r/Me_irl · rotting away at your keyboard

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you ever depression nap for too long and wake up feeling like a giant salamander like this one oh goodness that thing is completely deflated almost like it's crushed by the weight of the world oh i see how i relate to this what's going on everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is david the baker and today we're going to be taking a look at r me in real life it's the subreddit where you can look at a meme and say huh i'm kind of like that but i'm sure you already understand the concept of the subreddit so without further ado let's go bad news it's exactly what i was afraid of what is it skeletons dear god black america stop killing us and give us basic human rights america best i can do is take aunt jemima off your syrup bottles you know what throw in a hashtag activism trend on instagram and you got yourself a deal me vs animated me now you see the first two are actually pretty realistic it's the last one that gets me someone find animated me please i'm begging you and then somebody puts a picture of prince charming just just perfect astrology hmm star angry me sad yeah that's accurate astronomy i study stars their complex structure their formation lots of research and scientific analysis astrology yeah that's accurate 1913 france held world cup 1939 austria bushfire 1940 cancellation of tokyo olympics 1941 japan attacked pearl harbor 2018 french one world cup 2019 australia bushfire 2020 cancellation of tokyo olympics 2021 i don't like where this is going ape babies hey what's up i can climb around and do basically whatever the heck i want from birth human baby i guess i'll be a dumb and mobile little slug for like a year human babies are born at the last possible moment before their craniums can't pass through a birth canal we're basically all born premature because of our big brains big brained babies too stupid to do sick flips from tree branches yeah basically me gosh why does my back hurt so much also me if this wasn't a statement about my posture then i don't know what is my back really do be arching like this hello um who is this this is sergeant balance with the us marines how are you this evening sergeant balls lol and that my friends is how you make an enemy out of the u.s marines take notes chilling at the beach uh-huh yeah um what the heck is this guy doing oh so so that's what you're doing name one thing you want to try in the bedroom getting a full eight hours of sleep nah man that's impossible that that's just a myth not telling anyone it's my birthday because i hate the attention depressed that no one remembered my birthday it's sad but i'm sure this represents a lot of people atheists when bob ross says god bless i'll allow it write your name in reverse it's your demon name kid named bob i am the demon bob the builder then versus bob the builder now ben 10 then versus ben 10 now and scooby-doo then versus scooby-doo now look at how they massacred my boys honestly it's a gosh darn shame i don't like any of these new additions i don't feel well huh okay breathe in well if you say so ah moments later sharon bring in my next patient the it's only five dollars why not buy it mentality has probably cost me fifteen thousand dollars at this point in my life you know what same people who call instead of text me just leave me alone you after the cat leaves the room get your butt back here and love me yeah but if it's anything like my cat it just doesn't come back it never comes back police please sit down in that chair we have some questions to ask you my lawyer whispers to me deny everything me hey that isn't a chair my lawyer i mean i told you to deny everything but god you disappointed you can control white people by giving them cheese ah but cheese is so good though ha i got one oh no the post was bait class be hidden different when you actually know what the f is going on i mean i can only imagine how true this is too bad i'll never experience this feeling because i'll always be stuck in a void of ignorance taking a test me she close enough your calculator gets 126 but the closest answer is 125. you know what just circle it i mean if you circle it you're probably wrong but you know what close enough one time i was late to practice and coach made me run laps my dad was the coach and he drove me to practice the coach is like boy you should never be late to practice now go run laps but dad you're the one who had to make coffee i said go run laps japanese husband has gone 20 years without speaking to his wife since she replied come in to his knock knock joke ah jeez this poor man was traumatized after her response he just copes he's like alright i guess i'm not talking to my wife ever again i've met such a nice guy at the convention center today hey that's a famous astronaut you're lucky you're lucky he's a doctor a good catch you're lucky he is a good teacher wait a minute that's my girlfriend's yoga instructor such a great guy my girlfriend always ends up sore and worked up means it must be working tell him i said hi such a small world being in relation with a us army soldier is not always easy seriously though who is this guy i actually don't know i just coughed in a playstation chat and someone said ah f no and left lmao hey whatever it takes to keep yourself safe we don't know how this virus spreads well okay most of the world does just not america they used coding and algorithms so the drones didn't crash into each other if going to crash into each other don't what brilliant coding when you're on your sixth dang that's crazy and they keep talking i don't have much left in me to keep listening to this [ __ ] when you sleep on the side not facing the wall your comfort is lower but your danger is also lower when you sleep facing the wall your comfort is all the way up but the danger is also all the way up your move i just found out 51 is divisible by 17. i feel sick i can't breathe divisible by 17. ugh oh my god two too