was, I had to buy a figure that can beat Goku and I have to not only buy the figure, but I have to convince these two boys that this character can beat Goku. - I'm the audience. (murmurs) - I think I figured it out though. - I think I figured it out. I won't be easily impressed. In fact, I might even be argumentative, (mumbling). - Wow. t's almost like I'm on Trash Taste. - My two challenges were buy a non anime figure, which was very difficult. Which is tough in Lashinbang. - Yeah, it was 'cause a lot of the games either had anime or animations and I knew that you guys would be dick heads and that if I bought something that wasn't anime, but had some animation, you'd give me shit. And there were shorts that I thought didn't have animes that apparently are getting animes. And I thought (mumbles). And the other one, was just pick a figure blindfolded. - [Joey] Oh wow. Okay. - So I'll just spin around in one section. - So that was not tough, it's just, it could end up very badly. - [Garnt] It did end up great. - Okay. - It did not. - It didn', we will see. - Okay, we will see them. - All right guys. So like, how many figures did you guys buy in Lashinbang? - I bought... - Three, three. - All right. Same here, three. - Okay. - We started things off, like for me, Lashinbang had so many good figures, right, It had a lot of high-quality figures, and aside from Mandarake, it actually had the most expensive figures that I could find. - Which I did. - Which fucks me over, obviously.(laughs) - Well, on that note then go on. What is the most expensive figure you purchased? - We'll go. We'll go. We'll go for that last. - Okay. - So we don't know any of the figures that each other have bought. I got glimpses of one or two, but I overall, I don't know what you guys purchased, and I hope that you guys don't know what I boght. - Not gonna lie, 'cause Lashinbang so early in the morning and I was still late in the waking up process. - I don't remember half the shit I bought at Lashinbang. - For I, I bought three, so it was really easy. - For me, at Lashinbang, I spent all of my time trying to complete my challenges, right. So I like, I didn't even consider the overall challenges. I even forgot that we had overall challenges. 'Cause I was just trying to... I used up all of my time completing every all my challenges. 'Cause I remember the store was like opening up to general public and I was rushing to get my figures onto like-- - You rushing man. (laughing) Of course not funny. Malin laughed though. - Of course Malin would laugh. I remember Joey looking at me and he's like, "Oh Gigguk, you haven't got your figures yet?" And I'm just like, "No, I'm paying for them now." - 'Cause I can play my challenges in like 10 minutes. - [Garnt] Yeah, mine were pretty easy. - And the rest of the 50 minutes, I was just perusing. - Because both of them had me looking around a lot. So the second challenge, which I did second, which was after perusing around to try and find the most expensive figure was trying to find a figure from a game that Connor has played. - Well, why don't you tell the story while introducing the figure? - Yeah. Okay. - Well, which one do you think it is? - Okay, well, I'll tell the story 'cause the figure is not actually that big, right. Because I had the most expensive figure challenge, I'd try to go on a budget at this point, because it was the beginning of the day, and so I look around, I look around at what figures are available on Lashinbang. I look around,there's Final Fantasy, nope. Connor is definitely not play Final Fantasy. (mumbles) Is it really? - It does it. - [Connor] Have you played Final Fantasy VII? No, you haven't yet. - I haven't finished it. So I wouldn't count that. - When. - Wait, the remake? - No, the original. - What? - You've played the original Final Fantasy VII. - I got like 10 hours in and I quit. - What? What? - Eight years ago? (laughing) - I actually don't believe you. - How have you never mentioned this before? - 'Cause I didn't finish it. - But you've played it. - Yeah, I've played it. - You know the basic concept of it. - Yeah. - Why we never talked about this? - 'Cause I didn't really like it that much. (laughing) - Wait, so you've owned a PS one. - No, no it's on steam. - So you've played it in your adult life. - When I was like 18. (laughing) - What? - I used to go on like steam cells all the time. (laughing) - Oh my God. I was literally the first figure I saw and I-- - That was the first figure I saw. - So if you bought that out of enlightened, I didn't beat it, I didn't beat it. - But you played it. - Yeah, I played it. It doesn't say you needed to beat it. - Oh, true, (mumbles) - So like mostly I looked around on the second floor and I didn't notice that there were Arknight figures on the second floor until people had told you about it. - Oh really. - Yeah. I don't know, 'cause-- (mumbles) had such little time that I spent so much time trying to buy the most expensive figure that I just like lost all my time. So I didn't see any Arknight figures. And then I went downstairs because basically all of the second floor were like expensive gaming figures, which are just like basically fate and find a fancy, which I didn't know that you played. So that was great. - I haven't played Fate. - Yeah, I know you haven't played Fate. So I go downstairs and I don't really see much. It's again, it's mostly anime figures. And then I see a shelf and it's all persona. And I was thinking... I was say to myself, I've been trying to convince Connor to play Persona for two fucking years. And it has led up to this point and I was pissed that Conner, if you were a good friend, you would have taken my recommendation and started playing Persona 5, but no. - One time I played Persona in your house for like 15 minutes. - Does that count? - I dunno if that counts. (laughing) - I just saw Garnt be like. (shouting) - Oh shit, we did, we were very intoxicated and that's why... That's the only time I remember you guys, I mean-- - Wait, wait, wait, what can you even do in Persona 5 for 15 minutes. - Well, what happened was is that, I was watching Sidney go around some like... It looked like a digital maze or something. - A Mentos? - No, no it was one of the Dungeons. - All the way to dungeons, right. - Yeah, I was like, give me the control. I'll do it, a loss. And then I got lost too. (laughing) So it didn't really help. That's what I get 20 minutes. So technically, I have played Persona. I haven't played it much, but yeah, (mumbles) - But then the third one I saw was a Mega Man one and I've kind of never talked about Mega Man before. Have you ever heard him talk about Mega Man? I've talked about Mega Man on the show and I don't think he was like-- - He's never mentioned it, but like I saw Mega Man, and I'm just like Mega Man seems like a Connor game, you know. It's like, I could see Connor playing Mega Man format. - It is a platform, and it's a shooting platform. Like she used to speed run Cuphead, right? So it's like... - Yeah, yeah exactly but I didn't know if... Did you want a Nintendo, what is your game console history? 'Cause this made me question what your game console history was, 'cause I'm like, you haven't played Final Fantacy because you don't own a PS one. - I did a Nintendo 64-- - For the Nintendo 64. - My parents took it away 'cause they thought games were evil. - [Joey] Yeah. - I managed to convince them to get me a PS one. I broke it, then I got a PS two and I got a game cube and a week, then the next box and now PC. - Most of the mainline consoles. - Yeah, so I remember, so I didn't think Connor would be old enough to have a Super Nintendo or Nintendo. And like where else you play megabyte apart from the old school concerts, right? - Pretty much. - So have you played Mega Man? 'Cause I didn't get it. - Not like fully, I've played it at like, like friends house, for like a few, like I've never like committed to sit down and be (mumbles) - It is a very good like-- (mumurs) - I would say, no, I haven't. You asked me, I'm like... - If I got the figure now, and I'm just like Connor, it's a Mega Man figure. - I wouldn't even tell that story, I would be like no, I haven't played. (laughing) Because I wouldn't (indistinct). - 'Cause I remember Connor was like, "I'm an X-Box kid." And I'm like, "Okay, X-Box game Kibera." I'll stretch it out and say, maybe he had a X 64. (murmurs) And then Sydney came into Claude Shannon was just like gone, how can you forget literally the most successful franchise in the fucking world? - I don't know what you talking about - How can you forget the one that's literally right in front of your face? Literally the most successful franchise in the world, and it's a tiny figure, 'cause I... It's a figuritive figure, okay. - What the fuck is this? (laughing) - Is it the anime or lady? (laughing) - 220 years. - I know I got this. Not forgetting that whoever gets the least expensive figure loses the points. I might have just fucked myself over by owning a point and then losing a point. Otherwise I would've got something more expensive. - Maybe you should keep track of that. 'Cause that might very much be a contender. - Yeah. - Okay, that's fine. That's okay for you. (murmurs) - Definitely fine. - I mean, I know you've played Pokemon, we've talked about it several times and even if we'd hadn't talked about it, I could like... You could bring this to like 90% of anime fans or just people in general. They probably would have played Pokemon. - Those were like Cyberpunk, Overwatch, a bunch of other actual things. - Was there Cyberpunk? - There was Cyberpunk, yeah. - Was that the one on the first floor or second floor? - Second floor. A lot of the games were actually on the second floor. - Yeah. Also, I mean, Connor found a bunch of Apex figures at Army Army. - I saw at Army Army at Apex figures. - Congratulations on completing your first challenge. - Thank you. - You got it. - Thank you. - What a buildup. - I just wanted to tell you the entire story. - All right, well I'm gonna speed run my first one, 'cause you know, I got the points. - Does it have no story? - No story. I walk in, I turn the corner, first thing I see is a Jojo figure. - [Conner] Who is in there 'cause I... - Ooh. - Okay, young Joseph. - Young Joseph. - It's a lottery figure. - It's a lottery. It's a prize lottery figure of Joseph Joseph. - That's a nice figure. Let me see that, let me see that. - Ooh, that's good. I was going to say, I also bought Jojo figures from here and I was hoping you didn't get the same character as me. - Yeah, I hope not, otherewise, we're going to lose a point. - Who knows Joey. - But I did that, all good. Here goes Joseph. - Look at this. - Yeah, it's really cool. - Are we unboxing these stuff? - I actually want to. - Oh, we can make them. - Let me unbox this peek at you figure. (laughing) - Careful now. That's a lot of (indistinct) - These are a pain in the ass, one trip from the bulk. So now you gotta be a for like five minutes. - But at the same time, since we brought on that whole thing. - I'll open the box. - Since we got on the topic Persona 5, I'll show you my Persona 5. - [Garnt] Oh my God. - There you go. - Hell yeah, okay. - I couldn't not get this, because I for one, I mean, Perona 5 is my favorite full time. - [Garnt] We should crack this open. - You should we crack this one open? - Yeah. How much was this one though? - This was... Let me see. - So here's the question. Would you have considered buying this figure if this was last year? 'Cause this was like 82 bucks. - Yes, so the Joseph one is 8,250. It's a $82. - Yeah. - And this Persona one is $200. - Oh, okay, it's still the one. - It's still $100, it's really big box for what doesn't look like it should be this big. - Yeah, right. But this is the Persona 5. The animation Persona 1 , it was technically an anime figure. - [Garnt] Crack it open. Let's have a look at this figure box. - Let's check it out? - What's the difference between Persona 5 the animation figures and-- - It's that main character, his name is Amamiya Ren. - Oh. - Where as in the game he had no name. - Where as in the game, he's whatever name. - He's main character. - He's main character Connor. Yeah, he's Joe Cocoon. - We live in a society. (laughing) - Sorry to any audio listeners this week. - Plastic game a sepal. - Why did you get the most plastic thing on earth Joey? How many turtles are gonna die for this figure? (laughing) - All right. - Maybe you're gonna have to like help us in not being Ashley. This is gonne be the big difference between last year and this year, is that now we have a hopers. - Oh shit, (mumbles) start tearing that apart, the glasses. - [Malin] You guys wanna keep the boxes? - Not my glasses. - Yeah, we wanna keep the boxes. - Ooh. Okay. Okay. - That's a clean Joseph. - That's clean as fuck. - Yeah, right? - So was this the pose that you did outside? Oh my God. - No, no, I did I did the standard Joseph post. - Oh, okay. - It just said do a Jojo pose of that. - Do your Jojo pose, okay. I thought he said do the same Jojo pose, and I'm just like, I don't think Joey would do did pose. - I think I did this pose like every time we booked to the store. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. Is it on camera? Is it on camera? - I guess Joey... - Are you sure you wanna talk about specifics? It's not gonna come to bite you in the ass. - And those specifics will bite me I the ass. - Okay. - We're being nice Joey. - Yeah. - I would just watch your back if I were you. Okay, so this one's got like a full, like... Ooh shit, 'cause this ones go like a full chaser. - Joseph is very top heavy. He's kind of like (indistinct) where you like you ooh, he's... - Let me have a look at this Jojo everyone. Joey sets up this Persona One and this is back. Oh, this is quite the nice figure. I wonder why it's... Okay, the thing with Jojo figures is I've learned, as basically a Jojo figure expert, this fucking point, Jojo figures are weirdly expensive sometimes. I've bought some, so there's a certain line of Jojo figures. I don't think of that impressive. The visually they're not that appealing, I'd say. And some of the most expensive Jojo figures as you all see, 'cause actually bought some of the pucks off. It's weird and I don't really get it. So I guess it's strange. But this one, normally when they're like this, they're pretty good. The ones that move for some reason, are like triple the price. So if you've got like the shit of ocean of this and it moved, it'd be $200. - It's just like, hi I'm Generic main character right now. - Yeah, there you go. There's Amamiya Ren. - My brain isn't working. - Are we keeping all the figure or... - Bruh, that cost $80. (laughing) - Sorry. - [Conner] Garnt. - There we go. There we go. It's so top heavy. - He's built like a brick shit ass, he's Jospeph mother fucking joster dude. - I got to say he's-- - [Conner] He's holding glasses. - He's stand is very, very big compared to the figure. - Like the circumference of the stand is a very big. - All right hold on. - There we go. - Who did you first romance in Persona 5 Joey? I don't think I've ever talked to you about this. - Obviously the best girl, Makoto. - Hell yeah, hell yeah. Oh my God bro. - You think I'm a play say, Futaba? Get that shit out of here. - Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. - Literally, okay, and I did second, but Futaba is literally the worst girl in any Persona game. - Thank you, oh my God. I say this, and like people try to crucify me. - People who say they like Futaba in Persona 5 are the same people who would go to make cafes. It's literally the same type of person. Yeah, that's why I called you out. I'm trying to figure out where the chair goes. - Like Futaba is the type of girl who would say pagas out loud. You know what I mean? Like why would I want that in my life? (laughing) - I don't understand these jokes, but it's funny. - You should play a Persona 5 and you'll understand. - I mean, you would know, if you played Persona 5. - Yeah. - Do you want-- - The chairs in front of him. - One of my challenges or generic figure. - Which one do you wanna do first? - None of them. - None of them, why? - They're all pretty alright. - They'll pretty all right? - Okay, I'll do the Jolene first one first then. - [Connor] All right. - [Connor] Okay. - [Joey] Oh, Jolene, nice. - But look at the price. - What? It's $200 for Jolene? Why didn't you buy a $200 figure of Jolene? - I didn't wanna spend much money in the store and I wanted to figure, and I needed one that would put me over my budget... Over the 500 minimum. - Oh, this is a Sasa as well. They're usually like rather expensive. So these are... Sasa super action statues. - [Conner] That's the one. - You can use the-- - These ones are always so expensive and I don't think they look as good as the other Jojo figures. - [Joey] I don't think they do either. - I woun't lie, I think that Jonathan one is cooler than this Jolene one. I mean, I can take you out, but it doesn't--- - It's a bit of a pain in the ass. - You know what it looks like. I'm not going edit. And this is opened and it's $200. I don't know what this would cost. (murmurs) - What makes them that much price? - It's the hype of part six. - The hype of part six. I'm not entirely sure of part six. - I reckon it is-- - 'Cause you said that there were a lot of expensive Jojo figures. - These are the expensive ones. - That figure line. - Yeah, the SASA's very expensive. - The movable figure lines for some reason are quite expensive, but Jojo. Maybe a figure expert could tell me why out there. I don't really know, maybe it's more difficult to design figures that move. - It can be, yeah. There's also a lot of like movable parts as well I think, that's what it is. - But I feel like with movable figures, I feel like the static one, static ones actually look better. - Generally, I've always said this, I prefer static figures. - I do too, I do. - I don't wanna think about posing it, I despise the little pieces that you have with it, that you can't put anywhere, where do I put them. - I just thought with the SASAs, I just don't like the joints having this light expose, and then you look like... It looks like an Angelo. - It's like, whatever pose you have, you put with the movable figures. It's never going to be as cool as one like this with like a static pose. - Maybe this one's cool because Jolene, it comes with like her extended hands. - [Joey] That's kinda cool. - I haven't seen that before. So perhaps this is quite a unique one 'cause there's like, she has extended fingers here, finger close the photo. But yeah, I suppose $200 though. - It's going down. That's big spend, it's the same as this. (laughing) - Joey I know. - Like I remember I thought like when I first walked into the store, when I was doing like my most expensive figure challenge, I thought the most expensive figures was gonna going to be around $200. 