Anime Convention Horror Stories | Trash Taste #22

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- At about like 2:00 A.M. one night, I'm like basically naked. I open the door and there's just two girls sitting there, opposite my door. SpongeBob has been on like full volume in my room, it was like, what are you-- - And you're naked. (upbeat music) Welcome back to another episode of Trash Taste podcast. I'm your host Joey and with me are the boys, the British boys, the BBs. - I thought you only have like a Neanderthal or something-- - Oh, okay. - Come Joey anyway. - What's up residents of cuckfield. Welcome to another episode of Trash Taste-- - Okay, I'll take it. - I didn't expect that. - If you're actually from cuckfield, then there you go there's your shout out. - Today I found out that I was on a Samsung ad by accident. I didn't know. - Oh, yeah, I saw that. - Oh, yeah, I saw it, you sent the clip to Sydney, right? - No, no, I didn't, no, I didn't. I-- - I saw you re-tweeting and I'm pretty sure, oh, like-- - Did I say something, I don't think I said something. - I don't know. - I, I-- - That was for your Fivver thing, right? - So I did a Fivver video where I became a Fivver seller and normally, right? Fivver you get like vastly under charge that's kinda how basically this website works. - Right. - But I got contacted by someone who was like, "Oh, let's do an actual ad." I thought great this is amazing content for the video because I can actually show people like how to do it. - My skills. - Yeah, right, I was like, "I'm flexible." - Yeah. - Yeah. - And I asked him a few questions 'cause normally when you do a commercial with voice acting, you need to figure out like the buyout fees. And depending on basically how much the ad is gonna play and how many countries it's gonna play in, is like how do you calculate a buyout fee. So this is the normal studio fee, which is like the doing the work and then there's the fee for essentially using your voice worldwide. - Yeah. - And, you know, it varies a lot like you can, I know dudes who've gotten like 50K of one hour. - Yeah, I mean, you were talking about like in a previous podcast episode about the guy who does the ads for McDonald's. - Yeah, he lives off just that. And like, I did a commercial one time where I got like $8,000 for just one hour of work. - Was that the boats one? - Which one was that? It was a car one, I'll have to find it. I can get the link. - No, you said that you did like a shaving one as well, right? - Yeah, I've done shaving one in the past as well. - Or whatever the fuck it was. - Yeah, ages ago, ages ago. - Yeah, yeah. - And basically, you get paid like quite a lot for doing these. And it's like, okay, cool, right? Nice, nice and I thought, okay, this commercial seems kind of small, you know? It's like this guy just-- - So how much did he pay you? - I asked 'cause I thought this ad was like pathetic, right? (laughing) I asked for $300. - Oh! - 'Cause I was like it's only gonna take like 30 minutes. - You were thinking of the content. That was what on your mind, right? - I didn't wanna be too greedy and I really wanted to get it, so I thought 300 is a normal like studio rate fee. Plus like whatever, it's gonna play on the internet, it's not a big deal. And then I actually had to do like dubbing, like actual mouth dubbing. - Yeah, so you actually had to dub out the entire scene. - Yes, so I dubbed over the dudes mouth. - I didn't actually see the ad, I just saw you like retweeting it or tweeting about it. - It's weird, I don't think my voice fits the dude that well. - It was so weird watching it 'cause I was watching the ad and I didn't know what the process was, but what it felt like was, remember watching like those old Hong Kong movies where it was like badly dubbed lip flaps like over the film. - It's like some cow shit. - Yeah, exactly, that's what it was. - Yeah, yeah, it's not bad, I mean-- - I mean, he was still saying what you were saying. - Yeah, yeah, it just I think the problem is, is that like, especially 'cause everyone knows my voice. - Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - The problem is that like, everyone knows my voice and that's not what you hear when you hear my voice. - Yeah, yeah. - Normally if, you know, you don't really know the person, you know, 90% people are gonna hit the ad aren't gonna be like, "Oh, yeah, yeah, that's normal ad, no biggie." But people know me are like, "What the fuck! Like what the fuck!" - 'Cause it was so weird we're hearing your voice come out of like a really old man or something like that. - I've done that before though. Like that's really like nothing. - So it was like legit Samsung? - It's like a Samsung ad, yeah. I don't know what it's for, but- - Then they got like the deal of the century. - Yeah, I was fucking ripped off. Yeah, I mean, I priced what I thought was fair based on what the seller had told me. - Right. - And if I knew it was gonna be Samsung and it's gonna be like worldwide like that, I mean we all would've had (indistinct) - You thought you were playing them, but in the end they were playing you man. - I was getting played, yeah. - They played you. - I said, "Why the fuck is Samsung hiring five voice actors? What the fuck!" - Yeah, you think that they'd got to like professional-- - Yeah, it's a little - Not to say that, you know, some voice actors aren't professional. - Hearing more stories makes me wonder how many big industry companies are like going on these small sites, you know, like hiring Fiverr voice actors, going like putting job ads on Craigslist whatever. - Yeah, I think what's happening-- - Right Raelynn? (laughing) - That hurts, what I do you think happens is that, okay, so Samsung is there like, "Listen, guys, we have a genius advertisement here. We want a company to handle it." They go and find and ad agency and then that agency is like, "We know just the guy." They pretty hire another agency who then pretty hires the final agency that actually makes it and then they've got like no budget. So they're like get the Fivver voice actors. Because I'm not gonna lie a lot of Fivver voice actors are really fucking good and getting charged like nothing. - Yeah, I mean, I would argue that like almost everyone on that website is probably a little too overqualified for what you're paying for. - Yeah, that's how that website works. - I mean they're either overly qualified or they're heavily under qualified. - That's true. - There's no in between. - They'll be people like a Blue Yeti that are like, "Yeah, I guess I can give you the commercial rights to it, and, you know, 50 more words are gonna run, ah, Jesus, 400 bucks man." - Yeah, yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - It's like, "Bro what the fuck!" - I've had that with like artists as well where some of them are just like fucking goatee where it's like you should make an art book and then other people are like, "Just started a Deviant Art two days ago let's go." - $100 per commission, let's go. And it's such a coin flip because even if they have like a good portfolio, right? I've had experiences where I've hired like artists to produce like an artwork or music or something and it is not up to the level they put on their portfolio or their public portfolio. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - You can tell he was like, here's my A list work and you're just getting the D list work on Fiverr, you know what I mean? - 'Cause you're not paying me like $500 or some bullshit. - Same with the voice acting as well 'cause a lot of people get their demos done in a studio like formally like mixed, produced professionally and that kind-- - Yeah. But then when they do it at home, they're just like (indistinct) - They get their fucking Blue Yeti set up in a hotel room and it's like, "All right." (laughing) - They're just like this is shit. - I don't know if this is what I paid for, you know, say that's how I got fucking scammed. I don't know, I mean, I got paid, hey, I didn't get scammed. It's my bad like-- - Yeah. - Well played Samsung in advertisement. - Did you record this commercial shoot or was the commercial recording in your own room? - Yeah, in my own room. - Okay. - And I did it like I, I didn't do any of the trimming actually 'cause they wanted to do it so it was pretty painless. The only thing was is that like, because the lip flaps they had like fucking, of course they zoomed in on this man's fucking face, so the lip flaps was so pronounced so you can see exactly which syllable in which letter he was on so. - Yeah. - And there was one where they sent me where they were like, "Hey, can you change the script on this one line?" I'm like, "No, the man's lips say this thing. What do you mean can I change the script? I can't fucking change it to what you, you've added in like three more words. How do you think I'm gonna do that?" - Yeah, you should have done it just to really like drive on to like home the Kong power of it, right? It's like-- - I should have just sent to them been like this is what you wanted, this is what you asked for, this just 300 bucks by the way, this is what you. (laughing) - That would have been hilarious. - Yeah, yeah. - It's like the lip flaps clearly say like, "I love Samsung." But you just can't change it to like, "Buy Apple." (laughing) - 'Cause it's like the next level from anime dubbing, right? 'Cause with anime dubbing-- - It's so much harder than anime dubbing. - Yeah, with anime dubbing you have to match all like the lip flaps of the syllables. - So it's two frames, right? It's open mouth with close mouth, right? - No, three frames actually. Yeah, I know this because I have to edit lip flaps in a bridging 'cause in a bridging it's easy 'cause you take you take your script and you just fucking edit these three frames of mouth. There's closed mouth, half opened and fully opened. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But with dubbing you obviously can't edit the lip flaps or anything like that so you just, sometimes you hear some lines and it's really, it's a really unnatural line, you know, but you just gotta match what the animation is. - Right. - Yeah, it's really like makes you, as if you trying to do it, it really makes you fucking appreciate these like, in the countries where they mainly dub a lot of the imagery that they import like how fucking insane that is that they managed to do like full seasons of shows and like it's not terrible. It's so hard because you're so constrained with other mouth shapes because, you know, I mean, you have to exactly copy. And luckily this was English, but like, oh my god, another language. - Meanwhile you have countries like Japan that it just like fuck that. - Yeah, I have noticed Japan is just like fuck the lip flaps, let's just talk over it. - That's what makes it like a million times more hilarious. - [Garnt] Yeah, I know, right? - The change in the voices is already hilarious but then seeing them like say something that just not a single mouth movement is correct. - You almost like don't mind it though 'cause you realize they're just like they're not, they're not trying to do that. It's like, yeah, whatever man, I don't give a shit. I'm supposed to be sent like fucking, some fucking like History Channel Car restoration show on TV. And they had like, it was like a really like old British guy and they had like the proper like Samurai sounding old dude. (indistinct) I was like, "Wow, okay, geez." That's not what he, I mean, that's what he sounds like, but I don't know, I'm like, cool. (indistinct) (laughing) - That was kind inappropriate. - That's how the old dude sound like a Japanese like Munna, Munna, Munna, Munna. Like I don't even know what to say. - Did you say Munna Munna? - I think he just did. - Munna Munna Munna. (laughing) - [Joey] Oh my God. - Fuck it no, they don't do that, total shit. - Speaking of Munna, did we talk about that time we went to a Jojo bar last week or? - I don't think we did so. - So, yeah, 'cause I wanted to talk about the Jojo bar so. - Okay. - Yeah. - Yeah, to explain like two weeks ago, we went to the same Jojo bar that Joey made a video on. And it was fucking, I don't know what it is about Japan that has so many of like these small bars that are like, themed, but they're like way cooler than any of like the, like the big bars that you go to in the West or that I've been to like in England that tried to make like this themed bar, you what I mean? 'Cause it was so small and it was so intimate and it was run by a guy who clearly really fucking love Jojo. - [Joey] Oh, yeah, yeah. - And I think the thing what impressed me the most was the fucking drink list. - Oh my god, it's gigantic. - Holy fuck! - Yeah, like the, because in my video as well and when we got there they say that you can film anything and you can take photos and videos of like any of the merch or anything like that, but you can't take a picture or video of the menu. For the longest time I never understood why? Like why only the menu? But then when you actually flip through this menu and you realize there's like, almost like 1000 fucking drinks. - I think there's like, there's gotta be, I'm counting my head like maybe like around 300 drinks I think. - Yeah. - I'd say so. But it's like more than like your conventional like bar thing. - [Connor] Yeah. - And out of those like three 400 drinks, half of them are originals. It just says original. And they're all like named after, you know, characters and phrases and whatnot. And you have to fucking like perform the phrase as well to the bartender. And it's so like embarrassing when like you say like lines like, "Excuse me, can I get the (indistinct)." And then she's like, "Okay, one (indistinct)." (laughing) - Coming right up. - Coming right up. - It's so cool. - Here's your (indistinct). - Yeah, because to explain how the menu works, basically the menu works like, like a fucking, the menu is the Jojo reference, right? So it goes by parts. So every drink is either named after a character or a stand or just a random reference. - Yeah, yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - Like, you know, you have like a random catchphrase or something. Was there like a drink in part four that was like, let's kill da ho or something like that. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah. - Let's kill the hoe. - Let's kill the hoe, bitch. (laughing) - There was like a reference to like the dead dog in part one and one of them was Wells or was it something-- - Oh, yeah, it was like Danny or something. - That was his name, yeah. - Yeah or something like that. - Something like that and then that was like, Oh my god, there was just so many funny sounding ones like I just loved those one Bohemian Rhapsody. I mean, that's a stand. I just loved that I could order a drink called a Bohemian Rhapsody. - Yeah, I just found it super cool that I was just basically ordering a fucking, you know, Kira Yoshikage or something like that. You know, you just basically ordering Jojo references and I thought that was fucking brilliant. - Although there was one thing that I was like kind of upset about and I don't know if this is gonna be a spoiler for part seven, but I was very upset that I couldn't order a Jesus Christ. - Oh yeah, I would have liked the Jesus Christ. - I was looking through part seven, I'm like please say there's a drink I'll try. - Was there a President of the United States as well? I don't think there was either. - I don't know, no, though I think there was a, was there? - I mean, there was Funny Valentine. - There was Funny Valentine. Was there another George Bush? - George Bush. (laughs) - Right, 'cause he's a Canon character, right? That he appears. - I don't know, I probably don't remember. - Or it's like a character that's mortal or something, I don't fucking know but-- - See what I love about being a Jojo fan is you only watch the anime hanging out with you two. We have like red way further in the manga, is that I was hanging out to this bar and you were just like straight up putting out spoilers of part six and part seven. And the great thing about Jojo is that I was listening to these spoilers and I'm just like, "I don't think I've actually been spoiled at all honestly." - It is just the only show that you can spoil without actually giving anything away. - It makes so little sense that when you hear it, it's like you just don't see it ever coming when you're reading it. - Yeah, so in part seven Dio turns into a dinosaur because he's going off to Jesus Christ arm and you're just like, "I guess that's what happens." - I mean, that was my exact same like reaction. - I knew that happened but I didn't, like when I was reading it I was like, "Oh!" And I only realized it when it was happening I was like, "Oh, that's what everyone meant." (laughing) - 'Cause out of context it's like, how is this plot point supposed to fit into this story in any sense. - Hearing it out of context it's just, it doesn't hinder your enjoyment when you're actually experiencing the entire thing, which is why I'm fucking looking forward to when, I'm hoping when part six, part seven has animated. - Oh yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - Although hearing you guys talk about it in the bar, I might just like go out and read it honestly. - It's so good dude, it's so good. - Part six to seven manga is fairly incredible. - I'm a Jojo like cock JoJo or cock sucker whatever, so it's like I mean, I've (indistinct). - That was Jojo fan basis comment, JoJo cock suckers. (laughing) - That's basically what they are. What is it with all the memes where it's like a Jojo fans when they see it on the site cock or whatever is what it is, is fucking memes. - [Joey] Yeah. - Like the best part is though is it like, you don't know if the drink, like this is just like original, right? So you have no idea what it is, but you kinda gotta guess is it gonna be like a fruity easy to drink drink or is it gonna be like just fucking alcohol like straight liquor, unlike Joey just somehow kept ordering like just he was like, "I'll have the Ri and the Ora Ora Ora and they were all just like basically straight spirits. I kept ordering stuff that was all like Malibu's fruity drinks, I was like-- - I actually think he has a kind of like a power leveling system going on with the drinks 'cause anytime you'd ordered like a main character or like a JoJo, it was always a super powerful drink. - Yeah, I know like out of all the powerful drinks I had, I think the most powerful one I had was-- - Stroheim. - No, it was part three Dio. - Wasn't it really the Ri was like really straight vodka? - Ri as well was fucking bad and I'm like-- - You had to actually order a drink by going, "Ri toxic on this house."