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[Music] i paid someone to power wash the driveway you need your money back they were drawing that's not power washing you were doodling with water your driveway became an etch-a-sketch and they did not shake the rest off i think you need your money back the amount of packaging required for me to buy the additional equipment i need to use my iphone all of this would have come in the phone's box five years ago but apple decided to stop including them to cut down on packaging and waste oh all right let's take a look we got oh two different kinds of headphones well that's a little excessive and the usbc charging the charging block i get we all need a charging block one pair of headphones i get why two oh i see like in case you want to like charge your phone and listen to things in your ears i get it but i would just use the bluetooth i just have a pair of airpods and i'm cool i don't need i'll need this two-pair nonsense seems like a you problem man hi is this available yes it is i don't need it why'd you what [Music] this is just a hobby for you why he doesn't need it either that's why he's selling it should charge you a convenience fee for wasting my time new kitchen manager hey we're gonna wear hair nets now uh i'm bald shouldn't i have a beard net nah just a hair net but i'm bald well we have to wear one it's for hygiene but nothing for the beard no beards are okay awesome so all my little short beard hair is going to get into the food and my big bald head is essentially wearing a a condom thanks these fees from a university term bill which is now completely online and has their computer labs in campus essentially closed for the duration of the year a s a double a 734 dollar campus fee my my girlfriend is in i believe it's university now um fees for college are just absurd they give you a fee for like oh what did you breathe on our campus uh ten dollars and it's like it's like ea ea owns every college they're just charging you out the ass every every step if you have a fitbit count the steps and they're gonna charge you at the end and if you don't know the exact one you get 10 up charge oh no you thought you were gonna have a delicious sensation inside of that pastry but no it's just a little squirt in there huh just dry bread and a little bit of filling it's like giving someone a really salty food and then giving them soy sauce to drink after that like oh you thirsty here pure sodium idiot is this or pickle juice your choice pretty sure a comedian said that somewhere i feel like i'm ripping a bit from someone if anyone knows if that's from a comedian please call me out on that because i feel like i just ripped someone's bet and i don't want to do that that's disgraceful what do i look like amy schumer hey you studied computer science right yeah uh i i need a favor this girl has blogged me can you hack it to her phone and unblock my number oh what oh you're weird dude no you're creepy yo i'm a software engineer what the hell do you think i do like when you hear engineer and software do you think i'm like a hacker man like a like on the hackers from 4chan no that's not me it's not what i do think i wear like blackout sunglasses and a cloak no i'm wearing khakis and penny loafers dude i work at 9 to 5. stop watching movies and pick up a football man my mother ordered 1 000 plastic boxes for her nephews that's a very large amount of plastic boxes and i'm receiving 523 oh oh oh oh like legos why would you call them plastic blocks that is only 523 though that's a lie that's a straight lie so i just bought this chair and none of the reviews mentioned this oh that's a cake check chair you know either the chairs that leave the impression of the ass that was one said that's a cake check chair don't let me sit in that chair it'll touch the arms that's a cake check i guess you screw up their breakfast this morning was it you no oh please well you know what i laugh but if this guy the real idiot here will be him like if he ate it you know goofing up is fine if he saw vegetable stock poured to his bowl of cereal the the golden lick the golden brownish looking liquid he said this milk looks weird and then took a bite clown school you just got a scholarship all expenses paid i asked for no sour cream in my nachos and got charged for the privilege you dare not try our world famous sour cream 75 cents cough it up we got the egg boys in the back they're making the sour cream they need those quarters for some jawbreakers exactly 75 cents no more no less you give us 80 cents fight you in the parking lot oh oh no yeah i hate that hate that real hard it was so perfect you're going to put it right there no bring me the architect bremen the architect who did this i want to have a word i want to treat him a salad a word salad and then a wild salad when you eat the flowers receives a notification from my irobot app roomba requires your attention roomba is stuck near a cliff not so not so much a cliff but i see you're still in peril it's a robot help him out the chair is waiting for you in the laser eye clinic's reception oh this got to be good oh oh no that's yucky those are chairs are designed to make you uncomfortable all right what's the time guys is it 11.99 it's dude it is a quarter to 10.99 you know i got to get home we're just actually you know realistically they are just about to uh it's maybe like a minute to 5.99 a cent to 5.99 it's mr krabs clock that one table that stays past closed and you can't leave until they do oh no i don't know if i've ever stayed past closed have we have i look at my girlfriend have we ever stayed past closed like any restaurant i don't think we have have we we're good people we're good people screw those guys we're good oh i see so well this area is six centimeters this one is us ah well you know if you didn't hole punch the paper i could find out what the area this this uh diamond is but i guess not that's not i'm color blind and i didn't understand why the car honked at me before my girlfriend told me oh i see that's that's awful that's that's actually very misleading why would you designate those colors that i ask why i'm never gonna get an answer the the guy who programmed this is probably somewhere getting away with it doing it to more of them doing it some more road signs the bastard down in the dumps after a breakup turn on my fortune cookie that came with my chinese takeout for some advice reminded why i'm not really into all that mystic stuff ah from confucius himself give a man a fish and you feed him for a day give him delivery when you feed him for a lifetime download the delivery app today use code lucky for a very good deal that's usually gonna be on the back of a fortune cookie apparently my answer was wrong because that you just forgot to add an end parenthesis you know i answered the correct like how you're supposed to write it the correct answer was um you know either reversing these two or forgetting the end parentheses so i guess i'm just gonna fail i guess i'm just gonna fail for writing it correctly in the opposite order even though it gets the same answer all right when you think you're being discreet buying adult toys online oc from my sister who allowed me to share her embarrassment with the world just in black sharpie bill though that was written in post someone felt the package it was like that's a penis and wrote dota there's crudely wrote dildo on it you can see the imprint too you can see where it is man hey what does this mean nitrogen dioxide oh see no you're you're right but we re around here