We CANNOT Stop Arguing | Trash Taste #65

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- Boneless or bone? - Bone. (playful music) - You're not eating the fucking bone marrow. You're not cracking the bone... You're not eating the bone! - The bone does do shit! It does! Oh my fucking God. (relaxed music) - Welcome back. - Welcome back. - Welcome. (Joey laughs) Welcome to this episode of Trash-- - Are you from the future? - Silence! I'm doing the intro. Welcome to this episode of Trash Taste. I'm with the boys, Joey and Garnt, and I'm Connor, or Monkey as people call me. - (laughing) Are you okay? - No. - Connor has suffered from a major cramp in his neck about 20 seconds ago. - My life flashed before my eyes, like 10 minutes ago. I thought that was it. My neck was gone. - We were about to start recording and then Connor had a cramp in his neck and I'm just like, "Man, can you get any more, like, boomer than you already are? Is your body already feeling it? And you getting your, like, nurse already, man?" - Maybe I'm dying already. Fuck, bro. - I mean actually like, I have recently started to stretch every day after work, like just, just at home, like, you know, I would go home and just do like really simple, like 10 to 15 minute, like, stretch exercises. - How did it start? - Well, it started because I found myself sitting at my desk all day or sitting, you know, on a set like this all day and then I would get up and go, "Oh! that's a sharp pain in my lower back, that's not normal!" - I want to make fun of you, but, you know, I can't make fun of you if you're taking care of yourself. - Exactly. And you can't make fun of a friend when you had a massive cramp (laughs) - But as a friend I want to call you a boomer and ask you when you had your diaper changed. - Yeah, right? Like, it's scary, like, I think, like, I think to myself, "Nah, I'm not, I'm not that, at that stage yet" But then I realize next month I'm 27, I'm like, "You know what? I'm kind of getting to that stage. I should probably start while I'm ahead, to just like fix my shit before it gets too messed up" - Honestly, I feel like a lot of people, especially when you're just in your fucking twenties, you just don't give a shit about this. I mean, why would you? You never feel any effects on your body. - You do shit that your body was not built to do. - And you don't realize this, but like, you don't realize this until you get, like, that kind of time, period of your life comes to an end, that you just realize, "Man, that's a, that's a really short time period of my life, and I've just got the rest of my life now having to live with this problem because I just didn't fucking take care of it" So yeah. Take care of your body. Like, if there's one thing that I've definitely paid attention to, especially, like, it doesn't matter if you're a YouTuber or you're just at an office job, somewhere where you're sitting at a desk for long periods of time, please, please, Google "ergonomics" (Joey laughs) It's really fucking important, and it's a really boring word, but, my God, like. - Ergonomics. (Grant laughs) - Like every time I set up a new desk now, I have to like, make sure it's just ergonomically correct. Because I didn't realize this until, not even when I was a YouTuber, but like, like, a year of working an office job and just my, my screen was just slightly off and, like, it was slightly off centered. I had to like tilt my neck, just, just, just to look at it, like, you know, it's, it's, it's something that I didn't really care about until, like, a year came past and then my neck really fucking sucks now. - You sound like a villain in an anime, "Me, when I have to tilt my neck 1% less than I'd like" (Joey screams) "You all die now" - This is a North Star shit. It's like, "You've made me tilt my neck 1° more than I'd have liked to, you know what this means" - Every day it increases by another degree. - "It's retaliation. I will bend your back one degree every day" - No, but that's the thing, right? It's like, I've also realized very quickly, since we have the standing desks. Because for the longest time I felt like standing desks was just like, you know, like, it was like a fad, I was like, come on, like, this is just like a new thing that's happening, it's like, "Oh, people are health conscious, whatever" But the moment I started using them I'm like, "Oh, okay, this actually makes so much of a difference" - Because I just, I just heard the noise it makes. (Joey laughs) - They go "brrr" - But it's, but it's so, I realized very quickly, especially between working here in the office and working at home, where I don't have a standing desk, currently. I mean, I bought a standing desk recently, because I realized actually how much-- - Joey discovers standing. I literally did! I was like, well, actually off the using it, I realized why this is such a big thing, and why so many YouTubers are getting it, because it actually makes so much of a difference. - Yeah, like, I'd never, it's so weird, 'cause, especially when you're in, like, university, right? You hear about these things that adults do to increase productivity. (Joey laughs) And I'm just like, "Just work better. It's just work harder" And then like, I don't know when it happened, but then like I just noticed that my productivity just dropped because of this thing that I never really thought about. Like, having a standing desk, for some reason, it just helps your productivity when you're standing and you just need a change in posture or change in whatever. - Exactly. - I'm feel I'm lying to myself, when I feel like it makes me more productive. I feel like I just wanted to spend money and be like, "Look, it's productive! Look, look, guys, look!" - "Look my desk move!" - "I'm productive now" It's like, no, I'm not, I'm lazy, that's all. Or at least my definition of lazy. - Yeah. I mean, I cannot work. I mean, I remember for the longest time I just worked from my bedroom, and I'm just like, "I don't know how I did that" - I did that for two years long, and I don't know how I did that. - I'm jealous of people who can work in coffee shops. - Oh, I can work in coffee shops. - To me it's like sensory overload. - Oh, I can't do that. - There's just too much stuff going on. - I love working in coffee shops. There's people doing things that isn't me and it's, it's intense. - Yeah. I can't do it. I remember I tried once to edit a video at a coffee shop and I just felt way too, like, self-conscious, because I'm in the back of my head, I'm thinking like "These people must think I'm so weird looking, editing a video of myself" - I can't treat this place like my work station. - It's too much stuff out. - It's not, it's not my fucking area, it's like, I can't rip a massive fart if I'd like to. - Sometimes you just need to get out of the space that you've seen for like, every day of your life-- - So touching grass. - Huh? - Touching grass. - Yeah, so, so you, yeah, you're basically touching grass, except you're just drinking coffee with a bunch of strangers who you're never going to see again. - How do you not just constantly keep buying coffee? - That's... You don't, I just keep buying coffee. - I think that's the whole reason why people work in coffee shops. - How much coffee do you drink anyway, Connor? Your Nespresso machine is fucking dying. - So I can buy the upgrade. (Joey coughs) - "No more, please!" (Garnt laughs) - I would find myself fired at like each fucking Starbucks, if I got the menu at the back of my hand, I'll be like a tour guide, who would come to Starbucks with me I'll be like, "No, don't get that" It's just, I just, I know I spent like, $50 a day on coffee if I go to Starbucks and work there. - I don't know, 'cause like I I've, I don't drink-- I do drink coffee-- - See? I do. I do a lot. - But you drink it so fucking fast, I dunno how, like-- - I think you drink it extraordinarily slow. - I think I drink-- - It's like he's making love to the fucking coffee. - I think he drinks it at a normal pace. - No, you drink at a normal pace. - I drink fast but he drinks at a normal pace. - I feel like you're getting-- - We're like the three wolfs here. (Joey and Garnt laugh) - No, it's a fucking, no wolfs, fuck, ah... - Three pigs? - Three pigs. - Three Musketeers? - Three wolfs! (laughs) - Totally different story, eh? Completely off. Wolfs building their houses. - And the big, bad pig came out. - Like, I'm saying it's, it's most economically efficient to drink your coffee and just eat your food slowly, right? Cause you have more time to enjoy it, because, because like what happens when you finish your coffee? Then you just feel like you have an empty, you feel like you have a hole, because you're just like-- - You're assuming my happiness and my enjoyment of the meal is tied at my speed or the amount of time it exists on the table. It doesn't fucking matter. I'm just going to eat it. That's what, that's what I like. When I stopped eating it, the joy is gone. I don't savor the joy, the slower I take it. That's absurd. - What are you a fucking speed runner? (Garnt laughs) - No, no! But, like, I don't get enjoyment out of being, having one bite and thinking "Damn, that's a good bite" - Sometimes you've got to enjoy, sometimes you gotta savor the bite. - You don't savor the bite? - Sometimes I do. But when it's Starbucks, it's, it's like, it's like being like "I'm savoring a wipe of my ass cheek" I've had so many Starbucks, I'm not going to savor it, it's a fucking Starbucks. - I think that's why you fucking drink eight coffees a day or whatever, your Nespresso machine is fucking battered war veteran at this point, like you just got back from WW2, man. - I mean, I never knew it was possible for coffee machines to have Nam flashbacks. (Garnt laughs) Until I saw yours. - I'm getting the value out of it, okay? - Time you turn on the bottom, it's like, "Oh no, oh no, not again!" - I'm getting my mileage out of that machine. Whether you like it or not. (Joey and Garnt laugh) I love an espresso. I can't help it. - Oh yeah, we know, we know. - Yeah, I just love it, man. I love the taste of dirt in my mouth. - Do you not, like, find yourself just being like "Maybe it's too many coffees"? - No (laughs) - Why? - I don't know, why would I? - I dunno late, okay, so, you obviously like the taste of coffee, yeah? - I love the taste of coffee. - Okay, so why not just drink decaf? - No. (Garnt laughs) - I know this is a controversial thing to ask, but I have to make sure, I have to make sure. - It's just, you know, half of the-- - If the caffeine doesn't work for you, what's different? - It it does work, but it's numbed. But the kick that you get when you drink it is the same. - You sound like a drug addict (laughs) - I'm actually on a corner side here because, I, not regard in coffee, but like, for example, I like the taste of beer and wine ever had non-alcoholic beer and wine? - Oh, it's fucking awful. - Yeah, it's horrible, it's horrible. - It's like the coffee, what makes it so great is that the first sip in the morning, is just beautiful. Like it's such a kick-- - I agree, I agree. - And I keep getting that every single cup. (Joey laughs) So I keep coming back. - Every 10 minutes is another morning. It's a never-ending morning. - No, because going back to, like, being able to work in a coffee shop, don't like, I find it so hard to just work by myself in my room sometimes. Like, I just like feeling-- - I get distracted. - By yourself? - Yeah. - Yeah, I get distracted by my own thoughts sometimes. I dunno, sometimes I just like having an atmosphere where just, it's just people doing stuff and people doing shit, which is why like, I love working in the office now when there's people here-- - I like that too, 'cause we're all working though. - Yeah, exactly, right? - When we're at the coffee shop, I feel like, you know, I'm, I'm kind of it's, it's like that one guy who won't stop talking about transformers at the party. I feel like I've just brought something to an area where-- (Joey and Garnt laugh) - What kind of parties are you going to? - Let me tell you. I feel like I'm intruding on the atmosphere of the location, even though I know I don't give a shit when someone is working in a Starbucks, but I feel like I'm doing something weird when I'm working at a Starbucks. - Well, I've, I've always been that person that even during school, I could never study on my own. I had to study with other people, otherwise I just wouldn't focus. - I used to be, but then I swapped. I don't know why. - Really? - I flip-flop between the two, I can do either, but if I do one for too long, then I just, I need, sometimes you've got to change up your routine, right? - Right, because if you did like a full day of studying with your friends, you only really only did like three hours of studying. - Yeah, but that's three hours more than doing it on my own. - Yeah, but then, so I feel like I do 12 hours with my friends where six of it are "Hey, have you seen this funny YouTube video?" - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. (Joey and Garnt laugh) And then three hours of actually studying. - Oh yeah. - If I do it on my own, it's like four hours of solid studying. - See, I can't do that. Because, even when I'm at home in my office and I'm like, "Okay, I have to get shit done". I can't just sit down and work for three hours straight. - It depends how, how severe the stuff is that I need to get done. - I never find myself in that situation. - When the stuff I need to get done is like, "It needs to get done today" I'll get it done today. - Oh yeah. Of course. - If it's something where it's like-- - What if it's like, "Ah, you know, this video is coming in like a week" - Deadline's not coming on I might go play some Apex. - Yeah, it'll be done, yeah. - Might fuck around. - Yeah, I just think there is just too many distractions on my work computer, unfortunately. - A laptop doesn't have those distractions? - No, because, okay. When it's like exercising at home versus exercising at the gym, right? Because in theory-- - No, I don't know about that. - No, no, no, no. I think it is, 'cause - No, no, no. - In theory, in theory, if you exercise at home, it's a lot more efficient, right? If, if you just buy a home gym, you can just exercise at home. You can fucking buy, Wii Fit you should, you should like lose weight. - No, I disagree. Losing weight speed run. But like, when you go to the gym, everyone around you is there for a purpose or it's just doing something. - So sounds like you want an office. Sound like you want to go to an office. - Yeah, well, sometimes-- (group chatter) - You still working at coffee shop now? Or is it here only? - I still work at a coffee shop sometimes. - I just think that that comparison is comparable. I, 'cause you know, a gym, your home has more of the correct equipment that you need to work. You have the cameras, you have the mics, you have, as a YouTuber, you have everything that you would need for a desktop. - You have the ergonomics. Starbucks doesn't have the ergonomics. - And you know, I've seen similar stuff sometimes as a busy man, you can't get the ideal chair, you got to sit in one of those shitty stools. - Yeah, not if you go first thing in the morning. That's the way you go in, where you're going. You can't just-- - Oh, so I could get clock in before everyone else? (crosstalk) - This is how, you know, I've worked in a coffee shop. I know the peak optimal time to go to Starbucks to get the seat that I want. And the seat that I want is like right in the corner, it's got a power outlet as well, so you can just work there all day and it's just perfect. You have enough of an atmosphere where you don't get distracted by the people around you, but it's