The WORST Fandoms in Anime | Trash Taste #16

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Looking outside reddit, i can say yes. Some fb group choose admins with toxic reputation. Not to mention moody admins that delete post if they are mocked in the shitpost group.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bluejake3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Like Connor said, every fandom is garbage, so that's a yes

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iiRonic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not that I agree but I thought it was funny nonetheless.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rayhaku808 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I haven’t watched the video and don’t know what they said but Bang Dream does have a pretty toxic community in Japan so if they’re saying that the Bang Dream fandom is garbage, most likely referring to the Japanese community

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BAKUSATSUOU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Joey did say he hate BanG Dream like a few years back. I dont think his opinion has changed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dan2tric πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

they also said that no fandom are not garbage. So yeah, we're still a garbage for into any anime fandom lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BintangMC πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- What's up Big PP Nation? (laughs) Welcome back to another episode of Trash Taste, I couldn't. - Oh no. - I tried to say that with a straight face, I'm sorry. - I like Budget Feelings now- - Yeah what? Big PP Nation? - [Connor] Yeah. (man laughing) (upbeat music) - That's the name of the fan base now. Big PP nation, I am. - PP Nation (laughing). I am leader of Big PP Nation, Joey and with me are my two other leaders of Big PP Nation, Garnt and Connor. - Whoa, I'm. - It's TT on the PP. TT on the (laughs). (men laughing) - I'm so glad to be a part of the Big PP Nation. - The Big PP. (laughs) - All of my self-esteem - What is so funny to say? - Issues are gone. (men laughing) It's not funny to say. - It's like going back to the pee-pee, poo-poo thing, isn't it? - (chuckles) Thank you. - You know, it doesn't matter how old you are, pee-pee, poo-poo is one of the funniest things I've ever said out loud - Do you know like, you know how poop jokes were like funny when you were five? And then you hit teenager and they stopped being funny and then as an adult, they get like funny again. - Yeah what is that? What is up with? - I don't. - What is it, no, it's more like what is it with like teenage years, where you're just like, "No, pee and poo jokes are out. "I'm more intelligent than that now. Let me look. - I'm good for that. - At a C.K. Louis special instead for two hours, learn about the world with some high quality comedy and then five years later you're like, "Big PP Nation what's up?" (men laughing) - Oh my God. - Uncultured. Uncultured, clearly. I'm kidding. I'm the biggest offender of it, I'm there. - Yeah dude. - Yeah, you are. - Yeah, if anyone is Big PP Nation, it's you. (laughs) - How I think I am like the Winnie the Pooh meme, you know the one with the, how I actually am, you know? (men laughing) - Oh my gosh, so what are we talking about today guys? - Oh, I mean we can talk about anything. I thought I would tell a story to begin with. - Okay. - Oh, okay. - I was in my Japanese class this- - Story time with Connor? - Yeah. - Story time it's (laughs). - It's story time with Connor. (Joey humming) - Right so, I was in my Japanese class, as I do, learn Japanese, not very successfully as always, but you know, I turn up, - Yeah. - You know, I'm helping. - Yeah, you're there, you're there. - I'm helping,. - Yeah. - I'm helping. And I was, in the break time, we get like a five minute break. Don't know why, it's only two hours. I don't really feel like you need a break for two hours and you know, whatever, anyway. So we get a break, and we're chilling in like the lounge area, it's like that kinda hip- - A lounge area? - They have like a kind of, it's like this like fake, hip college kind of area. It's like, "Yeah, sit where you want man," like everything's a chair. - Oh! Oh. - It's like, and so, I was just sitting and then, I was talking with my teacher and then, a guy, right next to me, like here, is like, "Hey, do I know you? Do, do I know?" (Garnt laughs) And I'm like- - That's always the worst. (laughs) - And I'm like, "No." I'm like, "I don't know." And he's like, "You're a YouTuber right?" I have my mask on, bear in mind, as well. - Right, right. - Right. - And I was like, "Yeah, yeah, I guess that's me." And I just stared at him, and I was like, I was so caught off guard, I didn't know what to say. So I was just, (Garnt laughing) I was just like, I looked just dead in the, like the Mike Wazowski meme, again, I love that meme. - Yeah. - I just looked at him like, "Yeah, I guess. Yeah, yeah I am." (Joey laughing) Just stared at him. And then I was like, "Oh no, that was pretty, "he probably thinks I'm an ass-hole now." So if you're watching this, I'm sorry. I just stared at you blankly, (Garnt laughs) when you recognized me. - Wait, wait, so he came up to you and was like, "You're the YouTuber right?" And you said, "Yeah." And then he just didn't say anything or? - He was like, "Oh yeah, I think I've seen your stuff." And I was like, "Oh, thanks." - I love it when you like get recognized and they come over. And they're like, "Hey, you're that guy right?" And then you say, "Yeah." And then, you kind of see the realization on their face, that they didn't plan the conversation out (men laughing) any point after they said that. You know what I mean? - Yeah, it's just 'cause I didn't expect it. Like in my Japanese class in like, you know, in Japan. - Yeah, yeah. - I mean, it's a lot of foreigners there, admittedly, but it's only like, a lot of older people than me. So I just didn't just expect it to- - Yeah, what is up with some people who are just like, "Oh, he's a YouTuber." He'll leave the conversation on right afterwards. - I didn't mind, I felt bad, 'cause I felt like I should have been like, "Oh man, how're you doing or something?" - Because, because. (Joey laughing) - I was just like, "Yeah." - Because when you get recognized, not at an Anime Convention, right, 'cause I feel like when you get recognized in an Anime Convention, - You're prepared for it. - You're like in the zone, you're like, okay, I'm expecting this. I like know how to handle this, but when it's just out on the streets, IRL- - Just like not near a convention. - Yeah, yeah. - In my daily life. - Yeah, just in your daily life, you just get blindsided. 'Cause I've had. - Yeah. - Because you get caught during like your off period, right? - Yeah. - Because like at a con, you're always on your on period, where you're like, "All right, there's people around me, people looking for me." - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, not like, not to be like egotistical, but at a con you know there's gonna be some people like, it's an anime convention. - Yeah. - You know people are gonna know you, so you're like ready for it. - Yeah. - But, you know, when I'm just at my school or on the gym, it's like the the last thing that's in my head is that I'm a YouTuber, right? I'm just thinking like, wish I could get my fucking day over with, right? (Garnt laughs) - That was like the time where I got recognized by, it was the first time I was ever recognized by, like a straight up Japanese person, like, can't speak a word of English Japanese person. - Oh whoa! - And it was a fucking salary man, in like, his mid-40's. (Connor laughing) And, when he like tapped me on the shoulder and I turn around, there was this just this mid-40's like, like borderline ugly bastard looking fucking- - Oh that poor guy. (Garnt laughing) - Like I'm serious, it was like, borderline ugly bastard looking guy. I was just like, "Oh no, I'm in danger." (laughs) - Turbo past the x-ray. - I'm gonna need a (laughs). - 'Cause like I'm in danger and then, in Japanese he was like, "Oh, you're the YouTuber who collabed with Kizuna Ai, right?" And immediately, - That's how he knows you. - Yeah, immediately I was like, "Ah, you're a Kuzuna Ai fan, of course you are." - Yeah, of course - Of course you are. (Connor laughs) You look like a VTuber fan. (Garnt laughing) And so I said like- - You're just offending all the Vtubers right now. - Yeah, whoa, call me out like that Joey. (all laughing) It's like, you look like a Japanese VTuber fan. And so I was like, "Yeah, yeah, I did." 'Cause I think it was, like maybe one or two weeks after I did my first collab with Kizuna Ai? - Yeah. - And that was like a really big thing for me where I got a lot of Japanese eyes on me because before that, - Yeah. - You know, because I don't really speak in Japanese on my channel right? - Yeah. - Japanese people aren't subscribed to my shit. - Yeah. - But when I was on Kizuna Ai's channel, 'cause I spoke Japanese, I got a lot of like Japanese people, who, you know, came to my channel, obviously, and the salary man was like, "Oh, after I saw your collab with Kizuna Ai," oh, sorry, no, he said, (speaks Japanese). (Garnt laughs) So I was like, "Oh yeah, you're definitely a fan." (men laughing) "So after I saw your collab with AI-chan, I subscribed to your channel." And I was like, "Oh, do you understand? Like can you speak English?" - Yeah. - And he's like, "No, but I watch your videos to learn English." And I was like, "Hmm." Just in the back of my head I was like, going through my entire. - All the terrible, stuff. - All the terrible things. - All of the terrible shit, I'm just like, "I'm pretty sure I say cunt like every three words in my videos." (Garnt laughing) I'm like, "I don't." - Yeah. - And so, jokingly, I was like, "Oh yeah, I mean my videos aren't the best to learn English with." And in a straight face he's like, "No, actually I've learned a lot, from your videos." I've learned. - Oh no. - Yeah, I was like, "No, no, no" - [All] No, no, no." (laughing) - But yeah, that was scary though. Have you ever been recognized by a Japanese person? - Yeah, I've been recognized once, by a Japanese person in Japan. - Oh really? - It was like the most random place 'cause I think, I can't remember what date it was, but I think I was like on a date with Sydney, somewhere in Japan and we went to this like random Italian restaurant, right? - Yeah. - It was like a, local run Italian restaurant, but it was like run by a Japanese person. - Mmmh. - And we come in, and for some reason the Japanese person was just like, the guy waitering us was just like super, super nice. - Right. - And we thought he was just like, this overenthusiastic Japanese person who was like. - Yeah, it happens. - Yeah he was just like trying to speak English to us and everything, and we're like, "Aw man, this is a really nice restaurant. I don't know if they're just nice to everyone here." - Yeah, yeah. - And then we get the bill, and he puts on like this massive discounts on it. - [Joey] Right. - And we're like, "There must be a mistake. We got like the wrong bill or something." - Yeah. - So we go up to the, so we go up to the guy, trying to speak our broken Japanese, just to say like, this is wrong. This is the wrong price. - Yeah. - And he goes like, he also communicates in broken English and Japanese being like, "Oh no, I just wanted "to say thank you for everything you've done. You have, like, I watched your videos to help, again learn English." (laughs) - Learn English. (laughs) - And I'm like, "Man, why are our videos being used as a resource to learn English?" - There are so many good videos out there where you can actually learn English. Why, don't use any YouTube videos to learn English. - Yeah. - It's never a good idea. - Although I dunno, like I feel like whenever I, if I ever get to meet a VTuber and I'm like, "Man, thank you for helping me learn Japanese." (laughs) (all laughing) I'm wondering if they're gonna have the same kind of reaction on the other side. - Yeah. - Yeah, who's this guy, what? I'm gonna talk shit about him on the podcast. - That's like the, that's like the, that cashier, at the Family Mart near our house, who's like a fan of my videos. And every now and then - Oh yeah. - Like if when I go to the Family Mart near my house, late at night, and he's working there late at night, - Yeah. - He's sometimes just like, yo, come here and he like leads me to the cash register and he's like, "See all this chicken in here, we're gonna throw it out." - Yeah, they give you it, they give you it. - "Do you just want some?" And he just gives me the free fucking Family Mart chicken and I'm like, "mmmh, yeah, sure why not?" This is probably gonna kill me, but it's all right. I'll take some free chicken, yeah. Shout out to you by the way, - Yeah. - Whatever your name is, I don't know what your name is. - I actually got recognized last week as well in the last week. - Right. - It's a bit. - God cam con. Go on, calm down man. - It's a bit, it's a bit of an awkward story though. - Go on. - And what's awkward about it, is the guy mentions that he watches Trash Taste every week so- - Really? - Yeah, so I'm about to tell the story and, hello guy who's probably watching this. - He's probably shitting his pants right now. (Garnt laughs) He's like, that's me. - Because, okay, because it was a bit of an awkward experience, I'm not gonna lie. Not like (chuckles). (Connor laughs) And the thing is, I'm probably gonna see this guy again in the future because. (Joey laughs) Okay so, where I met this guy was at an anime bar in Akihabara. So I went to this anime bar in Akihabara and it was a really, really cool bar, but it was like kind of small. - Right. - Right. I can't remember the name of it. I think Meilyne was the one who told me about it. But I remember that, I went in there, and immediately, one guy recognizes me. And I didn't see that, Meilyne saw that. - Japanese guy or Western guy? - We thought he was Japanese, but he was like Californian. - California, okay yeah. - And like you know when you get recognized and it's just like that look. - Oh yeah. - Where it's just like. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. (men laughing) It's like the triple-take, right, It's like. - Yeah, yeah. - No, I haven't had one that aggressive, can you guys explain? - Yeah. - No, but like, you know like when you're at an Anime Convention, and you're just like that, and they're like, debating about whether they should say hello for like the next five minutes. - Yeah, yeah. - I see you, just come. - And like if that ever happens, if that ever happens, just please, just come. Come, come. (Connor laughing) - No! - Come now! - I'm so sorry that we always reference that. It's just, (men laughing) you can't stop fucking laughing at that shit. Anyway, go on. - Yeah, yeah. - So yeah, so we're sitting at the bar and the waiter comes up to us and goes, "Yeah, do you mind if that guy says hello to you? Apparently he knows you from some way." And I'm like, "yeah, sure." - The waiter did this? - Yeah, the waiter did this. - Oh wow, like fucking romance thing? Like did he? (man laughing) - No, so I think he asked the waiter. And so he comes says hello and we have a nice friendly chat. You know, he was a friendly, he seemed like a friendly guy. But, you know, it wasn't anything more than that. It was just like, oh, you know, what are you doing here? Do you work here? Do you live here? - Just the casual banter. - Yeah, just for the casual small talk, you know, didn't seem like that weird or anything. - But, (laughs) but, so we you know, we go back to our tables and we just you know, carry on the night and that was my last interaction with him. - Right. - Right, and so as we're leaving, the bar's closed early because of, you know, corona and everything. - Yeah, yeah. - You know everywhere closes early in Tokyo now. So we're going out, and we go down the lift, and just as he's about to get in the lift, the lift is kind of like full. So it's just like our group and we go down the lift, and we have no idea where we're about to go right? - [Joey] Right. - Because we're like, is anywhere even open right now? - [Joey] Yeah. - And one person says that there's like a Karaoke place right next to, right next to the bar. - [Joey] Right. - That is like anime themed. And that sounds fucking awesome. - Yeah, yeah. - So, we go to this karaoke themed, I'm sorry, this anime themed karaoke, and we get the Ava room and it's such a fucking, it's such an awesome room. I gotta tell you. - Oh, we gotta go there. - I gotta take you guys there sometime. - Hell yeah. - Yeah, so we're chilling in there for like a good, good like 10 minutes, just like, you know, choosing our beers, getting some food, and you know, picking our songs. And then one of the waiter comes in and brings in like an extra towel, which if you've ever been to a Japanese establishment, when you come in, you get the wet towels. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Everyone gets a wet towel for like how many people there are. - Yeah. - So we start asking, "Oh did someone order an extra towel or something what's going on?" - Yeah. - And then the guy, just waltzes in, and goes like, (Joey laughing) (claps) "Boys, can I join you?" And so I look around, and I'm like, okay, he was talking. - Oh my God! - He was talking to someone else in the group at the time. So I look at him, to be like, "Did you invite him 'cause I didn't invite him. Sidney didn't invite him, Meilyne didn't invite him, I don't think, so it must've been you." And I just saw like the look of confusion on his face. And I just, immediately. - It wasn't me, it wasn't me. (all laughing) - And I was just immediately like, "Oh, okay. No one invited him. Um, okay, how the fuck did he know that we were in this specific room when we didn't even know that we were in this specific room?" (men laughing) - That so creepy! That only just means then that he followed you guys. - Yeah, but I don't know how he followed us, because as we walked to the karaoke place. - [Joey] Right. - And so, we didn't know we were going to the karaoke place until after we had gotten out of the bar. - Okay. - And he wasn't there behind us, so, apparently like he said that's, he's like he knows everyone in the place. He's a regular. - All right. - And so, somehow he found out we were in this specific room, and he, you know, apparently he just thought he was, he could just join us. - Right, right, right. - And if you're watching this, guy, which you probably are. - As a fan of Trash Taste. (men laughing) - As a fan of Trash Taste. (laughs) This is totally a call-out because, you know, as I'm probably gonna be in the area. - You're gonna say it now. - I'm gonna say this now, as the same as I'm gonna say it probably the next time I see you. Bruh, like, that was pretty creepy. (men laughing) Like if we had interacted more, I would have been like totally fine, you know. If we had invited you or if you had like, if you had like talked to us beforehand, but the fact that you just showed up, (Joey laughing) like unannounced, and we didn't know how you got. We didn't know how you knew where we were. Like we didn't even know we were gonna be there. So, I don't know what you were expecting. - Yeah. - I'd like to think that he was expecting like the moment he'd come in the room, you were all just like, turn around like, welcome, you did it, you did it. - Congratulations. (laughing and clapping) - Join us, you found us, you solved the mystery. (men laughing) You can now join us. (men laughing) - You have unlocked the secret ending, please enjoy. (men laughing) - Okay, I mean it's at like conventions though as well, right, people do that all the time. - Yeah. - It's like, I remember I was with Emirichu at a con, and Emily comes up to me, 'cause we were hanging out the whole con 'cause we really didn't know anyone. And there's two guys with her. She's like, "We getting lunch Connor?" I'm like, "Yeah, who are those two?" And she was like, "Oh, I don't know." I'm like, "What are they, (man laughing) what are they, what are they doing?" They're like, "They asked if they could join us for lunch." I'm like, "Do you want them to?" And she was like, "Not really." (laughs) And I was like, "All right, okay." And I was like, "Hey guys, we don't really know you, we're gonna get lunch, sorry." - Yeah, I feel- - 'Cause some people like, you know like. - Like how'd you guys. - Don't wanna be the ass-hole. - Yeah, like how do you guys handle that because- - I just straight up them, I'm like, "Hey man, I don't know who you are. I'm gonna get." - There's really no nice way of saying that unfortunately. You just have to, I mean, you know, and I can tell that sometimes when people do that, they don't mean it in like a creepy. - No, no. - No, you're right. - A lot of them just you know, they've met, who might be someone they really look up, - Right, right. - Yeah. - And this is their one chance to socialize with them and they maybe you know, don't really think about, hey it might be a little weird if you just kind of like follow someone. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - I mean I'd like to feel like I'm pretty, I'm a pretty open guy in terms of like, social situations. - Oh yeah, I'm definitely like happy to meet people. - I've had plenty of situations where, you know we were at a social gathering or a party, and then, you know, we join someone else's karaoke room. - And someone's cool and you're like, "Hey man, come on." - Yeah, but you know there are like several steps that you have to take before that, before both parties like mutually comfortable with something like that. - Right, right. - You know, which is you know, this is equally a message to everyone at conventions and everything like that because, I'm sure we have a lot of different stories of just awkward social situations where you don't really know people and they kind of just invite themselves into your group. - Yeah. - And I feel like it would be the same whether we're famous or like not, you know? - No, yeah, it's just like, general social skills. - Yeah, it's like. - I think my absolute pet peeve though, more than that, is because, like, you know, at least with people who try and get a little too social with us or whoever they admire right? And try and sneak themselves into our friend group or whatever, is that at least you can just straight up be like, "Okay, you know, I'm not cool with this," or whatever, you can directly do something about it right? - [Connor] Yeah. - What I find worse than that, and this is sometimes at conventions. This is sometimes just out in public, is when they take a photo of you, from a distance. - [Garnt] Oh yeah, that's- - And then they tag you, either on Twitter or Instagram, being like, "I saw, Joey at blah, blah, blah." And it's just like, it's just, it's like paparazzi. It's like, it's so. - Yeah. - Like I had one, oh I forgot where it was. It was some con in the US but, we were no where near the con. And we were just hanging out at some mall - Yeah. - Because we had already finished all our panels and whatever. We're just hanging out with a couple of my friends, and then, you know, it was fine. You know, we didn't really, we ran into like maybe like two or three people or whatever. They came up to us and said hello and whatnot. And then I went back to the hotel and I was just checking through Twitter. And then I saw this photo, of me, but it looked like I was on the ground floor. And you know how some malls they have like a big where the open? - Yeah the open top right. Right. - Yeah. - It looked like someone had taken a photo of Aki and I from like the fifth floor. (Connor laughing) And it was this- - Enhanced, enhanced. - Yeah no, no, we didn't even have to enhance because they drew a red circle around us. (all laughing) - Hey man, they made the thumbnails for you. - Yeah, they made the thumbnail for me. They were like, they were like, they drew a red circle around us and being like, "I saw Aki and Joey at so-and-so mall." I'm just like, "That's fucking terrifying, Jesus Christ." If he saw us, then just like, it would have been less embarrassing and less creepy if they had just fucking shouted my name from the fifth floor right? - Yeah, yeah. - Then at least I would know that they're there. But they were like, "I can't let them see me." (imitates shutter clicking) (men laughing) Like why? Why would you do that? It's just like, I get it, right. - They're sometimes really nervous. I know they tweeted me sometimes. - Yeah. - I get they're nervous right? - Yeah. - But there's a, there's a difference between being nervous, and being creepy, you know what I mean? Like. - Yeah. - Yeah, I mean, I understand, like I try to be as like, understandable as I can with- - No of course. - With, like, people being nervous. - I didn't scold them or anything, right? I didn't call them out on Twitter or whatever because it's happened more than once. - Yeah. - But every time I see stuff like that, and thankfully it hasn't happened in a long, long, long time. But, whenever every now and then when stuff like that does pop up on my Instagram or or Twitter or whatever, I'm just like, "Dude, come on." (Garnt laughing) I mean just, you were literally, you took a photo of me. There was another one when I was back home in Sydney, - Right? - And I was just like walking. I think I was, I think I was walking around with my sister or something, and someone had taken a photo of me from behind, but it wasn't from like even that much of a distance. It was literally like, like- - Yeah, yeah, I've had that, yeah. - Right? And I was just like, "That's fucking terrifying." (Garnt laughs) Because if I had turned around at that moment, - Right. - I don't know what they would have done. - Yeah. - Would they've just stood there like Mike Wazowski like, "I wasn't taking a photo, I swear." (laughs) Bye. - No I don't know, I mean people can just talk to me whenever, like I might. - Yeah. - Like look at them blankly for a second as I realize what's happening but, I mean, you can always come up to me. - But if you're that close to me to take a photo, just come up to me. - Just, just like- - I wanna talk to people. - I like talking to people. - Yeah. - Well, as long as you, you know, just come on in like a nice friendly way. - Yeah, as long as you don't come up to me and like grill the shit out of me like, I don't care, just come up to me, like. But that's the thing though right? I think a lot of people don't like to come up to YouTubers or whoever they admire because it's their private time currently. - Oh, I don't give a shit. - I don't give a shit. - Yeah. - Unless I'm like eating at a restaurant, like if I'm sitting down clearly eating, don't. - Yeah. - You've said that a number of times, right. - Or if I'm in like a private karaoke room, (Joey laughing) for example you know, now that's. - At my house, you know. (men laughing) - Yeah, yeah. - But if I'm walking around in public I don't give a shit. Like talk to me. - Yeah. - Yeah exactly. - Same here, I love having conversations- - So this is a PSA, right? If there are any Trash Tastes fans and you see any of us out on the streets wherever, just come up to us. Just come up to us. - And if it's an awkward situation, we're just probably gonna tell it on the podcast. - Yeah, exactly. (men laughing) - No, we won't. - So, just don't fuck it up. Don't fuck it up. (man laughing) - If you don't wanna be called out on the podcast. (laughs) - I'm kidding, there's like 100 awkward interactions we haven't talked about here. - Yeah, yeah dude, we could dedicate an entire episode to shit like that. - And we should some day. I'm just saying. - I mean. - I gotta ask you, have you guys ever had that the other way around, where you've been the nervous wreck meeting someone? - I've had that once. I've had like a fanboy moment- - Why is Meilyne laughing? - Yeah, why are you laughing? (chuckles) - [Meilyne] I've- (men laughing) - We know you've been there Meilyne. - That's Meilyne's life. - That's just you in general. - Yeah. - I've had that. I've never understood like the fanboy moment in my life, until maybe, I think it was two or three years ago, I don't remember if I told it the podcast or whatever, but I was at Otakuthon in Montreal, Canada. And I was a guest there. And one of the other guests was Obata Takeshi, who is the illustrator for Death Note. - Oh whoa. - And Bakuman and you know, basically that guy. - Yeah. - And he was a guest, and I knew he was a guest. - [Garnt] Right. - But, there were lots of guests at that convention, so I was like, "I know he's a guest but I'm, it's such a massive con. like I'm probably not gonna see him." So we went to the opening ceremony 'cause we had to go to the opening ceremony. Of course he wasn't at the opening ceremony. - He's too busy for that. - No. - He was too busy for that, all right? So I'm just like, it's whatever, like. Oh, you know, I might see a poster of him somewhere or whatever. Right? - I'll see a poster. - Yeah, I'll see him in the distance. - No, 'cause like. When you're two guests at a convention, that means nothing. - No, no. - Yeah. Especially 'cause. - I know, I know. - Yeah, yeah. - He's like, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who I was just like meet in the green room right? Like he's gonna have like his own room or whatever. He was easily like the biggest guest at that con. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So I was like, "Okay, that's cool." I mean it's cool that I'm in the same building as him or whatever but it's whatever, if I don't see him, totally fine. So, we finish the opening ceremony and we're walking towards our first panel, and I think Aki was with me and she, and she was like, "Joey, you should turn around." I'm like, "Why?' And he's like, "'Cause look at the guy who's like directly behind you." And I turn around and it was Obata Takeshi. Just kind of standing there, he was just like, kind of looking at me. Like silently, and immediately, 'cause he has such a, 'cause he's like, he's got bald head, right? Like very distinct looking dude. And I immediately knew, I'm like, "Holy shit, that's Obata Takeshi." And anybody would tell you, if you're a guest at a con with Obata Takeshi, that is like the most optimal moment to be like, "Hi." - Yeah. - "Hello," right? - You could be like. - It was the perfect timing to be like, "I'm a guest of this con too, and I'm a massive fan of your work," or whatever. I couldn't say anything. (Garnt laughs) I legit was like, (laughs) (men laughing) I was, and at that moment I was like, "Oh my God, this is the fanboy moment." I understand it now. Like you really can't say anything. - [Connor] Yeah, yeah. - You just get, that was the definition of just dumbstruck. - Yeah. - Right. - [Connor] Yeah, yeah. - 'Cause I think I was so caught off guard, that I didn't expect him to be literally standing right here. - Yeah, yeah. - Looking at me. I don't know why he was looking at me either. (Garnt laughing) Like silently. He was like. - Was he off? - Was he off? - Yeah, he was like. - Did you speak to him at all? - No. - Oh, damn. You would have loved to speak to him in Japanese. - I know, I know, I should have, I missed that opportunity. I regret it to this day. - Because I've had a similar experience when I first moved to Japan, and it was when Meilyne took me to a Hiroyuki Sawano concert. So we go to this Hiroyuki Sawano concert, and it's not the type of concert you think it's gonna be, right? When I heard Hiroyuki Sawano concert, I'm like, "Big bass, big drums, this is gonna be in your face." (Joey laughs) No, it was like at this really, really posh jazz bar. And it wasn't, I wouldn't even call it a concert because everyone had like, everyone had tables and posh little cocktails, and he was just playing a lot of like acoustic versions of what he was, you know, of a lot of the songs. - That's cool though. That's pretty cool. - That's cool though. - Of a lot of songs he's composed. So it was, it was more like, it was more like a private jazz bar kind of deal, but it was still fucking amazing. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah. - And so after the concert, Meilyne like asked me, "Hey, do you wanna meet him?" And I was just like so unprepared. (Joey laughing) I was like, I thought I was just going there to see one of my favorite anime composers. And I wasn't, I didn't know Meilyne had like all the fucking contacts that can- - Of course she fucking does. - Which, now knowing her now, of course she does. - Yeah, yeah. - But back then, 'cause this was when I had just moved to Japan. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - And so we go, we go to the green room or whatever, and I'm waiting outside, and I'm just like. (breathing heavily) Holy fuck. - Heavy breathing. (men laughing) - I'm just like, I haven't, I haven't emotionally prepared myself. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Like what am I going to do? What am I going to say? And like the, I was reciting all the basic fucking Japanese that I know at the time. (Joey laughing) (Connor speaking Japanese) Like okay, I just need to say something. - Yeah, yeah. - I need to say something. And then so, he comes out, I'm like, "It's Hiroyuki Sawano, it's Hiroyuki Sawano." And then so, Hiro said, "Do you want a picture?" And everything, and I'm like, "Yeah, sure. Sure I'll have a picture." (men laughing) So, so we take the picture, and then I was like, oh I just wanted to say. I want in my mind, I wanted to say, "Oh, thank you very much for your work and everything you've done." Didn't fucking say anything, and so he, like after the picture, I'm just staring at him like this. And he looks up, and he looks at Meilyne, and then he's just like, "Was that it? Okay, I'm just gonna go back now." (men laughing) And then he goes back to the green room and I'm just like, - No! - "Oh fuck, that was that guy." I was that guy. (men laughing) Oh no. - Oh my God. (men laughing) - That's why, that's the thing though, right? Is like, now that I've experienced that moment, I don't blame anybody who does that to me or like their favorite person, right? - Exactly, exactly. I get it. I get it. - I completely understand how it feels, like- - Everything you recite in your head just goes out the fucking window. - [Joey] Yeah. (Garnt laughs) - Yeah, I've never had that- - Really never? - Really? - I think maybe, I'm trying to think of who would, maybe like, Araki, I'd be like. - Yeah, oh yeah. - Yeah. - But like that's like maybe it, like I don't know, I don't know, like I, it's weird. I see people who are maybe like, big things in stuff that I like and I'm just kind of like, "That's really cool." - Yeah. - "Maybe I should say hi," like I was at a con, and, there was a, Billy West, the guy that voices like Fry. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Futurama, and like did like some of the Looney Tunes, like the later ones. Like one of the most iconic voice actors, right? And I was like, I grew up on all that stuff. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And I was like, "Hi man, nice to meet you." And we just like, 'cause he was using the same green room, so we were just talking about stuff, but I was never like, (breathing heavily) (men laughing) It was just like, this guy is so cool. And I like, remember his voice in stuff. I don't know, it's weird, I guess 'cause I don't, in that moment when I see them in person, normally I don't think about their work. - Yeah. - I'm just like, this is another person in front of me. - Right. - I'm gonna talk to them like that, but maybe if it's like someone, again, like Araki, who I'm obsessed with- - Yeah, I think it's also, for me at least, it was like language barrier, 'cause I knew- - That's gotta be nerve-wracking. - There were so many things I wanted to say to him, and if I could speak Japanese. - You couldn't even begin to say. (Garnt laughing) - I was like, either I look like a nervous wreck or I looked like a nervous wreck speaking broken Japanese. I don't know what's better, man. - Yeah, 'cause English it's like, you play like a word game. Like you don't wanna say I'm a fan. 'Cause like, especially with other YouTubers right? - Yeah. - You don't wanna say I'm an admirer 'cause that's just kind of creepy. - I normally say like, my go-to is yeah, like man, dude I love your work man, it's sick. - Yeah, I usually say like "I appreciate your work." - I think the one guest I got on immediately well with was the first time I met Kevin Penkin, who was like such a fucking lad. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, - Yeah. (laughs) - Yeah but to be fair, like. - He's an Aussie? - Yeah. - That's the thing. It's like if he didn't know who this guy was, you'd be like, "Oh it's just another Aussie bloke." - No, he totally is. - There's this mutual, just like, understanding that I feel like British people and Australian people have when they like meet, it's like, "We're getting drunk right?" - Yeah. - Like, we're getting drunk? Ah, sick, we'll get drunk. Whereas in Americans, I feel like there's a lot more like juggling involved, "So are you, are you a drinker? - So do you do. - [In Unison] Do you drink? - Do you do like, "How much you drink? Do you like party and everything like that?" - Yeah, because like, have you met a ton of Americans that just don't drink? - Yeah. - Okay. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And you can never tell, right? - It makes us sound like alcoholics, how we're like, "No, we have to drink." No but it's like. - No, we are alcoholics. - In a sense, in a sense. - It's ingrained in our culture where, if I meet like a fellow Brit or an Aussie, it's just- - We're drinking right? - It's just like, "Hey, I'm having like, I'm having some drinks later." - Yeah, you wanna join? - It's not even like, it's just an assumption that they will join. - We're one step away in like Britain and Australia, we're one step away from the point of, if you don't drink we're gonna bully you. (man laughing) It's like, it's that ingrained in our culture. - Whereas, whenever I meet someone American like an American guest or something and I wanna get to know them better, I'm like, "what's the best way to approach this, do I ask them out for like lunch or?" - Some drinks? Like you wanna get some drinks? - Yeah. - Pub, pub. - Not pub, don't say pub. (men laughing) Drinks is always way more open-ended man. - Yeah, there isn't that same assumption that you're just gonna go out for drinks afterwards. - Yeah. - Just like, just like bond over a pint or something. - Yeah 'cause, I feel like if we hang out in the UK during the day and you know we haven't really said anything, it's just like, we're getting drinks later, right? Like. - Yeah, yeah. - Like, if you're ever a guest on the podcast, probably gonna get drinks after. - Yeah. - Yeah, we have every single time, we do it with Chris, we do it with Carol and- - [Connor] Yeah, exactly. - Who are like, who would you say is the? Well it doesn't have to be one person, but who would you say is the coolest person you've met? Like as a fan, or as an admirer of that person like, who would you say? If someone, if I asked you, who is the coolest person you've met. - I mean, in the anime industry, it'd probably be Hiroyuki Sawano for me, 'cause I've been a big fan of his work for like- - You're not gonna say Kevin Penkin? (men laughing) - Nah, nah. - Kevin's just crying. - Kevin knows he's a boy, man. (men laughing) - Kevin's like, "I'm not your favorite composer?" (laughs) - No, because like, he's a great writer. Because I remember the first time we met Kevin and we got like pissed together, and he starts talking about how like his, like how he composed for like "Made In Abyss" and his process for everything like that. And he starts talking about this really like technical, composition, like talk and I'm like, "Man, this is really fucking interesting." This is like, like a lot of people would love to hear this. This is like a really interesting conversation, but we were like pretty hammered att that point. (men laughing) And so I remember making a mental note being like, "Man, I gotta hear this again sober because this is like some really interesting stuff." (men laughing) - In your head you were like, "Wow, this is really interesting." But what came out was, "Shut up Penkin, shut up Kevin." - Yeah, so like the day afterwards, at Crunchyroll Expo, I'm like, "Man, so what were you saying about composing that scene with Mitty and like all that stuff like, can you just repeat what you said, 'cause that was like super interesting." Kevin just goes, "No man, I have no idea what the fuck I was saying." (men laughing) "I was fucking pissed mate." (men laughing) - Oh my God, I fucking love him. (men laughing) I love him so much. He was so, oh man, 'cause I remember the first time I met him IRL was when we all went. - Yeah. - Yes, a year ago. - And you know, the the moment I saw him, at that you know, at the pub, I was like, "Oh shit, that's Kevin Penkin." But then, the moment he opened his mouth, he went from Kevin Penkin to, "Oh look, and Aussie." (men laughing) - The moment I knew that it was gonna be like fine, we were gonna get on was like, I sat down, he was like, "Right, I'm getting a round then." And I was like, ah, okay and if you don't know what a round is, in the UK and Australia, we have this thing where, I think it's a way to trap you into having at least like seven drinks. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Basically it's a system where, and this probably sounds like hell to like, like socially. - Someone who doesn't drink, yeah. - It's basically like, if there's like four or five of you, someone buys the round which means that they buy all the drinks for everyone. - Yeah. - And then you kind of rotate who does it but obviously, you can't just then have one, you have to go through the whole cycle. - Yeah, because you don't wanna be that guy who doesn't pay for their round. - You don't wanna be. - Everyone'll know, you're the stingier. - Yeah. (laughs) - You don't wanna in debts with anyone. So you're getting at least as many rounds as there are people on the table. - Yeah, exactly. - Right? And that's just like how, that's just how the drinking culture works. - It's such a horrible social trap because, when you think about it like, in terms of the amount of money you spend, it's literally net zero. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - If you make it through the entire round, but for some reason you're just, you're locked into this until the round is completely over. It's horrible. - I feel like whenever I've tried to get Americans to do this, they're like, "No, that sounds stupid. Why would we do that?" - Yeah, yeah. - And I'm like, "No, no, just do it, just do it." - It's a social thing, right? - Just try, just try. - It's like logically, it's like yeah, why would I not? - It's a way to get everyone drunk. - Yeah. - Yeah, but it's just a way to get everyone drunk and everyone social 'cause like, you're all in this together right? (men laughing) - The moment you sit down you are in the cold, (laughs) you cannot leave. - Yeah. - So like Kevin, we're just fucking, okay, I'm gonna. - It's just a 10 minute Kevin Penkin appreciation part. - This is a 10 minute Kevin rant. Like if you hang out with Kevin, he has this thing called Oolong high or Oolong die. And Oolong high is just like, (Joey laughing) the worst fucking drink that gives you the worst hangovers 'cause it's like whiskey and Oolong right? - Yeah. - Or something like that. - Basically there's Oolong and like. - Or is it Shochu and Oolong? - Yeah, it's Shochu, Sochu, yeah. - Some fucking disgusting shit. - And like he orders this every time and I did not know that you could order like, Oolong high by the jug, - What? - In karaoke places? - Yeah, yeah. - But he found a way to order it by the jug in karaoke places. (Joey laughs) - He was like, "You wanna a Oolong high, right?" "I'll try it and I guess." Two jugs come in and I'm like, "Kevin." (men laughing) This isn't, what kind of sample size is this? (laughs) What the fuck? God damn. - That is the most Australian fucking like phrase for like that. - Oh, do you wanna just try that? - Oolong high or oolong die? (men laughing) My God! - Yeah. And then there's this one other time when I went to fucking Yakiniku with Kevin, and it was like, (laughs) why, it was like all you can eat as well. And so, Kevin took all you can eat, as he takes the menu, and he orders two of everything off the menu. (laughs) - Oh my God. - 'Cause he was just that hungry. (laughs) - So much disgusting stuff as well on that menu. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, and just like the food kept turning up and it was like, and he didn't tell everyone that he was ordering this much food. - Right. - So we would finish this and we will like, it was like that scene, that scene in Seven where the guy over feeds the first like sloth guy to like kill him, that's what it felt like. - I did not see the reference going there. (men laughing) - Yeah, yeah. - Like 'cause you were just eating food, and you were like, your stomach was already expanded beyond, it felt like my stomach was fucking Jupiter or something. - Right, right, right. - That's how expanded it was, and then as soon as we finish, another round of fucking Yakiniku comes, (Joey laughing) I look at Connor, we're like, why did we sign ourselves up for this? - Yeah, we made him tell the kitchen, please stop, stop the order. (Garnt laughs) We take it back, like fuck go back. (men laughing) - Oh my God. - Like pitiful. - Yeah, well, we can't wait to have Kevin on the show. - Yeah. - Yeah. - If you couldn't already tell. - What was the original question again? (laughs) - The original question was, who is the coolest person you've met? And then it went (Garnt laughing) to a 10 minute Kevin Penkin appreciation post. - I feel like when you meet like, celebrities or whatever in the right environment like it normally results in really positive. - Yeah. - Like if you're in the green room with someone then normally, and obviously not everyone can get in the green room sadly, but you know, if they're in a place where they're comfortable, and you talk to them, I find like most people you speak to are really fucking cool. - That's true. - Most, most, I mean there's, I've met plenty of guests who have been like, yikes. - Yeah, yeah. - At conventions. - Yeah. - We won't go into that. - Yeah. Yeah, well we should leave them unnamed. - Yeah. - I don't wanna get called out. (men laughing) 'Cause that one time I punched that kid, I really don't want that getting out there. (men laughing) - One time punched that guest. - Yeah. - Dude, some of the stuff I've seen guests do, "You're like holy shit, they're confident doing that in front of like eight other guests? - Yikes. - Jesus Christ!" (Connor exhales) - Yeah I've seen guests that have made like, 'cause at cons you get like handlers, I've seen them make their handlers cry over like nothing. We're all just sitting there in the room like. (Garnt laughing) Okay. - 'Cause I'm just sitting there being like, I don't even know what to do with my handler. - I don't even know where my handler is right now. (men laughing) - Yeah, I tell them, listen, I'm fine. (laughs) - Yeah. - Yeah. - Maybe I'll need a coffee at some point over this weekend. (Joey laughing) I feel bad asking you to do that. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - I don't know, I feel like one guest who, and I know this is probably gonna be like, so like, of course, Connor, so when I was doing my obviously Sebastian stuff for so long. - I knew where you were going. - Okay no, 'cause I felt like I learned so much right? So, I was copying Jay Michael Tatum's Sebastian impression for so fucking long, right? And I was so worried when I met him, 'cause I was like, I'm literally like, made my career at that point off just copying the dude. Right, which could've gone either way. - You thought it could have been like the Spiderman meme like, (laughs) (men laughing) - It could've been like, "I fucking hate what you're doing. "Why are you copying me? Stop doing that," or it could have been like, "Who are you?" Or it could have been like, "Oh nice." I guess, I didn't expect, I don't know what I expected. And when I met him, he was super fucking nice. He was like, "Oh, you're that fucking guy." Like jokingly. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And I was like, (exhales) okay, he's cool about it. And yeah, he invited me for drinks and stuff and we met and yeah, one thing I learned from him is that he is amazing at handling the fans that come to him. - Oh really? - Right. - And just getting to like sit next to him and watch him like talk to them and like, he just immediately changed his atmosphere based on who he saw or who was coming near him. He just read people, like immediately. And so, starting to copy like doing that, and it was rough at the start but I feel like I've learned so much from him in just, how to compose yourself, how to just be nice to people. (Garnt laughing) I'm just such an ass, I'm kidding. (men laughing) - Right, not only did you copy his voice but you copied the way that you handled- - Yeah, yeah. (men laughing) And that he was so willing to like, like help me out and teach me things and he also like- - Just like trained you up like a prodigy. - Yeah, yeah. (Garnt laughs) Like there was a con that I wasn't going to go to and he personally vouched on my behalf and said this guy's good, he was like, "You need to get him." And like really nice guy. Him and his husband Brandon are both some of the nicest voice actors out there. - I mean yeah, I was just about to say, like, the way that Brandon and I kind of met online was a little like. - You shitting on voice actors that- - No, no, not really, (Connor laughing) it was like a, so, to give context like, I've never met Brandon IRL yet, but we follow each other on Twitter and we've talked like- - He's one of the nicest dudes I've ever met. - Such a nice guy. - Really centered. - And I can immediately tell, incredibly intelligent. - He's like getting TikTok famous as well. - Yeah, yeah I saw, I saw. But, I did this video, I think it was sometime this year. It was earlier this year, where I asked my fans on Twitter to send me videos of them speaking in Japanese. (men laughing) Asking questions about Japanese, and then I respond or like answer their question or whatever. And one of the videos, was Brandon. (men laughing) And he was speaking in the most perfect Japanese I've ever heard. Like his Japanese is actually perfect. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And in the video he basically asked, "So, I've seen videos of you in the past, kind of shitting on dubs?" (men laughing) - So he's a, Michael and his husband are both dub voice actors. - They're both dub voicers. Yeah, they're both dub voice actors. - And Brandon used to be a professional translator. - Yeah, he was, so hence why he's Japanese is so- - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - But in the video, in full Japanese, you know, very, very professional Japanese he's like, "So, you've kind of been talking, ill heartedly about dubs and dub voice actors. So, as a translator, I want to know, like, what is the best, what is a solution to that?" And immediately, in the video, you can see immediately, I was just like, "I'm so sorry." (men laughing) - He had like, Brandon had that shit-eating grin of like, I've completely won here. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. I have taken the W, now you must hand it to me. - I remember when I saw that on Twitter I was like, "Good Joey, you have to admit that dubs are good now." - Yeah. (men laughing) So basically in the video, I was just like, "Listen, it's not the voice actors usually, "it's the voice directors," I did that whole spiel. And luckily he was really really cool about it and you know because he said it in such a nice fashion as well to me, I couldn't help, but just being like, "Okay you know what? I'll give you that one." (men laughing) Yeah, you dropped this King, I'll give it to you, all right? Yeah but, yeah, he's, I'd love to meet him IRL and- - Oh yeah, they're both super nice guys and I mean the reason why I speak so highly of them is just 'cause they've just been so nice to me and so welcoming. - Honestly, every dub voice actor I've interacted with, either IRL or not IRL has been really, really nice to me, considering the fact that I had supposedly shit-talked a lot of top voice actors. (men laughing) I haven't been shit-talking the voice actors, okay? Just the product. - Just the dubs. - You're just trying to deflect the blame, Joey. (Garnt laughing) - Yeah, please, I like you, but. - Deflect, deflect. - I like you guys. - "Ah, it's the director's fault." Meets a director, "It was the production team." - Yeah, it was the production team's fault. I meet the product- - It was the audio software's fault. It was a Dolby. - It was no one's fault, you just had a crunch time, that was it. - Yeah, I was deaf in one ear, clearly. - I remember I was still bitter for like two years that you said the, watching Baccano! subbed is better than dubbed, I was like, "What? Well, you're chatting out of your ass." - I mean I still stand by that point but, - You're chatting out your ass man. - (groaning) Oh God damn it! - Look, I'll say that it's better, but I'm not saying that the dub is bad. The dub is good. - The dub's better. - The dub's better. - It's better, it's just better. - Nah. (all laughing) - Would you, like? - Nah. - What, no, it's just like. - No, it's good but it's not better. - It's like one of the few dubs that's, you know, one of the few shows that are better experienced in dubs, just because of the setting and like- - The reason why most anime are better in Japanese is 'cause, most of the time, the setting matches Japanese, but in Baccano! it's like, it's in fucking 1930s America. We need to have. - In my opinion, there was only one anime where the dub is far superior than the sub, and that's Panty & Stocking. - I mean yeah. - Yeah. - Right. - But that's obviously because it doesn't even look like an anime, it looks like a cartoon. - I think, at least for the notable ones, Panty & Stocking, Baccano!, and Cowboy Bebop. - Cowboy Bebop, yeah. - Of course. - Yeah, of course. - But Baccano! is like, I watched the sub and I'm like, "Look, this is shit." - I'm not, no, listen. - This is shit. - It's not shit! - It is a shittier experience compared to the dub. - It is not shit, I'm not saying that the Baccano! dub is bad- - Going from Baccano! dub to sub is like when you have like the premium, triple-ply wipes at home and you go to the fucking restroom, in like public and it's like the sand paper grading your. - It's not that bad. - They're all, it's like 1930s Japan and they're all like Kawaii, like some of the characters. "Oh, mama!" And it's like, shut the fuck up, sound American! You're in 1930s America, sound American, bitch. - I don't know man, like look, listen. To me it's like. - We need to have you, forcibly sit you down, and watch the dub and like, enjoy it. - I've seen the dub. - How much have you seen of the dub? - I've seen it all. - Bullshit. - Yes I have. - No way, no way. - Baccano! is one of my fucking favorite anime, of course I've seen the dub. And also because you won't shut the fuck up about the dub, so I'm like, "All right, fine, I'll listen to the fucking dub." - I will not be not contend until I watch you watching the dub. (Joey laughing) I wanna sit behind you being like, Joey, appreciate this part. - Fine, I'll do a reaction video. - We're on video, will you please stop fighting? (men laughing) - I'll do a reaction video to me watching the dub and then you can do a reaction video to my reaction video. All right, how's that? - I mean okay, here's another question. - Can we just get on? (men laughing) Can we just get on, please? - Okay, can you name any of the characters that you think are better in the sub than the dub? Like which one do you think, or like is there any dub characters in it? - It's not particular characters, it's just overall, because maybe it's because I did watch the sub first. I don't know, maybe if I watched the dub first, might be completely different. - I don't know, like Ladd Russo is like one of my favorite dub performances of all time. - So, yeah, it's like. - Of all time. - No, of course, Ladd Russo is fucking incredible. - And he's good in sub, but I don't know. - I mean, I don't know maybe it's because I understand the language. - It hit different. (men laughing) - If you, okay, I know it's. - I'm just saying maybe it's because I understand the language, and I understand the small little inflections that might go over a lot of people's heads, that I appreciate the sub a lot more than most people. - I mean you just, okay. Even just give me a two second sample of the voices. When you listen to like the gravel in Ladd's English voice in Baccano!, it's like god damn. God damn! - Okay but hold on, from your logic right, you've only brought up Ladd. - Yeah, okay well, I think Isaac and Miria are also better. - I think Isaac and Miria sound the fucking same. In the sud and dub. - No, no. It's fucking, in Japanese, it's voiced by Cream from Sonic and it sounds like Cream from Sonic. (men laughing) And it doesn't sound right at all. And, okay, also in the sub- - Okay, but hold on a second, if that voice actor didn't do Cream from Sonic. - No! - Then maybe you'd be like, "Okay, this is actually pretty good." - No, because. - Maybe it's all because you only hear Cream from fucking Sonic the Hedgehog. - To anyone that hasn't watched this, you don't need to have watched it, but, like again, and also in the dub, they cut out a lot of the reaction noises like, ah, oh, or like a bunch of them, which is fucking fantastic 'cause I think it doesn't suit Baccano! having the, (Connor exclaims) and fucking Miriam sounds like fucking Cream the fucking, what's it, the rabbit, that's it. Nodding every two seconds? And she says, "Sukhoi" every two seconds, it is so grading, seeing an American 1930s person going, with a Tommy gun going, "Sukhoi." (men laughing) It's so weird. - I don't mind. - I hate it. - I don't mind it because it's fucking anime. - Oh I, what did you say one of the episodes? It's just cartoons, bro? - Yeah it's just a Japanese cartoon bro, chill the fuck out. - No, we all know that someone has to get angry, and I'll do it. - Oh my God of course. Every time dude. Every anime has to have that one faction of a toxic city right? - I thought I cared about the Baccano! dub, and then I realized, man maybe I don't care about the Baccano! dub. - No, I really don't. I really don't. - I just think you know, scientifically speaking, it's, it's better. - It's a Chinese cartoon voiced in English, like- - Chinese? (men laughing) - Just chill out there. - Chinese? (men laughing) This man, this man's off, goddammit. - Oh my God. - What were we talking about? - I don't even know, we were, oh yeah, we were talking, no, we were talking about our favorite people that we've met. - Oh yeah, we were talking about- (men laughing) - Not that that matters. - Why do we do this every time? - It's okay, tangents are a healthy part of conversation. - Not when it goes over to like, how did it go from fucking, oh yes I love Jay Michael Tatum to fucking Cream, from Sonic the Hedgehog? - I felt like I could've gone for a toilet break and just let you guys duke it out for like the last five minutes. - Yeah, you could've. - Yeah, you could've. I would've come out on top. - I'm just passionate you know, I just care about the things that I care, which is not many things. - What's the meme on the softboard again, where it's like, I love how Connor interjects with an opinion and thinks he's always right. (men laughing) - Hey man- - And he doesn't let anyone else talk about it. - I fucking hate when I listen to a podcast when it's like three people who are like, - Oh yes. - You know yes, I guess you have a point, yeah, I mean, I guess I can understand where you're, I want someone who's like, "Fuck you, you're wrong." And it turns out, that that person is completely in the wrong. - Right. - And they're on there like, "I don't give a shit." It doesn't matter, that's the last episode. - So what you're saying is you're playing the villain. - You're playing the antagonist again. - You're playing the antagonist again. - Okay, listen, right? I don't give a fuck. And if I'm in the moment, I'm gonna say what I say with full confidence and I'll go home later that day and I'll be like, "I think I was actually wrong, actually, fuck, I mean, we've recorded it." - Big regret. (Garnt laughs) - Because I've talked to you enough times to know that you do that so many fucking times off the podcast as well, so I'm just like, you know what, sometimes I'll just let him have the candy and just let him realize that- - Nah. - Sometimes you do it, sometimes you do it on the same day. You're like, we would have a conversation in the afternoon, and then as we're having drinks that night, you'd be like, now that I think about it, I might've been talking out of my ass. (men laughing) - I'll totally realize later, well, I'm like, "Yeah, yeah, I was actually completely in the wrong in that point but you know. - Yeah, yeah. - I'm glad that I said it with confidence at least. - I mean look, the bottom line is, don't take what we say all that seriously all right? Take it with a grain of salt, all right? - This is three boys just having a fucking laugh. - Yeah, I, (laughs), god. - We're not like, I don't know, we're not like an authority or anything like that. - No, I see a lot of people who comment being like, "I can't believe they misquoted something or I can't believe they've spread misinformation." And it's like, no, this is just three boys having a conversation that we would have off camera. - Right. - Yeah. - This is exactly how we talk off camera, and I'm sure you have conversations with your friends all the time where you've short absolute shit out of your ass, right? - Yeah, exactly. - So if we say anything that's incorrect, if I'm actually confident about it, don't take that (laughs). (Garnt and Joey laughing) Like the- - In other words, don't ever take us