r/Murderedbywords | DESTRUCTION 100

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overheard la girl to boyfriend taking pictures of her oh my god these are horrible boyfriend well what do you want me to do that's what you look like it's a good man what's up everyone and welcome back to NBA the best reddit readings North Bay equator and today we're taking it another stroll through our slash murdered by words which is funnily enough a rather tame subreddit Crusoe Delphian meeting room Bible address every Sunday evolution is lie and then someone posted a neat little sign that said if you have evidence to disprove evolution then write it down get it peer-reviewed and collect your Nobel Prize tree Australia look at changing its negative gearing rules I don't know what the negative gearing rules are 57% yes a 43% no this man and blue says of course the free ride is over boomers time they actually work for something for the first time in your lives then gentlemen and read says how remarkably stupid your calm Eddie's how do you think that boomers created the wealth the place had opposed it on properly you didn't create anything you had given it by your parents if it's post-war and then you squandered it during the 70s 80s and 90s on a consumerist degenerate lifestyle it poisoned Dyer ruined any chance and a stable economy for short-term gains promoted the kind of economic management they sold the greatest economy ever seen [ __ ] with debt and literally left some parts of this planet too polluted to an Abbott yeah the only generation to leave your children with less than your hand for the first time in the history of humanity you created nothing boomers are pathetic stain on the scorecard of history if it were up to me you'd be taking numbers next to a long wall boomer versus Zoomer did from Chase Bank you why is my balance so low bank account make coffee at home eat the food that's already in the fridge you don't need a cab it's only three blocks I guess we'll never know seriously hashtag Monday motivation with an Elizabeth Warren that bag of wrinkles replied with at Chase why aren't customers saving money taxpayers we lost our jobs slash homes slash savings but gave you a twenty five billion dollar bailout workers employers don't pay living wages economists rising costs plus wages equals zero savings I also probably said economists wrong spray economists Jase guess we'll never know everyone seriously hashtag money motivation two dads two dads two dads gotta love the double dad ensemble I actually really like the term double bad bring my children a double dead anyway from the unpopular opinions fair enough I really hate seeing children at gay rallies in most cases they don't understand what they're doing and what they're promoting I think most children are pressured into going to galleys by their parents and therefore pressured into believing gay marriage and then Mikasa blumpkins responds with this little gem I really hate seeing children in churches in most cases they don't understand what they're doing and what they're promoting I think most children are pressured into going to churches by their parents and therefore pressured into believing a magic man on the sky who will send them to healthy touch themselves or eat shrimp oh my god I relate RPO oh seven seven I just got destroyed thought I'd share people who don't carry umbrellas and rainy weather why not do you like getting wet I'd like to experience how I make girls feel cold and irritated Oh Donald Trump tweet get ready boomers duo is being rapidly built the economy is great our country is respected again the wall has yet to start construction the national debt is at 22 trillion and our country is a laughingstock of the world right now yeah but what have also the other one too but if what you guys just both believe both things y'all find this attractive lmao there are the best gymnasts in the world I promise you they didn't get those abs to impress your dusty self no sorry angry hippie I just looked at his username at you want my D underscore annual nice if you have this detail on your car and I see you don't be surprised when you get a nice throat punch vaccinate your crotch goblins it's tough talk from someone whose entire family can be taken out by a rusty nail I'm sorry that I laugh like an old man who's never heard a joke before but that's funny oh hey look it's b.o.b two cities in the background are approximately 16 miles apart where's the curve please explain this oh hey mister murdered by words comes in with the circumference of 24,000 nine miles you were looking at a curvature of around 0.2 degrees a little more than 10 feet at 16 miles away may I say that curvature is still significantly higher than your IQ damn I guess Bo BIA could really use a wish right now I may just be very privileged however I have enough scholarships that I'm going to a very good university for free my friend comes from a poor family and his Hispanic also has enough scholarships to cover the costs and as an RA meaning he's getting paid to go to college there are so many opportunities out there to get money for college that there's no point to be swimming in debt unless you went to law grad or med school good luck in college suggestion take some classes like logic and rhetorical analysis and of course some statistics while you're there then perhaps you'll finally know that there's between data and anecdotes Malone faced Chernobyl challenging 1986 was a hell of a year hmm I was born in 86 is that bad oh I did to the list of that year's disasters another one on the board law you have never screwed a pretty girl ever could be said about any dude who ever screwed you lol thanks literally hot ler Amazon should replace local libraries to save taxpayers money the eff forms fun fact about getting books for Amazon you had to pay money for the