r/Facepalm · it's raining

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lower cognitive ability linked to non-compliance with social distancing guidelines during the coronavirus i don't know what lower cognitive ability means but i certainly won't wear a mask ever you're kind of proven the point how's it going everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is david the baker and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash facepalm you know the subreddit that makes you think that people share the same iq as a sack of potatoes you know the type of subreddit that almost makes you want to give up on humanity it's also the subreddit that just kind of makes you want to laugh at people but you clicked on the video i'm sure you know what's going on so without further ado let's go parking ticket issued to bus in bus stop the decision to put a parking ticket on a bus during a layover at a bus stop has been called absolutely ridiculous who's the mad lad who sees a parked city bus and says you know what i'll give it a ticket like it's so dumb it's kind of hilarious like it's so ridiculous that i almost kind of think it's deliberate like somebody had it out for the bus driver like i'm gonna give him a ticket anyways i can't believe the school is on fire thank god we got all the kids out in time a couple seconds later well we better get the kids back in there what but the fire's only gotten worse sure but consider how much it cost to keep them out here and that ladies and gentlemen is why we should go back to school even though a lot of schools are already shutting down including my college so so yeah that didn't work my tech repair client did this to combat overheating oh goodness they just drilled holes into their laptop did it work there are plenty of good cops what about this one she stopped another cop from choking a guy this one spoke out against racism and this one had evidence of departmental theft and corruption and what happened to them um fired demoted and harassed into quitting and mysteriously murdered by his own gun the night before his testimony respectively so the only good cops aren't cops anymore oh goodness i mean to be fair i don't think that it's lost on anyone that there are good cops out there in the world i don't think anybody's like lost to that fact i think what a lot of people are saying is if there is a system in place in which bad cops can get in it jeopardizes the integrity of the entire system coco fact surgeons wear masks every day for hours and within two months of becoming surgeons their brains are so deprived of oxygen from breathing in their own carbohydrates they drop dead on the spot the government has been hiding the deaths for years because of their own lucrative ties to the masks industry look it up can't find the stories that's how good they are at hiding it with their hippo laws think about it are you alive or dead now are you a surgeon exactly the media doesn't want you to know okay this has to be satire first off they're breathing in their own carbohydrates they drop dead on the spots and the government has ties with the mask industry and that's how good they're hiding it because of their hippo laws like call me an idiot but what the heck are hippo laws man here's something to ponder why is pro-choice okay when it comes to a woman's body in an unborn child but it's not okay for someone who has the choice of whether or not they wish to wear a mask i'll wait for the debate but don't participate in disregarding comments or ridicule because i can't catch a pregnancy from your lack of abortion no wouldn't it be funny if pregnancy was contagious like a pregnant woman walks into the room and touches your shoulder and like nine months later you got a bump too well actually now that i think about it pregnancy kind of is contagious because a guy can just give it to a girl and run away so yeah think about that society quote from a man stabbed what are you gonna do stab me apparently yes [Music] [Laughter] ma'am you can't tie a plastic bag around your neck and face and expect to live what is that you know better you're a grown woman you should know better than this reminder that members of congress are real people with families who like pizza and make bad jokes and love their dogs yeah but the majority of them are trying to kill my mom bury my generation in debt and prevent my friends from using the freaking bathroom yeah you forfeit your humanity when you try and take away mine a family flipping off mount rushmore pack them up as a family and ship them back home they should be automatically deported no matter what country they are citizens of they're native americans where exactly do you propose we deport them to deport them back to native america wherever that used to be i mean i'm not saying americans are dumb but i'm american and i'm stupid so uh your move a year ago i left kurdistan with food poisoning and a new nose um kurdistan isn't a country lmfao i would like to know where in her tweet did she mention it was a country by saying you came to slash back from kurdistan is implying it is a country lmfao reading went over your head too han love well by that logic i just came back from walmart does that make walmart a country no but