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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

I really like this one cuz of my own struggles with depression and not wanting to get out of my house. I think it was more about keeping trying then a lot of effort.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Deppfan16 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Where can I play this? :(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Whiskey_Giggles 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is a psychological game about being shut inside which i think is something that we can all relate to whether we like it or not [Music] this game deals with themes of agoraphobia isolation and self-doubt inspired by the author's personal experiences with depression player discretion is advised that seems pretty clear hello welcome to the game if you can call it that here's where i should probably make introductions explain how things work you know how it is but you seem smart i'm sure you can figure it out for yourself um but maybe not for keyboards use the arrow keys to move okay to confirm or interact with objects press space or z okay cancel press escaper x and if you want to use your current item try shift honestly that was pretty exhausting you'd better have remembered all that i'm not telling you again anyway it's xxxx o'clock it's porn o'clock get out of bed okay hello come on then it's time to get up i'm trying to or not you could always stay in bed i suppose if that's what you really want so what'll it be i'll snooze i know you want me ah i'll snooze okay well if you change your mind just press space at a or get started surely you can't stay in bed forever well god damn it now i gotta because i've been challenged and i never backed down from a challenge ever oh dear the shelf collapsed all that heavy wood crushed your spine completely oh okay it always was a bit wobbly you probably should have fixed it by now you probably should have gotten out of bed by now too don't worry try again tomorrow oh [Applause] thanks guys why not i'll try again i'm not gonna give up that's the easy way hello get me out of this bed get up hello there that wasn't so hard was it by the way you might want to get changed put on some proper clothes maybe a pair of shoes something a bit less sweaty just head over to the wardrobe when you're ready and if you need to save your progress you can set yourself some reminders on the alarm clock next to your bed after all you have a busy day ahead right bed there's a lump in the mattress is it that time already i'm trying to use it inventory nothing options interesting okay [Music] laundry the drawer is jammed shut your computer's plugged in what i feel little snippets of like presentable presentable liberty in this game there's a flashback okay so about getting dressed i thought that it was space or z to interact but no z was no x's menu but i thought [Music] oh pajamas are comfortable but not exactly practical get changed i'm gonna get dressed i wanna take initiative ah that's better much more presentable your hair needs brushing but you need a hairbrush you should probably have a bite to eat too you look malnourished oh and wash your face also your breath stinks okay really lay it on me doc come on give it to me give it to me the list is endless really you don't seem to take very good care of yourself but congratulations on getting dressed at least anyway hurry up you have a busy day ahead and it's already getting late head outside and get some fresh air but you told me all the different things that i needed to do which was like wash my face and brush my teeth and fix my stink can i there isn't anything useful on the computer but you're trying to beat your high score on battle kittens 4 super force play some video games just one oh no [Music] i think i lost oh no you didn't beat your high score oh oh but hey the top one's jam shot something inside must be blocking the mechanism i thought i had a busy day the washer hamper is well over capacity bolting slightly under its tremendous weight dirty clothes spill out everywhere from the top the smell is not good well nothing to do about that can't possibly do anything alarm clock's slowly blinking on and off it's already getting laid how embarrassing just give yourself some alarms well i meant to save this before but i guess it's too late for that should i make my bed getting pretty dirty there's a weird smell and a big suspicious lump in the mattress makes it hard to get any sleep still a mess though you must have some pride make the bed why bother yeah you're probably right who cares i mean i don't even make my own bed so that doesn't speak too low half filled with miscellaneous rubbish most of it looks like junk food but you can't quite see all the way to the bottom rubbish through the bin hell yeah rum is through that's what i always wanted to do for my own trash can congratulations you found more rubbish would you like to take some with you yes thank you really absolutely 100 thank you fine whatever you need i'm sure it will come in handy eventually obtained rubbish thank you thank you very much some wrappers tissues old food etc you have absolutely no idea why you're holding this it looks awful it looks terrible glad i have that that's odd the door is locked you remember seeing the key around here somewhere have a look around maybe you can dig it out oh but i just went through the track guess i gotta go again oh no oh rum it's true congratulations you found more rubbish great all right is this big suspicious lump actually a key make the bed ah but why though why would i do that it's probably hidden in there all right fine i'll make the bed no yes no yes no yes no okay turn on a light oh that's helpful oh that's much more helpful i don't like the flicker though all right i'll make the damn bed it's probably in the bed [Music] eh you can't be bothered what's the point ah come on i actually wanted to whatever fine whatever fine where did my key be underneath the bed small metal key okay not sure how it got there okay i have it i did the thing finally i can go on my way oh use the key i remember how to use items i remember shift unlock the door can i hold on to like the rubbish excellent loved it user no no no yes won't do anything it's a pile of rubbish you still don't know why you're carrying this round well i'm gonna hold it in my hand and you can't stop me because this is what i wanted and i chose this there's no use for this key now you should throw it away should i should i no i will hold on to it what countless shards of red hot glass shred my face you're totally blinded and spend the next few hours bleeding to death in agony there must have been a power surge or something but don't worry what [Music] oh well god damn it the first like 10 minutes of me fumbling around my own room was like just the basic tutorial i forgot that this is kind of a horror game did i mention that that's why the lights are red oh yay it's dark the lights are acting up two plug sockets on the wall loud buzz all right plug is falling a piece slight gap with a fitting mesa wall looks like something's trapped inside wedged awkwardly behind the plug but you can't reach it let's pull the plug i'm dead aren't i for a split second you feel a searing heat of over 200 volts of electricity surging through your body well that's not very much luckily before your head can really process the pain your heart stops completely you're dead in seconds you talking amps because it's the amperage it'll kill you all right you don't even have time to reflect on your questionable decision-making capabilities what part of you thought that that was a sensible oh i'm sorry pulling the plug out of the socket was a bad idea oh i'm sorry whatever dick bag shut up shut up shut up electricity is dangerous uh yeah which is why i was trying to unplug it idiot i'm not dumb you're dumb okay switch it off there we go that's better small table with a lamp and a notepad something's written in the notepad but it's too dark well damn you damn you to hell my bathroom let's go wash my face [Music] the pipes are groaning they must be blocked that's probably not the only reason bathtub is thick with damp grime looks like it hasn't been used for an embarrassing number of days the plug's missing but there's still a shallow pool of black liquid at the bottom now for some reason there's a screwdriver wedged into