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[Music] five percent to 99 off oh it's a good buy sale buy one get one real tiny five percent up to in big numbers 99 off on designer perfumes oh i hate you i hate you oversized frozen picture oversized laggy bloated unnecessary menus also frozen two at these are like the old school websites too i like to use an old school internet explorer modern web design starter pack is it a starter pack though i feel is just certain companies the ad for the game versus the snapshot of the actual game wow a lot of the aren't these like the games that get promoted on snapchat though like they'll show their little ad on snapchat because they know a lot of teenagers will download it and then it's just something that's terrible one of those like cookie clicker type games either way that's false advertising you deserve pain and suffering 2k19 is a retail 60 game they put non-skippable ads in from another company wait is there an ad in the game what are you talking about i've never heard of a game doing that before what what oh how you fallen akinator wait you just found a vip character to know his name and discover his photo become a vip what are you kidding me they do that now oh it's so terrible that's awful really really 3.99 to play a guessing game are you kidding me oh you're the worst gift card up to 100 this is not an actual amazon gift card then why'd you send it you're terrible i work at starbucks they made their own app for our scheduling we have to agree to this in order to download hub would like to access the following actions erase all data what erase the phone's data without warning by performing a factory data reset change the screen lock set password rules monitor screen unlock attempts lock the screen set screen lock password expiration storage and what the hell what this is allowed i'm like okay some of you might be like yeah no it's just permissions i am like shocked i didn't know that apps weren't even allowed to be doing any of that dude wow wow wow wow i look at the chocolate bar but it's filled with lies this is right outside a hotel lobby bathroom the painting is even a wooden bench no decoration use only oh decorative use only no sitting i'll be honest with you i wouldn't want to sit on what looks like pork chops i know it's supposed to be logs but it looks like pork looks like burnt pork burnt pork chop dipstick home depot sells cactuses with fake plastic flowers hot glued to the top yo imagine selling this wow okay so like i i get that like you know subreddit's like this i'm supposed to give some sort of riveting commentary about down with the bad marketing this business sucks i'm just disappointed in the the the integrity behind all of it dude my car sending me ads while i'm driving yo is this like some serious xm stuff oh it's onstar or something three months of of uconnect access really yeah i can either press call or okay i don't care but okay let's see so you use the bing to search up google chrome promoted by microsoft as microsoft edge and you get firefox and then after that is google chrome they really don't want you to download chrome bought this for my three-year-old the claw is a printout wow wow feels bad man feels so bad colgate 360. those are some big toothpaste okay take them out in their smaller boxes i already feel a little ripped off and okay so why all that big grandiose packaging for two little tiddly winks of toothpaste that's what i want to know almost bought these until i realized that the packaging pushes the cookies towards the top to make it look more full does it real yo it does listen you like say what you want i don't like it but i gotta hand it to uh people that create this terrible you know garbage they really know how to deceive a customer like that's just that's just big business at work and i have you know i don't like it but i have an admiration for it direct tv now won't let you fast forward through commercials on pre-recorded shows 125 a month for this crap really so if i like set it to dvr i can't fast forward through commercials now are you kidding me thank god i went with a roku tv sucks pretty sure you buy eight buy six get eight yeah no i'm pretty sure you buy eight making the word equivalent so small where is it hold on oh wow really that is tiny richfield register now university equivalent degrees and diplomas wow all the exits on atlantic city expressway require either 40 cents or 75 cents exact change no change there is a 9 administrative fee thank you why exact listen i'm telling you right now toll booth operators we need like that needs to start taking cards and i don't think they ever will just because it's more convenient for them to squeeze everything out um with just straight cash you cannot uninstall facebook on this phone dude i'm so glad i deactivated my facebook because it's just everywhere man it is literally i'm pretty sure i still have it installed on my phone i deactivated it because i was just tired of it but like i'm just deleting it off my phone right now just now that i'm thinking about it just get these off my out of my life there we go this fake skip ad on a youtube ad oh wow wow help the wife catch the cheater everything about this looks awful and terrible and stupid and you really have a s you you're the worst what time do you wake up five a.m six a.m seven a.m i am a useless member of society dude what the hell man [Laughter] google play screenshot and it looks cool like i would play that as a mobile game actual screen shot and nothing is really textured nothing is textured i wouldn't want to play that whoa your flight to hawaii just dropped it 199 false alarm you haven't watched a flight on hopper yet but this is the kind of alert you can expect when you do you're terrible i gotcha maybe you can see this one day stupid so my hp printer prints this page every time when there's an update and wastes my ink boo is there a way to like not have that happen i'm pretty sure you can make it so that way it doesn't print out an update page but uh yeah that's stupid into the and it's using colored ink too for the blue no movie theater playing ads so you can't see the pricing on concessions let's see what they're doing here so we got the icees right oh wait is it gonna just like right and then it has everything it makes it quick doesn't it so you just like get oh i wouldn't know you see but then you leave after you pick up the icy cause look that lady leaves and as she's leaving it shows the prices for everything don't get food at the movie theater anyway all of it's way too jacked up and not actually good tasting if you're gonna get something just get some popped corn and some drinks like don't don't waste your money on getting anything extra like the candy it's not worth that dude buy bull guard now skip this off wait wait wait so to skip the offer i gotta buy the product and how oh my god whatever you're installing is garbage i'm telling you that right now hurricane warning oh what the dude what the oh wow wow i live in florida so we get a lot of hurricanes um and i know a lot of old folks live in florida too i hope none of them get an ad like that that is the worst because they'll get you know we'll be like oh there's a hurricane dude you're the worst psa you can only upload 32 levels per user and there's no way to increase that 20 bucks for the online and we get less uploads than on the wii u with free online this is unacceptable prepare the pitchforks we're heading out for a crusade to japan they don't care they don't care nintendo doesn't care about their online this is a what looks like a pork or some sort of red meat let's go no way no way did i just watch that no way did i just watch him do that my dude just pull off some loose fruit by the foot that like makes me irrationally angry how dare this come like whoever how dare you how dare you sell this man this wow almost 30 dollars in convenience fees but there's no other option no physical office dude are you kidding me this might get weird yeah no no kidding it might get weird huh might get expensive our slash crappy design said this would fit better here sixty dollars for eye drops that my dog needs or he will go blind and this is how much air i had to squeeze out before i got any product dude this is for animals that need it are you kidding me and you're gonna scam people by