it should i mean can you imagine the land of walmart it would be so magical oh my god [Music] i swear someone needs to invent socks for our hands my hands are always cold we do have something called gloves no stupid like socks for our hands ah this guy just doesn't get it you're looking for gloves and mittens man top five countries you visited california north carolina south carolina minnesota arizona ah yes me personally i come from the nation of north carolina yeehaw people have whole conspiracy theories about masks and how the government is using surgical mass to control us i can't deal with y'all they literally assigned us our own number they make you pay taxes register your property and your addresses they know everything about you and you think that they're controlling you by telling you literally not to spit in one another's faces what's wrong with y'all i mean it's really sad for me to think that you know people actually believe that crazy stuff it's actually not the government's job to control you it's our job so uh keep watching the video without politicians who would water trees in the rain and for those of you who are thinking it's a symbolic gesture no it's a dumb gesture and they should feel sad about themselves they stole your freedom once don't let them do it again my thing is though has anybody actually had problems like with wearing a seat belt like this whole mask thing has been blown out of proportion microwave this foil ball for three minutes and this is the result oh that's pretty oh wow i'm gonna try it you [ __ ] kate hudson i'm raising my daughter genderless we still don't know what she is going to identify as i hate to break it to you but you probably should use they them pronouns but okay do people outside the united states celebrate the american independence day or fourth of july why or why not why would they do you guys in america celebrate the red october revolution no what's that america we're number one we're not that smart yeah we're really dumb my mom was dragging her entire music library and misclicked oh good luck with that one that's that's a yikes for me still never met anyone who has ever had the coco 19 or anyone who knows anyone who has had the coco 19 have you sorry but so tired of people asking this question my neighbor lost four in one night at work my husband has four workers in his office all positive people have lost loved ones i find asking this question just unnecessary which is why i wasn't asking you you don't get to say i wasn't talking to you when you made a tweet asking anybody who read the tweet that's not fair effing racist with his confederate flag yeah i hate norway norwegians man sick of this racist [ __ ] [Music] oh a father with his two little babies you can tell they vaccinated that kid hashtag neurological damage damn bro you got your education from youtube tutorials or what the kid has trisomy 21 which is known as down syndrome which is a genetic disorder that has nothing to do with vaccines it develops due to failure of the 21st chromosome to separate during egg or sperm development this affects the zygote which means the kid vaccinated or not was unfortunately destined to be born this way you ignorant swine actually you know what go sit in a corner think about what you did and don't get up until you understand what the heck you're talking about the internet needs a shame button you know not just cancel culture i don't really care about that i mean like like a button that if everyone presses shame it doesn't necessarily cancel them but it just makes them know that everyone's disappointed in them united states if only there was some way to beat the coronavirus but no one knows every country that's beaten covet we listen to scientists and paid people to stay home the usa will just never know what's sad but true this is where americans can travel now not so many places huh is there like an imaginary line that thinks they can stop us so wait do you support illegal immigration now like dude pick a side 1961 buick flamingo with rotating front seat imagine your mom having this when you were younger so she could just do a 360 and beat your butt with power like this chair can offer my mom would be unstoppable she'd be a force to reckon with nigeria's anti-corruption boss arrested for corruption you had one job ibrahim one job what color should i paint my wheels for the strip this year wait dude you covered up every area of your car except the wheels so that you could paint it why didn't you just take off the effing wheels congratulations you played yourself news does a report on missing murdered aboriginal woman and they use a white girl at coachella wearing a headdress as the picture really news media you couldn't find a better stock photo come on no mask please this is a gun shop we shoot people with masks just saying oh god i gotta remind batman not to show up streamers attend disney's world reopening despite showing coronavirus symptoms oh well aren't you two just the worst type of people flirting i'm awful at it but being confident and awkward has somehow gotten me a few relationships in my life no one asked this is literally r slash ask reddit 160 parking ticket fu virginia beach nice how fast did you just ask me how fast i