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science facts with lexi crows are just doves that have chain smoked too long also the earth is flat and be careful of dihydrogen monoxide [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk if you weren't already living in a constant state of confusion we're gonna change that with today's episode of our slash hmm so sit back relax and let your brain slowly break into oblivion oh a lime green case for airpods i uh oh you lied to me i would criticize this but umbrellas are expensive and uh this probably won't break if it flips inside out considering it's already inside out so uh this is kind of genius oh look i have created multitudes quick somebody grab a laser pointer and watch it erupt like a flock of bats yes yes indeed this is me every single monday morning ever this is glorious i assume the the leg pieces in the chest are actually supposed to go together um if the balls are part of this this is even better okay i am a dedicated lego fan but i'm sorry lego i'm not dedicated enough for this i have to cheat on lego with the lexi wife i love everything about this especially the hard drive platter thing at the front this is beautiful and is a work of art i actually just realized it is literally all i think all mostly if not all hard drive controller boards so this house is literally built for storage or out of storage or something there's a joke in there make it yourself i've seen this before and i absolutely love it i'm not sure would pass inspection but kinda don't care somebody also did this with lego bricks since we were just talking about lego gun yes okay good lexi likes guns oh it's a flashlight oh the image isn't where do i get this flash drive i need like two tiny ones from my desk this is adorable and yes there will always be a folder on each one called clip with six rounds in it the cake is cursed and disturbing what's more surprising is the cats seem perfectly okay with this or the cat hasn't noticed yet imagine if people made like baby cakes for me oh wait they do why are humans so weird hello yes i would like to play with the blue eyes white dragon i'm sorry we don't accept nerd here oh oh no oh no a relative of mine once uh accidentally flipped a meatloaf off the counter and directly into the dog's bowl now my opinions on meatloaf aside the dog was very happy and we ordered the pizza instead oh my god this is just i cute it something something nerdy gundam jokes something something no this this guy really out here with just like a bottle of windex in bare feet it's darwin time everyone do you want to die but a regular coffin doesn't damage the environment enough try a giant nokia phone it'll be here long after the earth burns up into space first off if coke came in five gallon containers i'd drink it like that second off mentos third off why don't we have soda coolers in offices i realize fountains keep the drink fresh but you know what it would still look cool who is he no idea probably some edm artist they like to stick weird things on their head for some odd reason or escape oh okay yes sure her picture isn't going to show up on the evening news in about a week and you see that's why we call him five toe tim always was an impatient little bastard roll for initiative six two sorry one four one three initiative indecisive if that ain't a mood i love the detail but i hate the bug replace bug with like a tiny cotton baby chick or something and i will love i i i is what how did you put the door handle and the hinge on the same how how did you do this oh oh i know how you did this you ordered a pre-drilled door and then you drilled the hinges onto the wrong side and then instead of fixing it by drilling the hinges on the correct side you decided screw it i think we need licenses for screwdrivers my previous point stands how did you not actually this is really freaking cool because it's very clearly intentional kinda want this to piss off somebody else's ocd but my internal need for symmetry would die ah yes we're gonna put this on list of things lexi would do probably for very little money your license has been revoked okay this looks dumb but i think what they did to here is that they converted a attic bonus room that is on the same level then they put a doorway right on the stairs so yes dumb but not supposed to actually be a real room usually these are accessed by via a crawlspace or a small door somewhere else that was lexi's roundabout way of saying i want to make fun of it but i also see the logic behind it ah yes the flag of masked nation the only country where we care about each other enough to not kill each other at least by wearing a damn mask an apartment belonging to fred and george weasley sorry george weasley recently caught fire and erupted into plumes of purple smoke for unknown reasons london police are working closely with an unknown agency in black robes to clean up the mess which they assure the public is just a joke gone wrong more on this story as it develops oh come on ref that was a totally bad call do you like wrecking sucker uh i i i i'm i look i know pz gaming is important but uh you guys you guys might want to uh read the room no oh god no no whoever put this post in i hate you oh hi yeah come on in can i offer you a drink there are no paper towels in this house have you ever loved somebody so much that you wanted to become buddies with them wait that could be misconstrued wait wait wait wait if i was at all into fancy teawear and chinaware and stuff i i would get this this is pretty cool i like it uh dude i don't i don't i don't think that you need a capo for this just saying ah yes a custom gumby guitar i'm sure that's flying off the shelves but does it pitch bend eh thank you little dog you humans really [ __ ] up but i will help you this time i i this is just a cool photo yes she is probably very cold but there are people that willingly run into oceans in the middle of january for reasons of dumb i don't know so i can't really see this as being any worse than that what the hell why does the dog look so smug why does the horse look so realistic i'm so confused by this picture oh i'm gonna take three steps back um i'm gonna look at my phone and i'm gonna wait for you guys to drive off and i will have not seen anything okay are we clear all right i am i i didn't see anything i'm not going to say i saw anything i have no idea what you're doing but i really hope it's kinky and not actually violent hey uh like lexi did you leave the water on what no no oh [ __ ] well hot