going like a little less than halfway there that's how much air he had to push out before he got anything and you're selling this for 60 bucks you're there there is a special place a a real special place in hell for you sir press number on keypad to select options park for one hour park for nine hours only two ways only two you get to have thought it was a parking ticket it's a bait and switch a food ticket jesus a food ticket the date from monday to sunday they give you a number food known for our sliders we promised an enjoyable experience charged for being awesome sorry for the mini heart attack yeah sure dude my brother downloaded this app on his phone and now this ad appears whenever he opens his phone what's the ad so go ahead and unlock your phone right dude people what what the hell wow poor kid i'm sure this is a younger kid too that downloaded this app wow poor kid geez and people can get away with that yo dog i heard you like image search results so i'll put some image search results in your image search results so you can click through and then discover the image you wanted is not on the page of the search results that you are viewing thanks exhibit website camouflages the button for hiding the pop-up in order to compel the visitor to press allow yo you can't even see it are you kidding me you can't even see the the the the button to hide it that is nuts okay so public parking is available let's see what our public parking looks like ah right so you're a liar new packaging right same quantity [Laughter] oh people are the worst people are the worst man they're both 150 grams why would you waste your it's not a waste because they're making more money off the same amount of product wow wow this sightseeing bus that put this stuff over the windows so you can barely see the attractions [Laughter] it's like you're looking through a microwave skip ad tiny brain video will play after ad big brain video play after ads ascended brain tic tacs contain 94.5 sugar but can legally advertise as zero sugar because the serving size is less than .5 grams according to fda labeling rules from the tic tac website the nutrition facts for tic tac mint state that there are zero grams of sugar per serving does this mean that they are sugar-free tic tac mints do contain sugars listed in the ingredient statement however since the amount of sugar per serving one mint is less than point five grams fda labeling requirements permit the nutrition facts to state that there are zero grams of sugar per serving so basically get food ticket master now allows people to batch buy and resell tickets for a much higher price pink are their resell tickets yo someone bought out the entire back row too you see that like except for like maybe 20 seats disgusting my company's toilet paper really helps me get in touch with myself apparently spending 2500 on a samsung tv doesn't create them enough revenue look at this an ad that covers 50 of the screen we are getting dangerously close to the ready player one timeline pretty soon they're gonna try covering eighty percent of all of our screens with ads so that they don't induce seizures a free platform putting ads on its services isn't [ __ ] design yeah a free platform doing that but when i paid twenty five hundred dollars for a tv you best believe i better not see any ads reddit giving me a notification for a sub i've never visited because of an amazon ad campaign amazon owns us all folks i love the boys and all but i'd be [ __ ] furious if this ever happened to me oh you know when tick tock randomly turns on your microphone without you using the app unfucking acceptable the hell does the chinese government even want with our random ramblings through our phone microphone what could they possibly use that for just flip the axis nobody will notice alright not a single person will notice neither of these actors in the pick are dead i hate clickbait celebrities who passed away in 2020 to be fair i wouldn't have shed a tear if kevin sorbo had passed away but at least we'll always have xena oh god what is going on there shorts on sale okay to promote a short sale at a clothing store called superet this place in auckland turned thighs into advertising canvases by creating benches with reversed etched lettering that when sat on created an impression reading short shorts on sale holy crap dude i would go there and then immediately demand my cut of some of the profits if you're gonna advertise on my body i'm getting paid for it motherfu norton security after canceling the subscription your norton subscription is over you were once able to go online without worrying about the millions of threats created by hackers and social engineers how are you protecting us from social engineering and the reason was norton oh get the [ __ ] over yourself norton [Laughter] i'll just go and buy me a four dollar yearly subscription to eset that doesn't destroy my computer if i really need something there's a gaming chair company called i tay they photoshopped a photo of me sitting in a tld today video and used it as an ad for years never seen their chair in my life i don't even care if the chair is great this is trashy don't buy their stupid chair well marquez i guess it's time to send them a bill for a lot of back pay if you don't see the number inside this circle you may be partially colorblind swipe up to find out huh what does that mean god snapchat you need to stop letting this trash on your platform i know you've been doing it for a while but can you knock it the hell off it can't be that hard to moderate advertisements right you get to pick and [ __ ] choose which advertisements you allow on your platform don't you chipotle goes all out advertising that for the next week delivery is free and then casually makes the delivery menu price higher than the regular one oh that's how they get ya you didn't think that a company like chipotle was going to be fair and honest did you i would describe my sexual orientation as heterosexual please give more details um what details are you looking for because now i'm a little bit more uncomfortable than i was a second ago would you like me to describe what i do see in that field what you're supposed to do is say no done there you go time to move on imagine paying for shipping on a digital item hold on just a freaking second what are they buying here i'm not actually sure but clearly it is a digital item digital delivery fee 5.98 are you actually [ __ ] dollar shave club makes their online bot razor handles incompatible with their in-store razor refills it is all about really diversifying your income streams isn't it see what i do is i buy the dirt cheap razors and i've never been happier christmas present from the brother-in-law who's a fabricator there is no trick it doesn't come out thanks bro what the hell that's so mean all right here's what you do you get a bucket or a big mixing bowl shatter the bottle there you go it's not really ideal but at least you can get the liquid out of his dumb gift i paid 55 dollars to remove the company watermark they put on the face just to have them put their logo on the printed copy thanks guys thanks so much luckily it's small enough to where you could probably trim that down you should cut that little bit off of the bottom you know what i mean done they don't deserve that advertisement the fact that i can't uninstall facebook yep that's the future more and more bloatware being added to your phones and devices that you're not allowed to remove ever laptop battery website is intentionally designed so when you enter any text in the model field they show you this battery and price and say it's in stock typed [ __ ] fake in the field and it gave me this result oh you gotta be real careful out there trust me look i know it's always seemed obvious we've all been around the internet a long time but you know who hasn't the people that these websites are designed for your [ __ ] grandparents and parents make sure they know about this type of stuff because when i worked at best buy the number one call i got was do you guys sell laptop batteries mine's broken and i know they're going right here and they're gonna lose a lot of money hey clever i don't really see the point of this though i just finished level one congratulations do you want to watch an ad to double your coins now can you take me to the