- - And then this cute bartender girl was like, "Okay, Ri that's toxic." - But here's the thing, do you think he actually remembers every drink that he made 'cause most of them are originals? - I think so. - I mean he has to, right? - Oh wait, when you order the Yoshikage Kira as well, it comes with a separate hand. - Oh, it came with a separate hand, which I thought was fucking brilliant. - And the Sex Pistols. Sex Pistols comes on like a roulette like style table thing with a gun in the middle and that's actually cool. - And it's like just different shots. - It's just basically six shots. - Which is perfect about shoots shot. - So you go to the menu you one, you don't know how strong the drink is gonna be and like two, you don't know what the drink is gonna be either so it was just a fun experience just working your way through the menu and just being like, hey, this is a Kira or this is like Sex Pistols and just being surprised at what you got basically. - But I think as well that's such an awesome like marketing move as well because that just incentivizes you to go back to it. I was being like, "All right, I finished all the part one drinks this time round, next week I'm gonna go back and finish all the part two drinks all right. - It's basically like watching Jojo itself. You walk through each part until you get through every part. - You can't skip any of the parts, you have to like complete it. (laughing) - I had like five Rohan Kishibe. It was like Rohan Kishibe at the store, Rohan Kishibe at the Lourve. - Yeah, no, it was like Rohan Kishibe goes to Gucci, right? That's was one of the drinks. - Yeah, I was like how many Rohan Kishibes are there? What the fuck! - You know what, my favorite one was when you ordered like a Jotaro and you have to like specify which parts are, which part Jotaro are you ordering? - That's was awesome, yeah. It's like I don't know, I feel like those kinds of establishments are just the most perfect place to just weeb the fuck out, right? Because it's like if forgives you for weebing out, right? - You get so drunk as well 'cause you're like, you just wanna keep fucking drinking and it's like reasonably priced, it's like I don't know like $7 a drink. - Yeah, and all the cocktails are delicious as well, you know, they taste really, really good even though, you know, half of them fucked me up because they were so fucking strong. - You just kept getting the straight shot and I kept getting the nice ones and I was like, "Oh, yeah." - I was like, "I want something nice to just like sooth my throat off all these fucking shots you know what I'm saying? - I kept ordering these fucking Sex Pistol and it just gets, it's just straight up six shots, it's not even a cocktail. - I love it. (laughing) - That was good. - But yeah go check it out if you guys are at Nakano. - What was it called again? - It's called a- - Dio, right? - It called Dio, yeah, in Tokyo. - So when the country opens up, gonna pay them a visit. They have a Twitter as well, like Dio bar. - Yeah, they have a Twitter. - Yes, right now in Nakano Broadway, which if you're gonna come to Japan, I reckon like a lot of weebs come to Japan and they're like, "We need to go to Akihabara, we need to Akihabara." But I reckon like Nakano Broadway is also a very, very much - It's fun and awesome, yeah. - It's kind of like the underground version of Akihabara. - It's like a condensed Akihabara. - Yeah, exactly 'cause everything you can get. Most of the things you get in Akihabara just condensed down into one building and you can basically walk around it for a lot less time than you would Akihabara. - Yeah, there's just, I don't know, there's just like in Nakano Broadway. I feel there's just a lot more like interesting, like old Tokyo stores like very, very niche stuff that like you might not necessarily be into it, but it's just really fucking interesting to see. - Because the thing about Akihabara is that, once you've been once you see what the former is, you know what I mean? You see what shows get on display, it's all like the Moe stuff normally and, you know, it's a lot more difficult to find a lot of the nicher shows and kind of like figurines or merchandise that are like less mainstream. But in Nakano Broadway, you find a lot of like untapped gems, unlike, there's really good store there. - Oh, yeah, yeah. There's this fucking store in Nakano Broadway that's like right at the entrance of Nakano Broadway that sell Gengars from the anime. And like they sell like Cels from anime. - Right, oh, I saw that one, yeah, yeah. - I'm like what the fuck, yeah. - I mean, like some of these Cels are quite cheap because they're probably like mass produced the one that, which is just based on shows that no one really cares about, but some of the more expensive ones are just like holy shit. - Yeah, I remember there was a Cel from The End of Evangelion that I saw from the, it's in the top floor of Nakano Broadway, if I remember correctly, and it's right at the back. But they have some like really classic Cels. The most impressive one I saw was one from like, The End of Evangelion, and it was the Asuka's flight as well. - Oh, shit. - And it was an expensive boy. - Yeah, I get it. - How much was it? It was like, I think it was like $10,000. - Oh! - Yeah, that sounds about right. - For a piece of paper. - I mean, at that point is basically like a museum-- - Oh, no, that's true, that's true. - How can you put a price? - How do they get that? - That's what I wanna know, right? - How does that like get in the hands of someone? - It's just like maybe they'd like sell those often like auctions or-- - Maybe some staff member takes it and then they sell it on-- - It's like, "It's only one Cel they wouldn't know." - Like, "Hey man, this Crunch is brutal man, I'm gonna take a little something home, make a little bit of cash on the side, you know?" - There's a snitch in the studio, we'll take it out ourselves. - I think they're only just gonna get more expensive because now animation studios don't use Cel animation anymore. - [Joey] Right, right. - So at this point it just becomes like a memorabilia, right? Of our history because you can't, I mean, you can get like Gengars and everything like that, but having a good old fashioned Cel is just not a flex. - Yeah, because you can't like, unlike a Gengar, you can't like, you know, photocopy a Cel, right? Because it's based off like a plastic sheet. - Yeah, exactly. - It's much easier to tell when a cell is completely fake 'cause I've seen some fucking completely fake Cels and it's just like all these like flimsy pieces of paper and people paying stupid amounts of money for it because they don't know any better, right? I'm just like, "No, don't, what are you doing? It's just a fucking drawing." - Do you guys miss the old like Cel animation aesthetic compared to like much cleaner digital aesthetic of today? - No. - It's been bittersweet for me I think like, obviously like, you know, the digital stuff now is like so much better choreographed unlike the later ends. Like you can tell that like all these camera movements were done through a computer. But I don't know there's something really charming about like, you know, a manual like camera shake in terms of making a Cel. - Ed, Edd n Eddy great animation. (laughing) - Old Cels. - Dude man I love that, I love the bubbly lines, you know, I mean, it's great. - It's comfy, it's comfy. - Yeah, I mean, like Redline was all- - That was great, that was- - That's fucking, oh my God. - And that took like what 10 years? - Seven years. - Seven years, yeah. - It took a little while, it took a little while. - But yet no one fucking watched it. - Yeah, I mean, I will say that I think, you know, on average animation is better quality now because digital animation has made things, has made it easier to get a higher level quality of animation for like most animes. But yeah, I think you're right, there is like a definite charm about watching good old fashioned Cel animation. - Yeah, I definitely wouldn't want all my anime to be based off Cels, but-- - No. - There were some like, especially like when you go back to like, you know, the whole like '80s just like general anime aesthetic, that like the, "Oh yeah, this is an '80s anime goal aesthetic." Like that on Cel animation is just- - It's like a bowl of like Rice Krispies. Like, I never eat a fucking bowl of Rice Krispies when I do I'm like, all right, okay, yeah-- - It's not bad. - Okay. - Not bad. (laughing) - But then the next day, you're like, "I don't even think about Rice Krispies." That's how I see it, do you know what I mean? (laughing) - I don't but I'll just nod. - I don't give a fuck about it. - I'll just nod and agree. (laughing) I know literally zero things about cereal. I don't eat cereal. - Yeah, me neither. That's why it's like, it just kind of reminds you being a kid again, you know what I mean? - I don't fully agree with you. I'll just use analogies all right. (laughing) I'll just assume that like your fucking-- (laughing) - That's what old Cel animation reminds me of like a bowl of cereal, right? I don't eat cereal 'cause-- - [Joey] Right. - Frankly, I don't care for it. There I said it, okay? Controversial pitch. - No, it's not controversial. - [Joey] It's not controversial. - Here's a controversial thing when I do eat cereal, I don't eat it without milk, I'd eat it without milk. - That's what I'm saying, yeah. - I want my cereal dry, I think the milk ruins it. - It's better than folk people who say like, fucking monsters who say like, "Oh yeah, I use water in mine." - Okay, that is a level even I was duped too. - I'm pretty sure that's like how you end like Jiva convention that have to do that, right? And that's like fucked up like-- (laughing) - Because it's basic human rights. (laughing) - Like what? - Yeah, I do, I knew a guy in-- - That's bullshit. - I knew a guy my uni, no, I saw him fucking do it too. I knew a guy my uni who-- - Did you call the police? - Dead ass, yeah, I was about to. (laughing) I think I'm being assaulted right now. (laughing) My eyes are being assaulted. No, it was fucking disgusting you-- - I never condole like spitting in someone's food, but I think that's an exception to be made. - Yeah, he was eating like just, and it was like basic ass cornflakes as well. And I'm like it's already a human rights crime to just eat cornflakes with nothing in it, let alone with water. - Actually I could eat cornflakes with nothing in it. - No, it depends on the cornflakes. - Yeah, but like eating with water is like- - That's a, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's like here let me top my water with more water. - Who likes cereal when it's the soggiest, right? 'Cause that's all you're doing, you're just making your cereal soggy. - Exactly. - Like were you that desperate for hydration that you needed to go for your fucking cornflakes, like what the fuck! - Yeah, that's why whenever I used to eat cereal in high school, I would eat that shit so fucking fast. - Did he make it through high school or did he like just not make it? - I mean, he was in my uni so I guess he did. - Oh, shit, okay, wow. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - The university took him in? - I'm like, "Man, like you can't even afford milk at uni?" (laughing) Like are you that much of a-- - I smell broke. - Are you that much of a broke uni student that he can't even afford milk? - You just go to the tap and you're like, "Here we go again another day." - I don't know what it is about uni and like communal kitchens and the one thing that always gets taken in the communal kitchens is the milk. It's always the milk. I don't know why, everything else-- - Is just because you can just take it and you think they won't notice that's why, but everyone does it. - Like you can label your cutlery, you can label your food to be like, don't touch this, don't touch this. You can label your milk but it never works. Your milk will inevitably disappear like a day or two, they'll touch it. - Yeah, because it's like a lost currency, right? It's like water but with calories. (laughing) - I remember when I-- - It's water with attitude. - It's water with attitude. - I had a friend who was in my dorm and I liked him and then one time, yeah, I did like him but now I don't. - You did. - I liked him. - Emphasize the did. - You know, he was really high and then I came in-- - Like stoned. - Yeah, stoned, he was really stoned. And then I walk in and I see him eating cookies and cream, Ben & Jerry's, and I'm like, "Where's my, is that, that's not, I could use some cream and Jerry's is it?" And he's like, "Oh, sorry. I'll buy you one tomorrow." And I'm like, I was gonna eat that tonight. (laughing) I've planned a great evening watching anime, I was gonna eat that. I don't want your shitty Tesco's one pound, four kilograms of vanilla that looks brighter than like yellow on the like hexadecimal thing. I don't want that ice cream that tastes like shit. Why would you, that pissed me off so much. - Yeah, like vanilla ice cream that's like way too yellow for its own good scares me. - Oh, yeah, that aint- - That's like a fear I have. I have a fear of heights and way too yellow vanilla ice cream. - It doesn't even tastes like ice cream, it tastes like something, I don't know what it is like that's-- - It's like I don't wanna eat something-- - What's even worse than that is when you get the soft serve and the soft serve isn't white and it's yellow, have you ever had that? - No. - [Joey] I know I have. - 'Cause at that point-- - Wait, where did you get that from? - Okay, it's not like the, it's it's always just in like the fucking ice cream vans that only come out in the summer. - Oh. - Oh, I thought you were talking about in Japan. - Not in Japan. - Oh, okay I got it, I was gonna say-- - We get the top tier sheer here in Japan. - They wouldn't morph it here in Japan that's a British move. This episode is sponsored by Postmates. If you're like me, you start thinking about what to eat for dinner while you're eating lunch. I love food, but sometimes getting into my kitchen and cooking something delicious to eat just doesn't make it on my to do list that's why I definitely use Postmates. - But Connor we live in Japan. - Joe, Joe, Joe, shh, they're paying this. - I love Postmates. (laughing) - [Announcer] With Postmates you can get food delivered without leaving your house or even opening your front door. With the current state of the world in mind, Postmates created no contact deliveries. So now when I order from local restaurants, everything gets left on my doorstep and the app lets me know when it's been delivered. - I hate humans so this is the perfect service for me. - What a privilege to be living in a world with Postmates. - Postmates also offer a pickup version which I've been using to order off my local restaurants here. - Good. (laughing) - It's so important that we support and uplift our communities right now and what better way than ordering some fine food. - [Connor] And Postmates isn't just all about burgers and sushi, I can order anything from toilet paper to phone chargers from stores like Walgreens and 711 and Postmates will drop it off right outside my front door. - God I wish I knew this a few months ago, this would be so useful. - Just download Postmates on iOS or Android, find your favorites and get anything you want delivered within the hour that includes condoms. (laughing) - [Connor] What? - Why would you mention that? - [Announcer] For lovers of time, Postmates is giving our listeners $5 off your first five orders for your first seven days. To save $5 on your first five deliveries, download the app and use the code TRASHTASTE. - That's code TRASHTASTE for $5 off your first five orders when you download the Postmates app or sign up online. - As we all know the Postmates tagline, "Anything you need, anytime you need it, Post made it." - Including condoms. - Thank you for sponsoring this episode back to the video. - In England, sometimes they have these ice cream vans, right? That only come out that one day that it's summer or that it's sunny and-- - I've never seen them do that though. - Have you, have you never, have you ever had the soft serve from one of those ice cream vans before? - Yeah, you see it from coming out of like the machine right? The flake, right? - Yeah, it's 99 flake. And some of them they do come out white, some of them they come out yellow, right? And you always know it's like the shittiest ice cream 'cause it's not even ice cream. Okay, ice, there's the ice and the cream and the soft serve. With this, it's like 70% cream and like 30% ice. So it's like, it's not even filling. - But was it you who said that you're not a fan of soft serves? - I think soft serves tastes too milky, it's like- - But that's the best bit. - Nah, dude-- - It is the fact that it's milky. - It feels like I'm eating milk, I don't wanna eat milk, I wanna eat ice cream. - No, yeah, soft serve is the best ice cream. - Gelato, gelato is the best-- - Get the fuck outta here. Gelato is like eating a three course meal while eat like in one soft serve. - I like how gelato can like crush everything else in my stomach down to make room. - Wait, wait so you've never had like a creamy a premium? - No, I have, I have. - Do you like it? - I think it's too milky. - You like it, right? - I mean, it's good because it's a soft serve, but I do agree that it's a bit too milky. I think, I think-- - Japan are obsessed with milk, I don't know what it is. - I think humanity peaked in soft serves and in ice cream in general with the McFlurry. I don't know what it is about McFlurry, but I can eat that shit like for eternity. - Is the McFlurry a self serve? - I mean, technically-- - I feel like it's in its own category of ice. Like it's not even-- - I mean, out of us three, you're the only one who ever worked in McDonald's that's like unfortunately it's you. (laughing) - So it comes out of a machine, right? That kind of looks like a soft serve. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Am I correct? - I mean-- - Is it soft serve? - I don't know. - It's the same ice cream that they put in the cone for like McDonald's ice cream. - Yeah, like the 20 cents ice cream. - I don't know what it is about putting a soft serve in a cup and then putting some toppings on it and then fucking spinning it. I called it spinning, what, mixing it. I don't know why that's just the magical formula, but I remember the first time I've tasted a McFlurry, I'm like, I like all these ingredients individually, but put them together and mix them in a separate way and you-- - You McFlurrried in your pants. - Yeah, I McFlurried in my pants - Basically. (laughing) - I can't even remember this, but is the milkshake machine and the ice cream machine the same? Do they-- - No, no. - Is it not? - It's not. - But it's the same machine, right? It's like two different settings though. - I think I've had like three McFlurries in my life so. - What? - Yeah. - No, because the McFlurry the ice cream, the ice cream machine in McDonald's actually works, the milkshake it's like 70% of the time, it's not working. - 'Cause I remember when I worked at McDonald's, I'd like refill the milkshake machine and it was like, it's just like a sack. Like it's just a sack of fluid, right? And to fill this up, right? You have to like hold up this bag and loosen the cap and then like pour it in the bag. Have you ever tried to pull a string out of a bag? - Yeah. - It's like the fucking worst. Like there's no like faucet or anything, not faucet, fucking like lid or anything to direct it, it's just a fucking hole. - Yeah, yeah. - And so I'm pouring this thing and then a little bit obviously like started splashing off, and so it started splashing me like fucking whatever and I put it all over my fucking self in front of everyone and the machine was broken. - And then everybody came around and-- - The machine was broken for another hour 'cause we had to clean everything up that I fucking spilled everywhere. - What was inside the bag? - It's just like milkshake mix. It's just like mix. - So why is the milkshake machine always breaking? - They have to clean it constantly. Like that's when I was there. Like, they would fucking clean it every few hours 'cause apparently, obviously the milk can get stale really fast. so they clean it. - In an hour though? - No, but it's like they have to clean it I think like two times a day at least, I can't remember 'cause like-- - I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if the milkshake machine was basically the same as the ice cream machine. And that's because a McDonald's milkshake is basically a fucking soft serve-- - I agree, yeah , yeah, yeah. - But you have to drink it through a straw. - Yeah, it's a melted soft soft serve. - So like every time I get a McDonald's milkshake, you have this like five minute grace periods where it's impossible to drink the fucking milkshake. - Yeah, true, true. - 'Cause you eat- - That's great 'cause you eat the food and then you can drink the milkshake. - Yeah, yeah, 'cause you try sucking in it and