r/Notmyjob | at least you... tried?

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landlord hung in the microwave this is as far as it opens before hitting the wall nothing's getting in that microwave dude nothing is getting in that microwave what's up guys and welcome back to NK my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash not my job okay are we starting off strong here I can't open the fridge all the way you can't open the oven all the way that's just terrible design that's not really a not my job that's just someone who didn't know how to design the kitchen oh let's again open anything there all the way that counter or that drawer rather that's not opening either Wow right on alligator to them to make a splash alligator and you're right now that's a whale sup mate right there okay going up to the ATM nothing wrong with that not right what are we looking at down here Oh No is that your card dude is that your card oh it's awful up so sorry oh hi blank how many of you are there [Music] why what are you doing back there this door ain't old enough like I see what you're doing color bowel for $12.99 I don't know if I want a color bowel I'll take a bowl I'm not sure about a bowel the cable guy installed the cable through our hula hoop that we left out it ain't his job to move it I don't see a problem what's this new store I gotta say I see significant emphasis if it was up for the communion right understood there's something dangerous something wrong with that toilet that toilets giving off some chaotic energy I can tell you that much Fairgrounds my boss told me to change the stupid sign so I did what a good employee gonna love it you gotta love it that cheese is that what is in there but like the is that the Skinner that she oh you're gross that's the skin of the cheese you uh attention California consumers to comply with California Proposition 65 this product carries the following warning warning this product can expose you to chemical name here a chemical known to the state of California cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm for more information go to and Thanks Nagas stay safe Christmas decorations now you wait just one minute Oh Hut entire neighborhoods off-center oh god that's gross yuck these cleaners that legit look like juice are put right beside actual juice Bab you wow dude fabuloso totally looks like juice - oh is that a wood foundation nah dude why is it not why's the wood foundation that's hella unsafe hey it's my friend's yearbook cover north/south uh hey wait a minute Eastern West's flip-flop I was here ooh yeah hey that's not put on right chief something looks off something looks wrong the bags will do just fine huh it ran out of care listen it's fine that's some high strength concrete mix exactly 60 pounds of it oh hey dude it's a great food at low price it's a curved yellow fruit huh I wonder what these strange yellow curved things are as that David Arbor I'm wonder how many children he's got huh I don't know okay fair enough fair enough hey someone forgot to put the flag of other the the banner all the way up there landscapers came and trimmed our dead Bush this morning well it's looking pretty good don't okay jeez all right fine god I won't I go to do building inspection I meet site manager who was trying to open the store and can't he was in charge of the whole extension and all the works included I can't believe I had to show him what was on the other side all right looks good so far what's on the other side what's what ever looked in right well it's the panic room so then we have a language here but then it says the same in English same in English okay pretty cool spider-man far from home and cinemas July 2nd but where where's where's spider-man there's so much wrong with this filet-o-fish how do you mess it how do you misplace the cheese it's like when I used to work in the McDonald's in the yard uh there was a customer who ordered an artisan roll they gave him two bottom buns how do you mess that up okay we got a water fountain here with the foot that's I mean water does extinguish fires they're not wrong dentist assault suspect first name last name and we got that bastard not the best pick but someone left a large fish in the grass in the park and the lawn your guy mowed around it yeah I don't want to get don't want to run over the fish then I got fish guts all over my mower oh yes see this is how you put those packages and you just stick it right in the mailbox perfect for anyone to steal what an idiot five five bananas but there's six there so our big clock wasn't working we just said instead we tape a smaller clock to it and he honestly times me moving twice as fast I think the energy transferred well that can't that just be fixed by turning it a little bit I think that would actually be fine there's nothing wrong with this one just turn it a little bit I'm pretty sure there's just a cover not quite sure what I'm supposed to be mad at here I'm gonna be honest with you like it looks like a bunch of a sorted fruit like you'd pull out of a Walmart bin I can't get too mad at that I don't know what it's supposed to be angry about 0% guaranteed guaranteed what guaranteed what ah yes happy birthday happy birthday grandma each is stupid cake so the door stopper at the top of the door oh but it's not even the doors too tall and stupid why would you do that and why would you have a fan in the middle of a pole that fan is useless now why is design so difficult for these people okay who cares about that who cares the colors a flip-flop that's just nitpicky just eat ice cream bar stupid the job is well done no no it isn't but look I got the fortune out of the cookie without breaking the cookie all right elevators open she's gonna go right in and way to say it what's going on what just wait what just happened here okay so she mops the elevator the businesswoman walks in slips and then the girl freaks out and she just takes the the dustpan with her it enters the code to lock her in that was so nonchalant of that cleaning woman what the hell okay I changed the sign my boss told me to have a good day so I went home nice yeah TV's still in the box you might want to take that out you're saying I'm just just suggesting right so what's wrong here the lights the lights are all screwed up I hate that I wish I never saw them when you see another co-worker mess up at work but you don't get paid enough to fix the mistakes did you roof over the lat buddy buddy buddy that's a house you're building not a fun project new road Nate I don't know who this Nate guy is but I don't like I get to Road all to himself was just a poorly designed parking area look at that everything is uneven and no one knows how to park on it just terrible and stupid and crappy belongs in our slash crappy design this belongs on our slash one job because you had one job and you've messed it up iein to do is align the bricks and look what you did you ruined it you ruined it see they giving you the ripping off because two slices are cool but the one slice they're they're giving you their ripping you off brah I'm never buying pork tamales from white people again I should have called the cops you should have that's butchering that's not real that can't be real man camps mineral and beans 2 for $1 freely huh so that's that shovels gun I wonder how many people ran over it would you like right or blue choose wisely restaurant owner said all his patio speakers were blown found this after removing the grill worthy blown worthy if this restroom is in need of service please turn on switch and you see there isn't a switch because there is no service why what's going on gently close the gate nice nailed it oh that okay I don't think there's anything you can't really close that Canyon Oh a gift self dude I want to go to the gift shop I love a gift sob those are the worst speed bumps I've ever seen him entire life oh I love Arana bow sprinkle put that on my ice cream I don't want no chocolate spread I want a rana bose sprinkle why is the floor so raised what the hell you could why what's the thought process behind that family unhappy after Walmart graduation cake turned out to be styrofoam dig in nice tattoo nice cover-up job stupid town name in 99 over and over and over again town name I don't know why it's 99 degrees over and over and over again but she guys got a real bad heat problem oh the Idol supermarket tycoon it's a tiny shop game tycoon games up boring at least it's free do you have at least one year of zero experience yes do you speak United States yes I'll apply am i hydrated a urine color chart if your urine matches the colors one two or three you are properly hydrated continue to consume fluids at the recommended amounts if your urine color is below the red line you are dehydrated and at risk for cramping and/or heart illness you need to drink more water gun on here let's sink what is this that is a sink but oh that's the worst it's a sink that dupes you owe an oversized load oh my god no what time is it it's a wine o'clock there's always time for a premium the premium wine selection but it's a bunch of totes there is no wine over there it's just a bunch of lies and that that lumber is just gonna fall out of the back your truck hey what are you thinking what are you thinking that's not a smart way to secure lumber but it brings us to the end of our slash not my job and if you liked the video please leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,967,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/notmyjob, r/notmyjob top posts, r/notmyjob best posts, not my job, not my job reddit, reddit funny, r/notmyjob emkay, emkay
Id: sxCdT359svE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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