r/WholesomeMemes: Have you smiled today?

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this trash pan is on its way to the promised land sorry / wholesome memes because you guys really want more of this and I'm totally okay with that couldn't choose between a star and angel so I went with both we don't deserve dogs you can't breathe when you smile I'm just didn't I just made you smile roses are red his name is Pepe he runs so fast because he make a big step eeeh [Laughter] so in my roommates lab one of her classmates has a service dog and apparently service dogs also have to wear lab gear and y'all just look how cute this is could could you say he has a hypothesis cleaning my phone and remember that time I bought a tub splash at Comic Con and the maid service at the hotel tucked him in while we were away oh that's really adorable Thor throws hammer off-screen Thor holds out hand expectantly for Mjolnir to return time passes Thor's starts to look worried on a random Labrador pounds on screen tail wagging furiously with mule near in their mouth Thor nods ah yes of course all dogs are worthy me oh yeah he's such a good girl squishes her face in my hands my dog oh stop a Japanese artist named Kyoto had to design these pigeon shoes because she often walked through a flock of pigeons while going to work she wore these to blend in with the flock she would then quietly walk through the patch of pigeons without startling them it's kind of cute I like how the birds are just looking at the feet in absolute confusion our neighbor added a spot his fence so his dog can say hi to us and this is what my pictures will consist of from now on I think between age 21 to 29 is a phase of hustle suffering and smiling depression overthinking wondering whether you'll achieve and make it in life 90s babies hope y'all right you will be ok someday hang in there don't lose hope god damn I love holding the door for people I just helped one open for a lady at Pizza and she said oh thank you very much with such shock and awe yeah drugs that felt amazing baby 0.0039 72 seconds after you put their favorite blankie next to their face you oh my love and affection a really cute dog I like that boy my momma entering pee and Google on my computer me who do just search for perfect presents for mothers my father died last week the first time dad said go grab a seat beer I pocketed the caps and stuck them in a drawer about 20 years later I gave them to him for Father's Day well there now with the caps from the first beer I had with my son this year ashtag fatherhood that's really sweet if you're reading this it's too late I already sent some good vibes your way they're coming there's nothing you can do to stop them this is the most threatening way I've ever been cheered up when the girl you like wants to go to homecoming with you you are seeing Toto in concert soon and you're about to finish your Eagle Scout project oh yeah it's all coming together be sad see dog play with dog dog happy happy dog makes me happy thank you dog I'm 30 years old now what is the best game to play on the end of my life how about you play there's more to life in 30 is still super young rekindling your hobbies or find new ones and reach new heights in your career and dead edged with your soulmate and watch so many more movies play so many more games and do your best to not give up no matter how difficult things dead game that's a good game to play life and death have been in love for longer than we have words to describe life sends countless gifts to death and death keeps them forever her dad what are your intentions with my daughter me protect and care my dad brothers pick me up from the airport mostly my dad one time I told him that my van boyfriend was going to pick me up and he asked if I was sure I said yes but must have sounded unsure because when said boyfriend flaked my dad was there sitting waiting with the newspaper I'll never forget in India a snake protects two pups for 48 hours after they accidentally fall into a hole at first it was not that she wanted to attack them but then notice she was caring for the puppies when rescued the snake was released in the forest it is impossible not to share this with you don't you dare touch my babies I couldn't help myself neither could I hey Carl hey Carl hi what's up Steve could you help me with that little thing again sure no problem Oh [Music] me explaining the entire lure of the Bionicle universe my girlfriend who doesn't care about Bionicle but it's just happy to see me happy I feel the whole Bionicle finger I'm just a personal level because that was my childhood and goddamnit like Oh why'd you have to ruin it ready to leave for lunch hold on I got to take my medication first Wow got a lot today my doctor is very strict I'd see these are my coolness pills this one gives me strong I have three smile makers and two for fast running those are gummy bears and M&Ms just because my kids aren't a real doctor doesn't mean they can't make me feel good that's really sweet every day a checklist try to take care of your essential priorities as soon as you can tell people that you appreciate the things that they do what give yourself time or give a nap whenever possible this is just an example if it works for you great if not make your own although you are very small and your kind have existed in the universe for only a short time you are an important part of something very large and very beautiful for those of you who may have been feeling down and out like nothing is going right for you I virtually send you good vibes and good energy hang in there blessing sometimes take a little longer but you got this yeah yeah you look so cute in that seatbelt hahaha don't die in a car crash you're too sexy that's one way to enforce road safety mods I challenge you to a duel very well the weapon complements a capital choice thank you I oh I see you've dueled before I don't usually