the straw just fucking collapses in, and it's like wait, you know what I mean? (laughing) That's like the McDonald's milkshake-- - You create a mini black hole inside of it. It's like everything gets crushed. (laughing) - Like my brother worked for McDonald's and when I turned 16 I really wanted the fucking Xbox One, so I was like, "I'm gonna get a job at McDonald's." You're paid like Β£4.10 an hour, which is like $5 that was like maybe $5.50. And, yeah, I fucking hated it. And I remember my brother telling me he was like, "Yeah, you can get sick of McDonald's food really fast." And I was like six months in I'm like, I fucking love this food stuff still like, you'd get to make your own like, you weren't supposed to, but like the managers were like, "You could have this." Like you can basically make your own burger. So I used to just make like the, like in the UK we have like fried chicken sandwiches, like they're like fancy ones. They used like the, like they're like the better meat. I mean, it still little fucking awful, but I would just fucking put like a handful of fucking bacon and just shove it on and that was like the best part. And then you could get like meals like half priced, but everything else is fucking awful at McDonald's. Everything was awful. Like, the people were the worst part man. They were just like-- - More like the workers or the customers? - Workers, the workers. - Oh, really, yeah. - 'Cause I just didn't get along with any of them and they will all, you know, like not to be mean, but a lot of the ones that I worked with were like people that like, I wouldn't be friends with. - Whenever I go to a McDonald's and I see like an employee smiling, I'm like, "He's Cersei." - Yeah, yeah. - I'm like who is he murder today? So some are just like orange Cersei right now. (laughing) - I remember, I legitimately got like, I got like put, had to come sit in the, like fucking put on like detention for like 20 minutes 'cause-- - At the McDonald's? - 'Cause I was working on the fucking, like making the chicken burgers and the burgers, I was making the burgers and they took me off for not smiling. And I said, I said, I said, "Why do I have to smile when making burgers?" And they looked at me like, "Why did you ask that question?" And they told me to go and take a break for 20 minutes. - It was like George Orwell, wasn't it? - I was like what do you mean? - Dystopia, everyone has to smile. - I was like, "What do you mean I'm not fucking smiling mate, I'm making a fucking burger, what do you mean?" I couldn't believe it, I was furious. - Yeah, it's like they're at home, they make their own sandwiches they're like, "Shit, I forgot to smile." - I couldn't believe it. And so I was like 16 one time and the one time when I was like, I fucking hate it here, was when they were talking to me and these dudes were like 25 and they were bragging to me, like both of them were bragging to me about how they were going to a party in the school next to me of like 16 year olds. And I was like, "So you went to a party full of 16 year olds?" And they were like, "Yeah, it was sick." And I'm like, "Why? Why did you go to a party full of 16 year old, you're 25?" And they were like, "Oh, shit, I wanted to get with the girls." I'm like, "What?" (laughing) - Yikes. - In the UK it's legal, 16, but I was still like what? What the fuck! - Yeah, but still. - And the only nice people there were the ones above 40, but at everyone near my age was just the fucking worst. And every time I had to go and train someone, so I was there for like three months and after three months, you're ready to train people, you're a fucking McDonald's veteran because you've lasted more than 90% of the fucking employees no joke because-- - I believe that. - Yeah, I believe that but it hilarious. - Because they hire so much, they over hire because they know that people are gonna like leave. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Okay, so I was teaching this one guy and he was clearly like, just like not getting it, you know, didn't wanna get it. And I could tell he was like, "Yeah, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna listen to this." So about two hours into his shift of me teaching him, he goes, "I'm gonna get a smoke break." He never came back, he just left. (laughing) He just straight up left. Like, he never came back. (laughing) And then I had to do the whole shift on my own, then doing all this shit and I was like, I went to my boss and I'm like, "So, yeah, he didn't come back." - He just went for a smoke break and-- - He just went for a smoke break about two hours ago. - Dude he just pulled like the dad leaving for a smoke thing. - Yeah, that's what I was thinking. (laughing) - He went to buy cigarettes he never came back. - He never came back and I was like, "So what should I do?" And they're like, "Oh, you're just gonna work on your own." And I'm like, "What? What do you mean? Like what do you mean?" And this another time I was making, it was the same guy actually, it was the first hour of teaching him and when you're-- - So what was the entire timeline? How long did he work here that you had to teach him for? - Three hours and a half and he went for smoke break. (laughing) But I had to keep working because, and then I asked, and this is really pretty bad, I honestly, I could have fucking sued McDonald's for this, so when we were, this really fucking hot oil, it's like 400 degrees of ridiculous. - Fry oil? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's ridiculously hot and this asshole next to me, I was like, "Yeah, just gently put it in, you know?" Next to me while showing him I'm like, "So put the chicken nuggets in here." And he fucking slams them in, right? The oil went all over my hand, right? - Yikes. - And then I asked could I go and put it on the cold water to my boss and they were like, "No, you gotta keep working." And I'm like, "What?" So I'm here fucking like crying in pain, making these fucking burgers, right? And then-- - And don't forget to smile. - [Joey] Yeah, don't forget to smile. - Right, "Don't forget to smile." - I have a third degree burn. - And so, about an hour later, it's finally my time to get a break, right? And I'm eating my burger and you can see my hand is bright pink and like blistered. And the other manager because of course, there's multiple managers in just one McDonald's. The other manager comes in and is mortified. He's like, "What the fuck is that?" He's like, "What happened?" And I'm like, "Oh, I spilled oil on it." And he's like, "Why didn't you put your hand in the water?" I was like, "Oh, because the other manager said I couldn't." And bear in mind I was like 16, so yeah, you know, I should have known that I could have been like, "No, fuck you, I'm putting my hand in the water." - Yeah, yeah. - Again, when you're 16, if the boss tells you to do- - You do what you're told to do, right? - You do what you do, right, of course. - Yeah. - And then he was mortified and the other boss got in so much shit and they apologized to me profusely. And then they like were like, "Yeah, it's okay, you don't have to come to work tomorrow, it's all paid." And I was like, "Wow, that's so nice of them." But I realized at the time they were just like hoping I wouldn't fucking try and sue them 'cause I could have like-- - You could have easily. - I should have honestly. - Honestly, it's some serious H&S problem. - Yeah, and then finally when I quit, I quit prematurely because I was just done. My manager was a total bitch, the store owner was horrible, she hated dudes. Like she would always be so nice to the women that are working there and, you know, and whenever a guy did anything wrong, she would absolutely like shit on you. I know I'm talking so much sorry, this is the last story I promise. - I just can't get rid off the fact that dude left off-- - Yeah, he fucking left. - My mind was speed running McDonald's. (laughing) - It took me like eight months to realize, what he realized in two hours, right? Like that's what I would be glad-- - That seemed disrespectful at that point, right? It's just like all right, this isn't for me. - Right, right. - I'ma head out, I'm out. - He just walked out of McDonald's place. - He was like, you know what, the reduced money on the meals is just isn't worth it, right? 'Cause okay, you gotta admit, right? I was the fucking king when in school I was like, "You on a lunch break? I get half price off McDonald's meals who wants to come?" - I remember the cool kids in school worked, whoever worked at the coolest place and could get like the best discount, the discount, so whoever works in the fucking gaming store, they were the king. - Yeah, so I could be my mate and in lunch I'm like, "We can get a whole McDonald's meal for two pounds, wholemeal, any size you want, treat yourself." It was great, yeah, I could have gotten fat. So anyway, I'm working like a shift, right? And then I'd actually been training to be a lifeguard, I did all the stuff and I applied to be a lifeguard and, you know, when you work some place, you put on a reference. I never, have you ever had this where they actually contact the reference? - No. - [Joey] No. - I've never had that. So I just thought it was like a myth. I thought it was a bluff is like, "Go on name someone, name someone." - Fucking day to call me. Name someone who we will interrogate, I dare you. So they actually fucking called my McDonald's whilst I was working my shift. - Right. - So they do it and they come in like, "So Connor are you looking for other employment?" And I'm like, "Why, what do you mean?" "Because we just got a call from their council asking for reference you to be a lifeguard what's up with that, you didn't tell us." And I was like, in my head I'm like, "Why do I have to tell you?" Like fuck you, you pay me $4 an hour, like what do I owe you? - Yeah, what are they gonna be, like you can check out but you can never leave. - Yeah, and I was like, "Oh, well, yeah. I mean, I was looking for a better job." And they fucking like flipped a switch when I said a better job. They were like, "What do you mean a better job? You think McDonald's is a bad job?" And I was like, "Well, mean-- - Yes. - I'm looking around and I'm like, "Look." - What surprised me is like how little self awareness they seem to have over there, right? - 'Cause the thing is Garnt, I don't wanna shit on some of these guys 'cause I know that I've met some managers at McDonald's who are genuinely like super nice guy, they have such like, you know, they understand like it's a McDonald's. - Yeah, yeah. - But the managers at my McDonald's they were like, "What are you trying to say mate? You trying to say my managerial job is like a joke?" And in my head I'm kind of like, "Yeah, yeah, kinda." - Yes, actually. - Did you see the food safety thing, we had to fill out a line that was a joke come on." It's like, "Don't shit on the lettuce." Obviously don't shit on the lettuce. So the manager is really pissed off, right? The store owner is coming in 10 minutes and he's like, "I want you to talk to the store and explain yourself when he comes in." I'm like, are you serious, I'm 16, so. - They really didn't not wanna make you leave at all. - They really like fucking put me through the wringer dude for $4 an hour dude like can you believe that? So my mom wondered why I fucking hated working here and she was like, "No, you're just over exaggerating Connor?" I'm like, "No, it was awful." So the manager, the store owner comes in, right? And they made me go and talk to her in front of customers. And she's rinsing me in front of these customers like shouting at me in front of these customers. And I thought that was like weird. And then I was like about to cry and I'm like, "You know what, I quit." (laughing) I quit. - He said it, he said it. - I'm going for a smoke break. I'm gonna take my smoke break. - My mom was so pissed off at me. She was like you have like, 'cause I'd actually been accepted for the other job. I had to be home like a month and a half left before I start the other job, she was like, "I can't believe you quit a month and a half before your next job Connor that's really like, what the fuck!" And I was like, "Mom, you don't understand how awful this was." - It's McDonald's. - Yeah, and like she was just chewing me out in front of these customers. And like I was just like, I'm not being paid enough to be humiliated in front of these random people, right? Like I don't, come on man. Like I'm so fucking young. - Did you smile the entire time? - Yo, I was like, I was just sitting down like, "Okay, okay." - Show a smile as you're getting rinsed still, yeah. - Yeah, and as she was just doing it, I go, "All right, you know what, fuck it, I quit. Like I quit, I'm done, I'm done, I'm not doing this. I'll finish this shift but I'm done after this. I'm not doing this." - Yeah. - I never heard from them again. And then yeah, I went there like three years later after I'd like been killing it on YouTube and then the manager, the one who was a dick head was like, "What are you doing now Connor?" I'm like, "Well, I'm kinda-- - Oh, what did you want to know? - Yeah, you know, I just got back from LA, you know, I went to visit my friends in Japan, you know, I was just making, you know, I work when I want make my own hours, you know, it's great, you know?" - You should have just been like, "Oh, I eat at Burger King pretty regularly." (laughing) - I just feel my tax rates is intense. Damn, did you know that tax rates is so high when earn so much money. Dude damn, that shit damn hurts man. - Anyway I'm kinda moving forward. (laughing) - I mean, some of them were nice, but, yeah, everyone was an asshole. - Yeah, I mean, like working in retail is like, this isn't dissing anyone who works in retail-- - But it is hard. - As someone who has worked in retail before, you know, a lot of people in college or in high school they get the first job normally works in retail and it's normally just to fuel whatever hobby they have or, you know-- - Just look out for yourself man. That's like this thing that I wish I did. Like, I wish I like just didn't roll over because I was very obedient as a kid and I didn't really like, I was always just taught like whatever the elders or you know, the person in charge says just do it. They know best, right? I don't know what the fuck I was doing at McDonald's. Like what the fuck was I doing there? I had no idea what I was doing half the time, I just did shit. And I, dude, oh my God. I used to spend like, when they were like, "Go and get some fries out of the freezer." I used to spend like 10 minutes just sitting in there 'cause I was like, "Fuck, dude, what am I doing, man?" And it's so hot in the kitchen that when you get to the freezer they're like, "Who's near the fries?" "Me, me, me." - You just had a fucking existential crisis just getting fries. - The McDonald's freezers has become like a panic room. - Oh my God. - I would literally just go there for like five, 10 minutes as long as I can get away with it and just sit there and be like, "Fuck, fuck!" - Imagine if you open up a freezer and there's like three other employees in there. It's like everyone is just trying to get to the freezer. - I was so jealous there was this one dude in this whole job was just moving the crates into the like freezer and that was his whole job and I'm like, "I want that guy's job. Fuck being in front of a deep fryer man." That made my acne so bad. - Oh, fuck yeah. - I remember when I was working at a Co-Op, there would be all these odd jobs I wish I could get. Like there would be one guy's job was just to fucking go outside and collect all the trolleys that people have taken to their cars. - Oh my God, I want that. - That's so nice because you just like, you don't have to interact with anybody, right? - Yeah. - That's the best job. - 'Cause I was always on the table, right? And my least favorite part of the job was when anyone would like try to make small talk. I was like, "Look, I'm just here to fucking stand here and take your money, why are you trying to talk to me? I don't give a shit about how your day is." - Just talk to, beep, beep, nope. - I got that smile talk as well 'cause like when they talk to you, you gotta smile and you gotta be having a good day no matter what's going on. And I just be like, I don't know, I would, I didn't have like any bad experiences with the customers, but I mean, yeah, I had some like fucking awful managers. - What's up with those cashiers, right? Where they would like take fucking joy out of idying you. What's up with that, you know what I mean? Like if you just give your ID-- - I'm violating my power. - It's like literally like I'm being pulled over by the cops and the ID you for like a beer. It's like, "ID please." (police sirens wailing) - 'Cause that moment in time, they have all the power. - Yeah, they look at the ID like, "Hmm, nice address. That's a nice area to live in." (laughing) - Like I hate that, like every time, like 'cause in Australia, right? Like whenever you go to a bar or when you're going to the liquor store, they have to ID like everybody even if you clearly look like-- - You have to at least reached age 25 I think is legal. - I remember like, I went to a bar with my dad once and my dad got IDed. And I remember he was like, obviously the IDed me 'cause I was like 22 or whatever obviously, but then guy looked at my dad and was like, "ID please." My dad straight up said, "Are you fucking kidding me? (laughing) Do you know how many gray hairs I have on my face. Of course, I'm not fucking 20 years old." And I think he was like, "All right, fair enough." (laughing) I hate that though. Like it's the movement of looking down at your ID and then just looking at you with their eyes like this, it's that movement, I'm like, "What, is this fucking L.A Noire? (laughing) - I would hate the process whenever I was working Co-Op and I had to ask for ID 'cause I was 16 at the time as well. (laughing) For me, it just felt wrong asking someone for ID when I was obviously like younger than them. So anytime I'd have to ask for ID there'd be like most nervous stutter like it would be like, it would be like as if like the power dynamic is like the other way around. So I'd be like, "Okay, can, can, can, can I have, have, have your ID please?" And honestly, like, if they gave him their ID, I'm just like, "Okay, they probably over age." (laughing) - You didn't even check it, yeah? Oh my God. - I didn't have the balls to ask my manager to come check this man. - Can you check this guy's ID please? (laughing) - If they've gone through the trouble of getting the fake ID just give it them the fucking beer, why not. - Yeah, no, it was like, remember your 18th birthday though? The first time you go to buy like a fucking bottle of beer. - I admittedly, I don't remember my 18th birthday for numerous reasons. (laughing) - I don't remember what I did, but I do remember being like, yeah, being able to finally buy a bottle. - I remember that first point or that first beer as an adult and I was like, it was like the biggest fucking empowering power trip that I've liked, that I had felt in my 18 years of living until then. - I was living life on the edge before that, you know? - Hey there boys and girls, it's me, Mr. Titi. Or whatever the hell like hold myself last time. Here to let you know that this episode of Trash Taste is sponsored by Guardian Tales. Guardian Tales is a classic action adventure RPG with cute pixel graphics, unique story with a different theme for each chapter, full of callbacks and references to popular games, books, movies and other pop culture. Choose from more than 50 characters and over 200 unique equipment within 10 different equipment types. And for those of you who like gadget, characters and equipment can be acquired from loot box summons. 