really to call it nitrogen dixone so and just take the test again around these parts we call it nitrogen dixon gonna be fine do all moms shut your door like this well yes they want to keep a crack up and so they can hear you talk about the devil oh no actually i have a friend my friend jordan broke his car door uh handle on the inside like how do i express this the inside of his car door the handle is broken from the inside so he has to roll his window down and pop it over like it's a car wreck he's got to pop it up from the outside to free himself from his one ton death trap i feel bad for him oh check it out there was just enough rain to make the road wet but not enough rain to go drain off into the uh the drain grate i don't know what it's called oh i have too many emails in my inbox why'd you send me an email about it every day your mailbox is almost full every single day 331 items telling us your inbox is full we're filling up your inbox and you can never get rid of us either just uh just a heads up uh well i guess i really have a little fun fact so i listen to my rap playlist when i do these videos because it's the best way to get hyped up and i get so excited every single time trippy the kid comes up on my playlist this particular song i'm listening to is uh pep in your step uh from trippy and man that guy puts out nothing but bangers there was a like live video feed of me like narrating you just see me like getting turnt as hell in my chair my wife putting this peanut butter in the trash because it's empty uh it's not empty is it helen you do you dunce you goofball that peanut butter ain't empty you're just too lazy you don't want to get peanut butter on your hands and you dig it out with the spoon but the hand peanut butter is the best kind i do not want any engraving just leave the metal plate blank no engraving kind of boss kind of boss of the of the company that sent them this to engrave that on the plate you don't want engraving let's just put that on there require technical and professional expertise a minimum of 12 years experience in kubernetes administration and management oh okay so you want a 12-year minimum you do realize it was released six years ago that's how we got how are you under that i'm gonna do that my husband doesn't want the case to get scratched and cause an eyesore so he's just left the paper what do you mean the case is gonna dude it's not what do you mean get scratched who's gonna be up scratching against your pc case you weirdo lunch lady fired after giving food to kids who couldn't pay generosity is sin in the school system it is for it is a for-profit system that's why we'll never get free college education for all citizens in america it's just not something that we don't allow here in this country i don't know if that's a political take or not but just we're clear here i don't care about your political views i only care about mine that being said i am running for president if you vote for me uh we're gonna have you know those really cool um turn still doors that's gonna be the required entrance for any establishment if you don't have it you'll be fined until you're bankrupt that's my that's my campaign policy there's a video in your ads oh man look at that yellow video bar ooh baby ad blocker here we come entire computer and security system relies on that plug we can't unplug it to fix this your entire system tough tough [Laughter] so you know what you do here you cut into the bottom of that um plug plate right and you just weasel it on there okay once it's wheezed on there you then just paint over where you made the incision and then you're fine i got this bread from whole foods more like whole foods something got in there there's no way that's really that there's no way that's intentional that something got in there and ate it that that is that is obscene look at this dumb look at it we should greet all best buy customers true ah no no no you didn't realize they're conditioning you because you didn't select the correct response pal you welcome best buy customers you never greet them it's not an informal hey how's it going no it's formal you kiss the shoes as they walk into the building all right it is it's best buy policy to suck the toes of any customer who walks in yeah sorry they make me do this the way my girlfriend puts away the groceries still in the bag oh no it's gonna be in the fridge ah no you get your butt's getting wait so skinny pop is in the house but then you got doritos and peanut m ms what kind of lifestyle are you living this is very varied someone left a live chicken on my driveway hen inside please care for her sorry that chicken lays golden eggs she just gave you a gift from god emergency meeting just wanna say hi well you know what you say about those who greet and don't welcome i think dark green might be a bit sus i have to go and eat i'm the imposter with purple wow what outing yourselves the imposter is fine but then throwing your teammate in there really that's that's that's grimy man and then yeah purple and blister really man come on no no game integrity for that was looking at apartments because i'm trying to move and look at this kitchen oh i see is that uh that in la is that like a two thousand dollar apartment yeah sounds about right two thousand dollar studio in studio city my little brother eats a burger layer by like [Laughter] oh he's a freak he eats pizza with a fork and knife too doesn't he oh man i mean you can just put that one back right you didn't you're not walking out of the store with that can of monster are you i mean it let's just put that one in the bag let some other guy deal with it oh i see okay i was like there's something wrong with this no there's just a bunch of useless wire here in the middle because that cord is not long at all it's pretty short dude my wife ate every single marshmallow on a family size box account chocula every single one i don't have any marshmallow in my bag of count chocula so now it's just chocula all lucky no charms i've never had a more infuriating conversation in my entire life lol what's the last song you saved uh you probably never heard of lol so then tell me lol why do you want to know so bad why do you think i won't know what it is um it's not what your average 25 year old listens to these days lol try me i mean you probably wouldn't like it oh my god just tell me damn oh i want to know dude what's your problem lol why would i share the music i'm listening to with a complete stranger the simplest question dude i was just trying to start a conversation to get to know you you know the entire point of this app nah why you want to get to know me without me why are the numbers the same color as the building oh i can't even see the oh there we go i could kind of see them 13 and 14. oh dude i hate it oh i i looked away for one minute and i'm lost again i lost him your brain is trying to identify an object but it can't oh is this one of those things like what it's like to have a stroke um you know it's trying to identify i think i see a rug at the bottom like uh like towards the top right um i know i hate this image delivered january 9th your package was delivered it was handed to a resident the yard's a resident the owner stood on my work takes up two spaces in employee parking closest to the employee entrance every day he is what we call in the business an [ __ ] there's a hall with the gray bricks patch it up with red bricks it's all we got left in stock it don't make it look neat either just look make it look like you cut and pasted in photoshop try to watch a movie