the shower head you're no plumber but you get the feeling it's not supposed to be there remove it does look important and probably i'm gonna get deluged in an avalanche and a deluge of black ooze i got a screwdriver oh no there's bugs coming out of the shower the tap is spewing thousands of black giant bloods they gleam and arrive with savage hunger probably the second most disgusting thing you've ever been in your bathtub the first being me can i take a poop stench coming from the toilet is overpowering but unfamiliar some kind of rot that ain't my poop the toilet bowl is a lot deeper than it should be it just goes down and down there's something trapped further it's hard to see through all the dark murky liquid reach inside god yes oh no before long the room is completely filled with insects they crawl all over you inside and out you're not sure what these things are but they managed to strip your skeleton bare in minutes i forgot about the bugs i thought that they were just gonna be happy in the bathtub and that i didn't need to leave the bathroom immediately great good try again tomorrow yeah of course of course thank you i'm gonna dive straight into the toilet yes please reach in as far as you possibly can until the disgusting toilet fluid reach past your shoulder your arm is just long enough to grab hold of something that feels like some sort of long plastic tube but it's stuck tight you don't know how much more you can take stinks so much you're starting to feel dizzy keep pulling pull it hard pull it hard update plunger ah you will never get that smell out of your head you might want to take a shower or three nope no time for that i've got a plunger now something shattered in the mirror it's so cracked and filthy that you can't see your reflection although i suppose it might not be such a bad thing i mean let's be honest okay rude you're not good looking okay well i disagree and shut up it's an old-looking photograph you don't remember where it's from or what it's of is that a face god i hope not i really hope not plunger use a plunger yeah sure why not and a few tugs you feel something in the drain come loose [Music] what i have a door handle now uh if i grab the screwdriver i believe i can run right yeah yeah sure yeah i got it it's fine i'm out of here oh oh oh the handle oh no oh no oh no no nope nope nope nope yep yep yep oh no oh oh no no no no no no no no no well that was a close call let's not go back in there again yeah let's not let me go save because that seems like something i should do after all this trial and tribulation your bedroom you feel safe here i probably shouldn't i bet i should not i didn't think that death would be looking for me around every corner in my own home okay let's try that again with less death this time old photograph you think you remember some of the figures in the photo but when you try and recall any details you feel overwhelmed the frame is stuck to the shelf with grime you'll need something flat to pry it off is this a flat-headed screwdriver sure give the photo a few good pokes but you're mostly just making dents in the frame okay some unfamiliar pictures on the shelf you don't recognize any of these photographs who is this i don't know well that looks bad let's go down oh it's hard to tell but it seems like the stairs have been somehow torn to pieces the darkness is thick here you can't see the bottom looking down there for too long makes you feel sick you don't remember how it happened you don't even know what's going on in the first place regardless the front door is down there you'll have to find a way down if you want to go outside if only there was some way of measuring the distance still a jump from this height wouldn't hurt it shouldn't hurt too much yeah let's go for it come on it can't be that bad this has got to be the easy way out they're trying to trick me ow i'm probably fine how strange that was a much bigger fall than you remembered just how far down does the series go there's certainly a ground floor around here somewhere your mangled corpses smeared all over it by the way that wasn't a very impressive job okay you're being a little rude and antagonistic i'm trying my best but don't worry try again tomorrow yeah uh-huh i get that [Music] yeah yeah i'm dead okay hopefully i'm back here what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna throw the rubbish down i bet that's what this is for rubbish yeah i'm gonna it's but i throw it down to gauge the distance fine whatever screw you i hate you i hate you what if i used the screwdriver on this yes it's a good thing you already turned off the power because sticking metal objects into plug sockets isn't usually the brightest idea go to hell and shut up i'm very bright hold the plug well with all your might but the plug won't budge at all somehow fused into the socket and the screwdriver didn't do anything i guess it didn't okay how about the plunger surely i can plunge this oh yeah plunger for unplugging drains not lamps shut up oh yeah they won't bite all right that was obvious the overwhelming force of a thousand hungry insects pressing against the door knocks you to the ground you're not exactly sure what these things are but this well all right okay well i'm dumb i get it i'm dumb yeah okay all right i get it all right okay maybe you should hold all right i get it okay okay fine the hell was that oh attic [Music] door to the plant room the plant room is this the jar this might be only acceptable the other right oh i think it's just a vase comfortable looking armchair there's a slight groove that looks like it would fit you perfectly oh yeah have a break i can't imagine how this would kill me [Music] huh it's nice i guess but it's missing something [Music] okay you could do with more decorations i guess that's a hint okay large wooden crate covered with duct tape but barricaded what screw screws i have a screwdriver you managed to remove the screws from the lid but it's still securely fastened to the box what do i need like are you telling me i need a crowbar or something ah all right fine door has been haphazardly nailed shut with thick wooden planks they've clearly been here for a while they're rotten with damp and decay whatever's behind this door you must be trying pretty hard to forget about it yeah okay is this uh is this house all symbolism for my mind is that what we're dealing with here because uh the psychological thing seems to be the angle that we're going at sunlight well that's nice strange plant a healthy little sprout there's a small plant sitting inside a clay pot you don't recognize it it's enjoying the light but it looks a little dry okay so it needs some water i can piss on it there's a metal watering can sitting on the table it's splattered with rust it stinks like old dam pick it up you know it let's get wet i don't like that i'm saying that obtain watering can great if only i had a working plumbing system i would be able to water that plant and also that looked like blood on the walls which probably a problem so i clearly can't go back in there what do i have with a seemingly endless supply oh there was water in it oh well i don't think it'd be a good idea to try to water that plant with this stuff but here we go anyway okay sure sploosh you gently pour a healthy dose of water onto the plant the soil is a rich dark brown hopefully it will start to grow soon you should check up on it later okay i wonder if i can use the screwdriver to pry open my desk i bet i can i bet i can i bet i can or plunge it i could plunge it you blindly plunge the screwdriver into the tiny gap and jiggle it around until the mechanism springs loose looks like there was a usb cable stuck in it obtained usb anything else in there i really don't seem to own many things well fine then what could i possibly do with a usb cable what about this trying to insert the cable into the plug socket it does nothing it doesn't even fit stop it well okay there's got to be a way to fix this right watering can water and electricity are not a very good combination i'll be the judge of that once i actually judge that so let me judge that ooh wait wait wait wait wait wait use the key because it said throw it away right yeah nothing to unlock here but you've already left the bedroom you probably don't need this key anymore throw it down the stairs yeah get rid of it get rid of it get rid of it that's odd you didn't hear it hit the bottom just how