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Back to the video, wee. - So anyway, let's move on to the actual topic of this episode. - That was a very long tangent. - Yeah, 50 minutes tale only on Trash Taste. - I've seen the sub-Reddit, people are like, "Just make a whole episode of tangents." So, I don't know. - That's kind of what just happened, right? We went from anime Cels to McFlurries to McDonald's. - One can argue like, "What is even the tangent anymore, right?" - I was going through my bag, do you have stuff like fucking papers in your bag that just crushed down that you're like, "What the fuck is in this shit?" Then you finally like claw it out and you're like, "God, that's disgusting." But I pulled one out and it was like an Anime Expo pamphlet from when I went to Anime Expo. - Really? - And I was like (growling) I miss Anime Expo so much. - I missed anime conventions. - So much man. - I miss large crowds. - I miss getting sick from all the people fucking coughing and sneezing on me. - I never thought I'd miss Kahn flu. (laughing) - I just wanna be sneezed on and don't worry about dying. - Yeah, I just wanna handshake with like the sweatiest weebs at the time. - I wanna hug that's a little too damn for my life in there and just like, you know, I miss it all man. - I wanna to put my hand on a shoulder and the shoulder is really wet for some reason. - I miss going into the gaming room and just feeling like the dampness of the atmosphere. Like the fucking, I don't know what it is about the gaming room and-- - 'Cause everyone is sweating in there that's why. - It's all the men from all the players accumulating. - It's all the game of you. - Like the fucking room needs its own weather report, you know what I mean? Like a humidity report. - There's mushroom, cloudy. - There's always mushrooms growing in that room by the way. - 92% humidity. (laughing) - Yeah, but let's talk about the actual topic of this episode, which is funny or weird conventional. - Just conventions period. - Just conventions, just conventions. - Because like I've been seriously craving conventions. - Honestly, I never thought I would miss conventions. - I need it. - Yeah. - Yeah, like I think I hit a new low the other day guys 'cause being stuck in the country, you know, I'm very used to, you know, flying out and going to conventions and stuff, so like Casey Neistat video started getting recommended to me of like him sitting in like First Class seats-- - Oh, I've watched them all. - Yeah, and then I watched one and then I watched the entire series because I just missed the feeling of being in an airplane, so I'm just like, "God, I wish that was me right now." - I think Garnt is like in his chair reclining. Oh, gosh, it so uncomfortable, I miss it, I miss it so much. - And every time Sydney comes in you be like, "Oh, beef please." (laughing) Just creating your own turbulence. (laughing) It's like this is fun. - Yeah, so-- - I remember, I think it was, I don't remember whether it was last episode or the episode before, but you were talking about like, this is the longest period I've ever been like, that I've spent not being on a plane. And so many comments on the sub-Reddit are being like, "Wow, that was the most privileged Connor has ever said." - Yeah, it's true, I did dig that. (laughing) - But it's true like-- - No, because, you know, even, you know, I didn't come from a very privileged background, but it's just part of coming from an international background, I would say because, I mean, you know, I'm full of like, my full blood is Tai, but I was raised in England. So any chance we could get to fly back home to Thailand, we did and that was just part of my life. You know, every year I'd go back and visit grandma and visit my family there. - Of course, Sydney is from America, right? - Sydney is from America as well. - America as well, yeah. - Good privilege reflect Garnt. (laughing) - I'm not privileged, I'm blessed. (laughing) Yeah, but like, I don't know, like, just, it made me miss, like this year, which is the lack of conventions because I thought at least that like maybe there might be like some smaller conventions that we could go to hear. Because in the back of my head like just the other day, I was like-- - Is it same though in Japan? Like I miss the kind of scummy atmosphere in America-- - Oh, no, no, of course, but I mean, like, yeah, I get that. But I mean, I've been to a few conventions in Japan, it's still pretty fucking fun because like, just the other day in the back of my head I was like, "Well, I'm probably stuck in Japan until what? At least the end of April I think the Japanese government said. So in my head I was like, "Oh, that means I can go to winter Comic Con finally." But then I was like, "Wait, can I just like go away?" (laughing) I'm like, "Fuck!" The one time I can go to winter Comic Con and winter Comic Con it's not happening. - Exactly. - That fucking sucks, yeah. - What about all the stories I heard about Comic Con is just basically it's you go in and you buy the merchandise or buy the Doujinshi or whatever and then you leave, you know? - That's what I heard, yeah. - I mean, it's not like the convention experience that we have in America. - Think of Anime Expo or any convention, but the entire convention is the artist alley that's what Comic Con is. It's just a stupid amount of just tables and desks where Doujin artists are selling their Doujins or other similar art. - Honestly though, honestly, I remember when, you know, when you first go to conventions, right? I remember like the first conventions you go to I tried to go to every panel, I have a fucking full on schedule where I'm gonna be like, "Okay, this is the time going to the panel, this is the time I'm gonna hit like the artists alley, this is gonna be the time where hit up like the convention floor and everything." And now you go to enough conventions and you're just like whatever man. - And then your occupation is just like, "Let's go to Chick-fil-A." (laughing) - I've never been to a panel that isn't my friends or my own. - Yeah , me neither. - I've never liked just seen a panel and be like, "That looks fun, I'll go." Like I just don't like I'd rather eat. - Yeah. (laughing) Eating is great, but-- - I probably go hang out with people. - Now my favorite place to go in the actual convention is probably the artist alley because the artist alley, when I first started going was the place that I never hit up. And then now you go to enough conventions, and you live in Japan as well, and you go to like the, the main hall and most of the stuff you can find in the main hallways is like synonymous across all conventions, but I feel like artists alley is where you find all the actual cool shit. - That's the thing, right? It's like the only, usually with conventions the only thing about a convention a lot of the times that's completely different to any other convention is the artist alley because you'll always find some fucking artists or whatever where you say, "Oh shit, I've never seen that before." Because you go down like to the regular thing and as you said, it's like, "Oh, I could just fucking buy this Oikawa for like a third of the price, so it's just like what's the point? - And the thing is especially being with Trash Taste, I've realized how limited my wardrobe is, like cycling through all the T-shirts I have because most of the time, every time I go to an anime convention, I buy like two or three T-shirts from the artists alley. So just just because I haven't gone to any convention this year, I haven't been able to recycle any of my new clothes or anything like that. - I saw a comment that was like, "Oh my God, Connor is wearing the same shirt that he wore in episode like two." And it's like Episode 19 I'm like, "How many fucking shirts do you own? Do you expect me to throw them away when I'm done? - I still haven't worn the same shirt yet. - What? - Because now that it's getting cold, I can finally bust out my long sleeves. So I'm like, "Thank God I was about to run out of my short sleeved T-shirts. - I wore one shirt like a lot recently and I got a fucking comment that was like, "Why are you always wearing that shirt?" I'm like, "You never heard of a fucking laundry machine or washing machine, like what the fuck, what do you mean? Like why am I always wearing the same shirt?" - It's like what do you wear a shirt once then you throw it away? - Like you don't wash your shirts, I'm confused, why is this weird, I don't understand. - Yeah, but I mean, like that's all they see, right? - True, true, true. - A week span on Trash Taste might as well just be a day to them. - It's made me self conscious about just how many clothes I have in my wardrobe and how many shirts I can get away with without recycling the same thing too many times that people can notice, but-- - Yeah, especially with you because you very rarely, like actually make a physical appearance in your videos, right? - Yeah, exactly. - So you don't have to care about it. - Normally, I don't care about this shit. Normally, I'm just a fucking disembodied voice. - I mean, who knows, Garnt might be butt naked when he's filming the audio form you never know. (laughing) - I'd like to hope so anyway, anyway back to convention. - Yes, this ends with by the way. (laughing) Back to conventions. All right. I mean, fuck, what should we, we should talk about questions, funny stories. - I mean, like just, I guess, memorable story. It doesn't necessarily have to be funny, but just like some memorable stories. - Would like a convention survival guide. - I mean we could do that. - Sure, sure. - I'm sure we'll keep working up stories that way. - I don't know, I feel like, you know, here's the real privilege lads, I have never, I've only gone to like one convention like not as like a guest or like, before I was a YouTuber essentially. So I feel like my experience of Connor is like, vastly different from other people's like, 'cause like I feel like as an attendee AX is like-- (laughing) - Here he goes, here he goes. - I guess, okay, when you hear the lines are like five hours to get in, and I mean, let's be honest, we can apply for the badge that just lets us like walk in, right? We can just walk right in. - Or we can just jump right into it. - Yeah, we can jump right into the pit. - I'm not gonna lie, if you told me I had a line of five hours to get to AX, I'd be like, "Nah, I'm going home." - Yeah. - I'm going home. - What I don't understand about some people in AX is the people who are willingly waiting three hours to get to a panel. - Oh, fuck that. - Oh, like a premiere or something like that. And I'm just thinking, you know, I like anime, but that shit is gonna be on Crunchyroll like a month. I can wait a month, you know what I mean? I don't need to be at the premiere, unless it's like, you know, I get a pass or something. - What was it the My Hero Academia movie last year or the year before had like a four hour line or something? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Something ridiculous like that, I'm like, "Guys, it's gonna it's gonna be on Crunchyroll in like two weeks. - The only reason I watched the Promare movie was because someone from GKIDS and Trigger got me in. I was like, I'm not queuing four hours. Are you kidding me, no, way." I don't care you could be like the second coming of Christ and I'll be like, "Five hour long, nah, get outta here man." - Do you know how many Chick-fil-A's I can get in that time? (laughing) - Do you know how many beers I can drink in five hours? Like come on, man. - Yeah. - I gotta have a good time and five hours. - You could just go down to the fucking bar or park, which is what I spend most my time doing now at conventions. Just like talking to different people and catching up with different people 'cause that to me is the real conventionalizing experience. There's the convention itself, but after I'd say about two conventions I was like, "I just rather just talk to people or I just talk to other animators rather than going to the actual convention itself. - Do you ever try and get people in to staff with you if they don't have like the badge? - Oh yeah, all the time. - Yeah, yeah, I love like seeing like right, bullshit, all right, he rides with me, he's with me. He just got back pass. - Like VIP access. Yeah, you with me. - You wanna like-- - He's like, "My friend and what's your name again?" - John. - Yeah, John. (laughing) - "I thought you were like four friends?" You're like, fuck here we go I got Trump balls, "Yeah, they're all part of the Japanese-- - Yeah, security guards. - Yeah, you like think of some bullshit on the thing and then like- - I have four managers. - You gotta hope, like I think the problem is with some conventions like AX that problem is, not my problem good thing for me, they've so many volunteers, the volunteers don't know shit. So you can just bullshit to them like, "You're in line, you're with me, it's cool, cool. Get her in, get her in." - Yeah, if anything at Anime Expo, I've found that there's always at least one volunteer who knows who I am. - Yeah, they'll let you in. - They just let me in. They're like, "Oh, Anime Man I follow you, come in bro, come in. Oh, yeah, you have five other people behind you, come in fuck it, you're probably friends with them, right? - And they'll ask you to take a picture and while you're like smuggling your friend in. (laughing) I feel bad, you know, okay. - But I think one thing to like nail down is the difference between Anime Expo and basically every other convention. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I feel like Anime Expo exists in its own bubble. And I think like everyone should experience Anime Expo for like once 'cause it's, it's kinda like not even a convention at this point, it's kinda like a convention and a business expo all at once, you know what I mean? So you kinda get a little bit of everything and a little bit of nothing as well because if you don't plan yourself correctly, then you just end up experiencing lines. - It's a cluster fuck in every sense of the worst, right? - Especially for like some people who are like, "Yeah, this is AX, good I'm planning to go alone." I'm like, "Do not go to AX alone." I was like-- - Define good? - I'm like, "You could probably go to Comic Con alone and probably make something out of it, but in AX everyone already has that group with them, so it's like-- - It's like you don't have enough time to hang out with the group that you have already, let alone hanging out with like random ones, you know what I mean? - Yeah, yeah. Fuck, I just had like so many flashbacks of who I was hanging out with random people that went terribly wrong. 'Cause okay, you've all been there, right? Everyone goes to convention, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - You know, you've gotta decide, I really wanna go to this convention, but fuck hotel rooms are expensive, so it's like how many people can I fit in this hotel room to reduce it to a point where I'm comfortable, right? And we said this on my podcast where like, if you're in charge the booking, you get dibs on the bed, right? So that's why I used to be in charge of the bookings, I'm like, "I'm getting the bed, I'm getting the best bed. I'm getting the key." - All you guys are getting the floor. - 'Cause oh my God, if the hotel doesn't ask you how many keys you want, it's like there's two keys between six of you. And it's like how do we-- - How do we distribute? - How do we decide who gets a key? Like I book it, I book it. - The person with the key has the power. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - Because you can come and go as you want, because there's nothing worse than just sitting there with all your bags being like calling up your mate, not fucking picking up and you're, "I wanna go back to the hotel room answer me you cunt." - Like mobile service in the conventional it's fucking-- - Oh my God, awful. - It's non existent. - It's non existent. - Yeah. - You just basically gotta pretend you're back into like the fucking 18th century. Like how do I contact Joey, especially when you're in America, we don't have American phones either. Like I have a contract on my British phone that gives me American service which is usable in most places, but in like a convention, you are getting like zero fucking service. - It's like a fucking Greek marathon, right? You have to ask someone to like can you run to the outside of the convention and tell Joey that I'm here. It's like, "All right, I'll see you soon." - Have you ever stayed in a room with people who you're like, "Fuck, I regret staying in a room with them." - Yes. - Yeah, I'm not gonna name names. - Can I name your name, all right fuck! - I can't name my names, but I mean, you stayed with some Discord people, right? - Yeah, started with a bunch of people on Discord and that was fucking nightmare. - That sounds like a nightmare. - It was fucking, I was like the pseudo leader of the group. - Right. - And there's just so many fucking problems and this is also when I just started YouTube and I hadn't formally met, I met you, no, I met Sydney, I didn't get to see you, but we were gonna hang out we had planned to and I hadn't met you yet, had I? - I don't think so. - So, this was kinda like, I don't know how I was like gonna make mates. You know, I was planning to hang out with you guys for the majority of it. - Oh, was this the first AX then? - The first AX I went to. - You spend most of your time with us. - Yeah. - I remember that. - So I told the people I was staying with like, "Hey, this is like straight up just like a room thing. I'm gonna be hanging out with other people like for like 99% of this." Told them that like many times. I think like one of them didn't quite get the memo and he was like really hoping that I would introduce him to like everyone and be like, "Yo, he's my best mate, he's heeeey." And the more nos, he was a fucking creep. So like, I didn't even wanna hang out with him. - Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - And it wasn't like, at first he was a little strange, you know, he was an American and he was like a military dude. And in my experience military dudes are like 50/50 on whether they're like totally chilled or fucking psychotic. - I actually totally agree. I've met so many military dudes and there is no in between. - There's no in between. - Either they're a fucking psycho or they're the most chillest dude you can ever imagine. - Everywhere I've met it's always like that. It's like they're no chill. - Yeah. - So he's like kinda nice, you know, he's a little weird. And like one time I remember I met you at a party and then like he was texting me the whole time and I think I mentioned where and I was actually leaving this party. Do you remember this? - Yeah, I remember this. - We go outside and he's waiting there at like 1:00 a.m., he's like, "Hey, Connor how are you doing man, can I join?" And we're like getting an Uber and I'm like, "No, man, we gotta Uber somewhere else. I'm really sorry, man." 