r/Me_IRL · "Zzzzzzz" ~ Car

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sources dude trust me how's it gonna put a welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zach and today we're taking a look at our slash me IRL when you die in the six black guys start to dance with your coffin how many days until 4/20 2420 days you can only reblock this once 28:20 will be a good year top 10 anime photos taking only a few months before tragedy me tries to walk quiet through the house at 4 a.m. my ankles yeah ants when I step on their stupid freaking pile of dirt that took them 2,000 years to build my anxiety thinking that everyone hates me my depression telling me no one cares enough about me to hate me got to click these bad boys a few times before using them it's true it's a proper etiquette do you want to learn to play the banjo no thanks no thanks no thanks no things when bartenders find new jobs after all the bars closed down yeah you ever notice a hammer looks like a weed guy swinging a baseball bat oh it sure does 30,000 years of evolution to improve senses and soar surviving the wild has led to this beautiful moment dog eats bean burrito in one second have you seen my wastepaper basket ask me that again and look into my eyes sometimes I'm Ernie sometimes I'm Bert God the big dumb me people an animal suit will not be tolerated at stores go to other restaurant beast man Burger King Moldova brain is the most important part of the body brain brain cool recipe for anyone struggling with depression one bread Julius Caesar's assassination was the last time everyone and a group project at their part apart from the fact that 60 people agreed to stab him and he only had 23 stab wounds sounds about right me tries to eat cake at 2:00 a.m. plastic cake container now all of China knows you're here imagine getting away with murder 20 years ago and then some a-hole drops a documentary on Netflix bringing it back up Frick me pours out the last bit of cereal from the Box the cereal when you drive your chevy to the levee but the levee is dry and then good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye guess this will be the day that I die her go deeper me sorry not of car how do I put myself into a coma without killing myself and without permanent brain damage my life sucks and I would commit suicide but I think I might want to wake up later I don't really want to die I have a roommate so they would find update lul I don't want to die I want to go to sleep for like a month update to to all you idiots incapable of literacy I didn't ask how to improve my current circumstances I asked how to induce a coma how companies think we see prices $20 1999 yes when you're sleeping on the couch and someone wakes you up and tells you to go to your bed yeah it's unfortunate the Crocs are finally returning to the Rivers Nature is healing we are the virus dead inside but still horny be like that sometimes I can grant you one wish but I have one condition when you die your soul will be mine cool I wish to be immortal then it's a deal wait a minute you know you can't just ignore my defense mechanism and eat me ha ha mouth go ahh daddy's always open closed they should have said just kidding me come on do something big what's worse than a heartbreak stepping on your dog's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry that that hit deep this is what my husband and I purchased at the grocery store the other day we don't have kids we are adults we pay bills and drink water from a whale money whales spend just a polite tall Dutch guy at a concert I should get the shirt too I'm not tall I'm just generally disappointing to people the new bagless Dyson soul Harvester nice when it's your day but no one talks about it sad earth nice who's that Pokemon 25 year old me that's a freaking Eevee hey you free to hang out tomorrow to do tomorrow emergency eye exam all day I don't see why not my mom at the checkout from your boss not fair go me being sent out to find onions are you a boy or a girl I'm dead a fine gender when people ask how I learned to fix computers I just keep googling stuff and it keeps working I found a way to make my 12 inches long fold it in half Hellyeah mother-fricker I don't give a single heck about a stranger's opinion on the Internet I'm way more interested in garlic bread have you ever eaten freaking garlic bread it's delicious gasps wegg kinder gasp away children those Germans are up to something isn't it weird how we pay money to see other people you mean prostitution concerts or the movies glasses if you're under 30 and your email address isn't a gmail account you're a serial killer next create your community name our slash going to work that name isn't going to work pretty sure it is Bart would you like to say grace God we paid for all this ourselves so thanks for nothing he attack he attack but most importantly he attacked hearing my voice in my head hearing my voice in videos correct nose I just type nose with my nose heart what the Frick John are you okay John a hedgehog screaming at the ground this is what I looked like when I tried to do a push-up at the gym it fools and infuriates me that Hogwarts students don't take Latin or Greek at shhh Joe literally I summon Lumos frickin light expelliarmus expel weapon oh I wonder what lever corpus does you dumped bet you illiterate it's called levitt corpus it lifts someone's body it levies your god corpus Hermione goes throughout this what a weird dog maybe it dragon hi cloud I missed the homies yeah stop them you missed your chance pal their filthy water are blessed ground if you see a horrid beasts evolving push it back in when someone asks how life is going yeah North Korean leader Kim Jong hoon recently underwent cardiovascular surgery that reportedly went fricken terrible in the cocksucker's now in critical condition this guy is human garbage but I got a respect to clean fade I cry a lot for someone who isn't even that hydrated can I eat all of this macaroni probably I can I went on a journey of self-discovery today me at friend's house friend so what do you want to do me that knows your house friend I don't know you're the guest me I don't know it's your house me and the US on my fourth week of lockdown there are seventy two thousand five hundred and nineteen stones in my walls I've counted them many times someone in Italy on their sixth week but have you named them yet me finally takes my schizophrenia medication my homie Jerome imagine trying to explain this to your future self two months ago Joe exotic medical mask $16 Oh April 23rd 2021 Josh Swain there are 65 people in the u.s. named Joshua Swain April 25th 2021 Josh Swain there are one people in the u.s. named Joshua Swain what the hell happened here the headline should clearly be Kim jong-il come on journalists don't make me do your job for you I need to get out of this bed or I'm gonna be late for the couch when you see some children dropping your jewelry into lava guess I'll die my friends trying to give me their McDonald's orders me the least drunk hey little man how's it going yeah me using logic in an argument mom I gave birth to you I am so lonely why must I live this life alone in solitude well this loneliness ever end don't frickin