far down does the staircase go well apparently very far and now i know that but also i don't have that key anymore so that's a problem i wonder if that plant is done yet are you done and recently watered the soil as a rich dark brown well that's lovely you could maybe loosen some of the sticky ground with a bit of water but that would risk ruining the photo completely ah whatever whatever what if i pour water down there minecraft style and then i'd be able to fall all cushioned like huh are you gonna grow the staircase back oh shut up shut up shut up with your stupid face shut up shut up maybe i should play some video games i bet if i play some video games it would pass the time it would cause that plan to grow and then i would be able to come back and get the plane where i need to be but i didn't beat my high school but i'm outta getting close and that's all that matters steady progress over a long period of time and then i'd be able to do something that's fine that's fine that did pass the time oh damn it okay there's got to be something with this plug right this plug is usable two small screws holding the plug together yes little awkward but you probably get them out yes yes dismantle it who needs a computer i do i need a computer you take out the screws and the plug pops open now these tiny useless bits of metal were keeping it together you'll never know inside there's a small fuse it seems to be working just fine infuse okay good now i have that and i've lost my computer but that's okay because i need to do this yeah plug definitely has enough power already oh come on where else would i be using a fuse plunger [Music] if only i could get it wet interesting that's not where my brain would have gone for this but uh okay i'm gonna get it wet this does not seem like the right approach you douse the dry crackled wood with water giving the lid a smooth damp sheen now i'll plunge it use a plunger yeah that makes sense all right you fasten the plunger to live and manage to painstakingly heave it open it's completely empty inside what a ridiculous waste of time good climb inside oh [Music] sure i'll do just that i'll climb inside the box great i'm in a box it's more comfortable than you thought there's even room to shut the box completely close the lid you know it baby shut me in why i don't know but i spent all this trouble opening it so i'm gonna close it at least there's barely any room to move at all after a while you start to feel different what this doesn't feel right head back out peace and quiet beautiful glorious peoples and quiet okay i suppose we can just wait here then [Music] use he's a fusion yeah it's black in here without any light those items won't be of much use you can barely even move it's getting difficult to breathe trying to mess through there's no room there's already [Music] okay breakout fine i'll break [Music] i don't know why i don't just open the lid oh you know that may have been the strongest feat of physical strength you've ever managed it was also definitely your last as you tear your way through the lid more and more shards and splinters of dusty old wood pierce your flesh lining the crate with your blood it's a gruesome painful and slippery death but don't worry try again tomorrow [Music] i did it i'm the best you're not breaking out of this coffin i don't know why it was a coffin in the first place how did i get sealed in there so good that it killed me also what was even the point of the whole box thing uh you know what i'll climb inside but then i'll get out okay you like that wait was it like shut it and then get out yeah there was something about like i feel changed start to feel different it doesn't feel right and back out time to go oh no it's locked oh dear the lid's stuck how on earth did that happen whatever the case it doesn't seem to be budging and it's far didn't okay there must be some item that when you get in here you're supposed to it's it's a little counter-intuitive but it don't make too much sense but i'm not i'm not gonna question it too much it's fine so oddly enough i'm still missing something oh hi hello the strange pants are sitting inside the clay pot it's going to a healthy size it's enjoying the light but it looks a little dry okay i'll water it again gently pour healthy dose of water okay well i guess it's going to get bigger but i don't know how long it's going to take for me to get back to that but there's got to be something else here i thought that i thought that there was going to be the oh of this box it's messing with me okay not the cable runs not nearly enough room between each board all right fuse time baby don't be ridiculous well you're ridiculous there's a usb cable put the cable around then give it a tug that's still stuck to the shelf pull any harder and the whole frame could collapse okay so what do i have that's delicate enough to get that off wait usb cable on the staircase oh there we go not sure if it'll hold your weight but it certainly seems sturdy enough all right let's do it let's do it let's do it descend oh my goodness well that's disturbing i don't remember my staircase being like this this is uh interesting all right good great that was fun glad that happened thank you for that oh good looks like a hallway there are drawings all over the walls greed looks like a door but it's just drying or is it though or is it though okay to the kitchen i was hungry hey something's cooking looks like it needs a serious cleanup though microwave shield shut the buttons don't move in fact the door isn't even real it's a big plastic box weird cupboard won't budge an inch something barricading shut from the inside there's a massive iron pot on the oven looks heavy the paw is boiling violently you can occasionally feel tiny flex of scalding hot water try and turn off the heat but nothing seems to happen remove the lid seems ready baby unless i eat some dinner ah my eyes your delicate fingers are no match for red hot metal the heat makes you drop the heavy lid immediately and the entire pot collapses straight onto you the burns are so serious you can't even get yourself up from the ground your agonizing death takes hours and hours and hours but don't worry try again tomorrow okay fine thank you for that i i appreciate that i am dead i know i am very i get that we'll see bear but there's a lighter right in the back pick it up always handy all right there's nothing in the fridge it's not even turned on there's a lingering scent of expired food all right do i have anything that could plunger plunge it i can't believe that worked you firmly test the plunger and remove the heavy lid this plunger has come in so handy it's come so in handy i can't believe it the bot is completely empty inside it's not even wet there's a tiny gray button at the bottom push the button sure what was that noise sounds like it came from under the sink time to check can't even see the back of the cupboard you don't know how deep it goes in fact it looks quite roomy in there i'm inside seems cozy cozy oh god there's a familiar smell coming from the oven how familiar fridge door is missing but there's a thick ice covering inside there's also a spatula in there frozen solid you can possibly pull it out by hand well good thing i have a lighter to melt it off i'm dead now the smell oh right ah all right going into the other kitchen the under kitchen oven door is completely stuck you can't get it open there's an unpleasant smell coming from inside it's recognizable you can't put your finger on it seems to be working just fine though turn on the oven i'm not hungry hang on hold on plunger to the rescue again but it won't quite stick properly despite your best efforts it just pops off ah come on and it's empty needs serious cleaning though looks like a door but it's just interesting all right so i gotta find a way to get that oven off or else imma go kablooey imma go real kablooey i know how to do it ah what can i go back why can't i go back [Music] what if i microwave the watering can okay fine what what what why can't i go back okay so i must have what i need then melt the ice with some water but it's too cold to make a difference i'm just adding more ice okay okay pry it out scraping this is the way at the ice until eventually okay well that makes sense that makes a lot more sense than me trying to melt it not gonna lie that makes that makes sense can i leave now [Music] need to try and force it in ah this is