r/Onejob | sir. how?

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psychic fair cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances what's up guys and welcome back to NK my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash one job sorry that's not correct sorry your answer is not correct your answer 15.8 three correct answer fifteen point eight two six enter your response is a real number rounded to two decimal places that's what he did I think I saw this post before and then I was just confused by decimal places cuz I'm terrible at math but the answer is right fifteen point eight threes correct that's two decimal places isn't it how do you mess that up website is this home school upon arriving to help me get my keys out of my car the Triple A guy got his keys locked in his car and had to call triple-a listen I wanna know who got locked in whose car obviously the van got locked in but who's driving the van probably the big dude the big oaf got his keys locked in this car you idiot you dummy what is your age group yes no and next well you know last year I was feeling kind of no but I've grown a little bit and I'm feeling like I'm yes years old yes years old in that age range oh is this one of those video yeah this is exactly what I think it is where you place the trash can right under what just move the trash can at this point you're not gonna be able to move that blow-dryer just move the trash can so that way you're not having gross confetti go everywhere you're germ confetti he just stands back yep look what it does but you didn't expect that delivery instructions place on steps outside gate do not throw over feds or dog will destroy package then Amazon sends me this picture Amazon sent you the picture tell us what you think about this photo looks like you did exactly what I said not to do you know it's the Titan hero series wow the Hulk's looking a lot different than I remember look what happened you got all this gold armor you have a big old glove on your hand and you're you're purple oh I'm gonna be honest here look great you look great handicap button engaged go ahead up on the doors nice [Music] nice I was really hope real at what point is this that just seems like a wiring issue to me though couldn't you just rewire that so that way the doors on the outside open to or are my two idealistic really this is a very easy problem to solve if you're good as an electrician you look out to your left you'll see that this looks completely wrong is that a band-aid what kind of well I mean just angle the band-aid I guess but should have to do that shouldn't have to do that at all I can't complain too much about this I can just angle the band-aid and still have it stick on my skin as long as I can do that I don't really have a problem all right catch that tennis ball nice work good job all right good job buddy go back there oh right back up straight huh I don't want this one anymore I don't want that one anymore he catches them both and just slams his noggin right into that sign damn okay lock the door nice nice open it cuz it's a sliding door you idiot who designed it a [ __ ] some sort of ignoramus not sure what I'm looking at here how's this one job sorry I'm clearing my throat out of confusion oh is that all this white stuff supposed to be so sort of like symbol there's supposed to be a biker what's up I'm not sure what I'm looking at here I'm not sure why this is one job well probably like a bike lane or something we decided not to censor his face not because we wanted to shame him but because we wanted to rather humiliate him which is different from shame bro look out there's a a head but Mum I'm up bro look out there's a big old bum up ahead spent eight hours installing door stops and new office buildings and my boss sends me this after I leave no no just move it over idiot oh is this really a problem though is this really an issue like in the pills thing is this like really a genuine issue I know it might be like OCD triggering but this isn't a one job kind of thing someone tell me what this sign represents I don't I don't like is this like a warning is this something I have to do I don't like anything that is represents farewell columns from senior staff oh dude this is more this is not a our slash 1 job someone intentionally did this this is perfect oh that's beautiful I love that closed-captioning hates me and strikes again I said the storms that created the haboob will bring us a chance of rain thanks to Brandon for sending her boob will bring us a chance of rain and now sounds the same to me dogs sounds the same to me dude those are minecraft backpacks but one of the creepers is upside down oh man why is this chimney here in the late 1960s a crew was sent to Marlette lake to tear down the caretakers cabin near the dam because it was thought to be a safety hazard unfortunately the crew demolished a Leonard cabin by mistake nice doan ideot bro I can get some curved yellow fruit for a buck 49 if only there was a more convenient name let me ask a minion let me hesitant minion what a better name would be Netflix original dark but I can see wait is this just mirrored oh come on come on dog is I hate that I hate everything about that I don't like lazy marketing like that they put the staircase or door on the wrong side what a fricking fail no dude you just walked right in you know clip you turn on no clip it just go right through I see so I've seen this post before I still don't know what I'm supposed to say for that top half but it is the same in English so don't really care otherwise Oh next exit