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oh my god sisters okay I'm I'm not gonna try to do a voice I'm I know I can't but I just took the prettiest picture of my butt in the entire world law I wish I could post it hello ladies and gentlemen welcome back to m'kay this is Michael and today we're going to be looking at some of the best reddit readings south of the Equator and in today's video we're gonna be looking at our slash nobody asked um yeah I'm vegan or congratulations who gives a Frick people being upset about one baby elephant is a good opportunity to get them thinking about the billions of animals killed or mistreated annually for their lifestyle choices a yet sure but why should we give a Frick that you are vegan you guys should try some new tactics because you come across as pretentious when you announce your veganism when nobody asked it's a meme what I was just joking okay I swear I'm taking it so seriously the name of rapper better than me I bet you can I'm complete fire literally everybody is better than you piss off when Ernie from Sesame Street is telling y'all Hoff um just time to rethink things me at the bar yeah I met a woman who has a business degree and works at a company I dropped out of college and owned a business life is funny like that okay us greater teachers who regularly get invited to high school reunions what are the most amazing transformations and common patterns ethic stories saddest declines etc that you've seen through the years and not a teacher nor have I been to a reunion myself and to be honest I don't really have a story to share either but now that I've written this I might as well just post it goodbye well that's actually pretty funny that like that's kind of funny like as far as these go that's not too bad huh I mean I chuckled or smoking weed might be drying up your coochie I've smoked weed for 19 years and have never had a dry coochie before trust me when I tell you this you can ask my man you Herman okay tell him damn rhyme I have never eaten here I pass by I'm not an ice-cream either sorry I can that's it awesome genius how old do you I'm 18 I'm 26 huh how's it feel to be just over a quarter to a hundred I'm not doing much just lying here masturbating again I worry about your home life be well man my home life I have the better life I could have asked for in fact I'm a Missouri Allstate track and cross-country runner and I'm only a sophomore it's how you say that word sophomore like I'm suffer more it doesn't get much better than man my parents and I have a great relationship I have my own car I have everything I want I have a 4.2 GPA I have plenty of money I have a job what else do I need I have division 1 scholarship offers already you should probably worry about someone else's home life that doesn't have it as good as me like yourself ok now this is in the comments of presumably some Taylor Swift Christmas song it's a nice video impossible I'll date in future I like women not men guys asked me out but I'm not gay I never exact stated in my life I mean real dating I dated online YouTube and elementary school and I was a kid never went physical touching I'm searching for true love okay I am a nice guy and I'm drowning in that coochie but mainly because I'm sincerely good-natured and dorky people value genuineness and that's why overly nice people are unsettling and irritating whether you are consciously aware I nod your bullcrap meter is going off here we've got an American $20 bill um I put this in my anus nice okay this is in the replies would like some Lord of the Rings meme or something oh don't do this Samwise it's a movie character you dimwit maybe it's of crying over a bad movie and improvement where did you just call okay moving on and improve your real life I for example have a solid idea ten girlfriend and a good paying job and grand a month so take my advice and shut up nobody asked I hate Jack Black as an actor of course I love you Keanu Reeves my hero I'm neither female nor gay of course there's nothing wrong with being female and such okay so how many PS is are there men I'm neither sexist nor homophobic I'm so high right now I have just had a bone huh maybe I'm gay after all no I'm not oh of course there's nothing wrong with being gay as I've said I'm not homophobic I'm just high and only I could have freaked a horse now if nothing is wrong with eating a horse when you get too hungry then what is wrong with freaking a horse when you get too horny of course figuratively I'm against animal ropes most people are not aware of animal ropes which is quite common you can easily find videos of horses freaking your woman with their huge dongs online I recommend using an incognito window okay next up from the peak of journalism um snapchat we've got watch Sansa Stark dab with a jewel in her head wow that's so epic for followed by craziest videos with yeah I think Nick Cage why are you smoking a peahen oh by the way my brain didn't use an axe bar what what yes what I'm guessing is the comment just got a bunch of likes and and he saw as you know he saw his opportunity so yeah fair enough he's a hustler you so handsome by the way I'm tomboy why I like boy and no I'm not lesbian I'm from Finland which is the country next to Russia you can see on the map I heard stories from my grandmother that around the time she remembers of windows breaking on the northern parts of Finland and you could feel the explosion even there which is another two hundred kilometers to the shock wave radius you showed in the video that's a cool story once I had sex with a girl from Finland relevant it sounds exotic but it was the only okay glad to take that country off the list getting close to a woman means that she would start to see things in my personality that I need to keep private for my own safety like the desire to act him next who and I squirt I asked him how it feels he says it feels like his dong going down a warm water slide Barr's bro what okay there's some post about a tattoo artist and like the price they're charging or whatever followed by my sleeve was free because my tattoo artist wanted to freak me nobody asked I miss you God might kiss so huge what a woman 24 stop trading her legs four months ago because she felt lazy yeah also in other news I might shower after I record this video and and maybe brush my teeth or something wait where we're not just sharing her we're not just sharing a daily routine okay fair enough and now from Emma Chamberlain a bit of a quirk you want we've got I literally just peed myself on accident what the Frick I was just standing in an elevator