seriously. - Yeah, I mean, if I'm talking about something that I am clearly like, knowledgeable about, like if I'm talking about voice acting and I say, well I know my shit right? - Yeah. - Okay fine, you can take my opinion on it seriously. - Yeah. - But, just like take what we say with a grain of salt. Sometimes, we don't know what we're talking about, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that, because a lot of people don't know what the fuck they're talking about, and how we learn, is how we sometimes, you say stupid, stupid shit. - Oh yeah, all the time. - And then we find out we're wrong about it. - And luckily we have, you know, you guys to very nicely remind us in the comments how wrong we are. - I don't give a fuck man. (men laughing) I know that it's not something that we've tailor, you know, really sat there and thought, oh, is that the correct thing to say? Wait, have we done enough research? - Hold on guys, let me check Wikipedia real quick. - I'm talking out of my ass and sometimes I'll say shit that is just like completely wrong, and that's okay, because it's. - And we know that its hilarious. - Yeah. - Yeah, I just wanna preface that, if we do say something, sure you can believe us, but you should probably (laughs), you know, if you really wanna take our word for it, maybe check on your own as well. - Don't like quote us on any thesis or anything like that. - [Joey] Yeah, exactly, exactly. - Because this is not the type of show. - I mean half the episodes, we have alcohol, you know what I mean, it's probably. - That says a lot. - Would you trust an opinion of someone in a bar being like, "No, no, no, the engineering is structurally sound." - Yeah, yeah. - Sips the cocktail, yeah, it's great, you know. (Joey laughing) - This is why we have guests on who can actually know, have like, are knowledgeable in situations where we are and where we're not just like talking out of our ass and we would, we would just like- - Put us in our place. - Yeah, put us in our place basically. (Joey laughing) - I mean, normally when we're talking off camera, we might pull out our phone and be like, "No Connor, you're actually wrong." And then I'll double down and be like, "No, I don't trust that." - Yeah, I don't care. I don't care what Wikipedia has to say. I think I'm right, therefore I am. - Facts and opinions, facts and logic, sorry. - I know some people hate that like I'll be like, "No, fuck you anyway." But I (laughs)- - I find it fucking hilarious because- - I just, at the end of the day, as much of it, it's a dichotomy, right, 'cause this is a show, but at the same time, it's like, to us, it's kind of not a show, it's like we just talk, right? But we are putting on a show, but we talk like this, the exact same way off show. - I don't know, I don't feel like we act any differently off camera. - No, no, no, yeah. - No, no, no. We just have a microphone in our face, that's the only difference, right? And cameras on us. - I care about my angle, okay, no. - No, sometimes I purposely lead Connor on with the shit that he's saying, because it's like weirdly heartwarming, you know, it's kind of the same feeling as like, me being a dad and my five-year-old, you know, trying to convince me that Santa Claus is real, you know? (men laughing) All right, yeah. Oh, he comes down the chimney, does he? - I'm more than happy to waste my energy in shouting at you and telling you. - Oh, he comes down the chimney, oh, okay. Cookies and milk? Okay, okay. (Connor laughing) I see, I see. Tell me more, please. - Man, you're leading me on. (men laughing) - Yeah, but what the fuck were we talking about? Oh yeah, people we'd like to meet. - [In Unison] Yeah. - What about, what about other stuff that we do? (men laughing) - Why, what do you mean? - We did have a topic in mind. - Well, we did have a topic in mind before we moved on to this. - Ah, really. - And we just wanna break into it, 'cause we're getting close to the hour mark, right? - Yeah. - Okay. - Okay. - And we discussed beforehand that, because we have the Lost Episode, which is probably gonna go down in history as some kind of fabled legend of- - Yeah, people will be like, "Whoa, what's that-" - It's actually a shame 'cause I thought it was genuinely a fucking great episode. - It was a great episode. - So, I'm sure we've mentioned on other episode, we recorded an episode, and for some reason the audio stopped recording 10 minutes in, so, completely unusable and we refused to use the camera audio. It sounds like shit. - It sounded like dog shit, and I'm just like, I don't even wanna make it, this a patron exclusive. - Yeah, we now have a system in place where the audio is fine, so that'd not happen, but we spoke about fandoms that we are, aren't too fond of. (men laughing) And I know this is gonna be a like, everyone's like, everyone's getting there, which, what am I a fandom of. Not like that, not just openly shitting on fandoms, although there was some of that. - Although we are gonna. - Yeah, we are going to, we are going to. - I like how we made the previous segment like perfectly, perfectly segue into this segment, where we're just gonna shit on everything, and- - So, what are we gonna talk about after talking about the people we love? Oh yeah, the people we fucking hate. - Listen, I know that fandoms in general are not represented by the minority annoyance that is in the forefront. - Yes of course. - It is, it is the vocal - But. - Minority that are probably what we are talking about. - This is just us joshing around and chatting shit. - This is what we see, right? This is just what we see. - So Dragon Ball fans. (men laughing) Don't get offended, okay. (men laughing) We're not (laughs). - Go on, well. - If you like Dragon Ball, you are the worst. - You are the. - What are you doing? Why are you a Dragon- (Joey imitates spitting) (men laughing) - As a Monkeybrain, I should be a giant fan of. (men laughing) Okay no, okay I'll start with, Dragon Ball fandom scares me the most out of any fandom. - No, because. - Why is that? - Maybe it's 'cause I understand the JoJo fandom and I'm in the, you know, behind the scenes. - Which is, we'll get to the JoJo fandom. - Yeah, we'll get to the JoJo fandom. - We'll get to that, we'll get to that right? 'cause I'm sure everyone's gonna be thinking that immediately, but like, the Dragon Ball Fandom, it's like, I feel like it's so separate from every other anime fandom. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Whereas JoJo fans normally watch a bit of anime, yeah okay, they're a bit annoying and what not and whatever. But Dragon Ball fans, I feel like a ton of them only watch Dragon Ball. - Yeah. - What do you mean seasonal anime? There was no Dragon Ball in that season, I don't give a fuck. - Do you mean seasonal new season of Dragon Ball? - [Garnt] Yeah (laughs). - Reruns of Dragon Ball Z? - Like, okay, I mean this is just like, outside looking in, so I'm sure we're chatting out our ass half the time, but like, my God, are they aggressive online about like, and also the YouTube scene scares me so much. - The Dragon Ball YouTubers are- - I just (laughs), I'm sorry I spat. I just had a flash-back to that thumbnail. (men laughing) - You have to explain that. - Do you wanna explain that thumbnail? - You have to explain that. - So I was on Twitter- - Peak content on YouTube. - Oh my God! - I'm pretty sure it's like parody, and if it's not, it's parody. - Yeah, I hope, I hope it is. - Like if, no matter what, it's parody 'cause I either laugh 'cause it is parody or I laugh 'cause it's not parody. - Yeah. - Yeah, I follow like Justin Wang on Twitter, and he's the guy that talks about like internet law and he retweets the most fucking cursed shit. And so it was just a thumbnail and it was like, "What would happen?" It was like, "What if Vegeta got coronavirus, was tested coronavirus positive?" And I was like, "This can't be real." Like, it was just a thumbnail, so I searched it, and it was a two-part series of, what if Vegeta got the coronavirus? And I was like, "what, what is this?" - What was the other part? - It was part two, just part two, I didn't wanna watch it, but there was another one where it was like, "What if Goku tested HIV positive?" (men laughing) And I was like, (laughs) what is Dragon Ball YouTube? What is this? I only watched the first five minutes and I was pretty sure it was parody, I couldn't tell, but it was very, like, dry delivery. - Right. - Right. - I need to watch the rest of it, that probably get a nice- - Nice, bring some views. - I need to watch that video. - Yeah, 'cause the thing about the Dragon Ball fandom is that it feels like the Dragon Ball fandom, I mean, you can be obviously a Dragon Ball fan and an anime fan, but I feel like there are just as many Dragon Ball fans who are just Dragon Ball fans, right? And they like watch nothing else but Dragon Ball. It's kind of like being like, just like an MCU fan, you know what I mean? - Yeah. (laughs) - You call yourself like a comics fan. - It's weird 'cause like the Dragon Ball videos, like I'm just going based off like what I've seen on YouTube, just pure anecdotal stuff. Those Dragon Ball videos come out as often if not more often than most anime YouTuber videos, and get more views or the same views. - Yeah. - And so that must mean, right, that like, again this is just me like, fucking like, aliens, like you know what I mean? Like, surely the fandom is fucking gigantic. - It has to be. - Yeah, yeah. - And like, I don't know man- - Or it's like a really small group of super dedicated people who are like, "I need to watch this for the 20th time." - And people are so into it man, like I don't understand the videos that are like, "What if Vegeta fought a fucking Luffy?" And I'm like, "What is that? Who gives a shit?" - I mean, that's going from like Dragon Ball fan to like Shonen fandom as a whole, which also exists in this like, it's own little bubble, I feel. - Yeah, yeah. But I don't understand that shit. - But it's not just Shonen fandom, right? It's Shonen action fandom. It's not like the Shonen romance fandom or the Shonen harem fandom, 'cause there's like lots of different types of Shonen, right? It's specifically Shonen, like power fantasy battle harem. (Garnt laughing) You know what I mean, like the whole fandom, right? Like that's all, it's the Naruto's, it's the Bleach, it's the One Piece. Although, I feel One Piece is kind of separate from everything else. - Yeah, One Piece is on its own. - It's like, One Piece is separate, Dragon Ball is separate, and then, Naruto and Bleach are separate. And then you have like, just like the general like, oh, and then the Seven Deadly Sins fanbase is separate as well. - Yeah, yeah. - This video is sponsored by Mack Weldon. Mack Weldon is better than whatever you're wearing right now. - For example, Garnt is wearing Mack Weldon right now, are the fabrics premium Garnt? - They are the most premium-este fabrics I've ever. - Thank you so much Garnt, I appreciate that. Mack Weldon believes in smart design, premium fabrics and simple shopping, I have to say, 'cause I ordered the stuff myself. It was pretty simple to use. - [Joey] Mack Weldon will be the most comfortable underwear, socks, shirts, under shirts, hoodies and sweatpants, and more that you will ever wear. - They have a line of Silver underwear and shirts that are naturally anti-microbial, which means that they eliminate odor. - They want you to be comfortable, so if you don't like your first pair of underwear, you can keep it, and they will still refund you. No questions asked, you can keep your smelly underwear. Not only does Mack Weldon's underwear, socks, and shirts look good, they perform well too. It's good for working out, going to work, going out on dates, just everyday life. - I did work out in the shorts at the gym, can confirm. - I did go out with this beautiful Mack Weldon beanie, and it was very comfortable and wholesome. - [Connor] The folks at Mack Weldon have even created their own, totally free loyalty program called Weldon Blue. Level one gets you free shipping, for life. And once you reach level two by spending $200, Mack Weldon will start giving you 20% off every order for the next year. - That is a bargain if I've ever heard it, thank you Mack Weldon. - I personally got the silver underwear, and as you guys know, I embarrass myself all the time on my own channel, showing off my boxers in my cosplay videos, and you bet your ass you'll be seeing them soon. - Well, I actually got something a little bit different. I got the beanie, but I also got the Mack Weldon face mask as well. - Yeah, dude, yeah. - Which is perfect for this time- - I didn't think to get the mask, but I'm kind of jealous. - These are actually really comfortable on my face as well. - So, for 20% off your first order you can go to and use coupon code TrashTaste for 20% off. I repeated myself there. - Did he say 20%, Joey? I think he said 20% right? - That is a lot of percent. - Damn that's a steal! - Thank you to Mack Weldon for sponsoring today's episode, now back to the video. - Before we get into this, I need a fucking. - Yeah, let's whip out the old boys. This conversation requires alcohol. (laughs) - You brought up Seven Deadly Sins, I do wanna talk a lot about that later. We'll get into, we'll get into the Seven Deadly Sins. - We're just gonna go through all the fucking Shonens, aren't we? (men laughing) - Right, Dragon Ball Twitter is the fucking, every time I see a shitty take- - Starting off strong. - Like, you just see the dumbest fucking take, it's always from a fucking Dragon Ball amateur. - Yeah, yeah. - Or like someone who like, just tweets about Dragon Ball. - Yeah, 'cause I remember seeing like so many shitty takes, like I remember seeing this one tweet that was like talking about how Vegeta was like the greatest antihero ever written in anime or something like that. (men laughing) And there was like, the comment thread was like more hilarious than the take itself, and I think my favorite meme was just like, Goku going Super Saiyan, and he was just like, at the top text was like, "Don't fuck with Dragon Ball fans." And the bottom text was, "We only know one anime." (men laughing) - It's true though, what is it about? What is it about Dragon Ball fans that only watch Dragon Ball? Like everything they consume, it's like, you know they're a Dragon Ball fan when they're like, "ah, but GG wasn't that bad. (Garnt laughs) Was it, like?" - Did you see the tweet that was like, "You know Goku didn't protest." And it's like. (all laughing) - Are you serious? - Yeah, it was like, "Vegeta didn't protest. They just got it done." And I was like, oh my god, read the room, man. Read the room. - Oh my god. - It was so funny, the replies were like, "bro, it's anime." (men laughing) Like they're fucking delusional, man. - Oh my god, what is it? I've always wanted to know, right? Because I don't personally know anyone who's in that fandom, but I've always been interested in meeting someone IRL who's in that fandom, 'cause I just have so many- - No, no, you'll know, 'cause they're the fucking loudest ones at their conventions. - Yeah, true, true. - They're the ones in the corner, playing like fucking. - Fucking charging up. Trying to be Super Saiyan. - If you ever hear someone go (Connor shouts) (Garnt laughing) you know who they are. - Yeah, yeah. - But like, I've always just wanted to ask them being like, why? (men laughing) - Why, no, it's like that meme of the fucking, the woman in the car, it's like, "Why are you like this?" - Yeah, why are you like this? (Garnt laughing) Like what like, who conditioned you to be like, there's so much good anime out there, I'm aware. Yes One Piece, I am aware of that show. Naruto, Bleach, I'm aware of all of these. No, Goku is my bae. (Garnt laughing) and I will only follow his story. - It's so weird right, 'cause it's like, I mean, what I see in the Shonen fandom is like everything is like a dick measuring contest. (Connor laughs) Like you got a fucking sim for your fucking characters and you're gonna, you're gonna defend them no matter what. Like it's (laughs). - Like what? I don't understand. Like, I guarantee, compared to like some of these Dragon Ball fans, like dude, I don't even think Toriyama is as big of a Dragon Ball fan (Garnt laughing) as fucking Dragon Ball fans. You know, at least Toriyama was like, "I mean I like Dragon Ball but like, I like Dragon Quest as well you know, like, I've got all these other things." Meanwhile, Dragon Ball fans are like, "Toriyama, god, I love you. Do more Dragon Ball please." - Too fair, that's classic me with JoJo. (men laughing) Do more, do more of that. - Yeah, but at least Araki's only done JoJo. - True, and I'm not shouting about it all the time. - Yeah of course. - I'm just like secretly thinking about it. - Are you sure about that? (Joey laughing) - Not all the time, not all the time. - Are sure about that? - Gentlemen, it's not all the time. - Are you sure about that? So when Connor. - We'll get into that, we'll get into that. - Okay, we'll get into that. We'll get into that. - We'll get into JoJo when I'm willing to talk about that. (Garnt laughing) - I got some shit to say, but no. Like sticking with the Dragon Ball and Shonen fandom, to me it feels like the fucking ghetto right? (men laughing) Because. - Ghetto of the anime fans. - Ghetto of the anime fans. - Because like, they're like, it feels like they're constantly having gang wars with each other and you're just sitting here, watching this like, take place on Twitter. - You're like the suburban white couple. (men laughing) No, no, no, I don't. - You're like the suburban white couple going into the ghetto, that are just like, "You don't belong here, do you?" (laughs) - I'm just watching this feud go on on Twitter being like, (table thumps) "Liverwood beat, Leaf would beat fucking Goku in a fight," or something like this shit. - I mean, well, One Piece fans are like, "Cool, I guess, like I don't fucking care." Like what? Why? Why do you care? Why does? Why does the Dragon Ball fanbase want to give Goku like this amazing KD ratio? Like other anime fans. (men laughing) - I just had this amazing flashback. You remember the time when One Punch Man came out? - [Joey] Yeah. - Like for some fucking reason, there were so many videos of like, "Who will win, Goku or Saitama?" - Or Saitama, yeah, yeah. - Oh my god! - And like, if you dare say an opinion, it's like, get ready to get fucking destroyed by either fandom. (men laughing) - Well, what was even worse than that was, do you remember when like Death Battle did Goku versus Superman? - Oh my god! - And that got so toxic, that they had to redo it, to give the same results! (men laughing) (Connor clapping) - Imagine being, like caring that much about some fictional fan fight. Like, this is literally like four writers in a room who are like, "I think Goku would win." And people are like, "I can't believe it. I can't make sense of this, my day is ruined." - Do they even watch the show? - You would know if you saw the size of Goku's nipples that there is no way he would lose in a fight. It's not possible. (laughs) It's like it's insane, it's actually insane. Like, and I don't understand because I've never cared that much about something in my life, right. - Yeah. - Right. - I have been in like university, I've had my YouTube channel completely demonetized, that's all my income, and I cared less about that. I mean, I cared a lot, I obviously didn't wanna go broke. - What's one thing though that the Dragon Ball fanbase that, like I'm pretty sure, I'm quite correct on. And just shocks me, is that I guaran-fucking-tee, that 99% of the like, hardcore Dragon Ball fans probably didn't even watch the first Dragon Ball. They started from zero. - That's a controversial take, Joey. - I guarantee. - That's an assumption Joey. - It's an assumption, but I'm willing to bet on it. - Every Dragon Ball fan is now gonna come up and be like, oh, excuse me, I watched. - Yeah, they've watched it. You've given them fuel now Joey. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean if you have, good on you but- - It is, it is- - I'm gonna say something that has completely no basis, whatsoever. - Okay. Go on. - I think the Dragon Ball fans are one bad day away from being furries, there, I said it. (men laughing) Okay, there, I said it, okay. I think they are, I think they act in the same way that furries do in sometimes, there. - I mean, isn't Goku a monk? - Yeah. - As somebody, as somebody who was a very angry child, I know exactly where that anger's coming from. I know where it's coming from. (Garnt laughing) - But that's a jump into the pit. - I'm just saying man, that (laughs), they're one bad forum click away, man. That's all (laughs). (Garnt laughing) - They're one bad YouTube recommendation away from like falling down in that rabbit hole. - We're gonna get fucking destroyed in this episode. (Garnt laughing) - [Joey] Oh my god! - Good thing we're fucking drunk. (laughs) - Yeah, I know. (Joey laughing) - Wait, but what do you mean Garnt? I had like four sips, what do you- - Just take some sips, just take some sips. - It's gonna get worse, the more like, the more we drink. - I think that my parents didn't love me as much as the fans love Goku. I'll be honest, all right. And I don't know what that says about my parents, but. (men laughing) - No, your parents loved you fine, I'm sure. - My parents would not defend me on a comment section. - No, no. - Very aggressively. - No. - They'd be like, "This on you, Connor." (men laughing) - I just imagine now like, what if Goku was an actual person and he just saw all the comments? - What if Goku, has Goku committed war crimes? - Yeah. (all laughing) - Do we know if Goku's done that? Would they defend Goku? - I mean, we know what would happen if he was HIV positive, right, but we don't know. (men laughing) But we don't know what would happen. - I think it's great that Goku is advocating for HIV awareness. (Joey laughing) I think that's great, you know. More power to him, you know, I don't know if that's in the agenda- - I have to start a parody series now, where I just go through every show and then protagonist and just go into hypothetical situations of if they were HIV positive. - What if Saitoma had (laughs) syphilis? (laughs) (men laughing) Would Saitoma be able to punch syphilis? - Yeah, would he be able to punch the syphilis off his dick? I don't know. (men laughing) - I mean okay, I love to clout on Dragon Ball fans, 'cause they are like the brick wall of opinions. - Yeah. - It's like it doesn't matter what you say, it's just like- - We can't take you seriously. - I mean it's because most of the time, they're arguing a point that can't be proved anyway. - Okay. - It's all like situational, because who cares about power levels? 'Cause you can't really argue about power levels, unless you watch Death Battle, you know? And people still disagree with that shit. - Yeah, even then, it's like, if there's no basis. - Even if you put science into it, people are gonna like, rep the shit no matter what, you know what I mean? - Yeah, exactly, exactly. - It's like a fucking religion, you know- - It is a religion. - Yeah, I know. - It's like a cult, It's a cult. - It's the cult of Dragon Ball, that's exactly what it feels like. - Dragon Ball fans watching this be like, "Shit." (Garnt laughing) - Oh shit, they're onto us. - It's just a level of excitement that I've never felt for, or like passion that I've never felt for anything. I don't know if that means that I'm lacking in something in my life, but then I see how passionate they are, and I'm like, I'm kind of glad that I have hobbies. - Yeah. (men laughing) - Other than Dragon Ball. (men laughing) I'm glad I have other things that I can like put my time and energy. - It can be like, go read gay porn, Connor, like. - Yeah. - Exactly. - I don't know, I- - How many burns can we get on like one episode? - Yeah. (Connor laughs) - Like don't get me wrong, like I'm sure all three of us, love Dragon Ball right? - Yeah. - Like we grew up with that shit, of course it's fucking epic, but we like other things. - Oh wait no, I never grew up on it. - Oh you didn't? - No, because I was always so fucking confused at what was happening. - Oh yeah, that's right, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Wait, how were you confused? What was confusing about it? - When I was a kid, I would watch a fight. And then the next episode was them like talking before the fight. - Yeah, we talked about it in a previous episode. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It was like, it was completely out of order so I was like, I don't wanna watch. - That's fair, that's fair. - Yeah. - But I mean like, but I mean, you know, it is a very inoffensive show right? - Yeah. - Right, right. - Because it's hard to hate Dragon Ball. - Okay. - I feel. - Okay, like okay. - I love the charm of Dragon Ball. - Yeah. - I love the mainstream, like everyone knows Dragon Ball. - Yeah. - And, dude, when you're listening to a rap song, and you hear like a Dragon Ball reference as an anime fan, you're like, "What?" - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - He's Akrillon. (men laughing) I don't even know who that is, but that's cool. - Because what I don't understand is like, how Dragon Ball is still, I guess, as loved as it is because, you know? - It's got such as huge pop and like mainstream referencing power. - Yeah, because I love Dragon Ball Z, but my god, I could not watch Dragon Ball Z today. - No. - No, no. - No way. - It has not aged well at all in terms like the pacing and everything. And I remembered like trying to watch the newest Dragon Balls and I can't even remember the fucking name. What's the new Dragon Ball? - Super? - Dragon Ball Super, that was it. And I remember trying to watch like Inako too, and it was just exactly the same as Dragon Ball Z. It was like slightly faster paced- - Yeah, just cleaner line-up right? - Yeah. (men laughing) But like my god, like I don't know how this, how there are still so many passionate fans, whereas like Naruto fans, they saw Boruto, and were like, "Fuck that shit, Boruto fucking sucks." - [Joey] Yeah, exactly. - Whereas Dragon Ball fans are here repping Dragon Ball Super, where I think it's an okay show you know? And that's- - You're gonna get flamed for that one dude. (Garnt laughing) How dare he just said it was okay. - It was okay, it was- - I mean, I feel like Dragon Ball is a fandom that is just like, where the creators are just like, "I guess just give them the same thing again? "Slightly different, Goku has blue hair now." Is that correct? Am I saying- - Yeah, he can go Super Saiyan black now as well. - Yeah, is that the clip where they say, "Don't shoot, he's black?" - I'm sorry, he's the strongest. - Yeah. - In the universe now, how can we up that up? Multi-verse. - Yeah multi-verse, yeah. Let's have a tournament arc, but we get the lord of each universe to fight, and then they become, I'm pretty sure that's, if I'm wrong, I'm sorry. - Like, I get it. It sounds really fucking cool on paper. - Yeah. - But, it's the reason why I think God of High School is kind of mad, it's like it's all just like, a dick-measuring contest, like you said. And after a certain point you're like, damn, Rent-A-Girlfriend's story is kind of good though. (men laughing) Like you know what I mean like, you kind of just need something more. - Right, right. - It needs more Waifu's. - Not even Waifu's, just some substance. I'm sure the fans would argue it does, but for me, it just doesn't, and I'm sorry Dragon Ball fans that I'm openly shitting on you. - Yeah. (Joey laughs) - That's what you're into, I get it dude, I'm into some weird shit. - You're not sorry. - I like, he's not sorry. I like Dragon Ball as you kid. - You can shit on my stuff. - Dragon Ball wasn't my fucking childhood, but growing up, I still hold it close to my heart, but I can't watch that shit, you know. I don't have the patience to go through what I did as a kid, you know? - But that's what I find interesting, right? Is that like, this kind of super, super committed Dragon Ball fan base, it doesn't exist in Japan. There aren't people today who are like, hyper committed to Dragon Ball or Dragon Ball Super or anything Dragon Ball related. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Now, here, than there are people like in America and like overseas. - I hear you don't see that much of it. - You don't. - Like, it's normally, like they'll have a section for it. - Like there are people, like Dragon Ball here, at least in Japan now, is just kind of put in the Hall of Fame of like, this is an anime that- - Everyone knows. - Everyone knows. - Everybody knows, it's like Naruto, right? - Yeah. - It's like Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball, they're all finished series. Their TV anime is finished, their manga is finished. They're in the Hall of Fame, right? If you like it, cool, you'll hear it in passing. But it isn't like, I have committed my entire life to wondering if, what would happen if Goku was HIV positive? (men laughing) I need to know. (men laughing) You're not gonna get that here. - I just realized the irony of me getting very defensive about the Baccano! dub and then me just shitting on them, right? - Yeah, right? - Literally two minutes later- - Toxic (imitates spitting). - I can get fucking, if you like Dragon Ball. - Hypocrite, hypocrite. - Hypocrite. - Hey, if you wanna defend it, that's fine. I just think it's funny to like (laughs) joke about shit. (Garnt laughing) You can shit on one I like, it's totally fine. I don't give a shit. - But like speaking, but like speaking of super addicted fan bases, like I'm, I used to think that way about the Naruto fan base. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Right, because I was never in the Naruto fan base. I never got into Naruto as much as other people did, but as you said, the moment Boruto dropped, the Naruto fans are like, "Naruto, me? "Naruto, no, no. What are you talking about?" - No, excuse me, I'm a Naruto fan, I don't wanna watch fucking Boruto. - I don't want a Boruto video, but I watch a 50 minute video on why Naruto's power scaling is the most perfectly balanced thing in existence. I see a lot of those videos pop up on my recommended that are like, Naruto, what's his fucking, some character I don't know like Madara, is that his name? - Yeah - That character. And it'd be like, I remember there was like a 90-minute video on my recommended that was like, "Why his power was the best." And I'm like, "This is 90 minutes long?" Dude, what the fuck? This is insane. - Yeah, they go through every single scenario of Madara, right? - And it's cool, 'cause I think it's great that like, I imagine, I mean like, when I see a JoJo video that's super in depth I'm like, "That's fucking sick." But then I'm from the outside looking in, it's like, "Whoa, that seems so excessive." - Yeah. - But I guess it's really fucking awesome if you're in the fandom. - Yeah, but you can say that about any fandom, right? - What like, I don't understand is how, how a lot of the fandom still has like so much momentum- - Yeah, that's strange. - Even like, after the series has ended, 'cause you normally think of an anime series, after it ends, there's like this cool-off period. - Yeah, that does. - And then it kinda, like, goes, into like memory and everything, but with a lot. - Right, right. - Of like the biggest Shonen titles, even if they've ended- - It's weird, it's really weird. - Yeah, like I'm genuinely like curious how they've been able to maintain that momentum- - Yeah, I'm jealous, I'm like, how do you keep coming up with this content? - Yeah. (laughs) - Like I can't do that. - The Naruto YouTubers, yeah, yeah. I mean, I admire it, man, like I mean, the fact that you can still keep an audience going. - It's honestly like admirable. - 'Cause most of the time they just talk about the show. So like, 'cause. - Yeah, and like the audience that just does not lose that passion, no matter how much time has passed, no matter how many new series has come out, they still are like will consume all this stuff. - Yeah, it's insane. - Where there's like no new media coming out. - 'Cause the manga ended, like, what? Like four, five years ago or something? It was a long time ago. - Which one are we talking about, Naruto? - Naruto. - Yeah. - It was a while ago. - And it's funny because all of the Naruto videos I've seen are just on like the Naruto segment part. Nobody's talking about Boruto. - No one's talking about Boruto. - No one gives a shit about Boruto. - Yeah, exactly. - I mean, I like those kinds of videos. I think, okay going back to Dragon Ball, I just had a fucking flashback. I remember this one channel, I don't know what it's called. And I'm sorry if you're watching this. There was a guy who made fights between Dragon Ball characters and his OC. (Joey laughs) And this channel had like tons of videos, and it had like 200 K subs I think. And I was like, "This is insane." Like people, thousands of people are watching, a dude's OC fight Dragon Ball characters. And I couldn't. - Why is that so funny? - Okay, I can kind of, I can understand why you might be interested in a death battle between, I mean I think it's cool. - Two known characters? - Okay, that's cool, you wanna see the outcome? You wanna? - Yeah, yeah. - But, when it's someone's OC. (men laughing) I was like, my mind was blown. I was like, wait, people are into this? This is how desperate people are for Dragon Ball content. And like- - That's so funny. - I'll give the Naruto people props, at least they have like, the majority of the content that seems to be doing really well is the content that is like, 50 minute analysis videos. Which is like, I'm sure you love that if you're into it. But, you know. - Yeah. - I mean, I find it, like what's more entertaining than the content itself, for me, is watching people react to the content. - Oh my God! - Because it's like, okay so, I remember I did like an AniTube rewind and people were like, asking me why I put like Double4anime in the AniTube rewind- - 'Cause he's the legend. - Because, how are you not entertained watching a shirtless dude scream his fucking ass off, watching Goku versus Cigna? What was it, like it was Naruto versus? - Naruto versus Goku, I think. - I think it was Naruto versus Ichigo maybe? - Something like that. - Yeah, something like that, it was Naruto versus Ichigo, and he was just shirtless, screaming his ass off- - He wasn't shirtless, he wasn't shirtless, he didn't have a shirt on, but he had this massive scarf on for some reason. (Garnt laughing) Without a shirt, I'm like, that's an interesting fashion statement. - Yeah, like. - How is this not entertaining to you? - I respect that man, that sounds like great content. - It was fucking, 'cause I found out about that video through the AniTube rewind and I'm like, "I have to go watch this video." (Garnt laughing) So I found it, and I watched the entire thing and I'm like, "This was the best entertainment this entire week." - [Garnt] Yeah. - 'Cause it's so hilarious, just, he was screaming at the top of his voice, like a fucking 10-year-old girl. And so excited by the fact that Naruto won. I'm like damn, I wish I could get that excited about a fucking death battle. (men laughing) That's so admirable. - I wish I could get that excited about anything. - I know, right? - Man, I feel like Naruto fans are just like toned down Dragon Ball fans to some extent. They're not near as bad. - I feel like, in terms of like, passion and like the the cultness of it, is what I'm gonna call I guess, is like, Dragon Ball is definitely up there at the top of just passionate, dedicated fans. - I think every anime fanbase is just a toned-down version of the Dragon Ball fanbase. - I think Dragon Ball is by far the most aggressive and like- - Oh yeah. - This is what we want- - But it's funny because like, Dragon Ball is pretty much as close to a mainstream anime as you can get. - Yeah, yeah. - Right. - But there's a difference between people who know Dragon Ball, and people who are anime fans, who also grew up with Dragon Ball, and then just Dragon Ball fans. - And then people who are Dragon Ball. - Like you know, 'cause there'll be at the gym wearing some Goku shit or something. - Oh yeah of course. (Connor laughs) - Yo, bench press me. - Yeah, yeah. The fucking Goku, Goku under-armor- - I just realized the perfect analogy for the dragon Dragon Ball fandom. It's just, if tyler1 was a fandom. (men laughing) That's just like- - Dammit, I love tyler1 though. (men laughing) (Joey yells) - It's so true though. (laughs) - I wouldn't be surprised if tyler1 is a Dragon Ball fan. - He likes anime. - Yeah. - Tyler1, come on the podcast and talk to us about anime. - Please come on with us. Oh my god! (men laughing) - We need the Monkeybrain here. - But it's so interesting, I find, I guess the difference between these massive Shonen fanbases, right? Because even though, because for example, you don't hear about the Bleach fanbase anymore. - Dude, on YouTube you see some of those- - I don't know about that one. - I don't know, I don't see it. - Dude, the Bleach fans are like the kid in the corner who you're worried might like, you know, bring something sketchy into school. It's like, did he bring a knife? - I wanna see some Bankai's goddammit. (laughs) - Yeah, that's the Bleach fans, the ones who sit in the back of the class and they're like, they said they were gonna bring a knife and you're like, should I be concerned that he's gonna do it? - Yeah (laughs). - Like that's the Bleach fans. - Don't worry, it's a knife that I haven't Bonkai'd yet. - 'Cause when Bleach, like, I mean, I liked Bleach up to like the, I think past the- - Aizen arc? - Yeah. (laughs) To like the Soul Society. - I don't know much about Bleach, but I know the Soul Society arc is garbage. - Yeah, no, no, no. - The Soul Society is the best. - The Soul Society is good. - Oh, which one's the one that's a bad arc? - Aizen arc, which is. - Okay, that's the one. I hear about it all the time. - After the Soul Society arc. - I mean, Bleach fans are also very passionate about their show, but I remember when the new anime got announced, and I mean, I liked Beach at the point and then I kind of fell out of love with it. But like when the new animate got announced, I was like, "I don't know why, I'm pretty fucking hyped man." (men laughing) I'm hyped for this. - Same, same. Honestly same. - I guess 'cause it could be like that kind of thing of like, all right, well I was like a teenager when I enjoyed this, a young adult. It's like, oh, I need to get that back. That excitement. (men laughing) - But, when that anime got announced, man, all of the Bleach fandom, they'd been like holed up and they suddenly, they all rose up together. - Rise up, rise up. (Garnt laughing) - They all came out of their bunkers and they're like, "Is it safe to leave? Finally? Is the fallout over?" - Yeah, you go to like normies, and like, you just have like normal people be like, like taking off their shirts and like, "Yes, I was a Bleach fan all along." (Joey laughing) "Yes." - I read all of it, I've seen all the anime. Join me and mosh. - They're all like the Peter Parker Superman, where they're just like, "Yes, I'm a Bleach fan." (men laughing) Oh my God. But like what other, 'cause like I'm thinking, right. So there's the Dragon Ball fanbase, which we've already established. The Naruto fanbase, Bleach fanbase. What other one would there be? I mean, obviously the JoJo fans base. - I think, another Shonen fandom that is like, the little shit brother is the Seven Deadly Sins fandom. - Yeah. - They're like the little runt. You're like, "Dude, no one gives a shit about you." (Joey laughs) "Stop fucking making noise." (Joey claps) Dude, it's a shame 'cause like, I actually really enjoyed Seven Deadly Sins. - Right. - I wasn't a fan, I didn't give a shit about it, like, I thought it was pretty like epic, turn your brain off, monkeybrain, don't focus, entertainment. Like it was that perfect, like Shonen white noise. The way that I thought that the other Shonens were a bit too boring. - Right. - It's weird, because Seven Deadly Sins is the one Shonen that I really, really tried to get into. - Really, yeah. - I mean like, I think Seven Deadly Sins has been the show that I've tried to get into the most that I just couldn't. I've given it four chances. Four, and I still can't- - What turned you off to it? - Just the fact that there wasn't any like, in season one at least, because I haven't gone past season one, there wasn't any doubt that the heroes were like. - Meliodas would win, yeah. - That like Meliodas or whoever was on the heroes team would win. - That's true, that's true. - Because in season one, the only threat to the main characters are the main characters, you know what I mean? And, I don't know, like I get that everyone is so ridiculously overpowered and that's like kinda the charm of the series, but I just couldn't get past that point that I'm just like, "Man, why am I watching this fight when I know that there's not even like a hint of a threat." - Yeah, yeah. - See, I didn't even get to that point, like I just look at the Seven Deadly Sins fanbase and I'm just like, I'm not putting my foot into that mine field man. - I watched everything up until the new season, episode one, then I was like, "No." - I'm not gonna lie. - And then after that when you saw the fucking GIF, like when you saw the fight between Meliodas and Escanor, and I'm just like, "Ooh, it feels bad to be a Seven Deadly Sins fan, doesn't it." - I'm not gonna lie, when I saw the clip of that on Twitter. - Oh my god, oh my god. - Where people were like, "This has to be fan made." - I fucking lost it. - Yeah, I lost it but I was also like, "I kind of wanna watch it." (laughs) - If you don't know, Seven Deadly Sins, super popular show and then they handed it off to which studio was it, Da, no, no. - Dean, no, no. - It was Dean, I think it was. - They handed off to Studio Dean, and it ended up looking like this. This is one of the stills. I know you shouldn't judge the stills- - I think we've talked about this on like the very first episode of the podcast. - No, no, we didn't. It's from the lost episode. - Oh, okay. - Was it? - Yeah, it was from the lost episode. - I don't even remember, yeah. - 'Cause I thought like, I think I mentioned something about it must suck to be a Seven Deadly Sins fan. (Garnt laughing) Because you just- - It does. - At least, you know, if you're Dragon Ball fan, you get good animation, right? Like the Seven Deadly Sins anime, we'll just play like one second of animation, here you go. It looks fucking god-awful. - You can go onto YouTube, there's tons of clips of just, the entire Meliodas. - It's embarrassing, like. - And Escanor fight is fucking hilarious. - And when I first watched that episode of like season three, I think it is, I was like just please say psych. (men laughing) Like, please say psych, like the whole 20 minutes was like, "Please say psych." Just be like, and now it's time for the real animation. - JK, this was the animatic. (men laughing) - It was like "No, no!" 