about a deaf girl who speaks and signed rendered it from youtube no subtitles buy netflix subscription blocked in my country used a vpn tv won't let me platforms cry so much about piracy yet regularly fail to make paid content more accessible than pirate pay so i mean do it like we do on the pirate bay my fully grown ass adult sis doing this to my plant plastic confetti left by a gender reveal party in a public park oh it's pollution [Laughter] oh a fake pocket i feel like women's pants really have that problem where it's like the fake pocket um because i know for a fact anytime we have like girls pants have pockets brianna goes crazy for him she just looked at me and nodded real fast i think just i don't know why i don't know why we've deprived women of pockets in in fashion especially because they're the ones carrying a purse it'd be a lot more convenient to put them in the pocket you know like your your belongings and then you can carry a smaller handbag but no no pockets only paint hey speaking of pockets women's pockets can fit less than half of a switch light whereas men's pockets can fit a whole switch you know why that is don't you we need room for our insecurities as men i know i sure do is that a is that a um misandrist joke i just made i would just like to run that statement back i didn't mean our insecurities i meant my insecurities i feel like people could get pissed at me this episode it's comedy man that laptop seemed better days oh just please please just a little bit of compressed air will deal with so much work right up right away can you even press those buttons or do you have to have a virtual keyboard after a two week search i finally found my remote it's tricky that's good man how safe do you feel when attending the college during the covent pandemic very safe somewhat safe neither safe nor unsafe somewhat safe or very safe you you don't feel unsafe let's just be very clear here we are the best oh if only there was a cheaper aesthetically pleasing more natural way to get a shade like i don't know trees my glass shower door shattered for no reason in the middle of the night a ghost wanted to wash up but went into the physical plane for just a moment i mean at least it shattered into the shower you know could have been way worse cleaner reorganizes library books in size order uh i know i know he had good intentions but he has wished death to himself oh see now the correct answer is six comma space 60 comma 120 comma 180 comma 240 comma 300. you answered 6 comma 60 comma 120 comma 180 comma 240 comma 300. that lack of space between the comma and the 60 that no that's that's crucial he was fined for speeding when the car was on a tow truck but he was fined thanks you're trying to call him like no you don't understand i wasn't even driving there was no one in the car that was on a no it was on a tow truck why are you gonna charge me no no i'm going to yell at you and then they charge them for yelling too i deleted my son's steam account because of his grades and now he won't speak to me i feel really bad and i want to make it right how do i get the account back you might get the account back but your son's respect no it's gone forever my stuff is circled the other stuff is my sister's sounds like you guys need to organize feels like brothers kind of got the hang of it the sister however i mean there's like there's a glass there too there's a mug all sorts of assorted products man oh man but hey at least you guys got wait no you have his on her vanity sinks why is she putting her stuff over on your side don't you hate it when you need to tap your train ticket but someone put a roasted chicken on the scanner whoa is that oddly specific well yeah it's because it happened that's an entire rotisserie chicken i'm just trying to get to work you get chick for tick-tock no wrong number what account said this is her number people keep texting me oh it did you just couldn't see the last number so everyone's just guessing the last one oh oh that's creepy you're weird dude whoever invented these teeny tiny tabs on seals you're not my friend these i got a bite with my teeth to get off yeah no you're not cool sucks pros amazing headphones cons all nothing overall review i like turtles you shouldn't be allowed to review things because you just ranked that product down like you if you really liked it you just hurt it's its chances of success that that's that's what you did would you mind holding on for a few minutes while i'm checking this for you no worries since i haven't heard back from you i'll be stepping out of this chat if you have any other questions please feel free to contact us again thank you for trading with avatrade montatelli g has left the chat wait you said please wait maria s has joined the chat hello thank you for contacting customer service get monticelli back maria he must explain himself this ad bomb that's guaranteed to wake up my baby by youtube premium right this second cuz you don't want to wake up that baby my mom gave away my desk without really warning me now i'm a floor gamer now i'm floor gang you answered wash your hands correct answer wash hands wash hands wash hand wash hands the waterfall my family drove two hours to see ah yay it's pissing yay [Laughter] my knife's wooden grip is actually just more steel with a wood varnish of sheer i don't know what it's called no wood coating wood painting and the wood well it's chipping oh no i've seen this post before this is awful your your cookies or whatever you're making it's not going to come out right poor guy oh man what is this use the repeated addition strategy to solve five times three five times three fifteen five plus five plus five five ten fifteen now what we wanted you to do was three plus three plus three plus three plus three same answer but i liked it this way i hate teachers like that man you got the answer right thought i had separated 50 eggs without breaking a yolk until i noticed one on the edge ah i see it too i mean hey you did a really good job though man that's 49 unbroken yolks you're yolked on the yolks my co-workers and i ordered four different sizes got the same amount of ice regardless of size and that is an optical illusion really amazon it's it's two things they could have said that well you don't have any long bags do they have those little amazon bags without having long ones make a long one stuff the yardstick into it followed by the little bit of tape but now you have a cool box to make a ford out of so i mean is it really are you really losing here oh oh [Music] oh no that made me cringe is that a vinyl is that a diploma so they even bent the mailbox trying to stuff it in there oh my god throw it in the ditch so what are they gonna do they parked their bicycle that you lock to a to a metal bike thing that you chained to a bike holder they parked that in the parking spot for the reel for the real transportation to go run it over no one's looking i won't tell two packages of silverware shipped in a box big enough for ten again now you have a wicked sick box that's foundation for your future box fort i don't see why you're complaining oh that's that's an architectural mishap how'd they do that you have two windows perfectly aligned did you hire was that a new guy was he new on the job was he drunk was he's hired what happened why is that slanted to the side this cabinet in my apartment is ultra thin and is reserved only for my balsamic vinegar nothing else can fit oh no well that's that is begging for a hand to go right into that cake frosting free i am so tempted to just stick