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Literally nobody forgot slazo.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/steryotypical_brit 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
you must be fun at parties this isn't a party it's YouTube comments sorry that your intellectual insecurities were triggered by someone expressing their thoughts on the video either way you're clinched knee-jerk defense mechanism is adorable because we all know that YouTube comments peak of human discourse [Music] is it normal to be aroused by equations like I feel so um rounds by mass formulas and equations especially solving them I also feel aroused when reading tables is it is this normal no it's not it's not oh yeah last year I went to take the IQ test at the Community College and my IQ is 180 not sure if that's high or low it's probably low isn't it right oh cool yeah that's high so how are you today I hate school ha ha I would bet to differ five years ago when I made this list ever since I stopped drinking the geek and me came out I just love learning new things it gives me the same feeling as eating delicious food and I can't get enough of it it's quiet it's quiet addicting 180 IQ can't spell quite genius it's quite addicting for me sometimes they don't sleep for five or six days just so I can gather more information oh yes I forgot if you're a free try reading very pure and ambiguous the prequel but just read Volume one after that it gets weird I promise it's very good after all I have read over 5000 stories and this one is one of the best stories I've ever read so far well bye also for the last 10 years every girl that I had prefer met had to meet your same standards that you said sadly no one could ever meet them so I stayed single for those years only doing research on everything death that's why he was single but if you ever read this you have to know that I have loved you for 10 years of my lifetime and no one has ever replace you in my heart even if you hate me I'll always love you and date me but today I feel like I have lived too long knowing too much of everything is a burden and having the ability to predict things is annoying a burden as well at half the time I have to make Harless decisions which made me seem like I have no emotions who cast there is no creature intelligent enough that is so rooted in virtue that can best my mind st. I've checked huh lowly creatures have not the capacity to outperform me and under the Tetra defense the logic creates around my sound arguments you sound like a comic book character may I can we have a video with this with the dude and a shark and in the comment the ocean got a little warmer in that area most sharks like other fish are ectotherms I eat cold blooded and their body temperature is the same as their environment white sharks are partially warm-blooded hetero therms and can partially warm their body temperature above ambient levels I think he means the guy pissed himself what is the most woke thing you have witnessed a person using correct grammar for instance using a correct term like awake or aware rather than a popular slang terms such as woke or friends Wow I'm only 15 years old and I'm already watching intellectually stimulating movies like The Godfather I feel like I have the highest intellectual capacity of my generation for a liking such refined entertainment everyone else my age is a complete imbecile use Thunderbolt I can't we have a YouTube video saying don't have many friends it's probably because you are smarter than the rest I'm sure that's true I must be a genius I don't have and friends at all you must be a genius actually I've known for a long time that intelligence not only makes having friends harder but it also makes a person less happy it it's a curse I actually thought that having a drug to lower my IQ might be a good idea it is probably too late in my life though yeah if I lowered my IQ I'd probably just be a friendless unhappy dumb person like you are not to sound conceited here but are you really smart and I see through boys very easily I'm always five steps ahead okay what language do they speak at the center of the earth Corian how actually the center of the Gareth is around 5,400 degrees Celsius nobody is going to live there or so they don't need a language what there are no Center people what then what was Brendan Fraser doing okay now this next one is a conversation about the movie Blade Runner I find that it's a very hard movie to like so I agree with this essay I've always tried to give it shot off to shop but the dramatically distancing effect is very hard to make me love it it's okay it's just an intelligence level thing I see your head and take a nap and we'll watch fast and furious before snack time all right buddy yesterday at class teacher using this grammatical pattern how do you complete this sentence in every University students are divided up into filthy peasant classmate in every University students are divided up into how smart they are b-note University does that kind of sectioning method students are divided up into courses / specialties not by their grades University such college is not the same with high school me deep inside filthy rice field peasant you're much more primitive than I ever imagined you to be oh well I'm surprised you haven't stepped into a university and yet you only just got out of high school on top of that you have a rice field peasant I just never thought you'd answer something that stupid this is why I never liked you and your kind in the first place well you talk like cats but think like a kid oh wait you are all kids well sips tea is a sips tea Paul you probably wouldn't know it nowadays people like you don't read books so what's up to intellectuals like me to pick up the slack I'm just reading and understanding the full nature of the history of Homo sapiens sorry I'm rambling people say I'm too smart for my own good hahaha minecraft youtubers redstone tutorials NASA engineers dude I went to college for 12 years to work in NASA I certainly did not look at some childish video game tutorial to help me I can't believe the youth of our is this stupid you'll learn that it isn't that easy once you grow up ah yes he's found the joke okay we have Rick Rubin quoting unhappiness is a deep well to draw from Rick Rubin and then we have not saying okay cool hey happy birthday man I hate to brag but do you know something ironic you used to want to be a writer well I've actually been followed by literary magazines on Twitter completely by accident just simply because I run in the right circles yep pretty ironic the scientists have created programmable shape-shifting liquid metal it's probably ferrofluid with non-newtonian properties ripped off processor and it's an AI funny as well like actually I'm a genius 137 on the IQ meter oh it's there not there so now curiosity is against the law swallow the lies is that your real name salutations also it's so very refreshing to run into another self-proclaimed genius it's a shame I didn't see you at the last