and Payne oh my god all guys adulting is so hard am i right much long cold right now what is it cold when now Oh mad night out and I think it's sarcastic since it's bingo and like it's kind of like you know a little bit lame like I think it's a joke followed by you called bingo on Mad nine home about my mad Knight is three fights with people getting stabbed getting searched by cops and then getting drunk and partying and going home to a girl hahaha I've got a friend who moved to Lithuania and his school set up a whatsapp group with his class and their teacher the teacher posts events and a homework in the group that's that kind of stuff okay I don't know what to do with this information nobody asked why Meghan Michael always wears her hair in a bun but Kate does not revealed this is so epic people care apparently a delivery time stated between 45 to 60 minutes but it was delivered within 25 minutes this was a bit of an inconvenience as I was ball sleeping my wife at the time alpha move fair you know those days where you've cried off your mascara by 10 a.m. yeah those days call for a fan tea I know you probably won't believe this I used to drink coffee like a fiend kind of like the way I used to drink but I have a never had Starbucks coffee and I don't drink coffee anymore and have him for Deki what what the fant have him for decades but I'm getting to the age where I guess I'm going to have to go and try one just to see what the big deal is about cuz lord knows I haven't got much time left on this orb and probably a lot less than I think but thanks for reminding me can you help me find something oh sure probably unless it's God that I cannot find by the way Rickon I lost a card of mine oh okay I'll travel to Canada and look for it don't worry I think it's gone forever it's not my depth cart or my ID or my credit card it's my v card a Kill Bill reference not really my have sex but hey that's still pretty cool I'd actually recommend that you give it a watch it's really good if you like samurai swords and over-the-top action also worth watching if you enjoy ranking over whom if the elements fee I've had many fun nights alone with that film right like I'm 90% sure it's a joke but it's it's just not good either how I discovered my e next I get downloaded every time I give my honest opinion that doesn't go with the majority law no big deal I honestly didn't even know that was Britney though it doesn't look like her at all it's gotta be a K big game he'll most of my posts are downvoted who are you calling big guy I'm a woman the username is Cobra vanilla I'm a widow and someone was my late husband I may have to change it because too many people think I'm a man because they only see ba a nope I'm a full woman gave birth and race to adulthood to children sorry for ranting I had to edit to add the funniest part of you calling me big guy is the fact that I'm 5 foot tall 113 pounds far from pig below I'm sorry for the confusion and you lost the things I learned today about bananas I do not have enough room to be DP'd by bananas my coochie is strong and squishes bananas I don't moving on Daniel Radcliffe + the Harry Potter actor admitted he started master ok ok then hearing Kris talk while hai is just very funny I don't know why I'm black by the way whenever I play soldier 76 on Team Deathmatch I always get play the game cool story I just ate the most amazing burger it was almost sexual or haha this is on the Wikipedia Fair how to create sexual tension yeah I can really feel it with that message I just use a public bathroom today and somebody tried to open it and I said I'm in him I was so scared because no one said anything but a few seconds later they said oh sorry what so like like a normal human interaction wow that's a peck what he don't want to give you any slug after a long day you punch him that's yeah true but I like coochie too because I'm bisexual okay in reply to some cute gift with like bunnies and soft with God when I was a kid I had two pet rabbits that always were fed properly one day I opened the bunny hutch to hold one blood was everywhere one wrapper was chewing on its brother til was peril my father made me kill it with a rock slit whoa what I will so get quest for my birthday hmm I haven't had a birthday since I was five years old what I learned is birthday gifts cake or any treats just tell you it's okay not to earn anything yourself if you're not already 18 just plan on living with your parents until 21 as you won't have the skills to move out guys my wife is having her third abortion Oh apik over 65% of gun deaths in America are death by suicide and the other 35% are death by these guns nipa like that's appropriate every one of my family has called my grandmother gaga she's the real gaga and she could beat up Lady gaga how old are the people in this group I'm 47 I'm just here paying for my lawyer for my second divorce it's not been easy here either the spinal surgery caused me to have to go on disability my dog died and then I lost my dad to my daughter almost died of opiate abuse so I gave up my inheritance to send her to rehab it saved her then mom I left me what he was only in it for the money yeah I'm winning at 48a hi friends have you taken driving lessons in Montreal me I have a good school to recommend I haven't since I've been living in Germany for the past six years but I hope you can find one so huh while being naked from the waist down I made eye contact with my boyfriend and lifted my leg too far instead I pushed a little too hard and just pissed on the floor like a freaking dog while making eye contact for this poor man I hope he left you my dinner was the toasted cheese sandwich a chocolate milkshake forgot to take a picture and a can of creaming soda and I had to take 4 tablets for my yeast infection you and there we go on that note it's time to end the video I hope you've enjoyed and as always if you did be sure to LIKE subscribe or that um if you like this video then be sure to go check out my main channel it's like this but better um basically so so yeah if you like this then you'll probably like my main two so go check that out and be sure to subscribe and stay notified for future videos and without further adieu I'll see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,094,246
Rating: 4.9390345 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/nobodyasked, reddit nobody asked, nobody asked, r/nobodyasked top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, funny, emkay
Id: 0tp-2hbz_e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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