r/Hmmm · lovely day at the beach

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[Laughter] big bird is having a having a time out on the road man a few moments later how's it going everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is zach and today we're taking a look at our slash hmm there really is nothing like a beautiful wedding photo with uh you know clear waters behind you tropical uh environment and there's a guy falling from the sky ah yes images taken moments before disaster before hell broke loose hey wait a second how did that how's it making a square what is this implying that this bull like farted and just blasted off and what is that like what is that guy a devil i don't know there's a lot to process here oh man you know this is actually a fear of mine i'm not gonna lie like you know what if the lid's cold and the whatever that is is hot and you know it shatters it's very sad what did this did the dog rip up the floor and is under the floor and just what oh no that is that is a worst fear wait no hold on i'm looking closer is that is that frozen it looks frozen i'm pretty sure how to improve your engine and make your car go faster just load it up with some monster energy juice you know i would prefer not to be watched by three different surveillance cameras while i'm trying to take a dump that's just me though yeah excuse me ma'am how the hell did this happen [Laughter] uh yo these dudes are getting mathematical about their pie slices i i respect it these are just two birds in one image ah i don't see anything weird here these guys definitely thought the seats were too uncomfy because they just put a whole ass sofa in there hopefully this was just an image and not a video because um i don't think you're gonna be able to use that heater as a actual accordion oh no honey that's that's vegetable oil that's not gonna say goodbye to your car yep just a couple of bikes lined up um yeah i guess an exercise bike counts you know whatever again i i i just want to know how the hell did this happen why is why is an ambulance inside of a building in the side of a building it's off the ground all right now that is a first a uh a sideways rocking chair interesting i i don't know why you'd want that but hey there's something for everyone ah yes where the council meets every week to talk about toilets or bathrooms or something i don't know oh dear i can't think of a caption for this but look at them they're so cute chilling in the back of a van huh i mean that's that's one way to you know feed birds with little crumbs and such interesting this image has a incredibly threatening aura and i i i do hate it you know maybe i don't have access to a basketball hoop you gotta make do with something right you know what i'm gonna be upset because why the hell would you put a street lamp there but i gotta commend them for making it work somehow and putting it through the roof what if his old computer is on the other side that's covered up huh so it's like a casket for the old dead computer i don't know man i'm trying my hardest here again it's one of those images that it's a lot to process you know you got a guy running that shark's leaping out of the ocean onto the beach and she's just taking a picture holding a water bottle and she's oblivious to it yeah there's a giant bird that could rip me to shreds behind me yeah what about it nice pink stick idiot no this doesn't make sense uh the doors should open separately but i mean if you have a full car right i mean let's open all the doors at once you got it is that a microwave it's a microwave computer case what what kind of mouse is that i that's i like that i don't know why but it's nice i've seen this image this is um i want to know if it's real and uh how long it took to fill whatever that is they're in up with popcorn yo do nice trick man i'm uh very scared though um because you could get hurt very easily please be careful what is happening here i don't know what it is but it's a little spooky [Laughter] this image radiates power that guy is a force to be reckoned with um that cat does not want to be disturbed while it's on the laptop and also hands oh man it is apparent that tank is um not having a very good day is that that is the amazon logo in a piece of ground beef why well this is a first a zip tie holding together chains because they're not actually chained together tarantino what are you doing why are you why are you getting a close-up on this guy's foot is there something wrong with his toes ooh this is the uh cancelled rendition of joker where he just gets ripped for no reason you know in any other situation i'd probably pick up that money but i i don't know man i think that thing's gonna eat my hand if i do reach for it the tower of oranges and toshiba hold them up i love what i'm recording for these and i find like genuinely good memes i can put in my folders yeah i have a collection of beams what are you gonna judge me oh why are you highlighting the phone don't do that i don't know who that is i'm uncultured i'm sure it's from some anime but you know jesus has got him oh snow white how the mighty have fallen [Laughter] dude this is mike wazowski's car i don't think uh i don't think he's having it i don't think he likes that shirt very much someone get it off of him oh wow that is uh that is a long game of soccer or football whatever it is wherever you're from that i want to see a whole a whole crowd of people playing this not right now though we're in the middle of a pandemic but you know oh look at that true love between two big bears also don't get too close they will tear you to shreds [Laughter] dr phil and fat uh just got fused together um excuse me sir i don't think that's uh what's happening here oh he's collecting water it's it's an umbrella but it collects the water huh oh you got to be kidding me this isn't real right these people are actually like wearing these instead of masks right it's a snowman but it's been stabbed repeatedly with multiple different items that are stabby ah the rgb calculator perfect look at these vans you could play chess on them don't though just use a board you idiot dude holy that this is all the evidence you need that safety glasses are important and they work yeah i'll believe that when calves fly oh oh okay like scoob did you see the monster truck wheels on the mystery machine ah man this guy's not having a good day hey wait it's raining just and there's water in front of you dip yourself off man i don't i don't i don't like this next one [Laughter] ah this is fine no chew deterrent well that that got chewed up what what happened to this bike it was made like that i don't wha again another image that you just gotta look at it for a while and unpack it pikachu has an rpg uh elvis cat that's a first i haven't seen this one hey ubisoft nice mug if only i could properly hold it though this is not fashion why why would you zip tie that your nose it's not no stop this dude made an egg nest out of his hair cool man gordon is uh he's not having a very good day yeah he got transported into anime dimension look even cats need body pillows too sometimes this is the perfect bathroom for you and that you you and that pal that you just you know you're so comfortable with each other you would take a dump together you know why why is the joystick so tall that's like for flying simulators yo that cat that is impressive i'm not gonna lie to you uh what convention is this jesus versus giant freaking pony on two legs ah a tiger it's totally a real tiger guys uh be scared you know i cannot see this going too well no don't don't jump on that trampoline [Laughter] that guy does not look too happy to be pooh bear you know he's just not having a good day okay this is stupid and doesn't make any sense but it is uh it's it's it's a cool street lamp i guess this dude is charging his phone with a solar panel i want to know how effective that is ah now this this is for soup masters only oh now that's cute that's adorable it's it's it's you know it's tools made out of lego this is a car made out of tire i'm pretty sure that's what this is i want to know what the wheels look like are the wheels made out of metal look my toilet paper has maybe done this once or twice and uh i don't like it okay for one i want to know what he's busted for because that's the fbi and two good god this guy was like he's related to giraffes um b purses i don't know cartoon characters would be like trying to choose what to wear when they wear the same damn thing every day look in this guy's defense he might just be lazy you know and you can't really take a piss while you're i mean you could while you're sitting down but i i wouldn't recommend it all right it's a frog riding a um some kind of insect i i can't think of i mean it's like a triceratops beetle tricera beetle that's what i'm calling it i don't i don't care what it's called i just care that that frog is happy dude that guy is patrick is giving it his all spongebob needs to step it up a little what what is happening here um she's she's bathing guys he's gonna she's gonna waddle on in there no that's rude you know what man i agree i don't want a giant eye staring me down in the middle of a desert while i'm naked and well just like that ladies and gentlemen we've reached the end of our slash thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button and the bell so you get notified every time he's busy uploads and until the next one i'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 149,452
Rating: 4.9733739 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/hmmm, r/hmmm top posts, r/hmmm best posts, hmmm, reddit hmm, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: pnWkxw8z8Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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