gonna create a spark isn't it needs elbow grease come on all right i thought so i've got him over here did i even oh i have the spatula oh that's how i leave oh wait a minute what is this all about okay it must be something in here there must be because the doors are now all just drawings so there's got to be a way let me spatulate this makes sense that makes a lot of sense that makes sense with a bit of force you manage to pry the stiff oven door open there's a sudden powerful stench of gas okay you feel light-headed oven stretches back in the darkness keeps going for a while looks let me figure out how to turn it off first i probably should get rid of the gas [Music] never mind i can't use any more items on it pretty sure people die from this all right let's go nice and warm you know all the gases make you very sleepy you try to carry on by feeling dizzy and sluggish push on shake it off yeah exactly it'd be stupid not to you can hear something moving in the dark what do you mean heavy chains blocking the first door they're attached what was that oh my god nothing but i kept there looking at the fridge i meant to use the darkness here feels strange invasive threatening you can't even see the hand in front of your face you couldn't even begin to guess what horrors could be lurking all around you but something somewhere decide to quickly take advantage of the situation the european shreds in a frenzy you feel them laughing as they scrape your bones clean don't worry we'll try again tomorrow okay here we go okay okay we're doing this we're gonna light it up oh yeah okay good what what okay good let's climb in the fridge maybe with a bit of patience you milk through the thick wax holding the chains in place until you can't take the weight of the metal they fall away unblocking the door okay long dark horde uh no turning back now wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is there anything else wait oh there was something there was something else i shouldn't leave yet there's definitely something else there there's definitely something else there what's okay let me check the the bin is empty okay nothing happens okay well okay there was all right there was nothing there it would have been really clever for them to hide something there but apparently it uh it wasn't okay no turning back now okay perfect i'm sure i'm free from the danger okay looks like a hallway but they're drawing on the walls oh [Music] i didn't mean to actually it's even darker down near the portal i didn't mean to actually just go down here fuse box hey wait a minute it was fused oh the basement seems different where's the boiler yeah good question where's the bug source that's what's shooting out of my faucet why would i have any water the fuse box made a cold heavy metal hangs from the wall but it doesn't look very secure first fuse inside remove it leave it in this looks like deadly deadly steam [Music] it's a bright red valve rattling loudly with the intense water pressure of the pipe tighten it why not oh did it not tighten it loosen it oh interesting that's what was gushing ah i see interesting can't find anything helpful in the cold metal pipes i know what i need i know what i need okay easy definitely nothing spooky down here use fuse and then voila and then turn this nope bright red valve tighten it oh yeah you know i wonder if there's too much pressure i wonder if i turn this there's too much pressure i feel like at some point here there's gonna be too much pressure oh interesting okay well that's passable definitely passable bright red valve tighten that okay i wonder i wonder i wonder if i loosen that one i bet it oh i bet it didn't do the other one on the other side of this one a little strange a little straight yeah it didn't okay cool all right cool cool cool cool tight tight cool okay tighten it interesting i see interesting well this looks bad i don't like my undulating plumbing okay yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah this is fine this is definitely fine okay that do anything for me well this still seems to be blocked off okay so there's got to be some combination of uh lucy tidy okay i turned off the one that was all the way far left or i turned it back on so there's steam pumping out of there i had to switch fuses to do that but for everything from here on i'm not 100 sure about so that one definitely turns that one off this one definitely turns this one off this one is just procedural so i can get through that that's fine then i can re-tighten this one re-loosen that one that'll start blasting there this is fine here and then this switch is that the left one and then it's clear oh some kind of thick sealed jar resting on top of a wooden stool the sticky black substance tricks solely from the smells unpleasantly sleek oh pleasantly sleepy you pleasantly sweet you're pleasantly sweet you have no idea what could be inside take it with you oh yeah i came all this way so why not now i just gotta get back out of here great good what does this even do what would be even the point of that and from here it's just i leave right i think so i should even be able to take this fuse with me i don't really know why but i have it well that was a fun excursion i don't know why i did that but i now i have a strange jar of goop and you all know how much i love a strange jar of goop really good for me really good for me all right door to the living room front door but it's just a drawing that's a little weird okay all right then fine i'll go to the living room [Music] oh god oh my god shelves are bear hanging uncomfortably from the sky with hooks and chains great my trophy looks like you could unhook it with ease if only you could reach it all right uh what's with all the chains arm tear is suspended by change you're not sure what the chains are hanging from you can't even see the ceiling there if there even is one you give it a firm tug but it doesn't budge okay cool knife yeah that's trustworthy large knife on the table sharpens stuck deep in the wood remove it i like it sharp i got a knife oh god oh god a series of mechanical shutters you hear scurrying noise coming from upstairs who knows what it could have been your head hurts you're starting to feel sleepy well i'm glad i went through this endeavor [Music] i don't like this place very much i'll go upstairs sure let's ascend i think i got everything that i needed oh good there's an x on my door oh god there's an x in my room you can hear a noise but it sounds muffled oh no oh no oh no the lump in my bed has evolved like a pokemon i'll just save my game here and uh stab a boo oh yeah stab that's what you get what you get this is what you get this is what you deserve this is what you deserve this is what you deserve that was messy it looks like the lump isn't a problem anymore well good yeah take that knife not sure why i did that although there was a lot of resistance and a lot of this thick black sludge could have couldn't can't have done the blade any favors you might want to check on your knife i might want a what what what 1 9 19. 19 also strange jar okay sure okay good maybe i could get this uh photograph off is far too dull and warped to be any use why did you think this would be helpful i mean just look at it i am looking at it what more do you want from me i see what it say uh fine it no use for anything i get i get i understand i understand i stand it's fine oh god [Music] what's happening it's not just dead brother you bet no no what no what do what do you mean i abandon it i'll abandon you i'll abandon you right now i'll abandon you instantaneously i'm gonna put a jar of strange right here oh yeah oh yeah that's nice okay uh-oh i didn't want to open it i just wanted to put it there oh dear so that's what was in the jar this whole time bees the jar of angry bees you're a red lumpy messing minute the pain is so bad it's almost a relief when you finally suffocate on your own swollen throat wow you should really keep that thing closed i'm kind of more oh you shut your mouth i can stab you with this knife stabbed other things just because it's warped and covered in sludge doesn't make it's gonna it doesn't mean it's gonna be any harder for me to stab you man i went down to the basement for what let's get a spatula spatch it oh i can use the spatula to get the photograph off i understand maybe i can use it for this wow i'm the best the spatula is freaking amazing good thing you weren't