r/Mildlyinfuriating | NNOOOOOO

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I'm getting mad I'm starting to get real mad guys hey everybody welcome back to m'kay hope you're having a beautiful day my name is Robin and today I'm gonna be perusing through our / mildly infuriating ohh oh boy here we go look this is just something all cats do give him some time he'll eventually warm up to it but for the first eight years it'll have been a waste of money wow they really couldn't figure this one out huh oh come on no don't tell me he's not inside the screen is he oh no for some strange reason I want to hit you what have you done how dare you this isn't infuriating this is just egregious packaging I just this is why you check the eggs before you get them home the only word I have for this one is yikes come on your chocolate almonds have turned into poopie almonds yeah that's right poop joke funny ha ha let's move on now to be fair that's what our drawer looked like until I went out and got an organizer I've had this happen to be exactly one time I was not pleased it's not that he doesn't understand what it means it's that he doesn't care because he's better than you and better than me you know what he's better than everybody that is a more common sight than you might think those things are like 40 years old now they break down once a day Oh impressive nonetheless but yeah that one piece missing would cause me to shriek profusely are those are those bees why what happened here oh look it's more people that are better than all of us it's a rare sight but man it's amazing seeing folks that are just so significantly better than everybody else around them that they get to do whatever they want I wish I had that perk someone did this on purpose to piss off their friend I refuse to believe this was done on accident what how thanks google leave someone got mad while playing csgo last night every time I feel like that happens to me every time why does this seem to happen so often how hard is it to get all of the pieces inside of the box hey I've been to that Hospital that happens quite often seriously again this had to have been done on purpose you don't accidentally leave it like that seriously the worst kinds of people you are despicable if you're this lazy when are they gonna get these things right why does this happen so often what's going wrong here thank you thank you so much seriously some people are insanely lazy to a point where I think they have a mental deficiency guys I'm not very far in and I'm starting to lose it you know what whatever you get a pass that's the least annoying thing I've seen so far Oh hold me back hold me back are you kidding me are you kidding me yes we disagree with the mark that's the kind of thing that happens at the end of an incredibly bad day just to send you come on they didn't do it on purpose hmm what it's probably just an American version of word where we got to simplify the spelling of words cuz our tiny Yankee brains can't handle it looks like my mom's phone seriously get back to some people mom challenge accepted again challenge accepted let's go hmm seems like somebody's about to get the beatdown I mean come on what why that's not even an uncommon occurrence that literally happens at least 98% of the time with that packaging honestly wish we had never invented it it's terrible I hate it I'm gonna start crying any second now starting to hurt my brain I'm not a fan were they trying to arrange them like musical notes for some reason or what what you don't have to know how to read to work at the Postal Service I love this game so much I'm going to make fan art of it not recommended this is why Pier one Imports went out of business is crap like this Mario Mario no one asked for this why would you do that what you get out no more games for you do I what does this even mean hello Jeffrey unfortunately due to company policy we're unable to offer positions to people with the name Jeffrey since it will not work with our database schema Wow oh come on that's just stupid why stop replying and liking my comment my phone is blowing up no it's not me having a panic attack calm down thanks bro real helpful follow me for more recipes fish and chips get out my wife putting this peanut butter in the trash because it's empty oh you might have to rethink that marriage tick tock assignment due Wednesday step one create a tick tock video on current electricity step two complete the Google Doc tick tock planner template the template must be submitted here by Wednesday your teacher can show you a sample template during their live session with you oh ah Wow better bundle up before I go outside and now for my coat I agree with that face that feeling for some strange reason is just how much this new TV is see price in cart looks like I'm looking for a different TV oh wow this is messing me up what the heck oh stop it oh oh I see it's the roommates that are gonna get kicked out if they don't shape up and grow up eighteen percent chance of success really eighteen seems a little high Oregon man drove to 11 different Wendy's restaurants twice in one day to stock up on free nuggets hey we know that guy I can't identify a single thing in this picture am I having a stroke you might be but you're not the only one having a stroke what the hell is going on here when you accidentally refresh the page after spending God knows how long of scrolling today I lost more than you could ever know I know that feeling ladies let look down let whatever let him do it she's from New Zealand I know what you mean but Americans don't have accents dumbest thing I've ever read I mean I like mushrooms on pizza but this is too far what did you do to deserve this what did you say to the Domino's guy play romance fantasy and drama stories along with millions of players every week wait are you pregnant Oh game ads are the actual worst this misleading mobile gaming advertisement of garden escapes what the edge shows yeah it looks fantastic real game well the real game looks just as bad as what they advertised how to start a sentence in 2020 I'm sorry but I don't know who needs to hear this but can we all agree that thanks for chiming in Facebook there's absolutely no way that's real I refuse to believe that someone's got 3.5 million emails in there no it's not true it's not gotta