r/Comedyheaven · just cremated barry????

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i just drank chocolate milk and i feel so powerful i'm gonna smash my monitor oh i am never drinking chocolate milk again oh man we all knew this would happen this poor fool should have seen this coming what's going on guys and gals welcome back to easy peasy my name is david the baker and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash comedy heaven you know the place where all our old memes go to die in an afterlife of either cringe or retrospective comedy at least i think to be quite honest i'm not quite too sure what comedy heaven is but either way we're going gonna be jumping right into it so without further ado let's go jurassic world tyrannosaurus rex you see it's costumes like these that are gonna cancel halloween for 2020. my dad sent this to me except he forgot to actually attach the review so i was left with this this is an actual customer review from a man on amazon after using veet hair removal cream for men this is the funniest review ever yeah but dad you didn't send the review and you went out for milk for like 12 years honestly dad this is a really weird way for us to keep in touch a horse walks into a bar the bartender says why the long face the horse replies my alcoholism is destroying my family oh i remember this joke and then the bartender says oh it's okay buddy i'm sure your family loves you and the horse says nay nay nay why i want to fist fight god oh wow tommy's really had it is it because of 2020 i bet it's because of 2020. ah yes the all-powerful all-knowing fish what words of wisdom will you bestow upon us oh yeah ye air conditioner i mean i get the stock photo actor is supposed to convey the feeling of being overwhelmed by heat but instead his face kind of reads as oh man the dog pooped on the floor again this is why i wanted a cat interesting fact of the day the average person the average person what eats a lobster in their sleep loses their eyebrows when they close their eyes grows little finger things on their stumps what's going on here all known deaths on icarly i mean if you watch the show you might remember when gibby comes from the ceiling and like lands on this person completely like flattens them yeah no that was probably instant death adult swim presents kyle you know i'm not gonna lie i don't quite remember a show about an inanimate ranch bottle but i'm sure it went places i ran through an entire country with diarrhea yeah but the real question papa peter is why i'm not gonna take it away from you you're still very much a mad lad but you're definitely a weird one i can't take a leak in my pool says dylan hey we'll never say never you know what dylan don't listen to the haters you can pee in your pool if you want to pee in your pool after all it is your pool so go ahead and do it cause here on easy peasy we encourage people to follow their dreams merchandise sale go home with our balls you know what i just might that's all 40 sheep what we should only have 37 i know i rounded them up technically the truth like for emo comment for swag yo i'm gonna be sick hey y'all so i've been seeing this girl and i'm trying to convince her that me snorting her birth control pills will make us completely infertile for the whole month and she says i'm wrong can anybody please help back me up on this she's cool as heck and she sometimes buys me fruit snacks i don't want to lose out on a good thing thank you in advance i don't know about the whole snorting birth control pills thing but if she buys you fruit snacks she's a keeper hello and welcome to the funky barn community whatever the heck that is oh let's see a post from carter the barn isn't actually funky dang carter it's like that japanese sushi is too delicious will you make friends with me i am normal japanese i want to make friend in the world i mean that's a pretty weird way to make friends but if it works it works mac and cheese one dollar hey uh please follow the local guidelines about physical distancing to help slow the spread of the cocoa virus yeah because eating somebody's leftovers is definitely not the move thomas stop being so nosy me just casually farting so loud you just got vectored jesus christ did people actually like this god almighty that's awful i drew this gun all by myself oh yeah john malcolm sure you did i don't get it why is this on r slash that happened kanye west i love this chair you see this is a perfect indicator that kanye west is losing his mind because that's clearly not a chair it has three legs which makes it a stool somebody get help for kanye can't reach 100 charge them all connect all the plugs to a matching socket you know i'm going to take this picture as a reference for the quality of the app and say that it's probably ass how cutalan language works venonosos they sell bears venonosos they sell bones venonosos bones are coming then in osos bears are coming well i mean technically bears have bones so i it kind of works in some way a group where everything is just so random here's a picture of robert oh sorry robert has died italian word of the day artichoke as in i ought to choke you out uh please flush urinals after using i love how it goes from aggressive to like very timid and mild like just please flush you know please i'ma choke you hitler's alligators