touch me six-year-old with one arm takes on PGA Tour Pros and bruises well I can't say I didn't see it coming me meets toilet at 3:00 a.m. we can go in smart or we can go in loud and dumb y'all in efforts got a silencer I got a loud answer bed huge sped fancy bed low price first phone case toothbrush I wish I could pull the sad out of you like this I don't think it's working Jim I think you're just pulling out my lymphatic system you can do whatever you like with my image by music remix it we release it whatever just never make me boring Freddie Mercury Freddie Mercury gets trapped in a sliding calls out for momma hey Samar denial I can't believe it's not butter anchor what not butter bargaining could it be butter depression this is not butter acceptance margarine mariokart mariokart is a video game designed to realistically simulate what driving is like in Italy buying one dollar for 25 cents merchants can sell any type of item to any kind of merchant the microwave the food the bowl lactose intolerant people when they realize they live in the Milky Way well Millennials finally stopped going out for avocado toast can everybody afford a house now beef murders an entire village and sets everything on fire minecraft I understand what the hell made folk Kashia quiz have you made the Bon Appetit focaccia yet or do you live with someone you can Frick oh you've been hit by you've been struck by a moose genital no thanks movie dialogue movie soundtrack yeah true put that crap back this is not the year more than 20 sealed coffins discovered near Luxor Egypt me paying my rent with negative oil barrel money when there is no next episode button to click on oh yeah I felt this did you know you can just start screaming basically anywhere it's not illegal or anything you got no money no bye show me the nitric oxide formula please no oh well so you want to do it the hard way huh you win a match at 3:00 a.m. and you hear their parents clapping from their room they love me thinking about the guy who bowled a perfect game on 9/11 oh yeah I read about this guy saw a pigeon having a job interview earlier I hope he got it my tongue finding the popcorn kernel in my tooth my finger trying to find it my friend how are you so good at talking me the night before thinking of every possible conversation Power Rangers introducing themselves one by one the bad guy just waiting I'm bored what should we do we should rip off our skin and flesh from sneak into the cemetery as yes yeah one upvote equals five push-ups repost if you're brave me physically unable to do one pushup you can't just post a random photo on the internet and expect people to get it the photo when you get an extremely rare item during the tutorial in the game lets you keep it in ratatouille when linguini brings Remy back into his apartment and gets all embarrassed it is like it's not much to a rat that's my level of insecurity me adding nevertheless in my essay for a little razzle-dazzle I wonder if he's thinking about me I need to reach that tree before that car all died YouTube's recommending me a good video me telling myself I'm gonna go to sleep right after I finish watching 12 other good recommended videos be hit 5 a.m. the seedless watermelon if I cannot reproduce neither will anybody else another triumph for the seedless watermelon please God ban the phrases in these uncertain times or in this together from commercials indefinitely Burger King isn't your friend it's a freakin fast food chain marketing agencies responded quicker than the government I don't think this is working out I feel like you never listen to a word I say Lowell my bacon looks like a seahorse what are you doing taking a bath send pic bye oh come on that's funny suspect I ain't talking cop sharpens knife we got ways to make it people talk cuts a piece of cake suspect can I have some table take us from stalkers British people be like I don't know if I'm busy that day let me check my schedule me in front of my parents me in front of my friends me in front of my girlfriend me in the shower when it's so quiet that your ears start ringing silent silence boy 9 so obsessed with gaming he plays for 6 hours a day are you kidding me that's insulting lilo oh my god oh please please don't do that no don't what will the skate park be reopened when there's not a pandemic I'm a tad more worried about businesses and the well-being of working adults in the skate park that's because you can't kickflip Greg the Pope people on social media that don't post anything someone do you have a special talent B yeah so what kind of pictures would you like to see I want pictures of spider-man my mom not very smart but very social my dad very smart but anti-social me stupid and anti-social you were hired to build a suspension bridge I know this thing could collapse at any minute probably this is completely unsatisfactory you mean you can't feel it feel what the suspense sorry we are closed due to short staff hi you're taller staff cuz I need a taco the most famous teams on tic toc just broke up to keep searching boys we got to find who the Frick asked oh yes just completed a four-minute task time to rest for three and a half hours from my vast experience in watching cartoons that car is very tired I'm like how ads have gone from buy a Toyota to this is a difficult and uncertain time for us all buy a Toyota anyways he was Wonderwall my ukulele so big I feed it well select all squares of vehicles if there are none click skip all this happens to me every time me waking up to play video games after playing video games all night oh my god we just have to keep washing dishes and putting them away putting more food on them and washing them again over and over again until we die I have the solution just buy new dishes every time you want some to eat butter is so nice water doesn't call me an idiot I'm so freakin pissed off I just realized they're called pancakes because they're cakes you make in a frying pan Frick English waterfall oh my freaking God I'm furious many whales are bigger than big burning that's like his freaking thing whales are but a small speck in the eyes of Jupiter you blubber nugget blubber nuggets that is a that's an insult I need to remember that one hey bro do you still have that owl for sale how old what owl I guess it was a dream roll okay be my wife I you are on this Wi-Fi but we do not grant you the rank of connected man shoots himself in the small robbing a Chicago hot dog stand a wiener for a weiner yikes that sounded kind of depressing better put a little bow in there to throw him off me and my profile pic versus me in the zoo meeting whoo and well ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our slash in the IRL thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure that that subscribe button and the bell see you know different enemies PZ uploads and until the next one I will see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 159,460
Rating: 4.9526353 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/me_irl, r/meirl, me irl, me_irl, reddit me irl, r/me_irl ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: HKjn-efQwaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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