'Cause I thought it was good enough right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Man, the fans, I didn't realize how like out there they were online, like they are like hardcore about- - I didn't know how popular Seven Deadly Sins was. - Oh it's really fucking popular. - I didn't know how popular it was until like, I kind, it was kind of the series that I thought was just like, gonna fade into obscurity, but then the more years passed, the more popular it got and the more things I heard about it and I'm just like, "Oh, I didn't know where these fans were when the series started 'cause maybe I was just fucking blind." I didn't know it was this popular when it started. - Yeah, yeah. - Easily though, the worst part of Seven Deadly Sins is the fucking main character, Meliodas. - Yeah, really. I've heard that. - I cannot fucking stand him. - I've heard that the entire time. - 'Cause this whole character's thing is like, "He he, I'm OP and also I-" - I touch women. - I touch women and that's charming, and it's like. - Yikes. - And it's like, I don't know who is this appealing to, 'cause I'm watching this and I'm like, "I'm over the age of 18." (men laughing) And I like, I don't understand who this is charming to. - Well clearly to people who have never touched women in their life right? (laughs) Just saying. - Yeah. - I mean, I'm sitting there and I'm literally just like, "Am I losing my mind or am I the only one who hates this?" - No, because I remember when I first watched Seven Deadly Sins, I actually made the tweet where like, I remember watching the first episode and I remember thinking, "Man, what can we do to give Meliodas like a quirky, like a quirky quirk." Like the anime quirk. "Let's just make him accidentally touch women's breasts." - Make him a molester, molester. - Yeah, yeah, molester, yeah. - And I'm like, you know, I'm like totally against work culture and everything but I'm just like, it's not enough for me to like turn me off the anime or turn me off like the entire thing. - Right. - Yeah. - But at the same time, I'm just like, "Couldn't you have thought of, couldn't we think of something better?" - Yeah, again, like you said, I am not all for being like, "You can't do that," I'm like, "I don't give a shit." But, every time it happened on screen, it was like when you've got a whiff of a really disgusting fart, you're like, "Oh, fuck!" (Joey laughing) "God, really?" - It's like, "Who's that cat girl in fucking-" - Oh, in Fire Force right? - Fire Force, yeah. Who's the cat girl? - The one that keeps getting naked? - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. And that's her entire quirk? - Like I've never been so turned off by fan service in my entire life until I watched Fire Force, man. - Oh my God. - It's like, it needs to be tasteful. - Yeah, like as a full-blown degenerate, Fire Force is the first time I've actually watched, like, I've actually seen full on fan service and been like, "Why does this need to be here?" - This doesn't matter, get this outta here. - Yeah. - Seriously, right in front of my salad? (men laughing) 'Cause like, you'd have this really cool looking fight, and like, I'm invested in this fight, right? And I love, I love that. - Just dropped out. - I love my fucking fan service, but just don't put it in front of my fights. - Like did they expect to be like, "Okay this fight scene's gonna go for 10 minutes, but we know the audience isn't gonna pay attention. All right, it's been five minutes, quick, drop a titty, drop a titty right now." - My problem with it is that you take a break from the fight to look at the fan service, right? And like, I hate that 'cause that disrupts the flow of the fight, if the fan service was like separate from the flights, like in something like High School of the Dead, where, something like High School of the Dead, where like. - I don't know man. - Fan service and fights are like, oh come on, you didn't like the fights in High School? - No, I love the fights. I mean, there's iconic scenes in there. - Yeah, exactly, where the fan service is just like a part of the fight. That fucking great. - Yeah, High School of the Dead did it right because it's like, we're gonna dedicate an entire episode to just the raunchiest fucking fan service. No action whatsoever, so you know what it's gonna be. And then we're gonna get right into the fight the next episode. - Yeah, but if you like take a break from the fight to look at the fan service, it's just like that eye-rolling moment where, even if you fucking love fan service and you have no fucking problem with it, it still disrupts the fucking fight, so, that's why I just couldn't get into like, I mean, there's a lot of reasons I couldn't get into Fire Force. - [Joey] Right, right. - That was one of the reasons. - But it's a shame, right, because you know. - David Productions fucking killed it. - David Production did such a good job on the animation, and like, the art design and the character designs are fucking cool, you know? - Yeah. - Massive Soul Eater you know. - Yeah, I'm a massive Soul Eater fan as well. - As a massive Soul Eater fan all right? So I'm just like hell yeah, new Soul Eater basically in 2020 but with a lot of fire. - Yeah, it's like Fire Force is one of those shows where I've really, really wanted to fucking like, but for some reason I just could not get into it. - No, I'm same. - I got like four episodes in and I was like, I'm pretty okay. - Yeah, three or four episodes was my limit. - I think my problem with it was I felt like a mid-2000s Shonen, where Shonen has like evolved past that. I feel like My Hero Academia and Black Clover have taken like, what has worked, and put their own twist on it and then evolved onto that, whereas Fire Force feels like it still belongs 10 years ago with better animation. - Mentioning, My Hero Academia, it's got a pretty notorious one. Now I don't know, now I don't know. - [Joey] Okay? - If this is a result of it just being the most mainstream anime right now, probably. I imagine a lot of it has to do with that. - I think so. - But, there's a lot of like, 'cause I mean, okay, the thing is with the My Hero Academia fandom, right? Is that. (Garnt burps) - Hell yeah. - That's what I feel about My Hero Academia fandom. - That's how I feel about. (men laughing) - Is that, I think it's the case of like, the same like 10 people who have the shittiest takes on Twitter, that are like- - Okay, it's not just My Hero Academia, it's any like popular Shonen that becomes very mainstream. - Very mainstream. This always happens. - Like My Hero Academia happened, - [All] Demon Slayer. - And now Uzaki is like, it's always the talk of town. - What's that like, how many times during My Heroes' like airing period was there like tweets be like, "Look at it, it's disgusting. It's not even remotely close to the manga." And then they had the manga right next to it. And it's like, one fucking like leg- - Yeah. - Yeah, I love re-tweeting, like quote retweeting people like that, like I think there was one of, I think it was a screenshot from later episode of season two or something. And the caption, I'm guessing it's like a- - We both retweeted it. - Yeah, it was like a 14-year-old girl probably, captioned it being like, "I can't believe they would do this to my boy." It was something like that. And I literally quoted it being like, "Am I blind or is there literally no fucking difference?" - No 'cause I remember seeing that tweet, and I remember thinking, "Wait, what's the problem?" Is there a problem? Is this like pouty right now? - Are you're upset that this is colored in now? (men laughing) - This happened so many times, they would just have the still of the animation, and a still the manga and there was barely any difference. Yes, there's gonna be some detail missing. It's a the fucking manga page. - But in my opinion it's like, if you're that upset, just read the fucking manga. (laughs) Like why are you watching the anime? - Like I remember logging onto Twitter, whenever Demon Slayer was in its peak or when My Hero Academia was in it's peak. I'd be like, "Surely there can't be a shittier take than yesterday appear on my tablet." (Joey laughing) And sure enough, there was like, it was like everyone was competing. They were having a tournament arc of shitty takes. (Joey laughing) That's what it was like when they were airing in their peaks, man (chuckles). - I definitely do think though, that the winner of that tournament arc was that fucking person who was like, "Oh, Tundura's earrings." (men laughing) - Oh my God! - You know, it's very bad. It's got the Japanese Imperial flag on it. And people were just like, "No." - That's not what it is. - No, that's not what it is. - It's like a hana. - It's a hanafuda. - Yeah, yeah. - It's like, "What are you talking about?" And I remember, I don't usually call people out on Twitter because I don't wanna give those people attention. But sometimes I'm just like, "I don't give a shit if this gets attention, This is fucking hilarious." - I mean, it's like you get so many people who are like, "Oh dude, I found that out. I found the way to like call them out, and get the woke points on Twitter." And they call it out everyone's like, "Dude, shut the fuck up, no one cares." - And sometimes they're like so, it's so hypocritical. - So stretching. - Because okay, I remember this one time I saw like, this tweet about like My Hero Academia and the girls and like, you know, don't sexualize the girls, 'cause they're in high school and whatever. And then you go on their profile, and they're talking about shipping Todoroki and his dad. I'm like what, what is going on here? (men laughing) - There was one girl who was like, there was like a poster that Horikoshi had drawn as like a thank you for like season three end. And it was all of the UA girls in like swimsuits. - Yeah. - Right, and some girl had retweeted being like how dare Horikoshi sexualize these 14-year-olds? And literally the top reply was someone who screenshoted that person's likes list, and it was just Todoroki. Like Yaoi, just straight up. - Oh my god, oh my god. - Like Todoroki Yaoi, being like, "Dude, is this you?" (men laughing) - Who's this man? - Yeah, who's this man? Yeah, it's just (sighs) I don't know. - What was the other one, there was like a My Hero, another, 'cause of course there is, they find anything to get mad at. - That wasn't the Maduta one? - Which one's the Maduta one? - It was like one of the scientists in season- - Oh yeah. - That was, that was China though. - There was another one which is like Bakugo's birthday is the same birthday as Hitler's. (men laughing) Remember that one? - I don't remember that one. - You don't remember that one? I saw that on Twitter being like, 'cause I logged onto Twitter one morning, and I saw My Hero Academia tweet, you know, trending. And so I was like, "Oh god what now?" And so I went onto it, and it was like, some person was like, okay so the official birthdays of all of the UA students came out, and I just found out that Bakugo's birthday is the same as Hitler's. Does that mean Horikoshi supports war criminals? (men laughing) And I'm like, "You can't be serious, right?" - The worst thing about that doctor one is? Like the Japanese, like war crime dude? Is that I looked at it and I was like, "That's my birthday." (men laughing) - Does CDawgVA support war criminals? - I'm like, is my birthday just canceled now because somebody who was born on my birthday did a bad thing? Is that it? - That's ridiculous. - And I was like, I'm like, "What do I think?" Like what is, this is dumb, right? - No, because the Bakugo is Hitler's birthday tweet was so funny because all the replies were like, "That's my birthday." (men laughing) - Just like yeah, there was 365, maybe 366, like it's obviously gonna overlap. - It's just a fucking day (laughs) of the year, like, it's not like, since when was somebody like, oh, April 25th is Hitler's birthday. - Another one, another dumb thing was like, I think they were like, in the anime, I think they made them like slightly thinner compared to the manga. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah. - People lost their their fucking shit, they were like I can't believe this. - I can't believe they're fat shaming with these characters. I'm like, it's literally two pixels. - And I'm just there with my flaming hot Cheetos, just sitting there like, "I don't fucking care." (men laughing) I don't give a fuck mate. It's, who gives a shit? I mean, half the time they don't even do that consciously. - I don't like get the whole redrawing art or fixing art trends or whatever that's happening on Twitter. - Oh my god. - That shit pisses me the fuck off. - It is like the most toxic thing. - Bro, I stay, dude, artists arguing on Twitter, it's like the most like, they're just throwing the same grenade back and forth. I'm like, I'm not touching it. - It's like two cancer cells fighting. (men laughing) - Oh Joey. - Oh my god! Going for the throat, Joey. - What the? - I mean, I've tweeted about it, I don't really care. - I am not affiliated with Joey in any way, artists, I like your work. - It's like two cancer cells fighting. It's like either way I'm dying from cancer, you know, I don't really care. - You can never like porn on Twitter ever again Joey. - Yeah, how dare I. How dare I. - No more porn for you Joey. - All the artists are gonna come after you now. - No, it's 'cause I remember there was one girl who, they did it with Persona 5 as well, it was like how fucking dare you do with Persona 5. 'Cause like there was this new character in Persona 5 Royal that came out, called Kasumi. And she's supposed to be like a professional gymnast. Right? - Yeah. - And if you don't know anything about the Persona games, there's like the regular character design and then there's your like persona character design. - Right. - Where, so the character, had a gym uniform, right? Like the usual like female gym uniform. And it was based around that. And there was this person who, got that and was like, "Oh how dare Atlas sexualize, this like, I think she's like 16 in the game?" - It was a gym outfit. - And there was like, and so like they colored in, like pretty much like the leotard part out. To make it just look like she was wearing a fucking like skin tight suit. (laughs) It looked like shit. And they were like, "I fixed it Atlas, this is what the character should look like." And then what pissed me off even more is when, a tweet like that gets popular. And then they replied to their own tweet being like, "By the way guys, follow me on Deviant Art. I'm an artist, please hire me." I'm like, "Look, artists out there, don't do that." That's not how you get hired. - No. - Who are you to say what artwork is correct, right? Like, to me that's like, it's like if we made a video and someone's like there I corrected it, I dubbed over it and made it funny. It's like, okay, so what? - Yeah, exactly. - It's 'cause what you're doing is you're basically just putting like a giant middle finger at the original artists, you know? And you don't know what the fuck their intention was. They just made a piece of artwork, you know? - Especially when it's like, you know, the cultural difference between in Japan and- - Yeah. - Yeah but like I think the thing I had, the biggest gripe I had with the whole Persona thing and a lot of these like, "I fixed your art things," is that like, there isn't anything inherently wrong with the original art. It's just your fucking prerogative that you think it's bad. - Like Twitter's a shit show, which we all say. - Yeah, yeah of course. - Like, this recent controversy with the Uzaki-Chan design is just the most stupid. - Oh my god! - Fucking thing I have seen. - It's so dumb. Why is it even an argument? - Yeah. - Why is it even an argument? - I just, I look at that shit and I'm like, "How do you motherfuckers have the energy? (men laughing) Like, how do you wake up every day and decide, you know what I'm gonna do today? Argue on Twitter for two hours?" - I'm gonna get angry about the design of this fictional character. - Who's ever changed their mind 'cause of a fucking tweet? Like, who in the history of humanity, has seen a tweet and been like, "You know my opinions, they're fucking wrong." - You'd be surprised. (men laughing) - I have changed my mind and I've made a mistake. You were right all along, I've never- - I had a relapse of judgment. (men laughing) - My god! - But yeah, going on to other fandoms. - So, JoJo fans. - So can we talk about JoJo fans? The locusts of the animate community. (Joey laughing) Because that's what they are. - Is that what we're gonna call them? - Locusts. - The religious plague of the animate community. - They're the frogs that most weighing down. - I'm gonna head out. (men laughing) - No, no, I mean, we can't, we can't shit talk, I mean we can shit talk. - No, we can shit talk JoJo fans. - No, you can shit-talk me, You can shit talk me. - But we can shit talk because we are in that fandom, right? - No, no, because we are in that fanbase, we're JoJo fans. - I feel like we're varying degrees of. - We're varying degrees, like there's like, it's like a gradient right? And you've gotten better, recently. (Joey laughing) - I went to rehab. I went to rehab. - But my god, when Connor discovered JoJo, he was the most annoying JoJo fan you could ever imagine. - Yeah, in the church of JoJo he went from like alter boy to the Pope, like he just ascended. (Connor laughs) Like, everything has to be JoJo. - It's like, when did you first properly get into JoJo, 'cause, was it when you were like in peak JoJo toxicity. - Yeah because, I'm curious because, from my point of view. - It's kind of happened out of nowhere. - It kind of happened out of nowhere, yeah. - So I've watched, when I was moving house once, I downloaded, 'cause only at the time, only Stardust Crusaders had finished. - Yeah. - Right. - Before part four started, and I downloaded it all and I was like, "Well, you know, this guy talks about it a lot on YouTube. He says it's quirky." (men laughing) So, and I fucking hated the art style. I thought it looked like shit. I was like, "Why is it so fucking ugly?" Which is what I hear a lot from JoJo fans and I totally understand- - Wait, wait you downloaded 'cause I mentioned it? - Yeah, you- - I've created a monster. (Joey laughing) Oh my god! - He did this. - Oh my god! - You're like the scientist that created Frankenstein, you're like- - I feel like maybe you had a part to play in the catalyst of like, you didn't start it but maybe you definitely accelerated it a bit. So I downloaded it and I was moving house and I had no internet for about a week. And it didn't even take me a week, like three days. So I watched and, oh my fucking god dude, Stardust Crusaders part one? The first watch, fucking boring. That shit was so long, why was there an Orangutan? There was a boat, what is that Araki? I mean now, now I love it. - Yeah, now it's hilarious, yeah. - Now I think it's amazing, but at the time I'm like, "I hate this, I hate this so much." Part two had a good thing going, why are you ruining it Araki? (Garnt laughing) Part one, okay here's what it is, right? And I sympathize a lot with JoJo fans who come, not JoJo fans, people who wanna get into JoJo who are like, "I just can't get into it, it's hard." Yes, it is hard to get into. It is just such a weird thing and it's so different from what you're used to that it's grated. - Dare I say it's an acquired taste. - I think some parts, it is, and there's a lot of people now who really want to like it just to get the memes and be in the know, and it's like, "You don't have to. I don't care if you do or don't." - Which is, the biggest thing about JoJo fans, I wanna say, is that please stop trying to get absolutely everyone into JoJo. Not everyone should get into JoJo because it's not something that appeals to everyone. - Yeah exactly. - And it is a commitment, as much as I like, you know. I have to basically say to people, "If you make it past Starters Crusaders, you're probably in for the long run." - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - But, that is nearly what, like 70 episodes? 