r/Me_irl | memes that make you go OW OOF CACTUS SPIKY OOCHIE

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if 2020 was a slide yeah broken bucks everywhere man how's it going everybody welcome back to MK my name is Robin and today I'm gonna be looking at some posts from our /me IRL so without further ado let's just jump right on into it shall we my mom pillow my Nintendo DS hopefully you have the sound turned off my friend what if we have a nuclear war April now to check if your cocaine is good mix it with vinegar if it makes a volcano it's baking soda if it doesn't your drugs are ruined don't do drugs make good choices stay hydrated yeah unlike that demonic Elmo in the background parents your generation has no patience When I was your age parents when the computer freezes 4.02 seconds oh yeah babyrage and Sue's man with rucksack of cannabis tells police i'm buying in bulk due to the lockdown now this is a guy who's thinking ahead brain slap at me why brain just do it oh my god that's probably the most accurate thing i've ever read my favorite part of Sesame Street all alone birth I am alone where his friend where is anybody Bert you have to let them go girls with Photoshop I can't wait to make myself prettier boys with Photoshop white Obama and black Trump and did this just a ride it's four o'clock in the morning why on earth are you making chocolate pudding because I've lost control of my life yeah that was me last night except it was macaroni and hotdogs what's something you can say to both your rotisserie chicken and to your significant other I prefer you without skin I think Boston Market social media guy wasn't prepared for this type of answer joke in my head joke when I say it a curse all of us have to deal with Gordon Ramsay at any other place at any other time Gordon Ramsay and MasterChef junior well yeah can you imagine him cursing kids out for 40 minutes me and Quarantine avoiding homework my Internet's been really weird lately my teachers emails gamers in the 90s Wow everything in this game looks so real the game wah-wah my finger slightly wet my phone who the Frick are you identify yourself my finger dries my phone who the Frick are you identify yourself my finger dries for the nine thousand two hundred and fifty six time my phone who the Frick are you identify yourself frog on the grill I am NOT gonna he is making a wide variety of delicious meals including vegan options though imma imma ask him to make frog legs what ended in 1896 1895 it's hard to argue with this assessment again technically correct is the best kind France a phobia anti-french sentiment refers to extreme or irrational fear of France the French people or the French government what do you have against the French evidence when I put myself in bad situations and act like I ain't see it coming me me me extroverts hey why don't you talk a lot introverts I prefer not to speak if I speak I am in big trouble stuck this to the window and now the world makes more sense directed by David Lynch oh please I need one of those 20/20 talk into 2012 oh you're a villain alright just not a super one oh yeah 2012 ain't got crap on 20/20 so far when you can't find a parking spot so you turn the volume down to see better hey man it helps screaming cat's name for 20 minutes nothing accidentally whispered word that sounds like my dog's name you wanted to see me look a shooting star I wish 2020 is over of course yo we're all won that bring it on you giant rock a year ago we're all hyped for endgame now we're in endgame yeah oh that's just great oh yes here we can see Exhibit B die randomly what my fridge sees all day guess who's back back again for that delicious cottage cheese you cord my cord that cord discord okay you got me literally every day yeah this is just my nice neural diet me being proud that I baked a pie my mom who did everything and let me press the start button man I'm 24 and that's still how it goes the butterfly effect should be renamed into the bat effect since it was a single freakin bat that made a skip school all over the world all in favor make a screech noise you can have your ashes turned into a playable vinyl record when your day comes so they finna play me while I'm dead just like they did when I was alive mine would probably just be Audio of me falling down the stairs for 30 minutes one microsoft word puts a red squiggly line under my last name why are you booing me I'm right some days I feel like Microsoft Word put a red squiggly line underneath me wait to church for the first time in a long time and they passed me a bowl full of money I'm gonna start going week now holy crap it's all 20s what kind of church are you going to hey kids I know you're struggling right now but I'm here to tell you that everything gets worse forever thanks Phoenix you really made me feel better I almost went to jail because of the way my mom wraps my lunch looks like a giant deformed pickle full of hot dogs gross when you're chilling at home and you hear a loud car outside fat and curious hey whoa he's still looking better than me dude whoever sold this drone to my grandma can go to hell me thinking how independent I am my parents who give me money food and a place to live again I'm in the picture and it's starting to make me mad me doesn't know they're guests also me goes to get food guests hello me blend in with the humans what using the Drake format using the toilet paper format because it's gonna at time no no then we'll run out of it faster again when you finally have enough battery percentage to roll over on the other side of the bed to reel me has a different personality with every friend that one person who's been with me and a lot of my friends hmm I see a teacher we will do group work make sure you pick someone you haven't worked with in a while me and the boys I've never met this man in my entire life remember there's plenty of fish in the sea just none for you you'll only bested Chris Hemsworth is offering free virtual workouts for the next six weeks me watching Chris work out I'll make sure to watch him well slamming cottage cheese don't like goats how fat do you need to be to make yourself bulletproof science shows that a nine millimeter bullet shot from a handgun can cut through sixty centimeters of fat before it stops average american bala to throw off come on son oh hell am i an essential worker dude you're bringing smiles and sprinkles no Elizabeth don't do it oh oh come on man we almost made it past this when someone says the title of the movie in the movie he said oh my god he said it ha ha ha five years later when you realize she was actually flirting with you you know when people ask you if you're fine and you say you're fine when you're not really fine nobody people in Italy seeing this through their windows or are they flying away I hope they're saying thanks for all the fish the earth is not round hashtag start over in five words I agree God come on my phone read it yeah I thoroughly believe that our phones are just making