'Cause it's like how do you introduce, it's like kinda creepy 'cause everyone has already seen that he's waiting outside, it's really creepy and it like-- - It's the over enthusiasm, right? - 'Cause the thing about anime conventions that's so difficult for a lot of people to like wrap their heads around is just like, what is socially accepted, you know what I mean? - Social rules are thrown out the window definitely. - When you don't know someone, I think it's like a social rule when you shouldn't be bringing your friends in, unless you have like a reason to. But if you don't, like okay, if you bring someone into a friend group and that guy is an asshole or a creep that's on me. - That's on you. - That's on me. I brought him in. - Yeah. - And I didn't know him and I got kind of signs that he was a creep. - Yeah, yeah. - So I didn't wanna bring him in 'cause I was like, if I bring him to this party and he starts like fucking chatting up Gigguk all night like, "Hey, man, I love your videos can we take a pic and can I smell your penis?" Like, you know what I mean? It's like kinda looks terrible on me, so I was like nah. - And the party was at my house or- - Your Airbnb and there's like 10 of us, so it's really intimate. So I told him I was like, "Listen, man, I'm really sorry dude, but I don't really know like Garnt or anyone in this group pretty well, I would invite you, I just don't feel comfortable doing it. I explained to him and he was so pissed off. - He was pissed off? - He was so pissed off. So then I came back at like 5:00 a.m. to my shitty hotel and like, it's the suburbs of LA and like it was-- - It was like the Korea town, wasn't it? - No, it's further away. It's like, even like further out, it was really far out and it was really sketchy, it was like a, what is it called, it wasn't even like a holiday, it was one of the even the more budget chains. It was bad, it was really bad. And at this hotel for some reason at midnight all the cards reset. So if you came back after midnight, you'd go to the front desk. But the front desk wasn't open. - All right, right. - So if you came back after midnight, you'd hope someone else is already in the room or just wait out your door till 6:00 a.m. till someone comes. - What? - Yeah, it's stupid. So he was in the room and he'd been like drinking alone in his room and I felt really bad, but so I'm like, "Hey, man, let me in, let me in." Whatever, you know, it's like 5:00 a.m. like, "Dude I really wanna fucking sleep." So he opens the door and comes out block, oh shit, blocking the door so I couldn't get in. - Right. - I'm like, "Yo, what the fuck man like, let me in. I wanna sleep it's 5:00 a.m. and he's like absolutely hammered. He's like, "Listen Connor, I saw your call man. (laughing) Why didn't let me in the party?" I'm like, "Dude I'm so sorry but not now man it's 5:00 a.m. let me sleep." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We can talk about in the morning. Dude, please let me sleep and then whatever. So then we slept whatever finally he let me in, but I thought it's weird that he was like, I was ignoring him, I'm trying to open the door, he's blocking me and I'm like, "What the fuck man? Let me in, it's fine man, I paid for this room let me sleep." And like near the end one of the other peoples in my room, who was like a lot smaller and like, I guess he thought they were cute and then they called me up and he's like, "Hey, he just tried to pay me to suck his dick." And I'm like, "What the fuck!" What the fuck! I'm like, "What is happening in this hotel room?" - What? - Yikes. - And then I was like, "I'm so fucking glad I didn't introduce you to any of my friends if you turn around asking people to suck your dick for money are you kidding me?" So, needless to say I went to the hotel room just explained to him like, "Hey, what the fuck man? Don't do that you asshole? Like this is my friend don't make them uncomfortable." And then he didn't do anything and he went stayed somewhere else like the last night 'cause I was like, "Dude, don't stay in this room with them." And so, I've never stayed with any random people on Discord that I've never met before ever again. - I've heard so many horror stories from Discord. I don't know what it is about Discord. And I'm gonna call it like the Discord hotel. Those never ever go right. Like I've, 'cause even like the best you can do is have like a little bit of drama, but there's never zero drama. Nobody ever comes out there with just like, "Yeah, everyone was just chilled, we had the most chillest time, everyone was understanding, you know what I'm saying?" - What is about everything that's planned on Discord just ends up horrible? (laughing) What is it about? - Because you can't like really know who's weird on Discord. Like the problem is, is that you don't really know how weird people are until you meet them. - Yeah, yeah. - Exactly. You also, it's doubly true on Discord as well where you're here for this like, you're here for this server, which is like solely where you talk about this one, you know, common interests or whatever and you you rarely talk about your own personality-- - I just don't understand the mentality though of like, looking at a Discord group and being like, "Okay, there's three other people in here, never seen their faces-- - I didn't care 'cause I-- - Never met them before, I'm gonna stay in a room with them over night, it's like-- - 'Cause I was broke Joey what do you want from me? (laughing) - Like at least like, you know, hang out with them outside. - I understand to all the conventioner out there who've done the same thing as me 'cause you're broke as fuck! Like you gotta do what you gotta do. And plus, I knew I could take care of myself. Like I don't have time, like I didn't worry, but I, you know, if I hear like 18 year old girls that do it and I'm like, whoa, with dudes, I'm whoa. - I mean that's just calling for a disaster. - I mean, like it's a recipe for disaster, right? Because I've only stayed in, I've only gone to conventions after I had like a full time job. - Right, right. - So even if it wasn't like a great paying job at least I could just afford my own hotel room and stuff like that or like just a really cheap motel room, you know what I mean? But if I had gotten before I was like say 21, 22 when I was just a broke uni student or just God, forbid, like before even uni, I can imagine so many horrible situations that could have arose of this. - Right, right. - Which kinda like there's no real way to protect yourself around that especially if you're just roaming with random people on Discord, which is such a coin flip, you know? - Yeah, yes. - And I would argue like, is the anime con really that worth it? - Yeah, it is. - Honestly? - Honestly, you know what, all that weird shit that happened to side that I don't think I told you guys that whatever, but, yeah, I mean, all of that weird shit the side that I had to deal with, I'll fucking do it again easy. (laughing) - But you'll fucking do anything. (laughing) - I mean, that was fun. I mean, like the convention was fun. That was a nuisance, but, you know, I mean, it's nice exercise knowing that I can tell someone to fuck off, you know? I don't know, what, I mean, it is what it is. I knew that when I did that there was a chance that it could go horribly wrong. And it did go horribly wrong and I learned my lesson, but I'm not doing that again. (laughing) - But you said you would if you have the chance? - No, I mean, I said I understand if, you know, when you're like 18, you got like 200 bucks max to your name. The fare ticket is 50 bucks, you've gotta get that hotel room down to 100 bucks somehow. It doesn't matter how many people are gonna go in that room. - You gotta divide the room with the amount of bodies that will fit in it, you know what I mean? If you need to sleep on the floor, you sleep on the floor. People who sleep on the bed they pay a premium. - Most of the time. - Mostly it's like a fucking human trafficking lodge. - Have you ever been to a fucking convention room Joey? Jesus Christ, like a fucking bomb could go off in there, it would be less messy. Just like the amount of like, I mean, if you've got a cos player in there, say goodbye to floor space, say goodbye to fucking floor space. - The same reason they are allergic to closing their fucking suitcase 'cause it has to be wide open the whole fucking time, can't close it, okay, fine. Yeah, I don't know, I mean, it's whatever. You should try it some time. - No, thank you, I can afford my own hotel room. (laughing) I good dude. - For the frills, do you fucking roll that dice or do you just roll with it? Who knows what story you'll get. - You gonna get through somehow, right? - Yeah, okay, I don't know. I like I know this sounds like super, I guess it sounds weird or dangerous to some people, I love just meeting new people in that kind of way. - I mean, look I don't mind meeting new people either, but-- - I don't mind meeting a new person for the first time in my hotel room. - Yeah, I don't wanna pull a gotcha role where I might end up, you know, sleeping with a fucking murderer, you know? - I don't mind, I'll take that odd. You might get the fucking coolest friend for life by doing that, you know what I mean? - There's other ways to meet cool friends for life man. - But you get that fucking story of we met at anime convention, right? - That's what I'm saying. You'll do anything to content. - I love a- - Spoken like a true YouTuber. - I just know, I don't even think of it as content, I just love like the idea of like making a friend through such a weird and unconventional way where I feel like it makes such a good friendship, I don't know. - I get that, but that's another coin for me. - I feel like I'm somewhere in the middle of both of you 'cause I do like meeting new people and everything like that. I used to be that guy who was just like up for anything and be like, "Yeah, I'll go meet Donald like in a dark alleyway whatever." But like, I've had like enough bad experiences to be like, you know what, maybe I'll do like a just a little bit of a background check before I jump right into it, you know? - Yeah, yeah, oh my God, yeah. Met several people on Discord who turned out to be really sketchy. - Yeah, yeah. - I just gotta, there's a lot of dudes on Discord who like underage girls and you just gotta call that shit out when you see any signs of it, man. - Yeah, I feel like a lot of, especially in anime conventions, a lot of people especially obviously like anime, you know, anime fans and weebs and everything, they don't have the confidence to confront people when they see some shit happening. So I feel like with a lot of convention stories that I've heard, it's it's mostly bogged down to people, just people just didn't know how to handle the situation 'cause they've never seen it happen in front of them. And so the first time you experienced it, you just kinda just freeze up to be like, what is this happening now, is this happening now? You know what I mean? And no matter what you tell yourself, you're going to do at that moment, you're totally unprepared for that moment. So I would say like, the best advice I could give is, if you see anything bad happening, like don't let that shit lie, call it out. - Also, especially if they're your friends. Like I know a lot of people who are like it's hard to like, you know, call out your friend and be like, "Dude, what the fuck!" You gotta call that shit out. It's like if you let it slide, they'll just keep doing it. - A good friend will call. - We gotta stop this shit out of community because we saw what happened to this slash community, right? And I don't know what's happened behind the scene of the anime community. - Oh, yeah, I don't wanna imagine. - I don't wanna imagine it because I wasn't part of the community when some of the worst stories that happened behind the scenes. - I mean, yeah, we'd like to see a YouTuber that I used to do stuff with and I've had people on Discord who I considered friends who later on found out that they'd like did some fucking horrible stuff. And like, honestly, there were like, you know, there were signs and I just ignored it 'cause I was like, "Oh, well, I mean, I think, you know, they're just quirky, they're not gonna hurt anyone." You just gotta call that shit out when you see it unfortunately. So even if it's your friend, please call them out, and bring them out. - Especially if it's a friend, you know, only through the internet 'cause, you know, we, I mean, we all met through the internet, right? But I mean, we've also met in real life and we've hang out so many times before I've really knew your guys' real personality and everything like that, right? So if it's some guy or some girl you've met through the internet, especially if it's Discord or something and you've only talked to them through the internet, meeting friends, making friends on the internet is completely fine, but understand that that's totally different from being at friend Irl. And until you've hang out Irl a few times, you really can't have a true grasp of their personality and what they might be like. - And that's why it's always such a gamble, right? Like when you meet, again, like when you meet that person on Discord and then you be like, "All right, let's go to a convention together." And you'll be hanging out with a completely different person. You know, this is like, "Oh, you weren't like this when we were chatting on Discord what the fuck!" And I've had a lot of experiences like that where I would be talking to someone online and then I'd be like, "Oh, you're going to AX, oh, I'm going to AX as well, let's meet up and hang out. And then I talked to them I'm like, "Wow!" (laughing) - You aren't what I expected at all? - Yeah, you are not the same person I texted two days ago." Yeah. - Man, fuck! - For better or worse, right? Sometimes they're way cooler in real life, sometimes they're just like, oof in real life. - And there's so many social norms that you, (laughing) I don't know why, I get like-- - Tell the all of the dumb shit that's happened. - Common sense just doesn't seem to like make sense. Like common sense just isn't common in anime conventions, right? Especially when it comes to like meeting people and stuff 'cause you talked about, you know, the introducing the one friend to like your friend group or something. What will happen if you're like, you're going to this party, right? And you can be like, okay, you can bring like this one friends that you might wanna kinda wanna introduce, but they're with a group of like five, six people. And they're like, "Can you like get all these people in as well?" And you're like, "Ugh!" - What is it about these people who are like, "Oh, plus one, also plus one group of friends, right? That's what it means, yeah, all right, cool. I got like seven people back there." - Yeah, it's hard 'cause obviously I don't wanna be like, yeah, you know, only one person can come in, but I also gonna have the balls to do something like, I'd be like, "All right mates, I've got a sick invitation from a guy, I'm gonna go to that, I hope you'll understand." Like that's what I would do. I'll be like, "Hey, man, I got an opportunity that I don't really get come across often, can I take it? Please, don't be mad at me." - Yeah, yeah, I think it's just understanding that it's a convention. People, you know, you're not always gonna hang out with the same friend group all the time, so I feel like if you, if you have like some other people you wanna meet, then I feel like you just let them go. Don't feel betrayed by your friend hang out with other people whatever. - This video is sponsored by ExpressVPN. - You can use ExpressVPN to unlock shows and movies that are only available in other countries. - For example, I used ExpressVPN the other day because Netflix Japan doesn't have any of the Harry Potter movies. So-- - Okay. - Yeah, weirdly enough and I wanted to watch some Harry Potter, so I flicked on ExpressVPN, set it to the UK as you do and boom, all of the Harry Potter movies. - Netflix Japan doesn't have English subtitles or anime sometimes, so I have to go actually, no joke, to the VPN to be in the UK, so I can watch the anime that's in Japan with the English subtitles. Thank you Netflix. - I don't have that problem, but thank you Netflix. - Fuck you Joey. - I personally use ExpressVPN to watch some BBC shows on like BBC i Player and stuff you can only get in the UK as well. - [Connor] ExpressVPN let's you change your online location so you can control where you want the sites to think you're located. - [Garnt] Open the app, select a location, tap one button to connect and refresh the page to access 1000s of new shows and movies. - [Joey] You can also choose from almost 100 different countries and this works with any streaming service Hulu, BBC, i Player, YouTube, you name it. - Yeah, you can watch Studio Ghibli films on UK Netflix, which I'm definitely not gonna do 'cause I'm ain't sleeping yet. - You can stream in HD, no problem ,no buffering and no lag. I can legit confess to that, I've used it a lot and, yeah, it's great. - [Joey] It's also compatible with all your devices, phones, laptops, media consoles, smart TVs and more. - [Garnt] Not only does it let you change your location, but encrypts all your data as well and lets you surf the web anonymously. - I actually watch hentai, I'm okay. A lot of them are banned in Japan, I'm just saying. Go to to get an extra three months of ExpressVPN for free gentlemen. - That's Links down in description below. - Thank you so much ExpressVPN, back to the video. Speaking of inappropriate, like the most inappropriate thing happened to me at a UK convention surprisingly. - Oh, okay. - I think I've told this story like a million times, but fuck it we'll say it here again. It's the one where like, all right, I think I should tell the story as it happened. In order, naturally. So I'm just finished with a panel, right? You know, killed it, answered all these questions like a boss, I haven't heard that phrase in a while. - Wow, was this 2004? - Yeah, right. So and then when you're done with the panel, you know, I'm like, all right, I'll take pictures outside, you know, in the line. So I'm taking pitches and the first one comes up, first girl, she's like 14, 13. And I'm taking a picture and she's like smiling like, "Hey, by the way, can I grab your ass?" And I'm like-- - Oh, this one? - Yeah, I'm like, I'm like, "What? What do you mean? Do you know what you just said little girl?" And she was like, I was like, "No, I think, no, no. Why would you ask that? Yeah, well, okay, whatever." So and then, you know, next picture, fine, next picture fine and as I'm taking this next picture, I feel this like grip, like a tightening on my ass, but like, and its getting-- - Alien space. - This grip, this grip, gets like fucking iron clad on my ass and then I'm like turning around I was like, "Hey, what the fuck!" And then I said, oh, because I turned around and she's just like, like this. (laughing) And I'm like what are you doing in my head. I'm like, ah, 'cause I'm like, "How the fuck do I react to this?" I don't wanna swat her away like a fly. - Yeah, begone. - Don't. (laughing) And so I was like, what the? So she grabbed it and then when I turned around, she fucking ran off. I was like, "What the fuck!" And I'm looking at the guy who's helping me out and I'm like "Yo, what the fuck was that?" He's like, "What the fuck!" And he went to look after, like, go after, and to like toddle her off, but she went. - How many years ago was this? - It's like three or four. - Is this like MCMs? - No, this is like a really small London one, the tiny one. - 'Cause like a similar thing happened to me at, it was some of the, one of the early MCMs, okay? - Right, right. - And I was, so I was having a meetup. And it was like, it was like one of one of my very first meetups and it was just as I like, just after I started dating Syd, so it was like Sydney's first UK anime convention as well. And so I was having this meetup and we were taking pictures and everything. And then this girl comes take a picture and you can immediately you can immediately tell that she was not respecting my personal boundaries, she was very, very touchy feely-- - They're the worst. - Yeah, and Sydney is like raised her eyes, lasered in on it immediately, right? Immediately, I could feel like the death Claire on this girl without having to look at Sydney, right? - Like in the middle of the fucking like Harry Potter Voldemort like, "You wanna battle?" (laughing) - So I know that Sydney is watching everything and she's like being really touchy feely and I'm just like, I'm trying to just be like, "Okay, you know, I have my personal boundaries. I'll take a picture and everything." And so, we go in for the picture and she like goes on for like a full on hug. It's like, I'm just there being like, hey, and she just grabs me like that and just hugs me. And then I didn't need to see where Sydney's face was, but I could feel it, I could feel it. (laughing) And then afterwards I'm like, "Oh, yeah, thank you for coming to my meetup." And she goes in for a fucking kiss and I had to like turn my cheek. And I turn my cheek in time, but she goes for my mouth and then I turns-- - She goes for your mouth? - Yeah, and she hits my cheek. And then I just hear Sydney, like I've never heard Sydney make this noise ever again, but she fucking hissed. (laughing) - She's a fucking snake. - Yeah, she's like, "Ssssss!" - What does it do? - I don't know and then same, same as your girl, she just fucking runs off before I could say anything. And I'm just like, "What just happened? What am I supposed to do in this situation?" - You know what the worse part was, when I got home that day, I go on fucking Twitter and she replied to my tweet being like, "Hi, I'm the girl who grabbed your ass, it felt good." And I was like, "First of all, thank you. Second of all, what the fuck! What the fuck!" I was like, you know that's, I reply, like be like, "Dude, that was super fucking inappropriate. You shouldn't do that." And she was like, "Oh, I didn't realize." I'm like-- - I didn't realize? - What the fuck you didn't realize, what? - Like what kind of family were you raised in where it's like, oh, yes, hello, sir? - What are you really doing like fucking measuring your foam every fucking day? Why are you-- - Which year was this? - Oh shit, this must have been like 2000, fuck, 16, 17. - That's the thing, right? It's like, I feel like 'cause I have a similar story that happened around that time. - You do? - Yeah. - What the fuck! - Yeah, well, my mine was in about 2016. - We all fucking survived something here, God damn. - Mine was around like 2017, it was at AX. And this is, I had just like, started going out with Aki, but this is before we went public. So this is like the convention that I met Aki and that was like two days, like literally two days after we decided like, "Okay, let's start going out." And we were doing a signing together. This fucking girl comes up to me and she's dressed in like, I think it was like Monica Michael* or something, but she had like a giant wand, right? Like a massive like stuff and she puts it down and she's like, "Hi, Joey." And I'm like, "Oh, no, it's one of these kinds of girls." All right, "Hey, what's up?" And she's like, "Can you sign the stuff?" I'm like, "Yeah, sure." I start signing it and then she's like, "Also here's a question but can I be an Anime Expo Waifu?" And I just kind of stopped and-- - How to trigger a flight of anime, Jesus Christ! - And the moment she said that, I just kind of stopped and looked up I was like, "Could you say that again please?" 