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I mean I'm not totally useless I can be used as a bad example welcome back you love it it generates it's time for some me IRL basically just relatable memes I wanted to be nice like me out back you might not sure of what I said but she's been staring at me [Laughter] muscles make the body move you look scared give me your skin George mac and cheese what mac and cheese okay but but that's an egg yeah and that's not bad excited expecting engaged I believe what you doing taking a bath yeah send a pic [Laughter] [Music] why hey hey do you know what bees make honey yes dear Hey bees make some stupid annoying sound what the P want okay so my best friends bring me lunch and then slides a 20 for me Oh what like what my friends make plans right in front of me and then don't include me Sports six year old with one arm takes on PGA Tour Pros and loses what a loser would you expect to win is your milkshake really worth it yes all right so wasn't I call you that guy with the wax wings that flew into the Sun and [ __ ] got rest because same all right so so I just realized my phone corrected Icarus to iCarly because I type iCarly more than Icarus okay thanks I thought this was just a god tier just post my intrusive thoughts when i drive through farmland touch book do it now yeah touch me touch me concert singer how's everyone doing tonight crowd whoo me from the back and a normal speaking voice it's actually bad tough few months hello there ah general Kenobi all right good talk bye wait wait wait wait no no no no no never mind you you don't get it yeah I really don't okay then then just ignore it oh okay let's try this again hello there you won but at what cost hey the moon's [ __ ] massive tonight what the [ __ ] oh oh oh wait oh alright so sometimes I forget sad jokes are only funny on the internet I mean I told this guy I wish the earth was flat so I could hate myself off the edge and he just kind of got concerned just a polite tall Dutch guy at a concert sorry I should get this [ __ ] - I'm not tall but I mean I'm just generally disappointing to people I am so lonely why must I live this life alone in a solitude catch me will this loneliness ever end I have inquired as to why SNES titles aren't available for 3 DS and Nintendo only sent me this image in response you think smartasses you see the reason why we don't offer smash titles for the 3ds is because the cartridge toys didn't fit we made an illustration here that says no that makes sense so a question so how did people in the Middle Ages know what skeletons looked like without x-ray machines okay edit I forgot about dead people so my college was known was for having a great Japanese Studies program and one year they hired a very good anthropologist who specialized in Japanese culture to teach in the department but she quit after a year because she found the weaves too infuriating to try and each so two-inch murder Hornets are big but my two inches are small yeah okay so so here's the thing bro one stings with pain and the other with disappointment schrödinger's douchebag it's a guy who says offensive things and decides whether he was joking based on the reaction of people around him we all know someone who does this and I highly recommend you send this to them here I'm gonna zoom out so you can get a screenshot okay there you go have fun any video game ever here is a limited resource you should be careful not to use too often me never use gotcha game no or I'd like a dragon loud and clear this is this is me and Skyrim with any goddamn ocean except for health stamina & magicka like it's always like in combat I'm about to die it's like I can't use this potion cuz I might need it later as I'm getting my chest cavity torn open by a legendary dragon her during sex call me names me panicking Optimus Prime one shall stand one shall fall plants I will wave my genitals in the air humans mmm fragrant the verified Wendy's account has been real quiet since the collapse of the Isis Caliphate I'm not I'm not making any suggestions I'm just I'm just saying it's sassy redheads been real quiet ever since it collapsed movie that I am watching with family Hayes dig seen me trying trying to look somewhere else like the couch here is interesting this is a pretty interesting couch right here honestly just just just we missed the very important day yesterday what what was yesterday cat just just look raccoons birthday party may 25th 1997 look at him we missed it guys I'm not missing it this year I'm not the chaser social media should not fat check posts says child molester Mark Zuckerberg what you deserve Marky so I didn't have my glasses walking across campus and thought I saw my boyfriend but then I thought no he's at work so I didn't say anything and at that exact moment my boyfriend was walking with his boss and says that's my girlfriend but she's not wearing glasses watcher not even recognize me and and you know he was right so I just had a great conversation like Kat we discussed the following one he's a little baby too he's in fact a little baby three the fact that he's very cute for the origin of how he got to be so cute five why he is so little in six details as to how he's a good boy and then the little goblin child attacked me but he's still a good boy they love him anyways the stream wants to collapse but constant stress won't allow that me to kill me too huh why drive eight minutes when I can spend an extra forty three dollars they have the food delivered to my doorstep but the hell is this it's just a bunch of rats hey do you have any liens off New York Zoo we've only got rats oh you think you're too good to look at reds well you aren't me I'm so fed no you're beautiful me I ain't say I was ugly I said I was bad David Tennant's voice oh no it's my archenemy David landlord 18,000 retweets it's sixty seven point nine likes new people have a horrible taste in jokes do you ever think you're special to someone but then you see this person act in the same way with everyone else and you just kind of like oh all right 1957 1978 2005 Janelle how old is this chicken like damn me explain to my little cousins why they can't play with my 2000 dollar gaming PC you simply have less value oh cool research shows your brain physically ages faster when you're depressed adults when I was little wow you're really mature for your age hmm so I was in a park and a lady loudly called out anyone who wants an ice-cream come over here I hit it over there with several others she handed out ices to all them and then asked me who are you I I realized the rest were all her family 30 years later I still cringe me at a certain point in a relationship you get to a point where you seeing your partner's butthole more than they have themselves and I think there's something beautiful in that Brees the bride is also chosen to write her own vows okay he's so like do British people really eat beans on toast as a meal in America is everyone ignorant it was just a question damn no need to get a hostel go eat some beans on toast can't believe I spent 11 years of my life asking teachers if I was allowed to use the bathroom and sometimes be told no like like what the [ __ ] big sorry animators making the mom's ass more more I mean like alas the girl is pretty damn thick so ways a lot of other Pixar mobs so like why why do they have to be so care of you remember dad no jokes I mean with you wearing that suit I don't need to tell jokes Jesus be just straight I stood [ __ ] god damn so when my son was five he asked what does coffee taste like and I replied unfortunately not as good as it smells and Oh his response was Oh like shampoo my daily routine with ADHD wake up do nothing for five hours panic do stuff in a panic for one to two hours hyper fixie on doing one thing for four hours through the wrong thing existential dread make a pact with myself to break out of this pattern tomorrow and then and then repeat pattern tomorrow yeah no this is like a really dangerous cycle to get into because breaking this is one of the hardest goddamn things you can do and if you're currently stuck in this cycle I would really recommend the TED talk by Jessica Mackay but it's failing at normal it's it's it's worth listen trust me yeah it's the outro it's the twenty seconds I dedicate because I don't want you to have end cards over the video but I got I feel some youtuber nonsense here about how you go to subscribe and whatnot like why do I have to do that why is it like a trend ready to tell you what to do you've been on this platform long enough you should know what to do so do it
Channel: Oz Media
Views: 793,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, comedy, funny, me_irl, meirl, r/meirl, r/me_irl, 2meirl4meirl, r/2meirl4meirl, me irl, relatable memes, reddit best, top posts, best posts
Id: aycGheM9dH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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