r/Madlads · 9 year old madman

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i i don't know how i'm supposed to read morse code so i'm going to do this translates to i don't know morse code what's going on everyone welcome back to easy peasy i'm your host david the baker and today we're going to be looking at our slash mad lads we got some pretty crazy individuals here at r slash mad lads and i can't wait for you guys to see them so without further ado let's go so my roommate came back drunk last night and doesn't remember designing an entire airplane the roommate just stumbles and he's like we're gonna make this apartment fly i tell ya this apartment is gonna fly i i guarantee you that one make hoax two upload to 4chan three post angry tweet about leak four delete tweet five let internet do the rest oh alex hirsch you monster i was an advent follower of the gravity falls lore and this guy played us all schwarzenegger was the governor of california he has a reddit account it is seven years old governor schwarzenegger show yourself ah you got me [Music] i just got 11 awards that's awesome i want to start some sort of small ice cream shop just so i can have a sign that says half off for attractive people and then charge everyone full price i want to be the destroyer of self-esteem he's a madman who dreams of power he could end worlds with his destruction putting automatic stickers on manual doors prank that is genius oh i gotta watch this video i want to give this an award but i'm poor boom there you go did you just give an award to yourself uh of course he did self love is the best love duh a mad lead online puzzle company sent fawcett master 97 part of the b-movie script on a receipt after a special request oh that's epic r crappy super powers you can recite every eighth word in the bible by memory and would you look at that this mad lad actually did it he translated the bible from every eighth word what a hero why did they block me hello tmz i have footage of violence between the grove street families and the ballers gang from the riots tmz thank you please send it to us and we'll credit you hey he sent it to him i don't know why they blocked him that's not fair life update i'm 28 years old and i was just diagnosed with cancer and in four months i'll be 28 years old who just beat cancer life update i was right well hey congratulations on beating cancer and also congratulations for being a psychic that's dope as hell r slash dog quick the mods are asleep upvote cat i know they're breaking the rules but that's still adorable look at you two r slash humans being bros if you take a screenshot of me put a red circle in it oh i want a blue one i want a green one oh i want a yellow one and look you get a blue one a green one and a yellow one you got what you asked for i watched the friends theme song without clapping so what anybody can do that watch nobody told you life was gonna be this way ah son of a [ __ ] hey guys i'm back so apparently that's actually really hard not to do kudos to this person i'm pregnant now that i have your attention i am currently sitting with an 89 in your class i don't want to be that student but i'm going to have to ask if you could round my grade i would greatly appreciate it best regards me should i send it 79 of people say yes and here comes the professor hello clever move respect as for the bold request email me a 200 to 500 word review of a movie you've recently watched and we can make it work boom ladies and gentlemen that is how you get an a in a class all right take notes percentage of air per bag of chips well i buy them for the air anyways i don't know what the heck that crispy crap is at the bottom i think they help the air smell good i just throw them away i mean that's fair you're basically buying air anyways a 103 year old massachusetts woman chugs a beer in her hospital bed after beating the crap out of coronavirus cause grandma doesn't take l's okay rock on grandma hashtag blackout tuesday hey wait a second spongebob says the n word what kind of bull oh hey guys i'm back i took some chill pills uh next meme marnie the dog breaking curfew don't tell the pigs dag says that is not language befitting of a celebrity dog marnie marty the dog says oh sorry i meant the police coming straight from the underground say it you got it bad cause he brown and not the other color super link sink they got the authority to kill a minority thank you doritos you saved my life doritos phew yes yesterday my respirator stopped working and luckily i had a bag of doritos next to me and as you know a bag of doritos contains 90 air so again thanks doritos shrek but only when anyone says e shrek but when only lord farquaad says e you see this is the energy i subscribe to spam is classified as more than 55.5 identical emojis posted within one minute open would you look at that that's 55.5 emojis wait a second how did you get half of an emoji this mad lads a wizard man legally change his name to big ding dong so that these [ __ ] will keep my name out they mouth is he taking a selfie with a security cam the energy surrounding this man is mythically powerful fargo police we are aware that a fake fargo police twitter account has been made this page is not verified or operated by the fargo police department or city of fargo the opinions and messages shared through the platform are not supported by our department or city fargo police replies here at fargo police we are a bunch of giant wussies and can't handle people making fun of us online hey i mean the truth hurts if the police never did wrong people would trust them nobody has ever made a song called f the fire department f the fire department by vincent e l if the fire department coming straight from the underground they couldn't save my house when it