my hand in that cake ooh this is like one of those photos that depict what it's like to have a stroke and you don't know what's going on i don't like anything about this image oh you cracked an egg inside the carton you numb nuts now that carton's ruined cut it in half cut the carton in half and you'll be fine you're you're preserved by the eggshell divots who bring me who did this what goddamn monster did this bring me them their hands and their right to post on reddit i want all of them gone and back to back how your sister cuts pizza who is she feeding a bunch of ants when my mom was trying to control how much cake i would eat as a kid because like when we go to birthday parties i would want a big slice of cake because i'm a kid i love cake i still do i need i would eat a whole cake if i wasn't on keto you don't eat a whole goddamn cake one sitting no fork just hands anyway she would cut like thin like she would take like a protractor and like angle like the thinnest possible slice while still giving me proper cheese to pepperoni ratio and i would call it the mom slice because it was like a thin it was like less than a 45 degree angle of cake or pizza i realized since i was looking at pizza my brain just took over pizza anyway don't do this that's what i'm trying to say your dad cuts avocados with the pit inside of it i mean i guess he must either that knife is impressively sharp or your dad is freakishly strong because there is no other way for that avocado to be cut with the pit intact ordered 27 books from amazon on a single order got 27 boxes one book each delivered you guys know what i'm about to say i've said that the last two times boxes appeared on my on my monitor these are nothing more than super good cool and awesome foundations for your box fort so how about you stop complaining like a like a bastard and start building a box fort we have to defend the castle it is amazing how many people don't know the difference between your and your especially when they're doing it to scare you smile you're on camera okay ah yes finally we have advanced enough to i saw a tweet that was like we are finally advanced enough to see what's behind a clear glass pane i do kind of like this when you're just coming in you want to see what's in you know because sometimes it's all fogged up on the glass like in the beer cave and stuff this is nice i like this for some convenience but otherwise there's no reason tried to backspace and now my essay is gone please save often i'm so sorry oh man that like that made my stomach sink that was that was heartbreaking to see poor guy is he gonna be oh is he gonna make it is he gonna finish his essay i want to know what happened the eyes why you're worried about the eyes i'm worried about the the 12 pack of abs he has running down his chest he's got like two ruffles chips for a stomach maximum of five three customer at a time please so which is it ah yes this is the flag of ireland don't try and disagree with me because you'll be wrong it says it right there and it's official on so really am i are you gonna who are you gonna believe or someone in the comments section saying that's not the flag okay the holes on my school provided line paper do not fit in a normal ring folder more concerned about why you have a two-prong ring aren't binders three-prong this is such a weird looking like folder for me maybe i'm just tripping but this makes me severely uncomfortable someone messed up at the fork factory now i don't know what to call this a fork with an extra appendage like an angler fish when when they're mating and the little one sucks onto the big one is that what this is got a packet of air to dip my fries into guys i'm feeling pretty cool what is wrong with my friend he cuts into the side of that bag and eats it out he eats the bag like that well he went wrong when he started eating off-brand sun chips i think that was the first first mistake this is what my mom does with her gum when she drinks coffee and i hate it why does she eat gum before drinking coffee isn't coffee a morning beverage she wake up pop a piece of gum in her mouth take a shower stick it onto her mug and then drink the coffee my one a day gummy vitamins of which i have to take two a day have an odd number left that's when you take three a day the last day and you're super strong that entire day let me figure out what's going on here you just well you gotta lock it in place man dude this happens to me consistently and it makes me so mad i hate it when this happens thank you for someone showing this i hate so oh my god i never would i've never related to a post so hard i i i hate it so i ripped my belt loop on one of these damn doors okay this this means a lot to me the cable guy installed the cable through our hula hoop that we left out well maybe you should have moved the hula hoop two-step authentication hummus we got to be sure you really want to eat this hummus select a number just press skip there's no fire hydrants you're good man press skip white black asian gay straight the person who originally made this format and didn't capitalize the eyes come on now what were you thinking this is how my wife opens jars of peanut butter she just cuts right into the middle with a knife and digs it out with her fingers it's disgusting but i married her and i love her these pockets are not pockets they are zippers with lies and mischievous intentions they are aesthetic only a 1499 piece jigsaw a piece of the sky is missing just like in real life k-pop oh that's not k-pop the biggest letdown i've had in a while 150 markers [Music] that's not nearly as many as i thought it was going to be it may be 150 but there's a big cavity in the middle that i thought was going to be filled with marker my wife never fully screws the lids back onto anything and she wonders why things go sour and i say well honey you didn't screw the the the lid on now our chocolate milk's bad our chocolate milk what am i going to drink now when i make a good funny poster memes when i get when i get on the front page of our slash fortnite br what am i gonna do now on google earth there is a split moment that shows the driver littering google tried to censor it but it just raised more attention you're never gonna be able to censor that that is forever cemented printed logo that doesn't align with the embossing grab it's a drop shadow don't worry about it what are my employees calendars is this grounds for termination oh yes march 32nd to 34th the real the real hidden days of the year you know not only is this a terrifying tattoo but it's the fact that he got this on the wrong arm and now mario has two right hands that really seals the deal for me my tv is a max volume oh that that's mildly infuriating that's spelling bolo of 63 because come on you could admit it six more please 401 days ago a message to dad failed to sin and we thought we'd tell you now a year and then some later just in case you wondered if it sent all that all those days ago wow that's a really bad solder [Laughter] you missed the line bud my german teacher left her mouse on autoplay the whole video it's the boomer logic conversation 30db music comes on 500db can you hear me apparently sprinkles are too much to expect on a sprinkled doughnut guess i'll go i guess i'll go eat my pink donut now i just wanted to i just wanted a i just wanted a smosh brand pink frosted sprinkled donut but i guess i won't get that the two green triangles are the same color and don't make sense with the other color palettes and this is the opal card logo australia wide good old i can't