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this is fine this image gives me such a sense of peace i didn't know how badly i wanted this picture see nature scares me so the first thing i could think of is oh no the plants are advancing we're in vault 22. what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today it's time for some warm fuzzies and that means r made me smile let's dive right into the at the flip wholesomeness of well just beware i walk by this vicious animal almost every day i'm kind of jealous of your commute maybe we can do one thing today half a thing fine dear diary today i got half dressed how sad dear diary today my friend started investing in himself again one trouser leg at a time how great everyone needs this cat in their lives tamar boggs 15 chased a car in his bicycle for 15 minutes to save this five-year-old girl who was snatched from her front yard in pennsylvania dude you were a total mvp also whoever decided to highlight like every random word read here why she likes to collect rocks why is he look so happy shout out to my arabic teacher that looked at us yesterday mid-lesson and said i'm worried y'all look exhausted and depressed of course we were all like oh yeah we're dead inside you haven't noticed and he snapped shut the textbook threw up his hands and said this is not healthy no more vocab time for dancing and he taught us a dance from a rock and we danced instead of doing vocab we didn't stop dancing until he saw all of us laughing and was satisfied that we were all feeling better it was perhaps the coolest most kind-hearted thing i've ever seen a college instructor do dude we do more teachers and faculty like this college isn't exactly supposed to be easy but you're also not gonna learn an absolute ton when you're just completely dead girls seen sitting outside taco bell to access wi-fi to do school work receive over 140 thousand dollars in donations from community good i hope that gets them like an excellent isp plan at their home or wherever they need to study which is the better disney couple david stuck around through it all with nani he helped take care of lilo he bought them groceries got nani a job and a cell phone so she could call lilo at home to check up on her and they weren't even dating yet yeah that's uh that's pretty impressive for you know just being a good person we've been feeding a small family of four crows mated pair and their two-year-old kids for several years last week two days in a row they left these gifts pull tabs threaded onto pine twigs this isn't only generous it's creative it's art my mind is blown oh that's really cute here i made this shiny thing for you i was wondering why my husband wasn't cuddling me he looks so happy imagine going to a baseball game and getting sat behind these two cuties wait dogs can go to sporting events i suddenly care about sporting events introduce friends to d he's 57 first time playing ever and role playing how he's ending combat with a giant rat found in an abandoned wizards tower i love this hobby that is glorious i love how the entire family is in on this this this needs to happen more often we don't deserve dogs no we don't i fell asleep on the trampoline and woke up to this i donated 1.5 feet of hair to locks of love and i'm loving my new hairdo wait wait wait you donated 1.5 feet and you still that's impressive holy hell that is impressive this guy is cosplaying 11 from stranger things yes yes we need more of this my pup usually has her head out the window the whole time but she decided to stare at me while driving how precious is this face why are dogs so cute humpty dumpty had a great fall i'm very glad he did i hope humpty dumpty has a lovely winter too this is a really cute picture and a absolutely horrifying amount of kids when the world seems dark i remind myself that mr rogers once got a letter from a blind girl who wrote that she had heard him say he owned fish but she worried they weren't being fed so at the end of every following show he'd narrate i'm feeding the fish just for her oh we do not deserve mr rogers and we need more people like him like now belarus people react to lukashenko's prohibition of pro-democratic flags aha subversion i appreciate this this dog followed the google earth guy oh that's adorable i've made it 21 years without you why do you think i need you now cause i'm your grandma and i need you that wasn't directed towards you i know i just wanted you to know i love and need you i love you too grandma thanks i needed that good night night grandma i just want to take a moment and recognize this sweet fella that lives across the street from my parents he checks on them every day and has grown to love and care for them deeply he rides with dad to the store helps him shop and brings the groceries in he cuts the grass and whatever they need not many 15 year olds would take the time to care and be there for elderly neighbors when he saw mom today he busted out crying and just held her tight what a blessing and just wanted to pass on something heartwarming instead of the sad news we see in here every day oh dude you are a legend we don't deserve dogs that should just be the tagline of this entire episode oh dude oh oh this is supposed to be made me smile why this is hearts oh man stanley chadwick boseman you are both very missed my granny still uses the paper towel holder i made in high school 17 years ago your granny is a wonderful legend so i'm at the mall and a little boy comes into champs asking about basketball shoes and if they have any under 75 dollars the worker said no and the little boy faces drop so i asked the boy his name and what he needs shoes for turns out he's on a basketball team and dying for new shoes so i told him if he sends me a picture of him at his game i'll buy him whatever he wants and his dad damn near breaks down you are very welcome jordan enjoy your new lebrons and good luck jordan best of luck at your next game i love karma the man who just drove into the parking space i was waiting for and told me to f off has arrived for his interview with me karma wins again okay that one made me smile was taking a picture of our kitchen i finally finished building slash decorating and my wife popped in at the right moment this needs to be like a scrolling wallpaper where she just like pops in at the edge sunday i found a kitten at the zoo and brought it home i was afraid that my parents would get mad at me but today i caught my father showing the family photos to the kitten oh my god it's always the dad the dads never want the pet and then they always end up bonding to like the cutest fluffiest little things while doing an important research i discovered that foxes can in fact become a loaf this is a scientific breakthrough this cat looks more like ron perlman than ron perlman oh oh that's a trend if i could go to neptune i would bring my mom cause she cooks really really good my dad because if something breaks he can fix anything my sister i don't know what she can do but i love her so that's why i'll bring her small coffee five dollars small coffee please three dollars hello one small coffee please a dollar seventy five i kinda like this pirate scale yeah i married my best friend this weekend ah good job the two of you have an awesome and