burned down you see it just doesn't have the same ring to it in case of fire exit building before tweeting gelatin tweets my building is on fire right now well at least we know you made it out safe i scrolled down and was so proud of this community to see zero first comments first dang it you're ruined everything come on hear that voice crack i heard that voice crack next meme hi guys i want to come out and say that i made a lot of racial sexual and insensitive jokes in my past it's something i'm proud of i still think a majority of them are funny and i genuinely couldn't give less of if anyone finds them offensive dang fits tell us how you really feel normal horoscopes hey be careful checking out any tags like white lives matter the furries are helping to drown out the races so i expected to find nazis but instead i found anthropomorphic neon green tiger balls godspeed you wonderful bastards i'm sorry what please downvote one upvote done why don't you take another look at my name oh oh no i've been had playing 10 year old games at 9 years old oh no jack if your parents catch you you're doomed i'm an adult and nobody can stop me yeah that's the problem you're an adult and nobody can stop you but don't get it twisted somebody should definitely stop you at a bar right now and surprisingly this bar has mobile internet connection of 5g and corona drinks here get the facts about covet 19 lmao it works my darling husband before you return from your business trip i want to let you know about the small accident i had with the pickup truck when i turned into the driveway fortunately it's not too bad and i really didn't get hurt so please don't worry about me too much i was coming home from walmart and when i turned into the driveway i accidentally pushed down the accelerator instead of the brake the garage door is slightly bent but fortunately the pickup truck came to a halt when i bumped into your car i am really sorry but i know with your kind-hearted personality you will forgive me you know how much i love you and care for you my sweetheart i am enclosing a picture of the damage for you i cannot wait to hold you in my arms again your loving wife kisses oh oh my p.s your girlfriend called oh oh in that case good on ya my goodness boy hux after he literally fought off a bear oh this dog is a savage get well soon hux what a good boy what's the one thing you have been waiting for so long that you sometimes get lost while thinking about it what's your answer you what's yours um probably gta6 one day one day we'll get gta 6. six years four major changes two degrees one minor and a lot of sleepless nights later i'm out of here oh and in the picture it says i don't know what's going on six years later i figured it out karina 18. if you're a cop i'll screw you if you quit your job karina's taking f the police to a whole other level do you want to buy honey how do i know it's real honey because this i got stung so many times okay i'll take two bottles r slash red dead online by god he's a mad lad by choice sometimes i like to rename my horse to legendary ostrich or just ostrich and then ride around and hear the lobby panic that they found tracks of an ostrich oh no you should change it to like elephant that would be crazy bruh we had lithuanian and the teacher's internet was so crap she disconnected for the whole lesson and didn't even wait for us so me being the new host removed all of her restrictions on everything and just stream minecraft that's awesome the last animal you killed is the animal you are reincarnated as this would explain the large ant population human wait a second what i would reincarnate into a human okay scabba 23 calm down full tilt ice cream not all cops are bad f the police wow you have the nerve to say that and you're a business you have definitely lost my business hopefully many others as well full tilled ice cream get there's a lot of f the police memes in here okay over the course of one year this guy managed to film seven episodes of a soap opera at ikea without getting caught you can't just post this and not the link to the soap opera here you go thank you a true hero i see i grew up in bristol i detest how edward colston profited from the slave trade but this is not okay alex colston nah man as the singular heir of this family i declare it's cool hey you can't beat that that's family today i learned about king jadwiga of poland she was named king of poland because there were no ruling queens allowed but the rules didn't specify the king had to be a male ah yes the ultimate loophole watch a spacex rocket blow up during a board test i played this instead of the real launch and my parents went crazy oh no that is just that's chaotic evil right there man interrupts aussie prime minister press conference to tell everyone to get off the lawn he's like i don't care if millions are watching this get off my lawn also hey mom how's it going johnny kim age 36 has achieved becoming a navy seal a trained harvard doctor and is now selected to become the first korean to go to space and his parents are probably still disappointed in him i mean what more could you want from the guy a cobbler has created a size 75 leather shoe as a way for wearers to practice social distancing after noticing that people were not following the safety guidance amid the coco pandemic he's like if they're not gonna listen i'm gonna make them listen my school had a sign up list for band and i wrote patrick star and the instrument as mayonnaise and i got detention you may have got detention but you're a hero in the mad lad community don't you forget that the autistic kid who got bullied off of tick tock on reddit makes a meme about them the toxic kids on the internet who think they're cool starter pack make fun of autistic people for absolutely no