'Cause that's what I could find them first. So knowing that that's $200, I think... - Yeah, what's what's your most expensive figure? - We'll get to that. - Oh my God. He's cock teasing us as always. - Of course, of course. Sure You Tube need a clickbait, right? (laughing) So this is the second figure that I bought. So this is from one of my favorite artists, Yomu. - Yomu, nice. - Yeah, Yomu. So if you didn't know, Yomu did Miru Tights and he has done the art for another anime that's coming out this season, I believe, which is a Gun Buddy. - We shouldn't have that on the screen for too long. We get the Montessori. - Oh, okay. I didn't see the copy. - Maybe send to that Mood On. Yeah. (mumbling) - [Conner] Open it up guys. - Okay, well I'm gonna keep it as static as possible. So Mood On has an easy time censoring it. - We get it. It's a very hot figure. - So let's see this out. So I didn't actually know that his characters had figures. So when I saw this-- - I've never seen that either actually. - Yeah, 'cause like I didn't... Do you count this as a hentai figure? I don't really count this as a hentai figure. I mean, Yomu is a hentai artist. - If it's not from an anime and it's inspired by like a hentai artist, I'd say-- - But he has made... - But he's made an anime, Miru Tights was an anime. - Miru Tights is anime, and I think is Ganbare Doukighan. - Yeah I think that's either. - I think that's the second one where it like focuses on office girl workers. And I think this is just-- - It only has these fetishes, put straight. - I respect it. - What I'm saying is he has amazing art. - Stop talking to us Garnt, show us the figure. - I'm trying to, okay. - This is a... This is going to be the first of many lewd figures 'cause... - You had Sydney as a camera woman. - Unfortunately having Sydney as a camera woman, I'd sometimes just wonder off and then I'd look behind me and she just wasn't there and she'd just be like filming this lewd figure, and I'm like, "Sydney, I feel so sorry for Alan, 'cause he's got to like---" - He's gonna see your-- - He's gonna send some most of this. - Oh, it's nice. - That's nice. - That's very nice. - Nut cherry is like nicer than the figure. - Holy shit. This chair's nicer than the one I have at home. - Dude I want this sofa, look at that. - Put her on. - Look at that. - I'll give it to you. That's pretty fucking hot. I like that, I like that. - That's hot, that's hot. - This next to the pingeon is the funniest thing I've ever seen. (laughs) The lewadity of man. - How lewd is this? Oh, that's not too bad. The original artist definitely (mumbles) - When I say like, he is a fucking god when it comes to drawing thighs, and tights. - It sounds like you're moving like a stone henge asked thing on the tail when you move that around. - Honestly this, yeah. - That's pretty good. - That's pretty good. - All right nice, nice. - Oh wait, you're not gonna show the most expensive? - Oh, are you gonna show that? - Oh, you want me to show it now? - Or we can go through all the ones. - Because you have Jerry, by the way. - I have two more. So one that completed the challenge and one extra one. I'll show you the one extra one 'cause I think, I mean, obviously I have to represent the greatest animated movie anime. - Oh, okay. - You gotta kinda figure from a Akira. This I think was the most expensive thing. - Well, what was that Conner? What was that? - Well, you don't like it. - No, it's fine. It's fine. (laughing) - Tissue also kit, (mumbles). - Not at all. - [Joey] You sure about that? - 'Cause I'm pretty sure I saw Connor's life flash before his eyes when Joey took that figure out. - How did you pay for this (mumbles). - This one, I paid a $2,275 for this one. - Oh yeah, I didn't say how much I paid for the Yomu figure. I paid... I paid, what is this? $120 for this. - Well, that's not bad at all. - It is pretty-- - What. - Yeah. I paid $120 for this. - That looks like a $300 figure. - Yeah, I know right. - Damn, that's really good. - I think I got a good deal on that. - Okay, I haven't actually seen the inside of this, but oh, it's one of these, right, okay. It's like the old-- - Is it like an action figure? - It's like an old school action figure. - Oh, okay. that's cool though. - Once a six. - Yeah, I saw it, 'cause like, you know, I... This was at the point where I had already bought the Joseph one and the one that can beat Goku, which I'll show after. And I was having a good time. I was like, this is the start. This is the first one, I'll peruse find something cool. And I found this and I couldn't not get it 'cause I love it Akira. Because I was going to buy some Akira figures and then I kind of realized Joey's definitely bought an Akira figure. - Not gonna lie, I completely forgot about the whole like duplicate. So I was like, you know what? - I forgot as well. - Yeah, it's worth. - Because I remember you're the only person who bought an Akira figure last challenge. - [Connor] No, no, no it was me. - No, that was Garnt. Oh, that was Connor. - Was it you? - Yeah, it was me. - Okay, I just assumed it was Joey. Where's the fucketh. - Yeah, this is the condo one, right? - Oh, was it you? - I bought this one. - Oh, okay. - This is extravagant. - It kind of looks like a Kendall, doesn't it? - It does look a little like a Kendall. - Look at that. - That is like an Akira Kendall. - That is an Akira Kendall right there. - It looks clean though. That does look clean. - Yeah. Let me pull it out. - Why don't you hand it off to them and they can assemble it. - Sure, they can assemble it. - They can assemble this. - All right, what is your next one Connor? - Well. - What is that? - You just fucking chuck that on Connor. - I don't really know. (laughing) - What do you mean you don't know. You bought it. - It's native creatives collection illustrated by he don't need to talk it though. - Why does that name sound familiar? - Well, Gi, 'cause it's a hentai figure. - So do you know what it looks like? - I do. (laughing) - Did you have a look at it? - No Garnt, because my challenge, was to open a figure, I so choose a figure blindfolded. - This is the one that you were blindfolded. - Oh, this is the one? - This is the one I chose blindfolded. - Which aisle did you go into like. - Well clearly he went to the... - Our mailing instructor, I think... Or maybe we both chose to go hentai. I'm not sure. - Yeah, look inside for it. Can I see? Can I see? - Fucking hell. (laughing) - Let me see, let me see. (laughing) All right, turn it round slowly, so move on has an easy time censoring this. - [Joey] Jesus Christ Connor. (laughing) - [Garnt] Let's go. If this is on the line, that is definitely over. - The whole thing is on show. - [Joey] Yeah, that's a full display right now. - Again, I didn't choose to get this figure. - [Joey] Can I see that? - I need a closer inspection. - Oh shit. On censor it looks weird. - [Connor] Or so it's under the desk. - That looks so weird. Did you do you know what's weird about topper? Do you know what's weird about seeing hentai figures? - It comes with an optional moaning face. - An eye here. Let's go. Did you know what was worried about hentai figures, it's the fact that the fucking coochie is on sensor. It's not pixelated as fuck - I was like, oh yeah, that's what it looks like. So how much detail was there on there? - [Connor] Way too much. - It's a lot. - [Connor] This is a Jenner. I didn't buy this for you guys to... Guys, give it back to me. - What a bottle. Oh, wait, this, you can take this off. - Is that removal? - I don't know. It looks removable. - Well, luckily there's a desk, so close. - That's a nice angle. (laughing) - That's what I'm talking about. - I don't know what this hand is doing. - [Connor] Guys. - What, sorry sorry, sorry, sorry. - Sorry, it goes on the desk. - Don't tell me hat's how that works. (laughing) - [Garnt] I don't know if that's how that was. - On the picture is on the desk. - [Garnt] Oh really? - Like this. - Oh yeah, yeah. Sorry for the... If you're on the Patreon, enjoy, if you're on You Tube, sorry that this is all blurred, but... - I'm wondering what this looks like on You Tube. Is it gonna be blurred or is it just gonna be the black box? - It's the black box. - Or is it gonna be like the white glowy thing? Mood on choose carefully. It's the white bars. - I'm taking this off now. - [Both] Yeah. - That was $200 for all. - Oh my God. So you spent two, $200 for that. Two $200 figures. - Well, I had to make sure I reached the 500 minimum. - Was there nothing he just wanted to buy out of like your own volition? - I was so focused on the challenges because I had one that I struggled with, which we'll discuss next time after we-- - Money will spent, I say. - You can this one home. - I'll take that one home, fuck it. - Garnt was your most expensive figure that you purchased. - Okay, so what was the most expensive figure that you guys? - No, no, no. - You should tell us. - You bring yours out and then if it happens to be more than the one that we found, then you get the point. - Okay, well, you know what? I'm going to go out and say it. (Connor mumbles) No, no, no, no, no, no. I know I didn't get the most expensive figure. So what was the most expensive figure that you guys saw? - Do you think- Are you saying that the Amelia one was the most expensive one that you bought? - I thought it was. - That was $700,right. - That's was $700, it's not. I found a more expensive. I actually took a photo of it, just for proof. - Get out your figure in the meantime. - Yes I will. - What the fuck Garnt? (laughing) - Garnt, that's not a figure. - Where are we gonna display that? - [Malin] Wait, you have to go through here. - So obviously, I had the most expensive figure store and to tell the story of this one as well, so my first instinct was of course to go to the hentai section, 'cause Sydney aside, sometimes the most expensive figures are the hentai ones. - They are pricing as we've just established. - Yeah, yeah, as we've just established. And I saw some for like $150, at first, I was like, oh, that's pretty expensive, $200, oh, okay, now we're getting into the territory. 250, all right. 300, okay. And then I went into the fate section. (laughing) - Where dreams die. - Because of course I did where dreams are made. - Where dreams are made by Romans go to die. - And holy shit, I found so many good figures and like some of them, and like, as you're about to see with this one I've bought, like at which point do we not call it a figure, and does it become a statue? - Bring it on out. I mean, I see it in the corner of my eye, but it's pretty fucking ridiculous. (laughing loudly) - Oh my God. - What the fuck Garnt, where are we gonna put that? - So I'm gonna kind of-- (mumbling) - Can you even see me anymore on camera? We're over here, hi. - So I found-- I've disappeared from the middle camera. So I found a few fate figures. I don't know if you could even see me right now. - I gone hang you gone, over the monolith slab in front of you. - So I found this for 500 and something bucks. - $550. - $550, and I was just like, there's no way... - Either take it off the table, or open it Garnt. - Can one of you guys open it? Someone's gonna need... I'm gonna need help cracking that boy open. - It is literally I really like a fancy action boy. - That's so cool though. - Oh, that is pretty cool. - It's actually like made of like felt. - Okay, so I found that and I'm just like, yes, I have found the most expensive figure in the store and it's a figure I want. 'Cause that-- - That's not a figure. - 'Cause that looks fucking amazing. - That's a statue. - That looks amazing, and I'm like, I want this. And then I turn the corner and I see this Emilia figure for $700 and I'm just like fuck my life. (laughing) I can't buy a $550 figure and a $730 figure at once. So I was like, the reason I almost ran out of time was because I was just sitting there with both figures next to each other, being like, do I go for the win? Do I go for the point? Or do I go for my heart? - Always the point. - And I looked at the immediate figure and I'm just like, I'm not gonna make the same mistake as Subaru. I'm gonna go, fuck the media, I'm going go for the thing that's right in front of me, and I chose the fate figure. And you know what? I don't regret a damn thing. That is actually the coolest thing I've ever seen though. - But you also wouldn't have got the point anyway, if you went to the... - Because I found one... See, I think you should have looked a little hotter than the hentai section 'cause I found this one and it's a $935. - What is that? - What? - Kind of, look at that. - It's a Hayachine from a son of Avicii, which is actually a game I've played, and it's just like a Witch Go on this very-- - That doesn't look like it's $900. But it's from a very famous hentai game and it's $935, here's the photo. - So yeah, instead I-- - You went for your heart. - I went for my heart and I'm just like-- - I respect that. - And I'm just like, so guys, like if it's like a little too big for the studio, like what are we doing for the figures? What are we doing if it's like too big for the studio? - I think there's like a place like behind the toilet-- - Like there's plenty of room in the toilet. - Yeah, there's plenty room in the toilet. - What if it's too big for the studio? - No nonesense. - Then it's just like useless. - I don't know if you see how big the studio is? It's pretty big. - We can get a little pedestal behind the back camera. - You guys are fake fans. You guys aren't-- (Malin mumbling) - I think it looks cool. Is that enough-- (mumbling) - All right, Joey, Joey, while they're still assembling this absolute unit, do you wanna get out your next thing. - My second challenge was, get a figure that could beat Goku. Okay, now I want you to think open-mindedly here. - I'm gonna think very close minded here though. - Fuck you. - Surely, what is that? So this is one of the few Lashinbang figures that didn't come in a box. It just came by itself. - You've just bought Goku. I had no, I have not. I bought super sane Goku black actually. - He bought black Goku. - I bought super sane Goku black because canonically, he does kill Goku. - Yeah, but so is half of the cast in Dragon Ball Z. - So wouldn't you say that half of the cost in Dragon Ball Z can beat Goku? - No. - He technically... He literally fought Goku and killed him. That means he beat Goku. - Wait, Goku is fighting Goku. - Yeah. So drag... Welcome to Dragon Ball Super buddy. (laughing) - So without having watch Dragon Ball Super, I know they go to like multiple universes and I'm gonna guess that this comes from one of the multiple universities. - That's right. - But the thing is right. - Super same black Goku, goes to the other universe. - Sure you answer yourself can be yourself. - It's not. This is the same black. - It's Goku, right. - No, it's still the same black Goku shoot. - What was the line again? - Don't shoot, he isn't black. (laughs) That's it. But he is. - I don't know if you get a character that can beat Goku. He's literally character that kills Goku. Is that not a character that can beat Goku. So would you say the Majin Buu is a character that can beat Goku? - Yeah, because he literally kills Goku. - Yeah, but Goku comes back and then beats Majin Buu. - Have you maybe considered that Goku maybe isn't all that strong. - What are you saying? You can't say that? - The mother fucking dies like six times. I don't think a guy who dies six times in his own show is considered