r/Murderedbywords | "Your Eyes Don't Share the Same Postcode"

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idk why black people think big lips are normal how are you talking about normal when your eyes don't share the same post coho ma girl Patricia lookin like a Bratz doll what's going on boys and girls and welcome back to MS Trent readings south of the Equator and today I'm looking right into our slash murdered by words without further ado let's just shimmy on into the subreddit crazy how zero can get away with his crappy content about him losing his virginity and people will still defend him this guy could upload a 20 minute video of him taking a poop his fans would say it's just a relatable story and he has to poop anyway might as well upload it and the man himself ali-a responds such a toxic mindset if you spent half the time in to improving yourself as you did getting angry about this invalid opinion maybe you'd be a smash player people would actually know ali-a that's a venomous statement ali-a atheists to determine right wrong immoral subjectively but ultimately they've no absolute basis of morality until I read the Bible I had no idea how to treat my slaves and which children to murder luckily the Bible makes it all clear to me I am sorry that the image whose earth-sized baselines yielding a twenty what words are these stop I can't come on bro the hell is that what is that word I don't know what that word is I'm sorry but the image whose earth-sized baseline I am sorry that the image whose earth-sized baselines yielding a 20 UAS beam resolving five Schwarzschild radii whose deconvolution placed 10 resolution elements over a 15 light day black hole shadow and proton ring was too blurry for you I know what they're referring to that picture of the black hole that came out recently but you didn't have to use these words on me man I I couldn't pronounce chaste right or chaste II I did it again oh my god wait is it chaste Oh at what point did women start believing they could adequately analyze the sports of man or woman for that matter at what point after you wrote this tweet did your mom come downstairs with a tray of snacks to tell you that computer times over for the day a healthy nine-year-old Florida girl was paralyzed by the flu shot the bed fits of vaccines far exceed any of the very miniscule rare complications or risks well I've done plenty of research on both sides I made up my decision and I didn't come to Facebook to discuss it with people I didn't post this for a debate all right fair let's change the subject then do you like DIY stuff like Pinterest yeah but I never get to finish any projects crying well laughing I have projects sitting around my house they need to finish well anyways here's a project for you to start working on while you sprayed anti vaccine propaganda and it's a Pinterest link to child's casket Taylor Taylor you cheeky cheeky Wow You cheeky dog dare I say veterans being the public image of PTSD in America is deliberate propaganda to make us sympathize with soldiers who kill people overseas way more women have PTSD than men in a lot having from sexual and domestic violence not combat the human experience in having to live with debilitating trauma and mental illness isn't a freaking competition and it's because the very first people that were coming up with the idea in psychology and psychiatry pressured psychiatric psychiatry psychiatric psychiatry psychiatry and it's because the very first people that were coming up with the idea in psychology and psychiatry that someone who survived a horrific event would have mental troubles it would keep reliving it were primarily people that worked in war or worked with veterans we're people that survived the genocide Allah tax or were people that were in said Wars and a genocide you can see this from the terminology shift going from stuff like soldier's heart and shell-shocked to post-traumatic stress disorder how freaking privileged and unjustly entitled do you have to feel to talk over people who are haunted by memories of having held their war buddy when their intestines were hanging out and they were crying for their mother or realizing that after an attack that they were covered in their shredded friend's blood and be like hmm how do I make this about women and how they have it so much worse than anyone else holy crap you are an effing horrible person delete your accountant right now and spend some months away from tumblr and think about some of the things you said and some of these atrocious ideas that you spewed out actually read something get out of here for serious tip if you think somebody's given you a fake number read it back to them incorrectly see if they correct you if even if somebody's giving you a fake number then take the hint and leave them D F alone to remember how many feet there are in a mile you just got to use five Tomatoes five toe-may-toe s sounds like five to eight zero in there's 5,280 feet in a mile to remember how many meters there are in a kilometer you just remember one thousand because the system of measurement in the rest of the world wasn't invented by a drunk mathematician rolling dice she'd Father's Day be banned because it's disrespectful with