high on the times table chart just just give up when you see another classmate on the same google doc at 2am yay we're both sleep deprived and sad are the results ready yet you asked five minutes ago be patient but i am doctor they put our school's therapy dog in the yearbook oh look at miss peanut she's so cute samsung's new fridge will ping your phone if you leave your door open why the f doesn't it just close the door itself if it's so smart i mean honestly that would be an even better feature i hate how you're born out of nowhere forced to go to school and get a job what if i wanted to be a duck i know it's so sad i wanted to be a duck when i grew up but i wasn't cracked out for the job dungeon skeleton there are so many cool weapons here i mean look at this crap what are you gonna use i'm gonna use a rusty iron spear nice i mean if you think about it the skeletons are really nice they'll fight you with their lame weapons and leave the good weapons for you if you win thinking about the time i went to a planetarium and someone booed when they showed earth boo earth that place sucks it's like the not my president thing it's like that's not my earth my earth is cubed this is eddie he works as a therapy dog for kids in intensive care his bag is full of toys for them he even wears a hospital id with his picture on it you're a gosh darn hero oh um well this game requires me to be 18 so uh i'm 18. cia kgb fbi the devs slow motion dodge stop that or your face is gonna stay that way okay okay okay that's so sad 23 year old me trying to fill a bucket faster having a water source fall into a cup that would have inevitably landed in the bucket anyways that's a thousand iq move look look at this genius oh your baby looks just like his father oh wow he really does this is the first year i'm not going to fiji because of coco 19. normally i don't go because i'm poor same okay do we all collectively have that one dude shooting fireworks in the neighborhood every night yes it's all the same one guy he works very hard to be noticed flies entering my house let us in right now flies trying to leave my house mr krabs the front door is missing there should be a zoo of drunk white people doing stupid stuff uh yeah it's called florida touche my friend touche if you could choose one year without gaming or one year without sex which would you choose do i look like i have sex are you kidding me with that awesome shirt and that dope demeanor this guy probably gets girls all the time this is what 3 000 grams of cannabis oil looks like oh it looks like a dragon ball no wonder goku was chasing those dang things around you ever think gordon ramsay ever just says effort and microwave's a hot dog absolutely i kind of already see his mean-spirited demeanor to be somewhat of a front so yeah i could totally see him microwaving a hot dog the government won't let me go to restaurants right now this is just like nazi germany yeah okay just keep crying me in second grade can recite 12 times tables perfectly for memory me now checks two plus two on a calculator during an exam i mean yep how parents go from sex is bad to i want grandkids i love how this is posted on christmas day like i can just imagine his family's giving him a really hard time about grandkids mom clean your room people are coming over for a barbecue me looking for the grill in my room that's odd i don't see it that's right today is my day the second i cut this tape i can move forward uh are you high hold on i got about four more of these to do me after i take my schizophrenia medicine my homie jerome peace bro politicians in 2080 denying climate change there is no ice there's never been any ice ice is just a myth on the left is a photo of me two years ago when i only had 17 pounds in the bank on the right is me yesterday with 13 pounds in the bank this wasn't an inspirational post i'm still skintis hey well at least you're honest paper not invented scissors not invented cavemen when deciding on something rock rock rock rock me training a new person at my job so you're not really supposed to do this but this is what i do i mean if it ain't broke economy professor it's just a textbook why the f are you laughing so hard oh it's the stonks background you wouldn't get it if you guessed the hidden animal right you'll become my girlfriend can you tell what it is a lion bingo i'm so glad you got it right now you can be my girlfriend in case you haven't noticed you've fallen right into my trap donald j trump everyone's hating on me but i didn't see anyone else trying to help kevin find the lobby you know he's got a point when mother efforts with low iron stand up too fast no no no no no lyrics to the macarena the blue i live most effective camouflage by regional ecotype in the us i don't get it where's the map it's just a blank page lol dude great meme yeah yours is making me lose it dude in reality lmao i'm rolling on the floor laughing out loud me hey can i ask you a question about the menu please the waitress the men i please is none of your business i mean that's what you get for being too invasive me murders the entire village and sets everything on fire minecraft now it's time to play some nice slow piano music enjoy it might not be as bad as i thought advantage of wearing a mask next year i just dumped a pack of m ms into my mask at work and i'm slowly eating them like a horse ah i mean hey that's a pretty good thing you can do with a mask billy it's time you learn about money and the importance of billy giving the money to wikipedia i'm proud of you billy the moon's freaking massive tonight what the f uh sir that is a banana michael rosen returns home after three months in hospital battling coco 19. nice get your effing crap together and act like an adult i think you have the wrong number but you know what you're right i'm gonna put this on twitter and everybody's gonna hear what i have to say deleted nobody needs my opinion oh if only more people were like you my thing is though why are you eating a banana with