next le i'll pretend i didn't hear that and i'll give you the ad anyway mobile gaming sure is everybody's favorite and it's totally valid so my parents bought a couple of hard drives on amazon found that when you put more than 30 gigabytes on them they just replace previous content oh dude i really hope you reported the seller because amazon luckily doesn't take too kindly to this type of sheet also that has got to be some of the crappiest jankiest scam handiwork i have ever seen look if they ever need it take them to the nearest micro center to you guys you can get like a 256 gigabyte flash drive with a 10 year replacement warranty for like 25 there screw hulu i agree hi it seems like you're not at home your current zip code and ip address don't match the location of your home linked to this account due to streaming rights watching this on this device outside of your home network isn't available screw you hulu screw you cancel subscription to cancel this contract please send a letter or fax how is this legal over there y'all are you serious are you serious someone's at the door okay we lied but someone could be at the door soon if you order in some piping hot breakfast right now tap to order and get 50 off you know what the best part is that 50 off is also a lie look they admitted to lying right there you think you're actually gonna get fifty percent off no that's for first time customers only [ __ ] no wonder daily mail wanted me to turn off my ad blocker six ads covering 63.5 of the screen holy [ __ ] that is utterly insane looking dude we are on the worst timeline right now how can you even read this for real you know what makes me even sadder about all these ads is that they probably sold them for like a couple hundred bucks each they're not making real money off of these life found on mars no it hasn't been found on mars but imagine waking up to that headline we did wake up to that headline you dick windows 10 silently adds a new app called meet now to your task bar that you can never actually close in a brazen attempt to capture a market during the pandemic oh yeah i remember that figured out how to get rid of it though great job complete one more mission all right mission one open ten crates with keys mission two beat five new levels mission three give us some more of your [ __ ] money [ __ ] they prey upon kids with this that's what most of these mobile games are designed to do the bare minimum so that they can trick your children into giving them your money again none of this is news but i'm really good at stating the obvious if nothing else so i'm gonna keep doing it natural brown sugar does not contain natural brown sugar it's only our brand name you [ __ ] how is that legal though if you program a no button to say maybe later you failed at both interface design and basic consent our school is making us use this online testing software to prevent cheating it just so happens that this software edits your computer's registry has no privacy policy has countless news articles saying it's a show and takes unauthorized control of your pc how fun when you take the test with the program it force quits everything on your pc including zoom and doesn't let you reopen it it also streams your webcam directly to teachers isn't that a fun and safe program looks like i'm dropping out of that school because i deserve my privacy [ __ ] you school system your order has just been shipped from japan this is the email we would have liked to send you if you had ordered an owl [ __ ] you man that makes me so mad my 240 dollar anatomy textbook is just a ream of paper come on man 240 bucks and they couldn't be [ __ ] to bind the goddamn thing hello i'm paper bottle psych not really though they just used some extra paper on top of the already heavily used plastic to help [ __ ] the environment further a vast antivirus literally implants itself into every email i send without permission they don't they don't have to ask permission for anything anymore they [ __ ] own all of us let's be real here if this ad was for real your phone would melt jesus plastic table cover printed all over not really though just on the edges stupid you believed us what positive thoughts or feelings are you currently experiencing as we start semester two this is a required question no it's not looks like i'm not taking the whole damn thing huh my age preferences are there for a reason tinder we don't want your fun to stop so we expanded your age and distance preferences why i didn't ask you to do that and i'm not comfortable with anything outside of the parameters i set you freaks i think the funniest part about this though is them implying that using tinder is fun are they serious nba2k21 has added unskippable ads despite being a full price game these games have always been dumpster fire garbage [ __ ] so that's not really a surprise so i was helping my mom use her printer and this comes out an advertisement that used her printer ink to make it oh hp those mofos are disgusting when it comes to printers in order to break the glass ceiling should the next american president be legally required to be a woman no i'm against progress okay xiaomi putting ads everywhere even in folders wait what come on ratings and reviews important wondering why this app has such a good rating it's because not all the features are free if you want them all you have to purchase them and then rate the app with five stars you do this and they give you access to the premium features is that against the terms of service for the google play store it should be if not random amount people are looking at this product i never once believed those little counters at all they're just putting another ticking clock on you to make you think that oh if i don't buy it now those 14 people will and then i can't get it google the elder scrolls 6 release date all the latest news the page while there is no release date shut up you stupid important you will lose these features without auto renewal you will lose access to the following features vip priority support smart ad blocker protection against malware site okay i'm gonna cancel the auto renewal now because none of that means anything to anyone yes it's happening the office season 10 returns with 24 episodes and despite requests and demand for information for a reboot of the hit series there is little to no hope thanks thanks a lot for that [ __ ] app puts a price slash into its name to make it seem like it's on sale oh clever clever not really though amazon making you pay 19 per season henry danger only had five seasons but amazon stretched it and made it 12 seasons so you're paying way way more i for one don't really like our prime overlords uh absolutely can't believe that damn the benches were [ __ ] up the budget that much that's crazy hi jeremy the benches were removed from stations to prevent the homeless from sleeping on them we have inconvenienced you and made the station more inaccessible to the pregnant disabled and elderly but you must understand that lets us inflict further misery on people without homes hi there i'm john amk and you already know who i am i'm just dropping by real quick to say that anti-homeless architecture is [ __ ] disgusting and abhorrent have a great day everybody before subscribing grim season one after subscribing huh amazon dude these guys don't pay taxes man i hate them so much this 200 textbook is just a printout of the online version with useless hyperlinks and videos [Laughter] holy crap this kit is so embarrassing how can they even excuse this garbage anymore these two have been in use for roughly the same amount of time wow apple grow the [ __ ] up they really can't talk about how they care about the environment and the earth when they actively make their freaking accessories fall apart within a year brain food we're sad to see you go if you'd like to unsubscribe from our emails please consider donating um no i must not select an option to proceed i swear to [ __ ] god my velcro is wearing out can i go to support will oculus support be able to find a solution for my wearing out velcro even though my warranty has ended hi there unfortunately there isn't an easy way to repair just the velcro on the strap typically this would mean replacing the headset but if it is out of warranty options are limited if you're unable to find a good solution please