reason has a dead meme or a character from family guy as a profile pic mix jokes about 9 11 holocaust and other disasters in history praises this franchise to fast and the furious like it's a freaking bible shout pickle rick on a daily basis yup pretty much a toxic recipe if you ask me playing don't stop me now until somebody stops me i've watched this video and i gotta say it's hilarious i'm pretty sure he plays for like two hours like that guy's hands have got to hurt bees ow doo doo zippity bop bop bop arrested again after attacking police in washington excuse me sir i'm gonna need to see some id shu up babalu the man's on the run i repeat the man is on the run sinned dudes you mean nudes girl i'm in a fight nudes might help i don't want to kill them now please send some guys i'm getting my butt whooped taking a bite out of an onion every day until the new shrek movie is released day 498 oh buddy i'm so sorry i don't think we're getting a shrek 5 anytime soon boss 8.4 million people like this ha do you think i could still order one of these oh hell no artist hank schmidt travels to scenic locations only to paint the pattern on his own shirt this this right here is chaotic neutral all i'm saying is that it's legal to pee yourself in police cars if you get arrested and say i have to pee and then they have to clean them and decommission the cars for 24 hours possibly 48 hours due to the pandemic and the lapd only has 6 000 cars total vehicles so so if we all pee our pants in police cars i'm just saying it would be totally gross but but it could be a thing i can't believe somebody actually did it oh he's handing him a pepsi peace accomplished pilate draws raised fist over canada as tribute to george floyd using plane oh that that is just next level right there man tormented by mystery pizza deliveries to his house for almost a decade hey bro i mean free pizza's free pizza the question i'm thinking is does this guy actually eat the pizzas or does he throw him away like it would be bad if he threw him away nah he's gotta eat them right that's only fair first time ever hashtag hong kong protesters have used leaf blowers to tackle tear gas clearly a new tactic unlocked by god the protesters are evolving dr grande would you want to see me make a long boring tour of the calculator i had built in minecraft well it doesn't matter what you think because i already recorded it oh yeah put your money where your mouth is i want to see the video well it's a picture of a baby okay shut the cup david no more baby goats especially that song newborn goat hector makes friends with barn kittens one mod says i refuse to remove this one of the other mods is gonna have to do it because it's freaking adorable two girls just walked past us and told the cops to suck their ding dongs then pointed to us and told us to report it okay consider it reported to twitter but you know still reenacting the entirety of shrek 2 for charity you sir you are a hero dolan dark says dumu5 still has me blocked on twitter for almost two years lol what did you do i called him skrillex and asked if he would dj my eight-year-old son's birthday well did he do it my personal hero is this girl i went to high school with who turned in sonic the hedgehog for every single art assignment the art teacher hated her and tried to fail her but our principal came in and said that since she technically followed every assignment's instructions she couldn't she made a sonic the hedgehog mosaic out of broken glass for one of our finals oh that is just legendary i love that women delivering babies is the hardest and most beautiful thing in life men will never be able to understand or experience that feeling men how to deliver a baby i kind of want to watch this video what does he do does he give a demonstration like i'm curious to see what this video is going to be about is he actually going to deliver a baby has this man literally delivered a baby that would be so cool so black lives matter protesters in bristol england pulled down the statue of a slave trader edward coulston dragged it through the town and then threw it into the harbor somebody just updated its location on google maps and i'm dying yep yeah in the middle of the harbor oh man it's closed i was gonna go scuba diving supercar planet 2020 supercarplanet2021 i stole his name for the next year that's the type of evil i can get down with when he said no one can stop him i paused the video wait that's illegal i am 19 and i won't vote this upcoming 2020 election here's why i'm swedish 44.4 thousand up votes in my opinion that's well deserved ted bundy once dated a girl who broke up with him for being unambitious and immature after finding success years later he rekindled their relationship before totally ghosting her saying i just wanted to prove to myself that i could have married her yeah and you also could have killed her you psychopath i was taking this family's order and the dad needed a second to decide so i was chatting to his kids and was like oh are you guys twins and then a voice from under the table went you're close ma'am and then a third kid popped up and did some karate moves at me and the dad just looked so tired so yeah i met identical triplets today not only is that really freaking awesome but you have never known hype until you've had to match the energy of triplets okay it's impossible breaking news protesters in new york city have stolen nypd radios for the third consecutive night and are currently playing music over the frequency update breaking the law by judas priest is now being played over the nypd frequency oh man they basically turned it into a radio station objectively speaking that is hilarious trending in india hashtag boycott twitter twitter but but you're using me to boycott me what ian can write says