r/Mildlyinfuriating | melted

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one her hair is right in my face two where is my plane going well that explains why her hair's in your face you're clearly vertical right now and going straight up to the moon uh good evening ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking uh surprise this is actually a spacex flight [Music] let's go i don't know dorothy i don't like the look of this yellow brick road man i hate it when i get videos between my ads how old are you 12 or under or straight up to 25 to 34. teenagers are a conspiracy theory this thing is permanently fixed to the wall it's the school i teach at oh oh dear what's even the correct layout here the mountains in the field are completely wrong oh my god avocado we get it you have big nuts proof reading this book couldn't have been that hard well there's your problem having to read see they could read but they couldn't see the logic makes sense give me a second this fortune cookie during a pandemic you barely make it so what you're saying is i live well isn't that good news opens this case of beads upside down ah an hour-long mix and match game fun for the whole family except your entire family they will all hate this how what how do you stuff up bricklaying this hard people who think we live in the matrix are going to have a field day with this one after a long train ride i was about to eat my flapjack when a bird decided to poo on it oh oh kill confirmed kill confirmed target is down control i repeat target is depressed peacock grandma was cleaning my bookshelf and put all my books the reverse way now they're mystery books what about cyberpunk i think you deserve to know where it is so you know to avoid it hi my name's dave and i am not good at my job oh yo that oh my gosh does it state the weight on the packaging because i'm pretty sure if it's stating higher than what that is that is that is grounds for suing oh what the hell sue them anyway for emotional damage well done fingers for once again getting in our way useless phalanges my kids are too good for old butter oh dear lord how how many of those are already open it is a chord whose length is twice the radius of a circle oh yeah diameter wrong its diameter are you kidding it is a line that intersects a circle at exactly two points so can wrong is one of these two i hate you google oh yes oh my god this i every time every time at mcdonald's i i know i feel like i'm wasting food if i order the 24 piece mcnuggets i won't eat all that but then you got the 10 piece book nuggets which are like 8.95 and like what that's just like four dollars for twice the amount i know you're trying to subtly upsell to me and it god damn it it's working the way my girlfriend eats chocolates i okay look it's yours you can eat it how you want i just want you to know i am judging you i don't care if it's art decor it still looks dumb like pick a side dude arabic numerals or roman numerals what are you going for come on this uh chocolate chip cookie oh they're there the chocolate's there it's very very tiny like atomically sized how my wife puts away the vacuum cord away on the vacuum oh yeah all right okay look i'm going to defend her here these stupid vacuum designs we have to wrap it around all the way around the damn thing look i'll be honest that is tedious as hell i'll take the auto wind-up chord any other day but if you give me this yeah no i am i'm doing the exact same thing far more quick and easier to take it out and it's still still compact anyway well hey if you hate it so much well then how about you do it instead this mug split up cleanly as i poured boiling water into it congrats you accidentally made some more content for the things cut in half subreddit your nipple produces pepsi i'm sorry what what's this about oh i see yes yeah reading that uh that comment there that really um clarified everything here yeah my front door is two doors only one works though my new eraser my eraser after one day of school i'm going to assume this is a teacher handing out an eraser because if it's your own eraser that i mean you did that to yourself like also i'm personally offended by the fact that a razor looks like my nose right now blackheads for days oh gee oh okay all right i first of all thankful for them to put the g very big so at least that's easy to find and i'm going to assume they decided to add another 28 floors after building the original building but why six over there what did six do why are they in the naughty corner hmm what's that nice pungent airplane smell but hey look don't blame her i mean she just wants to show off her nicely painted toenails it's only common courtesy to show your appreciation by stabbing them then she'll no longer feel the need to show them off to you on the plane my online schooling encouraging employees to not fight for themselves a positive work ethic means people want to do their best job without considering ding the amount of their salary oh what a terrible choice of words there i think i see where they're trying to go with this but i mean if you want hard workers just give them better and more efficient working conditions though my tongue precisely explaining the location of the food stuck in my teeth so that my fingers can take it out my fingers where is it you typed jj we are foot the actual words are jesus no wonder why he changed it to one star originally two stars i had a hard time finding my route just to get a trailer and can't find settings anywhere to make adjustments also you put the ads at the top of my screen and it blocks the stop lights so i can't tell if they're red or green i just have to guess struggling with everything have yet to pull a lobe because it won't pick up a trailer dissatisfied totally comment from the business owner why only two stars a five-star rating would really help us thank you for playing your game louie ice smells an auto reply bot due to limited covert 19 seating you may be asked to share your table that is that is the opposite of oh my god searching uh oh stinky one hour version cannot play a song that's longer than three hours it's one hour dummy wrong jar oh you just accept it now that's lost that is lost and you have to throw both of them out blade is pronounced like paid but not said and said is pronounced like bread but not beat and being is pronounced like lead but not lead this right here is why i feel privileged to have english as my first language what's that your first language actually makes sense with this alphabet and phonetic spelling of things haha screw you we don't do that here english baby ah yes leopard leather the least kind of biologically hazardous crusty sofa also my god at least put a cover over the thing hi it's me dave again i'm still not good at my job question three magic exists well that's clearly wrong no it's real i know it is it's real harry potter is real this amount of material in a credit card offer i throw away twice a week now see that's a clever business tactic use up as much paper as possible so that you always feel guilty throwing it away until eventually you'll crack and you'll keep it all and then one day it'll just be there on the side of your desk while you're looking at something that you want but