touching it burning smell lingers in the air nice toothbrush hell yeah i can finally brush my teeth that was an objective that was an enough objective yank it out oh well that doesn't sound good what was that sounds like it came from the bathroom i better go check or maybe i shouldn't yeah let's go for it seems quieter now you think can't hurt what's going on oh wow stepping over them is asking for trouble at least you're wearing shoes huh okie dokie then brush my teeth barely recognize yourself these days there are deep creases all over your face sweat and dirt cling to every crack it's a shameful sight but it can't be much worse than what's underneath you might as well try right scrub-a-dub-dub baby scrub-a-dub-dub i remember my objectives from the beginning of this game scrub-a-dub-dub oh clean or not you're not great to look at at least when it was covered in dirt you had an excuse hey maybe you shouldn't have bothered at least you wash your face congratulations i guess hey you are an brush my mouth is dry and fuzzy days of grime cover your teeth and tongue you really should sort it out well i'll do that why not why not right you do the best you can your mouth feels cleaner but um closer inspection the rotten decay are so severe it would take a lot more of the work to fix that mouth of yours better than nothing i guess congratulations thank you thank you very much i feel very proud of myself although i i feel like the thing dying was not my fault there's a big hole full of wires you know you can't afford to keep dismantling your house like this right i don't even know this is my house man i really don't know if this is my house oh wait i have lighter yeah light from the flame you can just about make out what's written on the notepad but it's nothing useful just a phallic sketch your name is written underneath a self-portrait perhaps oh and the number 57 is written in the corner but you don't recognize the handwriting okay 1957. i know numbers you tell me numbers i know numbers there we go that's what i'm talking about with a few firm scrapes you managed to loosen the photo frame from the shelf there's a sticky dusty film still on the bottom photograph of old friends oh look at that old picture of some people who used to like you who knows where they are now oh look at that i'm gonna put that up in the decoration place even though i would have had a flower there which is kind of bs that is that that's pretty bs if that counts against me i'm gonna be pretty pissed okay well lucky for you bam bam starting to look better but there's still a lot of space left as you know i bet my trophy would help but i don't have that okay so now that i have that what i'm guessing is i need to get the it's got to be something to do with this code like 1957. uh something there but i don't have anything that could pry the boards off the storage room but there is this trophy that's saying if only i could get it i wonder if i could put stuff on the shelves and maybe it would be like a counterbalance nah how about the plunger how about the spatula you can just about poke the bottom you need something even longer to get that thing down how about the rubbish [Music] what else is there [Music] see what's on channel 19. that's handy oh look it's your front door key must have fallen from the sky apparently there's also a giant chair above my head don't think i don't see the sofa that's about to drop on my nog if i don't get the right channel but i do also have a different channel uh 57. oh baby [Music] oh okay okay well something opened up outside i'm just double checking everything here but something definitely opened up outside but what did is the question what did this is the front door but it's just a drawing but it it the tv showed another door [Music] with like a light on it it wasn't this one the strange material seems thinner here like it's coming away from the walls scrape it off [Music] spatula is really useful man the special is the ultimate tool can i use that on any door nah all right door somewhere oh something smells delicious good so i see the crumpled piece of paper through the oven door clean it up i guess it's crawled note 0-1 okay something squirming inside some kind of blue squirming mass you couldn't guess what it is but it smells fantastic it seems to be working fine turn on let's get cooking 19 minutes and 57 seconds didn't do anything okay one minute one second is that what it was one it must be one minute because the one piece of paper must be the this must be the minutes and then the other one would be like the seconds i get it try 157. nah it's definitely probably not probably not yeah it's definitely one minute and something what was this oh it's your key oh it seems different somehow you're probably just imagining things yeah take the key seems different somehow [Music] pretty flimsy spatula come to think of it you probably shouldn't bother give it a shot fine are you wasting your time [Music] wait what for all that effort you're quite exhausted maybe you should take a rest watch some television have a nice sit down you can always head outside later wait but [Music] what what i'm trying to remember why you ever wanted to leave and frankly you can't think of a reason you should stay inside what i need to leave you slide the key in the lock and turn it with a click your head hurts the door is unlocked you don't want to go outside you want to stay here what well the door is unlocked looks like it's time for some lovely fresh air you know it certainly is cozy in here why would you ever want to go outside anyway what really you still want to go outside i need to get out look you don't know what you're thinking clearly you're confused it's been an awfully difficult day you need to rest you need to lie down your hair is a total mess you haven't eaten that thing don't go outside maybe try again tomorrow when you're feeling better my hair's a mess and i haven't eaten anything and i know that there's something to eat there but also i'm kind of curious what happens if you're just if i just bolt out the door wait please just think about this you can't leave you're not ready to leave you have nothing you are nothing there's nothing for you out there this is your home it's where you belong don't go outside it's time to leave that doesn't look like fresh air i didn't look like fresh air oh oh god [Music] oh dear that didn't go very well did it at least you tried not that it's worse than anything you can't say i didn't warn you oh well okay all right then maybe some things just aren't that simple don't worry try again tomorrow eat my ass ray nothing happened well that's it that's the game hope it wasn't too disappointing let's see how you did shall we wait a minute succumbed to 10 of 20 possible threats and found 17 to 26 items you wasted 18 hours playing video games you didn't even beat your high score curiosity gets you killed by swarm beans you put up one decoration but it still looks pretty shabby in here you put up one decoration but still looks pretty shabby you failed to keep a single plane alive i was i didn't know that it would die you didn't find the secret anger you were lazy took your long time to get this far you can't have been trying very hard you were reckless you really didn't think things through did you wonder you made it this far at all you were stupid some might call it creativity most wouldn't you tried a lot of a lot of ideas but none of them were good basically you're not a good person and everything you've done is pointless i guess this just isn't a very happy ending but thanks for playing well eat my whole ass you think that you can just talk to me like that no way in hell am i gonna tolerate any of that because that's all that is 100 which it is and which you are so shut up you shut in i'm gonna come back and i'm gonna kick your ass from here tuesday which is four days from now so freak you i'll be right back i need to backtrack a bit all right it's day two of this and i'm going back and what that means is i'm going back and i'm gonna retrace my steps because this game's an and i'm not gonna let it talk down to me you know what i mean you alright little buddy all right it's okay recently been watered okay so it's fine for now it'll need watering soon-ish i don't remember where because i wasn't exactly saving in the right order that i should have been doing things but that doesn't matter because i'm going to be fine so i think