contact us so we can see what else might be available sorry did you just say op has to buy a new headset because of worn velcro straps the antivirus becomes the virus i have never ever seen a bit of antivirus software that doesn't behave like malware it's just the worst thing in the world man it slows down even the beefiest of computers because it is designed to do that walmart employee here we were given these shirts today walmart profits billions off of this pandemic then compares their sacrifice to world war ii veterans hmm looks like i'd be [ __ ] quitting that job i have worked for walmart before disgusting organization mobile game user turns off wi-fi you must be connected to play this game yeah they know how to play the game dude trust me dude they know what they're doing these spoilers have been doing it since the advent of the true smartphone okay they know how to make their millions off of children and people over they're very good at it you know what they're not good at though making games the ads are no longer in green love it but you know blue link we want you to we want to trick you because we want to advertise our business disable adblock for a faster streaming speed i don't like that the alone cam oh brought to you by coca-cola alone cam that you're just a jerk want to visit an incomplete version of our website where you can't zoom download our app okay or no but ask me again every time i have to connect to the internet in order to play an arcade game from 1999. but you gotta connect to the internet to play crazy taxi what crazy taxi i don't think that's crazy taxi's fault i think that's your your phone's fault you're your apple products fault allow auto chess to manage and make phone calls wait why would they need to why would they even need to be in charge of that both weigh 500 grams but the green one is in a 30 bigger bag more to share it's all air it's just all air don't worry about it i'd like to thank swab for increasing the size of their bottle by negative 17 oh well yeah they actually that one's 18 ounces that one's 15. but why would you bigger size better value obviously not this dual camera smartphone doesn't have two functioning cameras oh my god oh my god that's straight scamming they're straight scamming you that's is that not legal that's gotta be illegal price was 5.76 can only pay with quarters well you're one cent short my chinese smart tv plays a 15 second chevrolet commercial every time i turn it on just buy a chevrolet just buy it it's all they want you to do just buy the chevrolet just buy the freaking car i am a truck driver i have an ipad mounted in my truck i use for tv and netflix i am currently 800 plus miles from home thanks for ruining one of the few luxuries i have on the road hulu sorry hulu is blocked on this device hulu you doing something very bad right now hulu this disc will not play due to the region code setting of the player well you know that sucks but you should have expected that like i don't have any sympathy for you that you're gonna that's gonna happen bub disney leaves the inside of their six dollar ice cream hollow that's just smart business that's big business at work pattern name pack of one size 52 pounds product information item weight 46.6 pounds the branded size is 57 pounds make up your mind purina dog chow make up your mind hey new releases hanging out relaxing the cookout hip hop crew this is drake swag every single one of these is drake so you have a deal with spotify just spotify just really like really like drake invoices for my hospital stay are starting to come in each hull's cough drop individually packaged by safe corps of columbus ohio is billed at ten dollars or a cough drop oh goodness gracious dude society disappoints me every single day if you're billing 10 for a cough drop you're not allowed to vote and that's just where i'm at misleading box art makes it seem like you get a pair literally just came with one wireless earphone well i would have noted that it you know it looks like it's two but your phone implies that it's one actual email sent out by trump headquarters now we're conducting a poll to prove that the american people are behind our great movement quick paul do you stand with president trump i stand with president trump or i believe democrats at fake news did he side with liberal do you think trump says liberals in a hateful manner i think that'd be funny there's pesky liberals perfectly fine lighters with no way to refill them planned obsolete is an a-hole design and terrible for the environment oh yeah i've seen these like grill lighters these suck everything 99 cents and up or less will make up your mind upload a photo of yourself to get back on facebook upload a photo that clearly shows your face make sure the photo is well lit and isn't blurry don't include other people in the shot we use this photo to help us check that this account belongs to you we'll delete the photo once we've done this and it will never appear on your profile that's stupid your fico score 763 not bad drawn to scale correct position well that's just that's just you know that's a ui that's a that's an interface error with how it looks that's a hud error that's a heads-up display error i don't know what it's called but it's just you know i don't you know that's easy to fix that's not a-hole design i don't think thank you just being nitpicky at this point bub there's an 87 difference between searching for a flight on my ipad and computer for the same flight 269 on the computer and 182 dollars on the ipad and that's how they get you that's why you search for flights and incognito my university asking for donations in excess of our sixty seven thousand eight hundred dollar yearly cost of attendance and look out there's the satire tag you pay sixty seven thousand eight hundred dollars to go here why not even 70 grand donate your gift today no i'm good ad glued on my freaking windshield holy glued it oh those rat bastards receive this for my 88 year old grandma says it's a summons from travis county but it's actually asking for money for ted cruz did your campaign authorize this is this even legal shame on you that's terrible from senator ted cruz i love it it's from me you gotta go to court the y-axis has zero on the top so the graph looks like gun deaths went down instead of up well on the bright side we have not been as bad as the late 2000s there you see that you see that big dip in the 2000s looking on the bright side i'm just trying to look on the bright side levels of hell limbo lust gluttony green anger hearsay violence fraud treachery add to have a fake close button so you end up going to the ads crappy website and that's the worst layer confirm your identity to make sure this is your account we need you to send us a photo or scanned copy of an item in one group from the list wait wait wait wait wait wait as i was reading this i just started to realize they're asking us to send your id on facebook marky mark and the zuckerbunch you're going too far i'm having a problem with you zuckerberg you're a zucker turd and i don't like you very much anyway some of the items that you can use are passport driver's license certificate national id card keep in mind that anything you directly upload here is encrypted and stored securely once you resolve your issue we'll delete the copy of your id within 30 days within 30 well not immediately your order number 5493 has been shipped and on its way just kidding but here are some items you could have bought what ultra flight kickball not for kicking made in china it's not for kicking then why'd you make that doesn't make any sense oh hey g2a pay dude i hate g2a i hate g2a and this is why hello we've noticed that you have not logged into your account for almost 180 days after the 180 days have passed you'll be charged a one year activation fee and will continue to be charged one euro for each additional month during which you do not log in the funds will be taken from your g2a wallet the fact that's in the terms and conditions disgusts me note that our minibar is fully computerized every item you take remove will immediately be charged to your account if you'd like your minibar to be empty please call reception on extension 9 a charge of 15 euros applicable for this service dude you're just milking them for everything they got what are you doing