what are you still get the nice, - I can just Garnt lining up first thing in the morning, 6:00 AM. They're like, damn this guy must really want his coffee. - Him and everyone else in the business suits with their Mac books, waiting for their frappes so they can start working. - Honestly, you can't go during lunchtime or anytime past 4:00 PM here, because then it's just too much, too many people. But anytime outside of that, you get free choice. - I've never been to the Starbucks here and it hasn't been busy as far. - Yeah me neither. - Okay, but if your job, for example, if, the kind of content he did, didn't always require a camera, right. Or, you know, sometimes a lot of the videos you do is just pure research, right? When you're researching things to buy and you know, stuff like that, I feel like you can do that, kind of work in a coffee shop and have a change of an environment. - But I can also do that at home. - That you could do that. What I'm arguing is that, you know, if you need something to be more productive, I feel like a change in environment really does fucking help. - No, no of course. - I get so frustrated because you know, I'm using the laptop and I'm like, fuck I wish I had my keyboard. I wish I had my mouse. You know, I start getting frustrated. That's not as fast is how it is at home. I can do it way faster. - I see. I'm like, to me I get what you mean. But then some, because I'm too used to working at home sometimes like the smallest thing can just distract me. It's just like, if, it's not perfectly optimized or perfectly optimally, if something's not optimal, then it would just distract me. - Yes. - I also don't want to wear a mask when I'm working. - Yeah, true. - I just want to be home. - This day and age it's a little more of a pain in the ass. - Yeah, I just don't want to work with them, like on a laptop for a last few hours, when I have a mask on I'm like I can go home and work and breathe and go. (heavy breathing) To my air vent or my window. - And go (choking sounds) (everyone laughing) - You can just sneeze. You know, also going back to the gym comparison, you know, again, I was just going to say the gym has all the equipment you'd want your home is never going to be as a stacked as the gym, - Unless you have a private gym in your house - Even then, right? You won't get the cringy playlist. All of these things add, you know, the water machine, - (laughing) The cringy playlist. - You know, the Justin Bieber Baby that comes on occasionally. - What Starbucks are you going to? - No, no, no, the gym. - Oh! The gym. - I enjoy the Pitbull that comes on, on repeat. Evanescence. - That's when you know it's o'clock. - Yeah. They would play the same songs. I loved it. I don't know why, but also, you know, you get, you are, there's just so much more at the gym. There's so many more facilities and the all, and the coffee shop doesn't have any facilities. You're downgrading. Where as the gym. You'll you know, the argument to go to a gym is that you can unequivocally get an upgrade in equipment and you also get the environment. So I think that comparison full short, sadly gone change my mind. - Well, the thing is right, because I feel like atmosphere is important and it's not all about equipment, right? - I agree. - If the equipment was all that mattered, especially when it's working, then everyone would need fucking three screens and a gamer PC to make videos, to make YouTube. And we know, we know. - Frankly I think they do. - We know. But that's not the case. - As somebody who used to make his videos on a $300 laptop, I can tell you, I need the PC. I need it. 12 hour render times I find a mistake. Fuck no, man. You can't do that to yourself. - I'm not saying you need to, you can do everything in the coffee shop, but I'm saying, if you need a change in environment, get out of your house sometimes. Touch some grass. I swear to God, it would help you. It'll help you productivity. It'll help bottom line. You're telling me, are you telling me that that Apex logo in the corner, doesn't fucking taunt you every time we have like five minutes and you just like, man, maybe I could play a game. Do you think can play Apex in Starbucks? - No. - You can't. - That would be a true power move. - Also, I'm not a slave to work, sometimes I can slack off for an hour and play Apex. There's nothing wrong with that. It's a break. - Privilege. - I want to, also when you want to take a toilet, you know, sometimes you got to worry about, oh my bag, my stuff's here. I don't want to pack it all up - Well you don't have to worry, it's Japan. - I know, I know. - Any other country, I'd be like, yeah, but I've got to decide. - Yeah. But it's a bit different when we go to the toilet, when you go to the toilet, 'cause you take an hour when you're at the toilet. And I feel like you're tempting fate you're really pushing Japan's limits on what will be stolen. It probably won't be. But now I am five minutes I'm in and out. It's fine. No problem. No big deal. But also I also like being able to fully immerse myself in the toilet experience. And I feel like I can't do that in a public toilet. You know what I mean? I can't. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. - I can't enjoy. - I've never been speechless on the podcast. - I can't enjoy a shit in public. - What is my retort to that? - I can't enjoy it. - Fully immersive experience. - I want to go to the toilet comfortably. - The toilet experience. - I agree with you in terms of shits, right? My god, we're fucking talking about shits again. I cannot number two in public because I need my own private space. (laughter) - You can't go to the toilet in public? - Number two. - Why? - It's like a last resort, right? - What? What? Why? - Because, I want my own private space, right? - What are you doing? Are you shitting on the walls? - He's making art. - What're you doing? - Okay, okay, okay. I don't want a time limit to how long I need to sit on the toilet. - Fuck them, make them wait. I don't give a shit. When I wait for someone I understand, sometimes you have to take the time you take I'll complain about it. Someone takes 10 minutes to shit. But I don't give a fuck. You can take 10 minutes to take a shit. - Well he doesn't want to be complained at. That's the point. - I'm gonna complain at him. I'm gonna mutter under my breath when I sit down. Fuck no. - I don't want to feel pressured, you know? I hate it when I feel like someone's waiting. - Just don't feel pressured. - Just don't don't feel pressured. - You can't, it's not a see-through door. You can't see the fucking line. You're shitting, you're in your own bubble. - Don't rush the artist when he's making his art, all right? - We've all been there. We've all been there. - No I don't. - You're fucking desperate for the toilet. And you're fucking searching for any public toilet you can. Maybe you're in a Starbucks. Maybe you're in a train station, right? And you go to the toilet and there's just this one guy who's just taking three millennia to shit. - Is that you every time? - It's fucking him every single time. - I don't want to be that guy that's why I'm not doing it. - Oh, there's Garnt again. - I want to have a comfortable experience. And I understand that comes at. Might take a little more time than I'd like. I understand that comes with the fact that someone else is going to want a comfortable experience and I'm gonna have to wait. I don't give a shit. Literally. I don't. I will wait to give that shit. I will wait the five minutes, the 10 minutes. Whatever it be. Yeah, I'll be like, ah fucksake, why you taking so long? But you know, at the end of the day, I don't give a shit. - You have some very, I mean. - What a big man, he is. - What a big man. You have some really fucking weird toilet habits that... Before we start recording, kind of, it kind of goes into the toilet, Joey. Right? And he goes, do you sit down when you pee? And I'm just like. What? - I mix and match, I do both. - Do you have a penis? Isn't that? Isn't the whole point of being a man? Is so you can get your God-given right to pee standing up and you choose to sit down. - I sometimes sit down when I pee. - No! Oh my god! - Bro, I got big ass cheeks. Sometimes it's just... - The fucking bidet's have rotted your guys' minds. - No, no, no. - Is this what happens? - Hear me out. The reason why I sometimes sit down to pee is because when you're standing up. - You can't check your phone. - For one, you can't check your phone. - It's literally 5 seconds, 10 seconds. - I got that. No, but like for me, what it is is that sometimes I sit down to pee because sometimes I don't want to fucking clean my mess. - Yeah, true. - You might sometimes, sometimes you might miss. - When you pee in a toilet, you can't guarantee no splash back. - Yeah exactly. - We're talking about - - As someone who cleans the toilets in his own house. I don't wanna clean that shit. - When you're wearing shorts and you pee. Right? If there's a 30 centimeter difference between where your peepee is and where your and the toilet, there's going to be splash backs. If you wear a shorts, you'll feel it on your legs. - Exactly! - So when you're going into a toilet and there's a urinal there, do you just sometimes go to the... - Public? - The public, toilet. - Yeah if it's a public toilet, 'cause some of the time you want to sit down. - Yeah. Sometimes I've been walking around for so long. (crosstalk) - And god forbid! There are no benches in Japan. - The next best thing is a toilet. - This is the most unoptimized way to go to the toilet ever. Like the, you should be against this. You're literally spending more energy to sit down, pee than it is. - Two birds, one stone. - What, what?! What are you talking about?! - He gets to pee and he gets to sit down. - I, pee, I don't immediately get back up. I'm on my phone for like five minutes. I'm just scrolling. This is some of the best phone time I get all - - Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! - Wait, and you're criticizing him for taking an hour to shit. - You take five minutes to pee?! - No, no, not actually five minutes. But, I play my phone a little bit. Play some angry birds, you know, some Cut the Rope, you know the classics. - Doodle Jump. (laughing) - You know how it is. No, you actually genuinely take 30 minutes to shit. I don't think that's normal. You genuinely. I have never. - We get to the point in this office where I legitimately go, where's Garnt? - Yeah, we go where's Garnt and we realized he's been gone for 30 minutes. - Did he go to the shops or something? No, he's taking a shit. - Okay. But I'm actually, I'm not just sitting there for no reason, okay. I don't know. - What part of this is can you explain which aspect takes 30 minutes? I'm genuinely curious. - Are you performing alchemy in there? Like why is it taking so long? - I don't know sometimes, I just feel uncomfortable if I don't feel completely empty. (spits) I need to feel completely empty before I feel comfortable stopping the process, right. (laughing) - That was the fucking stupidest shit. - What are you talking about? - Sometimes, you're just not going to empty out, man. You just got to get on with your day. - You're literally going to be sitting there all day. - Just go back in. - I'm completely fine with that, you know? - Have you not considered take- You don't have a limit to how many shits you can take a day, you know? Like you can, if you take a shit, you get up and you go, oh. - Just come back later. - About an hour later you're like, oh, I'm bit full again. You can go back. - Unlike video games, you can pause. You can come back. - Why do you have to be like, this is the shit only I can take for the day. I got to empty out when I can. - You're not a dog. - You've nerfed yourself. - How've I nerfed myself? - I have that feeling right where I'm not fully empty. I'm like, yeah, Shogun eye, get on with the day. And I'll come back later and finish the job. - I take like two to three shits a day on average. - Yeah, me too me too. - Just because, I know like I'm just in and out. If I'm still full it's all right. I'll be back in an hour. - You can tell within like two pushes if it's coming or not, You do not need to wait. - You don't strain that shit. - You're depriving a good fucking experience. - Bro, you're ass muscle is probably the strongest fucking thing in existence. The amount you've probably worked that thing out is probably insane. You could probably crush someone's head with your anus, man. Jesus Christ. - You know, I'ma fucking say it. Sometimes the shits are the highlights the day. Sometimes you just need a fucking escape from your world. - Are your okay? Are your days okay? - My days are fucking good, man. After a good shit, are you kidding me? Sometimes you just need to escape from your man-cave. You just need to go on your Twitter. - I just imagined that he's just eight hours in the Starbucks. Fucking vein bursting in his head. I gotta go and shit, but I gotta go home. I can't do it here. It's going to take one hour. - There's just a black hole forming in his asshole. - Like I will do anything to hold it so I can, get back home and just get in my comfortable space. Right. You have. Okay. Okay. Some of the best ideas, I swear to God. Human civilization would be 50% less civilized, if people didn't have a space to shit in comfortably, I swear to God, some of the best ideas come on the toilet. I'm not fucking crazy. - Okay, go on, listen, if you spend the majority of your day the toilet, yes. Most of your ideas are going to be on the toilet. So that's where that's coming from, I think. - All I'm saying is the toilet is just a comfortable place with zero distractions. You're just free with your own thoughts and the only place that really, the only place. - Sounds like you voluntarily put yourself in prison for 30 hours a day. - Yeah. Also it's... How much more chaotic is your other explosions happening in your room? Like what? How much more relaxing could it be compared to your own room? - I'm sorry. There's two spots that you just can't take away from me. My fucking toilet where I shit. And my shower where I can take 40 minutes showers as well. - 40 minutes showers! - This man's morning routine, you know how you have this influencers who are like, I get up at 5:00 AM. I'm going to do all the shit. Garnt's like, I get up at 5:00 AM, I take a shower. 7:00 AM I take a shit. 9:00 AM I'm ready to work. (laughing) That's literally his start to his day. - Honestly, after that 40 minutes you have the most productive hour of your life, man. I swear to fucking God. - 40 minute showers. Dude, Africa would be a first world country if you didn't take showers that long. Jesus Christ. - (beatboxing) Bokksu! What up? It's your boy, Joey. Why am I excited, you ask. Well it's because this episode of Trash Taste is sponsored by Bokksu. Bokksu is a monthly snack box subscription service that delivers original assortments of premium Japanese snacks and tea pairings. Bokksu is not just a premium snack subscription service by the way, but a way of getting to know Japanese culture. And as the only Nippon gin on this podcast, I pride myself in you guys, knowing Japanese culture. First time Bokksu customers will receive these seasons of Japan box so they could get a taste of the snacks per season and shipping to the US is free. This month Bokksu has their moon box theme. In the name of the moon, Bokksu will punish you... With great snacks that are moon themed. Look at this potato snack, corn potage flavor. And let me drop a fun Nippon fact on you. Even though the word potage is a French word. The core concept of corn potage as a flavor is actually quite unique to Japan. Actual Japanese dish, corn potage is a seasonal dish that we eat here from June to October. Get all these Japanese snacks with our code TRASHTASTE10. Link is in the description to get 10% off your Bokksu subscription. Thank you to Bokksu for sponsoring this episode. Back to the show. - So there's one thing in Japan as well that I fucking despise. I know I can't have this hazard. So there's this thing that you could buy and I've never seen it in the UK. I don't know if it's a thing elsewhere in Japan. You can buy, like these are cushioned toilet seats. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - You can buy cushions to go on your toilet. And it's probably the most vial thing I've ever experienced And Garnt and Sydney fucking bought one. - Okay. Don't group me in there. - Okay, explain yourself! - No! I'm not explaining myself because you know, sometimes when you go to a house, right? And you can tell who the single people are. And you can tell who the people who are either it's a women's room or it's like, a couple. I don't know any guy in the world who would actually buy a fluffy thing to place on their toilet. - It's like a fluffy carpet on your toilet seat. Where you put your sweaty butt cheeks on a hot summer's day. And I was just like, what? I've gotta sit on this? Garnt's cheeks, he's been there 40 minutes. - Well I mean, you know, with the amount of fucking hours he's sitting on a hard surface. He probably needs to fucking cushion his ass. - You could probably replicate Garnt from the DNA in that carpet on the toilet. You know what I mean? - Make a clone of Garnt. To me it's so disgusting. I don't know why. - I don't want fabrics near a toilet bowl. - It's worryingly close to the butthole. - I don't like it either. - Is there a reason why it was purchased? - (sighs) I don't... - Did you know? - Honestly. - Did you push back at all? Were you like no Sydney? - Honestly, I woke up one day I went to the toilet and I was like, Sydney, what the fuck is this thing living on our toilet seat? And I tried to get it off, but it's glued on. (laughing) - No! It's so bad! I hate it so much. Sure, in the winter. Maybe I can understand the purpose of it. You don't want a cold toilet seat. I get it. It's not that good, but it is the most - - Heated toilet seats were invented for a reason. - It is most disgusting thing in summer. To have to sit on it. It also, you know, when it's not even my toilet and I go to Garnt's house and when he's gone to the toilet, I'm like fuck, fuck! And this feels like, you know, when they designed the homeless benches to be so you can't sleep on them. It felt like it was like a toilet seat designed so no one would be insane enough to shit on it. Why would you want to rub the carpet that Garnt's put his ass cheeks on? Into your ass cheeks! So disgusting, of course Japan with carpet or something like that. - Yeah, of course. - I mean, it's one of those. - No, gross. - You don't need it. - I know when I go to your house next, it's going to be gone. Sorry to call you out Sydney. - I mean there are - - Or out of spite, she's going to put another one on top of it. So it's extra thick. - Double decker. - Double that shit. - I mean, there are just certain items, which you would never just, there were certain items I would find that you would just never see in a guy's place or just the guy, like a bachelor pad, for example. I don't trust any guy who buys candles, right? (laughing) - I buy candles. - Do you buy candles? Do you actually? Scented candles? - I love candles. - Oh my God. - What's wrong, I love candles, man. They're great stress relievers. - I mean they're great. - How so? Wait, wait. You buy candles cause you like baths, right? - I love baths. - Okay, that's the reason. That's the fucking reason. - I don't, I'd say I take a shower, just a shower without a bath combo Maybe once a month. - Really? - I just bath every day. - Damn. - So how often, do you use your candles? - My candles. Well... Right now, obviously 'cause been moving haven't really even using them. - Yeah. - I'd say normally. I used to light it like twice a week. - Twice a week? - Twice a week? - Do you have one for each room or..? - No, just my office. - Oh, just your office, okay. - I don't really want it near my bed. I don't trust it. It might just spill. - I like having a nice scent in my room, but there's just something about candles and just having an open flame somewhere in your room. That just makes me really uncomfortable. - Dude, fucking Aki puts all 8 fucking candles throughout the house. Everywhere I look is a fire hazard. - I know, I know. Right? - I'm just (panting) - I never put a candle in a room that I'm not in. I would never do that. - Oh yeah. - I'd never light a candle when I'm not in the room. - Yeah, I get scared shitless when I'm working all day. And then I go to those. - We live in Japan. - Yeah, go to the beach. - The earthquake could shake these. - Yeah, yeah, right. - And then I go the bedroom. And there's like 3 candles lit up and I'm like, what do you want this room to smell like? - Yeah. When you, when you go to bed. Yeah. It's fair. But not when you're not in the bedroom, it's just dangerous. - I mean, it smells good. Don't get me wrong. But it's like, one is enough. - When did you start buying candles? - Don't know, I got really into it. And I used to go on like a candle subreddits for candle recommendations. - Wait, wait, what? I swear. This has happened in the time period that I started to know you 'cause I've been to your place and I've never seen a candle. - Yeah, I got really into it in London. I had like four candles in my bedroom. It's a. - Was it fucking Xena that got you into it? - No, no, I was the candle guy. - You were the candle guy? - It was all me. I bought one candle at a store one day and I thought this is good, but it could smell better. And then I looked for a scent that I thought would be better. And I found one I liked. And I started learning what gives a good, a good scent. You know, a lot of them don't really do good scents. You know, when you sniff it and like floral ones and like grassy type smells, they don't fucking do anything. Like when you, when you burn that shit, it's not going to last. - Right. - There's a few that like the really strong, fruit ones, like cherry and stuff that will stay in your room for like a week. - I just want to know okay, so you got into candles for the scents, right? - Yeah. - Why not buy one of those something that's not a candle? - So I do try the - - Like the air freshener. - Yeah, there's air fresheners. - They don't do shit. Air fresheners suck. - Yes they do. - No they don't, they don't do anything. - They do, some, a lot of them do a better job. - When you've had the Chad candle, you can't go back to the beta air freshener. Yeah, incense is a good. - I fucking love, okay. I fuck with incense. - Of course you do. You're a fucking monk! (laughing) - Wait, wait, wait. What's the... Sorry, I forgot the different. Incense are the ones you burn, right? - Yeah, it's like the stick that - - What are the water, the oil soaking ones? What are they? Oh, they're both incense. - Yeah, they're both incense. They're different types of incense. - So the burning ones are good as well. Okay I like those. - The burning ones are good for, if you need an instant hit. If you just need to make the fucking. Shut the fuck up, Ashley. - Scent! - No, you're totally right. The incense sticks when you burn them are much better for like an instant, you want to cleanse the room, you want a nice clean scent. Yeah, and you say smoke. It's not smoky. It's got a nice charred scent to it that really helps. It's very relaxing. - Yeah. It's very relaxing. I can see why, you know, every fucking massage place has one. - Yeah. I like the, I find that the oil ones are very good if you want to have a 24 hour one for like maybe two weeks, tops. - I think the oil ones are the best. And I feel like a lot of guys don't really consider scents. - I have one put in every room. - The only reason I did was because I started dating someone. And then I'm just like, mm, this is actually smells, actually make the room feel good. Who fucking knew, right? - I have one in my living room, bedroom and office. Yeah. Cause I wanna have, I wanna have every room center. - But I'm just like, why, why use candles? And when you have the oil sticks or the incense? - Because candles are aesthetic. - Candles or more of a, you know, if you really want to feel like you're relaxing the flame along with like a fireplace it's it's, it's a safe fireplace. Yeah. - Not in Japan. You can't get a fireplace in Japan. - So the next best thing is a candle. - And candles don't make, you know? - I'm stressed as fuck when I see a can an open flame next to the carpet, are you kidding me? Like in Japan, if earthquake in years, buh-bye so. - Trim the wick to the right size. Make sure it's not burning too aggressively. Make it burn slowly. - What the fuck are you talking about? - I had like specific scissors for trimming wicks. - Are you serious? - Yeah, cause I used to buy big candles, never trimmed them. - How am I just finding out about this? - I just like candles in it. It's nothing. It's not a big deal. I just, - For a guy it's a big deal. So occasionally I'd buy, like there was a Yankee candles. That's like the that's like, I've just gotten into candles, candles, these are basic candles. You know what I mean? This is a baby's first. - Are you really about to gatekeep candles? - I was, honestly. - He's a candle connoisseur. - The Yankee candles that you get, a very artificial scents and you get like, you can get like big ones and you get like a good value for money. But the problem is, is that because they're so big, like this fucking big, After like one week or two days of using it, the. (mumbles) tunnels down, that's a candle term by the way, tunneling, you wouldn't understand if you went into it, like so it goes right down and you have to like, but depending on how you burn it, you can't just keep burning it. Otherwise it will just dig down. So you have to like, you have to be smart. - Do you buy like custom made candles? - I really like them. When you go to, there was some candle stores in London that is really nice candles, really expensive. But man, the scents are so nice. And you would get like really nice spreading scents a lot. Like I said, like, I'd say half of the candles out there like that, you can get an Amazon. Don't do anything. They just burn and then you're like, I can't smell shit. Right? Like the scent should be strong, but not last too long. - No, I'm part of the incense master race. - Both have their place. - Nothing to me can beat an incense. And to me, candles are just like the middle child. - I wonder why Garnt's in the dictionary like incense, I like these two. - This is one of the most surprising tangents we've ever gone on Trash Taste. - I swear I mentioned I like candles before. - No, you've never, you've never, that's why we're freaking out. - Neither on Trash Taste or in real life. - This is real life. - So it's great. You know, you can, I'm easy to buy gifts for. You can just buy me a nice candle. - I wish I fucking knew knew that I just got a nice candle. - Cause every time I'm like, "shit well he has everything Jojo related. I literally can't get him anything anymore." But now I know you like candles. I'll just give you a fucking candle. - Give me an expensive camera. - But now you have to get a candle that impresses him. - Great. - Don't get me. I don't like candles that are like carved into shapes. That's a load of nonsense. You're just tacking on value to get me a good candle. You know what I mean? Like I just, yeah. I mean, that's a, there's a lot of nice candles out there. Shout out to the local candlemakers in your area. If there is one, they probably make good candles. - What do you guys think of like scented soaps, like homemade soap. - Oh gosh, I know you're going to say. - I'm only mentioning this is because like Sydney, Sydney recently really got into meeting, making custom made soaps and you know, they honestly, honestly, I'm, kind of sold, I like the smell. They look good. They look aesthetic. The only problem with like custom made and scented soaps is that they look great when you just get them. When they're like starts to melt. When it's like a square block, it looks so aesthetic. It looks great. And then you use it for like two weeks and like falling out of him. Like she puts like fresh flowers in it and it looks fucking amazing until the flowers start falling off and falling in the sink. - I really liked the, like the hard soap but I don't know when I started preferring it to like, the pump soaps. - The hand soap? - Hand soap and body. I like the bricks. - I don't know. I don't like the body soaps. - You don't? - No, no, no. - I feel like it really gets on your body. I feel like it really deep cleans you as opposed to like the like liquid soaps you get. - It depends. - What I love about liquid soaps is that it feels like it just coats your body. - I agree.. But like the hand soap really gets in there and you can get some real nice scents. - It just feels rough. It feels rough. - No, that's what I like. It feels like it's really fucking cleaning my skin. - And I feel like I'm, I've never thought that that deep choice just sitting here being dumb, a wash my body. Yes. - You can get like soaps with like a lamb going off on one today. You can get like soaps with stuff in them that has like little, a course material. So that even when it's like, you're going away, it feels quite cool. - I do like the kind of charcoal soaps. - Yes, sir. It's kinda like, it's kinda like scratchy against your skin feels like really gets in your skin. So you don't feel like you're losing grip as well. So you can just kinda like go ham. - I like those. Because after you wash it off, you kind of feel. Like a cold man. - It feels so good. - And it's like, oh that's what a clean skin feels like. - Yeah. - The reason I prefer liquid body soap at least, is because just cause I feel like the scents stick for longer. Like I feel and smell fresh. - Perhaps you would like the classic dove body soap. - You can't go wrong with that. - Great, man. I just lather that stuff on. In the onsense in Japan there's like no limit to how many pumps you can do for of like the shampoo and body wash. And man I take full advantage of that. - Well, normally it's like you, you do one clean over, right? In the fucking onsense it's like at least three. - I'm like, it'll be like, I'll be like how much conditioner do I want? I'm like, don't stop, more. I'll do like 10 pumps of conditioner. I won't stop. You know sometimes conditioner, it doesn't feel like it gets in your hair. You know what I mean? I never used condition a normally I don't really feel like it's necessary now, but in the onset I'm like every single like patch of hair that's allowed kick, it gets conditioned and the body wash I'm like pump, pump nothing. Pump. - You literally turn into a Yeti in the onsense. - I want to be fully soaped up. - Of course, man. - I'm like, I'm paying for it. It's part of the experience. They just see me like slipping cause I'm so soapy, I'm trying to get on there. - Oh, I love it. On the topic of cleaning products or at least there's, there's like one thing in Thailand, which my mom always buys and I can't stand it at all. And I don't know why she always buys it. Like, I feel like with toothpaste, it's just universally known that there should be like a bit alkaline and it's like maybe minty you know, most of the time it's minty in Thailand, they sell salt flavored toothpaste with like real, like with salt cubes in the toothpaste. And it's the most apparent piece of like, why I like it. The most horrible I've ever