the peel and a fork nonetheless when the professor is passionate about teaching and you genuinely understand and enjoy the class huh you know this is kind of nice desire to watch netflix desire to read desire to listen to music the inability to get off your phone ah yes that one always seems to win plants outside cozy concrete plants at home is that tap water i'm allergic me up at 2 am watching indian dudes build a pool in the woods huh how interesting something that i will never be able to do in my entire life they actually didn't build the pyramids this guy from youtube digged the whole egypt around them you know what i believe it me realizing that i closed reddit to open reddit after being bored of reddit i can never escape you read it you are the overlords of the internet and i can't escape my need for content on your platform robinhood hands over stolen fortune here you go my poor friend friend wow thanks i'm rich robin nero's eyes your what how i look in this heat still sleeping with a blanket because it's the only way i feel safe you know i have friends that don't sleep with blankets and i had to defriend them because they were complete psychopaths me puts hands on hand sanitizer a cut i never knew existed oh the pain the agony my boyfriend is sitting on his computer eating sausage with wikipedia open to the page sausage hey that's a mood sometimes you just want to know what you're eating don't judge my brain before going through airport security what if i accidentally have a gun i've never owned a gun before oh crap here goes the metal detector they're gonna see right through me literally i'd be at parties with no data standing on the corner looking at my settings screen like dang this should go crazy it's so sad but i can relate to this how does one turn off their emotions okay first you go to settings i'm a freaking idiot i thought you said emojis at first no no i'm still willing to try this go ahead i'm at settings what do i do next so i noticed one of my friends downloaded my sex playlist off of itunes so i thought i'd add a couple songs to throw her off adam please tell me why the national anthem is on your sex playlist that was the awkwardest thing trying to explain what are you telling me you don't fool around to the national anthem if you don't fool around to the national anthem then you're not a red-blooded patriot do you ever have the urge to tell someone to shut up even when they aren't talking uh yes all the time first baptist church too hot to keep changing the sign sin bad jesus good details inside hey you gotta respect how succinct that is apparently some people go to bed and just sleep they don't plot seven book fantasy series are softly broil and existential dread or replay every mistake they've ever made and then they wake up checks notes refreshed i just it sounds a bit fake me hey you're cute do you want to go out her no me would you do it for a scooby snack her me her me would you do it for two scooby snacks her okay and that my friends is how you get a girl take notes in 2017 you listen for 525 600 minutes to one different song and one different artist along the way you explored one genre artist drake bell top song i found away from drake and josh and top genres pop rock this is both impressive and sad at the same time me has tons of favorite songs person what's your favorite song me forgets every song i've ever heard i mean that's too hard of a question there's so many songs out there when someone speeds up to pass me but then we both get stuck at the same red light oh wow was it worth it you jerk the teletubbies sun baby has her own baby we've been alive for too long yes we have my friend yes we have good news for us 2020 is taking care of that i can't drown my demons they know how to surf i mean to be fair if your demons look like this i mean those are pretty cool demons they're probably worth keeping around youtube youtube kids kids exists exist youtube kids exists demonetize creators because they swear seriously youtube what the [ __ ] are you doing up now i'm gonna have to censor that if i want to make money few youtube me leaving self checkout after scanning the playstation 5 as a tomato stop that monster a perfectly good train superman a kid superman could have just grabbed and flown away with nah nah but instead he had to destroy a perfectly good train probably kill the conductor and give everybody on the train whiplash because superman's such a great hero swearing is so unattractive seth rogen i'm already unattractive so mind your [ __ ] business oh i just jog every once in a while i do crossfit i lift competitively uh i held back my tears during the beginning of up bro i don't see why you gotta lie we all know you didn't hold back your tears during up nobody did man i be overthinking these select all squares with vehicles well technically this is part of the vehicle in this new square but will they count it oh god i hate these are you winning dad caroline for the last time i'm never winning and this meme is dead male condom versus female condom dang women women be having fat for real that moment when the girl you're dating has a bigger cup than you do before you leave the house think of the acronym wow we wallet phone wikis egg and egg again but of course this is for the backup egg do you have protection oh yeah baby i got you puts on a mask all alright let's go well everyone that's our time i hope you enjoyed this episode of r slash me in real life if you like this video make sure to support the channel by leaving a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and the notification bell to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads but anyways i'm your host david the baker and i will see you in the next video peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 182,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/me_irl, r/meirl, me irl, me_irl, reddit me irl, r/me_irl ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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