putting 16 ads in a 27 minute video make that money morgs make that money here's why this month's bill is five dollars higher but it was a discount but it was a discount youtube lets you purchase a movie but still age blocks you sorry this content is age restricted then why'd you let me buy the movie this massive sign was designed to trick people into getting off the highway 97.9 miles before niagara falls bro business sucks that's terrible i don't like i have no words for it because i feel bad for anyone who's been tricked by by uh by that sign yucky yucky people man sirius xm cancel subscription if you wish to cancel for any other reason please call us at 1-888-539-7474 as we would like to understand and resolve any issue you may have had please note your subscription cannot be canceled online they want you to call me and they want to try and fix it for you by fix that i mean well you could get this plan that's a little bit extra but solve this issue new york state residents 62 is pro-choice thirty-four percent is pro-life and five percent they're unsure let me get a calculator so i figure out why this is uh some a-hole design hold on 62 plus 34. hey wait a minute 16-inch traditional pizza hey you forgot a spot shock a brownie company peppermint cream gluten-free organic local we are not gluten-free or organic certified because it's bs our product is made in a facility that processes food that contains wheat gluten why what is wrong with you oh you suck oh okay so so what indicates organic is it an asterisk but you're it's supposed to be called oh you're terrible is that is that legal is that even something you can do as a business this ad in emergency room near me is way farther than the second option in a panic you might hit directions for option a and end up spending an extra 15 minutes on the road oh that sucks oh you're terrible let me advertise mine so that way people can come to my business and getting the help they need immediately i agree to the terms and conditions you just can't read the whole freaking 1208 lines in just a second read it the install button will enable in 20 minutes and that's when you put on time for 20 minutes and watch videos this ad literally says school is for losers and is encouraging teenagers to drop out and pay for their online pyramid scheme courses instead and youtube approved it yucky look at him his face screams yucky i don't like him a-holes on youtube split up the four seasons into 10 seasons to make more profit disney did this not youtube it's season 10 on youtube yeah no it's not 10 it's not 10 it's only 4. this roll of stickers is really just a sheet of 20. i mean it is a roll it it's it's in a roll form i don't think they were lying i think you just didn't like it neons linen executive collection 100 microfiber sheet set comparable to the feel and touch of 1 800 thread count 100 egyptian cotton sheet set sheets are made of high strength microfiber yarns that will stay soft and wrinkle free for years to come i love how it's the the highlight just completely highlight that egyptian thread that 1 800 thread count egyptian cotton nice okay seriously youtube just flagged my stream video because the song was playing in a coffee shop i was walking by dude you can't even sing songs on youtube anymore i don't i'm not surprised by that facebook splitting the word sponsored to bypass ad blockers [Music] [Laughter] wow that's crazy that's smart it's terrible it's crappy but it's smart transfer modify where i can either do those online or cancel and i have to call there's no other way i have to call again siriusxm nobody likes you software update required unable to start car is this a tesla what is this i don't know what this is spending 175 on a textbook only to receive a two inch stack of unbound papers binder sold separately dude that's just the way college goes i'm not gonna lie to you due to license restrictions this video could not be played over wi-fi on your device to view this video turn off wi-fi and use your cellular data try again what do you mean license restrictions wouldn't it be the same if you were on cellular stupid uber will soon know if you're drunk and could refuse to pick you up that defeats the whole point of uber the vending machine at the children's hospital over charges by 10 cents on every item with no written reason when i contacted customer support they offered to send me back my 10 cents but nothing more bro they do they rip you off they take an extra 10 cents though what on the real i wouldn't even notice i'll be honest with you like it would completely be lost on me that they did that to me i'd just be like oh that's weird and not even give it a second thought and that's probably why they do that for dumb idiots like me in shrek 2 the warning label and fairy godmother's potion is only visible after it has been drunk yeah i mean it's not good fairy godmother's a terrible character website ooh i'm sorry but please will you please turn off adblock we really need our money me okay turns off adblock this is an au 450 per week apartment oh oh that's a studio that is a studio apartment the kitchen and the garage are in the same area what brand new protein powder not even filled halfway oh my god or extra dollars to arrive wrapped you kidding me i hate to not give you know riveting commentary but i'm just getting upset like i'm getting frustrated rap video that includes multiple curse words nudity glorification of gangs drugs and murder all right that's fine youtuber says bruh hey now you just wait one second hey a free trial which you have to pay to subscribe 159.99 a week oh my god facebook will start putting ads in the oculus quest apps oh yeah they forgot to mention paid apps facebook you are disgusting and you've destroyed something so great the most accessible way for people to get into vr you've already destroyed it thanks a lot [ __ ] i see we're starting off strong folks when amazon removes one of my pinned apps so they can advertise prime day hooray more ads everybody reminds me a lot of what my samsung s8 plus will do i get ads from samsung all over my phone tv company requires you to keep the tv's packaging box which is huge if you want warranty services something about that feels illegal it's probably not but something about it feels that way i don't believe that they're allowed to void your warranty if you don't keep a box hershey's stanley cup that already seems really dumb but wow you only get half of it what is this garbage hershey's i don't have the facebook app but my phone tries to install it during my weekly updates and it's never going to stop facebook thinks they have a right to be in every part of your life do not give them an inch also same thing with google but at least google has some usefulness i recommended detroit once last week in a google meet and now my unpersonalized ads look like this no the video was not related ad personalization is off google showed this ad based on general factors like the time of day the video you're watching your general location detroit become human preview title see keanu reeves suit up as neo for the matrix 4 in new image actual title keanu reeves suits up as neo for the matrix 4 and cool new fan art i just wanted to read the tutorial no what no you don't get to do that texas roadhouse makes all employees wear this shirt i heart my job i'm pretty sure that if my employer ever told me i had to wear something like that i'm not working there anymore the way i saw it i can trade one dead end barely surviving job for another at any point in time can't save this video to watch later this action is turned off for content that is made for children okay dude kids ruin everything man i have no missed calls memory isn't running out either seven missed calls hmm no storage space running out hmm no ah look grand theft auto 4 download guide for pc can you download gta 4 for android no can you download gta 4 on iphone no despite what it says right there our company has received numerous boxes of nothing enclosed but a postcard and paper confetti missing something we think so wow imagine wasting money on advertising this stupid how egregious is this [ __ ] you guys screw your product i hope you go bankrupt not leaving me with much of a choice would you like to rate this app provide feedback okay rate us hmm that's when you hard shut it down you don't get to