the last german prisoner of war in russia what a cold-blooded animal yeah i know right how dare he own an alligator dad why is my sister's name rose because son your mother loves roses ah thanks dad no problem freedom of navigation operations haha this meme is brought to you by the us navy the us navy we're like the army but weirder here's a picture of a man in his profile my nose is so oily that in case you kiss my nose you will become fat i don't know maybe this guy was hacked that's just a weird statement to make arabic comedy movies live is bad let me die oh no the breaks won't work no i won't leave you my friend look i don't know what arabic comedy movie this is but i am definitely on board oh isn't this nice rain water harvesting tank thanks to reddit r atheism yep that's that's perfect buzzfeed says dear men please stop wearing cargo shorts this is not a drill kenny bowling replies with buttfeed shut the heck up i'll wear my gosh darn cargo pants whenever i feel like it stop this instant or i will contact my attorney harry potter is played by chief keith no he is not here's the poster now go call your attorney pokemon sword and shield hello everyone i received a review copy of pokemon sword and i am now authorized to share my thoughts it freaking sucks lmao 0 out of 10. okay that's just mean yo at minecraft at mahjong support you might want to check this bug out they started doing this after they broke their crossbows ooh yikes mahjong support oh wow you're darn right oh wow you're gonna have to go fix that eight unforgettable disasters in football that we'll never forget oh yeah just when he was about to kick the soccer ball off boom a plane crashed and it blocked his shot it ruined the entire game yep this is totally not photoshopped update i am not a communist anymore back in august 2018 i left the communist movement i still believe in cheap college not free but cheap and free medicare i acknowledged that i was wrong now nearly a year after i left the movement i have learned many lessons i've discovered the art of story writing my new aspiration and philosophy which has made me more wise beyond my years thank you and have a nice day oh what a good kid i wonder if he'll relapse and make a video like i am communist again eat my pant like a boss best talent and skills yeah okay but what exactly is this person's talent because standing on a turbine engine it's cool but definitely not a skill google opinion rewards would this be a good video recommendation for you i flooded the toilet in chipotle honestly i gotta give it five stars this is the type of content i want at wikihatebot says i hate at hertz hertz responds we are sorry to hear this please dm us with your concerns to help ah it's a bot we are not bots we are real people trying to address your concerns no no the person you're responding to is a bot as stated previously we are real people a part of the social media management team addressing your concerns thank you yeah well you're either a bot or a really bad listener so you know what just give up what did you think of this video we ranked veggietales silly songs okay so you give it five stars it's like calming inspiring useful you know it's all the above ground views and elevated views from this tragedy ghost boy responds with oh my god oh my god oh jesus oh my god jesus oh god oh oh oh oh oh my god jesus oh my oh god jesus oh my this guy does know it's not a live stream right what a poor way to learn about a national tragedy just online you're like oh god when did this happen oh poor kid amazon prime it's a very good wig very sturdy and easy to use you know what if you're happy with it i'm happy with it today is my birthday bro party i just watched a movie bro bro let's party i have cancer bro bro let's party rest in peace i am dead bro let's party hashtag name those friends god this is so oh this it reeks of facebook i just i can't the big gay ice cream assorted variety pints is is that an actual thing i was just about to say just because it has a rainbow doesn't make it gay but then what if it actually is a flavor i wonder what big gay tastes like squalets thirty dollars i'm selling squalids one hundred percent real genuine squirrel asking thirty dollars firm i have 22 in stock so inbox for your order i can also do googly eyes colored fur and wacky haircuts no squirrels were harmed in the making i found them dead it's kinda weird that you found the 22 squirrels already dead before you turned them into your arts and crafts project but if you're making money you're making money do you know who bofa is yes yes i do beauford's nuts noted i'm sorry here's the place where i got this joke from i mean you could have just walked away and never texted this person again but the fact that you put in where you found the joke from is like 12 times more cringy my uncle terry everyone say hi terry hi terry i seriously don't get the joke countries with bees yep the the entirety of the world you hear that everyone you'll never be able to escape the bees i've had enough of matt hancock bringing his ukulele to interviews geez how often does this guy bring his ukulele in is he just like breaking news three people died in a fire back to you janet happy birthday spongebob squarepants hmm i didn't mean to add those my bad geez mateo what's going on in your photo gallery pitbull says this