r/Niceguys | M'laaaadyyyyy

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1:03 a.m. hi 1:10 a.m. hi 2 a.m. hi 2:20 a.m. hi 301 am I hope you die stuck up B 3:05 a.m. hi 308 a.m. love you welcome to M K the best reddit readings south of the Equator and today we're doing a deep look into our slash nice guys this is the same guy who made a list and ranked every girl we worked with by their ass and how easy to get them into bed with him why do girls friendzone guys even giving them a chance not all guys are the same not all women are interested unless you've without a doubt had romantic interest in every woman you've ever seen and this is extremely hypocritical by the way look at my list of female asses didn't realize he liked me until I started dating my now boyfriend and this is how he reacts seriously after all that f you they're just like they all said I can't believe I told anyone they were ever wrong about you they were so right I don't care what they think they don't matter to me yeah that's what they all said that I don't care what they think and that they don't matter nice but you're a selfish jerk who only cares for herself what I say anything different lovely they were right and I wish you did stop coming to school like you said you would you're so nice you're right I am I should have said something ages ago after everything we've been through you can't even form a proper apology good morning sexy what's up okay well if you two then fatty big guys not good big like gross pee just to clarify it's not a good big ass is a gross big one just just just so you know I sent in this old Foursquare as a joke Hey ladies do me a favor don't show me your boobs show me your mind yeah do bad we try this and they still choose that fella that mistreats them lol this guy sexually assaulted someone in the last year by the way I go to school up in New York I love my family and look forward to starting my own one day and can't wait to have kids and I am a huge family person and surprised at how so many girls go for the a-holes rather than the nice guys so if any girls looking for a nice girl try talking to me a nice guy I suppose so oh okay yeah I like you thank you I like your with middle finger tone oh thank you I worked quite hard on that business yeah or sexy charming beautiful lady you're charming to all thanks sweetie mm-hmm you have snapchat yes what's her snapchat not telling why because it's my business bye ugly Gabey I don't check my disk or DMS often at big chunky hello beautiful okay okay I see how it is Bea I didn't even actually think you're beautiful you ugly P I think I reason why so many Facebook dog groups have had women bully me and then ban me when I say something back is that that mad they can never get a guy as good-looking or intelligent as me Roach if just try being a nice person instead of rude and b b:e to everyone no you do not get a chance I don't know you and I don't owe you a chance are you effing serious dad this is effing BS all you bees asked for is a nice guy but the moment a nice guy comes knocking on your door you slam it in their effing face oh stop I'm effing dying all females buddy buddy just because a girl doesn't give you a modicum of attention doesn't mean they need to die dawg I'm a man did you think I was a girl not all men care about how sexy your body is real pretty you are so we're waiting to hear what comes out of your mouth near blank ever since I first saw you in school I've been in love but I'm too shy to even talk to you instead I've been watching you from a distance and admiring your beauty I know you have a boyfriend but honestly he's an a-hole he's just manipulating you for sex something I would never do even though I love your cute face beautiful brown hair in sexy body I also care about your nice personality your creative talent and sense of humor honestly dump that a loser sex isn't the most important for me I wouldn't mind it do I want to have a relationship with you where we can talk and have fun in cuddle you don't have to be my girlfriend if you don't want to what I love you so I would really appreciate it I love you name withheld do sweet guys like this actually exist it's sucks man I literally love her so much that I don't find other girls attractive anymore like I just want her physically and emotionally she's only effing want where y'all at yes we exist but some of us aren't good-looking so no one cares can we talk long time no talk how have you been hey it's been a while I'm fine you talk about what that's good I'm good too nothing really I thought I saw you downtown a few days ago why to see what you were up to you look good better than before my glad to hear it so who was the guy you're with he looks pretty short all my ex's downgraded you included huh you sent a picture of his wiener one done your business - don't bother messaging me anymore huh you're still be I'll just playing around learn to take a joke girly you know I can see when you're eating my messages right I swear all my exes are crazy don't know a good man when they have one I'm loyal I rock three jobs I can cook I can clean I'm romantic no wonder you all downgraded that's what you deserve lol don't know a nice guy on you see one huh my new gf is so much hotter than your [ __ ] ass she actually puts out unlike a frigid hoe like you what's a fridge at home I like the the descriptive term but what is it what does it mean to be a frigid ho hold on I kind of like this up real quick what does it mean to be a frigid ho oh wow so is he is he bitching she has a low sex drive or is he just mad that she didn't take kindly to his picture of his wiener well you know I'm willing to bet on the ladder oh it gets worse lmao remember when you cheated with a random girl runescape only for her to end up being a dude I do what totes loyal guys I feel sorry for your girlfriend I love how it ends with a cliffhanger of him typing back some sort of response and he also liked the message or was it the girl that liked it I'll use Facebook did you think about it yeah and I think I won't work why I'm so busy all the