work on live butterflies but the zoo found out that I can and now they're bringing me wounded patients this beautiful butterfly was deformed out of the chrysalis so I did a wing transplant hoping he can fly tomorrow that's that is really awesome actually I didn't know you could do that with like insects you could do that's really cool and that monarch butterflies got one hell of an upgrade I was at the gym today and I heard this middle-aged guy running on the treadmill next to me whisper speed I am speed and he started running faster speed 100 so it turns out earmuffs for cab to stop them from getting frostbite is a real thing that is so goddamn adorable oh my god hey you get over here for the last time I'm naughty cat yeah yeah yeah just look at the picture oh my gosh so cute oz oz oz please well just stay in bed for a few more hours I have some cold pizza open your mouth hey open your weight that son of a-- [Music] for anyone who needed to see this you can't go back and change the beginning but you can't start where you are and change the ending CS Lewis so this week my Adriel brother kept asking for two of whatever we gave him for lunch for example two sandwiches and whatnot my mom didn't think anything of it so this afternoon a parent approached her and thanked her for sending lunch for her son while she was in the hospital when somebody tells you today's music sucks but you just know there are quite a few amazing musicians out there they're just not as popular beautiful things don't ask for attention that's kind of an underrated movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty like it's not it's not perfect but it is pretty good there is this 81 year old woman on YouTube will uploads videos of herself playing Skyrim she opens her videos with hello grandkids and she's my hero may their child never die in any of us that that banner pictured for at least Channel is just amazing woman quits job searches 57 days for lost dog and finds her John wick approves I'm glad that had a happy ending when I was a kid a creep tried to lure me away with him in Walmart I said I'd have to ask my mom who was on the inside of the store then went to the nearest lady an elderly black woman I hugged her and said very loudly mommy this man says he knows you from church that he has puppies outside can I go and she said no baby you stay with me and I just nodded and walked away with her as every able-bodied person nearby converged to kick the creeps ass I helped him elderly black lady put a big thing of water in her buggy and she said thank you baby and hugged me and I nearly cried in this house we protect elderly black women at all costs I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it's like to feel absolute be worthless and they don't want anyone else to feel like that Robin Williams ah yeah is really hairy arms show me one beautiful thing in this entire thing nightmare clown world literally just one single thing and I swear to god it better not be some roasty in a wheat field oh I'm sorry I don't know where to find a picture of you Oh fie note to my ex today my professor told me that every cell in our entire body is destroyed and replaced every seven years how comforting is it to know that one day I will have a body that you will have never touched this made me feel so warm thank you important especially for victims of abuse remember your body is yours and it heals in more ways than you realize every month this year my husband has taken our daughter out on dates he brings your own flowers helps her pick out a dress and takes her out to split a dessert with him oh that's that's really really sweet so should we escape the zoo yeah we're good motivation thread anonymous I started listening to some advice half a year ago I regularly go to the gym and now have a normal weight I went to a better hairdresser and got advice there I now have a haircut that I really like and that looks good I wear contact lenses instead of glasses now I threw away most of my old clothes and bought new ones that look better I'd stop smoking weed and now I'm feeling barely depressed anymore I've started to take my studies more seriously and I'm learning a lot my performance has improved a lot I forced myself to start a hobby at first I didn't want to but now I have a lot of fun I'm even invited to parties now and other people call me a friend still no girlfriend though I know I don't look like a 10 out of 10 and I never will but when I look in the mirror I see a person that I like in the past my mirror image in my life disgusted me who else is trying to change his life the positive if we try we will make it bike crash left Spokane man and conch so his Apple watch called 9-1-1 me to Apple perhaps I treated you too harshly dogs literally have feeling of loneliness be a human go to work best dog Oh actually misses you 1999 Robert Downey jr. is arrested the word well other idea things 2019 look where he is now 20 goddamn years he turned his life all the way around and look what he's made himself at him just remember it where you're at right now is just a bump in the road and things will turn around eventually just give it time hey welcome to the outro you made it whoo don't forget to Like and subscribe if you enjoy this video also I've got a gaming channel where I upload videos and at the same time also streams so if you want to kind of interact with me outside of this YouTube channel here then go check out the end card that links to my gaming channel then as always I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Oz Media
Views: 1,507,206
Rating: 4.9567804 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit cringe, satire, comedy, funny, r/wholesomememes, Wholesome memes, wholesomememes, blessed images reddit, wholesome, best of reddit, reddit posts, blessedimages
Id: imddrvRMSxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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