penny way I'm off to pick up my library holds but you don't have to pay taxes cos two individually by the six books I want to have on hold this week seventy dollars amount the Alpha Dean on library special parcel tax cost me the sweet 75 cents someone help me budget this I'm not the chair of an Economics Department so I know how the hell do you say this guy's name time to butcher a name everybody's to strap in I can't read things panos more Dakota's that's I don't know how do i turn my cat vegan I don't want her to eat meat because it's not right if you honestly want to do this follow these simple steps one give your cat away to someone who will actually take care of its needs and feed it what it needs to eat to never own another cat again unless you actually want to kill your cat by having it die due to your crusade funny I thought vegans were against cruelty to animals okay we'll give that a half-point we'll give that a half burn fatal explosions in Sri Lanka at Catholic churches reportedly 20 plus dead 50 plus taken to hospital who eff and gays just a friendly reminder strangers cared about your cousin's medical shoes when he posted a thread asking for help with his medical condition don't don't bite the hand that feeds which is read it for you my friend churches calls out marshmallow for working with Chris Brown and taiga Chris and taiga respond oh hey Kear's the here's the church's post we are really upset confused and disappointed by marshmallows choice to work with taiga and Chris Brown we like and respect Melo as a person but working with people who are predators and abuses enables excuses and ultimately tactically endorses that behavior that is not something we can or will stand by then tiger we're all God's children everyone makes mistakes no one's perfect let's keep the energy positive Chris Brown buncha looses these are the type of people I wish walked in front of a speeding bus full of mental patients keep groveling over your own insecurities and hatreds I'm black and proud and I know a hearts that you guys are struggling with life a piece so you are forced to see my success you aren't even number two remember second place only means you lost first Tata good a peasant's hundreds of anti-vaxxers piling to California capital the protest draconian immunization bill hey I know one all about vaccinate just pile into one big building and cough real loud this is like smoking while pumping gas it really is dad forced to choose which child to save it's alengka attacks but both die that's awful I'm sorry holy hell this is an awful awful headline hey when you read the story he absolutely didn't choose which child to save and B how could you do this to a man whose children have just been killed don't you think he's suffering enough you freaking ghouls I agree man that's rough after all the aftermath and destruction of the notre-dame fire the altar and cross remain untouched please explain to me how you don't believe in God after seeing this because the melting point of gold is 1064 degrees Celsius and a wood fire burns at around 600 degrees Celsius damn using facts and logic ben shapiro style if you use facial recognition for anything the government has your face law wait till you find out about driver's licenses if america is such a horrible country why thousands of hungarians trekking across the continent to try and get in because in 2009 the US government supported and legitimized a military coupon under eyes that led to extreme poverty violence and repression kirk 11 from jimmy rat hey guys this is the government office where you can apply for your free college they'll even give you on-the-job training work clothes a free place to live in three hot meals a day all with the additional potential of international travel to Iraq and or Afghanistan oh you don't like free stuff anymore I'm sorry but the whole join the military if you want free education thing is BS you shouldn't have to go through severe physical and psychological reconditioning risk your life or sign up for a war that you are morally opposed to in order to get and affordable education honestly most people fighting for a free education aren't even asking for free education they're asking for a fordable education you know like the generation before ours had before the politicians be voted into office screw that up for us free education isn't free they say Bernie gets you a free education you get a nice job with you ology degree make it 30k yeah but golly gee willikers the government Bernie won 65 percent of your paycheck to help other kids get PE at ology degrees it's never free foam roasted like I said I don't want a free education I understand how socialism works I want an affordable higher education like the one your generation and the one before it had it before they screwed it up for my generation they break this down for you annual tuition for Yale 1970 two thousand five hundred dollars annual tuition for Yale 2014 forty five thousand eight hundred dollars minimum wage in 1970 dollar forty five minimum wage in 2014 $7.25 assuming you worked every single day for the four years of your undergrad at one thousand four hundred sixty days and every single penny you make goes to tuitions and tax deductions aren't factored in daily hours of the minimum wage needed to pay for tuition in twenty fourteen 17.31 annual tuition for Yale 1970 adjusted for inflation the 2014-15 thousand two hundred fifty three dollars and 61 cents minimum wage at 1970 adjusted for inflation to 2014 $8 85 cents this is what we're giving to work with and we're called lazy and entitled when we call foul no way this is what we have to work with because your generation of the journey should before it decided they wanted to go to school for free or rather on the government's dime until they graduated and got a job to pay them back with reasonable