time that it won't be able to be in a relationship so I'm not able to be your date sorry oh no you're lying it's currently a weekend for me I only get one day off what do you think I would do with it what do you have plenty of time to erp with people like a Jesus but you have plenty of time to erp with a lot of people like the jerk you are sorry but out date stupid tramps pan looks like a Dodge a nice guy hallelujah who are you blank or blank how about you why are you text me because I'm nice and I have a heart Oh God why'd you open with that I do have my a-hole moments but what guy doesn't but I believe in being nice deep down I don't know don't hate me oMG lol my Facebook post said send memes or don't talk to me I know my bad not trying to piss you off at all though puppy-dog eyes I'm just trying actually make a real conversation and try get know you better is that okay you're a little stubborn or shy idk it's okay I am - what I'm trying not to be idk what you up to today hey what you up to you should talk to me I'm bored puppy-dog eyes hey so why didn't you respond yesterday puppy-dog eyes shrug would you have it a bad day what's up so you're gonna be rude and disrespectful and not say anything or what so you want to come over hang out and smoke some dabs with me no please leave me alone stop being a little lame s you're pathetic and lame and fu - then more for me B hi hello there are P no I don't roleplay sorry single now I have a boyfriend oh you're one of them female fully B's always ignoring nice male furries like me who respect females like you well have fun with your cheating boyfriend is what you know that I do better in bed than your boyfriend you'd be he's always ignoring nice male furries oh my god justice for male furries we will probably never understand black holes or white women fall madly in love with douchebags blocked me huh I guess that's adult come back and talk to me no call me sorry to accuse so you can yell at me I thought the night was going fine until you accused me of flirting with another guy just come back and have some fun with me that guy's is 2 times or more my age I'm sorry I liked you until that point I cannot deal I wasn't yelling I was a fenced that's all offended at what I didn't do anything wrong oh come on it was one thing let's get over and have a good night no big deal I paid for my own drink so you wouldn't accuse me of taking advantage of you and I talking to someone who talks to you isn't a crime I'm fine Blanc you'll find another girl who clicks with you I get a little jealous sometimes it not you I click with you hmm that was a new experience for me you're hot and attractive and smart and funny and cute and have a great smile and are in a heap I'll make it up promise it was an overreaction hmm come on I'll take you to blank it'll be fun yeah no don't ruin it like I did hahahaha alcohol brings out the jelly in me hmm sorry come to my place call me three exclamation point hmm I'm on my way home I've never been treated that way I think it's been if we just went home I'm clearly not the right girl for you I feel like everything I did was wrong you did everything right it was me you're gonna come back or no I'll actually buy you a drink this time or I'll just come to your place hmm I'm not coming back blank and you could be mad at me if you want but I'm going home to sleep good night how come I said sorry don't be like that why ruin it off of one thing just call me would ya jeez you're really gonna put this on me I just want to go home and sleep I can make it up to you promise hmm I'll come over and show you I'm not a bad guy I'll bring us something to drink stop please the only way you hold salvaged this if you just let it go and try some other day can salvage why are you doing it like this I'm obviously sorry but you want to hold on to it huh it was an accident but you don't give out second chances do ya you see Blanc you can't just respect what I'm asking which is to leave it alone and try another day why does it have to be immediate there won't be another day though that's how this will work tonight which is why I want to fix it now I like you a lot if you give me gel and stop blaming me for everything and it would be fine I just want to explain myself and get another chances but you keep piling on no not at all which is why I want to see you hmm let me just come by and I'll explain no I'm going to bed and if you keep pushing me I'll block you unhinge I kept this line open for a reason stop pushing me hello well what a threat that's the girl I knew was there mm-hmm let me know when you're done hmm you're missing out on a seriously good guy fYI I'm sure you're a good guy and I hope hinge works out for you I promise girls on hinge aren't just using you for drinks well come over and prove me wrong hmm didn't she say earlier that she bought all of her own drinks she already proved him wrong you're actually very cute and I would love to show you a good time mm-hmm why can't you give me a hug please you're going to give me a hug today the sooner you accept that the better can you tell me why not like am I missing something it's just a hug am I making some heat Rick I just need the embrace of a woman you're being weird saying no to a hug uh-huh are you never gonna hug me again if you're truly sorry about the work thing I'd want to make me less sad bid please just say okay to this please look at your phone please reply it's not gonna take up any of your time it doesn't require mental energy I know you don't particularly like hugs but I haven't hugged you in so long so what's your Excuse this time hmm I know you're not in the mood for hugs but please baby just this once I've been getting so many knows from you lately and not complaining it's only fair if you give me this well-deserved I thought you'd be happy to see me once it's such a small thing I'm asking for you can hug your mom I've never seen such a desperate plea for a hug it's white gentlemen are a dying breed the line between gentlemen and our slash nice guys is super thin though of course you don't tell anything