see anything because the entire team will kill me this there's nothing wrong with this let's go australia go ahead it's two pursed lips give it a kiss it'll open up sorry but we need you to spend two cents more we don't accept any orders under 11.99 usd due to payment processing fees and order fulfillment costs so better find something worth two cents pal hey what's oxidation all right google's got me it is the process a result of oxidizing or being oxidized huh and what are those terms meaning oxidizing to oxidate all right what about oxidized tube and oxidated plants make people happy and we're just gonna crush that box all the way in crack who painted this line was it someone just like was he speed running this is such a sloppy job asking parents for permission it's it's child volleyball let's play volley ask your mom ask your dad ask your mom ask your dad do you like this game we'll do it forever my man parked across two parking spots in a bomb ass car tow it pop three tires that way his insurance won't cover it sorry what's on the plate here upside down peas understood delicious please use uploaded logo that's a weird brand hiding myself up for a phone call come on man you got this they don't pick up i think they don't pick up oh oh do it uh oh yeah no i hate this button i'm not even going to try and read this this is confusing from start to finish uh yes the radiator has those pipes going right into the wall making a perfect corner to place any bad child into if you've misbehaved under my watchful eye you're getting put in the radiator corner right behind right by the hot pipes [Music] and that's why that's why when i was a big brother to my little brother she has burn marks on his hands because i put him in the radiator corner engineer did a good job at installing the master socket screws are way too short that they stuck to the wall and now it's pulled the plaster off with it thanks my grandfather refuses to take the plastic off of this controller he wants to keep it pristine and nice i bet you it's goddamn perfect under that plastic i just want a bigger pocket please is that too much to ask for it's crazy that we have pocket disparity i'm gonna secretly sew pockets into the pants of my of of brianna's clothes and she's gonna lose her mind my airpods fell out of my pocket and once again they find my app fails me can't find it no location found might be because your airpod is dead buddy a 3 000 piece puzzle incorrectly cut oh just barely two people shoving shopping carts into bike racks that's just humans do at least they brought it back up to the front of the store you know shopping carts are the ultimate power of whether you're good or evil like if you put it back into the cart cat cart catting you're good you're a law-abiding person if you don't you are you are a criminal you probably are a super villain of some sort um maybe like a henchman of some kind maybe you're not super high up the ladder i don't know either way you're a part of the crime syndicate uh one pink little festival thing inside all of the green it's like the needle in the haystack i was staring at this all flight wait staring at what what are you staring at i don't get it oh the the the right on the left ear is that what's going on the reunion of the cast from robocop 1987 but they're not standing in the same places as the previous photo because they don't need to oh i hate this i kind of love and hate this room actually like it's super cool looking and i feel like i have a lot of arts and crafts in this room but at the same time it is just horribly designed i finally get to see the banksy in my town only for someone to have ruined it damn damn damn damn oh you know what to do dinner be busting the barcode sticker on the inside of my new sauce pin now i gotta find a way to get the adhesive off thanks it's right there conspiracy why see spiricy netflix back pain meds on the bottom shelf if you want relief you gotta work for it good morning just shing from the light [Music] burning in the retina a cargo ship drew a giant dick pic in the ocean that got stuck in the seuss canal put the boat back i'll say it again i want it back in the canal when you order shoes and they come like this is that an anti-theft device locked onto the shoes there's throw them in there oh that's a gross sink ah this is just uncomfortable this is uncomfortable feeling oh look at that angry cat sitting on top of the pizza it's because there's pineapple on that pizza the cat's not a fan of hawaiian this power adapter on an over under wall socket i don't know oh oh oh i see i see i think i see i don't know what i'm supposed to be looking at here the disabled parking in chicago is a challenge if you make it though you get free food dear user your phone is getting too many spam texts eradicate them now here thanks spam text are you sure that's top quality stainless steel because if i'm looking at the blade it looks like it's rusting in stainless steel top quality nonetheless i don't think it's gonna do that buddy so stop stop telling me a fib and give me my top quality stainless steel it was an amazing experience and the staff gave us excellent service the day was a blessing thanks one star companies put these bloody stickers all over their products i wanted the avengers box set now i gotta carefully remove this sticker where the bus stopped right down the hill this just to turn off the lights it's fun this cat mug with two tails one to the head one from the behind oh i hate all these i hate all these faucets because this two are fine the third one where we're gonna have a talk oh now i gotta throw the whole can out buddy that's a that's a that's a dud you know we could have used a white towel for easier sorting but instead we've done this and now i'm confused choose a delivery option for 4.99 shipping you can get the same exact shipping dates as the 9.16 shipping just one gets us a little more money i am uh 18 years old uh sorry just stop you right there but you need to enter a value between 20 and 130 here okay we don't believe in any number below 20 and any number above 130. imagine walking out the door all right i'm going to work goodbye opens the door ah someone took the damn stairs how do you bend a brick with force and pressure the window corner on a bus i like the design but i don't like that the corners empty the wire on my it's not centered why would they do it like that wait that makes no sense there's gonna be a tug hate that natural brown sugar what's it say on the back oh natural's only a brand name how is that a brand name you trademarked the term natural the window's on the middle school in my town [Music] it's like a parkour course i hate it parkour i just washed my car well you know why not go back in car washes are nice they're peaceful uh you get the bird choice off your car i think it's a win-win for you and for the car wash i live in a share house shared bathroom who the hell removed the tube and why they don't like you they want you out they want you gone the south triangle and well that certainly is not a triangle that west triangle the cracked it like a like a dorito they bit off the top of it now it was just a shell of its former self sons color toys orange on a green piece green on a yellow piece yellow on an orange piece make up your mind please remember to bang a towel when tr when training please remember to bring a towel thank you any time fitness but only sometimes spelling oh the one we only had one job and i was to make sure the tiles were all right and they couldn't even do that how do you it's there it's not