demand anything from me my q garage door opener app just gave me an amazon ad as a notification my q notifications are too important to disable because they tell you when someone is opening or closing the door and don't they [ __ ] know it tinder now offers to harass people for you if you pay them money hold a spot at the top stay on noah's mind by pinning your chat pins last for 24 hours after your match sees their messages so for four bucks you get to just harass somebody nice really really cool smooth move tinder one of the few good things about plastic bottles is that they can be reused time and time again so less plastic waste right well not anymore i introduce you to single-use plastic bottles with a non-removable cap what [ __ ] off also just so you know uh plastic bottles never get recycled plastic never gets recycled anyway it literally never gets [ __ ] recycled don't worry about the prices just pick what you want okay i guess we're all just guessing on this shopping spree hp printer only prints in six by four when low on ink hp is so bad they're so bad dude ah yes advertise while i drive that way i can't get rid of them what's next watch five minutes of ads to map your route don't give them any ideas dude they're going to do that ads that disguise themselves as a not safe for work post well i'm not clicking on that it's from raid and says promoted right there reddit's new system of absolutely bombarding my feed with posts from communities i'm not following what the actual hell i get that all the time but i'm just too lazy to give a sh that's why i still use old school reddit or the old reddit it's the only one i use i try my best still not perfect but it's better than this nightmare price check a popular website here in south africa now forces you to download their app to see prices from most retailers well guess which app you shouldn't be using anymore if we have to call or set up an account or download apps or do anything weird just to see the price of an item you're supposedly selling i will never ever ever use your service or buy anything from you let's see what we got here's a comparison between your current plan and the one that we recommend you can change them when you're ready my current plan 80 a month 30 gigabytes of data unlimited canada wide calling and well all of that crap right there but we recommend a plan that's five dollars more per month with all of the same sh that you're already paying for oh i really do not envy canada's mobile networks ours aren't much better but at least they're slightly simpler than this garbage add uses cameo from snoop dogg to endorse their download these games to earn free gift card scam nice real nice and classy guys this air purifier is just a beeping light device how is that legal that can't be right that actually can't be duolingo has found a way to spam me with siri after i blocked notifications on the app guess which app you've gotta stop using seriously wipe that sh this ad has a fake skipping button they all do okay not all of them but the shittiest ones do as you're quickly learning exercise bike in my apartment complex doesn't work because the subscription expired what are you oh oh i hate this crap dude i've never been much for the boomer mindset but if there's one boomer thing i agree with it's that we need to stop turning everything into a [ __ ] smart device dude i don't need a 400 toaster that has to run off of an app i don't need my smoker slash grill to connect to an app and wi-fi and bluetooth it's unnecessary it makes it more expensive and it dates the product that thing might last a year before it breaks and can't use your toaster anymore dip just think about it think about that incredibly expensive samsung fridge with a freaking ipad built into it why why you have no good answer nobody does but it allows them to make it a lot more expensive oh so the notification is just always there yeah that's part of their logo it's really really clever and cute isn't it still can't believe this why are you allowed to do that brand new canon printer ink levels after one page test oh that's not even remotely true it's not trust me but if it were i'd be calling canon to get a lot of money back after all you don't have a choice with those test pages when you're charged an extra two pounds for an e-ticket don't know why don't know why us making the correct choices and creating less waste is just as expensive when papa john's expects us to pay their employees the bulk of their income instead of paying them a livable wage all companies do that the delivery fee is not a tip please reward your driver for outstanding service hey papa john's how about you kiss my ass and take care of the employees that keep your company in business also completely unrelated but was this photograph taken in the international space station how the hell did you get a pizza up there all i'm saying is if a papa john's delivery guy actually made it up to the space station to give you a pizza you had better tip pretty crazy man as someone who designs emails no it does not take an average of 50 business days or 400 hours to make an individual email yes i'm still going to unsubscribe we can take a hint unsubscribe i love you guys but i need a break quick fact did you know it takes an average of 400 man and woman hours to produce each and every email [Laughter] every post i click on explains to me how upvoting works your vote matters not really though come on it's reddit baiting applicants with an inflated wage when they pay minimum the asterisk in the bush says wages include tips ah up to 15 per hour [ __ ] you dunkin donuts this reminds me of the time i got hired at comcast they said 1867 an hour you want to know how much i actually made 12 12 plus commission if i sold enough then i could make up to that i made 12. and let me tell you no job in the world is worth 12 dollars an hour especially not being in the loyalty department of the most hated company in the united states of america moved in a new home plumbing and water softener company disguised as missed package to get you to call them and set up appointment to test water the blue ink was printed on oh yeah they do this all the time the fake handwriting and all of that they're getting smarter automatic one star on google though automatic buddy that's right i'll be a karen i'll go out on my way to [ __ ] with you waited for 15 minutes and then was given a six second window wow since i'm not seeing any response i'm ending the chat now have we resolved this issue yeah you totally did six seconds dude windows 10 update silently turns on news and weather in taskbar links default to edge ignoring default browser choice and drives traffic to microsoft's own so they can boost ad revenue i turned that [ __ ] off within 30 seconds of seeing it pop up and let me tell you it's a little more annoying to turn off than you think i think i had to do it three times in a row before it actually disabled this garbage the new air tag doesn't have a keyhole so you have to buy more expensive accessories for it to work as intended yep [ __ ] you dude file transferred from my personal library on my computer's hard drive is region locked on apple music this song is not currently available in your country or region i love the world uh i also love all of our fake boundaries millie bobby brown wheeled out by paramedics during stranger things shooting why is that oh because she was filming a scene for stranger things where she could be seen being hauled out by actors dressed as emts you guys are [ __ ] disgusting this app lets you use it for free but after a while and for no reason at all they'll ban you and say you have to pay us so we can check if the ban was right or not why not just charge people for the [ __ ] app oh my god you'll make more money you [ __ ] these ads that cover a chunk of my screen every time i turn on my laptop what the hell is this for emerging cyber attack techniques threaten devices worldwide and oh it's mcafee get that [ __ ] off of your computer dude why in the world would you use mcafee just get eset for like four bucks bed bath and beyond we're sorry to see you go we've received your request to be removed from direct mail this can take over 90 days no that's not how that works you guys are just making that [ __ ] up they always have makes me wonder takes two seconds to pay