single mothers and same-sex couples this woman is what I call the classic case of doesn't know what feminism really is Father's Day isn't so offensive to anybody neither is it the result of patriarchy which also makes me wonder if this woman knows what patriarchy is we also have Mother's Day which by her logic should be offending the same-sex parents in single fathers left and right as arty do Betty I'm sorry if I mispronounced that in any way points out in her answer then there's Valentine's Day which should be offensive to single people hell according to google my birthday falls on my bucket has a hole in it day no kidding should I now get offended because my bucket doesn't have a hole in it anything will offend you if you're looking to be offended you know I don't have a lot of common hair for these kinds of things cuz I feel like these posts are really all the commodores in themselves but I have to agree with that sentiment if you're looking to be offended my friends and you will be offended by any single thing much like that woman was offended my father's day now I think we should really stop glorifying cigarettes you sound boring you sound like you've never had the scent of cigarette smoke and grained in your clothes to the point where people in Middle School thought you smoked at 11:00 because your parents couldn't be bothered to go outside you sound like you've never had your mother flicked cigarette ashes out of the car window and have them fly into your face you sound like you've never been kept up at night by the sound of your dad hacking up a lung because he has to get up for his midnight smoke you sound like you've never had to run into a convenience store to get your mother cigarettes as soon as you turned 18 and cringed and touching the box because you know they're not only killers but government sanction killers because they can not only tax the hell out of them but ensure people buy more and the cost of young lungs and a once beautiful home now plugged with the smell of smoke and ash you sound like you've never had a great grandmother who stopped smoking thirty years before her death who still got lung cancer and subsequently died you sound like a freaking ignoramus smoking isn't effing cool it isn't fun to glorify it's disgusting it makes not only you but your children smell bad makes not only you but your children cough get cancer and get sick you sound like an effing [ __ ] smokey isn't cool grow up an update to our vehicle lineup at Elon Musk so what about the rest of us who bought it at full price and Elon Musk so if we raise prices in the future will you cut Tesla a check you can't have it both ways dear Tom Allen we are all well aware you're gay please stop mentioning it every five minutes it's 2019 we genuinely don't care but I have to and every five minutes it's most disconcerting especially when I'm at a funeral and my timer goes off I guess I talk about it because it's part of my identity and straight people get to talk about theirs every five minutes at least but you'd be exhausted if you messaged them sue I am and since I was made to feel ashamed about it for most of my life I'm still not over that now and I get messages every five to ten minutes saying that it's actually helped them by me being upfront about it I might just keep going and in a world where people are questioning whether children should be taught in schools that gay people even exist in where parts of the world were to stone gay people to death I wonder if it might be more important than ever for us all to talk positively about who we truly are mustaches my timer is about to go oh I'm gay yours Tim Allen did I just say Tim Allen yours Tom Allen Lori Loughlin says God is helping her deal with the cheating scandal why didn't he help her not be a lying a cheating entitled garbage person screw special snowflakes who think like this girl by yo a ain't FN special because you don't wear makeup you're not effing better than the woman with large breasts who wears tank tops you're a piece of crap because you're putting sexist stereotypes on the other women and some anti feminine BS if you don't like it why'd you comment on it I think it's awesome and you're probably one of the girls up there that wears makeup and short shorts and tiny tank tops and most kids today wear makeup because they think they aren't pretty and needed so deal with it and get over yourself girl bye let me tell you something I wear tons of effing makeup I wear short dresses I walk around with a face that looks about as fake as it can get outside of an ethic Barbie doll and I like it that way and despite what you seem to think no it's not because I'm ugly I just effing like makeup and Trust I've spent years examining my own motivations and how they're tied to internalize self hated fat phobia misogyny so don't even cuz you don't know what you're talking about I also read a ravenously engage a discourse regarding philosophy art economics politics race and gender sexuality make subversive art and love comics and film and music I'm an effing person is what I'm saying like how effing deep is this goddamn image when the spine of the book just says the word folk this kind of BS near other than furthering misogynistic