'Cause in my head I'm starting to panic and same with Sydney, right? I could feel the fucking glare of Aki right on my fucking neck. Like I didn't even have to look over, like I know you're staring at me. And of course right, I have the pressure from here and the pressure right in front of me, right? There's two women staring at me for totally different reasons. And I just fucking panic, all right? I couldn't like, 'cause at that point I was like, I couldn't say like yeah sure jokingly because my woman is fucking glaring at me. - The no right answer in that situation. - But I also couldn't say no right because I don't wanna hurt her feelings and she lined up, you know, all this time to like meet me. And so I just fucking panicked and I said I don't know I got ranks. (laughing) - Oh my God, Joey. You didn't have to murder her like that. (laughing) - I got ranks. And then she replied back being like, "Then can I come to the top of the ranking?" And then I said-- - Girl you gotta learn to give up, man. - Yeah, and I was like, "Ah, I don't know, man. Like it takes time. I was just bullshitting this entire time and the moment she's like, "Oh, okay no worries." Again, tried to go in for a kiss and I just fucking like dogged that shit, so she only got me on the chick and then she walked off. And then Aki under her breath was like, "What did you mean by ranks?" (laughing) I was like I'm sorry, I paniced. What are you supposed to say in that situation? - There is no right answer, but-- - There was no right answer, but I definitely said the most incorrect answer. - That was definitely the wrong answer. - I felt so bad, I was like-- - Just politely decline and be like, "Oh, thank you but no." - I know, but like I was at that stage where I like I really couldn't say no. Like it was at that point where I didn't know any better, right? That was like probably like my second signing session ever. - Yeah, you mean like the story I told was Sydney where you don't know how to react in the situation. - Yeah, you don't know how to react and because you don't wanna like make them upset, right? Because they've lined up all this time, you're like, "You fucking lined up for me? Like I'm not anything special." So like that was at the point as well where like, any absurd thing that they would request, I would just fucking do it just to make them happy. So I remember like at this like Canada convention, the first dude that came up to me was like, "Can you sign my ass?" I'm like, "Oh, okay." And like I thought it was like just his pants, right? This guy fully fucking ducks like his pants off. Shows his-- - In the middle of the convention fucking booth? - First dude in the line plants his bear us on the table and was like, "Sign here." (laughing) - Did you fucking wipe down this table afterwards? Oh my God. - You gonna need some mad sanitation. - Yeah, I mean, you know, there's a bottle of hand sanitizer in case of anything, I just fucking emptied this shit, sanitize. - That's so disgusting. - I know. - I think I would vomit on his ass. - Yeah, so like I signed him making sure not to actually touch his ass like with my hand. I did it and I was like-- - I need one of those like garbage picking up things and just like fucking-- - It's just the tongs. - Yeah, yeah, the tongs like from far away. Wear like a radioactive suit on, Jesus Christ! - Like, you know, that again, like that was the point where-- - What is wrong with anime fans? - I don't know. - What the fuck! - Like, I didn't know any, and same convention as the guy who planted his ass, there was another girl who came up and she looked really fucking-- - Just what fucking convention was this? - I think this was OtaKuthon in Montreal. And then this girl came up, looked and sounded really fucking normal, right? Until she said, "Can you sign my arm?" And she had like, drawn out like a box for me to sign on the arm. I'm like, oh, that's kind of weird. I'm like, "I have a piece of paper." And she's like, "No, no, I want you to sign my arm." So I was like, all right. I just had a lot of people to go through, right? So I just fucking signed it for her. And I'm like, "Oh, do you want like a piece of paper for me to sign it on?" She's like, "Oh, no, no, it's okay. I'm getting this tattooed." And I was like, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no." (laughing) I did a really shitty job ass well. This was like the most messed up signature I've ever done. I'm like "No, no, no, no, no, no. Please don't do that, I'm begging you." I actually said like, "I'm begging you don't fucking do it." And she's like, "Okay, I'll think about it." I'm like, "No, no, no, no, don't think about it. Just fucking, I don't know." - Just don't do it. - I don't know what it, like, but that's the thing, right? It's like, I don't know, if it's because of my lack of experience of being in situations like that or just the fact that conventions have gotten so much more calm in the last like five years or it's a combination of both because you don't hear that kind of shit like last year, right? - I mean, I feel like things are way more regulated now honestly. Because I remember first time going to conventions, like some of my first signings, it was kind of like anything goes, you know what I mean? And like last year, they had like a ticketing system or maybe it was a year before that, where they had like a proper ticketing system 'cause I remember I'd be booked out to do signings for like an hour and then it would end up going for like two hours and a half. And there was nothing that like regulated what was okay and what wasn't okay, you know what I mean? - I guess that's like the benefit of the big conventions, right? Is that because there are so many people and they probably know how popular you are. Then they're like if you're signing session is one hour, then it's fucking one hour and they'll be cutting off the line. - And I think also, I think people, it's gotten more in people's ideas or in people's heads now that just because you're at an anime convention, social norms still do exist 'cause I remember in the before time and I can't imagine what it was like even before I started going to conventions, but it seemed like going to an anime conventions, just like all rules fell out the window. You could get away with anything. - I mean, I watched footage of like Anime Expo and like fucking 2005, right? And like, you know, that was during like the whole like, glomp and like, yaoi, like, you know, yaoi pad thing and I'm just like, I can't imagine fucking being there and like staying sane. I'm like, I don't wanna like walk through the convention hall with the fear that a random person is gonna jump dive at me. Because it's like, "Well, AX glomp." - It sounds like an anime convention to like a survival horror. Who's gonna invade my personal space now? - I'm like personally actually drown on everyone now. It's like who's next? - I feel like it's pretty came from a place of like, I mean, I assumed that it was the one time of the year where they would get to meet anime fans. - Right, right. - Unlike outside of that you didn't get to see them, right? - Like-- - Yeah. - But now I mean, everyone's a fucking anime fan. - Right, I think that's what it is. - It's mainstream now. - All now is everyone goes to a place to buy anime merch and get drunk together. - Yeah, yeah. - Pretty much, pretty much. - So it's like, I understand that back then probably was a little over the top because this is the only fucking chance you get to be a fucking weeb. Like every other day of the year you can't be a weeb, otherwise you gonna get bullied. - Yeah, I feel like the golden period for me for anime conventions where it was like, you could get away with things that were like fun, but I feel like the point where it starts to get really, really regulated was around 2016 onwards ish. - Yeah, as it should 'cause there was so much sketchy shit happening in the background. - Yeah, there was a little sketchy shit happening around. - I mean, that was around the time when the whole like cosplay isn't consent with anime, which came out right. It's like, why would you even need to write that out? - That like is a failure on humanity that was a rule. - Which we need to see implement this rule that's-- - Yeah, is like, oh, yes, I need something written down on paper to know that being overly sexual towards cosplays is a bad thing. - Yeah exactly, right? - Like fucking. - But I remember like, 'cause I've been going to London MCM Expo for like a fair few years now. I remember when, so to explain the London MCM Expo is like the biggest kind of-- - Kind of pretty fucking terrible convention. - It's a convention inverted commas 'cause it's more like an, it is an expo. - Just anime stuff and there's not really anything to do there if you're like a fan, it's kind of like you can buy stuff and pretty much all anyone does is just hang out with their friends. - Exactly. - [Joey] Right, right. - So there's this grass beds in MCM, outside of the convention center, which everywhere used to, where everyone used to hang out and I was closed off, but I feel like some of my best memories were when people were just doing like the most random shit on that grass. - Oh, the alcohol bottles-- - Yeah. Were you there that year where there was the, they did that that Fight Club? - No. - Oh, okay. - They did a Fight Club? - Yes, so-- (laughing) - I don't know why I have a mental image of a bunch of weebs beating each other up is hilarious. - Like retro music blasting like-- - It was a fight club, but it was like a fight club. So, it was like the equivalent of a mosh pit or something like that. But I remember there was like, you know, there was obviously the usual, you know, you got the fucking Jedis drooling itself. But I remember the funniest one I saw was, there was these two anime fans and one was like the scrawniest short anime fan who was like vitamin D deficient. You know, that stereotype. - That really sick dude, right? - Yeah. - Skeletal. - It's skeletal and then on the other side was the fucking biggest, (laughing) he wasn't like obese, but let's say he was a big lad. - Yeah, yeah. - He was a big lad. - Hefty fella. - Yeah. And this was like the most uneven fight I've ever seen. Like forget about weight classes here, you know? (laughing) - Wait, till they started punching each other. - So, I guess they just tried to like make each other fall over, right? So this the scrawny skinny dude fucking full on sprints into this guy tried to like push him and he just fucking bounces off him like he's in like, like he's playing four guys or something, right? And the guy just sits on him. (laughing) And that's was the end of the fight. - Were they all drunk? - Yes, everyone was drunk. - Oh, okay, okay. - Just crushes the poor guy. - So the convention ends at like 6:00, but that area is still full of people drinking, like they're just outside just getting drunk. - It sounds awesome. I would love to be there just like a spectator. - It's kind of fiesta, it's kind of-- - It's kind of fiesta, but now it's like a little more controlled version you can get away with which is a bit of a shame because I liked, I liked that kind of thing. - It was literally like an off licence in a Tesco within like 100 meters of it so-- - Oh, that's not good. - People are just buying, buying, buying drinks, drinks, drinks and it's like it's, and I think the hotel hated it 'cause there's literally a hotel right outside that are like what are you doing? Why are you fucking getting drunk? - Why is this dude sitting on this scrawny kid? - Why is there a fight club? - Why are people cheering? - I think it was that fight club that made the convention actually called off thinking of the grass area. (laughing) It was worth it. Anyone who was on that MCM convention knows that that fight club was hilarious as fuck. - Yeah, that sounds fucking awesome. - Health and safety issues aside. - It is fun when you walk to MCM convention, you see something that clearly will get shut down within an hour, you're like, "I'm just gonna sit and watch this. If this shit go down, this shit is gonna be funny." - I see that shit even regularly at Anime Expo still to this day, like outside of the West Wing, you know, where all the cosplay are, I see some shit there where I'm just like, "Why, why? Where are the staff, who's regulating this? - Can we talk about how fucking crazy it is like meeting people who watch your videos, it's so fucking surreal. How fucking weird is that? - I never get used to it. - I'm like, now I have like a conditioned response that I could be like, okay, this is how I should respond to like fans. - Activating execution 101. - But that's why-- - Activating McDonald's smile. - But that's why getting recognized anywhere, but conventions you're so unprepared for it because you just never get used to that fear 'cause I'm just like, "Man, I'm just a fucking dude who talks about anime online." - I mean, it's already surprising when people at conventions like come up to you and recognize you. But what's weird is where you're like nowhere near a fucking convention and it's just like a random like guy or girl who's just sees, like that fucking dude in Singapore. - Oh my God, oh my God. (laughing) Can I tell that story? - Yeah, you can tell it. - Go ahead, go ahead. - Okay, so we were at Singapore convention. I think it was anime, what was it called? Anime Festival of Asia or something like that. - Yeah, AFA, AFA. - We're at AFA, Singapore. And we were in this, we were outside the convention working, we were getting lunch or something. It was me Sydney and Joey I believe. - And Alan I think. - And Alan, and Alan, yes. So there are four of us there and we were just walking in one of the, in just like this random shopping mall. And then we just hear this screech. This is like, this is like, this is like the loudest screech I've ever heard in my life. - It was like a banshee screech. Like you would have thought like someone came through with like a truck and was like running people over. It was that loud. - Exactly. And it immediately triggered my flight of fight like instincts, right? - Everybody turned around like what the fuck! - What the fuck is going on? And all we see is this fucking kid bolting it towards Joey, right? And I'm like, like time just fucking stopped at that moment. I'm like, "Am I about to witness my fucking friend dying in front of my eyes, is he about to get stabbed or something?" (laughing) - It's like the dude was full on like assassins creeding me. Like just fucking like lows fuck like this just like running towards me through this giant crowd. And as the crowd is parting you can see this kid just coming straight. I'm like, "Oh, he's coming for me, I'm gonna die." And because he's like Naruto running almost, I can't see his hands right, so I'm like, "This guy is probably got a knife. Like he's about to stab me." So I'm just prepared to die. He stops like right here. (laughing) He screeches to a halt and he says, "I love you Joey." (laughing) And like, meanwhile, poop is falling out of my pants, right? - Meanwhile, we're just like, "Ah, okay, Joey is not dead, okay. Ah, hold on." - That sounds terrifying. - Of course, he was terrifying. - And he's like, "Can you take a photo of me?" I'm like, "Yeah." - Did like Felix say one time like Southeast Asian fans are like the craziest-- - Yeah, they are. - In public they just scream? - Absolutely. - Shout out to the Southeast Asian fans. (laughing) - Everything was great. It's only like a whole different level from like, like any convention we've been to in America. Like I remember watching Joey walk from one panel to another, it was basically like watching Justin Bieber walk through like, like a pre-- - That's gonna be an ego booster. - I mean, it felt pretty good, I don't know why. - I love it when you're just like chilling and then like someone in the line she's like, "Oh, you Joey?" "Yeah, yeah, I am." - I think as well like it might have been because like that Singapore AFA was, it was a first for that convention for a lot of reasons because I think I was like the first YouTuber that had ever been invited. And also, I was the first ever guest at that convention that didn't charge for signatures. - Yeah. - Oh, wow. - And like, 'cause like I remember when I was sitting there like waiting, the staff was like, "All right, so tell me, how much do the signings cost?" I'm like, "What are you talking about?" He's like, "How much does it cost? Like five dollars, $10 how much is it? So that I can tell people in the line?" I'm like, "It's free." And like-- - What do you mean is free? - Yeah, he was like, "What, what do you mean? What mean its free." - They couldn't process that. - They couldn't process it. He was like, "What do you mean it's free?" I'm like, "It's fucking free." - I felt like some other guests get annoyed when YouTubers turn up and don't charge 'cause they're like, "Why are you just devaluing, you're making us look like ripoffs." And I'm like, "Well, - [Joey] I mean, yeah, I guess I understand. Because it's just like-- - If I'm selling something like a print or something, I'm like I brought an art. - Yeah, but that's the thing, I was selling prints 'cause I was doing a collab with like three studios, right? So it's like, people can just fucking buy this. - Yeah, I feel like if they, I shouldn't charge someone to sign something, they've already paid the entrance fee to get in. - Right, yeah, exactly. - Yeah, exactly. - And then they're like already buying like the merch that I came up with, right? So it's like, I'm not gonna charge them anymore, fuck that. - It's like the guy who sneezed on set on Star Wars charged $50 for a shot. It's like what, what do you mean? - I was following trouper number 1200. - It's like who the fuck are you? I just I really disagree with them doing that and they charge so much, I really hate it. I think it's so conceded-- - Like give them something physical, right? - Yeah, exactly. - Like this should be like an item, yeah. - My signature should not be worth money. - No, no, no. - It should be like a nice little memorabilia, but I don't know anyone who fucking-- - I think it completely destroys the meaning of a signature, right? Like from a famous person, in my opinion. - I don't know, I would just I just feel bad charging. - Yeah, me too even if I'm like the greatest fucking anime, I don't know. (laughing) - Like the worst like I would get away with is, you know, charging, I haven't even like charged for prints or anything like that 'cause I've never done prints, but, or like- - Print it's sold out. - Yeah, so print is sold out, but at least give them something physical that's what I would say. - [Joey] Exactly. - If, you know, we need to do something like that. - Right, right, but again, like, we're doing well enough for ourselves. Like I'm not that fucking desperate to be like, "I have 500 prints, they all need to go." - And I guess sometimes the conventions can't really like, like pay you much for your time, so it's like I get it that some people wanna like get some prints in there, you know, to get them going. - But, you know, that's not really the reason I go to conventions-- - No, no, no, I know what you're-- - I just wanna fucking meet my fans. - Anyway, any conventions in Southeast Asia wanna invite us, we are all-- - Any conventions in general. - Any conventions in general, we are always open. We miss it so much. - After this fucking drought of conventions, we really need to fucking go to some. - I mean, like crazy people and inappropriate people aside like my God, I think that thing is like anything better than meeting someone who is just like nice and just like, "Hey, I watch your videos." 