r/Me_irl | that's not google maps...

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the f in frog stands for friendship the aren frog stands for respect the owen frog stands for optimism the gene frog stands for gay what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to take another in-depth look at r slash me irl oh god i've got nothing to say let's just get in there huh warning this film contains adult content where can i get a 1099 g i haven't even begun to file my taxes well since you're now employed you need a w-2 instead well you learn something new every day huh during job interview who is this apollo you put here in your references you're one reliable guy put me down as a reference on your next job application what's your phone number and email that reminds me i haven't touched my village in like a week i need to get back in there people who are still awake at 6 00 am people who get up at 6 00 am now the people that get up at 6 a.m are just as crazed don't kid yourself ew they remade us in skyrim oh my gosh is this game even relevant you finally awake yes when you and your homie watch and porn together and he asks where he can go beat his meat what about side by side with a friend that's how real men do it this generation and their god damn cell phones freaking boomers me in the theater at age 12 silently becoming an entirely different person over the course of 90 minutes as i download my new personality from the coolest character in the movie oh yeah that happened to me once and i am still that person take a guess at who my employer me who sells around 200 worth of coffee every hour eight dollars an hour yeah you need to find something different you can get paid more pretty much anywhere man just wait i hope your day is my dumb ass was saying coke milk yeah i'm always gonna think coke milk now me hi can i please give you all of my money college no you gotta be in geometry when you were 14. okay sorry for asking absolutely mind-blowing and quite disrespectful thanks when i was in third grade i brought a snack and my teacher said do you have enough for the whole class and i said no and he told me to throw them out so the next day i brought 27 packs of cheez-its for the whole class and that's when i became a communist screw you mr hoover papa stalin is proud cop i pulled you over for going 68-55 me dang 68 can you make that number a little cooler so i can hear the judge read it out loud sure whatever how are you going 420 in a 55 when you turn 18 and start life for real this ride only stops in an emergency crying is not in an emergency well see that's just it i found this not to be true the ride doesn't stop at all even if there is an emergency you're still gonna be owen a lot since reddit is upvoting everything here's my cat in a box dude i'm always gonna upvote cat in a box that's never gonna change monitor one monitor two where is the cursor the cursor stay absolutely still his vision is based on movement yeah i'm not proud to admit how often i lose my mouse cursor imagine animating this frame in 1941 and having absolutely no knowledge that nearly eight god dang decades later it would cause widespread brain damage i think that guy knew exactly what he was getting into how the heck do people get the average penis size for each country am i supposed to submit something to the national ding dong database yeah when you turn 18 you're required by law i want to upgrade my depression to the one that makes you create starry night and not the one that has you lay in bed and try to eat a bagel without having to use your hands me whenever i need more words in my essay don't do not if you're ever feeling down just remember you're closer to being a millionaire than jeff bezos is motivation psychologist all dreams have a meaning my dreams okay okay yeah i might be able to figure out the meaning in this just give me a couple weeks me forgetting that i exist while i'm driving oh good so everybody seems to space out and completely forgets what they just did when they get home oh boy oh god you eat that and leave my legs alone oh this seems like a fair compromise i don't think he needs a fork and a knife though elderly catholic woman has mistakenly been praying every day to elrond from lord of the rings right mistakenly every picture from the e.t ride at universal studios looks like he's destroying you in a rap battle yeah that's what happens have you never been my extrovert friend ordering for me me stupid joke aside can i have it i'm sorry but the god fandom is so toxic yeah they've killed quite a few jennifer aniston at 51 me in my late 20s man money makes a big difference huh my life needing to be fixed whatever the hell i'm doing i read memes how do you think that's working out for me when the chinese restaurant got these old discolored photos on the wall you know the food is about to be freaking bomb that goes for a lot of restaurants though especially mexican restaurants and not even just these faded discolored photos of the food on the menu up top i'm talking if you go to a sit down mexican restaurant and they give you that 700 page menu that's a little bit