70 episodes? - Yeah, something like that. - It's 48 plus, yeah, it's about 71 episodes. - It's like 20 volumes of the manga. - So, asking someone to be like, "Hey, it gets good 72 episodes in to the point of no return," it's like, that's a hard sell. Anyway so, I'll get back to that. So I watched it and then I kind of was like, didn't think anything of it, like, and then I watched part four, and I was like, "This is really good." Part five hadn't come out, I was adamant on, I actually tried to read the manga. But I couldn't, I couldn't do it, I was like- - Really? - Yeah, 'cause at this point I didn't start reading manga. I was strictly not reading manga. So I was like, "No, I can't do it." And I've read the first chapter of part five, and I was like, "No, no." What is this, who's this fucking Giorno cunt? (men laughing) So then I started watching part five as it aired, and I got about three episodes in and I was like, "I really want to know what happens." And so I started reading ahead and then it became like, I read part five in like, like a day I think. - Yeah. - Jesus. - And then I read part six the next day. (laughs) (men laughing) And then I read part seven over like two, three days. And part seven was like by far my, and part seven is when I think it solidified my obsession with it, 'cause part seven was so fucking amazing. And if you have finished all the anime, and you're one of the anime-only peeps, like I was for a long time, please give it a shot. The manga is so, so good. - Yeah, part six and seven's manga is so good. - Yeah, then I became like obsessed and I was like, "Okay well, I wanna go back and read all the manga now," 'cause I feel that it was kind of a really different experience and I got to go through it a lot faster. And a lot of the pacing issues I felt in the anime, at least at part three, could be resolved with the manga. So I went back and I re-watched it and I just became fully obsessed. And I think whilst I was reading part seven, I was meeting up with you a bunch and I slowly became more annoying. - Yeah. (Joey laughing) Because like, the thing I hate about JoJo fans is that, they assume that nobody watches JoJo, like in the old days. Do you know what I mean? - Right, right. - They are the most vocal fan base out of fucking any other anime fan base. And it's always the same fucking- - We wanna talk about a dick measuring contest, like JoJo fans, it's a dick-measuring contest. - I actually feel sorry for any musician who Araki chooses to like name as the star. - Oh dude, you go to their comment section on YouTube- - And it's like the JoJo fans have taken over. - Oh my god! - Which is like, which is like, I called them locusts right? 'Cause they like invade, they take all the crops, they take everything and then they move on to the next one. It's like the Independence Day aliens right? Where they just like, make this fucking world uninhabitable and then they move on to the next world. - Move on to the next one. - Did you see when the Star Wars released their new like, R2D2 thing, and it was called Dio? (men laughing) - Oh my god. - All the comments were "Kono Dio, Da." (men laughing) Like all of them. - Yeah. And so, when Connor was in like peak JoJo fandom, this kind of came out of nowhere 'cause he would just start making JoJo references, like in everyday life, and like, I remember in England, we still hung out like pretty often. - Yeah like once or twice a, every, one a week, every two weeks, whatever. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. And just every time I would hang out with Connor, he would just keep making JoJo references. He was like, I thought JoJo fans were annoying online. Hanging out with a JoJo fan in real life, as a fan of JoJo, made me start to hate JoJo. (men laughing) And I didn't know that was physically possible until I started to hang out with Connor. Like we would be like eating a meal in some Italian restaurant, and Connor would just be going through this fucking menu, being like, "Oh, Prosciutto, that's a JoJo character." "Oh look, you ordered the black pasta. This is like that scene from part two where." (men laughing) - Jesus Christ, that's a JoJo. - Yeah, and I would just be sitting there being like, "Motherfucker, I'm just trying to eat my fucking pasta. Can you not right now?" (laughs) - I remember I would just do it on purpose at some point then be like, "Oh you approached me." (Garnt laughs) 'Cause when we were like drunk, I know, I know- - I remember that one party we went to, and we got fucking wasted, and every time someone walks towards you, you would be like, "Oh, you're approaching me, you're approaching me, oh." (laughs) And it was like- - I'm so glad I wasn't in the UK that one- - It was funny like the first two times but like the 50th time that night- - The worst part was everyone at the party started doing it though. (men laughing) 'Cause I had done it so much that everyone was saying it. - Oh my god. - But like they didn't know what even, they were even referencing most of the time. - They were just copying, yeah. Oh my god. - Yeah, yeah, needless to say that I get it, because the passion for it when you first get into, like really into it, is so intense. And like you love everything about it. - Because everything about that is so quotable. - [Connor] Yeah. - Like you can take anything out of context and it's quotable. - I think that it's like, the way I try and describe it, is like the selling point is that, like it's such a unique experience in anime. - Yeah. - It is. - And in a manga that you just, nothing comes close. I know everyone says that, but it really is. And I think also because, being especially, I think the reason it's done so well in the West is that I feel like it's kind of almost accessible, 'cause a lot of the western references make it really easy to digest. - It's because Araki, as well, has said that he's like, his biggest influence was western comics. - Yeah. - And it's so cool because it feels like it's like, "Oh, anime is kind of like acknowledging us, our kind of like thing, right? - Yeah, yeah. - You know, I fucking love Earth, Wind & Fire, and when I first saw like the Stand Earth Wind and Fire, I was like I fucking love that band. (Joey laughing) You know, when you see a band that you listen to, it's so hype, you know? - And then when you see it again in part seven you're like hold on a sec. (men laughing) - Yeah, yeah, wait, did Aki do a mistake. But no, it's like, I think it's so easily digestible in some ways and it's such a, no author does anything like this in any other way. - No. - And the absurdity of it, but also, it's so dumb yet clever at the same time, it's really just an overall experience, and such a good style like, yeah. - Well that's why it's one of the most parodied Shonen Jump titles ever by other Shonen Jump artists. - I'm reading Eyeshield 21 at the moment, and they fucking, when they throw the ball, some of them shout "Aura." - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - And it's like, just gonna casually- - Like literally every Shonen Jump artist has probably parodied or referenced JoJo in some way. - But it's like so unique, so that's why it's infinitely like fucking quotable and people can reference this all day long and people do reference this all day long. - [Joey] A little too much. - Which is what gets annoying at some point because, I remember when JoJo first started airing in like parts one and two, I remember talking about it. - No one gave a shit. - I remember talking about it. And I was like, I think it was like in my very first year review, when it was like 2013. And I was like talking about JoJo being like, "Yeah, there's this like long forgotten anime that's being, long forgotten manga, that's being adapted called JoJo. You guys should probably watch it." Not knowing how big it would become, fucking seven years later, 'cause now everyone in the anime community knows JoJo, but I don't think everyone in the anime community should get into JoJo, you know what I mean? - [Joey] No, no. - It's hard, like as much as I love it, there's so many pitfalls that would put someone off in the first few parts where he's really coming into his own as an author, like, I think part four is really where he starts to be like, "Okay, from part four onwards, you're getting a fucking amazing experience." - Yeah. - Yeah, I agree. - But there's so many growing pains in between that. And yeah, it's a- - Part one and three mostly, I feel are the growing pains. - And I think that's also one of the annoying parts, is that people who love part two then go to part three and they get something totally, kind of different. And it's hard to be like- - It's hard to adjust, yeah. - Just kind of put up with it. Like, I wonder, like if I had internet, you know? I had any form of internet, would I have dropped it? Like I wonder about that, would I? 'Cause I, the only reason I watched it is I had no other anime downloaded, except for this. And I remember being like, "Fucking come on, man." "Ah, gee, this fucking fight's so boring." Like, "Come on." - And I don't know, it just feels like nowadays, people will still make JoJo references, and the JoJo fandom still acts like it's this really underground kind of show that everyone should get into, and it's just not that case anymore. - [Joey] No, no. (Connor inhales) - Yeah, we are an annoying fandom. - I don't think they understand that they might be pushing a lot of people away from the show, and now, just because of how vocal they are. - [Joey] Yeah. - I like to, now, at least publicly, with my JoJo references, I like to be sparing and like save it for a good moment, 'cause a good JoJo reference at the right time, hits differently. - Right, that's the thing, it does hit differently, but like that's the thing, right? Is like, I think, as well, that a lot of people are just getting fucking sick of JoJo is because it is so quotable in any situation. And like, so many of the JoJo memes now are just like, "Dude, come on, like." (Garnt laughs) I'm just like, "Dude, come on. Come on, you can do better than that." Like, please. - Like there are a lot of good memes. - There are a lot of good memes, don't get me wrong. - I think it's like that now because there's no new anime airing, but whenever there's a new anime airing- - Oh dude, when part six, like becomes an anime, whenever that may be, the memes are gonna be fucking top tier. Like, we already know. But in the meantime, this is just the dead moment of just dead memes, where it's just kind of putting the JoJo fanbase in a little bit of a bad light, I feel, because they're just shitting out these memes everywhere and people are just like, "Alright, I get it." - They do go a bit ham. - But like, for you as a JoJo fan, do you ever feel defensive whenever someone shits on JoJo, or like- - Oh, it depends what for. Like, if they're shitting on it, like just to shit it, which many people are, because you know, the fandom's super fucking annoying, right? So, I mean. - And it's a popular show. - I mean, I get annoyed by it, right, 'cause I read this and I'm like, "Dude, you're 12. Don't talk on the internet." (men laughing) - Who gave you permission? - Yeah. - Yeah, your profile picture is Meliodas, please stop. (men laughing) Like, I mean, (sighs) it's hard, right? 'Cause it's like watching your little brother, like shit his pants in public, it's like, come on, man, like come on. - Not now. - You're making me look bad, right? 'Cause there's so many like cool things in JoJo, Like, okay, the JoJo like fashion is like the coolest fucking shit. - Dude it is fucking next level. - It's, by far, I think the best animate fashion, like, I don't think anything comes close to it. - I mean, you know, that's how they did a collab with like, fucking- - Gucci. - Oh, Gucci. Right, yeah. - I am so fucking sad that I don't own anything from the Gucci collection. You know if they do another JoJo Gucci collection. - Was it Gucci or Louis Vuitton? - They did both. - It was Gucci. They did Louis Vuitton as well? - I think they did Louis Vuitton as well, right? - I'm pretty sure. - No, they did BVLGARI. - Oh, BVLGARI. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. They did the figures with the gems in them. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We know fashion. - Yeah. (men laughing) Gucci, 'cause they did a, I think, Araki wrote a short, I think it was a 12-page or a 13-page- - Yeah, with Kishibe Rohan, right? - Right, Kishibe Rohan Gucci promotion, and it's fucking amazing and I wished that I had, like no anime comes close to like pure like fashion style as JoJo. - No, it really doesn't. - Araki did a fucking JoJo exhibition at the Louvre. Right? - Yeah, yeah. - I mean, it's like no other anime artist can do that. - It's not even close, and the reason why is 'cause anime is such a, I feel like it's been like, watered down style, right, almost. Like the style is so same at this point. And then you have something like JoJo, that yes, is very grating to look at in the start, but the more you come into it and the more you get into it, you're like, "Holy shit, okay. This is really fucking cool." - No, 'cause I feel like after about, I think it's part four or part five, where Araki- - Gets gay. Gets gay, he just gets gay, like let's just be honest. - Part five is hella gay. - Yeah, part five is hella gay, and I love it. - There's so much shekchu. There's so much gay tension. - It's so good. - In part five, it's like perfect. - I've never seen that many open chests in my life as in part five. - And you can see. (men laughing) And you can see how much of like a- - Fashion is rubbed off. - How much fashion has like rubbed off onto his like character designs and just like the entire aesthetic of- - Most of the poses from like part four or five onwards are all like, just Vogue. - Yeah, just Vogue. - Vogue covers or like fashion shots that are taken. And they're just like, amazing in anime form. Like, it's so obvious that he had like an appreciation for fashion that I don't think many authors had. I'm sure there's someone in the comments who's, "Um, actually," but, you know, in just super mainstream, we just haven't seen that. - Yeah. - It's someone who obviously loves fashion, but has been able to integrate it in such a unique way. - So well, so well. - 'Cause you know, there's a difference between having like, I don't know how to put this into words, but like having characters wear good fashion. Like one of the things I love about Rent-A-Girlfriend actually, is how like their outfits change. And, it was one of the few like anime you see where every episode, the character is wearing like a different outfit. - Right. - Right. - You can tell like, the authors. - The authors cared, yeah. - Put thought into this, but like, what I feel about JoJo fashion is just that it embodies fashion. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - Not just the clothes but just like the whole aesthetic. - The whole feel. - The whole feel, and everything like that. - It feels like runway models with personality. - Yeah. (Joey laughs) - Like dare I say- - And superpowers. - Oh my god, that is like, so JoJo. - Yeah. - Like from part five onwards, it does feel like everyone is a runway model. - It's runway models with superpowers, that's what it is. - That's genuinely like what it feels like. And it, and like, I never gave a fuck about fashion, but ever since like getting into JoJo, like, when I saw like high fashion stuff, like expensive shit, I'm like, "It kinda like looks pretty fucking gorgeous." (men laughing) - It's true though. - I literally never, I always used to think like, "$10 for a T-shirt is the max level." No more, and then the more I got, like, I started looking at JoJo, I'm like, "Why is that guy hot? Like he looks fucking dumb, but like, it's hot though." Like, like. - Yeah. - And then I was like, dude his outfit is fucking cool. - Does that drip clean. (men laughing) - Yeah, that drip clean man, like, and you're like, okay, maybe I can start to appreciate fashion a little bit. That's when I last. - Oh yeah, I definitely came to the same, because I mean, you know, there's this brand in Japan called Glamb, which does a massive. - If you're wondering where we get most of, like, anime T-shirts now. - Anime T-shirts. - It's probably from Glamb. - Yeah, all of the JoJo shirts that you've seen is probably from Glamb. - Yeah, like, I scoffed the first time I saw when the T-shirt was like $80. That is a lot, and that pained me to pay that, but after a while I'm like, this shit looks so good. I would rather have one of this T-shirt than eight shitty T-shirts. - Yeah, exactly. - Just 'cause like, there's only a few places where I can rep like my favorite anime and not have to worry about- - Being a fucking embarrassment. (men laughing) - Being that cringy weeb, right, yeah. - 'Cause like there's some anime fashion which, there's no other way I can put it, but just it's just tacky. - It's so, put a fucking giant logo. - Yeah, yeah. - It's just like the kind of shirts you only wear to anime conventions, and that's it, you know? - Yeah. - Or as pajamas, that's the only time, right? (men laughing) - Exactly, but some of like the JoJo fashion I've seen just looks fucking fantastic. - Yeah, exactly. - And you can like, you can be a weeb just like in public, you know, and still- - Yeah, that Diavolo jacket I have, that King Crimson jacket I have is like so fucking sexy. - Yeah, exactly, it's so cool. - I love wearing that jacket. Goddamn. - It's so fucking cool. - Basically there is a lot to love about JoJo. - That's the last dick suck I will do of JoJo. Yes, the fandom is probably one of the worst, if not the worst right now, publicly. Like it's pretty fucking awful. - [Joey] Yeah, it's pretty bad. - I wish you guys would chill the fuck out a little bit. - [Joey] Exactly. - 'Cause like. - You got it. - 'Cause I feel like, the only time I've had a knee jerk reaction about someone saying they're speaking about JoJo. (men laughing) - I had that, I had the exact same. I had the exact same thing. - Like, I became everything I hated. And me and Connor have already talked about this, but it's Cr1TiKaL, it's when Cr1TiKaL did a, what did he do a video on again? - He was talking about, it was Dunkey's video about how. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - About how Final Fantasy fans are the worst and like, they're like so aggressive about their opinion. - Yeah, so it's a Cr1TiKaL video that's called "Dunkey Has Gone Too Far," I think that's what it was. - Something like, yeah, yeah. - And so Charlie talks about how, you know, these rabid Final Fantasy fans have taken Dunkey's opinion way too seriously. Right? - Yeah, kind of. - And then he goes in this, he uses this analogy. And of course, of course he uses JoJo fans. - Yeah, yeah. (Joey laughs) - And I was, when he brought up JoJo, I was ready to be like (claps hands) you're right, king. - Totally right. - Like you are totally right, I totally get this. - Part one sucks, part three sucks, we get it, cool. - And then he goes on to say that, I think, he prefers part one and two to part three and four, and I just had this (table thumps). Chotomate. - I've never hit the space bar with such aggression, like (table thumps) "What?" (men laughing) "What?" - 'Cause I've heard most opinions about JoJo. - I've heard shitty takes, but that was the shittiest take. Charlie, what was that? (men laughing) Charlie, part four is amazing! - Charlie! I just want to, no, no. - What? - I just want to understand. No, no. - Come on the podcast Charlie, explain yourself. - But look, look, look. I don't want to be that JoJo fan right now, but I'm going to fully morph into that JoJo fan 'cause like, I've heard, you know, if you don't like JoJo, that's fine, I've heard that take so many times. Where I'm just like, JoJo's not for you, that's good, that's fine, you know. But I've never heard the take where someone. - I've never heard that, I've never heard that. - Someone prefers parts one and two over parts three and four. Maybe like, maybe part two over part three, but part one, part one. - Over part four. - Over three and four? - Four? Four is amazing! It is so good. - I don't like the personified powers, I'd rather see the powers that I can't fucking see. - Charlie, Charlie, this, this, you know, I just wanna understand, I want to understand, please. - Please, please, I need to know. - There's a spot right here, Charlie, for you, so explain yourself. - This is not hate, I just want to know. I want to know. (men laughing) 'Cause me and Connor are both like space bar this, go to the comments section and nobody was talking about it. Nobody's was talking about it. - Yeah no one was, I was so furious. - Really? - It's like, why is nobody talking about this? This is the biggest issue in 2020. Why is nobody? - Probably because they're all off on like ask slash JoJo, being like, "Did you this? Did you see this bullshit?" - I've never had a reaction like that in my life. I've normally been like, yeah, king, whatever you want, man. Like, and I was like, "No, no, that is wrong. That is wrong, what is that?" - That's just wrong. - 'Cause it's literally the first time I've heard this opinion. - I have never heard that. - I thought I was prepared for anything. - So yeah, Charlie, come on and defend yourself. (men laughing) I, we need to, we need to talk. - Yeah, we do need to talk- - Come to Japan when. - Come to Japan. - When America stops imploding, after. - Come to Japan, not only because we want you as a guest on the show, but mostly because we wanna hear your opinions on JoJo, your garbage, garbage opinions. (men laughing) Just kidding. - Moving on from JoJo, which is probably the worst fandom right now, we all agree, right? JoJo's the worst fandom right now. - Yeah, I mean. - Dragon Ball is a close second. - Yeah. - Whenever, like whenever a JoJo anime is airing, it's just like, the anime community is just like a minefield. - Oh yeah. - Oh, yeah, it's great, I love it, I love it. (men laughing) As a guy who can navigate the minefield comfortably- - As someone who is going into the field, planting new mines. (men laughing) - Laying the mine to myself. I think another kind of fandom that we haven't touched on, we've only touched on Shonen fandoms, is arguably the horniest fandom, which is the Yaoi fandom. - See, I don't really see it. - Really? I do. - All that much, I mean, I know you do. - You would be more of the expert than I am. Yeah. - Yeah. Like what is- - The Yaoi fandom is imagine if, instead of being passionate about Dragon Ball, you're passionate about dudes fucking. Like, that's, that level of passion. - I mean, good on them I guess. (laughing) - I read a manga recently and it's, it was one where, the whole kink was that he had inverted nipples and that was the selling point. - I saw that on Twitter. - It was like, and it's just crazy, 'cause people'll get so into this stuff, and I love reading it 'cause it's so funny and absurd but some people love this shit. And they get so aggressive about it. But then, it's equally on the other side, there's like, "Don't fetishize this shit, it's not healthy." And there's always like a war going on. - What, about inverted nipples? - About like gay relationships and stuff like that, it's 'cause it's like women, right? - Yeah. - But I mean (laughs). Fucking Kathy, it's stupid either way. - Yeah, exactly. - Who takes this shit seriously? No one cares, I don't know. - The fucking inverted nipples shit killed me. - Oh, there's tons of it. - Because like, it killed me because I knew it wasn't a parody. - Oh, no, no, no. - I was like this, I know this is real. - The whole plot of that Yaoi as well, was a really fun, stupid one as well. I'll explained it to you, so it's great, 'cause even conceptually, explaining it to you is so absurd. (Joey laughing) And Meilyne knows it, Meilyne's read it. So- - [Meilyne] I have not, why would you- (men laughing) - She has. - [Meilyne] Why would you assume that? - So, this guy needs to get a new house, right? And he finds this amazing share house that, it looks amazing, it's so cheap. - Right. - Yeah. - And the reason why he gets it for so cheap is that the owner of the house only lets like hunks in, like absolute eye candy as he prefaces it. And this Yaoi starts off, right, by one of the other hunks who lives in the house (laughs). Is like, come on, let's take a bath together. - [Joey] Okay. - 'Cause they have like an onset or something in this house. - Right, right, right. - And he sees his inverted nipples and he's like, "Dude, that's hot as shit!" (men laughing) "Like that's my kink." And he's like, "You know, if you get you turned on enough, they'll invert back to normal." - What? - And so, immediately starts doing shit to him. And then it turns out that he had hired a prostitute and that wasn't the prostitute, it was just the new housemate or something. And I was like, this is insane. The plots that they come up with in Yaoi are just insane. - Oh my god. - And okay, I get it, a lot of people are like, "Oh god, sounds gay, I'm not into that." It like, no, please read it, it's so fucking funny. - Oh no, I wanna read it. - I wanna read it. - Just the stories alone are so absurd, like the leaps that they take, they get, yeah. - That's why I wanna get more into Yaoi, because like, out of the few that I've read, I'm just like, this is too funny not to go further in. - If you genuinely wanna read like a decent Yaoi with like a great story, I think 10 Dance is pretty good. It's about ballroom dancing. - Yeah, I've heard that on. - Hella gay, but so fucking good. Actually like an amazing story, kinda ironically, like- - I love how we went from Dragon Ball fanbase to here are some Yaoi I recommend. - Because I genuinely think that Yaoi fans, 'cause you don't really see them, 'cause you guys probably don't like- - Yeah. - No. - They are like the Dragon Ball fans, but like for gay porn. (men laughing) Kinda, kinda, like- - Do they have like power levels on dick size and everything like that? (Connor laughing) - Sadly no, and they don't care who can suck dick the best. (men laughing) They're not like, "Yo, Saitama can out-suck Goku any day of the week." "Oh, Goku can handle at least a 10-inch girth any day of the week." - "Goku has a 10-inch girth." - You know, "Goku can still suck dick even with HIV." (men laughing) No, it's like, it's just like this kind of, almost, like you'll say, "Oh, I like a Yaoi." But if you say you like a Yaoi, you better be prepared for people like, "Read this one, oh my god, you have to read this one." "This one's great!" - Do you know how many fucking Yaois I got recommended after you and I did that Yaoi a sama video? - Yeah, because, Yaoi fans will not be content until you've read their favorite Yaoi. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I mean, there's, there's like a lot of fandoms like that as well. - True, true, true. - Like, the Fate fandom I think is definitely one of that, where they hear that you're into like one Fate and then they're, okay- - How dare you haven't seen every Type-Moon franchise. - I am that Fate fan. - Well Fate fans are the, if Dragon Ball's the ghetto, Fate are the crack dealers. (men laughing) That's the way I see it. They're like, they're the ones who are profiting off. - Yeah, it's like, so you want more, huh? Oh, I got more. - We got more, what do you want? You want the Waifu, do you want the story? We got it all. - Yeah, their gateway drug is heroin, and then it only gets worse from there, like it's, like, you know, we need a full like, ecosystem to know who is the failure in society. - It's like, "Oh, you finished all the Fate, huh? Have you heard of Sukihima?" (men laughing) "I know you wanna get into that." (laughs) Oh my god. - Oh, you like Saber? It's like the different kinds of marijuana strains. Saber, it's like, oh, you like Saber of the dank, do you? - Saber of the dank. - We finally have every kind of Saber now, 'cause cast of Saber just got recently released in the JP servers and now we can, we can go full Saber. All the Sabers, give me more Sabers. - We don't need any more Sabers, Type-Moon. Stop it, stop it. - It's free real-estate. - Type-Moon. (garnt laughs) Thank god. - No, like, another toxic fandom I can think of that have just covered. - Just checking off, who are we gonna piss off now? - Like, no, okay, let's just piss off everyone now. - We're gonna piss off everybody. - Who haven't we pissed off yet? - Do we have any more beers? Do we have any? - Web Toon readers. Web Toon readers. Okay, so because, like- - Do we even count them? They're, come on. (Garnt laughing) - Is that even a fanbase? I don't even know. - No, because like, I didn't realize how passionate they were until Tower of God started airing. - Right. And then I remember making a Tower of God video and like, when I tweeted it out or anytime I would tweet anything out about Tower of God, it was the most toxic like Twitter chain you could ever thing of. - Really? - Yeah, where people like, Tower of God fans are that dedicated fandom, and from what I've seen, a lot of the Web Toon fan base are the same. 'Cause I've seen like equally, with like the God of High School fandom as well. - Right, right, right. - Where they will defend the show as like, the greatest piece of literature that's ever been made. (men laughing) Right, and I'm like, yeah, I like Tower of Gods. You know, God of High School, I haven't read the Web Toon, So that could be better, I don't know. I think the anime is pretty mediocre as it is. But like, they will like go to war to like make sure everyone knows how good this Web Toon is. - I'm really scared now because I'm pretty sure next season we're getting the Noblesse anime, right? Which basically completes the trifecta of like the Web Toon, right? - Yeah. 'Cause you know when you have like a slight problem with like, or like a slight criticism with like this certain anime or show or manga and then you make like a tweet about it, and then the billion fucking tweets you get to be like, "Um, excuse me. No, this criticism is wrong. - How dare you, oh my god. - And that's like what I've seen with like Web Toon's fans, like times a hundred. - Really? - Yeah, or at least like with Tower of God, 'cause like, that was my experience with Tower of God, where I was like, "I like Tower of God," but then I've read like the comments chains, and a lot of it just really put me off, like the Tower of God fandom, you know what I mean? - Jeez, I never got that at all, in my head, I was just like, "Damn, this has got a fucking good soundtrack." (men laughing) That's all I heard, I was like, "Oh, it's Kevin, hey!" - Kevin, Kevin, you did good. - You did good, Kevin, you did good Kevin. - Fuck the Oxygen fandom, you know, fuck those guys. (men laughing) Who needs Oxygen man, they have real stuck-up, no, who haven't we pissed off yet then? Wait, is there a good fandom? No. - No (laughs). - 'Cause the more I go through it, I'm like, "Love Life, garbage, Band Dream, garbage." Every single fan. - Fairy Tail. - Fairy Tail, oh my god, Fairy Tail is awful. - Oh my god. - Yeah. - Fairy Tail is, man, it's like, the people who like Fairy Tail are the ones who kept those mats, you know, the kids with the town? - Yeah, yeah. - You know, they're the people who kept those. That still use them. (men laughing) They have little cars go around, no (laughs). - I remember one time there was this fucking like, I think it was supposed to be a smear campaign against me, right? - Oh, 'cause you said that Fairy Tail was garbage? - 'Cause I said that Fairy Tail was garbage in one of my Let's Fight videos, and there was a moment on Instagram where people were like tweeting out, like posting this like picture of like Natsu and Lucy, and it was like, "Protect Fairy Tail from the anime man." And there was like 30 people on Instagram being like, "Yes, let's protect our favorite show because some dude on the internet said it was a garbage show." And I'm just like, "Oh my, all I said was that this show sucks," like, just chill. Like chill out. - Is it a natural occurrence that, at a certain age, you just stop giving a fuck if someone hates on what you like? Or is it a thing that some people have? - It's just. - 'Cause I don't, I genuinely don't know anyone our age who gets that angry about, do you? - No. - 'Cause I don't. - I don't, I mean like, I like to have like arguments, not arguments, or like debates. - I love chatting shit. I love talking outta my ass and getting angry at Joey about the Baccano! dub, but like, that's not like actually- - Like I'm not gonna be offended by it. - No, no, no, I mean 'cause we're friends right? But I'm not gonna, on Twitter, get actually angry at someone 'cause, I mean, a lot of the context and the humor is lost if I do. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. - Yeah, I mean like, on Twitter especially, which I feel like we're putting most of this, like most of our opinions- - Yeah, this is normally coming from Twitter. - Yeah. - Rarely anything else. - I'd say, 90% of what I see has come from Twitter. It is just not like, not the right platform for this kind of like debate. - No. - And argument, like I said, who's ever changed their opinion 'cause of a fucking tweet? You know what I mean? You don't have enough characters to make a poignant argument that can really. - No. - And I'm not gonna sit through a fucking like, seven tweet thread, right? - The first thing you think when you get like what, a fucking 20-page paragraph? Your immediate is not to like, I'm gonna consider what they've said. You're like, how do immediately counter this. Is your first thought on Twitter. It always is, it's everyone's first thing. - Yeah. - Yeah, of course. - So it's like, what's the fucking point? Like, you just, you know, go and fucking watch Meliodas touch up a girl, who fucking cares, go do what you want. - If you enjoy it, then cool, but just be aware that there are people out there who don't think that way, right, who don't agree with the fact that- - It's not a personality trait to touch women. Just saying, I'm gonna say it. (men laughing) I'm gonna say it, I just think it's stupid. - [Joey] Yeah, it is. - Why does Meliodas need to do it? I don't know, I still wonder. I wake up in a cold sweat at night, and I'm like, why does- - Do you wake up like Meliodas did in the fucking thing? - Yeah, I'm like. - I mean, I think- - Why is Meliodas assaulting women? (men laughing) Now I'm not a simp, right I. (laughs) - I just think it's 'cause of like, when did they originally come out? Like, it was like mid-2000s, right? - Was it okay in mid-2000? - No, 'cause remember this time in mid-2000s where entire character quirks was, oh, let's trip over and touch an anime girl? Like it was like. - Literally every harem protagonist? - Yeah, literally every harem protagonist, that was like the quirk. - There's a difference between tripping up though and being like... (Joey laughs) - True, true, true. - And like, as an adult male, an adult monkey-brained male, I watched that, and I sat there and I thought, "Who is this appealing to, this character trait?" Like, I'm wondering who. Chris, do you know 'cause I don't fucking know. It's gotta be 12-year-olds, right? - It's gotta be 12 year olds. - That's how like most of my arguments are done. Like, who likes this, 12-year-old, must be. Probably isn't, but to my head, no adult who's functioning in society. (men laughing) Maybe I just answered my own question. - Yeah, there you go. (Garnt laughing) It's not appealing to those who function in society. - If you are over the age of 18, do you like that Meliodas touches people? If so, can you tell me why, 'cause I'm genuinely curious. Like, what about it is fun? - Yeah, like I can understand if you don't have a problem with it, but like, if you actively like- - Enjoy it, like that's a good, like yeah, that's what I mean. - Yeah, I'm genuinely curious. - They're like hell yeah, Meliodas, you feel up that bitch. - 'Cause like I said, I don't give a shit, it's just kinda like smelling a bad fart, like I'm like, fuck it, (groans) disgusting, carry on, but like I don't care. Like its not gonna stop me from watching it, I just think it's dumb. - I don't know. - I mean, it's like, bad animation is more likely to stop you from watching it. - Yeah, that's way worse. - Yeah, that's way worse. That's a way worse, that's a way better reason to stop fucking watching it. - God, what did they do to you? I'm sorry Seven Deadly Sins fans, they did you dirty. - I think, what this episode has given the realization of is that, if you put the blank fandom. And you put any anime in that blank, it's probably gonna be a shit fandom. - Oh yeah, I mean, I mean. - As long as a fandom exists, it's probably gonna suck in some way. - Yeah, think of any fandom and you'll find annoying ass fucking memes or dumb shit they say. So, if you are a fan of any anime in general, don't take what we said personally, we just like to talk shit out of our ass. - We hate all fandoms equally. - None of this is serious, if you're a Dragon Ball fan, please don't think that you can't talk to me. You can't, actually, no, no. (men laughing) - You can, as long as it's not about Dragon Ball. - Only if you're here to discuss the benefits of having Goku be HIV positive. (men laughing) - JoJo fans, please just chill the fuck out. Not everyone needs to watch JoJo. We love JoJo, not everyone will love JoJo. - What we've said is not serious at all, it's just us talking shit for two hours, just having a fun time. - Exactly, exactly. - And hopefully, none of you took what we said seriously today, although, if you are offended by this, odds are you didn't make it this far before you typed your comment. - Actually, let's make this fun. What other fandoms piss you off? (men laughing) Let's make it. - Like on the comments. - Let's make the comment section an entire fucking minefield. - If it's for us, if it's Dragon Ball, what is it for you? What fandom is it? Tell me, let us know. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let us know. - Come on. - This is gonna go well. (men chuckling) Hey, but in the meantime, check out all these patrons that are helping us to support the show and making us- - Is it the Trash Taste fandom? If so. - The Trash Taste fandom. - Trash Taste, more like Trash takes, am I right? - Absolute toxicity right here on the screen right now. These toxic people supporting the show, ew. - If you'd like to have your name appear on screen, go and do so by clicking the link below to go to our patreon and, yeah. Thank you so much for those people who throw their money at us and help produce the show. - And help produce this fucking toxicity that we've just produced today. - Absolute disgusting toxicity. And if the comments section of this video aren't enough, then you can also follow us. - I can't wait for the amount of clips that get like clipped and put on Twitter. - Oh god. (Joey laughing) - Like, we are going to- - The amount of smear campaigns that are gonna happen on Trash Taste being like "How fucking dare they." - Let's cancel Connor. - It's disgusting. - We're gonna get canceled from every fucking side of the anime fandom. (Joey laughs) - If you piss off everyone, it's a negative-negative situation, right, where. - Exactly. - Everyone's like, "Well, he pissed everyone off, so it must be okay." - Exactly, exactly. But if the comments section aren't enough for you guys then you can also let your opinions be shined over on our Twitter and subreddit as well. Post your horrible toxic fanbase memes over there. And, yeah guys, please don't get offended with anything we said, there's, none of this is serious. We just, as you can see, we're drinking, all right? So, immediately, it negates all fucking credibility of what we're saying. - Yes. - I just noticed we've been moving around so much more when we're like, the more we've drunk. (laughing) - We're all just like, (yells). Fucking- - Fuck anime, I hate anime. Why do you watch anime? It's fucking shit. - Disgusting. (imitates spitting) - Anime is mid. It doesn't hit different, it was a lie. God lied. (men laughing) Good-bye Trash Taste viewers. - Yeah, if we're not canceled by the next episode, then we'll see you next week all right. Bye-bye - Bye! - [Garnt] Bye. (Joey laughs) (upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 2,073,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast, The, WORST, Fandoms, in, Dragonball, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 7 Deadly Sins, Naruto, Bleach
Id: Dbg8lT53Arg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 53sec (7973 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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