'Cause it's so crazy, 'cause you don't really get to ever, I know you two usually say this all the time, you don't get to see people who watch our videos. - No. - [Joey] Yeah. - Because when I see a video that gets like 300,000 views, I'm like, yeah, cool, but then when you see-- - Whenever you see 300 people in your panel-- - Like that's crazy with 300 people in one room who would wanna meet you that like blows my mind. And then like most of them are so fucking sweet, so nice. It's like, "Man, I can't help but just like you want a hug? You wanna hug?" - It's also just feel so nice, especially when it's like a small convention as well, where it's like the ratio of like attendees to people who know you is like staggering. - And it's so hard to try to voice your gratitude without sounding like that typical corny YouTuber, but that's just that's-- - I appreciate you guys so much. - You wanna hug, ask me I'll give you one, probably even if you're sweaty, I'll give you a fat hug. - I will give you a hug too. - I just, pressured Garnt to saying that, Garnt doesn't do that. Garnt wasn't gonna give you a hug until I said it first, just wanna make that clear. - I'm not gonna give you a hug. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. - You know, they're not ranked enough for Joey size, sorry. - Yeah, I have ranks. - Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. - But like, you know, that's like the other thing as well, like, I don't wanna like dwell on the whole like cosplays consent thing, right? But like, I feel that-- - You can ask me for a hug, I don't give a shit. - Right, but like I feel that like now, like at least with me, my general rule of thumb is like, especially if it's of the female, right? Like, 'cause I know like, dudes don't give a shit if I hug them, right? Because it's just the fucking-- - Oh, yeah, let me cup your dick. (laughing) - Let me hold your balls. - I'm joking don't do that. Please don't do that that's a joke. - Your balls are heavy too. (laughing) I feel that like because of the whole thing with, especially recently like convs have become a little bit more sensitive like, at least my general rule of thumb is if you're a female or you're not like a dude who comes up to me and like wants to take a photo, I always ask like, is it all right if I put my hand on you right shoulder, you know, or like I wait for them to be like, "Can I hug you?" - I do that but like sometimes I forget and then I'm like, fuck, I just did it without asking. Am I a horrible person, like are they gonna go online and say if I can get killed. - It's only until the last AX where I like physically told myself I need to get into the habit of doing that. - Yeah, same with me. Like before I was like, I was just like trying to read the air, but now I just straight up ask, you know what I mean? - Yeah, it used to just be like-- - Jesus! - I used to just be like, okay, I kind of get the vibe that you're okay with it. Like that's just risky, I don't know, yeah. - Because a lot of them are like, "Of course you can, why is that even a question?" I'm like, "No, you don't understand, I have to ask." - 'Cause it's weird, right? Because now, because, you know, when we started off, I don't think any YouTuber ever thinks they're gonna get, you know, any kind of attention or any kind of success. So, you kind of come into it like the small person mentality. Yeah, sometimes you just gotta realize that you can't get away with that anymore. Unfortunately, even though you still see yourself as that same person who started off doing like YouTube videos in your mom's basement or whatever. - I still feel like that. - I still feel like that now, but you know-- - Your numbers don't lie, right? - You gotta adapt eventually. - It's sad, I mean, I feel like I have to like, I mean, in some aspects it makes you like be a better person, right? In general, like I've got an asshole 'cause I will get called out for it. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Which is good, but then also, I feel like, I have to make sure everything in my life is completely 100% like there's no doubt in my mind, in anyone's mind that I'm totally like in the clear. Whereas most people it's like, okay, 90%, 70% I'm not an asshole. It's like all right, that's enough, right? - Yeah, yeah. - But, you know, it's kind of, and also, like I feel as well when you meet fans sometimes they're really nervous because obviously, they don't know you. I feel like they're more nervous to put their arm around you. And so, I feel like that like waiting for you to take the lead, which is, you know, again, like it makes it harder 'cause like, I used to just be like, all right, I guess if they seem like they want it like, oh, where they stand for the photo because sometimes, you know, they'll just literally just stand in position puff like touching you basically, okay, then you put your arm. - Yeah, yeah. - But yeah, some people-- - And I think that's like another good reason why like-- - You should ask. I need to get the habit, yeah. - Some of them are like, "Oh, yeah, of course." Like they weren't expecting that. - I mean, I'm sure I'll come on to this pandemic being like. (laughing) - I'm sure the pandemic would change a lot of the behavior about what's allowed and everything like that. - A million hold a hand photo. - Although I do love to have the hold a hand photo. There's something about that, I don't-- - 'Cause the best part is when they ask for a hold hand photo I'm just like, "You get it, you get it." - Whenever I get someone ask me like, "Can you do a hold the hand?" I'm like, "I can one* off that let's do a hold a hug." You're just like doing this, but you're not touching at all, It's fucking great. - I wonder if all conventions will everyone be required to wear a mask when they finally-- - Probably the first two years. - I mean, that depends on when the conventions are gonna open. - Exactly. - True, true. - I doubt that there will be any conventions open next year. Yeah, I just don't think, I don't think the wall-- - Didn't they hold on like fucking Idaho or some shit? - Yeah, but I mean-- - Like in the middle of November. - Yeah, exactly, but, you know, they're gonna fucking slammed for that, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Like, I don't think there'll be any big profile convention happening to at least the second half the year that's like-- - And the whole conventions are like, "Get that out of here, get that out. I don't wanna do an E-convention are you kidding me, what's that? - I mean, I did a couple of E-conventions this year. - Did you actually? - Yeah, yeah. I did one for, I did one for anime con South Africa. - Oh, yeah, I saw that, yeah. - I did like a pre-recorded interview for that. - Oh, sick. - And I'm like, I wanted to, the only reason why I wanted to do that was because when the pandemic is over, I really wanna fucking go to South Africa. So it's just like, it's just connection building, so it's like--. - Joey should play with five head here. - Yeah, I don't know. Like I can't get myself to like attend. Because like attending conventions is like, it's kind of like the equivalent of when you're like watching a food video or something and you're watching this like these three star Michelin chef like produce this like gorgeous looking food and then you're sitting there with like your combini meal and you're like, "This is just the same." - This is almost the same. - This is almost the same. Do you know what I mean? (laughing) - You're like tear open the paper salt like, yeah, I'm good. - My three star MSG. (laughing) - Do you hate it when you make a fucking great meal, you got a great or maybe you order new breeds and you fucking edit all before like full minutes into the like one hour movie you gonna watch? I'm like, fuck I'm gotta put this plate away or it's gonna get dirty in my sink. I shouldn't been, I fucking hate that so much. - I don't know how to pace myself with food. - I don't it, it's like the movies, my popcorn eaten before we even we-- - That's why I don't even order the popcorn, all right. - What do you mean? Why don't you do that? You fucking animal - I don't order popcorn, yeah. - It's so good here, why would you not want it? - 'Cause its fucking awful. - Popcorn is that thing that I never get myself, but whenever someone else's offers I'll do this. (laughing) It's like have you guys had any creepy experiences with people or fans? - Absolutely, yeah. - Yeah, keep saying. (laughing) - Because I'd say like this, the moment when I stopped like where I had to like really pay attention to who I always hang out with was 'cause of this one convention I went to. The thing was like three, four years ago, I can't remember exactly how many years it's been, but it was like my first proper, creepy stalker experience. - Sounds like a YouTube title. (laughing) - I feel like that your story animation title. - Yeah, exactly so-- - Why are you wasting us at the podcast, man. Make your story a little bit later. (laughing) - I just feel like I can draw my life, right? But yeah, I was at this convention and there was like a communal area. And, you know, at conventions, what I like doing at conventions is meeting random people. Meeting fans, talking with people. And the thing is I've met, like a lot of my closest friends, I've met through conventions. Like our friend group in England, 90% of those people were people who I met at conventions and were fans of me. So that's why I had always tried to like, you know, be as open as possible no matter who it was. And I feel like this was the point when I realized, "Hey, maybe my reach is a little bigger than, you know, what I'm comfortable with." Because I was with, you know, hanging out with just this random group of people. And it was me and Sydney. And we were, you know, we were having a great time, we were just chatting shit about anime and other shit and like, in this middle of this convention hall and then it was like, you know, it was time to just disperse and go in own ways. - [Joey] Right, right. - So me and Sydney start walking back to our hotel rooms and everyone else goes their own ways. And then this one kid starts, you know, starts walking the same direction with with us, right? - Is it the same guy from Akihabara? - No, no, no, it's not the same guy. Compared to the guy in Akihabara, the guy in Akihabara was like a fucking saint, you know? - Yikes. - So this kid follows us and I asked, and so I was trying to be polite to be like, "Oh, well, you know, where are you staying?" And he was like, "Oh, I'm staying in the same hotel as you guys." Now, keep in mind, you know, I talked with the kid, you know, quite a bit, you know, when we're hanging out in a group. - All right, so you thought it was plausible that you told him your hotel. - Yeah, yeah, it's, and I was, you know, I wasn't wasted, but I was, you know, I had a few drinks in me and I was feeling friendly, so I was like, whatever, just making casual chitchat and he seemed normal enough. You know, he didn't seem like a creep or anything like that. And so, we go back, we go to our hotel, and then we get in the lift and then he goes in the lift with us. And we're like, "Oh, what floor are you?" No, no, sorry, so we get we get in lift and I hit my floor and I ask, "Oh, what floor are you?" And he goes, "Oh, it's the same floor as you." - Oh, no. - And at this point nothing clicked in my mind, right? 'Cause I was so innocent at that point I was-- - Oh, there's lots of rooms in that floor too. - I know, and both me and Sydney were like, "Oh, what a coincidence, you know, we're on the same floor." Well, that's a huge coincidence and at this point, I'm just like, no, I just wanna go to my bed and sleep. I'm way too tired, so I'm like, "Yeah, cool, that's a huge coincidence." So we go up to the floor and then, so I go in first, I go to my room first and Sydney is just right bit behind me because I'm tired as fuck, I just wanna get into my hotel room. And so, I go to the door put my key in, I turn around and the kid is still there and I'm just like, "What are you doing?" And he straight up tells me, "Oh, no, I just completely lied, I just wanted to see where you were saying." And I'm like, "What the fuck do I say to this?" And then apparently, when I wasn't looking before I had asked that he tried to go in for a kiss with Sydney and Sydney told me this after we'd got in our hotel room. And then after he said, "Oh, no, I'm lying. I just wanted to see where you guys are living, bye." And he just fucks off. I'm like, what, do I call security. What the fuck! 'Cause I didn't even get his name, so I didn't know who this kid was, it was just this random kid that I'd met, he knew who I was obviously, but it was this random kid who I had met just like on the convention floor. And so, this was the first time I'd had like, a fucking freak out of my hotel room to be like, "Yo, shit, we gotta call security." Would it be like, "Can we get like Chris Jones to stand outside this door, do we change hotel rooms, what the fuck do we do?" And that was the exact moment when I'm just like, "Okay, I gotta be fucking careful about who I hang out with at conventions." So if I'm a bit standoffish when I meet someone new at conventions, blame that guy, okay? - Yeah, that's what the PTSD comes from. - That's where the PTSD comes from. - Oh, shit, what the fuck, that's creepy. - I had something kind of similar to that. I mean, I've had multiple experiences similar to that, but I think the creepiest one that I ever had was, it wasn't even in a hotel room, you know, I was staying, it was like the first time, so I've been to Otakuthon in Montreal a couple of times. - Yeah, everything is fucking weird out there, God, damn. - I got nothing against Montreal, Montreal is a beautiful city, but all the weeb shit happened to me there. So I was staying at my friend's place at the time 'cause he lived like five minutes train from the convention, so I'm like fuck it, I'll stay at his. And we were staying with like a couple of other friends. And this is before the convention had even started, right? But I was a guest at that convention, so people around Montreal knew that I was gonna be at that convention. And it was like midnight, right? Like 12:00 a.m. and I was just fucking around with my friends and we get a knock on the door and there's like, and I was like, "Okay." I open the door and there's just the box sitting there, like not even a package, like not even mail, just a box. And I'm like, "Is this a bomb? What is this?" And I told my like the friend who, you know, the place, I was like, "Did you get a package?" And he's like, "No." I'm like, "Did anyone here get a package?" He's like, "No." - What's in the box? - And then I flipped the box over and it says to Joey. - Oh my God. - And I was like, "Oh my!" I fucking like looked around was like, "There's no one around." So I took the box in, I don't know why the fuck I took the box in. I took the box and close the door and I slowly opened it and it was a Tupperware container of, you know what poutine is? - Yeah. - No. - Poutine it's this like dish in-- - It's cheese in chips. - It's cheese in chips basically with gravy. It's like a French Canadian thing. - I fucking love cheese in chips gravy. - Yeah, Poutine is fucking delicious, right? But there was a Tupperware full of poutine and on top of the Tupperware it said, "I'm a huge fan of you Joey, I made some poutine for you." (laughing) - Was it still hot? - It was still hot. - How did she know where you're staying? - That's exactly what I wanna know. That's why I was shitting my pants. - Wait, wait, wait was it good? - I didn't eat it. - What the fuck, I would eat that. - No. - Dude, okay, one time-- - I've seen Higurashi dude, I've seen the scenes where you eat the fucking ohagi and there's a giant needle inside, all right? I wasn't gonna have that shit. - All right, one time, right? I got gifted like a whole as bento box, like a legit like big ass bento box. It's sort of had curry in it, like a little curry. And I wasn't gonna eat it, but I was in the hotel room, it was like 12:00 a.m. I was fucking starving. So I remember I had the bento box in my room and I take this curry and I didn't have like a knife or fork so I'm like, I'm in a fucking hotel room, but I have like the ice pick thing like knife. It was like a fork like two prongs, so I'm just fucking scooping up this curry and I was eating it and it was fucking tasted so good. (laughing) It was such a good curry. - Oh, no, I fucking remembered it like-- - Yeah, I was like so fucking ghetto eating that with like my fucking ice pig. - Yeah, I wouldn't do that. I just remembered though with the poutine thing. I didn't eat it because I was too fucking scared to, but my friend was like fuck it I will eat it, it's still warm. But then he ate it and the first bite he took he was like, "Why is there a giant hair in this?" - Oh my God. (laughing) - There's none of that in the curry, the curry was clean good. - Yeah, and I'm like, they could be two options here either one she or I'm assuming it's a girl she accidentally like drop the hair in or she was like, "I'm gonna get Joey to eat some of my hair." - My DNA. - Yeah, my name is inside Joey. I'm like, oh, just