monthly meeting we had a lively chat about how we love the smell of Iran fast I'm sure you can relate since your IQ is also exquisitely high yeah Lee how old chap I hope to see what the next Ted Cruz rally Indonesia out danisha I'm actually Indo in Indonesia comes from the Latin word for India thus your meme is metaphysically not funny but nice try thanks for sharing and welcome back yes it's it's it's metaphysically not funny that that word fits here perfectly I'm looking for a job to pay for my university I am free pretty much all day and need a job soon so I'm not gonna be subtle I've applied for many jobs and lost to people less qualified so I'm just gonna say it I'm better than everyone else I'm reliable loyal honest I have an IQ of 150 two's I'm probably smarter than everyone else and I can learn faster and physically fit as I play football hockey and basketball so I can work all day without a break I also have cooking experience they took an intermediate foods course and finished at the top of my class with a 91% I hope you will consider me for the position and give me a chance to prove to you that I am the best candidate for this position the thing about smart people is they sound crazy to dumb people also at this one I like how them censoring out the person's profile also gives Steve Jobs heads it's kind of genius I only appeal to a certain caliber of person I don't even be expecting typical individuals to understand anymore your friend what are you doing for Christmas Eve jakey me watching lectures on algebra and calculus online for fun what about you friend um what you're the funniest thing here is the implication of a friend not to bring anyone down because the degree is a degree but if you're majoring in something easy like communications anthropology or political science your 4.0 is not impressive to me you're how are you doing having trouble getting out you had trouble you got into work only 30 minutes ago I I usually get in by 600 lost 730 I know what caused it a fuss three-year-old fussy on natch natch it's naturally a abbreviated to natch oh no you say no or you push me to do so match adorbs gorge these are not words they are the height of laziness do not use them in my presence ever again who says Gorge who says match I'm probably the only person I know who says that my sister has said Gorge for the word gorgeous not anymore you want my coworker says the door was for the word adorable it grates my ears and oh wow it's an actual word no and no Google is not oxford dictionary or merriam-webster if I use it does that mean you'll stop talking to me FML they both have it yes I just want to be sure that all communications will cease upon use of said word do I have your word on that yes okay match a Julius Caesar pencil holder Oh the real nerds no way this is funny yes one of the most famous deaths in history only only real notes not okay why see students are more successful than any students it's a bright side video um the C students who take the shortcuts in life become the CEOs and the scholars work for the CEOs you're a compliant worker but sounds like you've got it all figured out I can see things from different angles okay I'm I'm different that's great I don't understand how depression is even a thing to be honest stop feeling sorry for yourselves did this dude acting like he never cried in his life la mal probably because women cry to be honest oh man are we going down this path now which path the one laden with logic and intelligence never apologized for speaking broken English the fact that you learned a second language is badass and more than most of us have done I speak four languages and learning 1/5 so I'm laughing more at you when you attempt to educate me hashtag feminism hashtag social justice hashtag smashed the patriarchy those are very relevant things to this post I was banned from the high school chess tournament that had like 20 different schools and I would belittle them and taunt them they were all pissed because I kept beating them I kept calling this kid useless after every move he did because he was so bad he said Frick this and push the pieces over and told on me good if you don't know how to play then you should be banned from the tournament simple as that the fact that he even needed to report you just tells me the Tawney was badly arranged even if though I doubted you may better move see you are demonstratable you a worse tournament player than each and every one of those kids boom you know you just know too much psychology when you can't get mad at people because you understand everyone's reasons for doing everything have you listened to the new Rimmer's Kawano track it's pretty solid my brain is too complex to enjoy the same music as a simple mind like you oh you go I just wrote a three paragraph essay for English while everyone else wrote a three sentence explanation funny thing is not a single person used correct grammar capitalization or spelling literally how the [ __ ] are you got to get by in life I'm I'm outraged right now who writes three sentence essay very true how people see the world versus how I see the world so you see things that aren't really there do you should I call someone Disko one of the most boring hours of my life it's nothing more than extremely loud music coupled with miserable sweaty shrimps flopping around in a manner they overrated Lee called dancing I pretended to have a headache but unfortunately wasn't allowed to stay unsupervised in the hotel i felt quite outlandish among my fellow teens and lamented over my own inability to conform with my peers due to what i theorize to be premature maturation I guess wild nights out now mean getting drunk with a whiteboard and trying to figure out what caused the universe Happy New Year Happy New Year happy 2019 what's your goal for this year long I'm actually I don't go by the Gregorian calendar oh but you just said happy 2019 yeah but it's meaningless to me except now I put 2019 but isn't that following the calendar law do you know the word epistemology truths and beliefs versus knowledge what no well where'd you get that personal Jesus because I'm gonna read knowledge because mochi study of the nature Nelly transportation value belief Google loss you'd never encountered that word in a class or an article I haven't taken philosophy so no well never mind then whoa what does it have to do with the calendars though and then we never heard from them again I only mentally my thoughts are so intricate that they can make me comment I love that I don't believe in physical masterchef okay and that's a good note to leave on I I hope you enjoyed the video it is always I'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 917,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/iamverysmart, top posts, r/, r/ top posts, reddit's geniuses, sorrow tv, wildspartanz, giofilms, dark dom, soft kore, r/therewasanattempt, reddit, emkay, slazo, i am very smart
Id: F-aOJauF5wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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