so that strong. - (mumbles) So much and coming back, how does that-- - Okay, okay. But can he beat Goku now in the latest episode of Dragon Ball Super, right. Because otherwise, half of the characters, anatomy can beat like child Goku when he was a kid, just because someone can beat him at some point-- - We probably should have been more specific with the challenges in that case, huh? All right, Connor, what'd you think about this Connor? What'd you think about this? - I literally searched up characters that have killed Goku and he was the first one that came up and I literally saw perfectly the exact same form as well of when he... This is the hand that took Goku's life right here. - I think it's shit, but it's all right, you can have for that fucking point. - Thank you. - All right. - Thank you. - I don't know-- - If honestly... - Out of my kindness. - Dude, if this wasn't gonna pass, I was about to fucking quit. - Where he did it, was that the only thing you can think of? Was there like no other possibilities. - See, the problem is all the other characters in dragon ball that have killed Goku canonically just don't exist in Lashingbang. It's all Dragon Ball Super characters right now. - I thought you were going to pick like a Jojo character. Like if you would pick like, like who? Like go and experience Requiem or something like that, then that'd be like, you know what? - There's a Dragon fan out there that has an argument against that. - Rowan Kisha bay could be... - Let's say that all of that is... See, all of that is your own opinion because you guys love Jojo more than Dragon Ball. But this is canonical fact. (mumbling) - Dragon fans, what do you think, you have the final say, we're gonna give him the point now, but you have the final say in the comments section. If you say no to this then, I think you should quit being a Dragon Ball fan. - But bring on the face statue. - Bring the monolith. - Holy crap. - Oh my God. - The structural integrity of this seems questionable. - That looks amazing. - That is actually one of the coolest things I've ever seen. - Holy shit. I regret nothing. Oh my God. - I hate that It's good. - Look at that, look at that. - That's like a statue you'd win at an award. Dude, that's that's... You know what? I'mma say it. Fuck Amelia. (laughing) Fuck Emilia. - Fuck the hands off Emilia. - Fuck the hands off Emillia. - Every painting. - And how do we put this? - I don't know guys, we'll find a way. - Well, where do we put this-- - I'm just saying though. It's like perfect diamond by little area behind the toilet. - Come on, come on, come on guys come on. This doesn't deserve to go in the toilet. - Oh my God. - It'd be great to look at while I'm pissing. - This looks even better in-person than it even in pictures. - It's pretty sick. - Get this out of here. Get this out of my sight. - We're keeping them. - The fuck, it's literally blocking my camera Garnt. - Let me look at it for just abit longer. - It's taking up like a quarter of the camera. (laughing) - It's a six figure guys, it's amazing. - It's not even a figure at this point. It's a statute. - It's a statute. - And the final figure from Lashingbang. - Well, what was your challenge? - I'll tell you what my challenge. I'll tell you the story. - [Joey] Go on. - It was to buy a non-animefigure. And surprisingly very difficult 'cause I thought, okay, well, if I bought something like Overwatch, you'd be like, oh no, there's Overwatch animations, it doesn't count. There's all this nonsense and shit you guys would fucking be mean about. And then I found a Terminator figure and I thought, oh, that'd be great. It turns out there's a Terminator Coming out or something. Everything I found (mumbles) I found some Star Wars figures. I was like, oh fantastic. (murmurs) It's like they trying to make this difficult for me. They're trying to attack me. So close your eyes. (speaks off the microphone) Truly the best figure I've ever purchased. - That doesn't have an anime. - Does not have an anime? - No, it definitely doesn't. - Check this shit out. (laughing) - What? (laughing) - $200, fuck. - Where's that Fantastic Beast. - Yeah, that is Fantastic Beast. - Oh my God, I didn't even know this sold this. - Why did you sell this? - Gala Grindelwald. - Who's is that? - That doesn't sound like a real character. - [Malin] It's Johnny Depp. - It's Johnny Depp. - [Garnt] It's Johnny Depp? - [Joey] That's meant to be Johnny Depp. - $200, is the only thing I could find, and after I purchased it in the video, I found a figure that would have met the criteria for like $1. - What was it? - I can't remember what it was. It was something, I was pissed off. I buried it in my mind. What is this? This fucking movie sucked. - I haven't even seen Fantastic this year. - I haven't even seen it. - Oh look shit. - [Malin] I guess... - Why does it smell so bad? - I guess Connor, you can keep that one for yourself. - No, no no, no. You should... (laughing) Of course you want Grindelwald on the set. Who wouldn't want Grindelwald, Kellogg Grindelwald. - What does he have Okie Jasu here. - What's he gonna look he's like the fucking... - He looks like he's mid transformation into Edward Scissorhands. - So can someone explain fantastic beast to me? - It's a spinoff of the Harry Potter series, right? I'm pretty sure, it's the same universe, but it doesn't mention Hogwarts or any of its characters. - [Malin] It's the time before. - I hadn't seen it. - I enjoyed the first movie along and I was excited for the second movie. - [Joey] Did you like Gerald Grindelwald and-- - No, it was shit. And the second movie was shit. It was so bad. And I was really annoyed, 'cause I really liked the first one, and I'm pissed off. - Is he only in the second one? - He appears it like a little bit in the first round, but like only like it's a... - Lot of slots. The plots are fantastic. - Fuck off Garnt. It's complicated. - I've never known what it's got to do with Harry Potter. - It's just he's the main bad guy. - It's just in the same universe. - That's it? - Yeah. - It's in the same university, has written by J K. - Okay. - I can see, oh wow, his joints move. (laughing) - Oh, you can make him walk. - He can get on his knees. - He can get on his knees. - You know what Connor, at least it's not a Funko pop. - Yeah, exactly. You don't lose a point-- - You have to tell us. On face, on face. You spent $200 on the Persona figure. Who's buying these. - I think Johnny Depp is buying them. Cut them in business. - What I wanna know is yeah, who is buying Fantastic Beast figures? - Get this out of here. - I'm sure there are like Harry Potter or Tacos out there right. - Yeah, definitely got this out of my... - [Malin] Dumbledore's hot. - Don't say dumbledore's hot. - I did my challenge. Here's in the movies. - Yeah. And yeah, that was everything I bought in Lashinbang. - Yeah, same, how many did you buy, three? - I bought three. - I mean, I just spent three as well. - I spent $578 in Lashinbang.. - I spent 500, 8000, no, $589. - I spent $572. - Wow, we were all really close. Holy crap, this is Astop. I'll never mind. - My bad. It looks like I just spoiled myself last time. I spent $674. - All right. The next store is Astop. And this is the one that we went to last time and it was a fan favorite dare I say, 'cause it's quite visually appealing. It's really cool, raeally interesting store, tons of figures and you really do have to look. So I hope you guys spent a lot of money or bought a lot of figures. I know I bought a lot of figures. - Yeah, I think I bought like in terms of pure number, I think it's either Astop or Army Army I bought the most figures actually. - I actually didn't buy a lot. - Oh, really. First of all, what were your challenges? - I guess so my two challenges were... - Mine was one, to buy a female figure and two, to buy a lewd figure, which is great. - That's pretty easy. - So I could get two figures in one and I guess I'll start off. My figure first, I believe this is it. So I actually... This was the first time that I actually tried to be tactical about what I bought. - For once in your life. - In Lashinbang, once again, we had add Reyes like last year and this time we had like-- - Thank you for the cloth. - This time we had the faith figure way, you know what? It didn't matter. It didn't matter about the game. I just followed my heart. All right, so this was the lewd figure that I bought. So we don't get ready to sensor this 'cause I'm not sure... I can't remember how allude it is, I don't think it's hentai loot, but it is definitely lewd. Oh, and it is that girl from... I can't remember. - Oh, it's from... - No it's a boring girlfriend. - What's... - Oh, Saekano. - Saekano, that's the one. So yeah, It's that girl from Saekano. Do you want me to point this towards the camera? The reason... - There's a lot of panty. - The reasons there's a lot of panty and from one angle it's safe. - [Connor] The other is not. (laughing) - And I mean she's not putting on thighs, but she is putting on her socks. And so the reason I bought this one was because he was a female figure. It's was a lewd figure, and it was very, very close to 420. I'm not gonna reveal how much this was just because I know You Tube bought some other ones, but yeah we'll reveal those at the end, but I will say it is close to 420. So that's around-- - Damn, 420 for that? - Yeah. - Did he go into the mahogany wood? What's going on here? - That kind of stuff is pretty expensive. - That kind of stuff is pretty expensive and I'm gonna show why. I feel like I was surprised that this one costs this much. Right, because-- - It's just like weirdly popular in Japan for some reason, I don't know why. - I decided to-- I decided to go for it because I couldn't... Looking back, I couldn't find many figures that were close to the 420 mark. So I like, I saw this one, and I was like, this one's close ish, so let's just go for this one and see where it takes us. - Right, right. - Joey, which ones you were on? - So mines were, the first one was get a fist of the North Star Finger. Which is perfect because this is the North Star was like one of my favorite Manga series of all time. - You are so lucky to get this one in Astop. Because you would have found... - Any other store I would have been fucked. - If you're like, it's maybe like Astop, and maybe Manderake, Lanshinbang, and-- - Lashingbang and Army Army I would never. - Army Army no way, because we chose this one because we knew, it could be completed if the right circumstances were met. - Exactly. - But like because it's such an old series, it's rare to find any figures. - It's just rare in general to find anything physical and all-star related. But I go one, you're in shock. - Did you actually? - Yeah, it did. Not only that, I got a two for ladys and gentlemen. I got a two for one for this. - You got two for one? - I got two for one. I not only got my boy Ken, but I also got that all as well. As a combo set, look at that. - Oh my God. How much were. - These? - [Connor] Yeah. - These were, if I remember correctly, it wasn't actually that expensive this one. These were I think $148. - Together. - Together for the two. (mumbling) Yeah it's actually not bad at all. Actually I think... No, no, no, no. I think this was actually the cheapest one. I think this was $25. - [Connor] That's pretty cool. - Yeah, for a twofer. I mean, these are like kind of... I mean the one in box for-one, but it was a two for one. So you start winding up like that. - That's pretty sick. - Hell yeah boys. The boys are back in town. Let's go. - I'll just show the one that I got. - [Garnt] Yeah, go for it. - I got a pretty cool looking Joetra figure. - [Garnt] Oh, okay. - [Joey] Oh, nice. - From like the '90s OVA. - [Joey and Garnt] Oh. - I'd never really seen that. - I love the dangly bits actually. - Yeah, I've never seen a figure... - [Garnt] It looks '90s. That looks vintage. - I went for it 'cause I wanted more Jojo figures. 'Cause I think I didn't get enough last time, I wanted more on the sat and I thought this is really fucking cool, 'cause it must've been modeled after the old '90s when that came out. 'Cause like Jojo doesn't use a fucking scoff thing in the new one. - I'm so glad I didn't get any Jojo figures. 'Cause otherwise I'd be losing points left and right, right now. - I'm glad you didn't get Joseph-- - Why does it look more like Lupin. - Oh, a little bit. - A little bit. Yeah. Yeah. - I'm supposed to pick it was sick. I think it was not that much as well if I remember correctly. - The problem with Astop is that you can't actually see which ones they were. - That's right. (murmurs) - I have to remember it. - I remember this one was quite cheap. It was like 2000, 4000, no more than that, pretty good. What else you've got? - So after I got... After I've completed as many challenges as I could. I basically just... - Oh, this was a complete, one of my challenges was that many of my fingers, which is get tired from shutting in protocol easy. - I did what any guy would do and just start collecting wifers. - Very admirable, I respect that. - I got a kid now from a re zero season two. I got her school uniform one, which is-- (mumbling) Why? 'Cause the kid is cute. I'll do, she's so cute. What the fuck. - [Connor] Garnt, come on. - Of course I got to choose a refigure as I couldn't actually find many teaser. I couldn't actually find many teaser. Does this count as a Funko Pop? I just wanted to buy one, rent a girlfriend figure because I couldn't actually find many and I couldn't find many reason. I couldn't find many of Cheesery. So I don't know if there was like, if not enough had been made, these were pretty cheap. They were about in the $10 range. - Yeah, I can tell. - Yeah. And I mean, I just wanted to pump, pump the figure numbers up with some girls that hadn't been on the shelf yet. (murmurs) - Okay, I bought two other ones that want a challenge. So the first one I got was meets off on communal knowledge. - Sure, I didn't see that one. - And because one of the challenges is get a figure that is from an anime movie Original, so that's one point for me. This was actually the most expensive. This was $258. - Was it get the most anime figures from the movie Original? What was it? - [Joey] No, just one, I think. - How about we have that challenge. - Was the most part I remember. - You should double-check, I'm pretty sure it get the most. And I think there's one from an anime Original movie. - Yeah wait, it wasn't get one from-- - There was two movie challenges, all right. - Oh yeah, most figures bought from an anime Original movie. - What a (laughs) - [Connor] Oh my God. - Well I figured, it was gonna be kind of difficult to find figures of anime Original movie, because they are quite rare. I mean, the fact that this is $258 says that this is pretty rare. - Why is this so expensive? - Because I personally have never seen a (mumbles). - I've never... I didn't even know that-- - Me neither. - If we're doing anime original figures, I will pick out my other one. I got a pro figure. Oh nice. - Ooh, nice. - [Connor] Only one. - Yeah, only one. This one, I got a pretty decent price. This one was... - I thought it was quite expensive. - I saw two, one was pretty expensive and one was-- - I actually have both these Androids from a primary actually. They're really nice. - How much is this one? Oh, this one was $59. - Oh, it's not too bad. - Yeah. I feel like anime original figures are hard to find. So they're normally like pretty expensive. Alright. What did you get Conner? - I also got another Jojo figure, because this one was sick. - How many Jojo figures did you find? That one is good though. I actually saw that one. (murmurs) - I just lost the point, so did you. (laughing) - How did you get a DM or Jonathan? - No. Oh wait. No, that's Jonathan, right? - Yeah. - Oh, okay, I thank God. Okay. I got confused. I thought that was Joseph for a second. Sorry-- (murmuring) - But he's like collecting the entire Jojo costs. - So eventually he's gonna get the Joseph. - So look at that. That's we got Jonathan and Dio together. Like I just, I've never seen this one. - [Joey] That is really nice. - [Garnt] That is really nice. - I've never seen this anywhere. I love the light lightening effects on the figures. I love the light glow it's so cool. It's just... Everything about this figure sake is 150 bucks, but again, I've never seen this figure before. I thought it was really cool. And I love Jojo and everyone knows I love Jojo so I got it from the collection and it's a beautiful boy. It's a beautiful, beautiful. - Beautiful boy. - Well, this is gonna open the ninja cause it's a bit more finicky. - I mean it's... It's nice, I wouldn't say-- - You clearly know that Tucky is supposed to be here. - Yeah. - It's supposed to be-- - Get on 500 total-- - 500 total on-- - Photo now. That doesn't look worth $250. I'm not gonna lie. - The other one I bought was the one that I tried to get as close to $69 with. That was one of the challenges and it is from one of my favorite games, Akami. (shouting) - Yeah. - That is nice. - I love Akami, so cute. There's a stand for this as well. - [Garnt] We'll come to you in the end. - I'll tell you at the end when we... - Because it should be the same, right? For everyone try to buy it--- - Maybe, maybe. - I have one more. I'll have one more figure, which doesn't... - I'll go five. - Do you wanna go first? - That's all my ones except for my last challenge. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. I got a Sebastian Mikaela's pointy because it was like the closest to 69. - Okay. - Okay. I guess we'll reveal that at the end, yeah. - Pouring tea. I got a bunch of other ones too. I don't know what this is. - Oh God. Its tea. - He's going through like every part. - He's actually gonna lose points for getting all the same right. Across the road rolling one. . - I thought this was too good not to get. It looked sick on the shelf. Where does his hands go. - [Joey] To the back, isn't it? - [Garnt] Oh, I gues like that yeah. - It looks pretty cool Actually. It would look really cute on the shelf to have a road... - I feel like... - That's so cute. - I feel like Connor is just rebuilding his set from homeless. - And he's actually figured it out. I wish I had it hurts. If you guys don't want to have them on the set, I'll gladly take care of them. I thought, well, that's just so sick. Like, oh, it's so cool. - [Joey] Pretty simple. - [Garnt] It's really nice. Oh, there he goes. Look, I stay up. - Maybe he wants to ride it. He wants to ride. I got that. I got how many more fees do you have gone? - I have one more. - What she say to me? - Keep going. - I don't know the deal-- - Oh my God. - You don't know if you buy duplicates, you lose points, right. - Yeah, I know. But only one point, man. - Wait, he's got three deals. He's got three deals. - It's the same character. So it's any one duplicate, right? (murmuring) - I think it should work in even numbers. - Yeah. - So it goes like 2, 4, 6, you know? So if you buy one more-- - Factorial? - Yeah, yeah, so if you buy one more deal figure-- - You know, I bought sick figures 'cause they were sick. There was sick nasty figures and this one is like a big chunky boy. - Finds a Jojo figure. That's a sick figure. - That's a sick vigor. That's a chunky Deo, Jesus. - That looks like it's from the '90s. A lot of these have looked like that-- - That face is definitely '90s. I remember this scene from the '90s over. - And that's why I went for it because you don't often see the older OVA figures. But I feel it feel like they've got a nicer build quality in some ways. - Because like, it was Jojo wasn't mainstream. When the '90s OVA came out. (shouting) - It's so big. I just couldn't help myself. - Big boy knocked over another big boy. - That's a chunky boy. - There's just as a note, our knives, all of these are Ashley's knives. knife, Kennesaw. So I don't know why you own all of these knives. - That's a not a knife, that's a crew nader. (laughing) - So that's the Deo. I think that's pretty fucking sleek. - That's really like... - Oh, that's a really, really cool. - I think that's a really cool figure, which level degree? I hate these stands. Which one is it? Do we know? - [Joey] Just give it a base. - It's his stand. That's a Jojo reference. - Garnt, what's your final figure befor I show my final one. - All right, gentlemen, as Joey has just shown, you've heard of Goku black. (laughs) - You did not get that-- - Well, let me introduce you to... - [Connor] You did not. You did not get that figure. - Oh, you didn't get that figure. - Let me introduce you to black Goku. (laughing) - I was hoping one of you would have bought this. Does it matter? Tell me how much you it was. - It was... (laughing) How much was this? Oh my God. Those were $60. - That was 60 bucks? - 60 bucks steel wool. - What went wrong. Who made this? - I think, I think someone at the factory fucked up, clearly forgot to like paint it. (laughs) - Who's trying to sell unfinished figures. - Like somebody in the factory was like, all right, we got the model down, perfect. Now we've just got to apply paint. And then there's like alriht, it's going up tomorrow. Like the detail is really, really good, but he's just like, he's just sunburn. - What happened? - Today is sunburn. By sunburn, you mean he like ran into the sun, then yeah, probably. But like he's a chard. That is, that actually looks really cool though. - It does, it does. - Is this like a character in Dragon Ball fighters that hasn't been released yet? (laughing) - It's like a secret fighter. is the secret fighter we've been waiting for. - Final boss it's like a dark link. Right? (laughing) - I dunno. I just saw that. And I'm just like, I just need to buy this just so I can say what the fuck happened. - I mean, to be fair, that's actually really cool. - Really cool, but... - Wait, hold on do I lose a point? Because we both got to go. - I guess so-- - Great thanks, awesome. After all that convincing I tried to do and I just lose the point. All right so my second challenge at Astop was to get a figure from an anime that I have a researched on. - You got Goku black, right now. - No, no, no. (murmurs) - They both have character. - [Malin] Parallel Universe, (murmurs) - No it's not, that is the same character. - He's not the same character. This is actually the Goku that Goku black kills. - But it's the same character. They both lose. - This is what happens when you fight Goku (laughs). - You turn into black Goku. - We all lost a point. We literally all lost a point. - I actually think canonically-- (shouting) Cannonically different characters. (murmurs) Actally check this. - Yeah, check this. 'Cause that's just regular Goku. That's just painted black. - If he was like a Ruskin. If I go like the view-- - I think if you asked the viewers, they would say Goku is a Goku black-- - No, no, no. (murmurs) - You know that I'm right. - We all lose. - No, you know I'm right. - We all lose a point. - Actually what do you think? - We all lose a point. - [Malin] I guess. - No, what do you mean you guess, that there's no carrots. Not the same Garrison's name. It's Goku snack. - No, no, it's black Goku. I bought super sane Goku black. - No, no, no, no. It's Goku - He has another fucking name. He has another name. - [Connor] No, no. - Show me. - No. - It's a different character. - It's literally a different character. - Thank you fam. - Thankyou Dragon Ball Super for being stupid. - We should ask Twitter a poll. I think a picture. They'll say that it's the same character. Yeah, because you know, if the viewers watch this, they would say-- - But viewers don't know shit. If we ask them Dragonball fans, they would, agree. - Super sane Goku black. Totally different. - No, it's the same. - All right, my second challenge at Astop was to get a figure from an anime that I have recently watched. - So nothing. - See-- - So what did we count as recently. - He said three months, right? Which means that it has to be either from this season or at least last season, right? That's three months. - You could have watched an old anime, right? - I think you forget there's one very, very, very popular anime this season that has actually come out that I did actually watch, but I didn't watch it this season, I watched it quite a while ago. - Oh my God. (laughing) - That doesn't count. - That doesn't count. - That doesn't count. - Excuse me, you go into mal you look up anime of this season. I'm pretty sure Demon Slayer, McGahn, Russia actually comes out. - Watch it within the past three months. - What did you buy-- - Infact I rewatched it. - No, you haven't, have you? - No, I have no. - No you have not. Fuck off. For more reason how you rewatched it 'cause I thought it was a good movie. - No, you have not watched it. You have not. - I'm sorry. You guys said, look on Mel, and if it's from this season or last season, then accounts. - You must have watched it within the past three months. - That's not what it said. - Have you watched within the past three months? - What have you watched in the past three months? - Fucking nothing. (laughing) Obviously. That's why I picked this. It's from this season, you guys said it needed to be from at least three months. (murmurs) - We said three months. - It came out within the past three months. It came out within the past three months. I'm sorry. I saw it earlier, but it came out in the last three months. - We literally picked that challenge beforehand because we knew it would fuck you over if you got it. And you got you somehow. Got it. I'm say if I get the most expensive figure challenge, Joey, then you're going to take the L on this one. I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry. - You clearly took the L in the most expensive one. You literally said that came out within the last three months. This came out within the last three months. - We said, we never said. - Well, what is the exact wording of the challenge? - [Malin] Figure from anime that you've recently watched. - Recently watched. - If I'm an animator you've recently. - I might as well not to have eyes either because I clearly didn't watch anything in the past three months. You guys knew that, obviously, So obviously you've made the fucking rules. - It's not helpful full. - It's not my fault anime's been fucked this year, right? - Yeah. I know what anime you watched recently, Beaten the Ditch., You rewatched it. - No the movie - You rewatched Riding The Ditch, right? - That didn't come out in the last three months. - It literally doesn't say come out in the past three months. - Yeah. - It said recently, right? - Within the past three months. - That's not recent. - But you rewatched it. - Have you watched... - Okay, so hold on. What was this supposed to be? Because it said Watson in the last three months, but they, you guys brought on the bull shit rule of it needed to be, it needed to have come out in the last three months. That's what you said. - No, no, you needed to have watched it in the last three months. - No, no, no. I have video proof. - You said it needed to have come out in the last three months. - Then you provide that. - When you provide video proof-- - It's live right now is this episode-- - I don't see the video proof right now. So I guess we'll have to wait for the day. - But this came out in the last three months. - All right, - Ashley, how many contentious points do we have now? We have the Joest. We have the Goku black thing. - I think most of the points of contention. - I think we might need to wait off. Well, we might need to wait off to let the audience decide some of these points. And then we can do like the forfeit later than this. - Do you know our audience? - They're gonna do everything they can to fuck us over. - Well that's... - They're not going to give us the point. It might as well be zero points. - Look, audience. We're gonna make a poll and Reddit. And we gonna ask you-- - That's the he worst I've ever heard. That's literally the worst idea I've ever heard. That's the last place I'd go to to do a poll. - Totally gorgeous. (murmurs) (laughing) - I saw about a million-- - I saw about 17 views (mumbles.) You don't even have to take it out of the box, man. We know what he looks like. - So you don't wanna see? - No, I'm good, man. I know what it looks like. - Just whip of the knife. - Out the norm potently though, how much did you guys spend at Astop. Because you won't actually believe this 'cause this was completely coincidental. I literally spent 500 exact. - [Connor] Really? - Yeah. Look, $500 exact. - I spent... Holy shit. I spent $572. - Okay, and how much did you spend Connor? - I'm just get my Jojo. That's it. - He doesn't have a standard. - No, you're like goes on the side of a table. - Oh yeah. - I actually see the box. It says noodle stopper figure. - What does that mean? - That means you put it on, wait for it to boil. - So I spent a total of $620. - Oh, damn. - Before we move on from Astop though, I wanna hear the story about what the fuck you went through in Astop. - I lie. I forgot a figure. - Oh, nevermind. - And it's my coolest and most expensive. Do you want to carry on with that thing though? - No, no, go show your figures. - Show you figures. - Close your eyes boys. I wanna unbox it fully before I show you. - I think I know what it is. - Yeah, it's the most coolest figure on earth. - It's the one that we all saw last year. - What is it that last year? (laughing) - Is it from that one series? I haven't seen yet? - No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. - Perhaps a certain... - No. - I'm tired. - I have no idea what the fuck you talking about. - I know serious, bro. You're going to be... - I saw him pick this out. So yeah. - You did? - Yeah. I saw you pick that out. - You just have spoiled this Joey. - Yeah, so I'm just gonna... I'm just gonna open my eyes, 'cause I know what it is. (mumbles) This is one of the dumbest and yet coolest figures I've ever seen. - This is the most epic figure, I'm fuckung tired, I can't get it open. Sorry, Darn. - Really dragging this whole corner. - Drag my nuts. All right. - All right can I (mumbles). - In three, two, one. (laughing) - What the fuck. That's amazing. Where did you find this? - You didn't see this? - I didn't see that. - It was there last year as well. - It was $300. - I'd say worth. - Honestly, this is so sick. - We were in which box would that fit in? How did they display that? - It was literally like. (laughing) - Okay. - That's the box it comes in. - I love this scene and hunter, hunter. And I just, when I saw it and I knew I had the spare budget, I couldn't say no. - The only reason why I didn't buy this last year is because it was over our budget. - Yeah. - It's so sick. - I actually wish I bought it... - I ctually wish I bought more and they stopped because they were more like more cool figures that I wanted to buy, but I didn't know how much I would be spending in like the next ones. But looking back, I wish I... There was so many figures that I wish I'd bought. They would like some black lagoon figures and some cat figures. (laughing) - Yeah. The gowns figure. I really wish I bought. (mumbling) - Yeah. But I mean, like Astop's a cool store. So is Lashinbang. There was so many cool figures and Lashingbang. - They're at the same building as well. - Yeah, exactly. (laughing) - Hey careful. This was $160. - It's pretty sturdy. It's that the most expensive figure. - Oh no. This is the most. This is $300. It's like the flimsiest plastic thing I have ever bought. I'm watching it's I imagine it's just that much because of how pretty rare it is. - [Garnt] I've never seen that before. - [Joey] I've never seen that. - I don't know where you even buy it or when you get it from. - It must've been available quite a while. - Could be a collective item. - It's just the coolest thing I've ever seen. - It's so ridiculous. - I love it. I love this. (shouting) - This has a different center of gravity totally. - Honestly, it does. (laughing) - It's very top heavy. (laughing) - A little bit. Kind of feeling how dumb it would look in real life if you showed Darn, what he was going, super sad. But yeah, that was my art. This is my whole. - You got a lot of these stuff. I mean, you mostly-- - All of it was this. Mostly it was Jojo figures, right. - Mostly it's three deals in a go. - For Jojo figures, a black ball lock potluck and a... Pretty good thing. - Can it beat black Goku. - All of these can be black Goku. - I think that's still my favorite. (laughing) - That's your favorite? When we have this, Joey. Oh, Joey. How dare you Joey. - The thing is I sold this on last year. I just can't believe this one's a real. Ironically looks epic as well. I can't get over how cool that little bit. - Could you repeat that? (laughs) So we found a meme recently, which is just like, (mumbles) with the caption, could you repeat that? And it's like, you can see his Dick just half chopped off, - It's like the edge of his arm on the screen. It's the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. - That was Astop. - That was an at Astop. Moving on, I need the toilet. So before we move on to Army Army though, Joey, what was this thing about this guy buying curator figures that I've heard about? (laughing) - Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah. So when I was lining up at Astop, there was a dude in front of me. It's in my video as well, but there was a dude in front of me in like a full on businesses. It was like a proper Japanese salary man. And I overheard and I thought, I doubted myself for a second. I overheard the words Kirito and 600,000 Yen. I thought, what? - Which is $6,000. - $6,000. And I was like, excuse me back copy rigt? - Did you get a glimpse? - I leaned in closer. I think he ordered it in bulk at Astop. 