r/Mildlyinfuriating | you had ONE JOB

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hello no i'm shy okay i'm good now [Music] hey guys welcome to mk my name's jack i'm grabbing your attention while lexi steals your wallet and today we're going to be looking at some mildly infuriating content so lick this video or unless you have an e then you can like this video sit your butt down and let's get to it wow alex buddy my man what what's going on here mate you really didn't think this one through did you everything from your steam wishlist is now on sale oh boy oh oh you just mean the game cold everything is on sale well i i did bake this cake myself i guess annulments meaning the act of annoying something yeah i i'm still not following can you please balance this no yeah sure ah i've seen this was a test to prove that i was human if i was a robot my brain would have overloaded and exploded with the paradox of the situation ah joke's on you i'm too stupid to even bother thinking about it oh you were so close to just getting it in the actual slots of the hulls just like your man am i right ladies [Music] ah the classic brick footpath where one brick decides to say screw you i'm doing my own thing and it just ruins it for everyone remember kids unique this is wrong oh come on guys seriously you were so close to the center you just why did you have to give up there if you love your mom pass this to 20 people a girl ignored this and her mother died 365 days later sorry i can't ignore this because i love my mom no i'm not forwarding this and if my mom dies i'm gonna kill your whole family and lock you up with their dead bodies in a room and won't even open for like a year so the only way you will survive is to eat them have a great day bye i approve of this as an effective treatment to spam mail oh my god what is even the attempt at this here was this purposeful architecture it's almost as if the builders themselves were just given different measurements every single way around oh looks like somebody was just posting this photo for internet clout and didn't actually think about how to play the damn game no no no ill no ill no i hate you stop one of these princes not like the others one of these prince has fricked it up how do you stuff up the most basic of human communication to stop is red i think you need to retake preschool youngster shower thoughts when your friends from different friend groups meet for the first time it's basically a crossover episode in real life eh not that creative honestly i'm only giving you 28 up votes hey guys when two of your friends meet from different circles it's like a crossover episode how to tick off your designer friends and give them a migraine oh well i didn't know i was secretly a designer as well my little pony my little pony i i five steps to hand safety step one wear your gloves step two be aware of where pinch points occur and avoid them step four three four use use padded grips to avoid vibration step five uh uh grip equipment and tools slightly did step three five always empty containers prior to still hurting i don't know what the buzz can't see oh god i was waiting for one of these photos to be popped up on the subreddit the floor lump my school used to have these quite a few times during the rain season oh man it was just you just you just hated putting your chair near them because either you're afraid they're gonna burst open and you get in trouble for it or you just you needed to flatten it out i hate it it's so uncomfortable just looking at it right now oh looks like some sort of important letter from the university better not fold it thanks just ps5 for free in the uk you can apply today oh wow yeah why is it local lawn enforcement what the freak is you want your ps5 you gotta make sure you guard this lawn with all your life that is some freshly cut grass it's very high quality stuff you don't want to make sure no nobody stepped over it don't make sure no doggy is going poop on it you kick him in the butt and i'll get you up here he's well 50 for bronze 40 for silver 30 seconds for gold what did you get oh you got failure that's what you got you are a failure that is your prize leave now i'm trying man but the door won't let me it doesn't want me to go i'm sorry tory it just it was never meant to be yes when you buy an ice cream for its nice chocolaty small design and it just says screw you i'm just gonna strip all that right off i'm vanilla plain and proud do you remember the fact that it's still september uh sir our vhs copies aren't enough to actually make the whole circle what are we gonna do ah where'd you hey yeah done miniplayer is off for videos made for kids tap play to resume how dare you i'll have you know chowder is an adult delicacy of entertainment no i'm kidding i personally never seen the show it doesn't look that appealing to me cue the flame wars oh looky here i count one two three four five six seven eight nine people who can't be trusted in a zombie apocalypse fun fact the person who designed this logo piece was a nazi that's not true but i think it equates to just how evil that person could be ah yes another person who needs to go back to preschool to learn how to do the basic of things putting one thing in its right spot ah yep looks like someone bought off a knockoff job there's someone out there working for the government who put this back in a specific way knowing he was creating future content for this subreddit they strike again gosh they're taking over the city with all their mildly inconvenient freak ups five stars very comfortable and easy to breathe fits well and doesn't bother my ears this lets me follow my