tasted and ever used at all. - What, what. - Why, why would you put something that dries your mouth out? - I'm so confused about. - Thailand. I don't know if it's only Thailand. I just know it's like readily available, like fucking everywhere in Thailand and my mom always fucking buys it. - And I just imagine in the factory like, okay so we're going make toothpaste now put the salt in, what? - Whoops. - Toothpaste's one of those things where I firmly believe you have to get a branded toothpaste every time. You know when you go to hotels and you have that like toothpaste, like the tiny white. - Yeah. - And it just tastes like you've just put foam on your teeth. You're like, I don't feel like my teeth got clean. Give me some Aquafresh or something. I don't know why. I don't know if this is great branding, but I feel like it's just one of those products that I'm like, I need to get branded. - I'm the same. I definitely need something that I want like a brand that I know as well. That I'm like, I've used that before. I've seen that in commercials. - Give me some Aquafresh, give me some Colgate or something. Something, something that feels like it's doing something. - Yeah. - Yeah. Because sometimes, especially in the hotel ones, they give you like that fucking tiny little white one. - Right, the white one. - And it's meant to last you two brushes. Could you do one in the evening and one in the morning. That shit barely lasts one. - Why do dentists tell you to use like a little bit? I want to go in on my teeth. - They're only supposed to use like a pea. - Right? Yeah. When I do that, I'm like, I didn't do anything. - Do you guys floss? - No. - No. - Is this an American thing? - Mainly. North American. - Because I don't know a single person in my life who flosses. I think it's something that the dentist always tells you to do, but I don't think I've done. - Dentists in the UK don't tell you to floss unless you ask them, should I floss? And upon which they'll say yes, but they won't tell you to floss. - I'm contractually obliged to say yes. - So yeah. It's one of those things that America, North America just does. - Honestly. It's a lot of work. Like I just want to get in there, brush my teeth. Yeah. It looks clean. - Haha, British isn't it? Brush your teeth, you've got terrible teeth. - Yeah. That's what Americans say when you tell them you don't floss, but it's literally just outside of America doesn't do it. I don't know anyone in Europe who flosses. It's not common. You don't really see it in stores either. You have to look for it. It's kind of a specialized item. It's not just on the shelves. - Yeah. - But some people do it. I know some people who do, but it's very much of your own discretion to do it. - Yeah. - It's not something that's taught to you to do. - Yeah. This is like a random tangent throw out. Like since we're on like the topic of scents and incense and stuff like that, how'd you guys feel about massages because I don't, I don't know if it's because I'm Thai and when I think massage, I think Thai massage, I can't fucking stand massages. - Really? - Yeah. - You don't like it? - Sometimes I'm just like, sometimes you get a massage and I'm just like, why did I pay someone? Like, why didn't I just pay someone to beat the shit out of me for an hour? Like. - I feel like I'm not old enough to enjoy them. I feel like I haven't got. - In 10 years time. I'll really love it. - I feel like I'm still at that age where I'm just worrying about every single aspect of the massage when I'm there. I'm like, what if I tickle my feet? - What if I discover a new kink? - What if I fart while they're massaging, What if they think my body is ugly, you know, all these things are very, you know, cause I had one where I had to like, you know, we have to take off your shirt and stuff. I'm like, oh gosh, but you have to, right. - Sometimes you have to be nude, right? - Yes. - Some massage places. - I'm just not at that age where I can appreciate it yet. - Also to me it's like, I don't know, my, my body isn't like sore enough that someone massaging me feels good. - It feels good. But it doesn't feel like worth the like a hundred bucks. - Right? Exactly. - I mean, I like, I hear stories because like, and this has happened to me as well, where you go for massage and like, it's so fucking hard that like tears start coming out. People wear that like a badge of honor. Like, oh man, I went to this massage and it hurt so much I started crying and I'm just like, yo, you paid for this. - Why would you pay someone to like tear your ligament? That just doesn't make sense to me again. Like I feel, you know, when it gets to like my thirties and forties, when, you know, naturally your body is going to start to deteriorate where it's going to start to get sore. That's I feel the point where I'll be like, I go for a massage. But as of right now, it's like, if my body's sore, I'll just do a couple stretches. - I just feel like, you know, when I go to these massage things, I'm like, even though I'm sure they're trained, I'm like, I feel like you're just... - You're just beating the out of me? - Like you're just beating the shit out of me. I feel like you're not really doing anything. I feel like, you know, I want to question the, the training authority who gave you the approval. - Yeah. Like, like honestly, like, especially like, I dunno how people can go to massages for like two, three hours. - I feel like you need to know someone who knows the best parlor. Cause I've had it in hotels before. - Hotel massages are the worse. - I just thought like, this is just weird. I just didn't like this. I felt like, I felt like someone called you up, you reluctantly showed up and now you're just beating the shit out of me. I feel like you had no appointments scheduled today. I'm the asshole who scheduled one appointment today. And you came in on your day off and now you're beating the shit out of me for it. And I'm not saying you have to enjoy it. I don't want you to enjoy it. But I also, I don't want you to hate me for getting a massage. You know, I paid money. I don't want to feel like I'm getting hissed at. - How do you guys feel about saunas? - I fucking love saunas bro. - I am a weak little baby when it comes to saunas. My God. Like every time, every time we go to a nonsense and we sit there like a minute passes, I'm like, I'm done. - Everyone does saunas wrong. No one goes in the water before they go in the sauna. You have to go in the cold water before you go in. - I just think I'm very sensitive or not sensitive. I'm like my. - No one enjoys going in the cold water. It's awful. - No, no, I'm not. I'm not talking about cold water. I'm talking about heat. - Yeah. If you go in there after just going in the onset, when your body's already at like 37, 38 degrees fully heated up. Yeah. It's going to be hell, go in the cold water, then go in and you'll be able to do it. - No, because I just think, well, I just feel like, you know, whenever we go to the onsen, I'm always the one who goes into the, even the water, the least just because like, I, I can't sit or I can't like my tolerance to being in hot places or like sitting in a hot place for like a long time. It's just fucking shit. - Did you go in the cold water Garnt? - What does that matter? - Did you go in the cold water? This is important. - Okay. - Did you go in the cold water? - No, I didn't. - There you go. - You go in the cold water before you jump in the onsen? - Before the sauna. - Aren't you supposed to go in after the sauna? - After, then go back in. - Ah, but like that. But like sometimes, sometimes you're going to an onsen. It's just like way too hot. I don't know, like. - That's why you jump in the cold water. - To me, to me that it's, to me, it's meant to be a relaxing experience and I shouldn't need to like, like do a compromise to have a relaxing experience. You know. - Yeah like I don't want to give myself pain on the opposite end of the spectrum to be comfortable. And you know, I'm not, I'm not paying to give myself an ice bucket challenge. You know, you fucking do that for charity, man. - Yeah. Sorry. I was Googling. I was like, I swear there's like health benefits to going in the cold sauna after, especially when you heat your body up, it's like amazing health benefits. - I know like saunas have health benefits. - When you get out of that cold water after going in the sauna as well, God damn does your body feel good? - Yeah, I'm sure. - That's like, you know, that's like saying that there's a health benefit, which I'm sure there is to taking a cold shower in the morning, but I'm pretty sure I don't want a cold shower, And I'm pretty sure only psychopaths might go through with that. Or they're like trained in fucking the Navy seals. - Next time you go the onsen, please go jump in the cold water after. I swear to God, you'll feel amazing. - After the sauna? - After and before. - I'll go in, I've gone in after the sauna, because that's what you're supposed to do. And it feels fucking great. - Going before as well before, because then you go into the sauna and it's heating your body up. It feels very nice. - I just don't enjoy saunas. - It's cause in Japan, they sock right in every time I went in Europe, it was like, you're in the sauna, TM with the boys, you know, you chat and you laugh and you have a good time in the sauna, you talk. In Japan it's like... - You're not allowed to talk in the sauna. - Yeah. It's like a, an interrogation room. No one talks. It's just what everyone's just sitting there. And it's like really awkward. And I feel like sauna is where the comradery should come out with you and the boys, man. You'd just been out skiing. Just been out in the snow, whatever. I don't know what the fuck you've been doing? But yeah, you talk in the sauna, you laugh. - Yeah that's us in the onset though. - You can do that in the onsen with less pain. - Yeah, but that's how you get through the sauna as well by talking with the boys. - Get through the sauna. (laughing) Because if you think about being in the sauna, you can't stay in the sauna, if you've never been in the sauna, I mean, you can't really relate to this, but yeah. It's a very hot room, just a hot room. - So what about saunas versus steam rooms? - I prefer saunas.. - What's the difference? - A sauna is like dry. - It's like 90 degrees. - The steam room is just like Japanese summer simulator basically. - Oh fuck that. - Saunas are way common. But steam rooms are similar, - Steam room sounds horrible. - It's not that bad actually. - But I hate the humidity. - Well it's to get you sweating. - I prefer steam rooms because it feels like it takes longer before I sweat in the sauna. It feels good to sweat basically. That's that's why you sit in the sauna steam room and just like it makes that process a bit faster. So I have to stay in there for shorter, a shorter amount of time. - I just feel like I get like a real relaxing sensation that I just can't get anywhere else. Other than the sauna cold water combo, nothing like it relaxes me. - Have you tried taking a 40 minute shit? - I thought you were gonna say Xanax or something. (laughter) - Melatonin. - It's so nice. If you're scared of it, just to do one leg in at a time, just slowly get in there and yeah. - I feel like you can't do the one leg at a time. You just gotta jump in. - Be careful though. You can go into shock from doing it. - Yeah, that's what I'm scared of. - You just have to, that's why you shouldn't. Sometimes you shouldn't jump into depends on what you are and how easily you get lightheaded. I think I nearly went into shock one time I did it. - Jeez. I jumped in and my heart was like, and I was like, I just like calmed down, I had to like calm my body down. Cause I felt like I was gonna go into shock. - It's terrible. - Cause your chest goes super tight if you do too fast. - Yeah. I mean, you're basically experiencing hypothermia. - You're going from 90 degree room to 20 degree water, but like some motors, your body instantly. So it needs to be careful, but it is really fun. Just be careful. - Not a shock, but (mumbles). - Some of the best things in life are, you know, very worrying. - Yeah. I mean, it's, that's a quote. I mean, like I remember like there's this fucking waded onsen. I remember us going there. - We need to go before it closes. - Yeah. It might be closed by the time this comes out. - Yeah. Like there are some things which I'm convinced is just... - We should talk about the onsen, actually before we go into the onsen, the Awada onsen that's being shut down in Japan. - Oh yeah. - Should we talk about that now? - So yeah, unfortunately Awada onsen is probably the best onsen in Tokyo. - The first onsen we went to. - The most touristy at least. - The first one that Jerry took us to is closing down. It's not because it's not good enough customers, not because of COVID, but because of this weird Japanese law where you can't lease land more than a certain amount, - Because they were literally renting the land and now it's expired. - It's insane. Right. It's just amazing, beautiful onsen in Tokyo bay Right. - Like it's right opposite the fucking Gun dam as well. So it's the perfect day trip because yeah, because you go, there you go view the Gun dam, then you see a giant Mecca and it's absolutely incredible. And then you just go chill in the onsen with the boys, right? - This onsen is unlike any other. There's like a whole summer festival area that is permanently there where you can like do a bunch of summer activities. There's restaurants in the onsen and once you get through it, you can scan it with like this kinda like watch thing. It's a rubber band. You can get beer, you can get a full meal. That's delicious. You can go. It's amazing to show many different baths, an outside bath as well, a sauna as well. And like there's a salt bath. It's honestly one of the most amazing onsens. - There's like a little outside garden area. - You can spend all day there because you like, have you talked about like the middle area where it's just basically summer festival, the summer festival where you do everything that you've seen in every summer festival anime, literally you don't even have to go on the bonds to tell yourself there's there's like an arcade there there's - Like good ice cream, the hot mill cold mill You can have a full meal. Like it was amazing. And it's a shame that it's shutting down. Cause I don't really know any onsen that's like that. Especially in Tokyo. - Cause it's shutting down this year? - It's announced September. Yeah. I think so. I want to go one last time. - I think by the time this is airing, it's probably gone. - Shit, is it probably gone by the time? - It might be close, I think it might be like a week or two away, but yeah, it's an amazing onsen and I'm very sad to see it go. - September 5th. So what were you saying? Sorry. Yeah so talking about the onsen area there. So there's this area we've just picked it up right, but there is this area, in an onsen right where it's like, it's like a little stream that you can walk through. That's meant to massage your feet. There's massaging your feet. And then there's just walking on pebbles, like being in like one of, some of the most pain in your life. Yeah. And calling that a relaxing experience. Yeah. What about that is relaxing? - I can't take a single step in that stream. So it's like lots of little like goblins and just doing this on the bottom of your feet, every step. And I'm like, this is not, this is not relaxing. - Yeah. Yeah. So they have this little stream right? It's like people walk on it and it's kind of like an endurance test, right? It's not like you, you know when fucking like monks, like test then jurors by walking on coals. That's