r/Interestingasf*** | Town Finally Changes Name

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the small black dot is mercury in front of the sun oh wow that's just it's so beautiful and just majestic i don't know seeing this large sun almost enveloping the entire surrounding of the small planet just beautiful to look at [Music] hello you fine enchiladas and welcome back to mk my name's jack that's spelt with a w by the way and today i thought i'd deflate your ego a little bit because let's be honest you've had too much of a good day so far so welcome to the complete opposite of you in our slash interesting as frick for those not having a good day today i apologize in advance feel free to call me a poopoo head in the comments below here's an acrylic painting i made during lockdown evanescence01 wowwee that is just stunning to look at so pretty too oh oh they also drew something on a they did a painting oh that's nice i like the painting that's cool too an albino peacock flying over a regular one and it looks indeed his spirits are an out of body experience i don't know why they've said indeed here it seems so out of place like some scientists really trying to emphasize the amazingness of the image and it looks indeed his spirit or an out of body experience i guess you could say it looks rather smashing now for those of you who are familiar with the wild thornberries uh please don't tell everyone else how much i just butchered that voice bruised banana art using a pin and a comb no ink is used as the skin darkens each day more detail is added oh i guess you could say the amount of detail into these things is driving me bananas no but seriously this is far too good this is like way better than what i was expecting kids if your parents tell you not to play with your food show them this you're not playing you're creating art as you smash your banana on the ground to add more depth to your masterpiece the blizzard of north dakota 1966 but no that's not an electricity pole that's just the world's longest clothesline yep that's our site to behold here at dakota oh don't worry about the muffled screams for help you can't save them anyway the entire bible in braille okay no there needs to be a point where a book is no longer a book and is simply a reincarnated tree in 1940 why told pilakai nope that's his name that's his name i don't care if i said it wrong that's his name a member of the polish rizzy's thorns volunteered to be captured by nazis so he could collect intelligence on the auschwitz concentration camp feast your eyes on him what you're seeing right here is a legend but seriously can we take a moment to appreciate the absolute badassery these people do i would get nervous as hell lying about homework at school to my teacher these guys they're getting past nazis to just spy on them teach me your sneaky ways with oldie poliky a cancer cell slashed open by an ion beam oh please be as awesome as it sounds please be a source i'm recovering from a cold so laughing too much oh no the cancer it doesn't like me seeing itself hurt i'm not dying i don't think so okay yeah no this is getting fat i'm gonna i'm gonna ask the doctor hey doctor am i dying man you're good okay three hundred cheers wait what hey i'm just kidding this is australia you don't have to pay for that kind of stuff [Laughter] my dad showed me this tonight he got it from a guy he worked at a power plant with who wields it from a single piece of wood so what do you like to do in your spare time oh you know just uh make freaking magic and now a small castle in transylvania romania abidoo you're welcome let your fantasies run wild as you'll make up a lovely idea as to why the hell this house is built this way this is okay i love the whimsical design but why do you need tiling all the way down like as if they got little hairdo with the front door no aesthetically it's cool because they look like scales looks like dragon scales it's a cool dragon house i love it for that but just the the necessity why and the roof is just designed just to keep the rain water away enough sides and stuff it does it can provide shade stop resisting let's go down there come on over here have a look at this look what isn't that pretty you like the invisible christmas tree buddy you find it pretty yeah but like it just doesn't i don't know now presenting a rainbow cloud now is it a rainbow cloud or are you just high off your butt it's most likely the formal let's be honest you're not old enough to have drugs now quick get back onto the flying panzer take otherwise we won't make it in time for our annual tea party with the queen of nascar racing yes editor i expect you to animate or at least create a little photo collage of that otherwise i'm gonna be very disappointed and everyone watching this video will be very disappointed too because of my imaginative abilities will not be coming to life through the magic of editing and it'll be all your fault and i will cry for about three seconds because i honestly don't think it's that big of a deal but i'm gonna make it a big deal because i am traumatic the black and white costume oh