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ultron is easily the best villain in the mcu my man spent five minutes on the internet and decided the human race needed to go and i couldn't agree more i wonder what he saw probably just rule 34 of himself how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk what's poppin it's me robin you know the tall one that people think is really weird anyway before i rant any farther today we're taking another look at our slash hold up and you know what i'm really excited i can't wait to see what kind of garbo we get up to in this one let's get right in there when the quiet girl in class joins the call with a 4k webcam i don't see a problem with this just means she's probably making more money than your ass we can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals oh god damn it really post number two we got hitler editor sound the hitler alarm i'm i'm kidding we don't have one of those but maybe we should have one of those i've been a very bad girl she said biting her lip i need to be punished very well he said and installed windows 8 on her laptop i would have gone for vista but i guess that's a little too obvious in this scenario isn't it 84 year old man finds 293 thousand dollars for possessing a german world war ii tank that he kept in his basement holy cow i want to see this guy's basement man also is it illegal to own a world war ii tank girls it's been three weeks he must have moved on and forgotten me boys after 70 years trust me we don't we really don't move on and forget i mean yeah we're a little sad that way at least i am how hard is it to spell jorge call 9-1-1 there's someone under the counter with a gun man they never get it right do they this is an asteroid crater in arizona look how close it came to hitting the visitor center they got lucky as all get out public school teachers next month why are you sharing this you're spreading misinformation there's no way we'll be teaching cursive is that what a what is that an uppercase a in cursive i learned it for one year in third grade okay cut me some slack it's kind of useless at this point in time if i died and went straight to hell it would take me a week to realize i wasn't at work anymore oof where in the world do you work i'm just kidding there are a thousand different places i could guess and probably still be correct jesus works at my office and has been chosen as employee of the month hey we've seen that before i still want to know where the hell this is is this like a church's office there's no way this is a dmv or something like that if this is a government office i'll be pissed when you live in america and you want to surprise your girlfriend by taking her to the most expensive place in the city oh man and the food is so gourmet i tried to rick roll my crush by sending her a link she didn't get it and thought it was a flirting song and now she's my girlfriend oh man that sucks oh well you win some you lose somebody if you ever feel useless remember that mongolia has a navy holy cow that is a what would you call that it's not a submarine a sub subterraneous something i don't know think of a fun name for it please why'd you like my picture from 2017 weirdo i'm not weird you just haven't looked good for a while [Laughter] pro tip if a girl in a hot bikini dms you about krypto ignore him [Laughter] my roommate eats fruit really weird if you know you know yo he grapefruit himself i just want a boyfriend that will be giving me 70 of his daily income but your twitter name is miss independent yeah that makes me kinda curious how about this i'll give you eight percent i'll treat you like taxes why hello there young strong american man hello young jewish girl how goes it i've always wanted a man who could tell i was jewish right away it's in my blood to notice jews okay hell no you get the power to go back and prevent one celebrity's death who would you choose keanu reeves pretty sure he's not dead yeah you're welcome i want robin williams instead of come you now ejaculate the last thing you drank how lucky are you oh nothing changed oh oh i get it truck yard they said a mask and gloves were enough for the grocery store they lied everyone else had clothes on i like your style a moscow farm has decided to equip its cows with vr glasses in order to relax them and make them feel happier a common environment leads to an increase in milk yield so the cows are given a vr headset displaying summer fields this is literally the plot of the matrix yeah i don't i don't like that actually that's kind of creepy grandma i'm gay gay is that the one where you don't eat meat uh no i have sex with other men oh good it's important to eat plenty of meat alright grandma calm down porn actress who turned 30 porn director you're a stepmom now yeah and then when she turns 34 she'll be a cougar or some sh i just realized something there's ice cream in zootopia who to milk anybody that volunteers for the job mtv turns 40 this year thanks for 14 years of music mtv i genuinely don't understand why they changed what happened was there an actual reason they just stopped with the music i know they've got like a classic channel which is a throwback but what the hell happened in avengers end game there's a graphic sex scene between scarlet witch and captain marvel this is a subtle nod to the fact that i torrented the wrong movie but it was the right movie wasn't it hey babe come over only if you let me [ __ ] on your face okay wait sit wait what huh elmo stared in disbelief at the parasite that had been inside his body for decades elmo do you need help how much are you selling the pc for 1200 bucks how much ram does it have i don't know it belonged to my son he passed away recently oh we'll get a ouija board and ask him for me please what do we got here we got pepper and salt they're having a baby huh oh no it's a sugar cube i can't