r/Mildlyinfuriating | WHYYYYY

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okay no this wasn't on accident you did this on purpose i know you did look at his face he's clearly not happy about this huge so rude [Music] hello my spicy pistachios welcome back to mk my name is jack the gobbley goop that smiles back today's delectable dish of delicious delights is all about the mildly infuriating things in the world so sit back shut up and enjoy i write 22 like this so neither two feels left out what do you mean what do you mean left out of what feeling a sense of normalcy no i don't think i will choose how to verify your age you can give us your credit card details or you can give us your personal identification we're google you can trust us like look we got colors we got colors in our name that makes this trustable seriously why do they need to verify your age what are you applying for a google driver's license airpods went missing turns out my kid buried them in the backyard ah see now this is where you have to teach a valuable lesson he buried something valuable to you in the backyard so it's only fair you reciprocate such behavior by burying his legs cut his legs off bury them in the backyard feed them to the dog maybe you know just teach them a lesson uh that they'll they'll grow from maybe not vertically but they'll grow from it my husband eats apples with a spoon reddit please give it to him straight this is a this is the kind of whole new world i don't think aladdin was trying to sing about i don't like it i don't like this alternate dimension i will be honest though it's this is eerily similar to like scooping out a human brain i think he's trying to repress some urges imagine not being able to kiss your freaking wife without mainstream media writing dumb articles about it oh my god did two people kiss quick write that down everyone must know look look at these two people smoking faces oh look this photo i took makes them look a bit awkward let's judge them for it left-handed gang rise up oh yes no one knows how pain trying to write with this cursed lead pencil with society forces upon our youth they say you'll be fine just learn to write with pens as if the ink doesn't smother best world problems am i right where my mother-in-law left my toddler's uneaten banana in the bin no on the gaming controller also why does that banana look uncomfortably suggestive oh speaking of things that are uncomfortably suggestive enter the date of birth format is diddy mimi okay i've done it no you did it wrong we specifically asked the term oh god you're humans you're so dumb my candle melted well uh look i don't know if you understand how this subreddit works but that's what candles do oh no never okay no not that no they're not melted they're just flaccid you just gotta excite them a bit more so we just got this candle looks really big right well look at this huh just like a male tinder date disappointing crushing a blow from mother nature girlfriend is in the passenger seat and took the photo and on an 80 mile per hour stretch of i-90 i tried so hard and got so far but in the end one degree didn't matter manicurist manti christ manticore of jesus christ tried to tell me these are the same color oh manicurist manicurist i'm not gonna lie manikura sounds like some sort of like magician like role in dnd but also as a male i don't know what the heck you're talking about they're both pink they're the exact same color hahaha i am male nothing makes me more curious than deleted comments so many awards yet none of us shall know what creative clever quip they created upon us damaging part of a national landmark in the name of jesus hell yeah that that'll make people want to be following you oh i see they didn't actually get a chance to finish writing because they got dragged off that's why there's a line there they wanted to say jesus wants you to stop defaming freaking landmarks kids are having fun with friends so a neighbor reported to hoa that they must be running a child care this is not a daycare i just have kids and they like to play with the neighbor kids i know this is something hard to comprehend i mean if anything that just comes across as you having a very well established housing if you can you know look like you're a child care getting real tired of irresponsible dog owners by far the most glamorous way to express your frustration this is this is why architectures need an actual valid license actually no who would be to blame here the architect or the builders themselves oh no god i just realized it's not just the door that's screwed up it's also the stairwell it's not even in line with the goddamn concrete and then there's the garden as well oh this gets worse and worse hey i can see you're having a good morning i'ma ruin that oh oh but don't worry i'm the yolk remember i have all the fat so i'm unhealthy to eat and let's be honest it you shouldn't have me no things is this it's not important it's just my college diploma oh it is there in capital letters and everything and how do you um okay okay my partner thought this was acceptable to put back in the fridge well maybe but there's still at least three serves in that maybe this is their way of trying to budget oh look there's a little there's that little bit of sesame seed there on the side yeah what flavor what's a gimmicky way to sell less for the same price you can either buy the clown dyke original or buy the klondike donuts okay but in their defense i feel like the different flavor is the premium increase in price yeah see it's made in canada that means it's better quality somehow google finds this to be my best spring photo thieves operating here please do not leave parcels on top of these letterboxes please either hand directly to resident leave in secure parcel deposit box return to depot and leave collection card or reschedule delivery well as a usps representative i can't read so i'm just going to leave it right here things like this where you can barely get your hands under the water well you know what they say about big hands they stink and they're smelly and they're full of dirty bacteria i can't wash them hi welcome to our hat store we don't know how hair works what we do know is how hats can somehow make your entire upper head disappear it's a no-brainer folks literally there's no brain why is the master bedroom hot and the guest room an ice box wow what did you say to the builders that made them do this to you this this is like the most pettiest but sneakiest of revenge this house near my house not gonna lie it looks like something i'd achieve in minecraft my wife doesn't get all the ice out of one tray before using another why they're the same ice tray they're all the same thing don't make the excuse you hate the ones in the corner you've literally popped out some of them that are on the corner entry-level job opening hiring recent college grads just some simple requirements uh five years of experience six olympic gold medals and superpowers parents who raised their kids saying it's okay to leave a library like this oh can you ban them please ban them people with xenon headlights oh look at that i'm escaping the clutches of heaven itself nice try god but i know who i am and i'm not going there my daughter's school has never heard of link shortness uh please go to the following link to select a time frame for your child's visit to this closing celebration