what it felt like. - It is quite bad. - Because you have like, you have like little pebbles that are just molded into the grounds that just stick out. And it's just like, you're meant to walk on it and it's meant to massage your feet. Right. And it hurts so much and the stream goes on forever. - It's like 200 meters long. It's not that long, but it's pretty long. - It's pretty long. But then at the end of the stream, there's this little like service you can do where you can get these tiny fish to eat the dead skin off your feet. - This is common in a lot of countries. Right. Some people just do this a lot. Yeah. - Thailand has them as well, but it was actually like, so I tried it for the first time with you guys. And I still, I think I still might have the video of us trying it for the first time. - If we have it, we'll play it. - It's so rare in life that you try something and you feel a sensation that you've never felt before in your life. And that was me like feeling like the hundreds, hundreds of little fish, just eating the dead skin. I was just like having hundreds of like mini electric shocks on your feet. And I remember when I first felt it, it felt like the most uncomfortable thing I'd ever felt before. Cause I'm just like, what is this sensation? I've never felt this before ever. - There's a service actually that I found in Okinawa the last time I went because there was another one in like a mole in Okinawa, you know, they had the little fish, so I did it Cause I think it feels really fucking nice. And then the guy was like, oh, there's a, if you go down the road, there's a service we can get, you can do that with your whole body. - I don't want to do that. - You can literally submerge your entire body all the way up to your neck and just stand there. And the fish will just eat your whole body. - Did you do it? . No, I didn't, I wasn't doing it. But I was like, I kind of wanna watch. - There are certain areas of my body that I'm just like, I don't want fish coming anywhere near this man, eating the skin off this part, no, thank you. - Yeah, I'm sure. Like, you know, maybe we probably wear pants and stuff like that so that, you know, your privates are kind of covered up, but still. - I would hope so. - Could you imagine like a little fish just like getting like under your arms and on your back and shit. - The nipple man. It's like probably like one of those nipple connectors. - You probably have to wear like nipple pads or something. - Wear a bra. - Yeah wear a bra or something, I don't know. - They'll like sneak in through probably. - Yeah, probably. - Have you guys ever had like a spa day or like gone to like spas willingly by yourself? - I haven't gone by myself. - By yourself? Have you been by yourself? - I mean, sometimes you go to a hotel and like Sydney just goes for like a spa day and I'm just like, you know what? I don't really like spa days because that's like, that's like three hours of my life, that I could be doing relaxing, doing something else. - Self care Garnt, self care. - Is it self-care though? - How much more of a benefit does it do? Like health wise you're ranking. Or is it just like a mental thing? - Stress is a big killer, right? So. - That's what I mean, is it purely a mental thing? - It's a mental de-stress, but like having your body like beaten up or massaged - That's not relaxing for me. - Some people it's very relaxing to have that. - I tried it once actually, when we was staying at a hotel with hockey and now he's like, come on, just try it, just try it once. And I'm like, all right, fine. I'll try once. I wasn't, it was like three hour course. And I was like, fucks sakes that's three hours of my life gone. And I was like, all right, you know what? I wouldn't do that again. But that was relaxing. - So that was my blood pressure until I see the price, how much, 400 bucks? Fuck. - The stress comes rising up. Another reason why I don't like doing spa days. - Well ours came with the deal. Oh. So it was like, oh, it's free. Fuck yeah I'll do it. - Fair enough. - Yeah. - It's good. But like if I had to pay 400 bucks for it, no. - Yeah. I could never dedicate more than an hour to something to doing something that's meant to be, I guess, relaxing. - And I didn't even experience like two-thirds of it. Cause I was asleep. I literally woke up. I literally fell asleep while they were giving me a massage and then two hours later they were like, all right, you're done. And I was like, oh good. That was a great experience. - I did fall asleep at a massage once actually. I just don't remember anything that happened. - Well clearly, you were asleep. - Yeah, you were asleep. - I just felt like I wasted money cause I just, I fell asleep and woke back up. - Yeah. But like, I mean, that's kind of the point, right? Either you fall asleep or you get beaten the shit out of and apparently you feel better afterwards. - I feel like I don't want to fall asleep. I was like, I don't remember anything. Was it worth it? I dunno. I don't really feel more relaxed. I just slapped in middle of the deck. - You could have done that in your hotel bed, right? - Honestly, honestly. That's what I prefer to do. I prefer just browsing my phone because the thing about spa days is that you're kind of forced to do nothing. - What do you want to do on vacation? What do you want to do? What's your ideal vacay? I think we've said this before, right? But I just don't want to do anything. I just want to sit in my room. I like that a lot of the time. I want days where I explore, but I also want days where I just sit in the room and do nothing. I appreciate the rooms facilities and just relax. - My ultimate thing is to just walk around town and just find good things to eat. - Honestly, it's like the best vacation. I don't have a good meal to look forward to on vacation. - Oh, vacation ate like four meals, five meals a day. I just turned into an absolute glutton, like ice cream after every meal. Don't mind if I do. - And then my idea for it is like, yes, I'm eating a lot, but I'll walk it off. - I'm like yes I'm eating a lot, and I like it. Like it's vacation. I will. - Like I remember in the camping trip that we went on, I remember like the first night. So the first, the first time we went to, we went camping. It was typhoon. Right? Like we got there. I'm like, we really tried to camp, right? We were just like, wait, wait. We're like fuck it, a little bit of rain never hurt anyone. We'll try. We get there, it's fucking typhooning. It's like a full on monsoon, the campsites flooded. - The tree is like 90 degrees. - And Naby wearing his jury camp shirt. Just goes, guys, I don't think we can do it. - I wish it was a special so that we could film it in the comments, be like, nah, man, just get your fucking ax out and start putting the tent down. You could have done it, mate stop being bitches. - Yeah. So we find this camp to go to and you know, it was a decent enough little camp. You know what I mean? How can you complain, it had an onsen and everything, until the point that we needed to figure out what we were going to eat. And I'm just like, cool, I'm on holiday. We're going to, we're going to find out, we're gonna, we're gonna find a restaurant. Right guys. But unfortunately we didn't have lunch. Right. So it was like, it was like, this was like this awkward time period of. - That's how you can tell you were raised in cities only, but you just didn't have to worry about where you were eating. - Yeah. Cause we got there. It was like an awkward time because none of us had had lunch and it was like about three, about three o'clock. Right. So it was too late for lunch, but too early for dinner. So we were just like, let's get a little snack at the comedy, right. And so we, we walk, we walk 15 minutes to like the nearest comedy is like, maybe it was 10 minutes and we were just like, oh, let's buy some drinks and just buy some snacks. And, and I remember thinking, cool, this is just going to be a quick lunch. It's a, you know, we're just going to get some snacks and then we'll go to the restaurant later. Yeah. Right. And then I remember, I remember on our way back. Right. We were just, I was just remember, the guys had gotten like a full on meal and stuff like that. And I was like, oh, we're going out to the restaurant again. Right. We're going to find a restaurant for dinner. Right. And it was just that pad, may meme asking mannequin where, when we get back to and hotel, when everyone starts eating and everyone's like full and I'm just like, we're going to go out again for dinner. Right guys. - And then it finally hit Garnt. When you heard just the crack of the beer can open. He's like, all right we're not. - Like I was ready to, like, it was a great time with the boys and everything. But I was ready to rate that trip zero out of 10. - I feel like this is vastly. Someone did not prepare, well, this should have been a conversation that happened. They were like, are we having dinner or not? Are we doing it now? Are we getting Campini because this feels like someone fucked up. - Someone definitely fucked up. - But you know, the moment we, it was like, you know, 1:00 PM, I'm like, all right, now I have to think about dinner, but what are we doing? - Look I had a great fucking camping trip but I won't forget, day one of my holiday I had (mumbles) for dinner, (mumbles) for dinner on my holiday. - And we fell asleep at like 8:00 PM. - Correction, correction, Joey fell asleep at 8:00 PM. - Because I got shit faced. I had like seven beers in the span of an hour. And I'm like, I'm on holiday, whatever. - He cracks open the beer and I'm ready for dinner. And I see Joey's feet and I'm just like, what the fuck is going on? Joe, we're going for dinner, right? Joey's just having a snooze right there. - Yeah because Aki legitimately thought I had died because I just fell asleep at eight. And it's like, why is he not responding to my text? - Right, I'm on vacation, don't text me. - That was a great first day. - It was a great first day. Had a good talk with the boys. But my God there's a hole in my life that I will never forget. - But the problem is as well that like all of the restaurants were also closed because it was, I think it was a public holiday when we went. So like all the restaurants, at like 4:00 PM. all the restaurants are closed and I'm like, well fuck. - Yeah well you can't count on a restaurant. There's never any restaurants. - Well now we know. - You have to be very lucky. - Now we know for next time. - Did you get a Tesco meal deal? Maybe one day in advance or, you know, make your own food. So. - I just gotta book a family Mart. - Camping in like England should assume that you make your own foods like that's a given. - No, we were going to do that. Until it started fucking typhooning. - In the car man, you gotta do what you can. You can just start firing a car. No, one's gonna notice that's their problem, man. You got insurance on the car. - If it's a bit smoky, don't worry about it. If I want to smoke some meats in my car, I'm smoking some meats, especially if it's a rental car, that's not my car. - But yes, don't smoke meats in a car, that is a joke. You shouldn't smoke in the car. Yeah. And Abby showed us. Oh shit, why did I do that? - So there's something about going out to the UK and Australia, right? I think we've talked about this briefly before, but it's the first time I've ever had a culture clash or a culture shock, I should say. It's always related to, like, whenever you go on a trip with some people from another country and you got to decide how much alcohol are you going to buy? Because for us, it's like you get such a weird spectrum depending on who you go with. You just never know. But for some reason, with Brits and Australian, it's always like, you always have like an agreed amounts that everyone, everyone should, like, we should buy more. Right? - Yeah. - The way you do it in the UK is, what is a reasonable amount of beers you would drink in a day and add 50% more. And then that's your portion of the beers. You know, maybe someone drinks a little more than they expected. Maybe you'd think more than expected. If not, you have more for tomorrow that will never go to waste, so buy more. - Yeah, exactly. Cause like the first time, the first time this ever happened to me when I was just like shocked. Right? Well it's cause like, you know, I understand when, you know, some people don't want to drink alcohol. That's completely fine. Right. That's I'm just like cool. But the first time he actually surprised me was I was, it was my first American convention and we were going to hang out at a friend's place. Right. It was just a group of us and it was me and one other person. And I was like, we should get some beers for back home. And I'm just, and he's just like, great, good idea. I need a beer. Yeah. So we go to the fridge. Right. And I go in and I take out a six pack of beer as you do. Right. Of course you do. If you're going to take some beer back for home, of course, then you take a six pack of get some extra. Yeah. And he follows me, walks in, grabs a single can of beer. And then I just look at it. I just look at him and I just go what's that? He goes, that's my drink for the night. I was like. - Are we drinking? Or are we drinking? - I thought we were going to drink alcohol. And he was like, you drinking or are we sitting here? He was like, yeah, we are, we were drinking. I was like, how long is it going to last you? I was like, oh no, this, this is my drink for the night. - When I say I could go for a beer, I don't mean a single beer. - I was just like, yeah, we were going to go for a beer. Right. Who stops at a single beer? - Do I need to be more specific? I could go for a six pack of beer. - And I remember the second time this happened to me was the camping trip, actually. Do you remember when we... so in camping you have one opportunity to buy everything you need for the night. Right? So that shopping trip, you got to think about the entire stay that you're there. Right. Cause you're not gonna have another, another opportunity. Cause we weren't, we weren't exactly in the city, you know? And the shops now are only open for a certain set amount. - And it's like 40 minutes away. - So we're getting the food and everyone agrees, oh, do we have enough food? Oh, maybe you should get some more food. And like we fill up this shopping cart for the food, right. And then the alcohol discussion comes along, right. And it's me, Joey and Luke who's from Northern Ireland. So, you know, we were just like, let's get, let's get a crate of beer. - Of course. - Right. And how many people were on the trip? Again? - There were like six of us. - There was six of us. So like a single crate of beer in my mind, a single crate of beer to last six people. - How many beers were in this crate? - 24. - 24, okay. - So it's a 24 pack of beer, now a 24 pack of beer to me for six people is like, it's not enough beers to last the entire day potentially. And like the nights. - If we're camping, we're probably day drinking. - Exactly, that's like on average four cans of beer per person, that's not going to last. - At least 330 mils as well? - Yeah like the standard cans. - Yeah that's too small, far too small. - Right? - That's two pints each. - Yeah exactly. - That's not going to be enough. - I grabbed a single pack of like, a pack of beer with the assumption that, okay, this is where we start. Right. And I remember, I remember I was going to put it on the shopping cart and cause we all agreed that we were going to drink this trip, by the way, it was something that we all agreed to. And I remember I bumped into Eto, right. And he sees the pack of beer and he's like, oh, we'll go for a hard night, are we? I don't know what the fuck this is. - This is the minimum. - This is what, this is the start. This is the start. I remember going to the shopping cart and I remember putting the pack of beer on there and I'm like, so I'm getting more now. So we were getting more right guys? Everyone's like, oh no, I don't know. - I remember when he said that I did like the Family Guy, like slow head, turn off. So after that, I'm just like, I take Joey and Luke to a corner and we're like emergency meeting guys, emergency meeting. I don't think we've got enough alcohol with us. So we're like, well, we kind of don't want to look like alcoholics, like in front of our mates. So let's not buy another pack of beer, whatever. Let's just, let's just buy some spirits, wine. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Let's get like some boxes. Yeah. - If you're with a crowd or you're like, ah, I don't want to scare them. I'll just get a spirit. The bottle doesn't scare them, when they see like the mountains of beer cans they're like, oh God. Oh God. - It's a hard night. - And you know, when in reality it's probably one bottle of Smirnoff, or half a bottle. - What party animals we are. - How long did the 24 crate last you? - Like three hours. - Did you run out? - If we didn't buy another one. - Yeah. We ended up buying another one. - And it was mostly me, Joey and Luke. - I'd say between three people, maybe a 24 pack is good enough for a full night drinking, starting early, eating and drinking all night. - And what I've realized is that how you need to like, decide on like the alcohol amounts. Whenever you hang out with someone new, it's just like, there's an alcohol amount for Brits and Aussies and you know, anyone from the UK. And then, and then there is just everyone else with the exception of like, unless there is an exception, right. - I always bring way more than I need, just because someone's gonna drink way more than they said they were going to drink. It always happens. - And there's nothing worse than it being like, you know, 9:00 PM, like you're in front of the fire. And then someone goes, "Hey, can I get another beer?" And there's no beer. - Yeah cause like a lot of people... - There's no worst feeling. - Like to me that's just second nature. Cause like, I think you need to buy more alcohol than is needed because nobody likes running out of alcohol when you want to drink more, it's like the worst, God I sound like an alcoholic. - Also, you want to be the bro who provides for the team. You know, oh you run out of beers, you brought your own? Bro, I got a few, come grab, go grab one bro. - Don't worry about it. And I've just, I've just kind of realized, hanging out with people with different cultures. Like that's the weird part because normally everyone keeps asking for more and then you got to a point you maybe run out and some people are just completely fine with that. - When I am at like peak tipsy, I'm in the buffer zone. I do not wanna run out of beer. If I get fully sold before I sleep, I'm going to sleep like shit. I need this. - I need this buzz to keep going. - I need this buzz until I fall asleep. Otherwise I'm fucked. I feel like shit. I wake up in the morning feeling awful. Help me out, man, I'm going to down a bottle of water or two, before I go to bed, I'm gonna feel great. Don't worry about it. - Exactly. - Yeah. I mean, that's the alcoholics anonymous. - That's just how it is when you're, when you're from Britain or Australia, I think Americans don't understand how ingrained it is in the culture. - And I feel it further accentuates when you're on a camping trip. - I don't know what it is about sitting around a fire where you're just like, "man I need some alcohol." - Camping is, you know, there's a reason why, it's considered one of those manly activities. And because manly activities are normally judged by either how intensively they are, how intensive they are physically or how much beer you can drink during that activity. Fishing is considered a very manly sport because you can drink beer the whole time while you're doing it. - Do you know why? I'm gonna say it. How the can you enjoy these activities if you're not drinking. - Hanging out with your friends camping, to most people hanging out with your friends, cooking shit food, getting drunk, very fun, awesome. Cause cooking bacon to a char and then giving it to your mates and being like bon apple teeth. Like that's amazing when you have a beer. - No, I've never heard that before. - Bon apple teeth. - It's a subreddit. It's bon apple tea, apple tea. - I thought you just made a genuine mistake. - No, no. Bone apple tea. I actually forget the original, because I say the meme more, what is the original Bon Appetit? I always say the meme one. So I can't obviously burn apple tea. - You've never heard this? It's literally a subreddit where people like have like a, it's like a spelling mistakes. You'll be like my autistic guitar or something, instead of acoustic. It'll be those kind of spelling mistakes. It's very funny. You should watch it. - Bone apple teeth. - But yeah. I mean, you'll eat like terrible food that you cooked, but you cooked it with the boys. - Yeah. - Like you think about fishing as an activity, right? And on paper. - Man it's awful. - It's awful. Everything that goes wrong could go wrong. You know, your hands are getting slimy. When you get the fish, maybe you'll get a fish. - Worst case scenario, you sit there for eight hours and nothing happened. - You spent like an hour setting up a rod cause you don't know how to fish. Maybe you're with the expert. He can teach you, but you tangled the line. Oh, it's a fucking nightmare. Everything goes wrong. What bait do I bring? I don't know. What kind of hook do I bring? I don't know. I hate it. Tying the knot on the hook is such a pain in the ass. - Yeah. - God, you got to get the net out when you get a fish. - But then, when the glorious beer can comes out... - That's when it gets good. - Well, that's why you buy... You have to buy the chair that has the beer holder. - Yeah, yeah. I did that for the camping trip because I know eventually one of these days we're going to go fishing. I'm already prepared. - Don't pretend like you planned this. I know like, okay. So for the camping trip, Joey brought this fucking like massive foldout chair. - Wasn't it like a hundred dollars? - Yeah. - Jesus Christ Joey. You don't need that, you're not sunbathing. - I am now. - It wasn't one of those ones where you could like easily fold up and like pack into a small pack. Like it was like fucking rectangular. - Like I thought, because I thought most of the chairs that I've bought that like that, I thought it was the ones where you could fold like four ways into a tube. But then when it appeared, I was like, why is it only folded in half? And I realized, oh, it's because there's two giant metal rods that are like keeping the entire thing together. That just won't bend. Yeah. And I lifted it up and I'm like, why does this thing weigh 20 kilograms? It was like, it was something out of... - Like a Greek God of this capture. Bring me another grape. - Honestly, the chair itself was like king chair. - It wasn't a chair. Every time I got up to like go get wood or go to the toilet, someone was always like, "I'm sitting in the King's chair." - Honestly, it wasn't a camping chair. It was a throne. Right. But like, don't pretend like you did that on purpose, but you did that by complete accident because it was a fucking bitch to get in the car because we were going camping and the car was like... - It barely fit in the boot, yeah. - It was barely fitting. - It was heavier than my bag full of all of my clothes and shit. - Well, you took one seat and took away two. - Yeah, exactly. - Fantastic. - I mean, Joe had a great time sitting down at the detriment of us driving there and having like less space to like sit but. - Worth it. - What the fuck is that? - It has like a foldable, like a table on the side. - It was like a colonial imperialist mass go into your new land. - It was like the game of Thrones shit, dude. I felt so powerful. - Oh man. But yeah, like, like food, like fishing. I don't know how you can enjoy without alcohol, because most of it is just nothing. You're just sitting there. Yeah. You're just waiting and it's a weird. - Yeah. - So you bring that Nintendo DS or you just get drunk and talk. There's only two options. There's the switch now. - Nintendo DS. - Just play some smash bros while you're waiting for the fish, right? - I mean, that's what you can do, man. You dig that pole in the ground and start drinking until you think you've caught a fish, which you drank to realize. - We still need to go fishing. - I'd like to go camping and do it properly. But it seems like in Japan, there's not many good camping sites. They all seem very, very controlled. Very close together. Just seems like a nightmare. - Would you rather go fishing like off the bank or would you rather be in a boat. - Pretty off the bank and just sitting in the show, off the bank in the boat, you have to be very active with what you're doing. - I prefer the boat. I don't know. - You gotta be in a row boat, not like a big boat. - I want like a yacht. - Why the fuck would I want to be in that bro? Simulating I'm like a broke fisherman? - In Garnt's head, boat equals yacht. - Garn'ts like, "I want to be on the Louis Vuitton SS 3." - The Louis Vuitton SS 3. - That's the name of the boat. - Yeah I don't want to be in a rowboat and I don't think Connor wants to be on a rowboat with me either. - He'll fucking find a way to tip it. Garnt will fucking tip the boat. - No, we've been on a rowboat together. I remember when we got to Kyoto, I just can't row for shit. - And then Garnt also just turns into like daddy long legs in this fucking thing right. He can't just stand up properly and he was having great difficulty. He's going to tip the boat. He's going to tip the boat any second now. - I want to see that. - He stood up and he was just like, I was like God, please God, please, please. He was terrible at rowing. - Yeah. I don't know what I was doing wrong. I dunno. - I think he just kept putting it in and then just pulling it out. You didn't just like row. - Ah, I'm just kind of like, you know, I feel like I'm like, you know, I quagmire or something where, where you have, he has like one arm stronger than the other. I just keep rowing, we were going around in circles. What were you doing? You do it with both, pull in both. - We know which one God's fabbing on me. - Oh my God. - Rowing boats sucks though. - I really, I enjoy it. - Not, not when the conditions that we were doing. - Yeah, we were doing it in a Japanese summer. - Oh yeah, no nevermind. - By the time I left my back was like, my shirt was a different color. - The fall is really, really nice. - I was doing manual labor in the summer. I don't even do manual labor normally, let alone in the summer. - And we were hung over as well. - I'd probably hate it too if that was the case. - Honestly, doing anything outside in Japanese summers is just like, nope. Nope. Let's just, let's do an indoor activity. - The weekly reminder, the Japanese summer sucks. - We're going to keep complaining about it until it's over. - Yeah. Right? Yep. - I love winter. - Yeah. I dunno, man. I just don't understand people who just like this heat and this humidity. - Psychopaths man, psychopaths. - I mean, God, I felt so bad for the fucking Olympians. Right? Like we talked about this, but Jesus Christ. - It was terrible. - Yeah. Changing the topic though, like I've, I feel like I've lived in Japan for long enough now that my opinions on certain things have changed some things, which I touched on, which I initially thought were amazing now. Like I don't think are as good as British, Wagyu beef. Okay. Remember the first time I tried Wagyu beef, - It's so overpraised. - I'm just like, oh my God, this is the fucking Rolls Royce of of beef. It's the fucking Ferrari of beef. And then you live here for a year and you have equal, you have easy access to it. And I'm just like, I just kinda want a normal rib eye now. - Genuinely normal steak is better. Cause why don't you just fatty? And again, I liked that you liked that, but if you want like a really nice tender cut of meat, it's just so good. - Wagyu is good maybe like, you know, once or twice a year. I think if you really want to like treat yourself. - I'm sure if Chris was here, he'd be like, no, no, no. I know the best places. - You're just going to the wrong places. - When I went to Curacao, right, with Chris, there was this stand and we were kind of hungry. And the stand said there was Wagyu beef on a stick, for like a thousand yen. I was like, no way is that Wagyu, no fucking way. And they had this meat out on the counter, like this example meat. And I was like, all right, fine. We'll get it. We'll try it. We'll try it. And so they have this example of what the meat looks like, it's like the fake kind. And so we order it, we pay the man and he pulls out some meat from a cooler, but it's definitely not Wagyu. It's literally like the shittest cut of a beef. You can imagine literally impossible to chew. A dog would have trouble chewing this thing. And I was like, crazy. I can't believe you thought this was going to be real. There's no way we would get Wagyu steak on a stick for 1000 yen outside of the, for the cure, Mizzou data or whatever. It was like at a tourist trap. Are you serious, Chris? I couldn't believe that he fell for it. And then he convinced me to actually try it. What a waste of a thousand yen. We took like two bites and we were like, "we can't eat this, this is shit." We threw it away. Yeah. - I mean, cause like I feel I had the better experience. Cause like on Jen, across Japan, we had that exact same thing in Takamatsu and it was the, Hedugyu beef, which is like, it's like a higher brand. That one was actually delicious. - It's cause you aren't in Kyoto, which is basically it's turned into kind of a tourist gamble. It's kind of, you can get some good stuff there, but it's so over tourist. So I don't know. - You gotta, you gotta go to like the back streets of Kyoto to get the good shit, definitely. - Not in front of the god damn temple to get Wagyu beef. - Yeah. Cause I feel like Wagyu beef is something that you should try as like a, as like a, a rare thing. Right? Because what I didn't expect was how easy it would be to access it and you can buy it in the supermarket, like, like it fucking blew my mind. The first time I saw Wagyu beef in the supermarket where the only other time I'd ever seen Wagyu beef is like at like fucking high-end restaurants where you'd be paying hundreds and hundreds of dollars for few cubes of Wagyu beef. And I remember before coming to Japan, I only tried it once. And that was because I was like, I had like a well-off friends who treated, treated us to treated us to dinner once at a high end restaurant. And I'm just like, oh my God, this is fucking incredible. And now I understand why they only give you a few cubes of Wagyu beef in like high restaurant. Right. It's way too fatty, it's like eating pure butter. Yeah. Right. And I realized this when I'm just like, I think it was like, I think it like hacked my mind to be like, okay, why don't you? Beef is always good. It's I can't get bored of Wagyu beef. This is, this is the, this is a five beef. Right. But now I see Wagyu beef and I'm just like, can I, can I just get a normal cut. - Of steak pleasing as are the normal cuts of steak here? Aren't that good? - Yeah. They're not, they're not. - Unless you pay like a good amount for it. Yeah. Yeah. And the best things here, like a lot of those. So you get some really good steaks, but