sweaty for some reason you know you're getting something decent unless you're going to casa bonita french fry crusted corn dogs i really thought this was two people in french fry costumes yeah i'm not paying attention to the joke here i want these now look you can make fun of american cuisine all you want but we satisfy cravings alright volvee mtv oh you got me me the eagles won last night co-worker oh did you watch the game me covered in blood and scratches what game i don't use tinder i meet girls the old way never come underneath the blanket i got something to show you wait wait wait let me guess glow-in-the-dark dinosaurs i was glowing the dark dinosaurs reading a self-help book the book mentions god yeah not very self-help huh what's the one thing that became more clear as you got older why the grinch wanted to live alone with his dog that's not what got clearer for me from that story but i totally understood why he hated christmas and everybody that was obsessed with it those people were disgusting one time when i was 11 my grandma made me go to a ham curing class well what did you learn isn't it weird that we have one hand that knows how to do everything and then one hand that just sits there like i don't know how to hold a pencil how to play harmonica the blues what the hell am i doing here i have a test tomorrow i don't even have a harmonica oh yeah that youtube wormhole is insane it gets us all that's probably how a lot of people found mk in the beginning one second you're watching something on the pi nation's channel the next you're listening to some dork read memes off the internet for you huh your name's not on our list of course not i don't belong here you're looking at a british person ah here's bloody hell yeah this is where you belong me watching kitchen nightmares that doesn't look too bad gordon ramsay that is hideous me hideous yes disgusting i can't believe it just drove past this kid i'm crying it's my 14th birthday today honk or some crap oh i would have honked look at his little runescape crown i was abandoned by my parents when i was a child i was raised by horses i was abandoned by the horses too then a pro wrestler took me in wow how lucky son hands me a picture he painted me what's that son it's our house walks outside with sun do you see how it absolutely isn't though we can finally go out again good to know bye someone reddit is a platform for intellects the intellects i'm sorry but i'm the guy in the bottom right with the hamster wheel brain me looking at reddit ads thinking their memes trying to find the joke give me a minute sucks to suck dude babe send me a pic i'm in the mood what the hell is wrong with you nothing nothing is wrong with them to be honest i'm kind of scared of 2020 because two plus zero plus two plus zero is four which is the exact number of nipples hitler would had if he had two more nipples conspiracy terrorists just heard my husband call the dog a freaking liar because he barked like someone was at the door and there was no one there well he's technically right local man paralyzed after eating 413 chicken nuggets so the limit is 412. that's not a hard limit it really depends on you as a person i personally think i could do 642 but that's just me i also need the money to you know buy 642 chicken nuggets what would that even be you know what i'll do the calculations and if slazzo buys them for me i'll eat them listening to music during the day listening to music at 3am ice king how do you taste nice i guess mild or spicy kinda lonely that was not the question when your homie is singing the lyrics loud and wrong oh boy especially if your homie is tone deaf depression meme wink me looking at the mofo that honked at my mom yo what's up yo square up yeah that's right drive away dodge caravan thank you for calling please hold for a minute this music frickin sucks i'm sorry i've been practicing my nephew just said to me is wind made from birds flapping their wings he's so adorable isn't he wrong my nephew's 24 and addicted to heroin i still kind of adorable five-year-old me after saying no we can't to the bob the builder theme song oh you're a despicable little pile of trash aren't you indonesia poland finland france netherlands thailand wait it's all norway always has been get your freaking crap together and act like an adult i think you have the wrong number but you know what you're right you are so right and i am sorry other people's dreams omg dude i had a dream about this absolutely gorgeous chick my dreams obama please stop the car i don't want to go to brazil me choosing an outfit not me have you seen my dad's shirts no you should follow me on twitter then shouldn't ya wink the girl you like her father her brother her ex her crush you just utterly incompatible huh i never want my kids to mess up and think dad's gonna kill me i want their first thought to be i need to call my dad parenting with fear isn't parenting at all it's tolerating a child's presence until they're old enough to mind themselves let's talk about it when you pause the music but keep the headphones on so you can eavesdrop and hear that incredibly