even a hard puzzle to complete it is the middle piece unbelievable today i effed up by snot simply knocking to wake up my brother obligatory this didn't happen today happened maybe 16 years ago this today you left up it says some time ago you left up and stifu is not a fun subreddit s-t-a-i-f-u 50 miles 50.1 miles well it's also determining on the load they're carrying isn't it because it's adding extra weight and therefore more resistance right is that how science works i don't know i just make reddit videos the paper straw covered in plastic crap save the world but only sometimes of course it's from nestle you think anything environmentally friendly is coming out of nestle this lock on the stall on my school just smuggling a screwdriver to your school no one's gonna know no one's gonna find out and just quickly unscrew that screw it right back in maybe you can bring a little drill and bath on lunch it's the boys bathroom i think you're gonna be disturbed by if anything they're going to be like oh it looks like the bathroom's popping today and they're going to leave and then you've done your school service you can invoice them people who do this that's why i have no mercy when they do it i walk on them i kick him in the back of the head i go excuse me if you want to sit on the stairs you expect to be treated like the stairs clothing and dress got altera smacking shoes g it's my favorite store i just mopped the floor and look what the toyota ma bucket did oh that's why you gotta gotta get a swiffer in there man swiffer up the little streaks the exit sign at my workplace could look at it every day i'm okay let me zoom in let me enhance so it says exit it's not blocking the door are you oh because the one light i see i see i mean get over it i've made a resealable zipper but put an adhesive that rips the bag open under it anyways so it's resealable only once one of my employees is always asking for new safety glasses he brought them all back today i mean it's not necessary i mean at least you got them back right so now you don't have to i don't know i'd say i'm trying to like defend this guy but it's hard to make a case he has so many safety glass that is a satchel of safety glasses i want to know how often he would he would lose them or if he was even losing them if he just decided if you just forgot them and needed new ones i don't know and i don't think i'll ever find out oh how dare you someone's got to put another nail on the side for that mirror to hang up right that's a dangly ass mirror when a plug covers the outlet next to it oh you read my mind i hate it i hate it when that happens dude i have to like okay so my current um power strip has two uh two like it's like a big bulky one but my elgato key lights because if i put them on the closest side of the outlet will dangle and like unplug i have to have them go across and it it covers two outlets in one so i have them on either edge of the outlets that way i have the entire middle free red my mind i hate that so much what goofy little bastard put one pink peg with all the purple pegs that's not the right shade get back over there so your dog ate a chicken wanna know about brood x and pet safety but that's a cat apple pie strawberry and cream pie well i think you gotta reverse them but those look very tasty yet another greedy parker [Music] i hate him how do you even get is he taking up four spots or two either way he's an ass it's not hard to stay on the lines and we have these lines drawn so you can be nice and packed like like little little vehicular zard sardines you can hear i'm stuttering because this makes me toyota i'm pissed there's no reason to park like this if you park like this if you park like this i'm gonna replace every mirror in your car one of those carnival fun house mirrors and you're gonna crash your vehicle and i'll be there i'll be there to play circus music because you had fun house mirrors in your car who did that i don't know all this packaging just for that so that's that's an amazon package for sure that's that is the amazon promise that's the kiss of bezos this bmw was parked here overnight why are people like this well it's a bmw every owner of bmw takes a pledge to be a [ __ ] uh this is run-of-the-mill behavior i'm not surprised [Music] oh can you be too mad at this though because this is the part that's supposed to rip off if you're if you're triggered by the little it all comes off however it is mildly infuriating so you get a pass you get a pass but all those meatballs at room temperature unacceptable the hell is this i don't recognize the plug type this is not something i i am familiar with but what is universal is how angry this makes me just tilt it back into just a little just manhandling rough house with it fix it oh i bought a transparent nintendo 2ds and found out that the speaker does not line up with the speaker holes uh just drill some more dude i got muted for sending a youtube link because the link had a blacklisted word it had foyo ducks fux got in trouble it wasn't even your fault y'all rocking with clockwise calendar months oh oh that makes me sick no this is awful [Laughter] who approved that that's the worst and they do things with medical i wouldn't trust them with my calendars let alone my body what's in that hatch i'm not i i'm i'm mildly intrigued not mildly infuriated open it open it up what's in there permanent marker i mean it's for a good price maybe we could permanently mark or something this building can eat my toyota so you can eat mine too with its five windows at the top ridiculous oh the the mismatched neighborhood my favorite the one that makes all the roads weird i want to know who like if this was like on purpose or just like they hired a different crew to pave the roads for this particular part of the neighborhood i like this house though this house that's closest to the starbucks with the red roof uh because they just gotta take one two turns and then they're out into the road two a left a a left and a right and they're out into the road and then go right to starbucks get yourself a refresher [Music] just just just turn them a little bit just turn it just a little bit nobody believed me but i finally have proof that they're shrinking goldfish no one wanted to believe it well what do you call that capitalism my brother rearranges my keyboard bro i think we got the same keyboard i got or no i think he has a different i have a gpro wireless keyboard i have a it's not the same mine's cooler and mine has the right keys in the right places iphone 7 128 gigabytes hi there i'm at starbucks sorry i won't be able to make it today huh i mean a little notice would have been nice sorry can't i just can't make it i mean rate the buyer mark them low and they won't be able to buy anything anymore in the marketplace give them give them the worst rating because they did not give you any heads up and that's unacceptable some some there was a decision made here with rage he had an argument about what way the toilet paper should be facing he said you know what middle skewer it good wipe in your ass now pal oh no i've had this happen to me i've never had it i've i've never let it bother me i just kind of scoop it back on to the the the snack but it it is always a little like kick in the nuts when it rips it right off it even ripped off some of the bread too you see that i thought these ice cream cones would be bigger oh you're a fool is that is that like an edible one or what is this what am i looking at this is a real or fake ice cream cone because you're holding it in your hand like