'Cause I think there was just too many. And then I found out as I was... He left and as I was checking out and I talked to the dude, I was like, the guy before me, what did he buy if you don't mind me asking? And he said, oh, he bought $6,000 worth of curatory fees. - They do exist. - And I was like, oh my God, they actually exist. These types of waves exists. So he literally went into the store and said, I'll take your entire stack. - I'll take your entire stalk off the curato figures. - Who is buying $6,000 worth of curato figures. - So he was probably like in his maybe mid 30s, right. Just buying like... I think he bought like 13 or 14 Kyoto figures. Like so many that he didn't even like bother bringing them up. I think he just gave them the paper and said just send it to me. - Oh my God. - Dropped his money and then just left. - Is this like an investment? - Is this curator reseller? That's the only explanation I have for this guy. It was insane. - She's a big fan you know. - I guess so. - All right, boys what challenges did you have at Armyarmy. - So for Army aArmy, we have three challenges. - Just want to make it a little spicy. - Yeah. - And we did wanna make-- - And spend a lot of money there. - And we did. This was probably going to be the longest segment yet because we bought a lot of cigars. - My one were fairly varied. My one was get a figure that's American buy a Wall Scroll and by an Incestuous series and shout, "I love incest," while holding it. Now for the incestuous one, I'm gonna have to finish that here because I didn't have enough time to actually grab it and shout it because literally the moment I picked it up-- - Sounds really convenient to me. - The literally the moment I picked it up, the staff came over and just took it out. He was like, this one, okay. Took it out of my hand. I was like, oh. - I can't even tell him I like incest. How dare you. - I was like, wait, no, I have to say I like incest. - It's just like stage hazards. It's no one's fault, but you should have done it. - I'll be happy to take half a point for this honestly, Because I'd-- - I'd be lucky to get off of this show. - I'd like to at least get half of one' because I did buy... I did finish half the challenge, I did actually buy an incestuous figure. I just literally didn't have the time to get, say the thing. - If we're nice to you, you're saying you'll be nice to us at some point. - I have been nice to you guys, what do you mean? - I go to his bag. - Fine, you can have half the point. It's the figure then. - The figure-- - I'd shout it out on the podcast so I can judge. - What the fuck? - Ladies and gentlemen that I shout out, Air longa sensei just forgot. (clapping) Everybody, round of applause. (clapping) - Well, done and Joey Well done. I'm proud of you. Proud of you, Joey. - We go to prison. - This is the only one. I was like there has to be an Orima figure. Please let there be an Orima. This the first time I ever in my life prayed for an Orima figure, couldn't find it. So I was like, fuck, what else is incest? What else is incest? I know, I lost the incest man right here. So I ran up to God. I said, bro, if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. What's an incest show. - And I just gave him some philosophical bul shit that's I made up on the spot. - Even though I saw about 10 or Maga sensei figures along the way. - Why is it so many? - I dunno. - I dunno. I dunno, it's popular enough I guess, but... - I guess replaces lemon Sal with... - But yeah, there you go, I found myself a sucky read figure. It's actually not too bad. To be honest with you. I'm not exactly a fan of air Monga sensei, but this is actually a pretty solid. - I think you'd have the FBI knocking If you said you were. - Well, I mean, God should be used to that by now. This one was $211. - $211 for an (mumbles) - I don't know where... I didn't have like your Eagles.. Like incest Eagle vision. So this was the only one I could find. - For once, I'm okay North seeing the figure. This is like a child's play mat. What the fuck is that. - I'll bring it out, I'll bring it out. Don't worry. I think it's supposed to symbolize soggy reas like bed. - What happens in this anime, why is it children's starve. - Because she is a hentai artist. - She's a yeah... She's the and the Airman Sensei And the brother I believe is an Airman good author, right? - He is an author. - How do I remember more of ever among, since. - I dunno man. - Brochures, punted, he got like the cause bed, bro. What is that? She's not a hentai. - Basically this figure, this series is like the series from hell. - It is. - This is the series from hell. - No, what the fuck What the fuck is that? - All right and... - What the fuck. - The grand reveal. - Child's play mat. - I mean, how old is Sonia again in the show? - I have no idea. - You do not want to know. I probably normally-- Probably wouldn't illegal. - Probably we're not going to be allowed to say that. - And I'm really not allowed to say it. There's some kind of light liability on (mumbles). (laughing) I think this goes, where does this go? - Basically the series should burn in hell. And that's why I named it up so much. - I remember certain video, Giguk making a video called I love this dumpster truck or something like that. - I think it's called Aramark sensei is a masterpiece. - It's a masterpiece. (laughing) There you go. There's the masterpiece right there. I love incest. Hey guys I completed the challenge. You proud of me. - I'm proud. I'm proud of you. - Proud of me. - Take one of the figures away right now. - If you've completed, you've completed your character arc now. - I did it guys. He probably be mom. (speaking off the microphone) I'll keep this here because I still have to set it up. - But what were your guys challenge? - I mean, I guess I'll take out my first challenge. - Why don't we tell us the challenges first Garnt, so you have some reason to understand. - Well you know the first challenge. Yeah, so obviously you guys know my first challenge because we told you to buy it 'cause you guys told me to buy it. And I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm not exactly unhappy with it. honestly, because you guys are gonna get maybe by again? - Ram, Ram, Ram, maybe by Ram or Mamaco - Not Mamiko, there was one other fucking bitch. (laughing) - Whoa, the shore girl with big bird youngers. - Azaki Chan. - Azaki. - And he would have actually hurt my soul. I'm like $200 for an ezaki chan figure. It was a bunny, he was... - Mama go though. I can get behind this. I can get behind this. Oh, it's already open scar scar. - It's from this series called (in foreign language) - I can read the last line of conduit. - Yeah. So this is a... The alternate title for this is the MILFy Sekai cause that what she is. Mum with her to hit multi target attacks. I think in English. - That is one big figure. That's a thick mama, right? God damn Darn. - Where are we going to put that? That's actually really nice. This is a really nice figure. We can show bunny girl figures, right? Yeah. Yeah. Blessed plate sensei. Oh, thank you. Those are some high heels. Look at that. How do I put this in? Okay. There we go. Honestly, honestly, I'm happy with this vigor. So I got this premise and it's a goal she's going to huge dog. Huh? I would like to have one. Well, well what do you think when I, as the milk match, better than wherever the this is, I haven't even finished it. This isn't even a masterpiece. So, so Joey, so Joe, this one is still got to pay for it and take it off the queen, the queen. Okay. So Joey, when you are asking for incest anime, he could have also caught this one. Oh yeah. Because yeah, because she does, does she does do weird stuff with a song. Yeah, she does. She does watch. Yeah. So she gets in like a slime bottoms on the premise of the show. The premise of the show is a son gets easy collide with his mom. And this is the same era Monga sensei. Oh, they're not related by blood. No. They're fully related by blood came out of her. Yeah. Like he came out, he, he got birthed from her vagina. He came out of the womb and everything. She raised him and she, she turned him into a degenerate under, there are some very, very, like, I'll drink to that. There are some very sexy scenes. He's talking about episode two. I'm talking about episodes. So in episode two, I think let's just say that's the episode that made me drop the show in episode two, I believe they fight a slime monster. Right? And the slime monster has acid or slime, which corrodes everything except the body, the body. So it melts, it melts the clothes off and guests, guests who gets that slime all over her body. And guess who is on her body when the slime goes on her body? Yes, it is her son. Yep. And the sun is slime. Where does that go? I don't actually remember the scene. I don't, I believe it just goes and gets rid of her clothes. He has like, foster plenty of slime. I hope not. But yeah, that was the one episode that made me drop the shot. Otherwise amazing artwork. Yeah. One of my favorite autos. She has amazing artwork. Yeah. And they probably got one efficient for that. Yeah. I love, I have a. Yeah. I think I told her, I said I have a couple of bunny goal figures. Ah, baby. I wonder, I really hope so. Nope. Oh too thick. boy. - All right. Well that's a. - Figure. Yeah. I thought you would like this one. I do. - And that would have taught me about that slides. But. - Now that you've told me about this line, clearly. - Shard is already taken by something. - So on. It was the first figure that you bought. - Then I spent a lot of money here, so yeah. - Do the challenges first. Perfect. Bloody hell. That's a long receipt. You bet it is. - So I had one challenge which was to buy something from a movie that Jerry buy something from the animated that Joey has watched in 2021, which is a little easier than watched by when you. - Yeah. Yeah. It's not like I've seen zero this year. Unbelievably. I know. - This wasn't too difficult as last minute before we had to leave the store, I remembered that Joey in length had spoken about watching the even galleon movie. So I bought, I just bought neighbor. Oh, nice. Nice. What you're going to say. You're going to be like, oh, it's not the right type from the right. Because I know it has the movie on it. - Yeah, it is. It isn't it isn't though. No, it isn't. It isn't. That's not even close. You had so many aver options. No, actually that's you know what it is? That's not even like cannon, even Gilliam. What's even going, this is evangelical on in train form. It's even going what the? Yeah. Yeah. It's not even an Eva. It's an Eva collab with seen cardio. Which did you buy? You had so many choice of Ava. Eva. Shinkansen. You done. - Even galleon right there. No, no, no, no. Is it. - Kelly on collab with. - If it's a Joe, Joe collab with a t-shirt it's still Joe, Joe, you know what I mean? It's still even galleon. What are you on about? - I cannot, I should get the point. Yeah. That's ah, that's proper. - They also bought an even galleon gone. So you both. - Lose a point. - Yes we do. Yeah. I got, I got, I got a point and then lost it. Yeah. - No, you didn't even get a point. You lost it. You don't even you. If we're not going to count my recent enemy. Well, we're not counting this waver. - Bro. - That's a shink stone. This is that's a train train. That's a literal literal transformer. That's cute. You literally could have picked so many even galleon figures. I can pick the one. That's a train either. - None of either. I get no point and can't gets a point or can't lose a point. And I got no point. - No, wait, wait what? No, no, no, no, no. You both lose a. - Point. - I lose one point and you lose two points. Why. - Do I lose two points? No, no, actually. - No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, you lose a point and God doesn't or it's both of you lose a point. - No. So yeah. And you don't get why I get the point. I also then lose that point and got loses one. - Yeah. He doesn't get a point and he also loses the point. - I'm happy. I'm content with making gone loser point. - I will give you the point. If you can, if you can say that, I get the point for the Kevin's on the iPhone. - It's the exact same day he gave you the half a point for the. - Cause the exact same vein. No it's no, I'm sorry. I don't remember watching shin Cutty on in 2021. - Boston about watching shin Kelly on it's about getting one. - From. I need to remember that being in four point. Oh, I'm sorry. - Figure series. It literally says it on the book. - At least I to no corner. Why did you choose that figure? There was so many evil figures. - There because all of them look so boring. What about. - The BNA? One that you said you were going to buy? - Yeah, I found out that because we literally. - Did a video this year on the Netflix. - And then I went to my calendar and we actually filmed that in like December. Oh really? Sorry. So can't lose this one point and I get nothing. So I lost the point I gained. - Now we both know you both lose a point a point. - Yeah. And then I get the point. Forget you don't get the point. I only lose the point if I get the point. Cause you'd have to admit that it's an Eva for me to lose the point to begin with. So what I'm saying is if you would. - That means it's either you'd lose no points or you lose two points. No. - It's either I lose no points or can't gets a point. - No, I don't get any point. It doesn't get any points. I just don't. - Lose a point. Then I get a point losing the point. If you, if you admit that you lose a point, you're admitting this isn't even gallium. - This isn't, this isn't okay. You know what? You know what? I'd rather, I'd rather not admit that that's Neven galleon. Then admit that we got the same figure. So well, I'll tell you what. Yeah. So Gordon doesn't lose any points and you don't lose any points. How's that? - We're exactly where we started. So. - So both of you have zero. - This isn't even gallium. It literally says it on the. - Box. I did not watch Evangelian with a Shinkansen reboot. I did. - I don't know what you, Jerry, I watched the English dub where they had this in it. I. - Look, look over there. - We lead the way. - Do you remember that scene in full point? Oh, when they bust out the evening mean, you can't say, look, we literally in Ava three when I plus one got introduced to Avon, Galyon, infinity, but even in the infinite possibilities, I don't think that was one of. - Them. This is one of the infinite possibilities. - I don't think even infinity can take account of whatever the that is. I don't think so. - Is that why you acting so smug smuggling? - No, I'm acting so smart because I know that's not evangelic. That clearly says shin Cardi on, on the side of the bag. I can read it's even. - Galleon. What the is. - This? That's the T field. - From even galleon, right? No, I'll bring it. - Bringing the attention away from this pound for a moment. This is habitually. Oh my God. - Holy. Why are you buying figures? They don't fit in the shelf. That's so none of these figures fit in the shelf. God. - I went with my heart. Okay. I grew up with my heart. This just looks like a cool figure. Look at this. Why are. - We going to put this back in the. - Toilet? Right? There's just going to be a, there's just going to be a toilet shrine with all the. - I'm trying to be the and actually think about all set for a moment. - Yeah. See this one fits perfectly on the set. That's not going. - On the Fits perfectly on the monetize. Every episode. - Yeah. In the meantime, let me show you. Oh wait. Oh, you got. - Well, my name, you got an eight for me. - I don't give a about you guys. When you buy an apex legend one. This is my. - Main cause is that to. - Do a challenge? No. - He just wanted it. I just want a Pathfinder. He's my main. - I got, I got the perfect one. If we're, if we're talking meme games. Okay. I got the perfect one right here. Right? And what are your eyes? - I saw some little girls. Why don't you buy this? I got the. - I got the full box set. sake. I couldn't not buy this. This is absolutely amazing. No. - You did. - Gone. Wait, did you buy the same thing? - Oh no. Alright. - Joey, Joey, what did you buy? Exactly. I bought wait. - Oh. - Oh, the buildable action figure among us five to collect five. Alright. So one of my, one of my challenges was of course to get a plushy and I had plenty options to find, I love character plus shoes. I then hidden right in the corner, Joey and right in the corner was the. - Yeah. You might lose a point. Yay. - You know what worth it for the humongous, you know? You know what though? You know though, I didn't want to stop there. Cause the plushy, Mora, Magus, the plush. He needed a friend. Okay. The mushy. Okay. Look, I know the challenge was just to buy one character plushy, but I felt like, you know, you can't, you can't play among us with just one, just one person. Okay? Okay. The character needs a friend. Steve let's go boys. Steve. We're signing our own smash bros right here. All right. Well I'm listen. Smash when I couldn't knock. It was too perfect. What is this? So these are like buildable, I guess like, like lucky bought boxes for. Can we get the boxes off the table? Luckily, none of these are the red as we read them all. So does it count? Is it the same character? I don't know. Does it count? Cause none of them are really. - Well. Let's open them up and find out who is from the same series. None of these are red though. He's from the same. - Series, but you've bought how many series from Joe Jones. - Only one set of duplicates. - Yeah. But that was only one set. Right? Because he was deal. So, so you, so if I'm county, this is one. - Yeah. Yeah. So you guys, you got the among the sky. That's literally a character. - I got, I