freaking fantastic life woman goes to pet cats at a shelter and finds her cat who had been missing for a year oh my god everyone liked that three days before my grandma passed away due to complications of alzheimer's here she is getting to reminisce on some of her favorite music rest in peace hey can you send me a pic of your nails i know that's a strange question but my son wanted his done and then his stepmother went and told him only girls can do that so now he's sad about it and wants him off but i want to show him he can have it if he likes it most definitely you tell him he can paint his nails and still be masculine or if he doesn't want to be masculine he doesn't have to be bring him by and i'll even paint them for him good job being an awesome mom thank you seriously i have a work colleague that got his nails done uh with his daughter just like a thing as she was growing up she's like you know got her own family and stuff and he still gets his nails done like it's it's just freaking nail polish a few weeks ago my dog died i was very sad as i had him for 15 years today i heard a knock on my door it was my 90 year old neighbor she had crocheted a little toy dog that looked exactly like mine color and all i burst into tears on the spot and gave her a hug she is truly the best neighbor ever y'all nora is having her first sleepover tonight her best friend feya is coming over and that means one of my biggest dad goals is gonna happen tomorrow morning making pancakes for them in the morning the moment i found out we were pregnant i imagined sleepovers and making pancakes in the morning for her and her friends and tomorrow is the day i am so excited i don't know if i'm gonna sleep a wing tonight maybe i'll wake them up at midnight with pancakes sleepovers are for pranks right pancake day is here this guy is such wholesome dad goals that's adorable my grandparents recreated their wedding photos 70 years later life goals life goals right here you can be the baddest alpha male around but if your daughter tells you you're a princess you're a [ __ ] princess you damn right you are shout out to the security man keeping this good boy dry he said well you never know how dogs feel about the rain that's surprisingly deep for just a simple act me and my girlfriend now fiance of four and a half years got engaged today in front of our friends the excitement interface in this photo of her with her ring on for the first time is going to stay with me forever oh my god this is adorable my cousin emily has a 10 year old son named riker riker who loves cats was very excited to get his new lunchbox unfortunately because of its colors or because it has cats or both he was teased about it by other boys in his class he even wanted to stop taking his lunch so he wouldn't be teased about it any longer i have decided however to stand with my little cousin and show him that a man can love whatever he wants and not be afraid to express that love so i have ordered the same lunchbox for myself and proudly carried it to work today at my large conservative corporate workplace i've told anyone who asked the story behind my lunchbox and to a person they all stand with riker 2. there's no one way to be a man men can be colorful men can be expressive men can be emotional and silly and gleeful i love my new lunchbox and i hope riker and all the other boys out there can see that their passion and self-expression is never something to be ashamed of i absolutely adore this this is wonderful also you rocking that bow tie and riker keep rocking on also i thought i could resist making the joke but commander to the bridge after a breakup i decided to take a photo left of myself one and a half years later i found it and decided to do a comparison to now right just because you don't feel it yet doesn't mean you won't oh yay definitely got a bit more sparkle in the eyes my boyfriend said not to smile big we broke up so here you go you go yes i've been on the streets of new york for a couple of months my name is liza this video was of me on the streets of new york over three years ago i just wanted to let you all know i did make it i've been off the streets for three years clean and sober for two thank you everyone for your kind words oh that's excellent 53k upvotes as it should they're both texting someone right now saying some weird guy next to me is wearing the same thing as me germany has the only tree in the world with its own mailing address it's known as the bridegroom's oak and it receives about 1 000 letters per year from singles looking for love anyone can take letters from the tree and respond it's estimated the tree is responsible for over 100 marriages i moved away from home and i've really been missing my dog today my family visited and i finally got to see her oh she looks so happy one of the new south korea vogue covers featuring this grandma she looks that is awesome we went for a walk and as always took our shoes off at the door i put him in his chair for lunch and turned to be caught off guard by the sight of our shoes together near the door it took me 12 years and five miscarriages to get here he'll be four in march oh i want this to be real please tell me this is real this is this has to be real it's probably not but i want it to be this is what winning looks like yes yes yes ten years later i still feel so lucky ah happy ten-year anniversary you two she guessed my favorite color first try but between me and you i didn't even have a favorite color until she yelled out yellow she was hella excited and smiling like a little kid so i told her she was right and i haven't seen yellow the same since it's in everything i could probably live in it now one of my favorite posts here beautiful i agree i don't have anyone really to tell but i'm eight months sober from alcoholism fracking excellent job chris i am incredibly proud of you just introduce the kid to her adoptive parents they brought her a dozen roses we met at a restaurant i arrived early to get a private booth and told the wait staff what was up so all the servers were having a cry in the corner i'm at a coffee shop a few miles away giving them space and having my own cry adoptive mob clarified to me later roses were pink because pink means forever what's more important than the roses though is they also brought her a luggage set so she wouldn't be moving her things in garbage bags the luggage matches theirs because it's family luggage for family and how the rest of us are crying too yes we are and that was a heartwarming end to r made me smile but wait in order to add some heartwarming of your own we've got to feature some fan art from user lady aquarius love i made some fan art hope it's good all fan art is good this especially so is this is this rainbow armored mk hand because that is the best thank you so much lady aquarius love and if you felt warm fuzzy smiled or generally didn't hate life for like a second go ahead and hit that like button if you'd like some more wholesome content in your subscriptions feed hit that red subscribe button as always my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 345,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: dEBFjGv2Vik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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