it's like a like a tool like you just captured a small bug and you want to show someone how's there 224s what see a clone how do you do that china's 50 lane highway gives me anxiety just looking at it uh this makes you feel so much better about la traffic hey yo why is his left hand his left hand is backwards i never noticed that what oh how have i never noticed i feel like my brain would have caught on with that that's gross how's he doing that do you twist his arm like that is he a mr potato head my girlfriend's habit of leaving half finished food and drinks laying around yes that is one bite left from two separate donuts i have a bad habit with this as well um i know i drive brianna crazy with it i'm i'm having trouble coming up with a joke for this because this is genuinely just wasteful and i have struggles with it too i'll forget that i left something unfinished but this is like i can admire that it's all in one thing like it's all compact but maybe he put it all there this is just like come on there's so much i can fill up an entire bottle with all of the various liquids check out this sad excuse for a burger at my school's grill and chill that's supposed to be a reward for good behavior it's the exact same burger they served normally except it's been overly hyped up for months hey good job now here's your slop eat it in the airbnb my family rented i got stuck with the bedroom with a glass door seriously who puts a door like that for a bedroom uh well now all the nightmares can only look at you through the door they don't they don't have they don't only have to open it they can just look through it i know we germans have a thing for asparagus but why put it on a burger i try it it's beef bacon and asparagus i mean come on i would deadass i'd try that i think that would taste i think that'd be a little banging i would try it ah yes mandatory fun activity dear all it is with great pleasure we invite you to an activity based on learning information and understanding immersed with excitement and fun for class 12 science students conducted by the physics department it is mandatory to attend ah you are one cent away from a zero dollar delivery fee i am just one cent away huh okay yeah sure both are empty wait really i laughed for a second but now i'm confused because the other one doesn't look empty how do we know prove it write with it show me my school blocked a website because it was labeled as education they don't want that damn bird go to babel instead this four 4x4 mean each wheel gets a parking spot because that's what he's doing so if i slash three of his tires does that mean it's one parking spot because now it's a one a one by one because one working wheel previous owners attempted a diy i admire the attempt they did their best a 60 year old dish split in half spontaneously alone on the countertop in the middle of the night with no temperature change or anything striking it i think that's kind of cool that means there was a ghost you have a phantom in your place and clearly they didn't appreciate that dish there's one extra blue piece to whom does it belong just got banned because my game crashed as i was entering a competitive match oh i mean it's only a three minute penalty it's not a ban it's just a quick little like timeout you got a slap on the wrist the amount of paper cvs uses for freaking coupons the notorious cvs receipt listen man it's it's coupons it's savings if you're going back to cvs you got you got yourself a deal on like two packs of gum and the clearance liquor this cheap coaster is it being was it being worn down by that's what i want to know is it just over time or are you grinding your cup into the coaster because this looks like a feels like it's burning into the the the coast how are you doing that i'm not i'm actually feeling to understand how this is happening oh no that's not how you do that it's supposed to go in the packet not through it my brother decided to open a can with a spoon and i think the cans winning that pull tab has the spirit and will of a thousand soldiers that is incredible or that is the weakest spoon of all time who the hell cut the cake like this i just want to talk i just want to talk i want to talk with baseball bats the damn power button cost me so much exams we'll go into your window settings and say what the power button does when you know just quick little adjustment and you're fine oh how did this happen uh buddy your cable management this is how it happened did you stuff how did how do you have a joke for this this is just impressive it is impressive how far your situation is with your headphone cord you're going to spend 15 minutes untangling that bad boy and you're still going to have a really tight knot that you have to like try and get out with a toothpick oh buy new headphones it's not even worth it not even worth the trouble oh hey image 43 this is this the mildly infuriating the fact that i had to zoom up to like 200 percent and scroll up to the top left corner to see what the phone this is fedex put me on hold for two hours and then hung up on me that yes that is very infuriating but also what is this explain this to me how does this happen hey thanks fedex for leaving my car title spare car key with key fob and bank information in front of my door of my apartment complex instead of the front desk with every other package that comes here i appreciate that because if i had a porch pirate i would have been [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you but what are you better than me so you got to put your feet up in the air you have that heart of a day sitting on a public transport sitting on the bus nah wait actually that made me look rationally mad that that pissed me off this was not only put there to keep homeless people away but it also looks like so i mean the i if anything you just made little brackets for them to put a little makeshift mattress on you've done nothing but give them a box spring so you've lost amazon employee forced my new boomerang to fit in my mailbox and rented it completely useless now it is just a boom because the arrange part is how it came back thanks amazon again the kiss of bezos strikes again took us two hours to find this bastard but there he is yeah your fire tv tried to hide it from you on the carpet oh yes peanut butter in the most convenient packaging if only there was i don't know some sort of jar we could bottle it in it'd be so much easier but now this is the best we can 12 25 you're you're selling peanut butter 12 bucks a pop and that's what that i think that's the most infuriating part about this post is the price you're getting away they're gouging these people for their pd the soda gods said no no fizzy drink today for you oh nice captcha is this the uh the bumper that plays at the end of the show is an adult swim what is this the way my sister's chair arrived in the post just poking out a little let you know it's a chair hello brick nice to see you today you know that's not a good chance to win if you pick up the o's i'm not gonna lie to you seems like x has an unfair advantage by at least double but i don't know i'm not a stat i'm not a statistician i can't sleep well why is that all right good chitchat what's up oh because they said a sad face what's up just overwhelmed work another solid chit chat don't know if i'm trying to play like a scavenger hunt to help you with your problems but i'm not enjoying this very much oh well now you gotta throw the entire box of food away if you broke your chopsticks that's the rule warning do not put beverages in cup holders