dichotomy that hits women against each other is also a complete effing fallacy a huge majority of average women don't do this you weren't the lone plain-jane and an army of cake face two bottle blonde Barbies if you look around you'll see that most women just throw on jeans and tops and very little makeup I get this kind of stuff as an attempt to fight back against media made images of what womanhood is supposed to be I get it though isn't it interesting that the weirdo in the picture is still thin and conventionally attractive but attacking other women who you perceive as being stupid or carbon copies because of their effing appearance doesn't fight back against anything it actually does exactly what the patriarchy wants us to do engenders more hatred and competition between women but you know whatever continue to think you're so goddamn special I'll be over here reading and wearing hot pink lipstick and having a hell of a time doing it I love these posts where they just go off and write full pieces because god damn it Syd passionate you can when you feel passion in Texas though it's always the best my god my dermatologist flying to sell this man was only doing his job and had his photo taken without his consent only to be sexualized by the owner of this account alongside other women in their replies the toxic trait y'all openly display is beyond bigotry and purely distasteful and disturbing to say the least the Sun has fallen out of orbit is about to collide with the earth your only hope to survive is to take cover in a bomb shelter there are two shelters left with one space in each a shelter full of cola Duty players me shelter full of Halo players what shelter do you choose to save your life halo this is literally the most stupid premise I had ever heard for an apocalypse scenario first of all the Sun has fallen out of orbit are we talking about some sort of pre Galileo cosmic death here the Earth orbits the Sun not the other way around second of all I would like to shake the hand of a man that can invent a bomb shelter they could withstand the freakin Sun crashing into the earth third of all I'm assuming these call of duty and slash or halo players are as annoying vulgar foul twelve-year-olds so I would definitely prefer to stand out in the open with arms outstretched waiting for the Sun to destroy me rather than live up the rest of my days with people like that most of the day I love this so much five petabytes five million two hundred forty two thousand eight hundred eighty gigabytes of data necessary to image a black hole Katy boomin sorry if I mispronounced your name who led the development of the algorithm for the project in the moment when the first black hole image was processed before I read that reply like Lauretta can we just pay attention to how happy they both look that's adorable you got to love how excited people who love science get over these kinds of things it's BS she didn't even do the crap it was a guy who wrote 80s idea it was a guy hero 850,000 of the 900,000 bro you're a [ __ ] it was a guy he wrote eight hundred fifty thousand nine hundred thousand lines of code LMFAO okay so even if he was just the guy who wrote the code that followed the algorithm and she designed and even if she wasn't constantly giving shoutouts to people including him who worked on this with her I'm going to assume you regularly get upset that Pete Seymour because women could see how that finishes but we'll go right into the next post on top of that considering it's her post doctorate research project and the guy who wrote it as a grad student who will have most likely used a lot of basic framework from github to produce the hundred fifty thousand lines of code that he did which wouldn't do crap without the fifty thousand specifically derived from her work she deserves the credit and honestly just around the South this is quite frankly the single most incredible image to be produced in this field of research since Einstein came up with the concepts behind the general relativity a century ago and essentially says yeah he got it right dot dot dot C more in other news I don't need eight hundred fifty thousand lines of code to tell you Jacob is a soy boy haha terrible why did I as a paying customer with good health insurance have to wait hours in an emergency room well a whole bunch of people went before me who clearly had no health insurance at all first of all how dare you you don't know anything about the other patients that are there and I don't know how you presume to know such intimate details of the lives and insurance statuses of others waiting for care because we really don't give a damn about your insurance status we don't talk to you about it it has no role in your care in the ER it isn't a factor in how your triaged there's no way for me to even see your insurance provider in your chart as a nurse your care isn't any different than someone who doesn't have insurance why because that's the way it should be when you consider that the emergency room is for life-threatening emergencies you should want us to prioritize care by who needs it the most and not by who has the most Mis place to eat go to throw around like you seemed to want it to work triage sorts