got the red among us. They're not different than Fred. There's a light on this. The purple, the green, the black, the white and the Gregg. - They'll all the same catalog. Look ledgers, different costumes. - Hello. W when you're voting for someone to get off, right? Do it's the same. It's a different costume. It's the same character. - Yeah. We've already established. We both lose a point and I get a point. Cause it's Ava. - No, no, no, no, no, no. We've established that. We both don't lose a point. - Yeah. - No, he has not bought a red among us carrots. So you can see box. - They are the same. - Character. You vote someone after you go through your mother's character, you say red is SaaS corner. You don't go. - What's the name? It's red. It's. - Red. He's a crook. It's a red crewmate it's a fresh. - Yeah. And that's a, crewmate Fred. It's a red crew mate. But at the same time as a green car, that Logi Joey's probably bought like 15 duplicates because. - I'm county. This is one. Cause it came in one box. - Well, if you open them all up, how many characters are there? Five you have, I'm sorry. You have five duplicates because this is one. All right. Well you can either take the five minus points or you can take the one minus points here that. - It does not work like that. It does. No, no, no. - No, no, no, no, no. And you're even trying to argue. - I am going to argue this till the day I die. There was a red among us character. I will happily take the L I agree. If there was a red Amanda's character, I'd be like, Joey, we got the same guy. Cause. - I literally. - I literally tried, like I literally like predicted maybe one of these characters, maybe one of these guys wore by and among us character. Right. So I was like, so I was like, ah, which I actually had to pick one that I thought the guys wouldn't actually buy. So I picked red. - I think there's no real. It sucks that you both got the crew mates. So it doesn't matter. Now you both have support in the end. - There isn't. - A point off of them birth. - What do you think your most? - Definitely. - This under the contention. - Contention. Ashley. Isn't this the stupidest honor. - Your honor. I object. - You can't. You will look like clouds on the video. - Emergency meeting. Just see meeting. I would like to talk. - You really can't believe this is what you're trying to argue for. You both lose one point. Oh my God. There's no doubt. - I actually bought a B stars figure because I wanted to take it away from corner just in case it as well. Hell yeah, no, no, no. Not now. Like in my, in my personal life, don't tell me that. You're like, oh, that's the one I've always walked. I pre-ordered this before he came out. Cause I was looking around and I'm just like, well, I've got all my points. Let's try it. Let's try to. So you know it anyway. It didn't matter in the house. It's such a nice figure as well. It is. Did you even watch the stars this year though? Yes. Season two. I did. Okay. So. - You take one point off of them. Ashley. - Is on the contention. We, we we're, we're having points on the contention this year, the. - Take it off with them. - It's under contention. - This is not under, under what? The court of the clowns. What the you want to do? The court. - Of the law, the court court of among the quarter of the sauce. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But if we're going far by among us laws, then the majority wins, right? It's by majority, majority vote. So therefore therefore you would have. - If you're posting agreement, you can't just both keep making up rules and then say we have the majority it's literally. - We did an emergency meeting. We voted and we voted that your opinion was. - Because you're in the same game, the same figure and the same characters. So they both. - Colorblind. - The same character. - There is not none of these look like this character. - They literally look the exact same. They're literally the same character. I call it. - The same. How can like six of. - Them go around at the same time costumes gone? Because why? Because they're all the same character. - The different characters, Jonah. - Oh, yes. They'll live. That is looks pretty. The point of the thing is that you can change color because there is no distinction between them because they are the same character. - And what if, what if this guy's name is Gary and this guy's name is Greg. It's not, oh, how do we know? Have you, have you looked into. - Among us at all? Any names? They're all the same character. - So every fat, so all among us characters, I just clones of each other. I like to hear opinions among his fans. Anyone who's knows anything about among us little, I think can back us up that a, these are all different characters. - We literally. - Can. We bring up the. - Developers? We're going to find out who's. - One. All right. Bring out the what else is in my box? What else am I going? I'm just going to keep rolling. Yeah. So the other challenge I had was to buy a wall scroll. So I just bought a even need to see it. No. Okay. No one cares. No one has, ah, I mean like my challenges were too. I mean, one of them was this and one of them was that. So that's both of my challenges. Cause the next challenge was to a squat. Anytime I saw zero figure and I really regret not going to the gym because my God that burnt the next day. I'm not even joking. Right. Cause now that I've moved into a house with stairs, just going up to my bedroom hurts. So I'm just like, I just, after that, I just bought figures that I liked, oh, I want it to get that as county figure. I want it to get that so bad just because I never seen her fully, fully, fully, fully represent. Boy, I have a red candy at home, actually. Hell yeah. I mean is still making fully Coley figures. Is this new? I think this is from the second hand on the second one. The second answer, right? Yes. Literally says 1990. No, no. That's when it came out. Oh yeah. So that's that nice. Ashley, can you get me the lamp? - That was just something that I was. - Going to buy. So I kind of saw me reaching out for this. I thought it was too cool. Not to get, I want it to get this full myself for the longest time, but I got a majority. It's not a failure, but I thought it looked cool in the studio. It's a Majora's mosque painted light up statue. Yeah. Sydney actually went back to army army and bought this like two days after. It's pretty sick. It is not really good. That looks, that would look amazing. Oh yeah. Good idea. So. - A bunch of from anime movies just to win this prize. Oh. - Ton of stuff. - 5,000 Of them that I get that dog. - Oh wow. It's old Jubilee too. Yeah. I don't know why. I didn't think of Jubilee. I remember the challenge of animate only movies. And I was like, oh man, how many hosts soda on it? No, because I was just like Cinco figures. I was like, pre-med, that's a that's anatomy only Kira. Jerry's. - Going to buy it. Cause it was the most animated figures. - Yeah. I thought I got mistaken. I thought it was the most expensive. - So I bought six from. - Ghibli. If you go, you've got that point at that point. But do you have a majority of Moss lamp? I don't think so, but I have a. - I believe this is sick though. Like you can actually put food in it and it will like chomp it and spit it out. - What do you need that for? I don't. - Know. I just thought it was, it was cool. I have no face figure that can chomp and spit you out. Fair enough. - Yeah. I guess my car fire from hell. That's cute. Calcify Monday. My next pickup. Yeah. Yeah. You can see, you can hear, you can hear it nappy cheering because is it all killer? It's the only thing that gets Navy excited. It's all stuff. Okay. It's okay to alter. - The. Is this, what is this? - Okay, so we have the best looking fate. You wrote for a character and you are, unfortunately it was from fate To alter those, the best character from falling asleep. This, this is like in terms of like her ranking in terms of gameplay, it's like, it's not the best, but in terms of design, holy. This is one of my favorite designs. And I agree. And if you bought this, you would've got a point, Joey, because I don't own her. I tried, tried rolling for her. Did not get her. Well, that's what we'll find out about that lady that was in Monterey. I was in Mandara. Yeah. And that's, and that's why, you know, if you can't, if sometimes you roll for a Gacha and you don't get it, so sometimes you go out your way and you own them physically. And that's, that's what I did. Okay. Okay. So my biggest challenge at army army was to get a figure of a character that is American. Okay. Now I had to double check here, right? It didn't say anime character. It just said character. Right? Because admittedly, there isn't a whole lot of American anime characters, right? A few that guy from Yu-Gi-Oh there's a few, but definitely not famous enough to make a figure out of. Right. But luckily I checked with the staff and I said, okay, it doesn't necessarily have to be enemy. It doesn't say needs to be animated. So as long as it's an American and you guys have no problems with it being an American, then I thought it was okay. Right. So I got probably one of the most American people ever. LeBron James. - LeBron, James. - American, you can't argue. It's a figure. I'll give you that. I'll give you that. I'll give you that two represents. We have a LeBron James speaker in the studio applause later. Well, if LeBron James can appear in space, sham, he can appear on trash tastes. Okay. Clean anime character. He was in space. But I thought, I, cause like I. - Said, like movable. - You can make him dunk. You can make him do the finger thing as well. It's great. I love this. It's pretty cool. I'm going to take him out actually. Yeah. Do you have any more figures? Kona? Oh. - Yeah. A few. - Four, four walls. Do you want to? I think I only have one more. Right? I think I only have one more. I don't have a few more, but do you want to take some more out? Really? Thanks. Awesome. Awesome. You know what? You know what guys? I was this close to buying one. Well, I was this close. - No, at least the reason I asked what your price was. It sounds like, at least let me be mine cheaper. And it was cheaper. So you overpaid by 20 bucks. - That's all right. I'm going to take one of these. All right. Two points off, I guess. Cause we're already at 2.2 points off. You want to. - See it? - Good man. I'm good guys. We can have one in both show. We'll have one in each corner. - So one of my challenges is to buy a male character. And this was it. Why? - That one? You couldn't go for any other male. - Character. There's a reason why I chose because I also bought something else to go along with it. - Okay. Oh, you bought the motor bike. Oh, you bought the motorbike. I'm so glad you bought that because I saw it and I was like, I don't know because it's not going to give me any points or anything, but oh, there's altar. Oh, look at that. Okta, Alta dude. God down. Oh, it is easily the best looking fake character. I'm sad now that I don't own her, this, this is, this is making me sad. I now know that you don't own. - So this is the bike and yeah, it's a big box. I bought this because I, while I was going to buy this, cause it was $600. And I thought at the time I'm I'm, I'm like, I was very confident the time that it was the most expensive figure. I don't know if you guys bought another one. I still, you know, from all the stores so far, I think it is. I think so far. Yeah. So the reason why I bought the other figure was to try and secure the challenge of spending the most on one series. - Yeah. How much, how much was this bike? $600. Oh my God. It's like a whole mix. It's like a foreign operation. Oh my God. Look at that. This is not a podcast episode anymore. This is just an unboxing episode. Like how we've just made a glorified on boxing episode. I know audio liens are going to be so confused if you're, if you've come this far. Oh, oh so cool. Yo, I can only get so rank dark. Holy. That's amazing. Oh, it moves. Holy. That is so cool. I hope you can yeah. I'm sorry, Canada. I hope, I hope you can put Canada on that. God. That looks good. That is so cool. Again. That's not that, that supersedes a figure. I think that's, that's just a statue. I really hope you can get him to sit on it. - So the main reason I wanted to get it was because I was near certain that yeah, it did indeed or. - War. I mean, that's impressive. But look at my boy, little more clean. Look at that physique. That perfect physique. Look at that. Look at that. That's so cool. - So I wonder why it doesn't really stand up very well. I. - Think even in the movie it kind of leans when it stands. Yeah. I think, I think it needs to stand on the side. The boys. - Yeah. And the set though, I thought that would look sick behind us having, you know, a one to six scale of the bike. I just thought you can't say no to that. - You know what battle is? Just merely it looks amazing. Worth wasting two points for so yeah. I agree. You know what? I ain't even mad. I lost two points. Cause we got that. We got that in the set. - Right, right. Isn't this sick. Right. - All right. You move away for LeBron. James say he's like, hi it me, LeBron. I got home. I got it. I got on my show. Contently figure because of course I did. I didn't know if they started making them already, but apparently they did. Oh nice. I would have preferred Roxy. A gray rat. Yes. Her name is gray rat. Like. - Some light iron mouse copyrights. - Honestly you look at that. Look at the design. I can't believe I am mouse copied from, I can't believe we showed you 10 say ripped off iron man. I can't believe you mouse. Yeah. This is the last member of V show Joe. Apparently it is gray, right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I mean, I think, I think we show good tenancy is far and beyond the best Easter I've ever seen. So I just, I just wanted, I just wanted some presentation. Yeah. Some representative for the ISA guys. I started watching. Has it actually. Yeah. Yeah. This looks so good. I finished season one the other day when I talked about this. It's awesome. I love it. It's such a good. - Show. Sorry boys. I was pretty distracted, but it move. - That's so cool. Yeah. That's the noise and mace. Well, he needs the gun with that. Yeah, he does. There's a gun. - And he's the big off gun without we don't need the gun right now. It's fine. Yeah. Yeah. Common leave. We bought the exact same figure. We post last two points. - I I'm not, I, you know what? The bike, I'm not even mad. I'm not even mad. Cause he got the bike. - I committed. I committed. - Jerry that's all right. I'm taking, they got the Tinder, right? Pout down. Look at that. Look at that. It's it's it's the small details, man. It's the small details. It's all about the simple thing. - All right. Sharp. Your, figure it out. Huh? Show it off. I'm stop taking nine years to inbox it. I'm sorry. - Corner. I'm sorry. - Rip it. Open. Rip and tear. - I thought you didn't. - Do that with your figures. He's got Google. He's got Google maps on the bike. Yo let's go. - Google maps, bro. What the? Yo, that we're thinking ahead. - Do the detail is insane. Yeah know. - It is like model car level. - But the light turns as well. - That's so cool. Does the light turn on? - I dunno. I don't think so. Nice. - That's not bad. Yeah. Very clean. Oh. We have to actually build it. Okay. We probably can't do it now. We got that. - Yeah. It's cut. The mind comes on. I'll just show the camera. Show. The camera just comes with a bunch of different customizations to the back so we can. - Build that on streaming. - Yeah. Okay. Do you want to take this away? I'll just leave this on here. - I still have one more figure by the way. And it's the biggest one I have. - I said that one. That one. - Right there. Do you want to, we don't have to unbox it. I've done boxes. Just put the box on the thing, Joe. I didn't know you are a Hudson name. Yuku fan. What can I say? I like anime. We've gotten to the point where the figures we've bought. We buy are so big that it's actually blocking us. Yeah. So I'm not going to unbox this, but this is the Memorial dress, Hudson and MICU motion for wall. For the anniversary. - Was it a memorial? - [Malin] For every Nico Nico Chokaigi. - For every Nico Nico Chokaigi there's a... Nico comes with a new dress. - There's the box. - That one is also the one that is closest to 420 for me. - Okay, we'll-- - Funny enough, one of the things I have left is the closest to for 420 for me. - [Joey] Nice. - [Garnt] Okay. All right. - I don't know what the fuck this is. It to happened to be so close to 420. - [Joey] What the fuck is that? - We've got two bikes. (laughs) - No fuck off. - We can put the other one, kind of on this one. (laughs) Thank God. - I do not know what this is. - This is mega zone in two, three. - I don't know what that is. - I'm guessing it's like a super obscure. - It's probably a super old meka. Will I get destroyed for calling this a transformer? 