what i need to do is i need to descend i need to descend down here and then i go down yep descend easy easy peasy so i go in the kitchen i don't be stupid i need a item to pry this off the plunger nice wait i need the lighter [Music] that's right okay so i got this what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go straight back up to the plant because i'm pretty sure that it was pretty close to needing more wabber so i'ma go wobber it and it better not be dead if it's dead i'm gonna be pissed no weird all right fine then i guess i'm just moving too quick for you now i'm gonna go do the basement of boiler room stuff get the bucket of bees down in the basement all right this is easy this one super easy all right i have the bees seems useful all right i have the bees and then i'm going right up to the plant because i ain't gonna let it die or maybe i've already let it die because it was just about to not die and then i'm gonna be real pissed you better be alive in there that's all i gotta say about that excellent that's what we love to see that's what we wanna see yeah i know i know yeah there we go nice check up on it later absolutely absolutely i'll do that all right cool cool cool cool cool cool hey the knife that's right the knife is here yeah let's see what's on 57 okay i have the can of bees i've got half of the note that i need i've got a knife that i need to go stab someone with they're just asking for a stabbing hello friend i believe it alone i'm a save and then i'ma smack that ass so hard oh i'm gonna smack the out of that ass oops i meant to smack it i think i poked it i meant to smack it ah i was gonna smack that ass oh good i was gonna smack dash smack it hard whap now we may continue after i have smacked that ice all right now i'm gonna stab that ass i'm gonna tear that ice into ace hole wham that's what you get 19 again all right i now know 19. i'm gonna check on the plant just in case just in case like its progress has accelerated at all oh my god it did oh [Music] yeah sure why not [Music] huh getting pretty out of control surely it can't get much bigger than this should check up on it later that's fine it's definitely fine let's do the bathroom stuff scrub a dub dub okay i'm scrubbed my bathroom is gonna be scrubbed nope hang on my my teeth my teeth are gonna be scrubbed nice oh let me try something else i want to try something um this this photograph is pretty dirty can i clean it ah nah it's okay okay so it's ready i just didn't know if it was supposed to be cleaned if it would get a bonus point for that or something okay now i need to do channel 19. [Music] okay i got that key great so i do need to find a way to get that thing out like down i don't know just yet i just want to make sure there's nothing else here [Music] that i need to do okay didn't i get my key off the ground somehow how did that happen i remember i threw my key down wait did i not oh i didn't throw my key down right oh is that gonna bite my ass is that gonna bite my ass is my key down here now ah there it is seems different somehow i'll take the key i'm gonna use this key on my room because it seems it said it seems different now so i'm gonna do it on the room now that it's different now oh door somehow it keeps turning ah there's a loud click oh unlock the unlocked door oh wow okay oh my goodness oh my goodness oh wow okay interesting weird oh fun very fun those chains look different [Music] climb the chain okay oh oh what's this ah a note this is the other half of the ah minute 34 the perfect cooking time we all know this to be true it's getting darker oh my god it's getting darker again [Music] oh oh boy um [Music] who knows how long you spend wandering the corridor hours days weeks this isn't even a room anymore it's just a roomy coffin your death is slow and worst of all boring don't worry all right cool thanks man hey i'm dead at least i know the number now i've gone too far you're right i've gone too far so once i get that i need to go back don't remember how caught your head is pounding you're right i have the note right oh right i have to find my way out interesting right oh i needed to like use the key on the door didn't i okay yeah that's probably what i needed to do i needed to use the key on the door and that would have gotten me out of there so it's like no matter what you would die by getting this i think that's kind of like the idea unless i'm completely wrong which i might be i might be very wrong all right let's try this yep here we go nice nice let's check on the plant let's check on this plant oh my god totally out of control let alone every now and then there you swear you can see it move an enormous colorful flower hangs friends of eyes remove it sure freshly picked flower wow cutting the flower must have caused a lot of damage going black around a severed stem maybe i can water it again nope no watering all right well thank you for the flower i think this goes in the vos right here [Music] huh grew with your own hands well that's nice [Music] that's nice huh how about i put the painting yeah oh starting to look a little better but there's still a lot of space off i'm betting i get the trophy from the thing and then maybe some like books or something i have no idea there's still the thing about that wooden box but i'm gonna come back to that once i have a little bit more i'm making good progress now i am making actual progress now and i appreciate this game trying to harass me and me not allowing it that's what i appreciate hey wait what the hell oh somebody left a hairbrush on the floor it's not yours or at least you don't recognize it yoink all right i'll go brush my hair i guess we love a hairbrush [Music] it's not a pretty sight your dense mess of hair is getting out of control hey that's part of my charm you try to fix it but you doubt it'll do much good brush your hair why not why not also shut up well that sounds painful oh look at my hair well it's certainly a change you look tidier now at the very least it's not a huge improvement but it's better than nothing it's an improvement no matter what small baby steps hey towards the glorious me that is me you can shut up and watch me be beautiful i brush my hair shame about that face though you know shame about your whole existence though you know it's a shame that you are who you are all right let's go let's go my friends let's go i've got something to cook let's get cooking 1 34. nice that smell is getting stronger cold dark and empty remind you of anyone yeah you you soulless bastard stop trying to talk about me i'm too amazing incredible aroma is making your head span i wonder if i should be here for it barely stand this hunger you need to eat well i'm about to in however many 14 seconds i don't know [Music] oh well that's fun sounds like you finished cooking that was the longest minute 34 of your life you're right it was it's exquisite unlike anything you've ever experienced you can't stop salivating the lump has stopped moving mostly bon appetit [Music] eh you've had better but at least you ate something whatever something means congratulations thank you i appreciate that well now would you look at that haven't you done well you're clean clothed and fed ready to get some lovely fresh air there's nothing stopping you now no more excuses it's time to head outside i've already devoured the contents of the microwave like a fat greedy pig and now you want seconds control yourself well you know how it is what's with the goop i can't use anything on it okay so there's gotta be one more step for the room upstairs right there's definitely something else going on let me go save something might have changed up here who knows a lot of things have been changing randomly so this it's got to be something about the storage room right so something i have must work for that plunger this doesn't make a lot of sense but i don't care i'm not gonna worry about it i'm just gonna do completely empty inside what a ridiculous weight of waste of time well maybe not okay i can't use anything more on it an empty wooden crate looks just about big enough for a person about your size climb inside perfect fit nice it's more comfortable than you thought there's even a room to shut the box completely close the lid i'm not gonna well okay i am gonna shut it i'm gonna shut it because i have items that i didn't have before when i did this and i think this is part of it you close it but then maybe it's like