damn i didn't know dell sold a laptop with an 18 core intel processor according to the number of stickers this was very clearly the work of bored teenagers in best buy and good job everyone internet i can't decide if i'm proud or scared of you just just keep doing whatever it is you're doing infinite monkeys infinite typewriters and all that kami homie eight-piece bucket my voice red shoes great when you have to stick your foot in your mouth for saying something dumb on the internet this is correct i see nothing wrong here that bed belongs to the cat now and it always has this is cute i like this okay i work at colleges in i.t and students steal the weirdest crap and i fully support really aggressive security measures but if they're stealing light bulbs there might be an underlying issue you have to look at or just switch to bug zapper bulbs i'm fine with that too i should have written that book i mean you're on the right track however that does have an exit valve so you're literally protecting nobody else did you did you teach who taught who to flick what off i don't know who to congratulate here no i feel like i've answered this call back when i was working in help desk i'm having a problem with my mouse oh have you tried changing the batteries no but i fed it this morning i'm sorry you what aside from easier goals i actually think this is a really good idea nobody knows what to do with these dishes anyway if you're not using them oh goody militarized owos say is that thing uh fireproof asking for a friend you're not a real gamer unless you can poop at 60fps in 4k scrooge mcduck reveals this one weird trick for losing weight okay glocks are pretty and pez is one of my favorite candies so where do i sign up oh god he's literally a fire hydrant swap the wine for an energy drink and i am totally on board for this chill evening as if lexi knows what chill is oh no leaf umbrella time he that is without sin among you let him cast the first oh okay all right all right all right never mind yes i want them i could never use them because i have the coordination of a wet spaghetti noodle but i want them hi timmy happy with oh god no i am very much not having a good time it took me five freaking minutes to figure out this wasn't a print and it was actually being projected onto her butt also you need white pants for this to work better for the light to actually reflect so you can actually watch the movie human trafficking oh yes more images from that first startup we were talking about a few episodes back shame they went under oh yeah you think you have steady hands do you think you have steady hands prove it what the hell oh it's bodega cat do not disturb the bodega cat this is how you know a deli in new york is serves really good food there is a cat there is always a cat do not ask questions uh hey bob were you messing with the scale tool again uh no yeah sure i don't think so oh no for those really aggressive games of hide-and-go-seek peek-a-boo glock [Applause] gotta go fast this is the engineer's awakeness bump just to make sure you're paying attention spider brad spider brad has a crappy tv and never knew his dad that is an uncomfortable amount of spider goo i think that's about all i can say without getting this video demonetized spongebob you you look different it's me patrick i'm an axolotl wow can i be an ax in my lotto too you already are patrick it's less the stairway to heaven and more the stairway to mediocre design is that the top of a tank is that the top of a tank with legs i'm a tank boom boom no oh dear god no no for five seconds i was like why do the menus have text conversations on them and then i went oh no call me arthur miller because this is death of a relationship thomas was surprised there were so many noobs on the battlefield today no my flip-flops hey if you commute in la and you're sitting in three hours of traffic this just seems practical looks like you're using too much fertilizer otherwise looks fine to me yes lexi is still making blind jokes sir they've ordered the crab legs but we've just run out hmm i have an idea five days later they get an email from yelp uh you guys want to explain this aha you thought it was vegetables but it was nutrition for the soul you're not yourself until you've had a snickers until you've had a snickers you're somebody else 50 cal turtle is cute and threatening like me wait does this give you an actual personal bubble where do i buy one what the actual hell is going on here and why is the file name vibing this is not a vibe this is a threat holy crap there's a fighter jet outside of our window holy crap our car is flying when did that happen see kids this is why you don't trust autopilot cheese balls cheese balls cheese balls cheese balls cheese balls cheese balls cheese balls cheese balls cheese balls cheese balls cheese balls cheese balls cheeseburgers cheeseballs cheese balls customer assistance cheese balls tim this is the second time i've asked you to turn the damn tank around fine i'll do it myself take the first stone [ __ ] ah yes more pretty violence lexi liked that this is genius why is it in our slash room this is an excellent move give me one with a gamecube a ps3 and a gaming pc and i would be all set and that brings us to the end of our slash if you find yourself any more confused than before remember screaming into the void does nothing but it feels great you know what else feels great getting awesome fan art posted on r mk this one's from shadowfang84 and they say i recently played every presonia game persona presonia and joker is one of my favorite characters and mk is my favorite channel so i did big math and added them together hey look i was scared for a minute there when you said math but this this is awesome and looks super rad thank you so much for that fan art shadowfang84 and if you want more confusion in your life go ahead and hit that red subscribe button if you smiled laughed or screamed in confusion during this video hit that like button and as always i am the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 491,305
Rating: 4.9300022 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/hmmm, r/hmmm best posts, r/hmmm top posts, reddit hmmm, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, blursed images, reddit blursed images, blursed images emkay, thanks i hate it, reddit thanks i hate it, thanks i hate it emkay, reddit funny, r/hmmm emkay, hmmm emkay, emkay
Id: Cihsh6NHy5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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