do i put my hands in there then what's that what is that for one in 150 people surveyed for a fear of long words alright let's go hippopotamus monstrose hippopotamus hippopotamus monstrous quippita hip fear of long words uh why is that when turned hot dog button style my new question is are those just screwed on or can kind of like turn all of them or is it just that one special then why did you even put a button for the ninth floor on the panel on all eight floors the floor nine does not exist then what do i do quick get the elevator key we're breaking into the ninth floor a message from vera fly yeah my flight took off at 1pm um thanks for nothing verify i appreciate that i couldn't let my grass grow so i replaced it with a rock bed six months later and the grass is growing better than ever got a few sprigs a bagel sliced in half it's like when you give your younger sibling half of something just a little less a store that could be open but could also be closed shop hours open most days about nine or ten occasionally as early as seven but some days as late as twelve or one we close about five thirty or six sometimes about four or five but occasionally as late as seven or eight some days or afternoons we aren't here at all and lately i've been here just about all the time except when i'm someplace else so i can break in is that what you're saying i can commit a robbery i can break it enter lauren keeps the look neutral by stacking books back to front nice don't want to show any personality in what i read i wanted to if it's a thick book you can know that i read big thick books but don't you dare ask what they're about only these colors of high viz jackets must only be worn in this warehouse oh they're all monochrome is that the right word oh no i was just trying to open a juice cup and look at this the world's not in your favor today buddy i have a cup of sadness can't even find what i'm looking for yeah in the middle of all these savings ungrateful reminder you have a promo get zero dollars off your next ride really you mean it thanks lyft don't mention it pay full price oh yo check it out super mario 3d all stars for 2 000 pounds nice that's a steal from you they're stealing from you apparently off is considered a mode of the six shower spray modes didn't know that must be part of that exquisite design speaking norwegian yeah what is he saying i want to know a swing in two misses they're all parked like appropriately away from each other like they have the right idea they just need to be they have the they got the spirit but not quite a roasted garlic and pesto pizza with a deep fried crust the [ __ ] is in front of me those broccoli florets what is that my sister always leaves this bit on her breakfast plate for the mice and the rats wheelchair ramp where a product is stored causing wheelchairs to have to roll on a slope to get to the store entry it's fun and what year was your spouse born 1999 no sorry okay i'm more than two repeating characters so go ahead what year man i can see that being mildly infuriating for the workers not so much me i don't care personally my 18 year old sister was asked to make a salad she gave me a bunch of leaves of spinach and one cucumber it's a diy salad let's do it yours let's make it yourself the parts are there it's an ikea salad our toilet seed broke so the landlady sent us a new one and ignored our request for it to be square nice [Laughter] and you should be so grateful plus sign multiplication sign small frame large frame four corners capital t two rows lucky seven on number eight okay man good thing my brick shelf is looking good oh i think that's paint though you can just peel that right off try again i used to see hero waiting to be picked up and they added spikes so i guess i'll sit on the concrete on the bottom add two of two a 50-minute ad well at least he's getting that cpm got this variety pack because i love peanut butter snickers and i feel so let down right now because i only got a little tiddly wink of peanut butter snickers in my variety pack my wife our cat need this bed she has anxiety and this bed will keep her calm because she's in an enclosed area this will be her spot when she needs to feel safe my cat well actually the box will do just fine my tv stand shelf decide to explode at one am that seems horrifying but hey at least everything's okay is it stuck on the glass so sorry it's never coming off cleaning up a creek after a storm it only just started i hate you whoever you are you need help so we got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten twelve thirteen bottles of liquor you do need help the professional kind preferably i used sticky tack to avoid damaging my wall and this is the result i actually tore off the paint and revealed the drywall so thanks sticky tack you can stick my nuts to your chin you can sticky tack i'm right to your chin i hate when bananas get i hate when i accidentally scalped the top of my banana just one tile is not right just to piss you off updating sit tight will you update your xbox console why is this infuriating it's just an update don't worry about it quit whining oh now that's infuriating i hate that i can't the vacuum is just a smidge too wide the wi-fi password that are airbnb nice the password is d227f5435c1635ec45f say it three times fast and you get a gigabyte down [Music] [Laughter] that makes me mad pineapple and non-pineapple eaters we have to put aside our differences because we have a common enemy now the kiwi in pizza people you should have your hands taken away and pickled we'll put them on pizza and make you eat them oops kill me my my uh chair's going squeaky but it sounds like i got the squirts the hersh squirts the way my friend opens his cheetos he likes going ass first what's wrong about it all right i'm never gonna say go i'm never gonna refer to opening the bottom of the bag as going ass first ever again i'm sorry i i made myself grossed out by that by that phrasing oh whoever left this on the doors of douche why are you leaving my classroom is it to visit the bathroom or get water you're missing valuable class time on this frivolous errand whatever you miss is your responsibility in other words do don't expect me to explain what we did while you were out visit the bathroom and water fountain between classes oh you're gonna piss your pants do it piss them in my classroom dick [Music] oh no i laughed too hard yo yummy a cookie ice cream sandwich with m m's yeah just a couple no more no less and you feel you feel grateful so in conjunction this is these are two separate posts by the way someone posted that eminem ice cream cookie with two m ms you should feel grateful that you got two homeboy here got one eminem and it's broken it shattered it's the little things that you don't think about huh yo shout out to atm fees for making me buy my own money let's get it that's capitalism at its best baby happy one year anniversary working here at the home depot here's a milky way now get back to work thank you guys for watching if you like this video and want to see more like it be sure to subscribe and until next time my name is damian you've been watching dele and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DeeLee
Views: 143,804
Rating: 4.9389 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% true stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, ez pz, reddit funny
Id: 7050Z5k_YkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 47sec (3887 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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