go catch the bus we're gonna head down to the bus stow yes I see the pea there but it doesn't count he tried to steal a slice of cheese so I unwrapped it and gave it to him he loves cheese don't you actually try unwrapping it though rather than just saying it Oh oh my god if I were an employee of that store I would get myself fired by kicking her gross ass out seriously some folks actually wonder how we're going through a pandemic right now it's people like that I'll give my students much more work than usual I will give unclear instructions and useless assignments I won't give feedback and answer questions about what they have to do and I will make this quarantine stressful for my students so they don't get a break hey can you hand me my uke no not like that you freak this book has to be about time travel because that's quite a jump this is how my wife opened a Lego box how uncomfortable does this picture make you know I have to admit I've done the same thing on several occasions mainly because I'm too lazy to go get a knife and cut the tape off did Roosevelt die in office did you mean it did Roosevelt died in office this Sleeping Beauty cake yeah that's making me incredibly infuriated yeah I'm so mad because that cake is super accurate and awesome looking oh I'm so angry when two kids knocked down half the shelves at the store you work at time to quit Oh tough break my man also where you work hold-hold know every goddamn time oh just whatever it's not that hard just take 60 seconds and untangle that rat's nest around your neck this is why I can't find any small baskets at the front no bee there's a in the store now I got it dang you live like this I'm mad impressed that you can do anything through all that this is why you leave the renovations up to the people that get paid lots of money to make sure it's right when is elite a battle angel - coming out release date plot cast and trailer it hasn't been greenlit at this point Wow screw you you versus the guy she tells you not to worry about first name London must be a number what planet is this website from this one might have broken me I mean seriously how nasty does one have to be to do stuff like that happy birthday a good old after before image I mean it turned out pretty cool but still don't organize it like this just just take your hose and spray it down please just do that or at least draw something interesting in the dirt where are you waiting for the bus okay hurry up weights faster oh thank god they put a shade on there for the window I was really really afraid that I wouldn't be able to close out the Sun drivers are critical to commutes right now say thanks with a tip oh by the way tips might incur an extra two point five percent surcharge that's a big old middle finger to everybody involved I've been dealing with this exact problem for years and it doesn't look like it's gonna change anytime soon it's got a deal with same size monitors with thinner and thicker bezels is all you're pouring out of the glass rod you'll spill you blind man no he's a genius sure just sure what on God's good green earth would possess somebody to do that hmm one of these things isn't quite like the other good partially toasted toast no no we can't have this minor imperfection someone might look at it up close with a magnifying glass maybe get me a Snickers bar I've got nothing I've genuinely got nothing to say about that repair job just I hope they weren't paid at all for any of it deluxe cookies and cream something's not right here this is why you got to pay attention to the odometer you crash you crash but at least you would have had a sweet pic of it in perfect sequence what do you think those circular things are just guess sand dollars now stupid correct answer was Sam dollars he probably felt real good about himself being able to perfectly fit that in there without realizing just how hard it was gonna be to get it back out thank you thank you so much calculator I'm very very glad that during this pandemic I don't have to wear glasses because it would be a nightmare for me to deal with No whatever what a fantastic way to remember your special day you pay what 70 plus dollars for this super nice book of all the photos and boom right at the centerfold your husband's getting sucked into another dimension you starting to look more like siren head than your new husband well I guess that'll do I will bet you 50 bucks that when someone looked at this tire and went oh my god dude you need to get a new one he probably just stopped him wimp now there's plenty left on there it's just a waste of money man they get a free pass everybody does that with their laundry until they become a mom and then it gets real strict oh look how incredibly wasteful because people are too lazy to take 10 minutes to peel them you know I always figured those were bullcrap see now that's how I get you you know what I'm saying they charge you double for half the product welcome to 2020 seriously it's the most pathetic thing in the world especially when there's a cart Corral like four feet away how oh no I got a move on if I don't move on I might pop a blood vessel thank you HP I'm really really glad that my new printer came with an advertisement that spits out in full color for my $12,000 ink cartridges I'm not sure what's going on here but it's kind of nifty looking salmon does taste better after it's been sitting on the floor at Walmart for a little while you get that Walmart People seasoning undoing changes made to your computer thank you thank you seriously there was like one bite left just scoop it out put it in your mouth and then toss the container I'm ashamed to admit it but this is one of those things where once I noticed it it's just gonna be on my mind until I die oh what a cute little design for oh come on that's that's baby stuff man and thankfully that is all we've got for you today God we need to go do some yoga to de-stress after this one always remember if you enjoyed the video drop a like down below and a if you really enjoyed the video make sure you subscribe and click the bell icon and until next we meet I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,693,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Id: d8BBU_YrYoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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