for something and they grab that [ __ ] out of your account immediately why does it take up to a week to give me my [ __ ] money back i'll tell you why because [ __ ] us that's why hinge the dating app designed to be deleted sign up today all right let's see we've been engaged for a year i never tweeted this oh wow just wow are you kidding me [ __ ] your dating app meanwhile in my hometown a cutthroat country called malaysia what wow i'm going back for a refund if that's what i find out seriously i'm gonna go get a refund on a sandwich if i find this out i don't think people realize that we do have a right to get our money back for all kinds of things barber shop [ __ ] up your haircut i'm not paying for it look at what you did to my head there's all kinds of reasons we can say nah dude give me my money back i always check ray ban website for any sale all right their aviator glasses cost 160 at least for the past two years i just went in website and see this oh man it's like what every company does for black friday or cyber monday or really any other sale day that the companies invented i think all we can really say about this is uh few luxotica you guys suck tinder making you think you got a new match but in reality you can't access it without gold oh dude it does that all the time it claims i've got like 200 likes no i don't there's not even 200 people using it in my [ __ ] area what i don't appreciate are all the stupid notifications about oh bro you missed a match come back real quick dude what the hell man buy gold at least it's not as expensive as okay cupid is now they're all so insane are you guys serious with this [ __ ] you've got the worst apps in human history and you have the balls to charge this much snapchat news company makes it seem like gta 6 graphics got leaked when it's just gta 5. let me tell you snapchat has the scummiest news articles ever made and they are so funny to look at facebook locked me out and wants me to provide two government ids in order to get my account back also they say they will store my id for a year [Laughter] i remember when my friend's instagram was hacked and she had to go and provide two forms of id and take very specific photos to send to instagram support they went nah can't verify you sorry so we had to pay the hacker money to get the [ __ ] account back these companies are useless and they don't give a [ __ ] about any of us just our data almost didn't realize that the febreze one comes with 20 less ponds this is we've got the tide three in one the the tide four and one plus febreze so wait why does it come with 20 less hold on 61. that is ridiculous the size is the same that's weird friendly reminder don't say like this i just put 5 stars for 50 coins say like this best app for me this app works really well overall inappropriate review talking about rating for coins won't make you get reward coins other reviews are welcome i like that that means that they check the reviews that's kind of cute sign the contract without reading it please important by breaking this seal you are agreeing to the terms of the end user license agreement that is located inside the literature pack if you do not agree to the terms of the end user license agreement do not break the seal and open this bag all right fair enough i like that they're basically saying hey uh we have a contract in this bag but if you open up this bag you've agreed to the contract okay never noticed the skinny mirror before so the skinny mirrors are gonna be whoa that is nuts it really makes you wonder how all these companies get away with like false advertising on you and all that that is gnarly it's like a fun house mirror went in for the 199 lunch special sorry sir that says the 7.99 lunch special well that's just the that's just false marketing that's that's that's bait and switch whoever thought that a cheese sandwich would be a nourishing meal for the low income kids who may rely on school meals at the school i work at it's just dry cheese in between stale bread oh but they get the animals cup that's some how is nice low income meal i guess apparently twitter is testing out selective censorship of the replies soon everyone can have squeaky clean comment threads with no criticism or opposing viewpoints some replies were hidden by the tweet author to give you more control of the conversations they start twitter is removing the main part of twitter making your voice heard i mean they're a private company they can do what they want i guess please just stop using fake money as advertising looks like it's coming out of a mail slot would you even believe that walgreens made their unsubscribe button in image so auto unsubscribe apps can't find it i got security and uh oh are you kidding that's dumb nice work walgreens hey it's a two in one sugar free coffee mix let's look at the bag oh 16 grams of sugar well part of that sugar free century link yeah your dollar will almost never be less than 40. yeah now we're stuck in a contract with them oh my god that is ridiculous and you're stuck in that contract jesus man this environmentally friendly pen environmentally friendly huh why cause the cover looks like a tree green day's billy joe armstrong makes a heartbreaking cancer announcement well with a title like that i hope he gets better let's see what it's about billy joe also wrote his message in spanish and said that the mass shooting is the cancer on the united states well i agree but why did you advertise it like that metalhead zone i mean it seemed like my boy was in bad health yeah samsung this is getting annoying stop it why get it the note 10's available i already bought one now leave me alone and let me use my other 1200 phone i bought from you three months ago in peace they really want to get a close-up of the note 10 at verizon t-mobile and a t they don't care just buy a note then on board shop probably better than tax-free but uh your bolded tax free to make people think it's a tax-free shop you suck all right so we have uh three free waters that were a dollar fifty but it's free water you can charge me for the blizzards that's fine but the water is free but you charge me above 50. please allow to verify that you are not a robot you know what whatever this newspaper article is i don't need to read it free meal to anyone over 80 years old if accompanied by both parents didn't say it had to be your parents that's the loophole most people rejected his message the air and lay's bags is needed so the chips don't get crumbled shut up they hated jesus because he told them the truth is that legit though is that why there's air in the pringles bags did you know our servers survive on your tip and kindness so please make up the difference that we their employer don't give them you find some cash on the ground open it up and no it's not cash it's just an advertisement that has to be the most effective way to not drive traffic to your business claim compass you're canceled flight advertisers man they get they're finding more and more ways just make you angry huh keep your baby turtle hydrated during wait wait wait wait wait wait i have to pay an additional fee to make sure my turtle doesn't arrive dehydrated and i have an option to not hydrate him or her nice i guess samsung official game launcher app has ads nice i paid 900 euro for this phone and there it is clear as day the whole mixer thing i don't see that as much of a problem because it at least relates to the game's world you know like at least it's in the theme you know unremovable ads on my 2500 samsung smart tv listen bud you want to remove ads paid double that's right 5k this gas pump pours slowly took about 7 to ten minutes to get 14 gallons and forces to watch video ads the whole time all right and you know i don't really see a problem with this one because at least it's something to watch while your gas is pumping if it's not if it's taking money the same rate that you're pumping the gas that i don't really see an issue let's see an ap file manager but it's disguised as a hentai game i don't know i'll take that yeah anti-a-hole design buy-away ads with in-game money that's kind of neat i like that i like that it gives you an option to just grind up enough to remove ads that's kind of cool can we get a bit more information no do you have a my rewards card but no not yet so if you hit no not yet does