a lot of them are imported and they're really expensive. Yeah. Yeah. You know, you're paying an absolute premium for. - It's like, I feel Wagyu beef is a lot like, you know, getting like the super fatty tuna, like sushi, right? It's like, you can't eat that shit all the time. It's it's because you eat it every now and then that is good. - I think, I don't know how, I don't know if Japan did this intentionally or not, but it's definitely a branding thing. Like Wagyu beef is very good branding. Yeah. I don't know how, because it's all over the place in Japan. You don't know what's Wagyu and what's constituted as wonky. It's like, it's not, it's like if we prefecture has its own Wagyu and they'll argue that the other one is shit and theirs the best. - Thing I feel. That's the biggest misconception with Wagyu, when people think Wagyu beef, they think like gray, like the best. Right. But like Wagyu beef literally just means beef made in Japan. Yeah. There's like, there's like low tier Wagyu as well as high tier Wagyu. - Yeah. And I thought, I don't know who, if Japan did this on purpose, I don't know if like, it honestly. - Might be the foreign chefs. - That could have been foreign chefs being like, there's the best stuff, man. I don't know. - Wagyu just sounds cool. - When did it, when did it become a thing? When did Wagyu beef become like well-known in like outside of Japan and become like this kind of idolized beef? Because I feel like that's how Wagyu is command such high prices, especially outside of Japan is because of the branding. Like it's the same way, you know? I don't think, you know, when you eat, what's the really fatty meat cold, you get a flaw Gras. How the they've managed to charge so much for that. - Is also just eating pure fat. - I eat it on my five. - Yeah. I feel like, I feel, I feel like a bit sick sometimes because I was like, oh, it's very fatty. And it's very, very fatty. And it kind of Wagyu kind of feels the same off. - Convince us that flogger. I was like a luxury item and that we should pay out of our pockets, insane amounts for it. When it barely tastes, it's a. - Trek to make. That's. - Why you say that. But then like, you know, we, we like killed caviar to the point where we made them so extinct that we made them valuable. Like caviar was never going to be valuable again, like the only value of caviar comes from the fact that it's so rare, like. - Similar with lobsters, right. We've we've. - Made it, we've made it like lots of. - And lobsters used to be the cheap meat that, you know, that the working class people used to write. And then I'm not sure why it increased in price. I don't, I don't know if like the corporations, like, because the working class officially has been over-fished wasn't over official. Did they artificially Price? And it's a really interesting story and I wish I remembered the detail of it, but like I know I, all I know is like lobsters was a really cheap meat until one day. It just wasn't there. Right. - Just to share though the price, you know, doesn't really correlate with good tasting food. I mean, you know, like who to shout out whales all the time, but you know, there was some really fresh, local produce. It was so cheap and that was a mixing and I still haven't had better stuff anywhere else from like, you know, from, from there. And you know, I, I don't want the four Gras. I just want a nice, beautiful cut of meat fresh from the day. - Yeah. And it's yeah, like Wagyu beef. I feel like when I first moved to Japan, I could not understand why every steak, like they marketed it as like imported from Australia. And I'm just like, why would you import beef when you have Wagyu here? And like now living here for all like a, like almost two years, I'm like, I get it. I want to Australian steaks and Angus, beef's a. - Very luxury thing. Like there's a lot of import, a lot of beef from like Ireland and stuff to here island exports, a lot of meat to Japan. Cause like. - If you're bored of Wagyu beef, then just the normal cuts of beef here just aren't as good - And like, you can play around into Loma with the seasonings on a normal kind of. - I'm still with a load of those kinds of foods, like Wagyu and like flog around and stuff like that. It's all just like a namesake. Right. It's just like, you know, I don't think anyone realistically every, every week is like, where's my full group. So like, you know, it's, it's like, puffer fish right. Like FUBU is also another thing where it's like, you waited just to say you ate it. But like, no one is like actually going to be like, oh, FUBU is the best tasting thing of the whole spoilers. It's not, it, it literally tastes like nothing. Like I've had it a couple of times and I'm just like. - Yeah, just put your life in danger. - And I'm like, this is cool. I guess I can say that I ate puffer fish, but it's like. - I just wish I was like a dog, bro. You can give them the same meal every single day and they get hyped as fuck for it. Is it time for the same meal again? Yo, you gotta be kidding. Tesco. I think it's so hard for the same meal. Every time he, while I have the same meal twice in a row and I'm like, I'm living like a piston. I had Carrie two days in a row. I feel disgusting. I don't know. It's just like a thing that we, we did to ourselves as humans was that once a point in time where we were just happy to have the same meal over and over again, if we done this. - We probably were even as a kid. Right. I remember what I could just eat Thai food every day. She never get, never get bored of it. - Hey again, my man, let's go put some salt on there. Oh yeah. Let's go. - And then like I tried, I tried like Japanese food for the first time. I'm just like. I want to try this again and try Mexican food for the first time in like. - Yeah, my need a variation in tastes has skyrocketed. Since Japan, they could support me. Cause now I used to be content, just eating like fried chicken, like four times a week. And I'd be like, this is fantastic. - The second thing I think is overrated in Japan. - Japanese stuff out of them. They do fire chicken. Very good here. I think it's definitely chicken. - Yeah. I was going to say, man, I like Americans think they have mastered fried chicken. I'm like, no, the best fried chicken I've had is from Korea, Korean fried chicken best in the world. - I said, they season it. They don't go too overboard because you got way too much seasoning in Korea. You just get like a beautiful, different variations of seasoning. Young, young. - Chicken is like. - And it's all just that. It's just, it's the perfect texture as well where it's just like a little bit crispy. It's it's it's you? Can't like, it's the perfect. It's the perfect. - Little bit crispy. And like the meat's not too wet, but also. - It's all dry. I dry. It's just the perfect combination of everything you'd want. - It's the fried chicken. So not to doggone like fried chicken culture in London is amazing. We have such good fried chicken in London. I really disagree. That's why the whole channel. That's why there was a whole, there was a whole channel at one point dedicated to reviewing fried chicken in London. It's so very. - Bro, way too greasy, man. I know. - You're going to the wrong plate. You're going to. - Sound like Chris right now. He's going to the wrong place. - Because London is so bad. - We were so close to having a podcast where we agree on. - Chicken and lunch. Fried chicken. - In London is only amazing after you shit faced. Let's say people who say it's like people who defend kebabs and I'm just like, would you ever think about sober? You probably have. - You probably had a local fried chicken shop. The one underneath me was amazing. The way they see some, the chicken. They did barbecue wings and I've never had barbecue wings as good as this in my life. They, they were so cheap too. I don't know what they put in it pretty like old God awful chemicals. But that was amazing. I've never had barbecue wings that it was good as that. And it was like, it was like one pound for like eight warring. It worryingly cheap, but it was amazing. So that was chicken probably even wasn't I don't know what it was, but it was the best wings I'd had. - Jeez. I mean, like to me, the best fried chicken I've had in the UK is KFC. Like. - Okay, okay. It's I'm not gonna say it's the best because it is very good in the, in the UK. They make very. - It is very good. Unlike every fried chicken I've had in London or every chippy or whatever is, it feels like a, it feels like a downgrade to KFC to me. I feel like you guys do chicken pretty well though. - I'm seeing the UK is by far the best KFC I've ever had in Japan at socks in America. It's war crimes elsewhere. I assume it's just not as good as Australia. It's a little bit, I'm sure there's someone from some country that's like, yeah, but in, in, in this country it's better shut up. I haven't been there. So how would I know that? Yeah, we don't. - We don't try KFC in every country. You go to unfold. - Boneless or bone. - Bone, boneless. - Boneless. I'm a bone. This kind of guy, man. I'm a. - To get that bone out of there. If I can't eat it, get it out of my face. - Sometimes I just don't want to go through the process of being like a animal and tearing this Tunnel with this. - You are full of. Are you talking about if I gave you two plates, one of them came from a bone chicken. One of them came from boneless chicken. You would not be able to tell a difference. I would guarantee you not be able to. Now the moisture, the moisture is there. It's, it's more natural flavor. It tastes, the texture is better. Everything is better on a bone in chicken. - Get the venous pumping steroids. - Into these chicken. The only thing that is, that is a detriment is the fact that is a bone chicken, but that's a whole, I will happily pay the price for a better tasting chicken. - And then like when you get to the ends, this does not want to come off the bone. You have to like, be like a feal animal to get this thing off the bone. Just break my teeth. I. - Was worth it for the better. - Because you can eat more way more chicken, you know? Cause boneless chicken is just chicken breast. - Yeah. It's amazing though. It's not, it's not always chicken. Breast bone chicken is yeah, it is always chicken breasts and the meat. - Tastes the same on the wings. You know what? - I don't think the breasts is the best part of the chicken. I think it is. I think. - It is. Do you know what I like? - I like moisture with. - My meat and you can get a more breast. The breast is. - Moist. - Are you kidding me? - You can get a moisture. You can't get the moist breast. Right? A lot of the times you, you cook a chicken breast and it can do your cooking. It your. - No, my mans, my men's never did a bad job on the chicken man. It was always fresh, but like, like sauce, container. - Like I've had enough chicken breasts and rat out random chippies and random places where just the breasts is too dry. You can never get under the wrong chippy. - No, you can never get London. I would never get at Chapin was chicken. They don't do boneless chicken. Well enough outside of. - That's what I'm saying. Right? Because, because you need to cook chicken breasts rights in order for it to be done. Right. But you don't have to pay that. It's not even better. Not. - Korean places here. And they have boneless and boned. Always boneless, always because this is just better. You also get more of it. Cause they don't, they don't turn stack. Go to Nando's. - What'd you get what'd you get? - I got like half a chicken. - Yeah. Why? Why don't you get the boneless? The boneless, the boneless one. When you go to Nando's. - Ah, they don't do the boneless. Just they do. I didn't even know they did that. I would've got the book. He knows. So he's going to get the boy. No, no, actually I joke I don't get the hot chicken. I get the butterfly burger, which has no bones. Cause I want to deal with bone. That. - Is definitely drier than the half sheet. That's. - Why you pile on the source baby. Oh no. They're if they cook you're right though. Cause he doesn't eat. - Nando source is the only source. - Well I'm just like Chris Nando's Nando's man. It's a 50 50 gamble on whether it's gonna be juicy or not. It's up to the rest of the breast. - Is always. The breasts. - It's totally up to the chef man and how he cooks it. Okay. - You don't need to play it. You don't need to pay you that gamble. If you just get the half a chicken off the bone because you know what, it's always juicy. - It's good. But I don't. The butterfly chicken burger is just fine as well. This is the same thing. And then you can just toss it up. It could be. - Better. It could be better. - It's just, I just think, I think the Nando's chicken is comfort food. It's not the best. - I don't, I don't expect five star barn was chicken. Chicken is right. Michelin star restaurant and order fried chicken. - I've had, you know, I've been to Michelin star restaurants and I've had times where I just want the fried chicken more like it's just so much better to me. I love a good fried chicken, my son, right. In America. But I feel like there's a very American side of me. - Look, there's, there's a reason why soup is made from bones of animals. Right? And that's because the bones contain flavor. You're not eating the. I wanted to eat soup. I'll eat soup. - If you're not eating the bone marrow gone, you know, cracking the. I don't go to the restroom with you. Like honey, you get at your bones. I'm going to eat that bone marrow, bro. Crack it open. You know, like you're not, you're not even a bone. This bone does. - Do. It does. Oh my God. I'm. - Sure out of fast food restaurant, it doesn't do with the bone on it. I'm sure it does. If they marinate with the bone in, yes, the bone will have an effect help. But when you're at fast food, they literally got that chicken in the van 20 minutes ago. And it's on your plate. There's no time to have the bone plane affect you. You're just getting boned. - That was. - I rest my case. I'm sure. - It does make a difference, but I'm not, I'm not even going to know that argument. It makes I'm not even going to pretend to start. I'm not going to start to pretend that I think I know the difference. I don't do you have tastebuds Joey, do you have taste to tell the difference and you do have a tongue. - I'm sure a man, man, who doesn't like source, I don't trust a God. - I have tastebuds and you know what? I taste chicken. I don't give a. If it's from the bone or it tastes like cheese, all chicken tastes the same. Jerry, all meat stays the same. It's just beef. It tastes the same. It comes from the same animal. All beef tastes the same. Every cut of beef is the same. All chicken tastes the same. All chicken tastes the same. - There's parts of the chicken in terms of like the skin and the, you know, cause the wing is just an extension of the breast in terms of how the meat is the meat, the meat. - I'm about to leave. I didn't say that. I don't take responsibility for that statement. - The wing, the meat part of it tastes exactly the same as the breast. That's why they can make boneless wings and call it wings. It doesn't taste any different. The only problem is with the bone is that you get like veins and. And then it's like, I don't want that. Who wants the vein? Who's like. - Is boneless wings. - The boneless wings, right? Go to Buffalo, wild wings. You at any of the pieces, all it is is just chicken breast car. Did you know that to make it look like? - Yeah. To make it because like I've never gotten boneless wings. Cause I'm like, what the? This we've. - Never tried it. - To never tried. I've tried to boneless chicken. You should have never ordered it. I've