dark so [Music] start to feel different i'm gonna use peace and quiet [Music] yeah so i'm gonna use this use a lighter [Music] i knew it i knew it box is bigger than you thought you can't see the end you're right oh hell yeah oh hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah who maybe not hell no hell no hell no oh hell no oh no hell no what is that small box on the ground wrapped up with a shiny bow a lot of effort must have gone into it couldn't possibly do yours i mean nobody would bother working this hard to make you some make someone like you feel special hey i'm loved by many people and i have many friends so you shut your mouth pick it up it's pretty obtained gift from a loved one you're damn right it is oh okay i should run i should run i should get out i'm trying to i don't exactly know how but uh oh well that's not good okay what could i possibly do to get out okay never mind i'm trapped in a box well you're still alive not that you tried very hard you really don't move very fast do you shame you're still trapped in this box the sides of the box are sturdy as ever okay what about screwdriving okay oh oh weird oh look you're back in the house it was probably nicer in the box interesting a crowber wow this thing would really been helpful to open that box oh well take it with you better late than never or a hell yeah because i'm gonna crowbar open this that's where there's a crowbar in like every one of these games okay crowbar use it love it live it life it please tell me there's like a step ladder or like a long pole [Music] i'm in eventually managed to pry the last of the soggy wood away from the door frame most of it was so brittle that it felt the pieces in your hands trying awfully hard to get in this room but there must have been a reason it was locked up in the first place right yeah probably shut up oh messing here you feel like you're being watched oh and there's also some objects on the floor ah you dick shut up okay dozens of boxes and a heaving pile blocking your way you'll have to clean them up if you want to get past sounds too much like hard work really clear the boxes [Music] fine what a drag and that's what i'm all about sometimes you got to clean things out i think i get what this game is trying to say and i think you guys do too like it's understandable and i i do get it and i i kind of like it i don't like what they're saying to me but it's it's like a lesson right this is kind of representative of what people go through and that's what the developer went through you know keep folding up boxes but you swear they just come and keep coming back this rate you'll be here forever keep trying stick with it stick with it whatever you finally managed to fold up the last of the boxes tidying them away in the side of the room you already feel tired well hello i'm very exciting ah that eye though an easel and canvas with an unfinished painting you're not sure what it's supposed to be but it has potential maybe you should finish it do some painting yeah why not oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh is it like an scp anywhere oh god they're not sure what's hiding beyond those walls but you know they're watching you judging you the moment you're distracted they take advantage of deciding upon you in a violent rage you wish you had a better idea of who they are what they wanted or even what they did to you clearly you weren't paying much attention you'd really stay focused but don't worry try again tomorrow thank you [Music] thank you thank you take this opportunity to say pay attention well you know whatever man i thought it was supposed to be a creative endeavor that was going to help me along cheap rickety old chair looks like an antique though not very impressive one cushion seats you're tired after moving all those boxes ah not darn darts oh hell yeah looks functional play some darts not tired ah large toy chest from your childhood makes you feel upset most of the stuff inside of broken but you find your old funtendo gameplay oh what a classic nah come on not gonna trick me box is a brick-a-brack on the shelf they don't seem useful it makes a mess you find a bunch of souvenirs they need to clean but it looks like they make good decorations i will come back to them hmm [Music] a few broken cleaning and sporting use implements tune around the mostly useful old dumbbell exercise already too tired okay old childhood toy might even be worth something if weren't completely broken at least it still looks good nowhere to put it [Music] important looking papers and boxes of documents stacking your way you need to organize them but there's nowhere to put all this stuff there must be some way to make space in here okay yeah um hold on now shiny okay all right we're okay we're okay we're okay all right take it with me okay all right we're fine okay do i have a do some filing fine true i guess where do you even start this is going to take a long time it sure is sometimes this stuff takes a long time especially if it's piled up after a while i get it i get it oh look while sorting through your papers you stumble across one of your old school books give them a read stay focused is this ever gonna end oh you find a bunch of unopened letters that you never noticed before they look important read them [Music] investigate oh no no come on oh come on my add brain you can't blame me i should have known i should have known i shouldn't ignore them carefully organized all your old papers and pack them neatly away onto shelves how boring i know well this is strange what's over here it's a pile of useless broken junk pathetic really no well shut up a huge set of fabric curtains are draped over a dusty window so they're completely blocking all the light there must be a window behind there really ready it's time for light take this eyeballs oh that's not a window oh there's no window behind the curtains but there's a large painting on the wall it reminds you of something painful from long ago take the painting let's redecorate wow oh oh oh oh oh oh oh they're not happy they aren't happy not happy or not happy i'm sorry i'll leave okay goodbye okay well i have a lot of things i could possibly uh put on the walls here let's do the uh forgotten souvenirs [Music] yeah that'll look nice hmm a lot of space left but i've got a lot of things to fill it let's see what happens oh that's cute still room for more how about a painting of outside [Music] that's nice a few decorations still room for more i bet the trophy and maybe something else i have no idea but now that i have the crowbar i think that i can go downstairs and get the trophy from the which is it because i know that i could go outside but it's clearly they said that there was a secret ending and obviously that means that i need to find it you know what i mean you know what i mean crowbar trophy yeah you know unrecognizable trophy i got it good what do i do with the bees what am i to do with the bees i have many bees and i don't know what to do with bees unless it's to sting eyes out or something like that i have no idea bees do love flowers maybe i was supposed to use it on the flower i don't know the air is almost fully deserted but still missing something all right what is it missing if i go back in here am i gonna die what happens if i use the bees in here i'm gonna use the bees don't feel welcome in here anymore well shut up huh okay so it's definitely not here take a seat have a break let's see how it feels maybe it'll give me a hint hmm it's nice i guess it's missing something yeah it is missing something could do with some more decorations yeah well i'm trying [Music] now but a tangled mass of withered dry vines i can't use anything on it i doubt that there would be anything left i doubt that 01 and 34 are channels there's no way this is going to drop that on my head i know that there's no way yeah i thought so i thought so i thought so i thought so found a place to sit here i found you bones are bounded to dust you don't remember your couch being so heavy but don't worry dragon tomorrow okay so there's gotta be some males the gift wait oh i forgot about the gift holy crap i'm an idiot it was in my pocket [Music] and now fully decorated almost feels cozy congratulations let's take a seat [Music] you know what it does feel cozy in here it was a lot of hard work but you made things a little bit better you didn't get any fresh air oh maybe that's fine at least for