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istanbul july 2016. it was hot oh you're damn right about that oh right yes yeah the cat yeah he's feeding it water oh right weather's hot okay okay hello humans welcome back to mk i'm captain zeb brannigan otherwise known as jack and that is as far as i'm going to go with that voice because the more i try it the less i seem to achieve it welcome to humans being only specifically the one gender of camaraderie english my favorite language to stuff up comradery stop thinking about bras guys the sub that exposes all your current friendships and how pitifully low they are in quality oh boy can't wait let's go still don't have alaska oh yo this is from i talked about this guy in the one of the holster memes videos oh this is the origin story of how they found alaska i just went through my coin jar and found alaska i can mail it to you if you'd like oh my god of course he's assembling all the coins the op is samuel l jackson my friend's dog got spooked by fireworks and escaped he then ran to a local bar where they took him in and texted her she arrived to find him happy as could be getting love from all the bar patrons and drinking water out of a pint glass what what the hell is this no no i'm sorry you referenced and discussed a dog drinking out of a pine glass where is the photo of the dog digging down the bank where is the adorableness of a dog in a pub lies deceit betrayal i wanted cute doggo disgusting i want i want a comment chain down below of everyone's equal frustration at samson where i want to see samson at the pub lawn mower dude left flowers for bees either that or he couldn't advance any further otherwise he'd be attacked by all the fairies i have to concede defeat this is their land now hashtag your feel good for the day pull up to the hardware store and saw this go down dude literally in the pouring rain coming out to his suv sees these two hooligans one pushing his broken bike he stops everything he is doing and spent five minutes getting drenched fixing it for the little man they rode off happy as frick and he just left with a smile on his face kv12 high five to you good samaritan there you go kids hey these are nice bikes by the way hey yeah we stole them baker pardon lost my wallet in new york city and the same bus driver recognized me later along the route and gave it to me he even refused money for helping me new york city is great uh just for clarity this is new york city in norway not america that for obvious reasons there's no way this could possibly happen in new york city a few weeks ago my dog died i was very sad as i had him for 15 years today i heard a knock on my door it was my 90 year old neighbor she had crocheted a little toy dog that looked exactly like mine collar and all i burst into tears on the spot and gave her a hug she is truly the best neighbor ever i thought you'd appreciate this oh thank you so much oh i didn't say it was free now did i i'm a struggling artist i don't work for free today is a special day here at gallia county sheriff's office today we needed some assistance for the 4th of july parade today we have assisting us deputy zack deputy zack has always dreamed of being a law enforcement professional and today deputy zack's dream came true when you see deputy zack out on the parade route give him a big shout and a wave come on where's his hat he deserves a hat as well bruce aryans just said he told his staff that if they ever miss one of their kids recitals or games etc he'd fire them you can always make up that time at work i love the mindset but i'm also would be so scared of accidentally just genuinely missing or forgetting when they're on he'll just pop up behind your shoulder as you're looking at your calendar like hello jordan shouldn't you be somewhere this saturday morning joke's on you boss i don't have any kids and what about puppy school what about puppy oh gotcha you're fired your pets are your kids too after a wildfire destroyed my family's home in litton these firefighters saved the animals that were left behind by bringing them food and water oh my god they are the fluffiest dogs oh just look at the mother too you can just tell that they're just so drained and exhausted well done firefighters good job build this to give away excess vegetables from the garden that is the second most creatively beautiful thing about you sir the first has to go towards your name you chewbacca flavored baklava you a few days ago a customer called to say that she accidentally threw away two pairs of rx glasses in the trash can out the front of my store i put on gloves and fished them out for her she came in today and tipped me fifty dollars thank you much you saved my favorite glasses i love you also these glasses that i drew love you too apparently here's what i'm pretty sure is a simple little five dollars i didn't have my glasses on when i picked this one for you but i'm sure you'll appreciate the five random act of kindness my friend and i were sitting outside today at creamer we saw a boy in a motorized wheelchair and walking behind was a domino's employee carrying pizzas we then saw the employee returning back towards the store i went over to learn more about the good deed that he appeared to do doing he told us that he volunteered to help him carry his pizzas home man i don't know what day they both seem to be having but it looks like they're having a pretty chill day sun is out you're about to eat three pizzas you're at a quiet shift at work so you can just go for a nice leisurely walk with someone while still saying you're doing your work freaking perfect weekday kind of shift am i right remember narayan ready the man who used to feed many orphaned children and was also known for his youtube channel grandpa kitchen after his passing away now his family is feeding orphans and keeping his channel alive he must be smiling from heaven i was not aware such a man existed and i am very thankful to now be educated about it we are in a terrible heat wave people are selling used air con units for thousands of dollars online our neighbors just installed central air so they gave us these cooling beauties oh hot damn that is a freaking commodity at this point i see it begins such luxuries are now going to become uh very premium in the near future i went to my first physics lecture this quarter and the professor literally told us i wrote the