r/Me_irl | must not leave bed

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how old are you me windows xp with the key written right out on the front oh man i never had windows on any of these discs but i did have a couple of burned games no i didn't they never worked man hey hey hey how's it going everyone welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking another look at r slash me irl because it's what i do let's get right to it in class taking notes when suddenly the tip of the pencil breaks into two writing turns 3d oh god no when me and a stranger get in each other's way and we start breaking each other's ankles wait you you do what what happened you're doing what now do y'all ever get pre-annoyed like you already know someone's about to piss you off yeah every day almost every moment of every day as a matter of fact it's quite exhausting and no way to live but i make it work are you okay bro how the is it april already time flies when you're locked inside i found a picture of my grandpa when he was a kid oh wait a minute me at 3 am trying to plug my charger without getting out of bed [Laughter] jesus how far away is your wall it's my birthday and wednesday my dudes ah yes fine oh no oh it was a cake come on are we still doing this ice cubes realizing that their whole purpose is to float in a pool of their own blood they're not bleeding they're melting it's their skin and bones well i guess it would really be a mix of everything it's like liquefying a person oh anime girl in a box what's this about people my age are going places while i am here sitting in a box people our age shouldn't be going places whoa look at that bruise ow wow i only sleep four hours a day and look at me i'm fresh oh the baby a friend just sent me this 10 year old prize structure from a starcraft tournament and i can't stop laughing first place five hundred dollars second place 250 dollars third place 150 dollars fourth place 100 5th through 8th place 1.4 million dollars share a coke with america don't mind if i do yeah thanks for that escobar when your government bombs another country you can't point out on a map america asked my husband to cut up an avocado and now i'm faced with the fact that i may have actually married a crazy person there's no way in hell anybody thinks this is how you cut up an avocado you're a grown-ass man eat the goddamn crust yeah eat it it's just bread how dads wait for everyone else to wake up to tell them that he's been up since 5am don't worry a dad is never late nor is he early he wakes up precisely when he means to first day as a cop me suspect is dancing naked through downtown dispatch copy that i'll try but i'm not much of a dancer what people think phones were like a decade ago what they were actually like a decade ago oh that one really hurts holy god teacher getting ready to say moby dick in front of a new generation of 14 year olds that can't be easy having to do that year after year after year when you're an adult and have to go to the doctor alone that's having to do everything as an adult your friends never want to come with you i got my first vaccine shot alone today i didn't even have my stuffed animal with me swordfight after man robs shop with sword but shopkeeper pulls out a huge scimitar stoned guy in line with a bag of doritos oh that would be amazing to see hey that was a cool dream what dream just now about that hey wait a minute someone showing the actual dutch flag to a fan ah oh i see what mom don't let your feet hang off the bat or the monster will eat them me oh you nasty boy you are what you eat what i eat fresh idiot well i'm not fresh how to make friends in your 30s oh that's all i have to do i mean i'm not 30 yet but i need to know how to do it for when i get there atheists when they realize they're watching godzilla instead of science zilla that man does not look like an atheist my little sister serving me an empty dish is food while playing house with her me this is some gourmet me at the gym asking if anyone is using the 2.5 kilo dumbbell hey i'm literally so annoying they probably hate me yeah it's true this swear jar saying lol or lmao at the end of messages despite nothing funny occurring in the convo jar oh wow i'm way too guilty of that it's just to soften the blow of anything i say you know a new study shows marrying your first cousin is not as bad as it seems of course it was ah of course people who don't post anything just scroll and like posts it ain't much but it's honest work headless horseman horseless manhead horseman man horse manless horse horseless man horseless headman manless horsehead headless horse last horsehead man horsehorse horseman man choosing between self-checkout and cash here is such a battle for me there's either a 100 chance i have to interact with a human or a 20 chance i have to interact with a human to explain why i am too dumb me ignoring the car next to me after almost crashing into it hey shut up i didn't mean to jesus also jesus hello there look at you your kid must be so happy yeah would you rather kill or be killed 24 percent of people oh you guys want to talk about it when you've fake laughed twice already and they're still talking how long is this story going to be there was this girl in my class with lettuce on her head and i said excuse me and she said i have a boyfriend okay lettuce head when they said middle school high school college getting a job being an adult was fun those bastards lied to me have you not noticed the pattern here yet do you love me the fan wanted to say yes but it was only capable of horizontal oscillation screw you i'm mad here is a solution i don't want a solution i want to be mad when you hakuna matat so hard last night that you have no idea where you are in the morning where the hell is this guy nine years old you're such a well-behaved kid 17 years old you're really mature for your age 23 years old he's a bit boring 30 years old that guy over there is really creepy ouch me in 2020 me in 2021 you just gotta turn into the skid folks first zoom meeting versus 10th zoom meeting well at a certain point you understand that none of it matters me reading my