'Cause it kind of looks like a transformer. - So I'm guessing this is some very OG show. - It's a Garlin like a different character from a different show. - It's fancy right? - I'm guessing it's rare or something 'cause it's $420. - I think just looking at the font of the show name, It looks like an old show. - Where did you find this? - In like the Mac section of ArmiArmi. - Oh, okay. - But like that's what it looks like. - So I guess, yeah. I don't wanna be here all day opening for you guys. So yeah, we'll just take that off stream now. That's my closest. I have one more. How many do you have left? - I'm done. - Do you wanna go first? (mumbles) - Okay. So, oh you go first 'cause this one's a hentai figure. - My last challenge was something from anime that the boys haven't watched. And what better than an anime that isn't even out yet 'cause there's no possible way you could have watched it. - [Both] Oh. - Nice. - I was running around the store and I thought there's a few option. - How can (mumbles) - It's been announced. - Announced. - Yeah. - And you haven't watched it. - We haven't watched it. No one's seen it. - Nobody's seen it except for the people working on it. So I thought perfect, and you know me and Jerry like Akina. (murmurs) I don't play it anymore. - You didn't get the chin one though. - See, I went for the more expensive one, but this one was, I know you liked it. - I liked Shane more than Army. - Well, why is the four-star? - No, she is. - She's literally the first unit you get. She's just kind of repeat though. - She's literally the default unit, doesn't even know how to open. - Her final is E2 is like OPS shit. I'm sorry if you don't play Arknigts. - Yeah, well, so this is the main character from Arknights. I'm guessing she'll be in the anime as well. - I think she'll be the main goal in the anime. That's so nice though. 'Cause I have... I seen the Ninroids of Armia. - I don't like the Androids, but I really liked the Ninroid for Amia but like a full figure into that. I actually might go and buy this. It's actually so nice. If there's one thing Arknights does absolutely amazingly, it's character design. I think there is no better game that I can do better character design. And the day is so cool. Like I've been looking, I've been eyeing up some Arknight figures that haven't been released yet. Like the Freight one that's coming out, It looks amazing as well. It's coming out next year. - I remember it being super P. She's still over here. - [Joey] She's still OP. - That's that's the Auckland. - Actually, so cool. I love that. - Omira so cute, dude. - Yeah. Well that's that was 150 bucks. Nice. Ah, I thought, it's completely a challenge and it's a pretty good figure. - But what was your challenge to get? Oh yeah, we haven't seen. - We haven't seen, I. - Haven't yet scenes in the game. the PV counter to the advertisements count. - That's all right. I've watched dune. I saw the trailer a good movie. - I see the advertisements on the train all the time. - Yeah, there you go. I thought was a cool thing. - No complaints. That's a nice We're at a point for me. Yeah. So I've got one more figure. And of course, I mean, I mean he has like a really good selection of hinted lewd figures, right? Yes. So I wanted to get a hentai figure. I figure, I found the weirdest hentai figure I've ever seen. Okay. Bet. Okay. So, so on the front it looks like a normal hint I figure. Right. But the figure is just a nice. - I'm gonna have to blow that. - It's literally just, this is like the, this is like the way they get sucked into a wall in the wall. You only get half the figures. It's just the ass whole. - How are we going to display? - Oh my. - It's amazing. But we could show it God. How much? - Oh God. It comes with, it comes with, it comes with an art book. - The, the history of Ooh. All right. - Luckily I have these emojis. Things are covering me, but Alexa know it's it's actually quite wholesome. Yeah. See this. Maybe not. I'm going to, I'm going to have to, I'm going to have to. - All of that box for that. Wait. - For that. Okay. This article is actually quite wholesome. It's like some, there's like some nice artwork in here. What's the point of the whole book. I think it's the artwork done by the same guy. Maybe who designed this figure or design this character that the figure is based off of. I mean the cover is like, wow. - Yeah, we can't show that. - The back of the book. I guess I was fine, but yeah, the front is wow. - Okay. Ganz. Ava. Whoa. How much was that? Ava again gone. - Oh, it's getting gasoline in. Totally shill. Look at that. Ava. It's getting. - Filled up here. I've got room on my place. - I can't, I don't know which one do you ever is? I bought is so cool. Or maybe don't hold it like that. Yeah. - That's the. - It's getting filled up. Yeah. Oh. - Bro. That's pretty sad. - That's actually so sick. All right. Enough about the Ava. Say you say. - That actually. I love this. Why? Why would you want that? Just, you know. - It's just dumb. Wait, is there like a wall attachment? You can tell. I think he can put it on like your phone. - Okay. Now that's Before, before I decide how good it is. - This was, I believe $130. I would, I would, I would, I happily would buy that. - If it was over 150, I'd have been like. - That is one of the best things I've ever seen in my life. - All right. How much did you spend in Miami total? - I spent an army army $1,017 gone. How. - Much did you spend? - $10201. - I spend a total of $1,580. Holy crap. At Amie Amie. Jesus. - Holy. Well, mostly it was on that right. - There was like $800 on a. - So yeah. And you lost two points for it. - But it was worth it. Cause I was thinking the bike is probably going to be the most visibly, like striking on the other thing, because none of this can fit on the desk or there You can fit this thing called we can't show that. - It's so funny. This catalog. - All right, well that's Amie Amie. Let's go to the next store. - All right. But last and certainly not least is the final store monarchy. It was brand new. I think we tried to go to monarchy last year. We just didn't have enough time to again, this year we finally got it. It is an absolute smorgasbord of just random August smorgasbord of random in there. Yeah. I'm really excited to go to monarchy. Cause like we always, when we go to Akihabara or anywhere a monarchy is we always gotta hit up that store because it's literally a lottery. Cause you never know what you can find. You can find some of the coolest and then sometimes you go on the you go there and you find some of the dumbest. Right? So it was like, how did you guys feel going into Monda? Rocky? Do you feel like you had enough budget? I had more than enough budget. In fact I had to make sure I got as close to 3, 3, 3, 3 as possible in monarchy, which is like impossible. Yeah. - I have like 500 bucks left. Yeah. Oh really? Yeah. I had like nothing left. I had like 500 bucks just to meet the criteria. You did spend a ton. It, I had to go to actually take stuff out. I was able to spend $500 at Andrae. Oh. Okay. I still want to get quite a lot of things. Yeah. - Let's go. What was it? So we had one challenge for Mondo. - Mine was to buy a figure from a show that. - Mine was to buy a fate figure that God hasn't pulled for or doesn't have in FGM. Joe's got mine was to ask the store clerk for a recommendation. Yeah. I'm just gonna lose a point right away. - How many. - Do you have? I'm not going to lie. I totally forgot that we were doing duplicate characters. I thought it was only duplicate figures. - No, no, no. That's extra extra. We've learned the hard way about duplicate characters out. How many points have you. - Lost? I lost two points now to do that. - Because he has full deals. Now he bought three yet at a stop. Does the Don this is Don Jonathan one count. Yeah. - I mean it's it's it's like a duo. - No, no, no, no, no. Dio is there. XEO is clearly there. It's not like the spirit of. - That's the total of two points. Cause my Dio buying obsession because you'll love the deal. Well, the reason I actually bought this one was because I wanted to get as close as possible to the number. And this was one of them that I chose. Again. I totally forgot about the, the duplicate, the duplicate thing. I ended up buying this, but I mean, there's a lot to keep track of, but I also got very, very close to the 3,333. - Nice. All right. So my one was that I had to buy a FGO character that God doesn't have on FGO. Now I'm not gonna lie. It's been way too long since I played or myself. So tell me your thought thought process and this cause like the whole process was okay. I knew all of the basic characters that you get at FGR but the ones that are just like can't rotate. So those were obviously out of the window, I thought, all right. I talked about it with NABI, my camera man. Who's like an FGO expert and we basically made it. Yeah, we, we, we basically like did a hypothesis on what might he not have? I feel like you were really lucky getting NABI as a camera man. Cause if Connor got here, yeah, he would've been, he would've just had to pick the fake character. So I had the choice because I wanted to get as close to 3, 3, 3, 3 as possible. I had the choice to either buy a shitload off Phaeton Androids and just hope. Just hope that you don't have one of them. Right. Or I just go big and go hard on one figure to get as close as possible. I hope you went big and went hard. And I went big and went home. What did you get? I have, I have a backup. So I bought two fate ones. Okay. So the first one I bought because I'm not too confident. Right? Do you have Easter? I got spicy. do you have Archer? So you have the character age tall. I'd say you have a Ishtar. It's different though. It's very different. It's very different, but that's okay. That's okay. You can think about that because I have enough. Okay. Do you have gray? No. Go hell. Yeah. Okay. Because this was the big gamble for me. Cause I was like, I, I found great in the corner, like the back corner. Right? What is he? What is he? The gray is like the, like a green repo. Clashes it, zip Zipline with him. I think it's the same. I think it's the same now. Yeah. I did not. No way. Wait it's grave released on us Faygo service. I, yeah, the event came out recently. Oh, okay. So I mean, I wouldn't have pulled for granny. So I saw this and I looked at NABI and I was like, this is a recent characters. And he was like, yes. And I'm like, he hasn't been playing that heavily recently. So there might be a chance. But I was so scared because this cost $160. Right. So I was like, I have to go like all balls, move rain on this. Can we get this out of the box? Can let's get this out of the box? Cause this is actually a really nice feature. Oh, assassin. Okay. But that's my great, great is not even from the mainline fate. Syria, who is from the man? No, I don't want to know that. the point, the point at a point onto me, baby. All right. Add a pole out a 0.1 for Joey. He deserves. Although, although he had like the biggest cheat sheet all time, we might imagine having NABI as a sheet sheet for that, for that challenge, what would you have done? If you've got that challenge going on? - I bought a saber figure or something. Do your own Sabre. - I actually, don't not the main light safe. I really, yeah. Wow. - Yeah. The only good character for fate is Alexander. The great Alexander, the character, some fat. - I really like his style. So that's why also I was like a Rin face or I'm just like, anytime there's a red face for sale. I know you like it. That's okay. That's okay. You know, you don't need to get, I. - Want, I don't want us to get into fate. Please. - Buy another Dio figure. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go. - Ahead, Georgia figures. Okay. Not Dios though. I can't show us one of yours. - So first thing I bought was a Nico Robyn one. This was the, this was the recommended one from the store clerk. Oh really? - Because you could have recommended a little more expensive. - I did tell him, I did tell them, you know, price prices is an issue. And he was just like, so you asked the store clerk for a recommendation. What does he recommend? He goes, do you like one piece? And I'm just like, okay, you're doing, you're doing your job. - Like water. - I'm like, I guess you're just doing your job. You literally picked the least like inoffensive franchise. You could go for like, you know, post time, skip Robin. Right. At least it's skip Robin. But like, you know, you know about that. - Right? - You know that this. - Is post I'm going to read it. - The funny thing is, so this was like one of the first figures I got at the store. So obviously with, with a random guy asking him, asking him for a recommendation, you know, I get it as a store clerk. You don't wanna, you don't want to go crazy. You don't want to seem too weird. You know? You don't want to seem too. - I used to wait for a wine recommendation. He, you know, you don't, if he offers you the most expensive. - He's not going to go for like. - The fancy. He's going to go for like a medium one. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So afterwards at the end, when I had to like buy another figure, his station was actually next to the hint. I figure section of course. And I'm sure Sydney was frothing at the mouth. And when he saw us, when he saw that, when he saw that, hence I figures we're an option. And that Sydney was like choosing, hence I figure, he was just like, oh, those were options. I could have picked one of those. Oh, why didn't you tell me? Cindy went from literally the. - If you ask a staff recommendation, he's like, yeah. The one with absolutely gargantuan and a vagina. You're going to be like, ah, what? - Cause, cause I will say out of all the one piece figures he did, like he did like pick the most cultured one he possibly could. That is true. Robin is probably the most voluptuous. - Yeah. It's just a normal looking one piece for you. Yeah. It doesn't look like anything exceptional. - I mean, compared to like getting like one of the male characters, you know, if it was like a standard Zuora with like songy character, then it would have been. - Lately. I like McDonald's toy. - Did I go to McDonald's every day we got these for happy meal. I'll be, I'll be like, mom, we're getting McDonald's once again. Right here. Okay. That's a big site. Look at that. I've already seen green, like Lord Elma, Louise case falls, which I believe is the spinoff. Oh, that sounds pretty sweet. Yeah. - It's very cool. Visually appealing. - I'm pretty happy with it. It's God doesn't have it. So it's another saber face. It's another yet another savory face. Get this plastic. You just have to rip the plastic. I mean. - Well, I will say I am glad that you didn't buy a saber figure. Yeah, because I bought a save it. - Really wait corner. You bought a fate figure. Wait, hold on a second. The phone does that mean? You guys lose a point because he has the hold up. Hold up a second. We can't show. Oh actually you okay. Actually. Okay. So I didn't know this, but apparently he'd definitely did pick a culture. De what the she was G string. Oh, now we all know who my favorite one-piece character is. Okay. All right, Robin. I see you. I don't remember that in the anime. Okay. Hold on a second question time you bought a saber. You have the big saving. You bought a Russian bond. Does that count? Nah, I don't know. What what'd you think? Kona. - You bought a saber of the or something. I don't know. - It's literally the exact same. They broke off. - Oh. I'm just gonna break it off. Where did this come. - From? Kind of what have you done? What have you done to your fate figure? - Oh, I already actually just broke. Oh. - My God. I think you lose a point just for that to be, I mean, it doesn't matter because you both bought sabers. So you lose a point. So I take a point. - Off. Why don't you do. - You didn't think he was going to buy a Sable? You didn't think you didn't think I was going to buy a fate? That's what, that's why I was. That's why? When I got the, like by a fate character, that God doesn't have, I was sweating my off. Cause I'm like, I'm definitely going to lose a point. Cause he's probably bought all the fake characters. - Okay. Wait, do I put this? How do I Mount this? Just on that right. - Now. - If you want to figure this out for me, that'd be great. Please give me the style. So actually, you know, I have watched fate as much as they meme that. I hate it. I just hate it. Cause gone talks about it. So much. - Like a stand. - Like a long thing. Maybe it's in the bulk. So something I don't know. Well. - That's, that's a good saver thing. - Yeah. This broke off one of the things I don't know why it's very flexible. - Oh it's oh, it's the little end here. Yeah. I mean, I mean, if you weren't careful with it, which you definitely want to careful with it. - That's another point. Oh my God. I'm losing so many points. - Kind of like Connor's gaining points and then just losing them just as quickly. Did you take a point off Garland corner? Yeah. Okay. All right. So. - That's actually a good fate for you. - But that's a really nice, that is a very nice savored figure. Got I'll give, I'll give you that one corner. I'll give you. There's only Nothing, but fade here looking at its current streamlined radius. I know. Right? He's taught. Great. And save us. Wait, I