okay but why is it all like that even if this sign was reversed the tea wouldn't be upside down some idiot installed this upside down and that fan can never be used because the power point dude God projectors are a thing I forgot about that I've been graduated since 2017 so I don't see projectors anymore I often forget they're a thing that schools use I see lubbers search for a female CEO has been narrowed down to three men ah I see uber search for a female CEO has been narrowed down to three men so we're just throwing out the whoo-hoo female CEO entirely cut and fan one hey whoops oh whoops firetruck you supposed to put out fires not harness the power of them isn't that wacky I'm trying to get a good look at this image what happened I mean obviously it caught fire but I want to know like that gasoline on the bottom what happened to this poor fire truck that's tragic irony bro who is gonna get that toy for 50 cents I mean that's a good deal but you've literally ruined that train game for everybody oh it's not even a crane game is it it dispenses it I think yeah just dispenses it you dummy you done so I guess the low punch balloons going to the balls and my man's was just like he didn't want to do that so he just dumped it in there nice but there are more than two genders t-shirt select fit type men or women select the type do it give cyclists space yeah why cuz you're taking up the bike lane that crew oh my god the Internet is ruining me I thought the cross was dabbing I really almost said it out loud there's actually a lot wrong with that window hold on so the the three little mini windows on the top are all like not angled and then the cross itself did how do you do this this is what I'm curious about because you see the first one right the other three are perfect it's just this one I want to know why that's a thing you know the Burger King is now hiring pancakes for 89 cents but wait dude that's not how you spell hiring you idiot you dunce I don't want to work at a Burger King what a bunch of dunces this ice cream was packaged without a cone god yikes eat up I guess so you blurred out her face when she's given a speech but it seizes which the other gentlemen you done blur her face dude it's not difficult just mask another blur onto her it's okay no we only have a budget for one blurred face purse seem ironic no ramp at a smart city panel I was invited to speak on accessibility but it was a struggle to get on the stage part of the presentation I guess yo my restaurant logo here that's the logo that's the one that's it guys I hate to bring stark topics into this subreddit but a man was killed to death this morning I don't know what he's saying I don't know if he knows that it says killed the death uh dream travel have meals have enjoy time thanks dream travel I will have an enjoy time wait a minute just so you put the braces up but then didn't put the the support beams into the braces goddamn fool bro gates f-22 f10 they're right over there go on like I said dude it's real just no cliff don't know why no one believes me not NEX it yeah it is it is 16 Oreos but there's 17 well if there's 17 Oreos I don't think you should get mad about that that's that's a bonus Oreo that's a bonus Oreo this you're allowed to get mad over you you missed one small grey block in all of your white blocks you're your fool and just flip the tile over I guess please do not poke the watermelon the water lemons rather you want to poke the watermelons that's fine but please leave our water lemons alone psychic fair cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances isn't that some beautiful delicious yummy yummy irony is very tasty very tasty irony wait here that's not that funny but I really like that that's kind of cute it's a little endearing it's like a kid wrote it this push door needs to be pulled open damn ain't that a lie this ramp in the building I live in that ramp just stairs that were flattened what is that I've never seen a ramp that's like built like that's not one smooth surface it's like a bunch of little bumps that's terrible well said fourth of July was just a couple days ago you have your hot dogs with you mustard and then your red mustard because you got to have the best of both worlds turbo analysis and you thought Regulus this was bad why is that an impact font the university has tried to protect the remote control against that try it and fail that'll stop them when your minecraft building is one block off is that a Twix bar but the wafers all messed up how does that even happen in production the assembly lines should be perfect how does that happen I bought a screen protector and the box came empty you just return it just return it it's okay it's not that big of a deal just return it Marvel Avengers but it's cars how do you mess that up Oh yummy yummy I love me some hotdog buns and you know what I do I like to eat my hotdogs with a little bit of a shorter bun by the way I get that meat on the sides that Sh meat that's adorable that's an adorable error yes coz Pikachu has two tails and one big frickin ear oh wow that's just what crappy architecture nice going idiot nice job that brings us to the end of our slash 1 job and if you enjoyed the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,881,261
Rating: 4.9175596 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/onejob, r/onejob top posts, r/onejob best posts, one job, one job reddit, reddit funny, r/onejob reddit, r/onejob emkay, emkay
Id: Kip1mprq8QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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