people by highest acuity read closest to death and then by time when all else is equal so if you had to wait a really long time it's because you weren't dying and we're perfectly stable to wait now believe some people are so filled with self-appointed egos but I think I should go first at the bill even though there's someone bleeding out right next to me I don't think he has insurance but I do John Glenn had a job below as a transcript of John Glenn's ending rebuttal statement delivered during a debate with Howard if Minton bomb that took place at a Cleveland City Club on May 4th in 1874 at the time of the debate Glenn and Metzenbaum were running against each other in the Ohio Democratic primary for US Senator in a speech given a few weeks prior to the debate mitt sabab stated that Glenn had never held a real job Senator Glenn quote Howard I can't believe you said I never had a real job I served 23 years in the United States Marine Corp I served through two wars I flew 149 missions my plane was hit by an anti-aircraft fire on 12 different occasions I was in the space program it wasn't my checkbook it was my life on the line it was not a nine-to-five job where I took time off to take the daily cash receipts to the bank I asked you to go with me as someone the other day to a Veterans Hospital and look at those men with their mangled bodies in the eye and tell them they didn't hold the job you go with me to any gold star mother and you look her in the eye and tell her that her son did not hold a job you go with me to the space program and go as I have gone to the windows and orphans of Ed White and Gus Grissom and Roger Chaffee and you look those kids in the eye and tell them that their dad didn't hold a job you go with me on Memorial Day coming up and you stand in Arlington National Cemetery where I have more friends than I'd like to remember and you watch those waving flags you stay in there and you think about this nation and you tell me that those people didn't have a job I'll tell you Howard Metzenbaum you should be on your knees every day of your life thanking God that there were some men some men who held a job and Lee required a dedication to purpose and a love of country and dedication to duty that was more important than life itself and their self-sacrifice is what made this country possible I have held a job Howard god I love passionate speeches in a just society Alexandria okay SEO Cortez would still be a bartender I was a bartender before I went to medical school it was a time that I looked back on fondly I learned many important life skills including empathy teamwork and effective time management nobody should judge another's journey it makes you look petty really kid cleaning up for no reason from our slash kids are effing stupid posted by you slash I'm the real idiot here this kid is probably smarter than your dumb a if you see this as a problem considering the Opie's name is on the real idiot here I think so I still haven't finished fallout 4 don't worry neither did Bethesda when you get an abortion you don't become unpregnant you just become the mother to a dead baby or dead cells dead cells that held laughs all cells once held life no one gets lynched for exfoliating john mccain's response to being called a carpetbagger after becoming representative of the first district of Arizona listen pal I spent 22 years in the Navy my father was in the Navy my grandfather was in the Navy we in the military service tend to move a lot we have to live in all parts of the country all parts of the world I wish I could have had the luxury like you of growing up and living and spending my entire life in a nice place like the first District of Arizona but I was doing other things as a matter of fact when I think about it now the place I lived longest in my life was annoying the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money Margaret Thatcher and the problem with Megan McCain is that she's never going to run out of her father's money me on a post about the photograph of the black hole meanwhile in Muslim countries nothing I'm a Muslim physicist an astrophysicist who plans on researching dark matter and dark energy in what's to chardee unite in general relativity in q.f meanwhile Opie here sits in his parents basement jacking off and posting online pretending he had anything to do with this momentous achievement because he lives in a somewhat similar Society you're nothing but a failure who has nothing to be proud of so you take the achievements and work of others and claim it as your own because you happen to share a religion language skin color etc while people all over the world of all different Creed's contribute to the advancement of society you're a loser and you know it about the black hole image the pictures crap no murder here listen here you ignorant ingrown sausage link this picture is taking light fragments that are so small DL most compared to the size of your brain if you could take a better picture please show the world your excellent non foggy 250,000 light year focus on your iPhone 10x is someone gonna screenshot this beauty and post it could I be in the screenshot - yes you can yeah I'm not the one who's trying here oh god we gonna get