woke up on a podcast where people bought fate, fate figures and none of them were bought by me. What the? - How much do you think this cost? This one? Yeah, 200. - There's thing. That's about 200 right? - 100 bucks. - Oh wow. Wow. Good. For 100 bucks. Not bad at all. - So yeah, like I said, I mean on the whole fight but I like phase zero a lot. - That's a 40. - I like unlimited blade works and I like Phase Zero - She watched heaven's field as well. (laughs) You here, you've learned boom. You know me? - You've literally ruined fate for me. I actually can't watch it. - What else did you guys buy? Oh. - One more. I know what you've got lecture. I saw you ask for it. - So one thing that I think is underrepresented on trash tastes is Mecca. And I got. - A $400 mic transformer. - Whoa, we can, we can, we'll go Eva. We've only got 11 Galyon, but we didn't, we, we never got any like Gundam Gundam or it is a building one. I don't think so. I, I really hope not. Is it a building one? - I'm buy a building. We'll open it up. - We'll go. We're gonna, we're gonna find out. - It's like perfectly flat. Of course. There's no way it would fit in that. - Because I've seen it. I've signed this like this. I've seen it. I've seen the gun plot. And normally like if it's a building one, the back has, you should lose the bag. I just assume all Gundam ones. I just, the gun flaws if this is because, because I really wanted a Gundam that wasn't a gun flaw, but it was impossible to find. And I have, I haven't actually seen Gundam Hathaway yet, but Allen will not shut up about it. Alex Allen is my editor and he's just like gone. And the biggest Gundam simply know he's like gone. If you do anything, just watch gun Gundam Hathaway. Because actually no it is or no. Okay. Wow. Look at that. So Allen, I hope I've made you proud by buying a Gundam and actually really nice. Apparently Gundam Hathaway transformer. - According to the BBC. - Right? You were at the BBC. This is the best. This is the best I can't, I can't pause. It might as well be at gunpoint. Look, look, this, this is, this is like a pre-bill gun plot. This is, this is baby's first guns be the guys. - Can build it off camera. - Yeah. So Alan just told me to tell people to watch gun and mouth away. I've I've heard very good things. I've actually like legit. I've heard so many good things about Dunham Hathaway. So yeah, we finally have a Mecca apart from you. - You've heard of the foot, but have you heard of the hand? That's it Choto. - Figures. - Did you buy one more? Actually? Oh my God. I bought crazy diamond too. - You know what? I respect that. I like. - What I like you buy off. - God. I actually do early board too. But they were like to. - The. - Bank, there were like two high quality figures. I go for. - High quality. What are you saying? God? What are you in singer? - It's all right, Connor. I'm here to help you with that Jojo collection. - Is this, is this, what is this? Oh, this is my. - Most expensive figure I bought. I. - Saw this figure. - Head shop. - Oh my God. How much did this cost? Would you like to know? - Yeah, I know how much it costs to vastly overpay. - I did vastly have a pay for it, but that's all right, because this is going to be, that's not the point. - The point is can go on the. - At least this can go on the shelf I paid. How much did you pay for it? I paid $990 for this. So I better win the most expensive figures. - I would like to remind people, this is a valued at $370. - How did they get town? Did you pay $990 for? I don't know, but this was the only way I was going to make, do with my budget. So yeah, I got it. And you know what is mad? Cause I really like pitch up in horse. You're right. You're right Joey, but who? Who's the real winner here? I think it's monarchy. Yeah. I love monitor. Okay. I go there often Christmas present to you. - Mommy. A hundred percent profit. 300%. - Profit off of me. I hope you're happy. I let Sydney choose a figure. So of course, oh, that's going to be a big mistake. Oh yeah. Yeah. I don't know if I can show this. Do I want to give this one out? What from. - Oh, I thought it was the, the ORC porn one. Oh my God. You scared me. There should be a for the. Am I. - Supposed to put this on? Yeah. So this was $275. Am I allowed to like break this open? Cause I don't think we can show it. Wouldn't buying hints. I figures there are so many hints. I figures that come in boxes that are just blank. They don't contain a picture at all. So it's kind of a gamble to see what kind of figure you're going to get. So I'm about to find out now. Okay. No, that's that's Sydney straight away. Recognize the us. Unagi figure I'm going to keep this. Yeah. That's in the plastic. Yeah. That's really nice though. - For sure. The patrons. - Yeah. I think, I think patrons deserve the quality. That is awesome. He's my favorite hand-tight artist. This is actually a pretty good figure. Yeah. It's a really nice figure. - Oh wow. Yeah. Why is your Teddy bear being bondaged I don't know. - What is into some. What is this? Is this a replaceable? What, what is that? Let's go. wait, wait, wait, can you choose the thickness that she's going to be here? You can go. dude. This is next level hints. I figures man. Okay. Here's my, here's my. - Hold it up for the main, I mean, okay. Don't get me wrong. It looks amazing. It's not a thousand dollars. - A minute. It's not a thousand dollars. It's probably. - Very rare. I've never seen it before. I've never seen it before. I'm guessing. That's why it called Surmont. I mean it's sick and it can go on the shelf. Thank God. Yeah, exactly. - It's not too big. It's not too big. The base of as well. - It can go on the shelf. Okay? - Okay. Okay. Some of, some of my, all of Martin go on the shelf. It just. - Needs some. - We just need some like black tape. We can do like a canonically censored. Canonically sensor snapped off. Oh, it happened when I took it out of the bag. It's all right. We can, we can bond it. Imagine if you paid 990. I remember it saying that this was a broken in. One part was broken in one pot. Oh my God. That must be like, that's an easy, that must be like super rare. That's an easy fix. What else you get? What else you got? - Don't tell me you got one as well. God. - I just remembered. I just bought some other. There's a narrative. Teddy bear. Oh, a car Kashi. Teddy, Teddy, Beth. Oh, he's my favorite character dude. Yeah. Some, some stuff I bought just to pat out the number, just to get as close to a question. How much did you guys do? Like small scale adjustments to get to the difficult theory about Miranda? Rocky is that some price tags had tax on it and some price tags. Didn't right. So trying to calculate if the price you were getting was actually like with tax without tax was like insane. See, because I just completely coincidentally, I thought I was going to have to do that when I bought my three figures. Yeah. But then when I calculated everything, I literally couldn't. It was that it was that close. I really, yeah. I actually like completely coincidentally, I got insanely close to three 30 Tuesday. I hope as closer than. - What's your cheapest figure, by the way, gone the peak because I've caught even cheaper one. Have you had. - Actually 100 yen? Well, you just lost the point then you've. - Lost another point. Lost a point to gain a point. - That you would've lost them before. - I was so confident that I would get the exact amount that I had. - Yeah. He hasn't what, what, what was I bought for a hundred yen? So was 200. No, but what was that bought for? What challenge? Nothing. It was, it was so that he could get as close to it. Don't add a point yet. It's it's whether he close to the number enough. The roll man. Sure. - Here you go. You can have. - That one. This is going in the background corner. Is that what you bought. - By a figure from a show that you all watched? - Oh, that was a challenge. Right? Nice. Ah, okay. Well I like it because you've bought you've you've completed. You've completed this, the code gas journey and you've now found a mate for C2 when she bought last. - Time. Perfect. So I can open this up. Let's have a look at. - I ain't even mad with this one. - When I see nothing but jobs here. That is a dub. So give me a point back. - Wow. Is that everything you bought? Joey? That's everything. I only bought three things. Oh yeah. Because like the thing about Mondo Horace one was a thousand dollars to use my budget now. That's true. I think the biggest, the biggest difference between this figure special and the last figure special is that I was like, I was like struggling to find things to like fit the budget that we had set because like we could have in most of the doors we could have bought like the most expensive figure there. And a lot of the times we did buy the most expensive figure there within reason. Yeah. Ooh, that looks good. That's a nice, straight up. - Mean with the nice jobs. That's just a dub and you've all seen code kiosk. - Yeah. We love it. Love it. Yeah. That all right. I have one more thing. Okay. But Connor, I think me and you are going to need to swap because I, I I'm, I'm going to need, I'm going to need the table for this Cano. Can we swap for a second? Let's just put it there. Also. I want both of your reactions at the same time. Okay. Okay. All right. So I've got one more surprise. It's a bit, it's a bit out of the box. Okay. Literally you're telling me I could see it. What the? So that's the size of my girlfriend. So I was struggling to like fill up my budget. Right. And monarchy had a lot of cool figures, but nothing that really like, not, not nothing that really likes, you know, spoke to me. Yeah. I dunno. I was thinking. - If you've got another fate figure, I'm going to kill my way away. - Don't don't guess what this is. Yeah. So should we close our eyes? I'm going to close my eyes. - I swear to God gone. If it's another fate one. - Okay. Okay. Is this what it feels like to be a small child during Christmas? I'm hearing a lot of struggling. Oh. Oh, okay. So before you open your eyes, I just want, I just, I just want to put a bit of backstory to this. Okay. I better be quick. Okay. So we like to on America a lot as you, as you know, trash tastes Potter, trash days is on American culture. Okay. And so I thought instead of on American culture for once, why not embrace it? Okay. hell. What was that? What was that? steel brick. And so I thought we can embrace American culture together for trash tastes. Okay. So you boys can open your eyes. What the? God, what the? Okay. So this is an air soft gun, but I did not know that airsoft guns look like this. This is a steel brick. Do you want to feel this? What the? Oh my God. If police come, they're going to arrest us that are we going to get tomorrow? Oh my God. So for obvious reasons, I'm not going to get out of the box because this looks wait, this was only 300 bucks. I'm like, this is, this is making me wonder what the airsoft community is like in Japan, because this is, well, if a zombie apocalypse happens, I know who I'm going to. Like, this is the closest thing I've oh yeah, of course. Of course, of course. Oh, this is not going out of the box. Just in case anyone ever thinks that this is anything button, airsoft gun, but YouTube, this is an airsoft gun. Don't worry about it. I think that we might have to blow her for you probably have to blow her freaking patrons. Here you go. Enjoy. Enjoy that. And so, yeah, this is so yeah, I was like, you know what? Americans love gun. So let's just buy a gun Americans more. Do think how realistic could you have send them all? Like in Neanderthal, America loved guns, love gun. You bought this gun. You didn't realize the whole point of this. What's the five figures for the background of our set. No, I wanted to buy to see your reaction. I thought that was the whole point of the feet of the challenge. I wanted to get a good reaction. Where do we put actually, where do we put, we can put this, how do we get rid of this? Without someone calling the police, we can figure that out later. Let's figure that out later. Hello. We've had a time skip. No. If you, if you have notice, - I lost all my hair from thinking so hard. So we are recorded the previous recording for so long that we actually ran out of time. So we couldn't record the outro. And we thought, you know, we, we thought about having some continuity, then Joey got his haircut. So we were just like, I didn't, I didn't quite think about that. - I'm not a team player here. - So yeah, I guess we wanted to, I think the last thing we wanted to do was to tally up all the points right? Of all of the challenges that we would do. - Yes. - And also do a forfeit as well, unfortunately, because we recorded for so long. I mean, I think the recording's like three hours long now or something like that. It's a very long episode. So we've had to think about it and we thought that it would be better if we tallied up the points on stream and we're not just going to do that. There are a few points that are under contention. Like for example-- - Still angry two weeks later. (laughing) - Is the character that Joey bought, can he beat Goku? Is it even Goku in the first place? - How many characters in a Mogus. (laughing) - They are the fucking same. I'm sure you guys will agree with me live on the 21st. - Yeah, we did this live. - So what we're gonna do is we're gonna do something similar to what we did for our Trash Tastes awards. We're gonna have a bunch of categories, some of them, which we argued on this podcast and some of them are entirely new categories. Like who'd you guys think bought the best figure and who'd you guys think bought the worst figure. Other things that we can think of that are going to contribute to the final score for what we have, and then we will be doing our forfeit slive on stream. - Yeah. - Slive on stream. - Slive on stream. - And I guess like as well, we'll also be able to like show you guys some of the figures that we couldn't really like delve upon too much in the episode. Otherwise, this would have been like a five-hour episode. So any things we missed during this episode, you'll be able to see it live. And if you're watching this episode right now, much further in the future, then you could probably check it out on the After Dark channel where we would upload all of our streams, which is down in the description below. So subscribe to that channel as well. - Yes, so the stream is going to be on the 21st of December. - Here's the time. - At 7:00 PM, JST. Is that right? That's right. all right. - Yes. - That looks like he's facing a deposition. (laughing) - I did not hit her. I did not. - I'm just trying my best to retain all the information that we agreed on because we just like started turning on the cameras and talking and I'm just like, wait a minute, we didn't agree on anything. - So you're developing Alzheimer's mid-sentence. 21st is the day that we agreed to do the 21st. - It did sound a little Christopher Walken. (laughing) - As live-- - Actually on the 21st, find out who won, who's gonna eat the punishment. Yes, eat. Because of course spoiler in our body. - We actually don't even know yet by the way. But it's gonna involve a food and it's not gonna be a pleasant experience. - Yeah, I mean-- - Of course Joey don't wanna eat it. - The scores that we got from our individual shops are like one screen right now. I can't even remember what I got because it's been like a week since we recorded. - Join us then we'll see you at the live show. What are you waiting for? Go and get your tickets. They're free by following us on After Dark Twich. - Go get your tickets? - Go get your tickets? - Follow us on the After Dark Twitch or just Trash Taste is known on Twitch funny enough not After Dark. I will see you there, we fund. And we'll found out who does. - Also, I thank you very much to our Patreons for supporting us and making this figure video possible. - Yeah, honestly, if it wasn't for you guys supporting us, we wouldn't have had a much larger of a budget. - The much larger budget than we had last year. - Same budget that we had last year. - Literally 10 times the budgets from one year difference. - It's pretty ridiculous. - Thank you very much, you can see all the lovely Patreons on screen right now. - And it's so cool. - Yeah - Yeah. - It's absolutely amazing. - And again, if you'd like to see... This guy is gonna vote the fake figure. (laughing) - No, get off the screen, right. But hey, if you'd like to support the show, then make sure to join our Patreon, taste. Also follow us on Twitter, send us your names on the sub writer, and if you had a face, listen to us on Spotify. Maybe not this episode, might not be a very good Spotify episode. But every other episode, listen to us on Spotify. And yeah, guys, thanks for tuning in, and we'll see you guys in the live stream. - Yeah. - Should be fun. We'll go on. - [Connor] Bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 2,699,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: mhWMch3v9WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 40sec (9520 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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