oh dude don't make me laugh so much what i'm trying to say is wow that is cool i genuinely thought it was photoshopped but it isn't hahaha very clever and funny next image crystallized dress left in the dead sea for two months by cigarette landau 2016. yo that is that looks toxic i don't know something about it feels rather toxic but it also reminds me of prawn crackers and now i'm now i want to try a bite like i know i said it was toxic before but like i mean for the sake of science you know nothing ventured nothing game so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna grab a little bite of this dress oh would you look at that i can't use my legs anymore the first ever documented case of biofluorescence in tasmanian devils was captured tonight at the toledo zoo wait tasmanian devils they're australian and i'm from australia ah this is slightly to do with me and now i'm much more invested for i am slightly narcissistic that what that is actually really cool though let's wow yo that's actually extremely scary too when you think about it imagine seeing that in the dark in the wilderness oh my god no they're basically bulky chihuahuas so they're not exactly the most intimidating creatures in the world creation of adam scratched to precision on car i wouldn't really say to precision i mean the original one made me question my heterosexuality much more these divers found a massive squid egg dude that is an egg it is the size of you what do you think the size of the mother looks like run why are you flashing it run away i'm clearly dying so just leave me save yourself for this glory of science ice eggs this rare phenomenon occurs when ice is rolled over by wind and water in northern finland okay okay that is terrifyingly awesome reindeer eyes turn blue in winter which makes them see better in the dark due to the scattering of light on the retina the summer eyes reflected 95 of the light out of the eye whereas winter eyes only 40 yo the ninjas in naruto have nothing on reindeers also another weird thing to have learned today reindeer eyes look like a just a mouth it's just a they're not super happy but they're also not super sad to see me either they're just hmm hem can false british colombia yo whoa i didn't know nature could recreate me in front of an ice cream sundae machine that or it's a certain recreation of your mum's videos on a certain black and orange website hey sorry doctor i'll have your knowledge and only fans the costa rican glass frog has almost transparent skin enabling you to see its organ structure god why would you make this a thing why that that's horrifying god why why god god please please answer me i know i'm not religious but i will be today if you just tell me why berlin wall graffiti spray paint layers on a broken piece wow that's like almost half the thickness of the wall itself there's another new fact i've learnt today spray paint can solidify into a solid piece of foundation sitting in an igloo for days to get the perfect shot wildlife photographers are a different breed oh you're f kidding me that's it is worthwhile adorable okay i'm i'm really balancing the costs here between the effort it's taken to reach the quality of that image versus how good that image is like how adorable it is i i don't know i don't know if i could say that for more than like a day waiting for that kind of image oh but it's so cute the old faithful inn in yellowstone national park yo are those candles how is that place not burnt down seriously though that is freaking impressive wow oh my god that is all wood just wood seriously america with all the crazy things that happen in your country how you still got this kind of building perfectly in good condition it's how is this not falling apart already a horse named jenny walks the same route that she has walked every day for almost 14 years she walks alone since her owner has gotten older and is unable to ride anymore the locals know jenny well and look after her giving her treats and making sure that she gets home safe what oh my god where is this again i want to live here please tell me where this is i want to live with a local wandering horse that is so cute fay shulman 1940s member and main photographer of the jewish resistance to the holocaust i want people to know that there was resistance jews did not go like sheep to the slaughter she said i have pictures i have proof she's 101 today madam you are a beast and a badass and deserve to be remembered for all time not to mention rocking that leopard style fashion against fascism manhattan 1931 wow no high rises but still is smoky seriously though i'm so used to seeing skyscrapers everywhere it looks like a tornado just ripped through the entire city uh fingers crossed i didn't just jinx 2021 for manhattan there was world war one memorial in what i thought hungry i could say hungry at least oh damn that's wow that's actually really powerful i think the saddest thing i find about world war one world war ii is that most of the men there didn't really want to go but just felt they had to they were meant to it's part of their job in society to do so rest in peace