was going on a parking ticket yeah how fast on the road to success there are no shortcuts except for the one you tried to take it was recently reported that governor walls is considering a unilateral addict with a stroke of his pen to mandate masks upon everybody in minnesota do you support governor walls continuing to usurp the legislative branch violate the constitution and create his own laws as an unchecked king 91.7 says yes of course i do ah you love to see it i'm confident if you can do home depot if you can do walmart if you can do these things we absolutely can do the schools governor ron desantis i don't always go to home depot but when i do i tend not to go five days in a row for seven hours at a time yeah that makes sense people really be grown and still using umbrellas are you supposed to become waterproof after you turn 18 or something yeah like seriously what are you trying to say the nra tweets the ar-15 is the modern-day musket an everyday gun for everyday citizens the ar-15 is not an assault rifle there is no such thing assault is an act not a kind of rifle well if we're using that logic running shoes don't exist running is an act not a shoe woman who marries herself then cheats on herself and then blames it on men how the manager told aisha he didn't understand the issue because names get spelt wrong all the time yeah but you wrote isis and not only did you write isis you wrote isis on a muslim woman's drink this is what's wrong with kids today no respect for anything or anyone this is the future of our great country oh please your generation couldn't handle black and white students in the same school now you got a point philippine national police burning of marijuana trees wait is this actually a real thing ah you just know these officers are happy facebook just pulled in obama and started accepting gay ads i think the ads are based on your internet browsing patterns so uh what you're trying to say karen fortnight bundle with playstation 4 disc not included honestly i bought this item for my son had no idea was a download and not an actual disk why send a case if so i bought this for christmas and i still can't play the game it will not play money well wasted alright elizabeth listen the only thing that's been wasted is the description because you're clearly not even trying to read it this girl holding up a box wait 5 meters this girl must be a giant how did you survive the coco virus dad i went to work without a mask and build up my antibodies because that's how our immune system works [ __ ] legend wow you're just going to let your kid curse like that hon dad i mean sure he's calling you a legend but come on man control your kid also that's not how your immune system works but okay if you use facial recognition for anything the government has your face wait until you find out about driver's licenses oh turns out they've had your face all along they've also had your social security card and your taxes and uh and literally everything else so uh change your argument please coco virus news florida sets a new daily record of fifteen thousand two hundred ninety nine florida if you ain't first you're last see we should be applauding florida because they just want to be number one all right they're trying to lead the country teens are dressing up as mask wearing grandmas to score alcohol i mean you can be mad at the teens for doing this obviously it's not something they're supposed to do but you could be just as angry at the people who sold them the alcohol because they were supposed to card them regardless of if they look like an old lady i mean that is the law the coco 19 death numbers will be used to justify a socialist health care push we must reject america's health care system is actually the best in the world the american healthcare system in the u.s a homeless man held up and robbed a bank for one dollar and then sat down and waited for the police to come and arrest him so he could receive health care in prison ah yes yes number one ladies and gentlemen we did it today i learned that 2520 is the smallest number divisible by all the integers from one to ten but it's not divisible by eight uh yes it is two thousand five hundred twenty divided by eight is three hundred fifteen that's a fake sum no it's not just put it in the calculator it's right there what you don't believe in math now what are you some kind of weirdo how to break into someone's house a few moments later fans broke into my house i mean if you give them the tools you did kind of teach them everything they know so this is on you noah lyle smashes bolt's 200 meter record then discovers he only ran 185 meters lyle's 18.9 seconds appeared to break bolt's 19.19 record but not so fast the race organizer started the 200 meter world champion from the wrong line ah man i feel bad for this person these guys had one job and they started from the wrong line like come on has anyone lost a dog near here it's ginger and white i think it's some sort of husky looks really skinny poor thing ah ma'am that is a fox that is just that's a straight up fox quarantine in europe nobody on the streets quarantine in usa save my right to die defund science my virus my choice bring back damien seriously who keeps saying that i'm