crap up as they go along when your son is just a tree in the school play but your out of him anyway it's so cute don't look at it as little sweat ha ha ha my wife and I play this fun game during quarantine it's called why are you doing it that way and there are no winners though there's gonna be a clear loser soon enough my man heck yeah got that stimulus money oh man look at you go dude oh whoa that is a lot on GrubHub what is wrong with you PlayStation users Xbox is gay Xbox users Playstations gay PC users yep there's no argument there daughter rides mom while son motorboats oh I get it but I don't like it five-year-old me mixing water and soap together chemist me coming back to my minecraft base I made four years ago and remembering the password - opening the redstone power doors her I like it when guys roll up their sleeves so you could see their forearms me looking down and realizing I only have two arms dang it so stupid my mom reading forwarded messages about coronavirus yeah that sounds science enough to be true oh my god it's so true it hurts people run from rain but sit in bathtubs full of water Wow Bukowski so profound do you also bathe fully clothed you dingleberry oh isn't it funny that a person will eat when they're hungry but will duck if you throw an apple at their face and how old were you when you had your first kiss 25 I'm 24 right now but I'm hopeful I'm there for you man can somebody with bangs tell me which planet is making me sad please I'm bald but the answer is Earth that's me at 16 Wow I have a whole life ahead of me me at 23 when a minor inconvenience happens my time has come hey you okay not really want to talk about it not really it's cute awesome I love that one it's crazy how kids can fall asleep sobah like that yeah I know that still blows my mind how do people with only one arm effectively wash their hands hand Frick I didn't even see that one coming people with Alzheimer's right after doing something what have I done no really what Frick you America Portugal has to Freedom days yeah well America has 365 salute that flag soldier British dudes get stabbed and be like mm bit rude innit it's just a bit rude you know I mean oh hi I guess cuz that's Americans can't spell right how does link drive he can't even talk he spends his time smashing other people's pots who gave him his license they were not responsible who let five babies in a dinosaur drive dinosaur shouldn't even be here they're all dead take it back Samantha take it back on death row what would you like for your last meal I don't know what do you want oh that's low-hanging fruit when nobody volunteers to present and the teacher says they're gonna start picking people yeah let me just that sink back into my skin real quick here give them a call I've emailed be quick to call I texted them as well just call them I'll send them another email oh you silly Millennials and you're not wanting to talk on the phone anymore 2020 I'm just getting started animal crossing can I offer you an egg in this trying time no stop with the eggs please I'm begging you they're awful how lucky are you me well I don't know and these days I'd say that's pretty dang lucky boyfriend I love your body me it's just too real for me man country music hit different what it's on mute every time I finish a roll of toilet paper it feels like a petal falling off the attented rose and Beauty and the Beast it's very simple just stop wiping that is the dumbest dance to take on anything ever not true I could say that the moon landing conspiracy is in itself a conspiracy to distract from the fact that the moon doesn't exist what do you mean it doesn't woman stay woman go man stay mango a mango with a really creepy face you can stop the trolley at any time but doing so would disrupt the trolley service causing the company to lose profits please think about the billionaires what if linguini from ratatouille was having sex on the girl pulled his hair and he started cooking spaghetti hey jakey hey jakey stop friends are a lot like trees they fall down when you hit them multiple times with an axe now that I can actually confirm from experience you miss every shot you don't take sometimes you miss every shot you do take yeah sometimes people just suck at aiming when your friends sketches you on black and white I sleep when your friend deep-fries you yo real shares though when your friends are on opposite sides of you but they just keep talking to each other acting like you don't exist yeah I feel that are you suffering from unwanted sexual urges have a graham cracker and calm yourself down seriously let me just scan myself here real quick random useless crap price $0 what that means to me is I'm price when me IRL z' plan was to have a whole month of 4/20 memes but now all we get is coronavirus memes it's just tragic when nature tries to send you a message and that message is screw off society if the Queen was immortal me shuffling my favorite artists on Spotify some crappy remix oh oh that is the worst part about Spotify the earth and minecraft one-to-one scale for the first time literally a week into quarantine and we've already replaced the outside world with a better one because it's minecraft the ghost in my house six year old me trying to sleep at 3:00 a.m. the ghost in my house eighteen year old me jerkin off every night's so about the passenger-side being smaller this is 54 Red Solo cups I can fit 53 across the passenger side and on the driver's side I can fit more Red Solo cups y'all will measure with literally anything in the USA except the metric system huh look it's much easier to measure with dryers and Solo cups let's be real how I spent quarantine versus how I'm going to describe it to my future children we got to give them a good story come on government stay indoors people who have an exercise since 1997 don't tell me what to do twelve year old me you must be 18 plus to view this content you're born thirteen forty hates white people before they tell a joke about black people honestly that's just like everybody with all jokes these days is three a lot depends on the context dollars no months filled with catastrophes yes aha makes me sad kids on spring break a learning oh dammit don't sneak up on me like that you're not hungry you're bored shut the damn door know what cottage cheese when you lie on the resume but still get the job oh so that's where he actually went after he left Blue's Clues my friend stealing my meme and getting more karma me that cat represents how we all feel these days and that is all I've got for you today folks always remember if you enjoyed this video make sure to smash that like button and if you really enjoyed it make sure to subscribe and then hit that little Bell icon until next we meet I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,938,168
Rating: 4.9429488 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: ftHV5So2T5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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