all your honorable blokes who went to war the small details in the forearms there is one very small muscle that contracts only when lifting the pinky otherwise it is invisible michelangelo's moses is lifting the pinky therefore that tiny muscle is contracted a small part of the many details of this masterpiece thank you for this interesting fact op i have attempted to recreate the same thing with my forearms and i've discovered that i'm either too fat to see it or my muscle is too small for me to notice it so thank you for demolishing my self-worth there famous austrian village finally changed their name no oh food hell don't you smile at me you little food wits the himalayas of nepal yeah all right but where's the salt hey ever wanted to learn how to draw the simpsons no well here you go you're welcome yes look at these interesting tutorials okay note the nose line and how to correctly position the ears i don't watch the sim dad look at the teeth as well wow the techniques they use otherwise i'll punish you for making me feel so old okay an orphan gorilla hugging a park ranger ah bro you gave me the best traits an eight mile long canvas filled with ice age drawings of extinct animals has been discovered in the amazon rainforest yo what what earth buddy what are you doing mate you're doing this thing where you're not making sense and we don't like that an old sculptor built a gnome from old parts right on the territory of a gas station on a highway in belarus now what do you think of when you think of gnome you you obviously think of the tiny cute little guys that you put in the garden don't you you are wrong look at this fine beast i take him into battle he has an accident some other thing was that like a giant beer bottle glass thing i don't know look at the beard oh my god i just i feel my balls dropping as i look at it canadian passports under a black light okay canada i know you say that the maple leaf is what's on your flag but i mean come on if this is your passport that's not a maple leaf exploring a cemetery and came across this grave turns out he was a legendary comic book artist okay that is actually amazing i love that that's that's actually really cool there you go harvey picard give it to google find his work honor him caterpillar with penguin patton oh what the hell i'd love to see how conspiracy theorists would justify this one the perfect photo opportunity for everyone except him sure yeah photo opportunity he misses out on but i mean life opportunity that is he's he's he's yeah he's having a good one i could die happy now the clearest picture currently available of the planet mercury oh wow it's so just pretty and colorful beautiful and colorful and pretty i don't know what you're talking about i swear mercury you've just glowed up you used to have like the weirdest braces and hair do in high school that was insane how you've become this now please call me a doctor okay but since you're not australian that'll be 300 the birds of the striped kaku are very similar to pine cones this is how they protect themselves from predators well jokes on you i like my gums to feel intense pain dad created plasma in the basement apparently it is the fourth state of mata and is created under a vacuum with high voltage he has been working on it for a while and is quite proud of himself wow just men in their garage hobbies am i right honey what are you doing oh just you know creating the fourth state of matter no big deal this is a mate oro lodge i call phenomenon known as a virga a shaft of rain that evaporates before reaching the ground this one photographed in new york city yesterday is also being backlit by the sunrise okay is it evaporating though because it just didn't collect as much rain water at first or because it's so hot that the rain is literally evaporating in the air either way is slightly concerning i went diving with my metal detector in a private lake and was able to return multiple valuables to their owners including a five thousand dollar wedding ring that was lost for almost five years oh yeah lost we we didn't throw it away we didn't have a fight but ah thank you for returning it this is how truly large the mice ice ipai river basin really is ah it's literally the entire half of america that and i'm also slightly tripping over the fact that most river systems end up looking like lungs in regards to the earth's layers that's dude oh wow that is i feel there's some deep spiritual meaning here somewhere for them to figure it out ah yes a word i can pronounce vladivostok in russia see kids this is why you don't leave the aircon on this right here is why we need global warming okay i don't want to see any scientific evidence saying otherwise just look at this photo this is all the proof you need this bull model made of sand no that is that is not just that is a real ball don't you lie to me that is a real bull it's got hair it's got hair okay no in all seriousness that is just incredible look at the detail on this thing and just look at that smug look on his face like yeah i made this beautiful christmas tree before and after wow okay that's honestly