interest rates great plan right wrong because that gave schools the free rein to jack their tuition rates up at a year because now the government was guaranteeing them that money saying with textbook companies who can now charge $200 for a spiral-bound 150 page book they get slightly rewarded and reorganized every year in Brandon with blank edition your school requires you purchase in order to get an online code to access your assignments for that course can't buy an old edition that code has been used before probably the way you'll use that textbook exactly four times all semester want to sell back at the end of the semester you'll get 25 to 30 dollars in bookstore credit for it they can do this because the government subsidizes it put aside alum do that wasn't my generation and since then the government has raised interest rates on those loans exponentially because before where a few people needed loans to attend college now it's nearly impossible to pay out of pocket for your average four-year university certainly not for the middle class and even more so for the lower class that the right-wing conservatives love to blame for being lazy and not going to school thing getting education to improve their circumstances meanwhile the average college senior is graduating with over thirty-five thousand dollars in student loan debt with interest rates starting at four percent and climbing steadily from there into an economy where the unemployment rate for young graduates is at seven percent and the underemployment rate is at fifteen percent it'll take the average student close to twenty years to pay off that debt due in part to the interest rates but also due to the low starting salaries abysmal employment rates the rise in the cost of living the housing market crash caused by the exact same stupid government subsidy plan and the recession than not my generation but the ones before it hurled us into so no I'm not asking for free anything I'm worried that such things don't exist I'm simply asking that we be given the same opportunities as the generations before is that being called the entitled selfish lazy generation we are adapting as best we can to the mess that was handed to us by a generation far more entitled than our own took the batteries and the carbon monoxide along because the loud beat but was giving me a headache and making me feel sick and busy that's it that's what Amy backs are sound like I taught my son that the world is flat and now school is telling him that it is round and he is questioning which is real now how should I encourage him not believe everything he hears that problem is that your son now faces the issue of realizing at least one of his parents is immoral he has to realize that though he loves you he can't trust you to be correct about any questions he asks that's hard for him the more you push your idiocy on him and the angry and more frustrated he will get my girlfriend's a meat expert impressive considering how little she has to work with men are freaking dogs you can say that again they can't be and women ain't any frickin better few years ago I met a guy really nice guy probably one of the nicest guys you could ever know we became good friends and Janet often occasionally he would call me as to ask how I was you know the kind of thing a friend would do anyway one day he asks me to come to his house and look at his computer says it's been slow it may be 8 some viruses or whatever so I'm like yeah no sweat and we go to his house where he introduces his wife a girl I went to school with she drives us to dosed me and gave me to sleep with her I feel disgusted and refused so time goes by and this girl messages me one day to tell me her husband left it when I asked why she tells me because she cheated on him he found out and now she posts this status message on Facebook man up [ __ ] dogs I could do nothing but laugh my fricking butt off yeah thank you for making my day and get out of here shoo shoo at Gamache oh I'm allergic to you but teacher ran out of sick days to stay with his cancer stricken daughter so fellow educators chipped in with their sick days adding up to a hundred days that's cute tales from the working-class dystopia repackaged as feel-good stories are getting old and just just let us we don't have a lot of good news can we just let us have this one semi good thing Alyssa Carson 18 nasa's youngest astronaut in training she'll be one of the first people to land on the surface of mars oh that's awesome oh never mind it's not awesome NASA doesn't select astronauts that early the minimum requirements are to have a degree in three years of work in a related field ie geology graduate what working as a geologist but can be substituted with one thousand hours of piloting a jet aircraft they get 18,000 applications each year and get to choose about 25 even being a NASA engineer doesn't guarantee you a spot NASA makes no exceptions she's smart she's determined and she went to a lot of space camps but she's not yet in the astronaut corpse training program I don't want to sound like I'm diminishing her but saying she's done NASA astronaut training is like saying you went to Stanford when in fact you lee did their month-long summer program and we have made it through the end of our slash murdered by words and I hope you were staying safe from all those sharp bladed tongues spitting venom and if you made it out alive leave a like on the video and if you really enjoyed subscribe leave in the comments a subreddit you'd love us to see because I'll be and as always I'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,122,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, emkay, r/murderedbywords, r/murderebywords top posts, reddit murderedbywords
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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