r/Awwducational | baby panda looks like jelly bean

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baby pandas are born blind pink and hairless they do not open their eyes until they are six to eight weeks old and they cannot move before the age of three months their average weight is 100 grams and are 15 centimeters in length okay i don't know what i was expecting from the picture but it wasn't just a tiny furry rat that's a panda you're telling me that's a panda nah i smell a conspiracy theory [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today we have a new subreddit for me r educational but i see cute animals so you won't find me complaining maybe i can pretend to be an adorable chaotic david attenborough initially thought to be rodents then related to squirrels scientists now consider the ii to be from an early branch of lemurs a primate like us on one hand that thing is so cute on the other hand those eyes have seen things the tuatara isn't a lizard it's in fact a different species of reptile called oh god no no no i can't pronounce that they have beaks and bizarrely a third eye okay reading the description i expected some sort of omniscient purple glowing thing from like the depths of health but this guy just looks cute and happy i have questions about where the third eye is that they i don't want to know where the third eye is a pair of male and female seas horses come together every morning to perform bonding rituals these include wrapping their tails together and swimming around in circles with each other and changing color while they do it okay okay all right oh you got me in the feels that's so cute i want to see a video of this now i'm gonna have to look that up later the booty was once one of the most common marsupials in australia the introduction of livestock rabbits foxes and cats took a heavy toll on its population and by the 1960s all the booties on the mainland were extinct my cats take all the booties out of the yard wait also this just looks like a really chunky jaboa when their pawns freeze over certain species of turtles go into hibernation and they get their oxygen through a process called cloacal respiration this simply is the process of breathing through their butts i did know this and the picture is even mixers even funnier i can't even talk what are even words to domestic cats they don't just see us as humans but as equals just as they see other cats when they bump their heads and rub against you that's exactly what they do to their own members of their cat family if you've been head-butted by a cat you've been adopted into their family the keyson is a medium-sized spitz dog breed famous for its intuitive and empathetic temperament one named tikvah comforted first responders at ground zero following the 9 11 attacks such a good puppy due to human introductions the fallow deer has populations on every continent except antarctica during the last ice age they were restricted to the middle east and southern europe we have brought deer upon everyone when europeans first went to africa they took their dogs there was a tribe of africans who had dogs that had a ridge on their back rhodesian ridgeback because these dogs were able to withstand the diseases that were killing the european dog breeds the native dogs were bred with the euro dogs oh my god that's a really cute face that is so adorable amayo batracus aka turtlefrog in west australia they develop from eggs not tadpoles junkie boy now imagine that armor-plated the fennec fox's thick fur insulates them from cold desert nights their sandy colorations reflects heat and also provides excellent camouflage fennec foxes have thick fur on the sides of their feet to insulate against the hot sand of the desert this also provides traction in the loose sand they're still just really freaking cute yes you contain many facts but you're also just adorable the breviceps make crops i'm gonna get all these pronunciations wrong i'm not a scientist or otherwise known as a desert rainfrog is probably a frog you've seen before these guys have a fierce scream but don't let it fool you they're completely harmless but when they're in the desert they dig themselves underground until nightfall a fierce war cry and hiding from people i identify with this gengan cockatoos form close monogamous pairs sometimes when several pairs nest close to one another their young wolverines together while their parents forage for food oh the expressions on their faces that's really cute baby close enough picture taken in cambodia also known as the banded bullfrog it expands when threatened and secretes glue like substance as a defense mechanism can't say i've ever thought of just making yourself bigger and gluing yourself to things as a defense mechanism but alright i'm not here to judge like many raptors red-tailed hawked i'm sorry did you say raptors red-tailed hawks can have a surprisingly long lifespan the oldest recorded individual was at least 30 years old unfortunately an estimated 80 percent do not survive their first year oh that's sad they are really pretty horses can only breathe through the nose in a five for a long race a horse moves about 1 800 liters of air in and out of the lungs i like these very you know perfectly scientific facts and then just the horse looking goofily down the camera look at my snoot did you know koalas and humans have such similar fingerprint patterns that it has caused confusion at crime scenes oh what freaking