r/Oddlyterrifying | i'm scared

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oh okay all right we found a terrifying one i'll give you that shame about that house burning down [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today we've got some new fresh horrors for your eyes with r oddly terrifying let's get started this ad you know i can't tell this is an ad for jbl headphones or for condoms either way if your baby dislocates his jaw and looks like this run it's not your baby get out of my swamp i'm not sure if this situation was ever supposed to be not creepy but it's just been made worse my dog is a standard schnauzer and has a very thick beard and as a result half of the slow motion images of her look very regal and swin swept and the other half look goofy as hell russian bear hunting armor alternatively known as the personal space creator on new york city subway systems also excellent for social distancing in case you didn't know here's a picture of baby bees you're welcome oh that sounds cute oh god why are they all so angry things we didn't need in life exhibit a see i think this is cool actually i don't find this terrifying at all this is just nifty this bridge in india nope nope nope nope cabbage fields it looks like a field of alien eggs and i hate it oh don't tell hollywood we don't need more alien movies wood carving i think he wants a sandwich in soviet russia blanket bitey oh wait who is biting blankets pause a moment as you pass by as you are now so once were we as we are now so shall you be welcome friend oh they look so cute and like well organized and oh that went five minute crafts real fast this person's child built a cicada skin army billy mobilize the troops we ride it dawn dementors from harry potter without their cloaks are even creepier than with their cloaks the hell is this tim burton pogo stick i don't find this threatening at all it's like the design team walked into props and was like we'll be having the spine today please with no face thanks a ladybug covered in morning too so many jelly beans i should be more terrified by this subreddit i'm doing a very bad job at being terrified i'm sorry what does die mean practice now emily dickinson and death would like to know your location and are 10 minutes away afghan helms have ridiculously long hair i've relative with two of them and yes they look mildly terrifying uh when they're wet here's a sheep dog with its head shaved just looks like he's wearing a coat jamie with a very small dog 1980 oil on canvas oh that's kind of a cute good god it's me when anybody tries to talk to me on monday morning pro tip for parents don't buy the finding dory nightlight when you turn it on in the dark this happens just keep swimming just keep swimming in the 1990 teenage mutant ninja turtle movie suits the actor's teeth can be seen i'm assuming next to the suits turtle teeth okay all right um that is oddly terrifying well done when your anxiety is through the roof and someone says put on a brave face everything's fine oh yeah i hate these i absolutely hate these these like oh god photo masks no no i hate it doorknob design that gives you a fish-eye view of the room ahead this seems both useful and horrifying kind of cool for some like some applications i guess but also imagine if you're expecting the room to be empty and it's not this is not rain over the water it's a massive swarm of newly hatched lake flies that are numerous enough to show up on weather radar oh oh cool i hate it i absolutely where is this wisconsin all right um never going to that state ever at least not when those things are hatching hypnotoads okay so class what we've learned today is that a chain jump in real life is something we never want to see jim carrey doing the grinch face without the use of any makeup oh thanks oh thanks oh thank you i didn't need to see that at all right good morning can i have breakfast like your hand thickly sliced just ask why are these all so funny this hermit crab using a discarded doll head for a shell somebody watched a little too much toy story as a tiny crab bet what the what the hell is a baby crab called i'd like to nominate cardboard humans watching baseball in a dystopian hellscape for photo of the year thanks approved i agree my boyfriend fell asleep making pizza it cooked for nine hours man that is no longer a pizza that is heat resistant tile for aerospace applications bill hader was unaware that bill skarsgard can actually move his eyes in two different directions hater asks skarsgard what kind of editing was done to achieve the effect in the first movie scarsguard i'm so sorry for continually butchering that name in full costume and makeup responded by saying oh you mean this and doing it causing hater to freak out oh that's magical that makes me so happy i died for your sins and now you'll die for yours these manatees legs creep me out so much skull makeup by giulio silviera i don't find this terrifying at all this is beautiful that's a ridiculously amazing amount of work this is how the original yoda puppet used in the empire strike spec looks now a lot of hollywood props face really really terrible fates especially ones made out of foam or rubber or something it just it doesn't last and it looks terrifying if you want nightmare fuel search up all teenage mutant ninja turtle suits them some nightmare fuel again i just find this cute i don't know why i i'm too immature for most of these the butcher near me makes this horrible little mince man in the window each day and so now i see a minced man more often than my own family hello i used to be a cow oh creepy pic of moon taken in brazil lucifer portrait well clearly the moon guy didn't have it in focus this moose in the fog stephen king presents foggy moose why can't i find any of these terrifying i'm broken i'm so sorry was going to paint and found some wasps in the outlet when you put a pancake on your cat's face because you think it's going to be cute but instead it gives you nightmares wait wait wait we've seen this post before i didn't know it was a pancake it genuinely looks like some sort of weird mask people you may know this dog richard gameboy pocket now in six tasty colors see in today's age this ad would have had to get taken down because somebody would have actually tried to eat a game boy potatoes left in a net for three months those are oh god oh no no no no no no why are they so tenderly i was asked to post this here my daughter got a ring light for christmas i am the none of the lights after a lot of rain here in florida these baby frogs appeared