mask mandates without really feeling compliant shifting arrived with a normal quick time frame i appreciate it was made in the usa made in the usa why am i not surprised okay i'm not even really crazy about it being correct or not i just want to know which is the right way around you always do the brackets first that's three then you want me to multiply before dividing so that makes it then six then divide by six is one okay so the left the right one jesus the right one's the correct one unless someone who actually knows maths wants to correct me you are you're more than welcome to create your security questions what is the name of your favorite pet backs security hands must be between four or 200 characters sorry maxi oh boy i don't think i'm gonna buy this milk today you know where i should leave it in the dry goods area that is a good place to leave milk i swear this seems to be the new shopping trolley problem like conundrum what's what's the terminology for it again ah slash ask women how do you feel about men liking your profile picture however old it is title is all that needs answered just a curious question stop right there criminal scum your submission has been removed we do not allow questions that needlessly exclude minority demographics how would they exclude what does the minorities out there not use social media or something okay let's do some math here this is a 240 pack there is one technically missing so every 241 packs are technically like an extra free pack they've made i don't know i think this company could skim a few more off the list there and not be noticeable 10 11 12 13 14 15 more people that i can't trust in a zombie apocalypse yeah wow i've never really noticed how necessary windows are to the aesthetics of a house until i've seen this now at least the attic gets good views [Laughter] look at that point just give up don't don't even eat it anymore fate has decided you will not snack this night madame hi welcome to our numbered system we don't know numbers ooh we ronstalworth has a stairwell i'll leave it up to you guys to google that reference unless the editor does it for us in which case it ruins the whole point of them having to look it up themselves and learn something but okay fine okay you you right there you are the reason we can't get to nice things oh damn look at all those hot spots for covert to spread now i'm no mathematician but i'm gonna guess about two point five one six seven five eight zero seven four three four percent of these people are currently carrying our product has thirty percent extra absolutely free you just you just can't get it it's just stuck there at the bottom now by the way you should buy another one if you aren't racist like all my posts ah yes bring politics into justifying why people should like your content that that always works oh don't mind us here just a tree crossing the road probably take a while i might as well just turn the car off for a second let it cool down carpet your hole for only 99 so uh what services are you offering exactly oh what's that you're planning to have kids one day okay okay you just look at this image for a bit longer and then you tell me what you're thinking no not convinced okay let's let's show you to the bathroom i tell you what they are surely happy with the way their kitchens turned out totally worth the thousands of dollars that went into this redo you know what no when i ever come across pizzas like this which is very rare because they all just have very good cutting skills i treat it as a gift you've been given special pizza this evening where you get to have a a variety of sizes and choices are you feeling just a bit peckish compared to your friends well no worries you get a tiny slice are you a food [ __ ] who doesn't know how to share well there you go big slice for you now leave everyone else's alone ah just like the ice cream cone i'm vanilla i'm playing and i'm proud so these are technically designed for blind people with their walking sticks and such doesn't this kind of mess with their sight about what the stare is or not pretty sure that makes them think oh yeah it's cool sweet i can just walk forward now no you know what i think this is fine this teaches people they forces them to definitely wash their hands when they're done so what you wanted a burger where the tomato was the main course or something i got swatted and ordered a new door what the frick ups hi i understand how receiving a package in that condition can be upsetting we can report it on our end to have feedback provided message us the ups tracking number no how about you tell me how you banned a frickin door common questions what is the coronavirus is coronavirus a bacteria or a virus you freaking idiot salmon suck i feel it fresh wild caught farm raised in chile what we mean is that like it was caught when we were going pretty wild like we were on a few drinks at the time we were being a bit crazy and you know we just drived in and grabbed it so it's so it's wild oh nothing sings of home job more than misalignment uh okay uh i don't know what this is trying to imply but it seems like my life is gonna end on monday i guess so i just i might as well just give up then card c simplifies to the expression of what no that's wrong it's this one you gotta use a capital don't you know how to spell in maths hey yogurt soda i remember you from crappy designs how you doing buddy why are you here as well go away leave i'm already sick of you the first time i don't want to deal with ignoring your existence now enjoy these 91 and 89 degree angles good night you i freaking hate you so much to find you i'm gonna find where you live