about the nice guys until someone comes and pushes them over the edge and their life is over after that I'm single because I'm actually nice to girls I like society f'ing disgusts me damn want to marry you let me meet your parents okay okay fine thanks for ignoring me I believe that every one of us has a different story and as for me I have one heart one body at once all for only one girl and I want a girl who shares these things with me a girl who has never been in a relationship before girl who's keeping herself for only one boy as I do I keep myself for one boy and if I found her I will directly propose to her that's all that's me and that's my story sorry for my disturbance it have fun with the others nice guy told the f off a few months back hey we haven't talked in a while are things two hours later are you still mad I said that was sorry later that day if you be or something but nice to you ever other than that one time I still love you but I hope you have to die I love you but I hate you shut up if you want it's all up to you what do you want I don't know you I also what I like you so much you looks my dream girl how old are you I'm only 19 I don't think I'm ready for a relationship okay no problem we gonna be a good friends first okay every f and day I stalked your profile and see your photos not too many only four photos I have watched every day oh can we be good friends by the way they would do the same for pictures every day since I've friended you hey could I see your pic Oh F flaw I'll share pics maybe you can put on story though at least one should know who I'm talking to who all that's our basic human right though yeah unfortunately you women don't like to give us good guys a shot puppy-dog eyes imagine how we feel Lal you guys for being with people who don't give an F about you a link to our / nice guys so I'm guessing you think nice guys are like those people lol from the University of California San Diego and only 18 miles away gainfully employed and comfortably cuddly loves to cook loves the water good sense of humor remember that nice guy in high school that really liked you but you ignored in favor of the hot looking jerk with the cool car who treated you like crap and screwed around on you here's another shot of a nice guy appreciates a good conversation enjoys everything from the theater to a good storm-chasing or an evening of good wine and good music or a good movie progressive nonsmoker good luck bud with that profile I find I too nice to be single it's laughs ooh because he only ever tries to have sex the moment he meets any girl hey you're like super cute you have super nice eyebrows too though plus them a boy with emotional problems give me you snap che I'm asking nicely but I'll be forced will need be angry emoji I know we haven't known each other very long but if you like I really need to tell you I really really love you I promise I'll never cheat on you it'll spoil you everyday with physical demonstrations and my love please say yes my sweet innocent angel sorry I'm still healing from my last relationship I really value our friendship though why okay [ __ ] I'm the only person capable loving you anyway so have fun being alone for rest your life when you're homeless sit on the streets you look back at this moment in which you said yes I can't believe ever like such a [ __ ] II be like you a man can I ask you a question sure what's up can I ask blanket to prom WTF no she's my girlfriend come on man I bet I treat her better than you anyway answers still no sorry bud whatever man blank is a B anyway I hope you enjoy getting strapped on EFT buyer I thanks have a good night a lyric from a rap song known as white trash made by a rapper that goes by the name tabby girl I'm feeling euphoric my Fedora be a halo I'm your Savior I know it Fabio kind of flow under chin kept it growing like our love wait you're zoning me I told you you're gorgeous you effing [ __ ] Fu JK could we please have some coitus I could be the scariest psychopath ever or the sweetest gentleman it's up to you Japanese voice actress just got married wiebe gets angry he's dead right now we can help him he told me he doesn't care he only cares about me absolutely not how could he possibly tray me like this I loved if he was going to be my wife but she left me for big wrestler cutter I can't believe this I really can't believe it I just wished girls would stop her during nice guys like me and going for blank men just a practice wrestler the conversation I had my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend a few years ago you use her house in hey J stupid phone she's good is she really or is she broken broken as I've always seen her someone who has given up for the most part but it's never to be given up on protection bro you're the only one who can and will I will don't worry I'm not worried she has a wolf looking over there is no better protection I have many under my protection myself picture that just says wolves with a scary wolf clipart huh what is there a problem officer oh well I just never thought of it that way what you mean we are wolves the ones you protect are like family they're our pack and we protect them at all costs we'll never give up insert picture of girl hugging wolf be her protector but don't feel like I did because you will eventually regret it and that regret doesn't go away I failed so many people I never gave up on people who gave up on me people who left me on the side of a road like a dog waiting for them to return okay furry and that brings us to the end of our slash nice guys if you liked the video just leave just leave a like on it just do it and if you liked the video will not subscribe what's stopping it's free it's it's it's free to do and I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,555,905
Rating: 4.9468513 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, funny, emkay, r/niceguys, reddit nice guys, r/niceguys top posts, r/nicegirls, reddit nice
Id: 5ly0-gPOXjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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