birthday card while i pretend not to acknowledge the money oh man everyone everyone we are all the same i failed well at least you tried your best i didn't well there's always next time no i'm good jesus christ is that a cargo ship attempts to free the ship finally worked yep it's a cargo ship named ever given that's owned by a japanese company called evergreen it got stuck in the suez canal as it was on route to rotterdam netherlands well this is a surprise i never thought you ever pay attention with the news news cause memes isaac newton be like bonk oh what i i don't know what that formula is i'm sorry i mean i know it's supposed to be gravity but it whatever humans when they see a tiny harmless spider time to burn down the house also humans when they see a massive bear that could easily kill them and eat them nice well i don't know about you but i don't see bears nearly as often as i see spiders so it is really cool when i get to see one would you like to talk to me about dinosaurs no okay thank you don't worry little dude you'll get there do you trust me no and we never have oh and we never will ronnie may i introduce you to my best friend jesus nope that's it that's the tweet nope the first thing our new hire did was fix a bug that's been bugging him forever as a user prior to joining he then breathed a sigh of relief and submitted his two weeks notice what the hell well sometimes you just gotta do it yourself me yes i am still young my spine i said we old today as a tall person this one really hurts right in the spine omg that was so good the good guys beat the bad guys for the 1800th time 40 third time oh god look this is just every movie okay not just marvel me drinks water my organs gee thanks bro when you agreed to go out and the time to go out is getting closer yeah i got nothing it is a real crisis time this male has overslept at the moment he stands no chance of mating yes same but not because i overslept if i pee here all of this will be mine yeah what are we trying to say that's not true me buys new pen don't do it don't do it don't do it also me people me you can taste the photos you can taste the spoon more than the ice cream yeah i most certainly can that's splintery bastard no one loading screen tips remember licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets what what other planets don't say mars because that's bullcrap me googling transparent images fake pngs those bastards are everywhere man i've lost 30 pounds brits americans oh i'm getting close to that myself during job interview who was this apollo you put here in your references you're one reliable guy put me down as a reference on your next job application nobody stop complaining about your life there are literally people living in the usa yeah it's pretty bad how goes it my dude not good same same man i don't think this is working out i feel like you never listen to a word i say hello well my bacon looks like a sea horse dude sell it on ebay selfie with ronaldo yo dude legit as hell can't believe you met him me doing something alone me when someone is watching when you break into a house to rob them but they're watching shrek too oh shoot what part are you at oh man this is my favorite part sleep or take a nap you'll either feel better or worse when you wake up but it's better than suffering yeah i suppose that's true how it started how it's going what i'll study at five i'll study at six i'll study at seven i'll study tomorrow no you won't maybe if i join a gym and start working out i'll be happy nope that wasn't it keep trying bud you'll find it studies show that teenagers today oh he said teenagers i'm a teenager no wait i'm 27. oh i'm 25 me why do i have a fever immune system the virus can't survive high temperatures me but neither can i i miss the part where that's my problem i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired than sleep earlier no caution these shoes are the summer home of jabba the toad please do not disturb thank you aw jabba looks like a sweet guy the existence of tom holland and tom hollander implies the existence of tom hollandest which blockbuster series will tom hollandest make his big break in well tomorrow is yeah you're probably right i watched this entire trilogy twice and still have no freaking idea what's going on you and me both man you and me both his body language portrays that he is at peace but his eyes tell the story of a troubled mind no they don't me i'll do it at six time 605 looks like i gotta wait till seven now that's right you weren't on time there's no such thing as being late with self-study or cleaning or really anything you're the boss of eighteen-year-olds can i please have a cigarette or a beer us government best i can do is war you can go die that's what i can do for you sometimes what a person needs is just one piece being heir to a wealthy aunt that no one knew existed oh man that would be great when you go to work after smoking weed buddy but it's like the eighth day in a row he's dumped coffee all over his pants when you think it's the weekend but it's only wednesday i still think tuesday's worse how's your mental health me i can't believe it's gotten even worse well you better believe it buddy time spent in the shower cleaning myself mmm hot water you may be old but are you this old yeah they're still in every dollar store though i'm pretty sure and on that glorious note we've come to the end of another video ladies and gents but before we get going let's take a look at today's fan art shall we was messing around last night drew this with my two favorites robin and lexi hope you like oh man i'm a sucker for anything gravity falls related and this this one's gotta be in my top two always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and hey if you're feeling super generous why not check out my links in the description down below i'd really appreciate seeing you around and until next time i'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,023,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Me_irl
Id: Su4IZkepNhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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