can't yet afford and then they'll be there ready for you to sign up oh you were doing good until you weren't i live with two grown men just tell me why ain't nothing but a heartache tell me why living with these guys was a mistake [Music] one star review i have never been to this place and honestly that's just a poor effort on their half unprofessional not knowing the concept of how day and night works earth half day and half night as seen from space how old are you 64 to 18 specific this just reminds me perfectly of when a company says we're inclusive of diversity in our corporation see this one's different why they give me the holiest onion wow they they really could not be bothered that day could they i finally see what shrek was talking about though welcome to packaging buenos dias for some reason this is technically cheaper than just tying two together can't just put them all into a bigger wrapper no gotta add that solid cardboard betting because screw you environment my girlfriend refuses to eat the crust of a pancake oh i can already tell i'll hate this [Music] why are you dating this person i'll be honest i'm surprised it's taken this long for a pencil to show up in these memes like these boys have to be the og of mildly infuriating my friend's phone like what the frick hal it's all right boys it's still got some juice in it it's wide it's just not waterproof anymore or moisture proof in general really like i can't have it outside in the wind my dad hung up a photo oh no that's purpose that is totally on purpose i see your dad and i approve of him just a daily reminder that anyone who speaks english cannot criticize america for using anything but the metric systems like english speakers are like the united states of language come on man just say your nana's no pineapple it's pineapple presenting on your bio tea now with extra damage to the environment to be fair i assume the ingredients in these bags probably can't be exposed too much oxygen but i mean if that's the case just put them in a ziploc bag or something you could just seal it anyway but god damn i i want to be angry at these companies but i know that we as consumers are to blame for this by being so picky about the minor of things well i don't want to touch this banana because someone else might have touched it i know it's not really the best thing to be arguing about with covert happening still but my point still stands okay if i worked here as an electrician i would quit this 3000 piece puzzle only came with 2 950 pieces lies you totally snorted that entire line of puzzle pieces you absolute mad lad you have a notification show me then you have a notification where you have a notification yeah see that's why you don't waste your time with garbage bags the critters get into it that's why i always flush my waste down the toilet honestly the time and money saved having to clean up from the garbage all the time totally just evens out with all the times about me to call the plumber caesar salad at red robin yeah lettuce had a lettuce they're the bunny poop teat that's thirty dollars the way my school packages chips oh what is this is this their attempt to make it seem more fancy is this what schools are doing now rationing chips not even the hot soft potato chips like literally the like doritos oh yes a nutritious meal hey hey look at me look i'm not like other greats my mom and i went to burlington for shoes and found out that nobody cares about human decency there oh wow i mean i thought i've seen some bad shoe stores but wow like how how hard is it to put shoes back that ain't a gym that ain't 20 kilogram dumbbells i don't care how long you sit on the couch you could squat enough to lift yourself up with a pair of shoes and put them back on the rack a whole spaghetti and meatballs left in the dustpan at my workplace oh i don't know what's worse the fact that an entire bunch of food's been wasted or that was left in there on the bride said hey got a nice salad to go with it too oh i know i said the pencil was the ochi but this this is like the the sequel though also incredibly satisfying to fix out of nearly one hundred thousand tiny tiles this guy wants to be unique i may be only one small tile but i have the power to ruin everything power to the people oh mr fireman uh hmm there there is a little bit of a logical fallacy in your in your critical thinking skills here no i'll i'll let you do your thing you we can just see how this plays out i'm just gonna get some popcorn trucks hogging multiple lanes on the freeway it's like a large family hogging the entire stairwell and if you slowly ascend your gaze you will notice the point at which the bricklayer decided to get a bit lazy hi i'm dave and i i've told you so many times this is really your fault well take that as an omen not to go outside um is this your attempt to try and make people get a small size when they order large or something because like the logic there immediately cancels out when someone says they want something small me think someone misprinted and the arrows were after thought to try and remedy the issue no internet oh well at least i can the owner of this device turned off the dinosaur game these are almost every comment on zazzy beats instagram so there aren't any more good black men out there what happened to black love always why you are a racist traitor someone give that girl a black man so that cracker can get away from her very disappointing white men lover i love this one nobody's mad they're just simply pointing out the hypocrisy oh yeah nobody's mad i believe this woman should be able to do whatever she wants with her life because she is a free strong independent black woman wait you're dating a white guy no i don't allow that all right folks it is time for the vanity special hour a bridge to under a minute today's work is by that one odd boy hello that one odd boy hello hope you're watching this video hope you're having a good day hello didn't take them long but they still love it and hey simple love it the fingers kinda look like hair though i feel like the index finger and thumb there could just devour an entire human head thank you for the beautiful artwork that one odd boy and remember if you'd like to have your work appreciated on the channel be sure to post it in the mk subreddit for now though it is the end of today's goodies or frustratingly frustrates that's a thing now you know that you listening to me right now um i think you had a good time here today at the very least you should like this video otherwise i will devour your entire head with my jaw alone that's right that one odd boy wasn't making his own work it was a commissioned portrait of me so like and subscribe otherwise i'm adding you to my macro diet and hey if you got the time why not check out some other videos on the channel as well say hi to robert and lexi they're fun anyway for now it is time to say farwell so my name has been jack and you as always have been a lovely person to talk to for now i'll see you until the next one bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,280,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Mildlyinfuriating
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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