they eerily all face the same direction the ritual has begun town stalked by giant two meters tall 95 kilo kangaroo with a torn ear who emerges from the bushes to terrorize dog walkers and golfers oh cool oh oh cool oh we found the terrifying we found it right here enter friend we are all a children of god a creature made entirely of cicada shells wha why are we why are we pl why are we playing with cicada shells stop it the skin cake i'm sorry i'm sorry the what the skin cake i made to celebrate the beginning of dermatology residency everyone thought it was delicious oh that just got off that's a borrow oh no thank you no no stop this we we've seen this before we don't need it no stop check out this awesome snake costume my wife made for our daughter that is a little too good but honestly it's really well done this is so scary i would not only give her candy but also my car my house and maybe my family members as a ritual sacrifice as you should she sneezed during a panoramic selfie photo wait isn't the panoramic now didn't it start in 2020 but yeah no that's freaking horrifying hello steven we've been waiting for you what's wrong steven you promised you'd play with us the upper jaw of a sperm whale sockets to fit their lower teeth into uh oh nature you're weird my friend forgot about a bag of potatoes she bought six months ago i like how if you forget about a bag of potatoes it's not like they just go bad they turn into cthulhu uh it that no no oh my god i forgot to show you guys the squid kite i saw yesterday i want one i want one so bad i want a flock of them i shall call them a squabble or a squiddle name pending this is this is not that bad honestly this is fine this is team are we ready for a swim it's so beautiful that's not tame that is no no no no no i believe i already named this statue ego despite what it may actually be called toddler got her hands on hair removal lotion instead of her dad's hair gel oh god you've made chucky oh god it gets longer the more you have to be my daughter's new stuffed animal looks like it may have overdosed oh god oh my god it does oh that's terrific a sculpture of a post-human breathing from the last tree on earth by vladimir di fezier oh i've seen this before terrifying but also an incredible piece of art the tallest tree in wales got damaged by a storm and was supposed to be cut down instead chainsaw artist chainsaw artist that's a job title simon o'rourke found a better solution to symbolize the tree's last attempt to reach the sky see this is just beautiful i don't find this terrifying at all this is just nothing but pure uncut art and that i just i love it i i can't find it terrifying you know halloween jack-o-lanterns were originally made out of turnips hmm neat i wonder what that looks like oh god oh god something about this makes me wildly uncomfortable the seventh toy story movie didn't really work out so well i've been here for three years my friend's pug went to the bed oh puppies oh god oh god that's thing quarantine wedding oh this is just sad oh this hurts oh that hurts a lot in the welsh christmas tradition of mari lloyd i butchered that i'm so sorry a horse skull visits your home singing rhymes outside your door this is the most aggressively welsh thing i've ever seen wait wait wait that's not even the best part the person inside needs to sing back with excuses why lloyd i'm sorry can't come in it goes back and forth until one gives up if the person in the house can't respond they let lloyd in and it gets to raid your pantry and drink all your beer so you're rap battling a horse skeleton to keep all your alcohol and here i thought the welsh had nothing to offer besides consonants oh that was the best post oh that was the best inflatable life-size whale outside my neighbor's house i'm i'm not gonna to hate on it but like why like why do you make these is this a school project did a museum order get very very misplaced wi-fi connection is good also wi-fi has anybody seen snuffles no i have oh god in july 2018 scientists from russia collected and analyzed 300 prehistoric worms from the permafrost in the arctic after being thawed two of the worms began to move and eat one is dated at 32 000 years old and the other is 41 700 years old would you all stop bringing ancient stuff to life please the eyes of an electrician after being zapped by 14 000 volts of electricity oh oh um that'll do it that'll make you see into forever caution horses may bite nay [ __ ] there are lizards that can literally squirt blood from their eyeballs i i'm sure there's a practical use for this i just can't think of what it would be if this is supposed to be a threat you run a very large risk of your opponent being very dumb and just being like ah strawberry juice i'm adding can make tyrannosaurus chicken noises to my resume now also now you know where dino nuggies come from i grew up around manatees manatees have legs i didn't even know that okay i had to look this up because i was so curious this is apparently actually a beluga whale they don't actually have kneecaps but the way that their skeletal structure is they can look like this and it's just weird it's nature being nature went camping with my girlfriend i woke up to pee and she took this photo of me oh honey get the shotgun this weird guide about head body proportion my psych professor just decided it was okay to give us children are terrifying children are just terrifying the danish special forces are just militarized sleep paralysis demons oh yes so they are if something like that broke into my house at three o'clock in the morning i wouldn't be reaching for home defense i'd be making sure i didn't accidentally leave my copy of the necronomicon open and that brings us to the end of r oddly terrifying i found way too much of that amazing and hilarious so i'm very sorry but we have some lovely fan art to round out the episode today's fan art is brought to us by top animal 9189 and they say fan art it's a really good hand honestly every time i draw a hand it looks like well some of the stuff we just saw thank you so much for that lovely fan art topanimal9189 and if you found any of these posts scary or hilarious hit that like button if you want more r slash oddly terrifying in your subscriptions feed hit that red subscribe button as always my name is the lexy kitty but you all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,243,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Oddlyterrifying
Id: slThg9HvZYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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