textbook for this course but i'm going to pirate it for you guys because i hate my publishers people in a small german town ryland to paletonet are gathering goods for the now homeless victims of the flood well that's pointless what are they gonna do with all that build a box fort that actually would be a pretty cool idea yeah saint petersburg metro everyone keeping to the right to let people in and hurry pass through yes please can this be taught at all schools at some education level just common courtesy in public spaces you know look at this couple they could be hugging the entire line of it but no no they have common sense and also i'm sure they just really feel like cuddling right now i understand that broke our chief on an off-roading trip four random jeeps full of people and tools pulled up and fixed it for us for free right on the trail okay who is your god and what did you do to make them work for you so well because of the heat i can't live in the barn where i teach the free mechanics class to teens i had to find a room these awesome people that took me in make a plate of food for me each night i can't wait to repaint them for their kindness big things coming soon such as after all this food i eat i'm gonna have a big old poop women in india knit sweaters to keep elephants warm eyes are fashionable that is just so awesome though too like you just casually are knitting sweaters for giant beasts the only really native beast that we can pride ourselves in doing that to it he's like springs on steroids in 2014 a california 7th grader named shabam banerjee built a braille printer out of lego building blocks since regular braille printers are too expensive for low-income families the teenager wanted to create a cheaper solution his design which he called brego where brought down the cost from more than two thousand dollars to less than five hundred dollars he also decided to give away the design and software for free uh what a foolish child he could have made millions completely taking advantage of the disability of others but no ugh he had to be considerate [Music] a letter one of my students wrote to me after i spoke to my class about the recent passing of my dog very proud teacher moment okay as a student so it's gonna be really like childish i'm writing this letter to you because i know i will cry if i say what i'm about to write first of all i'm so so sorry for your loss i can't imagine the pain sadness and the sudden emptiness that you're going through right now it hurts me that i can't do anything about it it hurts me even more to see you crying and not having the energy that you usually have that is contagious that it makes everyone happy as well however i know you already know but it's okay to cry it's good to cry to let out all the emotions that you have this year and last year has been rough with covert and covert ruining our lives taking away our loved ones from us no one deserves to go through such tragic moments most importantly you don't deserve any of this these are the moments that our hearts get broken but at the same time we realize the importance and how lucky we are to save this life as much as how lucky you were to be able to say goodbye to your dog once last time before it departed onto a long trip in a wonderful journey to a place called heaven your dog is the luckiest dog to be able to be with you until the last second your dog might have passed away but he or she i don't know will always be in your heart and will be protecting you from above no matter what one time you helped me go through rough times so i wanted to say thank you and write this letter please rest and relax i hope i didn't offend you with anything i wrote sending lots of love may your dog rest in peace okay if your classes of students like at the age of 14 and under i do not believe you i mean for one whose name is mei with so many ridiculous middle names and last name peace who is this may peace i mean it sounds a bit sketchy and fake to me my girlfriend had a customer that would come in daily to her job she was always polite and even offered a discount once in a while it turns out that person was the manager of a deli we recently visited and they comped our meal do you see this karen's karens look at this please look it's the thing that you always aspire to achieve but never seem to you succeed in because of you and who you are stop being new shohei otani received a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for participating in the home run derby after he received the money he handed out checks to 30 angels employees to thank them for their work a hot damn that is like five grand each wow i definitely just estimated that in my mind i didn't use a calculator why didn't you just do 15 divided by three hey it's not about the destination it's about the journey you make what you do maths carlos traveled 180 miles from london to breckon beacons whales to give monty one final adventure before leukemia gets the better of him monty had battled for 18 months and this is not the oc tv show just in case anyone's mixing it up with that oh it's so beautiful but also so sweet we need to design like funeral barrows for dogs like just wheelbarrows to take on your old pets when they're just obviously getting really old and tired but they still want to go on for walks when everyone thinks your kid's name is jalen hurt because he loves jalen hurts and had to have a backpack with his name on it oh that's cute he even calls himself jalen hurts number two and oh look the guy himself responded that's lit alexander i had to get me a backpack with your name on it too i mean the fact he even actually literally has physical proof of doing that that is freaking beautiful you're a perfect celebrity sir sign reads this shield is protecting a turtle nest from predators do not disturb guys do not disturb the shield it's trying to sleep right now you can go ahead and mess with the turtleneck though that's fine it's just the shield they're talking about to not disturb a security man in egypt decided to cover the dog's paws to protect him from the hot pavement oh and that is a one happy doggo and the one happy security sakura security man oh doggo and mano band director protects ban from sprinkler on football field so the performance is not interrupted oh look i'll be honest i still don't see the whole trend of these things in japan joe jonas bought pizzas