thinking about it, shit was just so fucking creepy. - I'm gonna be an STO Joey. - I'm gonna be at the top of his ranks when a part of me is inside his stomach. But yeah, just a fair warning for anyone who wants to like gift us anything, don't gift us food. like especially if it's hand made. - Unless it's real bomb, then I'll still eat it, but no. - Yeah, I mean, I'm not gonna eat something unless it's like packaged. - I'm fine with food as long as it just doesn't appear in front of my hotel room 'cause the weirdest thing I would say is when people know where you're staying in the hotel and regardless of whether you're a fucking famous YouTuber or not that shits weird, you know what I mean? - I mean, yeah. - I mean, it was the creepiest Uber Eats delivery. (laughing) - I wouldn't eat that man, I was just playing. - I mean, I just ate. Like I literally just eaten like stall bought poutine before hand. - Always the one for more man, always-- - Yeah, that shit fills you up by the way. - I know, but-- - Plus it's fucking delicious. - I haven't had anything like that, I've been lucky enough to like not be-- - Really? - Yeah. - I'm surprised you haven't had this-- - If anyone was that must have creepy fans its you. - Come on, guys step up, come on I need more story up here. I mean, sort of, I guess kind of. Okay, one time in this convention, so typically, they don't put you on the first floor like they're not supposed to because obviously that's where all the elevators are and everyone's, all the people are there, so typically they're actually put guests on the first floor and they normally have a floor that's specifically for staff and guests, it's like separate so that no attendee should be on the same floor as a guest or a staff. That's what they're supposed to do, but sometimes the Cons don't do that. So I'm in one of them, I was on the first floor. I was kind of annoyed 'cause I was literally about 15 meters from the elevator. So everyone knows where I come from. - A great placement. - Yeah, right next to it. - I come from where do I go? - Exactly, call Nigel. (laughing) So it was just like asking someone to see where I was staying, I'm sure most people saw where I was. Luckily, I took advantage of that, but at about like 2:00 a.m. one night, I'm like basically naked, but I really wanted ice and the ice thing was right next to the, my room. (laughing) And thought mission impossible, right? It's 10 seconds in and out no problem. I'm in my boxes only, right? I'm still gonna fucking do it, like I don't care. It's only me, who cares? I'm like building myself up confidence. I could just put a T-shirt on, no, I'm building myself up. I opened the door and there's just two kills sitting there opposite my door. And I'm like, what the fuck, I've been like, fucking SpongeBob has been on like full volume in my room dude like what do you-- - And you're naked? - I'm like basically naked, I'm like, go to the ice machine and I get it and I go back in and I'm like, as I'm closing my door I'm like, "What are you doing?" Like nothing, I'm like, "All right then." - Did they know you? - I didn't even ask. I had to close the door and they said nothing, I'm like, "All right, I'm going back to bed." - Meanwhile, they were like huge fans and they just creaming themselves. - Maybe, maybe, I mean, based on watching one of my cosplay videos, so it's not really like a big deal. - I saw Sidova's nipples. He came out watching sponge bob-- - They're not on YouTube, so it's not a big deal. - For some reason he came out of his hotel room butt naked watching SpongeBob. I didn't even wanna ask why he was doing that. - I just wanted ice, you know. And one time I was on like the seventh floor in like Minneapolis and I went to my room, no one else on this floor, there's just this like seven foot white dude, just sitting in front of my door. Just sitting in front of it, literally blocking it. I was like, "Hey, can I get into my room?" He's like, "Oh, yeah, sure." - Yeah, I've had that plenty of times too. Like people, random people sitting in front of my door. And it's almost always people who don't know who I am. - Yeah, because like, "Why are you here?" Because it's like at conventions, hotel rooms just become a fucking zoo. Yeah, you know what I mean? - I was just so confused. I'm like, Okay, like, he was literally like, not even like next to it, like in front of my door. And I like kind of like, I'm like, "Hey, can you move? I'm gonna get into my room." - Like why do these like attendees think that are like hotel hallways are the same as convention hallways, you can't just sit in my hallway. - And I didn't say anything 'cause I was like, I'm gonna hope that when I leave this room in 20 minutes after I've had my shower, he will not be there. Luckily he wasn't. - Yeah, yeah. - But I was like, that was just so weird. - You've never had like the getting of letters slipped under your hotel door and stories like that? - Or people still get back to your room? - No, they always like give it to my face, which is like-- - That's so much nice, I wish I had that. - I had someone who's like this is for you and it was an envelope. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I thought like that's nice, maybe he could be a little cunt. I noticed like it's a little light. And the helper next to me is like, oh, you should open it. I was like, I was gonna leave it, something like leave it till I get back 'cause people are still coming and I opened it up and it's a hotel key card. And on the envelope, they've written their room number. And I was like damn. - Damn son. - And then the handler-- - Did you go? (laughing) - No. - Maybe straight, any dude watching this is like, it's free invitation. - It's like a fairy tale cosplays, so I was like, "No, thank you." (laughing) I'm kidding, I just thought this is not the kind of Chris Hansen trap I need to walk into. I'm like this is, "No, no, no, no." This is like a James Bond plot, but no, thank you. And like the handler next to me was like, "Damn." - He was like, "Can I have that?" - Yeah, I was like, "Do you want it?" I asked him to give it back to the hotel. - Yeah, yeah. - I mean, people did give me like numbers or something. - Yeah, I mean, like-- - It's just flattering, I'm like, "Thank you. Babe, you think I'm the one texting, you are the one, God, get outta, get outta here you." I like it, I don't know, it's nice. - Yeah, I think the nicest gift I've ever got from a fan was, it was at AX where-- - A lot of my enemies. - So someone had given me also like handwritten letter, but with the letter was like, it came in a box and in the box was like a lot of origami cranes that she was like fold it herself. And I'm like, "Did you do this all by hand?" And she's like, "Yeah, you know, I was just bored and I just wanted to give you something that was memorable." And it was definitely memorable because it was like, you know, I was like-- - I mean, you're telling the story of her right now, man. - Yeah, exactly, I still remember her to this day, I still have it. Fucking, it was the first time I felt like, maybe I'm doing some good in this world man. I'm so happy, thank you so much. But yeah, it was just-- - I was talking about animated titties and I get this beautiful gifts. - Have you seen like the vine or whatever, where the guy is making a sandwich with crisps. He's like, "You made this for me? Bro, you made this for me? I love you, bro." That's how I fell in that exact moment, right? - Do you remember that like really creepy statue I had at my house? - Yeah. - I love this, I loved it. A fan had made me the statue and it was like a proper clay statue. And it was like, you know, I don't think they were like amazing in it, but it was so fucking sweet, but it was so cursed and creepy at the same time. But it was such, so I just couldn't imagine the amount of thought they put into this that I fucking loved it so much so I kept it in my house. So whenever anybody came to my house, they're like, "What the fuck is that? What is that?" I'm like, "Oh, it's a statue of me." They're like, "You, that's you?" I'm like, "It's not the most flattering, but a fan gave it to me." They're like, "Oh, that's nice." Yeah, blah, blah, blah. - Yeah, probably because when you say it's a statue of you is like did you make that? - The thing was as well as is that it kinda looked really beat up because it like went through the mail as well and I had to like, I thought this thing was so cool, they done it that I spent like an hour and a half super gluing it all back together just so I could display it in my house and creep everyone out I guess by accident, but I thought like, "Oh, this is so sweet." And now that's in my parents house creeping them out. Thank you that one fan who sent me that statue of me in like an owl pose. - Yeah, we appreciate that shit so much honestly. - Yeah. - Yeah. - We don't do anything that amazing to be able to get gifts like that so. - Like being given anything it just feels really weird that you would, you know, want to give something to us anyway. - [Joey] Yeah, exactly. - And not weird in a bad way, just weird for us because we're just like, we don't do anything special. We just fucking talk about-- - Fucking make videos. - Comment on anime titties and whatever. - It's very humbling 'cause I again, I feel like I make the videos just for myself and, you know, just to pay the bills that's kind of like the main reasons, you know what that like, I make the videos first and foremost for me and then it's just like, I constantly forget how much people enjoy them. And it's really just like, "Oh, shit, these mean things to people?" Not that my videos are like worth meaning anything, I don't mean that, I'm not considered at all to think that, but other people were like, "Oh, you know-- - My videos are deep. - Right, like you may say issues like, "You know, I'm doing this 'cause it keeps people happy without me to pressure you to go up 10%." - I'm changing the world, you might react that way. - Yeah, it's like, you know, I get it. Some people it's like that routine because I thought that if someone's video even though it's dumb is like, you know, maybe help me out. - Yeah, yeah. - So I've just come to, I don't know, man. It's hard to explain. - It's always nice, it's always humbling because what we see on our side is just a number. - It's so, yeah. - A number means nothing, but when we go to a convention and we see a room full of people and it's like putting of like actual people and faces and interactions to those numbers it's like, unless you've experienced that you can't really describe it, you know what I mean? It's very humbling and it's very flattering and you don't quite know what the right way to react to it is. So we just hope that we react in a way that one, doesn't make you feel bad and two, doesn't make us seem like conceited ourselves in anime as well. - I just want you if you know me and you come up to me, just have like, go away from that interaction thing of, damn, always everything I wanted them to be. That's all I want and it's so hard because sometimes I'm like, did I say the right thing, should I have squeezed them a little harder with the hug, should I have shaken their hand longer? - Like sometimes every time after convention, like I wake up in a cold sweat to be like, "Man was I an asshole to that one person." Like I was just trying to get food, like-- - Like we gonna get canceled, we gonna get canceled. - And it's also like, you know, 'cause some people they always like want a little more and it's hard 'cause you like, especially if you're going out for like dinner with your anime friends, it's like, oh, man, I really don't want them to be like, "Damn, Connor is an asshole, he wouldn't let me eat with him." And it's like, "Well, I mean-- - Yeah, for some reason, I don't give a shit about the one hate comment or like the haters-- - I know, right, right. - Oh, you see on a YouTube comment, but the thoughts of this guy trashing me to his friends, just fucking keeps me up, that fucking keeps me up at night, man. - It's so real, right? It's so real. - I could be totally in the right and being fuck off, but I can't do it because I'm like, "Man, this guy respect me so much and I really don't wanna be mean. And I'm trying to explain it so nicely, but he's just not getting it sometimes. - Because, you know, there's a little part of you where if the roles were reversed, you'd be like, "Man, I think I was a fucking asshole." - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. - Which, by the way, shout out to that guy I met in Akihabara, who I told the story about for being a good sport about it, you know, it was an awkward interaction, but thank you for being good sport about it. You know, I saw your comments and everything. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - So, yeah, I mean-- - Yeah, bottom line, we appreciate every single person that comes up to us. It's just that sometimes every now and then there's just that one really weird person. - Just like, you know, social-- - Just be a norm, just be you. - Just be you. Understand that social norms do exist in anime conventions-- - Basically, you know, pretty now, you're trash taster, you're my dude now, come on. - Just okay, I think the best way to what is, treat us no differently how you would just treat a stranger 'cause, you know, it's how I would explain my past relationships where I've watched people, you know, on YouTube that, you know, you do feel like a connection with because you feel like you do know them, but you have to understand that that's a one way connection. You wouldn't go up to a random stranger and be like, "Yo, bro I know everything you've done, you know, I know your entire life story, let's be friends." You know, there are several steps for both ends when it comes to making friends whether you know the person or not. And our perspective is, we don't know you, you know what I mean? So as long as you just come in with that perspective-- - That is the worst question I hated the most, "Can we be friends?" It's the worst question. Because is like-- - It's so loaded. - Like how on earth do you expect like me to answer that? Like, "Yo, we're best friends, here's my fucking phone number. We're going on vacation next week, why don't you come join us?" - By the way, what's your name? - It's so-- - You don't make friends by asking someone, "Can we be friends?" - Right, like, I feel like asking that question, you never win as the person asking that question, you're gonna get what you want and you all you're doing is making the situation awkward for everyone involved. I have to explain to you be like, "So, I don't know you. I would like to, you know, I'm happy to talk to you and get to know you a little better. - And I hate that talk too because it makes you sound like an asshole, right? - Yeah, I don't wanna, 'cause it makes me feel like I'm like putting them below me. Yeah, you don't have the right to be friends. It's not like that. - You don't have enough subs to be like-- - Right, but it's so difficult because there's no way of really explaining that without making it sound like you're in the better position with like, "Hey, no, no." - Yeah. - Well, the way I would think about it is, I mean, like I said, "You wouldn't ask a person that you, whether they're famous or not you've just met kinda, "Hey, can we be friends?" - True, true, true. - Like 90% of the time, they're gonna be like, "I mean, I don't know you and you don't know me." - Who are you? - Yeah, like can we get to know each other first-- - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah, exactly. - And then we can decide. - [Connor] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - But not through asking that question. - True. - Now I'm actually just curious, like once conventions do start to open up again, I wonder how many people are gonna come up to us being like, "Yo, Joey from Trash Tastes, right?" - Oh, Trash Taste as opposed to channel? - Yeah, as opposed to like the Anime Man. I'm genuinely curious. - Who knows man, who knows? - Because I'm sure there's like some Trash Taste viewers who don't watch like our individual channels. - Oh, for sure, for sure. - Or probably don't, never knew us before Trash Taste, right? So I'm just curious like who's gonna be the first person to be like, "Yo, it's Joey, Garnt, Connor from Trash Taste." - I've gotta love that. - That's gotta be fucking cool. - I just miss, I just miss all like all the mispronunciation of my username. I have like a fucking list of all the missed pronunciations of like everyone who's tried to pronounce Gigguk. (laughing) - Dude I get that too and I'm like, I remember I had one guy at Anime Expo being like, "Yo, are you Josh the Anime Man?" (laughing) I'm like, "What, it's not even close." - Wasn't that that one guy who like, who like-- - Oh, in Singapore, right? - Yeah. - Who was like, "Are you Gigguk?" Meanwhile, Garnt is standing right next to me. I'm like, "Ah, no, that's Gigguk actually." (laughing) - Oh my God! - He was my fucking favorite. - How do you do that? - I don't know, like, oh, yeah, it's hilarious. Well, either way we fucking miss conventions. I'm sure if you're a convention goer, you probably miss convention. - We would go to any conventions invite us please. - Just invite us. - And honestly-- - I'm sure we have some other stories that we've forgotten or something that we can tell. - Yeah, let's be more in future, 'cause we'll just tell them. Also if you want us to go to a convention with you, when they eventually open up, the best way to do it is to like email the convention yourself and tell them you want to see us that is by far the best way to get us going 'cause the owners don't know who you want, so you have to actually tell them. Don't tell us, we can't do shit just saying. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, don't like, we get so many like emails and tweets coming like, "Hey, can you come to this conventions?" Is like we- - We don't make that decision. - Yeah, we don't make that decisions. - We get the invites from a convention, so if there's enough interest for your local convention-- - That's like saying like, "Hey, can you go to this random person's wedding?" It's like, "I didn't get the invite dude, I can't go." - It's like bro you're playing at this concert, right? Like you're playing this gig. - Yeah, can you go to the gig? - It's like, "No, I can't, no." Yeah, so let your like, you know, local convention or whatever know who you want. - I wanna go anywhere in the world even after the virus. - Yeah, honestly, like conventions, I fucking love conventions because it gives me the-- - And whatever travel, and whatever conventions wants to host the first in person Trash Taste-- - whoa! - Whoa, that's good, that would be some spicy shit. That would be some spicy shit. - That's would be fucking awesome. In the meantime, though, look at these lovely patreons who support the show. - Damn, I love those patreons, man, damn. - Yeah, I found to love them. - These guys are very normal at conventions. (laughing) - Yeah, I bet they'd won't stalk me, they won't-- - They won't block me, it's alright. But if you'd like to be in part of that group, then make sure to go over to, best place to support the show directly. Also follow us on Twitter and Reddit, sub-Reddit. - [Connor] Yeah. - [Joey] Lots of memes there, lots of greatness there. - [Garnt] We love it. - All right. - Well, yeah, guys. - That's it boys. - Hopefully you enjoyed this episode and we'll see you guys in the next one. - [Group] Bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,681,570
Rating: 4.9729323 out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast, Convention, Horror, Stories
Id: 1t1lme5nGZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 57sec (7977 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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