you some women pal I doubt you guys even know what it looks like what you mean bro it looks just like this it's his profile picture nice it'll go away in a few hours but the bruising will hang around a bit a few hours how come my penis pump doesn't work that well to be frank the pump needs something to work with yeah he said he got a small peepee that's funny that's funny love dick jokes I used to feel the same way about vaccines before I saw my child experience an adverse reaction to MMR ten years ago I had to be neglectful if I didn't use that experience to deeply educate myself and inform future decisions what reaction you live past the age of six your stance on animal testing is unacceptable I hope I'm not the only one boycotting your site my stance on animal testing is the exact same as every other scientifically literate person in the world that is unfortunate but necessary for medical progress every major medical breakthrough has been made with animal testing if your child ever gets cancer treatment they receive will have been tested on animals I look forward to the day when technological advancements means animal testing is no longer necessary or nowhere near that point if you ever taken any sort of medication in your entire life you're a hypocrite and if you want to boycott my site for that stance then I welcome that I have no interest in having a scientifically ignorant followers equally I'm happy to be boycotted by creationists homeopathy and climate change deniers there's a whole genre of reddit posts where teens ask got to get vaccinated without their parents consent just just so you know that's the thing as bad as it gets the youth gives me hope I hope you dig into the actual science of vaccines and surprise surprise you will find that you've been sold as snake oil happy vaccinations I'm sorry honey but I don't think I trust anyone that spells a desert like that without the ugly in this world there would be nothing beautiful thank you for your sacrifice honestly I feel zero excitement for that image of the black hole I appreciate the fan that approves theories that have been around for decades but the image looks too effing stupid for me to get excited about it it's like an out-of-focus smudge if no one said what it was no one would pay any attention to it or care are you sure I could replicate it by just putting my finger on my camera lens and taking a picture you're so dense you're about to collapse into a black hole yourself scientists can just save time and took a picture of your face instead of course people care about it because of what it is not the effing composition of the photograph what do you want a tasteful say Pia filter so stronger blue hues to counterbalance the orange it's not an Instagram post it's science how tall are you how big are your tits thank you for failing my test my boyfriend is conducting a study on toxic men and how they get really defensive when asked about their height and tend to try to offend a woman by asking about commonly known insecurities in women like wait we're degrading them by asking about their chest size that's what you did thank you for being a part of the examples on what not to do I hope you could become less toxic one day the irony here is palpable we should create a virus so only people in top 10 percentile are able to produce I'm not lying what if we create a nanovirus to kill average and low IQ people so only the remain the world would be full of people that actually care to do something better for this world what the rest do nothing I hope something like that happens one day so you want to commit suicide people who live in countries with universal health care how bad are the waiting rooms in the emergency room way way way way better than in the US and the wait times are shorter - I have waited seven hours in u.s. emergency rooms my longest ever wait in the Canadian emergency room was about 40 minutes I never fully appreciated how truly awful American Elkader really is until I moved to Canada if Americans fully realized how utterly catastrophic ly dismal their health care is there'd be rioting in the streets the anxiety and depression I would have today and I've been born a black male in this country I know I couldn't survive it there is absolutely nothing to justify the blatant oppression the experience every single day nothing I was born a black male in this country I live in a very white state I don't have anxiety and I don't have depression from it you know what happens when I go out in my yard in the suburbs and wave at the neighbors while doing yard work they wave back in ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our journey through our / murdered by words and I hope you ever so enjoyed this edition of MK and if you did be sure to leave a like on the video and if you really liked it if you really really loved it and loved my voice be sure to subscribe and until next time I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,864,317
Rating: 4.8797464 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, funny, emkay, r/murderedbywords, r/murderedbywords top posts
Id: j0OyMeeLZMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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