not racist but same-sex marriage should be between a man and a woman hashtag proud christian unpopular opinion love not racist wait a second you're not racist but same-sex marriage should be between a man and a woman you don't even know how stupid you are do you i really hope this is satire yesterday's new coronavirus cases can you spot the difference i don't know you tell me donald j trump in germany denmark norway sweden and many other countries schools are open with no problems the dimms think it would be bad for them politically if the u.s schools were open before the november election but i'm here to tell you folks no that's not what's going on at all nasa should put all flat earthers in a rocket and not bring them back you do realize they use wide-angle lens to make it appear like a globe it is flat from these altitudes ah shut up i swear my girl is a freak and i love it uh you sure about that bud a deaf baby hears for the first time thousands of hours of patient experimentation went into this science is glory here's an accurate headline hearing patient doesn't know how to deal with a deaf baby and decides their life for them without the knowledge or consent what do you want the baby to be deaf the parents are just taking care of the baby like shut up what do you want do you want the baby to be deaf like i don't see how that's any better people who leave their phone set to military time are freaking war criminals how do you look at 1605 and go wow i can understand that freaking bootlickers what's next you're gonna join the army recruit me americans be like i can't count past 12 actually hey that's not true americans aren't dumb i can read military time let's see 1605 that's uh 12 11 12 that's 405 right i don't really know i had posted that i don't want any trump supporters messaging me with misspelled words while calling me an idiot hi caleb is this still available yes i have several let me know if i spelled this correctly you're a freaking idiot actually no it's your with an apostrophe he was so close just just not there guys a new shipment of masks have arrived beautiful and super comfortable also breath is much easier in addition to the delicacy and femininity that this tulle mask brings to the female face you can order your girls now this is so frustrating i'm not trying to say oh you shouldn't wear a mask or oh you should wear a mask i'm just trying to get through this video man i feel like people on both sides whether they're pro mask or anti-mask they can say that this is dumb you don't need to present a mask especially if it's not gonna do anything it's just like just don't i'm scared that my 15 year old will get her nose pierced when she turns 18. i don't want her to mess up her life how do i convince her not to do it can you set something straight here on a previous post from roughly an hour ago you claimed to be a 14 year old and in another post from april you also had another daughter who's 12 years old so you're 14 with a 15 year old and a 12 year old please stop it's a shame everybody always forgets about their common history forced penetration without consent is rape you smell that it smells like carrot in here i stood with trump in 2016 and i proudly stand with him in 2020. i am the silent majority announcing publicly that you stand with him kind of invalidates the silent part you genius yeah so much for the silent majority more like the loud and very apparent majority how about that a contract signed and dated this is calibri a font that was introduced in 2007 the document is dated in 2006. well somebody's definitely lying that is not going to go over well in court a 30 year old conspiracy theorist dies of the coco virus after trying to catch it and prove it was fake i mean all seriousness rest in peace that sucks but like was it worth it is there anything more depressing than left wing architecture let's see so it looks like affordable housing through like these apartment buildings that are really close together oh i know something that's more depressing than left wing architecture homelessness no you're right english pub installs electric fence to stop gathering at the bar i mean that seems a little extreme i mean you could just tell people hey don't gather at the bar this is my bar and i can shut it down if you do this you could put up a sign you could even close down your store if you didn't feel safe i don't know why you feel like you have to treat your customers like there are farm animals but uh but okay man you do you i'm just wondering why none of these televangelists have been showing up at hospitals performing miracles on all these coronavirus patients yeah you know i really hate to break it to some believers who are like hey if this guy touches me i can be healed but yeah no that's not actually how it works no seriously if these guys can heal the people if they can actually heal people like they say they should be going out to hospitals healing everyone oh wait they can't because it's fake kids describe color to a blind person so like have you ever seen like the color of a blueberry i haven't seen anything ever that's kind of the whole point i bet the kids are gonna be like yeah but like i know you can't see but like you know blueberry right you like