is my swag face winky emoticon okay pitbull how do i say this nicely uh yuck we were sending each other flirtatious memes but haven't really spoken about feelings yet i was going to send some more obvious memes to show her how i really feel but her dog died and i'm comforting her now we'll post another update tomorrow if i have anything to share hey good luck man the op couch for 69 replies thank you god i hope she's a couch yeah i definitely wouldn't make your main account that username but hey to each his own sonic says you know what f you sonic sonic is awesome shut the fudge up sonic is not important not cool and dumb things were heating up on the youtube kids platform r slash titler it's hitler with tits not safe for work hitler art no god i don't want to see any more of this millions of windows computer owners discover incredible tricks do this today you know what i don't think i will domiko sexy lingerie online store oh boy look at my look at my sexy face why do i have a feeling that this guy is going to be the one modeling the clothes diary 30 superman is coming to school diary 31 humiliation i mean let's be real if this was the real superman he could have just obliterated everyone that made fun of him with his heat vision and then boom no more bullies dad sending a picture of his big old bald head and mom saying nice i mean it's better than the mom just roasting him like harold with your bald headed shiny top mr clean looking [ __ ] that would actually be worse i am japanese will you make friends with me i am ordinary man i am japanese and i want to befriend with you video distribution to the world seriously where is this guy coming from seal farts after looking directly at me oh we all know that this seal knew exactly what they were doing just look at his face he's clearly an alpha sad one tonight boys just cremated barry yeah so why are you smiling hey eminem tell me a joke hmm your rap career what the f boogie i i really hated reading that at first i lulled and then i serious ah yes this is me realizing i'm doing comedy heaven where the jokes don't make me laugh and everything makes me cringe i lulled at first and then i was very serious in explaining this i'm fed up with this world no it's not worth it don't go out like this if you see this in australia get away immediately because if you don't you might just fall in love i mean look at that adorable mess duster asks guys where is target i need to go to target to get some juice and popcorn but i'm lost can you help me find it seriously dustin it's always oh i need to find this and that can't you just enjoy being in the nintendo chat for once in your life just be chill me rapping fast oh buddy that is not how you spell rapping yeah rapping has two p's what you spelled is just agreeably worse unless you meant to title it that in which case i'm gonna have to call the police princess leia i mean yeah it's totally not ralph from the simpsons no no no it's a it's a female fictional character hey sully mike let's kill boo uh how how about we just uh we don't do that although i will say that would make for a pretty good plot for monsters inc 3 president elmo let's see cookie monster kill for 200 points and mean rhyme for 200 points when elmo is talking shut your trap otherwise your booty will get a slap actually hold on let me try that again in elmo's voice when elmo is talking shut the trap otherwise your booty will get a slap don't mess with elmo [ __ ] okay that's that's maybe a little too much god that's creepy i would very much like to become a member of this page you have been a member since january 29th of 2018 and added by maria oh well then thank you now to be fair this group was made for people with amnesia attention thanks for your attention eat the ball come on do it not gonna lie for a dollar sixty i might just eat that ball it looks like a soccer ball that's made out of either really soft bread or really soft foam either way i definitely eat it i made stew it was awesome i love potatoes potato i love you too wait what was in the stew don't ask questions you don't want the answer to potatoes come on you know the rules hello this is roger from doordash pick number between one and ten um okay four wrong no food for you wait what why roger roger please i need my food oh yeah i got this tattoo on my arm it's supposed to mean peace and tranquility you know something that really speaks to my vibe what it actually says turkey sandwich great job excellent execution just seen a spongebob show on the tv why the yellow man don't leave the octopus alone you know that's a good question sex haver 4200 why don't the yellow man just chill ah yes touch the badoof do it cu boulder engineering says engineering while they say that you're supposed to tweet whatever's on your mind and if their mind is on engineering then you can't blame them for that i'm not naked stop disliking my freaking videos i'm sorry kid but uh yeah no that message did not go over well because that like to dislike ratio is god-awful my song called bogus the only thing that's bogus about this is that it only has five views like come on give this man some engagement r slash the baby the baby should change his name to the toddler in a few years you know cause cause babies turn into toddlers after a few years geez the fact that you put an explanation into the