r/Blessedimages | CAT DONE SQUISH

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is that snow Kirby Kirby in the snow polio snow yo I love them what's going on guys welcome back to Ma my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash Blessed images praise be oh and we're starting off strong with a good old working boy you brought my order for me looks like he ate my fries but that's okay I ain't gonna be too mad at you breaking news dog looks nice well he sure does he sure does thank you for this important news update I'm glad you could share this with me today fat cat fat cat I agree but I couldn't agree more actually hey this is important hold the dragon gentle like hamburger nice soft with grace I'll do whatever you say chief the peak train Oh so who's the conductor is it ash sick sick ender towers dude this obsidian let me guess you see yourself with a big screen there bub I know I know lugs just like it exciting night rides into battle without helmet everyone gives him strange looks night kitty was sleeping in it everyone nods in agreement I see I see dude the bartender just poured this cat a shot a milk at the bar New Orleans look dreams come true New Orleans that's what they do there baby you ever watched Princess and the Frog take it from Tiana James comes chewing on that cat what it was a shot of milk that's funny go put that hammer back you naughty naughty goose aah that's odd one cup a hug please Hedgehog that is he looks all cozy in there - he's probably relaxing on your waxing - what's it with squishy animals and just like being at their most tranquil they're just chilling they really are just chilling this guy - he's at his most relaxed his bottoms all squished up against the glass he's like this is my throne it is your throne bud do whatever you want with it oh that's certainly not an animal but it is squished up in it what a convenient little piece of like is this like that burns right how is that this just wood discoloration I don't know what it actually is but it looks like a little pump and I love it oh speaking a little pups dude oh look at these guys I I really want one of these little guys I'd make him dress like me at all times he'd be my best friend a name of my day me too electric boogaloo full name grandfather with it I'm gonna butcher this vitiligo crochets dolls to make children where this condition feel better that's precious that's really cute what a good guy those are impossible hey do what you gotta do a chief you have my full support well so I understand you gotta do what you got to do and man full speed ahead dude full speed ahead you can't become a master trainer if you do drugs ash just you wait pal I've got a message from cuddlebuns I saw be good sorry for crashing the warthog and going afk I had let my doggie outside you know what I forgive ya it's a completely valid reason cuddlebuns actually let me know dude that's an awfully long neck is he okay that is it that is an awfully long neck you could chief bro mami has got the bread in the bag he's got the bag and the bread I love it I love it like realistically though that's a giant pieces of bread that is nuts actually 35 years together what's the secret now perfect acceptance of an imperfect person well I agree that's the secret of happiness man was someone else perfect acceptance of an imperfect person well are you gonna bring all these guys in the flight with you they're looking tired as heck bud there's ray is sleep lost but happy and amen that's the best kind of lost you can be not a care in the world just go whenever the world I like it all right tell me the truth what is he way small checks out garage sale follow me it's the best kind of promotion this just isn't funny who taped this fella to the wall I don't know who's taking joy out of this this poor guys clearly stuck to the wall by some rat bastard and you guys find it cute hope he gets off that wall soon this is a trust exercise this is policy this is this is a massive I would not trust them I really wouldn't see that one kid in the journal like he's smiling he's like oh I'm gonna let him go so fast I wouldn't trust it anime Shrek Shrek Shrek Shrek 2 Shrek 2 Shrek 2 Shrek the third trick the third trick the third all valid anime and good morning Tom at Tom Cruise Hank good morning Bobby well without their friends shmurda just wished his point solid good morning good morning wow they're just hanging out there having a good time this is cute I like this one I like it please collect in return your shoe here thank you well who's here to collect the shoe but the shoe busy for collecting you ain't getting that shoe back either if I collect it but I'm gonna tell you that right now point blank if you see rats you need not to be afraid please inform this will overcome we are heroes they are zeros you're welcome fat cat with a thin naina I love it fine piece of Arts $250 right to the artist I'll give it for them just hang it up on my wall sick oddish what do you that's not us to just realize it's a plant it's a the plant is in the pot that's polish dude nice is that a hamster don't touch him he angry dude he's not looking at you no talk him dude well this is cute I like this for the tattoo as well that's not really well done tattoo it should be first pal dude sick dog wedding dude hell yeah are the audience members are they the groomsmen or did the bridesmaids you know I can't stop sending this cat to people so I may as well wrong oh man I absolutely love this cat so I'm glad you did this thank you dime dog thought those are rats in there for a second I thought it broke out the chills voice but now others are dinosaurs i straight-up almost went who put these rats in my ravioli I didn't order ravioli what are you winking at me for man stop that stop