at cia i'm a journalist in the uk and i have been given information as to what antifa are using to communicate in secret can you please follow me back so i can dm you about it the cia follows you thank you so much mr c.i.a they're using something called updog to mobilize what's up dog nothing much what's up with you you have been blocked from following the cia worth it totally worth it warning this guy was supposed to buy our washer and dryer machine for 150 pounds he wanted to see if it was working first and as if he could do a load of laundry after he finished he said let me go get the money he got in his car and drove away with his clean clothes please share this let's stop him from doing it again hey man laundry mats are expensive all right he's gotta do what he's gotta do so my parents recently got a telus wi-fi router which lets them pause certain devices from their phone which is not very kind of them so i also got the app i found out the password and login info and switch my device's name and my dad's so whenever he goes to turn off my wi-fi he turns off his own and i can also pause their wi-fi whenever i want and change the password so only i can do it i mean hey once they decided to threaten your wi-fi peace was never going to be an option i'm about to upgrade a 7 year old pentinum box to windows 10. why you might ask because i want to see the world burn and you might not be wrong about that because that device might catch on fire giorno giovanna found his reason to live samir says i stole this story for my english second language mock exam and gotten a i mean that is plagiarizing but i mean you got an a so i'm not gonna rain on your parade f youtube i'm done with this crap grandpa has had it he is done with youtube you know he doesn't even want to think about it say goodbye to grandpa because he is quitting youtube i hate my sister we always fight what do i do just farting says pee into a bottle every night when she falls asleep pour the pee on to her so she thinks she wets the bed and i mean every night after a week or so start asking her what's up with the sheet washing don't come right out and say that you know she wets the bed this will make you look guilty after a while of bugging her about it you can start calling her a bed wetter make sure you spread it all around school she will eventually go in a cave out of shame source i met a hobo once and his brother did the same thing to him if you don't believe me go to the old cave in western pittsburgh and ask for carl the bed wetter oh man that's foul this is evil and like imagine if you get caught you're pouring pee on to your sister at night you're gonna be on some type of watch list jake wharton hey 50 000 followers what's up let's get rid of some f donald trump f mike pence mitch mcconnell f white supremacy at fascism fdnra f the police fcbp f ice f mark zuckerberg f racism f betsy devos f the entire republican party if those are your views and you have people who don't want to subscribe to those notions they can always unfollow you more power to you as the founder owner and voice of the channel i would just like to say that fact friend unequivocally supports the message behind the protests happening in america right now and that black lives do in fact matter if any part of that statement annoys you feel free to eat crap and die mad about it in whichever order you choose edit please direct any complaints you have about this to my balls i own everything to do with this channel outright so there's nobody for you to complain about this annoying you sincerely carl i i mean what can i say racism is tiny dick energy alright that's just the truth they thought cli or christian life international alone wouldn't signify a church so they added the cross magnificent oh i was thinking i was debating with myself i was like do i read it do i not read it i don't i think i'd get censored if i did so so there you go i convinced a bunch of people on destiny 2 to draw a ding dong on the radar lol this is magical wait a second you mean to tell me that there's a group of mad lads online that's way too dangerous fact check john boyega would be risking his career if he didn't virtue signal and make it known that he's joining the protests monica ransom holy crap did this grandma just roast this man for his profile pic and edit it so he's drinking police gum welp i'm following her grandma strikes again suckers i imagine that's how she sounds i can't fake laugh jesus christ [Laughter] that was a real laugh all right let's keep going the quiet kid in my class turned to me and went hey you like sharks right what do you think of this and he shows me a freaking shark anthrocorn on his ipad in the middle of class i am freaking livid there's always that one weird quiet kid he was probably voted most likely to be a predator on his high school superlatives well everybody we made it to the end of our slash mad lads i hope this video has shown you just how crazy people around us can be and maybe just maybe this video has also woken up the little mad lad that's inside of all of us but anyways if you like this video make sure to support our channel by pressing the like button and subscribing to our channel or pressing the notification button so you can be notified of all our easy peasy uploads if you want to hear more from me feel free to check out my channel the link is down in the description below i am your host david the baker and i will see you guys in the next video peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 619,945
Rating: 4.9176331 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, mad lads, madlads ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: LvanmV7FutE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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