cut what what koala do you have at your freaking crime scene like what jim we think you shot him it wasn't me i swear the koala's in the background going the yellow monitor lizard is found across bangladesh nepal india and pakistan they are solitary animals and when threatened a hissing noise can be heard well i mean that that's that's most creatures but when things get physical they can be seen on their hind legs trying to wrestle each other to the floor that that's that's the most aggressive freaking hug i've ever seen virginia opossums have a gestational period of only 12 days good lord they are weaned off their mother's milk after 70 to 125 days after which they lead mostly solitary lives that's a healthy functional family right there when a sea otter sleeps it often tangles itself with kelp so it doesn't float away while sleeping some entwined their feet with other otters to stay together oh my god that's really can you imagine just a raft of sleeping otters just like quietly floating nearby here is some owl eggs owls are birds from the order string stregonometry there we go that's close enough which includes over 200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey baby harris's hawks are social birds who live and hunt in packs as large as seven individuals if one within their social unit is injured the others may provide food and aid to the hurt individual they have really pretty eyes and i'm really glad that they take care of their own puffins are one of the few seabirds that can hold 10 to 12 small fish during one foraging trip this allows them to bring more food for their young compared while compared well most yo check your grammar compared with most seabirds that tend to swallow and regurgitate meals for their chicks when you're coming home from the grocery store and you have a lot of bags more than 300 dogs took part in the search rescue and recovery efforts at ground zero oh man we do not deserve dogs as you all know i live in new york so so 911 is very much not forgotten here sloths have an extra vertebrae at the base of their neck that allows them to turn their head on a 270 degree axis oh good luck oh god oh no no i didn't see that you can put that right back where you found it vaquita are the smallest members of the kens can cans that includes dolphins whales and porpoises they can get to 152 centimeters five feet and weigh up to 120 pounds sadly these animals are on the verge of extinction but a conservation effort is being made oh my god oh i didn't see the picture before the oh that's so cute it looks like a dolphin ran into a wall oh what is this smiling yeah why are we not saving more of these the fancy ringneck snake these little ones are nocturnal colorblind snakes that keep to themselves so it was a surprise that i encountered four of them in a sunny shenandoah virginia summit they are harmless species of snakes however their saliva does contain mild venom used to acquire their prey i think this is like the maximum size of snake no you know what vine snakes vine sinks are also really cute and they're slightly bigger than this but this is like the maximum amount of snake i can handle tree shrews have been observed internationally eating foods high in cups a behavior unique among mammals other than humans a single trpv1 mutation reduces their pain response to which scientists believe is an evolutionary adaptation to be able to consume spicy foods i mean he may be able to eat the spicy stuff but he looks like he's screaming also why didn't you just say they also eat spicy things the harvest mouse has an extraordinary tale known as a prehensile tail it allows them to use it like a fifth limb and aids climbing grass stems or plants they are the only british mammal to have this kind of tail oh my god oh my god that's so freaking cute i need one the gila monster is the only venomous lizard native to the usa it does not inject its venom but chews it into its target the chewing propels the venom from the glands onto the teeth they eat eggs and very young animals and are incredibly slow creatures so the venom is thought to be defensive can you imagine just getting slowly nommed to death by this thing assured damselflies are found all over the world but australia's species are unique of course they are while resting australian azure damselflies rockmaster damselflies sapphire rockmaster dark azure spread their wings like dragonflies do one this is really gorgeous especially the body too why do y'all have to have like four names for everything pick one and that brings us to the end of a fairly adorable very informative r slash all educational i feel very smort let's wrap up this lovely episode with some wonderful fan art from user random underscore stuff 123 yt fan art for the lexi kitty oh that's me oh that's really cute i freaking love fanart it's one of my favorite things in life thank you so much for that fan art random underscore stuff123yt and if you enjoyed this video smiled at all or just learned something hit that like button if you'd like more cute and informative videos in your subscriptions go ahead and hit that red subscribe button my name is the lexi kitty but y'all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 160,483
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, awww, reddit cute, awwducational, educational, r/awwducational
Id: rfqStWYhGJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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