to the families of those who got injured in the miami building collapse and who are waiting at the hospital oh joe jonas you are joe much that doesn't really work as a pun does it english football hooligans defaced the mural of a black player that missed in the final so real english fans came out in droves and covered it until it can get repainted hell to the yes midnight in wadington quiet peaceful powerful zhang is a chinese buddhist who has rescued almost 8 000 dogs and found them new homes no he she would give the little doggie a diaper it's a diaper doggo guy in my neighborhood started sharing his harvest now others are bringing things to share too hey nice like a little communal garden swearing sharing swap swearing shops yep you swear at them and you shop them hey are these some of your tomatoes frick you yes they are seventy boys shaved their head in support of female classmates with cancer i know someone's tempted to make a sim joke about this but i think we can respect the hustle here an estate is bequesting 92 791.11 cents to the fair bank's north star burrow animal shelter borough animal shelter to receive unusual sizable private donation damn i feel like shelters like this getting this kind of money though they'll just be having a heart attack for a week on end trying to figure out what the hell to do with so much money i told my sister i have trouble remembering to take my pills so she did this okay i love all these little words of encouragement today is a fun day smile you're alive you are beautiful love you you are that big true sibling love right there our burritos are such a smash hit we've got people breaking in at 4 a.m for their fix so if you see outdoor looking hurricane fabulous at wheeler road this is why a to the would-be robber who is clearly struggling with life decisions or having money issues please swing by for a job application there are better opportunities out there than this path you've chosen my personal cell is this no police no questions let's sit down and talk about how we can help you and fix the road you're on sincerely carl oh my it's almost as if just being a good samaritan in general is better advertising than advertising every thursday this little girl gets so excited to stand out on the sidewalk and wave to her favorite trash man a few weeks back she decided she wanted to make him a homemade muffin to her great surprise it just so happened that the thursday she picked was his birthday he said it was the only gift he received the smile on both their faces is priceless sarah morocco began in 2007 with one person who wanted to make a change in the lives of the country's strays today as a self-funded refuge we have around 1 100 animals from dogs and cats to donkeys and birds all rescued from the street or abandoned and now they are loved safe and cared for not to distract too much from this amazing person's work but why are always the stray dogs this color no like i get okay because obviously the strays are breathing with straight but like it's always this color anyway like good good work to what you do i'm always being distracted by the most unnecessary things hey bro this is the guy that lost his phone got it back i hope and pray your interview went great thank you so much for lending a hand oh hey man i'm stoked you got your phone back that's amazing i totally got the job too thank you for reaching out for lending a hand sometimes we're too anti-social to ask or help and i appreciated the opportunity i'd appreciate some context behind what the hell happened here but it sounds like it was good either way today i got a taxi to radiotherapy by fluke the same guy was at a rank that took me home we chatted and i told him i'd have two and a half weeks left of daily radiotherapy so he said for a fraction of what it usually costs he'd bring me to hospital every day and wait for me and bring me home all right michelle how much are the taxi corporations paying you for this post probably nothing because they're kind of losing all their money i'd assume n is a five-year-old girl i told her the other day that i liked her little papa toy she made her mom send me one for my birthday lp n thought you needed this from aunt b oh no you've made a commitment now you have to be playing with this thing in front of her at all times otherwise she's gonna take offense to your kind words welcome to the long game friend of mine set up a free water station in her yard for our homeless neighbors equipped with dog service and her hose turned on to rinse off it's in the 100 degrees here very kind huzzah for good samaritan [Music] good salmons you're a good salmon now before we go it's time to celebrate some more fan art today's beautiful work is by random media and they've done a little team assemble version of some fan art and yeah okay i love the group ones i love these ones where it's just all us together this is some freaking cool work i am concerned with what's happened to my eye though but i'm assuming that i've clearly sacrificed it to the deity behind us so that i could then uh get a tree grown on my head judge me all you want i'm investing in very intelligent strategies with uh farming solutions in the near future we've got a very cute fluffy doggo under lexi there and robin with his fascination for dead bird hats seriously though why is there a tree on my head is this another one of those things where i've rambled about something and now someone's finally made fan out of it i cannot even remember what they're talking about please if someone knows in their comments enlightened me i hate not knowing what these things are about either way thank you so much for your beautiful work random media and remember if you two would like to see your fan art in the next video as always post your work in the subreddit so we can highlight it but with that said it is the end of today's good stuff i hope you had some fun remember to subscribe and like this video to show your appreciation so that we could keep doing this for you because if you don't specifically you if you don't like this video we'll stop we'll just go cause clearly you don't appreciate us anyway my name's been jack you've been a lovely person to ramble at today and i will see you next time goodbye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 297,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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