beautiful and also further encourages me to never bother with anything more than just like a branch for my christmas trees hi wanna know what rich people waste their money on a rose quartz sink because nothing says giving a middle finger to your poorer friends more than a literal like angelic duck as your water tap this is a picture of abu tassin al-salih an iraqi veteran sniper who is credited with killing over 384 isis members during the iraqi civil war receiving the nickname hawkeye the leader of isis was so afraid of him he put a bounty of 250 000 on the sniper now before i show you the image think of what he would look like probably a rather youthful uh athletic man nope he's a friendly old looking gnome dude don't believe anyone who says you can't achieve something in your 40s and over meanwhile here's what it looks like when you wake up to 40 to 44 inches of snow in one night ah these covered lockdown measures they're just getting insane now they're forcing mother nature to be part of it too somehow this is not a real person but a bronze statue oh my no way there's even a plaque the traveller that is incredible and so horrifyingly accurate the lonely sister london british museum ah what a poor lently sister wonder where she belongs hmm i can't put my finger on it in unrelated news here's uh here's here's the nice uh little other thing in athens where it originally belongs just um oh look at that missing spot oh wonder what goes there i wonder what was stolen from there french woman pouring tea for a british soldier fighting in normandy 1944. ah that was the days when you go out pour your neighbor a cup of tea as they're shooting off some nasty fascists that's uh it was nice you know you know you mortar shells possibly destroying your family in-house and stuff but it was great it was yours quiet you know it's much more peaceful this is a giant iron tree built into the side of the russian ministry of agriculture slightly sad it isn't an actual tree but still extremely impressed nonetheless by the way here's what a baby t-rex might have looked like uh chicken that's that's what it might have looked like i mean cute now but that thing could eat you alive easily in a single gulp on the left to 1980 toyota pickup 40 years later a toyota pickup both half ton trucks i feel like this is something that would blow limi's mind but the toyota pickup's heavier it's bigger i don't know what you're talking about it's like the feathers all over again don't do this to me siberian unicorn ella some more theory extinct 39 000 years ago oh my god that is that is not what i was expecting to see jesus christ these unicorns are going to make me expect as well at this rate this picture of a waterspout yo that is like twisting in the sky that is really cool that is a really cool photo it's like a big slurpee straw just rain water here is the best wildlife photo of the year that didn't start sucking so right foot forward on eight now now now you jive on eight like this do you see what i'm doing okay you see yeah dive dive sleep and drive i can't do what you're doing do you want to be on broadway steve i do the jive damn it when wood storage becomes art i don't know this looks rather boring to me yes it's come to that point in the video where i'm resorting to dad puns googly doogly is fenerity time today's little bit of interesting af work goes from zadenfox99 and look right here they did a thing they write on cyberpunk 2077 to the fingers on mk while also what seems to be saying ewe into the stars every night very very beautiful thank you for the lovely detail and work on your beautiful fanarty there zayden now of course if you'd like to see your future fan art in a future video be sure to post it as always on the mk subreddit because that's where we see them and steal them and then claim them and don't let you get any more rights with them i'm just kidding we're not disney now you have reached the end of today's video thank you for watching with my current sickie i am surprised i've managed this long so show your lazy support like a mother likes a facebook image on the internet thinking it'll save a child's life and like this video if you don't that's okay i'll continue to suffer and it will be all your fault that or you can also try and make sure you've subscribed to click should make sure you are with that notification bell clicked on as well so you're always updated on the latest videos of course this is the end so you have already either clicked on a new video or you're staying back to keep listening to me ah i like your bad choices thank you so much for watching just rambling at you all the time is a lot of fun and i appreciate the feedback and comments you guys always give look forward to all the weird stuff you're saying in this video today my name's been jack again love your faces hope you're having a good one and i'll see you for the next video bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 760,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: Oz-zO3lJJPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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