200 Players Build A MASSIVE Civilization in Minecraft

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in an ultimate social experiment 200 minecraft players were randomly scattered across four massive islands each its own civilization and its own unique biome the players knew one thing only if they die they are dead forever we had the plains island the desert island the snow island and the jungle island the players were given no help or guidance it was entirely up to them to gather resources elect a leader build a society and if it came down to it they go to war the things that happened throughout this experiment made for an absolutely crazy story arc you do not want to miss any of it so sit back grab a snack and choose a nation to root for i presents to you the states experiment thank you to magic gum for the inspiration for this video also if you enjoyed the video feel free to give me an incentive to make more like it by subscribing to my channel and liking this video much of day one was used for exploration and colonization the people scouted their respective islands looking for advantageous locations to set up camp those on the snow and desert islands quickly realized that wood was going to be a very scarce resource as trees were extremely rare seems like this guy right here has found quite literally the only patch of trees in the desert the rest is just barren at the same time because of the harsh climate both desert and snow knew they would need to prioritize farming early in order to feed the entire population look at this little farm they got going on here they're part of the farming team meanwhile the plains and jungle states had no problem gathering both food and wood and were thus able to advance their civilizations more quickly citizens of the jungle island had decided to meet up and set up their home at the volcano in the middle of the jungle and you take a ladle a little so team jungle is establishing a communist system on the plains island there were multiple civilizations starting to form including this small village well i think food will be very important so i'm trying to upscale my farming yes yes i gotta support all the people of the plains bio we're gonna we're gonna start uh bringing some some animals you know some eventually many players took to the mines to extract resources from the grounds they now own and of course it did not take long for political entities to form some islands held democratic elections to decide their leaders while other islands saw leaders rise through authoritarian force shortly a player named soliv became the dictator of the snow island after rising to power with seemingly no opposition we have a farming team which is over the mountain over there setting up a farm we have a wood team as you can see who has solved our lumber problem immediately the desert stain meanwhile had two co-existing factions the first one labeled themselves the sultanate and they were ruled by the great sultan storming hell the second faction called themselves the amazon and they were ruled by a group of leaders the top leader being zomba this faction was composed mostly of people who had previously won a mystery beast gaming challenge meaning these guys are both wealthy and skilled accordingly what the desert lacked in lumber it made up for in minerals we have about like what 32 diamonds what i was about to get some sugarcane so then we could get um an enchantment table two people died during day one both on the snow island the first was an accidental death of a beloved snow state member potato who died by falling in a hole a funeral was held to honor his short life the second guy was killed due to an execution order issued by solev because he quotes built a monument to worship cardi b as a result he was whopped out of existence i hated saying those words anyway that marked the end of day one the server shut down and the remaining players debriefed and made plans for the following morning in day two the people of the jungle states who lived in the volcano decided to have an election there were two candidates 9209's pitch involved creating a government of checks and balances and citizen rights magic mikey's pitch was that he wanted to be a dictator who executes anyone who threatens his power 9209 won the election but instead of accepting defeat magic mikey and his followers left the volcano to start their own civilization however by leaving the volcano mikey and crew left behind their farm so they quickly ran out of food there's a jungle biome there's no freaking food in here dude literally look at the shoulder there's a pair right there hey hey he does not drop anything do not kill my parrot i'm just kidding i just enjoy causing chaos whenever the door behind you this whole time mikey could not figure out or realize that he could catch fish from the river right outside his front door in a way his fate was sealed by natural selection where only the most intuitive survive the plains island on the other hand was led from the top of a mountain by a player named ewash while this mountain became the plains island's base some citizens defected and moved after they complained about excessive work demands the defectors gathered in the previously mentioned small village which was now ruled by a player named smilejump iwaj had previously threatened to kill smilejump if he ever challenged his rule over the plain states and it did not help tensions when iwaj himself came to the village and allegedly stole some of the food supply this fact prompted a member of smile trump's village to make this ominous statement about ewash you wouldn't care if he suddenly were to die i would not it might be too late for even dr phil to save this relationship meanwhile the people of the snow states continue to labor under the command of solith building up a mighty snow civilization with a developed tree plantation farm and a main base lastly both of the factions in the desert seem to be thriving despite the difficult conditions of their dry environments also while there were initially tensions between the sultanate and the amazon they agreed to remain neutral and respect each other's territories i spoke with the leader of the sultanate the other faction on this desert seems to be a very formidable opponent the rules