joke kind of ruins it john cena has said i hate serbia because he is albanian he never said that yes he did say that you son of a [ __ ] whoa bro calm down who's that invested in the john cena lore like wha what are you guys doing here donald j trump we're running out of welcome mats you know this is a real text from trump you see they've been letting so many people into america they're just like we're all out of welcome mats folks i don't know what to tell you all but you just gotta stop coming in we gotta build a wall we gotta start over so we can stockpile our welcome mets and then bring everybody back in that's that's the point everyone at least that's the reality i live in billy bob i love weed and i'm only 10. you're so young that's against the law why do you do that cause i'm a savage you forget to change accounts buddy shout out to the girl i stabbed in sixth grade i didn't want to do that i'm really sorry hey i mean that's what happens when you go through puberty you know your hormones are running and all of a sudden you just want to stab the person next to you with a pencil for no reason it's a terrible thing luckily for me i still haven't gone through puberty so i still sound like a prepubescent boy next meme stop condoning underage sex oh yeah well i fact your mom underage oh god what a savage what happened i used to play this on my mac and now they removed mac support wtf developer sorry sorry my bad i'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow haha you're fat wait how does that mean you're fat did you get your wisdom teeth taken out huh you must be overweight you loser like what where's the thought process there burger king breathe the fart of change hey uh hey burger king you might want to take a break from twitter i know i say that a lot but really you're tripping reserved already is it yeah sorry another buyer made payment already why i just don't understand why this has to happen i had a dream that you were my therapist but all you did was call me a [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah so i'm just going through a lot of stress and my life feels really crazy right now haha little [ __ ] boy sad oh god you're a terrible therapist ah yes saint jerry the goat [ __ ] goat [ __ ] who as the name implies [ __ ] a lot of goats yeah no no no definitely definitely look at the beard he definitely looks like that type oh this is definitely a little kid help my parents are making weird noises in their bedroom and it's getting louder i entered and they were naked but they didn't notice me help are they wrestling uh poor kid yes uh yes they're just wrestling jimmy john's not safe for work open for picks isn't jimmy john's like a sandwich place maybe they just ordered extra sausage what even is that accent it's not an accent i'm just stupid you know what me too man me too i just got an email from some guy named balford campbell hey uh dude do you want some mangoes this has got to be some type of drug deal right like mangoes is definitely a code word for something either that or he's just a very weird man selling mangoes why the f can't we just spell it wednesday no no no no it has to be wednesday for the rest of life alright we just all have to suffer okay 13 richest kids and teenagers in the world 2020 edition number one ryan oh yeah ryan is so rich he doesn't even need a last name in fact he bought out the name ryan i guarantee you that there is no other person out there named ryan prove me wrong what's your opinion on magnets i love magnets more than my own father at least magnets know how to stick around minion memes for moms when you swallow all of okay i don't want to read it i'm not i'm just you you see it you see what it says yeah oh good why did nine people share this i can't all right this one's gonna sound a little weird just you know play along would you r or rather drive the ford unfocus or ford escape maybe even jeep wrangled or dodged challenged well i don't know about you guys but i'm definitely going with the ford escaped it's invisible so it's practically the car i already have i'm a gamer really what game do you play fortnite ah yes because uh fortnite bad minecraft good death stranding pc players discover norman reedus has no pp in game it's a little odd that people went out of their way to discover this but i mean okay four exercises that'll make your vj so tight it becomes a dip guillotine jesus christ oh oh i know this planet it's the peepee planet i think i learned about this one in school well everyone that's my time i hope you enjoyed this episode of r comedy heaven if you liked this video and manage to survive the cringe and you know comedy that that supposedly in the video then make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and the notification bell to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads other than that i'm your host david the baker and i will see you in the next video peace out and uh yeah three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 291,937
Rating: 4.9392176 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/comedyheaven, r/comedyheaven top posts, r/comedyheaven best posts, comedy heaven, comedyheaven ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: T2Ht7bN0WZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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