just go ahead and type that in it's pretty easy to memorize the construction workers painted over a dead lizard on our awning i mean it's one thing with a diy subreddit where you see like a fly or like a mosquito painted over but an entire gecko like that that's a lizard that's not a tiny bug it's a like a fingernail it's a longer than a fingernail that's a finger they look almost identical you can either grab the sensitive extra whitening toothpaste or grab the athlete's foot foot cream for itching and burning both of them will do something to you that's that's for certain the store i work at lost power for 20 minutes and we had to throw out 1 000 plus of meat and cheese because it was 3 degrees above what we can keep oh no that wow i apologize to any vegans watching the today's video oh well it's not my fault really but you know what i mean people who park like this with clear room to move forward more now i don't know about you but in my small town country island of australia this is actually illegal depends where you're from but i'm pretty sure if you can report this stuff if it's rather consistent that footpath is technically government property after all london tokyo new york barcelona what do these things have in common litiniber hell even if you follow the word it's still it's it's low it's it's low what the hell's motherflipping never new york washed my measuring cup and all the lines and numbers come off oh boy it's i mean cocktail jug these are all off oh [Laughter] yeah i'ma just let you have fun dealing with that two stars never been to it so i don't know about the place then why did you review hi hazel would you be so kind to remove your review you put it to star and you haven't been to our office i mean that's just the professional translation of what i said more than just a little infuriating some of the last old growth in canada being cut down guys on tinder advertising themselves like but in all seriousness please please stop canada stop it who's what's the prime minister's name again justin throw stop it i want to visit this stuff one day my bank sent me 28 letters in the mail to inform me i have opted out of receiving paper statements hi there just confirming yeah someone decided to park on the side of a no parking street that has fresh wet paint lines i was kind of confused by this at first but i'm realizing you have to overtake this car you have to cross over that yellow line that freshly painted yellow line well if you ever wanted racing streaks now's your chance so subway is now selling pizzas in brazil what the hell is that no no sir what the hell is that and within a single moment it was as if old subway stores in italy suddenly vanished nothing remained but ashes and crowds of numerously satisfied italians i'm not sure if this was posted yet oh yeah i don't know geez i fell only there was like some sort of watermark from the post to let you know it was posted on reddit the fact that i've been trying to score a ps5 since november and when i finally get one this happens unfortunately a problem occurred during shipping and we had to cancel your delivery the package is being returned and we will issue a refund within three to five business days after the return is processed we're very sorry for the inconvenience oh we're so sorry sorry take it as a sign that you're better off buying an xbox or better yet be a part of the pc master race like me and my cheap computer i think i don't really have a good gaming computer but still this rating system how was your service today perfect yeah look it was semi-perfect ah it was decently achieving the minimum requirements and therefore is terrible and should be fired don't save a life be afraid to give blood i'm reading some real mixed messages here when your flatmate likes to eat seeds and cleans the floor without vacuuming first oh my god they're alive my shower door exploding while i was away oh well on the bright side at least you weren't in the shower when it happened in a way this technically still works it's just you you're showered in glass instead this light switch at my mom's house oh well it's a bit tipsy ain't it oh even worse it's not even vertically lined up at least like what are you doing magic go home you're drunk teachers that leave the cursor on the play bar ah i look i honestly cannot wait for the next generation of teachers to be old people so we can you know we can finally see what they do that becomes so annoying and ignorant our ceo just bought huge 4k tv to replace the perfectly fine 1080p tvs that no one ever watches in our break room while nearly our entire staff is so poor we're all on food stamps living in friends garages etc oh but hey guys look at our colorful chairs oh come on you want to play some ping pong we have fun remember you can speak to us about anything we're not just a workplace we're a family you're living in your friend's garage oh oh no i'm more talking about your birthdays like let us know when your birthdays are on so we can um we can give you an extra five bucks to pay how about that there you go chip yeah you're welcome whoosh push delivery person okay i swear is it you always usps that is just screwing things up why are they still existing anyway this delivery person putting failed a delivery notice on my door before knocking wife and i were both home in the award for absolutely lazy goes to the red square how i know the mother-in-law visited oh how dare she tarnish my damn flavour's tea bags like that seriously those teabags are the slizz this is a hurtful display of their beauty we now return to whispers and explosion the movie i have a really serious thing to talk to you about that i think usually that was important my ears oh someone's hungry who cut the big slice here oh yeah that was me a bit hungry get out why you know what you did get out now before we go it's time for some fair knot today's work is by to throw me to me i'm a pr i'm assuming that's how you meant to say it their friend sylvia drew this i'm sure it'd mean a lot to her if this was featured we love your content i got permission to post this for her and here's silvia's beautiful work thank you so much sylvia loving the beautiful colors i see is that a little robin up there wow that's cool that's um it's liking a bit of jack on it though isn't it just saying just say good i don't know there's a jackalope you could have drawn that or something yeah it's always the robin isn't it's always robin it's always the little tweety bird that's okay i don't blame you i too haven't visited my dreams at night every night i just i can't get rid of him he's such a rockin robin uh thank you so much for that work sylvia and uh temmie for letting them the world we're getting permission to post it uh if if you'd like to see your fan art in the next video be sure to post your artwork in the mk subreddit but with all that said it is the end of today's video hope you liked it please leave a like if you did and subscribe if you haven't already otherwise my name's been jack you have been a lovely person to ramble at today and i hope you're feeling slightly infuriated so this video had some sort of weight behind it for you anyway bye bye see you next time
Channel: EmKay
Views: 793,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Mildlyinfuriating
Id: VgVg53U-vpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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