of sabaron praise our lord three times per day do not eat pig or execution anything against our lord is punishable with lashings or jail they have a jail meanwhile at the amazon assanta and the other mr beast winners were expanding their land and developing economically so quickly that they started investing in commercial property such as this flower shop this is my flower shop i'm gonna build like a little base over at the ocean and do like a little bridge so i can everybody can like come and chill at my flower cafe then to wrap up day two on the plains island this happened boat clutch time that felt mildly preventable with all relevant political entities formed it's time to see now how they interact the third day presented challenges for almost all of the civilizations the sultanates reported to have items randomly stolen chests broken and someone was also killing their cows they suspected that a player named guardian nova was doing this and they immediately threw him out of the sultanates for revenge guardian nova kept coming back to cause further chaos thus creating a general sense of unrest within the sultanate he's coming back he's coming back something's about to go down uh-oh uh oh oh what the heck on the snow island solev was becoming incredibly wealthy and powerful yeah you guys got enchantments enchanted fishing rod how rich are you don't worry about it just don't let them know don't let the other team or don't let our underclass know at that please they work in the farms solev had just carried out another execution of a snow member who allegedly murdered two other snow stained members while this allegation turned out to be correct some on the snow state were becoming worried that solev was becoming too powerful like a tyrant finally in the jungle the cold war between 9209 screw and mikey's crew heated up very quickly one of the volcano men was exploring the jungle herding three chickens mikey then killed those chickens he defended his actions by saying quote i was hungry this prompted some conflict between the two factions which became fatal when mikey ordered his spy to murder one of 9209's citizens what did i just witness a murder mikey then declared war on 9209 and planned an attack on the volcano so that he could finally become the ruler of the jungle state the attack was to take place the next day 9209 quickly gathered his people and they decided that instead of fleeing they would stay to defend the volcano this set the stage for the jungles civil war well there's a lot of things that we have planned but our biggest goal is going to make that dang volcano erupts where all those peasants live tried our absolute hardest to maintain the peace and mikey has tried his absolute hardest to do the exact opposite so you know enough is enough so we're just gonna tell the soldiers it's now or never and try and kill every last one of them news of the impending civil war had gotten out this lone jungle merchant's legacy while living in a peaceful isolated hutch seemed to know exactly what was about to happen the two groups they're about to go and duel it out and whichever side uh wins is probably not going to be good for me so i have to stay out here in isolation little did this lonely merchants know mikey and his crew had already set out to begin the revolution and they were about to raid his home and destroy it completely fortunately legacy was able to fetch his parrots and escape just in time mikey continued his pilgrimage through the jungle heading toward the volcano 9209 and his men were gearing up scanning the perimeters not knowing where the attack would come from eventually mikey and his crew reached the edge of the volcano and the attack began [Music] it's like they're sneaking up the volcano yep here we go first hits of the battle this is it mikey's men are attacking nearly at the top of the volcano but it looks like 929's men now know where they are and they're gathering at this one point mikey's been now retreating back down the volcano that's patrick mike himself he's getting some good hits on this guy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] from fall damage oh boy mikey soldier scattered into the jungle and surrendered thus marking 9209's victory in the jungle civil war i spoke with the 9209 the way he died was through attempting a block clutch which is the most fitting death i have ever seen so you have successfully quenched the revolutionaries how do you feel extremely entertained okay there we go [Music] oh my gosh major assassination just happened guardian nova the previous chaos maker had come back to kill the leader of the sultanate however this allowed for the other desert faction amazon to demonstrate their military might by hunting guardianova down and killing him to avenge the death of storming hell oh they got him a funeral was held to honor the late sultan and the heir to the sultan arvind became the new leader [Music] the sultan's death was a sudden and tragic one but it was followed by several days of peace the wii consultant worked on repairing its nation and building from where it left off the alliance between the amazon and the sultanate was stronger than ever with new trade routes forums and communication lines opened at the amazon hope bounty's flower shop was finally completed oh you're already okay very good hello i i would like a tulip please we have pink orange red how are there multiple tulips oh god your bodyguards have arrived they freaked me out celebrating its success the amazon then gathered for a group photo with zamta in the lead and guardian nova's head in the back after prolonged discussion 9209 and the rest of the volcanomen decided it was time to move to a new location for a fresh and hopeful beginning the fishing merchant of the jungle legacy had now joined the rest of the jungle community and suggested that they could move to the place his home used to be everyone agreed that day they picked up their stuff repaired legacy's house and built the jungle's new civilization in that very spot legacy along with his parrots moved into his old home but this time he had many friends with him and he lived in a thriving society meanwhile on the snow island solev continued to rule with an iron fist and his society was prospering the snow civilization had built