never tried boneless wings, but I've had like. - Boneless chicken. Isn't all chicken boneless. When you get into like a restaurant. - You get wings. - But when you get wings, boneless wings, every time. - Yeah. It's off the bone. Chicken is always tastes better off the bone. It's less healthy for you. The reason why people promote breasts it's because it's the leanest meat, right? That doesn't necessarily mean it tastes better. - The wing meat. Like the actual meat that you're eating tastes no different from the breast. - It's the moisture content. And it's it's you, it's the bone flavor that seeps the chicken. Somebody, it just, it tastes. - Better unless we're at a gourmet restaurant. I would, I would say that's invalid because you know these, these fast food restaurants, you know, and the, the place where you're eating wings from 90% of the time, isn't going to have the bone play any effect. - Buffalo, wild wings see a barn was chicken door. What the is this? Okay, you have a KFC bargain bucket or KFC marking. Do you have preferences of which one? Which piece you take because every piece tastes different. And if, and if every piece of KFC chicken tastes different, depending on the part of the chicken. - The different seasons that you get a different ratio of skin, the surface skin to like meat with the, with the wings, with the drums, you have the optimal skin to meat ratio. So you get more skin. So it tastes better. Whereas the big, the big like flat piece where I don't know, what's it called? What's it called? The big flat piece. What is it called? You know, there's two pieces. There's the wing. And then there's the other piece. That's kind of like a big piece like this. You can just get more meat. Have. - It's worse. The worst, the wordless skin. Yeah. It tastes worse because it's just purely meat. Right? I don't want it overing on it. I don't want. - No, you're, you're confusing it because you're having more skin, which is where all the flavor is with KFC. That's why you think it tastes better because you're getting more bite of a skin. How are you not seeing this? How are you failing to understand this con? - I literally don't give a. When it comes to KFC. It's fresh. It's all chicken to me. Bone or no bone. - This whole chicken. Like I love boneless wings. I love fried chicken burgers. I love the chicken select. So the chicken tenders Danny's a amazing contenders are better than nugs and wings with bones in them. - Nugs are like the part of the chicken that nobody else eats. Right? They've repackaged it. But like, do you know why? It's the worst tasting part of the chicken. - Boneless. Boneless is better than bones. - Are. You are so wrong on site. No. - I'm not, man. I'm just. - Trying to think. Freedom of speech was a mistake until I heard until I just heard you speak. You're a clown man. Like, why are you making it more difficult to eat this? And you're making more mess. - The reason flat earth is exists. Like this is, this is like. - No. - Boneless nuggets are like chicken extract. It's hardly a chicken paste. You know? It's like a, it's like a polished starring with chicken tastes and chicken tenders are good. Chicken tenders, chicken tenders are all. Think we're all in agreement. Chicken tender is a good. Yeah. - Yeah. I mean off the bone. Chicken is always the best. That's that? That is taken off the. - Off the bone and then fried and then present. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, because, because you're taking the tastiest part of chicken, chicken off the bone is literally Barlass chicken with one extra step, the breast is the worst tasting part of the chicken. It is. - If you taste the chicken. - It's the most healthy have you got chicken feet? Okay. Well that's okay. Well, It's the most, it's the worst tasting part of the chicken. That's like actually, you know, having a Scot meat, white meat, meat on it, right? It's it's the most healthiest for you, you know, it's it's, you know, if you want to eat a healthy meal, you should eat the leanest part of the chicken, which doesn't necessarily mean it tastes the best. And the fact that you think that all chicken tastes the same, no matter what part of the chicken is from. - The main part of it. Like the breast the wing, it's all comes in the house, prepared. It doesn't, you know, it's entirely to do with that. And how much water has been injected into it. Like. - If, if, if you prepare each part of the chicken, the same, which is exactly what fried chicken is than the worst pacing than, than it tastes the same, then it doesn't taste the, I, again, I guarantee I can take two different fried chicken from two different parts and put it in front of you, blindfold you, you will not be able to hold them because press, especially in fried chicken. - I think you'll just, you know, you're confusing. The feral instinct of tearing it off as a, as a supplement for flavor. I think that's what's going on here. Cause there's no way, you know, when you rip the skin off and you would eat it, it tastes the same. Why? - Why don't they just sell breasts then? Why? Why? Because they can taste. - The same. They do. It's called boneless wings. - No, I mean, I mean, why, why, why, why market wings in that case? Because the market thigh. - What'd you mean thighs? Cause thanks are like, what are they? I mean like more cartilage they're cheaper, right? Like they normally just like, they have more like in them, more muscle and stuff. The cartilage of chicken. It's like a muscle. - I'm not talking about collar. I'm talking about thighs. - Thighs and cartilage. I just said, oh, your thighs have more like cartilage in them. They're like the like muscles and it's five. - It's a different part of the meat that tastes a bit different. So the breast, no. - The thighs have more muscle in them. It's a five, the. - Breast has more muscle in it. We literally talked about this. The breast is the lean part of the chicken. That's the part where the most muscle, no, I'm just going to hang back. - You know, when you bite into a meat, right. When you've put five loads, like fibers and that you gotta like, oh. You know what I mean? - No, I really don't. - When you go to the supermarket, you cut up chicken thigh compared to chicken breast. The breast is like nothing in it. It's your pure meat. Right? The thigh is just like, it's got like, like strands of muscle in it and it's way tougher. It's cause it's a thigh. It's got muscle. - I don't think, I don't think we've ever. - Been this silent. - Cook, the chicken thigh and a chicken breast. - I'm like, I can't argue that. Do you know what? Like, if you can argue with an idiot, they'll just take you down to their level and beat with experience, man. How can I argue? Argue Romans so many levels. Like a thigh doesn't have the most amount of muscle because it's not the lean meat. Right? It's the breast, the breast is pure muscle. It's pure muscle it's wave. What do you think? Or would like all the meat is muscle, right? But the breasts, the reason the breast has the most muscle is because it doesn't come with the bone. You are just, you have a pure slab of pure chicken muscle. - What are you saying? Oh my. - God. - The breast isn't just one big muscle. - What do you think meat is? - It's a layer of different things. There's like fatty layers and stuff as well. It's a whole combination of all just pure muscle. Yes it is. No, it is no, no, no. Cause it's like fibers and stuff that connects all the muscle. - That's a muscle. - I got to Google this. I got to consult Google. - I'm like losing my mind. I'm actually losing my mind. - Yeah. It's this, this has just turned into. - Are you, are you all entertained? I am. I'm loving. I'm just sitting back. Just watching you guys lose it over literal pieces of. - I'm losing brain cells, man. Like that's like, I don't know how many brain cells has just died in that. - I can't believe you're getting heated over poultry. It's just hilarious. - I misunderstood what I was saying. I Googled it. I misunderstood tendons and muscles and I confuse the two. - It's all right, man. It's all right to admit when you're wrong. It's all good. It's all good. You're the bigger man. You're the bigger man. Don't. - Worry, man. I'll admit when I'm wrong, I fucked up. - You know, this episode started really, you know, this episode started really calmly talking about candles, incense, you know, de-stressing and ended up being one of the most stress in juicy. - Why couldn't we have started on this? - I'm saying because the muscle is used more often than the breath. - It's not only became the most stress-inducing argument, but also at the same time, I think it became Googling it again. I think it became one of the most stupid arguments we've ever had on Trash Taste. - The breast meat is the most lean is because that's the muscle that's the most used. No. - It's the least used. - Audio. Only listeners. You might want to watch tune into the YouTube. I'm assuming melting down over. - Poultry only on Trash Taste. You know what? I didn't think we could get more heated than the pizza crust argument. I just, I would, I just love like peering over. - The thigh is a, is considered a darker meat because it's used way more. When they're walking all the time, they don't using their breast all the time. - Well, what's lean meats. - Then lean meat, I think is what it's used less. Is it? I think I thought. - That was because it was used. - The most. So here's what Google says. Apparently I Googled why's thigh, dark meat and it says the more myoglobin, the darker, the meat and the richer, the nutrients, Michael and provides muscle with oxygen required for exercise and movement. Since chickens are flightless birds, they use their legs and thighs to get around making first thoughts darker than the breast or wings, because you're not you're using. How would you, how, how would you think that the breast is used more than the thigh? How does that make any sense? Do you use your breast more than your thigh, Garnt? I was wrong on the muscle part? Yes. But how could you think that the breast is used by? - I be breathing. - Idiots. - You're still wrong. - Wrong. - We equaled the playing field, but you're still wrong. You're still wrong. - We're both idiots. And welcome to Trash Taste. - Well, when the trash is two idiots arguing over chicken, I feel like I feel like 30 minutes wasn't enough. - I just want to know how you thought the chicken walked in your fight. - I just want to know how you thought the breast had less muscle. - I just did a brain fog. That's my. - Chicken shimmy. When they walk. - I just hear the like a December music. - Oh my, yeah. I just, I just thought leaned me. It just had more muscle use. That's what I thought. I thought when I hear the word lean meat, it means it's got less fatty content. So I just. - Oh, this one's lean. Right? They have some muscles, but not that much. Right. And kind of have like, no, it's not worked out me. Right. It's kinda like not fat meat, but not very, or like thought like I think, right. Am I crazy here? You say someone's lean when they look like skinny, but yeah, they got a little bit going on. Yeah. - Yeah. Because there's, there's only the muscle content. They're like. - They're not muscular though. There's no fat. There's no fat content. - There's no fat content bro. - Right. You've got lean. - Yeah. So, I assumed that because it was leaned meats, then it would have less fat contents. Therefore it was the one that was used the most. Right. - Yeah. I guess by that logic, it'd be like, if I didn't do anything and didn't, and didn't have any fat, I would be muscular, but I'm not using my muscles. - Because I'm still like confused because the more. - You use a muscle, the more, the more muscular it becomes, the more nutrients that demand. - So how does the breast have the most meat and muscle when it then? - So when you're working out, right, the muscle fibers become a lot more intense and I believe they go through like they're in the meat a lot more. Right. I think if I'm correct in saying that that's cause that's what makes like when you, when you go to space, right? Your muscles get that the muscle fibers are so weak because they haven't been used. So then when they, I believe when they're being used are a lot more intense. And that's why when you have the thigh, it's it bites back a lot more. It's tougher to eat because the muscle fibers are so much stronger. That's what I, how I interpreted it. Right, right. Again, I misunderstood. And that's why lean me, because the breast isn't really using the breast marks. So there's not much muscle fiber to plant that. Yeah. - I don't even know where to take this conversation anymore. I'm just like, I'm just like, I, I don't. - Think this episode can peak anymore. - I feel like. - Yeah, we just got to go downhill from here. So you know what? Let's just play. - Patrons. This might be a shorter episode than usual, but I don't, I don't, I feel like any other topic we can take from this, it's gonna, it's going to be good. Let's just, let's. - Just end while we're high. But let's just say while we're at the high, just Was just like Sunday afternoon over here. - Watching you. It's just like, ah, I just like how we had such a civil podcast having such a simple podcast. And I literally remember the moment when he was just like, I didn't say it on purpose, but I just said I disagreed. I just like I didn't do that on purpose. I know that's the mean by series. He didn't do that. - It was like modern day times. You know, when things get too peaceful, war is bound to come. - Exactly. We went from an aroma therapy to two men was veins popping out on their forehead. Overall. - You think candles are good. Well that's how world war one starts. - All right. Well then he has all the patrons. Hey, let us know in the comments, which part of the chicken you prefer? I'm sure that was. - Boneless. Skinless gang. No, no, not all chicken tastes the same. All the chicken tastes, same bone chicken tastes better. - We are going to do something that we've never done before. And that, and I'm doing this without asking for permission. We're going to do a poll on Twitter the day after this goes out, you guys have one day to vote on boneless or bone. - Yeah. But Hey, in the meantime, you can go over to a patron, patron.com/Trash Taste. Also follow us on Twitter. Send us your names on the sub Reddit. And if you had our face to us on Spotify, although this episode might not be too great for Spotify, this, we recommend the YouTube version for this to watch two minutes. - Yeah. Tell, tell them what? I don't know how much I peaked the mic. I really hope it wasn't too bad, but like I, the mics are built different. Don't worry. - It's all right. I love how we went from aroma therapy to. - Self-care the chicken. I, I need to, maybe massage. Aren't so bad. Cause I feel like we all need a massage. Cool, cool. With the down. you know what? I need, maybe need some candles. I need to calm some boneless chicken to calm me down for a nice argument. Oh my God. That's stare that he's scared. Give a death stare before he was like maybe being a monk was a mistake. The time, the time for peace has ended God channeled all the gods and it's still trying anything to can break a monk is a monkey mortal enemy. Oh my God. - And hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode and we'll see you guys on the next one. - Boneless chicken guys, wrong corner.
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,533,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: 7ciUUFK3K14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 20sec (7040 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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