know the color of a blueberry like they just don't get it at all oh great an anti-vaccine community my three-year-old is not vaccinated and there is currently a measles outbreak in my state any suggestions or precautions that i can take to protect her would be much appreciated huh if there was only something she could do to you know maybe protect her kid from a virus oh well guess you gotta stick to the essential oils mom gets a pet bunny because i'm depressed and anxious bunny gives me happiness dad says every day that he'll kill my bunny if i don't act the way he wants me to me is even more depressed and anxious oh wow way to go dad wonderful parenting job a french bus driver died after being attacked by passengers for asking them to wear masks the man died for telling people to wear masks and they're not even wearing masks while paying tribute to him oh yeah this is a big brain time hmm you never see the all lives matter people respond to the blue lives matter movement with their slogan it's only in response to black lives matter yeah because like when you say black lives matter it means that our lives don't matter like gosh the national graphic magazine about the ocean plastic pollution comes wrapped in a plastic bag inside of another plastic bag congratulations you played yourself seriously national geographic like what are you thinking your mask goes over your nose too up and right in the picture you see a guy without the mask on uh priceless my mom who is a boomer in age and mentality just threw away all of our hand sanitizer because one online article saying it was toxic she found on facebook and i was the one who spent 30 dollars on all the bottles my reaction dear god woman what are you thinking mystery deepens as two countries with vastly different approaches to health care and governmental support have vastly different success rates fighting a disease oh boy that is a lot of red favorite sex position oh mine it's called the virgin you stand there with your legs closed shut waiting for the right person to come along um weren't you pregnant yeah so shut up jessica we don't talk about that gosh i saw a job post the other day it required four plus years of experience in fast api i couldn't apply because i only have 1.5 plus years of experience since i created that thing maybe it's time to re-evaluate that years of experience equal skill level thing peta sheeps are bred to have an unnatural amount of wool leading to heat exhaustion and hundreds of deaths every year sheeps are not ours to wear at peta so you just proved you need to shave them lol i think the point peter's trying to make is that we didn't need to shave them until we started breeding them at an unnatural rate but that's just judging in retrospect now the responsible thing is to shave them so their point is invalidated by themselves rational people you can't just win every argument by being too dumb to argue with anti-masters says you just use your immune system i dropped food on the floor today and picked it up and ate it what's unacceptable to you is certainly your choice but apparently a lot of people think that the immune system works fine ah man you're right if only those 137 000 dead folks had just known they could use their immune systems oh right why didn't they think of that man i'm immune compromise and i should have just been using my immune system this whole time stupid me just had a karen call 9-1-1 on us for telling us it was unconstitutional and inhumane that we require customers to wear masks police came in gave a huge sigh and told us we're doing a good job that moment when you called the cops on caesar's pizza kinda messed up that middle school would host field trips that were like four thousand dollars to dc or whatever and then all the poor kids just couldn't go literally crap cost money flights are expensive hotels are expensive you really think all that should have been handed out to them lol nothing is free i didn't get to do anything like that when i was a kid now i'm 18 working 40 hours a week to have a good life um this you a previously pinned tweet here's my cash app if you gave money to me it would be very appreciated oh quiche bullsh notice if you come on my property i will beat you off oh you promise well everyone that's our time i hope you enjoyed this episode of r facepalm and hey i read the comment section i know some of you guys are a little offended by the mass jokes it depends on where you land on this thing but just know it's all jokes it's all in good fun and we still love you over here at the easy peasy community anyways if you liked the video make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and the notification bell to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads i'm your host david the baker and i will see you in another video peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 233,032
Rating: 4.9088802 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/facepalm, r/facepalm top posts, r/facepalm best posts, face palm, r/facepalm ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: T0QCAneGkxM
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Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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