believe she sugar what a great comic [Laughter] french pigs be like oink japanese pigs be like oink american pigs be like stop resisting yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay okay okay okay we're moving on danger quicksand hey buddy hey hey buddy dude dude god created only two genders wrong god created one gender and a rib but i wouldn't expect a rib to know that i wouldn't expect taylor green to know jack she is insane i'd be surprised if that knew how to use a toaster okay germans have no sense of humor you guys can't have fun the last time we had fun the americans had to save you and we'd do it again and again and again we'll help the french out as many times as it takes bros till the end you got that germany how old were you when you found out that scar became hercules headpiece in the disney movies uh i guess 25 i mean it's not something i really paid attention to really what's black hard and seven inches long i don't know please i just want to be a top post my life is slowly falling apart my wife just left me claire i still love you unfortunately i think claire is the one who knows the answer oh oh i knew god was toxic when me and him kept sending babies to each other back and forth what you wanna you wanna explain that one miss hot and vegan you hello pick it up you picked it up last time it was your idea to have it oh [ __ ] off pick up that baby no [ __ ] off dr seuss really cheated on his wife for 13 years while she had cancer and then married his mistress after his wife died bro really said one big two [ __ ] dead noob oh seuss was a a friend just sent me this 10 year old prize structure for a starcraft tournament and i can't stop laughing all right what do we get first place 500 bucks second place 250 bucks third place 150 fourth place 100 and then fifth through eighth place gets 25 bitcoin let's take a look here huh let me just do a little bit of typing bitcoin is currently forty six thousand eight hundred and fifty eight dollars a coin so if we take that and we say ah twenty five we go oh my god imagine getting eighth place in a starcraft tournament and getting over a million dollars you know ladies if you screw one guy a day for a hundred dollars that's 365 thousand dollars you made in one year with degrees not making that be your own boss well with degrees no that'll only add up to thirty six thousand five hundred dollars i mean it also sounds like one of the most exhausting jobs in the world too i mean i'm sorry it does every single day without fail you don't get a break from it screw that windows 8 can suck my dick i can't believe how far technology has come [Laughter] shut up using this after a normal sentence is the funniest bit ever my dog is stuck in the fence oh no no no no he's not stop oscar barco graduating was harder than crossing the border well i mean i guess that depends on how you crossed the border are you implying that you had to do it illegally or did you just sort of cross one day in a car and stay here because man crossing in a car legally sucks and takes forever man no hipsters don't be coming in here with your hairy faces vegan diets your tiny feet and your sawdust bedding no wait hamsters no hamsters what well that's [ __ ] up what if my hamster wants to come in walmart loses 3 billion to theft each year and if we all pitch in to help we can get that number a lot higher this year that's right [ __ ] you walmart [ __ ] you man my school's tripping what the wait hold on a second here health final send a picture of your penis this will only be seen by me smiley face what huh explain how to get your girlfriend's attention hey what was that show your dad was telling us about the time travel one my ex stopped by my work today what did she want she wanted to know what show your dad was telling us about day 317 without sex went jogging in flip-flops just to remember the sound i'm sorry buckeye we've all been there hell we're all there a lot aren't we during sex her i want you to hurt me me your sister's more successful than you wait not a big fan of the new haircut stop i almost had a heart attack this morning oh it's a little tiger dog aunt unplugs console mid game me 30 years later after seeing her on life support okay my turn i say isn't that the grim reaper mr death are you having a good vacation vacation no he's on a job baby boy scientists have just announced today that dolphins are second to man in intelligence levels yeesh women in third place now oh my god damn it oh don't panic until you see the dolphins rising into the sky welcome to wendy's can i take your order hey can you execute order 66 as you command oh oh my god you did this oh you just weren't thinking about it man you just didn't think about the consequences of your actions idiot ma'am do you serve crackers honey we serve everybody oh good i just wanted to make sure and on that brilliant note we've come to the end of another video folks before we get going let's take a look at today's fan art got lost a long time ago or maybe my caption was uncomfortable sorry about that worth trying again though lexi robin and damian because they're the only ones i could find pictures of oh look at that aren't we all just adorable did you give me a little mustache did you did you give me a little mustache just a tiny little baby mustache oh god i look like a blonde oo woo tom selleck i am in love with it i am here for it man always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well make sure to get yourself subscribed and click on that bell icon and if you're feeling super generous why not check out my links in the description down below and until next time i'll be catching you later [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,472,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: 7bd7WrPrjOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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