r/Dankmemes | the music of my people

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me scrolling down the comments nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice [Music] hey hey what's going on ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at our slash dank memes slightly less vanilla than memes but you know what nonetheless let's get right in there and see how spicy some of these can truly be me trying to prove to my dad that i am an adult well you're definitely doing a great job them you can't start an argument with a single image me goddamn are we still on the pineapple pizza thing let's start a new one how about strawberry pizza there you go you didn't like that one did you stop giving me your toughest battles you literally just have to ask the employee for an extra packet of ketchup that is all you have to do it was scare me british person saying i've got bloody diarrhea normal person saying i've got bloody diarrhea i'm sorry if anybody has bloody diarrhea they should just stop eating in chipotle normal people it says robocop will smith is just blocking the last part with his head will smith what fifth graders after realizing their shoes make squeaking sounds on the basketball court hey it's fun all right are you winning dad the amount you scrolled is bananas oh oh i see all right now i'm kind of in the loop with that except not at all are you winning dad uh i i guess he's winning the hell's going on with reddit you wake up for work get in the car look in the mirror and you were a dog what do you do i i honestly don't know i'd be a dog i no longer have consciousness right i'm just an animal oh look at that more banana scrolling is this all dank beams is right now is banana scrolling the female teacher when a boy calls her mom the male teacher when a girl calls him daddy yes because that definitely happens in the real world me at 2 am finally fall asleep or watch one more hour of russian dash cam crashes i'm going to go with the crashes i found a way the way back from dead memes well good for you why you hi honey i'm finally home from my 18-hour shift at the amazon warehouse hello i made twice your salary today by selling my used underwear on ebay alright well in this particular situation fella quit your job she's the breadwinner now there you go get out of that amazon life school gets on fire teacher we have to get out in alphabetical order adams zimmerman what if it was only a dream has it really been a dream this whole time indian gods normal gods normal gods that really doesn't make any sense that feels like an oxymoron to me walking up the stairs when a woman is in front of you like yeah oh hey look at you ground yes these stairs are made out of stair damn i wish i had a beard like him damn i wish i had a beard like him damn i wish i had a beard like him damn i wish i had less goddamn hair on my back me as a kid damn plankton is so lonely his wife is a computer me now perhaps i treated you too harshly ah the hated company's annual meeting that's it oh come on we gotta pump that up where's comcast where's cox where's all the cable companies first of all where's t-mobile where's verizon where are all the other companies that deserve to be on because they're terrible come on look i'm sorry but putting disney amazon ea google facebook in the hated companies list is pretty basic at this point we get it they're the most evil but we need to start calling out the rest of them you know world without bees world without trees and animals world without twitter fred from scooby-doo the villain dude at the beginning of the episode who was not paid attention to impossible no and he almost got away with it too me in 2013 learning the us government had been spying on its citizens through our computers for years me in 2021 not even bothering to turn off cookies because literally nothing matters anymore dude look you can track me and use me for data all you want but i want to get paid for some of that i want some of the money you're making off of me i deserve it teacher tells the exchange student to stop swearing student i'm australian swearing is part of my religion i work as a janitor in a nasa space station in a in a nasa space station wow all right all right here we go oh yeah get the hell out of there but wait who the hell prints out their nfts that seems a little wrong wouldn't you say holy sh who dropped this loot i don't know maybe you should just loot and not worry about what dropped it uganda knuckles january 2022 i'm recording this halfway through december what are you talking about most of the world metric system reddit god damn you guys are really on the banana thing right now huh that's like 90 of what reddit memes are at the moment dad i love you miles i'm married hello married i'm your son stanley and heaven watching some idiot use the real stanley twitter account to post some stupid ass online concept called nfts don't make me come down there you punk i've said it before i'll say it again vile you're disgusting not stan lee by the way the person who did that you know what i mean two kilograms of fat two kilograms of fat with a nipple on it oh yes am i really going to defile this grave from money yes yes we are levels of pain slap childbirth kicked in balls existence right it is funny but i've got a sneaky suspicion that a couple of people are gonna be ever so slightly pissed that you had the audacity to put kicked in the balls above childbirth the terps of fade level i thought you were dead the way is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be a natural man i don't browse reddit very often on my own in specific subreddits but it's crazy to see that right now reddit is banana dewey that's all it is diana would you do me the honor of becoming my stepmother did you just propose to diana for me [Laughter] me on america even though i live in a full of third world country where poverty is at an all-time high and corruption is rampant uh where where the outback like what are you talking where are you from bohemian rhapsody first half second half and hey both are just as fun to sing other social media sites putting ads on everything to make millions in profit wikipedia refuses to put those filthy ads on their sacred content and prioritizes overall user experience also wikipedia every time someone visits they deserve it it's way better than the alternative can't wait for the rest of this saga oh that's right he can't go home there's no way home well i can't wait for spider-man to find that homeless shelter i'm gonna be so proud of him youtube making the most useless rewind of all history reddit saying you scrolled for 50k bananas of posts and won 10k internet fake points all right talking about sex and english talking about it in my own language do you speak finnish is that right when the cold war starts and i have to shoot my refrigerator i'm sorry but you know you're gonna have to do it someday me mom can we get snacks mom no we have snacks at home the snacks at home what i want some pepsi chips me when i refuse to pay taxes and i get put in a place where i live off of other people's taxes ha me at 10 years old on my dad's ipad his fbi agents seeing a 45 year old man googled 13 year old girls kissing the usa before world war ii the usa after world war ii hey do we actually have any planes out there or military vehicles of any kind with anime girls on them like for real not that one you know there has to be one out there right like weirdos everywhere right gaming companies fixing a bug that benefits the player base gaming companies fixing a bug that's over the player base and that fun ain't that great ladies and gents h3o it's time for the threequel you didn't know you needed can you touch me already hold on someone said they scrolled more bananas than i they scrolled more bananas huh eight million people quit smoking each year because they die well it's there they want to smoke man that you know the risks at this point you just keep on doing it friend mark rober's glitter bomb 21.0 detonating in a package thief's car i'm waiting for that one trust me how i picture america what it's probably like yeah the vast majority of it pretty much those cities sure are loud though every single person working in a store right now when are we gonna get a new christmas song that we can absolutely torture the masses with because i think this one's definitely run its course i'm tired of hearing it i think everybody's tired of hearing it i'm helping blind children at the school adjective verb oh i see right japan before august of 1945 japan afterwards huh i wonder what happened anywho with that funny note we've come to the end of another video ladies and gents before we get going though where the hell is that fan art made this while listening to mk oh let's see we got a fat little birdie that's me welcome back to mk i'm your host robin then we have the little goldfish jack the snack that smiles back and then we've got a little kitty cat my name's the lexi kitty but you can call me lexi this is adorable thank you very much always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video to consider dropping a like down below and if you really liked it well make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and if you want to hear or see more of yours truly you can check out the links in the description below and until next time we'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 686,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: LXkaJT8u6hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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