it just send you back that's so dumb oh the godiva bars i remember commenting on these the last time i did one of these videos and someone was like hey damian you're missing the whole point that the chuckle bar is hollow in the middle yeah don't really bother me i'm gonna be honest with you this website requires that i complete 20 freaking captions with a time limit just to sign in keep going you are nearly done click the image that is the correct way up you've done one out of 20. they want to make sure you're not a robot dude this is not a gift card it's a coupon eight dollar gift card twenty dollars off your first ford delivery that's a cool yeah that is just a straight up coupon hello fresh come on man and i've seen hello fresh too they usually get like really good recommendations from like podcasters i like and they're doing this shame hey look buy fifteen dollars or more in duracell batteries between these dates and say five dollars but that's it's not a redeemed then why would you tell me if it's not a redeemable coupon why would you give that to me it's a cvs this feels like a cvs uh cow tails you got ooh the sour strawberry cow tail didn't you know the sour strawberry cows the cow tales come from a real short that's what you get you need to be over 18 for this website to prove your age you'll need to have your credit card handy are you kidding me that sketch that straight up sketch i wouldn't do that insufficient crystal stop pretending to be poor and visit stop pretending to be poor hey stop pretending to be poor we know you got some cash get some crystals huh how about it get some crystals kit went to a grocery store and noticed this still the same price so you know it's two times the dawn so what is it two times the cleaning power in a smaller package why is that the same price and still has the 2x label on it whatever [Laughter] say goodbye to ends remove ads between moves for wait wait wait so i have it's a monthly thing i do i have to pay 12.99 a month to remove ads that's ridiculous as you guys know i play a ton of minecraft um and i was on hypixel and i noticed that there's a a monthly like premium pack that's basically just for cosmetic items i feel the same way about that that i feel about this it's just dumb and unnecessary granted the hypixel one is an a-whole design but i am just as angry because i'm a gamer and i game the new update on my phone watermarks every photo i take with the photo brand shot wow i guess you got a crop that's stupid man firefox is draining your battery faster switch to microsoft edge for up to 75 more browsing time please no only the first sticky note has shiny gold borders i've seen this post before on a whole design um it doesn't surprise me at this point i used to work in a i used to work in retail and this kind of thing it's just flashy man you just got to get used to it never believe marketing dude it's just it's just the cold hard truth get used to it man life is dull just like those sticky notes try our high performance cut if your keys don't always glide smoothly into locks upgrade to high performance cutting for a key that'll glide right in are you telling me that your workers your your laser cutters will do a worse job if i don't get the high performance cut on purpose okay all right cool the ultimate a-hole design i'll be the judge of that printer is adamant the cartridge is out of ink and won't let said cartridge be used even though it is still mostly full oh yeah no that is a whole design for the printer not for the cartridge unless it is the cartridge i don't know to use my oven i have to accept terms and conditions yeah basically it's saying if you know if you burn your hand on the on the heat pad unit on top that you're the only one responsible idiot ah yes the bacon king let me see that right on my phone right on the lock screen you've recorded three times last week 58 of cherry users care more about their health than you do that's kind of kind of crappy of you to say i mean if you want me to stop using your app that's a fast way to do it man took me five freaking minutes to find the x button let's see if i can find it found it top right corner as always real faint but there it is get better eyes pretty sure that's not what 24 more looks like thank you for flying america's greenest airline so frontier is one barrel okay is this really a whole design this is just a graph what i'm more interested in is the asterisk with the feel there if you want to see what's a whole design you should read that asterisk i feel like that one was kind of nitpicky this game purposely gives you one time deals that you can't afford that you're attempting to buy their in-game currency buy this car this is a one-time only deal buddy you won't have this opportunity again if you leave now it's gone that's just the true kids on the grab and mommy's visa dude that's not for you mobile games put ads into your phone so you can watch them offline how nice of them companies like spectrum time warner bombard their own customers with ads to buy more services disguised as important account notices and then are shocked when their customers don't open real ones how is this even legal it's legal because it's not a real legal notice i guess i don't know this this stuff always eludes me as to how it's um how the legalities of it work this is some business mumbo jumbo that i just don't understand you've reported three issues a day but you can come back tomorrow to report another issue listen we get it our app sucks but you can only tell us three times a day we can only take so much i pressed the restart without update option okay well sometimes your computer just needs to update dude i've done the same thing sometimes it just needs it all right okay bud your ratings will impact the review score so frowny face on all of them okay what's your overall review score 2.5 well yeah if you don't like any of them that's that's what you're gonna get i was told i got a window room let's see that window open them curtains oh um uh that window or is that just a cell where are you right now you safe sandra bullock is gone she'll be missed by fans nobody ever thought this is how it would end for sandra i love those ads because they're they're the worst they don't work ever it's like old people be like sand jump oh like what happened to it and then they read for an hour about something doesn't matter it tickles me on the inside this is ridiculous oh my god [Laughter] isn't that illegal isn't that a distraction that's ridiculous you're allowed there's no way you're allowed to do that there is no genuine way that you're allowed to do that this ad for a weather app freaked out my great aunt she lives in florida so i checked the weather in her area and of course there wasn't any storm alert also when i tapped on the link the browser refused to let me back out of the page super exploitive and pushy never using this app ever i've seen those before if it's an ad i ignore it because it's almost never reliable especially when it comes to youtube ads for me i just get really sketched out by the storm alert and you know weather service apps that get promoted on youtube just because people are scumbags and will promote spyware on your on your uh on your phone recording me when i'm not knowing i see you google so apparently youtube now sends out video notifications to people i'm not subscribed to and never searched well yeah there you go tana mojo pregnancy prank oh look out jana fans tana's on the way found this at value village there's seriously a problem with their prices these things are donated for free and you want eight dollars for bottoms that are one dollar on sale at walmart i'm done donating my clothing here i've been for a while it's going to be too much i'd rather give my clothing away to people for free than donate to this store you got to make a profit somehow and it's scummy i agree and that'll do it for our slash a-hole design and if you like the video leave a like down below and as always i'll be seeing you i need some sleep [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,049,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/A*sholedesign, compilation
Id: p6heAehguUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 8sec (4208 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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