that I didn't ask for this didn't ask for you didn't ask me winked at man but you know what you're cute guys you know what it's fine after all my cat forgets what a Christmas tree is every year and it's wonderful and this is the bright lights chief so the big bright lights mean like ah keep it the same way check that guy out he's looking at you a big smile what's on his mind maybe the Hangout maybe eat ask if you want to become a dependent for his taxes no one knows really oh hi my guy what's up you good you chillin you vibe in my dude look at you in there that's perfect petting the range dude that's an aesthetic photo I like this one the cat is contained within the rainbow reflection as he should be really when you get a small kitten that girl's it to be an oversized house cat chunks he looks like a mega shocker to me chief maybe a hefty chunk in between that range he's definitely not quite noloty common yet but with enough practice maybe Linus wouldn't buy a windows license so they trapped him inside the logo this isn't a blessed image this is a curse someone free Linus who gave you a snazzy little hat my guy you're rocking it I like him his name is Fitzgerald I am thankful for fish tinfoil and wax a simple man brow dogs are taking over the world baby just you wait no one won't believe me that my invention dog brows would take off but look at it now look at it now do it that's a legendary and you have a matter of a Pokeball are you out of your mind it's just a little date between two cats they sold Lady and the and said hey we as cats we can do that and they can this is really creative I like this man said hey I making cop is a straight-up ocean in my living room and he did using just what's around the house I guess I was made by Tim McPherson Tim mcpherson calm okay she sees the bubbles and only one thing crosses his mind time should shop in Chompy will every one of them bubbles baby what do you call an alligator in a vest well an investigator huh nice isn't there a photo similar where like he stretched the dog's cheeks he just his whole face looked real goofy it looks less goofy with a Dalmatian honestly the teachers playing minecraft don't bother the guy I'm out I'm listen I'm gonna play minecraft you better get every achievement in this 24 hours or less 12 hours actually because I'm just that kind of guy I'm that good bubble cat read all about it it's the bubble cat oh that's actually really cool I want to like collect okay so I'm installing I'm like renovating my entire room space I'd only get pokeballs that'd be awesome cuz those are on like pedestals those are really cool ah man I gotta collect pokeballs that's awesome Metropolitan Alliance develop and fix all kantos and sidewalks madafaka s-- we will be taking questions Hey look the host of our Airbnb is the most talkative cat for that alone five stars made by unicorn feather but we are keeping it a secret because they're endangered listen your secret's safe from me but why you make an Abbott they're endangered huh just wanna know just want to know that the cover shows them as heated political enemies but sometimes they need us to fold the page to show their true feelings you know I take my headshot grocery shopping and no one tells me to stop and that's because it's your business chief you want to take your Hedgehog grocery shopping to figure out what kind of milk formula it once next that's your business I like that imagine someone just bursting the door open they're like I need to go through and just knocking this entire tower of teenagers these guys that look older than like 14 if one of these people fart it's all over they're all asked to face it can only go wrong my new sleeping in the Y okay what is the strength of these wires these cables okay you know I'll be the first sent a cable is a thick wire you're welcome you're welcome someone had to say it may as well be this guy hey move over alligators time for the flower Gator he said make everyone feel good speak and I feel good that art piece is making me real happy nice job little noodle man my little noodle guy hey check it out it's a chick magnet you know they don't have a flag of the game so they used his pants honestly that works for me praise be the pants Jesus move aside Saul about Kat it's all about kitties us my favorite Savior speaking of guinea cats look who's ready to perform surgery that little guy he's got the cap on and the mask on probably got surgical gloves on - are you on a floaty tube that's adorable oh yes guy it's just real stoic just like that's adorable look at him he can't swim quite yet so we got a floaty tube on him to help him but this guy right here sitting in the water is more than willing to teach any young swimmer the ways of the water I like this guy and that a future folks from the Fanueil Knotts fan are 4mk I'm having a rough time would make my Dave Demian featured this I would say ellipses my man he got five dots in there - past ellipses Blissey which got hello my name is Damien and welcome back to Ma that is what I say did you make me a since it's me there's a little sand city I'm only wondering cuz it's got like the the fleece that his jackets got let's dope as that pink slip is - you put me sans clothes while I steal them I'll never know but they're comfy they look comfy that's for sure thank you so much man I appreciate this and thank you for watching our / blest images if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay if you want to catch more of me you can find me at twitch.tv slash Damion Lee live live stream reddit readings every day except Sunday and until next time Senya [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,245,107
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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