ridiculous conversation on the bus we really are just peasants again make bread avoid plague revolt oh yeah we're getting close to that revolt huh sharpen your guillotines ladies and gents the people in movies based off of true stories the picture of the real person at the end of the movie i don't agree with this one this meme in general they always cast pretty dang well changed no to hell yeah in my dad's phone can i throw a party this weekend don't you need friends to throw a party gotcha dad me houseplant me houseplant me houseplant that's years of evolutionary adaptation due to the lack of pockets in most women's clothes and it's quite impressive what's your favorite sex position i'm just happy to be involved damn right you are people from states with nice roads may never understand what it's like hitting a pothole so hard that your soul leaves your body for a moment and you feel an obligation to audibly apologize to your car and hope that your tire didn't just explode when a childless person tells me they're tired imagine thinking you have a monopoly on suffering because you was raw dogging yeah when you insert the cotton bud a little too much inside and accidentally factory reset yourself i've been trying to do this for years but nothing happens other than blood spilling out it's kind of disappointing what's your favorite high school memory leaving yeah dude i don't think i know a single person that was super stoked on high school i like my vagina shaved ladies then shave your vagina daniel it's that simple dude his name is i eat butt by the way but i gotta say the guy below him has a much worse name short people don't 69 they ea yeah this is big brain time i hate this i fixed my sleep schedule again but i'm just counting down the days until i mess it up again i messed it up again when you wake up before your friend at their house and just go for a jog or pour some cold water on the town to get up me myself that's it big smile everybody's happy me making sure everyone enjoys the song i put on how do you like it do you like it are you a fan of iphone 65 now yeah oh thank god although honestly i always check because if i don't see everybody vibing i'm gonna find something else and if people continually don't like what i'm putting on then we're gonna go with barbie girl and they're gonna suck it up songs that go like no google search engine me me hit spiderweb down with broom spider wow what's up fake spiderweb decorations for halloween wow has anyone ever wondered why this guy is on stage dressed as spiderman i don't question you never question the meme you just go with it man youtuber this video was sponsored by me the fastest 10 seconds in the west people saying we should use bamboo or metal straws me wondering why we can't just drink out of the cup look dude i got sensitive teeth and bad teeth okay i feel so bad when i overtake an old person on the sidewalk like man i really didn't mean to flex on you with my youthful stride but you did anyway man you did anyway t-pain full name tylenol pain relief i would so believe it what is one toxic trait that you have i randomly get in moods where i don't want to talk i'm not mad though with my mattress the truck is packed tight and nothing will move no no no don't and done well that seems like an oversight on your part you didn't realize that you were moving with tetris moving company yeah that's your fault man i've reached the age where i respond to your 10 37 pm text at 605 the next morning i freaking love toast what absolute genius took a bite of bread and was like cook it again unreal my 20s 1920s 2020s the great depression oh that one hurts i think my uber is lost ah he won't be lost for long he's got the right map the umbrella is on their way to the academy i don't know i never watched the show i completed three years of uni with one pen a calculator and my student id card as my ruler well aren't you impressive upvotes a meme that made me exhale air the number goes from 6.8k to 6.9 k nice watching a one hour long video watching seven hours worth of 10 minute videos it just hits different when you can finally enter your real birth year on websites wait i'm an adult yeah and it sucks the darkness the destroyer of worlds very small worlds for now but just you wait when everything is going wrong in your life but you're used to it yeah when you've been zoned out for 10 minutes on the highway and you're somehow still alive dude our brains autopilot function is quite impressive my bathroom mirror my zoom video yeah but what you should be concerned about is the fact that you're a furry in both some fan art if it's good i don't know what the standards are don't give me any credit mk crew we have no standards this is mk and you did a fantastic job and with that we have come to the end of another video folks always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this one consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click the bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 825,702
Rating: 4.9526553 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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