a holy temple to worship their god boy jedi and to showcase the strength of their people and of course we cannot forget about the two planes factions ewaj's base and smile trump's village the village was now doing especially well with many new members and houses to accommodate them at the end of day 7 the villagers gathered to celebrate their success and i made this cake especially for everyone so there you go yay cake yes a peaceful night came to a peaceful end the age of jungle innovation is upon us the expanded village out from legacy's home complete with the amongst crewmate monuments allowed for the united jungle citizens to invent new things first they made a freaking sound machine why is this a good idea why you had no music disc so you did this yes i had to make do you didn't give me a lot of options then they made a lag machine which basically means they put boats everywhere i can't fly ish ish i caught fire can you well i can't have more than 10 fps while i'm at the jungle base looks like we all have problems i was going to destroy all the boats while they were offline but then i got a discord message from one of my paying youtube donors sora torque i decided to keep the boats there was however one massive tower looking thing that the jungle civilization was building that maybe could be productive but no matter how much i asked they wouldn't tell me what it was what is this it's a wooden defense the only thing they tell me is that it's a wooden fence that clearly is not a wooden fence while the people of the jungle were enjoying themselves the rest of the political world was not as secure indeed there was a conflict arising and this conflict was not contained to a single island or nation there was about to be a major international diplomacy disaster among the people of the snow state solev was a relatively popular leader with high approval numbers that being said not everyone who claimed to be on his side actually was a player on the snow island named kumazaki did not like solav's rule over the snow state seeing him as a dangerous tyrant kumazaki was the geopolitical expert of the snow island and he had devised a plan the plan was to create a secret global alliance with all world leaders except for solev then with that leverage kumazaki would ask solift to resign and if he refused solev and his entire regime would be eliminated by the strength of the entire world's military power after that the alliance would stand and world peace would be achieved those who agreed to join this alliance included zamta in the amazon arvind and the sultanates and iwash with his planes base smile trump and his village chose not to join because they did not like ewash who they thought himself was a tyrant the jungle state didn't join because they already had a secret alliance with solev and the snow states an alliance which ended up thwarting kumazaki's entire plan solip was informed of this plan by the jungle states and he promptly executed kumazaki for his conspiracy to overthrow the governments i've just been informed of a plot to overthrow my government and slaughter my people a plot supported by the foreign war mongering states created by one of my own members as a result that member is dead for every action taken against me and my people there will be a swift and righteous reaction they've made their move now it's my turn ewaj while an effective politician was disliked by many most of those who disliked his leadership simply moved out of his base but some of those people stuck around to create their own version of justice oh he's going for it somehow iwaj actually managed to escape and his people killed the assassin it was a close call but solev did not merely commission one assassin hitori cage a spy for smile trump's village had succeeded in killing iwash the assassination order came from both smile chump and solev who are now in an alliance look at this it looks like iwash's distraught people are planning to obliterate smile trump's village now smile trump's village was minutes away from iwaj's army invading to slaughter all the inhabitants the people frantically picked up their most valuable possessions and climbed down into the village's emergency bunker once every single resident was underground the entrance was blocked off and the villagers used an escape tunnel to exit the bunker and leave the plains island for good welcome to the bastion of freedom the last stand of hope here you're free from the oppression of your tyrannical government and free to live as you please under the rule of our great and democratic society [Music] this was the make or break day will there be negotiations for peace or will the conflict escalate into a major war it goes without saying that the desert leadership was unhappy with the snow state for harboring the plain state refugees who they saw as traitors after smile trump's village was looted and burned to the ground the new leader of the plain state lord of lightning was almost immediately killed by another planes member for quotes no reason whatsoever there was chaos in the plain states and some planes members took this as an opportunity to abandon the island and migrate to other states one plane's member named ron traveled to the desert island to become a member of the amazon the amazon immigration officers conducted a background check and thoroughly vetted ron to make sure he wasn't a threat ron i'm protecting you i am your immigration lawyer thank you oh i have to go to court now security measures we have to do this no no all my other team did was just yell at me or did we all just it was just pure chaos so that's why you left this planes member my friend fireball x3 was also on his way out he had no idea i was watching him and i just could not resist doing this oh my god alex alex what are you doing trying to scare you yeah it [ __ ] worked what did you do it just shoot you puts on full diamond gets in a boat and comes the other way down the river my god oh my god you're such now what remained of the plain states was a small group of highly skilled fighters led by a player named kanuke this group made up what was now the plains militia in the jungle the people continue to expand their village and build that massive tower they also bonded over their new favorite activity fishing