and i'm gonna cut you i'm gonna cut a wound in your skull and i'm gonna put my peepee in it i made banana bread and my girlfriend took the first slice oh honey honey come here honey come here come here come here come here come here come here grandma gave me and my cousin chocolates oh no if there's one way to subtly imply that you're the favorite this is it a youtuber can't say what that word whatever that word is but there are ads like this sugar moms looking for love hey fake aliases on the internet are allowed to find love too don't be so dismissive okay which one of you mother freakers put in fn key as the most bottom left key on the keyboard instead of control oh i'd love to fit and find out who did that i'd give him a piece of my mind couldn't have added one more piece really on average you paid between one dollar and two dollars a pack of gum it only cost the company about one-fourth of a penny to make a piece of gum they make plenty of money from the chewing gum community this is honestly the first time i've heard of the term chewing gum community and i'm i'm very curious what makes a community oh also gur uh why couldn't you add more gum er yeah moving on my bag of gummy worms so you better think twice before i eat oh we're stopping sorry guys i stuffed that up can we start again i bought a dr pepper for two dollars at freddy's and two-thirds of the cup was just ice and just like the person who sold it to you you were cold online school started and i can't learn now oh bananas too many people are online right now gee i wonder why man if only there was some way you could have better prepared for this considering you were trying to have to organize a way to teach people online it's no longer march you can't make the excuse that you weren't ready took a picture of a skyline and didn't look at it immediately saw this when i came home i mean i was kind of expecting he was taking a photo of a nice you know sky line but car works too ghost apparition doesn't help either my fake pocket also comes with a fake mini pocket for added pointlessness oh yeah i remember trying to look this up apparently it's purely just for aesthetics and the reason they don't put pockets in girls pants is because some girls get too self-conscious about the white hips thing which i i genuinely think is total bs seriously how come no company has made pockets properly for women's clothes yet i swear they would sell like dynamites which doesn't really sell crazily well um cells like my used underwear there we go this packaging that's how rug came in to be fair they're being extra protective of your product just for the cost of you know product waste and eventual environmental impact in the long term it's september so we only need to read that and we both easily know this is about christmas oh and i'm right [Music] yeah good old australian woolworths just diving right in and you know what i'm gonna fall for it i am so keen on some little minced tarts forget the summer body i am just i'm gouging on that stuff why do cars have all these shiny bits to blind you whilst driving what even car is that i've never seen that brand before what's worse too is it probably what they used to justify the higher price range of the model so you basically paid an extra thousand dollars for skin cancer he was fined for speeding when the car was on a tow truck ooh nice my item is back but the buy now button brings me to out of stock you're right it was back in stock uh just kidding it's not it's not there but you know we just thought you'd like to be reminded that this exists this textbook is 150 and is about 1500 pages i had to use it only three times in the entire school year god yes where is the logic behind this i'm sure there's some youtube video that has already done a deep dive into this whole fiasco as to the reason for their bs pricing all i'll say is thank god i'm not studying anymore thanos perfectly balanced as all things should be except when they're not the way my friend stores her toothbrush ah actually not to be fair this is makes more sense especially if she's really close to a toilet i feel if i think this would minimize the amount of poop particles that's gonna get on a toothbrush hey look at you you've made it to the fan art section today's beautiful work is by foxy does edits just some quick fan art and oh hello there if that isn't a very nicely moisturized hand seriously foxy come on what's the secret how many newborns do you sacrifice each day for that beautiful skin come on tell us tell us because i'm doing three but i'm just not noticing a difference and as always if you'd like to see your fan art featured in the latest videos be sure to post your fan art in the mk subreddit that is where we see them and that's where we get them to be uploaded to the next video i really need to figure out a more smoother way to explain that but for now screw you you deal with my awkward improvised explanations to further uh exposition in the meanwhile you should like this video for the fact you're still here even though you're still dealing with my voice i absolutely love you for hanging around and hey why not make sure you're subscribed too and click that notification bell so you're always updated on the latest of the good goodies good good good goodness the content that is good link to social's in the description as well but with all that said my name's been chick it has been a lovely day talking to you and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 369,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Id: fdcAg0gYhSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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