R E L A T A B L E M E M E S (r/MeIRL)

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you received zero dollars of zero signs from Ethan element you paid a one cent fee get cancer welcome back to you lovely degenerates before we get right into this we got to put these things up [Music] I've worked late hungry but too tired to cook try 30 to 40 Olives 30 to 40 olives an easy weeknight dinner eat them directly out of the jar with your fingers you will not regret it when I try to hide my social anxiety in public oh look how calm she is as well ah watching a movie me wow I really relate to this character the character commits suicide 1000 no guys please help a bro nice dick sometimes I'm not me [Laughter] sometimes he controls B I made a me my brain did anybody press the button many people press the button brain excellent now you may have the good chemicals of therapists and what do we say when life disappoints us every Syfy show they can't explain slap some glide to basics on there make up some goddamn work one time when I was like 11 my dad took me to an Italian restaurant and the waiter asked me what my name was Bly said Sam you could call me captain Betty Olli my dad just looked at me and said what the was that don't do that [Music] let me tease mitai everything when the race war is happening I had to kill Tony Hawk I appreciate the hesitation I will cast a spell to make you have a good day stalk a wizard noise it is done burn the witch me okay brain don't freak out but we've come across a minor inconvenience my brain dowsing itself in gasoline oh that's unfortunate oh my god I just made this papaya peach pineapple banana spring water maca powder and raw honey post-workout smoothie obtuse Ripper goose cream mousse guava juice giant snake birthday cake large fries I want to be like you when they grow up thanks but I reconsider this is this is pretty much my reaction after someone says they want to be just like me I mean I appreciate it but you gotta understand I am dying inside life we we just ate why are you making pancakes they are for the dogs why are you making pancakes for the dogs they don't know how straight-guy I used dude as a gender-neutral word me so yeah [ __ ] dudes straight guy sweating this is not what America's about America is about opens history book Wow friended you starts flipping through pages I'll stop making jokes about mental illness with mental illness stops making a joke out of me I am sad hey send a pic mmm holy Lord Farquaad oh there's a tiger in you but the tiger in me he is sad boy isn't it crazy I depending on your mental state you can either spill a glass of water be like oh haha woops clumsy me or spill a glass of water and be like my life is a [ __ ] nightmare I destroy everything I touch no one will ever love me and my wet floor kill me so why I took your advice and tried seppuku huh you mean sodoku me holding my guts and lo what a hilarious misunderstanding [Applause] do you want to do this ah I can't even firmly explain how much I don't want to do that let's do something really scary we could go to bed early and be alone with our own thoughts Jesus Bub's I love this Joe I am tired of being the only one who cleans pays all the bills cooks every day and does dishes in this house I am the backbone of this family I mean I live alone but still I'm tired of it when I grow up I want to be a dinosaur oh why because they're big and strong no mom because they're all [ __ ] dead my brain when I try to make it learn something that I'm not interested err yeah could not Gabi files because no you got a coin near you yeah flip it for me okay did it what it land on Ed's College need books no worries donate plasma earn $250 in your first five donations this is dystopian as hell my god me I cannot afford tuition the United States then pay with your blood you why do I feel so terrible body Goffe is not a meal eat a vegetable sleep please this will never know oh my god me six o'clock we're starting an activity my name's Eddie well it's nine fourteen which might as well be nine thirty and that's basically ten which is almost eleven I have to be in bed by 11:30 so I don't have time to start anything I mean rather than being productive you just sit there and just watch YouTube and and like browse read it instead of actually doing anything I feel called out right now my plan step 1 by 15 identical cats step 2 invite someone over step 3 when they ask how many cats you have say just one but he's really fast Mao I'm at my school talent show and dude says before I begin I want to make sure this mic is working if your name is Michael please stand up and like a couple dudes stand up and he goes alright data that concludes my mic check that's that's actually pretty good Komodo dragon attacks poor goat oh it is the goats financial status magnet me I'm around 13 I don't seem to be enjoying things as much as I used to and I feel unhappy more often but I'm sure it'll resolve itself soon now years later this evolved into a big problem me it's gonna be a good day filter you're in my way you're okay hi puppy hey my dogs under the desk right now and he's being a little goofball and trying to noodle my feet sterotype I know anyways where was I me it's gonna be a good day anxiety it's like you don't even care about what happened to the third grade anymore when you faked being sick and everyone's like yeah you look really terrible boy the stars are beautiful tonight girl yeah boy you know what else is beautiful girl blushing what the moon the planets the Reds the galaxy I love space sure girls everyone is so much taller than me I get my shoe from the kids section l'm alwa short boys i will make them pay for the way I was treated the streets will run red with the blood of those who mocked me All Shall Perish before the rage of the oppressed my vengeance draws near you're awful Jimmy why is that you invited me on your show just to make fun of me [Laughter] we don't call nine-one-one stays it broke her hip we just shot her yeah who needs a $4,000 ambulance ride when a ten millimeter bullets only 36 yeah okay tied my boots wrong again you know I the first semester of college I actually for Halloween I tied my shoes in a noose never came undone and get it for guy did batted eventually I got a question about it holy was that an awkward conversation of why are you stool AZ's dialing little mooses Animal Crossing is a wildly successful franchise because it fulfills the millennial fantasy of owning a house with a yard and having friends anyone else stuck in this weird cycle where work is so exhausting that your hobbies feel like too much work so you don't do them and you go back to work upset that you didn't take time to do the things you like and rinse and repeat anyone else straight men 300 years ago makeup wig robes high heels also known as fabulous as straight men today new research suggests that some men avoided Green behavior like using a reusable shopping bag at the grocery store because they don't want to be perceived as gay do it if your masculinity and like straightness is that fragile then you got other problems not gonna lie when you over 13 you turn your neck two-faced hurt today The Nine Inch Nails version was better fight me in the comments thank you for watching this horrible video I personally think it would have been better with more many eyes which reminds me 500k special I get my own episode subscribe my favorite group of degenerates and see you all next time you woo
Channel: Oz Media
Views: 1,272,661
Rating: 4.9527307 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, satire, comedy, funny, meIRL, r/meirl, me_irl, r/me_Irl, me irl, 2meirl4meirl, r/2meirl4meirl, relatable, relatable memes
Id: G697T557D1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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