which not only strengthened their community spirits but also improved the quality of life for all their people it also diversified the diet of legacy's parents who had only been eating seeds a well-deserved treat for being alive since day one and having survived magic mikey's raid and the jungles civil war legacy himself had become somewhat of a hero in the jungle when in the previous day he led an expedition into the snow state to hunt down and kill a jungle traitor after this near-death expedition legacy hoped that he could finally retire and live the rest of his life peacefully with his parrots in the jungle village on the international stage the two major alliances became official first the united sands led by zomba which included both of the desert factions and the plains militia on the other side of the world was the solav union led by solif which included the snow states the plains refugees and the jungle state attempts at peace between the two were well-founded but quickly fell through due to rising tensions caused by a variety of transgressions from both sides on day 10 one member of the plains militia infiltrated the snow state hitori cage the plane's refugee killed the infiltrator in hopes to prove his allegiance to solid afterward soul of held a ceremony promoting katori cage to a senior officer position in the snow states this ceremony was a direct insult to the desert factions who were already having a bad day after the leader of the sultanate irvine was caught in flagrante delicta with the town sheep arvine was exiled and a player named bonjoubuemos became the new sultan the people of the snow state were delighted with their success and even more delighted by the failures of the desert but the united sands was not happy they were angry that soleth had thwarted their original plan for world peace and that he was harboring the refugees who killed the plane's leader in addition two highly armored snow members then visited the desert island uninvited which caused many on the desert island to worry that an attack was coming desert propagandist then started to echo the sentiments that solave and his evil regime were going to obliterate the people of the desert upon hearing this the leader of the united sands zamta called an emergency meeting with his top officials he ordered that defenses be built and that the states provide armor and weapons to all desert citizens to end the meeting zamta held votes on launching a pre-emptive strike against the snow states the officials voted in the affirmative and shortly the united sands declared war on the soul of union [Music] it was time for the great world war the united sands prepared for its attack the war plan was simple surround the snow island approach the center and kill solev to rid the world of tyranny and achieve world peace [Applause] zamta and the united sands had reached the snow island and had ordered their secret spies to create havoc from within this was incredibly effective solid's military forces were dispersed which allowed for an easy infiltration they found the plane's refugee hatori cage running for his life katori cage goes down wait oh my god spider shop and soul of wait they're all coming smile trump and the plains refugees had all joined the fight but they were simply outnumbered the united stands destroyed the snow state killing almost every citizen solaf took his remaining fighters and fled his home an empire no more [Music] the leader of the jungle state 9209 declared a full lockdown and ordered that zuleth now a refugee would be let in upon arrival legacy was the one to greet zolav and lead him to the place where the rest of the jungle was hiding that place which had been under construction for many days was now complete it was the wooden fence after the united sands tracked solid and arrived onto the shores of the jungle states they realized the magnitude of the challenge ahead of them nonetheless they gathered their soldiers prepared an attack and thus it began the battle of the wooden fence [Music] after the united stands lost some soldiers they made a new strategy instead of climbing up the tower they decided to build above the tower like that they cracked the puzzle of the wooden fence [Music] solev 9209 and most of their fighters were dead the remaining snow and jungle soldiers fled the tower and dispersed throughout the jungle the united sands had defeated the soul of union this was the end of the great world war [Music] the people of the united stands returned home to celebrate their victory they worked together to expand their towns and construct some pretty impressive buildings including hope's flower shop which had become a very profitable business the amazon the sultanates and the plains militia had finally achieved their long-desired world peace meanwhile the snow island was entirely empty except for the occasional visitor one day a graveyard honoring all the fallen snow citizens mysteriously appeared in the middle of the abandoned snow island nobody knows who built it but the united stand's leadership decided to let it stay eventually many of the former snow and jungle citizens met up and created a secret jungle enclosure where they could all peacefully live they grieved over the friends they lost in the great war but at least they were able to keep each other company right next to the new hidden enclosure was the house of a lone jungle merchant who had barely managed to escape the battle of the wooden fence but he did escape along with his parrots the longtime companions fished together for as long as they could before the sun went down [Music] these winds [Music] makes me [Applause] [Music] waited [Music]
Channel: ish13c
Views: 4,652,682
Rating: 4.9629121 out of 5
Keywords: ish13c, Minecraft Civilization, 100 players stimulate civilization, minecraft 100 days, minecraft society, minecraft civilization servers, minecraft country, minecraft nations, minecraft war, minecraft 100 players, minecraft countries war, magicgum, simulating society, simulating society in minecraft, 100 players, simulating civilization, simulating civilization in minecraft, minecraft state, state experiment, minecraft experiment
Id: NR3rK25u-EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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