today it's time for a rest fascinating you're never happy are you wait okay i have to save because i made it better in and i'm almost positive this is how it is this this house isn't really a house so much as it's a representative of my own mind and like the clutter is is not so much i mean it is like the clutter in my exterior and exterior environment but it's also the clutter that's inside my own mind and it is difficult when you have a voice in your head that is telling you all these negative things but like even if even if okay i have to see okay let me check at procedurally i think that this is the wrong choice first but i have saved here so i think that this is not the correct choice to get the the final ending but i'm gonna do this just because it's uh right here a job well done this is probably gonna lead to some kind of an ending but i don't know if this is the right ending you know what i mean i still have this jar of bees why do i have a jar of bees it may not be much but it's something oh that's cute but there's still bars well that's it that's the game hope it wasn't too disappointing let's see how you did i found 26 of 26 items so that's good i unlocked the secret ending but chose not to accept it see that's what i thought because the truth is like you got to take care of what's in your head number one clean up some of the decrease that's built up and that takes work that takes a lot of work and it's not fun but also you know that's not the last step because you know you got to take care of the exterior too yes yes i know it's fine i need to leave [Music] you slide the key into the lock and turn it with a click your head hurts the door is unlocked you don't want to go outside you want to stay here no i don't i want to go outside well the door is unlocked looks like it's time for some lovely fresh air you know it certainly is cozy in here why would you ever want to go outside anyway [Music] really you still want to go outside i need to get out look you don't know what you're thinking clearly you're confused it has been an awfully difficult day you need rest you need to lie down don't go outside maybe try again tomorrow when you're feeling better let me out that's the thing it's it's the days when you're not feeling great that you really gotta push through like it's easy on days when you feel fine it's easy it's hard when you're not please just think about this you can't leave you're not ready you have nothing you are nothing there's nothing for you out there that's where you're wrong it's time to leave you know what you've done so well you've really made an effort had some food put on some clothes cleaned up yourself today was a good day you should be proud he deserves something special you deserve a good ending don't go outside head back upstairs and go to bed that's where the secret ending is the real ending the happy ending no i don't believe you let me out [Music] you sack of you sack a you sack of you sack of [Applause] [Music] that's dumb um i'm trying not to be too upset about it but it's fine because it's very counter to what i believe would be the correct answer in that case and this better just be a purely story based thing you know what i mean it better be purely story based or i'm gonna have some sharsh words to say whatever whatever all right today was a good day you should be proud you deserve something special you deserve a good ending don't go outside head back upstairs and go to bed that's where the secret ending is the real ending the happy ending how exciting okay i'm going upstairs to the secret ending i can't wait i am so excited ah interesting i feel safe here for some reason hmm interesting where's my alarm clock my bed it never looks so soft so warm you've earned a rest go to sleep let's end this congratulations you did it you've won you finally got some fresh air ah how peaceful no fear no stress no pain you're free well done you've earned this rest don't think about tomorrow just enjoy the moment [Music] well that's it that's the game hope it wasn't too disappointing let's see how you did tagged 12 times found all items wasted nine hours what were the bees for hold on finding the secret ending most people wouldn't have bothered i guess more people have better things to do i was lazy what were the bees for not a good person and everything you've done is pointless but at least you took care of yourself for today anyway congratulations try again tomorrow thanks for playing something else is going on here there's no way if that is then fine but also come on but hold on hey hold on i've not gone through this game twice now to deal with jo hold on four endings four four four four what are the b's for what are the bees for what are they for tell me what the bees are about tell me what the bees are for there's something else here because it doesn't like it doesn't gel right it doesn't it doesn't gel with me that the answer of the secret ending is just like that it's it's not i bet i bet there's something about it where if you do everything perfectly with no deaths that there's some other ending to get because going outside is clearly the objective that is clearly the objective that was this that might have been the secret ending but it may it was not the good ending right because the whole crux of this this game and it may just be like cosmic surreal or like it's depressing and it's meant to be and that's fine but the lesson to be learned from it is that like people can get locked in their own heads in depressive cycles and stuff like that and things can feel insurmountable and they build up over a long period of time and then they become insurmountable and it's only through great effort incredible consistent effort on a daily basis to climb out of the hole that you've fallen into to even have a chance of getting that breath of fresh air like it's a long journey and you have no idea where the top is but it only is through consistent effort that you can get there and the whole point is like maybe that's the lesson to be learned about this is that like if there is that good ending and it's about playing perfectly from start to finish then maybe then maybe that's how you get the good ending is because the lesson isn't so much the game ended there tomorrow is another opportunity to try to be perfect in this game and i could do that and i could play this game in an attempt to be perfect about it it's kind of like that journey of perfection of lessons learned you you learn the things that get in your way about how they stop you and prevent you from doing things perfectly but you still make progress to get that kind of like perfect day and i mean perfection is a goal that you should never aim for because it's something that can't be achieved but you know in this game representatively i would imagine that's what it's talking about and probably holding on to the the the trash maybe not the best idea i don't have time for this uh in this episode if there is something else there i kind of want you guys to explore it there's a link in the description that'll get you to this game this was very fun like i thought it was a great experiment and it always kept me chasing after it and i liked that about games i just wanted to get the right answer because it's a puzzle clearly it's a puzzle but like when it comes down to mental illness it's not really a puzzle it's an individual like thing it's an introspective journey you know you gotta you gotta feel it out through yourself and clear the clutter that's in your own head so anyway hope you enjoyed this this was kind of like a whirlwind of a game i did love it though and that's why i think that there's something more to this it said there were four endings in the last update that came out and i only got two of them there's a good ending out there and i think it might be just like playing perfectly i could try but i just don't have time right now so thank you let me know what you thought down in the comments below and as always i will see you in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,572,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, pixelated horror, shut in, indie horror, scary games, horror games, spooky, creepy, inside, creepypasta, all deaths, ending, full game, mega episode
Id: qtqPung9G4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 12sec (5292 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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